Vital Records Of Ashfield Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Published By
The New England Historic Genealogical Society
At The Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
At The Charge Of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
Boston, Mass. 1942
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

John (Lampher) of Windsor and Sara King [King written above Pain crossed out] of A., Dec. 21, 1786.
Sarah and John Smith [q.v.].
Edmund (Londen) and Rebekah Eldridge, both of A., int. Aug. 14, 1802.
Waren [int. Warren] E., single, 24, mechanic, of Collinsville, Conn., s. Noah (Landon) and Parmela of Manchester, Vt., and Mary F. Jepson, 23, of A., b. A., d. Forest and Esther of A., Oct. 11, 1848. [Warren E. Landon of Collinsville, Conn., C.R.1.]
Daniel of Paris, N.Y., and Miss Hannah Perry of A., Feb. 12, 1816.
LASURE (see Lesure).
Beulah and Nathaniel Wakefield [q.v.]
Polly C. and Barnabas A. Howes [q.v.].
Calvin and Sarah Stocking, both of A., Sept. 14, 1786.
Huldah and John Briggs [q.v.].
Huldah and Thomas Warner [q.v.].
Lidia and Chiliab Smith [q.v.].
Robert and Elizabeth Warner, both of A., Mar. 16, 1786.
Jefferson of Belchertown and Miss Marcia Jepson of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1832 and Mar. 15, 1833; int. Dec. 15, 1832]. [Jan. 24 [1833], C.R.1.]
Isaac of A. and Lucinda Frost [of] Northampton, int. Aug. 26 [cert. Oct. 6], 1797.
Siley and Asa Selden [q.v.].
Zenos of A. and Azubah Fuller of Goshen, int. Feb. 26, 1797.
Lucy C. and Sidney Brooks [q.v.].
Martha Ann and Sereno D. Clark [q.v.].
LELAND (see Lealand).
Betsey and Abel D. Newton [q.v.].
Betsy and Jasper Brigs [q.v.].
Elijah [int. adds L.] of Hatfield and Miss Harriet Wing of A., ---- [rec. between Mar. 31, 1828 and Mar. 31, 1829; int. Dec. 1, 1828]. [Elijah L. of Hatfield, Jan. 29, 1829, C.R.1.]
Mercena and James S. King [q.v.].
Reuel of A. and Miss Elizabeth Taylor of Plainfield, int. Apr. 26, 1834.
Theodore and Miss Eunice Burnet, both of A., int. Aug. 1, 1835.
Zebina of A. and Miss Philena R. Bassett of Hawley, int. Oct. 29, 1842.
Ziba Jr. and Miss Mary Taylor, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1820 and Apr. 9, 1821]. [June 11, 1820, C.R.1.]
Ziba Jr. of A. and Miss Philomela Cook of Buckland, int. Oct. 10, 1829.
LESURE(Lasure, Leseure, Lesuer)
Ashbin of Willmington and Miss Priscilla Burnet of A., int. Sept. 21, 1805.
Harriet (Lesuer) and Emery Church [q.v.].
Lois (Lasure) and John Barber [q.v.].
Priscilla (Leseure) and Asa Guilford [q.v.].
Roswell (Lesuer) and Miss Fanny Fisher [int. both of A.], ---- [1831 or 1832] [int. Dec. 31, 18311, in A.
Edna and John Clark [q.v.].
Elisabeth and David Tryon [q.v.].
Isaac and Lydia Lummus, both of A., Apr. 1, 1779.
Mercy and Zebediah Miller [q.v.]
Sarah and Jeremiah Center [q.v.].
Abigail L. and David S. Howes [q.v.].
Albinus and Miss Mehitable Vincent, both of A., int. ---- ,1818.
Austin and [int. Miss] Roxana Sears, both of A., Sept. 2, 1813.
Bethuel and Hannah Smith, both of A., Mar. 25, 1784.
Bethuel Jr. and Miss Lucretia Andrews, both of A., May 14, 1818, in A.
Catharine and Jeremiah Taylor [q.v.].
Chipman and Miss Nabby Clark, both of A., int. July ----, 1816.
Clarissa and Elisha B. Taylor [q.v.].
Eliakim (Lillie) and Susanna Howes, both of A., June 28, 1792.
Foster and Deborah Hall, both of A., Oct. 19, 1796.
Hannah and David H. Jenkins [q.v.].
Job, single, 27, farmer, of A., b. A., s. Chipman and Nabby of A., and Priscilla Guilford, 28, of A., b. A., d. Asa and Priscilla both dec'd, Nov. 26, 1848 [? in Cummington].
Joel and Miss Sally Phillips, both of A., Apr. 7, 1825.
Jonathan Jr. of A. and Miss Clarissa Kellogg of Goshen, int. Sept. 3, 1808.
Jonathan S. and Miss Altemira Tobey of Hawley, int. Feb. 11, 1838.
Joseph (Lillie) and Lovissa Belding, both of A., Apr. 7, 1791.
Levina and Alvan Cross [q.v.].
Lorenzo and Miss Mercy Bassett, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1827 and Apr. 1, 1828; int. Dec. 8, 1827]. [Dec.----, [1827], C.R.1.]
Lovilla and Joseph Hallett [q.v.].
Lucina and Elisha Wells [q.v.].
Lucy and Barnabas Taylor [q.v.].
Luther of A. and Miss Mary Howes of Conway, June 13, 1832.
Lyman and Miss Lucy Bement, both of A., May 7, 1818, in A.
Malinda T. and Samuel Ford [q.v.].
Maria and William B. Taylor [q.v.].
Mary B. (see Polly B.).
Ollive (Lillie) and Daniel Shaw [q.v.].
Phebe and Heman Howes [q.v.].
Polly B. and John Hart [q.v.].
Priscilla and John Eldredge 2d [q.v.].
Samuel and Miss Abigail Church, ---- [1831 or 1832] [int. Aug. 13, 1831], in A.
Sarah and Aaron Blodget [q.v.].
