Vital Records Of Attleborough Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By The Essex Institute Salem, Mass. 1934
Deaths - SMITH to YOUNG, Surnames Missing & Negroes
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Andrew Jackson, s. John and Emma (Hodges), Dec. 11, 1831. P.R.15.
Anna, w. Cyrel, consumption, Nov. 22, 1822, a. abt. 70 y. C.R.2. [Nov. 22, 1821, a. 64 y. 8 m. G.R.1.]
Asenatha [Asenath Capron. P.R.27.], w. Nicholas, and d. Joseph and Sarah Capron [Sarah (Foster). P.R.27.], Dec. 1, 1786, in her 24th y. G.R.1.
Charles H., Sept. 25, 1842. G.R.5.
Cyril, widr., farmer, old age, Oct. 31, 1845, a. 89 y. 3 m. 12 d.
David, Mar. 11, 1816, in his 62d y. G.R.5.
Ellen A., Sept. 8, 1847. G.R.5.
Fanny D., m., b. Rehoboth, d. William and Patty Walker, consumption, Mar. 20, 1849, a. 28 y. 7 m. 18 d.
Frelove, d. Daniel and Judith, ---- 16, 1747, in her 4th y. P.R.79.
George, s. John and Emma (Hodges), Dec. 13, 1831. P.R.15.
John, h. Emma Hodges, Mar. 24, 1843. P.R.15.
Lavina F., d. William and Nany Sweetland, old age, Feb. 1, 1849, a. 82 y.
Lucy, w. David, Feb. 11, 1823, in her 63d y. G.R.5.
Martha [Mary. P.R.79.], w. David, May 6, 1799, in her 58th y. G.R.11.
Mary A., housekeeper, consumption, Feb. ----, 1848. a. 19 y.
Mary G., d. Thaddeus and May, dysentery, Sept. 7, 1847, a. 5 m. 10 d.
Rachel, d. Daniel and Judith, Nov. 23, 1751, in her 16th y. G.R.13.
Ruth A., w. Stephen, jr., Dec. 20, 1828. G.R.13.
Stephen, sr., h. Susan, Nov. 1, 1824. G.R.13.
Susan. w. Stephen, sr., Feb. 27, 1833. G.R.13.
----, d. Abraham, stillborn (sic), convulsion, May 7, 1849, a. 7 d.
Cornelia A., d. Dr. James M., Sept. 16, 1836. G.R.8.
William D., s. Dr. James M., Oct. 1, 1842. G.R.8.
----, ch. James and Rebecca, Sept. ----, 1849, a. 1 y.
Barbary, d. Caleb and Elizabeth, May 31, 1757, in her 4th y. P.R.79.
Eunice R., w. Jonathan N., of Pawtucket, and d. Jabez Newell, Esq., and Eunice, Oct. 1, 1825, in her 22d y. G.R.13.
David, s. John and Mary (Everett), Nov. 12, 1760. [in his 2d y. P.R.79.]
Hannah, d. Anthony and Mary, Nov. 28, 1704.
[Hannah. G.R.13.], w. Amos, liver complaint, June ---- [1846 or 1847; June 8, 1846, in her 77th y. G.R.13.]
Lyman, Nov. 25, 1839, a. 32 y. 11 m. G.R.13.
----, s. John and Clara, infantile, Apr. 7, 1849, a. 1 d.
STANLEY (Standley, Stanly)
Abigail (Standley), June 12, 1740.
Abigail, w. George, Aug. 6, 1822, a. 66 y. G.R.5.
Abigail, w. Milton, consumption, Sept. 26, 1846. P.R.70.
Abigail, w. Rial, Feb. 26, 1849. P.R.70.
Abigail Fairbanks, w. Rial, July 23, 1843. P.R.70.
Abigal, d. William and Zilpha (Daggett), d. Capt. Mayhew, Sept. 26, 1754. [in her 2d y. P.R.79.]
Alonzo, 1st s. Milton, Oct. 26, 1837. P.R.70.
Amos, Lt., "in a Good old age," Jan. 4, 1810. [in his 85th y. G.R.4.]
Anah (Daggett), w. Daneil, Nov. 11, 1784. [in her 35th y. P.R.79.]
Anna, w. Lt. Amos, May 27, 1804, in her 74th y. G.R.4.
Anson, s. Jesse and Bebe (Stanley), Dec. 1, 1785. [a. 22 y. 4 m. 5 d. G.R.4; a. 2 y. 1 m. 5 d. P.R.79.]
Becca (Stanly), w. Timothy, Nov. 1, 1766, in her 29th y. G.R.11.
Benjamin, blind, h. Abigail (Spear), Oct. 26, 1825, in his 98th y. P.R.70.
Carlos, s. Sewel and Catherine (Blackinton), Sept. 13, 1825. P.R.70.
Caroline Wellman, d. Vernal and Louisa (Welman), July 21, 1841.
Catherine [Catherine P. Gould. G.R.5.], housekeeper [w. Daniel. G.R.5.], d. David, old age, July 24, 1847, a. 90 y. 8 m. 2 d.
Charles, s. Stephen and Marther (Stanley), Dec. 6, 1805.
Charles Shepard, s. Woodward and Priscilla (Phillips), Sept. 13, 1847. P.R.70.
Chloe, Mar. 3, 1826, a. 68 y. C.R.1.
Cyrel, unm., s. Daniel and Anna, consumption, Jan. 17, 1849.
Daniel, Feb. 9, 1798. [in his 5th y. P.R.79.]
David s. Thomas and Mary (Gould), Mar. 16, 1722-3.
David, s. Lot, Feb. 2, 1765.
David Schuyler, s. David and Eliza R., July 1, 1836, a. 8 y. P.R.70.
Deborah, d. Jacob and Elizabeth (Guild), July 25 [17-.]
Edward [Edward Augustus. P.R.70.], s. Sylvan [and Susanna E. F., scarlet fever, June 9, 1843. P.R.70.], a. 6 y.
Eleanor, d. David and Eliza R., Dec. 13, 1844, a. 18 y. P.R.70.
Elenor, d. Lot, Mar. 6, 1765.
Eliza, d. Stephen and Marther (Stanley), Mar. 7, 1799. [a. 4 d. G.R.5.]
Emma Ann, d. Timothy P. and Britana (Makepice), Aug. 19, 1841. [a. 3 y. 6 m. 11 d. G.R.5.]
Esther, d. Lot, Feb. 7, 1765.
Esther, d. Daniel, jr. and Anner (Daggett), Aug. 12, 1784.
Eunice, d. Jacob and Jemima (Bragg), June 7, 1776.
Freelove, d. Solomon and Patence (Perey), May 1, 1770.
George, Jan. 17, 1810, a. 61 y. G.R.5.
George Henry, Apr. 26, 1839.
Gideon (Standley), s. Samuel and Mary (Standly), Sept 27, 1754.
Gideon [July 3. P.R.79.], 1795. G.R.5. [in his 40th y. P.R.79.]
Hannah (Shephard), 2d w. [Dea. G.R.4.] Jonathan, June 27, 1808. P.R.70. [in her 58th y. G.R.4.]
Henry Dwight, s. Sylvan and Susanna E. F., dropsy of brain, Jan. 6, 1847, a. 9 m. 15 d. P.R.70.
Herman [s. Stephen. P.R.70.], Mar. 30, 1829, a. 33 y. G.R.5.
James, s. Lot, ----[17-.]
James, s. Timothy P. and Britana (Makepice), Aug. 25, 1828. [a. 9 d. G.R.5.]
Jenckes, s. Dr. Thomas and Mary (Norton), May 17, 1797. [a. 9 w. P.R.79.]
Joanna, wid., Mar. 15, 1728-9.
Job, s. Daniel, jr. and Anner (Daggett), July 19, 1784.
John, Mar. 8, 1769, in his 66th y. P.R.79.
John Francis, s. Vernal and Louisa (Welman) [diarrhea. dup.], Aug. 21, 1844. [a. 2 m. 18 d. dup.]
Jonathan, Dea., May 5, 1811, in his 78th y. G.R.4.
Joseph George, d. Seneca M. and Mary A., ----, 1840. G.R.13.
Julia Louisa, d. Vernal and Louisa (Welman), June 22, 1841.
Losson, s. Jonathan and Martha (Pond), Dec. 31, 1763. P.R.70. [a. 2 1-2 m. G.R.4.]
Louisa, w. David T., Dec. 26, 1845, a. 38 y. G.R.4.
Lucy Mansfield, d. Timothy P. and Britana (Makepice), Dec. 2, 1835. [a. 1 y. 9 m. 29 d. G.R.5.]
Luna, s. George and Abigil (Stanley), Aug. 21, 1789. [a. 4 y. 9 m. 19 d. G.R.5.]
Lydia Ann, d. Seneca M. and Mary A., ----, 1840. G.R.13.
Manning, s. Jesse and Bebe, ----. G.R.4.
Marther, w. ["first wife." G.R.4.] Jonathan, Aug. 14, 1770. [in her 37th y. G.R.4.]
Mary, wid., Mar. 5, 175-.
Mary, wid. Thomas, Oct, 1, 1832, in her 65th y. G.R.4.
Mary Augustus, d. Sylvan and Susanna E. F., whooping cough, Apr. 8, 1843, a. 2 y. 2 d. P.R.70.
Mary Tyler, d. Daniel T. and Louisa, Oct. 11, 1813, a. 8 y. 10 M. G.R.4.
Mason, s. Shepard and May A., at Foxborough, dysentery, Sept. 14, 1848, a. 1 y. 14 d.
