Vital Records Of Attleborough Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By The Essex Institute Salem, Mass. 1934
Marriages - NASON to RHODES
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Mary [Nason. int.], and Joseph Carpenter [both of A. int.], Dec. 25 [1754.]
Rebeckah, and Th[om]as Wilmarth, Sept. 13, 1737.
Reuben, of A., and Hannah Stetson of Pembroke, int. Oct. 24, 1801.
Eliza, unm., of Taunton, and Robert Claflin of A., int. Sept. 14, 1832.
Peter, of A., and Celia Sibley, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., int. Apr. 6, 1844.
Robert, of East Hoosick, and Hannah Tingley of A., int. Mar. 13, 1773.
James, and Anna Perry, both of A., Oct. 23, 1777. P.R.81.
John, and Easter Day, both of A., int. Nov. 1, 1788.
Mary [unm. int.], and Levi Blackinton, both of A., Nov. 10, 1813.
Joseph M. [Newcom. int.], of Easton, and Hannah H. Capron, unm., of A., Mar. 30, 1835.
NEWELL (Newel, Nuell)
Abigail, unm., and Francis Baylis Bolkcome [Bolkcom. int.], both of A., Apr. 16, 1823.
Beebe [unm. int.], and Elijah Bucklin, both of A., Mar. 15, 1811.
Elijah B., of Providence, and Elisabeth A. Jenks of Wrentham, at 'Wrentham, Mar. 10, 1843.
Elisabeth, of A., and Joseph Jackson of Cumberland, int. Dec. 1, 1759.
Ephraim (Newel), of A., and Ann Peirce of Smithfield, int. Apr. 8, 1738.
Eunice [Newel. int.], and Paul White, both of A., Jan. 22, 1803.
Eunice R., unm., of A., and Jonathan N. Spencer of Pawtucket, R.I., Apr. 5, 1825.
Hannah, of A., and Ephraim Groves of Wrentham, int. Nov. 29, 1788.
Hannah, of A., and Robert Wares of Wrentham, int. Sept. 21, 1795.
Huldah, and John Robbinson, 3d, int. May 15, 1756.
Jabez, and Eunice Read [unm. int.], both of A., Aug. 24, 1803.
Jabez, and Lydia Day [unm. int.], both of A., Aug. 4, 1805.
Jacob [of A. int.], and Sarah Fuller [of A. int.], d. Robert, Oct. 26, 1727.
Jacob, jr. [of A. int.], and Hephzibah Hart [of A. int.]. d. Samuell, late of Lynn, June 26, 1755.
Jacob, see Newell, Joab.
Joab [Jacob Newel. int.], and Sarrah Fuller, both of A., Oct. 26, 1727.
John, and Mathaw Barrows, unm., both of A., int. May 21, 1808.
John [2d. int.], and Susan M. Draper, unm., both of A., Apr. 17, 1833.
John, of Cumberland [R.I. int.], and Al[i]ce Mowry [unm. int.] of A., Dec. 26, 1844.
Joseph (Newel), of A., and Mary Arndal of Smithfield, int. June 29, 1734. Forbidden by Rebeckah Peck, wid., July 5, 1734.
Joseph (Nuell), of A., and Mary Hiks, wid., of Rehoboth, int. Dec. 17, 1757.
Joyce, and Samuell Robinson, jr., both of A., int. Nov. 26, 1763.
Lucy, of A., and Daniel Millar of Cumberland, int. July 14, 1759.
Lydia (Newel), of A., and Jacob Shepard of Wrentham, Oct. 6, 1777. P.R.81.
Martha, and Mayhew Daggett, both of A., int. Aug. 23, 1766.
Mary, and Timothy Fuller [both of A., Dec. int.] 1, 1746-7.
Ruth, and Levi Maxey, both of A., int. Feb. 15, 1766.
Sally, and Allerton Claflen, both of A., Apr. 1, 1793. C.R.1.
Samuel, and Abigil Mors, both of A., int. Oct. 21, 1772.
Samuell, jr., and Philena Tiffany, unm., both of A., Apr. 4, 1793.
Samuel, 3d, and Catharine Gay Carpenter, unm., both of A., Jan. 7, 1824.
Sam[ue]ll, and Sally Holmes, unm., both of A., Dec. 4, 1803.
Sarah (Newel), and Richard Stratton, Feb. 7, 1750-51.
Thank, and Ephram Willard, both of A., int. Mar. 3, 1770.
Thankful (Newel), and John Robinson, May 28, 1723.
W[illia]m, of A., and Abby Ann Armington, unm., of North Providence, R.I., int. June 29, 1839.
William, of Cumberland, R.I., and L[ydia. int.] Emeline Fuller [unm. int.] of A., July 2, 1844.
Ira, of A., and Olive Miller, unm., of Warren, R.I., int. May 13, 1832.
Lucy, unm., of A., and Charles Read of Pawtucket, int. Sept. 13, 1836.
Nancy B., unm., of Seekonk, and Elisha Godfrey, jr. of A., int. Aug. 9, 1835.
Zenas B., of Upper Alton, Ill., and Lepha Ide [Sophe P. Ide, unm. int.] of A., Aug. 14, 1837.
Adin H., Rev., of Smithfield, R.I., and Susan A. Hatch, unm., of A., int. Apr. 25, 1844.
George, of North Providence, R I., and Polly Gillmore [wid. int.] of A., Nov. 26, 1812.
NICHOLS (Nichol)
Caleb, and Susan Arnold, unm., both of A., int. July 9, 1831.
Hannah Pierce, and William Henry Briggs, at Thompson, Ct., Aug. 15, 1841. P.R.22.
Mary Ann, unm., of A., and Harvey Pollard of Smithfield, R.I., int. Feb. 9, 1835.
Sarah (Nichol) [Nichols, Mrs. int.], of Rehoboth, and Richard Atwell of A., Dec. 30, 1756.
Enos, and Sarah Barney [unm., both of A. int.], May 7, 1835. P.R.26.
Nehemiah, of Sharon, and Nancy B. [W. int.] Brown, unm., of A., Oct. 26, 1828.
Martha [Nye. in pencil; unm. int.], and Marcus Daggett, both of A., Nov. 15, 1818.
Lydia, unm., and Hugh Tate, both of A., int. Jan. 15, 1808.
Lydia, of Providence, R.I., and Abijah Warren of A., int. Oct. 23, 1793.
Oliver, Rev., of Coventry, Ct., and Mrs. Lucy Weld of A., int. Jan. 26, 1760.
Martha, wid., of Cumberland, and Ebenezer Tyler of A., int. May 16, 1775.
Mary, and Nath[anie]l Dunham, both of A., int. May 9, 1801.
Betsey, Mrs., of Rehoboth, and Elihu Daggett, jr. of A., int. May 21, 1813.
NORTON (Noreting)
Ann Maria, unm., and Ebenezer French, both of A., int. Apr. 4, 1847.
Ma, and Polly Cutting, unm., both of A., Nov. 29, 1804.
Clarrissa D., unm., and Stephen C. Rhodes, both of A., int. Jan. 2, 1841.
Emma Ann, unm., and Linus Martin, both of A., int. May 6, 1840.
John, of Norton, and Alethear Round of A., int. June 9, 1802.
Jonathan (Noreting), of Cumberland, and Bethiah Lane, int. Aug. 12, 1758.
Mary, Mrs., of Providence [R.I. int.], and Dr. Thomas Stanley of A., May 26, 1796.
Mary P. [unm. int.], of A., and Benjamin F. Goffe [Goff. int.] of Rehoboth, Mar. 25, 1839.
Nancy M., unm., of A., a. 23 y., d. Warren and Huldah, and Theodore Downes [Downs. int.], unm., of A., a. 24 y., farmer, b. Foxborough, s. Nahum and Rebecca, Aug. 13, 1848.
