Vital Records Of Ashfield Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Published By
The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1942
Marriages - SABLES to YEOMANS
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Benjamin of Pitts Town and Sussanna Pain of A., Dec. 11, 1782.
Abigail and Paul Collins [q.v.].
Abigail and Peter Cross [q.v.].
Aretas and Miss Naomi Rogers, both of A., int. Jan. 15, 1814.
Beulah (Saddler) and Mattathias Crittenden [q.v.].
Elizabeth and Joseph Baker [q.v.].
Esther and Bethel Benton [q.v.].
Eunice and Joshua Shelly [q.v.].
Hannah and Abiezer Phillips [q.v.].
Jerusha and Jacob Robinson [q.v.].
John Whately and Sarah Church of A., Nov. 26, 1801.
Joshua and Phebe Crittenden, both of A., Sept. 16, 1784.
Levina and Patrick Millen [q.v.].
Noah Right and Sara Truesdale, both of A., Jan. 30, 1783.
Ruth and Daniel Belding [q.v.].
Stephen of Conway and Rhoda Brown of A., Jan. 27, 1785.
William of Conway and Hannah Brown of A., Mar. 16, 1785. [Salisbury of Conway, C.R.1.]
Elmina and James Tatton [q.v.].
Ruth and Caleb Stowell [q.v.].
Alcy C. and Darius Williams [q.v.].
Almira B. and Daniel Williams Jr. [q.v.].
Asa and Rebecca W. Childs, Dec. 9, 1802.
Aurelia and Luther Sherman [q.v.].
Dwight of Conway and Miss Eliza Hall of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1826 and Apr. 1, 1827; int. July 1, 1826]. [Aug. ----, 1826, C.R.1.]
Electa A. and Henry L. Dawes [q.v.].
Irene and Luke Fuller [q.v.].
Isaac of Wheately and Marcy Allen of A., int. May ----, 1794.
Julia M. and Charles Joy [q.v.].
Lemuel C., bachelor, tanner and currier, of A., b. A., s. Asa and Nancy of A., and Orpha Ann Goodwin of A., b. A., d. Anson and Temperance, Feb. 1, 1844.
Livonia and Peter Estes [q.v.].
Rebecca and Sidney P. Brooks [q.v.].
Sally and John Stebbins, Oct. 29, 1795.
Sarah Ann and Alvan Perry [q.v.].
Thomas W. and Miss Alcy Cross, both of A., int. Aug. 26, 1843. [m. Oct. 4, C.R.1.]
Sally and Isaac Crittenden Jr. [q.v.].
Elisebeth and Chileab Smith Jr. [q.v.].
Martha and Jesse Merrill [q.v.].
Anna and David Phillips [q.v.].
Fredom and Martain Smith [q.v.].
Hopewell and Stephen Cross [q.v.].
Lucy and Eldad Francis Goodwin [q.v.].
Miriam (Scot) and Samuel Porter [q.v.].
Rebecca D. and Jonathan Kilbom [q.v.].
Salome and John Loomis [q.v.].
Cornelius E. and Miss Julia Searl, both of Southampton, Nov. 26, 1840, in Southampton, C.R.1.
Julia and Cornelius E. Searl [qv.]
Nathaniel E. [int. Pearl] of Southampton and Miss Polly Taylor of A., Sept. 18, 1832.
Abigail (see Nabby).
Achsah and George Ranney Jr., [q.v.].
Ahira and [int. Miss] Aurora Griffith, both of A., May 4, 1815.
Asarelah of A. and Miss Hannah Maynard of Conway, int. Nov. 2, 1816.
Benjamin of Hawley and Rebekah Eldridge [int. Miss Rebecca Eldredge] of A., Sept. 17, 1812.
Betsey and Ansel Taylor [q.v.].
Christopher and Deborah Manter, both of A., Oct. 28, 1782.
Clarinda and Atherton Clerk [q.v.].
Clarissa and Sanford Boice [q.v.].
Clark and Emeline Kelley [int. Killey, both of A.], ---- [rec. between Apr. 30, 1828 and Apr. 30, 1829; int. Nov. 3, 1828].
Daniel of A. and Miss Electa Rawson of Buckland, int. Oct. 26, 1804.
Darwin D. of A. and Miss Huldah J. Thomas of Cummington, int. May 12, 1844.
Dinah and Ezekiel Baldwin [q.v.].
Enos of A. and Rebecca Kelley of Yarmouth, Feb. 1, 1777, in Yarmouth.
Fanny and Thomas Bassett [q.v.].
Freeman of A. and Miss Eunice Parsons of Goshen, int. Nov. 1, 1834.
Hannah and Barnabas Eldredge [q.v.].
Hannah and Henry Eldredge [q.v.].
Harriet and Isaac R. Jones [q.v.].
Harriet B. and O. G. Spellman [q.v.].
Hepsibah and William Thayer Jr. [q.v.].
Hepzibah and Samuel Parker [q.v.].
Jonathan Jr. and Hannah Foster, both of A., Feb. 3, 1803.
Jonathan Jr. of A. and Miss Rhoda Parsons of Goshen, int. Feb. 18, 1845.
Joseph of A. and Miss Catharine Williams of Buckland, int. Nov. 11, 1849.
Joshua of Buckland and Miss Mary G. Eldredge of A., int. June 15, 1848.
Lavina and Zachariah Howes, Feb. 23, 1779.
Lemina and Ephraim Williams 2d [q.v.].
Lemuel and Miss Lucretia Ranney, both of A., int. Jan. 20, 1816.
Lewis and Miss Achsah Miles, both of A., int. May 7, 1842. [m. May 26, C.R.1.]
Lois and Jonah Fuller [q.v.].
Lucretia and Nehemiah Hathaway [q.v.].
Lucy and Joseph Hall [q.v.].
Mary (see Polly).
Mehitable and Moses Rogers [q.v.].
Milton F., single, 26, farmer, b. A., s. Jonathan and Hannah, and Mercy D. Williams, 23, b. A., d. Apollos and Annis, all of A., Jan. 13, 1848.
Nabby and Joseph Warren Jr. [q.v.].
Nathan of A. and Miss Abigail Bates of Goshen, int. Mar. 8 [8 over 4], 1834.
Olive and Heman Cargill [q.v.].
Oliver M., Rev., single, 30, of Dalton, b. A., s. Asarealah of A., and Maria Williams, 27, of A., b. A., d. Daniel and Sally of A., Dec. 15, 1847.
Paul and Eleanor Smith, Oct. 25, 1782.
Peter and Miss Lucy Fuller, both of A., int. Feb. 19, 1808.
Phebe and Cyril Jepson [q.v.].
Philena and Charles Cargill [q.v.].
Polly and Eliphalet Thayer [q.v.].
Priscilla and Rufus Sears [q.v.].
Priscilla and Emmons Pratt [q.v.].
Rebecca and Millin Bussey [q.v.].
