Vital Records Of Attleborough Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By The Essex Institute Salem, Mass. 1934
Marriages - STEARNS to VORCE
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

STEARNS (Starns, Stearnes)
Abigail [Starns. int.], Mrs., of A., and Lemuel Stratton of Foxborough, Dec. ----, 17-. [1787. int.]
John [Capt. int.], of A., and [Mrs. int.] Mary Pettee [Petty. int.] of Dedham, Sept. 29, 1756.
John (Stearnes), jr., and Rachil Day, both of A., int. Sept. 24, 1757.
Joseph, and Rhoda Tingley, both of A., int. July 13, 1774.
Mary [Mrs. int.], of A., and [Col. int.] Sabin Mann of Medfield, May 1, 1785.
Phebe, and John Bradford, June 10, 1761.
Rebeckah (Stearnes), of A., and Jeams Daggett of Rehoboth, int. Oct. 1, 1757.
Ruth (Stearnes), and Samuell Slack, both of A., int. Oct. 18, 1765.
STEPHENS ( Stephans, Stevens)
Hiram (Stevens), unm., of Kirby, Vt., a. 24 y., house carpenter, s. W[illia]m and Betsey, and Nancy Martin [Marten. int.], unm., of A., a. 22 y., d. Jona[than] and Nancy, Mar. 20, 1848.
John, and Rachel Freeman [both of A. int.], Nov. 22, 1728.
John, and Sarah Titus [both of A. int.], Dec. 6, 1733.
John (Stevens), and Hannah Horsford, wid., both of A., int. May 1, 1756.
Lucy, unm., of Cumberland, and Samuel Slack of A., int. Apr. 5, 1822.
Lydia, and Samuel Daggett, both of A., int. Oct. 20, 1787.
Martha (Stephans), and Nathan Hervey [Harve, both of A. int.], Apr. 30, 1741.
Rachel (Stevens), d. John, and John Follett, Sept. 8, 1748.
Experance Davice [Davie, unm. int.], and Orin Lindsey, both of A., May 24, 1821.
Hannah, of Pembroke, and Reuben Neal of A., int. Oct. 24, 1801.
Loisa C. [Louisa L. C.R.2.], unm., of West Bridgewater, and Rev. Plummer Chase of Carver, Feb. 2, 1829.
STEVENS, see Stephens.
Anna S[mith. int.; Stimpson. C.R.1.], and Hiram W[ashington. int.] Titus, both of A., June 7, 1821. [June 17. C.R.1.]
Anna, of Norton, and Enoch Hunt, jr. of A., int. July 18, 1778.
Jane Francis, and Truman Ives Brown, both of A., int. Apr. 13, 1848.
Larned, widr., of Norton, a. 53 y., farmer, s. Nathan[i]el and Rebecca, and Rosa Harris, wid. [Miss. int.], of A., a. 47 y., housekeeper, d. Daniel and Alice, May 24 [1848.]
Mason, Col., widr., of Norton, a. 44 y., manufacturer, s. Nath[anie]l, of Norton, and Mary H. Holman, unm., of A., a. 37 y., d. Nathan, May 20, 1845.
Polly, of Norton, and William Stanley of A., int. Feb. 1, 1786.
Sarrah, of Norton, and Zephniah Bishop of A., Aug. 8, 1765.
Selinda, of A., and Henry Wilber Simmons [Simons. int.], Feb. 25, 1839.
Eliza Eddy, unm., of Swansea, and Pardon Allen of A., int. Aug. 15, 1813.
Nancy A., unm., of Taunton, and Amos P. Fisher of A., int. Aug. 23, 1835.
Susan M., of Pawtucket, and Joseph Sweetland of North Providence, R.I., Nov. 6, 1838.
Lemuel, of Foxborough, and Mrs. Abigail Stearns [Starns. int.] of A., Dec. ----, 17-. [1787. int.]
Polly [unm. int.], and Adonijah Lewis, both of A., Nov. 10, 1822.
Richard, and Sarah Newel, Feb. 7, 1750-51.
STREETER (Streator, Streetor)
Abigail, and Abraham Barrows, int. July 7, 1739.
Alles, of A., and Robart ---ap of Bellingham, int. Mar. 21, 1723-4.
Benjaman, of Wrentham, and Elezebeth Bumpons of A., int. Apr. 19, 1746.
Chloe, and Neel McDaniel, both of A., int. Jan. 13, 1779.
Hannah, and Benjamin Tree, Feb. 20, 1723-4.
Isaiah (Streator), of A., and Elezebeth Barney of Rehoboth, int. July 20, 1746.
Isiah, and Hannah Day, Nov. 2, 17-.
Jacob, of Hinsdale, and Tirzah Tyler [unm. int. P.R.46.], of A., Nov. 25, 1802.
Jemima, wid., and Lt. Samuel Tingley, both of A., int. Aug. 11, 1764.
John, of A., and Judith Shores of Wrentham, Aug. 1, 1716.
John (Streetor), and Miriam Day [both of A. int.], Oct. 31, 1733.
John R., and Hannah Sweet, unm., both of A., Apr. 29, 1833.
Joseph, and Elizabeth Titus, June 4, 1717.
Judeth, wid., and Edward Day, both of A., int. Mar. 20, 1738.
Lewes S., of Cumberland, R.I., and Adaline Richards, unm., of A., int. Dec. 28, 1828.
Betsey [Elizabeth. int.], of A., and William Tiffany, Apr. 12, 1787.
Amelia, unm., of A., and Salmon Washburn of Taunton, Apr. 7, 1833.
Betsy, unm., and John Titus, both of A., May 12, 1799.
Deuty, of A., and Loney Whipple of Cumberland, int. Feb. 4, 1798.
Ebenezer, jr., of A., and Rhoda Cargill of Cumberland, int. Jan. 12, 1777.
Ebenezer, of A., and Elisabeth Whiting, wid., of Roxbury, int. Oct. 13, 1780.
Jesse, and Fanny Everett [Everrett, unm. int.], both of A., May 13, 1810.
Lois, of A., and Abial Baker of Smithfield, int. May 21, 1778.
Moley, of A., and Ibrock Whiple of Cumberland, R.I., int. Feb. 10, 1776.
Robert, of A., and Mary Brown of Cumberland, int. June 29, 1776.
Peter, of A., and Nancy Carr, unm., of Newport, R.I., int. Dec. 13, 1835.
SWEET (Sweate)
Abigail, and Benjamin Ide, jr. [both of A. int.], Sept. 16, 1752.
Allanson, see Sweet, Manson.
Allepha M., unm., of A., and Joel E. Shaw of Mansfield, int. Nov. 6, 1846.
Almira, unm., of Pawtucket, and Russell Robinson of A., int. Mar. 12, 1831.
Amos, and Hannah Richardson, both of A., int. Oct. 9, 1762.
Amos, and Sally Sweet [both of A. int.], June 16, 1796.
Amos, jr., of A., and Mary Thrasher, unm., of Rehoboth, int. Mar. 8, 1833.
Amos, jr., of A., and Sarah Thrasher [unm. int.] of Rehoboth, Mar. ----, 1838. [Mar. 5. C.R.2.]
Ann E., unm., of A., a. 26 y., d. Leverett and Lydia, and Wyat Manchester, unm., of Bristol, R.I., a. 26 y., manufacturer, May 3, 1848.
Barshaba, and Walter Tyler, both of A., int. Mar. 23, 1790.
Benjamin, and Susanna Foster, both of A., Jan. 1, 1761.