Thomas, and Hannah Bolkom, both of A., int. June 1, 1771.
Thomas, and Isable Starkey, both of A., int. July 22, 1774.
Warren, and Huldah Cutting [unm. int.], both of A., Aug. 5, 1817.
NORWOOD (Norwod)
Jo[s]hua, and Elizabeth Ide, both of A., int. Oct. 11, 1735.
Miriam (Norwod), and Nathan Foster [both of A. int.], at Gloucester, Apr. 1, 1743.
Adeline G. [unm. int.], and Mayhew F. Daggett, both of A., Mar. 20, 1837.
Nancy, unm., of Providence. R.I., and Joshua P[ond. int.] Wilmarth of A., June 11, 1823.
Mary, and John Taylor, Apr. 26, 1771. P.R.68.
Jonathan [Nutten, of Wrentham. int.], and Mrs. Deborah Whipple [of A. int.], May 5, 1731.
NYE, see Nie.
Mary, of Smithfield, and Noah Tiffany of A., int. Sept. 25, 1786.
ORMSBY (Ormesbee, Ormsbe)
Persis, wid., and Daniel Chaffee, both of A., int. Oct. 15, 1757.
Susan (Orrnesbee), and Stephen Bourn, Sept. 18, 1794. P.R.56.
Waitstill (Ormsbe) [Ormsby. int.], of Rehoboth, and Christopher Brown of A., May 10, 1726.
ORNE (Orn)
Asenah [Asenath Orn. int.], and Eben[eze]r Foster, both of A., Dec. 13, 1792. C.R.1.
Betsey [Orne. int. and C.R.1.], and Henry Bowen [Bowers. C.R.1.], both of A., Oct. 23, 1799.
Fanny [unm. int.], of A., and Waterman T. Dexter of North Providence, R.I. [" and Providence plantation." int.], Oct. 15, 1812.
James (Orn), and Esther Everett [both of A. int.], May 28, 1760.
James, jr., and Chloe Hunt Brown, both of A., June 25, 1792. C.R.1.
James (Orn), jr., and Nancy Williams, unm., both of A., Sept. 13, 1801.
Lucy, and Lewis Draper, both of A., Sept. 25, 17-. [1788. int.]
Nancy [unm. int.], of A., and Marting Whitney of Bristol [R.I. int.], Dec. 10, 1810.
Polly (Orn), and Roger Fernum [Farnum. int.], both of A., Nov. 14, 1797.
Sally (Orn) [Orne. C.R.1.], of A., and George Barber of Wrentham, Ncv. 28, 1799.
Ellen [unm. int.], of Alm, Me., and Onesimus Clarke of A., July 4, 1841.
Rachel, of Andover, and Joshua Felt of A., Nov. 24, 1743.
Bethiah, of Dighton, and Silus Titus of A., int. Aug. 8, 1730.
Jam[e]s, and Elezebeth Fu----, both of A., int. May 12, 1744.
Sary, of A., and William Clark of Norton, int. Apr. 19, 1746.
Elisha, of St. George, and Keziah Lane of A., int. Oct. 13, 1769.
Martin, of A., and Mary M. Skinner, unm., of Mansfield, int. Nov. 9, 1827.
Silance, and Adin Stanley, both of A., July 22, 1784.
James, of Providence, R.I., and Terzah Draper [unm, int.] of A., Apr. 8, 1811.
PAINE (Pain, Pane)
Betsey (Pain), unm., of Foxborough, and Timothy Titus Fisher of A., int. Mar. 7, 1812.
Eunice [unm. int.], and Stephen S. [T. C.R.1.] Hovey, both of A., Mar. 4, 1813.
Jane (Pane), and Joseph William, both of Mansfield, Aug. 13, 1801.
Joseph H., of Taunton, and Frances Arnold, unm., of A., int. Feb. 26, 1843.
Louis (Pain), unm., of Foxborough, and Charles Simpson of A., int. Feb. 8, 1812.
Mary, and Ira Stanley, ----, 1828. P.R.70.
Robert Treat, Esq., of Taunton, and Mrs. Sally Cobb of A., int. Mar. 8, 1770.
Sullivan (Pane), of A., and Nancy Harding, unm., of Mansfield, int. Aug. 25, 1810.
Theodore J., unm., of Foxborough, a. 21 y., carpenter, b. Foxborough, s. Joel and Eunice, and Mary L. Arnold, unm., of A., a. 23 y., d. William, Mar. 26, 1846.
Turner (Pane), of A., and Nancy Fisher, unm., of Smithfield, R.I., Sept. 24, 1828.
William, and Annah Daggett Stanley [unm. int.], both of A., Jan. 11, 1809.
Abner [Palsy. int.], and Lydia Sweetland [unm. int.], both of A., Nov. 22, 1811.
Lois [Parvis. int.], unm., of A., and James M. Davis of Rehoboth, Oct. 21, 1839.
Russel, and Calista Sweetland, unm., both of A., Sept. 22, 1829.
PARKER (Perker)
Archelaus, of Douglass, and Bety Richardson of A., int. Jan. 26, 1773.
Cardee, Dr., of Coventry, Ct., and [Mrs. int.] Mary Weld of A., Apr. 15, 1762.
Charlott, unm., and Samuel Brumley [Broomly. int.], both of A., Aug. 22, 1824.
Hannah [unm. int.], and Ellis Everett, both of A., Sept. 4, 1836.
Moriah A., unm., of Pawtucket, and Jonathan B. Wood of A., int. Apr. 15, 1837.
Obadiah [Perker. int.], and Rhoda Briggs [Biggs, both of A. int.], Dec. 2, 1741.
Rebecca A. [unm. int.], of A., a. 24 y., d. Loami and Mary A., and James M. Solomon, widr., of A., a. 37 y., physician, s. John and Amma, Feb. 3, 1849.
William, of A., and Rhoda Rounds of Rehoboth, int. Feb. 29, 1772.
PARMENTER (Palmmetre, Parmentre, Parmerter, Parmeter, Parminter, Parmintree, Parmiter, Parmitter, Parmity, Permenter)
Betsey (Parmeter) [Parmerter. C.R.2; Parmenter. int.], unm., of A., and Andrew Johnson of Providence [R.I. int.], Apr. 9, 1826.
Caleb (Parminter) [of Sudbury. int.], and Sarah Richardson [of A. int.], Nov. 3, 1742. C.R.1.
Caleb (Parmiter), and Elisabeth Round, both of A., int. Apr. 4, 1780.
Deliverance (Parmiter), and John Tiffany, May 26, 1737.
Dexter [Parmerter. int.; Parmenter. P.R.46], and Susannah Alger [unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 4, 1817.
Draper (Parmeter), and Florella Bliss [both of A. int.], Nov. 29, 1829. P.R.51.
Elezaboth (Parmity), of A., and Acors Hewet of Norton, int. Aug. 27, 1772.
Elijah (Parmeter), of A., and Nancy Chase of Harwich, int. June 5, 1784.
Elizabeth, unm., of A., and John Q[uincy. int.] Bent of Providence, R.I., Aug. 16, 1840.
Hanna and Eb[e]nezer Robinson, jr., both of A., int. Jan. 11, 1771.
Horatio D[exter. P.R.50.], unm., of A., a. 21 y., farmer, s. Dexter and Susan, and Adelin[e] D. [L. C.R.2; Adeline Francis. P.R.50.] Kent, unm., of A., a. 20 y., d. Luther, Aug. 22, 1849.
Joseph (Permenter) [Parmenter. int.], and Roxey Richardson [unm. int. P.R.46], both of A., Sept. 23, 1802.
Joshua (Parminter), and Sary ----, Nov. 3, 1742.
Mary (Parminter), and Joseph Bolkom [both of A. int.], Mar. 21, 1733-4.
Mary, of A., and Jesse Briggs of Norton, int. May 17, 1766.