Thirza and David Tory [q.v.].
Ann and Emerson Marcena Hayne [q.v.].
Samuel and Jean Ellis, both of A., July 3, 1788.
LION (see Lyon).
LISCOMB(Liscom, Luscomb)
Horrace (Liscom) of Hawley and Miss Eliza Belding of A., int. Apr. 17, 1830.
John (Luscomb) and Miss Cyntha Ward, both of A., int. May 18, 1816.
John of Hawley and Miss Submit Belding of A., int. Mar. 28, 1829.
Ephraim of Windsor and Elizabeth Norton(in pencil written above Newton) of A., int. Apr. ----, 1803.
LONDEN (see Landen).
James S. and Miss Sophronia Miles, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1829 and Apr. 1, 1830; int. Nov. 21, 1829]. [Dec. ----, 1829, C.R.1.]
Zachariah and Miss Eliza Ann Kilborn, both of A., Sept. 29, 1840.
Anna and Josiah Kelley [q.v.].
Hannah and Asa Paine [q.v.].
Jeremiah of Conway and Elener Pain of A., int. Mar. 3, 1796.
Lucy and John Field [q.v.].
Samuel of Conway and Miss Polly Loomis of A., Jan. 23, 1817.
Sussana and Samuel Paine [q.v.].
LOOMIS(Lumis, Lummis, Lummus)
Irena (Lummus) and Abiezer Perkins [q.v.].
John and Salome Scott, both of A., Nov. 13, 1783.
John (Lummis) [int. Lummas] and Elizabath Standdish [int. Standish], both of A., July 3, 1794.
Josiah and Susanna Howes, both of A., Jan. 28, 1790.
Lydia (Lummus) and Isaac Lewis [q.v.].
Mary (see Polly).
Nathan and Miss Waite J. Barber, both of A., Feb. 24, 1820.
Polly and Samuel Look [q.v.].
Sarah (Lumis) and Warren Green [q.v.].
James Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Plainfield and Miss Lydia Alden of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1824 and Apr. 1, 1825; int. Nov. 19, 1824]. [James Jr. of Plainfield, [Mar.] ----, 1825, C.R.1.]
Oliver B. (Lowd) of A. and Miss Maria Tiney of S. Adams, int. Sept. 2, 1838.
Mayhew and Miss ---- Brackett, both of A., int. Sept. 21, 1814.
Samuel Jr. of Goshen and Miss Lydia Dyer of A., int. Nov. 5, 1836.
Levi and Sibbil Fuller, both of A., Nov. 27, 1800.
LUMIS (see Loomis).
LUMMIS (see Loomis).
LUMMUS (see Loomis).
LUSCOMB (see Liscomb).
Aaron of Buckland and Jemima Shepard of A., of A., Sept. 2, 1784.
Aaron of Buckland and Armilla Alden in A. Nov. 26, 1812, in A.
Achsah and Arunah Hall [q.v.].
Betsey and Eli Gray [q.v.].
Dorcas and James Shurtliff [q.v.].
Freelove and Elisha Wing [q.v.].
Hepzibah and Nehemiah Seley [q.v.].
Jabez and Polly Benton, both of A., int. Dec. ----, 1793.
Jemima and Elisha Wing [q.v.].
Mary and Elijah Aulden [q.v.].
Nathan and Elisabeth Elmer, Feb. 26, 1778.
Stephen and Sarah Perkins, both of A., Nov. 6, 1777.
Thankful (Lion) and Moses Ward [q.v.].
Eunice and James Andrews Jr. [q.v.].
Hannah (McClintick) and Ormond Flower [q.v.].
Hannah and Timothy Warren [q.v.].
William of Savoy and Miss Hannah Rude of A., int. Mar. 9, 1844.
Consider (McFarland) and Miss Mary Paine, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1827 and Apr. 1, 1828; int. Dec. 22, 1827]. [Jan. 7 [1828], C.R.1.
- George (McFarland) [int. adds W.] and Miss Abigail Cranston [int. Cranson], both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1831 and Apr. 1, 1832; int. Nov. 5, 1831]. [George W. and Miss Abigail Cranston, Jan. 22 [1832], C.R.1.]
Mary Ann (McFarland) and Charles Hunt [q.v.].
Hannah and Stephen Smith [q.v.].
Margaret and Benjamin Karr [q.v.].
Phebe (M[a]cintire) and Amos Crittenden [q.v.].
Augustus and Chloe Elmer, both of A., int. Aug. ----, 1794.
William of Hatfield and Martha Warren of A., May 15, 1794.
Mary (Macnut) and Jedediah Sprague [q.v.].
Tabitha and John Aulden 2d [q.v.].
Ezra [int. Jr.] of Savoy and Miss Jedidah Fuller of A.,---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1827 and Apr. 1, 1828; int. Nov. 5, 1827]. [Ezra Jr. of Savoy, Dec. 15 [1827], C.R.1.]
Sarah and Ruel Pease [q.v.].
Abraham of Smithfield, N.Y., and [int. Miss] Elizabeth Benton of A., Oct. 23, 1808, in A.
Jonathan of New Haven, Conn., and Miss Betsey Warren of A.,---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1819 and Apr. 1, 1820; int. Dec. 2, 1819]. [Dec. 23, 1819, C.R.1.]
John of Goshen and Miss Betsey Tower of A., Sept. 11, 1817.
Joseph P. of A. and Miss Nancy Barnes of Heath, int. Apr. 4, 1819.
Joseph P. of A. and Miss Asenath Rice of Charlemont, int. June 1, 1825.
Phineas of Goshen and Abigail Alden of A., Mar. 1, 1790, in Conway.
Allen and [int. Miss] Comfort Blake, both of A.,---- [1825 or 1826] [int. Aug. 6, 1825].
Betsey and Apollos Wright [q.v.].
Erastus of A. and Miss Sarah Shaw of Buckland, int. May 7, 1825.
John Mantor and Miss Sarah Phill]
- ips, both of A., Nov. 17, 1816.
