Vital Records Of Attleborough Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By The Essex Institute Salem, Mass. 1934
Marriages - JARMAN to MURRAY
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

John, and Mary Alexsander, int. July 24, 1769.
Philone, of A., and Oliver Whitker of Wrentham. int. Sept. 30, 1772.
JENCKS (Jenckes, Jenks, Jincks, Jinks)
Alvin (Jenks), of Smithfield, R.I., and Sarah Fales, unm., of A., int. Sept. 30, 1827.
Amelia, of A., and James Smith of Providence, R.I., Nov. 8, 1837.
Daniel, jr., and. Mercy Sprague, both of A., int. Dec. 30, 1727.
Elisabeth A. (Jenks), of Wrentham, and Elijah B. Newell of Providence, at Wrentham, Mar. 10, 1843.
Elizabeth, unm., of Pawtucket, and John C. Dodge, jr. of A., int. Dec. 30, 1845.
Esther, of Providence, and Benjamin Bucklin of A., int. July 16, 1726.
Gedion (Jinks), of Cumberland, and Annah White of A., int. Dec. 26, 1787.
George Foster (Jenks), of A., and Sarah Benedict, unm., of North Providence, int. Oct. 21, 1815.
Hannah (Jincks), of A., and David Ruttenbirg of Providence, int. Feb. 18, 172-.
Hollis King (Jenks), of A., and Molley Burr, unm., of Rehoboth, int. Feb. 27, 1813.
John (Jenks), of Cumberland, and Thankful Robinson of A., int. Mar. 20, 1762.
Jonnathan (Jinks), of Providence, and Mary Jilson of A., int. Aug. 10, 1771.
Lydia (Jenckes), unm., and William Sherburn, both of Wrentham, Apr. 16, 1828.
Margret (Jinks), of North Providence, and Aldrich Greene of A., int. July 1, 1802.
Mary, wid., and Loammi Day, both of A., int. July 25, 1776.
Mercy (Jenckes) [Jincks. int.], unm., and Lot Welman, both of A., Sept. 13, 1795.
Moses, jr., of North Providence, R.I., and Narcissa Fuller, unm., of A., int. Dec. 29, 1804.
Nathaniel (Jenkes), of North Providence, and Content Carpenter of A., int. Jan. 18, 1770.
Olive (Jincks), unm., and Asa Wellman [Welman. int.], both of A., Nov. 26, 1801.
Rebeckah (Jenks), and Samuel Hambleton, both of A., int. Feb. 26, 1741-2. Publishment stopped by request of Samuel Hambleton, Mar. 8, 1742.
Ruth (Jincks), of A., and ---- Whipple, jr. of Providence, int. Jan. 10, 1724-5.
Stephen (Jenks), 2d, of North Providence, R.I. ["and Providence plantation." int.], and Nancy Day [unm. int.] of A., Oct. 4, 1812.
Thomas A. [Esq. int.], of Providence, R.I., and Mary Jane Fuller [unm. int.] of A., Apr. 11, 1842.
Hannah, see Jueller, Hannah.
Ephram, and Mrs. [Miss. int.] Nancy Whiting, both of A., Dec. 14, 1824.
Joseph, of A., and Adaline M. Rathbun, unm., of Wrentham, int. June 25, 1828.
JILSON (Gillson, Gilson, Jelson, Tilson)
Abel (Jillson), of A., and Mary Hewes [Hews, unm. int.] of Wrentham. Jan. 21, 1809.
Abel (Jillson), and Polly Jillson, wid., both of A., int. Mar. 20, 1835.
Amaziah (Jillson), of A., and Hannah Whipple of Cumberland, int. Mar. 11, 1780.
Ame, and Eliphalet Claflen, both of A., int. Oct. 15, 1769.
Amos [Gillson. int.], and Delphia Wing [unm. int.], both of A., Apr. 7, 1822.
Ann C. (Jillson), unm., and David H. Grant, both of A., Sept. 18, 1833.
Arnold (Gilson) [Jilson. int.], and Lavina Gilson [Lavina Messenger Jillson, unm. int.], both of A., Apr. 29, 1841.
Arnold (Jillson), widr., of A., a. 45 y., carpenter, s. W[illia]m, and Myra J. Pierce [unm. int.] of A., d. Caleb, Nov. 12, 1844.
Betsey (Jillson) [Gillson. int.], unm., and Jesse Richards, both of A., Nov. 24, 1830.
Candace (Jillson) [unm. int.], and Jabez Gay, both of A., Mar. 29, 1807.
Candace [Jillson. int.], unm., and Jonathan D. Woodcock, both of A., at Wrentham, Nov. 5, 1840.
Caroline (Jillson), unm., of A., and Abijah Haskans of Smithfield, R.I., int. Oct. 27, 1832.
Daniel [Jelson. int.], of A., and Leah Bucklin [Bucklen. int.] of Rehoboth, June 12, 1742.
Daniel (Jillson), of A., and Mehetable Cooper [wid. int.] of Rehoboth [both of A. int.], July 18, 1765. [Feb. 10, 1770. int.]
David (Jillson), and Rebekah Messenger, unm., both of A., int. Aug. 12, 1814.
David (Jillson), of A., and Polly Shorey, unm., of Seekonk, Nov. 9, 1823.
Emealy (Jillson), Mrs., of A., and Willard R. Jillson of Newfane, Vt., int. Apr. 6, 1839.
Esquier (Jillson), of A., and Alec Bennet of Scituate, int. Nov. 26, 1768.
James (Jelson), and Mary Day, both of A., int. Feb. 17, 1738-9.
Joseph (Jillson), [Tilson. int.], of A., and Mary Jordan of Rehoboth, Apr. 17, 1740.
July Ann (Jillson), unm., and Edward Richards, jr., both of A., Aug. 23, 1826.
Lavina (Gilson) [Lavina Messenger Jillson, unm. int.], and Arnold Gilson [Jilson. int.], both of A., Apr. 29, 1841.
Levi (Jillson), of A., and Betty Hunt of Smithfield, int. June 10, 1774.
Marcy (Jilson) [Mary. C.R.1.], of A., and Jeremiah Young of Cumberland [R.I. int.], Sept. 27, 1801.
Mary [Jelson, of A. int.], and Josiah Braman [of Norton. int.], Oct. 2, 1729.
Mary, of A., and Jonnathan Jinks of Providence, int. Aug. 10, 1771.
Mary S. (Jillson), unm., and John E. Metcalf, both of A., Oct. 16, 1834.
Mehitabel (Jillson) [Jilson, unm. int.], and Ezra Wellman, both of A., Aug. 17, 1806.
Nancy (Jillson) [unm. int.], of A., and William Luther of Swanzey, Apr. 3, 1808.
Nathaniel, of A., and Deborah Tower of Cumberland, int. Jan. 16, 1768.
Oliver, of A., and Easter Brown of Cumberland, int. July 8, 1785.
Phillis (Jillson), of A., and Joseph Sprague of Smithfield, int. Dec. 10, 1768.
Polly (Jillson) [unm. int.], and Jesse Carpenter, both of A., Sept. 15, 1805.
Polly (Jillson), wid., and Abel Jillson, both of A., int. Mar. 20, 1835.
Rufus (Jillson), of Cumberland [R.I. int.], and Nancy Lane [unm. int.] of A., Sept. 15, 1805.
Sally, unm., and Joseph Cobb, both of A., Oct. 23, 1796.
Sarah (Jillson), of A., and John Vicory of Cumberland, int. Jan. 31, 1777.
Selvester, of A., and Hannah Read of Rehoboth, int. Apr. 30, 1795.
Willard (Jillson), and Eliza [M. int.] Daggett, unm., both of A., Feb. 23, 1826.
Willard R. (Jillson), of Newfane, Vt., and Mrs. Emealy Jillson of A., int. Apr. 6, 1839.
William [Jillson. int.], and Betsy Robbinson [Robinson. int.], unm. [both of A. int.], July 13, 1800.
William (Jillson), and Betsey Cushman [unm. int.], both of A., Jan. 11, 1807.
JOHNSON (Jonson)
Andrew, of Providence [R.I. int.] and Betsey Parmeter [Parmerter. C.R.2; Parmenter. int.], unm., of A., Apr. 9, 1826.
Eliza A. (Jonson) [unm. int.], and Orville P. Richardson, both of A., Apr. 6, 1848. C.R.2.
Ephraim, of Stratford, Ct., and Mary Daggett of A., int. Feb. 10, 1776.
Nathan, and Sarah Cobb, unm. [both of A. int.] July 29, 1829.
Sarah, and Noah Carpenter, Dec. 3, 1700.
