Vital Records Of Attleborough Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By The Essex Institute Salem, Mass. 1934
Deaths - ABBOTT to DYE
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

William, bur. North Providence, s. William, dropsy of brain, Mar. 9, 1848, a. 3 y. 23 d.
George R., s. Ralph and Elizabeth, Oct. 4, 1840, a. 10 y. 3 m. G.R.1.
Horace C., s. Ralph and E[lizabeth. G.R.1.], dysentery, Aug. 15, 1848, a. 4 m. 3 d.
Martha [F. G.R.1.], d. Ralph and Elizabeth, whooping cough, Nov. 26, 1845, a. 1 y. 6 m. 4 d.
Martha W., d. Ralph and Elizabeth, Aug. 14, 1842, a. 7 m. 15 d. G.R.1.
Oscar, s. Joseph G. and Eliza, Aug. 15, 1839, a. 8 m. 15 d. G.R.5.
David [B. G.R.5.], unm., mechanic, s. Samuel and [Ruth B. G.R.5.], "haemoptysis," June 14, 1843, a. 17 y. 10 m.
Henry, Capt., June 22, 1753, in his 57th y. G.R.13.
Loisa, d. Susannah, consumption, July ----, 1849, a. 45 y.
Albert, ----, 1832. G.R.12.
Benjamin, 3d, s. Josiah and Elisabeth (Shepardson) [Blesey. G.R.13.], Dec. 11, 1791. [in his 6th y. G.R.13.]
Benjamin, Jan. 9, 1808. [in his 87th y. G.R.13.]
Benjamin, m., s. Squire, consumption. Apr. ----, 1849, a. 35 y.
Bicknel, Apr. 16, 1801, in his 42d y. G.R.1.
Caroline M., d. Josiah and Rowena, June 2, 1836, a. 23 y. 10 m. 24 d. G.R.13.
Catharine, w. Benjamin, Mar. 2, 1804, in her 69th y. G.R.13.
Elizabeth, wid. Josiah, Jan. 19, 1844, in her 82d y. G.R.13.
Ephriam, Mar. 12, 1780, a. 91 y. G.R.13.
Ephriam, s. Ephriam and Huldah, Oct. 10, 1780, a. 3 y. P.R.80.
Esther, ----, 1832. G.R.12.
George, Capt., Oct. 22, 1822, in his 26th y. G.R.13.
Harriet, dysentery, Oct. 6, 1846, a. 6 m.
Huldah, d. Ephraim and Huldah (Brown), Oct. 10, 1778. [Oct. 10, 1780. G.R.11; a. 3 y. P.R.79.]
Josiah, Dec. 28, 1830, in his 75th y. G.R.13.
Katharine, d. Isaac and Katharine, Dec. 11, 1703.
Louis Leprelete, s. David and Peddy, Sept. 2, 1835, a. 12 y. G.R.1.
Mary, w. Benjamin, May 8, 1778, a. 53 y. G.R.13.
Mary Maria, d. David and Peddy, Sept. 7, 1833, a. 18 y. G.R.1.
Nathaniel, Sept. 14, 1818. P.R.46.
Polly, "crazy," Dec. 13, 1846, a. 73 y.
Samuel, Mar. 3, 1824.
Samuel [T. P.R.30.], m., farmer, s. Josiah [jr. P.R.30.] and Rowena [ (Tingley). P.R.30.], suicide, Aug. 9, 1844, a. 28 y. 5 m. 13 d.
Squire, m., consumption, Aug. 30, 1848, a. 60 y.
William, s. Isaac, consumption, June 15, 1846.
Zipporah, w. Ephriam, Dec. 28, 1769, a. 80 y. G.R.13.
----, (Bent), w. Robert [after Nov. 28, 1812.]
----, "mother of Mrs. Caleb Fuller," bur. Apr. 22, 1828, a. 80 y. C.R.1.
Mary, w. John, July 22, 1753.
William, Mar. 4, 1775, in his 34th y. P.R.79.
ANDRUS (Andros)
Lenord, b. Middleborough, Nov. 21, 1846, a. 65 y.
Lucinda (Andros), b. Middleborough, bur. Attleborough East Parish, d. Taunton almshouse, Nov. 21, 1846, a. 65 y.
Harriet, m., consumption, July 5, 1844, a. 29 y. 2 m. 2 d.
Betsey, consumption, Oct. 3, 1846, a. 17 y.
Luther, s. Joseph and Molley, May 11, 175-. [1756. P.R.79.], a. 2 m. G.R.13.
Samuel, widr., b. Cumberland, R.I., fever, Apr. 16, 1846, a. 68 y.
ATHERTON (Artherton)
Consider, h. Sarah (Huchins), May 4, 1814.
[Con]sider, June 30, 1815. C.R.2.
Content, w. Samuel, and formerly wid. Rufus Atherton, June 10, 1835, in her 52d y. G.R.12.
Ezra, s. Consider and Sarah (Huchins), May 11, 1808.
Mary, d. Daniel and Mary, Aug. 20, 1810, in her 17th y. G.R.13.
Mary, w. Phillip, Jan. 5, 1835, in her 78th y. P.R.62.
Nancy, d. Samuel and Content, Sept. 2, 1826, a. 5 m. 28 d. G.R.12.
Nancy, Nov. 28, 1832. P.R.55.
Patience, w. Samuel, Nov. 6, 1819, in her 25th y. G.R.12.
Philip, Mar. 7, 1834. P.R.62.
Rufus, Oct. 10, 1816, a. 44 y. G.R.12.
Ruth Childs, d. Rufus and Content, Oct. 11, 1836, in her 20th y. G.R.12.
Samuel, ----, 1799. G.R.12. [Mar. 27, in his 65th y. P.R.80.]
Samuel, s. Rufus and Content, Aug. 14, 1807, a. 2 y. 6 m. 8 d. G.R.12.
Sarah (Artherton), wid., June 29, 1815. P.R.46.
Sarah, wid. Samuel, May 5, 1820, a. 87 y. G.R.12.
Simon, s. Samuel and Patience, Dec. 31, 1840, in his 27th y. G.R.1.
ATWELL (Attwill)
Ichabod, s. Richard and Sarah (Bolkom), Dec. 29, 1739.
Mary, w. Richard, Jan. 18, 1755, in her 40th y. G.R.3.
Richard, father of Amos, of Providence, Jan. 26, 1767, in his 63dy. G.R.3.
Sarah (Attwill), w. Richard, Nov. 17, 1739. [in her 36th y. P.R.80.]
Sarah, d. Richard and Sarah, Nov. 16, 1747, in her 20th y. P.R.80.
William, Mar. 4, 1775, in his 31st y. G.R.13.
William A., s. W. L. and W., Oct. 2, 1820. G.R.12.
William L., m., yeoman [h. Welthy. G.R.12.], old age, June 14 [8. G.R.12 and P.R.56.], 1843, a. 81 y.
George W., s. "Mis" Catharine, dysentery, Aug. ----, 1848, a. 5 m.
Rebekah, Jan. 24, 1781, in her 70th y. P.R.79.
Charlotte, w. Stephen, June 4, 1838, a. 56 y. G.R.12.
Edward Kenrick, s. Willard F. and Hariet N., Mar. 21, 1843, a. 1 y. 9 m. 21 d. G.R.12.
Emeline [Maria. G.R.1.], d. Horatio [N. P.R.35.] and Hannah [G. (Bullock). P.R.35.], typhus fever, July 31, 1846, a. 9 y. 5 m. 16 d.
Frederic, May 4, 1847, a. 3 y.
----, d. Willard [1846 or 1847.]
Adela M[aria. G.R.5.], d. George and Avis Bicknell (Fales), Aug. 20, 1842. [Aug. 26, 1843, a. 14 y. 25 d. G.R.5.]
Avis B. [Avis B. Fales, w. George. G.R.5.] Apr. 29, 1833. [a. 40 y. 5 m. 15 d. G.R.5.]
Catharine, wid. Maj. Ebenezer, and formerly wid. Capt. Jabez Gay, Nov. 29, 1835, in her 76th y. G.R.13.
Ebenezer, s. Edward and Elizabeth (Stanley), Oct. 25, 1754.
Ebenezer, Maj. [fever. dup.], Dec. 31, 1815. [in his 60th y. G.R.5.]
Edward, Dec. 5, 1789, a. 75 y. G.R.5.
Elenor, w. [Capt. G.R.5.] Eben[eze]r, Dec. 13, 1793. [a. 39 y. G.R.5.]
Elizabeth, wid. Edward, Dec. 2, 1790, a. 70 y. G.R.5.
George Albert, s. George and Avis B., May 8, 1847, a. 33 y. 3 m. 12 d. G.R.5.
Jonathan, s. Edward and Elizabeth (Stanley), Sept. 28, 1756.
Joseph [Dr. P.R.79.], July 19, 1777, in his 32d y. G.R.5.
Mary, d. Edward and Elizabeth (Stanley), Oct. 10, 177-. [1779, in her 21st y. G.R.5.]
Oscar B., Sept. 17, 1833. P.R.67.
Ann R. [w. Ezra. G.R.1.], d. Thomas and [Rebecca. G.R.1.] Cooper, Sept. 23, 1847, a. 24 y. 2 m. 19 d.
Susan, bur. Pawtucket, explosion, Mar. 28, 1848, a. 19 y.
----, "Mrs.," Oct. 19, 1845.
BALCOM (Balkcom, Bolcom, Bolkcom, Bolkcome, Bolkcurn, Bolkom)
Abel H., s. Luna and Hannah, Nov. 13, 1842, a. 26 y. 11 d. G.R.1.
Alexander (Bolkom), "ye aged," Jan. 31, 1727-8.
Alexander (Bolkcom), Mar. 3, 1759. [Mar. 31, 1759, in his 63d y. G.R.2.]
Alexander, Mar. 7, 1809, a. 80 y. G.R.1.
Alfred (Bolkom), m., blacksmith, consumption, Feb. 6, 1845, a. 51 y. 3 m. 7 d.
Ann, unm., d. David, consumption, July 7, 1843, a. 18 y.
Benjamin, Col., Aug. 17, 1831, a. 61 y. G.R.1.
Charles, s. David and Fanny, Oct. 2, 1791, a. 2 y. G.R.1.
Charles O., s. Luna and Hannah, May 7, 1826, a. 11 m. 1 d. G.R.1.
Chickering, d. David and Furey (Phillips) [Fanna, Apr. 19, 1783, a. 1 y. 7 m. 11 d. G.R.1.]
Chickering, wid. Lt. William, Mar. 19, 1814, in her 76th y. G.R.1.
Chloe, d. Nathan, Feb. 13, 1804.
Eliza A., July 7, 1843, a. 18 y. G.R.1.
Enoch, s. Enoch and Sally (Bishop), Jan. 3, 1801.
Enoch, Aug. 18, 1808, a. 40 y. G.R.1.
Everett (Balkcom), Attorney at Law, s. Jacob, Esq. [and Tryphena. G.R.1.], Dec. 19, 1823. [a. 27 y. G.R.1.]
Hannah E., d. Luna and Hannah, Mar. 5, 1825, a. 10 y. 4 m. 18 d. G.R.1.
Huldah, June 1, 18-. G.R.1.
Jacob, Esq., Apr. 29, 1839, a. 76 y. G.R.1.
Joseph, Dec. 17, 1787, a. 81 y. 9 m. 11 d. G.R.1.
Joseph, Jan. 20, 1805.
Louis, d. Lt. William and Chickering, May 26, 1783, a. 21 d. G.R.1.
Martha, wid. Alexander, July 31, 1781. [in her 84th y. G.R.2.]
Martha, wid. Col. Benjamin, Dec. 16, 1836, a. 65 y. G.R.1.
Mary (Bolkom), w. John, Jan. 4, 1732-3.
Mary (Bolcom), w. William, Feb. 2, 1772. G.R.1. [in her 83d y. P.R.80.]
Naaman B., s. Enoch and Sally, Apr. 6, 1825, in his 31st y. G.R.1.
Nancy (Bolcom), w. Alfred, May 1, 1841, a. 41 y. G.R.1.
Olive Thomas, d. Eben[eze]r and Betcy (Starkey), Feb. 16, 1821.
Ruphus, s. Lt. William and Chickering, Nov. 29, 1782, a. 1 y. 8 m. 26 d. G.R.1.
Samuel (Bolkom), Jan. 20, 1810.
Samuel R., s. Luna and Hannah, June 6, 1828, a. 2 m. 7 d. G.R.1.
Sarah (Bolkcome), d. twin, William and Mary (Tiler), Oct. 9, 1718.
Timothy, Nov. 30, 1815. P.R.46.
William (Bolkcum), s. William and Mary (Tiler), Feb. 21, 1725.
William (Bolkom), s. William and Mary (Tiler), June 9, 1726.
William (Bolcom), Mar. 30, 1774, in his 30th y. G.R.1. [in his 83d y. P.R.80.]
----, wid., June 6, 1815. P.R.46.
Mark W., June 25, 1837, in his 30th y. G.R.5.
Sarah W., d. Mark W. and Sarah R., Apr. 13, 1841, a. 3 y. 9 m., G.R.5.
Mary, w. Nathaniel, Oct. 14, 1747, in his 51st y. G.R.19.
Nathaniel, Jan. 11, 1747, in his 60th y. G.R.19.
Eleaner, d. Samuel and Elisabath (Fuller), Apr. 3, 1766.