Mitte (Palmmetre), and Samuel Guild, both of A., Aug. 1, 1782. P.R.81.
Philip (Parmitter) [Parmintree, of Stonington. int.], and Elizabeth Lawson, May 9, 1734.
Rachel [Parmeter. C.R.2; unm. int.], and Moses Pike, both of A., Oct. 10, 1811.
Sarah, and Noah Cooper [both of A. int.], Oct. 28, 1771.
Sarah (Parmeter) [unm. int.], of A., and Lewis Hardin of Mansfield, Apr. 23, 1820. C.R.2.
Susan E., unm., of A., and Augustus Codding of Rehoboth, int. Aug. 16, 1846.
PARTRIDGE (Patridge, Pattridge)
Emily, unm., and Aaron Morse, jr., both of Wrentham, int. Oct. 28, 1832. P.R.46.
Harriet L. (Patridge), and Charles H. Jackson, both of A., int. Dec. 15, 1849.
Lucy, unm., of A., a. 22 y., d. Edward and Editha, and George B. Jackson, unm., of A., a. 19 y., laborer, s. Orlin and Lucinda, Oct. 12, 1845.
Ruth [Pattridge. int.], of Medfield, and [Ens. int.] Timothy Tingley of A., May 27, 1730.
Samuel, jr., of Wrentham, and Betty Lane of A., int. Nov. 13, 1773.
PARVIS, see Parish.
Hannah, unm., of A., and Preston Shepard of Wrentham. int. June 8, 1806.
Deborah, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., and Ansil Carpeater of A., int. Jan. 22, 1820.
William I., and Patience R. Leonard, unm., both of A., int. Sept. 22, 1832.
Malinda, unm., and Samuel I. Murdock, both of A., int. Apr. 9, 1820.
Esther Commings, of Hampden, Maine, and William Everett, jr. of A., int. Sept. 7, 1823.
Joseph H., and Lydia A. Sewall, unm., both of A., int. Mar. 25, 1838.
PECK (Peack, Pecks, Pek)
Abial, of A., and Ruth Skinner of Norton, July 11, 1751.
Albert B., of Smithfield, R.I., and Mary A. Lindsey, unm., of A., int. May 12, 1833.
Alice N., unm., of A., and Ezera French, jr. of Seekonk, int. Apr. 10, 1847.
Anna (Peack), of Cumberland, and Eliphas Day of A., int. Jan. 11, 1769.
Anna (Pecks), of A., and Menassah Short of Rehoboth, int. Nov. 22, 1779.
Anna [unm. int.], and William Harris, both of A., Dec. 1, 1814.
Bebb, and Daniell Read, jr., both of A., int. Mar. 2, 1765.
Bebee, of Providence. R.I., and Ezra Barrows of A., int. Feb. 13, 1802.
Betsy [unm int.], and John Draper, jr., both of A., Apr. 18, 1819.
Bial, and David [Richardson. different inkl, both of A., int. Mar. 17, 1770.
Caleb S., of Walpole, and Nancy Barrows, unm., of A., int. July 29, 1848.
Capron, and Lydia M. Daggett, unm., both of A., June 21, 1824.
Catherine A., unm., of Foxborough, and Joab Daggett of A., int. Apr. 6, 1844.
Chloe, unm., of Rehoboth, and Thonas Bates of A., Aug. 16, 1798.
Elles, of Barrington, and Huldah Barrows of A., int. May 26, 1798.
Fanny M. [unm. int.], of A., and Edmund Read of Needham, Mar. 31, 1844.
Hannah, and John Sweet, Jan. 22, 1718-19.
Harriot Bliss, unm., and William [Bowen. int.] Martin, both of A., Dec. 18, 1827.
Henry, and Anna Richardson, both of A., int. Feb. 10, 1780.
Hezekiah, and Elizebeth Carder, both of A., int. Feb. 25, 1726-7.
Hezekiah, of A., and Anna Skinner of Norton, Feb. 5, 1755.
Hezekiah, of A., and Hephzibah Dryar of Rehoboth, int. July 14, 1779.
Ira B., of Cumberland, and Mary Blackinton, unm., of A., int. May 26, 1834.
Jael, of A., and David Sabin of Rehoboth, May 19, 1725.
Jeremiah, of Cumberland, and Elizabeth Gains [Gain. int.], unm., of A., Dec. 25, 1792.
Jesse F., of Pelham, and Matilda Tingley, unm., of A., int. Jan. 1, 1820.
John, and Rebekah Richardson, May 26, 1724.
John, and Lediah Shelden, both of A., int. Nov. 14, 1737.
John, of A., and Sarah H. Wood, unlit, of Seekonk, int. Dec. 30, 1830.
John, and Louisa [Ann. int.] Hall, unm., both of A., Mar. 7, 1833.
Jonathan, and Sabrey Capron, [both of A. int.], Dec. 4, 1796.
Joseph (Pek), and Elisabeth Read, both of A., int. Jan. 18, 1766.
Judeth, of A., and Pelletiah Hows of Wrentham, int. Feb. 9, 1739-40.
Judith, and Joseph Capron, June 3, 1714.
Julia M., of Seekoonk, and Francis B. Richard, int. Sept. 16, 1848.
Lyman, of Cumberland, R.I., and Mercy Whealer, unm., of A., int. Aug. 19, 1811.
Mary [Peck. int.], and Dan[ie]ll Shepardson, jr. [both of A. int.], Nov. 12, 1753. [1754. int.]
Minerva D., unm., of A., and Edward P. Miller of Somerset, int. Mar. 18, 1848.
Nathan, of Rehoboth, and Abigail Fuller, unm., of A., int. Feb. 6, 1805.
Patsey, unm., and Aaron T. Mason, both of A., int. Feb. 18, 1820.
Pertheniah, and Jonathan Willard [both of A. int.], Oct. 29, 1734.
Petronalla [of A. int.], and Ebenezer Blake [of Wrentham. int.], Dec. 11, 1729.
Phehe Ann H., unm., of Wrentham, and George W. Fuller of A., int. Aug. 22, 1847.
Rachel, and Benjamin Freeman, July 3, 1718.
Rebecca, and Thomas Sweet [both of A. int.], Nov. 12, 1728.
Roda M., unm., of Rehoboth, and Nathaniel J. Thurber of A., int. Apr. 2, 1843.
Shubael, of Rehoboth, and Bethia Churchwell of A., int. Jan. 6, 1781.
Solomon, of Cumberland, and Mercy Foster of A., int. May 21, 1756.
Solomon. of Cumberland, and Esther Weiselt [ Wiswold. Peck Genealogy] of A., int. Sept. 23, 1758.
Susan [unm. int.], and Russel Read, both of A., Feb. 17, 1814.
Suse, of Rehoboth, and Benjamin Fuller of A., Aug. 22, 1771.
Sophia, unm., of Little Compton [R.I. int.], d. Peleg, and Newell Ambler of A., s. John, Oct. 19, 1823.
Harrison, unm., of A., a. 24 y., farmer, s. W[illia]m B. and Lucy, and Eliza A. Claflen [Claflin. C.R.2.], unm., of A., a. 23 y., Nov. 5, 1845.
Rhoda, unm., and Edwin R. Hopkins, both of A., int. Aug. 29, 1843.
PENNO (Peimo)
Clarissa A., unm., of A., and Joseph C. Gardner of Providence, R.I., June 6, 1831.
Frances D., see Penno, Roxannis D.
Roxannis D. (Peimo) [Frances D. Penno, unm. int.], of A., and Isaac B. Staples of Wrentham, Mar. 17, 1834.
William, and Clarissa Briggs [unm. int. P.R.46], both of Norton, Nov. 1, 1808.
Amy Ann, see Perkins, Mary Ann.
Fredric, unm., of Hartford, Ct., engineer, b. Hartford, Ct., and Mariah L. Everett, unm., of A., d. Richard, Feb. 14, 1845.
