Vital Records Of Attleborough Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By The Essex Institute Salem, Mass. 1934
Marriages - ABELL to BRAYTON
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

ABELL (Abel)
Dolly [Abel. int.], of Rehoboth, and Ephraim Trip [Tripp. int.] of A., Nov. 22, 1777.
Joanah (Abel), of Rehoboth, and David Hutchings [Huchins. int.], jr. of A., Dec. 9, 1779.
Rebecca, unm., of Rehoboth, and David Atherton of A., int. Oct. 25, 1812.
Edward, of Providence, and Susan Potter of A., Sept. 23, 1798.
Jonas, and Hannah Sever, both of A., int. Aug. 18. 1787.
Susan A., unm., of Holliston, and Comfort O. Fisher of A., int. Aug. 14, 1840.
ALBEE (Allby)
Emary, and Amy Carpenter, unm., both of A., int. Apr. 9, 1826.
Rachel L. (Allby), unm., of Milford, and Isaac Whittemore of A., int. Aug. 9, 1827.
ALBRO (Albra)
Emiley, and John Shepardson, int. Sept. 2, 1848.
Nancy (Albra), unm., of North Providence, R.I., and Abel Freeman of A., int. Mar. 25, 1818.
ALDEN (Allden)
Alexander, of A., and Mrs. [Miss. int.] Anna Foster of Wrentham, Nov. 1, 1820.
Alice (Allden) [Alden. int.], of Needham, and Jonathan Capron [jr. int.] of A., June 19, 1755.
Silas [of Needham. int.], and Margaret Capron [of A. int.], Apr. 10, 1760.
Timothy, Rev., of Yarmouth, and Mrs. Sarah Weld of A., int. Sept. 17, 1770.
ALDIES (Aldes)
Sally [Aldes. int.], of Franklin, and Aaron Blackington of A., May 4, 1795.
Sarah, see Eldridge, Sarah.
ALDRICH (Aldreck, Aldrige, Oldrich)
Aimira, unm., of A., a. 28 y., d. Samuel and Ruth, and Deranzo White, widr., of A., a. 44 y., farmer, s. Eliphalet and Bethia, July 30, 1845.
Charles F., of A., andSarah O. Razee, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., int. Apr. 26, 1845.
Fanny [unm. int.], of A., and Eliphalet B. Clapp of Wrentham, May 2, 1836.
Ira T., and Betsey C. Dike, both of Taunton, Dec. 25, 1845.
Jonathan (Oldrich), of A., and Sophia Harding, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., int. Sept. 10, 1807.
Lotildia, unm., and George Hall, both of A., Oct. 26, 1823.
Maria C. [unm. int.], of Smithfield, R.I., and James G. Fales of A., at Smithfield, R.I., Jan. 3, 1838.
Mary (Aldreck), and Samuel Bartlet, jr., Dec. 8, 1717.
Prescella (Aldrige), of Smithfield, and Elkanah Tingley of A., int. Jan. 25, 1779.
Silas E., and Siloma N. Foster, unm., both of A., int. Mar. 29, 1845.
Warren, and [Mrs. int.] Harriot Draper, both of A., May 5, 1836.
William J., and Mindwell Stanley, unm., both of A., int. Oct. 13, 1849.
ALEXANDER (Alixander)
Elisaboth (Alixander), and John King, both of A., int. May 28, 1768.
Henry, Lt., of A., and Anna Hacker of Providence, int. Oct. 10, 1779.
John, jr., of A., and Ruth Whipple of Cumberland, int. June 29, 1777.
Mary, and John Jarman, int. July 24, 1769.
ALGER (Algier)
Hannah [unm. int.], and Daniel Dunham, both of A., Apr. 21, 1811.
Preserved (Algier), and Molly Day, both of A., int. May 3, 1777.
Susannah [unm. int.], of A., and Dexter Parmeter [Parmerter. int.; Parmenter. P.R.46], both of A., Dec. 4, 1817.
Willard, of A., and Louis Brown, unm., of Foxborough, int. Feb. 15, 1829.
ALLEN (Allein, Allin)
Abby A., unm., of A., and Simeon Bowen, unm., of A., yeoman, s. Uriel, Feb. 26, 1844.
Abigail (Allin) [Nabby Allen. int.], of Cumberland, and Daniel Laine [Lane, int.] of A., Feb. 28, 1782.
Adeline [unm. int.], and Joseph A. Witherell, both of A., Mar. 27, 1837.
Anne, and John Graw, both of A., int. Dec. 3, 1743.
Benjamin, s. Ephraim of Berkley, and Zipporah Crane, abt. 1750. P.R.30.
Benjamin, of A., and Katherine Ellis, wid., of Plympton, int. May 6, 1779.
Benja[min], and Lucy Gammon, both of A., May 16, 1842.
Charles F., unm., of North Providence, a. 27 y., grocer, b. Rehoboth, s. Sam[u]el and Nancy, of Rehoboth, and Julia F. Carpenter, unm., of A., a. 22 y., d. Ansel and D., Mar. 27 [18]48.
Daniel, see Allen, Dwid.
[Da]niel, of Walpole, and Patience Carpenter, unm., of Rehoboth, Nov. 1, 1795.
David [Daniel. C.R.1.], of Woodstock, and Peddy Dean [unm. int.] of A., Mar. 3, 1814.
Eben[eze]r W., unm., of Rehoboth, and Caroline [A. int.] Pierce, unm., of A., d. Stephen M., May 8, 1844.
Eliza [unm. int.], and James Minnerd [James Carter Minnard. int.; Minniard, C.R.1.], both of A., Nov. 12, 1820.
Eliza [unm. int.], of A., and Amherst E[verett. int.] Read of Coventry, R.I., Apr. 5, 1841.
Elizabeth, and James Tiffany, jr. [both of A. int.], Nov. 11, 1725.
Elizabeth H. [R., unm. int.], and Christopher E. Skinner [of Haddam, Ct. int.], both of A., Aug. 3, 1841.
Ephraim [jr. int.], of A., and Huldah Bowen of Rehoboth. Apr. 20, 1775.
Hannah (Allein), and Simeon Titus, both of A., int Oct. 18, 1766.
Hannah, of Providence, and Caleb Fuller of A., int. July 15, 1799.
Harriet R., unm., and Albert D. Thurber, both of A., Nov. 25, 1839.
Henry K. W., unm., of A., yeoman, s. Josiah, and Mary D. Blackinton, unm., of A., July 31, 1843.
Ira, of A., and Sally Whiting [unm. int.] of Wrentham, Jan. 28, 1816.
Joanna Frances, unm., of Rehoboth, and William Cheever of A., int. Aug. 4, 1844.
John, and Mary Woodcok, both of A., int. Dec. 22, 1739.
Joshua (Allein), of Walpole, and Patience Ide of A., int. Oct. 4, 1766.
Josiah, and Elizabeth Shepardson [of Cumberland. int.], abt. 1780. P.R.30. [July 29, 1780. int.]
Josiah, jr. and Rowena Tingley [unm. int.; d. Samuel and Rebekah. P.R.30.], both of A., Sept. 22, 1811.
Lavinia, of Rehoboth, and Jedidah Freeman, int. Apr. 28, 1759.
Maria E., unm., and Lemuel Bishop, both of A., int. Aug. 10, 1845.
Mary Ann, unm., of A., and Clement D. Salisbury of Pawtucket, R.I., int. July 24, 1842.
Molly, wid., of Cumberland, R.I., and Sam[ue]ll Slack, jr. of A., int. Oct. 17, 1801.
Nancy, unm., and John Tucker, both of A., Oct. 20, 1834.
Nathaniel, of A., and Betsey Arnold of Cumberland [R.I. int.], Mar. 28, 1802.
Oliver, of A., and Harriet Harding, unm., of Barrington, R.I., int. Mar. 23, 1829.
Pardon, of A., and Eliza Eddy Strange, unm., of Swansea, int. Aug. 15, 1813.
Philip, of A., and Esther Tisdale of Norton, Nov. 1, 1781.
Rebecah [unm. int.], and Davis Guild, both of A., Nov. 30, 1815.
Rebecca Cushman, unm., of A., a. 20 y., d. Josiah and Roena, and William Blackinton, 2d, unm., of A., a. 23 y., mechanic, s. Willard and Clarisa, Sept. 11, 1845.
Rebeckah, and William Everet, both of A., int. May 13, 1791.
Robert, and Charlotte Holmes [Homes. C.R.1; unm. int.], both of A., July 7, 1814.
Samuel, of Seekonk, and Laura L. French [unm. int.] of A., d. Joab, Jan. 1, 1844.
Samuel [T. int.], and Amanda Chase [Lydia Amanda Chace, unm. int.], both of A., Jan. 1, 1841.
Sarah Augusta, unm., of A., a. 19 y., and William Elery Manchester, unm., of Providence, R.I., a. 22 y., book keeper, June 15, 1845.
Susanna, wid., of Rehoboth, and John Robinson of A., int July 27, 1769.
William H. (Allin) [Allen. int.], and Cloe F. Blackington, both of A., May 23, 1838.
Zepporah, and George Robinson., both of A., int. Dec. 28, 1771.
Zilpha D., unm., of A., and Edward Y. [T. int.] Kingman, unm., of A., jeweler, s. Edward, of Mansfield, Oct. 12, 1844.
John, and Mary Carpenter, both of A., int. Oct. 29, 1737.
Abi B., unm., and Daniel Hills, both of A., Mar. 11, 1832.
Newell, of A., s. John, and Sophia Peckham, unm., of Little Compton [R.I. int.], d. Peleg, Oct. 19, 1823.
Lydia, of A., and Eli Haws [House. C.R.1.] of Wrentham, Jan. 17, 1799.
Caroline S., unm., and Milton Stanley, both of A., int. Jan. 17, 1847.
ANDREWS (Andras, Andres, Andress, Andrew, Andros, Androws)
Abigil (Andres), of Taunton, and Joseph Foster of A., int. July 28, 1770.
Amy [Anna Andress, unm. int.], and Hezekiah Sweet, both of A., Dec. 18, 1805.
Hannah (Andrew) [Andras. int.] of Norton, and Ichabod Franklin of A., Sept. 20, 1739.
Hannah S., unm., of Portland, Me., and Ephraim S. Tripp of A., int. Nov. 4, 1837.
Mary [Andres. int.], wid. [of Taunton. int.], and Dea. Cyrel Carpenter [of A. int.], Apr. 16, 1795.
Samuel (Androws), jr. of Taunton, and Anna S[mith] of Rehoboth, June 10, 17[98.]
Stephen (Andros), jr. [of Taunton. int.], and Mary Bolcom [of A. int.], Jan. 1, 17-. [Sept. 6, 1755. int.]
Mary Ann, unm., of Coventry, R.I., and William D. Torry of A., int. July 31, 1841.
Charles, of A., and Hannah Amanda Tillinghast, unm., of East Greenwich, R.I., int. Aug. 22, 1837.
Abbey, and David Day, both of A., int. July 23, 1809.
Abby Ann, unm., of North Providence, R.I., and W[illia]m Newell of A., int. June 29, 1839.
Jeremi, and Hannah Claffien, both of A., int. Oct. 2, 1762.
Eliza, unm., and Washington Pike, both of A., Apr. 5, 1832.
Lewis, of Rehoboth, and Cindia Freeman of A., int. June 20, 1813.
Lewis, of Canton, and Harriet Heath [unm. int.] of A., Nov. 6, 1837.
