Chapter XXXIII Burial Grounds & Epitaphs
[Inscriptions from head-stones in the old Burial Ground, in an abbreviated form, with notes of explanation. Alphabetical order has been partially observed, rather than chronological, for the convenience of the reader.]
Edward Stearns ABBOTT, son of Mr. Moses ABBOTT, Jr., & Mrs. Alice, his wife, d. Dec 18, 1798, aged 22 mos.
Benjamin ABBOTT, son of Moses & Alice ABBOTT, Apr 29, 1795, aged 1 yr, 3 mos
~ Thrice of this cup we drank our fill, ~ Wormwood and gall we state it still; ~ Oh! who can tell, that never felt, ~ What parents feel for children's death? ~
In memory of Benjamin ABBOTT, son of Mr. Moses & Mrs. Mary, his wife, who died May 21, 1793, in the 28th year of his age
~ Here lies entombed a pious youth, ~ Not twenty-eight years old; ~ In prime of life cut down by death, ~ No more we him behold. ~
Here lies buried the body of Mr. Obed ABBOTT, wdtl May 11th, 1773, in ye 77th year of his age
John ABBOTT, who died in ye army at Lake George, Nov. vy 27, 1756, aged 23 yrs
Here lies ye body of Mrs. Elizabeth ABBOTT, wife of Mr. Obed ABBOTT, who died May ye 29th, 1752, in ye 59th year of her age
In memory of Mrs. Mary ABBOTT, wife of Mr. Moses ABBOTT, who died Sep 5, 1807, aged 66 yrs
~ Hark! from the tomb a doleful sound, ~ Mine ear attend the cry; ~ You living, all come view the ground, ~ Where you must shortly lie. ~
Sacred to the memory of Capt. Moses ABBOTT, who died Nov 22, 1809, aged 83 yrs
In memory of Mr. Moses ABBOTT, Junr., d. Feb 19, 1802, aged 40 yrs.
~ Alas! alas! my husband dear, ~ Early cut down and slain; ~ But Christ is the believer's head, ~ And he shall live again. ~
Mary Ann, wife of Lieut. Oliver ABBOTT, who died Dec 26, 1825, aged 19.
~ The Saviour calls, and I must go, ~ And leave you hear, my friends below; ~ But soon my God will call for thee, ~ Prepare for death and follow me ~
Mr. Abijah, son of John & Elizabeth BACON, May 1, 1776, aged 22
Elizabeth, daughter of John & Elizabeth BACON, wdtl Aug 26, 1749, in the (?) year of her age
John BACON, son of John & Elizabeth BACON, who died Aug 30, 1749, aged 3 yrs
Elbridge BACON, Aug 31, 1848, aged 48
Emily Frances, daughter of Elbridge & Louisa BACON, Dec 31, 1838, aged 7 yrs
Mrs. Ruth, wife of Reuben BACON, Jr., Jul 19, 1838, aged 24
~ Yet again we hope to mee thee, ~ When the day of life has fled; ~ Then in heaven with joy to greet thee, ~ Where no farewell tears are shed. ~
In memory of Mr. Octa BACON, son of Thompson BACON & Mrs. Martha, his wife, Jul 28, 1811, aged 16 yrs, 3 mos
Thompson BACON, Esq., Dec 4, 1833, aged 73 yrs.
~ Not him doth death itself alarm, ~ On heaven his soul relies; ~ With joy he views his Maker's love, ~ And with composure dies. ~
In memory of Mrs. Martha, relict of Thompson BACON, Esq., who died Feb 13, 1847, aged 84 yrs
Breget BACON, daughter of Jonathan & Elizabeth, Apr 20, 1731, aged 25
Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Jonathan BACON, Dec 16, 1738, aged 67 yrs
Jonathan BACON, Jan 12, 1754, aged 82 yrs.
[He was the son of Michael, proprietor of the mill on the Shawshine, had a share in the common lands of Billerica, was third layman in the foundation members of the church, assembled the first town meeting by order of the General Court, was one of the first selectmen, and a man of influence in town & church till death.]
Reuben BACON, son of John & Elizabeth BACON, d. May 22, 1775, in the 18th year of his age
[His young life was sacrificed at the opening of the Revolution.]
In memory of John BACON, Jun 7, 1833, aged 80 yrs
Hannah, wife of John BACON, Sep 27, 1823, aged 70
Katherine BACON, wife of Deacon Benjamin BACON, Jul 7, 1791, aged 74 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Deacon Benjamin BACON, Oct 1, 1791, aged 78
~ Go, traveller, live to God. ~
In memory of Mr. Elijah BACON, Sep 13, 1888, aged 34 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Amittai BACON, wife of Mr. Benjamin BACON, Oct 10, 1806, aged 48
~ Farewell, kind friends, a short farewell, ~ Till we shall meet again above, ~ In paradise, where pleasures dwell, ~ And kindred souls rejoice in love. ~
In memory of Mr. Oliver BACON, May ye 25, 1794, aged 54.
~ Forbear, my friends, to weep, ~ Since death to me is gain; ~ Those Christians who in Jesus sleep, ~ Shall with the Lord remain. ~
In memory of Mrs. Sarah, widow of Mr. Oliver BACON, Jan 25, 1841, in her 94th yr.
[She had been a member of an orthodox church, seventy years.]
Children of Mr. Oliver & Mrs. Sarah BACON. Oliver, April 17, 1787, aged 11 yrs. Iza, Jun 6, 1787, aged 8 yrs.
Two blooming youth cut down & fled ~ To regions of the silent dead, ~ There to remain beneath the ground ~ Till the last trump begins to sound. ~
Here lyes buried ye body of Joseph BACON, wdtl Nov ye 29th, A.D., 1747, in ye 63d year of his age
In memory of Mrs. Rebekah BACON, relict of Mr. Joseph BACON, Aug 24, 1778, aged 91 yrs, 1 mon, 16 dys
Jesse BACON, son of Mr. John & Mrs. Elizabeth BACON, Aug 26, 1749, aged 19 dys. Elizabeth, their daughter, Feb 15, 1754, in ye 4th year of her age; also still-born son lies at her right hand.
Here lyes buried the body of Mr. John BACON, wdtl May ye 26, 1760, in ye 44th year of his age
In memory of Job Lane BACON, son of Mr. Benjamin & Mrs. Martha BACON, Sep 9, 1805, aged 13 mos, 22 dys
Warren, son of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Abigail BACON, Jan 28, 1822, aged 6 yrs, 15 dys
Emma C., daughter of Mr. Clark & Mrs. Emma C. BACON, Aug 16, 1833, aged 2 mos, 4 dys
In memory of Sarah BACON, daughter of Benjamin, Jr., & Martha, his wife, Sep 17, 1799, aged 5 yrs
Elizabeth, wife of Freeborn BALCH of Beverly, d. jan 31, 1736/7
Thomas BOWES, son of Rev. Nicholas & Mrs. Lucy BOWES, d. May ye 21st, 1750, aged 2 yrs, 11 mos
[He was coked to death with a bean.]
