Vital Records Of Ashburnham, Massachusetts,
To The End Of The Year 1849.
Worcester, Massachusetts:
Published By Franklin P. Rice, Trustee of the Fund. 1909.
Marriages - ABBOT to FULLER
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

John and Martha Whiting of Billerica, Nov. 28, 1782. In Billerica.
Albert and Abigail H. Cutler, Jan. 5, 1836.
Jeremiah and Jaqueth of Wilmington, int. Sept. 1, 1789.
Maria of Franklin, N.H. and Amos H. Proctor, int. May 24, 1844.
Betsy and Joseph Meriam Jr., Sept. 12, 1806. [Sept. 11, 1806, C.R.]
Betsy and Joseph Maynard of Erving Gove, Feb. 17, 1811.
Cinderilla and Amos D. Scolley [int. Dec. 11, 1825].
Daniel of Westminster and Dinah Metcalf, May 26, 1812.
Daniel of Jaffrey, N.H., and Polly Kemp, April 22, 1817.
Dolly and Luther Brooks Jr. [int. May 6, 1820].
Dolly G. and Darwin Woods, int. Aug. 10, 1828.
Ebenezer and Peggy Russell, July 13, 1806.
Ebenezer Thomas and Polly Goodwain of Charlston, int. Feb. 12, 1784.
Eliza and Capt. Timothy Stearns, Jan. 26, 1820.
Eliza E. (d. Walter and Mercy F., a. 22) and John M. Dexter, April 24, 1845.
Esther and William Craigue of Ashby, March 18, 1784.
Esther P. (d. Milton and Esther Gibson (sic), a. 18) and Hosea G. Stone, July 2, 1846.
Harriet and Merrick Whitney, April 6, 1830.
Hepsy and Thomas Russell Jr., Nov. 28, 1816.
James and Dorothey Dickinson, June 22, 1800.
James and Mary B. Whitney, Sept. 20, 1827.
Joanna and Stephen Corey, Oct. 24, 1793.
Ensign John [Jr., C.R.] and Dolly Gibson of Fitchburg, Dec. 1, 1796.
Lieut. John and Abigail Fletcher, int. Dec. 6, 1823.
Lieut. John and Mrs. Lucy Munroe [int. Feb. 18, 1826].
John 3d and Lucy Caldwell, Oct. 4, 1826.
John and Mrs. Laura Bennett, int. March 14, 1846.
Joseph and Dolly W. Whitney, July 22, 1841.
Levi and Deborah Leland, Feb. 28, 1798. In Leominster.
Louisa and Lewis Marble, Dec. 11, 1842.
Lucy and John Danforth of Templeton, May 16, 1802.
Lucy of Westminster and Joseph Metcalf, int. Jan. 22, 1814.
Lucy L. and John W. Fisher of Sterling, Nov. 14, 1843.
Mary and Ivers Jewett, Dec. 21, 1813.
Mary and Asa Ames of Groton, May 19, 1836.
Mary G. and Franklin McIntire of Vermont, June 27, 1837.
Nancy and Loring Gates, Dec. 2, 1819.
Nathaniel [widower, C.R.] and wid. Abigail Winchester, Nov. 17, 1822.
Patty and Sylvanes Boynton of Winchendon, Dec. 12, 1805.
Peggy and Asa Woods, Nov. 27, 1827.
Polly and David Cushing, Jr., April 17, 1807.
Polly and Nathan Taylor of Westminster, Sept. 25, 1808.
Rachel G. and Jonathan H. Samson, int. April 30, 1842.
Rebecca and Joel Davis, May 28, 1807.
Samuel and Mercy Sherwin of Rindge, int. Feb. 15, 1805.
Sarah of Gardner and George Clark, int. March 13, 1840.
Sarah J. (a. 22) and George G. Rockwood of Ashby, May 11, 1848.
Stephen and Hannah Wheeler, Oct. 5, 1813.
Thomas R. and Jane Russell, Nov. 26, 1840.
Walter and Mercy Fairbank, Feb. 7, 1804.
Walter and Sarah Whitney, ---- ----, 1834.
Charles (s. Salmon and Sophia, a. 25) and Lucy O. Davis, Jan. 25, 1848.
Chester and Hannah Damon of New Iswich, N.H., int. April 27, 1841.
Henry of Ashby and Sarah Constantine, March 31, 1825.
Zenas and Caroline Randall, Sept. 11, 1827.
AMES (see Eames, Emes)
Asa of Groton and Mary Adams, May 19, 1836.
Mrs. Mary (d. Walter R. and Mercy Adams, a. 39) and Calvin Childs, both of Groton, June 5, 1847.
Phebe and Zethan French, int. Dec. 9, 1837.
Nancy D. of Sutton, N.H. and Rev. Isaac Peaslee, int. May 27, 1841.
Hannah C. (a. 21) and Horace Swan of Barnard, Vt., Nov. 27, 1845.
Timothy and wid. Molly Clark, April 16, 1807.
Patty and Lemuel Kelton of Gardner, March 6, 1796.
Celia F. of Lunenburg and Samuel D. Smith, int. Oct. 31, 1840.
Thomas H. and Lorinda Stodard, July 31, 1839.
John L. of Jaffrey, N.H. (s. Percy and Mary Ann, a. 22), and Laura J. Bennett, Dec. 22, 1845.
George, formerly of Boston, and Irena A. Gipson, int. April 23, 1842.
Kinsman H. and Dorothy M. Woods, June 13, 1837.
Leonard and Salome Richardson, int. Oct. 1, 1841.
BABCOCK (see Badcock)
Abigail of Westminster and Eri Carlton, Dec. 29, 1836.
Charlotte and Sylvanus Hill, both of Gardner, May 19, 1791.
Henry of Boston and Dolley Stone, int. Oct. 2, 1806.
BADCOCK (see Babcock)
Abigail and William Hadley, both of Westminster, Nov. 24, 1825.
John of Fitchburg and Dolly Rice, Sept. 10, 1801.
Sally and Cummings Hadley, both of Westminster, Feb. 3, 1825.
Caroline F. of Lunenburg and Henry H. Whitney, int. Sept. 4, 1830.
George and Cyrene Kibling, April 26, 1836.
Joanna and Josiah Wilder, Feb. 4, 1784.
William of Gardner and Mary C. Hastings, June 11, 1840.
Susan and Joseph Rice, Feb. 26, 1818.
Horace of Groton and Lucy Ann Kibling, int. Aug. 26, 1841.
Cecil T. [or D. ?] of Little Osage, Mo. and Eliza R. Stearns, Sept. 14, 1842.
Rebecah of Lancaster and Reuben P. Simonds, int. April 11, 1847.
Jonathan O. and Lucinda Corey, Sept. 15, 1830.
Mary A. and Asaph Foskett of Westminster, int. April 2 [1846 ?].
Ebenezer 2d of Acton and Elizabeth H. Robbens, Sept. 20, 1831.
Mark and Hannah Gibson, both of Ashby, Nov. 20, 1791.
Mary of Gardner and Asa Merriam, int. Aug. 12, 1845.
Phebe P. of Newbury, N.H., and Joseph Wetherbee, int. April 13, 1839.