Mary, of Smithfield, and Joseph Newel of A., int. June 29, 1734. Forbidden by Rebeckah Peck, wid., July 5, 1734.
Betsey, of Cumberland [R.I. int.], and Nathaniel Allen of A., Mar. 28, 1802.
David A., unm., of Pawtucket, wheelwright, b. Pawtucket, s. William, and Eliza A. F. Carpenter, unm., of Seekonk, b. Seekonk, d. Job and Eliza, of Seekonk, Dec. 1, 1846.
Elizabeth, of Charlestown, niece of David Arnold of Norton, and Levi Torrey, father of Samuel, ----, 1787. P.R.10.
[Enloch, of Cumberland, and Lydia Sweetland of A., May 1, 1783.
Enoch, of Cumber and [R.I. int.], and Mrs. Mary Cheever [wid. C.R.1.] of A., Nov. 29, 1829.
Frances, unm., of A., and Joseph H. Paine of Taunton, int. Feb. 26, 1843.
Joseph I., unm., of A., a. 21 y., painter, s. ----rell and H., and Orenda B. Fuller, unm., of A., a. 18 y., d. Abial S., Feb. 3, 1848.
Lydia, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., and Otis Ingraham of A., int. May 11, 1816.
Mary, wid., of Cumberland, and Archibild Wood of A., int. Jan. 8, 1763.
Mary, unm., of A., and Lyman Carpenter of Cumberland, R.I., Mar. 11, 1832.
Mary L., unm., of A., a. 23 y., d. William, and Theodore J. Paine, unm., of Foxborough, a. 21 y., carpenter, b. Foxborough, s. Joel and Eunice, Mar. 26, 1846.
Nancy, unm., and James Holmes, both of A., int. Mar. 18, 1820.
Rufus, of Cumberland, R.I., and Phebe [M. int.] Browne [Brown. int.], unm., of A., Nov. 25, 1826.
Sam[ue]l, and Mindwell Harvy [Harvey. int.], unm., both of A., Apr. 6, 1804.
Sarah, of Cumberland, and Lt. William Sweetland of A., int. Oct. 2, 1779.
Susan, unm., and Caleb Nichols, both of A., int. July 9, 1831.
[T]erpin [Turpin. int.] H., of Smithfield, R.I., and Betsey Tiffany [Tiffeny. C.R.1. unm. int.] of A., Dec. 1, 1808.
Welcom [Wilson Arnol. C.R.1.], of North Providence, and Welthoma Blackinton [unm. int.] of A., Feb. 22, 1815.
Wilson, see Arnold, Welcom.
ATHERTON (Artherton, Attherton)
Amey A., unm., and Ebenezer H. Draper, both of A., int. Mar. 5, 1827.
Consider (Attherton), and Sarah Carpenter, both of A., int. Oct. 24, 1784.
Content [Mrs. int.], and Samuel Atherton, both of A., Sept. 17, 1820.
Daniel, of Walpole, and Polly Bradford of A., int. July 30, 1790.
Daniel, of New York, and Phebe Bradford of A., Aug. 27, 1795.
David, of A., and Rebecca Abell, unm., of Rehoboth, int. Oct. 25, 1812.
Elizabeth, and Joel Fisher [both of A. int.], Nov. 24, 1773.
Hiram (Artherton), and Almira Gardner, unm., both of Troy, Apr. 7, 1833.
Lony, see Atherton, Solana.
Maria W. [Mrs. int.], of A., and Lloyd French of Fishkill, N.Y., Nov. 29, 1842.
Otis, and Eliza Ann Sweetland, unm., both of A., int. July 31, 1830.
Otis (Artherton) [Atherton. int.], and Rebecah Thurber, unm., both of A., Nov. 1, 1831.
Rufus (Artherton), and Content Bullock, unm., both of A., int. Apr. 8, 1804.
Sabin, and Nancy Read, ----, 1806. P.R.55.
Sabra, of Harvard, and David Foster of A., Apr. 22, 1790.
Salona [Lony. dup.], unm. [of Norton. dup.], and Benjamin Easty, both of A., int. Aug. 21, 1824 [int. Dec. 23, 1822. dup.]
Salona, unm., of A., and Wilber Wells of Rehoboth, int. May 7, 1826.
Samuel (Artherton) [Atherton. int.], and Sarah Robinson, both of A., Dec. 1, 1757.
Samuel, and [Mrs. int.] Content Atherton, both of A., Sept. 17, 1820.
Samuel, and Sarah Robinson [unm. int.], both of A., Apr. 18, 1836.
Simon, and Maria W. Bliss, unm., both of A., May 5, 1840.
William, of Nashua Village, N.H., and Charlotte A. Read, unm., of A., int. Aug. 15, 1829.
ATWELL (Atwel, Atwill)
Allen L., and Sarah J. Bourn [unm., of Seekonk. int.], d. Eli and Rebecca, Sept. 17, 1848. P.R.56.
Anna, unm., and John Brown, both of A., Feb. 9, 1797.
Anne (Atwel), and Samuel Freeman, int. Apr. 14, 1759.
Chloe, of A., and Michael Bates of Mendon, Feb. 21, 1793. C.R.1.
Mary, wid., and John Welman [both of A. int.], Dec. 18, 1783. [----24, 1753. dup.]
Mary (Atwel), and Stephen Willmorth, 2d, both of A., int. June 25, 1790.
Mary E. (Atwill) [C., unm. int.], of A., and George [A. int.] Williams of Mendon, Aug. 29, 1841.
Richard (Atwill), and Sarah Joslen, both of A., int. Jan. 14, 1726-7.
Richard (Atwill), and Sarah Bolkom, both of A., int. Sept. 30, 1727.
Richard, of A., and [Mrs. int.] Sarah Nickol [Nichols. int.] of Rehoboth, Dec. 30, 1756.
William, and Mary Fuller, both of A., June 17, 1762.
William Lawrance, and Weltha Woodcock, unm., both of A., int. Oct. 4, 1804.
Dalany, and Ephraim Gay, jr., both of A., Aug. 27, 17 ----. [1788. int.]
James T., and Abby W. Mason, unm., both of A., int. Apr. 16, 1843.
Elizabeth, Mrs., of East Haddam, Ct., and Rev. John Wilder of A., int. Mar. 15, 1812.
Laura Ann, unm., of Dighton, and Joseph Walker of A., int. Dec. 7, 1832.
Mary, of Dighton, and John Sweet of A., int. Dec. 7, 1803.
John, of Dedham, and Mary Cushman of A., int. Apr. 5, 1784.
John, of Conway, and Beulah Briggs, unm., of A., int. Sept. 13, 1826.
Margreet, of Dedham, and Joshua Edwards [Everit. int.] of A., Dec. 12, 1734.
BABBITT (Babbett, Babbit)
Eliza, unm., of Taunton, and Manly Whitaker of A., int. Sept. 23, 1804.
Harriet [Maryette. C.R.2.] N. [Babbett. int.], unm. [of A. int.], and Alfred Claflen [Claflin. C.R.2.], 2d, unm. [of A. int.], laborer, s. Oliton, June 25, 1843.
John M. [Babbit. C.R.2.], and Marinda Claffin [unm. int.], both of A., May 19, 1816.
Maryette, see Babbitt, Harriet.
Charlotte S., unm., of A., and Ebenezer Fuller of Providence, R.I., int. Apr. 2, 1831.
Daniel, of Rehoboth, and Minda Sweet [unm. int.] of A., Sept. 17, 1807. C.R.2.
Eliza A., unm., of A., d. Stephen, and Lewis A. Harding, unm., of A., manufacturer, b. Mansfield, s. Lewis, Nov. 13, 1843.
Hartford S., unm., of A., s. Daniel, annd Lydia Barrows, unm., of A., d. Wheaton, Nov. 15, 1843.
Horatio N., and Hannah G. Bullock, unm., both of A., May 14, 1834.
Louisa N., unm. [of A. int.], d. Stephen, and Charles B. Williams, unm., of A., laborer, s. Tho[ma]s, Oct. 5, 1843.
Milton, of Taunton, and Lydia Bowen, unm., of A., int. Apr. 21, 1832.
Orinda [unm. int.], of A., and Samuel Wild [Wilde. C.R.2.], jr. of Taunton, Nov. 27, 1822.
Sarah A., unm., and Abial S. Fuller, both of A., Feb. 10, 1828.
Willard F., and Harriet N. Braman, unm., both of A., int. Apr. 18, 1840.
Betsey [unm. int.], and Lemuel May, both of A., Oct. 15, 1809. C.R.1.
Betsey [unm. int.], and Oliver S. Brastow, both of A., Apr. 17, 1842.
Ebenezer, and Elenor Gay, both of A., int. Sept. 17, 1785.
Eben[eze]r [Capt. C.R.1.], and Catey Gay, unm., both of A., Nov. 15, 1795.
Ebenezer [of A. int.], and Lucretia [M. int.] Hamlin [unm., of Lynn. int.], Feb. ----, 1842. P.R.67.
Edward, of A., and Eliza Stanley [Elezebeth Standly. int.] of Rehoboth, Feb. 17, 1742.
George, and Avice Bicknell Fales [unm. int.], both of A., Jan. 17, 1811. [Jan. 10. P.R.67.]
George [Capt. int.], of A., and [Mrs. int.] Lucretia G. Hyde of Cambridge, June ----, 1836. P.R.67.
John F., and Susan M. Wilson, May 6, 1847. P.R.67.
Joseph, Dr., and Anna Carpenter, both of A., int. June 12, 1773.
Joseph S., unm., of Wrentham, a. 30 y., jeweler, s. George and Annis B., and Emeline M. Hodges, unm., of Wrentham, a. 23 y., d. Harlem and Mary, Feb. 21, 1849.
Lucinda, see Baron, Lucinda.
S. Eleanor [Selah E., unm., of A. int.], and Levi Daggett [jr., of Somerset. int.], Nov. 2, 1842. P.R.67.
BAILEY (Bayley)
Abraham, jr. and Mariett Stanley, unm., both of A., Sept. 17, 1829.
Deborah, unm., of A., b. Little Compton, R.I., and Edmund G. Barney, unm., of Providence, R.I., jeweler, b. Providence, R.I., Aug. 13, 1844.
Isaac, jeweler, and Elanor [Elen. int.] Stanley, both unm. of A., Dec. 24, 1843.
John (Bayley), of North Providence, R.I., and Marriette B. Walker, unm., of A., int. Sept. 17, 1846.
John B. M., Rev., of A., and Sarah M. Johnson, unm., of Manchester, N.H., int. Jan. 19, 1841.
Mary, unm., of Hopkinton, and Joseph Bullard of A., int. June 23, 1810.
Sally A., unm., of Little Compton, R.I., and Phineas Savery, M. D., of A., int. July 13, 1833.
Abial, of Smithfield, and Lois Swan of A., int. May 21, 1778.
Jerusha [unm int.], and James Cooper, both of A., Jan. 30, 1814.
Jonathan [jr. int.], of North Providence, and Sally Foster [unm. int.] of A. June 2, 1811.
Joseph, of Dedham, and Monica Gay of A., int. Nov. 9, 1776.
Julian, unm., of Rehoboth, and Draper Colvin of A., int. Apr. 9, 1836.
Lucy, unm., of Dedham, and Richard Cushman of A., int. Apr. 9, 1807.
May [Mary. int.] E., unm., of A., d. Abner and Priscilla, and Simeon Bowker [Booker. int.], unm., of Exeter, Me., a. 20 y., laborer, Sept. 1, 1848.