Here lies the body of Mary BOWMAN, daughter of Mr. Francis BOWMAN & Mrs. Sarah, his wife, who died Nov 20, 1762.
~ We children of a father dear ~ Erected have these grave-stones here ~
In memory of Mr. Joseph BROWN, who died Dec 25, 1762, aged 30 yrs. ~ Life is short and death is sure, ~ Sin the cause & Christ the cure. Jb. Db. Hb. Sb. [Initials stand for Joseph, Desire, Hannah & Submit BROWN]
In memory of John BROWN, son of Nathaniel & Ruth BROWN, Sep 12, 1803, aged 5 yrs.
~ Sleep on, sweet babe, & take thy rest; ~ God called thee home when he thought best.
Sarah C., wife of John CUTTING, Mar c, 1848, aged 29
Ellen, daughter of James & Hannah CLARK, Jan 26, 1833, aged 6 mos.
Mr. Stephen DAVIS, "who rested from his labor at his labor," Jul 11, 1783, aged 53 yrs.
[On that day he arose early, and went to his work, and not returning for his breakfast, search was made for him; when found he was lying dead by a few short swaths of grass which he had mown in the meadow that borders on a branch of the Shawshine Brook, near the line of the town of Lincoln. The spot is designated by a plain stone in the field. He was a founder of the church, and one of the first constables.]
Paul DAVIS, son of Josiah & Elizabeth, Jan 9, 1763, aged 17 yrs.
[He died in the French & Indian War.]
Mr. Daniel DAVIS, Feb 10, 1749, aged 67 yrs.
[He was a petitioner for the new town, a founder of the church and one of the first selectmen.]
Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Josiah DAVIS, Jan 15, 1763, aged 41 yrs.
Dea. Stephen DAVIS, Jul 22, 1787, aged 71 yrs. Elizabeth, his wife, 1789, aged 71 yrs.
[Deacon Stephen was the son of Stephen, was deacon of the church from 1760 till death, was very skillful land surveyor, and a very useful and highly respected citizen.]
Mrs. Sarah, wife of Dea. Thaddeus DAVIS, Mar 26, 1807, aged 47
Sacred to the memory of Lieut. Eleazer DAVIS, Mar 13, 1819, aged 85 yrs
Martha J., daughter of Mr. Eleazer & Mrs. Martha DAVIS, Feb 10, 1817, in the 9th year of her age
Hlytbo Mrs. Mary DAVIS, wife of Mr. Eleazer DAVIS, wdtl Jan ye 28, A.D. 1763, aged 22 yrs, 10 mos, 2 dys
[Daughter of Mr Josiah & Mrs. Elizabeth DAVIS]
Mr. Joshua DAVIS, d. Apr 29, 1746, aged 31
Here lies ye body of Hannah DAVIS, daughter of Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Mary DAVIS, Apr ye 11, 1737, aged 14 yrs, 2 mos, 21 dys
Mrs. Hanna, wife of Silas DUDLEY, Aug 1, 1828, aged 27
~ Stop, dear friends, stop & think, ~ Before you further go; ~ Will you sport upon the brink, ~ Of everlasting woe? ~
Sacred to the memory of Supply DEAN, May 25, 1826, aged 26
Lieut. Joseph FRENCH, Nov 26, 1732, aged 83
[His name heads the list of petitioners, May 1, 1728, "for the erection of a new town to be called Bedford," and also stands at the head of the laymen who founded the church.]
Mr. Samuel FRENCH, Jan 28, 1738, aged about 52 yrs
Dr. John FASSETT, Jan 30, 1736, aged 66 yrs
[He was the first resident physician in the town.]
Capt. Josiah FASSETT, Feb 18, 1749, aged 53 yrs
Calley FASSETT, daughter of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Dorothy FASSETT, Aug 22, 1775, aged 17 yrs
In memory of Capt. Joseph FITCH, Feb 7, 1769, aged 67
Here lies the body of Mrs. Sarah FITCH, wife of Mr. Joseph FITCH, Jan 22, A.D., 1759, in ye 40th year of her age
Erected in memory of Mr. John FITCH, may 31, 1820, aged 81
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Matthew FITCH, Aug 3, A.D., 1811, aged 66
Erected in memory of Dea. Moses FITCH & Mrs. Rachel, his wife. Dea. Moses FITCH d. Oct 12, 1825, in the 71st year of his age. Mr. Rachel FITCH, d. May 23, 1817, in the 59th year of her age.
[He was wounded in the battle of White Plains, N.Y.]
Erected in memory of Mrs. Sally FITCH, wife of Mr. Olford FITCH, Aug 23, 1820, aged 23
~ Death with his dart has pierced my heart ~ When I was in my prime; ~ When this you see grieve not for me, ~ 'Twas God's appointed time. ~
In memory of Jonathan Simonds FITCH, son of Mr. David & Mrs. Olive FITCH, Jan 25, 1819, aged 4 yrs.
Isaac, son of Mr. David & Mrs. Olive FITCH, Feb 13, 1825, aged 1 mo, 21 dys
~ Judge not God by feeble sense, ~ But trust him for his grace. ~ Behind a frowning providence, ~ He has a smiling face. ~
In memory of Mrs. Hannah FITCH, wife of Mr. David FITCH, Jr., Dec 22, 1805, aged 26 yrs, 10 mos, 16 dys.
~ Shall mortal man complain of Him who is most just, ~ When he removes our nearest friends, ~ And lays them in the dust?
Here lies ye body of Mr. Isaac FITCH, son of Mr. Benjamin & Mrs. Miriam FITCH, wdtl Jul 24, 1773, in ye 22d year of his age.
~ The Lord reigns in the heavens, ~ And angels him adore; ~ He send death to take young mortals off ~ At his appointed hour. ~
Mr. David FITCH, Jul 27, 1813, aged 70
Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. David FITCH, Sep 19, 1829, aged 82 yrs
Sacred to the memory of Abel Fitch, Oct 16, 1839, aged 30. Henry Brainard, son of Abel & Nancy FITCH, Jul 1839, aged 3 mos.
In memory of Lydia FITCH, Mar 11, 1759, aged 14 yrs. Nathan FITCH, May 13, 1755, in ye 7th year of his age. [Children of Mr. Benjamin & Mrs. Miriam FITCH]
In memory of Mr. Abner FOSTER, son of Mr. Noah & Mrs. Gracy FOSTER, Mar 6, 1828, aged 24 yrs.