Elizabeth of Marlboro and Elisha Crosby, int. Sept. 24, 1841.
Emerline of Lowell (d. Nelson and Mehitable) and John W. Piper, Dec. 29, 1846.
John and Caroline Crosby, Oct. 21, 1829.
Joseph B. of Westminster and Harriet E. May, int. Oct. 4, 1845.
Luther of Westminster and Mary [Nancy, C.R.] Samson, March 23, 1815.
Luther L. and Sarah A. Cutler, Nov. 29, 1838.
Maria and Nathan Wood Jr. of Westminter, May 17, 1827.
Nahum and Martha Hinds, Dec. 3, 1835.
BARRETT (see Barritt)
Benjamon and Nancy Stone, Feb. 7, 1809.
Betsey and Joseph White, April 10, 1835.
Charles and Sally Hastings, Sept. 19, 1811.
Charles and Betcy Johnson of Leominster, int. July 2, 1816.
Charles H. and Emma H. Flint, March 17, 1836.
Edwin L. (s. Samuel and Nancy G. L., a. 20) and Sarah B. Petts, Jan. 4, 1848.
Hannah and Joseph Millard [Miller ?], June 4, 1829.
Hannah D. and Calvin Leonard of Dublin, N.H., March 8, 1832.
James F. and Mary G. Raymond, April 15, 1829.
Joel and Judah Green, May 31, 1827.
Jonathan Jr. and Polly Pollard, both of Ashby, March 27, 1794.
Julia M. (d. Benjamin and Mancy, a. 23) and Samuel C. White of Worcester, April 11, 1849.
Lucy and Martin Johnson, June 14, 1842.
Malinda of Mason, N.H., and Isaac Samson, int. Oct. 26, 1823.
Mary of Newport, N.H., and Samuel D. Smith, int. May 12, 1838.
Nathan H. and Laving L. Farnsworth of Shirley, int. Dec. 31, 1827.
Oliver and Betcy Stone, Jan. 14, 1812.
Samuel and Nancy G. Lawrence, Sept. 3, 1826.
Sarah F. and John Emery of Winchendon, int. July 1, 1823.
Sarah I. [or J.] and Mirick Stimpson, Sept. 8, 1834.
Susan E. of Montpelier, Vt., and Jason Whitney, Aug. 16, 1842.
Townsend and Sarah Wheelor of Templeton, int. Jan. 23, 1830.
BARRITT (see above)
Enoch L. of Mason, N.H., and Sally Samson, April 12, 1820.
Joel Jr. of Littleton and Hannah Marble, April 12, 1818.
Polly of Boston and Samuel Wiggin of Bath, Me., Dec. 3, 1820.
Nathan and Alace Taylor, March 1, 1774.
David P. and Elvira M. Newton of Winchendon, int. Feb. 6, 1846.
Ezekiel C. and Maria Farrar of Winchendon, int. Aug. 6, 1845.
Lucy E. (d. Darius and Laura, a. 20) and Henry E. Tottingham, Nov. 23, 1847.
Rector B. (s. Darius and Laura, a. 27) and Martha B. Greene, Nov. 24, 1847.
Aaron of New Ipswich, N.H., and Abigail Fletcher, May 24, 1821.
Martha and Abraham Blodget, Aug. 6, 1770.
Cynthia of Westminster and Willard Whitcom, int. Jan. 10, 1842.
Sarah and Samuel Kimpton, both of Fitchburg, Sept. 27, 1848.
Sarah N. of Fitzwilliam, N.H., and George Whitcomb, int. May 18, 1843.
Samuel of Chesterfield, N.H., and Emme [Emma, C.R.] Gates, Dec. 12, 1815.
Mary L. (d. George L., a. 20) and John M. Whitney of Springfield, Jan. 3, 1849.
BEAMIS (see Bemis)
Sally of Westminster and Elisha Hall, int. Oct. 28, 1794.
Stephen of Westminster and Achsah Pollard, int. Aug. 6, 1796.
BEMIS (see Beamis)
Abel and Rebecca Richardson, May 29, 1837.
Achsah and Lincoln Hart of Tounsend, Nov. 8, 1827.
Albert T. and Sarah H. Hastings, Aug. 28, 1842.
Dolly and Richard Graves of Westminster [int. June 14, 1823].
Harriet I. [or J.] and Amos Whitney, May 7, 1840.
John and Lucy R. Sawtell, Dec. 19, 1843.
Jonas Jr. of Royalston and Mary Burges, May 26, 1813. [16, C.R.]
Lorette and Brigham Wallice, ---- ----, 1835[?].
Mary of Royalston and William Whitney, int. April 30, 1830.
Ruth Derby (d. William and Hannah, a. 21) and Charles Francis Johnson, June 25, 1844.
Sally and William Child, both of Winchendon, July 13, 1800.
Sarah E. and Warren U. [or A. ?] Crehore, March 17, 1831.
Sophia and Thomas Fuller of Fitchburg, int. Jan. 29, 1820.
Susan of Winchendon and James Meriam, int. Nov. 17, 1827.
BENJAMIN (see Benjamon)
Daniel and Tamson Felton of Athol, Nov. 10, 1779. In Athol.
Daniel Jr. and Rachel Wetherel of Mansfield, int. ---- ----, 1806.
Daniel and Mrs. Betsey Billings, March 4, 1840.
Jonas [of Woods Fork, Vt., in C.R.] and Marcy Salter, Aug. 2, 1785.
Jonathan and Anise Holt, Oct. 30, 1780.
Loisa R. and A. I. [Ai ?] Foster of Ashby, May 7, 1837.
Lydia and Charles Damon of East Sudbury [Boston, in int.], Sept. 18, 1814.
Nahum and Judith Reed of Acworth, N.H., int. Aug. 29, 1810.
Samuel H. and Tamison Hunt, Oct. 27, 1839.
Sarah and John Hunt of Boston, Oct. 15, 1815.
Stillman D. and Mary Foster, int. March 10, 1832. [Married April 5, C.R.]
BENJAMON (see above)
Abigail and Samuel Keyes of Cambridge, Jan. 30, 1812.
Eunice and John R. Kemp of Fitchburge, Jan. 13, 1813.
BENNET (see below)
Almon and Elisabeth Constantine, May 19, 1802.
Asa of Ashby and Laura Constantine [int. Feb. 12, 1823].
Milley and Jonathan Spaulding, Nov. 29, 1792.
Patty and David Taylor, May 24, 1803.
Thomas of Ashby and Catherine Wilker, Oct. 23, 1794.
Thomas of Gardner and Emma Foster, int. March 26, 1823.
BENNETT (see above)
Abraham (s. Abraham and Eunice, a. 23) and Fanny Burgess, Dec. 30, 1847.
Betsy and John Hall, Nov. 25, 1790.
Hannah and Allen Stone of Ashby, int. Dec. 15, 1787.
Capt. James and Olive Shattuck of Pepperill, ---- ----, 1784. In Pepperell.
Mrs. Laura and John Adams, int. March 14, 1846.
Laura J. (d. Asa and Laura, a. 16) and John L. Atherton of Jaffrey, N.H., Dec. 22, 1845.
Levi of Milbury and Lydia Kennison of Leominster, Sept. 4, 1839.