Mehetibal Ann, unm., of Litchfield, Me., and Albert L. Blake of A., July 5, 1840.
BALKCOM (see Bolkcom.)
Francisco, see Bell, Francisco.
Sarah, of Taunton, and Daniel Daggett of A., int. Aug. 28, 1783.
Henritty [Henrietta. int.], and James Carpenter, both of A., Jan. 30, 1803.
BALLOU (Ballow, Barlow)
Eliab M. (Ballow), of Cumberland, R.I., and Mary Ann Cushman, unm., of A., int. Nov. 28 [1830.]
Eliel (Barlow), of Cumberland, and Polly Moron of A., int. Oct. 13, 1792.
Matturean, Elder, of Richmond, and Lydia Bloss [Bliss. int.], wid., of A., Sept. 15, 1774. P.R.81.
Olney, of Cumberland, R.I., and Florentina Whipple [unm. int.] of A., Feb. 8, 1813.
Welcome, of Cumberland, R.I., and Eliza Cushman [unm. int.] of A., Feb. 8, 1824.
Nancy, unm., of Boston, and Abraham Hayward, int. Aug. 5, 1848.
Peter, and Marget Careco, both of A., int. June 18, 1757.
BARBER (Barba)
George, of Wrentham, and Sally Orn [Orne. C.R.1.] of A., Nov. 28, 1799.
Joseph (Barba), of Rehoboth, and P[h]ebe Standley of A., int. Jan. 25, 1745-6.
BARDEN (Bardeen, Borden)
Ann E. (Borden), and Joseph Blake, jr., both of Wrentham, Sept. 3, 1838.
Dorothy (Bardeen), and Mathew Read, both of A., int. Feb. 4, 1769.
Joel (Borden) [Bardin. int.], of Foxborough, and Alpha Waldin [unm. int.] of A., Mar. 27, 1842.
John S., and Rosetta Ives, Oct. 2, 1840. P.R.69.
Lois, of Taunton, and Paul Potter of A., int. Oct. 8, 1799.
Samuell (Bardeen), and Elisabath Fuller, both of A., int. Oct. 15, 1763.
Susanah (Bardeen), of A., and Nedebiah Smith of Providence, int. Sept. 22, 1787.
Thomas, of Middleborough, and Susanna Riggs of A., int. Jan. 22, 1763.
Thomas, and Rachel Smith, Sept. 12, 1812. P.R.69.
Tho[ma].s A., unm., of Wrentham, b. Wrentham, s. Tho[ma]s, of Wrentham, and Susan E. White, unm., of Wrentham, b. Wrentham, Oct. 2, 1843. [Oct. 12. P.R.66 and P.R.69.]
Wheaton [Barrows. C.R.2. and int.], of A., and Abigail Codding [unm. int.] of Taunton, Feb. 13, 1812.
Joseph, and Betty Ide, both of A., int. Aug. 30, 1771.
Edmund G., unm., of Providence, R.I., jeweler, b. Providence, R.I., and Deborah Bailey, unm., of A., b. Little Compton, R.I., Aug. 13, 1844.
Elezebeth, of Rehoboth, and Isaiah Streator of A., int. July 20, 1746.
Esther, and Samuel Waterman, July 3, 1845. P.R.26.
Laban, and Elisabeth Chace, Apr. 26, 1838. P.R.26.
Nathaniel, and Olive Jones, Apr. 14, 1844. P.R.26.
Patience, unm., of Pawtucket [R.I. P.R.50.], and Luther Kent, unm., of A., a. 42 y., miller, Sept. 13 [1849.]
Sarah [unm. int.], and Enos Nickerson [both of A. int.], May 7, 1835. P.R.26.
Sylvania, and Daniel Hopkins, Mar. 24, 1844. P.R.26.
Bershebe [Barrows. int.], and John Brown [both of A. int.], Aug. 13, 1741.
Nathan [Barrett. int.], of Concord, and Mary S. Fuller, unm., of A., Apr. 23, 1829.
BARRON (Baron)
Lucinday (Baron) [Bacon, unm. int. and C.R.1.], and Lovett Havens [Haven. int.], both of A., Nov. 25, 1813.
William E., weaver, and Julia Coan, both of Wrentham [at Wrentham. dup.], May 25, 1843.
BARROWS (Barras, Barros, Barrow, Barrus)
Aaron (Barros), and Mary Read, both of A., int. Sept. 17, 1768.
Abagail, unm., of A., and Albert Sabin Tucker of Norton, int. Nov. 11, 1837.
Abraham, and Abigail Streeter, int. July 7, 1739.
Albert [Alfred. C.R.1.], of Gardiner, Me., and Harriet Ide, unm., of A., Aug. [Oct. C.R.1.] ----, 1828.
Alfred, and Louisa Everitt [Everett. int.], unm., both of A., Nov. 2, 1826.
Bebee [unm. int.], and Capt. Jacob Ide, both of A., Oct. 1, 1818.
Benaiah, and Hopestil French, both of A., Feb. 4, 1787. P.R.81.
Benajah, and Hannah Bennet, both of A., int. June 26, 1736.
Benajah (Barrow) [Barrows, jr. int.], of A., and Diadamah Capron of A., d. Joseph, July 9, 1741.
Benjah (Barrus), and Elizebeth Linckhon, both of A., int. Nov. 12, 1726.
Benjamin, and Hannah Sweet [Sweeting, wid., both of A. int.], May 16, 1742.
Bersheba, see Barr, Bershebe.
Carlos, and Nancy Read, both of A., Nov. 12, 1801.
Carlos, and Mary Read [unm. int.], both of A. Jan. 1, 1822.
Carlos [jr. int.], of Gardiner, Me., and Cynthia [W. int.] May [unm. int.] of A., Sept. 23, 1833.
Clarissa, unm., of A., and Samuel Guild of Dedham, int. Mar. 16, 1822.
Clarrisa [unm. int.], of A., and James H. Lawson of Norton, Nov. 15, 1843.
Comfort, of A., and Lucy Brown, unm., of Rehoboth, int. Apr. 6, 1810.
Comfort, of A., and Milla Blake [unm. int.] of Wrentham, Dec. 11, 1817.
Comfort, and Sabra Robbins, d. Oliver and Elioenai (Shepard), at Thomaston, Oct. 2, 1783. P.R.73.
David, and Susannah Barrows, unm., both of A., June 11, 1797.
[D]avid, of Sheldon, N.Y. (sic), and Ruth Bullock [unm. int.] of A., Nov. 5, 1816.
Deborah, and Nathaniel Ide, both of A., int. Feb. 14, 1735-6.
Elijah (Barrus), and Sarah Brauman, both of A., int. Feb. 27, 1762.
Elizebeth, and Henry Sweeting, both of A., int. Sept. 12, 1758.
Ellin M[aria. int.], unm., and Dr. John C. Martin [Martyr. int.], both of A., May 1, 1834.
Esther, unm., of A., a. 20 y., d. Wheaton and Abigail, and Benjamin C. [E. C.R.2.] Ingalls, unm., of A., a. 34 y., trader, s. Benjamin and Olive, May 25, 1846.
Esther Wetherell [Witherel. int.], and Joseph Dunham, both of A., Feb. 10, 1803.
Ezra, of A., and Bebee Peck of Providence, R.I., int. Feb. 13, 1802.
Guilford, and Rosamond Reading [unm. int.], both of A., Aug. 30, 1812.
Hiram, and Maria Prevears [Barrows. int. P.R.46; Prevar, unm. int.], both of A., Apr. 11, 1816.
Huldah, of A., and Elles Peck of Barrington, int. May 26, 1798.
Ichabod, and Rebeckah Carpenter, Mar. 1, 1748-9.
Ira [Barrow. int.], of Richmond, N.H., and [Abigel. int.] Guild of A., Jan. 30, 17-. [1794. C.R.2.]
Isaac, of A., and Hannah Carpenter, unm., of Brattleboro, Vt., int. Jan. 7, 1804.
John [Joshua Barrus, jr. int.], and Elizabeth Lincoln, both of A., Jan. 17, 1726. [Dec. 24, 1726. int.]
John S. [F. C.R.2.], and Olive Chase, unm., both of Seekonk, Feb. 17, 1828.
Joseph, see Braman, Joseph.
Joseph, and Barsheba Woodward, Dec. 2, 1736.
Joseph, and Hannah Sweeting, May 6, 1742. C.R.1.
Joseph (Barrus) [Barrows. C.R.2.], jr., of A., and Patience Burr [unm. int.] of Rehoboth, Nov. 29, 1810.
Joshua, see Barrows, John.
Leonard, of North Providence [R.I. int.], and Hannah B. Bushee, unm., of A., Aug. 10, 1823.
Lidia [of A. int.], and Jams Holms [Holmes of Pomfret. int.], June 18, 1741.
Lucinda, of A., and Rufus Bucklen of Rehoboth, int. Nov. 15, 1777.
Lucinda, and Andrew Bourn, jr., both of A., int. Jan. 5, 1799.
Lucretia (Barrus), of A., and Jonathan Grean [Green. int.] of Coventry, Mar. 18, 1762.
Lucy, of Rehoboth, and Nathan Tingley of A., Jan. 11, 1773.
Lucy, of A., and Lawrence McLouth of Taunton, int. Sept. 4, 1779.
Lydia, see Barrows, Lidia.
Lydia [Lindy. int.], of A., and Seth Jones of Dighton, Sept. 24, 1795.
Lydia, unm., of A., and John Thompson of Cincinnati, O., int. Aug. 2, 1837.
Lydia, unm., of A., d. Wheaton, and Hartford S. Babcock, unm., of A., s. Daniel, Nov. 15, 1843.
Maria, see Prevears, Maria.
Mary (Barrow), and Elijah Jons, int. Mar. 7, 1744-5.
Mary B., see Barrows, Nancy B.
Mathaw, unm., and John Newell, both of A., int. May 21, 1808.
Melinda P., unm., of A., and Caleb Cushing of Pawtucket, int. Oct. 2, 1831.
Milton, and Rebeckah Slack, both of A., May 25, 1796.
Milton, jr., of A., and Mary A. Guild, unm., of Dedham, int. Jan. 8, 1831.
Nancy, unm., and Jabez Stanley, both of A., Sept. 13, 1804.
Nancy, unm., of A., and Caleb S. Peck of Walpole, int. July 29, 1848.
Nancy B. [Mary B. C.R.2; unm. int.], of A., and Dr. Jones [James. int. and C.R.2.] S. Bullock of Vermillion, Ill., June 28, 1842.
Patience, and William Barrows, both of A., July 19, 1795.
Philbrooks [Philbrook. int.], of A., and Cylinda Bucklin of Rehoboth, Jan. 1, 1778.
Polly [unm. int.], of A., and Samuel Draper of Bristol [R.I. int.], Feb. 11, 1810.
Sarah, and Jabez P----, int. Nov. 13, 1780.
Sarah [Barrow. C.R.2; unm. P.R.46], and Nehemiah Bourn [Burn. int.], both of A., Oct. 23, 1800.
Susannah, unm., and David Barrows, both of A., June 11, 1797.
Thomas (Barrow), of A., and Dorcas Slack of A., d. John, Oct. 14, 1740.
Wheaton, see Barnes, Wheaton.
Wheaton, unm., of A., yeoman, s. Wheaton, and Mary P. Capron, unm., of A., d. Jacob, Apr. 4, 1843.
William, and Huldah Ide, both of A., int. Dec. 18, 1773.