Mauring, farmer, softening of brain, Mar, 12, 1847, a. 56 y.
Nancy Barrows, w. Jabez, at Portland, Me., Dec. ----, 1847. P.R.70.
Nathaniel (Standley), jr., Mar. 2, 1740.
Nathaniel, s. Daniel and Roda (Capron), Sept. 10, 1769.
Noah, s. Joseph and Mary (Dorman), Oct. 25, 1732.
Otis, Oct. 11, 1835, in his 51st y. G.R.1.
Priscilla, d. twin, Thomas and Mary (Gould), May 20, 17-.
Rebecca, see Stanley, Becca.
Rial, s. Jonathan and Martha, May ----, 1841. P.R.70.
Samuel, "ye aged," Aug. 17, 1724.
Sewell, m., machinist [h. Catharine. G.R.5.], and s. Jonathan and Hannah, disease of heart, Feb. 26, 1849, a. 61 y.
Shepard Cushing, s. Woodward and Priscilla (Phillips), Oct. 6, 1844. P.R.70.
Shepherd [Shepard Cushing. G.R.1.], b. Foxborough, s. Shepherd C. and Mary Ann, dropsy in head, Oct. 5 [1845.], a. 6 d.
Stephen, m., yeoman, s. Benj[ami]n and Abagail, disease of heart, Dec. 3, 1844, a. 81 y. 1 m. 7 d.
Stephen Olney, s. Stephen O. and Betsey, Nov. 4, 1838, a. 5 d. G.R.5.
Stillman, s. George and Abigail, Sept. 15, 1798, in his 3d y. G.R.5.
Thomas (Standley), jr., Jan. 20, 1740.
Thomas, Dr., Sept. 14, 1823, a. 58 y. G.R.4.
Thomas, s. David T. and Louisa, Sept. 15, 1833, a. 3 y. 15 d. G.R.4.
Timothy, Oct. 6, 1776, in his 50th y. G.R.11.
Walter, s. Jonathan and Marthar (Pond), June 1, 1763.
Willard P., Mar. 11, 1843, a. 7 m. 1 d. G.R.5.
William, Jan. 27, 1806. [in his 80th y. G.R.4.]
Woodward, h. Priscilla (Phillips), s. Jonathan and Hannah, Apr. 15, 1819, at Dracut, in his 34th y. P.R.70.
Zilpah, Jan. 31, 1816, a. 51 y. G.R.4.
Zilpha, wid. William, Oct. 19, 1807, in her 81st y. G.R.4.
----, s. Lot, Feb. 2, 1765.
----, s. Silvan and Susannah, fits, Jan. 6, 1847, a. 9 m. 15 d.
----, s. Milton and C., stillborn, infantile, Nov. 15, 1847.
Charles A., s. L. B. and F. D., ----, 1842. G.R.1.
[Isaac N. G.R.1.], s. Isaac B. [L. B. G.R.1.] and Frances, scarlet fever, Nov. 9, 1843, a. 2 y.
STARKEY (Starky)
Amos, Dec. 27, 1803. [1802. P.R.80.], in his 51st y.
Amos, house carpenter, s. Amos and Eunice, apoplexy, June 25, 1847, a. 55 y. 9 m., 14 d.
Andrew, Aug. 16, 1740.
Andrew, Dec. 31, 1798.
Andrew, jr., June ----, 1800.
Chloe, d. Thomas, Oct. 22, 1798.
Clarrissa, unm., d. Amos and Hannah, dyspepsia, Sept. 20, 1844, a. 27 y. 5 m. 17 d.
Deborah, d. Andrew and Sybil, old age, Sept. ----, 1849, a. 91 y.
Eleanor, unm., Oct. 10, 1820.
Emma Tyler, d. Henry and Mary, dysentery, Sept. 12, 1848, a. 1 y. 7 d.
Hannah M., housekeeper, b. Rehoboth, d. Chase and Lucy Moulton, tumor, Aug. 29, 1847, a. 54 y. 5 m. 8 d.
John, s. John and Amy (Capron), Oct. 29, 1739.
Lemuel, m., house carpenter, s. Amos and Eunice, consumption, Oct. 7, 1846, a. 59 y. 4 m. 12 d.
Mariet (Starky), d. Lemuel and Nancy, cholera infantum, Nov. 9, 1822, a. abt. 17 m. C.R.2.
Marietta, d. Lemuel and Nancy Drown, ----, 1819. G.R.1.
Miriam, d. Amos and Miriam (Thomas), Apr. 24, 1789.
Nanny, Mrs., Oct. 16, 1818. P.R.46.
Sally, d. Lemuel and Nancy Drown, ----, 1822. G.R.1.
Sally [Sally M. G.R.1.], unm., d. Lemuel and Sally [Nancy Drown. G.R.1.], consumption, Sept. 17, 1844, a. 17 y. 8 m. 13 d.
William, Mar. 23, 1778. [1788. P.R.80.], in his 46th y. G.R.12.
----, ch. Lemuel, Sept. 12, 1819. P.R.46.
----, w. Miller, consumption, Sept. 26, 1846.
STEARNS (Starns, Stearnes)
Hannah, d. Capt. John, Feb. 12, 1802, in her 58th y. G.R.13.
Isaac, s. Capt. John and Rebekah, ----, 1750. G.R.13. [Oct. 5, 1756, a. 8 m. 28 d. P.R.79.]
Job (Stearnes), s. Capt. John and Mary, Feb. 17, 1761, in his 4th y. G.R.13.
John (Starns), Apr. 26, 1761, in his 42d y. G.R.11.
John, Aug. 15, 1792. P.R.79.
Lydia, d. Capt. John and Rebecca, Feb. 22, 1822, in her 73d y. G.R.13.
Mary, wid. Capt. John, Nov. 16, 1795, in her 77th y. G.R.13.
Rebekah, w. Capt. John, Mar. 17, 1756, in her 41st y. G.R.13.
Samuel, s. John and Rebeckah, Apr. 4, 1754. [a. 6 y. 6 m. G.R.13.]
STEVENS (Stephens)
Frances, "the aged," Jan. 29, 1717.
Hannah (Stephens), w. John, Jan. 14, 1726-7. [in her 26th y. G.R.13.]
Rachel, w. John, Mar. 19, 17-.
Lucy, w. Alexander, consumption, July 19, 1845, a. 68 y.
Roxey, w. Larnard [wid. William Harris. G.R.1.], and d. Daniel and Alice Carpenter at Norton, Aug. 12, 1849, a. 47 y. 11 m. 19 d. P.R.37.
Jane, unm., b. Norton, d. William and Hannah, consumption, Dec. 12, 1845, a. 15 y. 5 m. 15 d.
STRATTON (Stratten)
Abigail, wid. [w. Lemuel. G.R.13.], old age, Mar. 15, 1848, a. 87 y. 11 m.
John (Stratten), s. Richard and Sarah (Newel), Aug. 15, 1753.
Lemuel, prevailing fever, Feb. [23. G.R.13.], 1816. [in his 55th y. G.R.13.]
STREETER (Streetor)
Deborah, w. Samuel, Nov. 17. [13. dup.], 1708.
Elizabeth, d. John and Mary, June 7, 1706.
Elizabeth, d. John and Mary, Apr. 7, 1712.
John (Streetor), Apr. 5, 1729.
John, s. John R. and Hannah, Feb. 21, 1837, a. 7 m. 3 d. G.R.1.
Mary, w. John, Feb. 5, 1715-16.
----, s. John R. and Hannah, drowned, May 19, 1843, a. 2 y.
Susan J., June 27, 1838. G.R.5.
William, h. Clarissa, Oct. 16, 1834. G.R.5.
Duty, laborer, lung fever, Jan. 12, 1847, a. 70 y.
Ebenezer, Mar. 30, 1795, in his 67th y. G.R.11.
Jesse, at almshouse, Jan. 3, 1839, a. 52 y.
Lena [Loney. G.R.5.], w. Duty, b. Cumberland, R.I., Oct. 14, 1845. [in her 62d y. G.R.5.]
Mary, w. Ebenezer, Apr. ----, 1780, in her 49th y. P.R.79.
Mary B. ["Miss." G.R.5.], d. Deuty and Loney, Apr. 8, 1821, in her 19th y. G.R.5.
Amos, widr., blacksmith, s. Amos, old age, Nov. [Dec. 14. G.R.1.], 1843, a. 77 y. 5 m.
Anne, d. Mikell [Lt. Michael. G.R.1.] and Rachil (Foster), Sept. 26, 1778. [a. 5 y. 6 m. 8 d. G.R.1.]
Asel, s. Amos and Hannah (Richardson), Sept. 25, 1775.
Bathsheba, wid. Capt. Henry, Dec. 29, 1807, in her 86th y. G.R.1.
David, s. Mikell [Lt. Michael. G.R.1.] and Rachil (Foster), Sept. 29, 1778. [a. 4 y. 4 m. 20 d. G.R.1.]
Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Naomi (Daggett), Jan. 3, 1785.
Elizabeth, w. Thomas, and wid. Daniel Carpenter, Nov. 17, 1821, in her 74th y. G.R.1.
Elizebeth, wid., June 28, 1731.
Emmala, d. Otis, dropsy in head, May 10, 1822, a. abt. 3 y. C.R.2.
Esther, w. Gideon, and d. Caleb, Esq., and Esther Richardson, Oct. 30, 1811, in her 33d y. G.R.1.
Esther, Jan. 8, 1816. P.R.46.