Mary (see Polly).
Parson [int. Person] of Williamsburg [int. Goshen] and Juannah [int. Joanne] Smith of A., Dec. 23, 1791 [sic, int. ----, 1792].
Polly and Alvan Cross [q.v.]
MANTAGUE (see Montague).
Deborah and Christopher Sears [q.v.].
Francis, Dr., of A., and Pamela Harwood of Windsor, int. ----, 1791.
James of Hawley and Rebecca Williams of A., May 10, 1798.
John (Mantor) of A. and Rebecca Snow of Goshen, int. Apr.---- [cert. Apr. 17], 1797.
Thankful (Mantor) and Sylvanus Killey [q.v.].
Elijah of Hawley and Tamsin [int. Tamzin] Howes of A., May 27, 1800.
Elijah of Hawley and [int. Miss] Elizabeth Alden of A., Sept. 7, 1814, in A.
Anne and Asa Porter [q.v.].
Anna and William Wallace Smith [q.v.].
Cotton and Anna Norton, both of A., Oct. 16, 1803.
Jerry of Bridgewater, N.Y., and Miss Huldah B. Potter of A., int. Sept. 12, 1818.
Mary and Apollos W. Smith [q.v.].
Eunice and Jonathan Taylor [q.v.].
Eunice and Jonathan Kilburn [q.v.].
Hugh of Buckland and Ruth Benton of A., Nov. 21, 1785.
Nehemiah of Chesterfield and Susanna Perkins of the Gore, Nov. 27, 1777, C.R.1.
Oliver, Dea., of Buckland, and Mrs. Alice Elmore of A., int. Oct. 3, 1828.
Amee and Stephen Taylor [q.v.].
Hannah and Asarelah Sears [q.v.].
Joel of Chesterfield and [int. Miss] Betsey Flower of A., Sept. 8, 1807.
John of A. and Miss Pamela Bartlet of Northampton, int. May 5, 1807.
Joseph [int. Jr.] of Whitestown, N.Y., and Peggy Putney of A., Jan. 14, 1802.
Sarah and William Bryant [q.v.].
MEACHAM(Meacham, Mecham)
Elijah (Mecham) [int. Meacham] of Norwich and Miss Asenath Warren of A., Sept. 12, 1805.
Hannah (Meachom) and Benjamin Warren [q.v.].
Lovey and Silvanus Parker [q.v.].
Lydia and Cornelius Warren [q.v.].
Ursula and Oliver Warren [q.v.].
MELLEN (see Millen).
Anna and Prince Parker [q.v.].
Bethiah and Abner Killey, Oct. 4, 1775.
Heman of Stephentown and Apphia Parker of A., Apr. 28, 1791.
Jesse and Martha Sawyer, both of A., Feb. 19, 1778.
Jesse and Rhoda Smith, both of A., Feb. 21, 1790.
Stephen and Rebecca Wood, both of A., Oct. 7, 1792.
Earl Jefferson [int. of Westfield] and [int. Miss] Hepsibah Taylor [int. of A.], ---- [rec. between Apr. 30, 1831 and Apr. 30, 1832; int. Feb. 19, 1831].
Simeon and Pamela Baker, both of Conway, Nov. 14, 1793.
MILES(Mighles, Mighlles)
Achsah and Lewis Sears [q.v.].
Alanson of A. and Miss Pamelia M. Perry of Savoy, int. Aug. 10, 1839.
Betsey (Mighles) and Aaron Cross [q.v.].
Daniel (Mighiles) and Sarah Fuller, both of A., Feb. 16, 1786.
Daniel and Miss Lydia Hammond, both of A., int. Aug. 24, 1804.
Ezekiel [dup. Mighlles, int. Mighells], s. Daniel and Huldah, and Sarah [dup. and int. Sally] Vincent [int. both of A.], Oct. 6, 1803. [Mighells and Sally Vincent, C.R.1.]
Huldah and Clark Smith [q.v.].
John (Mighles) and Lidia Bauldwin [int. Baldwin], both of A., Feb. 15, 1787. [Lydia Bauldwin, C.R.1.]
Mary B. (see Polly B.).
Mehitable and Daniel Howes [q.v.].
Nathan[ie]l (Mighles) and Thankfull Vincent, both of A., Dec. 11, 1797.
Penelope (Mighlles) and David Baldwin [q.v.].
Philander and [int. Miss] Viletta Hall, both of A., Nov. 28, 1839, in A.
Polly B. and William Fuller [q.v.].
Ruth and Moses Bawldwin [q.v.].
Sara (Mighells) and Cephas Cross [q.v.].
Sophronia and James S. Longley [q.v.].
Thankful and Edmon Baxter [q.v.].
Patrick [int. Mellen] of Pelham and [int. Miss] Levin Sadler of A., Nov. 30, 1809, in A. [Millen of Pelham, C.R.1.]
Clarissa and Freeman Pettibone [q.v.].
David P. and Miss Mary Ann Holmes, both of A., Nov. 25, 1840.
Zebediah of Shaftsbury and Mercy Lewis of A., Feb. 24, 1785.
Experience and John Fuller [q.v.].
William Ward of Stillwater, N.Y., and Miss Lucy L. Goodwin of A., int. June 28, 1845. [m. July 24, C.R.1.]
Eben[eze]r, Lt., of Cherlamont, and Jerusha Amsden of A., Oct. 3, 1793.
Jerusha (Mantague) and Justus Smith [q.v.].
Clarissa and Jonathan Yeomans [q.v.].
Huldah and Enos Harvey [q.v.].
Samuel of Buckland and Mindwell Furbush of A., Jan. 29, 1799, in Buckland.
Ruth and Barnabas Annible [q.v.].
Abel Woodward and Miss Martha Field, both of Greenfield, Oct. 28, 1834.
Fanny (More) and Zephaniah Richmond [q.v.].
Polly (More) and Martin Bracket [q.v.].