Sarah M., unm., of Manchester, N.H., and Rev. John B. M. Bailey of A., int. Jan. 19, 1841.
William [Jonson. int.]. and Margaret Davis [unm. int.], both of A., Aug. 27, 1837.
William E., unm., of A., a. 20 y., tin worker, s. Andrew and Betsey, and Maria L. Richardson, unm., of A., a. 21 y., d. Edward and Lou[i]sa, Aug. 8, 1848.
Jane M. [Jolls. int.], unm., of Warren, and John J. Bickner [Bickard. int.] of A., Sept. 28, 1826.
JONES (Jons)
Aby, unm., and Rufus Claflin, both of A., int. Dec. 16, 1821.
Elijah (Jons), and Mary Barrow, int. Mar. 7, 1744-5.
Elijah, and Hannah Pitts, both of A., int. July 21, 1759.
Elnathan, of Rehoboth, and Betsy Dunham [unm. int.] of A., June 7, 1819.
Hariet, unm., of Providence, R.I., and Jonathan Messinger of Canton, July 10, 1828.
Hiram, and Fanny G. Hunt [unm. int.], both of A., Nov. 15, 1842.
Martha, and Daniel Mathews, both of A., int. Feb. 9, 1739-40.
Martin, of Foxborough, and Susan Fisher, unm., of A., int. Dec. 20, 1840.
Mary Ann, of Smithfield, R.I., and Thomas Fuller, 2d, of A., int. Mar. 10, 1832.
Mason C., and Sally G. Round, unm., both of A., Jan. 2, 1825.
Olive, and Nathaniel Barney, Apr. 14, 1844. P.R.26.
Seth, of Dighton, and Lydia [Lindy. int.] Barrows of A., Sept. 24, 1795.
Thomas R., unm., of A., a. 24 y., tailor, s. Robinson and Fear, and Hannah S. Franklin, unm., of A., a. 20 y., d. Eben and Mary, Nov. 7, 1848.
William, of Berkley, and Rebekah Buckley, wid., of A., int. June 16, 1773.
JORDAN (Jordon)
Mahaly (Jordon), unm., and William Cornett, both of Wrentham, May 5, 1827.
Mary, of Rehoboth, and Joseph Jillson [Tilson. int.] of A., Apr. 17, 1740.
Stephen P., and Lavina A. Bowen, unm., both of A., Jan. 26, 1841.
JOSLEN (Joslin)
Henry, and Mary Whipple, May 21, 1724.
Richards (Joslin) [Joslen. int.], of A., and Mehitable Thurstin of Taunton [Freetown. int.], Oct. 16, 1729.
Sarah, and Richard Atwill, both of A., int. Jan. 14, 1726-7.
Susan, of Boston, and David Shepard of Wrentham, Nov. 7, 1837.
Hannah [Jewell. int.], and Jonothan Fuller, both of A., July 10, 1777. P.R.81.
Thomas, see Riper, Thomas.
James H. [Kief. int.], and Abby S. Draper [unm. int.], both of A., Oct. 23, 1842.
Albert, and Charlotte Pierce, both of Foxborough, Apr. 2, 1847. C.R.2.
Lemuel, of Canton [Easton. int.], and Mrs. Sarah Fuller of A., Oct. 6, 1834. [June 14, 1835. int.]
KELLY (Killey, Killy)
Esther, wid., of Providence, and William Barrows of A., int. Aug. 2, 1783.
Polly [Killey. int.], and Levi Blake, both of A., Aug. 17, 1800.
Priscilla [Killy, unm. int.], and Ebenezar Taylor, both of A., Aug. 22, 1814.
KENDALL, see Kindal.
Adeline, unm., of A., and John S. Smith of Pawtucket, int. June 4, 1849.
Adelin[e] D. [L. C.R.2.; Adeline Francis. P.R.2.], unm., of A., a. 20 y., d. Luther, and Horatio D[exter. P.R.50.] Parmenter, unm., of A., a. 21 y., farmer, s. Dexter and Susan. Aug. 22, 1849.
Betsey, unm., and Lewis Cranston, both of A., int. Oct. 19, 1843.
Claracy, and Thomas D. Sadler, both of A., int. Feb. 19, 1843.
Cynthia, unm., of Rehoboth, and Benjamin Day of A., int. June 2, 1805.
Cynthia, unm., and Dr. Joseph H. Hatch, both of A., Dec. 8, 1823.
David D., unm., of A., shoemaker, s. William C., and Hariet E. Richards, unm., of A., Apr. 21, 1844.
David D., widr., of A., a. 26 y., jeweler, s. William C., and Ann B. Dean, unm., of A., a. 25 y., d. Ephraim and Nancy, Oct. 6, 1846.
Dorothy, of Rehoboth, and Jonathan Titus of A., Apr. 4, 1748.
Elijah, and Hannah Perrin, Mar. 3, 1753. P.R.27.
Eliza Amelia, unm., of Rehoboth, and Milton Freeman of A., int. Sept. 9, 1826.
Eveline. unm., of Seekonk, and Samuel W. Wing, unm., of A., Sept. 25, 1844.
Ezekiel, Dea., of Rehoboth, and Lois Read [unm. int.] of A., Mar. 22, 1819.
Francis B., of Providence. R.I., and Abby S. Lewis, unm., of A., int. Jan. 29, 1847.
George W., of Rehoboth, and Sally Hall, unm., of A., int. Aug. 16, 1828.
Hannah, and Jonathan Bliss, Mar. 19, 1792. P.R.27.
Joanna, unm., of Seekonk, and Thomas Shaw of A., int. Oct. 12, 1822.
John [of Rehoboth, int.], and Rachel Carpenter [of A. int.], Mar. 30, 1726.
Lewis, of A., and Rachel Chandler Thomson, unm., of Rehoboth, int. Oct. 16, 1829.
Luther, and Mary Sailsbury, both of Seekonk, Nov. 16, 1828. P.R.50.
Luther, unm., of A., a. 42 y., miller, and Patience Barney, unm., of Pawtucket [R.I. P.R.50.], Sept. 13 [1849.]
Lydia, of Rehoboth, and Jacob Ide of A., May 31, 1770. [1780. P.R.56.]
Peleg H., of A., and Sally C. Cobb, unm., of Wrentham, int. Feb. 21, 1819.
Remember, unm., s. Elijah and Hannah (Perrin), and Lucy Ide of A., Nov. 1, 1781. P.R.27.
Remember, 2d m., s. Elijah and Hannah (Perrin), and Martha Ide of Seekonk, Apr. 13, 1821. P.R.27.
Samuel, unm., of Seekonk, a. 45 y., miller, s. Elijah and Sarah, and Mary A. [A. B. int.] Whiting, unm., of A., a. 37 y., d. Lemuel and Nancy, Nov. 11, 1849.
Seha [Hunt. C.R.1.], of Rehoboth, and Nabby Ide [unm. int.] of A., Nov. 15, 1810.
William C., and Levina Blake [unm. int.], both of A., Feb. 3, 1820.
William C., and Eunice D. Blake, unm., both of A., Sept. 2, 1832.
KENYON, see Kinyon.
KIEF, see Keif.
KIMPTON (Kenpton)
Caleb S., of A., and Mary Godfry, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., int. Sept. 14, 1833.
Lois (Kenpton), unm., and Benjamin Rogers, both of A., int. Apr. 15, 1832.
Rebeckah, and Thomas Fuller, Nov. 11, 1736.
Benjamin, and Maria Wilmarth [Welmorth, unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 24, 1818.
Betsey [unm. int.], and John Dunham, 3d, both of A., Mar. 1, 1812.
Edward, and Elisabeth Wood [unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 25, 1842.
Hannah [unm. int.], of A., and Alfred Bliss of Rehoboth, Dec. 16, 1810.
Hannah B., unm., of A., a. 20 y., d. Benja[mi]n and Mera, and Granville S. Smith, unm., of A., a. 21 y., blacksmith, b. Rehoboth, d. Cyril and Rebecah, Mar. 23, 1848.
John, and Elisaboth Alixander, both of A., int. May 28, 1768.
Joseph C., of A., and Amy Miller, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., int. Dec. 7, 1826.
Josiah, and Mary Carpenter, unm., both of A., int. Nov. 15, 1811.
Lidia [unm. int.], and Nehemiah Claflin, jr., both of A., Mar. 10, 1808. C.R.2.
Marietta, unm., and Asa Bates, both of A., int. Nov. 14, 1841.
Mary [unm. int.], of A., and Obediah Winsor of Glocester, R.I., Jan. 21, 1810.
