Vital Records Of Attleborough Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By The Essex Institute Salem, Mass. 1934
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Eliza C., and George Wheelwright, Oct. 17, 1813. P.R.21.
WALCOTT (Walcot, Walcoutt, Walcut, Walcutt, Walkut, Wallcott, Wallcut, Wallcutt, Wolcott, Woolcott)
Abigal (Wallcott) [unm. int.], and William Wriley, both of A., Jan. 16, 1814.
Benjamin (Walcutt), of Cumberland, and Mary Foster of A., int. Mar. 3, 1753.
Benj[ami]n E., of Cumberland, R.I., and Emeline Ellis, unm., of A., June 27, 1830.
Celistine, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., and Otis T. Titus of A., June 6, 1826.
Claressa M., unm., of Cumberland, R.I., and Frederick R. Robinson of A., int. July 29, 1843.
Deliverance (Woolcott), of A., and Stephen Rhods of Stoughton, int. Oct. 25, 1740. P.R.73.
Ebenezer, of Winthrop, and Molly Titus of A., Mar. 20, 17-. [Nov. 9, 1787. int.]
Erastus, of Gardiner, Me., and Sally C. Draper, unm., of A., Oct. 11, 1824.
Eunice (Wolcott) [Walcott, unm. int.], and Emerson Carpenter, both of A., Feb. 12, 1815.
Hannah (Wallcut), and David Whiting, jr., both of A., int. Oct. 18, 1766.
John (Wallcut), of Cumberland, and Molley Ellis of A., int. Oct. 9, 1778.
John M., unm., of A., a. 25 y., silversmith, s. William and Lydia, and Sarah A. Glidden, unm., of A., a. 20 y., d. David and Ruth, May 20, 1849.
Lucy (Walcot), of Cumberland, and Charles Day of A., int. Dec. 9, 1793.
Lydia (Walcut), and Calven Richards, both of A., Feb. 22, 1787. P.R.81.
Lydia Ann [Wallcott. int.], unm., of A., a. 26 y., d. John F. and Lydia, and Jonathan Bliss Carpenter, unm., of A., a. 24 y., farmer, s. Joseph and Nancy, Feb. 19, 1846.
Martha M. [unm. int.], of A., and James R. Bowen [Powers. int.] of Wrentham, Mar. 20, 1837.
Mary (Woolcott), of A., and Elezer Rhods, jr. of Stoughton, int. Oct. 29, 1740. P.R.73.
Mary (Walcutt), and George Blackintun, jr., both of A., int. Apr. 14, 1769.
Mary A., unm., of Cumberland, R.I., and Joel Ellis, 2d, of A., int. Sept. 3, 1842.
Mercy (Wallcott) [Mary, unm. int.], of A., and George Blackinton, jr. of Dover, July 9, 1805.
Michael (Walcut), Dr., and [Mrs. int.] Eunice Picher, both of A., May 10, 1787. P.R.81.
Moses (Walcut), and Mary Blackentun, int. Nov. 9, 1744.
Moses (Walkut), jr., of A., and Ruth Whipple of Cumberland, Dec. 19, 1776. P.R.81.
Pentacost (Walcoutt), of A., and Hannah Sprout, unm., of Norton, int. Mar. 4, 1809.
Pentecost (Wallcut), and Hannah Guild, both of A., int. Dec. 21, 1771.
Ruth [Wallcutt. int.], of A., and Ehenezar Foster of Wrentham, Jan. 16, 1799.
Sarah, of Cumberland, and Joel Ellis of A., int. Mar. 6, 1784.
Sarah Ann (Wallcott) [Walcott, unm. int.], and Isaac C. Brainard, both of A., Dec. 3, 1833.
Susanna (Walcot), and [L[t.] int.] Samuel Everett, both of A., July 3, 1780. P.R.81.
William (Wallcott) [Wallcutt. C.R.1.], of A., and Lydia Fuller [unm. int.] of Rehoboth, Oct. 13, 1811.
William F. [I. C.R.1; Walcutt. int.], and Abigail E. Whiting, unm., both of A., Jan. 7, 1829.
WALDEN, see Walton.
Francis, of Dighton, and Margaret [Mary. C.R.2.] L. Hodges [unm. int.] of A., Feb. 1, 1843.
Mary, of Dighton, and Benj[amin] Crabtree of A., June 30, 1749.
Atherton, and Loisa Tyler [Tylor. int.], unm., both of A., May 24, 1830.
Elizaboth H., unm., and George H. Martin, both of A., Mar. 4, 1833.
WALKER (Wallker, Warker)
Abby [unm. int.], and John Wing, both of A., July 4, 1842.
Alithea, of Rehoboth, and James Dexter of A., Aug. 14, 1746.
Ann E., and William H. Robinson, both of A., int. Apr. 10, 1848.
Charles Phillip (Warker), of Rehoboth, and Rebeckah Dunham of A., int. Mar. 13, 1789.
Comfort, of Rehoboth, and Mehetabel Robinson of A., d. Samuel, int. Aug. 14, 1762.
David, of North Providence, and Mary of Sweetland, wid., of A., Aug. 17, 179-.
Ebenezer (Wallker), of Ashford, and Huldah Willmarth, wid., of A., int. Feb. 22, 1772.
Edwin R., and Emily Gleason, unm., both of A., int. Apr. 9, 1843.
Elizabeth B., unm., of A., and Albert Slade of Somerset, int. Sept. 7, 1834.
Eunice, unm., of North Providence, R.I., and Arnold Moffitt, jr. of A., int. Dec. 18, 1846.
Ezra, and Mary Robinson [unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 1, 1819.
Fanny D. [A. C.R.2; unm. int.], and Nelson Smith, both of A., Mar. 1, 1842.
Hennritte, unm., of A., and Abner Lewis of Ware, int. Oct. 22, 1831.
Joseph, of A., and Laura Ann Austin, unm., of Dighton, int. Dec. 7, 1832.
Lydia, unm., of Seekonk, and Milton Ingraham of A., int. May 4, 1822.
Marriette B., unm., of A , and John Bayley of North Providence, R.I., int. Sept. 17, 1846.
Martha B., unm., of A., and Joshua H. Work of Providence, R.I., Oct. 24, 1831.
Nancy, unm., of Cumberland, and [Geor]ge Sweetland of A., Dec. 30, 1794.
Sally A., unm., and Harrison Wilmarth, both of A., int. Apr. 13, 1834.
Samuel, of Rehoboth, and Anna Carpenter of A., int. Oct. 28, 178[5.]
Sarah, of Coventry, and Elisha Willmarth of A., int. Apr. 28, 1764.
Timothy [jr. of Rehoboth. int.], and Elisabeth Carp[enter] [of A. int.], Dec. 10, 1741.
Timothy, of North Providence, R.I., and Clarissa Wood, unm., of A., int. Apr. 17, 1836.
William, of Seekonk, and Patty [Betty. C.R.1.] Dean [unm. int.] of A., Apr. 18, 1820.
Thane, of Cumberland, and Oliver May of A., int. May 26, 1789.
Ichabod, of A., and Mary Ann Pierce, unm., of Pawtucket, int. Nov. 29, 1837.
Sharlot, unm., of A., and John Thompson of Seekonk, int. Oct. 16, 1820.
WALTON (Walden, Waldin)
Alph[a] [unm. int.], of A., and Joel Borden [Bardin. int.] of Foxborough, Mar. 27, 1842.
Amos, and Mary [Polly. int.] H. Mesinger, unm., both of A., Dec. 11, 1823.
James, and Chloe Ingraham, unm., both of A., Nov. 4, 1802.
Levi (Walden) [Walton. int.], of Kingston, R.I., and Mary Ann Earle [Earl. int.], unm., of A., Oct. 7, 1835.
Abigail, and Jeremiah Stanley, Apr. 2, 1761.
Ichabod, and Elizebeth Pidge, both of A., int. Jan. 24, 1735-6.
Ichabod, and Phebe Tiler, ---- [17-.]
Molley, and Joseph Bennet, both of A., int. July 15, 1745.
Nehemiah, and Esther Maxey [both of A. int.], Dec. 3, 1728.
Sarah, and Silvanus Shurtleff, int. Jan. ----, 1760.
Uriah, "of the union in ye Collony of Conneticutt" [of Union. int.], and Elizabeth Ingraham of A., Oct. 20, 1737.
WARE (Wares)
Amharst, of Wrentham, and Lucindia Perry [unm. int.] of A., Feb. 17, 1814.
Cyrus, and Eliza E. Cottrell, unm., both of Wrentham, May 9, 1833.
Ezra [Wares. int.], of Essex, Vt., and Huldah Tyler, unm., of A., Nov. 19, 1795.
Hannah [Johanna Wares. int.], of Franklin, and Benjamin Foster of A., Mar. 4, 1796.
Harman [Hermon. C.R.2.], of Milford, and Ruth Whiting [unm. int.] of A., Sept. 4, 1828.
Johanna (Wares), see Ware, Hannah.
Joseph, and Julia Cheever, both of Wrentham, Apr. 4, 1844.
Moses [of Norton. int.], and Elizebeth Lane [of A. int.], June 23, 1731.
Robert (Wares), of Wrentham, and Hannah Newell of A., int. Sept. 21, 1795.
William [of Wrentham. int.], and Mary Maxcey [of A. int.], May 4, 1726.
William, of Wrentham, and Betsy Cary [unm. int.] of A., May 5, 1811.
Willy, of A., and Ezebiah Sweeting of Wrentham, int. Oct. 13, 1728.
Abijah, of A., and Lydia Nightingale of Providence, R.I., int. Oct. 23, 1793.
Charles F., unm., of Northbridge, a. 29 y., shoemaker, s. Lereme and Deborah, and Melinda B. Fuller of A., a. 26 y., d. Jonatha[n] and Hannah, ---- [1848.] [int. Apr. 30, 1849.]
Charles J., Rev., of A., and Charlott Wesson, unm., of Milbury, int. Apr. 26, 1828.
Fidelia, unm., of Wrentham, and Jonathan Richards of A., Nov. ----, 1832.
Gardner, of Wrentham, and Elisabeth Hall [unm. int.] of A., Mar. 31, 1839.