Eugene, b. Mansfield, s. Amos and Sarah, scarletina anginosa, Mar. 17, 1844, a. 1 y.
Experience, Jan. ----, 1806. C.R.2.
Ezra, s. Mikell [Lt. Michael. G.R.1.] and Rachil (Foster), Sept. 26, 1778. [a. 7 y. 2 m. 10 d. G.R.1.]
Fredrick Steven, ----, 1833. G.R.1.
Gardner, ----, 1833. G.R.1.
Gideon, Nov. 29, 1827, in his 80th y. G.R.1.
Gideon, at Providence, Feb. 6, 1835, in his 58th y. G.R.1.
Hannah (Peck), w. John, June 29, 1729.
Hannah, d. Capt. Henry and Bethsheba (Daggett), d. Ebenezer, July 31, 1784. [in her 21st y. G.R.1.]
Hannah, d. Amos and Sally (Sweet), Jan. 18, 1814.
Hartford, "a graduate of Brown University of the class of 1811, and looking forward to the ministry," s. Gideon and Experience, at Richmond, Va., Apr. 10, 1818, a. 27 y. G.R.1.
Henry, h. Elizabeth, Dec. 8, 1704.
Henry, Feb. 21, 1828, in his 67th y. G.R.2.
Henry, Capt., Nov. 24, 18[2-.]
Henry, ----, 1834. G.R.1.
Henry, "eldest son," Leprilete and Lydia, July 19, 1842, a. 18 y. 3 m. 7 d. G.R.1.
Hezekiah, Sept. 10, 1811, a. 4 y. 7 m. G.R.1.
Joabert, s. Amos and Sally (Sweet), Jan. 14, 1814.
John, Sept. 27, 175-. [Sept. 26, 1756, in his 59th y. G.R.2; 1754. P.R.80.]
John [jr. G.R.2.], Apr. 7, 1762. [a. 38 y. 4 m. G.R.2.]
John, s. John and Jemima, Oct. 7, 1778, in his 22d y. G.R.2.
Lucinda, w. Henry, jr., Aug. 13, 1802. [in her 38th y. G.R.2.]
Lydia [Dunham. P.R.2.], m. [w. Leprilete. G.R.1.], d. John and Anna Dunham, dropsy, Nov. 11, 1848, a. 52 y. 8 m. 29 d.
Margaret, w. Thomas, Nov. 13, 1800, a. 58 y. G.R.1.
Mary Burnham, ----, 1847. G.R.1.
Mary Smith, "second daughter" Leprilete and Lydia, Aug. 10, 1842, a. 15 y. 3 m. 19 d. G.R.1.
Michael, s. Henry and Elizabeth, May 5, 1700.
Michael [Lt. P.R.80.], Dec. ----, 1816, a. 78 y. G.R.1.
Michael, Mar. 6, 1824, a. 61 y. 8 m. 2 d. G.R.1.
Michal, Dec. 20, 1815. P.R.46.
Nabby, wid. [w. Henry. G.R.2.], d. [Rev. G.R.2.] Roland Green, b. Mansfield, apoplexy, June 11, 1843, a. 68 y.
Nancy, d. Amos and Hannah (Richardson), Sept. 24, 1789.
Nancy, w. Calvin, July 28, 1793, in her 20th y. G.R.13.
Naomi (Daggett), w. Ebenezer, June 22, 1776. [in her 35th y. G.R.11.]
Nathan, s. Thomas and Rebecca (Peck), Sept. 22, 1750.
Neomi, d. Ebnezer and Neomi (Daggett), June 5, 1776.
Oscar B., s. Joabert and Eliza, Sept. ----, 1848, a. 4 y. G.R.1.
Phebe, old age, Sept. 17, 1845, a. 82 y. 9 m. 21 d.
Philip, s. Henry and Elizabeth, Feb. 14, 1697-8.
Polly, d. Gideon and Experance (White). [after Mar. 29, 1772.]
Polly Dunham, w. Sullivan, ----, 1849. G.R.1.
Rachel, d. Thomas and Rebecca (Peck), June 26, 1740.
Rachel, w. Michael, Dec. [3. P.R.46.], 1815, a. 72 y. G.R.1.
Rebeckah, d. Thomas and Rebecca (Peck), June 16, 1740.
Rebekah, w. Thomas, June 26, 1784, in her 80th y. G.R.1.
Rebekah, wid. Zebediah, Nov. 18, 1830, in her 80th y. G.R.1. [86 y. P.R.80.]
Roland Green, s. Henry and Nabby, Feb. 27, 1816, a. 5 y. 9 m. 8 d. G.R.2.
Roxcy, d. Gideon and Experance (White), drowned, Dec. 16, 1790.
Sally, w. Amos, July 27, 1841, a. 64 y. G.R.1.
Samuel A., Sept. 18, 1811, a. 1 y. 5 m. G.R.1.
Sarah Amanda, "youngest child" Leprilete and Lydia, July 26, 1842, a. 5 y. 4 m. 15 d. G.R.1.
Simeon, Oct. 25, 1754, in his 26th y. G.R.2.
Sullivan, ----, 1812. G.R.1.
Sumner, unm., blacksmith, s. Amos and Sally, consumption, June 9, 1845, a. 45 y. 13 d.
Sylvester, ----, 1838. G.R.1.
Thomas, Dec. 1, 1766. [1760. G.R.1.] in his 66th y.
Thomas, Aug. 14, 1830, a. 88 y. 11 m. 29 d. G.R.1.
William, s. Thomas and Margaret, July 26, 1774, in his 5th y. P.R.80.
Zebediah, Mar. 5, 1826, in his 83d y. G.R.1.
Zilpah, w. Nathaniel, Dec. 7, 1805, in her 53d y.
SWEETLAND (Sweatland, Sweethand, Swetland)
Arnold, s. [Lt. G.R.10.] William, 2d, and Sary (Arnold), May 4, 1785. [1782, in his 3d y. G.R.10.]
Benoni, s. Samuel and Easther (Robbins), Dec. 3, 1753.
Betsey [Elizabeth. G.R.10.], d. Clark and Elizabeth (Handcock), Oct. 12, 1790. [a. 2 m. G.R.10.]
Bowen, s. Lt. William and Sarah, drowned, Aug. 5, 1811, in his 23d y. G.R.10.
Charles, s. [Lt. G.R.10,] William, 2d, and Sary (Arnold), Oct. 12, 1789. [in his 4th y. G.R.10.]
Charles E., s. Clark and Hannah S., Nov. 17, 1821, a. 6 y. 6 m. G.R.10.
Charles Russell, s. Alfred D. and Hannah S., July 25, 1835, a. 3 y. 4 m. 5 d. G.R.10.
Charlotte, d. Clark and Hannah S., Mar. 17, 1804, a. 6 w. G.R.10.
Clark, Jan. 1, 1818, a. 60 y. 11 m. G.R.10.
Cordelia Litus, d. Alfred D. and Hannah S., Sept. 15, 1841, a. 18 m. G.R.10.
Elizabeth [H. G.R.10.], w. Clark [Dec. 5, 1798, a. 41 y. 1 m. 16 d. G.R.10.]
Elizabeth, see Sweetland, Betsey.
Ellen Augusta, d. Alfred D. and Hannah S., Oct. 21, 1829, a. 14 m. 15 d. G.R.10.
George (Swetland), s. John, jr. and Lydiah (Day), d. David, Apr. ----, 1755.
Hannah S., w. Clark, May 12, 1838, a. 61 y. 9 m. G.R.10.
Horace S., s. Clark and Hannah S., Dec. 13, 1811, a. 9 y. 1 m. 10 d. G.R.10.
James, h. Mary (Shepardson), June 3, 1784.
John, h. Rebecah, June 9, 1711. [in his 58th y. G.R.18.]
John W., Nov. 26, 1826, a. 53 y 6 m. 18 d. G.R.10.
Levi [Levi H. G.R.10.], husbandman. [s. Clark and Elizabeth H. G.R.10.], consumption, Sept. 8, 1847, a. 59 y.
Lina [Lina H. G.R.10.], unm., consumption [ch. Clark and Elizabeth H. G.R.10.], Sept. [27. G.R.10.], 1843, a. 45 y.
Marette, d. George and Nancy (Walker), Oct. 13, 1796.
Mary (Sweethand), d. William and Nany, old age, Feb. 1, 1849, a. 80 y.
Nancy, unm., housekeeper [old age. in pencil.], Sept. 9, 1847, a. 83 y.
Pheba (Sweethand), d. William and Nany, old age, Feb. 1, 1849, a. 81 y.
Sally (Sweethand) [Sarah. G.R.10.], m., d. William and Nancy, old age, Apr. 3, 1849, a. 78 y. 8 m. 12 d.
Samuel [s. Clark and Elizabeth H. G.R.10.], Mar. 14, 1837, in his 51st y.
Sarah, w. William, Nov. 8, 1834, in her 73d y. G.R.10.
William, "a Lieutenant in the Revolution of 1775," Jan. 9, 1837, a. 82 y. G.R.10.
William (Sweethand), yeoman, s. William and Nany, old age, Jan. 28, 1849, a. 77 y.
----, (Sweatland), ch. Mr., Nov. 4, 1820. P.R.46.
Ann, b. England [a native of Stockport, England. G.R.1.] w. George, childbirth, Nov. 5, 1846, a. 28 y. 10 m. 9 d.
Owen, laborer, bur. Pawtucket, explosion of boilers, Mar. 28, 1848, a. 40 y.