Rhoda and Obed Smith [q.v.].
Roland [dup. +Rowland+] of A. and Jedidah Conant of Bridgewater, ----, 1777 [ dup. +1776+] in Bridgewater.
Rowland [int. Roland Jr.] and [int. Miss] Experience Clark, both of A., Jan. 18, 1814. [Rowland Jr., C.R.1.]
Roxana and Austin Lilly [q.v.].
Rufus of Hawley and Priscilla Sears of A., Mar. 20, 1794.
Rufus of Hawley and Maria Howes of A., Mar. 24, 1803.
Stillman and Miss Nabby Eldredge, both of A., int. Sept. 10, 1842. [m. Sept. 27, C.R.1.]
Tamsin and Daniel Williams [q.v.].
Tamzy and Joseph Hall Jr. [q.v.].
Thamisin and Levi Eldredge [q.v.].
Thankful and Levi Eldredge [q.v.].
Thomas, Dr., of A., and Miss Sophia James of Goshen, int. Apr. ----, 1815.
William and Tamzin [int. Miss Tamson] Eldredge, both of A., Aug. 25, 1808, in A. [Tamzin, C.R.1.]
William 2d and Miss Annis Eames, both of A., int. Apr. 6, 1833.
William and Miss Olive Eldredge, both of A., Oct. 24, 1833.
Zachariah [Sears written after Howes crossed out] of A. and Miss Delight Coolidge of Linden, int. Dec. 8, 1805.
Zechariah [int. Zachariah] of Lenox and Sarah [int. Miss Sally] Hall of A., ----, 1806 [int. July 11, 1805].
Jerusha and David Taylor [q.v.].
Asa and Siley Lealand [int. Leland], both of A., Mar. 24, 1789. [Lealand, C.R.1.]
Esther and Nathan Fuller [q.v.].
Flora and Samuel A. Ranney [q.v.].
Horace and Miss Janette Guilford, both of A., int. Apr. 19, 1845.
Jenezer and Jonas Rich [q.v.].
Jesse and Miss Deborah Gurney, both of A., int. Oct. 25, 1816.
Lucy and Lemuel Eldredge [q.v.].
Marville and Edward Ranney [q.v.].
Mary and James Halbert [q.v.].
Mary and Reuben Gardner [q.v.].
Nehemiah of Bolotown and Hepzibah Lyon of A., int. May 2, 1796.
Betsey and Joshua Knowlton [q.v.].
John (Shattock) of Conway and Polly Cranson of A., Oct. 13, 1788, in Conway.
Lucy and Oliver Bozworth [q.v.].
Beriah Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Cummington and Miss Mehitable Jenkins of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1819 and Apr. 1, 1820; int. Nov. 14, 1819]. [Berriah Jr. of Cummington, Mar. 4, 1820, C.R.1.]
Daniel and Olive Lillie, both of A., Oct. 18, 1770. [Olive, C.R.1.]
Elisabeth and David Burroughs [q.v.].
Eliza and Edwin Williams [q.v.]
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
John 3d of Plainfield and Miss Betsy King of A., int. Aug. ----, 1814.
Lydia and Austin Hill [q.v.].
Nany of Buckland and Robert Cobb of A., int. May 10, 1802.
Sarah and Erastus Mansfield [q.v.].
Electa and Aaron Hawks [q.v.].
Joshua (Shelly) and Eunice Sadler, both of A., June 1, 1769.
Josh[u]a of Hawley and Experience Crittenden of A., June 27, 1793.
Isaac and Jemima Smith, Jan. 19, 1764.
Isaac and Miss Jerusha Phillips, both of A., Nov. 30, 1819, in A.
Jemima and Aaron Lyon [q.v.].
Jerusha (Shephard) and Jesse Hartwell [q.v.].
Keziah and Seth Purington [q.v.].
Moses of A. and Fanny Allen of Goshen, blacks, int. Oct. 2, 1796.
Samuel and Rachel Cobb, both of A., int. June 2, 1798.
Sara and Elijah Toby [q.v.].
Sarah and Michael Ware Jr. [q.v.].
Thomas, Rev., of A., and Miss Sarah Williams Barrett of Northfield, int. Apr. 7, 1821.
Lucy and Ebenezer Smith [q.v.].
SHEPHARD (see Shepard).
Luther of Savoy and Miss Aurelia Sanderson of A., Nov. 7, 1833.
Lydia and Josiah Hollowel [q.v.].
Abner of Partridgefield "now Peru" and Allice Bement of A., Jan. 10, 1794.
Enoch and Chloe Smith, both of A., int. Sept. 4, 1802.
Lydia and Caleb King [q.v.].
Molly and Alexander Ward [q.v.].
Nath[anie]l and Mary Bement, both of A., Sept. 1, 1785.
William F., single, 21, mechanic, of Buckland, s. William and Maria of Buckland, and Mary Ann Howes, 19, of A., d. Jonathan and Clarrissa of A., Sept. 29, 1847 [? in Charlemont].
SHIPPEY(Shippe, Shippy)
Mary and George Stocking [q.v.].
Mary Jane (Shippy) and Jascher E. Taylor [q.v.].
Peter (Shippe) Jr. and Susana Tenny, both of Cherlemont, Feb. 5, 1793.
SHIRTLIFF (see Shurtliff).
Joshua of Leroy, N.Y., and [int. Miss] Sally Knowlton of A., Nov. 30, 1813, in A.
James of Charlemont and Dorcas Lyon of A., Nov. 29, 1792, in A.
Louis (Shirtliff) and Joseph Howes [q.v.].
Elizabeth and Jesse B. Cranford [q.v.].
Lucy M. and Champion Brown [q.v.].
Leucretia and Joseph Allen [q.v.].
Sophia (Smeede) and Anson Green [q.v.].
Abel and Prudence Eaton of Buckland, July 3, 1783.
Abigail and Abraham Stocking [q.v.].
Almira and William Hawks [q.v.].
Amelia Sophia and William Hawks [q.v.].
Anna and Jacob Kilbourn [q.v.].
Annis and Apollos Williams [q.v.].
Apollos W. of A. and Miss Mary Mather of Deerfield, int. Apr. 8, 1843.
Betsey and Alvan Cross [q.v.].
Betsy and Thomas Blood [q.v.].
Chapman of Northampton and Miss Mary Jane Thomas of A., int. Nov. 26, 1842.
Chielab [int. Chiliab Sr.] of A. and Rebecca Butler [int. wid.] of Zore, Jan. 3, 1792.
Chileab Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Elisebeth [int. Elisabeth] Sawyer, Oct. 4, 1764.
Chileab [int. 96] and [int. Mrs. Jerusha Ware [int. 82], both of A., Nov. 21, 1838, in A.
Chiliab 3d and Lidia [int. Lydia] Lazel, both of A., Mar. 14 [Mar. 14 crossed out], 1787. [Mar. 14, C.R.1.]