Mary, and Jorok Whipple, both of A., int. Mar. 3, 1743-4.
Mary Ann [Amy Ann. int.], of A., and Hazard T. [P. int.] Slocum of Smithfield, R.I., Sept. 30, 1844.
Eliza, unm., of Wrentham, and Charles Simmons of A., int. Mar. 7, 1834.
PERRIN (Perin)
Abagail, of Rehoboth, and Nathan Robinson of A., int. Mar. 7, 1803.
Amasa, of Seekonk, and Eliza Wilmarth, unm., of A., Aug. 21, 1834.
Hannah, and Elijah Kent, Mar. 3, 1753. P.R.27.
Huldah (Perin), unm., of Rehoboth, and Noah Cooper, jr. of A., int. May 21, 1808.
John, of Rehoboth, and Huldah Ide of A. [unm. int.], Apr. 6, 1809.
Lewis, of Seekonk, and Lucy P. Peirce, unm., of A., int. July 20, 1822.
Otis, and Sally Ide [unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 23, 1815.
Thomas, and Hannah B. Drown, June 12, 1831. P.R.75.
PERRY (Parry, Perey, Perrey, Pery)
Abigail (Perrey) [S. Perry. int.], unm., and Jonathan D. Woodcock, both of A., Nov. 13, 1834.
Achsah Ann [unm. int.], and Edmond Briggs, both of A., Oct. 6, 1839.
Achsah E[lisa, unm., of A. int.], and William Conant [of Rehoboth. int.], Feb. 16, 1816. P.R.52.
Amos S., of A., and Melinda T. Bullock, unm., of Rehoboth, int. Apr. 21, 1840.
Anna, and James New, both of A., Oct. 23, 1777. P.R.81.
Anna, of Norton, and Nathan Willmorth of A., int. Feb. 18, 1798.
Anna [of Rehoboth. int.], and Thomas Fuller [of A. int.]. May 18, 1809. P.R.33.
Bebe, of A., and Daniel Dagget of Rehoboth, July 10, 1759.
Bebe, unm., and Darius Fuller, both of A., int. Aug. 21, 1814.
Betsey, and Calvin Drake, Oct. 19, 1821. P.R.52.
Betsy, unm., of Rehoboth, and Zachary Fuller of A., int. Feb. 4, 1809.
Caleb E. [of A. int.], and Wealthy Macomber [of Norton. int.], June 6, 1816. P.R.52.
Charlotte Maria, and Albert L. Hawkins, Apr. 6, 1845. P.R.20.
Chloe [unm. int.], and Henry Montgomery, both of A., Jan. 6, 1814.
Elias, of Rehoboth, and Fanny Bishop [unm. int. P.R.46] of A., Oct. 27, 1803.
Elizabeth [Parry. int.], of Rehoboth, and Isaac Perry [Parry. int.] of A., Aug. 22, 1786.
Emeline [unm. int.], of Rehoboth, and Stephen W. Pierce [Pearce. int.] of A., Mar. 1, 1843.
Eph[r]aim (Perrey), of A., and Lydda Willis of Taunton, int. Feb. 20, 1792.
Ezra, of Rehoboth, and Jemima Titus of A., int. Feb. 13, 1762.
Freelove, of A., and Hezekiah Titus of Rehoboth, int. July 19, 1746.
Hannah, and Amos Daggett, jr., both of A., int. Apr. 10, 1786.
Ichahod, of A., and Ruth Fisher of Norton, Feb. 8, 1753.
Ichahod [Perrey, jr. int.], of A., and Experence Braman of Norton [formerly w. Sylvanus. P.R.78.], Mar. 3, 1762. [Jan. 30, 1772. int.]
Ichahod, of A., and Experience Braman of Norton [d. Sylvanus and Experience. P.R.78.], int. Feb. 9, 1784.
Isaac [Parry. int.], of A., and Elizabeth Perry [Parry. int.] of Rehoboth. Aug. 22, 1786.
Isaac [Perrey. int.], of A., and Philena [Filana. int.] Lincoln of Taunton, June 29, 1799. P.R.52. [Feb. 12, 1779. int.]
Isaac, jr. [of A. int.], and Rhoda Willis [unm., of Buckland. int.], Mar. 11, 1809. P.R.52.
Jasiel, see Perry, Josiel.
Jasil, see Perry, Josiah.
John, of Smithfield, R.I., and Cynthia Crocker, unm., of A., int. Mar. 8, 1835.
Joseph [Perrey. int.], and Chloe Town, both of A., Mar. 25, 1790.
Josiah [Jasil. P.R.29; jr. int.], of Rehoboth, and Hipzibah Carpenter [unm. int. P.R.46.] of A., Aug. 26, 1802.
Josiah, of A., and Marcy Harding, unm., of Mansfield, int. Sept. 20, 1828.
Josiel [Jasiel. int.], and Polley Richards [unm. int.], both of A., May 16, 1822.
Kezia, of Rehoboth, and Thomas French of A., Jan. 2, 1745.
Lucindia [unm. int.], of A., and Amharst Ware of Wrentham, Feb. 17, 1814.
Luke, and Siloni [Salona. int.] Cooper, unm., both of A., July 9, 1820.
Lydia [unm. int.], of A., and Christopher French, Esq., of West Stockbridge, June 4, 1805.
Lyndia [unm. int.], of A., and George W. Titus of Seekonk, Jan. 8, 1818.
M. S., and P. W. Shaw, at Newport, R.I., Feb. 22, 1824.
Margarett, of Rehoboth, and Daniel Tiffany, jr. of A., int. Mar. 7, 1801.
Margret (Pery), of Rehoboth, and Christopher French of A., int. Oct. 3, 1773.
Mary, and Samuel Jackson, both of A., int. Jan. 8, 1774.
Moses, and Unice Stanley, unm., both of A., int. July 7, 1810.
Patience, and Solomon Stannley, both of A., int. Feb. 28, 1767.
Rebeckah (Perey), of Rehoboth, and Zebidiah Sweate of A., int. Aug. 12, 1770.
Rebekah, and James Thayer, Feb. 10, 1825. P.R.40.
Ruth, of A., and Abner Lincoln of Taunton, int. Feb. 6. 1778.
Sally, unm., and James Draper, both of A., Dec. 15, 1796.
Salmon Carpenter, and Polly Richards, May 16, 1822. P.R.29.
Sarah (Perrey), and Timothy Conant, both of A., int. Nov. 5, 1772.
Sarah M., and Harrison White, both of Norton, Sept. 30, 1841.
Sarrah [Sally. int.] of Rehoboth, and Thomas Willmarth of A., Nov. 23, 17-. [Sept. 25, 1797. int.]
Stephen, of Rehoboth, and Hepzibah Dunham of A., int. Nov. 5, 1773.
Stephen [of A. int.], and Rona Lincoln [Roana William; Lincoln, unm., of Rehoboth. int.], Mar. 19, 1812. P.R.52.
Timothy, of Rehoboth, and Huldah Hill of A., int. Oct. 7, 1769.
Timothy, of Westford, "Resident in Attleborough," and Thankfull Tyler of A., int. Sept. 4, 1784.
William S. [T. int.], and Bethiah Goff, unm., both of A., Nov. 27, 1839.
Anna, and Roger Scott [Scot, both of A. int.], June 13, 1745.
Mark, and Amey Wilmarth [both of A. int.], Oct. 18, 1739.
Richard, and Mehetebel Grant, both of A., int. July 4, 1741.
Cornelius Delano, and Ann Wheeler, unm., both of A., int. Nov. 4, 1815.
Elennor, unm., of Valley Falls, R.I., and Daniel Lees of A., int. Aug. 14, 1842.
PETTEE (Pettees, Petty)
Elvira, and Albert A. Wilmarth, Oct. ----, 1847. P.R.55.