Calvin, and Nancy Tyler, both of A., May 26, 1793. C.R.1.
Charles D., unm., of A., a. 25 y., farmer, s. Reuben H. and Mary, and Ruth A. Blackinton, unm., of Wrentham, a. 23 y., d. Willard D. and Keziah, Mar. 16, 1849.
Ciarisa [unm. int.], and Wilard Blackinton [Willard Blackington. C.R.2.], both of A., Apr. 11, 1822.
Cyril S., of A., and Mercy A. Richmond, unm., of Norton, int. Jan. 23, 1842.
Daniel D., of A., and Amanda Tracy, unm., of Providence, R.I., int. Feb. 23, 1833.
Dexter, and Lucy Dunham, both of A., int. Mar. 9, 1799.
Dorothy [of A. int.], and Joseph Smith [of Easton. int.], Mar. 4, 1734-5.
Eb[e]nezer, and Neomi Daggett, both of A., int. May 19, 1764.
Ebenezer, and Desier Dagget, both of A., Nov. 14, 1782. P.R.81.
Elesibeth, and Abel Read, both of A., int. Jan. 24, 1789.
Elias, and Abigel Forster, both of A., Apr. 15, 1794.
Eliza A. [unm. int.], and Charles B. Richardson, both of A., Mar. 3, 1842.
Elizabeth, and Benjamin Ingraham, May 15, 1718.
Elizebeth, and Nehemiah Carpenter [both of A. int.], Sept. 16, 1752.
Experiance [2d. int.], and Elkanah Carpenter, both of A., Jan. 9, 1794.
Fanny [unm. int. P.R.46.], and Jabel [Jabes. int.] Ingraham, both of A., Nov. 1, 1804.
Gedion, jr., and Esther Richardson, both of A., int. Mar. 27, 1799.
Gideon, and Experience Whit, both of A., int. Dec. 28, 1771.
Gidion, of A., and Sarah Smith, unm., of Norton, int. Feb. 21, 1807.
Hannah [Sweeting, wid. int.], and Benjamin Barrows [both of A. int.], May 16, 1742.
Hannah, and Eliphalet Wilmarth, Mar. 15, 1752.
Hannah, and Labin Capron, both of A., int. Sept. 19, 1788.
Hannah [unm. int.], and Forest Foster, both of A., July 28, 1817.
Hannah, unm., and John R. Streeter, both of A., Apr. 29, 1833.
Harriet [unm. int.], and Moses Wilmarth, both of A., Nov. 13, 1816. [1815. C.R.2.]
Henry, and Bathsheba Bolkcom [wid. int.], both of A., Feb. 27, 1746-7.
Henry, jr., and Lucinda Tyler, both of A., int. Apr. 14, 1787.
Henry, of A., and Nabby Green, unm., of Mansfield, int. May 29, 1809.
Hezekiah, and Amy Andrews [Anna Andress, unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 18, 1805.
Hezekiah, jr., unm., of Taunton, a. 25 y., machinist, s. Hezekiah and Ann, and Lydia W. Shaw, unm., of Norton, a. 23 y., d. John and Polly. Oct. 4, 1849.
Jamime, wid., of A., and Josiah Ide of Rehoboth, int. Aug. 24, 1775.
Joabert, unm., of A., a. 27 y., mechanic, s. Amos and Sally, and Eliza Cole, wid. [unm., of A. int.], Feb. 9, 1846. [Feb. 1, C.R.2.]
John, and Hannah Peck, Jan. 22, 1718-19.
John, and Sarah Maclaflen [both of A. int.], Nov. 11, 1730.
John [of A. int.], and Mrs. Elisabeth Brag [Bragg, wid. int.: of Stoughton. P.R.1.], Jan. 10, 1753. [Nov. 15, 1753. int.]
John [jr. int.], and Jamima Freeman [both of A. int.], Aug. 30 [17-.] [Aug. 4, 1753. int.]
John, of A., and Mary Austin, unm., of Dighton, int. Dec. 7, 1803.
Leander, of A., and Orinda Horr [Hor, unm. int.] of Rehoboth, Sept. 16, 1811.
Leonard, of A., and Lemira Field [unm. int.] of Foxborough, Jan. 2, 1806.
Leprelet, and Lidia Dunham [unm. int.], both of A., Nov. 13, 1820. C.R.2.
Leprelite, widr., of A., a. 53 y., farmer, s. Gide[o]n and Experience, and Hannah [H. C.R.2 and int.] Manchester, unm., of Bristol [R.I. C.R.2.], a. 48 y., d. Hale and Polly, Nov. 26, 1849.
Lydia, and Elijah Capron, jr., both of A., June 29, 1800.
Manson [Allanson. int.], of A., and Betsey [S. int.] Richmond [unm. int.] of Norton, July 20, 1812.
Margaret [unm. int.], and Vinton Richardson, jr., both of A., July 20, 1806. C.R.2.
Margarett [unm. int.], and Nathan Hawes, both of A., Apr. 2, 1821.
Mary Ann, unm., of Norton, and Augustus A. Starkey of A., int. Apr. 21, 1844.
Michael, and Rachel Foster, both of A., int. Jan. 16, 1762.
Michael, jr., and Phebe French, both of A., int. Jan. 8, 1784.
Minda [unm. int.], of A., and Daniel Babcock of Rehoboth, Sept. 17, 1807. C.R.2.
Nancy [unm. int. P.R.46.], and Lemual Ingraham, both of A., May 14, 1801. C.R.2.
Nancy B., unm., and Milton Cummings, both of A., Nov. 26, 1840.
Phebe, unm., of Johnson, R.I., and George West of A., int. Sept. 23, 1816.
Polly [unm. C.R.2.], and Capt. Thomas French, both of A., Jan. 1, 1801.
Polly [unm. int.], of A., and Zopher Skinner of Norton, May 4, 1817.
Rachel, 2d, and Otis Capron, both of A., Jail. 3, 1794.
Rachel F. [unm. int.], of A., and Albert P. Briggs, Nov. 19, 1840.
Rebeckah, and [Elijah. int.] Ingraham, both of A., Feb. 2, 1792.
Rebekah, and Noah Fuller, jr., both of A., int. Dec. 12, 1767.
Rhoda, and [Elijah. int.] Welman, both of A., June 28, 1759.
Salley [unm. int.], and Luther Saton [Eaton. int. and C.R.1.], both of A., June 3, 1821.
Sally, and Amos Sweet [both of A. int.], June 16, 1796.
Sarah, and Benj[amin] Freeman, both of A., int. Nov. 21, 1761.
Sarah, and Eb[e]nezer Willmarth, both of A., int. May 26, 1764.
Sarah R. [K. C.R.2.], and Horatio Bates, both of Norton, Sept. 26, 1838.
Sarrah, of A., and William Lane of Norton, Oct. 12, 1748.
Sullivan, and Polly Dunham [unm. int. P.R.46], both of A., Aug. 2, 1807. C.R.2.
Thomas, and Rebecca Peck [both of A. int.], Nov. 12, 1728.
Thomas, jr., and Margaret Foster, both of A., int. Oct. 11, 1766.
[Tho]mas, jr., and Nancy Tyler, 2d, both of A., Nov. 17, 1791.
Thomas, and [Mrs. C.R.2.], Elizabeth Carpenter, wid. [Miss. int.], both of A., Nov. 3, 1805.
Zebidiah (Sweate), of A., and Rebeckah Perey of Rehoboth, int. Aug. 12, 1770.
Elisabeth, wid., of A., and Capt. Peter Coombs, "in the Armey," int. Nov. 16, 1778.