Chipman and Mehitable Haskell, Sept. 29, 1785.
Chloe and Enoch Sherwin [q.v.].
Clark of Dover, Ohio, and Miss Huldah Miles of A., May 27, 1839.
Clesson of Hawley and Miss Rachel Smith of A., int. Mar. 15, 1815.
David and Deborah Alden, both of A., Apr. 4, 1793.
David of New York and Miss Susanna Howes of A., int. Jan. 10, 1819.
Dialanah and Isaiah Gridley [q.v.].
Ebenez[e]r [int. Jr.] of Hawley [int. of A.] and Keziah Elmore of A., May 17, 1792.
Ebenez[e]r, Eld., of A., and Miss Lucy Sheperdson of Gullford, int. May 26, 1796.
Edward of Granby and Miss Eliza Smith of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1830 and Apr. 1, 1831; int. Sept. 11, 1830]. [Sept. 29, 1830, C.R.1.]
Eleanor and Paul Sears, Oct. 25, 1782.
Eleazer and Mehitable Bartlet, both of A., Dec. 30, 1790.
Electa and Ethon A. Clary [q.v.].
Elias of A. and Miss Lydia Holloway of Conway, int. Mar. 30, 1826.
Elijah Jr. and Mercy Wright, both of A., int. June 25, 1803.
Eliza and Edward Smith [q.v.].
Eliza and Charles F. Ranney [q.v.].
Eliza Ann and William Ranney [q.v.].
Elizabeth and Philip Phillips Jr. [q.v.].
Emely and Jared Bement [q.v.].
Emily S. and Joseph James [q.v.].
Eunice and Benjamin Randle [q.v.].
George W. of A. and Miss Philena Wrisley of Conway, int. Nov. 24, 1842.
Hannah and Bethuel Lilly [q.v.].
Hannah and Josiah Kellogg [q.v.].
Hannah and Henery Alden [q.v.].
Hannah and Ebenezer Cranston [q.v.].
Hannah W. and Nathaniel Read [q.v.].
Harriet and Atherton Clark [q.v.].
Hassadiah and Austin Drake [q.v.].
Henry S. [int. of A.], s. Elijah, and [int. Miss] Rhoda Rogers [int. of A.], d. Abner, Jan. 1, 1833.
Irene and Isaac Alden, May 18, 1780.
Jedediah and Mary Cross, both of A., Oct. 5, 1778.
Jeduthun [dup. and second dup. entered by deposition and int. Jeduthan; second dup. entered by deposition, twin s. Chileab Jr. (s. Chileab Sr.) q.v.] and Naomi Bryant [dup. entered by deposition, d. Zebulon and Mary (Conant)], both of A., Dec. 6, 1787.
Jemima and Isaac Shepard, Jan. 19, 1764.
Jemima and Edward Annible [q.v.]
Joanna (see Juannah).
John of New Lebanon and Sarah Lamphere [int. wid.] of A., Feb. 13, 1793.
John of Hawley and Julia Porter of A., Jan. 22, 1807.
Jonathan and Rachel Taylor, both of A., Aug. 3, 1786.
Jonathan [int. Jr.] and Rebekah Taylor, both of A., Aug. 20, 1795.
Joseph Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Irene Fuller, both of A., May 15, 1789. [Joseph Jr., C.R.1.]
Joseph C. and Miss Rebecca [int. adds C.] Porter, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1819 and Apr. 1, 1820; int. Oct. 7, 1819]. [Joseph Chipman Smith and Miss Rebecca Chipman Porter, Nov. 13, 1819, C.R.1.]
Josiah, Dea., of Gill, and Mrs. Esther B. [int. omits B.] Taylor of A.,---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1831 and Apr. 1, 1832; int. Nov. 26, 1831]. [Mrs. Esther B. of A., Dec. 20, 1831, C.R.1.]
Josiah F. of A. and Miss Mary Z. Bement of Buckland, int. July 21, 1849.
Juannah and Parson Mansfield [q.v.].
Julia and Nathan Elmer [q.v.].
Justus, Capt., and Miss Jerusha Mantague [int. Montague], both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1819 and Apr. 1, 1820; int. Feb. 12, 1820]. [Montagu, Mar. 26, 1820, C.R.1.]
Justus, Capt., of A., and Miss Achsah King of Whately, int. Sept. 5, 1835.
Lucius and Miss Lucretia Cranson, both of A., int. Apr. 13, 1816.
L[u]cius and Miss Lydia Bassett [int. both of A.],---- [rec. between Apr. 18, 1822 and Apr. 1, 1823; int. Nov. 2, 1822]. [Dec. 5, 1822, C.R.1.]
Lucretia and Ambrose Kelly [q.v.].
Lucy and David Whitmash [q.v.].
Lucy F. and Leonard Jewell [q.v.].
Lydia and Lewis Church [q.v.].
Martain and Fredom Scott, both of A., Dec. 23, 1791.
Martha (see Patty).
Moses and Diathena Briggs, Apr. 25, 1762, in Huntstown.
Obed and Rhoda Sears, both of A., Aug. 29, 1793.
Obediah of Hadley and Susanna Norton of A., Jan. 21, 1807.
Patty and Roswell Ellis [q.v.].
Rachel and John Bement Jr. [q.v.].
Rachel and Zephaniah Baker [q.v.].
Rachel and Clesson Smith [q.v.].
Rebecca and Ebenezer Alden [q.v.].
Rebecka and Joseph Rogers [q.v.].
Rhoda and Jesse Merrill [q.v.].
Salmon of A. and Lora Hibbard [of] Hadley, int. June ----, 1793.
Sara and Silas Parker [q.v.].
Sarah and Hiram Ranney [q.v.].
Sarah W. and Wells I. Hawks [q.v.].
Simeon and Prissilla Pelton, both of A., Jan. 3, 1782.
Stephen and Hannah McIntire, both of Hatfield Equivalent, July 17, 1777, C.R.1.
Theresa and Hiram Richmond [q.v.].
William Wallace and Miss Anna [int. Anne] Porter Mather, both of A., Oct. 10, 1838, in A.
Ziba of A. and Miss Rebecca Thayer of Conway, int. Dec. 7, 1821.
Ziba [int. of A.] and [int. Miss] Hannah Holoway [int. Holloway], second w. [int. of Conway], June ----, 1832.
John of Goshen and Anna Forbes [int. Furbush] of A., Oct. 12, 1797. [Forbes of A., C.R.1.]
Rebecka and John Mantor [q.v.].
Lydia and Ezra Howes [q.v.].
- ]
- G., single, 28, merchant, of Williamsburgh, s. Aaron and Elizabeth, and Harriet B. Sears, 21, of A., b. A., d. Ahira and Aroroh of A., Nov. 29, 1849.
Benjamin and Anna Cabb [int. Anne Cobb], both of A., June 30, 1791.
Benjamin and Salla Morton [int. Sara Mourton], both of A., Sept. 30, 1793.