~ Our friend is dead and gone to rest; ~ He's left that pleasing hope behind, ~ That he is numbered with the just, ~ And drinks with angels joys refined. ~
Hannah P., wife of Dr. Bela GARDNER, Jan 20, 1844, aged 40 yrs
Here, admid the scenes of her childhood's home, on the spot where her footsteps loved to linger, lie the mortal remains of Rebecca W. GLEASON, wife of Benjamin GLEASON, of Boston, & daughter of William MAXWELL, of Bedford, Dec 10, 1846, aged 63 yrs
Benjamin GLEASON, Sep 18, 1847, aged 70 yrs
In memory of Mrs. Ruth GLEASON, wife of Mr. Jonas GLEASON, Apr 3, 1793, aged 46 yrs, 9 mos.
~ Here in this silent cave ~ Lies our beloved friend, ~ A wife so near and mother dear, ~ To lie till time shall end. ~ And at the call of God we trust, She will arise among the just. ~
In memory of Mrs. Hannah GOODRIDGE, wife of Capt. William GOODRIDGE, Jan 20, 1819, aged 57 yrs
William HARTWELL, Dec 11, 1742, in ye 72d year of his age.
[He was the second on the list of laymen who founded the church, and very active and benevolent in the formation of the town.]
Mrs. Ruth (wid. of William HARTWELL), Feb 7, 1752, in ye 77th year of her age
Mr. Stephen HARTWELL, Jul 12, 1792, aged 76 yrs.
~ A sapn is all we can boast, ~ An inch or two of time. ~
Naomi S., wife of Joseph HARTWELL, 3d, May 5, 1840, aged 33 yrs.
~ Afflictions sore long time I bore, ~ Physicians were in vain, ~ Til God did please and death did seize, ~ To ease me of my pain. ~
Mr. Benjamin HUTCHINSON, Mar 13, 1780, aged 80 yrs. Sarah, his wife, Apr 12, 1767, aged 66 yrs.
John, son of Benjamin & Sarah HUTCHINSON, Sep 1, 1749, aged 13 yrs
Mr. Benjamin HUTCHINSON, Mar 5, 1815, aged 91 yrs.
~ Glory with all her lamps shall burn, ~ To watch the Christian's sleeping clay, ~ Till the last trumpet rouse his urn ~ To aid the triumphs of that day. ~
Mrs. Rebecca, his wife, May 24, 1814, aged 91 yrs.
Miss Susannah, their daughter, Jun 4, 1815, aged 61 yrs
Mary HAYWARD, Jan 29, 1865, aged 74 yrs
Castalio HOSMER, Oct 29, 1869, aged 83 yrs
Ruth, his wife, Aug 13, 1849, aged 67 yrs
Sarah HOSMER, obt. Mar 18, 1820, aged 8 yrs, 3 mos.
~ 'Tis done, her soul to heaven has fled, ~ And she is numbered with the dead. ~ Her sorrows, pain, and grief are o'er, ~ And she from friends will part no more. ~
Mr. William HARTWELL, May 8, 1819, in the 49th year of his age.
~ Stop, friends, and drop a tear, ~ Here lies a friend and partner dear; ~ God called him to his home, ~ And laid him silent in the tomb. ~
In memory of Mrs. Mary, widow of William HARTWELL, Jan 4, 1854, aged 71
~ Weep not for her whose troubles now are past, ~ Whose day of sorrow, pain, and death is o'er, ~ Whose spirit, freed from every bond at last, ~ Has found its home where death can come no more. ~
Mrs. Joanna, wife of Mr. William HARTWELL, Oct 30, 1808, aged 39.
~ Ye morners, weep no more for me, ~ For I am gone to eternity. ~ My flesh shall rest beneath the ground ~ Till the last trumpet's joyful sound.
In memory of Mr. Caldwell F. HINDMAN, of Boston, Nov 22, 1835, aged 31
[The first white stone erected in the yard.]
Ettmo Anna P. HINDMAN, widow of Caldwell F. HINDMAN, Dec 3, 1872, aged 82 yrs, 7 mos
In memory of Mrs Susanna HILL, wife of Mr. Josiah HILL, Feb 15, 1818, aged 50 yrs.
~ The grave of all the saints be blessed, ~ And softened every bed; ~ Where should the dying members rest ~ But with the dying head?
Lucy HILL, daughter of Mr. Josiah & Mrs. Susanna HILL, Sep 25, 1807, aged 5 yrs.
LUCY HILL, Jul 30, 1801, aged 7 mos, 19 dys
In memory of Miss Lydia HARTWELL, daughter of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Jemima HARTWELL, Feb 13, 1788, aged 30 yrs.
~ Friends nor physicians could not save ~ My mortal body from the grave; ~ Nor can the grave confine me here ~ When Christ the Son of God appear. ~
Mr. Joseph HARTWELL, Jul 7, 1792, aged 69.
Present, useful; absent, wanted; ~ Lived desired and died lamented.
Mrs. Jemima, wife of Mr. Joseph HARTWELL, Jul 13, 1786, aged 56.
~ The tears must fall, ~ The tender sigh must rise, ~ But home, on virtue built, ~ Shall reach the skies. ~
Joseph, son of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Jemima HARTWELL, Sep 28, 1753, aged 1 yr, 4 mos
Mr. John HARTWELL, Nov 16, A.D. 1746, in ye 74th year of his age
Mrs. Deborah, wife of Mr. John HARTWELL, wdtl Jun 14, 1744, in the 68th year of her age
Mrs. Desire, widow of Mr. Samuel HARTWELL, Aug 30, 1824, aged 68 yrs, 2 mos.
Mr. Samuel HARTWELL, who died Apr 2, 1823, aged 67 yrs
The happy soul who conquers sin ~ Shall everlasting glory win; ~ Shall see the end of care and pain, ~ And with the King of Glory riegn. ~
Rebekah HEARTWELL, wife of Mr. Stephen HEARTWELL, Aug 13, A.D. 1790, aged 79 yrs.
~ Jesus, in they sweet arms I trust, ~ Now shall I safely sleep; ~ My body falling to the dust, ~ I leave with thee to keep. ~ Children and friends, all that pass by, ~ Stop, think are you prepared to die; ~ If you have tasted heavenly love, ~ you need not fear the lonely grave. ~
Mrs. Abigail HARTWELL, May 30, 1733, in ye 38th year of her age
Joseph HARTWELL, Aug 3, 1840, aged 78 yrs. Elizabeth, widow of Joseph HARTWELL, Aug 16, 1845, aged 78
Rachel, wife of Stephen HAYNES, Sep 19, 1847, aged 31
Horatio Nelson HAYNES, Feb 23, 1847, aged 27
John Isaac JONES, Jul 13, 1814, aged 18.