Molly and John Overlock Jr., int. Jan. 9, 1774. [See also Lock].
Grace and Stephen Hall of Ashby, Feb. 24, 1785.
John and Mary Melven, Sept. 11, 1770.
Levi of Mount Holly, Vt. and Lucy Samson, Feb. 25, 1795. C.R.
Levi of Mount Holley, Vt. and Lucy Samson, int. Aug. 5, 1797. [Probably same as next above.]
Nathan and Elisabeth Oak, Sept. 11, 1770.
Simeon and Sarah Foster, int. Sept. 10, 1780.
Mrs. Betsey and Daniel Benjamin, March 4, 1840.
Charlotte and Abel A. Hildreth of Fitchburg, int. Jan. 29, 1838.
Dorothy and Ezekel Wimon [Wyman, C.R.] Lord of Ashby, Nov. 27, 1806.
James and Lefa Petts, Nov. 12, 1812.
John H. and Emerline Stearns, May 18, 1843.
Joshua and Molly Pollard, Feb. 16, 1802.
Joshua and Betsy McIntire, int. April 2, 1825.
Lois Gibson and Joseph Fairbank Burges, Oct. 3, 1797.
Reuben and Polly Parmenter of No Town, int. Nov. 22, 1800.
Sally and Daniel McIntire Jr. of Fitchburg, April 24, 1808.
Mary Ann of Taunton and Lysander F. Lincoln, int. Nov. 9, 1838.
Horrace and Harriet Petts, ---- ----, 1834.
Simeon Jr. of New Ipswich and Mitty Winship, March 30, 1800.
Benjamin and Lydia Ware, May 23, 1839.
Nabby and Charles Davis, int. Aug. 8, 1834.
BLODGET (see Blodgett)
Abraham and Martha Bates, Aug. 6, 1770.
Isaac and Percis Whitcomb, April 25, 1773.
BLODGETT (see above)
Betsy and John Haven, Oct. 1, 1821.
James and Mary Blodgett, Feb. 24, 1834.
Lucy of Westminster and John W. Wallice, Nov. 17, 1831.
Mary and James Blodgett, Feb. 24, 1834.
Oliver 3d of Groton and Ruth [Conn.?], July 3, 1797. In Groton.
Betsey of Andover and Josiah White, int. April 25, 1840.
Malinda of Westminster, Vt., and John Hastings, int. Sept. 13, 1823.
Eunice and Joseph Jackson, both of Westminster, Dec. 1, 1808.
Louisa of Westminster and Caleb Wilder 3d, int. Feb. 24, 1813.
Mary of Westminster and Ohio Whitney, Jan. 3, 1809.
Deborah and Thomas Ross, Dec. 1, 1783.
Hannah and Elijah Mason, Sept. 13, 1787.
Elizabeth S. of Sherburn and James A. Weston, int. Nov. 27, 1835.
Phebe and Isaac Stimson of Winchendon, int. Nov. 14, 1800.
Abraham of Lowell and Roxanna Farrar, int. July 14, 1842.
Samuel and Mary Gibson of Ashby, int. Nov. 5, 1826.
Mary of Gardner and Thomas Rice, int. Sept. 13, 1817.
Phillip and Phebe Merriam, Dec. 14, 1815.
Maria and Thomas McCahill, June 3, 1846.
Sylvanes of Winchendon and Patty Adams, Dec. 12, 1805.
Hannah D. of Newburyport and William W. Kezer[?], int. Sept. 4, 1831.
Polly and David Clark Jr., int. Jan. 23, 1819.
Catharine M. of Westborough and Capt. George H. Lowe, int. Jan. 16, 1830.
Sophia of Westmoreland, N.H., and John Constantine, int. Dec. 22, 1823.
Adaline J. of Westmoreland and Charles A. McAlister, int. April 24, 1844.
Lucy and Jonas Holden of Westminster, June 17, 1806.
Amos and Prudence Myrtin of Ashby, Nov. 24, 1774.
Amos D. and Mary H. Gipson, Oct. 31, 1840.
Dickerson and Hannah Kemp of Groton, int. Sept. 9, 1818.
Dinah and Elias Whitcombe, Aug. 9, 1781.
Elijah and Rebecca Sanderson, Jan. 6, 1818.
Elvira and Phineas M. Ross of Princeton, Nov. 8, 1843.
Emerline and Charles Hunting, April 25, 1839.
Eunice and Ezekiel Shattuck Metcalf, Jan. 10, 1782.
Harvey and Louis Burgess, Sept. 21, 1831.
Isaac and Faithy Seaver of Westminster, int. Oct. 10, 1795.
Jacob and Elizabeth Cotting, Oct. 18, 1795.
Jonas Jr. and Lucy Whitmore, Sept. 12, 1781.
Liefe and Samuel Hart of Cambridge, Dec. 13, 1821.
Lucy and William Whitney, May 24, 1808.
Lucy and Daniel May Jr., both of Winchendon, Aug. 19, 1845.
Luther and Lucy Gates, Aug. 21, 1800.
Luther Jr. and Dolly Adams [int. May 6, 1820].
Lydia and Amasa Wakefield of Fitchburg, July 23, 1809.
Mary P. and Oliver Hunting of Princeton, March 28, 1844.
Mary R. and Ohio Whitney Jr., April 11, 1839.
Dr. Peter and Judith Foster, Nov. 16, 1769.
Samuel and Ruth Rice, April 25, 1822.
Samuel 3d and Hannah Davis, Sept. 12 [1824].
Samuel 2d and Lucy Hubbard of Holden, int. March 5, 1830.
Sarah and William Ward, March 7, 1787.
Sarah and Ezra Hudson, Feb. 5, 1835.
Simeon and Lucy Whitcombe, July 20, 1780.
Thaddeus and Sarah Winchester, Feb. 23, 1785.
Walter and Martha S. Richardson of Ashby, int. Nov. 21, 1830.
William and Lucy Russell, June 13, 1833.
Charity and John Conant, Nov. 20, 1794.
Phebe W. and John Lawrence of Ashby [int. March 14, 1833].
Mrs. Ruth and Jeremiah Robbens, Oct. 2, 1831. In Gardner.
Sally and Isaac Whitney Jr. of Ashby, Aug. 31, 1809.
Samuel of Brandon, Vt., and Rachel Hobart, Dec. 21, 1797.
William and Ruth Winter, Feb. 11, 1810.
Charlotte of Lowell and Seth P. Fairbanks, Nov. 30, 1848.
Dilley of Windsor and George Conn, int. Feb. 4, 1792.
Dorothy (d. Stephen Maynard, wid.) and Ohio Whitney, June 9, 1844.
Hannah of Mason and Silas Spaulding, int. April 8, 1778.
John and Dorothy Maynard, int. Oct. 18, 1823.
Josiah and Susanna Whitney, int. April 14, 1797.
Lydia of Fitchburge and Isaac Spaulding, int. March 19, 1808.
Martha F. of Fitchburg and Eneas A. Marshall, int. May 7, 1836.
Russell and Julia Goddard of Athol, int. June 5, 1836.
William of Fitchburg and Mary C. Whitney, July 15, 1841.