Daniel and Jerusha Standish [int. both of A.], Mar. 13, 1788.
Hannah and Benjamin [in] Brackett Jr. [q.v.].
John and Jerusha Frary, both of A., June 22, 1774.
Mary and Moses Frary Jr. [q.v.].
Rachel and John Ward [q.v.].
Sarah and Luther Washburn [q.v.].
Anna and Daniell Bliss [q.v.].
Elvira A. and Elisha Gardner [q.v.].
Jedediah and Mary Macnut, both of Notown "so called," May 25, 1774, C.R.1.
John, single, 22, mechanic, b. A., s. Eli and Mary R., and Louisa M. Guilford, 19, b. A., d. John and Catharine, all of A., Dec. 24, 1848 [? in Cummington].
Levi of Buckland and Miss Louisa Elmer of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1821 and Apr. 1, 1822; int. June 16, 1821]. [July 12, 1821, C.R.1.]
Nehem[ia]h and Irena Pike, both of A., Aug. 1, 1776.
Sussanna and Leonard Pike, Nov. 9, 1773.
Daniel and Sussanah [int. Susanna] King, both of A., Dec. 7, 1788.
Elizabath (Standdish) and John Lummis [q.v.].
Elizabeth and John Wilkie [q.v.].
Isarael and Elisabeth Partarich, int. ----, 1764.
Isreal of A. and Sarah Harvey, wid., of Scheenas Borough, N.Y., int. Nov. --, 1794.
Jerusha and Daniel Spinning [q.v.].
Miles and Mehetabel Orcut, wid., both of A., Apr. 21, 1773.
Rebecca and Samuel Anible 3d [q.v.].
Sally and Joseph Tinker [q.v.].
Almeda and Levi Barrus [q.v.].
Hannah and Elisha Cranson [q.v.].
Leonard of Conway and Miss Maria Bates of A., int. Dec. 3, 1837.
Levi of Goshen and Miss Hannah Phillips of A., Aug. 13, 1820, in A.
Sarah (Sterns) and Jonathan Cranson [q.v.].
Anna and Calvin Perkins [q.v.].
John and Sally Sanderson, Oct. 29, 1795.
Elijah of A. and Sally Penelle of Colerain, int. Oct. ----, 1793.
Lydia and Daniel Phillips [q.v.].
Lydia and Joseph Clemons [q.v.].
Rhoda and Howard Edson [q.v.].
STERNS (see Stearns).
David of Plainfield and Miss Almira Church of A., int. June 29, 1822.
Maria M. and Horace Elmer [q.v.].
Minerva and Eber Bond [q.v.].
Tirzah and Stephen Hayward [q.v.].
Archibald of [int. adds York, Livingston Co.] N.Y. and Miss Mary Bryant of A., Oct. 14, 1833.
Tabitha F. (Stuart) and Charles Knowlton [q.v.].
Francis and Miss Mehitable Hall, both of A., int. July 4, 1809.
Edwin A., single, mechanic, of Whately, and Miss Louisa M. Williams of A., Jan. 4, 1848.
Abigail (see Nabby).
Abraham and Abigail Smith, both of A., May 3, 1781.
Amos (Stockin) [int. Stocking] and Hannah Bangs, both of A., Mar. 19, 1789. [Stocking, C.R.1.]
Elizabeth and Timothy Perkins [q.v.].
George [int. of A.], s. Abraham, and [int. Miss] Anna. Tobey [int. of Conway], May 25, 1809.
George [int. of A.], s. Abraham, and Mrs. Mary Shippey [int. of A.], Dec. 13, 1840.
Herod and [int. Miss] Lydia Ames, both of A., Jan. 16, 1814.
Joseph 2d and Miss Jane Fisk of A., Sept. 22, 1805, in A.
Lem[ue]l and Tamzin Hall, both of A., Jan. 1, 1784.
Mary Ann and Elliot M. Gray [q.v.].
Nabby and Bethuel Ward [q.v.].
Samuel of A. and Elizabeth Bronson, wid., of Conway, Sept. 21, 1788, in Conway.
Sarah and Calvin Lazel [q.v.].
Daniel of Plainfield and Miss Hariet Packard of A., Dec. 3, 1835 [? in Plainfield].
Laura and Willard Beals [q.v.].
Jason and Sally Cole, both of Northamton, Aug. 5, 1830, in. A.
Caleb and Ruth Sampson, both of A., int. July 9, 1803.
Eliphalet of Plainfield and Sybel Rogers of A., int. June 9, 1804.
Sally (Stowel) and Caleb Packard Jr. [q.v.].
Theron of Plainfield and Miss Maria B. Belding of A., int. Oct. 24, 1845.
STUART (see Stewart).
Pamelia and Samuel Howes [q.v.].
Stephen James [int. I., omits James] Wilson, M.D., of Shelburne, and Miss Melvinia [int. Melvina] Lucy Knowlton of A., May 2, 1843.
George S. of Williamstown and Miss Maria Briggs of A., int. Jan. 13, 1844. [m. Feb. 7, C.R.1.]
Nancy and Joel Ellis [q.v.].
James, Rev., single, 24 of Dana, and Elmina [int. Elmira] Sampson, 24, of A., b. A., d. Joseph and Electa of A., May 17, 1848. [Rev. James, an Englishman, of Dana, and Elmina Sampson of A., C.R.1.]
Ansel and [int. Miss] Betsey Sears, both of A., Apr. 5, 1826.
Barnabas and Jerusha Wood, both of A., Aug. 11, 1791.
Barnabas of Buckland and Miss Lucy Lilly of A., int. Feb. 6, 1841.
Bethia (Tayler) and Joshua Wilder [q.v.].
Daniel, single, farmer, b. A., s. Judah, and Martha V. Howes, b. A., d. Micajah, all of A., Dec. 25, 1845.
David and Miss Jerusha Sekil [int. Sekel], both of A., July 4, 1816.
Elisha B. of Chesterfield and Miss Clarissa Lilly of A., Jan. 26, 1843.
Elizabeth and Nathan Porter [q.v.].
Elizabeth and Reuel Leonard [q.v.].
Enos of A. and Miss Elmina Patridge of Goshen, Mar. 11, 1833.
Esther B. and Josiah Smith [q.v.].
Eunice (see Unis).
Experience and Silas Clark [q.v.].
Ezekiel of A. and Mary Baker of Yarmouth, Jan. 15, 1789, in Yarmouth.
Hannah and Alpheus Rude [q.v.].
Hannah and Stephen Cross Jr. [q.v.].
Hannah B. and James S. Wright [q.v.].
Hepsibah and Earl Jefferson Merriman [q.v.].
Isaiah and Ruth Bryant, both of A., Jan. 10, 1793.
Jascher [int. Jasher] E., single, 23, labourer, of A., s. George and Sarah of A., and Mary Jane Shippy [int. Shippee], 18, of A., d. Henry and Mary both dec'd, July 1, 1849.