Joanna (Pettees) [Titus. int.], 2d, and Daniel Cheever, both of A., Mar. 28, 1793. C.R.1.
Mary [Petty, Mrs. int.], of Dedham, and [Capt. int.] John Stearns of A., Sept. 29, 1756.
William C., and Lucy Miller, both of Wrentham, Dec. 1, 1836.
Joshua, and Sary Fuller, both of A., int. June 2, 174-.
Daniel R. [David R. int.] of A., a. 19 y., clock maker, s. Daniel and Sarah, and Jerusha B. Bugbee, unm., of Wrentham, a. 20 y., d. Chester and Lucretia, of Wrentham, Sept. 12, 1847.
David R., see Pherson, Daniel R.
PHILBROOK (Filbrocks)
Elisabeth (Filbrocks), Mrs., of Cumberland, and Lt. Benjamin Tingley of A., int. Sept. 8, 1785.
Jonathan, of Boston, and Mrs. Dorothy Weld of A., int. June 2, 1759.
PHILLIMORE, see Fillemore.
PHILLIPS (Philips)
Almira, unm., of A., a. 26 y., housekeeper, d, John and Martha, and Benjamin Cargill, widr., of Wrentham, a. 57 y., farmer, s. Dan[i]el and Thankful, June 21, 1848.
Betsey, and Alanson Bishop, both of A., Nov. 3, 1801.
John, of Providence, and Sarah Brown of A., int. Feb. 25, 1726-7.
Minor [Philips. int.], of Norton, and Anna Richardson [unm. int.] of A., Mar. 29, 1809.
Prisse [Prescilla, unm. int.; of Pembroke. P.R.70.], and Woodward [Woodard. int.] Stanley, both of A., Apr. 16, 1811.
Rebecah, unm., and Ira Dean, both of A., int. May 13, 1819.
Roby, of Warren. R.I., and Thomas Eddy of A., int. Nov. 24, 1828.
Samuel [of Newport. int.], and Rachel Kirkland [of A. int.], Apr. 15, 1725.
Samuel, of A., and Emeline Traverse, unm., of Seekonk. int. Aug. 14, 1830.
William, Rev., of A., and Susan Cole, unm., of Providence R.I., int. Feb. 24, 1827.
Thomas R. [Phinnv. int.], of Warren, R.I., and Abigail Williams. unm., of A., May 13, 1828.
PIDGE (Pedg, Ridge)
Amey, unm., of A., and William T. Burbank of Boston, int. Sept. 25, 1836.
Benjmon, of Rehoboth, and Lucie Metcalf of A., int. Sept. 15, 1772.
David and Amy Green. wid., both of A., int. June 29, 1780.
David, of A., and Sophey Tisdel, unm., of Taunton. int. Sept. 20, 1829. "Stoped after once."
David, of A., and Cynthia Skiff, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., int. Oct. 2, 1830.
Elizeheth, and Ichabod Ward, both of A.,int. Jan. 24, 1735-6.
Esther, and Henery Morse [More. Jr., both of A. int.], Mar. 20, 1755.
Hannah, and Samuel Tingley, Dec. 15, 1713. [1715. dup.]
Hannah, of A., and David Chaffe of Rehoboth. int. Apr. 28, 1733.
Hannah [of A. int.], and Aaron Fuller [of Ashford. int.]. Feb. 12, 1733-4.
Hannah, Mrs., and Joseph Maxey, both of A., Mar. 11, 17-. [1788. int.]
John [Pedg. int.], of A., and Rachel Bucklin [Bucklen. int.] of Rehoboth, Nov. 12, 1730.
John (Ridge) [Pidge, jr. int.], of A., and Keziah Reed [Read. int.] of Rehoboth, Apr. 2, 1761.
Josiah, and Sarah Pearce, both of A., int. Nov. 19, 1757.
Margaret, of A., and Josiah Linkhon of Taunton, int. Dec. 19, 1730.
Margaret, and Amos Shepardson [both of A. int.], Mar. 30, 1732.
Margret, and Edward Foster, both of A., int. Dec. 11, 1762.
Martha, of A., and Timothy Read, jr. of Rehoboth, int. Nov. 25, 1759.
Mary, and Thomas Tolman, both of A., Apr. 1, 1762.
Mary, of A., and David Gould of Providence [R.I. "and Providence plantation." int.], Apr. 18, 1813.
Rachel, and Noah Fuller, Feb. 21, 1711-12.
PIERCE (Pearce, Pearse, Peirce, Perce, Pirce)
Ann (Peirce), of Smithfield, and Ephraim Newel of A., int. Apr. 8, 1738.
Benjamin (Perce), of Westmoreland, and Rebeckah Blanding of A., int. May 15, 1773.
Calvin (Pearce), of Rehoboth, and Constance Balkcom, unm., of A., int. Nov. 7, 1804.
Candace (Pirce), unm., of Rehoboth, and Leprelet Capron of A., int. Aug. 24, 1833.
Caroline [A. int.], unm., of A., d. Stephen M., and Eben[eze]r W. Allen, unm., of Rehoboth, May 8, 1844.
Charlotte, and Albert Keith, both of Foxborough, Apr. 2, 1847. C.R.2.
Chloe [Chloe M., unm., of Rehoboth. int.], and Stephen Clark [of A. int.], Apr. 14, 1834. P.R.66.
[Jere]miah [Pearse. int.], and Patty Tingley, both of A., Sept. 29, 1791.
Lucy P. (Peirce), unm., of A., and Lewis Perrin of Seekonk, int. July 20, 1822.
Mary A[nn. R. 70.] (Peirce) [Perce, unm. int.], of A., and Shepard [Cushing. P.R.70.] Stanley of Framingham, Nov. [22. P.R.70.], 1841.
Mary Ann, unm., of Pawtucket, and Ichabod Walling of A., int. Nov. 29, 1837.
Myra J. [unm. int.], of A., d. Caleb, and Arnold Jillson, widr., of A., a. 45 y., carpenter, s. W[illia]m, Nov. 12, 1844.
Oliver (Pearse) [Pierce. int.], of A., and Polly Carpenter, unm., of Cumberland [R.I. int.], Dec. 23, 1804.
Peres (Pearce), of A., and Salley Whipple, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., int. Jan. 13, 1838.
Sarah (Pearce), and Josiah Pidge, both of A., int. Nov. 19, 1757.
Stephen W. [Pearce. int.], of A., and Emeline Perry [unm. int.] of Rehoboth, Mar. 1, 1843.
Sylvia (Pirce) [Pierce, unm. int.], of A., and Augustus Sanders [Saunders. int.] of Providence, R.I., Jan. 27, 1814.
Washington, of Weston, and Fanny Hatch, unm., of A., Jan. 21, 1824.
William, of Wrentham, and Polly Guild Richardson, unm., of A., int. Dec. 9, 1815.
Calvin, of Newport, N.H., and Weightstill [Pike. int.], unm., of A., July 22, 1832.
Clementine, unm., of Franklin, and Joseph S. Hancock of Wrentham, Apr. 25, 1833.
Dan W., and Mary F. Read, unm., both of A., Oct. 30, 1831.
David, and Cynthia Liscomb, unm., both of A., Nov. 29, 1797. [1798. dup.]
Hannah, and Phinehas Claflen, jr., both of A., int. Dec. 23, 1785.
Hannah, unm., of A., and Ransom Pike of Newport, N.H., int. Apr. 27, 1833.
Jarvis, of A., and Betsey Will[is] of Bridgewater, int. Nov. 21, 1789.
John, and Ruth Dunham, both of A., int. Mar. 25, 1785.
Lendol P., and Silance Brown, unm., both of A., Nov. 28, 1828.
Moses, jr., of A., and Nancy ---- of Bridgewater, int. Feb. 2, 1788.