Abigail and David Hadley, int. Aug. 28, 1828.
Samuel T. and Jane Wilson, Oct. 12, 1837.
BURGES (see Burgess)
Caroline and Jonathan H. Piper, June 29, 1836.
Cornelius and Dorothy Lord of Ashby, int. May 4, 1833.
Ivers and Mary Gates, Dec. 25, 1834.
Jonathan and Emily A. Howe of Gardner, April 3, 1842.
Joseph F. Jr. and Maria Sawyer of Westminster, int. March 7, 1818.
Joseph Fairbank and Lois Gibson Billings, Oct. 3, 1797.
Joshua and Susan R. Piper of Springfield, int. Jan. 8, 1842.
Marret and Sarah Shed, both of Harvard, Aug. 21, 1788.
Mary and Jonas Bemis Jr. of Royalston, May 26, 1813. [16, C.R.]
Mercy and Jonas Bemis Jr. of Royalston, int. April 19, 1813.
BURGESS (see above)
Fanny (d. Joshua B. and Fanny, a. 18) and Abraham Bennett, Dec. 30, 1847.
Joshua and Sarah Lord of Ashby, int. June 23, 1838.
Louis and Harvey Brooks, Sept. 21, 1831.
Luther (s. Joshua B. and Fanny, a. 20) and Elvira Goodfellow of Gardner, June 11, 1846.
Mary and Mathew E. Goodwin of Winchendon, May 4, 1837.
Polley and Charles Smith of Westminster, Dec. 25, 1798.
Israel H. and Esther C. Lawrence, Sept. 3, 1835.
Mrs. Sarah of Winchendon and Col. Francis Lane, int. Jan. 28, 1801.
Elvira of New Ipswich, N.H., and Leonard W. Hastings, int. March 31, 1832.
Elvira of Sterling and Charles Davis, int. July 29, 1820.
Charles of Worthington [Washington, C.R.], N.H., and Lucinda S. Whitcomb, March 23, 1826.
Mary Ann E. (d. Charles, a. 20) and Otis M. Samson of Westminster, Nov. 20, 1849.
Oliver and Sarah Hall of Ashby, March 30, 1786.
CALDWELL (see Coldwell, Codwell)
Frances and Israel A. Packard, Jan. 23, 1840.
Harriet P. and George R. Mansfield, Oct. 4, 1837.
John Jr. of Fitchburg and Abigail G. Fuller, Oct. 4, 1826.
John and Mrs. Lucretia Chamberlain of New Ipswich, N.H., int. Aug. 9, 1844.
Lucy and John Adams 3d, Oct. 4, 1826.
Mary and Samuel Woods, Sept. 5, 1839.
Oliver G. and Martha Lincoln of Fitchburg, int. March 13, 1835.
Oliver G. and Mary W. Ellis, Oct. 28, 1828.
Sarah and Sylvester Wheeler, Aug. 2, 1840.
[Mrs.] Eliza W. of Ashby and Asahel Wheeler, int. Feb. 1, 1846.
Eri and Wid. Abigail Babcock of Westminster, Dec. 29, 1836.
Asa of Walpole, N.H., and Mary Creehore, Jan. 3, 1815.
Dorothy of Lancaster and Samuel Wilder, Feb. 18, 1768. In Lancaster.
Elijah of Fitchburg and Dolly Stimson, Dec. 26, 1816.
Henry of Leominster and Eunice Foster, Oct. 19, 1826.
John Jr. and Mary Haynes, both of Fitchburg, Feb. 9, 1809.
Josiah of Fitchburg and Eunice Wilker, April 22, 1820.
Lucy and Rosewell Stevens of Claremount, Feb. 26, 1784.
Mrs. Lucretia of New Ipswich, N.H., and John Caldwell, int. Aug. 9, 1844.
Luke and Mary J. Potts of Fitzwilliam, N.H., int. May 2, 1846.
Abigail and Isaac Goodenow, Aug. 4, 1790.
Emma S. of Shirley and Thomas Hastings, int. July 1, 1842.
Sophronia A. (d. Cephas) and John C. Merriam, Oct. 7, 1849.
Elisabeth and Timothy Wood, Nov. 20, 1770.
Elizabeth G. of Fitchburg and Jonathan Whittemore Jr., int. April 1, 1825.
William and Sally Bemis, both of Winchendon, July 13, 1800.
Calvin (a. 52) and Mrs. Mary Ames, both of Groton, June 5, 1847.
Philip and Elisebeth Shoof, July 30, 1767.
CLARK (see Clerk)
Charles and Martha Ann Taylor, Sept. 6, 1840.
Charlotte and Henry P. Hawks, April 17, 1834.
Daniel and Molly Emes [Ames ?] of Rindge, Oct. 4, 1785.
David Jr. and Sarah Davis, July 17, 1791.
David Jr. and Polly Bridge of Northfield, int. Jan. 23, 1819.
Dorothy and Jeremiah Metcalf, Nov. 28, 1815.
Emerline W. and Humphrey Harris, Nov. 8, 1838.
George and Sarah Adams of Gardner, int. March 13, 1840.
Joseph and Eunice Kerkin of Amhurst, int. Oct. 30, 1778.
Joseph E. (s. Levi and Abigail, a. 21) and Loisa A. Hinds, April 15, 1847.
Lucy and Merari Spaulding Jr. of Westminster, int. Dec. 3, 1818.
Luther and Mary Corey, March 31, 1841.
Lydia and Lewis L. Willard, Dec. 13, 1832.
Mary M. and Amos Sprague of Ashby, Sept. 10, 1816.
Wid. Molly and Timothy Anger, April 16, 1807.
Nancy and Oliver Stone, Jr., Nov. 2, 1784.
Nancy H. of Worcester and Nathaniel F. Cutter, int. Sept. 26, 1835.
Peter of Southborough and Theodorah Thatcher, April 7, 1789.
Sarah D. (d. Levi and Abigail, a. 25) and Handel Winship, both of Westminster, Oct. 11, 1849.
Theodore of Cornish, N.H., and Polly Hall, Dec. 11, 1800.
CLERK (see above)
Sarah D. and Amos Haynes of Sudbury, Nov. 16, 1828.
[Mrs. in int.] Ruth and Benjamin Fuller of Fitchburg, Nov. 24, 1831.
Fanny of Fitzwilliam, N.H., and Ensign Josiah L. Weatherby, int. Aug. 7, 1830.
[Caldwell in int.] (see Caldwell), John of Lunenburg, and Polly Green, Aug. 5, 1804.
Mary and Nathan Stoddard, Feb. 28, 1832.
COLDWELL (see Caldwell)
Elizabeth and Elbridge Stimson, June 5, 1833.
Sarah and Jacob Kiblinger, Feb. 21, 1777. In Leominster.
Benjamin of Ashby and Susanna Martyn, Dec. 25, 1770.
Job and Elizabeth Martin of Lunenburg, Feb. 20, 1766. In Lunenburg.
Rachel and Daniel Harper, both of Dorchester, Canada, Nov. 23, 1758. In Lunenburg.
Mary and Jerome W. Foster, April 23, 1834.
CONANT (see Connant)
Elisabeth and Moses Tottingham, Sept. 8, 1774.