Hannah, unm., of A., and Timothy Conant, jr. of Rehoboth, int. Mar. 20, 1812.
Hannah, unm., of Smithfield, and Ezra N. Freeman of A., int. May 29, 1842.
James, of A., and Lucinda Goddard, unm., of Roxbury, int. Feb. 17, 1816.
Levenne, of Northbridge, and Deborah Fisher, [unm. int.] of A., May 28, 1817.
Lindia, unm., and Jonathan Fuller, both of A., int. Feb. 29, 1812.
Sarah C., unm., and George B. Davenport, both of A., int. Apr. 27, 1844.
Thais D., unm., of Wrentham, and George W. Cheever of A., int. Feb. 1, 1829.
WASHBURN (Washbourn)
Abisha, and Mary Wilmarth. both of A., int. Mar. 23, 1776.
Mary [Washbourn. int.], of Taunton, and Daniel Sheperson [Shepardson. int.] of A., May 9, 1728.
Salmon, of Taunton, and Amelia Swan, unm., of A., Apr. 7, 1833.
Samuel, and Esther Barney, July 3, 1845. P.R.26.
John Bradford, of A., and Mary Frost, unm., of Wrentham, int. Jan. 12, 1846.
William, see Witherell, William.
Sally [unm. int.], of A., and Robert Lord of Cumberland, R.I., Oct. 30, 1819.
Sam[ue]ll, Rev., of Barrington, and Martha Bicknell, unm., of A., Dec. 5, 1799.
Tyler, and Nancy Guillo [Guellow, unm. int.], both of A., Nov. 25, 1813.
Elisabeth, and James Makinson, Dec. 27, 1844. P.R.68.
WEATHERHEAD, see Wetherhead.
Benedick, and Hannah Evens, both of A., int. Nov. 23, 1754.
Jesse K.,, and G[eorgiana. int.] R. M. George, unm., both of A., Oct. 14, 1834.
Sarrah, see Wedge, Sarrah.
WEDGE (Wede, Wedg, Weedge)
Abigail, of A., d. John, and Peas Clark, Nov. 2, 1727.
David (Weedge), and Joanna Headle, Dec. 16, 1723.
Experience, and Jonathan Clark [both of A. int.], Oct. 29, 1724.
John (Wedg), and Martha Clark [both of A. int.], Jan. 27, 1728-9.
Sarrah (Wede) [Wedg. int.], and Mordina [Mordecai. int.] Day, both of A., Feb. 28, 1726.
WEEDEN (Wheeden)
Lydia, Mrs., of North Providence, R.I., and Stephen Briggs of A., int. Oct. 25, 1821.
William G. [Wheeden. C.R.2.], unm., of Providence, R.I., a. 21 y., merchant, b. Providence, R.I., s. William and Lydia, of Providence, and Almira O. Foster, unm., of A., a. 19 y., b. Providence, R.I., d. Ebenezer and Almira, Jan. 1, 1847.
John of A., and Mary Roule of Falmouth, Nov. 21, 1718.
John, and Cilence Converse, wid., both of A., int. Apr. 30, 1743.
John, and Hannah Day, both of A., int. Oct. 15, 1757.
Mahetable, and Moses Rowley [both of A. int.], July 3, 1724.
Richard, and Mary Leonard [wid., both of A. int.], Aug. 10, 1724.
Richard, and Hannah Healy [Healey. C.R.2.], May 18, 1749.
Sary, and John Clark, both of A., int. Aug. 1, 1755.
Esther, see Wiswall, Esther.
Thomas Henry, unm., of Wrentham, a. 42 y., laborer, b. Wrentham, s. Henry and Mary, of Wrentham, and Sarah Ann Mois, unm., of Wrentham, a. 25 y., b. Wrentham, d. Charles and Mary, of Wrentham, Oct. 18, 1846.
Samuel C. [C. P. C.R.2 and int.], unm., of Taunton [of A. int.], a. 22 y., trader, s. Jacob, and Sarah M. Comings [Cummings. C.R.2.], unm., of A., a. 20 y., d. Benja[min], Apr. 25, 1847.
WELD (Welds)
Anna [Mrs. Anna Weld. int.], unm., of A., and [Rev. int.] Ezra Weld of Braintree, Sept. 24, 1763.
Dorothy, Mrs., of A., and Jonathan Philbrook of Boston, int. June 2, 1759.
Elisibeth, Mrs., of A., and Oakes Shaw of Barnstable, int. Dec. 7, 1763.
Eunice, see Wild, Eunice.
Ezra [Rev. int.], of Braintree, and [Mrs. int.] Anna [Weld. int.], unm., of A., Sept. 24, 1763.
Habijah, Rev., of A., and [Mrs. int.] Mary Fox of Woburn, Oct. 25, 1728.
Hannah, Mrs., of A., and Caleb Fuller of Windsor, int. Sept. 4, 1762.
Louil (Welds), and Joseph Fisher, both of A., int. Apr. 27, 1775.
Lovel [Welds. int.], and Jonathan Felt [both of A., Jan. int.] 5, 1746-7.
Lucy, Mrs., of A., and Rev. Oliver Noble of Coventry, Ct., int. Jan. 26, 1760.
Mary [Mrs. int.], of A., and Dr. Cardee Parker of Coventry, Ct., Apr. 15, 1762.
Sarah, Mrs., of A., and Rev. Timothy Alden of Yarmouth, int. Sept. 17, 1770.
WELLMAN (Welman, Willman)
Abbigal [Welman. int.], and James Powel, both of A., Nov. 11, 1730.
Abigal (Welman), of Lynn, and Tho[ma]s Copper of A., int. July 16, 1743.
Asa [Welman. int.], and Olive Jincks, unm., both of A., Nov. 26, 1801.
Caroline, unm., and Moses Mason, both of A., Dec. 28, 1829. [Dec. 24. C.R.1.]
Charlotte, of Wrentham, and John A. Dunbar of Franklin, at Wrentham, Sept. 28, 1842.
David B., and Betsey Wood [unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 12, 1837.
Eben [Ebenezer Welman. int.], of Norton, and Martha Welman of A., Apr. 27, 1736.
Elezebeth (Welman), and [Robert. C.R.1.] Marten, Apr. 30, 1741.
[Elijah. int.] (Welman), and Rhoda Sweet, both of A., June 28, 1759.
Esther (Welman), and Thom[a]s Richardson, Oct. 5, 1749.
Ezra, and Mehitabel Jillson [Jilson, unm. int.], both of A., Aug. 17, 1806.
Hannah, of A., and Isaac Wellman of Norton, Aug. 4, 1748.
Hannah, of A., and Nathaniel Hills of Swanzey, N.H., int. Aug. 4, 1781.
Isaac, of Norton, and Hannah Wellman of A., Aug. 4, 1748.
John (Welman), and Mary Atwell, wid. [both of A. int.], Dec. 18, 1783. [---- 24, 1753. int.]
John (Welman), of A., and Martha Tiler of Falmouth, int. ---- [17-.]
Joseph (Welman), jr., of Wrentham, and Lucey Richardson of A., May 13, 1762.
Joseph R. [Joseph N. int.], of Wrentham, and Esther White, unm., of A., Nov. 28, 1839. C.R.2.
Judith (Welman), and James Cobb, both of A., Mar. 27, 1760.
Lot (Welman), and Mercy Jenckes [Jincks. int.], unm., both of A., Sept. 13, 1795.
Lot, of A., and Rebacah Cole, unm., of Sterling, Ct., int. July 28, 1814.
Louisa [Susan. int.], unm., and Vernal Stanley, both of A., Aug. 28, 1834. [Aug. 8. P.R.61.]
Lowis, and Otis Whiting, both of A., Sept. 25, 1794.
Lucinda (Welman), and Abisha Town, both of A., Apr. 16, 1793. C.R.1.
Martha (Welman), of A., and Eben Wellman [Ebenezer Welman. int.] of Norton. Apr. 27, 1736.
Polly (Welman) [Wellman. int.], and Calvin Clafflen [Claflen. int.], both of A., Aug. 8, 1790.
Rebeckah (Welman), and Dea. Jonathan Titus, both of A., Oct. 2, 1780. P.R.81.
Susan, see Wellman, Louisa.
Thomas, of Lynn, and Matha Folet of A., int. Apr. 2, 1769.
WELLS (Wills)
David [Danford Wells. int.] (Wills), and Welthy Freeman, unm., both of A., Jan. 24, 1811.
Ezra T., of A., and Sabra Fuller of Seekonk, int. June 15, 1813.
Rufus, of Adams, and Harriet B. Richards [unm. int.] of A., Apr. 29, 1839.
Wilber, of Rehoboth, and Salona Atherton, unm., of A., int. May 7, 1826.
WENN (Winn)
Marcena C. [Winn. Seekonk Vit. Rec.] of Seekonk, and Mehetable L. Wood, unm., of A., int. Aug. 8, 1841.
Edwin, and Ann Wood, unm., both of A., int. Aug. 20, 1827.
Charlott, unm., of Milbury, and Rev. Charles J. Warren of A., int. Apr. 26, 1828.
Asaph C., of Seekonk, and Elisabeth Lawton, unm., of A., int. Mar. 17, 1844.
George, of A., and Phebe Sweet, unm., of Johnson, R.I., int. Sept. 23, 1816.
WESTCOTT (Weastcott, Wescott, Wetcott)
Cornel[i]us (Wescott), of Dighton, and Sarrah Freeman [wid. int.] of A., July 9, 1792.
George W. (Wescott), and Sarah Dodge, unm., both of A., int. May 31, 1834.
Hannah [Weastcott. int.], unm., and Asa Fuller, both of A., Jan. 4, 1829.
James, of Norton, and Aseneth Danforth [unm. int. P.R.46.] of Taunton, Aug. 3, 1817.
John (Wetcott) [Westcott. int.], of Wellington, and Emily White, unm., of A., Nov. 7, 1824.
Marion A., and Francis W. Lincoln, int. May 4, 1849.
WETHERHEAD (Weatherhead)
Daniel, of A., and Susanah Gould of A., d. John, June 20, 1740.
Salley (Weatherhead), of Cumberland, and Haford Claflen of A., int. Dec. 16, 1799.