Reuben, Dea., and Polly Garfield, unm., both of A., int. Mar. 22, 1817.
Ruth Silvester, and Aaron White, both of Mansfield, Sept. 25, 1828.
Edward Y. [T. int.], unm., of A., jeweler, s. Edward, of Mansfield, and Zilpha D. Allen, unm.; of A., Oct. 12, 1844.
Abigail, unm., of Franklin, and George Cheerer of A., int. Mar. 2, 1821.
Mason, of Bristol, R.I., and Betsey Willis of Norton, July 14, 1805.
Nancy, of Providence, R.I., and Comfort Carpenter of A., int. Jan. 31, 1794.
Jacob P., of Mendon, and Sally Fuller, unm., of A., int. Aug. 28, 1820.
Rachel [of A. int.], and Samuel Phillips [of Newport. int.], Apr. 15, 1725.
Robert, and Sylvia Claflen, unm., both of A., int. June 11, 1834.
Robert, and Emma M. Bishop [unm. int.], both of A., Feb. 13, 1843
Lanson, and Minerva Lincoln, both of A., Aug. 24, 1838. [int. Aug. 6, 1836.]
KNAPP (Knap, Nap)
Elizebeth (Knap), of Taunton, and Samuel Cobb of A., int. May 7, 1726.
Freeman, jr., and Lydia Martin, unm., both of A., int. June 19, 1824.
John [Nap. int.], of Norton, and Jane Foster of A., Nov. 28, 1765.
Lu[cin]dia, unm., of A., and Hugh McLane of Wrentham, May 8, 1830.
Mehetable (Knap), and Abial Dunham, both of A., int. May 20, 1772.
Mary E., unm., of Cranston, R.I., and Albert B. Freeman of A., int. Nov. 21, 1848.
Fitts William H., of A., and Lucy Ann Titus, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., int. Sept. 23, 1846.
KNOWLTON, see Nolton.
Benja[mi]n Wilson [of Rehoboth. int.], and Rowena Fuller [unm , of A. int.], both of A., Sept. 16, 1811.
Sophia [unm. int.], and William Bolkcom [Balkcom. int.], both of A., Apr. 4, 1816.
Alexander, of Providence, R.I., and Abby Ann Hancock of Wrentham, ----[18-.]
Mary Ann, unm., and Horatio A. Cutting, both of A., at Shrewsbury, Dec. 29, 1839.
Fanny C., unm., of Mansfield, and Nicholas Brown of A., int. Feb. 22, 1825.
LANE (Laine)
Benjamin, and Hephzibah Moss, Sept. 15, 1720.
Benjami[n], of A., and Anna Denslas of Windsor, int. Mar. 22, 1750-51.
Bethiah, and Jonathan Noreting of Cumberland, int. Aug. 12, 1758.
Betsey, of of Norton, and Larnard Willmarth of A., Apr. 9, 1795.
Betty, of A., and Samuel Partridge, jr. of Wrentham, int. Nov. 13, 1773.
Daniel (Laine) [Lane. int.], of A., and Abigail Allin [Nabby Allen. int.] of Cumberland, Feb. 28, 1782.
Ebenezer, and Elizebeth Follett, both of A., int. June 16, 1733.
Elijah [of Norton. int.], and Hannah Wilmarth, 4th [of A. int.], Nov. 4, 1796.
Elizabeth, and George Lawson, Dec.----, 17-.
Elizebeth [of A. int.], and Moses Ware [of Norton. int.], June 23, 1731.
Elkanah, of Norton, and Hannah Tingley of A., June 10, 1742.
Elkanah, jr., of Norton, and Esther Densmore of A., int. Feb. 27, 1768.
Ephriam, and Ruth Sheppeson, Jan. 10, 1716-17.
Eunice, and Lawton Tabor, both of A., Aug. 31, 1809.
Hannah, of Norton and Timothy Bishop of A., int. Feb. 7, 1767.
Hezekiah, and Deborah Thurstin, both of A., int. May 16, 1777.
John, and Keziah Tiffany [both of A. int.], June 6, 1734.
Keziah, of A., and Elisha Packard of St. George, int. Oct. 13, 1769.
Levi, of A., and Lois Thayer of Cumberland, int. Feb. 1, 1800.
Lucy, of Norton, and Asaruel Carpinter of A., int. Oct. 18, 1765.
Lydia [wid. int.], and John Ide, jr., both of A., Oct. 27, 1757.
Mary, and Richard Crowninshield, both of A., int. Mar. 28, 1761.
Mary, see Lane, Moller.
Melatiah, of Norton, and Jonathan Woodcock of A., Oct. 11, 1728.
Meriam, and Ebenezer Field, both of A., int. Aug. 13, 1794.
Milly [unm. int.], of A., and Samuel Day of Killingly, Ct., May 12, 1811.
Molley [Mary. int.], and Ebenezer Guild, jr., both of A., June 14, 1781. P.R.81.
Nancy [unm. int.], of A., and Rufus Jillson of Cumberland [R.I. int.], Sept. 15, 1805.
Pertheney, see Dane, Parthema.
Richard, and Hannah Bishop, both of A., Nov. 2, 1738.
Roland, of A., and Barbary Collins, unm., of Scituate, R.I., int. June 4, 1817.
Ruth, of Norton, and John Pratt of A., Sept. 24, 1741.
Ruth, of Norton, and Wyman Richardson of A., int. Sept. 14, 1771.
Sarah, of A., and Daniell Blanding of Rehoboth, int. Sept. 10, 1757.
Sarah, of Coventry, and Comfort Slack of A., int. Sept. 16, 1769.
William, of Norton, and Sarrah Sweet of A., Oct. 12, 1748.
Edward S., and Mary H. Bliss, unm., both of A., int. May 20, 1837.
LATHROP, see Lathrop.
Nancy, see Lawton, Nancy.
George, and Sally White, unm., both of A., int. Feb. 18, 1820.
Mary, at Taunton, and Samuel Fuller, jr. of A., int. June 14, 1766.
LAWRENCE (Larance, Lawrance, Lurance)
Catharine, unm., of Nashua. N.H., and Milton M. Draper of A., int. Jan. 2, 1839.
Chloe (Lawrance), unm., of Sharon, and Dexter Jackson of A., int. Dec. 7, 1815.
David (Lurance), and Mehetabel Carpenter, Nov. 23, 1721,
George (Larance), of Rehoboth, and Anne Pitcher of A., int. Dec. 28, 1771.
Moley (Larance), of North Providence, and Gamalel Gerro of A., int. Nov. 12, 1770.
LAWSON (Lowson)
Elizabeth (Lowson) [of A. int.], and Philip Parmitter [Parmintree, of Stonington. int.], May 9, 1734.
George, and Elizabeth Lane, Dec. ----, 17-.
James H., of Norton, and Clarrisa Barrows [unm. int.] of A., Nov. 15, 1843.
LAWTON (Laten, Laton)
Abigail B., and Godfrey Wheelock, at Watertown, Nov. 30, 1827. P.R.43.
Elisabeth, unm., of A., and Asaph C. West of Seekonk, int. Mar. 17, 1844.
Jane [unm. int.], and John L. Priest, both of A., at Pawtucket, Aug. 10, 1836.
Joannah S., unm., of A., and Stephen Bigelow of Providence, R.I., int. Sept. 7, 1834.
Nancy [Laton. C.R.2.; Laten, unm. int.], and Nathan Prince Thacher, both of A., Jan. 19, 1806.
Eben[eze]r, Rev., and Chloe Richardson. unm., both of A., Jan. 15, 1793. C.R.1.
LEALAND (Laland)
Joseph B[arden. int.], and Nabby Healy [Abigail Healey. int.], both of A., May 26, 1790.
Luthana (Laland), and Reubin Bates, both of A., int. Nov. 29, 1783.
Meribah, of A., and John Chidle [Chedel. int.] of Providence, Apr. 15, 1790.
Mary, wid., of North Providence, R.I., and Joel Read, Esq., of A., int. Mar. 17, 1827.
LEDOYT (Lea Doyt, Loidoiet)
Alletheah, and James Condown, both of A., int. Feb. 25, 1737-8.
Briant (Loidoiet), and Hannah Crabtree, both of A., Nov. 12, 1719.
John (Lea Doyt), and Lydia Brown, both of A., int. Oct. 10, 1724. Publishment taken down by Town Clerk, "it did not stand up one day."
Amy, of Rehoboth, and Obadiah Carpenter of A., int. Oct. 25, 1766.