Betty and Capt. David Meriam of Brandon, Vt., Feb. 10, 1795.
John and Charity Broughton, Nov. 20, 1794.
John of Acton and Betsey Spaulding, Jan. 5, 1830.
Polly of Gardner and Asahel Corey, int. Jan. 6, 1816.
Ruth and Moses Ware of Fitzwilliam, Sept. 8, 1774.
Sarah and Jonathan Meriam, Nov. 6, 1788.
George and Dilley Brown of Windsor, int. Feb. 4, 1792.
J. Austin [John A. in int.] and Nancy Maria Pitts of Nichols, N.Y., Sept. 18, 1843.
John of Amherst, N.H. and Eunice Rice, Sept. 26, 1816.
John and Matilda Rice, Sept. 19, 1829.
Lucy and Eleazer Spaulding of Ashby, April 28, 1796.
Lydia and Charles Munroe, June 9, 1808.
Margarett and Abel Hunt of Templeton, Nov. 28, 179--. [1799].
Molly [Mary in int.] and Phinehas Hemmenway, July 10, 1787.
[?]Ruth and Oliver Blood 3d of Groton, July 3, 1797. In Groton.
Susannah and David Wallis of Ashby, April 11, 1797.
CONNANT (see Conant)
Ebenezer Jr. and Lydia Oak of Harvard, int. Nov. 29, 1766.
Chloe and Everett Gates of Ashby, int. Jan. 12, 1822.
Elisabeth and Almon Bennet, May 19, 1802.
Jacob and Elisabeth Whitman, July 5, 1773.
Jacob Jr. and Eunice Sawin, int. March 7, 1797.
Jacob S. and Nancy Derby, Sept. 1, 1833.
Joel and Asenath Grimes of Hubbardston, int. Nov. 12, 1810.
John and Sophia Brittan of Westmoreland, N.H., int. Dec. 22, 1823.
Laura and Asa Bennet of Ashby [int. Feb. 12, 1823].
Sarah and Henry Allen of Ashby, March 31, 1825.
Rachel of Rindge, N.H., and Daniel Jones, int. May 24, 1811.
Rebecca and Ens. Charles Stearns, Oct. 19, 1821.
Anne of Winchendon and John Lane, int. March 1, 1822.
Clarissa and Milo Derby, Nov. 27, 1834.
Deborah of Winchendon and Joel Meriam, int. June 15, 1826.
John and Cynthia Metcalf, Nov. 12, 1834.
John Jr. and Roxanna Lane, int. March 10, 1832. [Married April 3, C.R.]
Samuel of Franklin and Maria Cummings, Nov. 10, 1828.
Tryphena and Thomas Flint Jr., both of Winchendon, Jan. 4, 1820.
COOLEDGE (see below)
Elisha of Boston and Mary Cushing, Nov. 11, 1804.
Caty and John Gates, int. Feb. 28, 1773.
Hephzibah of Waltham and Capt. Francis Lane, [Sept. 30, 1779. C.R.] In Waltham.
Mrs. Judith and Isiah Stone of Dunmister, April 14, 1784. In Dunmister[?]. [Demeston in int. Probably Dummerstown.]
[Mrs., int. and C.R.] Mary and Rev. Asa Rand of Boston, July 6, 1826.
Samuel S. and Lucy Townsend, Aug. 24, 1842.
Sarah and Jacob Kiblinger, int. Jan. ----, 1777.
COOLLIDGE (see above)
Hephzebah of Waltham and Francis Lane, int. Sept. 5, 1779. [Married Sept. 30. C.R.]
Frances and Elizabeth Robinson, int. Oct. 2, 1834.
Caroline M. of Andover, N.H. (d. David and Sarah, a. 18), and Amos H. Proctor, Oct. 3, 1845. In Andover, N.H.
Charlottee of Westminster and Ezra Stone, Dec. 2, 1806.
James of Charlestown and Almira Keyes, Oct. 31, 1838.
Jedidiah of Westminster and Mary Hall, Aug. 27, 1772. [April C.R.]
[Carr ?], William of Westminster, Vt., and Caty Winter, June 22, 1792.
Almira and Silas Rice, Sept. 12 [1825].
Amos and Achsah Townsend, Aug.15, 1798.
Asahel and Polly Conant of Gardner, int. Jan. 6, 1816.
Dolly and James Scolley, April 2, 1807.
Hezekiah Jr. and Lucy Townsend, Jan. 20, 1791.
John and Milley Stone, June 7, 1792.
Jonas and Lucy Stone, Dec. 25, 1817.
Jonas (s. Asahel and Polly, a. 28) and Susan A. Cushing, May 23, 1845.
Levi and Sarah L. Gross, June 10, 1830.
Lucinda and Jonathan O. Bancroft, Sept. 15, 1830.
Lucy and Willerd Jefts of Mason, N.H., Jan. 20, 1820.
Mary and William Fenno of Wayne, N.Y., April 22, 1817.
Mary and Luther Clark, March 31, 1841.
Melinda and James Heyward of Ashley, April 20, 1842.
Nancy and Levi Todd of Hinsdale, N.H., int. April 17, 1821.
Polly and John Willerd Jr., July 4, 1820.
Rhoda and George W. Joslin, May 26 [1803].
Sally and John Jefts Jr. of Mason, N.H., Jan. 27, 1804. [Jan. 25, C.R.]
Sarah and Joel Fenno of Wayne, N.Y., May 16, 1820.
Stephen and Joanna Adams, Oct. 24, 1793.
Stephen Jr. and Mary White, Sept. 19, 1820.
Anna and Simon Willard, Feb. 23, 1792.
Elizabeth and Jacob Brooks, Oct. 18, 1795.
Hepsebath and Nathaniel Foster Jr., Jan. 11, 1795.
John W. of Weston and Cynda Lane, int. July 16, 1823.
Lucy and Josiah Davis, April 21, 1836.
Capt. Samuel and Hannah Goodridge of Fitchburg, int. Sept. 2, 1803.
Martha F. and Adam S. Davis, int. May 6, 1826.
Phillip and Emily Pratt of Fitchburg, int. March 17, 1847.
Betcy of Westminster and Joseph Gibbs, Jr., Feb. 2, 1813.
Lucy Ann of Westminster and Nelson Parmenter, int. April 11, 1840.
CRAIGUE (see Criage)
William of Ashby and Esther Adams, March 18, 1784.
CREEHORE (see Crehore)
Mary and Asa Carpenter of Walpole, N.H., Jan. 3, 1815.
Timothy Jr. and Sally Williams Fairbank, Sept. 20, 1807.
Timothy and Wid. Hannah Mason of Walpole, N.H., int. April 6, 1812.
CREHORE (see above)
Mary E. [A. in int.] (d. Timothy and Almira, a. 20) and Howard Marble, April 6, 1847.
Sally E. and Europe H. Fairbanks, Oct. 2, 1833.
Warren U. [A. in int.] and Sarah E. Bemis, March 17, 1831.
Almira B. and Asa Merriam, Oct. 11, 1832.
Betcy and William Rugg of Leominster, July 29, 1816.
Caroline and John Barrell, Oct. 21, 1829.