Elihu, and Mary Robinson, Dec. 16, 1714.
Sarah M., of North Providence, R.I., and George W. Lathrop [Lathrop. C.R.2.] of West Bridgewater, May 17, 1840.
WHEELER (Whealer)
Ann, unm., and Cornelius Delano Peterson, both of A., int. Nov. 4, 1815.
Benj[amin] I[ngels. int.], of Montpelier, and Hu[l]dah French of A., Jan. 2, 1794.
Hiram, of Rehoboth, and Lucinda [Louisa. int. and C.R.2.] Wood, unm., of A., Feb. 18, 1828.
Jearahmel B. [Jerathniel Bowers. int.], of Montpelier, Vt., and Sibble French of A., Feb. 3, 17-. [Jan. 6, 1791. int.]
John, of Providence, R.I., and Emma Ingraham [unm. int.] of A., Aug. 1, 1814.
Lidea [unm. int.], and David Cutting, both of A., Aug. 27, 1812.
Lucy, unm., and Noah Fuller, both of A., int. Apr. 14, 1806.
Lucy, unm., and Moses Cutting, both of A., May 2, 1811.
Mary, unm., and Moses Cutting, both of A., Oct. 10, 1827.
Mercy (Whealer), unm., of A., and Lyman Peck of Cumberland, R.I., int. Aug. 19, 1811.
Molly, and Hezekiah Rounds, Jan. 12, 1775. P.R.68.
Nathan, of Rehoboth, and Sarah Titus of A., int. Dec. 20, 1777.
Rachel, of Rehoboth, and Robert Titus [jr. int.] of A., Dec. 9, 1779.
Simeon, of Rehoboth, and Elisabeth Titus of A., int. Mar. 11, 1780.
Williams, of Taunton, and Lydia Tucker, unm., of A., int. Apr. 7, 1836.
Elijah, of A., and Nancy Harding, unm., of Franklin, int. Dec. 25, 1809.
Godfrey, and Abigail B. Lawton, at Watertown, Nov. 30, 1827. P.R.43.
Susan, and Macajah Fuller, May 18, 1841. P.R.33.
George, and Eliza C. Wakefield, Oct. 17, 1813. P.R.21.
George Samuel, and Lydia Browne, Dec. ----, 1838. P.R.21.]
Hannah, see Whitaker, Hannah.
WHIPPLE (Whiple)
Abigail, and Richard Bickford, both of A., int. Nov. 1, 1735.
Alceda [unm. int.], of A., and Denty [Duty. int.] Mowry of Smithfield, R.I., Mar. 23, 1820.
Anna, and John Carpenter, jr., both of A., int. Feb. 1, 1800.
Bennet [William G. int.], of Wrentham, and Nancy Bosworth, unm., of A., June 3, 1833.
David, of A., and Martha Read of Rehoboth, July 7, 1737.
Deborah, Mrs. [of A. int.], and Jonathan Nutting [Nutten of Wrentham. int.], May 5, 1731.
Florentina [unm. int.], of A., and Olney Ballou of Cumberland, R.I., Feb. 8, 1813.
Hannah, of Cumberland, and Amaziah Jillson of A., int. Mar. 11, 1780.
Ibrock (Whiple) of Cumberland, R.I., and Moley Swan of A., int. Feb. 10, 1776.
Israel, of A., and Leah Bucklen of Rehoboth, int. May 16, 1724.
Israel, jr., of Cumberland, and Margarett Robinson, d. Timothy, of A., int. Dec. 6, 1760.
Jemuna, and Israel Woodcock [both of A. int.], June 15, 1732.
Jermiah, of A., and Hannah Bowen of Rehoboth, Feb. 24, 1742.
Jorok, and Mary Perkins, both of A., int. Mar. 3, 1743-4.
Larned, and Sally Carpenter, both of Cumberland, Dec. 27, 1810.
Loney, of Cumberland, and Deuty Swan of A., int. Feb. 4, 1798.
Marcy, unm., of A., and Nathaniel Shepardson of Cumberland, R.I., int. May 21, 1824.
Mary, of Providence, and Daniel Scott of A., int. Apr. 4, 1724.
Mary, and Henry Joslen, May 21, 1724.
Nathaniel, and Bethiah Slack [both of A. int.], Apr. 22, 1736.
Penelipa, and David Caswel, both of A., int. Apr. 19, 1746.
Preserved, and Eliza Hews, both of A., Mar. 19, 1795.
Priscilla, unm., of A., and William Bishop of Cumberland, Feb. 24, 1799.
Reuben, of Cumberland, R.I., and Sally Cooper [unm. int.1 of A., Dec. 1, 1808.
Ruth, and David Day, both of A., Nov. 9, 1727.
Ruth, of Cumberland, and Moses Walkut, jr. of A., Dec. 19, 1776. P.R.81.
Ruth, of Cumberland, and John Alexander, jr. of A., int. June 29, 1777.
Salley, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., and Peres Pearce of A., int. Jan. 13, 1838.
Sarah, of A., and John Dexter of Smithfield, int. Mar. 4, 1737.
Sarrah, of A., and Isaac Bucklin of Rehoboth, Mar. 8, 1721.
William, of A., and Sarrah Bowen of Rehoboth, May 9, 1728.
William G., see Whipple, Bennet.
----, jr., of Providence, and Ruth Jincks of A., int. Jan. 10, 1724-5.
WHITAKER (Whicher, Whitackor. Whiteaker, Whitecer, Whitecur, Whiteker, Whitker, Whittaker)
Anna [Whitecur of Rehoboth. int.], and Elisha Carpenter [of A. int.], Mar. 15, 1744. [1743. dup.]
Dorothy (Whittaker) [Whiteker. int.], of Rehoboth, and Stephen Carpenter of A., Nov. 28, 1734.
Eben[eze]r (Whitecer), of Rehoboth, and Amee Carpenter of A., int. Oct. 19, 1745.
Ebenezer, of Cumberland, and Phebe Sprage of A., int. May 5, 1770.
Hannah (Whicher) [Whiteaker. int.], of Rehoboth, and Seth Briggs of A., Jan. 22, 1735-6.
Harriet E. [unm. int.], and Leprelet Dean, both of A., Jan. 27, 1834.
Huldah, unm., of Smithfield, R.I., and John Beard of A., int. June 22, 1823.
Israel [Whitackor of Rehoboth. int.], and Margrit Foster [of A. int.], Feb. 12, 1735-6.
Lepha, unm., and Dorance Dean, both of A., int. Sept. 12, 1825.
Lydia, unm., of Warren, R.I., and Ralph Morey of A., int. Mar. 12, 1808.
Manly, of A., and Eliza Babbitt, unm., of Taunton, int. Sept. 23, 1804.
Maria, unm., of Seekonk, and George A. Draper of A., int. Jan. 1, 1848.
Oliver (Whitker), of Wrentham, and Philone Jay of A., int. Sept. 30, 1772.
Oliver [Whiteaker. int.], of Rehoboth, and Lydia Robinson of A., Dec. 31, 1802.
Richards [Richard Whiteaker of Rehoboth. int.], and Martha Bishop, both of A., May 30, 1799.
WHITE (Whit, Wite)
Aaron, and Ruth Silvester King, both of Mansfield, Sept. 25, 1828.
Abbigal, of Norton, and Joseph Woodcock of A., June 10, 1744-5.
Abigail, and John Ide, both of A., Jan. 2, 1783. P.R.81.
Abigal, Mrs., and John French [both of A. int.], May 23, 1728.
Abigal, unm., of Norton, and Ebenezer Hodges of Mansfield, Mar. 27, 1826.
Abijah, and Rhoda Harding, Nov. 3, 1816. P.R.69.
Alice J. [G. C.R.2.], unm., and William Hancock, both of Taunton, Nov. 29, 1832.
Annah, of A., and Gedion Jinks of Cumberland, int. Dec. 26, 1787.
Ardelia H., unm. [of A. int.], a. 21 y., d. Abijah, and Ruel Whiting [Whitings. int.], unm., of A., a 24 y., blacksmith, s. John, Oct. 6, 1846.
Aurela R., unm., and Thomas H. Wilbar, both of A., int. Feb. 20, 1847.
Betsey C., unm., and Harmon W. Bragg, both of A., Mar. 26, 1833.
Chloe, of Mansfield, and William Toleman of A., int. Aug. 23, 1777.
Cordelia D. [unm., of Smithfield, R.I. int.], and Samuel E. Fisher [of A. int.], Sept. 21, 1834. P.R.24.
Cyrus, of Norton, and Asenath Bradford, unm., of A., int. Feb. 26, 1847.
Daman, and Melancy Titus, unm., both of A., Oct. 21, 1824.
Daniel, of Mansfield, and Prutia Tompson of Norton, Dec. 12, 1817.
David, and Bethiah French, unm., both of A., int. Nov. 27, 1817.
Deronza, and Hannah T. Holmes, unm., both of A., int. July 29, 1842.
Deronzee, and Catharine N. [A. int.] Gay, unm., both of A., Oct. 11, 1827.
Deronzo, widr., of A., a. 44 y., farmer, s. Eliphalet and Bethia, and Almira Aldrich, unm., of A., a. 28 y., d. Samuel and Ruth, July 30, 1845.
Ebenezer, and Elizabeth Tiler [both of A. int.], Sept. 19, 1734.
Elias, of A., and Esther Thayer, unm., of Wrentham, int. Apr. 28, 1814.
Elisha, and Esther Fisher [unm. int. P.R.46.], both of Wrentham, Nov. 29, 1810.
Elonar, and William Tyrar, both of A., Oct. 18, 17-. [1787. int.]
Emery E., and Betsy Mathewson, both of Mansfield, Aug. 28, 1841.
Emily, unm., of A., and John Wetcott [Westcott. int.] of Wellington, Nov. 7, 1824.
Esther, unm., of A., and Joseph R. [N. int.] Wellman of Wrentham, Nov. 28, 1839. C.R.2.
Experence, and Penticost Blackentun, both of A., int. Apr. 14, 1744.
Experience (Whit), and Gideon Sweet, both of A., int. Dec. 28, 1771.
Hannah, and Joseph Guild [Gile. dup.; both of A. int.], Nov. 11 [10. dup.], 1741.