Jasher, Lt., of Buckland, and Miss Mercy Taylor of Yarmouth, May 19, 1835.
Jasher and Miss Betsey Bryant, both of A., Apr. 12, 1827.
Jashur Jr. and Dorothy Karr, both of A., Nov. 4, 1777.
Jashur 3d and Susanna Kelley, both of A., Jan. 13, 1785. [Susanna Killey, C.R.1.]
Jeremiah of A. and Miss Catharine M. Lilly of Hawley, int. Oct. 23, 1829.
Jeremiah of A. and Miss Abigail King of Hawley, int. Oct. 28, 1838.
Jerusha and Francis E. Williams [q.v.].
Jonathan [dup. Jr.] and Phoebe Howes, both of A., May 18, 1779.
Jonathan of Lenox and Eunice Matthews, wid. [int. omits wid.], of A., Dec. 12, 1799.
Jonathan Jr. and Miss Rebecca Ellis, both of A., July 12, 1818.
Judah and Miss Jerusha West, both of A., int. Nov. 27, 1816.
Lemuel, Capt., of Buckland, and Miss Esther Bement of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1826 and Apr. 1, 1827]. [Apr. 13, 1826, C.R.1.]
Lucy and Kimbel Howes 2d [q.v.].
Mary and Ziba Leonard Jr. [q.v.].
Mary (see Polly).
Mercy and Jasher Taylor [q.v.].
Myra and Joseph N. Russell [q.v.].
Polly and Nathaniel E. Searl [q.v.].
Preston and [int. Miss] Ruby Kellogg, both of A., Apr. 4, 1815.
Priscilla and Sumner Bement [q.v.].
Rachel and Jonathan Smith [q.v.].
Rebekah and Jonathan Smith [q.v.].
Reuben W. and Miss Miriam Wright, both of A., int. May 26, 1832.
Rufus, Rev., of Shrewsbury, N.J., and Miss Esther Williams of A., int. Mar. 18, 1842. [m. Apr. 14, C.R.1.]
Sally and David Vincent Jr. [q.v.].
Samuell of Buckland and Huldah Washburn of A., Sept. 29, 1785.
Sarah (see also Sally).
Sarah and Joshua Vincent [q.v.].
Stephen of A. and Amee Maynard of Conway, int. Nov. 6, 1792.
Thankful and Eben[eze]r Fuller [q.v.].
Unis (Tayler) and Stephen Cross [q.v.]
William and Miss Lydia Forbes, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1832 and Mar. 15, 1833; int. May 5, 1832]. [June 25, 1832, C.R.1.]
William B., single, farmer, of Norwich, and Maria Lilly, of A., b. A., d. Jonathan of A., Oct. 3, 1845.
Zebulon and Miss Nabby Vincent, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1825 and Apr. 1, 1826]. [Apr. 21, 1825, C.R.1.]
TENNY(Tiney, Tinney)
Lucy (Tinney) and Anson Belding [q.v.].
Maria (Tiny) and Oliver B. Lowd [q.v.].
Susana and Peter Shippe Jr. [q.v.].
Archibald of Florida and Miss Mary Alden of A., int. Oct. 6, 1831.
Grateful (Thacher) and Chester Tower [q.v.].
Jere (Thacher) of Florida and Miss Lucretia Tower of A., Nov. 9, 1820, in A.
Betsey and David Belding [q.v.].
Eliphalet of Williamsburg and Polly Sears of A., Apr. 2, 1799.
Elisha Jr. of A. and Miss Esther Woodward of Buckland, int. May 21, 1842.
Fanny and Sumner Bement [q.v.].
Hosea and Miss Hannah Torrey, both of A., int. Nov. 2, 1805.
Rebecca and Ziba Smith [q.v.].
William Jr. of Buckland and Miss Hepsibah Sears of A., int. May 26, 1843.
Bradford G. of A. and Miss Fidelia Bradford of Conway, int. Oct. 16, 1841.
Huldah J. and Darwin D. Sears [q.v.].
Mary Jane and Chapman Smith [q.v.].
Miranda and Augustus Goodnow [q.v.].
John of Pelham and Miss Betsey M. [int. omits M.] Jepson of A., May 10, 1842. [John T. of Pelham and Miss Betsey M. Jepson, C.R.1.]
Rhoda H. and Alvan Hall [q.v.].
TINEY (see Tenny).
Joseph and Sally Standish, both of A., int. Mar. 15, 1794.
Orsimus, Rev., of New Market, N.H., and Miss Mercy D. [int. omits D.] Williams of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1830 and Apr. 1, 1831; int. Dec. 18, 1830]. [Miss Mercy D. of A., Jan. 24, 1831, C.R.1.]
TINNEY (see Tenny).
Altemira and Jonathan S. Lilly [q.v.].
Anna and George Stocking [q.v.].
Elijah (Toby) and Sara Shepard, both of A., int. Feb. 18, 1797.
Joseph (Toby) and Elizabeth Percel, both of Conway, Nov. 11, 1784.
Levina and Lemuel Howes [q.v.].
Noah (Toby) of Conway and Betty Howes, wid., of A., Oct. 29, 1781.
Phebe (Toby) and Samuel Allen Jr. [q.v.].
Obedience and John Williams [q.v.].
Aurelia and Randal Dyer [q.v.].
David (Tory) of Pittsfield and Thirza Lilly of A., int. Dec. ----, 1792.
Hannah and Hosea Thayer [q.v.].
Priscilla and Thomos Parker [q.v.].
Betsey and John Manning [q.v.].
Chester of A. and Miss Grateful Thacher of Florida, int. Aug. 11, 1821.
Dennis of Florida and Miss Abigial [int. Abigail] Alden of A., Oct. 18, 1837.
Lucretia and Jere Thacher [q.v.].
Lucy and Samuel Putney [q.v.].
Ruth and Jesse Cook [q.v.].
William of Williamstown and Miss Tryphena Harvey of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1824 and Apr. 1, 1825; int. Mar. 5, 1825]. [Mar. 22, 1825, C.R.1.]
Oliver of Whately and Rachel Bawdwell of A., July 3, 1791.
Benjamin [int. Dr.] of Washington and Sally Hilman [int. Hillman, wid.] of A., Aug. 12, 1798.
Henrietta A. and George S. Booth [q.v.].
TRUESDALE(Truesdal, Truesdall)
Elizabeth (Truesdall) and Bela Whitmore [q.v.].
Mary (Truesdal) and James Nichols [q.v.].
Samuel of Chesterfield and Eliz[abe]th Phillips of A., Nov. 30, 1768.
Sarah and Noah Right Sadler [q.v.].
Abigail and Lebbeus Rude [q.v.].
David and Elisabeth Lewis, both of "Shafsbury New-State," June 9, 1783, C.R.1.