Charles F. of Fitchburg and Susan Wilker, May 3, 1821.
Elisha and Elizabeth Barns of Marlboro, int. Sept. 24, 1841.
Leonard and Mabel Holbrook, April 13, 1797.
Lucy C. and Freeman Howe, March 29, 1836.
Mary and Joseph Maynard of Gardner, March 6, 1828.
Sally and Phinehas Randal, Oct. 26, 1786.
Rial and Milley Currier of Acworth, N.H., int. Jan. 18, 1822.
Calvin and Matilda Wilcott, Jan. 7, 1817.
Adin M. of Rindge, N.H., and Elizabeth M. Peaslee, int. Oct. 31, 1843.
Catherine of New Ipswich, N.H., and Salmon Rice, int. Nov. 10, 1827.
Maria and Samuel Cook of Franklin, Nov. 10, 1828.
Mary of New Ipswich, N.H., and David W. Russell, int. Feb. 4, 1826.
Sarah of Ware and Lyman Taylor, int. March 11, 1834.
[Capt. in int.] Ephraim May and Sarah L. Cushing, Dec. 9, 1820.
Milley of Acworth, N.H., and Rial Cumming, int. Jan. 18, 1822.
Benjamin and Belinda Whitney, May 30, 1838.
Benjamin and Lois Holbrook, May 18, 1841.
Charles Allenby and Mary Bathsheba Dakin of Fitchburg, Nov. 5, 1837.
David Jr. and Polly Adams, April 17, 1807.
Deborah and Josiah Fletcher Jr., Sept. 19, 1815.
Eliza and John Whitney of Westminster, May 9, 1832.
Capt. George K. of Hingham and Catharine Willard, Aug. 13, 1801.
George R. [George Russell Esq. in int.] and Hannah R. Hill, March 22, 1826.
Hannah and Silas Whitney, Dec. 31, 1801.
Rev. John and Sarah Parkman of Westboro, Sept. 28, 1769. In Westboro.
Joseph and Almira F. Marble, July 22, 1841.
Labon [Laben in int.] and Nancy Whitney, April 7, 1812.
Mary and Elisha Cooledge of Boston, Nov. 11, 1804.
Mary J. (d. Laban and Nancy, a. 17) and Gardner P. Hawkins [Haskins ?], May 21, 1844.
Rebcca A. and Isaac D. Ward, Oct. 31, 1843.
Sarah and Hemon Lincoln of Boston, Nov. 11, 1802.
Sarah L. and Ephraim May Cunningham, Dec. 9, 1820.
Sarah W. and Samuel Ellis, April 23, 1837.
Rev. Stephen of Marlborough and Levina G. Whitney of Westminster, April 13, 1834.
Susan A. (d. Laban and Nancy, a. 20) and Jonas Corey, May 23, 1845.
Susannah and Joseph Jewett of Winchendon, Oct. 6, 1811.
Joseph F. of Rutland, Vt., and Rebeccah Greene, June 26, 1817.
CUTLER (see Cutter)
Abigail H. and Albert Abbott, Jan. 5, 1836.
Mary and Eli Holden, Nov. 7, 1838.
Sarah A. and Luther L. Barrel, Nov. 29, 1838.
Sarah A. and Charles Leland of Milford, Sept. 26, 1843.
William H. of Winchendon and Abigail Lowe, June 16, 1814.
CUTTER (see Cutler)
Abigail P. and Joseph Smith, May 3, 1837.
Hannah and Thomas Gibson Jr., April 24, 1808.
[Cutler ?] Joseph and Ruth Ann Gilchrist, July 1, 1841.
Louisa M. (d. Nathaniel and Polly, a. 22) and Warren Ellis of Milford, Dec. 29, 1847.
Nathaniel F. and Nancy H. Clark of Worcester, int. Sept. 26, 1835.
DABY (see Darby, Derby)
Mary and Joseph Tilson of Halifax, int. Feb. 13, 1843.
Stilman and Joanna Sturtevant of Halifax, int. June 3, 1842.
Mary Bathsheba of Fitchburg and Charles Alenby Cushing, Nov. 5, 1837.
[Daby in int.], Stilman and Joanna Sturtevant of Halifax, July, 28, 1842. In Lexington.
[Derby in int.] (see Daby, Derby), Joel of Westminster and Sukey Haynes, Nov. 6, 1804.
Charles of East Sudbury [Boston in int.] and Lydia Benjamin, Sept. 18, 1814.
Hannah of New Ipswich„ N.H., and Chester Allen, int. April 27, 1841.
Elisabeth and Capt. Alexander Parmala of Windsor, Vt., March 21, 1790.
John of Templeton and Lucy Adams, May 16, 1802.
Assenath and Paul Davis of Ashby, int. April 13, 1827.
Isaac N. and Elizabeth G. Whitemore of Fitchburg, int. Nov. 26, 1825.
Aaron and Rebecca Ann Stewart, April 12, 1819.
Adam S. and Martha F. Cowden, int. May 6, 1826.
Arrenia [?] E. and George A. Fuller of Grafton, Vt., int. Oct. 21, 1843.
Charles and Elvira Buss of Sterling, int. July 29, 1820.
Charles and Nabby Bliss, int. Aug. 8, 1834.
Cynthia and Sewall Seargent of Lancaster, Sept. 3, 1832.
Cynthia of Winchester, N.H., and John Nutting, int. Sept. 21, 1839.
Dolly and Ephraim Randal, April 13, 1789.
Ebenezer Bennett and Molly Townsand, Jan. 12, 1786.
Ebenezer Bennett and Elizabeth Sargeant of Princeton, Feb. 5, 1789. In Princeton.
Elvira A. (a. 28) and Joseph Whitaker of Wardsboro, Vt., May 5, 1847.
George and Nancy H. White, Dec. 27, 1836.
Hannah of Ashby and Enoch Whitney, Sept. 2, 1780. [1779. C.R.]
Hannah and Samuel Brooks 3d, Sept. 12 [1824].
Job of Bedford and Mary Stearns, Aug. 29, 1806.
Joel and Rebecca Adams, May 28, 1807.
John C. and Lucy Stimson, Oct. 18 [1825].
Joseph and Molly Gates, March 7, 1819.
Joseph and Huldah Lawrence of Ashby, int. April 8, 1828.
Joseph and Jane McIntire, April 15, 1839.
Josiah Jr. of Princeton and Sally Piper of Ashby, May 29, 1800.
Josiah and Lucy Cotting, April 21, 1836.
Lucinda of Newipswich, N.H., and Jesse Stearns, int. April 1, 1811.
Lucy and William Pollerd, April 20, 1819.
Lucy O. (d. John C. and Lucy S., a. 21) and Charles Allen, Jan. 25, 1848.
Martha D. and Joel F. Metcalf, Nov. 26, 1839.
Mary T. and Abraham Foster, Jan. 1, 1837.
Paul of Ashby and Assenath Darling, int. April 13, 1827.
Sally and Joshua Stowell, April 22, 1834.
Sarah and David Clark Jr., July 17, 1791.
Sarah E. and Otis Metcalf, April 23, 1839.
Susan of Lexington and Charles Whitney, int. Sept. 21, 1845.