Elizabethe A., unm., of A. [of Mansfield. C.R.2.], a. 20 y., d. James and Rhoda, and Ephraim R. Hall, unm., of Mansfield, a. 26 y., housewright, s. Ephraim and Tyla, May 16, 1849. [May 11. C.R.2.]
Galen P., and Sarah Curtis, unm., both of A., int. June 4, 1830.
George, and Harriet Guild [unm. int.], both of A., May 4, 1837.
Harriet, unm., of Windham, Ct., and George Draper of A., int. May 4, 1829.
Royal, of Providence, R.I., and Horatia [Nelson. int.] Capron, unm., of A., Nov. 29, 1832.
Daniel, of A., and Elennor Peterson, unm., of Valley Falls, R.I., int. Aug. 14, 1842.
Abial, unm., and Benjamin E. Frost, both of A., int. Sept. 23, 1814.
Hannah, and Joseph Horsford, both of A., int. Nov. 3, 1739.
Mary [wid. int.], and Richard Weeks [both of A. int.]. Aug. 10, 1724.
Patience R., unm., and William I. Patt, both of A., int. Sept. 22, 1832.
Sally, unm., of Taunton, and Thomas D. Saddler of A., int. Nov. 16, 1821.
Sarah, of A., and John Thurber of Swanzey, Jan. 7, 1713-14.
Chloa [Lethbrige. int.], of Wrentham, and Daniel Carpenter of A., Apr. 4, 1769.
Abby S., unm., of A., and Francis B. Kent of Providence, R.I., int. Jan. 29, 1847.
Abner, of Ware, and Hennritte Walker, unm., of A., int. Oct. 22, 1831.
Adonijah, and Polly Stratton [unm. int.], both of A., Nov. 10, 1822.
James, of New Berlin, N.Y., and Lydia Chase of A., int. Sept. 20, 1825.
Thankful S. [L., unm. int.], of A., and John B. Bonny of Wrentham, May 1, 1837.
Marcy, unm., of Hopkinton, R.I., and John G. Hassard of A., int. Mar. 3, 1831.
LINCOLN (Linckhon, Lincoiln, Lincon, Linkhon)
Abner, of Taunton, and Ruth Perry of A., int. Feb. 6, 1778.
Diadami, of Taunton, and Eliphalet Corben of Killingly, Apr. 1, 1784.
Elizabeth, and John Barrows [Joshua Barrus, jr. int.], both of A., Jan. 17, 1726. [Dec. 24, 1726, int.]
Elizebeth (Linckhon), and Benjah Barrus, both of A., int. Nov. 12, 1726.
Fanny Hodges, unm., of A., and Esek Tucker of Wrentham, int. Aug. 16, 1812.
Filana, see Lincoln, Philena.
Francis W., and Marion A. Westcott, int. May 4, 1849.
John B. (Lincoiln), and Betsey Skinner, unm., both of A., int. July 30, 1836.
John B., unm., of A., a. 32 y., laborer, s. John and Hannah and Susan J. Tucker, unm., of A., a. 38 y., d. James and Esther Bullock, Jan. 21, 1849.
Josiah (Linkhon), of Taunton, and Margaret Pidge of A., int. Dec. 19, 1730.
Lois [S., unm., of A. int.], of Norton, and Samuel M. Holman of A., Apr. 24, 1838.
Lucinda, and Benjamin Harvey, Mar. 17, 1846. P.R.11.
Lucretia S., unm., of Rehoboth, and Elias French of A., int. Feb. 18, 1809.
Lydia, unm., of Rehoboth, and Ephraim French of A., int. Dec. 17, 1819.
Minerva [unm. int.], and Lanson Kittredge, both of A., Aug. 24, 1838. [int. Aug. 6, 1836.]
Molly, and Solomon Briggs, Feb. 7, 1763.
Nancy (Lincon) [Smith, unm. int. P.R.46], of Norton, and Thomson Tripp of Boston, at Norton, Apr. 23, 1837.
Philena [Filana. int.], of Taunton, and Isaac Perry [Perrey, int.] of A., June 29, 1799. P.R.52. [Feb. 12, 1779. int.]
Rona [Roana Williams Lincoln, unm., of Rehoboth. int.], and Stephen Perry [of A. int.], Mar. 19, 1812. P.R.52.
William S., of A., and Louisa Tift of Wrentham, June 20, 1819.
LINDLEY ( Linly)
Daniel, of Providence, and Abigail Woodcock of A., int. Feb. 28, 1775.
Mary [Linly. int.], of Rehoboth, and Samuel Read of A., June 5, 1746.
Sally, see Lindsey, Sally.
LINDSEY (Linsey)
Benjamin (Linsey), of Rehoboth, and Barshaba Tiffany of A., int. Oct. 22, 1786.
Mary A., unm., of A., and Albert B. Peck of Smithfield, R.I., int. May 12, 1833.
Orin, and Experance Davice [Davie. int.] Stetson [unm. int.], both of A., May 24, 1821.
Sally [Lindley, unm. int.], of A., and Ezra Drown of Rehoboth, Nov. 30, 1809.
LISCOMB (Liscumb)
Cynthia, unm., and David Pike, both of A., Nov. 29, 1797. [1798. dup.]
Molley (Liscumb), of Raynham, and Nathaniel Fuller of A., int. Aug. 27, 1761.
Samuel, and Deborah Read, both of A., int. Aug. 16, 1776.
Luke, and Hannah Jackson, both of A., May 23, 1751.
Nelly, and James Sally, both of A., int. Aug. 28, 1779.
Pernelope, of A., and Theopilus Williamson, "in the Army," int. Jan. 20, 1776.
Abel S., of A., and Nancy B. Thresher, unm., of Willington, int. Dec. 30, 1825.
Sarah [unm. int.], and Elisha Morse, both of A., Aug. 5, 1810.
Thomas, and Sarah Starkey [2d. int.], both of A., Mar. 20, 1803.
Leprilett, of Fall River, and Ann E. Tingley, unm., of A., int. Apr. 10, 1847.
James, and Olive French, unm., both of A., int. June 15, 1823.
Robert, of Cumberland, R.I., and Sally Watson [unm. int.] of A., Oct. 30, 1819.
Samuel, of Pawtucket, R.I., and Sarah Worsley, unm., of A., int. Sept. 13, 1823.
LOTHROP (Lathrop)
Daniel [Lathrop. int.], 3d, of Bridgewater, and Sally Whiting of A., May 21, 1787.
George W. [Lathrop. C.R.2.], of West Bridgewater, and Sarah M. Wheaton of N[orth] Providence, R.I., May 17, 1840.
James P., of Pawtucket, and Mary Bromely, unm., of A., Oct. 14, 1839. C.R.2.
Mary [Lathrop. int.], unm., and William N. Thurber, both of A., Apr. 4, 1830.
W. W. (Lathrop), and Sarah A. Bates, unm., both of North Providence, R.I., Nov. 12, 1839. C.R.2.
William [of Coventry. int.], and Marther Gould of A., Dec. 9, 1762.
Hannah, and John Foster, jr., both of A., Sept. 7, 1727.
John M., of Providence, and Maria B. Robinson, unm., of Wrentham, Nov. ----, 1832.
Henry C. [Lucus. int.], unm., of Pawtucket, a. 22 y., merchant, b. Lancaster, N.H., and Elizabeth Daggett, unm., of A., a. 20 y., d. Pliny, Oct. 13, 1846.
LUSCOMB, see Liscomb.
Dexter, of A., and Susan Snow, unm., of Smithfield, R.I., int. Nov. 29, 1837.
Ira, of Swanzey, and Nancy Bowen, unm., of A., int. Oct. 1, 1839.
John, of Providence [R.I. int.], and Mary S. [L. C.R.2.] Bruney [Brune, unm. int.] of A., Sept. 11, 1808.
Jonathan, of A., and Lucinda Eddy, unm., of Taunton, int. Apr. 6, 1825.
Lucinda I., unm., of Rehoboth, and Draper Colvin of A., int. Feb. 11, 1844.
Nathan C., and Clarisa E. Blackinton [unm. int.], both of A., Jan. 13, 1842.
Sally [unm. int.], and Thomas White, both of A., Oct. 25, 1812.
Sarah, and Henry Brag, Nov. ----, 1717.
Seth, of Swanzey, and Elizabeth Mason of A., Apr. 30, 1795.
William, of Swanzey, and Nancy Jillson [unm. int.] of A., Apr. 3, 1808.
Amy, unm., of Rehoboth, and Dexter Bishop of A., int. Dec. 4, 1804.
Benjamin, of Warren, Pa., and Betsey Blanding [Blandin. unm. int.] of A., Oct. 12, 1835.
Henry, of Ashford, and Anne Everet of A., int. Jan. 17, 1767.