Ezebiah, of Wrentham, and Willy Ware of A., int. Oct. 13, 1728.
Hannah, and Joseph Barrows, May 6, 1742. C.R.1.
Henry, of Providence, and Hannah Crabtree of A., int. Sept. 4, 1731.
Henry, and Elizebeth Barrows, both of A., int. Sept. 12, 1758.
John, of A., and Ruth Read of Rehoboth, int. Nov. 28, 1767.
SWEETLAND (Swetland)
Abigal [unm. int.], and William May, both of A., Jan. 23, 1814.
Albert D., and Hannah S. Sweetland, unm., both of A., May 4, 1828.
Benjamin, of A., and Cloey Gould of Cumberland, int. Aug. 19, 1784.
Betsey [unm, int.], annd Eliphalet Holmes, jr., both of A., Mar. 2, 1820.
Betsy, unm., and Benjamin Bolkcome [Bolkcom. int.], jr., both of A., June 23, 1822.
Bettey, of A., and Nathaniel Shepardson [jr. int.] of Cumberland, int. Dec. 30, 1778. P.R.81.
Betty, of A., and Agalus [Agabus. int.] Bishop of Fitzwilliam, Feb. 22, 1790.
Bowen, and Nancy Bates, both of A., Dec. 7, 1780. P.R.81.
Calista, unm., and Russel Park, both of A., Sept. 22, 1829.
Celinda, unm., of A., a. 49 y., spinster, d. Clark, and Naaman Fuller, widr., of A., a. 35 y., laborer, s. Eben, July 14, 1844.
Clark, and Nancy [Hannah. int.] Shepard, unm., both of A., Nov. 28, 1799.
Clerk, of A., and Elizabeth Hancoc[k] of Wrentham, June 3, 1784.
David, of A., and Hephzibath Titus of Mansfield, Feb. 10, 1774.
Deborah, unm., of A., and Comfort More of Cumberland, R.I., int. May 25, 1807.
Easer, of A., and Daniel Smith, jr. of Cumberland, int. Feb. 2, 1753.
Eliza Ann, unm., and Otis Atherton, both of A., int. July 31, 1830.
Esther, of A., and Jabez Gould, jr. of Cumberland, int. Mar. 15, 1766.
[Geor]ge, of A., and Nancy Walker, unm., of Cumberland, Dec. 30, 1794.
Hannah S., unm., and Albert D. Sweetland, both of A., May 4, 1828.
James, of A., and Mary Shepardson of Cumberland, int. Apr. 29, 1780.
Jane C., unm., and Penuel [C. int.] Bowen, both of A., May 23, 1833.
John, and Elizabeth Fuller, both of A., Apr. 30, 1716.
John (Swetland), jr., and Elezebeth Fuller, both of A., int. June 1, 1745.
John, jr., and Lydiah Bowing, wid., both of A., int. Jan. 12, 1754.
John, of Douglass, and Sarah Wood of A., int. Apr. 8, 1773.
John W., and Amy Holmes, unm., both of A., Apr. 8, 1804.
Joseph, of North Providence, R.I., and Susan M. Strange of Pawtucket, Nov. 6, 1838.
Lucy, unm., and Lovett Haven, both of A., int. Apr. 28, 1821.
Lydia, of A., and [En]och Arnold of Cumberland, May 1, 1783.
Lydia [unm. int.], and Abner Palsey [Palsy. int.], both of A., Nov. 22, 1811.
Lydia [E. int.], unm., of A., and Delfor B. Tucker of Windham, Ct., Feb. 5, 1832.
Margery, and Jabez Gould, Apr. 21, 1719.
Mary, wid., of A., and David Walker of North Providence, Aug. 17, 179-.
Mary, unm., and Loammi Day, jr., both of A., int. Oct. 4, 1806.
Mehetabell, and Joseph Reaze, both of A., int. May 30, 1741.
Nancy B., unm., and James Fairbanks, jr., both of A., int. May 27, 1821.
Nelson B., of A., and Abby C. Dana, unm., of Providence, R.I., int. Oct. 19, 1826.
Oliver, of A., and Cyntha Bowen [Brown. int.] of Cumberland, Sept. 29, 1793.
Rebeckah (Swetland), of A., and Ageubus Bishop of Cumberland, int. Aug. 25, 1764.
Rufus, of A., and Mrs. Clarisa Bell of Cumberland, R.I., int. July 29, 1803.
Ruth, of A., and James Cumings of Providence, int. July 1, 1732.
Ruth, and John Bates, both of Foxborough, Feb. 17, 1796. C.R.2.
Samuel [of Rehoboth. int.], and Easther Robbins [of A. int.], Sept. 20, 1733.
Samuel, jr., and Elisabeth Bradford, Dec. 28, 1749.
Samuel, and Abigail Titus, both of A., int. Aug. 5, 1775.
Susan, unm., of A., and Elisha Tingley of [Killingly. int.], Ct., June 9, 1825.
William, of A., and Mindwall Howard of Cumberland, int. Feb. 2, 1753.
William, and Agness Woods, both of A., int. Jan. 4, 1766.
William, Lt., of A., and Sarah Arnold of Cumberland, int. Oct. 2, 1779.
Zerviah, and Peter Clark of Cumberland, int. Nov. 2, 1759.
John, and Roxana Field [unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 15, 1818.
Lawton, and Eunice Lane, both of A., Aug. 31, 1809.
Nabby, and Samuel Gardner, both of A., Nov. 4, 1790.
Cynthia, unm., of Woonsocket, and Timothy S. Fuller of A., int. Mar. 26, 1842.
Solomon, of Upton, and Hepsabah Blackinton [unm. int.] of A., Dec. 30, 1818.
TALLMAN, see Tolman.
Hugh, and Lydia Night, unm., both of A., int. Jan. 15, 1808.
Sarah, Mrs. [Miss. int.], and Capt. Abial Dunham, both of A., July 2, 1810.
TAYLOR (Tailor, Tayler)
Alice (Tailor), and Noah Makinson, ----, 1802. P.R.68.
Ebenezar, and Priscilla Kelly [Killy, unm. int.], both of A., Aug. 22, 1814.
John, and Mary Nuttell, Apr. 26, 1771. P.R.68.
Polley [Tayler. int.], and John Samuel Sensibo [Sansabe, both of A. int.], Nov. 16, 1796.
Samuel, and Harriet H. Price, unm., both of A., Jan. 14, 1834.
Katharine, wid., of A., and Ezekel Force of Wrentham, int. Feb. 10, 1786.
THACHER (Thatcher)
Ann F. [T. int.], unm., and Hervey [Harvey. int.] Claflin, both of A., Jan. 1, 1828.
Bethiah, 2d, and Noah Blanding, both of A., int. Aug. 28, 1790.
John, and Sarah Richardson, both of A., Dec. 7, 1780.
Love [wid., of Providence. int.], and Sam[ue]ll Day [of A., July. int.] 17, 1753.
Mercy, and John Tyler, jr., both of A., int. May 14, 1768.
Mercy [unm. int. P.R.46], and Timothy Bolkcom [Bolcom. int.], both of A., Sept. 23, 1802. [int. Sept. 20, 1803. P.R.46]
Moses (Thatcher), and Sarah Read, both of A., Apr. 1, 1793. C.R.1.
Moses (Thatcher), and Henritta Wilmarth [unm. int.], both of A., Sept. 25, 1822.
Moses, Dea. [of Ridgefield, O. int.], and Mary Read, unm. [wid. int. and C.R.1.], both of A., Sept. 21, 1829.