Asahel of W. Springfield and Asenath Warren of A]
- ay 27, 1790.
Jesse, single, 41, farmer, of Belchertown, s. Joseph and Olive of Belchertown, and Julia Jepson, 30, of A., d. Forest and Esther of A., Sept. 28, 1847.
Mary (see Polly).
Moses 2d of Hatfield and Miss Martha Warner [int. Warner] of A.,---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1827 and Apr. 1, 1828; int. Oct. 15, 1827]. [Warner of A., Nov. 15 [1827], C.R.1.]
Polly and Stephen Heartwell [q.v.].
Reuben of Whately and [int. Miss] Mary Frary of A., Mar. 15, 1810, in A.
Salla and Benjamin Spinage [q.v.].
Chloe and Archibald Burnet [q.v.].
Revere of Heath and Naomi Amsden of A., int. Sept. 11 [cert. Oct. 4], 1796.
Rhoda and Orin Graves [q.v.].
Stephen of Granby and Caty Cranson of A.,---- [int. Dec. ----], 1801.
Phebe and Joshua Vincent [q.v.].
Polly and Chester Bement [q.v.].
Azubeth and Joseph Wells [q.v.].
Abel D. and Miss Betsey Leonard, both of A., Apr. 29, 1834.
Elijah and Miss Ruth Hersey, both of A., int. Aug. 2, 1807.
Elizabeth and Ephraim Little [q.v.].
Rufus M. of Montague and Miss Julia Kilborn of A., Oct. 22, 1837, in A.
James of Cherlemont and Mary Truesdal of Buckland, Jan. 19, 1792.
Thomas and Elisabeth Peirce, both of Chearlymont, Nov. 7, 1765, C.R.1.
NIGHTS (see Knight).
Mary Arm and Andrew J. Hitchcock [q.v.] .
Samuel of Conway and Bathsheba Crittenden of A., Jan. 21, 1783.
William, Rev., of A., and Miss Eliza Davis of Methuen, int. June 11, 1842.
Anna and Cotton Mather [q.v.].
Caroline and Thomas W. White [q.v.].
Julia Porter and Asa Bates Patridge [q.v.].
Louisa and Simeon Wait [q.v.].
Susanna and Obediah Smith [q.v.].
Clarissa and Jonathan Howes [q.v.].
Elizabeth and Thomas Phillips Jr. [q.v.].
Hannah and Simon Burroughs [q.v.].
Daniel Jr. +of Stanford, Vt.+, an]
- ss Levina Hayward of A., Apr. 22, 1841. [Miss Lavina Haywood of A., C.R.1.]
Lovell H. of Conway and Miss Mirriam Peaes [int. Miriam Pease] of A.,---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1825 and Apr. 1, 1826; int. Aug. 6, 1825]. [Mirriam Pease of A., Sept. 23, 1825, C.R.1.]
Mehetabel and Miles Standish [q.v.].
John and Levina [int. Miss Lavina] Forbes, both of A., Nov. 30, 1815.
Meriam and Reuben Bement Jr. [q.v.].
Almon of A. and Miss Maria A. Pratt of New Ipswich, N.H., int. Apr. 1, 1843.
Caleb Jr. of A. and Miss Sally Stowel of Plainfield, int. Feb. 7, 1811.
Cynthia and Comfort Beals Jr. [q.v.].
Esther (Packerd) and Ephraim Williams [q.v.].
Hariet and Daniel Stockwell [q.v.].
Joshua of A. and Miss Nancy Parker of Plainfield, int. July 5, 1829.
Leonard of Cummington and Miss Martha Jenckings [int. Jenkins] of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1826 and Apr. 1, 1827; int. July 21, 1826]. [Jenkins of A., Dec. ----, 1826, C.R.1.]
Lewis A. of Plainfield and Miss Harmenia C. Phillips of A., int. Apr. 12, 1845.
Philena (see Philina).
Philena L. and Otis G. Hill [q.v.].
Philina and Martin W. Phillips [q.v.].
Submit and Sylvester Davis [q.v.].
Willard of Adams and Miss Rosina Beals of A. ----, [rec. between Apr. 1, 1827 and Apr. 1, 1828]. [May 31 [1827], C.R.1.]
Hannah and Lemuel Bryant [q.v.].
Alvah C., Rev., of Norwich, and Miss Esther P. Williams of A., int. May 2, 1835.
Asa of A. and Hannah Look of Conway, int. Jan. 13 [cert. Jan. 29], 1799.
Elener (Pain) and Jeremiah Look [q.v.].
Elijah of A. and Patty Pomeroy of Northfield, Jan. 1, 1795, in Northfield.
Elijah [int. Payne] Jr. of Amherst and Miss Olive Graves of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1825 and Apr. 1, 1826; int. Jan. 20, 1826]. [Paine, Feb. 16, 1826, C.R.1.]
Joseph (Pain) of A. and Anna Billing [int. Anne Billings] of Conway, Nov. 1, 1792.
Lucius H. of A. and Miss Mary A. Fiske of Adams, int. Sept. 24, 1837.
Martha and David Boyden [q.v.].
Mary and Consider McFarland [q.v.].
Mehitable and Charles Hudson, Nov. 4, 1779.
Nancy and Oriel Wilcox [q.v.].
Samuel (Pain) of A. and Sussana Look of Conway, int. Sept. ----, 1795.
Sarah and Simeon King, Aug. 8, 1780.
Sussanna (Pain) and Benjamin Sables [q.v.].
Sussanna and Alverson Hinds [q.v.].
Zebulon of A. and Miss Anna Bigelow of Conway, int. Feb. 10, 1821.
Apphia and Hama Merchant [q.v.].
Calvin T. and [int. Miss] Harriet Eldridge [int. Eldredge], both of A., Nov. 28, 1839, in A.
Elisha and Deborah Foster, both of A., Nov. 18, 1802.
Marcus T. and Miss Almira Warren, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1832 and Mar. 15, 1833; int. Apr. 28, 1832]. [May 24, 1832, C.R.1.]