Eleanor, May 28, 1793, in her 29th y. G.R.2. [Mar. 28, 1798, in her 26th y. P.R.80.]
Emily Frances, at Wrentham, Dec. 27, 1845. P.R.69.
George, s. Thomas and Susanah (Riggs), Sept. 24, 1783.
Samuel, s. Samuel and Elisabath (Fuller), Aug. 3, 1774.
Bitty, w. Joseph, Nov. ----, 1816. C.R.2.
Cyrel W., s. Daniel and Elizabeth, Sept. 14, 1825, a. 1 y. 11 m. 25 d. G.R.13.
BARROWS (Barres, Barrow, Barrus)
Aaron, Lt., Dec. 21, 1801, in his 58th y. G.R.13.
Abigail Guild, d. Milton and Mary Ann, Sept. 7, 1840, a. 1 y. 9 m. 20 d. G.R.13.
[Adelaide. G.R.13.], ch. Milton, jr. [and Mary Ann. G.R.13.], "without limbs," Sept. ----, 1843, a. 3 y. [June 25, 1843, a. 2 y. 7 m. 14 d. G.R.13.]
Anna, Feb. 28, 1819, in her 48th y. G.R.13.
Benaiah, Jan. 5, 1754. [in his 71st y. P.R.79.]
Benaiah, s. John, Oct. 25, 1758, in his 21st y.
Benjamin, Feb. 20, 1801, in his 84th y. G.R.13.
Benjamin, jr., s. Benjamin and Leah, Jan. 22, 1822, a. 19 y. G.R.13.
Benjamin, Mar. 7, 1832, in his 80th y. G.R.13.
Catharine Babcock, d. Comfort and Mela, Mar. 11, 1837, a. 2 y. 2 m. G.R.13.
Charles Augustus, s. Milton and Mary Ann, Jan. 9, 1836, a. 3 y. 9 m. 11 d. G.R.13.
Diadime (Barrow), Mrs., July 29, 1783.
Deidanar, w. Beninah, July 26, 1786. G.R.3.
Eleanor, Mrs., Feb. 26, 1801, in her 60th y. G.R.13.
Elijah (Barres), s. Benaiah and Lidia, May 9, 1725, in his 5th y. G.R.13.
Elizabeth (Barres), d. Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Lyon), Sept. 23, 1717.
Ester (Killey), 2d w. William, Dec. 20, 1793, in her 39th y.
Esther Dunwell, d. Comfort and Mela, Feb. 24, 1824, a. 8 m. G.R.13.
Ezra, jr., s. Ezra and Bebee (Peck), Jan. [Feb. G.R.13.] 18, 1816.
Ezra, h. Bebee (Peck), Aug. 12, 1817. [in his 50th y. G.R.13.]
Gideon, Benaiah and Deiadamiah (Capron), d. Joseph, Oct. 25, 1752.
Gideon, June 26, 1783.
Hannah, d. twin, Benjamin and Hannah (Sweting), Nov. 26, 1746.
Hannah, w. Benjamin, Oct. 3, 1788, in her 76th y. G.R.13.
Hannah, d. Benjamin and Hannah, Dec. 28, 1815, in her 69th y. G.R.13.
Huldah, w. William, Nov. 6, 1777, in her 26th y. G.R.13.
John, Oct. 20, 1783, in his 79th y. G.R.13.
Josephine, d. Aaron and Eveline, measles, Nov. 10, 1844, a. 1 y. 11 m. 10 d.
J---, Aug. ---- 1788, in his 64th y. G.R.13.
Leah, wid. Benjamin, Oct. 17, 1835, in her 81st y. G.R.13.
Leonard Herbert, s. Leonard and Hannah, Oct. 29, 1826, a. 8 m. G.R.13.
Lucy, Mrs. [d. Benajah. P.R.80.], Mar. 22, 1784. [in her 29th y. P.R.80.]
Lucy, w. Comfort, Dec. 21, 1815. [in her 38th y. G.R.13.]
Lydia (Barres), w. Benajah, Jan. 28. 1724-5. [in her 44th y. P.R.79.]
Lydia, Mrs., May 25, 1792, in her 47th y. G.R.13.
Maria, w. Hiram, Nov. 14, 1839, a. 51 y. G.R.13.
Mary [W., d. Hiram and Maria. G.R.13.], Mar. 23, 1845, a. 24 y. 11 m. 16 d.
[Mary. G.R.13.], wid. [Aaron. G.R.13.], old age, Feb. 16, 1847, a. 100 y. 7 d.
Mela Blake, w. Comfort, Nov. 14, 1836. G.R.13.
Milton, s. Milton and Mary Ann, Jan. 16, 1844, a. 1 y. 4 m. 4 d. G.R.13.
Milton, husbandman, disease of heart, Nov. [9. G.R.13.], 1847, a. 79 y.
Miner[v]a L. [E. G.R.2.], d. Wheaton and Mary [P. G.R.2.], dysentery, Sept. 21, 1847, a. 5 m. 3 d. [a. 3 y. 5 m. 14 d. G.R.2.]
Nancy (Read), w. Carlos, consumption, Jan. 2, 1820.
Priscilla, wid. John, Feb. 17, 1801, in her 84th y. G.R.13.
Rebecca, Mrs., June 8, 1800, in her 73d y. G.R.13.
Rebecca, housekeeper, w. Milton, hemorrhage, Nov. 20, 1845, a. 71 y. 8 m. 27 d.
Sarah, d. John and Persillah (Philbrook), Mar. 13, 1749.
Selinda, w. Lt. Philbrook, Dec. 13, 1801, a. 44 y. G.R.13.
Simon, Feb. 13, 1816, in his 63d y. G.R.13.
William, Dec. 17, 1795, in his 47th y. [in his 48th y. G.R.13.]
William, s. Ezra and Bebee (Peck), Aug. 1, 1808. [a. 5 m. G.R.13.]
William, s. Aaron and Evaline, May 13, 1836, a. 15 m. G.R.13.
----, w. Joseph, Dec. 18, 1815. P.R.46.
----, inf. d. Milton and Mary Ann, "born and died Sept. 3, 1835." G.R.13.
----, ch. Milton, jr., Jan. ----, 1844, a. 5 m.
James, s. Rev. John and Mary, bp. June 1, 1760. C.R.1.
Chloe, d. Joshua and Mehetahle, Dec. ----, 1770.
Judson H. (Bacheler), s. Origin and Charlotte W., Sept. 4, 1849, a. 1 y. 7 d. G.R.2.
Origin, editor [h. Charlotte W. G.R.2.], insanity, Mar. 14, 1848, a. 48 y. 1 m. 4 d.
BATES (Bats)
Betsey, w. Solomon, abdominal tumor, July 19, 1843, a. 52 y.
Catherine, w. Solomon, Feb. 2, 1816, a. 53 y. G.R.1.
Charles [F. G.R.1.], unm., laborer, s. Asa and Achsah, consumption, Mar. 18, 1845, a. 19 y. 6 m. 8. d.
Charles Henry, Nov. 28, 1829. P.R.54.
Fanny, unm., consumption, Oct. ----, 1844.
Hannah (Bolkcom) (Bats), w. Solomon, Aug. 27 [1787, in her 50th y. G.R.1.]
Jacob, s. John and Chloey, Mar. 17, 1779. [1776. P.R.80.], in his 3d y. G.R.12.
John, July 23, 1829, in his 58th y. G.R.2.
John Nicholds, Feb. 15, 1832. P.R.54.
Mary [Mary A. G.R.1.], d. Asa and Achsah, whooping cough, July 28, 1846, a. 1 y. 5 m. 2 d.
Minerva Ingraham, d. Rosamond and Samuel C., Apr. 29, 1843, a. 3 m. G.R.1.
Nancy, d. Solomon, jr., and Katharine, Feb. 25, 1804, a. 2 y. 3 m. 26 d. G.R.1.
Rosamond, w. Samuel C., and d. Hezekiah and Anna Sweet, Mar. 8, 1842, a. 29 y. G.R.1.
Solomon, widr., farmer, s. Solomon and Catharine, old age, Feb. 11, 1846, a. 84 y. 6 m. 2 d.
Benjamin, s. John and Mary (Everet), Oct. 2, 1720.
Betsey A., w. Josiah, ----, 1849. G.R.5.
Maria A., June 21, 1849, a. 21 y. 6 m. 16 d. P.R.27.
Hermon S., m., button maker, typhoid pneumonia, Dec. 30, 1846, a. 32 y.
Elizabeth G., d. Stephen and Joanna S., Sept. 23, 1838, a. 1 y. 3 m. 23 d. G.R.2.
Frances, d. Stephen and Joanna S., Mar. 30, 1840, a. 4 y. 8 m. 12 d. G.R.2.
BISHOP (Bishup)
Alanson, m., yeoman, s. Zephaniah, consumption, May 5, 1845, a. 74 y. 4 m. 26 d. [in his 84th y. G.R.1.]
Bethany, w. Nathanael, Mar. 16, 1786, in her 47th y. G.R.2.
Betsey, w. Alanson, Aug. 19, 1827, in her 47th y. G.R.1.
Dorathy (Bishup), w. William, June 4, 1718, in her 41st y. G.R.13.
Ephraim, s. Joseph and Merriam (Hogges), Oct. 4, 1747.
Hezekiah, at New Orleans, s. Capt. Zephaniah and Sarah, July 22, 1809, in his 42d y. G.R.1.
Huldah, d. Joseph and Merriam (Hogges), Jan. 11, 1749.
Joseph, May 8, 1749. [in his 43d y. P.R.80.]
Joseph, s. Joseph and Miriam, Dec. 29, 1759, in his 22d y. G.R.1. [24th y. P.R.80.]
Lorenzo, a graduate of Brown University in 1801, s. Capt. Zephaniah and Sarah, Mar. 26, 1809, in his 24th y. G.R.1.
Mary (Bishup), w. Ebenezer, July 27, 1727.
Naman [Norman. P.R.46.], Jan. 30, 1817. [1816. P.R.46.], a. 35 y. G.R.2.
Nathan (Bishup), Dec. 27, 1783. [in his 41st y. G.R.13.]
Priscilla, d. twin, Samuel and Mary, May 26, 1713.
Samuel (Bishup), June 8, 1726. [in his 54th y. P.R.79.]
Sarah, w. Capt. Zephaniah, May 18 [1813. C.R.2.], in her 67th y. G.R.1.
Sarah, unm., mantua maker, d. Zephaniah and Lydia, consumption, Sept. 27, 1845, a. 19 y. 2 m. 8 d.
Zephaniah, jr., on the Prison Ship Jersey, at New York, s. Capt. Zephaniah and Sarah, Aug. 11, 1781, in his 16th y. G.R.1.
Zephaniah, May 7, 1834, in his 52d y. P.R.80.
Zephaniah, Capt., Aug. 25, 1835, in his 91st y. G.R.1.
----, inf. s. Zephaniah and Sarah, May 10, 1779. G.R.1.
----, wid., Jan. 7, 1816. P.R.46.
----, twin sons Zephaniah, jr, and Lydia Carpenter, Feb. 14, 1817, "born and died same day." G.R.1.
BLACKINTON (Blackenton)
Aaron, h. Sarah (Alldis), Dec. 2, 1802. [in his 20th y. P.R. 79; in his 29th y. P.R.80.]
Amos Sweet, s. Willard and Clarisa (Sweet), Jan. 18, 1829.
Chloe, wid. Othniel, Apr. 18, 1825, in her 65th y. G.R.11.
Clara Virginia, d. William and R., dysentery, Sept. 22 [1848.], a. 10 m. 2 d.
Day, s. Joel and Sarah (Blake), Aug. 9, 1789.
Day, s. Joel and Sarah (Blake), Oct. 13, 1795.
Filena (Richards), w. Lemuel, Mar. 16, 1811.
George, Mar. 28, 1778. [1780. P.R.79.], in his 59th y. G.R.11.
George, m., s. George, paralysis, Oct. 16, 1848, a. 77 y.
John (Blackenton), s. Pentecost and Mary, May 9, 1706.
John, Sept. 4, 1770, in his 44th y. P.R.79.
John, s. William and Elizabeth, June 3, 1805, in his 15th y. P.R.80.
Margaret, w. Peter, Jan. 26, 1816, in his 82d y. P.R.80.
Mary, wid. Pentecost, May 4, 1738, in her 76th y. G.R.11.
Mary, wid. Pentacost, Nov. 9, 1771, in her 83d y. P.R.80.
Mary, w. George, May 9, 1802, in her 50th y. G.R.11.
Mary, wid. George, Feb. 28, 1809, in her 86th y. G.R.11.
Mary, wid. Oliver, Dec. 6, 1823. in her 88th y. C.R.5.
Oliver, jr., Apr. 3, 1810, in his 50th y. G.R.5.
Oliver, Dec. 16, 1811, a. 77 y.
Othanial, July 25, 1756, in his 28th y. G.R.11.
Othniel, Aug. 30, 1804, in his 47th y. P.R.80.
Otis, m., b. Wrentham, s. Peter, dysentery, Sept. 20, 1848, a. 77 y.
Penellepe, d. Pentecost and Mary, Sept. 3, 1706.
Pentecost, Sept. 24, 1715.
Pentecost, Nov. 16, 1744, in his 52d y. G.R.11.
Pentecost, Jan. 20, 1794, in his 78th y. P.R.79.
Peter, jr., ----, 1802. P.R.80.
Peter, Jan. 9, 1803, in his 72d y. P.R.80.
Rebaccah, w. Pentecost, Nov. 9, 1771, in her 83d y. G.R.11.