William, of A., and Esther Kelly, wid., of Providence, int. Aug. 2, 1783.
William, and Patience Barrows, both of A., July 19, 1795.
William, of A., and Lucinda [Zimrode. int.] Woodcock of Taunton [Freetown. int.], June 9, 1799.
William, of Millbury, and Susan Read [Mrs. int.] of A., Sept. 19, 1819.
Hanah (Bartlet), of A., and Joseph Staples of Wrentham, int. Apr. 13, 1728.
Jeremiah, and Margaret Tower, both of A., int. Apr. 11, 1730.
John, jr. and Elizabeth Bishop, both of A., int. May 3, 1729.
John (Bartlet), and Sarah Aldreg, Oct. 15, 1738.
Mary (Bartlet), of A., and Noah Smith of Providence, int. May 11, 1728.
Samuel (Bartlet), jr. and Mary Aldreck, Dec. 8, 1717.
Betsey Barnebe, unm., of Warren, and William Shepard Robinson of A., int. Aug. 28, 1814.
John, jr., of Wrentham, and Vesta Bonney of Dedham, Feb. 23, 1843.
Abagail, of Pawtucket, and William B. Short of A., int. Oct. 4, 1838.
BASSETT (Basset, Bassit)
[Alvin Basset. C.R.1.], Hannah Thayer, both of Norton, May 17, 1792.
Mehetibl, of A., and William Small of Norwich, Ct., int. May 1, 1788.
Sally (Bassit), unm., of Smithfield, R.I., and Richard Elldridge of A., int. May 15, 1827.
Betsey, unm., and Eaton Whiting, both of A., int. Aug. 13, 1807.
BATES (Bats, Beats)
Allen M., and Betsey A. Tillinghast, at Connecticut, Sept. 30, 1848. P.R.54.
Asa, and Axa Miller Fales, unm., both of A., Jan. 1, 1823.
Asa, of A., and Betsey Carpenter, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., Feb. 23, 1826.
Asa, and Marietta King, unm., both of A., int. Nov. 14, 1841.
Benjamin, of Middleborough, and Jamima Fuller, unm., of A., int. Mar. 7, 1812.
Benoni P., and Abby M. Congdon, July 26, 1818. P.R.54.
Betsey (Bats), of A., and Eseck Hawkings of North Providence, int. July 26, 1790.
Chloe, of A., and Benjamin Turner Tower of Westminster, Vt., Apr. 25, 1799.
Comfort, and Sarah Brown, both of A., int. Oct. 2, 1780.
Deborah, unm., of Hanover, and Jacob Capron of A., int. Jan. 21, 1809.
Dexter, and Bethiah Wilmarth [unm. int.], both of A., May 26, 1816.
Ebijah (Bats), and Chloe Tyler, both of A., int. Oct. 3, 1767.
Elisabeth, of A., and Timothy Ide of Rehoboth, int. May 17, 1774.
Emeline, unm., of A., and Clark Whitney, int. Jan. 31, 1830.
Ezekiel [of Plymouth. int.], and Lois Daggett [unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 6, 1821.
Hannah, and Nathaniel Tyler, both of A., int. Aug. 28, 1773.
Hannah, of A., and Elisha Hall, int. Oct. 24, 1783.
Harriet S., unm., and William F. Pike, both of A., int. Mar. 3, 1833.
Horatio, and Sarah R. [K. C.R.2.] Sweet, both of Norton, Sept. 26, 1838.
Israel, and Mary Cooper, both of A., int. Dec. 22, 1773.
John, and Mary Follett, May 5, 1748.
John, and Cloe Fuller. both of A., int. Feb. 17, 1770.
John, of A., and Isabel Brown, wid., of Cumberland, int. Feb. 17, 1775.
John, and Ruth Sweetland, both of Foxborough, Feb. 17, 1796. C.R.2.
John, of A., and Emeline D. Maneley, unm., of Smithfield, R.I., int. Oct. 5, 1829.
Lucy, unm., of Coventry, R.I., and Asa Freeman of A., int. Dec. 9, 1815.
Lyda (Beats), and John Titus, both of A., int. Apr. 23, 1763.
Michael, of Mendon, and Chloe Atwell of A., Feb. 21, 1793. C.R.1.
Nancy, and Bowen Sweetland, both of A., P.R.81.
Reubin, and Luthana Laland, both of A., int. Nov. 29, 1783.
Rhoda [of A. int.], and Ephraim Bowen [of Rehoboth, int.] Apr. 23, 1795.
Sam[ue]l G., and Lydia Capron, unm., both of A., Apr. 17, 1826.
Sarah A., unm., and W. W. Lathrop, both of North Providence, R.I., Nov. 12, 1839. C.R.2.
Solomon [jr., of Wrentham. int.], and Hannah Balcom [of A. ----4, 17--. [July 30, 1755. int.]
Solomon, jr. and Katharine Haskell, both of A., int. Nov. 29, 1783.
Solomon, and Darkes Tripp, wid., both of A., int. Sept. 19, 1788.
Solomon, and Betsey Dunham [unm. int.], both of A., June 1, 1817.
Susanna, and Naphthali Guild, Jr., both of A., int. Nov. 2, 1779.
Susanna, of A., and Solomon Smith of Rehoboth, int. Sept. 6, 1785.
Thomas, of A., and Chloe Peck, unm., of Rehoboth, Aug. 16, 1798.
Samuel, of A., and Marry Inman of Providence, Dec. 19, 1695.
Loret, Mrs., of Hingham, and John Hatch, int. Mar. 31, 1849.
John, of .A., and Huldah Whitaker, unm., of Smithfield, R.I., int. June 22, 1823.
Mary, of Boston, and Sam[ue]ll Hide of A., int. Apr. 5, 1746.
Gregry, of Easton, and Elizabeth Prat of A., int. May 23, 1775.
Sophronia B., unm., and Edwin A. Gould, both of A., int. Jan. 5, 1849.
Clarisa, of Cumberland, R.I., and Rufus Sweetland of A., int. July 29, 1803.
Francisco [Ball. C.R.1.], and John Edwards, Mar. 22, 1744-5.
Sarah, unm., of North Providence, and George Foster Jenks of A., int. Oct. 21, 1815.
Alec, of Scituate, and Esquier Jillson of A., int. Nov. 26, 1768.
Hannah, and Benajah Barrows, both of A., int. June 26, 1736.
Joseph, and Molley Ward, both of A., int. July 15, 1745.
John [Quincy. int.], of Providence, R.I., and Elizabeth Parmenter, unm., of A., Aug. 16, 1840.
George W., and Maria A. Morse, May 17, 1846. P.R.27.
BICK, see Bicknell.
Richard, and Abigal Whipple, both of A., int. Nov. 1, 1735.
BICKNELL (Bicknal, Bicknall, Bicknel, Bicknol)
Avis, of A., and Peter Fales of Walpole, int. July 16, 1763.
Elezebeth D. (Bicknal), and Robert Herison, both of A., int. Feb. 30, 1803.
Japhet (Bicknel), of A., and Molley Carpenter of Cumberland, int. Nov. 25, 1769.
Japheth (Bicknall) [Bick, of Barrington. int.], and Martha Metcalf, wid., of A., Dec. 8, 1778 [int. Sept. 27, 1746.]
Martha, unm., of A., and Rev. Sam[ue]ll Watson of Barrington, Dec, 5, 1799.
Mary [Bicknol. int.], of A., and Josiah Miller, jr. of Cumberland [of North Providence. int.], Apr. 14, 1794.
Nancy, unm., and Jonathan Read, both of A., Apr. 16, 1799.
Sabra, see Bicknell, Salena.
Salena [Sabra Bicknel. int.], unm., and Jebez [Jabez. int.] Ellis, jr., both of A., May 28, 1797.
Sarah Hallowell, of A., and Sylas Shepard of Wrentham, Oct. 5, 1803.
Thomas, of A., and Sabra Dexter of Cumberland, int. Dec. 22, 1774.
Zimrode, wid., and Remember Ingraham, both of A., int. Aug. 24, 1777.
BICKNER (Bickard)
John J. [Bickard. int.], of A., and Jane M. Jolles [Jolls. int.], unm., of Warren, Sept. 28, 1826.
Margarett [R. int.], unm., and James Whitemore [Whittemore. int.], both of A., May 6, 1824.
Stephen, of Providence, R.I., and Joannah S. Lawton, unm., of A., int. Sept. 7, 1834.
Nancy [unm. int.], of A., and Harvey George of Wrentham, Feb. 6, 1812.
Elizebeth, of Norwich, and Ephraim Tingley of A., int. Aug. 1, 1730.
Tristam, of Dorchester, and Sylvia Tyler [unm. int.], of A., Apr. 29, 1816.
BISHOP (Bishopt, Bishup)
Abigail, of Cumberland, and Resolved Healy of A., int. June 22, 1778.
Agalus [Agabus. int.], of Fitzwilliam, and Betty Sweetland of A., Feb. 22, 1790.
Ageubus, of Cumberland, and Rebeckah Swetland of A., int. Aug. 25, 1764.
Alanson, and Betsey Phillips, both of A., Nov. 3, 1801.
Alanson, and Eliza M. Cobb, unm., both of A., Dec. 13, 1827.
Augustas H., and Sarah S. Smith, unm., of Palmer, int. Sept. 22, 1849.
Bathana (Bishopt) [Bethany Bishop. int.), and John Willmarth, jr., both of A., Apr. 5, 1787.
Bethiah, and Benja[min] Brigs, both of A., int. May 25, 1758.
Betsy, and David Hayden, both of A., int. Jan. 18, 1799.
Chloe, of A., and Isaac Hodges, jr. of Norton, July 25, 1782.
Daniel [of A. int.], and Elizabeth Brown [of Rehoboth. int.], Jan. 30, 1734 [Dec. 14, 1734. int.]
Dexter, of A., and Amy Lyon, unm., of Rehoboth, int. Dec. 4, 1804.
Dolly, of Cumberland, and Samuel Hunting of A., int. July 27, 1771.
Ebenezer (Bishup), of A., and Hannah Brick of Sherburne, int. Dec. 16, 1727.
Ebenezer (Bishup), and Mary Casiel [Cassell, both of A., int.], May 2, 1728.
Edward, and Jemima Staples, both of A., int. Oct. 7, 1732.
Elizebeth, and John Bartlett, jr., both of A., int. May 3, 1729.
Elizebeth [Bishup. int.], and Samuel Bishop [Bishup, both of A. int.], June 2, 1731.
Elknah, and Lydia Robinson, both of A., int. June 22, 1769.
Emma M. [unm. int.], and Robert Kirkpatrick, both of A., Feb. 13, 1843.
Fanny, of A. [unm. int. P.R.46], and Elias Perry of Rehoboth, Oct. 27, 1803.
Hannah, and Richard Lane, both of A., Nov. 2, 1738.
Hannah, of A., and Nathaniel Cooper of Rehoboth, int. Feb. 8, 1777.
Harriet M., unm., of North Branford, Ct., and Jesse May of A., int. Feb. 25, 1841.
John [jr. Intl, of A., and Abbigal Tucker [Twichel. int.] of Oxford, Sept. ----, 1736.
Jonathan W., of Seekonk, and Angeline Wetherell [Witherell. int.], unm., of A., Apr. 6, 1840.
Joseph, of A., and Marian Hodges [Miriam Hogges. int.] of Norton, Apr. 22, 1736.
Lemuel, 2d, and Polly Shaw [unm. int.], both of A., May 26, 1816.