Nancy and Joshua Packard [q.v.].
Prince of A. and Anna Merchant of Stephentown, int. Jan. 1, 1815.
Rebeckah and Seth Rogers [q.v.].
Samuel [int. Rev.] and [int. Miss] Hepzibah Sears, both of A., Feb. 4, 1813.
Samuel of Plainfield and Miss Lucretia C. Phillips, Jan. 30, 1840.
Silas and Sara Smith, both of New York, July 27, 1788. [Sarah, both of No. 7, C.R.1.]
Silvanus of A. and Lovey Meacham of Stephen Town, int. ----, 1791.
Sophrona and Henry S. Davenport [q.v.].
Thankful and Dorus Graves [q.v.].
Thankful and Horace Williams [q.v.].
Thomos of A. and Priscilla Torrey of Williamsburgh, int. Aug. ----, 1803.
Triphena and Ebenezer Dickinson [q.v.].
Eunice and Freeman Sears [q.v.].
Rhoda and Jonathan Sears Jr. [q.v.].
Stephen of Goshen and [int. Miss] Mary Eldridge [int. Eldredge] of A., May 21, 1812. [Eldridge of A., C.R.1.]
PARTARICH (see also Patrick and Patridge)
Elisabeth and Isarael Standish, int. ----, 1764.
Alithea and George Ranney Sr. [q.v.].
PATRICK (see also Partarich)
Manila I. and Levi Eldredge Jr. [q.v.].
PATRIDGE (see also Partarich)
Asa Bates of Peru and [int. Miss] Julia Porter Norton of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 30, 1827 and Apr. 30, 1828; int. Oct. 18, 1827], in A.
Elmina and Enos Taylor [q.v.].
James C. of Chesterfield and Miss Esther Jepson of A., May 1, 1839.
Nathaniel E. (see Nathaniel E. Searl).
Dianthe and Daniel Clark [q.v.].
John and Patty Allen, Apr. 25, 1799 [? in E. Windsor, Conn]. [This entry written on loose sheet.]
Luman of A. and Miss Gratia Hawks of Conway, int. Mar. 19, 1831.
Maria and Alvan Clark Jr. [q.v.].
Maronett and James Childs [q.v.].
Martha (see Patty).
Mirriam (Peaes) and Lovell H. Oaks [q.v.].
Patty and Thomas Collins [q.v.].
Patty and Sumner Graves [q.v.].
Ruel of A. and Miss Sarah Macomber of Conway, int. Oct. 28, 1838.
Elisabeth and Thomas Nichols [q.v.].
Hannah and Oliver Bosworth [q.v.].
Joseph and Hannah Cobb, both of A., Oct. 13, 1783.
Prissilla and Simeon Smith [q.v.].
Sally and Elijah Steele [q.v.].
Elizabeth and Joseph Toby [q.v.].
Abiezer and Irena Lununus, both of A., Dec. 3, 1777.
Biram and Cynthia French, both of A., Nov. 26, 1801.
Calvin of A. and Miss Anna Stebbins of Hawley, int. May 6, 1809.
Daniel and [int. Miss] Jane Russel Hawley, both of A., May 14, 1809, in A.
Eliab and Anna Warner, both of A., Dec. 9, 1779.
Freelove and Nathan Fuller [q.v.].
Jeduthan and Rhoda Yeomans, both of A., Mar. 29, 1801.
Lucy and Lamrock Flower Jr. [q.v.].
Patience and Isaiah Washburn [q.v.].
Sarah and Stephen Lyon [q.v.].
Susanna and Nehemiah May [q.v.].
Timothy and Elizabeth Stocking, both of A., Nov. 25, 1779.
Ziporah and Solomon Fuller [q.v.].
Alvan and Miss Sarah Ann Sanderson, both of A., Aug. 3, 1834.
Eunice and Asa Tucker [q.v.].
Hannah and Daniel Lanterman [q.v.].
John of A. and Eunice Cooledge [int. Coolidge] of A. "(Leyden)", Jan. 4, 1793, in Leyden.
John S. and Miss Sally Williams, both of A., int. Apr. 23, 1836. [John T. m. May 29, C.R.1.]
Pamelia and Alanson Miles [q.v.].
William and Miss Clarissa [int. adds B.] Boice, both of A., Dec. 31, 1840. [Miss Clarissa B., C.R.1.]
Freeman and Miss Clarissa Miller, both of A., int. Aug. 31, 1839.
Abiather and Hannah Ranney, both of A., Dec. 4, 1800.
Abiezer of Florida and Miss Hannah Sadler of A., int. June 22, 1808.
Abigail (see Nabby).
Abilene and John Ellis Jr. [q.v.].
Abiram of A. and Miss Lucretia Gipson of Goshen, int. Feb. ----, 1820.
Abner and Motley [int. Molly] Cranson, both of A., May 28, 1789.
Allen and Miss Louisa Cross, both of A., Jan. 24, 1836.
Amanda and Samuel P. Fuller [q.v.].
Anna and Ebenezer Porter [q.v.].
Anne and Gad Elmer [q.v.].
Annis and Almon Williams [q.v.].
Anson M., single, 25, farmer, of A., b. A., s. Samuel and Polly of A., and Elvira W. Dunton, 25, of A., b. A., d. Jesse and Lydia, Jan. 12, 1849 [sic, rec. Apr. 12, 1850; int. Dec. 29, 1849].
Betsy and Roger Brownson [q.v.].
Caleb and Sally Green, both of A., Jan. 3, 1781.
Catharine and Samuel Batcheler [q.v.].
Charles of A. and Miss Emeline Brown of Colerain, int. Mar. 19, 1836.
Daniel and Lydia Steel, both of A., Sept. 5, 1781.
David and Anna [int. Anne] Scott [int. wid.], both of A., Oct. 27, 1791.
Elener and Peter Bathrick [q.v.].
Elijah and Cynthia Goodwin, both of A., Oct. 8, 1781.