Sylva, d. William and Elizabeth (Babcock), at Westerly, R.I., Mar. 3, 1790. [in her 6th y. G.R.11.]
Virgil, Dec. 15, 1838, a. 43 y. G.R.5.
William, Rev., "Founder of Boston, from which place he came to Attleboro Gore in 1635, a student at Emanuel College, Cambridge, d. Attleborough, May 26, 1675, a. over 80 y." G.R.17.
Stillman H., h. Helen M., Apr. 21, 1848. G.R.1.
Angeline L., housekeeper [w. Henry W. G.R.1.], and d. Apollos and Nany, heart complaint, Jan. 3, 1848, a. 23 y. 10 m. 9 d.
BLANDING (Blandin)
Bethiah, wid. Noah, cancer of face, Aug. 20, 1845, a. 81 y. 1 m. 7 d.
Bridget, wid. Noah, May 21, 1807, in her 74th y. G.R.1.
Bridget, May 19, 1837, in her 78th y. G.R.1.
Caroline, m., b. Wrentham, d. Benjamin and Caroline Mann, Apr. 19, 1846, a. 38 y. 9 m. 10 d.
Caroline M., w. Arza, Apr. 20, 1816, in her 39th y. G.R.1.
Daniel (Blandin), Apr. 18, 1801, in his 75th y. G.R.1.
Horatio Noah, s. Noah, jr. and Rosannah (Carpenter), Jan. 20, 1825.
Huldah, d. Joseph and Huldah (Martin), Dec. 15, 1792.
Huldah (Blandin), ----, 1824. C.R.2.
Huldah, Apr. 26, 1825, in her 49th y. G.R.1.
Huldah, d. Lt. Noah and Bethiah, Oct. 29, 1835, in her 27th y. G.R.1.
Jesse (Blandin), s. Daniel and Sarah, Oct. 2, 1778, in his 15th y. G.R.1.
Joseph, s. Lt. Noah and Bethiah, Aug. 29, 1829, in his 28th y. G.R.1.
Lamech (Blandin), Mar. 22, 1774, in his 51st y. G.R.7.
Mary, Aug. 6, 1824. [1821. P.R.80.], in her 61st y. G.R.1.
Nancy, w. Thomas, Sept. 28, 1829, a. 27 y. G.R.1.
Noah, Jan. 19, 1785, in his 64th y. G.R.1.
Noah, Lt., Mar. 5, 1834, in his 73d y. G.R.1.
Othaniel (Blandin), s. Daniel and Sarah, Sept. 26, 1778, in his 4th y. G.R.1.
Otis, May ----, 1834, in his 62d y. G.R.1.
Rachel (Blandin), wid. Lamech, Feb. 28, 1812, in her 85th y. G.R.7.
Sally, unm., tailoress, d. Noah and Bethiah, consumption, Sept. 26, 1846, a. 46 y. 7 m. 6 d.
Sarah (Blandin) [w. Daniel. P.R.80.], Nov. 25, 1819, in her 80th y. G.R.1.
Sarah, w. Otis, Oct. 4, 1840, in her 72d y. G.R.1.
Sarah, unm., mantua maker, b. Washington, N.H., d. Otis and Sally, lung fever, Apr. 10, 1847, a. 35 y.
Sarah, Mar. 23, 1848, a. 15 y. G.R.1.
Thomas, s. Noah and Bridget, Aug. 26, 1782, in his 15th y. P.R.80.
----, inf. s. Lt. Noah and Bethiah, Oct. 19, 1805. G.R.1.
----, s. John and Ellen, infantile, July 19, 1849, a. 21 d.
Albert, s. Jonathan and Chloe, July 18, 1836, a. 2 y. 8 m. 9 d. G.R.1.
Chloe Dean, d. Jonathan and Chloe, May 2, 1834. G.R.1.
Frank, at Taunton, s. Henry and Parmelia, dysentery, Aug. 31, 1848, a. 1 y. 2 m. 3 d.
George N., s. George and Jerusha, Mar. 1, 1825, a. 7 m. 4 d. G.R.2.
Hannah, d. Alfred and Hannah (King), Aug. 23, 1815.
Hannah, wid, Alfred, Jan. 13, 1825, in her 37th y. G.R.12.
Mary, w. Newman, Dec. 20, 1831, a. 60 y. 8 m. 23 d. G.R.12.
Nelson Kent, s. Jonathan and Chloe, Oct. 3, 1842. G.R.1.
Newman, Dec. 22, 1818, a. 51 y. 11 m. 27 d. G.R.12.
Noah, Aug. ----, 1801. C.R.2.
William, Feb. 21, 1803, a. 5 y. 4 m. G.R.12.
----, d. Jonathan and Chloe, Jan. 12, 1829, a. 32 h. G.R.1.
----, s. Rhodolphus, stillborn, May 15, 1847.
John, m., jeweler, b. London, consumption, Nov. 16, 1848, a. 38 y.
BORDEN, see Barden.
James L., s. Joseph and Harriet, Sept. 7, 1844, a. 1 y. 7 m. 8 d. G.R.1.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Harriet, dysentery, Sept. 8, 1844, a. 1 y. 7 m. 8 d.
Nathaniel, Capt. [of Bristol, Aug. P.R.79.], 1745. G.R.13.
BOURN (Born, Bourne, Burn)
Abbie Ella (Bourne), d. Albert and Clarissa L., Nov. 19, 1846, a. 7 m. G.R.12.
Abigail (Bourne), w. Willard C., and d. David Capron, at Petersburg, Va., Apr. 2, 1841, in her 32d y. G.R.1.
Andrew (Born), h. Phebe (Richardson), Mar. 15, 1777.
Andrew (Burn), Mar. 16, 1778, in his 55th y. G.R.1.
Andrew, Sept. 31 (sic), 1811, in his 69th y. P.R.80.
Andrew, jr., Oct. 27, 1813. P.R.1.
Andrew, s. Andrew and Phebe (Richardson), Sept. 3, 1814. [in his 69th y. G.R.2.]
Caroline M., d. Albert and Clarissa L., Oct. 15, 1842, a. 4 y. 2 m. G.R.12.
Clarissa L. (Bourne), w. Albert, Dec. 26, 1849, a. 30 y. G.R.12.
Edwin (Bourne), s. Willard and Abigail (Capron), May 27, 1742, a. 14 m. G.R.1.
George E. (Bourne), s. Albert and Clarissa L., Nov. 30, 1846, a. 6 y. 5 m. G.R.12.
Leafa (Ide), w. Eli, Dec. 3, 1827. P.R.56. [in her 41st y. G.R.12.]
Mary, w. Stephen, June 4, 1793. P.R.56.
Mary, w. Abraham, June 16, 1813, in her 56th y. G.R.1.
Mary Ann, d. Abraham and Mary, Aug. 8, 1838, in her 35th y. G.R.1.
Nehemiah W. (Bourne), s. Nehemiah and Sally, Mar. 12, 1805, a. 1 m. 14 d. G.R.2.
Oscar (Bourne), s. Joabert and Elisa Sweet, dysentery, Sept. 16, 1848, a. 1 y. 17 d.
Phebe (Born), d. Andrew, jr. and Sarah (Comins), Mar. 1, 1787.
Phebe, wid., mother of Anna Read, Dec. ----, 1810, a. 85 y. P.R.55.
Phebe (Bourne), ----, 1811. C.R.2.
Reuben, s. Andrew and Phebe (Richardson), Dec. ----, 177-.
Sarah (Bourne), wid. Andrew, Aug. 28, 1826, in her 81st y. G.R.2.
Stephen, Capt., Oct. 21, 1814, in his 63d y. G.R.12.
Susanna, w. Capt. Stephen, Aug. 17, 1829, in her 65th y. G.R.12.
Zebediah (Burn), s. Andrew and Phebe (Richardson), Mar. 6, 1762.
----, (Bourne), ch. wid., May 31, 1815. P.R.46.
----, inf. s., Eli and Leafa (Ide), July 15, 1822. P.R.56.
----, inf. d., Eli and Leafa (Ide), Aug. 20, 1824. P.R.56.
Anna, May 21, 1824, a. 35 y. 1 m. 22 d. P.R.68.
Charles H. [s. Leonard W. and Anna. G.R.2.], Aug. 6, 1837. P.R.59.
Christopher, June 16 [13. G.R.13.], 1729. [in his 39th y. G.R.13.]
Christopher, Dec. 30, 1749, a. 26 y. G.R.13.
Deborah, wid. [Uriel. G.R.12.], b. Seekonk, June 12, 1849, a. 68 y. [in her 62d y. G.R.12.]
Eliza, w. Benj[amin], and d. Daniel Carpenter, Mar. 12, 1825, in her 33d y. G.R.1.
Fanny C., w. Caleb, May 2, 1834, in her 30th y. G.R.12.
Fanny W., w. Uriel, jr., Dec. 25, 1833, a. 42 y. G.R.13.
John, July 12, 1829, in his 37th y. G.R.12.
Penuel Carpenter, s. Uriel and Sally, May 11, 1806, in his 6th y. G.R.12.
Sally, w. Uriel, Apr. 19, 1823, in her 54th y. G.R.12.
Thankful, wid. Nathan, Mar. 10, 1810, in her 85th y. G.R.13.
Urial [Uriel, jr. G.R.13.], at Worcester, May 21, 1843. [in his 40th y. G.R.13.]
Uriel, s. Uriel and Fanny, Mar. 11, 1832, a. 10 w. 5 d. G.R.13.
Uriel, Dec. 4, 1841, in his 71st y. G.R.12.
William H. [William Knight. P.R.59.], s. Leonard W. and Anna, Oct. 11, 1832. G.R.2.
Abigail, wid. Hon. Peres, Esq., Nov. 15, 1746, in her 52d y. G.R.13.
Peres, Esq., June 19, 1746, in his 52d y. G.R.13.
BRAGG (Brag, Braggs)
Elizabeth (Brag), w. Henry, Feb. 7, 1715-16.
Eudelia E. (Braggs), d. Herman W. and Olive, canker rash, Jan. 4, 1849, a. 2 y. 3 m. 4 d.
Henry, Aug. 6, 1723.
Mary, w. Thomas, Jan. 1, 1724-5.
Sarah Amanda, d. Herman and Sarah S. (Dickerson), May 1, 1836.
Thomas, Mar. 2, 17[5-.,]
Sarah L[ouise. G.R.5.], d. Isaac C. and Sally [Ann. G.R.5.], cancerous humor. Jan. 26, 1845, a. 1 m. 8 d. [a. 19 m. 26 d. G.R.5.]
Fanny, w. Randell S., and d. Capt. Rufus Claflen, Feb. 4. 1840, in her 42d y. G.R.12.
Smith Randell, s. Randell S. and Fanny, Sept. 5, 1836, a. 17 m. G.R.12.
BRIGGS (Brigg)
Abi (Brigg), d. Solomon and Molly (Lincoln), Sept. 13, 1777. [a. 10 m. G.R.1.]
Anson B., s. Apollos and Louisa, Aug. 30, 1835, in his 10th y. G.R.1.
Darius, Feb. 17, 1816. P.R.46.
Edward H., s. Hiram E. and Deborah A., Aug. 19, 1847. [1846. G.R.1.], a. 14 d. G.R.1.
Eliza Ann, w. James G., and d. Capt. Thomas French, June 13, 1835, a. 27 y. G.R.1.
Elizabeth, housekeeper, w. [wid. G.R.1.] Darius, old age, Nov. 19, 1847, a. 82 y. 9 m. 6 d.
Emely Jane, d. Rufus and Nancy, July 15, 1826, a. 16 m. 10 d. G.R.5.
F. H. F., s. William H. and H., infantile, July 24, 1847, a. 1 d.
Isabella F., d. Rufus B. and Eunic[e], marasmus, Aug. 9, 1847, a. 3 m. 7 d.
James L., s. Wheaton, at Brewer, Me., Nov. 22, 1834. a. 21 y. 5 m. 2 d. P.R.37.
Margaret [Witherell. P.R.68.]. wid. Rufus, Feb. 6, 1825, in her 75th y. G.R.5.
Polly (French), w. Stephen, Oct. 16, 1820.
Sally, d. Stephen and Polley (French), Sept. 12, 1818.
Sally, w. Mumford, Jan. 10, 1841, a. 44 y. 2 m. 3 d. P.R.76.
Silvanus, s. Stephen and Polley (French), Dec. 15, 1812.
Wheaton, father of Alice Carpenter, Nov. 18, 1834. a. 48 y. 11 m. 18 d. P.R.37.
----, b. Franklin, d. Hiram and Sarah, infantile [1847 or 1848.], a. 2 d.
Caroline, Feb. 25, 1842, a. 24 y. P.R.16.
Seth, Oct. 22, 1848, a. 64 y. 8 m. P.R.16.
Adelaid N., d. Samuel and Nancy, June 29, 1842. G.R.2.
Henry P., unm., engraver, b. Monroe, N.Y., bur. Wrentham, s. Phinehas P. and Mary, dysentery, Aug. 14, 1845, a. 21 y. 5 m. 8 d.
Adelaide, b. Smithfield, d. Enon and Alice, June 31 (sic), 1849, a. 4 m. 2 d.
Amy, Apr. 19, 1727, in her 8th y. G.R.13.
Augustus, s. Preston and Nancy, Feb. 17, 1843, a. 20 y. G.R.1.
Benjamin, Sept. 7, 1742, in his 49th y. G.R.13.