~ Death is a debt to nature due; ~ I've paid that debt, and so must you. ~
Timothy JONES, Esq., Jun 1, 1804, aged 55.
~ The sweet remembrance of the just ~ Shall flourish when they sleep in dust ~
Mrs. Rebekah, wife of Tmothy JONES, Esq., Aug 13, 1807, aged 58.
~ Friends and physicians could not save ~ My mortal body from the grave. ~
Susanna P. JONES, wife of Mr. Timothy JONES, Jun 26, 1820, aged 34
Timothy, son of Mr. Timothy & Mrs. Susanna JONES, Feb 23, 1821, aged 14 yrs.
~ Like roses cropt before their bloom, ~ He's carried to the silent tomb. ~
Isaac, son of Capt. Timothy JONES & Mrs. Rebekah, his wife, Jan 27, 1788, aged 6 yrs, 1 mo.
Mrs. Hannah, wife of Mr. Benjamin KIDDER, Jul 5, 1752, aged 48 yrs.
Mrs. Katherine, wife of Col. John LANE, Apr 1, 1731, aged 39 yrs.
[The oldest tombstone is believed to be that of Mrs. Katherine Lane. She was the daughter of Samuel WHITING, of Billerica.]
Col. John LANE, Sep 23, 1763, aged 72.
~ While I lye buried deep in dust, ~ My flesh shall be thy care; ~ These withering limbs with thee I trust, ~ To raise them strong & fair. ~ [He was the granson of Job, who had the Winthrop farm.]
Mrs. Hannah, widow of Col. John LANE, Apr 22, 1769, aged 73
Mr. Job LANE, Sep 19, 1744, aged 77 yrs.
[He was founder of the second LANE family in Bedford, and came to this locality about 1700.]
Mrs. Mary, widow of Job LANE, Sep 7, 1746, aged 65 yrs
Samuel, son of Job & Mary LANE, Nov 25, 1736, aged 21 yrs
Dea. Job LANE, Aug 9, 1762, aged 73 yrs.
[He was deacon of the church from Feb 9, 1738, till death; he was a son of Col. John.]
Martha, his wife, Sep 14, 1740, aged 49 yrs.
[First wife of Dea. Job.]
Capt. James LANE, Apr 11, 1783, aged 87 yrs.
~ Death, steady to his purpose from ye womb, ~ Pursues till we are driven to the tomb, ~ O reader, wisely lay this thought to hear, ~ And seek an interest in the better part; ~ Then when you close in death your mortal eyes, ~ your soul may rise & reign above the skies. ~ [Son of Col. John]
Ruth (BOWMAN), wife of Mr. John LANE, Aug 13, 1759, aged 35 yrs.
Mr. John LANE, Dec 7, 1789, aged 69 yrs.
~ A span is all that we can boast, ~ An inch or two of time; ~ Man is but vanity and dust, ~ In all his flower and prime. ~ My days are spent, my race is run; ~ Remember me, though dead and gone, ~ Cease my beloved to complain, ~ My sleeping dust shall rise again. ~
Mrs. Martha, first wife of Capt. James LANE, Jul 3, A.D. 1762, aged 64
Mrs. Chary (WELLINGTON), second wife of Capt. James LANE, Dec 16, 1764, aged 70 yrs
Mrs. Abigail (FARMER), third wife of Capt. James LANE, Feb 25, 1773, aged 77 yrs
Mrs. Abigail, late and fourth wife of Capt. James LANE, formerly the wife of Lieut. John MERRIAM, Nov 5, 1793, aged 83 yrs
David LANE, A.M., son of James & Martha LANE, who deceased abroad, Sep 29, A.D. 1750, in ye 23d year of his age.
[Shattuck says he died in the French war, in 1753]
Mr. Samuel LANE, Jan 26, 1780, aged 65 yrs.
~ Simple manners, a charitable temper. Industry and uprightness were adorned by a Christian profession and practice, and inspired a humble hope of a happy immortality. The memory of the just is blessed. ~
Eliab B. LANE, Jan 9, 1853, aged 73 yrs
~ Hear instruction and be wise ~
Anna, wife of Eliab B. LANE, May 30, 1844, aged 67
~ Now, therefore, hearken unto me, O ye children; ~ For blessed are they that keep my ways. ~
Mr. Luke LANE, Aug 27, 1801, aged 33
Luke LANE, Feb 15, 1850, aged 58
Mr. James LANE, Oct 20, 1836, aged 83
Mrs. Molly, relict of Mr. James LANE, Feb 16, 1848, aged 96 yrs, 8 mos
Mr. James LANE, Jan 4, 1799, aged 73
Mr. Solomon LANE, Feb 1, 1837, aged 80
~ Ah! warm affection cannot save ~ From pain and sicknesss and the grave; ~ But power divine our soul shall raise, ~ In endless life God's love to praise. ~
Mrs. Sarah, wife of Mr. Solomon LANE, Aug 13, 1825, aged 69.
~ Draw near, my firends, and take a though, ~ How soon the grave must be your lot; ~ Make sure of Christ while life remain, ~ And death shall be your eternal gain. ~
Mr. Josiah S. LANE, Sep 21, 1815, aged 28 yrs
Josiah S., only child of Mr. Josiah & Mrs. Amitia LANE, Sep 22, 1815, aged 21 mos.
~ They've fought the fight, their race is run, ~ Their joys in heaven are now begun; ~ Their tears are gone, their sorrows flee, ~ Nor more afflicted now like me. ~
Miss Sally LANE, Nov 7, 1854, aged 65
Mrs. Hannah, wife of Mr. Samuel LANE, d. Sep 29, 1796, aged 57 yrs
~ Retire, my friends, dry up your tears, ~ Here I must lie till Christ appears. ~
Solomon LANE, Mar 23, 1812, aged 56 yrs
Mr. Timothy LANE, Dec 3, 1793, aged 72 yrs
Mrs. Lydia, relict of Mr. Timothy LANE, Aug 31, 1801, aged 72 yrs
Mr. Isaac LANE, Nov 24, 1803, aged 37 yrs
Mr. Job, son of Mr. David & Mrs. Molly LANE, Nov 15, 1814, aged 26 yrs
Mrs. Molly, wife of Mr. David LANE, Dec 12, 1820, aged 50 yrs, 6 mos.