Elijah and Fanny Rude, both of A., int. Apr. 27, 1804.
Elijah B. of Buckland and Miss Elizabeth V. Rude of A., May 19, 1842.
Elisha and Miss Patience Barrus, both of A., int. May ----, 1816.
Eliza and Abner Kelly Jr. [q.v.].
Elizabeth and Samuel Truesdale [q.v.].
Hannah and Henry Bassett [q.v.].
Hannah and Levi Stearns [q.v.].
Hannah and Calvin Flower [q.v.].
Harmenia C. and Lewis A. Packard [q.v.].
Huldah and David Purrington [q.v.].
Israel and Mehetable Belding, both of A., int. Oct. ----, 1795.
Israel Jr. of A. and Miss Sabrina Ward of Buckland, int. Feb. 22, 1827.
Jerusha and Isaac Shepard [q.v.].
Lemuel and Sara Cranson, both of A., Jan. 4, 1787. [Sarah, C.R.1.]
Lemuel Jr. and [int. Miss] Huldah Howes, both of A., June 11, 1812.
Liscum [int. Liscom] and [int. Miss] Fidelia Baldwin, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 5 and Apr. 30], 1826.
Liscum and Mrs. Eliza Williams, both of A., int. May 17, 1845.
Lucretia C. and Samuel Parker [q.v.].
Mabel and Bliss Furbush [q.v.].
Martin W., single, 21, farmer, b. A., s. Abiram and Lucretia, and Philina [int. Philena] Packard, 19, b. A., d. Willard and Rosina, all of A., Nov. 29, 1849 [? in Buckland].
Mary and Samuel Cranson [q.v.].
Mary and Zenos Elmore [q.v.].
Mary and Daniel Forbes [q.v.].
Nabby and Nathan Hows [q.v.].
Palatiah and Anna Annable, both of A., Dec. 9, 1779.
Pelatiah and Cyntha Wait, both of A., Feb. 17, 1788. [Cynthia, Feb. 7. C.R.1.]
Perez and Polly Chilson, both of Shelbourn, Jan. 23, 1793.
Philip Jr. and Elizabeth Smith, both of A., June 1, 1786.
Rachel and Noah Baker [q.v.].
Rachel and Salmon Brunson [q.v.].
Rachel and Ansel Elmer [q.v.].
Rhoda and Enoch King [q.v.].
Roxy and Eden Baldwin [q.v.].
Rufus and Miss Mary Richmond, both of A., int. Apr. 13, 1814.
Sally and Thomas Kelley [q.v.].
Sally and Joel Lilly [q.v.].
Samuell and Sally Ranny, both of A., int. June ---, 1794.
Sarah and Elisha Cranson [q.v.].
Sarah and John Mantor Mansfield [q.v.].
Sarah (see also Sally).
Simeon and Ruth Andrews, both of A., Sept. 1, 1791.
Simeon of Buckland and Miss Almira Bement of A., June 4, 1834.
Solomon and Asenath Belding, both of A., June 20, 1784.
Spencer and Dorcas Flowers, wid., both of A., Nov. 23, 1783.
Submit and Ariel Ware [q.v.].
Thomas Jr. of A. and Elizabeth Noyes of Easton, Nov. 7, 1771, in Easton.
Thomas and Rachel Wood, wid., Jan. 10, 1777.
Vespasian and Abilene Belding, both of A., May 7, 1772.
Waite and Horace Ranney [q.v.].
Elizabeth and Joab Grover [q.v.].
James and Miss Betsey Guilford, both of A., int. Nov. 11, 1843.
PICKSLEY (see Pixley).
Irena and Nehemiah Sprague [q.v.].
Leonard and Sussanna Sprague, Nov. 9, 1773.
Ruth and Benjamin Ellis, Mar. 15, 1774.
Argalus of Hawley and Abigail Alden of A., Feb. 12, 1797.
Sarah J. (Picksley) and Hervey S. Beals [q.v.].
Louisa and John Wheeler [q.v.].
Patty and Elijah Paine [q.v.].
Olive and Jared Dyer [q.v.].
Asa of A. and Anne Marshal of Bolton, int. ----, 1792.
Chipman of A. and Miss Sophia Porter of N[ort]hampton, int. Feb.----, 1806.
Ebenezer and Anna Phillips, both of A., May 26, 1803.
Ebenezer of A. and Miss Unice Avery of Hawley, int. Mar. 27, 1824.
Eliza and Charles Samuel Guilford [q.v.].
Elizabeth Nowel and Elias Carrier [q.v.].
Eunice and Rufus Cook [q.v.].
Fidelia and Samuel Clark [q.v.].
Hannah and Lewis Foster [q.v.].
Hannah and Caleb Cranson [q.v.].
John and Mabel Flower, both of A., May 29, 1777.
John J. [int. 2d, omits Jr.] and Sally Fuller, both of A., Dec. 12, 1793. [John Jr., C.R.1.]
Joseph of A. and Miss Leonard Graves of Whately, Sept. 30, 1784, in Whately.
Joseph C. and Sally [int. Miss Sarah] Cranson, both of A., Apr. 30, 1812.
Julia and John Smith [q.v.].
Mabel and Russell Chauncy [q.v.].
Nathan of A. and Miss Elizabeth Taylor of Buckland, int Sept. 21, 1814.
Nehemiah 2d of A. and Rebekah [int. Miss Rebecca] West of Hadley, Apr. 26, 1809.
Rebecca and Joseph C. Smith [q.v.].
Sally (see Sarah, 1805).
Samuel and Miriam Fuller, both of A., May 9, 1782.
Samuel of A. and Miss Miriam Scot of Hawley, int. Jan. 31, 1816.
Samuel Jr. of A. and Miss Judith Claggon of Hawley, int. Jan. 25, 1823.
Sarah and Rufus Wells [q.v.].
Sarah and John Clemons [q.v.].
Sophia and Chipman Porter [q.v.].
Huldah B. and Jerry Mather [q.v.].