Calista Zidania H. B., d. Preston and Nancy, June [Jan. P.R.46.] 27, 1821, a. 3 m. 18 d. G.R.1.
Chloe S., housekeeper, w. David, old age, Jan. 25, 1848, a. 89 y.
Clarisa, d. Ezra and Betsey (Fisher), Mar. 7, 1802.
David, widr., b. Newport, old age, Oct. 18, 1849, a. 94 y.
Elisha, of Middletown, Ct., ----, 1754. G.R.13.
George Lyman, s. Lyman and Julia, July 20, 1832, a. 2 y. 7 m. G.R.13.
Hannah, wid. Capt. Joseph, Oct. 14, 1739, in her 77th y. G.R.13.
Jeremiah, Mar. 6, 1726-7.
Joseph, s. John and Elizabeth (Capron), May 7, 1713.
Joseph, Capt., Nov. 5 [May. P.R.79.], 1731, in his 73d y. G.R.13.
Lemira, d. Ezra and Betsey (Fisher), Oct. 14, 1804.
Lydia, d. Benjamin and Sarah, Jan. 1, 1743, in her 6th y. G.R.13. [in her 2d y. P.R.79.]
Margaret, m., b. Providence, d. George and Margaret Gaines, old age, Sept. 18, 1849, a. 72 y. 7 m. 23 d.
Nancy, w. Preston, Apr. 3, 1835, a. 36 y. G.R.1.
Otis Walcott, s. Lyman and Julia, Sept. 24, 1837, a. 7 m. 20 d. G.R.13.
Preston, m., laborer, scirrhus testicle, Mar. 6, 1844, a. 46 y.
William H., s. David and Margaret, disease of brain, May ----, 1849, a. 35 y. 9 m.
----, w. Aaron, dysentery, Sept. 3, 1845.
BUCKLIN (Bucklen)
Bebe, wid. Elijah, Nov. 7, 1826, in her 71st y. G.R.12.
Eles (Bucklen), w. Barack, Dec. 13, 1732, in her 62d y. G.R.13.
Elijah, Apr. 30, 1820, a. 85 y. G.R.12.
Esther (Bucklen), w. Benjamin, May 18, 1729.
Joseph, s. Jabel and Cynthia, Sept. 17, 1819, a. 10 m. G.R.1.
Corlis, s. Richard and Hannah, Nov. 29, 1811, in his 23d y. G.R.13.
Hannah, w. Richard, Aug. 24, 1792, in her 35th y. [30th y. P.R.79.]. G.R.13.
Julia Augusta, d. Richard and Mary, July 20, 1839, in her 45th y. G.R.13.
Maria Louise, d. William G. and Maria P., Mar. 12, 1845. G.R.2.
Mary, wid. Richard, Oct. 27, 1833, a. 56 y. 2 m. G.R.13.
Richard, s. Richard and Hannah, Mar. 8, 1788. G.R.13. [a. 6 d. P.R.79.]
Richard, June 12, 1832, a 72 y. 7 m. G.R.13.
Sarah, w. William D., and d. Uriel and Sarah Bowen, Aug. 10, 1833, a. 27 y. G.R.12.
Sophia, d. Richard and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1817, a. 31 y. G.R.13.
Susan Frances, d. William G. and Maria P., Aug. 18, 1847. G.R.2.
Justina, d. Ann Jeanette, wid., Apr. 9, 1847, a. 3 y.
Edwin, s. Samuel and Rachel, Mar. 20, 1848. P.R.38.
Joanna, d. Samuel and Rachel, Oct. 23, 1836. P.R.38.
Mary [Mary Ann, w. Nelson. G.R.1.], m., d. John and Nancy [Mary. in pencil.] Sweet, Nov. 3, 1845, a. 45 y. 11 m. [a. 40 y. 11 m. 13 d. G.R.1.]
Mary (Woodcock), w. Israil, Oct. 23, 1753.
Mary, d. Israel and Mary, Mar. 31, 1759. [1750. P.R.79.], in her 13th y. G.R.11.
----, wid., aged, Aug. 10, 1724.
Jane, w. John, Mar. 22, 1842, a. 60 y. G.R.1.
CAPRON (Carpron)
Abigail, w. Elijah, Feb. 1, 1826, a. 84 y. G.R.1.
Abigail, wid. Elisha, July 2, 1832. in her 90th y. G.R.13.
Amanda, d. Joseph W. and ---- (Bliss) [A. B. G.R.2.], Aug. 25, 1842.
Anna Judson, d. S. E. and S. A., Jan. 13, 1841, a. 1 y. 5 m. G.R.2.
Augustus Osburn, s. Joseph W. and ---- (Bliss) [A. B. G.R.2.], June 3, 1833.
Banfield, "the aged," Aug. 20, 175-.
Bebee Mann, d. Dr. Seth and Eunice, Dec. 25, 1796, a. 21 m. 17 d. G.R.6.
Benjamin, Apr. 6, 1724.
Benjamin, Feb. 23, 1800, in his 73d y. G.R.1.
Bethiah, 2d w. Capt. Joseph, May 18, 1754.
Ebenezer, s. Joseph and Bethyah (Burtt), Nov. 14, 1740.
Elias S., operative, consumption, Apr. 6, 1847, a. 31 y.
Elijah, Oct. 17, 1813, a. 71 y. G.R.1.
Elijah, husbandman [old in pencil.), Apr. 2, 1848, a. 80 y. [in his 76th y. G.R.1.]
Elisha, Oct. 18, 1808. [in his 71st y. G.R.13.]
Elizabeth, w. Banfield, "ye aged," May 10, 1735.
Emeline Francis, d. Joseph W. and ---- (Bliss) [A. B. G.R.2.], Apr. 26, 1838.
Ezrz, s. Joseph, jr., and Sarah (Robinson), d. Ebenezer, Feb. 27, 1755.
Hannah (Kent), w. Otis, and former w. Jonathan Blue, May 27, 1836. P.R.27. [in her 67th y. P.R.80.]
Harriet Elizabeth, d. Jacob and Deborah, Mar. 16, 1842, a. 10 y. 8 m. 26 d. G.R.2.
Jacob, house carpenter [h. Deborah. G.R.2.], and s. Elijah and Abigail, pleurisy, Oct. 24, 1847, a. 63 y. 4 m. 8 d.
Jacob, s. Thadeus and R., lung fever, Feb. 26. 1848, a. 1 m. 7 d.
John, s. Joseph, jr., and Sarah (Robinson), d. Ebenezer, Mar. 9, 1755.
Joseph, Capt., Oct. 14, 1776, a. 85 y. 1 m. G.R.1.
Joseph, Aug. 1, 1784. [in his 62d y. G.R.1.]
Judith, w. Joseph, Mar. 14, 1733-4. [in her 44th y. P.R.80.]
Juline, d. S. E. and S. A., Sept. 1, 1836, a. 6 m. 20 d. G.R.2.
Lideah, d. Joseph and Bethyah (Burtt), Oct. 27, 1739.
Lucinde [w. Jonathan. G.R.1.], and d. Daniel and Sarah Richardson, tumor, Feb. 13, 1847. [1848. G.R.1.], a. 59 y. 7 m. 1 d.
Marvin, croup, Nov. 3, 1845, a. 2 m.
Mary, w. Edward, May 29, 1729.
Mary, d. Edward and Mary (Stanley), Aug. 1, 172-.
Mary, wid. Capt. Joseph, Nov. 21, 1783, in her 88th y. G.R.1.
Orin R., s. Jonathan and Lucinda, drowned, Jan. 10, 1833, a. ---- y. 3 m. G.R.1.
Otis, s. Otis and Rachel (Sweet), May 4 [Apr. 1. C.R.1.], 1800. [a. 4 d. G.R.1.]
Otis, widr., yeoman [h. Hannah Kent. P.R.27.], and s. Joseph and Sarah, old age, Mar. 3, 1845, a. 77 y. 10 m. 14 d.
Polly, b. Middleborough, w. David [w. Daniel. P.R.80.], dysentery, Sept. 14, 1845, a. 63 y.
Rachel (Sweet), w. Otis, Dec. 15, 1799. [in her 36th y. P.R.80.]
Rebecca, w. Benj[amin], Aug. 29, 1772, in her 66th y. P.R.80.
Sabra, d. Joseph, jr. and Sarah (Foster), d. Alexander, Dec. 7, 1772. [in her 3d y. P.R.80.]
Samuel, s. Joseph, jr. and Sarah (Robinson), d. Ebenezer, Oct. 20, 1747.
Samuel, 2d, s. Joseph, jr. and Sarah (Robinson), d. Ebenezer, Mar. 23, 1755.
Sarah (Carpron), w. Joseph, jr., and d. Ebenezer Robinson, June 10, 1761. [in her 40th y. P.R.80.]
Sarah, wid. Joseph, Jan. 12, 1821. [1820. dup.], in her 84th y.
Tabatha, wid. Jan. 25, 1807, in her 84th y. G.R.1.
Tamesin, d. Joseph and Sarah, Sept. 10, 1789, in her 21st y. G.R.1.
Thaddeus Carver, s. Jacob and Deborah [whooping cough. C.R.2.], Sept. 22, 1822, a. 23 m. 20 d. G.R.2.
----, d. Virgil and N., stillborn, June 5, 1849.
Charles W., s. William and Lucy Ann, fits, Oct. 17, 1848, a. 9 d.
Lucy Ann (Carns) [Lucy Ann Dean, w. William. G.R.2.], m., d. Asa Dean, mortification, Oct. 9, 1848, a. 27 y. 8 m. 12 d.
Margaret (Carns), m. [w. William. G.R.1.], b. Ireland, erysipelas, Jan. 17, 1849, a. 62 y. 6 m. 10 d.
Abby, d. Cyrel and Abigail, Nov. 20, 1840, a. 24 y. G.R.1.
Alice, wid. [Capt. G.R.1.] Daniel, consumption, Jan. 28, 1844, a. 74 y. 5 m. 8 d.
Anna, d. Elisha and Anna (Whitaker), Feb. 3, 1761.
Apollos, Jan. 15, 1826. P.R.29.
Asa F., Feb. 28, 1815, a. 4 y. 6 m. P.R.75.
Benjamin, s. Jotham and Sally, May 21, 1807, in his 6th y. P.R.47.
Benjamin, of Seekonk, Jan. 26, 1819, a. 55 y. 32 d. G.R.12.
Benjamin H., S. David and Elizabeth, Mar. 2, 1828, a. 1 y. 9 m. G.R.13.
Bethiah, ----, 1788. G.R.1. [Jan. 15, in her 82d y. P.R.80.]
Betsey, d. Penuel and Molly, July 9, 1811, in her 21st y. G.R.12.
Betsey, d. Noah, Jan. 18, 1827, in her 60th y. G.R.13.
Calista, d. Capt. Jonathan and Lephe, Aug. 17, 1825, a. 5 m. 27 d. G.R.12.
Charl[e]s, s. Stephen and Dorothy (Whitakeor), Oct. 15, 1752.
Charlotte, see Carpenter, Sharlott.
Chloe, mother of Zenas B., Jan. 25, 1813. P.R.32.
Cyril [Dea. G.R.2.], Nov. 23, 1811. C.R.2.
Dan, at Camden, S.C., ----, 1806. G.R.2.
Daniel, Apr. 14, 180-. [1803, in his 59th y. G.R.1.]
Daniel, jr., s. Daniel and Alice, Sept. 6th, 1813, a. 18 y. 5 m. 1 d. G.R.1.
Daniel [father of Wheaton A. P.R.37; Capt. P.R.80.], Sept. 3, 1835, a. 67 y.
Daniel Tyler, s. Dea. Remember and Betsey, Oct. ----, 1810, a. 4 w. P.R.80.
Dolly, see Carpenter, Molly.
Dorethy, d. Stephen and Dorothy (Whitakeor), Oct. 21, 1752.
Dorothy, w. Penuel, May ----, 1770. [1776. P.R.80.], a. 27 y. G.R.12.
Draper, s. Oliver and Betha [Betty. P.R.79.], Mar. 7, 1795, a. 2 m. 3 d. G.R.13.
Ebenezer, s. William and Abigail (White), Mar. 15, 1743-4.
Ebenezer, s. Ens. William [and Mary. P.R.79.], Aug. 24, 1751, a. 2 y. 7 m. G.R.13. [a. 2 y, 8 m. 11 d. P.R.79.]
Elijah, s. Nathaniel, May 18, 1727.
Elizabeth, d. William, Apr. 13, 1715.
Elizabeth, w. John, May 17, 1788, in her 34th y. G.R.4.
Esther, d. Ezra and Esther (Read), Oct. 1, 1778. [in her 3d y. P.R.80.]
Esther, wid. [w. Samuel. P.R.80.], May 11, 1818. P.R.46. [in her 55th y. P.R.80.]
Eunice, Oct. 4, 1747. P.R.29.
Ezekel, Oct. 9, 1822, in his 89th y.
Ezra, s. Obadiah and Bethia, May 30, 1750, a. 16 m. G.R.1.
Hannah, d. Stephen and Dorothy (Whitakeor), Oct. 15, 1752.
Hannah, wid. Zachariah, Apr. 20, 1790, in her 50th y. G.R.12.
Henry A., s. Avery, scarlet fever, Mar. 6, 1847, a. 8 m.
Hepzibah, wid. Josiah, Nov. 23, 1832, in her 84th y. G.R.1.
Isaiah, s. Elisha, Dec. 20, 1752.