~ Farewell, my friends, I sleep in dust, ~ Till the last trump awakes the just; ~ Therefore retire, and cease your tears, ~ Prepare to meet when Christ appears. ~
Mr. David LANE, Sep 10, 1842, aged 83 yrs
Mrs. Phebe, wife of Mr. David LANE, Jul 8, 1838, aged 65 yrs
David LANE, Jr., Jan 19, 1853, aged 56 yrs
James LANE, Dec 17, 1859, aged 60 yrs
Here lies ye body of Benjamin, son of Dea. Job & Mrs. Martha LANE, Jan 25, 1754, in the 25th year of his age
Mr. Jonathan LANE, Mar 4, 1808, aged 44 yrs
Roger LANE, first son of Mr. John & Mrs. Ruhamah LANE, Nov 16, 1794, aged 16 mos.
Abner, son of Mr. John & Mrs. Ruhamah LANE, Aug 9, 1826, aged 21 yrs
Gracy Foster, daughter of Mr. John & Mrs. Ruhamah LANE, Nov 16, 1806, aged 30 yrs
Mr. John LANE, Feb 22, 1808, aged 62 yrs.
Mrs. Ruhamah, his wife, Apr 30, 1817, aged 63 yrs
Mrs. Ruth, wife of Mr. Samuel LANE, Oct 21, 1772, aged 32 yrs
Myra, daughter of Jonathan & Hannah LANE, May 2, 1801, aged 5 mos
Rollin, son of Jonathan & Hannah LANE, Jan 9, 1800, aged 4 yrs
Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan & Hannah LANE, Jan 15, 1800, aged 7 mos
Josiah LANE, son of John & Sarah, Mar 5, 1762
In memory of Galen, son of Mr. Eliab & Mrs. Anna LANE, Nov 21, 1811, aged 7 mos
Ruhamah, daughter of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Ruhamah LANE, Apr 10, 1817
Ruhamah LANE, Aug 24, 1820
Three children of Mr. Solomon LANE: Josiah, Apr 8, 1787; Enoch, Oct 11, 1799; Abigail French, Jul 17, 1800
Lieut John MERRIAM, Sep 20, 1767, aged 67 yrs
~ But Christ shall change my sinful dust, ~ The grave shall rot off all my rust; ~ This body of mine shall fashioned be ~ Like to his own in its degree. ~
Mrs. Esther, amiable confort of Lieut. William MERRIAM, Mar 17, 1785, aged 33 yrs, 9 mos, 8 dys.
~ That face that none unmoved could view ~ Has lost the enchanting rosy hue; ~ Dwelt faith and wit in sweetness there, ~ O view the change and drop a tear. ~
Capt. John MOORE (son of John MOORE), Sep 27, 1807, aged 78 yrs.
~ Glory with all her lamps shall burn, ~ To watch the Christian's sleeping clay, ~ Till the last trumpet cause his urn, ~ To aid the triumph of the day. ~ [He was captain of the militia of the town, was at Concord fight, and active during the Revolution.]
Mary, first wife of Capt. John MOORE, Jul 6, 1797, aged 73 yrs
Mary, second wife of Capt John MOORE, Apr 2, 1806, aged 76 yrs
[She was the widow of James LANE, Jr., and formerly Mary WELLINGTON]
Dea. Nathaniel MERRIAM, Dec 11, 1738, aged 66 yrs
~ The memory of the just is blessed ~ [He was one of the first selectmen, he bequeathed five pounds to the church, of which he was a deacon from Aug 4, 1730, til death]
Elizabeth, wife of Mr. John MOORE, Mar 18, 1732, aged 25 yrs
Mr. John MOORE, Aug 21, 1765, aged 58 yrs.
[His death was occasioned by a fall from a load of hay when entering the barn]
Mrs. Elizabeth (WHEELER), second wife of John MOORE, Feb 2, 1745
~ The sin of Adam hath laid me low, ! For sin hath wrought an overthrow; ~ From dust I came, to dust I come, ~ And now the dust's become my home; ~ When Christ comes down with saints to reign, ~ The dust me no more shall detain. ~
Hugh MAXWELL, Mar 19, 1759, aged 59 yrs.
~ My body turned to dust, ~ My dust it shall arise, ~ In resurrection of the just, ~ To sound Jehovah's praise. ~ [He came from Belfast, Ire.; was killed by a fall from his horse.]
William MAXWELL, May 10, 1832, aged 79 yrs
Mrs. Sarah, his wife, Apr 21, 1833, aged 76 yrs
Rhoda MAXWELL, b. Apr 25, 1794, d. Dec 8, 1875
Desire MEAD, wife of Mr. Stephen MEAD (Desire BACHELDER), and former wife of Mr. Joseph BROWN, Sep 9, 1797, aged 59 yrs
Anna MEAD, Jun 19, 1818, aged 49
~ Refrain, my friends, and dry your tears, ~ Here I must lay till Christ appears. ~
Stephen MEAD, Jan 30, 1808, aged 71
Mrs. Amittai NEUTON, Aug 29, 1756, aged 25 yrs
Mr. Joseph PULSIFER, of Boston, Jun 3, 1815, aged 25 yrs.
~ Reader, if love of worth thy bosom warm, ~ If virtue please thee, or if friendship charm, ~ Upon this stone you'll drop a tear; ~ Worth, virtue, friendship, all are buried here. ~
Mr. Joseph PORTER, Jul 13, 1770, aged 52 yrs.
~ Although I sleep in dust awhile, ~ Beneath the barren clay, ~ E're long I hope to rise and smile, ~ To see my Saviour God. ~
Sacred to the memory of Mr. Joseph PORTER, son of Mr. William & Mrs. Lucy PORTER, Jun 14, 1811, aged 21
Mrs. Anna PAGE, relict of Mr. Thomas PAGE, Jul 10, 1810, aged 73 yrs.
! From scenes of woe with sorrow prest ~ She's bid adieu, and gone to rest
William PAGE, Feb 10, 1812, aged 74 yrs
[They were founders of the Page Fund.]
Pattey, wife of William PAGE, Apr 14, 1809, aged 69
Thomas PAGE, Jul 31, 1809, aged 76
Cornet John PAGE, Feb 18, 1782, aged 78 yrs
[Erected by Cyrus PAGE, in 1883.]
Cornet Nathaniel PAGE, Mar 2, 1755, aged 76 yrs.
[He was the son of Nathaniel, 1st.]
Mrs. Susanna (LANE, daughter of Col. John, 2d), his wife, Sep 2, 1746, aged 63 yrs
Cornet Nathaniel PAGE, Apr 6, 1779, aged 76 yrs.
~ Death from all death has set us free, ~ And will our gain forever be; ~ Death loosed the rusty chain of woe, ~ To let the mournful captives go. ~ [He was a Minute Man in 1775, and an energetic patriot in the cause of freedom.]