Emmons of Buckland and Miss Priscilla Sears of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1824 and Apr. 1, 1825; int. Dec. 10, 1824]. [[Mar.] ----, 1825, C.R.1.]
Maria A. and Almon Packard [q.v.].
Chenery [int. Dr.] of Colerain and Miss Lucy T. Alden of A., Jan. 16, 1834.
PURCELL (see Percel).
David (Purrington), Dea. [int. Purinton, omits Dea.], of Colerain, and Mrs. Huldah Phillips of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1829 and Apr. 1, 1830; int. Dec. 26, 1829]. [Dea. Purrington [of] Colerain, Jan. ----, 1830, C.R.1.]
Seth of Colerain and Keziah Shepard of A., int. May ----, 1795.
Almy and Barnabas Hall [q.v.].
Charles W. and Miss Lavina Eldridge, both of A., int. Apr. 12, 1845. [m. May 4, C.R.1.]
Harriet N. and Chandler Robbins [q.v.].
Jedediah of A. and Abigal Nights of Fitzwilliam, N.H., int. May ----, 1801.
Margaret (see Peggy).
Martha (see Polly).
Mary and Moses Belding [q.v.].
Mary Ann and Luther B. Ranney [q.v.].
Nahum and Miss Charlotte Bement, both of A., int. Apr. 2, 1836. [m. May 4, C.R.1. m. Mar. [sic] 4, P.R.3.]
Norman of A. and Miss Maria Robinson of Southampton, int. May 10, 1847.
Patty (see Polly).
Peggy and Joseph Maynard [q.v.].
Polly and Hattil Washbourn [q.v.].
Sally and Levi Eldridge Jr. [q.v.].
Samuel and [int. Miss] Lucy Tower, both of A., Sept. 10, 1812.
Zadok and Miss Jerusha W. [int. omits W.] Belding, both of A., Nov. 25, 1816 [sic, int. ----, 1817].
Sarah W. and William Bement [q.v.].
Benjaman (Randle) [int. Benjamin Randal] of Shelbourn and Eunice [int. Unis] Smith of A., Jan. 10, 1792.
Jacob and Elizabeth Call, both of Colerain, Mar. 28, 1782.
Amanda and Elijah Richmond [q.v.].
Betsey and Nathan Wood [q.v.].
Betsey and Reuben Ranney [q.v.].
Catharine and William Belding [q.v.].
Charles and Miss Sarah Hall, both of A., Jan. 1, 1839.
Charles of A. and Mrs. Nancy Davis of Buckland, int. Nov. 10, 1846.
Charles F. of A. and Miss Eliza Smith of Norwich, int. Aug. 15, 1840.
Clarissa and Wait Bement [q.v.].
Edward and Miss Marville Selden, both of A., int. Nov. 12, 1837. [m. Jan. 18, 1838, C.R.1.]
Elvira A. and Samuel Kingman [q.v.].
Esther (Ranny) and Benjamin Jones Jr. [q.v.].
Francis and Miss Thankful Clark [int. both of A.], ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1823 and Apr. 1, 1824; int. Nov. 26, 1823]. [Dec. 25, 1823, C.R.1.]
Francis and Miss Anna Howes, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1831 and Apr. 1, 1832; int. Dec. 24, 1831]. [Jan. 19 [1832], C.R.1.]
George Sr. [int. omits Sr., adds of A.] and Alithea Patch, wid. [int. omits wid.], of Hawley, Aug. ----, 1809.
George Jr. and [int. Miss] Achsah Sears, both of A., Nov. 28, 1811, in A.
Giles and Lydia Bryant. both of A., Nov. 29 [int. cert. Dec. 24], 1798. [----, 1798, C.R.1.]
Hannah and Abiather Phillips [q.v.].
Hannah and Richard Ellis [q.v.].
Henry S., single, 27, merchant, of A., b. A.. s. George and Achsah both dec'd, and Maria Jane Goodwin, 23, of A., b. A., d. Anson and Temperance of A., June 20, 1844.
Hiram of Phelps, Ontario Co., N.Y., and Miss Sarah Smith of A., Jan. 7, 1841.
Horace and Miss Waite Phillips, both of A., Sept. 25, 1834.
James Allen of A. and Miss Henrietta H. De Wolf of Deerfield, int. Aug. 24, 1839.
Joseph and Miss Temperance Eldredge, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1825 and Apr. 1, 1826; int. Feb. 11, 1826]. [Feb. 26, 1826, C.R.1.]
Joseph and Mrs. Lucy Eldredge, both of A., May 17, 1831.
Lucretia and Lemuel Sears [q.v.].
Lucretia and Darius Cross [q.v.].
Luther and [int. Miss] Eunice Alden, both of A., Jan. 6, 1811.
Luther B. and Miss Mary Ann Putney, both of A., int. May 13, 1843. [m. May 31, G.R.1.]
Mary and Alvan Dyer [q.v.].
Mary (see Polly).
Mary and Milo Wilson [q.v.].
Nancy G., Miss, and Elijah Field, both of A., int. Jan. 13, 1839.
Persis and Moses Bartlet [q.v.].
Polly and Augustus F. Daniels [q.v.].
Reuben of A. and Mrs. Betsey Ranney of Granville, int. Sept. 20, 1817.
Roswell and Irinda [int. Irenda] Bement, both of A., Feb. 17, 1803.
Ruth and Bela Dyer [q.v.].
Ruth Ann and Sylvester W. Hall [q.v.].
Sabra and Oscar Richardson [q.v.].
Sally (Ranny) and Samuell Phillips [q.v.].
Samuel A. and Miss Flora Selden, both of A., int. Aug. 14, 1836. [m. Sept. 15, C.R.1.]
Sarah (see Sally).
Sarah Jane and Harding G. Woodward [q.v.].
William and Miss Betsey Alden, both of A., int. Nov. 14, 1807.
William and Miss Eliza Ann Smith, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1827 and Apr. 1, 1828; int. Aug. 19, 1827]. [Sept. 27 [1827], C.R.1.]