Hannah, of Norton, and Venten Richardson of A., int. Feb. 8, 1770.
Hannah [unm. int.], and Tyler Guillow, both of A., Mar. 17, 1814.
Harriot [unm. int.], and Tho[ma]s W. Witherglass [Withington. int. and C.R.2.], both of A., May 2, 1842.
Harrison, and Sarah M. Perry, both of Norton, Sept. 30, 1841.
Horace, and Lydia [A. int.] Conant [unm. int.], both of A., Apr. 7, 1838.
Isaac, and Anna Foster, both of A., Oct. 30, 1800.
James (Wite), and Matilda Balkcorn [Bolkcom. int.], unm., both of A., Nov. 21, 1804.
James W., and Paulina Claflin, unm., both of A., Nov. 29, 1832.
Jason, and Lucy Hall [unm. int.], both of A., Feb. 9, 1815.
Jemima, of A., and Jonathan Shores of Taunton, int. Apr. 5, 1760.
Jemima, and Stephen Fuller, jr., both of A., int. Nov. 14, 1761.
Jeremiah, and Eliza Morse, unm., both of A., int. Oct. 13, 1832.
Jonathan, of Norton, and Hanah Jackson of A., int. Nov. 5, 1743.
Jonathan, jr., of Mansfield, and Abigail Cummins of A., int. Jan. 14, 1775.
Jonathan, and Polly Pond [unm. int.], both of A., Oct. 24, 1813.
Lucinda [unm. int.], of A., and Montgomery White of Mansfield, Oct. 24, 1816.
Lucindia, unm., of Pembroke, and Elihu Daggett, jr. of A., int. Aug. 25, 1810.
Lydia, unm., and Jacob C. Horr, both of A., Mar. 2, 1840. C.R.2.
Margreet, of Norton, and Benj[amin] Woodward [Woodcock. int.] of A., Mar. 20, 1744-5. [Nov. 30, 1734. int.]
[Martha White. int.], and John Robbins, jr. [both of A. int.], May 20, 1742.
Mary, and [Daniel. C.R.1.] Read, June [Apr. C.R.1.] 2, 1741.
Mary, and Zepheniah Garrey, both of A., int. Feb. 22, 1772.
Mary [unm. int.], of A., and Ira Gay of North Providence [R.I. int.], July 25, 1813.
Mary [Marcy, unm. int.], and Truman Freeman, both of A., Feb. 12, 1815.
Mary A., unm., of A., and Capt. Jacob Shepard of Norton, Apr. 3, 1827.
Montgomery, of Mansfield, and Lucinda White [unm. int.] of A., Oct. 24, 1816.
Paul, and Eunice Newell [Newel. int.], both of A., Jan. 22, 1803.
Royal, and Lucy Morse, both of A., Sept. 7, 1809.
Sally, unm., and George Law, both of A., int. Feb. 18, 1820.
Sarrah, of Norton, and George Fuller of A., Feb. 7, 1754.
Susan E., unm., of Wrentham, b. Wrentham, and Tho[ma]s A. Barden, unm., of Wrentham, b. Wrentham, s. Tho[ma]s, of Wrentham, Oct. 2, 1843. [Oct. 12. P.R.66 and P.R.69.]
Susannah [unm. int.], and Abraham Bourn, both of A., Apr. 15, 1815.
Sylvia, and Jonathan Hopkins, both of Mansfield, May 3, 1812.
Thomas, and Sally Luther [unm. int.], both of A., Oct. 25, 1812.
Timothy, of A., and Ede Hill of Wrentham, Apr. 27, 1774.
Timothy, and Mary Ann Fuller, both of Wrentham, Apr, 1, 1838.
Willard H., and Eliza B. Graves, both of Wrentham, June 18, 1834.
William, and Susanah Robinson, both of A., int. July 9, 1763.
William B., of Waterbury, Ct., and Mary J. Montgomary [unm. int.] of A., Apr. 4, 1836.
Zachariah [jr. int.], and Aurelia Richardson [unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 30, 1813.
Zechariah, of Mansfield, and Hipzabah Woodcock of A., int. Mar. 28, 1778.
Mary Jane, and William Robert Young, at Belfast, Ireland, bef. 1813. P.R.16.
Eben, of Rehoboth, and Amey Carpen of A., Nov. 14, 1795.
WHITING (Wheting, Whiten, Whitings, Whitting)
Abigail, wid., and Stephen Fuller, both of A., int. Oct. 19, 1776.
Abigail E., unm., and William F. [ I. C.R.1.] Walcott [Walcutt. int.], both of A., Jan. 7, 1829.
Aby F., unm., of A., a. 18 y., d. Lewis and Susan, and William H. Herring, unm., of A., a. 23 y., jeweler, s. Luke and Susan, Oct. 11, 1849.
David, jr., and Hannah Wallcutt, both of A., int. Oct. 18, 1766.
[D]avid, jr., and Patty Daggett, unm., both of A., Oct. 9, 1792.
David E., and Florintine Sprague, unm., both of A., Sept. 22, 1829.
Eaton, and Betsey Batchelor, unm., both of A., int. Aug. 13, 1807.
Elisabeth, wid., of Roxbury, and Ebenezer Swan of A., int. Oct. 13, 1780.
Elizebeth (Wheting), and John Chadwick [both of A. int.], Feb. 15, 1732-3.
Elkanah, of Wrentham, and Patty [Polly. int.] Whiting [unm. int.] of A., Dec. 19, 1816.
Esther, unm., of A., and Archabald Todd, jr., of Mansfield, Feb. 13, 1821.
Hannah, and Ichabod Daggett [both of A. int.], Feb. 4, 1796.
Harriot C. [Whitney. int.], unm., of A., a. 35 y., d. Martin, and Otis Stanley, unm., of A., a. 45 y., machinist, s. Artimas, Jan. 6, 1848.
Jason (Whiten) [Whiting. int.], and Esther Forster [Foster, both of A. int.], Jan. 28, 1796.
Jesse, of Taunton, and Nancy Cheever of Wrentham, Oct. 3, 1843.
Lemuel [Whiten. int.], of A., and Abbigal Eaton [Eaten. int.] of Dedham, ----, 17---. [Jan. 10, 1755. int.]
Lemuel (Whitting) [Whiting. int.], and Nancy Blackinton, unm., both of A. [bet. May 2, 1811 and May 29, 1812.] [June 1, 1811. int.]
Levi W., unm., laborer, and Nancy R. Blanchard, unm. [both of A. int.], Nov. 8, 184-. [Oct. 16, 1847. int.]
Mary A. [A. B. int.], unm., of A., a. 37 y., d. Lemuel and Nancy, and Samuel Kent, unm., of Seekonk, a. 45 y., miller, s. Elijah and Sarah, Nov. 11, 1849.
Nancy [unm. int.], and Samuel O[rigin. int.] Draper, both of A., Mar. 24, 1816.
Nancy, Mrs. [Miss. int.], and Ephram Jewett, both of A., Dec. 14, 1824.
Nath[anie]l, of Providence, and Cynthia Richardson of A., June 2, 1799.
Otis, and Lowis Wellman, both of A., Sept. 25, 1794.
Patty [Polly, unm. int.], of A., and Elkanah Whiting of Wrentham. Dec. 19, 1816.
Polly, see Whiting, Patty.
Ruel [Whitings. int.], unm., of A., a. 24 y., blacksmith, s. John, and Ardelia H. White, unm. [of A. int.], a. 21 y., d. Abijah, Oct. 6, 1846.
Ruth [unm. int.], of A., and Harman [Hermon. C.R.2.] Ware of Milford, Sept. 4, 1828.
Sabama, see Whitney, Sabama.
Sally, of A., and Daniel Lothrop [Lathrop. int.], 3d, of Bridgewater, May 21, 1787.
Sally [unm. int.], of Wrentham, and Ira Allen of A., Jan. 28, 1816.
Sidney, of Franklin, and Peddy Dary [unm. int.] of A., Jan. 17, 1808. C.R.2.
Susan, of Wrentham, and Perez Carpenter of A., int. Feb. 13, 1808.
Susan A., unm., of Wrentham, a. 23 y., jeweler, b. Wrentham, d. Lewis, and Susan, of Wrentham, and Andrew B. Blackinton, unm., of Wrentham, a. 20 y., jeweler, b. Wrentham, s. Willard D. and R., of Wrentham, Sept. 26, 1847.
William, Rev., of Abington, and Charlotte Augustus Saunders, unm., of A., int. Dec. 25, 1838.
Abby, unm., of Boston, and Orin Carpenter of A., Aug. 28, 1827.
Freelove [unm. int.], and Alferd Day, both of A., Nov. 10, 1814.
Molly, and Ichabod Franklin [jr. int.], both of A., Jan. 22, 1761.
Clark, and Emeline Bates, unm., of A., int. Jan. 31, 1830.
Emily [unm. int.], and Oliver Stanley, both of A., Feb. 24, 1842.
Felix G., unm., of A., a. 29 y., jeweler, s. Martin and Nancy, and Catharine J. Briggs, unm., of A., a. 21 y., d. Rufus and Nancy, Oct. 5, 1848.
Harriet C., see Whiting, Harriot C.
Marting, of Bristol [R.I. int.], and Nancy Orne [unm. int.] of A., Dec. 10, 1810.
Sabama [Whiting. int.], unm., of A., and Joel H. Slack of Wrentham, bet. June---- and Nov. 12, 1825. [Oct. 20, 1828. int.]
WHITTEMORE (Whitemor, Whitemore, Whittimore)
Charlotte [unm. int.], of A., and Brown C. Cozzens [Cossens. int.] of Providence, R.I., Oct. 24, 1816.
Edmand, and Eliza Whittemore [unm. int.], both of A., Oct. 30, 1815.
Eliza [unm. int.], and Edmand Whittemore, both of A., Oct. 30, 1815.
Isaac, of A., and Rachel L. Allby, unm., of Milford, int. Aug. 9, 1827.
James (Whitemore) [Whittimore. int.], and Margarett [R. int.] Bickner, unm., both of A., May 6, 1824.
Martha, and Zebea C. French, both of Wrentham, Mar. 8, 1836.