Nancy, unm., and Thomas Blanding, both of A., July 15, 1823.
Obediab, of Rehoboth, and Eunice Freeman of A., int. Nov. 24, 1787.
Samuel, and Hannah Makinson, July 11, 1844. P.R.68.
John [Maj. int.], of Sutton, and Amey J. Dagget [unm. int.] of A., Oct. ----, 1834.
Neel, and Chloe Streeter, both of A., int. Jan. 13, 1779.
Steward, of Providence, R.I., and Harriet A. Blackinton [Blackington, unm. int.] of A., Jan. 10, 1844.
McGILL (McGile)
Francis (McGile), and Lydia Eslick, both of A., int. Mar. 31, 1811.
Sally, unm., of A., and Arnold Champlin of South Kingston, R.I., May 16, 1833.
Lauretta, unm., of Dedham, and Benjamin F. Hammar of A., int. Mar. 14, 1847.
Hannah, Mrs., and Joel Moore, both of A., Feb. 9, 1841.
Sarah, and John Sweet [both of A. int.], Nov. 11, 1730.
Hugh, of Wrentham, and Lu[cin]dia Knapp, unm., of A., May 8, 1830.
Lawrence, of Taunton, and Lucy Barrows of A., int. Sept. 4, 1779.
Archibald, jr., and Sarah [Ro]bbins, both of A., Dec. 2, 1782.
MACOMBER (Mackumber)
Fanny, unm., of Rehoboth, b. Rehoboth, d. Lemuel, of Rehoboth, and James Gould, unm., of A., baker, Apr. 29, 1844.
John, of Rehoboth, and Olive Shepardson of A., int. Dec. 6, 1776.
Lemuel, of Rehoboth, and Tabatha Capron of A., int. Jan. 11, 1777.
Lydia, of Rehoboth, and Paul Sandford of A. int. Oct. 3, 1771.
Lydia B. (Mackumber), unm., of Rehoboth, and Capt. Elisha Willmarth of A., int. Nov. 24, 1825.
Wealthy [of Norton. int.], and Caleb E. Perry [of A. int.], June 6, 1816. P.R.52.
MAKEPEACE (Makepiece, Makpeace)
Abagail, of Norton, and Elisha Capron of A., Jan. 29, 1751. [Nov. 15. 1760 int.]
Britanna, unm., of Norton, and Timothy W. [P., Norton Vit. Rec.] Stanley of A., int. Dec. 8, 1825.
David, of Norton, and Lucinda Bishop of A., int. July 14, 1797.
Lorenzo B. [Makepiece. C.R.2.]. of Wrentham, and Fanny Dean, unm., of A., Apr. 23, 1832.
Lucilda B., unm., and Joseph Draper, both of A., June 23, 1833.
Lysanda O. (Makpeace), of Norton, and Esther E. Dunham of A., int. May 5, 1838.
Polly, unm., and Manson Woodcock, both of A., int. May 14, 1848.
Hannah„ and Samuel Lyon, July 11, 1844. P.R.68.
James, and Elisabeth Watts, Dec. 27, 1844. P.R.68.
John, and Amey R. Briggs, Nov. 26, 1833. P.R.68.
Martha, and Samuel Buck, Feb. 22, 1844. P.R.68.
Mary, and Harry Gridley, Jan. 1, 1834. P.R.68.
Noah, and Alice Tailor, ----, 1802. P.R.68.
Hannah F. [H. C.R.2. and int.], unm., of Bristol [R.I. C.R.2.], a. 48 y., d. Hale and Polly, and Leprelit Sweet, widr., of A., a. 53 y., farmer, s. Gide[o]n and Experience, Nov. 26, 1849.
William Elery, unm., of Providence, R.I., a. 22 y., bookkeeper, and Sarah Augusta Allen, unm., of A., a. 19 y., June 15, 1845.
Wyat, unm., of Bristol, R.I., a. 26 y., manufacturer, and Ann E. Sweet, unm., of A., a. 26 y., d. Leverett and Lydia, May 3, 1848.
Emeline D., unm., of Smithfield, R.I., and John Bates of A., int. Oct. 5, 1829.
MANN (Man)
Berzilier, and Bebe Carpenter [both of A. int.], Feb. 5, 1753.
Bezaleel (Man) [Dr. int.], and Polly Field, unm., both of A., Mar. 31, 1796.
Caroline, unm., of Wrentham, and Asa Blanding of A., int. Apr. 22, 1837.
Eunice, and Dr. Seth Capron, both of A., Sept. 9, 179-. [1790. int.]
George P., unm., of Pawtucket, a. 22 y., salesman, s. Alexander and Betsey, and Betsey W. Skinner, unm., of A., a. 16 y., d. Simeon and Betsey, Jan. 25, 1846.
Howard, and Betsey Ide, Mar. 17, 1825, P.R.44.
Howard, and Susan Ide, Nov. 19, 1829. P.R.44.
Jemima (Man), of Wrentham, and Jonath[an] Eurit of A., int. June 29, 1744.
Mary [Man. int.], of Wrentham, and John Pratt of A., Nov. 23, 1737.
Mary (Man.), and Josiah Draper, jr., both of A., int. Oct. 26, 1776.
Mary (Man) [Mann. C.R.1.], of A., and Alexander Bragg of Holliston, June 20, 1802.
Mary, and Welcome Skinner, Apr. 30, 1820. P.R.44.
Milley (Man), of Wrentham, and Jessa Elles of A., int. June 12, 1789.
Miranda, and Warren Day, May 20, 1822. P.R.44.
[Newton Mann. C.R.1.] (Man), and Abigail Maxcy [Maxey. C.R.1.], both of A., May 10, 1792.
Sabin [Col. int.], of Medfield, and [Mrs. int.] Mary Stearns of A., May 1, 1785.
Thomas, of Franklin, and Rebekah Stanley of A., June 29, 1786. P.R.81.
Timothy M., and Betsey Dean, unm., both of A., int. Dec. 2, 1821.
Juliet [of Norton. int.], and John Stanley [of A. int.], Sept. 26, 1797.
MARSHALL (Marshel, Marshell)
Lovey, and Benjamin Moury, Apr. 4, 1822. P.R.54.
Ruth (Marshell) [Marshel, wid., of A. int.], and Daniel Hall [of Wrentham. int.], Aug. 7, 1741.
MARTIN (Martain, Marten, Marting, Martyn)
Abel, and Huldah Fisher, both of A., int. Dec. 28, 1775.
Agnes J., of Middleborough, and Sylvanus Thomas of New Bedford, May 20, 1840.
Alfred L., and Bebe Dean, unm., both of A., Sept. 1, 1828. [Sept. 3. C.R.1.]
Amos (Martain), and Esther Chaffee, both of A., int. Mar. 19, 1757.
Arnold, and Olive Martin, both of A., Apr. 3, 1802.
Calvin, Dr., of Rehoboth, and Susanna May, unm., of A., June 13, 1793. C.R.1.
Candice, unm., and Benjamin K. B[osworth], both of A., int. June 5, 1846.
Comfort, and Susanna Cummins, both of A., int. May 28, 1777.
David, and Abigail Tripp [unm. int.], both of A., Oct. 15, 1822.
David, 2d, and Eliza Ann Handay [Handy, unm. int.], both of A., June 30, 1823.
Esther [Marting. int.], and [Zelotes. int.] Fuller, both of A., Oct. 27, 1791.
George H., and Elizaboth H. Wales, unm., both of A., Mar. 4, 1833.
Hannah (Marten) [Martin. C.R.2.], and Tho[ma]s Riper [Keepers. C.R.1.], Nov. 16 [1749.]
Horatio N., unm., of A., manufacturer, s. Daniel, and Lydia S. [T. C.R.2.] Thayer, unm., of A., Nov. 28, 1844.
Huldath, and Joseph Blanding, both of A., int. Apr. 26, 1790.
Jerusha, and George Bliss, both of A., Nov. 21, 1822.
Joanna H., unm., of Rehoboth, and Samuel G. Dodge of A., int. Mar. 28, 1830.
Job, and Susanna Fisher, both of A., int. Aug. 21, 1779.
John (Martain), of Rehoboth, and Elizebeth Fuller, wid., of A., int. June 13, 1730.
John (Marten), and Margaret Richardson, both of A., int. Nov. 1, 1766.
John C. [Martyn. int.], Dr., and Ellin M[aria. int.] Barrows, unm., both of A., May 1, 1834.
Linus, and Emma Ann Norton, unm., both of A., int. May 6, 1840.
Lydia, unm., and Freeman Knapp, jr., both of A., int. June 19, 1824.