Asa of New Hartford, N.Y., and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Eunice Perry of A., ---- [rec. between Mar. 31, 1828 and Mar. 31, 1829; int. June 14, 1828]. [Miss Eunice of A., Aug. ---- [1828], C.R.1.]
Nathaniel and Olive Clark, both of A., Nov. 14, 1774.
Benjamin of Charlemont and Miss Polly Clark of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1832 and Mar. 15, 1833; int. June 2, 1832]. [June 24, 1832, C.R.1.]
Joseph F. and Miss Susanna Bassett, both of A., Sept. 27, 1824, in A.
Abigail (see Nabby).
Bathsheba and Enos Howes [q.v.].
Betsey and Thaddeus Rude [q.v.].
David Jr. and Miss Sally Taylor, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1821 and Apr. 1, 1822; int. Oct. 20, 1821]. [Jan. 3 [1822], C.R.1.]
Isaiah T. of A. and Miss Mary A. Frost of Buckland, int. Mar. 5, 1847.
John and Miss Lucretia Howes, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1826 and Apr. 1, 1827; int. Aug. 18, 1826]. [Oct. 5, 1826, C.R.1.]
Joseph Jr. and. Lycy [int. Miss Lucy] Rude, both of A., Mar. 5, 1812, in A. [Lucy, C.R.1.]
Joseph Jr. of A. and Miss Mary Hawley of N. Hadley, int. June 14, 1845.
Joshua and Sarah Taylor, both of A., Mar. 1, 1781.
Joshua of A. and Phoebe [int. Phebe] Negus of Buckland, Nov. 14, 1793, in Buckland.
Joshua and Miss Anne Cranson, both of A., Oct. 9, 1817.
Martha and Jonathan Cranson [q.v.].
Mary and Joshua Whilden [q.v.].
Mehitable and Albinus Lilly [q.v.].
Mercy and Thomas King [q.v.].
Nabby and Zebulon Taylor [q.v.].
Nathan of A. and Miss Sarah Curtis of Hawley, int. Mar. 10, 1832.
Sarah and Ezekiel Miles [q.v.].
Sarah and Philip Bassett [q.v.].
Tempy and Gaius Harmon [q.v.].
Thankfull and Nathan[ie]l Mighles [q.v.].
Gracia K. and Edwin Cooley [q.v.].
Hannah and Ichabod Damon [q.v.].
Elisabeth and Ebenezer Dickinson [q.v.].
Cyntha and Pelatiah Phillips [q.v.].
Gad and Phebe Yeomans [int. Yeomans], both of A., Apr. 10, 1788. [Yeamans, C.R.1.]
Jerusha (Waite) and Williams Cobb [q.v.].
Loisa and John C. Baldwin [q.v.].
Lorenzo and Miss Lusebe Guilford, both of A., Jan. 2, 1839.
Pamelia and Asa Bacon [q.v.].
Priscilla and John Belden [q.v.].
Rhoda and David Howes [q.v.].
Seth Jr. and Rebeckah Rogers, both of A., May 2, 1793.
Simeon and Miss Louisa Norton, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1819 and Apr. 1, 1820; int. Jan. 1, 1820]. [Jan. 22, 1820, C.R.1.]
Nathaniel of A. and Beulah Lawrence of Deerfield, Nov. 7, 1791, in Deerfield.
Easter and Nath[anie]ll Wilcox [q.v.].
Aaron and [int. Miss] Eunice Bement, both of A., Feb. 3, 1814.
Alexander and Molly Sherwin, both of A., Jan. 1, 1789.
Bethuel and [int. Miss] Nabby Stocking, both of A., Jan. 20, 1814.
Cyntha and John Luscomb [q.v.].
Daniel of A. and [int. Miss] Lydia Grover of Conway, Feb. 6, 1812, in A.
Elijah and Lydia Flower [int. and dup. int. Flowers], both of A., May 15, 1788. [Flower, C.R.1.]
Elvira and Alonzo Williams [q.v.].
Jerusha and Isaac Chancy [q.v.].
John and Rachel Spinning, both of A., Feb. 3, 1785.
John and Lois Cranson, both of A., Mar. 21, 1793.
John C., widr. [int. omits widr.], miller, of A., b. Buckland, s. John of Buckland, and Annis P. Williams, wid., of A., b. A., d. Lemuel Phillips of A., July 3, 1843.
John N. [int. Newton] and Miss Nancy Brackett, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1826 and Apr. 1, 1827; int. Mar. 12, 1826]. [----31 [rec. after May 15], 1826, C.R.1.]
Luther and [int. Miss] Flavilla Gray, ---- [rec. between Apr. 30, 1828 and Apr. 30, 1829; int. Aug. 9, 1828].
Mabel and Enoch Dole [q.v.].
Marry and Asael Amsden [q.v].
Moses and Thankful Lion, both of A., Sept. 25, 1794.
Sabrina and Israel Phillips Jr. [q.v.].
Tirzah and Josiah Drake 3d [q.v.].
William, single, 21, mechanic, of Buckland, b. Buckland, s. William and Sarah, and Elizabeth Elmer, 19, of A. b. A., d. Luther and Eliza of A., Nov. 13, 1848 [? in Buckland].
Windsor of Buckland and Miss Lydia Harvey of A., int. Sept. 8, 1832.
WARDEN (see Worden).
Ariel and Submit Phillips, both of Buckland, Feb. 16, 1797.
Jerusha and Chileab Smith [q.v.].
Michael Jr. of Shelubrne and Miss Sarah Shepard of A., int. Aug. 17, 1822.
Anna and Eliab Perkins [q.v.].
Asahel of Whately and Lydia Barrows of Hatfield Equivalent, Nov. 24, 1788. [Lydia Burroughs of Hatfield Equivalent, C.R.1.]
Daniel and Mary Washburne [int. Washbourn, wid.], both of A., Apr. 16, 1793.
Elizabeth and Robert Lazel [q.v.].
Martha (Worner) and Moses Morton 2d [q.v.].
Quartus S. of Williamsburg and Miss Clarinda Wheeler of A., Sept. 1, 1836.
Thomas and Huldah Lazel, both of A., July 4, 1781.
Zenas of Chesterfield and Almira Andrews of A., Mar. 18, 1802.
Almira and Marcus T. Parker [q.v.].
Amos of A. and Miss Polly Boltwood of Conway, ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1830 and Apr. 1, 1831; int. Nov. 6, 1830]. [Nov. 24, 1830, C.R.1.]
Asenath and Asahel Morley [q.v.].
Asenath and Elijah Mecham [q.v.].
Benjamin and Hannah Meachom, both of A., int. Apr. 14, 1804.
Betsey and Jonathan Maltby [q.v.].
Cornelius of A. and Lydia Meacham of Norwich, int. Oct. 6, 1804.
Eleanor and Josiah Fuller [q.v.].
Eleanor and Aaron Belding [q.v.].