Moses, and Rachel Parmenter [Parmeter. C.R.2; unm. int.], both of A., Oct. 10, 1811.
Nancy [unm. int. P.R.46], and Preston Brown, both of A., Nov. 28, 1819. C.R.2.
Ransom, of Newport, N.H., and Hannah Pike, unm., of A., int. Apr. 27, 1833.
Stephen, and Weightstill Willmarth, both of A., Oct. 26, 17-. [1797. int.]
Washington, and Eliza Armstrong, unm., both of A., Apr. 5, 1832.
Weighstill [Pike. int.], unm., of A., and Calvin Pike of Newport, N.H., July 22, 1832.
William F., and Harriet S. Bates, unm., both of A., int. Mar. 3, 1833.
Wonderful, of A., and Rhoda Messer of Newport, N.H., int. Nov. 11, 1795.
John, and Mary Thomson, both of A., int. Mar. 22, 1728-9.
PITCHER (Picher)
Anne, of A., and George Larance of Rehoboth, int. Dec. 28, 1771.
Cloe, and Jeremiah Ingraham, both of A., int. Nov. 4, 1772.
Eunice (Picher) [Mrs. int.], and Dr. Michael Walcut, both of A., May 10, 1787. P.R.81.
Jabez, and Mrs. Mary Follet, both of A., int. Jan. 3, 1807.
Kezia, and Areunah Tingley, int. Oct. 26, 1765.
Larned, of Boston, and Almira Ellis [unm. int.] of A., Sept. 17, 1805.
Lymond, of A., and Polly Blackinton, unm., of Wrentham, int. Oct. 12, 1806.
Mary, and Peter Read, both of A., int. Oct. 26, 1776.
Nabe, of A., and Jonathan Harding of North Providence, int. Dec. 9, 1790.
Samuel, and Hannah Follet [both of A. int.], Apr. 30, 1752.
Sarah, of A., and Timothy Everett of Wrentham, Nov. 22, 1787. P.R.81.
Susan A., unm., of Pawtucket, and Orville S. Balcom of A., int. Aug. 6, 1840.
Hannah, and Elijah Jones, both of A., int. July 21, 1759.
Harvey, of Smithfield, R.I., and Mary Ann Nichols, unm., of A., int. Feb. 9, 1835.
Mary, and Daniel Witherel, both of A., Apr. 9, 1749.
George, and Fanny Bolkcome [Bolkcom. int.], unm., both of A., Aug. 1, 1822.
Abial Vascina, and Edwin Ide, Jan. 11, 1843. P.R.44.
Benjamin D., of Medway, and Eliza N. B[o]sworth of A., May 3, 1826.
Eben[ezejr, of Northborough, and Joies Robinson, unm., of A., int. Nov. 19, 1803.
Eliza, unm., of A., and Spencer Tollman [Tolman. int.] of Foxborough, Nov. 30, 1831.
George H., and Aroline M. Gammons [unm. int.], both of A., Aug. 21, 1842.
Hiram, of Franklin, and Joanna Fales, unm., of A., May 28, 1823.
Irana, of Wrentham, and Thomas Starkey, jr. of A., int. Oct. 5, 1787.
Jonathan [Jotham. C.R.2.], of Wrentham, and Nancy Fuller [unm. int. P.R.46] of A., May 27, 1802.
Jotham, see Pond, Jonathan.
Martha [of Wrentham. int.], and Jonathan Stanley [of A., Jan. 18. int.], 1755. P.R.70.
[Parthenia Pond, unm. int.], of Wrentham, and [Elijah. int.] Bolkcom of A., June 5, 1816.
Polly [unm. int.], and Jonathan White, both of A., Oct. 24, 1813.
Roxa, unm., of Wrentham, and William Blackinton, jr. of A., int. Nov. 12, 1812.
Willard Stillman, and Mira Gay, unm., both of Wrentham, Apr. 15, 1824.
John C., of Boston, and Betsey F. [J. int.] Dean, unm., of A., May 12, 1839.
John, of Vienna, and Mary Robinson [unm. int.] of A., Feb. 1, 1809.
Paul, of A., and Lois Barden of Taunton, int. Oct. 8, 1799.
Susan, of A., and Edward Aborn of Providence, Sept. 23, 1798.
James, and Abbigal Wellman [Welman. int.], both of A., Nov. 11, 1730.
James R., see Bowen, James R.
PRATT (Prat)
Easther, and Thomas Starkey, both of A., int. June 29, 1754.
Elizabeth (Prat), of A., and Gregry Belcher of Easton, int. May 23, 1775.
Esther, of A., and Joel Deen of Taunton, int. Feb. 2, 1760.
Esther, and Alexander Foster, jr., both of A., int. Jan. 31, 1761.
John, of A., and Mary Mann [Man. int.] of Wrentham, Nov. 23, 1737.
John, of A., and Ruth Lane of Norton, Sept. 24, 1741.
Louisa, unm., of Middleborough, and Edward Richardson of A., int. Sept. 11, 1824.
Lydia, of North Providence, and James Wood of A., int. Nov. 18, 1774.
Phebe Ann (Prat) [Pratt, unm. int.], and Leprilate Wilmarth, both of A., Sept. 21, 1819.
Ruth, of Norton, and Aaron Cutting of A., Nov. 24, 1748.
Sarah [of A. int.], and Ebenezer Grover [of Norton. int.], May 29, 1733.
Susan, wid., of Foxborough, and Dea. Peter Thacher of A., int. Dec. 23, 1825.
Teresa, unm., of A., a. 19 y., b. Randolph, Vt., d. Joel, and Nathan Doty, unm., of A., a. 19 y., machinist, b. Rochester, s. Richard, Aug. 11, 1845.
John, and Sarah Downing, July 14, 1713.
Patience, of Wrentham, and John Gratraks of A., int. July 9, 1742.
Mary, of Dover, and Nathaniel Carpenter of A., Oct. 13, 1695.
Maria [Barrows. int. P.R.46; Prevar, unm. int.], and Hiram Barrows, both of A., Apr. 11, 1816.
PRICE (Prise)
Edward [Prise. int.], and Sally [Sarah. P.R.70.] Daggett, unm., both of A., June 19, 1796. [1795. P.R.70.]
George, and Martha Grant, unm., both of A., Oct. 4, 1829.
Harriet H., unm., and Samuel Taylor, both of A., Jan. 14, 1834.
Louisa, unm., of A., and Richard R. Brewster of Hopkinton, Nov. 18, 1830.
Martha [unm. int.], and James Jackson, jr., both of A., Sept. 27, 1818.
John L., and Jane Lawton [unm. int.], both of A., at Pawtucket, Aug. 10, 1836.
Roxana D., unm., of Foxborough, and Thaddeus C. Capron of A., int. Mar. 18, 1847.
PULLEN (Pullin, Pulling)
Eleona (Pullin), and Samuel Sanford, both of A., Dec. 25, 1795.
Eunice (Pulling), of Rehoboth, and John Braggs [Bragge. int.] of A., Apr. 28, 1743.
Jam[e]s, and Lidia Woodcock [both of A. int.; Mar. 17. C.R.1.], 1742-3.
James, jr., and Phebe Stanley, both of A., int. Mar. 16, 1775.
Jane, of A., and David Bolkcom of Norton, int. Feb. 24, 1780.
Jeams, jr., and Elora Capron, both of A., int. Aug. 15, 1772.
Lydia, and Jeremiah Day, both of A., int. Apr. 12, 1777.
Molly, of A., and David Woodcock of Winthrop, int. Mar. 18, 1775.
Sarah, and Timothy Farrington, both of A., int. June 15, 1780.
Stephen, and Mercy Blackinton, both of A., int. Aug. 27, 1768.
Stephen, of Winthrop ["Kennebec Co., now residing in A." int.], and Elizabeth Guild, unm., of A., Nov. 7, 1803.