Mary (Marten), and John Fuller, ----12 [17-.]
Nancy (Marting), of A., and Edward Thuston Gardner of Rehoboth, int. July 6, 1806.
Nancy, unm., and Isaac Howland [jr. int.], both of A., Dec. 29, 1824.
Nancy [Marten. int.], unm., of A., a. 22 y., d. Jona[than] and Nancy, and Hiram Stevens, unm., of Kirby, Vt., a. 24 y., house carpenter, s. W[illia]m and Betsey, Mar. 20, 1848.
Olive, and Arnold Martin, both of A., Apr. 3, 1802.
Otis, unm., of A., manufacturer, s. Daniel, and Betsey V. [O. int.] Wing [unm., of A. int.], Nov. 28, 1844.
Pearcy, d. Dea. Hezekiah and Mary, and Cromwell Horton, Sept. 28, 1801. P.R.57.
Peggy, unm., and Daniel Fuller, both of A., Jan. 17, 1798.
Rachel, unm., of A., and Scott Smith of Providence, R.I., Apr. 26, 1826.
[Robert. C.R.1.], and Elezebeth Welman, Apr. 30, 1741.
Robert, and Sarah Frances [Francis. C.R.1.], unm., both of A., May 4, 1828.
Rufus G., of A., and Clarasa Ann Day [unm. int ] of North Providence, R.I., May 29, 1837.
Sally D. [unm. int.]. and Eliphalet Wilmarth, 3d, both of A., Jan. 1, 1829.
Sarah, and William Starkey, both of A., int. Oct. 6, 1764.
Sarah B., unm., of A., d. Jeremiah and Alcott Harding, unm., of Norton, tailor, b. Mansfield, s. Nathan, of Mansfield, Apr. 29, 1844.
Thomas C., and Rosamond Daggett [unm. int.], both of A., Jan. 3, 1818.
Timothy (Marten), of Rehoboth, and Mary Fuller of Rehoboth, d. John, Apr. 9, 1741.
Ursula, unm., of Pawtucket, and Elias French of A., int. Apr. 18, 1839.
William B[owen. int.], and Harriot B[liss. int.] Peck, unm., both of A., Dec. 18, 1827.
Aaron T., and Patsey Peck, unm., both of A., int. Feb. 18, 1820.
Abby W., unm., and James T. Atwood, both of A., int. Apr. 16, 1843.
Benjamin, and Hannah D. Woodcock, unm., both of A., int. Mar. 22, 1840.
Edmond, of A., and Polly Smith, unm., of Rehoboth, int. Dec. 26, 1803.
Elizabeth, of A., and Seth Luther of Swanzey. Apr. 30, 1795.
Esther G., unm., and Elias Fuller, both of A., int. Feb. 26, 1825.
George, and Abigal J. Hodges [both of A. int.], at Wrentham, May 2, 1841.
Harriot D., unm., of A., and Kibborn G. Robinson of Boston, int. July 14, 1821.
Isaac, of A., and Sally Simmons of Dighton, Sept. 3, 1795.
Isaac, of A., and Sarah Bufinton of Swanzey, int. Oct. 13, 1799.
James, and Abigail Freeman, unm., both of A., Mar. [Feb. P.R.62.] 27, 1826.
John, and Hannah Campbell, wid., May 7, 1795. P.R.62.
John, of A., and Joannah Bliss of Rehoboth, Dec. 25, 1796.
Joseph, of Portland, Me., and Nancy Daggett, unm., of A., Oct. 17, 1833. [1831. C.R.2; Sept. 26, 1831. int.]
Marry, of A., and Benj[amin] Buffington [jr. int.] of Swanzey, Aug. 1, 1799.
Moses, and Caroline Wellman, unm., both of A., Dec. 28, 1829. [Dec. 24. C.R.1.]
Moses, 2d m., and Eliza S. Dunster, Aug. 29, 1844. P.R.61.
Nancy, of Cumberland, and William George, jr. of A., int. Dec. 1, 1788.
Nancy, unm., of Swanzey, "residing in A.," and Paul Everett of A., int. Feb. 7, 1808.
Nancy G. [J. C.R.2 and int.], unm., of A., d. Edmund and Bethsheba, and Calvin G. Dean, unm., of A., a. 24 y., manufacturer, s. Calvin, Nov. 30, 1848.
Noah, and Harriot W. Fisher, unm., both of A., May 20, 1830.
Patience L. [K. int.], unm., of Seekonk, and George W. Hatch of A., Jan. 23, 1826.
Peletiah, of Cumberland, and Lydai Titus of A., int. Apr. 7, 1794.
Andrew S., of Charlestown, R.I., and Eliza [A. int.] Smith, unm., of A., Mar. 15, 1837.
Daniel, and Martha Jones, both of A., int. Feb. 9, 1739-40.
Betsy, and Emery E. White, both of Mansfield, Aug. 28, 1841.
John, and Eunice S. Williams, unm., both of A., int. July 15, 1843.
Stephen, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., b. Cumberland, R.I., and Harriet W. Day, unm., of A., Feb. 29, 1844.
MAXEY (Maxcey, Maxcy, Maxy)
Abigail [Maxey. C.R.1.], and [Newton. C.R.1.] Man [Mann. C.R.1.], both of A., May 10, 1792.
Amy, of A., and Joel Reed [Read. int.] of Princeton, May 17, 1804.
Benjamen, and Sarah Fuller, both of A., int. Oct. 1, 1763.
Benjamin, and Martha Follett [Follet, both of A. int.], Jan. 19, 1735.
Benjamin (Maxey), Lt., and Amy Ide, both of A., Oct. 6, 1777. P.R.81.
[Ben]jamin (Maxey), and Esther Fuller, unm., both of A., Dec. 25, 1794.
Esther, and Nehemiah Ward [both of A. int.]. Dec. 3, 1728.
Hannah (Maxey), and Fisher Draper, both of A., Mar. 5, 1789.
Henry, and Nabby Blackinton [unm. int.] both of A., Jan. 1, 1806.
Joseph, and Rebekah Stacey [both of A. int.], Feb. 8, 1727-8.
Joseph, and Mary Stanley [both of A. int.], Nov. 3, 1752.
Joseph (Maxey), and Mrs. Hannah Pidge, both of A., Mar. 11, 17-. [1788. int.]
Joseph (Maxey), and Lois B. Fisher, unm., both of A., Aug. 31, 1823.
Josiah, of A., and Mary Everett [Eaveritt. int.] of Dedham, Feb. 2, 1737.
Josiah, and Mrs. Mary Robinson, int. Apr. 14, 1759.
Josiah (Maxey). and Chloe Daggett [both of A. int.], July 5, 17-. [1789. int.]
Justus (Maxey), of Cumberland, and Anna Fuller of A., Sept. 26, 1805.
Levi, and Ruth Newell, both of A., int. Feb. 15, 1766.
Martha (Maxey), wid., of A., and Benj[amin] May of Barrington, int. July 7, 1744.
Mary (Maxcev) [of A. int.], and William Ware [of Wrentham. int.], May 4, 1726.
Mary, wid., of A., and Samuell Read of Rehoboth, int. Oct. 8, 1763.
Mary (Maxcy), and Stephen Fuller, both of A., int. Apr. 15, 1773.
Mary (Maxey), wid., and Capt. Daniel Read, both of A., int. Mar. 5, 1776.
Rebekah, and Timothy Stanley, May 13, 1761.
Sabary (Maxey), of A., and Josiah Morse of Swanzey, N.H., int. May 17, 1794.
Sally (Maxy) [Maxey. int.], unm., and Ebenezar Daggett, both of A., Sept. 3, 1797.
Virgil (Maxcy), and Elizabeth T. Everett, both unm., of Wrentham, Feb. 14, 1844.
Benjamin, and Susanna Clark, Mar. 3, 1736.
Benj[amin], of Barrington, and Martha Maxcy, wid., of A., int. July 7, 1744.
Benjamin, jr., of A., and Hopstill Dexter of Cumberland, int. Apr. 18, 1767.
Cynthia [W., unm. int.], of A., and Carlos Barrows [jr. int.] of Gardiner, Me., Sept. 23, 1833.
Elisha, and Ruth Metcalf, both of A., int. Sept. 3, 1763.
Elisha, of A., and Cynthia Burr, unm., of Providence, R.I., int. Dec. 20, 1817.
Elisha G., and Annganett Draper, unm., both of A., int. Oct. 12, 1839.
Henry F., unm., of A., music teacher, s. Tully and Hannah, and Elizabeth R. Cushman, unm., of A., a. 23 y., d. Bartholemew and Marcia, Apr. 18, 1845.