Mary (Whitemor) [Whittimore. int.], unm., of A., and Reuben Thorp of Providence, R.I., Nov. 5, 1824.
Nathaniel, of 'Wrentham, and Mehetable Fuller of A., int. Dec. 3, 1774.
Simeon, see Wright, Simeon.
WILBER (Wilbar)
Elisabeth P., unm., of Bridgewater, and Martin S. Witherell of A., int. Sept. 8, 1838.
Thomas H. (Wilbar), and Aurela R. White, unm., both of A., int. Feb. 20, 1847.
WILD (Wilde)
Eunice [Weld, unm. int.], and Eliphaz Day [gentleman. int.], both of A., Dec. 20, 1807. C.R.1.
Fanny L. (Wilde), unm., of North Providence, R.I., and Sam[ue]l Easterbrooks of A., int. Nov. 7, 1843.
Samuel [Wilde. C.R.2.], jr., of Taunton, and Orinda Babcock [unm. int.] of A., Nov. 27, 1822.
Charles B., of Needham, and Mary A. Guild, unm., of A., Oct. 24, 1827.
Eliza [unm. int.], and Lemuel May, both of A., Dec. 22, 1814.
Isiah, widr., of New Hampshire, a. 67 y., farmer. s. Isaiah and Susann[a]h, and Lydia Daggett, wid., of A., a. 54 y., Dec. 3, 1849.
John, Rev., of A., and Mrs. Esther Tyler of Preston, Ct., int. July 29, 1790.
John, Rev., of A., and Mrs. Elizabeth Austin of East Haddam, Ct., int. Mar. 15, 1812.
Deborah, and Edward C. Rogers, unm., July 29, 1849.
WILKINSON (Wilkenson, Wilkerson, Wilkison)
Hannah, of A., and Samuel Blake of Wrentham, int. Dec. 5, 1789.
John (Wilkison), and Elizebeth Shepard, both of A., int. Feb. 2, 1733-4.
John, and Hannah Fisher, both of A., int. Apr. 30, 1763.
John [jr. int.], and Susannah Guild, both of A., May 23, 1802.
Lucy (Wilkerson), of Cumberland, R.I., and Noah Carpenter of A., int. Jan. 15, 1795.
Mary [Moley, of Cumberland. int.], and Joel Robinson [2d, of A. int.], at Cumberland, R.I., Jan. 17, 1788. P.R.55.
Noah (Wilkenson), of A., and Hannah Chiver of Wrentham, int. Feb. 9, 1800.
Susanna (Wilkenson) [Wilkerson. int.], and Derias Fisher [both of A. int.], Feb. 19, 1795.
Ashbel, Dr., of Wrentham, and [Mrs. int.] Marcy Young, unm., of A., Oct. 9, 1825.
Ephram, and Thank Newell, both of A., int. Mar. 3, 1770.
Jonathan, and Pertheniah Peck [both of A. int.], Oct. 29, 1734.
WILLIAMS (William)
Abigail, unm., of A., and Thomas R. Phinny [Phinny. int.] of Warren, R.I., May 13, 1828.
Albert J., of A., and Mary C. Dunham, unm., of Mansfield, int. May 3, 1834.
Amelia, unm., of A., and Samuel Fisher of Foxborough, int. Mar. 2, 1838.
Bradford G., and Sarah S. Bliss of A., int. May 11, 1849.
Calista H., unm., and Elias G. Brown, both of A., int. Sept. 18, 1831.
Charles B., unm., of A., laborer, s. Tho[ma]s, and Louisa N. Babcock, unm. [of A. int.], d. Stephen, Oct. 5, 1843.
Dardany, unm., of Mansfield, and John Hotan of A., int. Nov. 10, 1811.
David L., of Mansfield, and Laura M. Day, unm., of A., int. Dec. 26, 1846.
Eunice S., unm., and John Mathewson, both of A., int. July 15, 1843.
Fidelia, wid., and Royal Blake, widr., both of Wrentham, Jan. 5, 1845.
George [A. int.], of Mendon, and Mary E. [C. int.] Atwill [unm. int.] of A., Aug. 29, 1841.
Hannah [unm. int.], and Ellis Fisher, both of A., Feb. 11, 1816.
Harrison A., and Aby J. Richardson, both of A., int. Sept. 1, 1849.
John, of Concord, and Molley Eve----, of A., int. Jan. 19, 1769.
Jonathan, of Dudley, and Ester Willmoth of A., int. Sept. 1, 1768.
Joseph (William), and Jane Pane, both of Mansfield, Aug. 13, 1801.
Josiah, and Harriet S. Wilmarth, both of Easton, Apr. 8, 1847. C.R.2.
Julia A., unm., of Mansfield, and Jonathan Bliss, jr., unm., of A., manufacturer, s. Jona[than], Apr. 27, 1843.
Lucretia, unm., and [Capt. int.] Chester Bugbee, both of A., May 23, 1826.
Lydea, of Rehoboth, and Preston Claflen of A., int. Aug. 26, 1799.
Marcus, of Mansfield, and Nancy Hall, unm., of A., Nov. 5, 1823.
Mary [A., unm. int.], and David Cummings, both of A., May 7, 1837.
Nancy, unm., and James Orn, jr., both of A., Sept. 13, 1801.
Nancy [unm. int.], of A., and Ruben Bliss of Rehoboth, Apr. 20, 1809.
Sylvester J., of Cumberland, R.I., and Abby S. Carpenter, unm., of A., int. Mar. 20, 1836.
Thomas, of North Providence, R.I., and Mary Rounds [Round, unm. int.] of A., July 7, 1811.
Thomas, of Mendon, and Polly [Dolly. C.R.2.] Richardson [unm. int.], of A., Nov. 2, 1816. [1815. C.R.2 and P.R.17.]
Theopilus, "in the Army," and Pernelope Little of A., int. Jan. 20, 1776.
Lydia, and Nathaniel Ide [both of A. int.], Mar. 22, 1753.
Sary, of A., and Jonas Gay of Stoughton, int. Dec. 27, 1745.
WILLIS (Willes)
Betsey, of Bridgewater, and Jarvis Pike of A., int. Nov. 21, 1789.
Betsey, of Norton, and Mason Kingsley of Bristol, R.I., July 14, 1805.
Lydda, of Taunton, and Eph[r]aim Perrey of A., int. Feb. 20, 1792.
Nehemiah [Willes. int.], of Taunton, and Sally Fisher of A., May 13, 1802.
Rhoda [unm., of Buckland. int.], and Isaac Perry, jr. [of A. int.], Mar. 11, 1809. P.R.52.
Sarah (Willes), of Norton, and Benjamin Freeman of A., Dec. 12, 1764.
Solomon, and Mary Chaffee, both of A., int. Sept. 9, 1780.
WILLS, see Wells.
WILMARTH (Wellmarth, Welmorth, Willmarth, Willmmarth, Willmorth, Willmoth, Wilmerth, Wilrnorth, Wilmouth)
Abigail, unm., and James S. Foster, both of A., int. July 12, 1835.
Albert A., and Elvira Peace, Oct. ----, 1847. P.R.55.
Amey, and Mark Peters [both of A. int.], Oct. 18, 1739.
Amos, and Eunice Butler, both of A., int. Feb. 15, 1777.
Anna (Willmarth), and Hosea Tiffaney, both of A., int. Jan. 9, 1779.
Anna (Willmarth), of Rehoboth, and Comfort F[uller. int.] Claflen of A., July 15, 1798.
Anna [unm. int.], of A., and Royal M. Moulton of Rehoboth, Oct. 3, 1816.
Bebe (Willmarth), and Asa Dean, both of A., int. July 5, 1784.
Benjamin (Willmarth) [of A. int.], and Eunice [Emerline. dup.] Darling [of Wrentham. int.], Jan. 12 [July 13. dup.], 1781.
Benjamin (Willmmarth), and Susanna Capron, both of A., Jan. 11, 1787. P.R.81.
Benoni (Willmarth), and Lydia Crain, both of A., int. May 23, 1775.
Benoni, and Fanny Fuller [unm. int.], both of A., Nov. 28, 1816.
Bethana (Willmarth), unm., of A., and Joseph Cole of Rehoboth, int. July 28, 1806.
Bethiah, [unm. int.], and Dexter Bates, both of A., May 26, 1816.
Betsey [Willmarth. int.], unm., of A., and Francis Eddy of Dighton, July 8, 1827.
Betty [Pretty Willmarth. int.], and Jeremiah Fuller, Oct. 25, 1744.
Calvin L. [Willmarth. int.], and Sally Dary, unm., both of A., May 30, 1826.
Chloe [Willmarth. int.], and Daniel Richardson, jr. [both of A. int.], Jan. 11, 1787. P.R.17.
Chloe (Willmarth) [unm. int.], and Elisha Morse, jr., both of A., Feb. 23, 1809.
Cynthia (Willmarth), unm., and Appollas Follet, both of A., int. Oct. 31, 1804.
Cynthia, unm., and Royal Moulton, both of A., Jan. 25, 1824.
Dan (Willmarth), and Hannah Brown, both of A., int. Aug. 1, 1772.
Dan [Capt. int.], and [Mrs. int.] Hannah Fuller, both of A., July 8, 1821.
Daniel (Willmarth), of A., and Mehetable Carpenter of Rehoboth, Sept. 1, 1743.
Daniel, and Patty W. Claflen, unm., both of A., Dec. 16, 1824.
David, and Harriet Freeman, both of A., Nov. 15, 1831.
Deborah (Wilmorth), and Noah Brown, Apr. 1, 1752.
Easter, and Robert Titus, May 28, 1741.
Easter (Willmarth), and William Carpenter, both of A., int. May 21, 1789.
Ebtelnezer (Willmarth), and Sarah Sweet, both of A., int. May 26, 1764.
Ebenezer, and Molly Capron, both of A., int. Sept. 21, 1776.
Eben[eze]r (Willmarth), jr., of Sutton, and Mary Fields of A., int. Jan. 26, 1790.
Eben[ezer. int.] P. and Anna Fuller [unm., both of A. int.], Nov. 2, 1846. P.R.33.
Elipalet (Willmarth) [Wilmarth. int.], 3d, of A., and Abigail Hardin [Harding, 2d. int.] of Mansfield, Oct, 24, 1802.