Aza Read, s. Dea. Moses of Harford, Pa., and Sarah, Oct. 10, 1814, a. 3 y. 11 d. G.R.13.
Bethiah, w. [wid. G.R.1.] Rev. Peter, Jan. 27, 1793. [in her 64th y. G.R.1.]
Calista C., d. Dea. Peter and Salona, Nov. 23, 1824, in her 20th y. G.R.1.
Nanne, wid. Dea. Peter, Jan. 17, 1816, in her 62d y. G.R.1.
Nathan Prince, s. Rev. Peter and Bithiah Carpenter, Sept. 19, 1772. [a. 9 m. 7 d. G.R.1.]
Ona, s. Peter, jr. and Anna (Tyler), Aug. 6, 1788. [a. 4 m. 12 d. G.R.1; in her 1st y. P.R.80.]
Peter, Rev. [M. A., "the late Faithful & beloved Pastor of the 2nd Chh of Christ in Attleborough." G.R.1.], Sept. 13, 1785. [in his 70th y. and in the 43d y. of his Ministry. G.R.1.]
Peter, Dea., Dec. 4, 1814, in his 62d y.
Salona, w. Dea. Peter, Oct. 31, 1824, in her 45th y. G.R.1,
----, s. Peter and Susan, Nov. 2, 1832, a. 36 h. G.R.1.
Abiathar, m., farmer, Sept. [Oct. G.R.15.] 7, 1845, a. 77 y.
Benjamin L., m., engine ran over him, Sept. 29, 1849, a. 35 y. 10 m.
George W., infantile, Sept. 3, 1848, a. 6 m.
Laben, s. John and Deborah, May 3, 1771. P.R.49.
Joseph, s. Joseph F., Sept. 30, 1843, a. 11 m.
Georgie, s. John and Emily, ---- 1849, a. 2 y. 5 m. 9 d. G.R.5.
----, Mrs., Jan. 1, 1821. P.R.46.
Elisabeth, explosion, bur. Pawtucket, Mar. 28, 1848, a. 6 y.
George, laborer, bur. Pawtucket, explosion, Mar. 28, 1848, a. 8 y.
James, laborer, bur. Pawtucket, explosion, Mar. 28, 1848, a. 11 y.
Lucretia, wid., bur. Cranston, R.I., old age, July ---- 1844, a. 84 y.
Thomas, laborer, bur. Pawtucket, explosion, Mar. 28, 1848, a. 53 y.
Anna (Draper), w. Jason, Jan. 23, 1803.
Atheistan, s. William and Mary, Sept. 28, 1808, a. 30 y. 1 m. 2 d. G.R.1.
Hannah, w. Laban, Apr. 9, 1797. [a. 26 y. P.R.79.]
Harriet A., d. William and Linda, Aug. 4, 1833, a. 1 y. 10 M. G.R.12.
----, d. Alfred, bowel complaint, Nov. 23, 1843, a. 5 m.
TIFFANY (Tifany, Tiffaney)
Amey, d. Noah and Mary, Mar. 1, 1808, in her 17th y. P.R.80.
Bathseba (Tifany) [w. Daniel. G.R.1; wid. P.R.46.], Jan. 15, 1815. [in her 79th y. G.R.1.]
Benj[ami]n, s. Daniel, Nov. 5, 1795, in his 23d y. P.R.80.
Bethiah (Tiffaney), w. James, Dec. 27, 1711.
Caroline, unm., May 28, 1840, a. 73 y. P.R.80.
Charlott, Mrs., May 28, 1840, a. 78 y. G.R.1.
Charlotte, w. Capt. Joseph, Jan. 30, 1842, in her 78th y. G.R.12.
Daniel, Mar. 24, 1812, in his 76th y. G.R.1.
Deliverance, d. John and Deliverance [Parmiter. dup.], June 25, 1744.
Deliverance, wid. John, Nov. 16, 1798, a. 81 y. G.R.1.
Ebenezer, Capt., Oct. 3, 1807, in his 74th y. G.R.12.
Elizabeth, w. James, Aug. 1, 1796, in her 92d y. G.R.12.
Eunice Weld, d. William and Betsey, Sept. 17, 1823, in her 35th y. G.R.12.
Hannah, w. Noah, Aug. 28, 1785, in her 24th y. G.R.1.
James, Oct. ----, 1776, a. 79 y. G.R.12.
James Albert, s. Joseph A. and Eunice C., Nov. 5, 1841, a. 15 y. 2 d. G.R.2.
John, h. Deliverance (Parmiter), Jan. 10, 1788, in his 77th y. "Left 10 Living Children."
Jonathan (Tiffaney), s. James and Elizabeth, Sept. 13, 1717.
Lorin, s. Noah, Oct. 24, 1805. P.R.80.
Mary, w. Samuel, Dec. 30, 1772, in her 61st y. P.R.80.
Molly, wid. Capt. Ebenezer, Sept. 18, 1825, in her 87th y. G.R.12.
Sally, Nov. 29, 1841, in her 77th y. G.R.1.
Sam[ue]l, Jan. 9, 1781, in his 81st y. P.R.80.
Tenty, eldest d. Capt. Ebenezer and Molly, Oct. 10, 1789, a. 19 y. 8 m. G.R.12.
William, Nov. 2, 1789, a. 29 y. 5 m. G.R.12. [in his 34th y. P.R.80.]
----, d. Noah and Mary, Mar. 1. 180-, in her 17th y. G.R.1.
Mary A., b. Nashua, d. Leonard, consumption, Aug. 12, 1848, a. 22 y. 11 m.
Mary Ann, d. Sam[ue]l and Nancy (Woodcock), Mar. 18, 1809.
Nancy. m., d. ---- Woodcock, dysentery, Sept. 27, 1849, a. 70 y. 6 m. 3 d.
Abigail, w. Timothy, July 9, 1807. [in her 39th y. G.R.13.]
Araunah, Aug. 13, 1775, in his 31st y. G.R.13.
Araunah, at Providence, May 26, 1822. a. 46 y. G.R.13.
Augustus, s. Thomas and Betsey, Apr. 1, 1814, a. 8 m. 5 d. G.R.13.
Benjamin, s. Lt. Samuel and Hannah, June 15, 1734, in his 16th y. G.R.13.
Benjamin, s. Samuel and Margaret (Short), May ----, 1828, a. 87 y. P.R.30.
Betsey (Ingraham), 2d w. Thomas, jr., Aug. 17, 1813. [in her 46th y. G.R.13.]
Elizabeth, Mrs., Jan. 6, 1768, in her 73d y. G.R.13.
Elizebeth, w. Thomas, jr., Dec. 23, 1797, in her 28th y.
Esther, w. Thomas, Aug. 16, 1724. [in her 53d y. G.R.13.]
Eunice, d. Samuel and Margaret, Dec. 20, 1831, a. 80 y. G.R.13.
Eunice, w. Capt. Timothy, May 26, 1839, a. 60 y. G.R.13.
Eunice S., d. Timothy and Eunice, Feb. 19, 1835, in her 19th y. G.R.13.
[George Wells. G.R.13.], s. Otis R. and Anjanette [R. G.R.13.], scrofula, July 9, 1845, a. 2 y.
Hannah, w. Samuel, Apr. 17, 1763, a. 77 y. G.R.13.
Keziah [wid. Aranuah. G.R.13.], fever, Mar. [12. G.R.13.], 1816. [in her 69th y. G.R.13.]
Lewis, s. Samuel and Margaret (Short), Feb. 29, 1825, a. 83 y. P.R.30.
Lucy, wid. Nathan, Jan. 15, 1816, in her 69th y. G.R.13.
Lucy (Kent), w. Edward, May 12, 1817. P.R.27.
Marcy, d. Samuel, jr. and Margritt (Short), Aug. 15, 17-.
Margaret, wid. Samuel, and d. Rev. Mathew Short, "the first settled minister in Attleborough," and Margaret, Nov. 5, 1808, a. 91 y. G.R.13.
Margaret, d. Samuel and Margaret, Aug. 30, 1825, a. 87 y. G.R.13.
Martha, w. Thomas, Nov. 22, 1805. [in her 74th y. G.R.13.]
Nathan [at Providence. G.R.13.], Nov. 10, 1798, in his 48th y.
Nathan, brother of Hartford, at Charleston, S.C., Apr. 6, 1832, a. 48 y. G.R.13.
Otis L. [Otis Elliott. G.R.13.], b. Providence, s. Otis R. and Angenette [R. G.R.13.], dysentery, Aug. 31, 1848, a. 9 y. 2 m. 14 d.
Otis R., h. Anjanette R., Oct. 6, 1844, a. 32 y. G.R.13.
Rebeckah Cushman, d. Samuel [jr. P.R.30.] and Rebeckah [ (Cushman). P.R.30.], Nov. 30, 1790, a. 4 w. 4 d. G.R.13.
Rebekah, w. Samuel, and d. Jacob and Elisabeth Cushman, Dec. 6, 1790, a. 30 y. G.R.13.
Rhoda, d. Ens. Timothy and Ruth (Pattridge), Mar. 28, 1740.
Rufus, s. Benjamin and Siblah (Fuller), Aug. 29, 1780.
Ruth, w. Capt. Timothy, July 29, 1776. [1778. P.R.79.], in her 74th y. G.R.13.
Ruth, d. Thomas and Martha, Nov. 30, 1803, a. 38 y. G.R.13.
Samuel [h. Hannah. P.R.30.], and s. Samuel and Martha, June 24, 1765, a. 75 y. G.R.13.