Mr. Ebenezer PAGE, Jun 9, 1784, aged 47 yrs
Dorothy PAGE, wife of Mr. Ebenezer PAGE, Feb 6, 1779, aged 41 yrs
Mar 26, 1754, Lucy PAGE, aged 2 yrs
Mar 28, 1754, Susanna PAGE, aged 3 yrs, 2 mos, 20 dys
Apr 7, 1754, Job PAGE, aged 5 yrs, 10 mos, 7 dys
Children of Mr. Christopher & Susanna PAGE [A triple stone suggests the ravages of throat distemper in this family of the town.]
Widow Sarah PARKER, formerly the wife of Mr. John LANE, Mar 5, 1814, aged 88 yrs.
~ Vain world, farewell to you, ~ Heaven is my native air; ~ I bid my friends a short adieu, ~ Impatient to be there. ~
PIERCE Monument:
George PIERCE, Aug 24, 1870, aged 42 yrs
George N. PIERCE, Mar 254, 1848, aged 31 yrs
Augustus PIERCE, May 6, 1846, aged 30
PAGE Monument:
Nathaniel PAGE, Aug 30, 1858, aged 83 yrs
Lydia, wife of Nathaniel PAGE, Jan 24, 1852, aged 79 yrs
In memory of Benjamin PAGE, Jan 13, 1848, aged 34
[Two children of Benjamin & Mary C. PAGE]
Mr. Samuel PAGE, member of the junior class of Dartmouth College, N. H., Jan 31, 1839, aged 22 yrs
Nathaniel, son of Mr. Nathaniel PAGE, Jr., & Mrs. Lucy PAGE, his wife, Apr 10, 1808, aged 11 mos
Mrs. Sarah, wife of Mr. Nathaniel PAGE, Aug 22, 1834, aged 92
Isaac F. PAGE, Nov 21, 1844, aged 39 yrs
Capt. John PAGE, June 29, 1848, aged 81 yrs
Esther, wife of Capt. John PAGE, Dec 21, 1852, aged 81 yrs
Mr. Christopher PAGE, son of Nathaniel 2d, Nov 11, 1786, aged 80 yrs
Mrs. Susanna, relict of Mr. Christopher PAGE, Jul 20, 1792, in ye 83d year of her age.
~ The sweet remembrance of the just, ~ Shall flourish when they sleep in dust. ~ [She was formerly the widow of Benjamin WEBBER, of Medford, & daughter of WHITMORE.]
In memory of Mrs. Lydia, wife of Capt. Christopher PAGE, Feb 20, 1808, aged 64
Betsey B., wife of Silas W. PAGE, Jun 25, 1842, aged 37
John H., Feb 27, 1841, aged 18 mos
Susanna, May 4, 1841, aged 4 yrs, 6 mos
Children of Betsey B. & Silas W. PAGE
Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Hannah, wife of Dr. Amariah PRESTON, Feb 8, 1795, in the 26th year of her age.
~ Hark! hear my dear Redeemer's voice, ~ My soul must hence remove; ~ Farewell to all those earthly joys, ~ And haste away to realms above. ~
In memory of Hannah, daughter of Dr. Amariah PRESTON, Aug 8, 1810, aged 15 yrs
Dea. Israel PUTNAM, Nov 12, 1760, aged 62 yrs
[He was one of the first deacons, foundation member of the church, and gave the land for the burial ground.]
In memory of Mr. Jonas PUTNAM, Mar 10, 1818, aged 32
~ Death with his dart has pierced my heart ~ When I was in my prime. ~
Mr. Oliver POLLARD, May 28, 1831, aged 94 yrs
Mrs. Oliver POLLARD, Feb 20, 1840, aged 91 yrs & 4 mos
~ To them the solemn hour has come, ~ And life's short space is o'er; ~ They both have reached their final home, ~ Where they shall part no more. ~
Mr. Matthew POLLARD, Nov 15, 1801, aged 52 yrs
~ Stranger, as this spot you tread, ~ And meditate upon the dead, ~ Improve the moments as they fly, ~ For all who live must shortly die. ~
Mrs. Rebeccah QUIMBY, Jul 8, 1820, aged 25 yrs, 5 mos.
~ All eartly scenes are quickly o'er, ~ For transient is their date; ~ 'Midst all our joys we oft deplore ~ The cruel stroke of fate; ~ But stope each fond parental tear, ~ And each fraternal sigh, ~ She's freed from all her troubles here, ~ To dwell with God on high. ~
John REED, Esq., Nov 20, 1805, aged 75 yrs
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, That they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them. ~ [He was an influential man, a member of the Continental Congress at Concord and Cambridge in 1775, and took an active part in the war of the Revolution. His name appears on a family memorial erected in Shawshine Cemetery in 1890.]
Jesse ROBINSON, Dec 1, 1842, aged 76 yrs.
Rebecca, wife of Jesse ROBINSON, Aug 3, 1863, aged 86 yrs, 6 mos
Miss Mary ROBINSON, Jun 9, 1833, aged 20 yrs.
~ Draw near, my friends, and take a thought, ~ How soon the grave must be your lot; ~ Make sure of Christ while life remain, ~ And death shall be your eternal gain. ~
Miss Martha ROBINSON, Aug 7, 1840, aged 21 yrs.
~ Stay, thou passing maiden, stay! ~ Learn how eartly joys decay! ~ Here three lovely sisters sleep; ~ Read their faite, and, reading, weep. ~
Eliza ROBINSON, b. Dec 27, 1809, d. Sep 16, 1871
~ Life to thee was but a burden, ~ Sister, thou art gone to rest; ~ Yes, we trust thou art in heaven, ~ The place awaiting all the blest. ~
Mrs. Abi, wife of Mr. David RICE, Oct 30, 1820, aged 31
Oliver REED, Aug 15, 1837, aged 81
Mary, second wife of Oliver REED, May 31, 1812, aged 32
Mrs. Betsey, wife of Mr. Oliver REED, Jr., Oct 22, 1802, aged 45
~ Stop, passenger, as you pass by; ~ As you are now, so once was I, ~ As I am now, so you must be; ~ Prepare for death, and follow me. ~
Mrs. Abigail, wife of Capt. David REED, Sep 1, 1803, aged 44 yrs.
~ She is fled, the loveliest mind, ~ Faith, sweetness, wit, together joined; ~ Dwell faith and wit and sweetness there; ~ Oh, view the change, and drop a tear. ~
Erected in memory of Mrs. Hannah, wife of Capt. David REED, Apr 29, 1790, aged 39 yrs
Martha S., wife of Nathan O. REED, Mar 22, 1841, aged 24 yrs.
Eliot, daughter of John REED, Esq., & Mrs Ruhamah (BROWN), his wife, Aug 24, 1780, in the 16th year of her age.