Eliphalet, and Hannah Sweet, Mar. 15, 1752.
Eliphalet, 3d, and Sally D. Martin [unm. int.], both of A., Jan. 1, 1829.
Eliphlet (Willmarth), Capt., and Molly Rounds [Rowns, wid. int.], unm., of A., May 7, 1828.
Elipphalet (Willmarth) [Wilmarth. int.], jr., and Bethiah Crane, both of A., Mar. 12, 1778.
Elisha (Willmarth), of A., and Sarah Walker of Coventry, int. Apr. 28, 1764.
Elisha (Willmarth), Capt., of A., and Lydia B. Mackumber, unm., of Rehoboth, int. Nov. 24, 1825.
Elisha, Capt., and Angeline Bosworth, unm., both of A., int. Nov. 13, 1846.
Eliza, unm., and Otis Wilmarth, both of A., July 1, 1833.
Eliza, unm., of A., and Amasa Perrin of Seekonk, Aug. 21, 1834.
Elizabeth [Elesebeth. dup.], and John Richardson [both of A. int.], Apr. 19, 1740. [Apr. 21, 1742. dup. and C.R.1.]
[E]lkanah [Willmarth, Lt. int.], and [Mrs. int.] Saly Hall, both of A., Aug. 9, 1791.
Elkanah [Willmarth, of A. int.], and Al[i]ce Briggs [of Rehoboth. int.], ----7, 17-. [July 26, 1755. int.]
Ester (Willmoth), of A., and Jonathan Williams of Dudley, int. Sept. 1, 1768.
Hanah (Wilmoth) [Wilmarth. int.], of Rehoboth, and Rufus Clafflen [Claflen. int.] of A., Aug. 24, 1796. [Aug. 25. C.R.1.]
Hannah, of A., and William Drier of Rehoboth, int. Jan. 14, 1742-3.
Hannah, 4th [of A. int.], and Elijah Lane [of Norton. int.], Nov. 4, 1796.
Harriet B., unm., of A., and Calvin Crane of Weymouth, Jan. 13, 1841.
Harriet S., and Josiah Williams, both of Easton, Apr. 8, 1847. C.R.2.
Harrison, and Sally A. Walker, unm., both of A., int. Apr. 13, 1834.
Henritta [unm. int.], and Moses Thatcher, both of A., Sept. 25, 1822.
Hiphzebeh, and Amos Robinson, both of A., int. Mar. 11, 1758.
Hiphzibah (Willmarth), and Josiah Carpenter, both of A., int. July 1, 1769.
Hipsey Maria, unm., and Edwin French, both of A., Jan. 1, 1835.
Hipsy, unm., and Samuel Heath, both of A., int. Jan. 6, 1809.
Hipzibah [Willmorth of A. int.], and Jacob Blake, 3d [of Wrentham. int.], Oct. 22, 1795.
Huldah (Willmarth), wid., of A., and Ebenezer Wallker of Ashford, int. Feb. 22, 1772.
John, of A., and Phebe Briggs of Rehoboth, int. Feb. 28, 1761.
John (Willmarth), jr., and Bathana Bishopt [Bethany Bishop. int.], both of A., Apr. 5, 1787.
John (Willmarth), and Sarah French, both of A., int. Oct. 13, 1791.
John, and Nancy Dary [unm. int.], both of A., May 21, 1820. C.R.2.
John, jr., and Peddy W. Darry, unm., both of A., int. July 29, 1832.
Jonathan, of A., and Mary Thurber of Rehoboth, July 12, 1747.
Jonath[an] (Willmarth), of A., and Saran Shelden of Rehoboth,int. Nov. 4, 1785.
Joseph, of A., and Hannah Dryer of Rehoboth, int. May 17, 1773.
Joshua P[ond. int.], of A., and Nancy Noyes, unm., of Providence, R.I., June 11, 1823.
Julia [unm. int.], and Daniel Balkcon, 2d, both of A., June 7, 1818.
Julia A., unm., of A., and Otis Wilmarth of Providence, R.I., int. Apr. 23, 1842.
Kinsbery, of A., and Mrs. Elizabeth N. Brayton of North Providence, R.I., int. May 16, 1846.
Larnard (Willmarth), of A., and Betsey Lane of Norton, Apr. 9, 1795.
Learned, jr., and Priscilla Bolkcom [unm. int.], both of A., May 17, 1818.
Leprilate, and Phebe Ann Prat [Pratt, unm. int.], both of A., Sept. 21, 1819.
Lucy (Willmoth), and Robart Follet, both of A., int. Mar. 25, 1790.
Lurana (Wellmarth) [Willmarth. int.], and Stephen Wellmarth [Willmarth. int.], both of A., Apr. 13, 17-. [Feb. 9, 1790. int.]
Lydia, and Luther Richards [Richard. int.], both of A., Nov. 13, 17-. [1787. int.]
Lydia, unm., and Naman Bishop, both of A., int. Jan. 21, 1815.
Lydia, of Lyme, N. H , and Comfort F. Claflin of A., int. Oct. 1, 1836.
Maria [Welmorth, unm. int.], and Benjamin King, both of A., Dec. 24, 1818.
Mary, and Noah Claflen [both of A. int.], Nov. 3, 1737.
Mary, and Abisha Washburn, both of A., int. Mar. 23, 1776.
Mary Jane [unm. int.], and Bradford G. Mott, both of A., Apr. 11, 1842.
Moses (Wilmerth) [Wilmarth. int.], of A., and Elizabeth Hodges of Norton, Apr. 20, 1756.
Moses, and Harriet Sweet [unm. int.], both of A., Nov. 13, 1816. [1815. C.R.2.]
Moses, and Rebecca M. Stanley, unm., both of A., Sept. 21, 1829.
Nancy, unm., of A., and Benjamin Carpenter, unm., of Seekonk, Nov. 8, 1843.
Nathan, and Mary Stacy, Nov. 29, 1722.
Nathan, jr., and Mercy Titus, Dec.----, 174-. [Dec. 6, 1748. C.R.2.]
Nathan, Dea., of A., and Rebekah Brown, wid., int. July 24, 1756.
Nathan (Willmarth), 2d, and Sarah Dunham, both of A., int. July 7, 1786.
Nathan (Willmorth), of A., and Anna Perry of Norton, int. Feb. 18, 1798.
Nathan, widr., of A., a. 73 y., farmer, s. Dan, and Sarah Claflin, wid. [Miss. int.], of A., a. 67 y., housekeeper, d. Amaziah Weatherhead, July 6, 1848.
Otis, and Eliza Wilmarth, unm., both of A., July 1, 1833.
Otis, of Providence, R.I., and Julia A. Wilmarth, unm., of A., int. Apr. 23, 1842.
Palemon Capron, and Harriett Amanda Robinson [both of A. int.], Jan. 5, 1843. P.R.55.
Parley [Willmarth. int.], and Mary [Smith. int.] Claflin [Claflen. C.R. 1; unm. int.], both of A., Feb. 27, 1814.
Patty (Wilmouth) [Willmath. int.; Willmarth. C.R.2.], of A., and Noah Claflin [Clafflen. int.], jr. of Wrentham, Dec. 12, 1793.
Preston (Willmarth), and Desire Fuller, unm., both of A., Jan. 3, 1798.
Pretty, see Wilmarth, Betty.
Roxey, and Franklin Clark, both of A., Oct. 7, 1801. C.R.2.
Sally (Willmarth), of A., and Remember Smith of Rehoboth, int. June 5, 1811.
Sally, unm., of A., and Nathaniel Hayward, jr. of Braintree, Nov. 28, 1833.
Sally W. [M. C.R.2.], unm., of A., a. 25 y., d. Eliphalet, and Geo[rge] W. Hazelwood [Hazelwood. int.], unm., of Philadelphia [Pa. int.], a. 25 y., jeweler, b. England, s. W[illia]m, of Philadelphia. Mar. 7, 1847.
Salona [unm. int.], and Daniel Shaw, both of A., Nov. 25, 1819. C.R.2.
Samuel, and Elizabeth Chub, June 22, 1719.
Sarah (Wellmarth) [Willmarth. int.], and Stephen Brown, both of A., Mar. ----, 17-. [1790. int.]
Seth (Willmarth) [Wilmarth. C.R.2.], and Betsey Briggs [unm. int.], both of A., July 1, 1810.
Stephan [of A. int.], and Hannah Read [of Rehoboth. int.], Mar. 3, 1741-2.
Stephen (Willmarth), of A., and Deborah Crosman of Taunton, int. Apr. 20, 1728.
Stephen (Wellmarth) [Willmarth. int.], and Lurana Wellmarth [Willmarth. int.], both of A., Apr. 13, 17-. [Feb. 9, 1790. int.]
Stephen (Willmorth), 2d, and Mary Atwel, both of A., int. June 25, 1790.
Tenta, unm., and William Thurber, widr., yeoman, both of A., Dec. 27, 1843.
Th[om]as, and Rebeckah Nason, Sept. 13, 1737.
Tho[ma]s, jr., and Hipzibah Claflen, both of A., int. Apr. 9, 1743.
Thomas (Willmarth), and Martha Tifiney, both of A., int. Apr. 20, 1770.
Thomas (Willmarth), of A., and Sarrah [Sally. int.] Perry of Rehoboth, Nov. 23, 17-. [Sept. 25, 1797. int.]
Thomas (Willmarth), and Betsey Grant, unm., both of A., Aug. 23, 1833. [1831. C.R.2.]
Weightstill (Willmarth), and Stephen Pike, both of A., Oct. 26, 17-. [1797. int.]
William A., and Eveline Fuller [Thurber, unm. int.], both of A., May 3, 1819.
William Albert, unm., of A., yeoman, s. William A., and Almira Codding of A., d. Abiel, Dec. 30, 1844.
WILSON (Willson)
Betsey [unm. int.], of Taunton, and Joseph Cooper of A., July 3, 1842.
Desire (Willson), unm., of Wrentham, and Dexter Bolkcom of A., int. July 16, 1813.
John (Willson), of Newton, and Mehetabel Metcalf of A., int. Mar. 21, 1761.
John (Willson), Dr., and Alpha Robinson [unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 1, 1808.