Nathan Prince, and Nancy Lawton [Laton. C.R.2; Laten, unm. int.], both of A., Jan. 19, 1806.
Peter, Rev. ["The Minister." C.R.2.], and Mrs. Bithiah Carpenter, Nov. 31, 1749. [Nov. 30. C.R.2.]
Peter, jr., and Nanna Tyler, both of A., int. Mar. 4, 1778.
Peter, jr., and Seloma Dunham, both of A., May 7, 1804.
Peter, Dea., of A., and Susan Pratt, wid., of Foxborough, int. Dec. 23, 1825.
Phebe [unm. int. P.R.46], of A., and Elias Ingraham of Rehoboth, Apr. 16, 1807. C.R.2.
Samuel, and Betty [Betsy. C.R.2.] Carpenter, both of A., Feb. 4, 17-. [1793. C.R.2.]
THAYER (Tayer, Thare, Thayr)
Abiather, jr., of A., and Phebe Richmand, unm., of Norton, int. Aug. 20, 1820.
Abiather H., unm., of A., a. 21 y., farmer, s. Abiather, and Abby Rosanna Blanding, unm., of A., a. 25 y., d. Noah, Nov. 25, 1847.
Benj[amin] H. (Tayer), of Newport, R.I., and Mary H. Claflen, unm., of A., int. Apr. 8, 1837.
Benjamin L., and Joanna Codding, unm., both of A., int. Mar. 13, 1842.
Betsey, unm., and W[illia]m Freeman, both of A., int. Dec. 4, 1819.
Charles, and Sally Witherill, both of Wrentham, Mar. 7, 1816.
Elisabeth, of Norton, and Lt. Joseph Guild of A., int. Feb. 3, 1775.
Esther, unm., of Wrentham, and Elias White of A., int. Apr. 28, 1814.
Hannah, and [Alvin. C.R.1.] Bassett [Basset. C.R.1.], both of Norton, May 17, 1792.
James, and Rebekah Perry, Feb. 10, 1825. P.R.40.
John (Thare), of Mendon, and Mary Spencer, wid., of A., int. Dec. 22, 1769.
Lois, of Cumberland, and Levi Lane of A., int. Feb. 1, 1800.
Lydia Lincoln Dean, unm., and Gardner Dunham, both of A., Apr. 11, 1831.
Lydia S. [T. C.R.2.], unm., of A., and Horatio N. Martin, unm., of A., manufacturer, s. Daniel, Nov. 28, 1844.
Melancy (Thayr), unm., of A., and Gilbert Hicks of Rehoboth, int. Nov. 18, 1825.
Sally, unm., and Luke Herring, both of A., Sept. 8, 1825.
Susannah, unm., of Mansfield, and Scott Fuller of A., int, Apr. 12, 1807.
Miriam, of Bridgewater, and Amos Starkey of A., Dec. 6, 1780.
Phillip H., unm., of A., a. 22 y., jeweler, s. Henry N. and Eunic[e], and Mary C. Ellis, unm. [of A. int.], a. 19 y., d. Joel and Mehittable, Sept. 11, 1849.
Sylvanus, and Rachel Robinson, June 14, 1805. P.R.15.
Sylvanus, of New Bedford, and Agnes J. Martin of Middleborough, May 20, 1840.
William, and Mary Tingley, both of A., int. June 9, 1785.
THOMPSON (Thomson, Tompson, Tomson)
Alexander, of Boston, and Hannah R. Tyler, unm., of A., int. Feb. 6, 1847.
Deborah, of Mendon, and Ephraim Hall of A., Dec. 25, 1773. [1739. P.R.72.]
Hann[ah] (Tomson), and Sam[ue]ll Jackson, both of A., int. May 19, 17-.
John, of Seekonk, and Sharlot Walter, unm., of A., int. Oct. 16, 1820.
John, of Cincinnati, O., and Lydia Barrows, unm., of A., int. Aug. 2, 1837.
Lucy B., unm., of Wrentham, and Willard D. Blackinton of A., int. July 3, 1823.
Mary (Thomson), and John Pilsbery, both of A., int. Mar. 22, 1728-9.
Moses [Tomson. int.], of Franklin, and Betsy Dacy [Dary. C.R.2; unm. int.] of A., Sept. 26, 1816.
Prutia (Tompson), of Norton, and Daniel White of Mansfield, Dec. 12, 1817.
Rachel Chandler (Thomson), unm., of Rehoboth, and Lewis Kent of A., int. Oct. 16, 1829.
Reuben, and Malley [Polly. dup. and int.] Fuller, wid., both of A., Oct. 10, 1808. [1809. dup.]
Reuben, of Providence, R.I., and Mary Whitemor [Whittimore. int.], unm., of A., Nov. 5, 1824.
Rubin, of North Providence, and Mary Fuller of A., int. Nov. 24, 1802.
THRASHER (Thrasha, Thresher)
Catherine C. [unm. int.], and Nelson Capron, both of A., Nov. 1. 1841.
Jason (Thrasha), and Anna Draper, both of A., June 14, 1800. [June 15. C.R.1.]
Maria, and Bradford Dean, July 5, 1826. P.R.26.
Mary, unm., of Rehoboth, and Amos Sweet, jr. of A., int. Mar. 8, 1833.
Nancy B. (Thresher), unm., of Willington, and Abel S. Littlewood of A., int. Dec. 30, 1825.
Sarah [unm. int.], of Rehoboth, and Amos Sweet, jr. of A., Mar. ----, 1838. [Mar. 5. C.R.2.]
Albert D., and Harriet R. Allen, unm., both of A., Nov. 25, 1839. C.R.2.
Alfred W., and Mehetable W. Short, unm., both of A., int. Apr. 20, 1833.
Betsey D., Mrs., of A., and Richmond Hazard of Portsmouth, R.I., int. Oct. 5, 1843.
Betsy M., unm., and Joseph W. [M. int.] Davis, both of A., Apr. 7, 1834.
Celinda A., of A., and Howard Drake of Stoughton, h. Stoughton, Nov. 20, 1845.
Eveline, see Fuller Eveline.
Ezra T., and [Mrs. int.] Rebeckah Fisher, both of A., Aug. 27, 1815.
John, of Swanzey, and Sarah Leonard of A., Jan. 7, 1713-14.
Mary, of Rehoboth, and Jonathan Wilmarth, July 12, 1747.
Nathaniel J., of A., and Roda M. Peck, unm., of Rehoboth, int. Apr. 2, 1843.
Rebecah, unm., and Otis Artherton [Atherton. int.], both of A., Nov. 1, 1831.
William, and Mrs. Lynda Woodcock [Miss Lynda Ide int.], both of A., Mar. 15, 1821.
William, widr., yeoman, and Tenta Wilmarth, unm., both of A., Dec. 27, 1843.
William N., and Mary Lothrop [Lathrop. int.], unm., both of A., Apr. 4, 1830.
Deborah, and Hezekiah Lane, both of A., int. May 16, 1777.
Mehitable, of Taunton [Freetown. int.], and Richards Joslin [Joslen. int.] of A., Oct. 16, 1729.
TIFFANY (Tifaney, Tiffaney, Tiffeney, Tiffeny, Tiffiney, Tiffney, Tifiney)
Annah (Tiffiney), and Benjamin Stanley, jr., both of A., int. Feb. 15, 1766.
Barshaba, of A., and Benjamin Linsey of Rehoboth, int. Oct. 22, 1786.