How uncertain this life! How little did I expect to die so young! Dear youth, remember my sudden death; for in sugh an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
Grace Page, daughter of John REED, Esq., & Mrs. Ruhamah, his wife, Sep 16, 1778, in the 19th year of her age.
From death's arrest no age is free, as beholders may see; and now, dear youth, brothers, sisters, and friends, all prepare to come, for sure you must, and mingle with me in the dust.
Mrs. Ruhamah (BROWN) REED, wife of John REED, Esq., Jan 9, 1798, in the 68th year of her age
Roger REED, Jun 8, 1844, aged 82
Sarah, his wife, Feb 8, 1849, aged 83
Oliver REED, Sep 18, 1811, in the 83d year of his age
Betsey, daughter of Mr. Reuben & Mrs. Mary REED, May 3, 1813, aged 3 yrs, 8 mos
Amanda REED, Sep 15, 1846, aged 26
Melvina REED, Jul 18, 1844, aged 21
Mrs. Sarah RANDALL, Mar 2, 1821, aged 44 yrs
Elijah SKELTON, Jan 30, 1852, aged 68
~ Remember that you, too, must die. ~
Mrs. Sarah, wife of Elijah SKELTON, Dec 31, 1873, aged 87 yrs, 11 mos, 1 day
~ Precious in the sight of the Lord ~ Is the death of his saints. ~ [She had been gone from this town many years, but remembered the Church of Christ in her last will.]
Sarah, daughter of Elijah & Sarah SKELTON, Feb 4, 1852, aged 33 yrs
Edwin, son of Elijah & Sarah SKELTON, Apr 11, 1849, aged 28. In memory of five infant children of Elijah & Sarah SKELTON
Mrs. Louisa, wife of Mr. Elias SKELTON, Jul 2, 1836, aged 24
Samuel, their son, Oct 18, 1832, aged 4 mos. ~ A wife and child have gone to their rest, ~ And why should the soul of the mourners be sad? ~ Faith tells they have gone where the weary are blest, ~ And the spirit of hope looks up and is glad. ~
Mr. Solomon, son of Capt. Edward & Mrs. Lucy STEARNS, May 18, 1775, aged 19 yrs.
[He was at the Concord fight, Apr 19, 1775, and in the camp at Cambridge, where he contracted the disease from which he died.]
May Elizabeth, daughter of Elijah STEARNS, Esq., & Elizabeth, his wife, Jul 12, 1818, aged 11 yrs
Lieut. Edward STEARNS, May 18, 1798, aged 30 yrs.
~ God my Redeemer lives, and often from the skies ~ Looks down and watches all my dust, ~ Till he shall bid me rise. ~
Capt. Edward STEARNS, Jun ye 11, 1793, aged 68 yrs.
~ Here in this grave, this silent cave, ~ Lies our beloved friend, ~ A husband near, a father dear, ~ To lie till time shall end. ~ Then at the call of God he shall arise, no more to die, ~ And, as we trust, among the just spend an eternity. ~
Mrs. Lucy, wife of Capt. Edward STEARNS, Nov 28, 1802, aged 69 yrs
~ Here sleeps our mother in the dust; ~ So we e'er long, her children, must, ~ When God sees fit to call us hence,~ To leave this world of flesh and sense ~
Here lies the bodies of two children of Capt. Edward STEARNS & Mrs. Lucy, his wife:
Edward, May ye 24, 1768, in the 8th year of his age ~ Here lies bones of Edward STEARNS. His soul, I trust rests in Christ's arms. Then he shall rise out of the ground.
Lucy, May ye 20, 1768, in the 13th year of her age ~ The body of a lovely maid ~ Lies buried in her silent grave; ~ And in it doth take quiet rest, ~ As if of beds it were the best. ~
Betsey D., relict of William STEARNS, Jul 27, 1844, aged 61 yrs
Betsey, wife of Noah STEARNS, Sep 17, 1842, aged 71
Mr. John SPRAGUE, Mar 4, 1810, aged 51
John SPRAGUE, Jr., eldest son of Mr. John & Mrs. Phebe SPRAGUE, May 21, 1805, aged 16 yrs, 6 mos
Sally SPRAGUE, second daughter of Mr. John & Mrs. Phebe SPRAGUE, Apr 25, 1805, aged 18 yrs
Mrs. Sophia, wife of Mr. Abel SHED, Feb 20, 1824, aged 41 yrs
Mrs. Jane (POLLARD), widow of Thomas SMITH, Feb 29, 1868, aged 87 yrs
Mrs. Eunice, wife of John TAYLOR, May 7, 1737, aged 81 yrs
[She bequeathed the first legacy to the church, £5.]
Miss Elizabeth THOMAS, Apr 6, 1839, aged 72
[A row of sunken, moss-covered stones suggests the sorrow that befell the WHITMORE family during the prevalence of throat distemper.]
Aug 2, 1743, Ebenezer, aged 2 yrs, 7 mos, 23 dys
Aug 29, 1743, John, aged 5 yrs, 10 mos, 7 dys
Sep 11, 1745, William, 4 yrs, 5 mos, 24 dys
Feb 16, 1750, Lucy, aged 4 yrs, 3 mos, 8 dys
Feb 21, 1750, John, aged 8 mos, 8 dys
Mar 4, 1750, Susanna, aged 2 yrs, 7 mos, 16 dys
Apr 17, 1750, Martha, aged 7 yrs, 6 mos 18 dys
Children of Mr. John & Mrs. Martha WHITMORE
In memory of Capt. Jonathan WILLSON, who was Killed in Concord Fight, Apr 19th, AD 1775, in the 41st year of his age
Jonathan WILSON, Sep 27, 1797, in the 35th year of his age
Betsey A., wife of George WILSON, Aug 25, 1876, aged 40
Mr. John WHITMORE, Oct 25, 1748, aged 37
[He was town clerk from 1746 till death, and a man of great influence.]
Susanna, daughter of Benjamin & Susanna WEBBER, late of Medford, & granddaughter of Mary & John WHITMORE, Apr 2, 1743, aged 15 yrs
Mrs. Mary, relict of Mr. John WHITMORE, of Medford, and daughter of John & Susanna LANE of Bedford, mar 27, 1783, aged 96 yrs.
[She killed the Indian. See "Experience of Mary Lane".]
Capt. John WEBBER, Apr 29, 1868, aged 75 yrs
Mrs. Sarah, his wife, May 9, 1782, aged 38 yrs
Mrs. Susannah (PAGE), second wife, Feb 5, 1825, aged 75 yrs
Mr. William WEBBER, Sep 25, 1833, aged 71 yrs.