Nabby, unm., and [Jo]hn Brown, jr., both of Rehoboth, Feb. 7, 1796.
Susan M., and John F. Bacon, May 6, 1847. P.R.67.
Alice, and Timothy Richardson, Mar. 22, 1738.
Betsey V. [O., unm., of A. int.], and Otis Martin, unm., manufacturer, of A., s. Daniel, Nov. 28, 1844.
Delphia [unm. int.], and Amos Jilson [Gillson. int.], both of A., Apr. 7, 1822.
John, and Abby Walker [unm. int.], both of A., July 4, 1842.
Samuel W., unm., of A., and Eveline Kent, unm., of Seekonk, Sept. 25, 1844.
Cynthia J., unm., of Foxborough, and Alvah R. Chace, int. Nov. 11, 1848.
Will[ia]m, and Sally Fisher, both of A., int. Sept. 21, 1800.
Obediah, of Glocester, R.I., and Mary King [unm. int.] of A., Jan. 21, 1810.
Samuel W., of Lyndon, Vt., and Lydia Bullock [unm. int. P.R.46.] of Rehoboth, Feb. 2, 1806.
Dorcas, and Abraham Follet [both of A. int.], May 12, 1726.
Dorcas, wid., of A., and Eph[rai]m Blanding of Cumberland, int. Nov. 15, 1760.
Elezebeth, of A., d. Thomas, and Jonathan Fuller [of A. int.], Mar. 30, 1725.
John, of Lebanon, Ct., and Dorcas Follet of A., int. Apr. 6, 1754.
WISWALL (Weiselt, Wiswold)
Esther [Wiswold. Peck Genealogy], of A., and Solomon Peck of Cumberland, int. Sept. 23, 1758.
Ichaboyd, of A., and Marcy Carpenter of Rehoboth, Nov. 9, 1736.
Noah, of Norton, in his 80th y., and [Mrs. int.] Mary Daggett [Doggett. int.; unm. int. P.R.46.] of A., in her 67th y., Dec. 11, 1806. C.R.2.
WITHERELL (Wetherel, Wetherell, Witherel, Withrel)
Angeline [Witherell. int.], unm., of A., and Jonathan W. Bishop of Seekonk, Apr. 6, 1840.
Cynthia, unm., of A., and Warren Hawes of Wrentham, int. Oct. 15, 1831.
Daniel (Witherel), and Mary Pollard, both of A., Apr. 9, 1749.
Elona (Withrel), of Mansfield, and Benjamin Cooper of A., int. Jan. 3, 1800.
Ester, of Norton, and Joseph Braman [Barrows. int.] of A., Nov. 17, 1774.
John (Wetherel), of Norton, and Anne Bolkcom of A., int. Jan. 30, 1772.
Joseph, and Cynthia Claflin [Claflen, unm. int.], both of A., June 19, 1808.
Joseph A., and Adeline Allen [unm. int.], both of A., Mar. 27, 1837.
Joseph Hunt (Wetherell) [of A. int.], s. William and Eunice, and Phebe Freeman [unm., of A. int.], d. Ezra Read and Phebe (Horr), Dec. 12, 1819. P.R.9.
Joseph L., of A., and Julia Ann T. Snow, unm., of Rehoboth, int. July 10, 1841.
Martin S., of A., and Elisabeth P. Wilber, unm., of Bridgewater, int. Sept. 8, 1838.
Nancy [Wetherell. int.], and Samuel Bromley, both of A., May 21, 1838.
Phebe [Louisa. P.R. 9; Wetherell. int.], unm., of A., a. 22 y., d. Joseph [Hunt and Phebe (Freeman). P.R.9.], and Darius Briggs, unm., of A., a. 21 y., house carpenter, s. [twin. P.R.9.] Lewis and Patty [Peddy (Hardon). P.R.9.], Aug. 18, 1847.
Sally (Witherill), and Charles Thayer, both of Wrentham, Mar. 7, 1816.
Shepard A., unm., jeweler, s. Abiathar, and Jane C. Richardson, unm. [both of A. int.], d. James, Feb. 4, 1844.
William [Watherbee. int.], of A., and Parthemia Dane [Lane, wid. int.] of Norton, Sept. 22, 1763.
Tho[ma]s W. [Withington. int. and C.R.2.], and Harriot White [unm. int.], both of A., May 2, 1842.
Thomas, and Lydia Tingley, both of A., int. Sept. 30, 1790.
WITHINGTON (Wittsington)
Elizabeth, unm., of Dorchester, and Thomas Withington of A., int. May 24, 1835.
Fanny, unm., and Uriel Bowen, jr., both of A., Apr. 27, 1828.
Thomas, of A., and Elizabeth Withington, unm., of Dorchester, int. May 24, 1835.
Thomas W. (Wittsington) [Withington. int. and C.R.2.], and Lydia M. [W. int.] Claflin [unm. int.], both of A., Jan. 16, 1839.
Thomas W., see Witherglass, Thomas W.
William G. [D. C.R.2.], unm., of A., a. 25 y., manufacturer, s. Sam[ue]l and Hipsa, and Laura G. [J. C.R.2 and int.] Clafiin, unm., of A., a. 26 y., housekeeper, d. Comfort and Ann, May 2, 1848.
WIZZEL (Wissell)
David (Wissell), of A., and Betey Grant of Cumberland, int. Oct. 13, 1764.
Mary, of Rehoboth, and Dan Carpenter of A., int. July 20, 1728.
WOOD (Woods)
Abby B., unm., of A., and James H. Horton of Rehoboth, int. Feb. 26, 1840.
[Ab]ial, and Phebe Smith, unm., both of Taunton, Sept. 30, 1795.
Agness (Woods), and William Swetland, both of A., int. Jan. 4, 1766.
Ann, unm., and Edwin Wesgate, both of A., int. Aug. 20, 1827.
Archibild, of A., and Mary Arnold, wid., of Cumberland, int. Jan. 8, 1763.
Ares N. [Ayes N., unm. int.], of A., and Hezekiah Blazdel [Blazedel. int.] of Boston, Apr. 17, 1836.
Betsey [unm. int.], and Samuel Fisher, both of A., Mar. 24, 1808. [1806. P.R.62.]
Betsey [unm. int.], and David B. Wellman, both of A., Dec. 12, 1837.
Caroline, unm., and Paulinus Ide, both of A., May 20, 1833.
Chloe, of A., and Charles Dier of Providence, int. Mar. 25, 1757.
Chloe, of A., and John Black of Wrentham, int. Oct. 14, 1758.
Clarissa, unm., of A., and Timothy Walker of North Providence. R.I., int. Apr. 17, 1836.
Elisabeth [unm. int.], and Edward King, both of A., Dec. 25, 1842.
Harriet [M., unm. int.], of A., and Randall S. Brayton of Smithfield, R.I., May 31, 1843.
Henry B., of A., and Eliza Gage, unm., of Smithfield, R.I., int. Nov. 18, 1833.
James, of A., and Lydia Pratt of North Providence, int. Nov. 18, 1774.
Jonathan B., of A., and Moriah A. Parker, unm., of Pawtucket, int. Apr. 15, 1837.
Louisa, see Wood, Lucinda.
Lucinda [Louisa. int. and C.R.2.], unm., of A., and Hiram Wheeler of Rehoboth, Feb. 18, 1828.
Lucy, of A., and Isaac Shepardson of Cumberland, int. Mar. 17, 1784.
Mehetable L., unm., of A., and Marcena C. Wenn [Winn. Seekonk Vit. Rec.] of Seekonk, int. Aug. 8, 1841.
Sarah, of A., and John Sweetland of Douglass, int. Apr. 8, 1773.
Sarah H., unm., of Seekonk, and John Peck of A., int. Dec. 30, 1830.
Thomas, and Roby Ann Carpenter [unm. int. P.R.46.], both of Pawtucket, Apr. 15, 1838.
WOODCOCK (Woodcok, Woodkock)
Abigail, of A., and Daniel Lindley of Providence, int. Feb. 28, 1775.
Almira J., unm., of A., a. 20 y., d. Charles and Jane, and George H. Carpenter, unm., of Seekonk, a. 23 y., machinist, b. Seekonk, s. Job and Eliza, of Seekonk, Mar. 26, 1846.
Ann Eliza, unm., of A., a. 22 y., d. Charles and Jane, and Alden Carpenter, unm., of A., a. 20 y., butcher, b. Seekonk, s. Jonathan and Leafea, of Seekonk, Dec. 1, 1846.
Benjamin, see Woodward, Benjamin.
Bethiah (Woodcok), and John Slack, Mar. 4, 1713-14.
Bethiah (Woodkock), of A., and Nathan Bishop of Rehoboth, int. June 11, 1771.
Caroline [unm. int.], of A., and Hiram Eldridge [Eldrige. int.] of Fitchburg, Nov. 14, 1836.
David, and Abgil Helms, both of A., int. May 11, 1765.
David, of Winthrop, and Molly Pullen of A., int. Mar. 18, 1775.
Deborah, and John Capron, Sept. 26, 1723.
Dorcas (Woodcok), and Benjamin Blackinton, Jan. 11, 1719-20.
Elezebeth [Woodcock of A. int.], and Caleb Sp[encer of Rehoboth. int.], Nov. ----, 1753.
Esther [unm. int.], and Thomas Irwin, both of A., Mar. 19, 1809.
Eunice, see Woodcock, Unis.
Hannah, and Nathaniel Robinson, both of A., int. Dec. 17, 1774.
Hannah D., unm., and Benjamin Mason, both of A., int. Mar. 22, 1840.
Hipzabah, of A., and Zechariah White of Mansfield, int. Mar. 28, 1778.
Israel, and Jemima Whipple [both of A. int.], June 15, 1732.
John (Woodcok), and Elizabeth Capron, both of A., int. Apr. 24, 1775.
Jonathan, of A., and Melatiah Lane of Norton, Oct. 11, 1728.
Jonathan, and Abigal Hills, May 9, 1751.
Jona[than] [jr. int.], and Nancy Cutting, unm., both of A., May 14, 1809.
Jonathan D., and Abigail Perrey [Abagail S. Perry. int.], unm., both of A., Nov. 13, 1834.