Betsey [Tiffeny. C.R.1; unm. int.], of A., and [T]erpin [Turpin. int.] H. Arnold of Smithfield, R.I., Dec. 1, 1808.
Bettey (Tiffeney), and John Fisher, jr., both of A., int. Oct. 24, 1757.
Bithiah (Tifaney), and Eben[eze]r Claflen [Claffland. C.R.2.], Nov. 16 [1749.]
Comfort, and Chloe Draper, both of A., Feb. 24, 1803.
Content [Tente, unm. int.], and John Adams Read, both of A., Dec. 1, 1814.
Daniel, 2d, of A., and Miriam Hodges, 2d, of Norton, Apr. 17, 1760.
Daniel, and Bathsheba Bolkcom, int. Feb. 13, 1762.
Daniel, and Mary Woodcock, both of A., int. Apr. 17, 1762.
Daniel, Jr., of A., and Margarett Perry of Rehoboth, int. Mar. 7, 1801.
Daniel, unm., of Sidney, Me., gentleman, b. Sidney, Me., s. Daniel, of Sidney, Me., and Betsey Maria Hall, unm., of A., d. John, Apr. 12, 1842.
Ebenezer, and Molly Carpenter, both of A., Feb. 9, 1758.
Ebenezer, and Cynthia Tingley, both of A., Jan. 19, 1786. P.R.81.
Eben[eze]r, of North Providence, and Mary Bolkcom, unm., of Pawtucket, Nov. 14, 1830.
Elizabeth [Mrs., of A. int.], and Andrew Grover [of Norton. int.], Apr. 23, 1734.
Ester [Mrs. int.], of A., and Samuel Carpenter of Rehoboth, Apr. 19, 1795. [Mar. 21, 1797. int.]
Gideon, Dr., of A., and Mrs. [wid. int.] Sarah Farrer [Ferrer. int.] of Norton, Feb. 8, 1759.
Hosea (Tiffaney), and Anna Willmarth, both of A., int. Jan. 9, 1779.
Humphery (Tiffeney), of A., and Phebe Brown of Smithfield, int. Nov. 16, 1771.
James, jr., and Elizabeth Allen [both of A. int.], Nov. 11, 1725.
James (Tiffney), Jr., of A., and Keziah Tiffney of Norton, int. Oct. 12, 1753.
John, and Deliverance Parmiter, May 26, 1737.
John, of A., and Martha [Ruthey. int.] Clap of Mansfield, Mar. 28, 1782.
Joseph, and Charlotte Capron, both of A., int. Mar. 23, 1790.
Joseph A., and Eunice C. Bradford, unm., both of A., May 26, 1824.
Keziah, and John Lane [both of A. int.], June 6, 1734.
Keziah (Tiffney), of Norton, and James Tiffney, jr. of A., int. Oct. 12, 1753.
Lydia, and Nathaniel Daggett [both of A. int.], Apr. 30, 1724.
Martha, wid., of Norton, and Benjamin Day, jr. of A., int. Feb. 2, 1753.
Martha (Tifiney), and Thomas Willmarth, both of A., int. Apr. 20, 1770.
Molly, unm., and Jacob Cushman, both of A., June 23, 1799.
Noah, of A., and Hannah Carpenter of Cumberland, int. Jan. 3, 1781.
Noah, of A., and Mary Olney of Smithfield, int. Sept. 25, 1786.
Otis, and Nancy Day, both of A., Oct. 2, 1796.
Philena, unm., and [Sa]muel Newell, jr., both of A., Apr. 4, 1793.
Samuel, and Mary Richardson [both of A. int.], Feb. 11, 1730-31.
Samuel [jr. int.], of A., and Hannah Balcom of Norton [of Newton. int.], June 2, 1769.
Tenty, see Tiffany, Content.
Tho[ma]s (Tiffaney), and Meletiah Tingley, both of A., int. Jan. 9, 1779.
William, and Betsey [Elizabeth. int.] Swain of A., Apr. 12, 1787.
TIFFT (Tift)
Albert C., of A., and Catharine F. Coombs. unm., of Lowell, int. Aug. 4, 1833.
Horace, and Orinda Blackinton, unm., both of A., Nov. 23, 1825.
John, and Azuba Blackinton, unm., both of A., Dec. 24, 1823.
Louisa (Tift), of Wrentham, and William S. Lincoln of A., June 20, 1819.
Stephen (Tift), of Cumberland, and Lois Guild, unm., of A., Nov. 14, 1799.
Lidia [Titus of A. int.], and Ezekel Robbins [of Walpole. int.], Jan. 7, 1755.
Betsey A., and Allen M. Bates, at Connecticut, Sept. 30, 1848. P.R.54.
Hannah Amanda, unm., of East Greenwich, R.I., and Charles Anthony of A., int. Aug. 22, 1837.
Harriett M., unm., of Wrentham, and James W. Schenck of A., int. Mar. 29, 1834.
Joseph, see Jilson, Joseph.
TINGLEY (Tingly)
Abby C., unm., of A., and Chauncy Shepard [Shephard. C.R.1.], of Providence, R.I., May 27, 1829.
Ann E., unm., of A., and Leprilett Loge of Fall River, int. Apr. 10, 1847.
Areunah, and Kezia Pitcher, int. Oct. 26, 1765.
Benjamin, Lt., of A., and Mrs. Elizabeth Filbrocks of Cumberland, int. Sept. 8, 1785.
Betsey, and Stephen Pitt [Pits. int.] Morse, both of A., Feb. 22, 1798.
Betsy, and Elijah Hews, both of A., Nov. 1, 1792. C.R.1.
Binjamin, and Sibilah Fuller [both of A. int.], Jan. 24, 1765.
Chloe, and Samuel Titus, both of A., June 25, 17-. [1789. int.]
Cloe, and Isaac Draper, both of A., int. Oct. 28, 1769.
Cylinda [Selenda. int.], and William Read, both of A., May 24, 1792. C.R.1.
Cynthia, and Ebenezer Tiffany, both of A., Jan. 19, 1786. P.R.81.
Daniel, and Hannah Slack, both of A., int. Nov. 5, 1743.
Elisha, of [Killingly. int.], Ct., and Susan Sweetland, unm., of A., June 9, 1825.
Elkanah, of A., and Prescella Aldrige of Smithfield, int. Jan. 25, 1779.
Ephraim, of A., and Elizebeth Birchard of Norwich, int. Aug. 1, 1730.
Hannah, of A., and Elkanah Lane of Norton, June 10, 1742.
Hannah, of A., and Robert Nesbot of East Hoosick, int. Mar. 13, 1773.
Henry F., unm., of Providence, R.I., stone sculptor, b. Providence, R.I., s. Sylvanus, of Providence, R.I., and Lucy Ann Draper, unm., of A., d. Isaac, Jan. 17, 1844.
Jemima, wid., and John Robinson, both of A., int. Feb. 20, 1768.
Josiah, and Jemima Crabtree, both of A., int. Oct. 6, 1759.
Loisa, unm., and Richard Everitt, both of A., int. Nov. 6, 1819.
Lucy, and Nathaniel Tower, both of A., int. June 10, 1774.
Lucy, unm., and [Wil]liam Morse, jr., both of A., Apr. 2, 1795.
Lydia, and Thomas Witherton, both of A., int. Sept. 30, 1790.
Martha, of A., and Jonathan Fuller of Cumberland, int. Oct. 30, 1773.
Mary, and William Thomas, both of A., int. June 9, 1785.
Matilda, unm., of A., and Jesse F. Peck of Pelham, int. Jan. 1, 1820.