~ An honest man, the noblest work of God ~
Mrs. Mary (ABBOTT), wife of William WEBBER, Mar 24, 1817, 49 yrs
Job WEBBER, Oct 10, 1838, aged 69
Sarah, wife of Job WEBBER, Jan 31, 1861, aged 91 yrs, 5 mos, 12 dys
Miss Eliza F. WEBBER, Jan 21, 1839, aged 33
~ Gently the passing spirit fled, ~ Sustained by grace divine; ~ Oh, may such in me be shed, ~ And make my end like thine! ~
Hannah R., daughter of James & Hannah WEBBER, Sep 18, 1844, aged 34
Joseph Thompson, son of Joseph & Eliza WEBBER, Jun 1, 1844, aged 15 yrs, 9 mos
~ Tell mother I am willing to die ~
James WEBBER, May 21, 1852, aged 79
Mrs. Hannah, wife of James WEBBER, Jan 20, 1835, aged 63
Hiram WEBBER, Jan 18, 1857, aged 62 yrs
Fidelia, wife of Hiram WEBBER, Apr 5, 1834
Harriet, relict of Samuel WYMAN, Nov 11, 1843, aged 50
Miss Elizabeth P. WHITFORD, Jun 1, 1843, aged 20
~ Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. ~
Ellen Adelia, infant of George W. & Adelia B. WOODWARD, Sep 2, 1841, aged 3 wks.
~ "It is well." 2 Kings, iv. 26. ~
Mr. James WRIGHT, Mar 27, 1826, aged 51 yrs
Mrs. Dorcas WRIGHT, his wife, Nov 22, 1846, aged 71 yrs
~ Mourn not, dear children, though we sleep ~ Beneath this cold damp sod; ~ For soon the last, loud trup will sound, ~ To raise us up to God ~
Timothy Page, son of Mr. James WRIGHT & Mrs. Dorcas, his wife, Sep 22, 1801, aged 20 months.
Miss Margaret, daughter of Mr. James & Mrs. Dorcas WRIGHT, May 10, 1832, aged 20
~ Her months of affliction are o'er, ~ Her days and nights of distress; ~ We see her in anguish no more, ~ She's gained a happy release ~
Jonathan WOOLLEY, Jul 22, 1766, in the 65th year of his age
Samuel WOOLLEY, Nov 25, 1773, in the 70th year of his age
Dea. James WRIGHT, Dec 24, 1818, aged 73
Mrs. Ruth, wife of Dea James WRIGHT, Jan 6, 1830, aged 82
~ What though to stranger's unaccustomed hand ~ 'Twas left to smooth life's rough & toilsome road? ~ No cold friend's office she now demands, ~ A friend, the best of friends, sustains her, God. ~
Their Children: Ruth, Sep 15, 1775, aged 7. Sally, Sep 1, 1775, aged 4

The absence of head-stones to the memory of many prominent citizens may be accounted for by the erection of family tombs. John REED & John MERRIAM, Esq., erected a tomb for their families in August, 1795, and Capt. Robert PULSIFER in 1824.
Thirteen tombs were built in 1826, and purchased by families as follows:-- -
No. 1. Eleazer DAVIS, Samson SPAULDING, and Amos HARTWELL. The DAVIS family removed to Shawshine Cemetery. The SPAULDING family were deposited in one common grave in the Old Burial Ground, where a granet tablet may be seen, erected by Mrs. Martha R. S. NORRIS, of Iowa, on which is "Sampson SPAULDING and Family."
No. 2. Josiah HILL
No. 3. Mr. Jacob GRAGG & Capt. Timothy PAGE
No. 4. Mrs. Jonathan LANE & Mrs. Stephen LANE
No. 5. Benjamin SIMONDS
No. 6. Uriah & Thomas GOODWIN
No. 7. Mather HAYWARD & Joshua PAGE
No. 8. Capt. David REED
No. 9. Dea. M. CROSBY & Jeremiah FITCH
No. 10. Job LANE, John WHEELER, & Simeon BLODGETT
No. 11. Samuel SAGE, John B. WILSON, David RICE, & Francis WILSON
No. 12. Rev. Samuel STEARNS & E. STEARNS, Esq.
No. 13. A. PRESTON, Esq., & Benjamin BACON.

The following are from "Shawsheen" Cemetery:--
1770, Rev. Samuel STEARNS, 1834. Born in Epping, N.H.; graduated from Harvard College; ordained over the Church of Christ in Bedford, April 27, 1796. Died Dec 26, 1834, in the 65th year of his age and 39th of his ministry
An earnest preacher, a faithful pastor, a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost.
Mrs. Abigail STEARNS, wife of Rev. Samuel STEARNS, daughter of Rev. Samuel FRENCH, of Andover. Born May 29, 1776; d. Dec 2, 1858, in the 83d year of her age.
Wise and good, respected and beloved, she sleeps in Jesus, and her memory is precious.
Josiah A. STEARNS, A.M., Ph.D., son of Rev. Samuel STEARNS. Born Sep 1, 1812; d. Sep 8, 1883
For thirty-nine years in the service of the city of Boston, as usher in the Adams and head-master of the Mather, Lawrence & Norcross schools.
Peter, a Revolutionary soldier, freed slave of Rev. Josiah STEARNS, Epping, N.H., faithful hired servant of Rev. Samuel STEARNS. Born 1750, d. 1807
A good Christian [Peter "FREEMAN", served in the Revolutin, was freed by his master, Rev. Josiah STEARNS, of New Hampshire, whose son, Rev. Samuel, met him in Boxford, Mass., many years after, and took him to his home and cared for him till death. He was buried near the door of the tomb where the body of Rev. Samuel STEARNS lay for many years.]
Jonathan LANE, fifth generation from Job LANE, the head of the family in this country. Born in Bedford, Jan 27, 1788. Removed to Boston in 1824. Returned to his native town in 1847, and died Nov 12, 1860, aged 72.
~ Simple, earnest, charitable; a genial friend, a liberal citizen, a humble Christian. ~
Ruhamah, wife of Jonathan LANE, daughter of Nathaniel & Sarah PAGE. Born in Bedford, may 1, 1778; married Jul 27, 1815, and survived her beloved husband twenty-two years.
~ By her strong, attractive, and original character, became a conspicuous and honored representative of the two families. She died Jun 19, 1882, aged 94 yrs ~
Samuel W., son of Jonathan & Ruhamah LANE. Died Mar 25, 1856, aged 35 yrs
~ A dutiful son and affectionate brother, a faithful, generous friend. Born in Bedford, early removed to Boston. He was known for uprightness, sincerity, and truth; for kindness to the poor, sympathy with the unfortunate and oppressed, and for a consistent Christian life. The active service of which he has exchanged for the "Rest of the people of God." |