Zadiph and Betcy Robbins of Littleton, int. Dec. 7, 1805.
[Dows ?], Calvin A. and Mary Ann T. Ward, Jan. 17, 1843.
DERBY (see Daby, Darby)
Betsey and Lorenzo Smith, June 2, 1840.
Josiah and Betsey Whitney, Feb. 2, 1833.
Milo and Clarissa Cook, Nov. 27, 1834.
Nancy and Jacob S. Constantine, Sept. 1, 1833.
Elizabeth B. of Franklin, N.H., and William P. Stone, int. Dec. 9, 1837.
John M. (s. Samuel and Betsey M., a. 25) and Elisa E. Adams, April 24, 1845.
M. P. and S. E. Miller, Oct. 3, 1849.
[Dixon in int.], John and Rose Gibson of Ashby, March 22, 1790. In Stowe.
Amos and Elizebeth Stone, int. Sept. ][0, 1769. [Married March 22, 1770, C.R.]
Betty and Isaac Jackson, May 10, 1794.
David and Persis Wheeler, July 16, 1767. In Bolton.
Dorcoss and Oliver Whitcomb, int. Aug. 12, 1770.
Dorothey and James Adams, June 22, 1800.
Salley and Grover Scolley jr., Jan. 26, 1802.
Rebeccah of Medfield and John Woods, int. Jan. 30, 1831.
Amanda of Weston and Edwin A. Lincoln, int. Aug. 8, 1833.
Asa of Fitchburg and Zolema Wood, Aug. 19, 1823.
Mademoiselle (wid.) and Samuel Knight, Aug. 29, 1843.
Samuel and Madamoisella Townsend, March 1, 1827.
Anna of Ashby and Jabez Marble Jr., int. Dec. 22, 1815.
DWELLEY (see Dwelly)
Melzar of Southborough and Sally Smith, Jan. 11, 1796.
Sally S. of Hanover and Asia Phillips, int. Nov. 25, 1820.
DWELLY (see above)
Caroline of Hanover and Horatio N. Willard, int. Nov. 5, 1831.
Hiram and Charlotte A. Willard, March 11, 1835.
EAMES (see Ames, Emes)
Horace of Framingham and Elisa R. Whitmore, Nov. 18, 1841.
Thomas of Leicester and Mrs. Sarah Whitney, int. Aug. 1, 1802.
EASTON[Eaton ?]
John of West Cambridge and Eunice Jones, June 12, 1808.
Asa of Ashby and Deborah Marble, Jan. 30, 1806.
Betsey of Lancaster and Edmund Jones, int. March 10, 1832.
Josiah of Gardner and Mary Reed, Sept. 29, 1811.
Mary Ann and Samuel Kelton, April 26, 1832.
Merrick and Elizabeth A. Gates of Gardner, int. March 9, 1836.
Nancy H. of Shirley and Samuel Lane, int. Dec. 1, 1841.
Phebe J. and Ivers B. Maning, April 7, 1842.
Hozea and Sarah Watson of Brookfield, int. Aug. 15, 1778.
Jesse Jr. and Abigail Whitney, Nov. 8, 1808.
Laura M. (d. Daniel and Laura, a. 17) and George Lewis of Winchendon, May 5, 1846.
Mary W. and Oliver G. Caldwell, Oct. 28, 1828.
Meriam [Miriam in int.] and Stephen Maynard, April 7, 1803.
Nancy and Bailey Marble, Nov. 10, 1839.
Obed and Mercy Stodard, int. July 29, 1842.
Samuel and Sarah W. Cushing, April 23, 1837.
Warren of Milford (s. Clark and Polly, a. 22) and Louisa M. Cutter, Dec. 29, 1847.
William P. and Anner G. Randall, April 20, 1841.
Zipporah and Joseph Millar, Dec. 2, 1802.
Charles H. of Fitchburg (s. Enos and Zippa, a. 25) and Eliza M., Lane, Oct. 11, 1848.
John of Winchendon and Sarah F. Barrett, int. July 1, 1823.
May Jane and George E. Lane, Jan. 15, 1840.
EMES (see Ames, Eames)
Molly of Rindge and Daniel Clark, Oct. 4, 1785.
John Jr. of Winchendon and Marcy Harris, int. June 21, 1821.
FAIRBANK (see Fairbanks)
Abel and Mira Ward, Aug. 27, 1835. [Farwell in int. and Fitchburg V.R., which are probably right].
Beulah and Josiah Willard of Petersham, Feb. 18, 180--- 1800].
Cyrus of Troy, N.H., and Betcy Jackson, July 22, 1817.
Eliphalet and Hannah Jenner of Concord, int. April 19, 1794.
Jacob and Lydia Phillips of Fitchburge, int. March 11, 1808.
Laura [Laura O. in int.] and Emery Rice, Nov. 27, 1827.
Levi of Westminster and Eunice Randal, March 1, 1781.
Lucy of Fitzwilliam, N.H., and William Wolcott, int. May 20, 1826.
Mercy and Walter Adams, Feb. 7, 1804.
Nabby [Abigail in int.] and Leonard Patch, Aug. 28, 1806.
Phebe of Gardner and John Wilker, int. Oct. 11, 1834.
Sally and Joseph Gibbs, June 19, 1811.
Sally Williams and Timothy Creehore Jr., Sept. 20, 1807.
FAIRBANKS (see Fairbank)
Mrs. Abigail of Sterling and Samuel Wilder Esq., March 9, 1791. In Sterling.
Abigail and Simeon Howe of Hinsdale, N.H., July 26, 1836.
Adelia C. and Artemas R. Smith, Nov. 2, 1843.
Europe H. and Sally E. Crehore, Oct. 2, 1833.
Seth P. (s. Jacob, widr.) and Charlotte Brown of Lowell, Nov. 30, 1848.
Walter of Gardner and Lucy Wallis, Oct. 30, 1838.
J. [Julia in int.] A. and R. H. Moulton of Leominster, Dec. 27, 1843.
Lavina L. of Shirley and Nathan H. Barrett, int. Dec. 31, 1827.
FARRAR (see Farrow)
Charlotte and Henry Tuckerman, April ----, 1840.
John and Lucy Houghton of Winchendon, int. March 15, 1845.
Maria of Winchendon and Ezekiel C. Bartlett, int. Aug. 6, 1845.
Roxanna and Abraham Bowden of Lowell, int. July 14, 1842.
Susan H. and Eliphalet S. Wood, int. Aug. 31, 1846.
Mary Ann (a. 26) and Stephen Ward, Nov. 29, 1849.
FARROW (see Farrar)
John of Concord and Calla Stearns, Dec. 20, 1810.
Abel Jr. of Fitchburg and Mira Ward, int. Aug. 7, 1835. [See Fairbank, Abel, above.]
Levi of Fitchburg (a. 26) and Jane L. Houghton, May 10, 1848.
Lucy of Fitchburg and Porter Flint, Dec. 30, 1790. In Fitchburg.
Eunice and Daniel Meril, int. Sept. 27, 1766.
Sarah and Jermiah Foster Jr., Oct. 29, 1765.
Nabby and Caleb Pierce, int. March 14, 1787.
Phebe and Lemuel Stimpson, int. May 28, 1780.