James B., and Juliaett Engley [unm. int.], both of A., Sept. 8, 1842.
Jesse, of A., and Harriet M. Bishop. unm., of North Branford, Ct., int. Feb. 25, 1841.
Lemuel, and Betsey Bacon [unm. int.], both of A., Oct. 15, 1809. C.R.1.
Lemuel, and Eliza Wilder [unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 22, 1814.
Lydia, and Nathaniel ----, int. ----, 1763.
Lydia, and Preston George, both of A., May 12, 1802.
Oliver, of A., and Thane Walket of Cumberland, int. May 26, 1789.
Susanah, of A., and Isaac Brown of Rehoboth, int. Feb. 28, 1756.
Susanna, unm., of A., and Dr. Calvin Martin of Rehoboth, June 13, 1793. C.R.1.
Tully, and Hannah Gay [unm. int.], both of A., Nov. 30, 1809.
William, and Abigal Sweetland [unm. int.], both of A., Jan. 23, 1814.
Rachel, wid., and Edward Blancher, July 28, 1748.
Bethiah V., unm., of Seekonk, and Daniel Cobb, jr., of A., int. July 22, 1827.
Fear, see Field, Fear Mercy.
MERRILL (Merrille)
Elisabeth Ann (Merrille), and John Ide, Dec. 19, 1832. P.R.44.
Sarah, unm., of Manchester, N.H., and Charles A. Guild of A., int. Aug. 16, 1847.
MESERVEY (Meservy)
Henry, Capt., and Polley Draper Gerrish, d. John and Bethiah, Aug. 11, 1772.
Polly ( Meservy), Mrs., and Lt. Nath[anie]l Bishop, both of A., int. Aug. 12, 1786.
Rhoda, of Newport, N.H., and Wonderful Pike of A., int. Nov. 11, 1795.
MESSINGER (Mesinger, Messenger)
Enoch, of Wrentham, and Anna Claflen [Claflin, unm. int.] of A., Apr. 6, 1837.
Jane E. (Messenger) [unm. int.], and Nathan Edson, both of A., Mar. 3, 1839.
Jason (Messenger), of Dedham, and Olive Read [unm. int.] of A., Dec. 1, 1803.
Jonathan, of Canton, and Hariet Jones, unm., of Providence, R.I., July 10, 1828.
Mary (Messenger) [Messinger, unm. int.], and Comfort Claflen [Claflin., int.], both of A., Mar. 6, 1843.
Mary [Polly. int.] H. (Mesinger), unm., and Amos Walton, both of A., Dec. 11, 1823.
Nancy, unm., of Canton, and Dr. Pheineas Savery of A., int. May 1, 1829.
Nathan (Messenger) [Messinger. C.R.1; Mesinger. int.], and Chloe Jackson [unm. int.], both of A., Aug. 21, 1808.
Polly. see Messinger, Mary.
Rebekah (Messenger), unm., and David Jillson, both of A., int. Aug. 12, 1814.
Susan, unm., of Wrentham, and Calvin Claflin of A., int. Apr. 19, 1835.
METCALF (Medcalf)
Catherine, of A., and William Saben of Rehoboth, int. Mar. 14, 1767.
Catteron, d. Nathaniel, and Richard Ellis, jr., both of A., May 29, 1765.
Charles P. [R. int.] (Medcalf), of Cambridge, and Nancy Cushman, unm., of A., July 22, 1824.
Desire, Mrs., of A., and Maj. Abijah Draper of Dedham, int. Mar. 5, 1778.
Eh[e]nezer, and Elezeboth Stanley, both of A., int. Nov. 25, 1769.
Eleazer, and Martha Turpin, at Providence, R.I., Mar. 24, 1736-7.
Joel, and Lucy Gay, both of A., int. Oct. 25, 1779.
John E., and Mary S. Jillson, unm., both of A., Oct. 16, 1834.
Lucie, of A., and Benjmon Pidge of Rehoboth, int. Sept. 15, 1772.
Marcy, of Wrentham, and Bartholomew Cushman of A., May 30, 1819.
Martha, and Comfort Capron [both of A. int.], Mar. 28. 1765.
Martha, wid., of A., and Japheth Bicknall [Bick of Barrington. int.], Dec. 8, 1778. [int. Sept. 27, 1746.]
Mehetabel, of A., and John Willson of Newton, int. Mar. 21, 1761.
Michael (Medcalf), of Providence, and Molley Gay of A., int. Oct. 7, 1775.
Nathaniel, of Providence, and Desire Foster of A., int. Oct. 19, 1771.
Reuben (Medcalf), of Wrentham, and Sarah Ann Cushman, unm., of A., Jan. 29, 1825. [Dec. 13, 1823. int.]
Ruth, and Elisha May, both of A., int. Sept. 3, 1763.
Sarah (Medcalf), and [Amos Ide. int.], both of A., Sept. 30 [3. P.R.81.], 1784.
Thomas, of Canton, and Nancy Simpson, unm., of A., Nov. 3, 1834.
MILLER (Millar)
Amy, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., and Joseph C. King of A., int. Dec. 7, 1826.
An, and John ----, both of A., int. May 7, 1768.
Ann E., of Pawtucket, and Nelson S. Eaton, int. Dec. 15, 1849.
Daniel (Millar), of Cumberland, and Lucy Newell of A., int. July 14, 1759.
Edward P., of Somerset, and Minerva D. Peck, unm., of A., int. Mar. 18, 1848.
Elkan[ah], of Franklin, and Olive Fails of A., int. Nov. 29, 1788.
Ezra, and Abigil Ide, wid., both of A., int. Feb. 8, 1771.
Fanney, of Pawtucket, and Willard E. Robinson, int. Dec. 15, 1849.
George, of Providence, R.I., and Mary Highbrimblecome [Mary H. Brimblecome, Arnold's R.I. Vit. Rec., Vol. 7, p. 448.], unm., of A., int. Apr. 1, 1817.
Ira K. [of A. int.], and Celia S[ophia. int.] Bourn [unm. of Seekonk. int.], Sept. 5, 1836. P.R.56.
Ira King, and Mary [Marcy. int.] Ann Bulock [Bullock. C.R.2.], both of A., June 17, 1822.
Jesse, jr., of Franklin, and Susan Rhodes of Wrentham, Apr. 3, 1834.
Joseph, of Rehoboth, and Mary Read, wid., of A., int. Dec. 6, 1766.
[J]osiah, jr., of Cumberland [of North Providence. int.], and Mary Bicknell [Bicknol. int.] of A., Apr. 14, 1794.
Josiah (Millar) [Miller. int.], of North Providence, and Polly Slack of A., June 9, 1796.
Lucinda [unm. int.], and [Capt. int.] Zebediah Farnum [Farnam. int.], both of A., Dec. 3, 1818.
Lucy, and William C. Pettee, both of Wrentham, Dec. 1, 1836.
Lydia, and Ellis Draper, both of A., Apr. 20, 17-. [1789. int.]
Lydia W., unm., of Warren, R.I., and Capt. Daniel Read of A. int. Apr. 6, 1825.
Mary E., unm., of A., d. Ira K., and Henry Boyle, unm., of [North. int.] Providence, R.I., engraver, Oct. 10, 1844.
Nancy [unm. int.], of Wrentham, and [Capt. int.] Chester Bugbee of A., Nov. 19, 1837.
Olive, unm., of Warren, R.I., and Ira Newman of A., int. May 13, 1832.
Sarah, of Cumberland, and Rebin Carpenter of A., int. Aug. 5. 1775.
Samuel, jr., of A., and Eleanor B. Richardson, unm., of Franklin, int. July 20, 1820.
Esther, unm., and Harvey Boyden, both of A., int. Apr. 26, 1835.
James [Carter Minnard. int.; Minniard. C.R.1.], and Eliza Allen [unm. int.], both of A., Nov. 12, 1820.
John, and Mary Jane Simpson [unm. int.], both of A., Jan. 16, 1820.
Arnold, jr., of A., and Eunice Walker, unm., of North Providence, R.I., int. Dec. 18, 1846.
Sarah Ann, unm., of Wrentham, a. 25 y., b. Wrentham, d. Charles and Mary, of Wrentham, and Thomas Henry Welch, unm., of Wrentham, a. 42 y., laborer, b. Wrentham, s. Henry and Mary, of Wrentham, Oct. 18, 1846.
MONTGOMERY (Montogomary)
Henry and Chloe Perry [unm. int.], both of A., Jan. 6, 1814.
Margarett, unm., and Charles E. Stanley, both of A., int. May 26, 1834.