Ephraim W. [int. of Conway] and Miss Parmel Blake [int. of A.], ---- [rec. between Apr. 30, 1829 and Apr. 30, 1830; int.---- [1830]].
Hiram and Miss Clarissa Fuller, both of A., Dec. 27, 1839.
Joseph, s. Joseph and Mercy, and Betsey Howes, Apr. 28, 1784.
Joseph Jr., Dr., of Middlefield, and Miss Nabby Sears of A., June 20, 1816.
Lewis H. of A. and Miss Sarah Converse of Goshen, int. Nov. 6, 1841.
Lucy and Ammiel Weeks [q.v.].
Lucy and Forrest Cranson [q.v.].
Martha and William McKee [q.v.].
Mary and Ansel Brainerd [q.v.].
Mary, 1832 (see Polly).
Michael and Miss Mehitable Blake, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1820 and Apr. 9, 1821]. [Nov. 23, 1820, C.R.1.]
Oliver, s. Benjamin and Hannah, and Ursula Meacham, Sept. 10, 1839.
Polly and Jonathan Ely Chapin [q.v.].
Samuel of Conway and Abigail Williams of A., Nov. 25, 1802.
Stephen Jr. and Miss Mary Churchill, both of A., int. Apr. 6, 1807.
Stephen of A. and Mrs. Hannah Webster of Hawley, int. Feb. 4, 1826.
Timothy and Mrs. Hannah McClentock, both of A., Nov. 26, 1827.
WASHBURN(Washbourn, Washburne)
Abigail (Washbourn) and James Aldrich [q.v.].
Deliverance (Washbourn) and Cornelius Clary [q.v.].
Diana and Nath[anie]l Clark [q.v.].
Hattil (Washbourn) [int. Washburn] of Goshen and Polly [int. Patty] Putney of A., Apr. 12, 1803. [Patty of A., C.R.1.]
Huldah and Samuel Taylor [q.v.].
Isaiah and Patience Perkins, both of A., Sept. 3, 1772.
Luther and Sarah Spinning, both of A., July 1, 1779.
Mary (Washburne) and Daniel Warner [q.v.].
Molle and Edward Benton [q.v.].
Samuel and Hannah Wood, both of A., Aug. 6, 1776.
Samuell Jr. of A. and Anne Farnsworth of Deerfield, Aug. 29, 1769.
Sarah and David Ellis [q.v.].
Hannah and Stephen Warren [q.v.].
Ammiel and Lucy Warren, both of A., Dec. 1, 1808, in A.
Elijah of Goshen and Salla Bacheldor [int. Sara Bachelor] of A., Mar. 24, 1793.
Marcy and John Williams [q.v.].
Persis and Asa Leonard Robbins [q.v.].
Elisha of Buckland and Miss Lucina Lilly of A., Dec. 20, 1842.
Joseph and [int. Mrs.] Azubeth Newport, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 30, 1830 and Apr. 30, 1831; int. July 3, 1830].
Rufus, Rev., of Whately, and Sarah Porter of A., Dec. 16, 1776.
Sarah and Charles Dickinson [q.v.].
Jerusha, 1812 (see Jerusha Waite).
Jerusha and Judah Taylor [q.v.].
Mary and Zebulon Bryant [q.v.].
Rebekah and Nehemiah Porter 2d [q.v.].
WETMORE (see Whitmore).
Clarinda and Quartus S. Warner [q.v.].
John of Conway and Miss Louisa Pomeroy of Southampton, Oct. 6, 1836, in Southampton.
Lydia and Leavitt Beals [q.v.].
Elizabeth and Nathaniel Hall [q.v.].
Joshua (Whilden) and Mary Vincent, both of A., June 21, 1781.
Ruth and William Damon [q.v.].
Abigail (see Nabby).
Amanda and William Montague Ferry [q.v.].
Horace of Heath and Miss Lucy Hall of A., Apr. 25, 1825.
Loenard of Cherlemont and Anne Edgerton of Hawley, Apr. 26, 1792.
Nabby and Kimbal Howes [q.v.].
Thomas and Hannah Harwood, both of A., Aug. 30, 1795.
Thomas W. and Miss Caroline Norton, both of A., int. Aug. 6, 1836. [m. Sept. 19, C.R.1.]
David (Whitmash) of Plainfield and Lucy Smith of A., int. Nov. ----, 1795.
Mary Ann and Newell Dyer [q.v.].
Bela [int. Wetmore] of A. and Elizabeth Truesdall [int. Truesdale] of Buckland, June 11, 1789.
Thomas (Whittemore) and [int. Miss] Priscilla Belding, both of A., Mar. 12, 1811.
Simon of Amherst and Emeline L. Belding of Whately, Sept. 11, 1839, in A.
WHITTEMORE (see Whitmore).
Joseph and Miss Clarrissa Elmer, both of A., int. Mar. 12, 1831.
Nath[anie]ll of Charlemont and Easter Walker of A., int. Sept. 26, 1801.
Oriel (Willcox [obscure, ? Wilson]) of Colerain and Nancy Paine of A., int. Apr. --, 1801.
Joshua of A. and Bethia Tayler of Buckland, int. Apr. 1 [cert. Apr. 17], 1797.
John and Elizab[e]th Standish, both of A., June 12, 1766.
Abel and [int. Miss] Lydia Eldridge [int. Eldredge], both of A., Mar. 17, 1814.
Abigail and Samuel Warren [q.v.].
Almon and Miss Annis Phillips, both of A., May 3, 1832.
Alonzo and Miss Elvira Ward, both of A., int. Nov. 23, 1839.
Annis P. and John C. Ward [q.v.].
Apollos and Hannah Ellis, both of A. Dec. 29, 1789.
Apollos and [int. Miss] Annis Smith, both of A., May 23, 1811, in A.
Apollos Jr. and [int. Miss] Sarah Eldridge [int. Eldredge], both of A., Sept. 5, 1841. [Miss Sarah Eldridge, in A., C.R.1.]
Atherton and Miss Sarah Howes, both of A., July 7, 1842.
Betsey J. and Jonathan Howes [q.v.].
Catharine and Joseph Sears [q.v.].
Clarissa R. and Samuel A. Clark [q.v.].
Daniel [int. of A.], b. A., s. Ephraim, and Sally Eldredge [int. of A.], b. A., d. Levi, June 15, 1809.
Daniel [int. of Goshen] and Parnella [int. Miss Permelia] Blake [int. of A.], ---- [rec. between Apr. 30, 1828 and Apr. 30, 1829; int. Oct. 3, 1828].
Daniel [int. of A.] and Tamsin Sears [int. of A.], wid. William, d. Levi Eldredge, July 13, 1836.
Daniel Jr. and Miss Almira B. Sanderson, both of A., Sept. 10, 1837.
Darius and Mrs. Alcy C. Sanderson, both of A., int. Sept. 1, 1845. [m. Sept. 25, C.R.1.]
David and Priscilla Hall, both of A., Apr. 2, 1799.