Meletiah, and Thomas Tiffaney, both of A., int. Jan. 9, 1779.
Molly, of A., and Josiah Seaman of Rehoboth, int. Aug. 15, 1761.
Nathan, of A., and Lucy Barrows of Rehoboth, Jan. 11, 1773.
Otis R. [M. int.], and Anganett Richards [unm. int.], both of A., Sept. 23, 1835.
Patty, and [Jere]miah Pierce [Pearse. int.], both of A., Sept. 29, 1791.
Polly, and Paul Draper, both of A., Feb. 26, 1801.
Rhoda, and Joseph Stearns, both of A., int. July 13, 1774.
Rowena [unm. int.; d. Samuel and Rebekah. P.R.30.], and Josiah Allen, jr., both of A., Sept. 22, 1811.
Ruth, of A., and Aaron Richardson of Providence, int. Oct. 13, 1764.
Samuel, and Hannah Pidge„ Dec. 15, 1713. [1715. dup.]
Samuel, of A., and Margrett Short of Weymouth [d. Rev. Matthew and Margaret (Freeman), at Weymouth. P.R.30.], Feb. 3, 1737. [1735. P.R.30.]
Samuel, Lt., and Jemdma Streeter, wid., both of A., int. Aug. 11, 1764.
Samuel, jr., and Rebeckah Cushman, both of A., int. Feb. 12, 1780.
Samuel, and Aimy Vial, both of A., July ----, 1797. [July 16. C.R.1.]
Samuel, jr., and Rebekah Cushman, d. Jacob and Elizabeth, ----, 1799. P.R.30.
Selenda, see Tingley, Cylinda.
Silvanus, of Providence [R.I. int.], and Rosana [Roxany. int.] Ellis [unm. int.] of A., Oct. 17, 1813.
Tho[ma]s, and Martha [Day, both of A. int.], Nov. 28, 1754.
Thomas, jr., and Elizabeth Tyler, both of A., Oct. 15, 1792. C.R.1.
Thomas, jr., and Betsey Ingraham, both of A., Jan. 27, 1799.
Thomas, of A., and Marcy Brown, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., int. Feb. 3, 1815.
Timothy [Ens. int.], of A., and Ruth Part[ri]dge [Pattridge. int.] of Medfield, May 27, 1730.
Timothy (Tingly), and Abigel Capron, both of A., int. July 17, 1790.
Timothy, and Eunice [Unice. int.] Robinson [unm. int.], both of A., Mar. 17, 1810. [1811. C.R.1.]
Timothy C. [Rev. int.], of Foxborough, and Nancy Bliss, unm., of A., Apr. 3, 1832.
Orlando, of Easton, and Sally [A. int.] Collins, unm., of A., Apr. 21, 1831.
TISDALE (Tisdel)
Esther, of Norton, and Philip Allen of A., Nov. 1, 1781.
Harriet [unm. int.], of North Providence, R.I., and John Draper of A., May 9, 1824.
Israel, jr., of Stoughton, and Almira [Elvira. int.] Ann Cutting, unm., of A., June 9, 1833.
Sarah Ann Read, and Thomas Sandland [unm. int.], both of A., Apr. 24, 1836.
Sarah R., of Fall River, and Joseph J. Freeman, int. May 11, 1849.
Sophey (Tisdel), unm., of Taunton, and David Pidge of A., int. Sept. 20, 1829. "Stoped after once."
TITUS (Titas)
Abigail, and Samuel Sweetland, both of A., int. Aug. 5, 1775.
Alithea, wid., of Rehoboth, and Josiah [Isaiah. int.] Carpenter of A., Sept. 12, 1743. [Aug. 10, 1734. int.]
Benjamin, and Hephzibah Hemingway, May 12, 1720.
Charlotte, unm., of Rehoboth, and Simeon Fisher of A., int. Dec. 27, 1811.
Cordelia Anger [Augus. int.], unm., of A., and Abijah Haskins [Haskans. int.] of Cumberland, R.I., May 21, 1829.
Crawford, and Ann Cozzens [unm. int.], both of A., Nov. 23, 1812.
David, of Monmouth, and Rhode Rounds [unm. int.] of A., Apr. 17, 1817.
Elisabeth, of A., and Simeon Wheeler of Rehoboth, int. Mar. 11, 1780.
Elizabeth, and Joseph Streeter, June 4, 1717.
Erneline, unm., of A., and William Everett Robinson of Hallowell, int. Dec. 7, 1815.
Ezekiel, and Lois Richarson, both of A., int. Nov. 10, 1786.
George W., of Seekonk, and Lyndia Perry [unm. int.] of A., Jan. 8, 1818.
Hannah, and Daniel Day, jr., Aug. 31, 1749.
Hannah, of Rehoboth, and Peter Fesher of A., int. Aug. 27, 1772.
Hephzibath, of Mansfield, and David Sweetland of A., Feb. 10, 1774.
Hezekiah, of Rehoboth, and Freelove Perry of A., int. July 19, 1746.
Hiram W[ashington. int.], and Anna S[mith. int.] Stimson [Stimpson. C.R.1.], both of A., June 7, 1821. [June 17. C.R.1.]
Jane, and Ezra French, both of A., Aug. 22, 1786.
Jemima, of A., and Ezra Perry of Rehoboth, int. Feb. 13, 1762.
Joanna, 2d, see Pettees, Joanna, 2d.
John, and Mary Daggett [both of A. int.], Jan. 18, 1727-8.
John, and Lyda Beats, both of A., int. Apr. 23, 1763.
John, and Betsy Swan, unm., both of A., May 12, 1799.
John, of Monmouth [District of Maine. int.], and Lucinda Ingalls Rounds [unm. int.] of A., Sept. 11, 1809.
Jonathan, of A., and Dorothy Kent of Rehoboth, Apr. 4, 1748.
Jonathan, Dea., and Rebeckah Welman, both of A., Oct. 2, 1780. P.R.81.
Julia [unm. int.], of A., and John Field [jr. int.] of North Providence, R.I., Mar. 5, 1812.
Lidia, see Tile, Lidia.
Lucy, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., and Fitts William H. Knowles of A., int. Sept. 23, 1846.
Lyda, of A., and Timothy Fisher, jr. of Wrentham, int. Dec. 8, 1770.
Lydai, of A., and Peletiah Mason of Cumberland, int. Apr. 7, 1794.
Melancy, unm., and Daman White, both of A., Oct. 21, 1824.
Mercy, and Nathan Wilmarth, jr., Dec. ----, 174-. [Dec. 6, 1748. C.R.2.]
Michael, of A., and Elizabeth Haskins of Rehoboth, Sept. 6, 1738.
Molley, and Josha Evret, jr., both of A., int. Mar. 31, 1764.
Molly, of A., and Ebenezer Walcott of Winthrop, Mar. 20, 17-. [Nov. 9, 1787. int.]
Otis T., of A., and Celistine Walcott, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., June 6, 1826.
Peter, of Rehoboth, and Polly Draper of A., Aug. 24, 1797.
Robert, and Sarah Deering, Nov. 21, 1710.
Robert, and Easter Wilmarth, Robert, and Elezebeth Foster, both of Robert [jr. int.], of A., and Rachel Dec. 9, 1779.
Samuel, and Sarah Bishop [Bishup. int.], both of A., Nov. 29, 1726.
Samuel [of A. int.], and Hepzebeth Skinner [of Norton. int.], Feb. 5, 1735.
Samuel, and Chloe Tingley, both of A., June 25, 17-. [1789. int.]