Lemuel, and Maria E. Allen, unm., both of A., int. Aug. 10, 1845.
Lucinda, of A., and David Makepeace of Norton, int. July 14, 1797.
Lydia Ann C., unm., and George A. Draper, both of A., int. Apr. 19, 1840.
Martha, and Richards Whitaker [Richard Whiteaker of Rehoboth. int.], both of A., May 30, 1799.
Mary, and John Follet, Dec. 29, 1720.
Mary, unm., of A., and Frederick Hathaway of Providence, R.I., int. July 31, 1819.
Mehetabel, and Ebenezer Carpenter, Oct. 31, 1717.
Miriam, and Joseph Hodges, Nov. 30, 1749.
Naamon, of A., and Hannah Grant of Cumberland, int. Nov. 18, 1778.
Naman, and Lydia Wilmarth, unm., both of A., int. Jan. 21, 1815.
Nancy [unm. int.], of A., d. Naaman, and John Carpenter of A., s. Asa, Mar. 3, 1805.
Nathan, of Rehoboth, and Bethiah Woodkock of A., int. June 11, 1771.
Nath[anie]l, Lt., and Mrs. Polly Meservy, both of A., int. Aug. 12, 1786.
Polly, of A., and Abial Hunter, jr., int. Nov. 29, 1783.
Priscilla, of Cumberland, and John Brown of A., int. July 11, 1767.
Sally, and Enoch Bolkcom, both of A., Feb. 19, 1795.
Sally, and Simeon Blanding [Blandin. int.], both of A., Apr. 9, 1795.
Samuel [Bishup. int.], and Elizebeth Bishop [Bishup, both of A. int.], June 2, 1731.
Samuel (Bishup), of A., and Ales Stapels of Smithfield, int. Mar. 3, 1753.
Sarah [Bishup. int.], and Samuel Titus, both of A., Nov. 29, 1726.
Sarah, of A., and Antney Dier of Cranston, int. Sept. 29, 1763.
Sarah W., unm., of A., a. 24 y., b. Seekonk, d. Comfort and Sarah, and Harvey Ide, widr., of A., a. 48 y., farmer, s. Ichabod and Eunice, Apr. 12, 1846.
Sylvester, and Lydia Stanly [Stanley. C.R.1.], both of A., May 15, 1796.
Tabothy, wid., and Noah Carpenter, int. Nov. 9, 174-.
Timothy, of A., and Hannah Lane of Norton, int. Feb. 7, 1767.
William, and Tabitha, Hadley, Apr. 22, 1719.
William, of Cumberland, and Priscilla Whipple, unm., of A., Feb. 24, 1799.
William W., and Lydia Maria Briggs, unm., both of A., int. Oct. 18, 1845.
Zephaniah, jr., of A., and Lydia Carpenter, unm., of Rehoboth, int. Nov. 29, 1813.
Zephniah, of A., and Sarrah Stone of Norton, Aug. 8, 1765.
Jonna [Joanna. dup.], and Capt. Mayhew Daggett, Oct. 11, 1709 [Oct. 11, 1700. dup.]
John, of Wrentham, and Chloe Wood of A., int. Oct. 14, 1758.
BLACKINTON (Blacington, Blackenton, Blackentun, Blackington, Blackintun)
Aaron (Blackington), of A., and Sally Aldies [Aldes. int.] of Franklin, May 4, 1795.
Adelaide C., and Jason F. Guild, both unm. of A., May 19, 1846.
Andrew B., unm. of Wrentham, a. 20 y., jeweler, b. Wrentham, s. Willard D. and R., of Wrentham, and Susan A. Whiting, unm., of Wrentham, a. 23 y., jeweler, b. Wrentham, d. Lewis and Susan, of Wrentham, Sept. 26, 1847.
Anne (Blackenton), and John Tyler [both of A. int.], Oct. 10 [1755.] [Sept. 27, 1745. int.]
Azuba, unm., and John Tifft, both of A., Dec. 24, 1823.
Benjamin, and Dorcas Woodcok, Jan. 11, 1719-20.
Benj[a]mon (Blackintun), of Wrentham, and Unis Woodcock of A., int. June 16, 1770.
Betty, and Enoch Starkey [both of A. int.], Jan. 11, 1775. P.R.81.
Caroline [unm. int.], and Leonard Blackinton, both of A., May 28, 1818.
Catharine [unm. int.], and Sewell Stanley, both of A., Dec. 30, 1812.
Cecilia C. [unm. int.], of A., and John S. Sherman of Boston, Sept. 8, 1841.
Charles, and Betsey W. Cabbot, both of Wrentham, Jan. 31, 1826.
Charlotte [unm. int.], and Samuel P. Fisher, both of A., June 28, 1820.
Chloe, wid. [of A. int.], and Oliver Robins [of St. George. int.], Apr. 14, 1775. P.R.81.
Chloe (Blackenton), and Joab Dagge[tt], both of A., int. Feb. 19, 1785.
Chloe [unm. int.], and Bezaleel M. Brown, both of A., Mar. 31, 1805.
Clarisa. E. [unm. int.], and Nathan C. Luther, both of A., Jan. 13, 1842.
Cloe F. (Blackington), and William H. Allin [Allen. int.], both of A., May 23, 1838.
Cyrus W[ilson. int.], and Emmaline Blanchard [Blackard. int.], unm., both of A., Sept. 11, 1831.
David (Blackington) [Blackinton. int.], and Lydia Chelley, unm., both of A., Dec. 25, 1794.
Dorcas (Blackenton), and Peter Hopkins [both of A. int.], Jan. 25, 1753.
Eliza, unm., and Nelson Morse, both of A., Oct. 15, 1823.
Ellis (Blackington), and Polly [Mary. int.] Jackson [unm. int.], both of A., Apr. 2, 1807.
Esther [unm. int.], and Micjah [Abijah. int.] Hall, jr., both of A., July 4, 1819.
Fisher, of A., and Nancy Fletcher, unm., of Westford, int. Dec. 6, 1813.
Fisher, and Fanny Richards [Richard, unm. int.], both of A., June 1, 1818.
George (Blackenton) [Blackentun. int.], and Mary [Day, both of A. int.], Jan. 4, 1743-4.
George (Blackinton), jr. and Mary Walcutt, both of A., int. Apr. 14, 1769.
George, of Wrentham, and Judith Guild, unm., of A., Sept. 6, 1804.
George, jr. of Dover, and Mercy [Mary. int.] Wallcott [unm. int.], of A., July 9, 1805.
Harriet A. [Blackington, unm. int.], of A., and Steward McDougal of Providence, R.I., Jan. 10, 1844.
Harvey, and Charlott Richards, unm., both of A., Apr. 20, 1823.
Hepsabah [unm. int.], of A., and Solomon Taft of Upton, Dec. 30, 1818.
Hepsibah, of A., and Mathew Rimington of Warwick, int. Sept. 12, 1724.
Hepzebeth [unm. int.], and Joel Everett, both of A., May 9, 1820.
Jacob B., and Hannah Cobb, unm., both of A., Mar. 3, 1825.
James O., and Julia W. Day, unm., both of A., May 19, 1833.
Joel (Blackenton), of A., and Sarah Bake of Wrentham, Apr. 28, 1785. P.R.81.
Joel, jr. of A., and Jerusha Butterworth, unm., of Wrentham, int. Oct. 10, 1812.
John, unm., of A., a. 24 y., shuttle maker, s. Willard and Clarrissa, and Calista C. Claflin, unm., of A., a. 20 y., teacher, d. Harvey and Ann, Oct. 10, 1849.
Jonathan (Blackenton), and Rebeckah Woodcock, both of A., Oct. 17, 1782. P.R.81.
Larnard (Blackenton), of A., and Amy Ann Brown, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., int. May 28, 1837.
Laureta, unm., of A., a. 21 y., and George U. Wright, unm., of North Providence [R.I. int.], a. 24 y., spectacle manufacturer, Feb. 10, 1847.
Lemual, and Philena Richards [unm. int.], both of A., Nov. 30, 1809.
Lemuel, and Esther Cheever [unm. int.], both of A., Oct. 1, 1812.
Lemuel W., unm., of Wrentham, a. 29 y., wheelwright, s. Lemuel and Esther, of Wrentham, and Susan F. Guild, unm., of Wrentham, a. 22 y., d. Joseph and Rebecca, of Wrentham, July 26, 1846.
Leonard, and Caroline Blackinton [unm. int.], both of A., May 28, 1818.
Levi, and Mary New [unm. int.], both of A., Nov. 10, 1813.
Margaret [Blacington. int.], and [Joel. int.] Robinson, both of A., Nov. 17, 1791.
Margarette [wid. int.], of A., and Aaron Davis of Wrentham, Dec. 1, 1796.
Mary, and Ebenezer Dagget, Nov. 9, 1721.
Mary, and Moses Walcut, int. Nov. 9, 1744.
Mary [unm. int.], and William T. Dean, both of A., Jan. 26, 1815.
Mary, unm., of A., and Ira B. Peck of Cumberland, int. May 26, 1834.
Mary D., unm., of A., and Henry K. W. Allen, unm., of A., yeoman, s. Josiah, July 31, 1843.
Mercy, and Stephen Pullen, both of A., int. Aug. 27, 1768.
Milton W., and Harriet [C. int.] Fisher, both unm. of A., Nov. 30, 1844.
N. Maria, unm., of Wrentham, a. 28 y., d. Fisher and Fanny R., and Freeman A. Smith, unm., of Boston, a. 23 y., bookkeeper, s. Herman G., July 12, 1849.
Nabby [unm. int.], and Henry Maxey, both of A., Jan. 1, 1806.
Nancy, unm., and Lemuel Whitting [Whiting. int.], both of A. [bet. May 2, 1811 and May 29, 1812.] [June 1, 1811. int.]
Olive, and Henry Richardson, both of A., int. Mar. 23, 1774.
Olive [Blackington, unm. int.], and Calven Richards, both of A., Apr. 28, 1816.
[Oliver Blackenton. int.; jr. P.R.81.], and Molly Daggett, both of A., Sept. [16. P.R.81.], 1784.
Orinda, unm., and Horace Tifft, both of A., Nov. 23, 1825.
Othniel (Blackenton), and Chloe Holmes, both of A., Aug. 8, 1782. P.R.81.
Otis (Blackington), and Ruth Richardson, both of A., June 4, 1795.
Pentecost (Blackenton), and Margaret Robinson, both of A., int. May 2, 1767.
Penticost (Blackentun), and Experence White, both of A., int. Apr. 14, 1744.
Peter (Blackenton), and Margret Euvrit [Euerett, both of A. int.], Apr. 24, 1755.
Peter (Blacington), of A., and Hepsibah Fisher of Wrentham, int. Nov. 1, 1788.
Polly, unm., of Wrentham, and Lymond Pitcher of A., int. Oct. 12, 1806.
Polly, unm., and Josiah Draper, both of A., int. Dec. 7, 1811.
Rebeckah [of A. int.], and Jeremiah Eaveritt [Event of Dedham. int.], Apr. 22, 1736.
Ruth A., unm., of Wrentham, a. 23 y., d. Willard D. and Keziah, and Charles D. Sweet, unm., of A., a. 25 y., farmer, s. Reuben H. and Mary, Mar. 16, 1849.
Sally [Blackington. int.], of A., and George Cheever [Chever. int.] of Wrentham, Apr. 27, 1800.
Samuel, and Mehitable Richards, both of A., int. Feb. 27, 1779.
Sanford, of Adams, and Eliza Robinson, unm., of A., Oct. 27, 1834.