William, single, 21, farmer, of A., b. A., s. James and Sarah of A., and Lois J. Warden [int. Wordon], 20 [int. of Amherst], d. Roswell (Wordon) and Louisa, Jan. 2, 1848, in Conway.
RANSOM (see also Rawson)
Polly and Benjamin Cross [q.v.].
RAWSON (see also Ransom)
Electa and Daniel Sears [q.v.].
Oliver of Buckland and [int. Miss] Lois Howes of A., Nov. 29, 1805.
Nabby and Elisha Cranson Jr. [q.v.]
Nathaniel of Batavia, N.Y., and Miss Hannah W. Smith of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1830 and Apr. 1, 1831; int. Sept. 11, 1830]. [Sept. 29, 1830, C.R.1.]
Sarah (Reed) and John Ford [q.v.].
Lucinda and Abner Rogers [q.v.]
REED (see Read).
Aaron N. [int. Newton A.] of Savoy and Miss Julia A. Williams of A., May 11, 1842, in A.
George R. of A. and Miss Sarah M. Eldredge of Hawley, int. May 16, 1846.
Newton A. (see Aaron N.).
Hannah and Joshua Rogers [q.v.].
Benjamin [int. Rhodes] and Hannah Flower, both of A., Sept. 22, 1803.
Stephen (Rhods) of Chesterfield and Miss Polly Flower of A., int. Feb. 2, 1806.
Asenath and Joseph P. Manning [q.v.].
Bala and Bethel Benton [q.v.].
Minerva and Lional Burnet [q.v.].
Sarah and Benjamin Farnam [q.v.].
Jonas of Salem and Jenezer Selden of A., int. ----, 1789.
Oscar, single, 26, farmer, of A., b. A., s. Gilbirt and Eunice of A., and Sabra Ranney, 19, of A., b. A., d. Joseph and Temperance both dec'd, May 24, 1848.
Elijah and Miss Amanda Ranney,]
- h of A., int. Mar. 7, 1829.
Hannah and Benjamin Bliss [q.v.].
Hannah and Henry Alden Jr. [q.v.].
Hiram of A. and Miss Theresa Smith of Buckland, int. Oct. 2, 1824.
Maria and Marshall H. Edson [q.v.].
Mary and Rufus Phillips [q.v.].
Zephaniah of A. and Miss Fanny More, int. Apr. 18, 1819.
Daniel of Shelburn and Mary Belden of A., Feb. 20, 1780.
Asa Leonard of Cheshire and Miss Persis Weeks of A., int. Feb. 2, 1806.
Chandler of Windsor and Miss Harriet N. Putney of A., int. Oct. 8, 1837. [m. Nov. 30, C.R.1.]
Jane R. and Almon Howes [q.v.].
Lucy and Rufus Rude [q.v.].
Anne and Ezra Willia]
- q.v.].
Jacob of Williamsburge and Jerusha Sadler of A., Sept. 9, 1790.
Maria and Norman Putney [q.v.].
Samuel and Sarah Chilson, both of Conway, Dec. 13, 1785, C.R.1.
Abigail and Abner Cranson [q.v.].
Abner and Lucinda Reckard, both of A., Dec. 10, 1801.
Anna and Caleb Church Jr. [q.v.].
Benjamin Jr. [int. 1st, omits Jr.] and Mary Edson, both of A., Nov. 4, 1788. [Benjamin Jr., C.R.1.]
Benjamin and Miss Betsey [int. adds H.] Belding, both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1827 and Apr. 1, 1828; int. Nov. 10, 1827]. [Miss Betsey, Nov. 29 [1827], C.R.1.]
Elias and Mrs. [int. Miss] Sally Cranston [int. Cranson], both of A., ---- [rec. between Apr. 1, 1831 and Apr. 1, 1832; int. Nov. 5, 1831]. [Miss Sally Cranston, Dec. 22, 1831, C.R.1.]
Gershom and Abigail King, both of A., June 14, 1784.
Huldah and Perez Barrus [q.v.].
Joseph and Rebecka Smith, both of A., int. Oct. ----, 1795.
Joshua and Hannah Renieff, both of A., Jan. 28, 1798.
Moses of Hawley and Mehitable Sears of A., int. Oct. 15, 1800.
Naomi and Aretas Sadler [q.v.].
Rebeckah and Seth Wait Jr. [q.v.].
Rhoda and Henry S. Smith [q.v.].
Sally and Seth Church [q.v.].
Seth of Stephentown and Rebeckah Parker of A., Oct. 28, 1790.
Sybel and Eliphalet Stowell [q.v.].
ROOD (see Rude).
ROODE (see Rude).
Amilia C. and Alfred S. Rude [q.v.].
RUDE(Rood, Roode)
Alfred S. of A. and Miss Amilia C. Ruddock of Buckland, int. Nov. 18, 1848.
Alpheus and Hannah Taylor, both of A., Feb. 4, 1802.
Betsey and Leonard Jenkins [q.v.].
Elizabeth V. and Elijah B. Phillips [q.v.].
Fanny and Elijah Phillips [q.v.].
Hannah and William McCullock [q.v.].
Josiah and Abigail Howes, both of A., June 13, 1815.
Josiah (Rood) of Plainfield and Miss Rosina Beals of A., int. Jan. 31, 1846.
Josiah Standish (Roode) and Sarah Green [int. wid.], both of A., July 3, 1797.
Lebbeus of A. and Abigail Tryon of Buckland, May 4, 1815.
Lycy and Joseph Vincent Jr. [q.v.].
Rufus and Miss Lucy Roberts, both of A., int. Jan. 8, 1816.
Thaddeus and Miss Betsey Vincent, both of A., int. July 27, 1817.
Thaddeus of A. and Miss Keziah Eldredge Hall of Hawley, int. Dec. 2, 1843.
Joseph N. of Deerfield and Miss Myra Taylor of A., int. Feb. 28, 1835.