Jemima, d. Ebenezer and Mehetable, Apr. 17, 1736, in her 18th y. G.R.13.
Jesse, s. Obidiah and ---- (Lee), Sept. 18, 1775.
John, s. Elisha, Nov. 20, 1752.
John W., s. Ebenezer and Louisa, Apr. 6, 1841, a. 3 y. G.R.2.
Jonathan, Capt., Mar 28, 1833, in his 38th y. G.R.12.
Joseph, s. Stephen and Dorothy (Whitakeor), Oct. 13, 1752.
Joseph H., s. Ebenezer and Louisa, Sept. 8, 1837, a. 10 m. G.R.2.
Josiah, Oct. 31, 1747. P.R.29.
Josiah, s. Elisha and Anna (Whitaker), Dec. 20, 1752.
Josiah, Jan. 20, 1821. [1820. P.R.46; in his 74th y. G.R.1.]
Jotham, June 23, 1834, in his 57th y. P.R.47.
Lafayette, s. Jesse B. and Mary, Sept. 5 [10. P.R.19.,], 1842, a. 5 y. 3 m. 19 d. G.R.1.
Lephe, d. Capt. Jonathan and Lephe, July 1, 1828, a. 10 m. 16 d. G.R.12.
Lephe, w. Capt. Jonathan, May 23, 1832, in her 36th y. G.R.12.
Loas, d. Obidiah and ---- (Lee), Dec. 31, 1785.
Lucinda, wid. Nathan, Feb. 26, 1831, in her 58th y. G.R.13.
Lucy [Lucy Lane. G.R.2.], w. Dea. Cyril, Apr. 10, 1793.
Lucy (Wilkinson), w. Noah, May 23, 1797.
Lucy, ----, 1815. C.R.2.
Lydia [Lydia Padelford. G.R.2.], wid. Nathan, Oct. 25, 1823.
Lydia M. S., w. Zenas B., Nov. 9, 1829. P.R.32.
Martha, d. Noah and Sarah (Johnson), May 25, 1719.
Martha, d. Noah, jr. and Persis (Follett), Oct. 15, 174--.
Mary, d. Stephen and Dorothy (Whitakeor), Oct. 9, 1752.
Mary Elisabeth, d. Wheaton A. [H. dup.; J. G.R.1.] and Alice (Briggs) [dysentery. dup.], Sept. 15, 1848, a. 1 y. 5 m. 13 d.
Mehitabel, w. Ebenezer, Mar. 14. 1728-9. [a. 34 y. G.R.13.]
Michael, Aug. 28, 1729.
Milton, s. Benj[amin] and Zerviah, June 24, 1800, in his 8th y. G.R.12.
Miriam, d. Noah and Sarah, Mar. 1, 1725-6.
Molly [Dolly. P.R.80.], wid. Penuel, at Seekonk, Aug. 10, 1815, in her 66th y. G.R.12.
Nabby, d. Benjamin and Zerviah, Oct. 31, 1819, a. 21 y. 29 d. G.R.12.
Nancy, d. Penuel and Molly [Dolly. P.R.80.], Feb. ----, 1793, in her 3d y. G.R.12.
Nathan, Sept. 3, 1814, in his 48th y. G.R.13.
Nathan, Jan. 2, 1816. P.R.46.
Noah, jr., June 7, 1753.
Noah, May 27, 1809, in his 44th y. G.R.13.
Obediah [Dea. G.R.1.], Jan. 6, 1764. [in his 57th y. G.R.1.]
Olever, s. Dan and Mary (Wissel), Dec. 27, 1743.
Olive, Jan. ----, 1829. C.R.2.
Patte, d. Zackariah and Hannah, Sept. 8, 1775, a. 3 y. G.R.12.
Patty, d. Obidiah and ---- (Lee), Oct. 7, 1778.
Penuel, jr., s. Penuel and Dorothy, Oct. 25, 177---- [1778. P.R.80.], in his 6th y. G.R.12.
Penuel [Nov. 23. P.R.80.], 1798, in his 62d y. G.R.12.
Perses, w. Noah, jr., Feb. 6, 1753.
Polly, d. the late Penuel and Molly, May 22, 1839, in her 54th y. G.R.12.
Priscilla [d. William and Elisabeth. G.R.13.], May 1, 1727. [in her 30th y. G.R.13.]
Remember, Feb. 3, 1849, a. 71 y. G.R.12.
Samuel, s. William and Abigail (White), Apr. 22, 1739.
Samuel, s. Daniel and Elizabath (Tiler), Nov. 1, 1775. [a. 1 y. G.R.1.]
Sarah, w. Noah, Sept. 29, 1726. [a. 46 y. P.R.79.]
Sarah, d. Dan and Mary (Wissel), Dec. ----, 1736.
Sarah, w. Amos, Dec. 1, 1790, in her 45th y.
Sarah, d. Noah, July 22, 1807, in her 44th. y. G.R.13.
Seth, Oct. 18, 1771, in his 74th y. G.R.13.
Sharlott, d. Daniel and Alice, Oct. 31, 1843, a. 4 y. 5 m. 7 d. G.R.1.
Simon, s. Noah and Sarah (Johnson), Dec. 8, 1713.
Simon, s. Penuel and Dorothy [Oct. 8. P.R.80.], 177-. G.R.12.
Stephen, s. Stephen and Dorothy (Whitakeor), Apr. 26, 1737.
Stephen, s. Stephen and Dorothy (Whitakeor), Dec. 7, 1740.
Thomas, father of Zenas B., Oct. 29, 1822. P.R.32.
William, Mar. 10, 1718-19. [1778-9. P.R.79; in his 60th y. G.R.13.]
William, s. William and Abigail (White), Apr. 5, 1736.
William, s. Seth and Abigail, Apr. 23, 1736, in his 9th y. G.R.13.
William, s. William and Mary, Dec. 29, 1755, a. 1 y. 22 d. P.R.79.
William, s. Jotham and Sally, May 26, 1809, in his 1st y. P.R.47.
Zachariah, s. Elisha and Anna (Whitaker), Dec. 9, 1752.
Zachariah, Apr. 20, 1790, in his 50th y. P.R.80.
Zackariah, Oct. 1, 1775, in his 41st y. G.R.12.
Zerviah, wid. Benjamin, Jan. 29, 1828, a. 60 y. 5 m. 22 d. G.R.12.
----, inf. d. Capt. Jonathan and Lephe, May 25, 1832, a. 12 d. G.R.12.
----, ch. John B. and Mary, June 11, 1846, a. 1 d.
Henry A., s. Richard and Nancy F., Aug. 17, 1839. G.R.5.
Robert H., s. Richard and Nancy F., Mar. 24, 1838. G.R.5.
Charlotte. d. Barnabus and Phebe, Apr. 29, 1802, a. 3 y. 8 m. 13 d. G.R.13.
Samuel Danforth, s. Barnabus and Phebe, Sept. 7, 1810, a. 2 y. 2 m. 17 d. G.R.13.
Chloe, d. Bowden and Abigail, Jan. 2, 1799, in her 10th y. G.R.1.
John, s. Bowden and Abigail, Nov. 18, 1804, a. 27 y. G.R.1.
Lydia, May 24, 1794, a. 22 y. 2 m. 23 d. G.R.1.
Philana, d. Bowden and Abigail, Jan. 2, 1806, a. 36 y. G.R.1.
Sally, d. Lt. Bowdoin and Abigail, July 30, 1798, a. 18 y. 10 m. 11 d. G.R.1.
CHACE (Chase)
Hiram, Feb. 12, 1844. P.R.26.
John (Chase), widr., yeoman, old age, Jan. 19, 1845, a. 89 y.
Sarah. Mrs., Aug. 17, 1840. P.R.26.
Silas, Feb. 26, 1836. P.R.26.
Simeon D., s. Barton and Meruam, infantile, Sept. 25, 1848, a. 18 d.
Hannah, w. John, Oct. 21, 1732, in her 44th y. G.R.13.
Michel, s. John [and Hannah. G.R.13.], Aug. 15, 1724. [in her 20th y. G.R.13.]
Charles, town pauper, burned, June 30, 1847, a. 65 y.
Ellen L., d. William M. and Louisa W., ----, 1843. G.R.5.
Louisa W., w. William M., ----, 1842. G.R.5.
CHILSON (Chillson)
Gershom (Chillson), s. Joseph and Hephzibah, Nov. 4, 1704.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Hephzibah, Nov. 2, 1704.
Joseph, s. Daniel and Rebeccah, July 8, 1793, a. 24 y. 7 d. G.R.1. [a. 2 y. 7 d. P.R.80.]
CLAFLEN (Clafflin, Claflin)
Abia, w. Lt. Robert, June 23, 1774, in her 59th y.
Adeline (Claflin), b. Wrentham, w. Curtis, dropsy, Aug. 22, 1848, a. 37 y. 4 m.
Allerton, Mar. 19, 1845, a. 78 y. G.R.12.
Anna, w. Comfort F., Mar. 30, 1833, in her 51st y. G.R.12.
Artemas, s. Calvin and Mary, "born and died," Nov. 12, 1790. G.R.12.
Augustus, s. Daniel and Lita [L. B. G.R.2.], typhus fever, June 24, 1846, a. 11 y. 2 m. 9 d.
Calvin (Claflin), Feb. 8, 1840, a. 26 y. G.R.1.
Calvin (Claflin), lung fever, June ----, 1849, a. 76 y.
Caroline Elizabeth (Claflin), d. Daniel and Lita (Bliss), June 21, 1829.
Caroline Elizabeth, d. Daniel and Lita (Bliss). May 15, 1833.
Chloe, d. Ebenezer and Bethiah, Apr. 15, 1752, a. 20 m.
Clarrissa, d. Sylvester and Hannah (Bourn), Oct. 4, 1806. [a. 7 m. 17 d. G.R.12.]
Clement B., inf. s. Nehemiah and Lydia, Feb. 29, 1816. G.R.12.
Comfort F. (Claflin), m., husbandman, dropsy, Sept. 15, 1847, a. 68 y.
Cornelius, s. Capt. Rufus, Apr. 12, 1836, in his 23d y. G.R.12.
Daniel, s. Daniel and Phebe (Brown), Jan. 21, 1792. [in his 4th y. G.R.1.]
Daniel (Clafflin), hydrops pectoris, Dec. 10, 1822, a. abt. 68 y. C.R.2.
Ebenezer, s. twin, Calvin and Mary, Oct. 23, 1794, a. 31 d. G.R.12.
Eliphelet, May 24, 1814.
Eliza A., d. Alfred and Chloe, Sept. 28, 1819. G.R.12. [Frederic Howe. G.R.12.] (Claflin), inf. s. [Major. G.R.12.] Alfred, 2[d], and Harriet. G.R.12.], Oct. 8, 1849, a. 1 y. 6 m.
Gardiner F. (Claflin), town pauper, burned, June 30, 1847, a. 8 y. 6 m.
Hanah, w. Noah, Feb. 27, 1736-7.
Hannah, d. Noah, Oct. 1, 1802, in her 39th y. G.R.2.
Hannah, d. Sylvester and Hannah (Bourn), July 7, 1814. [a. 12 m. 28 d. G.R.12.]
Hannah, w. Sylvester, Nov. 26, 1832, in her 54th y. G.R.12.
Hannah, w. Rufus, Aug. 23, 1835, a. 75 y. G.R.12.
Hannah, wid. Phineas, jr., consumption, Feb. 12, 1844, a. 83 y. [Dec. 15, 1843, in her 83d y. G.R.12.]
Hannah Bourn, d. Sylvester and Hannah, Jan. 14, 1818, a. 3 m. 12 d. G.R.12.
Hartford (Claflin), June 4, 1844, a. 66 y. G.R.12.
Hartford O., s. Hartford and ---- (Weatherhead), Aug. 13, 1804.
Horace C., s. Alfred and Chloe, Oct. 21, 1821. G.R.12.
Horrace, unm., cigar maker, b. Wrentham, s. Comfort [Comfort F. G.R.12.] and Anna, consumption, Aug. 10, 1845, a. 20 y. 4 m. 10 d. [in his 24th y. G.R.12.]
Keziah, w. Noah, Oct. 7, 1788, in her 56th y., "also four children lying at her right." G.R.2.
Leicester, s. Daniel and Phebe, Jan. 10, 1816, in his 23d y. G.R.1.
Levi [jr. dup.], m., laborer, s. Levi, apoplexy, Feb. 2, 1844, a. 54 y.
Louisa, inf. d. Nehemiah and Lydia. Oct. 16, 1820. G.R.12.
Lucy A. (Claffin), d. Curtis and Adiline, infantile. Aug. 20, 1848, a. 15 d.
Lyman S. (Claflin), s. Curtis and Adeline, Sept. 17, 1839, a. 3 m. G.R.5.
Lyman S. (Claflin), Aug. 13, 1848. a. 41 y. G.R.12.
Lyman W. (Claflin), m., laborer, s. Hartford and Sarah, mortification extremities, Aug. ----, 1848, a. 45 y.
Marcy, d. twin, Calvin and Mary, Sept. 29, 1794, a. 7 d. G.R.12.
Marcy F., s. Calvin and Mary, Mar. 28, 1796, a. 2 d. G.R.12.
Maria (Claflin), d. Curtis and Adeline, Sept. 16, 1844, a. 7 m. 13 d. G.R.5.
Mary, d. twin, Calvin, Sept. 29, 1794, a. 7 d. P.R.80.