Sarah, and Nathaniel Stanley, Oct. 13, 1720.
Susan G., unm., of Wrentham, and Sam[ue]l P. Fisher of A., int. Oct. 20, 1833.
Ursila, unm., and William Shepard Robinson, both of A., int. Dec. 26, 1807.
Virgil, and Hannah S. Robinson, unm., both of A., Oct. 8, 1823.
Welthoma [unm. int.], of A., and Welcom Arnold [Wilson Arnol. C. R.1.] of North Providence, Feb. 22, 1815.
Wilard [Willard Blackington. C.R.2.], and Clarisa Sweet [unm. int.], both of A., Apr. 11, 1822.
Willard D., of A., and Lucy B. Thompson, unm., of Wrentham, int. July 3, 1823.
William, jr., of A., and Roxa Pond, unm., of Wrentham, int. Nov. 12, 1812.
William [Blackington. C.R.2.], and Polly French [unm, int.], both of A., Mar. 6, 1839.
William, 2d, unm. of A., a. 23 y., mechanic, s. Willard and Clarisa, and Rebecca Cushman Allen, unm., of A., a. 20 y., d. Josiah and Roena, Sept. 11, 1845.
William M., of A., and Lydia Hewin, irrim , of Foxborough, int. May 24, 1845.
Charles, and Ruth Crain, both of A., int. Oct. 16, 1788.
BLAKE (Blacke)
Albert L., of A., and Mehetibal Ann Baker, unm., of Litchfield, Me., July 5, 1840.
Easter, of Wrentham, and Nathan Richards, jr., of A., int. Dec. 5, 1789.
Ebenezer [of Wrentham. int.], and Petronalla Peck [of A. int.], Dec. 11, 1729.
Ebenezer, jr., of Wrentham, and Rachel Bolcom of A., Jan. 28, 1784. P.R.81.
Eliab F., of Cumberland, R.I., and Abigail E. Fuller; unm., of A., int. Oct. 18, 1832.
Elizebe[th], of Wrentham, and Thomas Daggett of A., int. Jan. 11, 1728-9.
Eunice D., unm., and William C. Kent, both of A., Sept. 2, 1832.
Henry W., unm., of Foxborough, a. 23 y., bonnet presser, s. Warren and Angeline L. [A. C.R.2.] Briggs, unm., of A., a. 23 y., bonnet presser, d. Apollos, Sept. 22, 1847.
Jacob, 3d [of Wrentham. int.], and Hipzibah Wilmarth [Willmorth, of A. int.], Oct. 22, 1795.
Jacob, 2d, and Susan Darling, both of Wrentham, May 9, 1838.
Jerusha, unm., of Wrentham, and Chester Bugbee of A., int. Oct. 1, 1811.
Joseph, jr., and Ann E. Borden, both of Wrentham, Sept. 3, 1838.
Levi, and Polly Kelly [Killey. int.], both of A., Aug. 17, 1800.
Levina [unm. int.], and William C. Kent, both of A., Feb. 3, 1820.
Lowell B., and Betsey Young, both of Wrentham, Aug. 7, 1837.
Maria, of Wrentham, a. 33 y., d. Joseph and Olive, and Charles R. Broadbent, unm., of Providence, R.I., a. 24 y., farmer, s. W[illia]m and Allice, June 10, 1845.
Milla [unm. int.], of Wrentham, and Comfort Barrows of A., Dec. 11, 1817.
Nancy, of Wrentham., and George W. Robbinson [Robinson. int.], of A., Sept. 8, 1799.
Nancy [unm. int.], of Wrentham, and Wellcome Fuller of A., Aug. 5, 1827.
Patience, and Barak Bolckom, both of A., int. Dec. 16, 1738.
Petronalla [Blacke, of Wrentham. int.], and Solomon Butler [of A. int.], ---- 11, 17-. [Feb. 7, 1756. int.]
Robert, of Wrentham, and Polly Horton, unm., of A., int. Feb. 15, 1827.
Royal, widr., and Fidelia Williams, wid., both of Wrentham, Jan. 5, 1845.
Samuel, of Wrentham, and Hannah Wilkenson of A., int. Dec. 5, 1789.
Sarah, of Wrentham, and Joel Blackenton of A., Apr. 28, 1785. P.R.81.
Sarah B., unm., and James R. Giles, both of A., June ----, 1832.
Susan, unm., of Wrentham, and Milton S. Morse of Foxborough, Sept. 30, 1824.
Warren, and Sylvia Richardson [unm. int.], both of A., Nov. 5, 1811.
BLANCHARD (Blackard, Blancher)
Anna [Blancher. int.] of Norton, and John Sheperson [Shepardson. int.] of A., Jan. 17, 1754.
Charlotte, unm., of North Providence, R.I., and Samuel Easterbrooks of A., int. Sept. 24, 1842.
Edward (Blancher), and Rachel Maybury, wid., July 28, 1748.
Emmaline [Blackard. int.], unm., and Cyrus W[ilson. int.] Blackinton, both of A., Sept. 11, 1831.
Mary W., unm., and Simeon A. Drake, both of A., bet. June ---- and Nov. 12, 1825.
Milly, unm., of Wrentham, and Robert Holden of A., int. Mar. 22, 1804.
Nancy R., unm., and Levi W. Whiting, unm. [both of A. int.], laborer, Nov. 8, 184-. [Oct. 16, 1847. int.]
BLANDING (Blandin)
Abby Rosanna, unm., of A., a. 25 y. d. Noah and Abiather H. Thayer, unm., of A., a. 21 y. farmer, s. Abiather, Nov. 25, 1847.
Arza, and Narcissa Simmons, unm. of Parisvill, N.Y., int. Aug. 19, 1848.
Asa, of A., and Caroline Mann, unm., of Wrentham, int. Apr. 22, 1837.
Benja[min], jr., and Nancy French [unm. int.], both of A., Oct. 10, 1816.
Benjamin A., of Norton, and Sarah A. Dunham, unm., of A., Nov. 21, 1840.
Bethia, of Rehoboth, and Joseph Ide of A., Apr. 27, 1749.
Bethiah [unm. int.], and Nathan Read, both of A., Jan. 13, 1831. [Jan. 10. C.R.2.]
Betsey [Blandin, unm. int.], of A., and Benjamin Lyon of Warren, Pa., Oct. 12, 1835.
Daniell, of Rehoboth, and Sarah Laine of A., int. Sept. 10, 1757.
Eph[rai]m, of Cumberland, and Dorcas Wise, wid., of A., int. Nov. 15, 1760.
Esther B., unm., of A., a. 22 y., d. Noah and R., and Jonathan Follett, unm., of A., a. 29 y., farmer, s. Apollos and Cynthia, Apr. 5, 1849.
Jesse, of A., and Susanna Blanding, 2d, unm., of Norton, int. Oct. 22, 1808.
Joseph, and Huldath Martin, both of A., int. Apr. 26, 1790.
Lucy (Blandin) [unm. int.], of A., and David Bliss of Calais, Vt., June 15, 1806. C.R.2.
Mary, and Seth Bourne, both of A., int. Dec. 9 [1783.]
Noah, and Bridgett French, both of A., Nov. 23, 17-. [Oct. 7, 1758 int.]
Noah, and Bethiah Thacher, 2d, both of A., int. Aug. 28, 1790.
Noah, jr., and Rosannah Carpenter [unm. int.], both of A., Nov. 15, 1819.
Otis, and Sally Dunham [unm, int. P.R.46], both of A., Dec. 23, 1802.
Rachel, of A., and Peter Dearey of Norton, int. Dec. 24, 1774.
Rebeckah, of A., and Benjamin Perce of Westmoreland, int. May 15, 1773.
Sally "alias Sarah," and Solomon Dunham, jr., both of A., int. Dec. 7, 1783.
Simeon [Blandin. int.], and Sally Bishop, both of A., Apr. 9. 1795.
Spencer [Blandin. C.R.2.], and Nanny Carpenter [unm. int. P.R.46], both of A., Feb. 19, 1804.
Susanna, 2d, unm., of Norton, and Jesse Blanding of A., int. Oct. 22, 1808.
Thomas, and Nancy Lyon, unm., both of A., July 15, 1823.
Hezeldah [Blazedel. int.], of Boston, and Ares [Ayes. int.] N. Wood [unm. int.] of A., Apr. 17, 1836.
Adeline, unm., of Rehoboth, and Joseph W. Capron [of A., int.], at Rehoboth, Apr. 10, 1826.
Alfred, of Rehoboth, and Hannah King [unm. int.] of A., Dec. 16, 1810.
Alfred A., unm., of A., a. 19 y., cotton spinner, s. George and Jerusha, and Adeline F. Richardson, unm., of A., a. 17 y., weaver, d. Edward and Louisa, Feb. 22, 1848.
Anjaenette, unm., of A., a. 21 y., d. Jona[than] and Chloe, and John H. Hodges, unm., of Wrentham, a. 24 y., jeweler, s. Harland, Apr. 7, 1847.
Betsey, unm., of Rehoboth, and Silvester Fuller of A., int. Aug. 1, 1807.
Betsey N., unm., and Alfred Claflin, jr., both of A., int. Apr. 10, 1836.
Chloe, d. Jonathan, and Thomas Carpenter, Dec. 7, 1786. P.R.32.
David, of Calais, Vt., and Lucy Blandin [unm. int.], of A., June 15, 1806. C.R.2.
Florella [unm. int.], and Draper Parmeter [both of A. int.], Nov. 29, 1829. P.R.51.
George, and Jerusha Martin, both of A., Nov. 21, 1822.
George N. [W. int.], of Rehoboth, and Betsey Bowen, unm., of A., July 9, 1835.
George N. [H. C.R.2.], unm., of A., a. 21 y., manufacturer, s. George and Jerusha, and Lucia S. [T. C.R.2.] Carpenter, unm., of A., a. 21 y., Dec. 19, 1846. [Dec. 9. C.R.2.]
Hannah, of Rehoboth, and Daniel Carpenter [3d. int.] of A.,. Feb. 1, 1795.
Hannah, and Otis Capron, both of A., Nov. 26, 1801.
Harriet, of Rehoboth, and Samuel Gulliver of Taunton, Nov. 8, 1836.
James, Dr., and Hannah Guild, both of A., June 18, 1778. P.R.81.
joannah, of Rehoboth, and John Mason of A., Dec. 25, 1796.
Jonathan, and Hannah Kent, Mar. 19, 1792. P.R.27.
Jonathan, and Chloe Dean [unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 2, 1817.
Jonathan, jr., unm., of A., manufacturer, s. Jona[than], and Julia A. Williams, unm., of Mansfield, Apr. 27, 1843.
Lemira C., unm., of Taunton, and William M. Bliss of A., int. Aug. 3, 1845.
Lita, unm., of Rehoboth, and Daniel Claflin, jr., of A., int. Aug. 30, 1822.
Lydia, see Bloss, Lydia.
Maria W., unm., and Simon Atherton, both of A., May 5, 1840.
Mary H., unm., and Edward S. Lapham, both of A,, int. May 20, 1837.
Nancy, unm., of Rehoboth, and Ephraim Dean, Sr., of A., int. Nov. 4, 1815.
Nancy, unm., of A., and [Rev. int.] Timothy C. Tingley of Foxborough, Apr. 3, 1832.
Nathan H., Capt., of A., and Mahitable Horton, unm., of Rehoboth, int. Nov. 15, 1832.