Samuel, s. Samuel and Hannah, Oct. 15, 1784, a. 70 y. G.R.13.
Samuel [jr. P.R.30.], m., sculptor [s. Samuel and Margaret (Short). P.R.30.], old age, Mar. 21, 1846, a. 92 y. 11 m. 5 d.
Samuel Lee, s. Timothy and Lydia, May 21, 1828, a. 2 y. 7 m. G.R.13.
Sibula, d. Benjamin and Siblah (Fuller), Sept. 10, 1780.
Susan, w. Elisha, consumption, Apr. 25, 1845, a. 40 y.
Sybula, w. Benjamin, June 16, 1782, in her 37th y. G.R.13.
Thomas [jr. P.R.79.], s. Thomas and Easter, June 15, 1724. [in his 22d y. G.R.13.]
Thomas, Sept. 23, 1724. [in his 58th y. G.R.13.]
Thomas, Jan. 9, 1809. [in his 77th y. G.R.13.]
Thomas Agustis, s. Thomas, jr. and his 2d w. Betsey (Ingraham), Apr. 1, 1814.
Thomas Tyler, s. Thomas, jr. and Elizabeth, Dec. 28, 1797, a. 1 h. G.R.13.
Timothy, Capt., Sept. 21, 1779, in his 82d y. G.R.13.
Tim[oth]y, Capt., fever, Mar. [6. G.R.13.], 1816. [in his 48th y. G.R.13.]
----, inf. ch. Thomas, jr. and Elizebeth, Dec. 23, 1797.
Emma Theresa, b. New York, d. Orlando and Sally A., Nov. 16, 1843. G.R.14.
John Murray, s. Orlando and Sally A., Sept. 6, 1837, a. 4 y. G.R.13.
Sarah Agnes, d. Orlando and Sally A., Feb. 25, 1837, a. 17 m. 12 d. G.R.13.
Abigail, d. Samuel, Apr. 15, 1715.
Anna S., ----, 1827. G.R.13.
Annah, d. Nemiah and Annah (Bardeen), Dec. 9, 1757.
Betsey, w. John, liver complaint, Oct. 22, 1844. a. 65 y. 3 m. 8 d.
Chloe, w. Samuel, Nov. 15, 1825, in her 56th y. G.R.13.
Clefford, s. Ezekiel and Lois (Richardson), Nov. 1, 1792. [in his 4th y. P.R.80.]
Cordelia, d. John and Elizabeth (Swan), after Jan. 3, 1809.
Cornelia, July 4, 1708, a. 22 y. G.R.13.
Cornelious, s. John and Mary (Daggett), July 8, 1768.
Cornelius [Cornelia. G.R.13.], s. Simeon and Hannah (Allen), Sept. 30, 1771. [a. 20 m. G.R.13.]
Elisabeth, wid. Sam[ue]ll, Sept. 5, 1726.
Elizebeth, wid. Robert, Mar. 18, 1806.
Hannah, w. Simeon, Dec. 17, 1805, a. 58 y. G.R.13.
James, July 11, I819. P.R.46.
John, Mar. 16, 1768, a. 28 y. G.R.13.
John, Oct. 13, 1785, in his 85th y. G.R.13.
John, July 21, 1825, in his 48th y. G.R.13.
Jonathan, Dea., July 27, 1793. [in his 6&th y. G.R.13.]
Mary, w. Silus, Feb. 9, 1729.
Mary, wid. John, Dec. 1, 1791, in her 84th y. G.R.13.
Nemiah, s. Samuell and Sarah (Bishup), Sept. 12, 1757.
Rebekah, wid. [Dea. Jonathan. G.R.13.], Feb. 7, 1807. [a. 71 y. G.R.13.]
Rhoda, Jan. 26, 1769, a. 25 y. G.R.13.
Robbins, s. Samuel and Chloe, Oct. 14, 1807, in his 17th y. G.R.13.
Robert, Feb. 21, 1731-2, in his 48th y. G.R.13.
Samuel, "ye aged," July 12, 1726. [a. 65 y. G.R.13.]
Samuel, s. Robert and Sarah (Deering), May 14, 1728.
Samuel, s. Simeon and Hannah, Sept. 9, 1805, in his 24th y. G.R.1.
Sam[ue]ll, s. Samuell and Sarah (Bishup), Mar. 11, 1730.
Sarah, w. Samuel, Feb. 14, 1725, a. 26 y. 5 m. G.R.13.
Sarah, w. Samuell, Mar. 14, 1729-30.
Simeon, Sept. 11, 1811, in his 72d y. G.R.13.
TOLMAN (Tollman)
Elizabeth, Sept. 14, 1727, a. 1 y. P.R.80.
Hannah (Tollman), w. Henry, Nov. 11, 1735.
Molly, Jan. 26, 1804.
Benjamin, May 2, 1743, in his 70th y. G.R.18.
TOWNE (Town)
Abishai. Sept. 8, 1835, in his 78th y. G.R.4.
Elizabeth, Nov. 19, 1836, in her 76th y. G.R.4.
Gideon (Town), Oct. 6, 1832, in his 79th y. G.R.1.
Lucinda (Town), wid. Abishai, old age, Apr. 10, 1844, a. 75 y.
Lydia, Nov. 13, 1836, in her 81st y. G.R.4.
Martha (Town), w. Gideon, Nov. 5, 1799, in her 76th y. G.R.4. [in her 70th y. P.R.79.]
Miranda, w. Willard, Jan. 10, 1829, in her 33d y. G.R.4.
Rosamond (Town), d. Abishai and Lucinda, and "Twin Sister to Mrs. Clark," Dec. 29, 1832, in her 24th y. G.R.4.
Salem (Town), unm., yeoman, s. Abisha and Lucinda, apopleptic fit, Aug. 28, 1845, a. 45 y. 4 m. 14 d.
Willard, July 12, 1830, a. 36 y. G.R.4.
Willard Richardson, s. Willard and Miranda, Dec. ----, 1828, a. 24 d. G.R.4.
Julia, w. Benjamin, and d. Nathaniel Fisher, Dec. 10, 1841, in her 35th y. G.R.1.
Julia Ann, d. Benjamin and Julia, May 10, 1840, a. 10 m. G.R.1.
Eli Sabins, s. Sabins and Annjeanette B., of Boston, May 1, 1847, a. 6 y. 10 m. G.R.13.
Damiris, Nov. 18, 1786. [1780. P.R.79.], in her 92d y. G.R.13.
Hannah, w. Benj[amin], June 26, 1728.
John, s. Joseph and Mercy, Apr. 28, 1724.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Mercy, July 7, 1724.
Joseph, Jan. 16, 1741.
Levina, d. Richard and Margrit (Daggett), Jan. 13, 1741.
Mercy, d. Joseph and Mercy, Aug. 24, 1718.
Richard, "the aged," Jan. 7, 1710-11.
Aaron, s. James, May 24, 1758.
Dollee, w. Ephraim, Jan. 12 [19. dup.], 1813.
Dorcas, w. James, 2d, in Vermont, June 8, 1831. G.R.1.
Elizabeth [Betsey, w. Robert. G.R.1.], June 14, 1826, a. 43 y. 3 m. 27 d. P.R.68.
Ephraim, s. Epharim and Dollee (Abell), June 14, 1799.
George, s. Epharim and Dollee (Abell), Sept. 30, 1819.
Hannah, d. Epharim and Dollee (Abell), Oct. 29, 1789.
James, 1st, Aug. 15, 1762, a. 40 y. G.R.1.
James, 2d, in Virginia, ----, 1781, a. 42 y. G.R.1.
Martha, w. James, 1st, Apr. 6, 1801, a. 78 y. G.R.1.
Mary Ann, d. Robert and Betsey, Nov. 3, 1826, a. 18 y. G.R.1.
Pollee, d. Ephraim, May 19, 1808.
Robert, s. Epharim and Dollee (Abell) [at Newport, N.Y. G.R.1.] , Sept. 23, 1817. [a. 36 y. G.R.1.]
Roxse, d. Epharim and Dollee (Abell), Dec. 12, 1797.
Sally, d. Epharim and Dollee (Abell), May 12, 1808.
----, ch. Abel, Sept. 22, 1819. P.R.46.
Lydia E., w. Delford B., Aug. 6, 1836, a. 28 y. 6 d. G.R.10.
Whiple, consumption, Aug. 26, 1846, a. 64 y.
TUFTS (Tuffts)
Chloe Read, w. James C., and d. Artemas and Betsey Stanley, May 26, 1827, in her 23d y. G.R.4.
Emeline [A. P.R.70.], unm., school teacher, b. West Cambridge, d. James [Cutler. P.R.70.] and Chloe [Read. P.R.70.], typhus fever. Sept. [July. G.R.4 and P.R.70.] 21, 1844, a. 21 y. 10 m. 13 d.
James [Cutler. G.R.4.] (Tuffts), of West Cambridge, relapse of fever, Apr. 14, 1827, a. 25 y. P.R.70.
Sarah [Sarah Abigail. G.R.5.], d. Chester L. and Jane Taylor [Sarah J. G.R.5.], inflammation of bowels, July 6, 1849, a. 7 y. 6 m. 5 d.
TYLER (Tiler)
Abijah, Dr., at Hampden, Me., Aug. 22, 1807, in his 28th y. G.R.1.
Abijah W., s. Abijah Weld and Fanny (Richardson), Mar. 9, 1803.
Abijah, see Tyler, Habijah.