William, and Sarah Farebanks, both of A., int. Feb. 16, 1778.
Andrew, of A., and Nancy Hail, unm., of Warren, int. Feb. 26, 1812.
Jabez, and Sarah Barrows, int. Nov. 13, 1780.
Augustus N. [H. Quinley. C.R.2.], unm., of A., a. 20 y., laborer, s. John, of Cumberland, R.I., and Jane E. Gammons, unm., of A., a. 20 y., d. Southworth, Sept. 27, 1846.
RADDIN (Reading)
Abigail King, of Danvers, and Milton Stanley, at Billerica, Oct. ----, 1831. P.R.70.
Rosamond (Reading) [unm. int.], and Guildford Barrows, both of A., Aug. 30, 1812.
Nathaniel, jr., and Chloe Richardson [unm. both of A., Dec. 3, 1818.
RANDALL (Randal)
Albert, and Elisa G. Sherman, unm., of Pawtucket, int. Apr. 21, 1849.
Nehemiah (Randal), and Bethiah Burse [unm. int.], both of A., July 29, 1822.
Adaline M., unm., of Wrentham, and Joseph Jewett of A., int. June 25, 1828.
Charles, unm., of A., a. 23 y., physician, s. Dexter and Sally, and Mary Ann Codding, unm. of A., a. 19 y., Jan. 11, 1846.
Laura, unm., of Wrentham, and Amos Sprague Rhodes of A., Sept. 3, 1840.
Thomas, of A., and Anna Follet, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., int. Oct. 26, 1804.
James, of A., and Sarah Brayden, unm., of Smithfield, R.I., int. June 5, 1842.
Mary, of Wrentham, and Job Fuller of A., Apr. 23, 1772.
Sally Dean, unm., of Norton, and Otis Robinson of A., int. May 26, 1810.
RAZE (Razee, Reaze)
Joseph, and Mercy Davice, wid., both of A., int. Feb. 21, 1729-30.
Joseph (Reaze), and Mehetabell Sweetland, both of A., int. May 30, 1741.
Julia (Razee), unm., of Cumberland, R.I., and Joseph F. Torry of A., int. Mar. 9, 1846.
Sarah, of Cumberland, and Elisha Carpenter, jr. of A., int. Feb. 28, 1767.
Sarah O. (Razee), unm., of Cumberland, R.I., and Charles F. Aldrich of A., int. Apr. 26, 1845.
READ (Reade, Reed, Reid)
Abel, and Elesibeth Sweet, both of A., int. Jan. 24, 1789.
Abel, 2d, of A., and Sally Carpenter of Cumberland, R.I., int. Jan. 1, 1802.
Abigail (Reed), and Benjamin Ide, jr., Apr. 4, 1757.
Amherst [Everett. int.], of Coventry, R.I., and Eliza Allen [unm. int.] of A., Apr. 5, 1841.
Amos, and Mary Ide, both of A., int. May 21, 1771.
Amos, of A., and Caroline Matilda Bowen, unm., of Rehoboth, int. Feb. 10, 1805.
Angeline, unm., of A., and Andrew J. Goff of Rehoboth, int. Mar. 7, 1840.
Arnan, and Polly Cushman, wid. ["Miss." int.], both of A., Dec. 3, 1806.
Artemas, of A., and Abigail French [unm. int.] of Wrentham, Mar. 14, 1813.
Azereel, and Molly Sprague, both of A., Sept. 30, 1800.
Beriah [of A. int.], and Nehemiah Bucklen [of Rehoboth. int.], Dec. 10, 1730.
Betsy [unm. int. P.R.46], and Remember Carpenter, both of A., Oct. 11, 1801. C.R.2.
Charles, of Pawtucket, and Lucy Newman, unm., of A., int. Sept. 13, 1836.
Charlotte A., unm., of A., and William Atkinson of Nashua Village. N.H., int. Aug. 15, 1829.
Chloe, and Comfort Moors, both of A., int. June 23, 1769.
Chloe [unm. int.], and Abijah M. Ide, both of A., Dec. 29, 1812.
Clement O., of Dunstable, N.H., and Miranda Collins, unm., of A., int. Mar. 2, 1826.
Clement O., of A., and Lydia Buffum [unm. int.] of Cumberland [of Valley Falls. int.], at Cumberland, Apr. 2, 1845.
Daniel, and Mary White, Apr. 2, 1741. C.R.1.
Daniel, Capt., and Mary Maxey, wid., both of A., int. Mar. 5, 1776.
Daniel, Capt., of A., and Lydia W. Miller, unm., of Warren, R.I., int. Apr. 6, 1825.
Daniell, jr., and Bebb Peck, both of A., int. Mar. 2, 1765.
David, of Rehoboth, and Bettey Moor of A., int. Aug. 30, 1771.
David, and Louisa Ide, unm., both of A., Mar. 24, 1823.
Deborah, and Samuel Liscomb, both of A., int. Aug. 16, 1776.
Dorcas, of A., and Job Harding of Medway, Apr. 25, 1787. P.R.81.
Ebenezer, and Bette Stanley, both of A., int. Oct. 31, 1789.
Edmund, of Needham, and Fanny M. Peck [unm. int.] of A., Mar. 31, 1844.
Elbridge G., of Easton, and Abigail Claflin, unm., of A., int. Sept. 20, 1835.
Elezebath (Reade), and Jacob Cushman, both of A., int. Sept. 19, 1741.
Eliflet, of Cumberland, and Sallah Buckling of A., int. May 14, 1757.
Elijah R., and Lucinda A. Carpenter, unm., both of A., int. Apr. 9, 1825.
Elisabeth, and Joseph Pek, both of A., int. Jan. 18, 1766.
Elisabethe, and Benjamin Eastey, both of A., int. Dec. 15, 1786.
Eliza, unm., of A., and Ebenezer Richmond of Newton, Jan. 1, 1841.
Elizabeth, and Ebenezer Robinson, both of A., May 30, 1720.
Ephraim, and Hannah Fuller, both of A., int. July 17, 1779.
Ester, of Rehoboth, and Allen Commens [Cummins. int.] of A., May 15, 1795.
Eunice, of A., and Eleazer Sprague of North Providence, int. Aug. 31, 1778.
Eunice [unm. int.], and Jabez Newell, both of A., Aug. 24, 1803.
Hannah [of A. int.], and Barak Bucklin [of Rehoboth. int.], Aug. 11, 1731.
Han[nah] [of Rehoboth. int.], and Stephan Wilmarth [of A. int.], Mar. 3, 1741-2.
Hannah, and Ebenezer Tyler, both of A., May 4, 1762.
Hannah, and Otis Robinson, both of A., Mar. 17, 1785. P.R.81.
Hannah, and David Tyler, both of A., int. Oct. 28, 1793.
Hannah, of Rehoboth, and Selvester Jilson of A., int. Apr. 30, 1795.
Hannah, unm., and Jonathan Fuller, both of A., int. Mar. 7, 1821.
Hannah, unm., of Medway, and Daved Jackson of A., int. Aug. 17, 1822.
Henry C., of Worcester, and Eunice D. Tyler, unm., of A., Oct. 16, 1834.
Hipsihah, of Rehoboth, and David Cummins of A., May 1, 1800.
Hulda, d. Nathaniel and Anna (Bourne), and Olney Robinson, Oct. 21, 1810. [at Rehoboth. dup.] P.R.55.
Huldah, jr., of Rehoboth, and Moses Brown of A., int. July 21, 1781.
Ichabod, of A., and Elizabeth Chaffee [Chaffe. int.] of Rehoboth, Feb. 28, 1733-4.
Ichabod, and Elisabeth Robinson, both of A., int. Mar. 5, 1763.
Isaac, and Louise [Lovice. int. and C.R.2.] Woodcock [unm. int.], both of A., Feb. 11, 1812.
Isreal, and Hannah Robinson, both of A., int. Dec. 7, 1728.