[Newman. int.], of Rehoboth, and Sally [Sarah. int.] Starkey of A., Jan. 8, 1792.
[Newman, of Rehoboth. int.], and [Mary. int.] Starkey [of A. int.; both of A. C.R.2.], Apr. 16, 1795.
Rhodolphus, unm., of A., a. 22 y., manufacturer, s. Martin and Lydia S. [T. C.R.2.] Carpenter, unm., of A., a. 19 y., d. William, July 8, 1846.
Ruben, of Rehoboth, and Nancy Williams [unm. int.] of A., Apr. 20, 1809.
Sally, unm., and Sylvester Claflin, both of A., June 14, 1835.
Sarah S., of A., and Bradford G. Williams, int. May 11, 1849.
Sarah [Sally. int.], of Rehoboth, and John Sanford [Saford. int.] of A., Dec. 27, 1798.
Susan J., unm., of A., a. 28 y., d. Cyrus and Susan, and Gardiner Wright, widr., of A., a. 34 y., clerk, s. Benjamin, May 16, 1847. [May 11. C.R.2.]
William M., of A., and Lemira C. Bliss, unm., of Taunton, int. Aug 3, 1845.
BLOSS (Blos)
Abraham (Bloc) [Bloss. int.], of Sturbridge, and Lida [Lydia. int.] Read, Oct. 8, 1764.
Lydia [Bliss. int.], wid., of A., and Maturean Ballue, Elder, of Richmond, Sept. 15, 1774. P.R.81.
Samuel, of A., and Patience Brigs of Norton, int. Mar. 6, 1778.
Eunice, unm., of Cumberland, R.I., and William Jackson of A., int. July 10, 1811.
BOLKCOM (Balckom, Balcom, Balkcom, Balkcon, Bolchum, Bolckcum, Bolckom, Bolckum, Bolcom, Bolkcome, Bolkcon, Bolkcum, Bolkom)
Abigail, and Ebenezer Short, May 18, 1749.
Alexander (Balkcom) [Bolkom, of A. intl, and Martha [R]obinson [of Needham. int.], May 14, 1725.
Alexander (Balcom), and Hannah Shepeson, --- 17 [1750.]
Anne, of A., and John Wetherel of Norton, int. Jan. 30, 1772.
Barak (Bolckom), and Patience Blake, both of A., int. Dec. 16, 1738.
Bathsheba [wid. int.], and Henry Sweet, both of A., Feb. 27, 1746-7.
Bathsheba, and Daniel Tiffany, int. Feb. 13, 1762.
Benjamin (Balkcom) [Balckom. int.], and Martha Richardson, both of A., May 16, 17-. [1793. C.R.2.]
Benjamin (Bolkcome) [Bolkcom. int.], jr., and Betsy Sweetland, unm., both of A., June 23, 1822.
Betsy [Mrs. int.], of A., and William Tyler [Esq. int. P.R.46], of North Providence [R.I. int.], July 1, 1813.
Catharine, and Andrew Starkey, Feb. 2, 1718-19.
Charlotte E., unm., of A., and Manley Grover of Foxborough, int. June 30, 1844.
Constance (Balkcom), unm., of A., and Calvin Pearce of Rehoboth, int. Nov. 7, 1804.
Daniel (Balcom) [Bolkcom. int.], of Rehoboth, and Lyda French of A., Mar. 27, 1792.
Daniel (Balkcon), 2d, and Julia Wilmarth [unm. int.], both of A., June 7, 1818.
Daniell (Bolckcum), and Rebeckah Cobb, both of A., int. Nov. 5, 1763.
David, of Norton, and Jane Pullen of A., int. Feb. 24, 1780.
David, and Fanne ----, both of A., int. Apr. 9, 1781.
David [Balkcom. int.], of A., and Betsey Darby [Derbey, unm. int.] of Mansfield, Oct. 6, 1816.
Dexter, of A., and Desire Willson, unm., of Wrentham, int. July 16, 1813.
Ebenezer, and Betsey Starkey [unm. int.], both of A., July 5, 1812.
Elijah (Bolkcom), and Mary [Marcy. int.] Daggett, both of A., Nov. 30, 1786. P.R.81.
[Elijah. int.], of A., and [Parthenia Pond, unm., int.] of Wrentham, June 5, 1816.
Enoch, and Sally Bishop, both of A., Feb. 19, 1795.
Esther (Bolckom), unm., of A., and Stephen Round of Rehoboth, int. May 8, 1804.
Fanny (Bolkcome), unm., and George Pomroy, both of A., Aug. 1, 1822.
Francis Baylis (Bolkcome), and Abigail Newell, unm., both of A., Apr. 16, 1823.
Hannah (Balcom), [of A. int.], and Solomon Bates [of Wrentham. int.], ---- 4, 17-. [July 30, 1755. int.]
Hannah (Balcom), of Norton [of Newton. int.], and Samuel Tiffany [jr. int.] of A., June 2, 1769.
Hannah (Bolkom), and Thomas Norton, both of A., int. June 1, 1771.
Huldah (Balcom) [Bolkom. int.], of A., and Simeon Wright [Wight. int.] of Wrentham, May 4, 1796.
Jacob (Balcom), of A., and Tryphena Everett [Everet. int.] of Foxborough, June 30, 1785.
James, and Sabra Davinson, unm., both of A., int. May 21, 1815.
Jesse (Balkcom), and Olive Everett [Everit, unm. int.], both of A., Sept. 27, 1814.
John (Balcom), of A., and Mary Grover of Norton, Mar. 29, 1720.
John (Bolkom), and Sarah Grover [both of A. int.], May 29, 1733.
John (Balcom) [Bolckum. C.R.1.], jr., and Elesebeth ---- [Bathsheba Daggett. C.R.1.], May 18, 1742.
John, and Sally Everett [unm. int.], both of A., May 20, 1806.
Joseph (Bolkom), and Mary Parminter [both of A. int.], Mar. 21, 1733-4.
Lucinda (Balkcom), and Josiah Harvey, both of Norton, July 19, 1801.
Lucy, of A., and Benjamin Grover of Mansfield, int. Feb. 16, 1776.
Martha (Bolcom), and Ephraim Dean [both of A. int.], Apr. 12 [17-.] [Dec. 28, 1752. int.]
Martha M. (Balcom) [Bolcom, unm. int.], and Nathaniel H. Richards, both of A., Apr. 1, 1838.
Mary [of A. int.], and John Fisher, both of Norton, Mar. 30, 1732.
Mary [Bolcom. int.], and John Fisher [both of A. int.], May 23, [1751.]
Mary (Bolcom) [of A. int.], and Stephen Andros, Jr. [of Taunton. int.], Jan. 1, 17-. [Sept. 6, 1755. int.]
Mary, unm., of Pawtucket, and Eben[eze]r Tiffany of North Providence, Nov. 14, 1830.
Mary (Bolkcon) [Bolkcom, unm. int.]. and Lorenzo Morse, both of A., Feb. ----, 1834.
Matilda (Balkcom) [Bolkcom. int.], unm., and James Wite, both of A., Nov. 21, 1804.
Milla [Bolckom. int.], unm., and Hezekiah Bowen Rounds [Round. int.], both of A., Sept. 30, 1804.
Nancy [unm. int.], of A., and Rev. Sylvester H. Bucklin [F. C.R.2; Bucklen. int.] of Marlborough, Sept. 7, 1809.
Olive [unm. int.], and Silas Richardson, both of A., Feb. 5, 1812.
Orville S. (Balcom), of A., and Susan A. Pitcher, unm., of Pawtucket, int. Aug. 6, 1840.
Otis, and Betsy Fuller, both of Mansfield, Dec. 24, 1802.
Phebe (Bolckcom), and Zephaniah Ros of Wrentham, int. Sept. 28, 1765.
Polly, unm., and Daniel Hunt, both of A., int. Nov. 30, 1824.
Priscilla [unm. int.], and Learned Wilmarth, jr., both of A., May 17, 1818.
Rachel (Bolcom), of A., and Ebenezer Blake, jr., of Wrentham, Jan. 28, 1784. P.R.81.
Rebecka (Balckom), of A., and William Clark of Norton, int. Mar. 29, 1773.
Salley [unm. int.], and Ezekel M. Cornell, both of A., Jan. 5, 1823.
Sally, unm., of Norton, and Lt. Abiather Richardson of A., int. June 9, 1811.
Samuel (Bolkom), and Sarah Richardson, both of A., int. Dec. 22, 1769.
Sarah (Bolkom), and Richard Atwill, both of A., int. Sept. 30, 1727.
Sarah (Bolkcum), and Ephram Hall, jr., both of A., int. Mar. 26, 1763.
Susannah, and Seth Richardson, jr., both of A., July 29, 1802.
Timothy [Bolcom. int.], and Mercy Thacher [unm. int. P.R.46], both of A., Sept. 23, 1802. [int. Sept. 20, 1803. P.R.46]
William (Bolkcome), and Mary Tiler, Oct. 3, 1717.
William (Balcom) [jr. int.], of A., and Chickering Shepard of Wrentham, Jan. 2, 1758.
[William. int.] (Balkcom), jr., of A., and Nancy Capron of Norton, Dec. 8, 1791.
William [Balkcom. int.], and Sophia Lacy [unm. int.], both of A., Apr. 4, 1816.
Zilpah (Bolckcum), of A., and Ichabod Shaw, jr., of Norton, int. Aug. 6, 1763.
BONNY (Bonney)
John B., of Wrentham, and Thankful S. [L. int.] Lewis [unm. int.] of A., May 1, 1837.
Vesta (Bonney), of Dedham, and John Barton, jr., of Wrentham, Feb. 23, 1843.
Nancy M., unm., of Sutton, and John Daggett, Esq., of A., int. May 23, 1840.
Ruth, of Leba[non], and Samuel Day of A., int. Feb. 23, 1769.
BORDEN, see Barden.
Polly, unm., and Preston Carpenter, both of A., int. May 8, 1830.
Angeline, unm., and Capt. Elisha Wilmarth, both of A., int. Nov. 13, 1846.
Benjamin K., and Candice Martin, unm., both of A., int. June 5, 1846.
Eliza N., of A., and Benjamin Pond of Medway, May 3, 1826.
Nancy, unm., of A., and Bennet [William G. int.] Whipple of Wrentham, June 3, 1833.
Sabra M., unm., and Charles H. Morse, both of A., int. Oct. 14, 1837.
James, of A., and Mary Collens, unm., of Bristol, R.I., int. July 10, 1818.
BOURN (Born, Bourne, Burn)
Abraham, and Susannah White [unm. int.], both of A., Apr. 15, 1815.
Abram (Bourne) [Bourn. C.R.2.], and Mary Carpenter, both of A., Jan. 6, 1803.
Andrew (Born), of Roxbury, and Phebe Richardson of A., int. Feb. 23, 1744-5.
Andrew, jr., and Lucinda Barrows, both of A., int. Jan. 5, 1799.
Anna [of A. int.], and Nathaniel Read [jr., of Rehoboth. int.], June 13, 1782. P.R.55.
Celia S[ophia, unm., of Seekonk. int.], and Ira K. Miller [of A. int.], Sept. 5, 1836. P.R.56.
Cloe, and Asa Dean, both of A., Nov. 14, 1797.
Eli (Bourne) [Bourn. C.R.1.], of Rehoboth, and Leafa Ide [unm. int.] of A., Nov. 30, 1809. [Nov. 29. P.R.56.]
Eli [Bourne. int.; 2d m. P.R.56.], of Seekonk, and Rebecka Cooper, wid., of A., Aug. 23, 1829.