David, Dr., of Wendell, and Miss Elizabeth Barber of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 30, 1826 and Apr. 30, 1827; int. Feb. 10, 1827].
Edwin of A. and Miss Eliza Shaw of Buckland, int. June 4, 1837.
Eliza and Liscurn Phillips [q.v.].
Ephraim of A. and Mercy Daniels of Mendon, Sept. 14, 1775, in Mendon.
Ephraim of A. and Miss Esther Packerd of Cummington, int. Nov. ----, 1793.
Ephraim 2d and Miss Lamina [int. Lamina] Sears, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1830 and Apr. 1, 1831; int. Nov. 27, 1830]. [Lemina of A., Jan. 4, 1831, C.R.1.]
Ephraim 2d and Miss Lois Howes, both of A., Dec. 23, 1841.
Esther and Rufus Taylor [q.v.].
Esther P. and Alvah C. Page [q.v.].
Ezra of A. and Miss Anne Robinson of Plainfield, int. Apr. 29, 1808.
Francis E. of Conway and Miss Jerusha Taylor of A., Sept. 3, 1834.
Freeman of A. and Miss Deborah W. Field of Hawley, int. Sept. 6, 1845.
George and Miss Keziah Eldredge, both of A., int. ----, 1818.
Horace of Adams and Miss Thankful Parker of A., int. Oct. 27, 1820.
Israel of A. and Miss Levina Joy of Plainfield, int. May 4, 1808.
John and Marcy Weeks, both of Chesterfield Gore, May 11, 1780.
John of A. and Miss Obedience Todd of Chesterfield, int. Apr. 1, 1815.
Joseph of Williamsburgh and Miss Submit Gray of A., int. Aug. 17, 1805.
Joshua of A. and Miss Experience Hawks of Hawley, int. Dec. 23, 1848.
Julia A. and Aaron N. Remington [q.v.].
Louisa M. and Edwin A. Stockbridge [q.v.].
Maria and Oliver M. Sears [q.v.].
Mary Ann and Merrick Joy [q.v.].
Mehitable H. and Paul Jenkins [q.v.].
Mercy D. and Orsimus Tinker [q.v.].
Mercy D. and Milton F. Sears [q.v.].
Prescott, single, 25, farmer, of Williamsburg, b. Williamsburg, s. Joseph and Submit of Williams[burg], and Rose V. Howes, 23, of Wyoming, N.Y., d. Willard and Polly of Wyoming, N.Y., July 2, 1845.
Rebecca and James Manter [q.v.].
Rebecca and Charles L. Knowlton [q.v.].
Sally and John S. Perry [q.v.].
Samuel of A. and Miss Sarah Jones of Plainfield, int. Aug. 31, 1833.
Seth S. of A. and Miss Nancy Jones of Plainfield, int. Aug. 18, 1826.
Catharine (Wilson) and Dimick Ellis [q.v.].
Martha Louisa [see Patty Louisa].
Mary and Hiram Belding [q.v.].
Milo, Dr., and Miss Mary Ranney, both of A., Apr. 23, 1839.
Oriel (see Oriel Wilcox).]
- Patty Louisa and Lewis Ellis [q.v.].
Bathsheba and Elisha Wing [q.v.].
Elisha of Goshen and Miss Desire Hall of A., int. Sept. 10, 1807.
Elisha of A. and Mrs. [int. Miss] Jemima Lyon of Buckland, Dec. 26, 1811.
Elisha and [int. Miss] Freelove Lyon, both of A., June 25, 1839, in A.
Elisha of A. and Mrs. Bathsheba Wing of Hawley, int. Nov. 14, 1840.
Elizabeth and Holland Goodnow [q.v.].
Elizabeth M. and Amherst D. Woodward [q.v.].
Harriet and Elijah Leonard [q.v.].
James and Miss Lucy Gray, both of A., int. Mar. 11, 1838.
John Jr. of Conway and Melinda [int. Miss Linda] Ellis of A., Oct. 18, 1808, in A. [Melinda of A., C.R.1.]
Rebecca and Nathaniel Clark [q.v.].
Rosina L. and John W. Cooke [q.v.].
William, Rev., of A., and Miss Mary Stacy Frothingham of Newburyport, int. May 14, 1825.
WOLCOTT (see Woolcott).
Ezra of Buckland and Miss Hannah Fuller of A., Jan. 25, 1821, in A.
Hannah and Samuel Washburn [q.v.].
Jerusha and Barnabas Taylor [q.v.].
Lucretia and Joseph Fuller [q.v.].
Mary and Joseph Easton [q.v.].
Nathan and Betsey Ranney, both of A., Feb. 17, 1802.
Rachel and Thomas Phillips [q.v.].
Rachel, 1792 (see Rachel Phillips).
Rebecca and Stephen Merrill [q.v.].
Amherst D. [int. Woodword], single, 28, farmer, of A., s. Samuel W. and Sarah L., and Elizabeth M. [int. Elisabeth, omits M.] Wing, 20, of A., d. Benjamin and Bahsheba, May 25, 1849. [Woodward and Elizabeth M. Wing, Apr. 25 [Apr. 25 written after May 2 crossed out], C.R.1.]
Esther and Elisha Thayer Jr. [q.v.].
Harding G. [int. Woodard], single, of Worcester, and Sarah Jane Ranney, of A., b. A., d. James and Sally of A., Nov. 28, 1844 [in Colrain].
Sarah B. and Kimbel H. Howes [q.v.].
Lilly and James King [q.v.].
Lois J. and William Ranney [q.v.].
WORNER (see Warner).
Apollos of Charlemont and Miss Betsey Mansfield of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1827 and Apr. 1, 1828; int. Nov. 6, 1827]. [Jan. 14 [1828], C.R.1.]
James S. of Conway and Hannah B. Taylor of Florida, Mar. 19, 1835, in A.
Mercy and Elijah Smith Jr. [q.v.].
Miriam and Reuben W. Taylor [q.v.].
Phinias M. (Wrigth) of Westhampton and Miss Abigail Howes of A., int. May 1, 1830.
Chester of Conway and [int. Miss] Elizabeth Cranson of A., Apr. 17, 1811.
Lucy and Zachariah Howes [q.v.].
Philena and George W. Smith [q.v.].
Sarah and Dwight Collins [q.v.].
Pardon Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Miss Melinda W. Elmer, both of A., Nov. 14, 1839.
YEOMANS(Yeamans, Yeamens, Yemens)
Jerusha (Yeamans) and Samuel Darby [q.v.].
Jonathan and Clarissa Moody, both of A., int. Sept. ---- [cert. Oct. 4], 1796.
Phebe and Gad Wait [q.v.].
Rhoda and Jeduthan Perkins [q.v.].
Sally Maria (Yemens) and Addison Graves [q.v.].
Stillman (Yeamens), of A. and Miss Sally Holloway of Conway, int. Oct. 25, 1828.