Anna, w. Capt. John, Aug. 23, 1793, a. 71 y. C.R.1.
Benjamin, s. Samuel and Mary (Capron), Sept. ----, 172-.
Betsey, w. Samuel, Feb. 1, 1829, in her 42d y. G.R.13.
Ebenezer (Tiler), June 29, 1736. [in his 50th y. G.R.1.]
Ebenezer, Col., Jan. 29, 1811. [in his 71st y. G.R.13.]
Ebenezer, Esq., formerly representative in the State Legislature, s. John and Anna, and grands. Ebenezer and Catharine, at Pawtucket, Oct. 15, 1827, a. 67 y. G.R.2.
Eleanor, w. William, Oct. 10, 1791, a. 34 y. P.R.79.
Habijah, s, Ebenezer and Hannah (Read), Oct. 1, 1775. [in his 7th y. G.R.13.]
Hannah (Tiler), d. Ebenezer and Kathar[i]ne (Brag), Oct. 2, 1723.
Hannah, wid. Col. Ebenezer, Sept. 18, 1822, in her 79th y. G.R.13.
John, Capt., Jan. 11, 1794, a. 69 y. G.R.1.
Joseph, s. Ebenezer and Mary, Aug. 25, 1813, a. 22 y. G.R.2.
Katherine [w. Ebenezer. G.R.1.], Nov. 8, 1763. [in her 64th y. G.R.1; in her 74th y. P.R.80.]
Leander, s. Ebenezer and Hannah (Read), Sept. 26, 1775. [in his 5th y. G.R.13; in his 8th y. P.R.79.]
Leander, s. [Col. G.R.13.] Ebenezer and Hannah (Read), July 26, 1790. [in his 9th y. G.R.13.]
Mary, d. Samuel and Mary (Capron), June 28, 1724.
Mary, wid. Capt. Samuel, Jan. 26, 1780. [1789. G.R.13.], in her 84th y.
Mary, w. Ebenezer, Esq., Oct. 5, 1804, in her 44th y. G.R.2.
Moses, Lt., Oct. 9, 1804, in his 83d y. G.R.13.
Nathan, s. Nathan and Rebecca, Apr. 29, 1777, in his 19th y. G.R.13.
Nathan, Dec. 28, 1790, in his 61st y. G.R.13.
Patience. w. Lt. Moses, Nov. 15, 1756, in her 32d y. G.R.13.
Phebe, Nov. 26, 1818, in her 63d y. G.R.1.
Rachel, w. Ebenezer, Esq., and d. Dea. Daniel Deane of Norton, also formerly w. Thomas Fobes, Esq., of Boston, at Pawtucket, Mar. 5, 1834, in her 61st y. G.R.2.
Rowland, s. Ebenezer and Hannah (Read), Oct. 1, 1775. [in his 9th y. G.R.13.]
Samuel, May 17, 1759, in his 64th y. G.R.13.
Samuel, Capt., May 17, 1775, in his 64th y. P.R.79.
Samuel, Sept. 11, 1796, in his 36th y. G.R.13.
Samuel, s. Samuel and Mary (Capron), Oct. 15, 17-.
Samuell (Tiler), s. Samuel and Mary (Capron), Apr. 27, 1724.
Thankful, wid. Lt. Moses, Aug. 25, 1846, in her 83d y. G.R.13.
Walter, widr., farmer [brother of Samuel. G.R.13.], fever, Mar. 5, 1846, a. 82 y. 8 m. 15 d.
----, inf. s. ----, Dec. 9, 1796. P.R.80.
Eleanor, iv. William, Oct. 10, 1791, a. 34 y. G.R.13.
Francis, s. Maria, infantile, May 11, 1847.
William Henry, s. Maria, infantile, Mar. 20, 1848.
Rebekah Latimer, d. Charles and Rachel, Aug. 8, 1819, a. 15 m. 1 d. G.R.1.
Mary, Mrs., at Boston, Sept. 16, 1845. P.R.21.
WALCOTT (Walcutt)
Emeline Ellis, w. Benjamin E., July 17, 1845. G.R.5.
Erastus, at Wilkinsonville, Mar. 22, 1846, a. 47 y. G.R.13.
Hannah, w. Pentecost, Apr. 8, 1807. [in her 60th y. G.R.11.]
Mandana, d. Moses, jr. and Ruth, Mar. 6, 1790, in her 2d y. P.R.79.
Martha (Walcutt) [d. Pentacost and Hannah. P.R.79.], June 2, 1798. [in her 21st y. P.R.79.]
Sarah Henrietta, d. Erastus and Sarah, at Milan, O., Aug. 11, 1849, a. 24 y. G.R.13.
Ezra Carpenter, s. Ezra and Martha (Blanding), Aug. 21, 1810.
Francis, marasmus, Sept. 22, 1846, a. 6 m.
Huldah, ----, 1815. C.R.2.
John, s. Daniel and Mary (Perry), Oct. 15, 1748.
Keziah, d. Daniel and Mary (Perry), Nov. 1, 1747.
Martha (Blanding), w. Ezra, ---- [bet. 1813 and 1821.]
Mehitabel, d. Daniel and Mary (Perry), after Jan. 6, 1731-2.
WALTON (Wolten)
Amos [Wolten. C.R.2.], Dea., Feb. 6, 1811, a. 63 y. G.R.2.
Charles EdRards, s. Amos and Polly H., a. 8 m. 23 d. G.R.2.
Jerusha, wid. Dea. Amos, July 23, 1835, in her 84th y. G.R.2.
Jerusha, d. Dea. Amos and Jerusha, Apr. 22, 1842, in her 64th y. G.R.2.
Jemima, d. Ebenezer and Mary, Sept, 8, 1740, in her 8th y. G.R.13.
Manning, s. Ezra and Huldah, Sept. 28, 1798, a. 1 y. 11 m. G.R.13.
Gardner, m., machinist, b. Ashley, chronic enteritis, Sept. 1, 1844, a. 26 y.
James, s. James and Lucinda [after 1816.], in his 8th y. G.R.5.
James, May 19, 1835, a. 17 y. G.R.5.
Simeon, s. Simeon and Jemima (Gary), Jan. ----, 1746-7.
Emily Augusta, at Boston, d. Benjamin and Nancy J., fits, Aug. 1, 1848, a. 26 d.
Nancy J., m., at Boston, d. Bela and Roby Peck, consumption, Feb. 8, 1848, a. 28 y. 9 d.
WEDGE, David, s. John and Sarah, Mar. 18, 171-.
Sarah, w. John, Jan. 17, 1725.
Mary, wid., Mar. 9, 1728-9.
Mary, d. John and Mary (Rowley), July 19, 1740.
Richard, Aug. 26, 1724.
Abijah, see Weld, Habijah.
Eunice, June 21, 1825, a. 74 y. C.R.1.
Habijah [Abijah. G.R.13.], Rev. [pastor of the first Church of Christ in Attleborough. G.R.13.], May 14, 1782, in his 80th y. and 55th of his Ministry.
Judith, d. Rev. Abijah and Mary, Sept. 13, 1767, in her 37th y. G.R.13.
Katherine, d. Rev. Habijah [Abijah. G.R.13.] and Mary (Fox), Mar. 28, 1746. [in her 15th y. G.R.13.]
Mary, Mrs., "ye aged" [w. Rev., "late of Dunstable." G.R.13.], June 2, 1731. [in her 64th y. G.R.13.]
Mary, wid. Rev. Abijah, Jan. 7, 1799, in her 93d y. G.R.13.
Samuel, s. Rev. Abijah and Mary, June 30, 1720, a. ---- m. G.R.13.
Samuel, s. Rev. Habijah and Mary (Fox), "ye last of" June [30. P.R.79.] , 1740. [a. 1 m. P.R.79.]
Samuel, Dr., s. Rev. Abijah and Mary, June 15, 1767, in his 21st y. G.R.13.
Thomas, s. Rev. Habijah and Mary (Fox), May 17, 1736. [a. 7 m. G.R.13.]
WELLMAN (Weellman, Welman)
Asa, h. Olive (Jenks), Sept. 6, 1842, a. 70 y. 6 d.
Daniel, Nov. 10, 1830, in his 24th y. P.R.61.
Easther (Welman), d. Joseph and Charity (Hall), May 30, 172-.
Elijah, June 20, 1790, in his 58th y. G.R.13.
John (Welman), s. John and Union, Nov. 7, 1768.
John, "eating his supper," Nov. 1, 1787, in his 62d y. G.R.3.
Julia, Oct. 7, 1812, in her 5th y. P.R.61.
Lot, cooper, old age, Apr, 2, 1845, a. 79 y.
Lucy Ann, w. Dexter, ----, 1841. G.R.13.
Mary (Welman), d. John and Union, Feb. 7, 1741-2.
Mary, w. John, Apr. 1, 1783, in her 49th y. P.R.80.
Mary, Apr. ----, 1818, in her 16th y. P.R.61.
Nancy, d. Lot and Marcy, June 14, 1827, in her 28th y. G.R.13.
Olive, w. Asa, Apr. 13, 1814, in her 42d y. P.R.61.
Rachel, d. Elijah, Jan. 16, 1816, in her 57th y. G.R.13.
Radil (Welman), d. Joseph and Charity (Hall), Mar. 26, 174-.
Rhoda, wid. Elijah, Aug. 4, 1814, in her 80th y. G.R.13.
Rhoda, Dec. 16, 1836, in her 76th y. G.R.13.
Simon (Weellman), s. Joseph and Charity (Hall), Feb. 15, 17-.