Fanny [Bourne. C.R.2; unm. int.], and William Cobb Robinson, both of A., Sept. 18, 1813.
Hannah (Bourne) [Bourn. int.; unm. int. P.R.46], and Sylvester Claflen, both of A., Feb. 7, 1805.
Huldath (Burn), of Providence, and Lewis Slack of A., int. Nov. 27, 1787.
Lucinda, unm., and Stephen Briggs, both of A., int. Sept. 16, 1821. Publishment stopped.
Marey [Mercy. C.R.2.] Bo[urn. int.], of A., and Berry Chase of Longmeadow, Nov. 7, 17-. [1793. int.]
Mary, and Abraham Commins, jr., both of A., int. Apr. 28 [1781.]
Nancy D., unm., and Albert Richard [Richards, of Dedham. int.], both of A., Sept. 19, 1830.
Nehemiah [Burn. int.], and Sarah Barrows [Barrow. C.R.2; unm. P.R.46], both of A., Oct. 23, 1800.
Otis (Bourne), of Wallingford, Vt., and Maryett Richards, unm., of A., Oct. 27, 1834.
Polly (Bourne) [Bourn, unm. int.], of A., and Joel Moore of Needham, Mar. 9, 1809.
Roswell, of A., and Mary S. Fisher, unm., of North Providence, R.I., int. Nov. 19, 1830.
Sarah, and Frederick Fuller [both of A., int.], Dec. 18 [13. C.R.2.], 1794.
Sarah J., [unm., of Seekonk. int.], d. Eli and Rebecca, and Allen L. Atwell, Sept. 17, 1848. P.R.56.
Seth (Bourne), and Mary Blanding, both of A., int. Dec. 9 [1783].
Stephen, of A., and Mary Dryer of Rehoboth, int. Oct. 11, 1773.
Stephen, and Susan Ormesbee. Sept. 18, 1794. P.R.56.
Stephen, jr., of Rehoboth, and Nancy Dean [unm. int.] of A., Jan. 28, 1808. C.R.1.
Wilder, and Mary W. Soule, unm., both of Seekonk, Oct. 17, 1824.
Willard C., and Abigail S. Capron [unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 2, 1830.
Zebina W. [Bourne. C.R.1.], Capt., of A., and Adah Robinson, unm., of Rehoboth, Mar. 30, 1828.
BOWEN (Bowin, Bowing)
Ann R., and Daniel A. Richardson, both of A., Oct. 9, 1842.
Barzillai, of Rehoboth, and Lydia Ide of A., int. Feb. 4, 1774.
Bebe W., unm., of Seekonk, and Gardner C. Hodges of A., int. July 16, 1836.
Benj[amin], of Rehoboth, and Reb[e]kah Brown of A., Jan. 28, 1789.
Benjamin, of Rehoboth, and Eliza Carpenter [unm. int.] of A., Feb. 11, 1819.
Benja[min], jr., of Rehoboth, and Leffa Claflen, unm., of A., Mar. 25, 1838.
Betsey, unm., of A., and George N. [W. int.] Bliss of Rehoboth, July 9, 1835.
Caleb (Bowin), of A., and Sarah Ingalls of Rehoboth, int. June 29, 1754.
Caleb, and Fanny C. Bullock, unm., both of A., May 15, 1832.
Caleb, and Ann Eliza Ingraham [unm. int.], both of A., May 22, 1837.
Caroline Matilda, unm., of Rehoboth, and Amos Read of A., int. Feb. 10, 1805.
Celia Sophia, unm., of Seekonk, and Ira K. Miller of A., int. Aug. 16, 1836.
Christopher, and Lydia Day, Nov. 14, 1749.
Cyntha [Brown. int.], of Cumberland, and Oliver Sweetland of A., Sept. 29, 1793.
David, of Rehoboth, and Ama Rounds, unm., of A., int. Sept. 9, 1811.
Ephraim [of Rehoboth. int.], and Rhoda Bates [of A. int.], Apr. 23, 1795.
Frances M., unm., of A., and Lewis O. Robinson of Wrentham, int. Aug. 29, 1847.
Hannah, of Rehoboth, and Jeremiah Whipple of A., Feb. 24, 1742.
Henry [Bowers. C.R.1.], and Betsey [Orne. int. and C.R.1.], both of A., Oct. 23, 1799.
Huldah, of Rehoboth, and Ephraim Allen [jr. int.] of A., Apr. 20, 1775.
James R. [Powers. int.], of Wrentham, and Martha M. Walcott [unm. int.], of A., Mar. 20, 1837.
John, and Dency Briggs [unm. int.], both of A., Feb. 4, 1813.
Lavina A., unm., and Stephen P. Jordan, both of A., Jan. 26, 1841.
Louisa [Louisa Ann Bowers. int.], unm., and William Haven, both of A., Nov. 30, 1826.
Lydia, unm., of A., and Milton Babcock of Taunton, int. Apr. 21, 1832.
Lydiah (Bowing), wid., and John Sweetland, jr., both of A., int. Jan. 12, 1754.
Marcy, unm., and John J. Bushee, both of A., int. June 18, 1831.
Nancy, unm., of A., and Ira Luther of Swanzey, int. Oct. 1, 1839.
Penuel [C. int.], and Jane C. Sweetland, unm., both of A., May 23, 1833.
Rebeckah, and Benjamin Bucklin [both of A. int.], Mar. 19, 1729-30.
Samuel [2d. int.], of Rehoboth, and Hannah Ide [unm. int.] of A., Jan. 1, 1812.
Sarah, unm., of A., and William D. Bullock of New York, int. May 27, 1831.
Sarrah, of Rehoboth, and William Whipple of A., May 9, 1728.
Simeon, yeoman, s. Uriel, and Abby A. Allen, both unm., of A., Feb. 26, 1844.
Urah, of A., and Mrs. Deborah Ham of Providence, R.I., int. July 9, 1824.
Uriel, jr., and Fanny Withington, unm. both of A., Apr. 27, 1728.
William, of Providence, R.I., and [Mrs. int. P.R.46.] Sephiah Fuller [unm. dup.] of A., June 3, 1819.
Henry, see Bowen, Henry.
Louisa Ann, see Bowen, Louisa.
Lydia Mason, unm., of Rehoboth, and Dexter Day of A., int. Nov. 3, 1810.
Mary [unm. int.], of A., and William B. Fisher of Coventry, R.I., Sept. 2, 1821.
Simeon [Bouker. int.], unm., of Exeter, Me., a. 20 y., laborer, and May [Mary. int.] E. Baker, unm., of A., d. Abner and Priscilla, Sept. 1, 1848.
Harvey, and Esther Milliken, unm., both of A., int. Apr. 26, 1835.
Mary, unm., of Walpole, and Charles Hawkins of A., int. Mar. 18, 1834.
Henry, unm., of [North int.], Providence, R.I., engraver, and Mary E. Miller, unm., of A., d. Ira K., Oct. 10, 1844.
Asenath, unm., of A., and Cyrus White of Norton, int. Feb. 26, 1847.
Beulah [unm. int.], and Ebenezer Draper, 2d, both of A., June 14, 1807. C.R.1.
Elisabeth, and Samuel Sweetland, jr., Dec. 28, 1749.
Eunice C., unm., and Joseph A. Tiffany, both of A., May 26, 1824.
George, and Sarah Carpenter, both of A., int. Apr. 28, 1756.
Hannah, d. Peres, Esq., and Jabez Gay, Apr. 30, 1747.
John, and Phebe Stearns, June 10, 1761.
Joseph, and Buler Morce, both of A., int. Jan. 14, 1758.
Mary, of A., and Jabez Gould of Wrentham, int. Apr. 12, 1746.
Mary, wid., of Cumberland, and Mical Foster of A., int. Sept. 15, 1764. Phebe,
Phebe, of A., and Daniel Atherton of Walpole, int. Aug. 27, 1795.
Polly, of A., and Daniel Atherton of Walpole, int. July 30, 1790.
Seth C., and Eliza Haven, unm., both of A., Apr. 18, 1825.
BRAGG (Brag, Bragge, Braggs)
Alexander, of Holliston, and Mary Man [Mann. C.R.1.] of A., June 20, 1802.
Chloe, of Wrentham, and Zuriel Tyler of A., int. Mar. 19, 1785.
Elisabeth (Brag), Mrs. [wid. int.; of Stoughton. int. P.R.73.], and John Sweet [of A. int.], Jan. 10, 1753. [Nov. 15, 1753. int.]
Harmon, and Polley Jackson, unm., both of A., int. Mar. 28, 1807.
Harmon, and Mary Hovey, unm., both of A., int. Jan. 6, 1825.
Harmon W., and Betsey C. White, unm., both of A., Mar. 26, 1833.
Henry (Brag), and Sarah Luther, Nov. ----, 1717.
Herman L., of Norton, and Almira Dean, unm., of Taunton, May 13, 1832.
Jemima, of Wrentham, and Jacob Stanley of A., Sept. 30, 1760.
John (Braggs) [Bragge. int.], of A., and Eunice Pulling of Rehoboth, Apr. 28, 1743.
Tho[ma]s (Brag) and Patience Read, both of A., int. Oct. 7, 1746.
BRAINARD (Brainerd, Braniard)
Calvin B. (Braniard), and Sarah L. Chace, ----, 1841. P.R.26.
Isaac C., and Sarah Ann Wallcott [Walcott, unm. int.], both of A., Dec. 3, 1833.
Susan (Brainerd), unm., of A., and Asa B. Cook of Providence, R.I., int. Dec. 27, 1833.
BRAMAN (Brauman)
Experence, of Norton [formerly w. Sylvanus. P.R.78.], and Ichabod Perry [Perrey, jr. int.] of A., Mar. 3, 1762. [Jan. 30, 1772. int.]
Experience, of Norton [d. Sylvanus and Experience. P.R.78.], and Ichabod Perry of A., int. Feb. 9, 1784.
Harriet N., unm., and Willard F. Babcock, both of A., int. Apr. 18, 1840.
Joseph [Barrows. int.], of A., and Ester Witherell of Norton, Nov. 17, 1774.
Josiah [of Norton. int.], and Mary Jilson [Jelson, of A. int.], Oct. 2, 1729.
Phebe, and Jesse Grover, both of Mansfield, Mar. 23, 1787.
Sarah (Brauman), and Elijah Barrus, both of A., int. Feb. 27, 1762.
Thomas, jr., of Norton, and Sarah Richardson, 2d, of A., int. Dec. 22, 1798.
Aholiab, of Providence, R.I., and Elone Fuller of A., int. Dec. 13, 1801.
Calista C., unm., of A., and Smith Salsbury of North Providence, R.I., Apr. 23, 1826.
Nathan, Dr. of Savoy, and Polly Capron [Mrs. int. P.R.46; unm. dup.] of A., Feb. 17, 1801.
BRASTOW (Brasto)
Oliver S., and Betsey Bacon [unm. int.], both of A., Apr. 17, 1842.
Oliver Shepard (Brasto), and Mary Franklin, both of Wrentham, June 19, 1834.
BRAYTON (Brayden)
Elizabeth N., Mrs., of North Providence, R.I., and Kinsbery Wilmarth of A., int. May 16, 1846.
Randall S., of Smithfield, R.I., and Harriet [M. int.] Wood [unm. int.], of A., May 31, 1843.
Sarah (Brayden), unm., of Smithfield, R.I., and James Ray of A., int. June 5, 1842.