Joel, and Chloe Stanley, both of A., int. Aug. 28, 1779.
Joel (Reed) [Read. int.], of Princeton, and Amy Maxey of A., May 17, 1804.
Joel, Esq., of A., and Mary Le Craw, wid., of North Providence, R.I., int. Mar. 17, 1827.
Johanah, wid., and Daniell Freeman, both of A., int. Dec. 31, 1757.
John, and Sally Freeman [unm. int.], both of A., Nov. 30, 1809.
John (Reid), of A., and Noami Gazee, unm., of Pawtucket, int. ---- 6, 1823.
John Adams, and Content [Tente. int.] Tiffany [unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 1, 1814.
John B., and Jane J. Ingraham, unm., both of Pawtucket, Nov. ----, 1828. [Oct. C.R.1.]
Jonathan, and Nancy Bicknell, unm., both of A., Apr. 16, 1799.
Keziah [Read. int.]. of Rehoboth, and John Ridge [Pidge, jr. int.] of A., Apr. 2, 1761.
Levi, and Anna Hunt, both of A., Feb. 27, 1800.
Lida [Lydia. int.], and Abraham Blos [Bloss. int.] of Sturbridge, Oct. 8, 1764.
Lois [Lois Cady Read. C.R.1.], of A., and Rufus Fernum [Farnan. int.; Farnum. C.R.1.] of Boston, Sept. 2, 1798.
Lois [unm. int.], of A., and Dea. Ezekiel Kent of Rehoboth, Mar, 22, 1819.
Lucy [unm. int.], of Seekonk, and Asa Dean of A., Dec. 14, 1818.
Marcus (Reed), of A., and Mary E. Cobb, unm., of Foxborough, int. Sept. 21, 1839.
Margaret B., of Newport, R.I., and Sylvester Fuller of A., int. Aug. 28, 1831.
Martha, of Rehoboth, and David Whipple of A., July 7, 1737.
Mary [Reed. C.R.2.], and John Drier [Dryer. C.R.2.], Nov. 5, 1749. [Oct. 5, 1744. dup.]
Mary, of Rehoboth, and Jonathan Garfield [Gaffield. int.] of A., Apr. 9, 1764.
Mary, wid., of A., and Joseph Miller of Rehoboth, int. Dec. 6, 1766.
Mary, and Aaron Barros, both of A., int. Sept. 17, 1768.
Mary [unm. int.], and Carlos Barrows, both of A., Jan. 1, 1822.
Mary, unm. [wid. int. and C.R.1.], and Dea. Moses Thacher [of Ridgefield, O. int.], both of A., Sept. 21, 1829.
Mary F., unm., and Dan W. Pike, both of A., Oct. 30, 1831.
Mathew, and Dorothy Bardeen, both of A., int. Feb. 4, 1769.
Moses, and Ruth Freeman, Aug. 19, 1752.
Moses, and Esther Fuller, unm., both of A., int. Mar. 19, 1812.
Nancy, and Carlos Barrows, both of A., Nov. 12, 1801.
Nancy, and Sabin Atherton, ----, 1806. P.R.55.
Nathan, of Rehoboth, and Sally Robinson of A. [both of A. int.], Nov. 7, 1795. [Nov. 12. C.R.1.]
Nathan, and Bethiah Blanding [unm. int.], both of A., Jan. 13, 1831. [Jan. 10. C.R.2.]
Nathaniel, and Huldah Carpenter, both of A., Dec. 25, 17-. [Nov. 4, 1758. int.]
Nathaniel [jr., of Rehoboth. int.], and Anna Bourn [of A. int.], June 13, 1782. P.R.55.
Nathaniel, and Sally Crossman, ----, 1815. P.R.55.
Noah [Reade. int.], and Abigal Robbins [both of A. int.], Mar. 11, 1741-2.
Noah, and Hannah Richardson, wid., both of A., int. Nov. 28, 1759.
Noah, and Dorcas Chaffee, int. Nov. 7, 1761.
Olive [unm. int.], of A., and Jason Messenger of Dedham, Dec. 1, 1803.
Otis, and Charlotte Everett [unm. int.], both of A., Aug. 16, 1810.
Patience, and Tho[ma]s Brag, both of A., int. Oct. 7, 1746.
Patience, of Rehoboth, and Abial Fuller of A., int. Mar. 18, 1778.
Peter, and Mary Pitcher, both of A., int. Oct. 26, 1776.
Rachel (Reed), Mrs., and John Foster, 3d, June 8, 1750.
Russel, and Susan Peck [unm. int.], both of A., Feb. 17, 1814.
Ruth, of Rehoboth, and John Sweeting of A., int. Nov. 28, 1767.
Salley [unm. int.], of A., and Ona [Orna. C.R.1.] Carpenter of Seekonk, Dec. 10, 1818.
Samuel, of A., and Mary Lindley [Linly. int.] of Rehoboth, June 5, 1746.
Samuel, of Rehoboth, and Lilla Carpenter of A., int. July 17, 1762.
Samuel], of Rehoboth, and Mary Maxey, wid., of A., int. Oct. 8, 1763.
Sarah, and Daniel Richardson, both of A., int. Sept. 25, 1762.
Sarah, and Moses Thatcher, both of A., Apr. 1, 1793. C.R.1.
Susan [Mrs. int.], of A., and William Barrows of Millbury, Sept. 19, 1819.
Susanna, of A., and Benjamian Samson of Bridgewater. int. Aug. 21, 1790.
Tenta, unm., of A., and Joseph Chase of Cumberland, R.I., int. Jan. 25, 1823.
Thankfull, and Moses Tyler, both of A., int. Jan. 28, 1758.
Timothy, jr., of Rehoboth, and Martha Pidge of A., int. Nov. 25, 1759.
Timothy, and Elesabeth Tyler, both of A., int. Dec. 8, 1764.
Timothy, of A., and Priscilla Hatch of Walpole, int. June 28, 1766.
William, and Cylinda [Selenda. int.] Tingley, both of A., May 24, 1792. C.R.1.
William W., of A., and Sarah French, unm., of Pawtucket, int. Sept. 20, 1844.
---, and Mary White, June 2, 1741.
READING, see Raddin.
Samuel, and Abia Follett, int. Jan. 4, 1760.
Louisa, unm., of Scituate, R.I., and Charles Clark of A., int. July 13, 1833.
Mathew, of A., and Rachil Easterbrooks of Swanzey, Jan. 24, 1733-4.
RHODES (Rhoads, Rhods)
Amos Sprague, of A., and Laura Rawson, unm., of Wrentham, Sept. 3, 1840.
Edward A., unm., of Warren, R.I., and Mary R. K. [R.R. int.] Fisher, unm., of A., May 2, 1844.
Elezer (Rhods), jr., of Stoughton, and Mary Woolcott of A., int. Oct. 29, 1740. P.R.73.
John H., of A., and Rosetta Fuller, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., int. Aug. 21, 1830.
Juliaett, unm., of A., and David Sheldon of Cumberland, R.I., Aug. 3, 1828.
Meriam T., unm., and Barton Chase, both of A., int. Apr. 30, 1836.
Sally [Sarah. int.], of A., and Patten Jackson of Providence [R.I. int.], Mar. 28, 1802. [Mar. 23. C.R.1.]
Samanthia [E., unm. int.], of A., and George W. Craig of Wrentham, Jan. 2, 1842.
Silas [Rhoads. int.], of Wrentham, and Patience Sprague [unm. int.] of A., Nov. ----, 1815.
Stephen (Rhods), of Stoughton, and Deliverance Woolcott of A., int. Oct. 25, 1740. P.R.73.
Stephen C., and Clarrissa D. Norton, unm., both of A., int. Jan. 2, 1841.
Susan, of Wrentham, and Jesse Miller, jr. of Franklin, Apr. 3, 1834.