Mary, d. Calvin and Mary, Feb. 28, 1798, a. 13 d. G.R.12.
Mary, w. Calvin, May 3, 1835, a. 65 y. G.R.12.
Mary B., unm., d. Daniel and Lita [Lita B. G.R.2.], consumption, May 24, 1845, a. 21 y. 11 m. 28 d.
Mary Emeline, d. Curtis and Emeline, cholera infantum, Sept. 17, 1844, a. 5 y. 15 m.
Mehetabel, w. Nehemiah, June 4, 1840, a. 95 y. 6 m. 23 d. G.R.12.
Mercy, w. Phinehas, Nov. 11 [4. dup.], 1814, in her 71st y. G.R.12.
Nehemiah, Dec. 22, 1735.
Nehemiah, Jan. 5, 1820, in his 77th y. G.R.12.
Nehemiah, Feb. 13, 1839. G.R.12.
Noah, jr., Aug. 28, 1796, in his 26 y. P.R.80.
Noah, Aug. 11, 1825, in his 91st y. G.R.2.
Noah, jr., s. Noah, Esq., and Hannah, Apr. 11, 1835, in his 24th y. G.R.2.
Palemon D., s. Hartford and ---- (Weatherhead), Oct. 8, 1802.
Paschal Chandler, Oct. 19, 1833, in his 31st y. G.R.1.
Patta, w. Noah, jr., Aug. 28, 1796, a. 25 y. 4 m. 14 d. G.R.2.
Phebe, d. Daniel and Phebe (Brown), Dec. 17, 1791. [in her 5th y. G.R.1.]
Phebe, wid. Daniel, July 25, 1826, in her 66th y. G.R.1.
Phinehas (Claflin), Mar. 27, 1817, in his 79th y. G.R.12.
Phinehas (Claflin), July 16, 1827, in his 64th y. G.R.12.
Rachel, d. Comfort F. and Anna, June 6, 1829, in her 29th y. G.R.12. [20th y. P.R.80.]
Rebeckah Kent, d. Daniel and Lita (Bliss), June 25, 1834.
Robert, jr., Sept. 28, 1767, a. 21 y. 7 m.
Robert, Nov. 3, 1832, in his 37th y. G.R.1.
Rufus, m., yeoman, s. Phineas, intemperance, Apr. 6, 1844, a. 74 y. [a. 76 y. G.R.12.]
Salley, d. Daniel and Phebe (Brown), Jan. 7, 1786. [in her 3d y. G.R.1.]
Sally (Claflin), w. Comfort, and d. Noble and Chloe Cummings, Oct. 18, 1842, a. 35 y. G.R.1.
Sally, w. Allerton, Dec. 17, 1846, a. 74 y. G.R.12.
Sally C., d. Calvin and Mary, Nov. ----, 1798, a. 3 d. G.R.12.
Sarah, wid. Antapass, Sept. ----, 1777. "Supposed to be One Hundred the March Before her Death."
Sarah, unm., d. Comfort and Sally, consumption, Jan. 16, 1847, a. 15 y. 10 m. 1 d.
Sarah Ann, d. Comfort and Sally, Jan. 16, 1847, in her 16th y. G.R.1.
Sylvester, m., s. Nehemiah, bilious fever, Jan. 30, 1847, a. 76 y. 6 m. 8 d. [a. 71 y. P.R.80.]
Sylvester N., Nov. 18, 1847, in his 33d y. G.R.12.
----, June 21, 1756. in his 76th y.
----, inf. s. Calvin and Mary, "born and died," ----, 1800. G.R.12.
----, inf. d. Calvin and Mary, "born and died," ----, 1802. G.R.12.
----, inf. s. Calvin and Mary, "born and died," ----, 1804. G.R.12. [1801. P.R.80.]
----, (Claflin), ch. Sylvester. Jan. 13, 1816. P.R.46.
----, (Claflin), ch. Noah, Nov. ----, 1816. P.R.46.
CLARK (Clarke)
Annah, d. Charles, disease of brain, Feb. ---- [1847.], a. 7 m.
Edmund A., s. William and Elizabeth, ----, 1839. G.R.5.
Jeremiah, h. Ruth (Hancock), Oct. 6, 1762. [in his 32d y. G.R.11.]
Mary Ann, d. William and Elizabeth, ----, 1836. G.R.5.
Mehetable (Clarke), wid., Oct. 13, 1769, in her 76th y. G.R.11.]
Robert P., Jan. 9, 1845, in his 26th y. G.R.13.
Rosella, w. Ones[i]mus, Sept. 30, 1837, in her 27th y. G.R.4.
Sarah A., d. Robert P. and Betsey B., Aug. 20, 1844, a. 7 m. 21 d. G.R.13.
Daniel, h. Lois, Sept. 1, 1828, a. 50 y. G.R.1.
Miriam, wid. William, formerly w. Joseph Bishop, also w. Joseph Hodges, Apr. 20, 1809, in her 92d y. G.R.1.
Almira, Sept. 6, 1848. P.R.63.
Chloe, Sept. 29, 1838. P.R.63.
David, Feb. 21, 1842. P.R.63.
Elihu D., Sept. 18, 1836. P.R.63.
Ella [Ella M. P.R.63.], d. Abial, scarlet fever, July 4, 1846, a. 1 y. 4 m. 10 d.
Bethiah. d. Charles M. and Mary, Jan. 16, 1843, a. 2 y. 6 m. 13 d. G.R.1.
Esther, tailoress, at Seekonk, bur. Seekonk, consumption, Aug. 27, 1847, a. 63 y.
Francis A., d. John and May, marasmus, Oct. 8, 1847, a. 9 m. 27 d.
Polly, w. Nathan, Oct. 26, 1813, in her 24th y. G.R.1.
Saphira, w. Noah, June 4, 1793, in her 27th y. G.R.1.
----, s. John, marasmus, Sept. 28, 1843, a. 1 m. 15 d.
Vashti Drake, d. William and Achsah E. (Perry), Oct. ----, 1841, a. 21 y. P.R.52.
William, July 4, 1823. P.R.52.
Abigale, pauper, Feb. 14, 1807.
Joseph, m., consumption, May 5, 1848, a. 36 y. 10 m. 4 d.
Elona, Mrs. [w. Benjamin. C.R.2.], Jan. 21, 1819. P.R.46.
John, Aug. 15, 1820. [1826. P.R.80.], in his 45th y. G.R.1.
Josiah, at Boston, June 27, 1759, in his 63d y. P.R.80.
Lydia, w. Josiah, Oct. 31, 1739, a. 38 y. P.R.80.
Noah, Jan. [12. P.R.46.], 1815. [in his 69th y. G.R.1; in his 60th y. P.R.80.]
Sarah, wid. Noah, July 23, 1827, in her 83d y. G.R.1.
Tho[mas], Sept. 10 [Apr. 10. P.R.80.], 1750, in his 50th y. G.R.1.
Tho[ma]s, Dec. 7, 1776, in his 29th y. G.R.1.
Thomas, Oct. 11, 1835, a. 27 y. G.R.12.
----, ch. Noah and Huldah, Aug. 15, 1816, a. 3 d. G.R.1.
Edwin T., s. Daniel and Elizabeth, Aug. 30, 1837. a. 3 y. 6 m. G.R.12.
Benjamin, Nov. 29, 1736. in his 64th y. G.R.13.
Mary, w. John, sr., Dec. 6, 1712.
Roxana, d. B. and Susan, ----, 1829. G.R.10.
Susan, w. B., Mar. 22, 1836. G.R.10.
CUMMINGS (Comings, Cumings, Cummins)
Abbygail, May ----, 1819. P.R.45.
Abigail, Mar. 19, 1846. P.R.45.
Abraham (Comings), s. Abram and Sary (Jackson), Dec. 18, 1749.
Ann [Ann B. G.R.1.], housekeeper, b. Norton, w. Alfred, and d. Samuel and Julia Hunt, fever, Mar. 11, 1846. [a. 33 y. G.R.1.]
Caroline, unm., d. Samuel and Lydia, consumption, Nov. 3 [1. G.R.2.], 1848, a. 17 y. 5 m. 4 d. [a. 19 y. G.R.2.]
Chloe [Chloe C. G.R.1.] (Cumings), w. Noble, consumption. Feb. 14, 1844, a. 62 y.
David (Cummins), s. David and Thankful (Cheeny), May 2, 1758.
David, 3d, m., mule spinner, b. Swansey, s. Noah [Noble. G.R.1.] and Chloe, consumption, May 12, 1846, a. 30 y. 3 m. 9 d.
David, m., farmer, s. David and Than[k]ful, old age, May 18, 1846, a. 84 y. 3 m. 12 d.
Esther, Aug. 19, 1838, a. 1 y. 12 d. G.R.2.
Esther Read (Cummins), May 16, 1836, a. 2 y. 2 m. G.R.2.
Frank (Cummins), Mar. 3, 1812, a. 10 m. G.R.2.
Hipsy, wid. David, Apr. 20, 1819, in her 83d y. G.R.1.
Isaac Newton, s. Noble and Chloe, Aug. 31, 1845, a. 26 y. 11 m. 20 d. G.R.1.
James P., s. James M. and Hannah C. Hunt [Oct. 10. P.R.3.], 1839. G.R.2.
Jasper (Cumings), s. Allen and Esther, instantly killed by the fall of a shed, May 28, 1824, in his 16th y. G.R.1.
John, s. Abram and Sary (Jackson), Nov. 10, 1751.
Joseph (Cumings), s. Abraham and Mary, May 18, 1721.
Katura, July 17, 1849. P.R.45.
Mary, July 20, 1838, a. 2 y. 6 m. G.R.2.
Newton, unm., mule spinner, b. Rehoboth, s. Noble and Chloe, consumption, Aug. 31, 1845, a. 27 y. 4 m. 19 d.
Noble, m., s. Jonathan and Mary, at Swansey, consumption, Aug. 5, 1848, a. 70 y. 20 d.
Sarah, Mar. 30, 1834, in her 68th y. G.R.1.
Sarah Addeline, Dec. 19, 1847. P.R.45.
Seth, May 23, 1844. P.R.45.
Seth Albert, Aug. 27, 1846. P.R.45.
Stephen (Comings), s. Abraham and Mary, June 3, 173-.
Thankful (Cumings), Dec. 2, 1815, in her 46th y. G.R.1.
Thankful, w. George, May 14, 1818. P.R.45.
Thankful (Cumings), wid. David, Jan. 29, 1827, in her 94th y. G.R.1.
----, (Cumings), s. Alfred and Ann, infantile, Mar. 7, 1846, a. 6 d.
George W., July 28, 1844, a. 33 y. G.R.2.
Morey,m., b. Smithfield, hydrophobia. May 26, 1849, a. 45 y.
Charlotte, d. Josiah, ----, 1821, C.R.2.
Charlotte Amanda, d. Josiah and Mindwell, Jan. 30, 1822, a. 3 y. 7 m. G.R.4.
Abigail, wid. Thomas, May 31, 1734, in her 82d y. G.R.13.
Bartholemew, s. Samuel and Fear, Aug. 26, 1736, in his 10th y. G.R.13.
Bartholomew, s. Jacob and Elezebeth (Read), July 5, 1748.
Catharine, d. Samuel and Rebeckah, June 25, 1846, in her 74th y. C.R.13.
Elihu, s. Joseph and Nancy, Oct. 2, 1837, in his 42d y. G.R.13.
Elisabeth, w. Jacob, May 26, 1762, in her 42d y. G.R.13.
Fear, wid. Samuel, Dec. 2, 1767, a. 82 y. G.R.13.
Jacob, May 24, 1796, in his 77th y. G.R.13.
Jacob [Lt. G.R.13.], h. Mary (Tiffany), Nov. 14, 1803. [in his 28th y. G.R.13.]
Jemimah, d. Samuel and Fear, Apr. 2, 1736, in her 7th y. G.R.13.
Joseph, widr., farmer, old age, June 5. 1845, a. 89 y. 11 m. 25 d.
Nancy, w. Joseph, "sudden," June [13. C.R.13.], 1843, a. 75 y. [a. 77 y. 3 m. G.R.13.]
Osmond Tiffany, s. Carleton and Caroline, Sept. 26, 1827. G.R.13.
Rebeckah, w. Samuel, Feb. 14, 1795, in her 48th y. G.R.13.
Richards, Nov. 15, 1814. [in his 32d y. G.R.13.]
Richards, Rev., a Missionary at St. Marc, Hayti, bur. Hayti, June 9, 1849, a. 30 y. G.R.13.
Samuel, Feb. 19, 1776, in his 79th y. G.R.13.
Samuel, Oct. 16, 1822. [in her 78th y. G.R.13.]
Samuel, jr., s. Samuel, jr. and Sopia (George), May 10, 1826. [a. 9 m. G.R.13.]
Thos. C., s. Carlton and Caroline, Aug. 8, 1840, a. 2 y. 17 d. G.R.13.
Adaline Jewell, d. David and Nancy, Jan. 10, 1810, a. 18 m. 29 d. G.R.1.
Bathsheba, w. James, Mar. 10, 1816, in her 57th y.
Chloe, d. Oliver and Kesiah (Claflen), May 16, 1803.
Edward, unm., pauper, consumption, July 9, 1843, a. 65 y.
Hannah, wid. Jonathan, and d. Stephen Richardson, Sept. 14, 1835, a. 71 y. G.R.1.
Henry, s. Henry and Julia W., Feb. 6, 1848, a. 1 y. 46 d. G.R.1.