Mrs. Rhoda of Ware and John Woods, int. Feb. 5, 1829.
Tamson of Athol and Daniel Benjamin, Nov. 10, 1779. In Athol.
Joel of Wayne, N.Y., and Sarah Corey, May 16, 1820.
John of Rindge, N.H., and Wid. Betsy Reed, int. Sept. 22, 1823.
Joseph Jr. and Nancy Coulter Priest, int. March 17, 1810.
William of Wayne, N.Y., and Mary Corey, April 22, 1817.
Elizebeth and John Kiblinger, int. June 15, 1778. [Married July 6. C.R.]
John W. of Sterling and Lucy L. Adams, Nov. 14, 1843.
Josiah and Sarah Petty, Jan. 20, 1783.
Levi and Rebecca Wheeler of Templeton, June 2, 1777. In Templeton.
Hepzibah C. and Israel S. Knowlton of Fitchburg, Aug. 16, 1842.
Lydia G. and Phineas B. Spaulding, Oct. 4, 1837.
Milley of Mason, N.H.. and Orris Knapp, int. March 18, 1824.
Stephen W. of Boston and Margaret Samson, int. Sept. 14, 1809.
Abigail and Salmon Snow of Westford, Dec. 6, 1817.
Abigail and Aaron Barton of New Ipswich, N.H., May 24, 1821.
Abigail and Lieut. John Adams, int. Dec. 6, 1823.
Betcy and Joshua F. Read of Westford, Middlesex Co., April 24, 1816.
Joseph of New Ipswich, N.H., and Nancy Hall, Nov. 25, 1813.
Joshua of Westford and Lucy Jones, April 20, 1815.
Joshua and Emerline Stimson, int. April 3 [1846?].
Josiah Jr. and Deborah Cushing, Sept. 19, 1815.
Lyman of Westford and Lois Gates, April 20, 1796.
Mary E. (d. Joshua and Lucy, a. 28) and Joseph Wetherbee, April 18, 1844.
Peletiah and Sally Wood of Westford, Sept. 22, 1788. In Westford.
Timothy and Cynthia Parker of New Ipswich, N.H., int. Jan. 2, 1819.
David of Ashby and Aseneth Marble. [Return made April 24, 1822.]
Ebenezer and Emma Wilder, Jan. 12, 1813.
Edmund and Clarisa Tapley of Reading, int. Feb. 22, 1822.
Edward S. (s. Thomas and Elizabeth, a. 27) and Betsey C. Glazier, June 5, 1845.
Emma H. and Charles H. Barrett, March 17, 1836.
George of Ashby and Mary Ann Trimnall, int. Oct. 28, 1843.
Hepsibeth of Winchendon and William Harris Jr., int. June 14, 1823.
Phebe and Capt. Benjamin Marshal, both of Fitchburg, Jan. 15, 1797.
Polly of Ashby and Stephen Marble, int. Oct. 5, 1816.
Porter and Lucy Farwell of Fitchburg, Dec. 30, 1790. In Fitchburg.
Thomas Jr. and Tryphena Cook, both of Winchendon, Jan. 4, 1820.
David and Dolly Whitman, both of Westminster, Feb. 9, 1815.
Heman of Royalston and Lovisa S. Grout, June 22, 1843.
Elmira of Fitzwilliam, N.H., and John D. Litch, int. Oct. 31, 1836.
Sylvender and Hannah I. Knights, ---- ----, 1834 or 1835.
Asaph of Westminster and Mary A. Bancroft, int. April 2 [1846 ?].
Abel of Ashby and Lydia Miles, June 1, 1825. At Ashby.
Abraham and Mary T. Davis, Jan. 1, 1837.
Abraham and Sarah Whitney, int. May 5, 1787.
Abram and Sarah Willard, Jan. 26, 1792.
Adeline and Albert Lamb of Concord, Sept. 11, 1832.
A. I. [Ai in int] of Ashby and Loisa R. Benjamin, May 7, 1837.
Charles (s. Job and Hannah,a. 27) and Mary C. Olds, Nov. 4, 1845.
Dorothy and Ezekel Metcalf, Feb. 16, 1815.
Dorothy and Lewis G. Houghton, June 12, 1833.
Emma and Thomas Bennet of Gardner, int. March 26, 1823.
Eunice and Henry Carter of Leominster, Oct. 19, 1826.
Harriet and James Hayward 2d of Boxborough, April 1, 1830.
Hosea and Polly Joslin, Dec. 8, 1803.
Jane and Zimri Heywood, both of Dorchester, Canada, June 5, 1756. In Lunenburg.
Jermiah Jr. and Sarah Fellows, Oct. 29, 1765.
Jerome W. and Mary Colson, April 23, 1834.
Joel and Ruth Fuller, April 23, 1839.
Joseph of Ashby (widr.) and Mrs. Harriet L. Ward, Nov. 30, 1848.
Judith and Dr. Peter Brooks, Nov. 16, 1769.
Leonard and Malvina A. Lawrence, April 18, 1838.
Mary and Stillman D. Benjamin, int. March 10, 1832. [Married April 5. C.R.]
Nancy and Metaphor Kendall of Leominster, June 1, 1826.
Nathaniel and Mary Kendal, Dec. 29, 1785.
Nathaniel Jr. and Hepsebath Cotting, Jan. 11, 1795.
Obediah of Verona, N.Y., and Deborah Willard, int. July 15, 1809.
Phebe and David Meriam, Nov. 21, 1782.
Rebecca of Fitzwilliam and Isaac Whitmore, int. Dec. 6, 1781.
Rebekah [Rebecca in int.] and Caleb Ward, Jan. 22, 1772.
Rhoda and Asa Smith of Gardner, Nov. 23, 1820.
Salley of Roxbery, N.H., and Samuel Winchester, int. March 8, 1813.
Sally and Amos Wetherbee, Nov. 26, 1789.
Samuel and Susanna Wood of Littleton, int. May 21, 1769.
Samuel of Winchendon and Lydia Stearns, Feb. 5, 1799.
Samuel and Emerline Kibling, [Dec.] 15 [1825].
Sarah and Simeon Biglow, int. Sept. 10, 1780.
Sarah of Winchester, N.H., and Edward Stimson, int. May 2, 1818.
Susanna and Frances Lane Jr., Nov. 10, 1811.
Eliza and John Pratt of Gardner, Dec. 2 [1824].
Harriet of Templeton and Levi Maynard, int. Jan. 29, 1829.
Perez D. and Mary Perly of Winchendon, int. May 16, 1835.
Zethan and Phebe Ames, int. Dec. 9, 1837.
Ebenezer and Sally Sawen, int. July 14, 1828.
Lydia of Lancaster and Horace Maynard, int. Nov. 21, 1828.
Abigail G. and John Coldwell Jr. of Fitchburg, Oct. 4, 1826.
Benjamin of Fitchburg and Ruth Cobleigh, Nov. 24, 1831.
George A. of Grafton, Vt., and Arrenia [?], E. Davis, int. Oct. 21, 1843.
Ruth and Joel Foster, April 23, 1839.
Thomas of Fitchburg and Sophia Bemis, int. Jan. 29, 1820.