Samuell, of Rehoboth, and Rachel Fisher of A., int. Apr. 3, 1777.
Sarah, and John Stephens [both of A. int.], Dec. 6, 1733.
Sarah, of A., and Ebenezer Cowel of Wrentham, int. Oct. 11, 1738.
Sarah, of A., and Nathan Wheeler of Rehoboth, int. Dec. 20, 1777.
Silas (Titan) [Titus. int.], of A., and Ruth Turner of Scituate, Aug. 13, 1746.
Silus, of A., and Bethiah Otes of Dighton, int. Aug. 8, 1730.
Simeon, and Hannah Allein, both of A., int. Oct. 18, 1766.
Sylvester, of Norton, and Nancy Draper, unm., of A., Sept. 10, 1797.
William, of Rehoboth, and Bashab Fisher of A., unm., int. Nov. 15, 1772.
William H., of Seekonk, and Almira B. Fisher, unm., of A., Nov. 20, 1825.
Archabald, jr., of Mansfield, and Esther Whiting, unm., of A., Feb. 13, 1821.
TOLMAN (Tallman, Toleman, Tollman)
Anne (Tallman), and Robart Claflen, both of A., int. Jan. 28, 1737.
Johnson, of Stoughton, and Mary Everett [unm. int.] of A., May ----, 1834.
Ruth (Toleman), and Isaac Jackson [both of A. int.], ----, 17-. [Aug. 22, 1755. int.]
Spencer (Toleman) [Tolman. int.], of Foxborough, and Eliza Pond, unm., of A., Nov. 30, 1831.
Thomas, and Mary Pidge, both of A., Apr. 1, 1762.
Thomas (Tolman), Lt., of Wrentham, and Lois Clark of A., Aug. 17, 1780. P.R.81.
William (Toleman), of A., and Chloe White of Mansfield, int. Aug. 23, 1777.
Fredrick A., of A., and Harriett J. Robinson, unm., of Wrentham, int. Oct. 25, 1844.
TORRY (Torrey)
Joseph F., of A., and Julia Razee, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., int. Mar. 9, 1846.
Levi (Torrey), father of Samuel, and Elizabeth Arnold of Charlestown, niece of David Arnold of Norton, ----, 1787. P.R.10.
Samuel (Torrey), and Eunice Day, Aug. 27, 1813. P.R.10.
William D., of A., and Mary Ann Angell, unm., of Coventry, R.I., int. July 31, 1841.
Benjamin Turner, of Westminster, Vt., and Chloe Bates of A., Apr. 25, 1799.
Daniel, and Mary Ann Clark, unm., both of Seekonk, Aug. 4, 1822.
Deborah, of Cumberland, and Nathaniel Jilson of A., int. Jan. 16, 1768.
Gideon, and Martha Standley, both of A., int. Dec. 20, 1745.
Hannah, of A., and William Hancock of Wrentham, July 19, 1733.
John, of A., and Hannah Hancok of Wrentham, int. Oct. 13, 1739.
Joseph, of A., and Juduth Briggs of Taunton, int. Apr. 9, 1743.
Margaret, and Jeremiah Bartlett, both of A., int. Apr. 11, 1730.
Nathaniel, and Lucy Tingley, both of A., int. June 10, 1774.
Patience, and Nathan Carpenter, Dec. 26, 1723.
Sarah, of A., and Elisha Sabin of Dudley, int. June 10, 1732.
Zipporah, and Joseph Jackson [both of A. int.], Jan. 28, 1730-31.
TOWN (Towne)
Abisha, and Lucinda Welman, both of A., Apr. 16, 1793. C.R.1.
Abner (Towne), and Sary Butler, both of A., int. Apr. 12, 1746.
Azubah, unm., and Preston [G. int.] Richards, both of A., Mar. 28, 1824.
Chloe, and Joseph Perry [Perrey. int.], both of A., Mar. 25, 1790.
Lucinda, unm., and Orlin Jackson, both of A., Dec. 21, 1824.
Rosela, unm., and Onesimus Clark, jr., both of A., int. May 10, 1834.
Willard (Towne), of A., and Miranda Richardson, unm., of Wrentham, int. Apr. 6, 1824.
Willard [Towne. int.], and Roxa [Rona. int.] Richardson, unm., both of A., July 12, 1829.
Amanda, of Providence, R.I., and Daniel D. Sweet of A., int. Feb. 23, 1833.
TRAFTON (Traffon)
Benjamin, see Grafton, Benjamin.
Betsy, of Dighton, and Daniel L. Fisher of A., int. Oct. 11, 1835.
John (Traffon), of Dighton, and Patience Simmons of A., Aug. 22, 1751.
Hannah, of North Providence, R.I., and Luther Eberton of A., Jan. 11, 1816.
Emeline, unm., of Seekonk, and Samuel Phillips of A., int. Aug. 14, 1830.
Benjamin, and Hannah Streeter, Feb. 20, 1723-4.
Beriah, of A., and Hannah Chub of Hebron, int. June 1, 1734.
Richard, and Margrit Daggett [both of A. int.], Apr. 27, 1736.
Abel, and Polly Freeman, 2d, unm., both of A., int. June 27, 1814.
Abel, and Olive Freeman, unm., both of A., Nov. 27, 1834.
Abigail [unm. int.], and David Martin, both of A., Oct. 15, 1822.
Darkes, wid., and Solomon Bates, both of A., int. Sept. 19, 1788.
Ephraim [Tripp. int.], of A., and Dolly Abell [Abel. int.] of Rehoboth, Nov. 22, 1777.
Ephraim S., of A., and Hannah S. Andrews, unm., of Portland, Me., int. Nov. 4, 1837.
Hannah, M., unm., of A., and Asa E. Carpenter of Pawtucket, Jan. 1, 1840. C.R.2.
Jame[s], and Dorcas Day, both of A., int. June 25, 1771.
Liberty, and Rachel R. Richardson, unm., both of A., int. Oct. 24, 1822.
Martha, wid., and Joseph Woodcock, both of A., int. Feb. 23, 1769.
Martha R., unm., and Nelson Rounds, both of A., at Wrentham, Nov. 4, 1840.
Nancy, unm., and Preston Brown, both of A., int. Apr. 4, 1836.
Robert, and Elizabeth Rounds [Round. int.], unm., both of A., Dec. 11, 1803.
Thomson, of Boston, and Nancy Lincon [Nancy Smith, unm. int. P.R.46] of Norton, at Norton, Apr. 23, 1837.
Abbigal [Twichel. int.], of Oxford, and John Bishop [jr. int.] of A., Sept. ----, 1736.
Albert Sabin, of Norton, and Abagail Barrows, unm., of A., int. Nov. 11, 1837.
Delfor B., of Windham, Ct., and Lydia [E. inf.] Sweetland, unm., of A., Feb. 5, 1832.
Esek, of Wrentham, and Fanny Hodges Lincoln, unm., of A., int. Aug. 16, 1812.
John, and Nancy Allen, unm., both of A., Oct. 20, 1834.
Lydia, unm., of A., and Williams Wheeler of Taunton, int. Apr. 7, 1836.
Mary [Mrs. int.], 2d, of Norton, and John Daggett, Esq., of A., Aug. 5, 1784.
Sarah, of Norton, and Aaron Cutting of A., June 11, 1755.
Silence, unm., of Norton, and Ephraim Hall of A., int. Apr. 25, 1807.
Susan [Mrs. int.; Susannah. P.R.73.], of Stoughton, and Jeremiah Ingraham of A., Sept. 2, 1731.