Union (Welman), d. John and Union, July 6, 1775. [a. 20 y. 1 m. 20 d. G.R.2; a. 27 y. P.R.80.]
William (Welman), s. Joseph and Charity (Hall), May 13, 1742.
William (Welman), s. Joseph and Charity (Hall), Feb. 24, 1744-5.
Wilson, unm., mechanic, s. James, dropsy, Mar. 4, 1844, a. 36 y.
Benjamin G., at Bencia, Cal., Dec. 14, 1849, a. 27 y. 2 m. 20 d. G.R.2.
Henry Russell, s. Benjamin G. and Mary M., Oct. 6, 1848, a. 6 m. G.R.2.
WETHERELL, see Witherell.
Hiram, m., mason, b. Rehoboth, consumption, Aug. 6, 1845, a. 44 y. 11 m. 19 d.
Maria, d. Hiram and Louisa, lung complaint, Nov. 6, 1844, a. 3 m. 8 d.
Mary, w. Muby, old age, Nov. 2, 1846, a. 89 y. 2 m. 4 d.
Sarah, wid. Nathan, Nov. 2, 1846, a. 89 y. G.R.1.
W[illia]m Henry, scarlet fever, at Boston, June 9, 1833. P.R.21.
Amy, d. [Ens. G.R.13.] Jeremiah and Deborah (Bucklin), scalded, Apr. 27, 1721. [in her 3d y. G.R.13.]
Israel, drowned, June 13 [1720.] "Found and buried June 18 [1720]."
Israel, Esq., Oct. 12, 1760. [1750. P.R.79.], in his 47th y. G.R.13.
Jencks,m., farmer, lung fever, Dec. 19, 1846, a. 77 y.
Jeremiah, Ens., May 14, 1721. [in his 38th y. G.R.13.]
Julia F., d. William and Julia, infantile, Aug. 28, 1847, a. 2 d.
Nancy, w. William G., and d. Eleazer and Hannah Bosworth, Oct. 19, 1834, in her 24th y. G.R.5.
Aurelia, wid. Zachariah, consumption, Jan. 2, 1845, a. 48 y.
Beriah, s. twin, Eben[e]zer and Abigail (Paine), June 13, 1721.
Bethania, wid., b. Bridgewater, d. Solomon and ---- Alden, old age, Oct. 31, 1848, a. 87 y. 10 m. 10 d.
Catharine A., d. Deronza and Catharine A., ----, 1837. G.R.13.
Catharine A., w. Deronza, ----, 1840. G.R.13.
Charles A., Mar. 1, 1849, a. 32 y. P.R.69.
Charls, s. Zachariah and Aurelia (Richardson), Dec. 13, 1814.
Chloe, d. Jonathan, jr. and Abigail, Dec. 2, 1789, a. 4 y. 7 m. 27 d. G.R.1.
Ebenezer, Rev., Sept. 4, 1726. [in his 42d y. G.R.13.]
Ebenezer, Feb. 3, 1747-8. [in his 36th y. G.R.13.]
Edward, Nov. 30, 1784, in his 66th y. G.R.13.
Edward, jr., July 31, 1813, in his 42d y. G.R.1.
Elias, s. Zachariah and. Hipzebath (Woodcock), Nov. 2, 1782.
Eliphalet, ----, 1840. G.R.13.
Experience, w. Gideon, Jan. 7, 1806, a. 54 y. P.R.80.
Eunice, w. Paul, Jan. 4, 1819, in her 64th y. G.R.13.
Gideon, Nov. 29, 1827, in his 80th y. P.R.80.
Hannah [Hannah T. G.R.13.], w. Doronza, "sudden," Oct. 23, 1843, a. 36 y. 6 m.
Henry E., s. Emory E. and Eliza, Aug. 22, 1842, a. 6 m. G.R.2.
Jason, Oct. 11, 1826, a. 33 y. G.R.2.
Lucy H., w. Jason, June 28, 1827, a. 36 y. G.R.2.
Lydia H., d. Horace, puerperal hemorrhage, Aug. 24, 1846, a. 7 m. 25 d.
Mahitable, d. Edward, Aug. 22, -----9. [1798. P.R.80.], in her 41st y. G.R.1.
Mehitable, wid. Edward, June 2, 1788, in her 79th y. G.R.13. [in her 70th y. P.R.79.]
Molina, Apr. 23, 1816. P.R.46.
Nahum, B. North Providence, s. Enos and Mary, drowned, Oct. 7, 1847, a. 10 y. 3 m. 18 d.
Nancy, Oct. 19, 1845.
Nancy, b. Wrentham, w. Elisha, sudden, Aug. 4, 1848, a. 60 y. 5 m. 6 d.
Patience, d. twin, Eben[e]zer and Abigail (Paine), June 14, 1721.
Patience, June 16, 1835, a. 46 y. P.R.69.
Patience, July 25, 1843, a. 90 y. P.R.69.
Rebecca, w. Thomas, June 26, 1784, in her 80th y. P.R.80.
Sarah, w. Gideon, Jan. 7, 1806, a. 85 y. P.R.80.
Simeon, paralysis, Aug. 27, 1846, a. 86 y.
Thomas, Dec. 1, 1766, in his 66th y. P.R.80.
Thomas, Mar. 28, 1816, a. 68 y. P.R.69.
----, June ----, 1818, a. 18 h. P.R.4.
David, Oct. ----, 1806, in his 37th y. G.R.11.
Eaton, s. David and Patty (Daggett), Jan. 24, 1806.
Jason A., m., b. Dedham, bur. Wrentham, numb palsy, May 14, 1845, a. 54 y.
Jimason, s. David and Patty (Daggett), Feb. 7, 1806.
Nancy Walker, d. John and Marcy (Titus), Nov. 26, 1808.
Olive F., d. Lewis and Susan, Feb. 19, 1836, a. 12 y. 11 m. G.R.5.
Sylvia, d. David and Ruth [Patty. P.R.80.], Jan. 18, 1818, in her 22d y. G.R.11.
William, s. John and Marcy (Titus), Aug. 16, 1803.
----, s. Felix G. and C., stillborn, Sept. 30, 1849.
----, ch. Mr., May 11, 1815. P.R.46.
Thomas, m., b. Bridgewater, consumption, June 16, 1848, a. 32 y. 1 m. 2 d.
Esther [eldest. G.R.13.], d. Rev. John and Esther (Tyler), July 17, 1808. [in her 18th y. G.R.13.]
Esther (Tyler), w. Rev. John, Jan. 19, 1811. [in her 42d y. G.R.13.]
Habijah Weld, s. twin, Rev. John and Esther (Tyler), Sept. 17, 1808. [a. 20 d. G.R.13.]
John, Rev., for more than 33 years pastor of the First Congregational Church, Feb. 12, 1836, a. 77 y. G.R.13.
WILKINSON (Wilkisson)
Ezra, s. John and Hannah (Fisher), Jan. 1, 1785.
John (Wilkisson), Jan. 24, 1724-5.
Susan, at almshouse, June 29, 1839, a. 82 y.
Adelaide Francis [Adelaide E. G.R.1.], d. Thomas and Polly (Richardson), Nov. 7, 1839. P.R.17. [a. 6 y. ---- m. 15 d. G.R.1.]
Gustavus, s. Joseph and Jane, Aug. 18, 1832, in his 20th y. G.R.12.
James L., s. Jeremiah and Harriet N., ----, 1842. G.R.5.
Julius G., s. Joseph and Jane, Mar. 24, 1835, in his 16th y. G.R.12.
Mary, unm., consumption, Dec. 26, 1845, a. 35 y.
Ebenezer, Mar.----, 1752.
Sarah, Apr. 13, 1805, in her 51st y. P.R.80.
WILMARTH (Willmarth)
Alber Nelson [Albert Nelson, G.R.1.], s. Benoni and Fanny (Fuller) [cholera infantum. C.R.2.], Nov, 20, 1822. [a. 9 m. 23 d. G.R.1.]
Albert A., s. Parley and Mary S., Nov. 8, 1821, a. 1 y. 7 m. 21 d. G.R.12.
Alice, w. Lt. Elkanah, Oct. 6, 1790, in her 56th y. P.R.80.
Almira, m. [w. Albert. G.R.5.], d. Abial and Chloe Codding, childbed, Sept. 6, 1848, a. 29 y.
Amanda, d. Stephen and Mary (Atwell), d. William, July 28, 1801.
Anna, b. Norton, w. Nathan, at Braintree, colic, Mar. 31, 1847, a. 69 y. 4 m. 3 d. [in her 60th y. G.R.1.]
Anne, d. Thomas and Deborah (Peck), May 15, 1744.
Anne, d. Tho[ma]s, jr. and Hepzibah (Claflen), Sept. 10, 1746.
Benoni, s. Benoni and Fanny (Fuller), Nov. 20, 1818. [a. 8 m. 4 d. G.R.1.]
Benoni, m., yeoman, s. Dan, fever, Sept. 13, 1844, a. 51 y.
Bethany (Bishopt), w. John, jr., July 22, 1790.
Bulah, wid. Jonathan, Feb. 14, 1770, in her 79th y. G.R.7.
Clantina (Willmarth), d. Preston and Desire, Oct. 26, 1802, a. 4 y. 1 m. 29 d. G.R.12.
Dan, widr., yeoman, s. Nathan, old age, Dec. 15, 1844. [1845. G.R.1.], a. 94 y. 11 m. 18 d.