Jonathan D., and Candace Jilson [Jillson. int.], unm., both of A., at Wrentham, Nov. 5, 1840.
Joseph, of A., and Abbigal White of Norton, June 10, 1744-5.
Joseph, and Martha Tripp, wid., both of A., int. Feb. 23, 1769.
Joseph, jr., and Mercy Richardson, both of A., int. Mar. 15, 1776.
Joseph, and Lydia Hodges, both of Norton, Feb. 17, 1805.
Lavina A., unm., and Joseph Field, jr., both of A., int. July 25, 1830.
Lidia, and Jam[e]s Pullen [both of A. int.], ----, 1742-3.
Louise [Lovice, unm. int. and C.R.2.], and Isaac Read, both of A., Feb. 11, 1812.
Lucinda [Zimrode. int.], of Taunton [Freetown. int.], and William Barrows of A., June 9, 1799.
Lucy (Woodcok), of A., and John Drown of Providence, int. Apr. 1, 1775.
Lydia, and James Pulling, Mar. 7, 1742-3. C.R.1.
Lynda, Mrs. [Miss Lynda Ide. int.], and William Thurber, both of A., Mar. 15, 1821.
Manson, and Polly Maker, unm., both of A., int. May 14, 1848.
Margret, and Daniell Daggett, both of A., int. Mar. 26, 1763.
Mary (Woodcok), and John Allen, both of A., int. Dec. 22, 1739.
Mary, of A., and Israel Butler of Barnstable, int. Mar. 22, 1745-6.
Mary, and Daniel Tiffany, both of A., int. Apr. 17, 1762.
Mary [Mrs. int. P.R.73.], of A., and Jeams Feild of Stoughton, int. Apr. 6, 1765.
Militia [Malitiah, of A. int.], and Nathaniell Hills [of Ashwillett. int.], June 4, 1753.
Nancy L., unm., of A., a. 20 y., d. Jonathan and Nancy, and William Dunham [jr. C.R.2.], unm., of A., a. 32 y., laborer, s. William and Susan, Jan. 14, 1849.
Nathaniel [of A. int.], and Mercy Brewster [of Duxbury. int.], Aug. 18, 1731.
Nathaniel, and Rebakah Heley, both of A., int. Dec. 9, 1775.
Pheb[e], and Frances Roger, both of A., int. Sept. 25, 1772.
Rebeckah, and Jonathan Blackenton, both of A., Oct. 17, 1782. P.R.81.
Ruth, and John Richardson, both of A., int. Sept. 17, 1768.
Sally [unm. int.], of A., and James Brown of Dudley, Apr. 9, 1809.
Sarah (Woodcock), and Joseph Guild, jr., both of A., June 21, 1778. P.R.81.
Sarah, and William Tucker, both of A., Nov. 2, 1780. P.R.81.
Submit [Woodcok. int.], unm., and William Tyrar [Tyson. int.], both of A., Dec. 4, 1792.
Unis, of A., and Benj[a]mon Blackintun of Wrentham, int. June 16, 1770.
Weltha, unm., and William Lawrance Atwell, both of A., int. Oct. 4, 1804.
William, and Lusynda Ide [unm. int.], both of A., Aug. 11, 1812.
----, and C---- T ----, both of A., int. Aug. 19, 1780.
----diel, and Esther Capron, Feb. 9, 1792.
WOODWARD (Woodard)
Barsheba, and Joseph Barrows, Dec. 2, 1736.
Benj[amin] [Woodcock. int.], of A., and Margreett White of Norton, Mar. 20, 1744-5. [Nov. 30, 1734. int.]
Dinah [Woodard. int.], of Norton, and Nathaniel Brown of A., Apr. 20, 1758.
Samuel (Woodard), of Seekonk, and Roxana Fuller, unm., of A., int. June 9, 1832.
Sarah (Woodard), and John Regs, both of A., int. Nov. 11, 1769.
Joshua H., of Providence, R.I., and Martha B. Walker, unm., of A., Oct. 24, 1831.
WORSLEY (Worlsley)
Abbey, unm., and James M. Richardson, both of A., int. Nov. 16, 1846.
Mary A[nn. P.R.28.] (Worlsley) [Worsley, unm. int.], and Addison Capron, both of A., Jan. 4, 1836.
Sarah, unm., of A., and Samuel Lord of Pawtucket, R.I., int. Sept. 13, 1823.
Rosina, unm., of A., b. England, and James Harbottle, unm., of New York [City. C.R.2.], artist, b. England, June 8, 1845. [June 7. C.R.2.]
WRIGHT (Wight)
Gardiner, widr., of A., a. 34 y., clerk, s. Benjamin, and Susan J. Bliss, unm., of A., a. 28 y., d. Cyrus and Susan, May 16, 1847. [May 11. C.R.2.]
George U., unm., of North Providence [R.I. int.], a. 24 y., spectacle manufacturer, and Laureta Blackinton, unm., of A., a. 21 y., Feb. 10, 1847.
Nath[anie]l, Rev., of A., and Maria Richmond, unm., of Providence, R.I., int. Aug. 18, 1830.
Simeon [Wight. int.], of Wrentham, and Huldah Balcom [Bolkom. int.] of A., May 4, 1796.
William, see Riley, William.
WYMAN, see Wimon.
John M., Rev., of Cranston, R.I., and Esther B. Collins, unm., of A., int. Sept. 3, 1830.
YEATS (Yatts)
Jane, and Jonathan Robbins, both of A., int. Jan. 13, 1759.
Margret (Yatts), of A., and Morriss Hearn of Providence, int. Mar. 15, 1755.
Betsey, and Lowell B. Blake, both of Wrentham, Aug. 7, 1837.
Jeremiah, of Cumberland [R.I. int.], and Marcy [Mary. C.R.1.] Jillson of A., Sept. 27, 1801.
Marcy, unm. [Mrs. int.], of A., and Dr. Ashbel Willard of Wrentham, Oct. 9, 1825.
William, and Louisa Britt, at Brompton, P.Q,. Nov. 24, 1844. P.R.16. [Nov. 27. dup.]
William Robert, and Mary Jane Whiteside at Belfast, Ireland, bef. 1813. P.R.16.
----, Caleb, of Coventry, R.I., and Molly Commins of A., int. Aug. 3, 1784.
----, Deliver, of Boston, and Ephraim Sheldon of A., int. Aug. 29, 1724.
----, Elesebeth [Bathsheba Daggett. C.R.1.], and John Balcom [Bolckum. C.R.1.], jr., May 18, 1742.
----, Fanne, and David Bolkcom, both of A., int. Apr. 9, 1781.
----, John, and An Miller, both of A., int. May 7, 1768.
----, Nancy, of Bridgewater, and Moses Pike, jr. of A., int. Feb. 2, 1788.
----, Nathaniel, and Lydia May, int. ----, 1763.
----AP, Robart, of Bellingham, and Alles Streeter of A., int. Mar. 21, 1723-4.
----, Sary, and Joshua Parminter, Nov. 3, 1742.
----, William, of Smithfield, and ---- --- of A., int. Mar. 25, 1741.
----, ----, of A., and William ---- of Smithfield, int. Mar. 25, 1741.
----, and ----, and ---- ----, Oct. 14, 1809.
----, ----, and ---- ----, Oct. 14, 1809.
Isaac, see Bowers, Isaac.
Isaac, see Bowers, Isaac.
Isaac, "Negro Man," and Betty [Betsey. int.] Chace, "Molatto woman," both of A., May 1, 1792.
Isaac [Bancross. dup.], of A., and Rosanna Wansley [Womsley, unm. dup] of Rehoboth, both "persons of Color," Mar. 24, 1807. [Mar. 22, 1808. dup.]
"a Servent to the R[e]v. Mr. Weld," and Finner, "a free Negro," int. Feb. 2, 1776.
Frances, of Rehoboth, and Prince Williams of Providence, R.I., both "persons of Color," May 20, 1810.
Betty [Betsey. int.], "Molatto woman," and Isaac Bowers, "Negro Man," both of A., May 1, 1792.
"Negro man Servant of Mr. Thomas Yates of A.," and Phebe, "negro maid Servant of Mr. John Demont of Providence," int. June 12, 1777.
Warwick, "free Negro man," of A., and Vilot, "a Negro Woman Which ye Said warwick purchesed of MR. Lapon," of Cumberland, int. May 18, 1778.
John [Carles. dup.], of A., and Selome Valintine of Dighton, "people of Colour," int. Jan. 24, 1819. [int. Aug. 30, 1817. dup.]
of A., and Violet of Rehoboth, both negroes, Dec. 25, 1738.
"a free Negro," and Bristol, "a Servent to the R[e]v. Mr. Weld," int. Feb. 2, 1776.
Robert, "Negro Man," and Jemima Sly, wid., "Negro Woman," both of A., Jan. 25, 1793. C.R.1.
Nancy [Merrill. C.R.2; Morrill. int.; Mrs. int. P.R.46.], and Crismus Redwood [people of colour. int.], both of A., Aug. 1, 1813.
"negro maid Servant of Mr. John Demont of Providence," and Coly, "Negro man Servant of Mr. Thomas Yates of A.," int. June 12, 1777.
Crismus, and [Mrs. int. P.R.46.] Nancy Morril [Merrill. C.R.2; Morrell, people of colour. int.], both of A., Aug. 1, 1813.
Jemima, wid., "Negro Woman," and Robert Lovett, "Negro Man," both of A., Jan. 25, 1793. C.R.1.
Selome, of Dighton, and John Corless [Carles. dup.] of A., "people of Colour," int. Jan. 24, 1819. [int. Aug. 30, 1817. dup.]
"a Negro Woman Which ye Said warwick purchesed of MR. Lapon" of Cumberland, and Warwick Comboy, "free Negro man," of A., int. May 18, 1778.
of Rehoboth, and Dundee of A., both negroes, Dec. 25, 1738.
Rosanna [Wormsley, unm. dup.], of Rehoboth, and Isaac Bowers [Bancross. dup.] of A., both "persons of Color," Mar. 24, 1807. [Mar. 22, 1808. dup.]
Prince, of Providence, R.I., and Frances Carr of Rehoboth, both "persons of Color," May 20, 1810.