Susan J., unm., of A., a. 38 y., d. James and Esther Bullock, and John B. Lincoln, unm., of A., a. 32 y., laborer, s. John and Hannah, Jan. 21, 1849.
Tiley [Tila, unm. int.], and Ephraim Hall, both of A., July 6, 1820.
William, and Sarah Woodcock, both of A., Nov. 2, 1780. P.R.81.
Chester L., of A., and Sarah I. Robinson, unm., of Wrentham, int. Sept. 29, 1838.
Elizabeth, of Braintree, and Isaac Mores of A., int. Oct. 27, 1739.
Mary, and Lewis Carpenter, both of A., July 4, 1809.
Ruth, of Scituate, and Silas Titas [Titus. int.] of A., Aug. 13, 1746.
Thomas, and Betsy Morse, both of A., Apr. 5, 1795.
Martha, and Eleazer Metcalf, at Providence, R.I., Mar. 24, 1736-7.
Abigail, see Tucker, Abigail.
TYLER (Tiler, Tylor)
Abijah, Dr., and Fanny Richardson, unm., both of A., Aug. 8, 1802.
Chloe, and Ebijah Bats, both of A., int. Oct. 3, 1767.
David, and Hannah Read, both of A., int. Oct. 28, 1793.
Ebenezer, and Hannah Read, both of A., May 4, 1762.
Ebenezer, of A., and Martha Nolton, wid., of Cumberland, int. May 16, 1775.
Ebenezer, of A., and Mary French, d. Joseph, of A., June 3, 1784.
Elesabeth, and Timothy Reed, both of A., int. Dec. 8, 1764.
Elisabeth, and Daniell Carpenter, both of A., int. Jan. 11, 1766.
Elizabeth (Tiler), and Ebenezer White [both of A. int.], Sept. 19, 1734.
Elizabeth, and Thomas Tingley, Jr., both of A., Oct. 15, 1792. C.R.1.
Esther, Mrs., of Preston, Ct., and Rev. John Wilder of A., int. July 29, 1790.
Eunice D., unm., of A., and Henry C. Read of Worcester, Oct. 16, 1834.
Experience, of A., and Philip Briggs of Rehoboth, int. Sept. 11, 1779.
Hannah [Tiler. dup.], of A., and Ephraim Green of Bristol, Oct. 20, 1713.
Hannah, and Eben[eze]r Freeman, Feb. 23, [1750.]
Hannah, and Sam[ue]ll Holmes, both of A., int. Jan. 26, 1778.
Hannah [unm. int.], of A., and Nathaniel Guild of Dedham, Oct. 1, 1810.
Hannah R., unm., of A., and Alexander Thompson of Boston, int. Feb. 6, 1847.
Huldah [of A. int.], d. Capt. Samuel, and Amos Ide [of A. int.], Mar. 22, 1753.
Huldah, unm., of A., and Ezra Ware [Wares. int.] of Essex, Vt., Nov. 19, 1795.
John, and Anne Blackenton [both of A. int.], Oct. 10, 1755. [Sept. 27, 1745. int.]
John, jr., and Mercy Thacher, both of A., int. May 14, 1768.
Levina [unm. int.], of A., and Dr. Abijah Draper of Roxbury, Jan. 12, 1807.
Loisa [Tylor. int.], unm., and Atherton Wales, both of A., May 24, 1830.
Louisa, unm., of A., and David Stanley of Taunton [both of A. int.], Oct. 8, 1827.
Lucenda, unm., of Rehoboth, and Edward Richardson of A., int. Feb. 17, 1806.
Lucinda, and Henry Sweet, jr., both of A., int. Apr. 14, 1787.
Lucy, and David Smith, both of A., Nov. 28, 1799.
Marcy, 2d, and Obediah Carpenter, jr., both of A., int. July 9, 1790.
Martha (Tiler), of Falmouth, and John Welman of A., int. ---- [17-.]
Mary (Tiler), and William Bolkcome, Oct. 3, 1717.
Mary, and David Dexter, Aug. 31, 1749.
Mary, and Allen Clafflen, both of A., int. June 18, 1776.
Mary, 2d, and Cyrel Carpenter, jr., both of A., int. Feb. 22, 1790.
Molly, 2d, and John Carpenter, 2d, both of A., Feb. 21, 17-. [1793. C.R.2.]
Moses (Tiler), and Patience Ide, both of A., int. Apr. 14, 1744.
Moses, and Thankfull Read, both of A., int. Jan. 28, 1758.
Nancy, 2d, and [Tho]mas Sweet, jr., both of A., Nov. 17, 1791.
Nancy, and Calvin Sweet, both of A., May 26, 1793. C.R.1.
Nunna, and Peter Thacher, jr., both of A., int. Mar. 4, 1778.
Nathan, and Rebecah Eastee [both of A. int.], Mar. 22, 1753.
Nathaniel, and Hannah Bates, both of A., int. Aug. 28, 1773.
Phebe (Tiler), and Ichabod Ward, ---- [17-.]
Salley [unm. int.], and Leonard Holmes, both of A., Apr. 22, 1822.
Samuel (Tiler), and Mary Capron, Dec. 19, 1717.
Samuel, of A., and Betsey Sampson, unm., of Roxbury, int. Aug. 17, 1811.
Sam[ue]l, and [Mrs. int.] Charity Chase [Chace. int.], unm., both of A., Oct. 16, 1834.
Silas, of Lowell and Fanny Stanley, ----, 1818. P.R.70.
Sylvia [unm. int.], of A., and Tristam Bird of Dorchester, Apr. 29, 1816.
Thankfull, of A., and Timothy Perry of Westford, "Resident in Attleborough," int. Sept. 4, 1784.
Tirzah [unm. int. P.R.46.], of A., and Jacob Streeter of Hinsdale, Nov. 25, 1802.
Walter, and Barshaba Sweet, both of A., int. Mar. 23, 1790.
William [Esq. int. P.R.46.], of North Providence [R.I. int.], and [Mrs. int.] Betsy Bolkcom of A., July 1, 1813.
[Zelotes. int.], and Moley Robinson, both of A., Dec. 7, 1791.
Zuriel, of A., and Chloe Bragg of Wrentham, int. Mar. 19, 1785.
William, and Elonar White, both of A., Oct. 18, 17-. [1787. int.]
William [Tyson. int.], and Submit Woodcock [Woodcok. int.], unm., both of A., Dec. 4, 1792.
William, see Tyrar, William.
C ----, and ---- Woodcock, both of A., int. Aug. 19, 1780.
Ardelia, unm., of Pawtucket, and James Davis of A., int. Feb. 18, 1838.
Mary, unm., of A., and William J. Upham, unm., of A., yeoman, Feb. 8, 1844.
William J., unm., of A., yeoman, and Mary Underwood, unm., of A., Feb. 8, 1844.
Aimy, and Samuel Tingley, both of A., July ----, 1797. [July 16. C.R.1.]
VICKERY (Vickere, Vickre, Vicory)
Abdiel (Vicory) [Vickre. int.], of Rehoboth, and Hannah Fuller [unm. int.] of A., June 19, 1805.
Hannah [Vickere. int.], of A., and Benj[amin] Goff of Rehoboth, Oct. 27, 1799. [Sept. 21, 1800. int.]
John (Vicory), of Cumberland, and Sarah Jillson of A., int. Jan. 31, 1777.
Otis, and Juliann Handy, unm., both. of A., int. Sept. 2, 1826.
Ebenezer [Vorse. int.], of Boston, and Nancy W. Draper, unm., of A., Sept. 10, 1823.