Daniel (Willmarth), Lt., Feb. 17, 1769, in his 64th y. G.R.7.
Daniel, s. Daniel and Patty, Sept. 5, 1831, a. 4 y. 3 m. 16 d. G.R.1.
Deborah, w. Thomas, May 22, 1737.
Ebenezer, s. Thomas and Deborah (Peck), July 13, 1736.
Ebenezer, Jan. 24, 1828, in his 89th y. G.R.12.
Elias R. [Elias Alonzo. G.R.2.], s. Elias [Elias. R. G.R.2.] and Betsey, dysentery, Aug. 27, 1844, a. 1 y. 3 m.
Eliphalet, May 1, 1815. P.R.46.
Eliphalet N., s. Eliphalet, 3d, and Sally, June 9, 1833, a. 3 y. 13 d. G.R.1.
Elizabeth (Willmarth), wid. Moses, Oct. 1, 1814. [Sept. 24, 1814, in her 82d y. G.R.7.]
Elkanah (Willmarth), Dea., Dec. 7, 1828, in his 100th y.
Fanney, d. Benoni and Fanny (Fuller), Apr. 21, 1821.
Fanny Fuller, d. Benoni and Fanny, Apr. ----, 1762, a. 1 y. 3 m. G.R.1.
George Henry, s. Moses and Rebecca, scarletina, May 24, 1846, a. 6 y. 3 m. 7 d.
Hannah, wid., Apr. 19, 1724.
Hannah, w. Eliphlett, Dec. 19, 1802, in her 71st y.
Hannah, w. Capt. Dan, Aug. 22, 1815, in her 65th y. G.R.1.
Hannah, unm., d. Eliphalet, old age, Jan. 22, 1844, a. 86 y.
Harriet S. (Willmarth), w. Moses, and d. Henry and Lucinda Sweet, Sept. 12, 1826, in her 34th y. G.R.1.
Ichabod (Willmarth), s. Nathan and Mary (Stacy), Nov. 22, 1731.
John C., s. Eliphalet and Abigail, Feb. 1, 1837, in his 25th y. G.R.2.
Jonathan (Willmarth), jr., Apr. 20, 1752, in his 20th y. G.R.7.
Jonathan, Sept. 14, 1756, in his 67th y. G.R.7.
Joseph, Aug. 15, 1841, a. 89 y. 4 m. G.R.1.
Learned, May 5, 1841. G.R.1.
Lidiah (Willmarth), d. Daniel and Meheteble (Carpenter), Jan. 15, 1747.
Lucinda, unm., school teacher, d. Moses and Harriet, consumption, May 8, 1844, a. 27 y. 7 m. 7 d.
Lydia B., b. Norton, dysentery, Jan. 9, 1849, a. 5 m.
Lydia Bishop (Willmarth), d. Eliphalet and Sally, dropsy in head, July 22, 1845, a. 11 y. 4 m. 13 d.
Martha, d. Daniel and Patta, Sept. 28, 1834, a. 6 m. 11 d. G.R.1.
Mary, d. John and Peddy, dysentery, Aug. 17, 1844, a. 1 y. 2 m. 10 d.
Meheteble, w. Daniel, Mar. 22, 1747.
Mercy, w. Nathan, Mar. 11, 1808. [1807. C.R.2.], in her 83d y. G.R.1.
Molley, Oct. 14, 1841, a. 85 y. 9 m. 16 d. P.R.68.
Moses, s. Jonathan and Beulah (Henneway), Feb. 3, 1724-5.
Moses (Willmarth), Capt., Nov. 16, 1779, in his 68th y. G.R.7.
Nathan, Dec. 7, 1813, in his 91st y. G.R.1.
Nathan, Feb. 26, 1830, in his 37th y. G.R.1.
Sarah (Sweett) (Willmarth), w. Ebenezer, Oct. 12, 1774. [in her 39th y. P.R.80.]
Seth, m., laborer, s. Eliphalet, intemperance, Dec. 26, 1844, a. 55 y. 4 m. 26 d.
Stephan (Willmarth), Apr. 27, 1765.
Stephen, town pauper, burned, June 30, 1847, a. 85 y.
Thomas, s. Tho[ma]s, jr. and Hepzibah (Claflen), Oct. 4, 1746.
Thomas, May 23, 1759, in his 74th y.
Thomas (Willmarth) [jr. G.R.1.], Nov. 26, 1779. [in his 33d y. G.R.1.]
Thomas, Feb. 5, 1793. [a. 80 y. G.R.1.]
Thomas, s. David and Harriet, typhus fever, June 12, 1846, a. 5 y. 5 m. 26 d.
----, w. Otis, and d. Nathan and Ann Wilmarth, Feb. 25, 183-, a. 30 y. G.R.1.
----, d. Jon[athan], Sept. 9, 1819. P.R.46.
----, Mr., bur. Jan. 7, 1828, a. 92 y. C.R.1.
----, s. Albert and Almira, stillborn, Aug. 28, 1848.
Francis, s. Samuel and Mariah Walker, red canker, Sept. 24, 1846, a. 5 m. 10 d.
----, ch. John and Abby, Feb. 1, 1846, a. 2 d.
WITHERELL (Wetherell)
Davis (Wetherell), s. Daniel and Mary, June 19, 1743, in his 3d y. P.R.80.
Mary (Wetherell), w. Daniel, Dec. 18, 1747, in her 27th y. P.R.80.
Naham M., scalded, Jan. 19, 1845, a. 1 y. 9 m.
Sarah Jane (Wetherell), bur. South Wrentham, d. Shepard A. and Jane C., lung fever, May 9, 1846, a. 1 y. 11 m. 21 d.
Lydia, w. Thomas, July 21, 1834, a. 73 y. G.R.13.
Lydia W., w. Thomas W., and d. Comfort E. and Anna Claflen, Oct. 20, 1840, a. 25 y. 2 m. 11 d. G.R.1.
WOOD (Woods)
Elizabethe, d. Daniel W., internal injury, Dec. ----, 1848, a. 7 y.
Lydia (Woods), Feb. 4, 1842, in her 81st y. G.R.10.
WOODCOCK (Woodcok)
Abigail, w. Joseph, Apr. 4, 1708. [1768. P.R.80.]. in her 49th y. G.R.1.
Abigail, d. Jonathan and Malatiah (Lane), Nov. 28, 1736.
Abigail S., ----, 1839. G.R.5.
Benj[ami]n, s. David and Abigail (Holms), Feb. 9, 1768. [in his 2d y. P.R.80.]
Benjamin, Oct. 25, 1791, in his 87th y. G.R.1.
Benj[ami]n, widr., pauper, old age, Jan. 30, 1844, a. 86 y.
Caroline, wid. Jonathan, consumption, June ----, 1843, a. 82 y.
Charles, h. Jane, Sept. 6, 1841, a. 47 y. G.R.12.
George, s. John and Elizabeth (Capron), Oct. 22, 1778. [in his 2d y. P.R.80.]
George Allen, s. Jonathan and Caroline, Jan. 7, 1786, a. 4 y. 1 m. 19 d. G.R.2.
George Allen, s. Jonathan and Corline (Freeman), Dec. 19, 1792.
Israel ( Woodcok), ---- [17-.]
John, Oct. 20, 1701.
John, s. John and Elizabeth (Capron), Oct. 17, 1778.
Jonathan, sr., Dec. ----, 1736.
Jonathan, sr., h. Corline (Freeman), Oct. 24, 1819.
Joseph, Sept. 23, 1801.
Joseph, at almshouse, Oct. 15, 1838, a. 83 y.
Margaret, wid. Benjamin, Mar. 20, 1801, in her 36th y. G.R.1. [in her 86th y. P.R.80.]
Martha, 2d w. Joseph, Apr. 10, 1801.
Mercy, Sept. 30, 1820. P.R.46.
Nathaniel (Woodcok), s. Israel and Elizabeth, June 15, 1705.
Polly, d. Jonathan and Corline (Freeman), Sept. 10, 1799.
Polly M., d. Charles and Jane, Aug. 11, 1839, a. 12 y. G.R.12.
Rachel, d. Benjamin and Margaret, "died young," after May 12, 1756. P.R.70.
Sarah, May 10, 1724.
Sarah, d. William and Submit, Oct. 31, 1765. [1761. P.R.80.], in her 8th y. G.R.1.
Thomas (Woodcok), s. Jonathan and Mary, May 14, 1706.
William (Woodcok), Oct. 27, 1703.
Sarah [b. Ireland. P.R.79.], wid. Thomas, May 19, 1789. [1780. P.R.79.], in her 87th y. G.R.13.
Thomas, May 18, 1788, in his 77th y. G.R.13.
James, b. Roxbury, s. James M., dysentery, Aug. 13, 1848, a. 8 y. 1 m. 2 d.
Louisa (Britt), w. W[illia]m, Oct. 15, 1848, a. 26 y. P.R.16.
William, house wright, b. Dundee, Scotland, s. Thomas and Lucy, bilious fever, July 13, 1846, a. 21 y. 4 m. 10 d.
William, h. Louisa (Britt), at Stockton, Cal., Oct. ----, 1849. P.R.16.
William H., s. Thomas and Jane, July 14, 1816, a. 22 y. 4 m. G.R.1.
----, Benny, Nov. 10, 1848, a. 5 y. G.R.13.
Caesar [Maxcy. P.R.79.], "the best of slaves," Jan. 15, 1780, in his 77th y. G.R.11.
READ, Lydia, "coloured," at almshouse, Dec. 29, 1840, a. 79 y.