Hezekiah, Apr. 26, 1816. P.R.46.
James, Nov. 30, 1842, in his 56th y. G.R.1.
Joanna, m., fits, Sept. 5, 1848, a. 61 y. 11 m. 29 d.
Jonathan, drowned, Nov. 19, 1813, a. 49 y. G.R.1.
Kesiah Claflen, w. Oliver, ----, 1827. G.R.1.
Lemuel, s. Lewis and Nancy, dysentery, May 18, 1846, a. 2 y. 1 m. 8 d.
Lucy, w. Moses, Feb. 4, 1825, in her 34th y. G.R.1.
Mary W., d. Moses and Lucy, Oct. 13, 1830, a. 16 y. G.R.1.
Moses, s. Aaron and Margret (Claflen), Jan. 2, 1828. [in his 40th y. G.R.1.]
Nancy, w. David, Mar. 19, 1812, in her 34th y. C.R.1.
Norman Rodri, s. Moses and Lucy, Aug. 5, 1823, a. 1 y. 4 m. G.R.1.
Oliver, widr., shoemaker [h. Kesiah Claflen. G.R.1.], and s. Aaron, Aug. 13 [1845.], a. 81 y. 4 m. 21 d.
Ruth, w. Aaron, jr., July 26, 1753.
Sarah, Jan. 13, 1816. P.R.46.
Virgil Henry, s. David and Nancy, Feb. 26, 1811, a. 3 m. G.R.1.
William, s. Lewis, typhus fever, Nov. 7, 1843, a. 13 y.
----, w. D. ----, Mar. 11, 1816. P.R.46
----, s. Lewis, marasmus, June 21, 1843, a. 6 m.
DAGGETT (Dagget, Daugett)
Ann Janette Stanley, d. Elihu, 3d, and Lucinda (White), Aug. 19, 1838.
Benjamin, Sept. 11, 1807, in his 44th y. G.R.4.
Benjamin, s. Daniel and Margaret (Woodcock), Aug. ----, 1808. P.R.70.
Charity (Galieucia), w. Elihu, Apr. 16, 1823, a. 72 y.
Charles Foster, s. Elijah and Esther (Orne), May 15, 1806.
Charlotte, d. Elijah and Esther (Orne), Mar. 27, 1796. [a. 9 y. 2 m. 26 d. P.R.79.]
Chloe, d. Joab and Chloe (Blackinton), Sept. 28, 1803.
Content, d. Thomas and Elezebeth (Black), Dec. 12, 1734.
Corrissande Larocke, d. Elihu, 3d, and Lucinda (White), Jan. 16, 1837.
Daniel [Lt. P.R.79.], Dec. 3, 1796, in his 57th y. G.R.4.
Daniel [s. Daniel and Margaret Woodcock. P.R.70.], Aug. 19, 1838, in his 64th y. G.R.4.
Ebenezer, Aug. 30, 1740. [in his 50th y. G.R.11.]
Ebenezer, jr., s. Ebenezer and Sally (Maxey), "by falling from Brig Barclay on his Passage from Philladelphia to Boston," Nov. 17, 1831, in his 25th y.
Ebenezer, Esq. [Hon. G.R.1.], "Member of the Genl. Court," at Boston ["while in attendance as a member of the Senate from Bristol County." G.R.1.], Mar. 4, 1832, in his 69th y.
Ebenezer, s. Harvey C., Jan. 13, 1842, a. 2 y. 5 m. G.R.2.
Eleanar J., d. Plina and Anna, consumption, Aug. 19 [1845.], a. 4 m. 10 d.
Elihu [Elder, Aug. 29. P.R.79.], 1769. G.R.5. [in his 60th y. P.R.79.]
Elihu, h. Charity (Galieucia), June 24, 1833, a. 86 y.
Ella J., d. Pliny and Anna, Aug. 18, 1845. G.R.1.
Eugene C., s. Pliny and Anna [after 1842.] G.R.1.
Eugene H., s. Pliny and Anna, ----. G.R.1.
Eunice W., housekeeper, b. Wrentham, w. Handel N., Jan. 22, 1848, a. 24 y. 10 m. 24 d.
Hannah [ (Everett). P.R.70.], Mrs. [1st w. Daniel, Oct. 11. P.R.70.], 1800. G.R.4.
Harrison, s. Levi and Abigail [ (Butler). dup.], scarletina, Aug. 10, 1843, a. 3 y. 1 m.
Homer, s. Pliny and Anna, Sept. 6, 1841. G.R.1.
Ichabod, Sept. 3, 1781, in his 45th y. G.R.4.
Ichabod. s. Thomas and Sarah (Stanley). May ---, 17-.
Joab (Dagget), Mar. 7, 1816. [in his 62d y. G.R.1.]
James Manning, s. [Ens. G.R.11.] Elijah and Esther (Orne), Oct. 9, 1791, a. 10 w.
John, Dea., Sept. 7, 1724. [in his 63d y. G.R.11.]
John, Esq., Jan. 20, 1803. [in his 79th y. P.R. 80; in his 50th y. G.R.1.]
John, s. Ebenezer and Sally (Maxcy), July 5, 1803. [a. 2 y. 9 m. 25 d. G.R.1.]
Joseph, Feb. 16, 1734-5.
Joseph (Dagget), Dec. 8, 1817.
Leonard, s. Thomas and Sibbel, July 24, 1784. [1704. P.R.79.], in his 29th y. G.R.13. [in his 22d y. P.R.79.]
Levi, s. Col. John and Marcy, Feb. 8, 1770, a. 3 y. G.R.1.
Lucinda [White. C.R.5.], w. Elihu, dysentery, Oct. 1, 1847, a. 59 y. 9 d.
Lucinda, d. Elihu, 3d, and Lucinda (White), Oct. 1, 1847.
Lucy, 2d, w. Mayhew [formerly w. Ichabod Daggett. P.R.79.], Jan. 21, 1798. [in her 56th y. P.R.79.]
Lucy Ann, d. Pliny and Elizabethe, fits, Oct. 7 [18481, a. 1 m. 7 d.
Lydia, d. Mahew and Martheu (Newell), Jan. [June. G.R.11.] 31, 1775. [a. 1 y. 9 m. 10 d. G.R.11.]
Lyman, s. [Capt. P.R.80.] Elijah and Esther (Orne), Jan. 25, 1808. [a. 19 y. 11 m. 13 d. G.R.11.]
Marcy, w. John, Esq., Feb. 1, 1783. [a. 53 y. P.R.80.]
Maria, d. Benjamin and Polly, Aug. 25, 1798, a. 3 y. 7 d. P.R.79.
Margaret. w. Lt. Daniel, Aug. 11, 1829, in her 55th y. G.R.4.
Margaret, 2d w. Daniel, and [d. Rufus and Margaret Briggs. P.R.68.], Mar. 5, 1828, in her 54th y. G.R.4.
Mary, w. Ebenezer, Dec. 1, 1772, in her 75th y. G.R.11.
Mary, w. John, Esq., ----, 1783, in her 53d y. G.R.1.
Mary Boomer, d. John, Esq., and ---- (Boomer), Sept. 9, 1842.
Mayhew, Capt. [h. Joanna Biven. G.R.5.], Mar. 17, 1752.
Mayhew, May 7, 1775, in his 40th y. G.R.11.
Nance (Daugett), d. Mahew and Martheu (Newell), Mar. 12, 1768. [a. 4 m. 14 d. G.R.11.]
Nancy M., d. Pliny and Anna, Sept. 16, 1846. G.R.1.
Naphtali, s. Thomas and Sarah (Stanley), May 14, 1724.
Napthali (Dagget), "slain by a tree," Mar. 6, 1717-18.
Napthali, d. Thomas and Sibble (Standley), July 13, 1769. [1760, in his 13th y. P.R.79.]
Paul, s. Joab and Chloe (Blackinton), Sept. 29, 1803.
Pline, s. Joab and Chloe (Blackinton), Sept. 21, 1803. [Sept. 2, 1802, in his 4th y. G.R.1.]
Polly, wid. Benjamin, Mar. 16, 1820, in her 52d y. G.R.4.
Rebecca Stanley, w. Elihu [Sept. 20. P.R.79.], 1799. G.R.5. [in her 85th y. P.R.79.]
Samuel, s. Thomas and Sarah (Stanley), July 25, 1728.
Sarah, w. Thomas, Aug. 31, 1728. [in her 34th y. P.R.79.]
Sibel, wid. Thomas, Jan. 7, 1810, in her 80th y. G.R.13.
Statira Archademia, d. Elihu, 3d, and Lucinda (White), Sept. 30, 1821. [1829. G.R.5.]
Susan C., b. New Hampshire, w. Harvey M., consumption, Nov. 24, 1846, a. 36 y. 9 m. 4 d.
Thomas, Mar. 6, 1778, in his 84th y. P.R.79.
Thomas, Aug. 19, 1807, in his 76th y. G.R.13.
Thirza, d. Elihu and Charity (Galieucia), Oct. 13, 1813.
----, s. Ebenezer and Sally (Maxey), June [6. P.R.46]. 1818, a. 18 h.
----, ch. Pliny, cynanche maligna, Jan. 18, 1844, a, 1 y. 3 m.
Elisabeth, d. John and Annah (Hunting), Mar. 16, 1775.
Jacob, fever, Sept. 25, 1822, a. abt. 23 y. C.R.2.
DARY (Derry)
Huldah, d. Lewis and Huldah, at Windsor, Apr. 1, 1808, a. 7 m. G.R.2.
John, May 30, 1824, in his 67th y. G.R.2.
Lewis, b. Taunton, s. Nelson and Susan, dropsy in head, June 24, 1846, a. 6 m. 3 d.
Peddy, d. Lewis and Huldah, Mar. 5, 1802. G.R.2.
Polly (Derry), unm., pauper, d. John and Rebecca, consumption, Oct. 15, 1845, a. 43 y. 3 m.
Rebecca, wid. John, Feb. 7, 1839, a. 78 y. 11 d. G.R.2.
Sarah Curtis, w. George B., and only d. James and Lucinda Warren, Nov. 24, 1846, a. 28 y. G.R.5.
DAVIS (Davice)
Aaron, Dea., Jan. 4, 1820, in his 88th y. G.R.13.
Eunice, d. Dea. Aaron and Hannah, Feb. 17, 1816, in her 58th y. G.R.13.
Francis C., s. Anthony C., Oct. ----, 1844, a. 2 y. 5 m.
Francis J., s. Anthony and S., whooping cough, Sept. 6, 1849, a. 6 m. 22 d.
Joseph (Davice), May 4, 1727.
Julia A., d. George W. and Julia, infantile, Sept. 18, 1848, a. 6 m. 7 d.
Margaret [w. Dea. Aaron. G.R.13.], Feb. 14, 1816.
Mary, 2d w. Barney, also wid. John Hale, Nov. 2, 1838, in her 59th y. G.R.13.
Anna, w. Lt. Eliphaz, Oct. 24, 1802, in her 59th y. G.R.13.
Benj[ami]n, laborer, Mar. ----, 1844, a. 59 y.
Benj[ami]n, May 13, 1844.
Betty, d. William and Jerusha (Day), Oct. 2, 1748.
Bridget, d. Benjamin, Aug. 22, 1740. [a. 18 y. 2 m. 22 d. P.R.79.]
Bridget, d. John and Hannah (Robbins), July 10, 1750.
David, Jan. 19, 1768, in his 64th y. G.R.13.
Dorcas, d. David and Ruth, Dec. 17, 1739, in her 5th y. G.R.13.
Eliphaz, Lt., Feb. 19, 1820, in his 77th y. G.R.13.
Eliza J., ----, 1846. G.R.5.
Elizebeth, w. Joseph, Sept. 20, 1724. [in her 51st y. P.R.79.]
Eunice, 2d w. Lt. Eliphaz, and d. Rev. Abijah Weld, June 21, 1825, in her 75th y. G.R.13.
Ezekel, s. Mordica, May 1, 1735.
Jerusha, d. William and Jerusha (Day), Nov. 10, 1739.
Jerusha, d. William, Aug. 18, 1751.
Jerusha, w. William, Sept. 23, 1751. [in her 34th y. G.R.13.]
Joseph [June 14. P.R.79.], 1742. G.R.13. [in his 71st y. P.R.79.]
Joseph, laborer, fall from load of hay, Aug. 23, 1847, a. 60 y. 11 m. 4 d.
Loammi, Nov. 30, 1827, a. 75 y. G.R.13.
Lydia Anna [youngest. G.R.13.], d. Dexter and Lydia M. (Bowers), June 14, 1841. [a. 15 y. 8 m. 8 d. G.R.13.]
Marcy, d. Samuel and Mary, Mar. 17, 1749-50, in her 22d y. G.R.13.
Mary, d. David and Ruth, Jan. 8, 1739, a. 2 m. G.R.13.
Mary, d. Jonathan and Bethiah (Ev[e]ret), d. Richerd, Dec. 27, 1748. [a. 2 y. 7 m. 18. d. G.R.13.]
Mary, w. Samuel, July 27, 1751, in her 61st y. G.R.13.
Mary, w. Loammi, Feb. 14, 1825, a. 76 y. G.R.13.
Minerva B. [eldest. G.R.13.], d. Dexter and Lydia M. (Bowers), June 29, 1825. [a. 13 y. 6 m. G.R.13.]
Molle, d. Daniel, jr., and Hannah (Tyler), Apr. 3, 1753.