Mary J. (Montgomery) [unm. int.], of A., and William B. White of Waterbury, Ct., Apr. 4, 1836.
MOORE (Moor, Moors, More)
Allexander (More), and Alles Chaffe [both of A. int.], July 23, 1741.
Anner (More), and Ebenezer Fuller, jr., both of A., int. Nov. 2, 1802.
Bettey (Moor), of A., and David Read of Rehoboth, int. Aug. 30, 1771.
Chloe [More. int.], unm., and Caleb George, both of A., Oct. 29, 1797.
Comfort (Moors), and Chloe Read, both of A., int. June 23, 1769.
Comfort (Moor), and Margret Fuller, both of A., int. May 15, 1790.
Comfort (More), of Cumberland, R.I., and Deborah Sweetland, unm., of A., int. May 25, 1807.
Esther (Moors), and John Fuller, jr., both of A., int. Feb. 17, 1770.
Fanny, unm., and George P. Foster, both of A., Dec. 1, 1831.
Harriet, unm., of A., and Eben P. Sanford of Taunton, int. Dec. 1, 1843.
Henry (More), jr., see Morse, Henry.
Joel, of Needham, and Polly Bourne [Bourn, unm. int.] of A., Mar. 9, 1809.
Joel, and Sally Daggett, unm., both of A., Aug. 23, 1832.
Joel, jr., and Abagail Foster, unm., both of A., Sept. 16, 1832.
Joel, and Mrs. Hannah McKinley, both of A., Feb. 9, 1841.
Joel, jr., widr., of A., a. 35 y., mechanic, s. Joel, and Jane Foster, unm., of A., a. 25 y., d. George, July 8, 1845.
John, and Abigail H. Dean [unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 20, 1835.
John W., and Lucy Ann Chace, ----, 1837. P.R.26.
Mary, unm., and Jesse R. Carpenter, both of A., Apr. 23, 1832.
Samuel, and Joanna Fuller, both of A., int. July 27, 1771.
William (More), and Abigail Fuller, both of A., int. Jan. 29, 1795.
MORDOCK, see Murdock.
Lettice, see Mowry, Lettice.
Ralph, of A., and Lydia Whitaker, unm., of Warren, R.I., int. Mar. 12, 1808.
Polly, of A., and Eliel Barlow of Cumberland, int. Oct. 13, 1792.
MORSE (Morce, Mores, Mors, Moss)
Aaron, jr., and Emily Partidge, unm., both of Wrentham, int. Oct. 28, 1832. P.R.46.
Abigal, of Dedham, and Jabez Elles of A., int. Sept. 27, 1754.
Abigil (Mors), and Samuel Newell, both of A., int. Oct. 21, 1772.
Benaiah, of Holliston, and Eliza Ann Fisher [unm. int.] of A., Sept. 16, 1840.
Betsy, and Thomas Turner, both of A., Apr. 5, 1795.
Buler (Morce), and Joseph Bradford, both of A., int. Jan. 14, 1758.
Calvin, of A., and Kezia Richardson, unm., of Wrentham, int. Aug. 3, 1811.
Charles, of A., and Sabra Shepardson of Cumberland, int. Nov, 7, 1794.
Charles H., and Sabra M. Bosworth, unm., both of A., int. Oct. 14, 1837.
Elijah, of Mansfield, and Ruth Fisher, 2d, of A., July 11, 1793.
Elisha, jr., and Chloe Willmarth [unm. int.], both of A., Feb. 23, 1809.
Elisha, and Sarah Littlewood [unm. int.], both of A., Aug. 5, 1810.
Eliza, unm., and Jeremiah White, both of A., int. Oct. 13, 1832.
Emeline, unm., of Foxborough, and Seba C. French of A., int. May 15, 1841.
George, and Abby W. Draper, unm., both of A., Apr. 1, 1832.
Hannah [unm. int.], and Herman Dean, both of A., Nov. 2, 1815.
Henery [More, jr, int.], and Esther Pidge [both of A. int.], Mar. 20, 1755.
Henry [Mores. int.], and Marry Follet, both of A., June 8, 1727.
Hephzibah (Moss), and Benjamin Lane, Sept. 15, 1720.
Isaac (Mores), of A., and Elizabeth Turner of Braintree, int. Oct. 27, 1739.
Jamima [Mors. int.], and Jonathan Fuller [both of A. int.]. May 16, 1745.
Jemine [of Stoughton. int.], and Benjamin Guild [of A. int.], Feb. 1, 1753.
Josiah, of Swanzey, N.H., and Sabary Maxcy of A., int. May 17, 1794.
Lemuel G., of Upton, and Juliana C. Sanford [unm. int.] of A., May 2, 1842.
Lorenzo, and Mary Bolkcon [Bolcom, unm. int.], both of A., Feb. ----, 1834.
Lucy, and Royal White, both of A., Sept. 7, 1809.
Lucy M[ariah, unm. int.], and Edmond J. [Ira. int.] Richard [Richards, both of A. int.], May 10, 1841.
Maria A., and George W. Benton, May 17, 1846. P.R.27.
Milton S., of Foxborough, and Susan Blake, unm., of Wrentham, Sept. 30, 1824.
Nelson, and Eliza Blackinton, unm., both of A., Oct. 15, 1823.
Noah (Mors), of Cumberland, and Bettey Hill of A., int. June 16, 1764.
Rebeckah (Mores), and Jonathan Capron, both of A., int. Mar. 25, 1727.
Stephen Pitt [Pits. int.], and Betsey Tingley, both of A., Feb. 22, 1798.
Susan [unm. int.], and Luis Follet, both of A., Dec. 2, 1811.
Sydney L., unm., of A., manufacturer, b. Mansfield, and Cemantha R. Capron, unm., of A., d. Otis, May 26, 1844.
Virgil M., of Albany, N.Y., and Mary Ann Draper [unm. int.] of A., July 11 [10. dup.], 1842.
Warren, and Nancy Robinson [unm. int.], both of A., Apr. 5, 1815.
Will[ia]m, and Hannah Fuller, both of A., int. Nov. 14, 1761.
[Wil]liam, jr., and Lucy Tingley, unm., both of A., Apr. 2, 1795.
Bradford G., and Mary Jane Wilmarth [unm. int.], both of A., Apr. 11, 1842.
Hannah, unm., of Rehoboth, and Amos Starkey of A., int. Oct. 15, 1814.
James B., of A., and Abigail W. Carpenter, unm., of Rehoboth, int. Dec. 30, 1831.
Mary, unm., and James French, both of A., int. Aug. 8, 1811.
Royal, and Cynthia Wilmarth, unm., both of A., Jan. 25, 1824.
Royal M., of Rehoboth, and Anna Wilmarth [unm. int.] of A., Oct. 3, 1816.
MOWRY (Morey, Moury, Mowrey)
Al[i]ce [unm. int.], of A., and John Newell of Cumberland [R.I. int.], Dec. 26, 1844.
Benjamin (Moury), and Lovey Marshall, Apr. 4, 1822. P.R.54.
Denty [Duty. int.], of Smithfield, R.I., and Alceda Whipple [unm. int.] of A., Mar. 23, 1820.
Duty, see Mowry, Denty.
Lettice (Morey), unm., of Norton, and Rev. Nathan Holman of A., Nov. 23, 1801.
Warren B. (Mowrey), of Galena, Ill., and Sarah Crandall, unm., of Mallorysville, Ga., int. Aug. 3, 1841.
MUNROE (Munro, Munrow)
Dennis (Munrow), and Betsey D. Graves, unm., both of Wrentham, May 28, 1833.
Faustina, unm., of Somerville, and Joseph S. Dennis, int. Dec. 16, 1848.
Joseph (Munro), of Rehoboth, and Anne [Nancy. int.] Carpenter, unm., of A., Jan. 17, 1797.
Joseph (Munro), jr., of Seekonk, and Olive Brown, unm., of A., int. Mar. 18, 1826.
Mary L., and George A. Gardiner, Mar. 8, 1845. P.R.13.
MURDOCK (Mordock)
Polly (Mordock) [Murdock. int.; unm. int. P.R.46], and Darius Horr [Hor. int.], both of A., Mar. 22, 1812.
Samuel I., and Malinda Paul, unm., both of A., int. Apr. 9, 1820.
MURRAY (Murry)
James M. (Murry), and Lucinda Stanley, wid., both of A., int. July 8, 1827.
James W., unm., of A., a. 19 y., s. James and Lucinda, and Bridget Cain, unm., of A., a. 18 y., b. Ireland, d. ----, of Ireland, Feb. 8, 1848.