Nathaniel, "ye aged," Feb. 25, 1734-5. [in his 71st y. P.R.79.]
Rachel, d. Nathaniel [and Ruth. G.R.13.], suddenly, Sept. 19, 1723. [in her 26th y. G.R.13.]
Ruth, Mrs., "ye aged" [wid. Nathaniel. G.R.13.], May 10, 1736. [in her 65th y. G.R.13.]
Ruth, wid. David, ----, 1789, in her 81st y. G.R.13.
Samuel, "the aged," Nov. 11, 1749.
Sarah, w. B., and d. John and Hannah Robbins, Apr. 14, 1747, a. 25 y. G.R.13.
Sarah, d. Benj[amin], jr., and Sarah (Robbins), Mar. 26, 1767. [in her 21st y. G.R.2.]
Walter Robinson. s. Cornelius T. and Ann A., Sept. 11, 1846, a. 17 m. 17 d. G.R.13.
Albert, s. Ephraim and Nancy, Sept. 17, 1826, a. 14 m. 20 d. G.R.1. [Sept. 17, 1820, a. 11 m. 20 d. P.R.4.]
Albert Baylies, s. Dorrance and Lephe, Aug. 7, 1833. G.R.2.
Almon Orville, s. Asa and Chloe, Feb. 12, 1809, a. 1 y. 10 m. G.R.1.
Asa, Dec. 27, 1815, in his 54th y. G.R.1.
Bebe, w. Asa, May 23, 1796, in her 33d y. G.R.1.
Bebe, d. Asa and Bebe, Feb. 27, 1807, a. 19 y. 1 m. G.R.1.
Edwin Edgar, s. Hermon and Hannah, Apr. 7, 1837. P.R.39.
Emeline, d. Ephraim and Nancy, July 3 [9. P.R.4.], 1827, a. 1 y. 11 m. 3 d. G.R.1.
Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Martha, Nov. 6, 1756, in his 3d y. P.R.80.
Ephraim, 3d, s. Ephraim, jr. and Lydai (Capron), drowned in well, Aug. 19, 1792. [a. 1 y. 16 m. 6 d. G.R.1.]
Ephraim, Aug. 10, 1795, in his 71st y. G.R.1.
Ephraim, Feb. 18, 1836, in his 77th y. G.R.1.
Lydia, w. Ephraim, Dec. 27, 1833, in her 64th y. G.R.1.
Lyman, s. Asa and Chloe, Feb. 19, 1805, a. 2 y. 10 d. G.R.1.
Marett, d. Herman and Hannah, Sept. 24, 1825, a. 14 m. 7 d. G.R.1.
Margaret [Maryette. P.R.39.], unm., d. Harmon and Hannah, dropsy, Oct. 26, 1846, a. 19 y. 10 m. 15 d.
Maria A., Nov. 15, 1827. P.R.36.
Martha, w. Ephraim, Aug. 29, 178-. [1788, a. 61 y. 11 m. 6 d. G.R.1.]
Maryette, see Dean, Margaret.
Rebecca (Phillips), w. Ira, Mar. 5, 1823. [a. 31 y. 15 d. G.R.1.]
Sarah, Dec. 30, 1837, in her 70th y. G.R.1.
Seba J. [Sebra Ingraham. P.R.23.], s. L. W. and Maretta [ch. Lyman W. and Maryette (Ingraham). P.R.23.], infantile, Nov. 24, 1849, a. 20 d.
Sebra, ch. Lyman W. and Maryette (Ingraham), Dec. 11, 1842. P.R.23.
Sebra Emmons, s. Asa and Chloe, May 2, 1814. P.R.80.
----, inf. ch. Ira and Rebekah, Mar. 30, 1823. G.R.1.
----, wid., bowel complaint, Sept. 18, 1846, a. 91 y.
DERBY (see Darby.)
Candace, w. William, and d. Rufus Clafflin, May 20, 1838, in her 28th y. G.R.12.
Edwin, s. William and Candace, July 20, 1838, a. 3 m. G.R.12.
Polly, at almshouse, Mar. 27, 1837, a. 62 y.
----, s. William, erysipelas, Mar. 19, 1849, a. 6 m. 20 d.
DINSMORE, see Dunsmore.
A. Crawford, s. John C. and Asenath O., June ----, 1836, a. 6 y. 7 m. G.R.14.
Adelaide Orne, only d. John C. and Asenath O., Feb. 5, 1841, a. 3 y. 5 d. G.R.14.
Asenath O., b. Providence, R.I., w. John C., Dec. 5, 1839. G.R.14.
Cornelia H., d. John C., Nov. --, 1847, a. 1 y. 1 m.
Cornelia Henshaw, d. George H. and Sarah C., Apr. 24, 1848, a. 1 y. 26 d. G.R.14.
Ellen C., d. John C. and Asenath O., Oct. 7, 18--9, a. 8 m. 20 d. G.R.14.
Eugene Pickering, s. John C. and Asenath O., May 2, 1836, a. 4 y. 14 d. G.R.14.
Frances, inf. s. John C. and Asenath O., Mar. 3, 1836. G.R.14.
Mary S[tevens. G.R.14.]. d. George H., lung complaint, Sept. 23, 1847, a. 1 y.
Tho[ma]s, s. Charles R., bowel complaint, Sept. 16, 1846, a. 1 y. 4 m. 3 d.
George W., jeweler, b. Philadelphia, bur. Philadelphia, consumption, Jan. 3, 1849, a. 24 y. 3 d.
Susan, w. David, Sept. ---, 1824, in her 29th y. G.R.2.
Alice B., d. Albert H. and Nancy, croup, Oct. 27, 1846, a. 9 m. 13 d.
Alonso, s. John and Sarah, Dec. 8, 1796, in his 4th y. P.R.79.
Alonzo, Mar. 10, 1846, in his 43d y. G.R.13.
Alsey Almena, d. Ebenezer and Beulah, Apr. 25, 1821, a. 13 y. 6 m. G.R.13.
Benjamin, s. Josiah and Mary, Oct. 12, 1802, in his 18th y. G.R.6.
Carlton [s. Joseph and Olive L. G.R.5.], inflammation of bowels, Sept. 21, 1845, a. 1 y. 8 m.
Caroline, d. Paul and Mary, Nov. 13, 1809, a. 2 y. 8 m. G.R.13.
Caroline, d. Paul and Mary, Nov. 27, 1841, in her 29th y. G.R.13.
Carolton [Carlton H. G.R.5.], s. Joseph B. and Lorena [Olive L. G.R.5.], Dec. 7, 1848, a. 3 y. 1 m. 10 d.
Catherine, ----, 1842, a. 48 y. G.R.5.
Charles Francis, s. Ebenezer and Beulah, Mar. 6, 1839, a. 14 y. 4 m. G.R.13.
Charles Sumner, s. George A. and Lydia Ann, July 31, 1843. G.R.1.
Charlotte, at Thompson, Ct., Aug. 28, 1848, in her 64th y. G.R.13.
Chloe, wid. Isaac, Apr. 4, 1828, in her 82d y. G.R.13.
Dwight, s. George and Harriett, scarlet fever, Mar. 6, 1845, a. 15 y. 6 d.
Ebenezer, Dec. 1, 1811, in his 83d y. G.R.13.
Ebenezer H., Sept. 1, 1830, in his 28th y. G.R.13.
Edward Payson, s. Isaac and Elisa (Adams), Dec. 14, 1833.
Elisabeth, Aug. 1, 1782, a. 8 d. P.R.79.
Elisabeth, d. Isaac and Elisa (Adams), Aug. 20, 1827.
Eliza, w. John, jr., Oct. 9, 1821, in her 25th y. G.R.5.
Elizabeth, w. Stephen, Jan. 28, 1809, in her 64th y. G.R.13.
Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer and Beulah, May 16, 1826, a. 5 w. G.R.13.
Fanny, w. Stephen, jr., Mar. 19, 1799, in her 23d y. G.R.13.
Fisher, May 16, 1839, a. 74 y. G.R.13.
Hannah, wid. Fisher, consumption, June 26, 1843, a. 76 y. 6 m.
Hannah M., d. Fisher and Hannah, Apr. 19, 1832, a. 25 y. G.R.13.
Hariet A. [H. Anna. G.R.13.], d. George and Harriett, scarlet fever, Mar. 1 [Feb. 28. G.R.13.], 1845, a. 2 y. 11 m. 18 d.
Horatio, s. John and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1796, in his 2d y. P.R.79.
Horice, s. Fisher [and Hannah. G.R.13.], Jan. 8, 1823, in his 26th y.
Isaac, s. Isaac and Chloe, Dec. 7, 1773, a. 6 m. 18 d. G.R.13.
Isaac, July 17, 1824, a. 88 y. G.R.13.
James Bradford, s. J.O. and M. C., Feb. 17, 1842. G.R.13.
John, jr., s. John and Sarah H., June 7, 1831, in his 42d y. G.R.5.
Joseph, s. Stephen [Joseph. G.R.13.] and Elesabeth (Fisher), Aug. 1, 1782, a. 8 d. [a. 8 y. G.R.13.]
Josiah, Sept. 16, 1795. [in his 69th y. P.R.79.]
Julia [Julia Holmes. G.R.5.], w. Burton I., consumption, July 22, 1845, a. 43 y. 5 m. 12 d.
Louisa [Louisa B. G.R.5.], d. Preston, consumption, Jan. 15, 1847, a. 24 y.
Lydia Ann C., housekeeper, w. George A., and d. Zepheniah and Lydia Bishop, consumption, Mar. 7, 1846, a. 23 y. 2 m. 8 d.
Maria, m., b. Bristol, d. Asa Whitaker, consumption, Nov. 28, 1849, a. 27 y. 9 m.
Martha Ann, d. Burton J. and Julia [d. Burton I. and Julia Holmes. G.R.5.], scarletina, Mar. 7, 1846, a. 9 y. 1 m. 9 d.
Mary, w. Josiah, and d. Dr. B. and B. Mann, May 2, 1808, in her 54th y. G.R.6.
Mary, w. Ebenezer, Apr. 23, 1809, in her 81st y. G.R.13.
Mary, w. Paul, Mar. 8, 1816, in her 38th y. G.R.13.
Mary, wid. Josiah, and formerly wid. Oliver Blackinton, June 28, 1829, in her 64th y. G.R.5.
Miller M., s. Samuel O. and Nancy (Whiting), Sept. 12, 1824.
Nancy W., w. S.O., Jan. 19, 1840. G.R.5.
Paul, at Mobile, Ala., Mar. 16, 1819, in his 44th y. G.R.13.
Preston M., yeoman, consumption, Feb. 5 [1846. G.R.5.], a. 69 y.
Sally [Sally P. G.R.5.], m. [w. James. G.R.5.], b. Grafton, d. Joseph and P. Perry, dysentery, Oct. 7, 1849, a. 78 y. 3 m. 3 d.
Sarah, w. [wid. G.R.5.] Josiah, Feb. 5, 1817. [in her 84th y. G.R.5.]
Seth M., s. Ebenezer and Sally, Sept. 2, 1813, a. 1 y. 10 m. G.R.13.
Stephen, Mar. 15, 1825, in his 84th y. G.R.13.
Thomas S., s. Samuel O. and Nancy (Whiting), Apr. 12, 1827.
----, s. Geo[rge] A. and Lydia Ann, Sept. ----, 1843, a. 1 y.
----, d. Virgil, inflammation of lungs, May 16, 1844, a. 2 y.
----, s. Milton M., marasmus, July 7, 1846, a. 1 m. 1 d.
----, inf. ch. George and Mary A., premature, Aug. 29, 1848, a. 1 d.
Martha W., d. Ezra and Sally Lindsey, ----, 1836. G.R.1.
Abial, Capt., May 7, 1820, a. 80 y. G.R.1.
Anna, m. [wid. John, and d. Elder Nathaniel and Elizabeth Rounds. G.R.1.], consumption, Dec. 30, 1848, a. 80 y. 11 m.
Betsey, w. John, July 18, 1843, in her 53d y. G.R.1.
Betsy, Aug. 24, 1820. G.R.2.
Esther W., w. Joseph, Sept. 17, 1825. P.R.49.
Hannah, w. Earl, June 14, 1831, in her 58th y. G.R.1.
Hetty, d. Capt. Abial, Dec. 28, 1785, a. 2 y. G.R.1.
John, "accidentally killed by a musket shot at Fair Haven," Oct. 7, 1811, a. 24 y. G.R.1.
John, jr., s. John, Oct. 24, 1813, in his 27th y. G.R.1.
John, Mar. 13, 1816, in his 54th y. G.R.1.
Joseph, Jan. 27, 1829. P.R.49.
Lemira, d. John and Anna, Apr. 10, 1837, in his 33d y. G.R.1.
Mehetable, d. Capt. Abial, Dec. 3, 1778, a. 5 y. G.R.1.
Mehetable, w. Capt. Abial, Dec. 2, 1809. G.R.1.
Plina, s. Joseph and Esther Wetherell (Barrows), Jan. 7, 1812.
Solomon, Dec. 1, 1790, in his 62d y. P.R.49.
Isebell, an Irish woman, Sept. 12, 1724.
Mary, wid. Samuel, Nov. 17, 1775, in her 60th y. G.R.13.
Nancy C., w. William, and d. Rufus and Nancy Briggs, Mar. 24, 1838, a. 22 y. G.R.5.
W[illia]m B., s. W[illia]m and Nancy, Aug. 11, 1838, a. 4 m. 18 d. G.R.5.