Vital Records Of Amherst,
Hampshire County, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
(Some Records to the Early 20th Century)
Published by The New England Historic and Genealogical Society in the Corbin Collection,
and by The Search & Research Publishing Corporation
Marriages - EAGER to FURNALD
[Transcribed by Carlton O. Hommel]

391 - Fanny M. (1st w.), of Northboro, and Jonas Houghton, s. Silas & Lucy (Farnsworth), soon after August 8, 1835. [JAS]
650 - Honora [aka Hannah], d. William & Mary (Walotron), and John Slater, s. Michael & Hetty (McGettrie), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
110 - David, and Mary Peck, Feb. 1, 1787. [VR1]
265, 755 - Achsah, of Amh., d. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), and Josiah Warner, s. Josiah & Deborah (Hall), April 15, 1805, at Amh. [JAS]
744 - Acthsah, Miss of Amh., and Josiah Warner, Jr., of Amh., Apr. 15, 1805. [VR3]
32 - Acthsah, Miss, of Amh., and Josiah Warner, Jr., of Amh., Apr. 15, 1805. [VR1]
45 - Ann, and Archimedes Ferry, Oct. 31, 1821. [VR4]
266, 284 - Anna, d. John & Hepzibah (Keyes), and Archimedes Ferry, October 31, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
269 - Asahel, s. Peter & Sarah (Pierpont), and Sarah, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
743 - Augustus, of Granby, and Clarissa Vinton, d. Abiathar & Sarah (Day), November 28, 1822. [JAS]
268, 696 - Austin, s. Elijah & Rebecca (Hall), and Mary Haskins Spear, of Shutesbury, d. Elisha & Eunice (Haskins), October 6, 1833, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
53 - Barter, of A, and Marietta E. Bentley, of A, Apr. 7, 1844. [VR4]
113 - Baxter, and Marietta E. Bentley, both of Amh., Apr. 17, 1844. [VR2]
53 - Baxter, and Maryette Eliza Bentley, d. Bradford & Lucy (Kellogg), ____ __, ___. [JAS]
269 - Baxter, s. Elijah & Rebecca (Hall), and Maryetta Eliza Bentley, of Amh., April 17, 1844, at Amh. [JAS]
16 - Baxter, s. Elijah & Rebecca, and Marietta Eliza Bently, d. Bradford & Lucy, Apr. 17, 1844, at Amh. [GenRec]
6, 265 - Clarissa, d. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), and Asa Adams, s. Asa & Grace (Ward) (2nd w.), November 26, 1801, at Amh. [JAS]
1, 2 - Clarissa, d. Ebenezer & Mary, and Asa6, s. Asa & Grace (Ward) (2nd w.), Nov. 26, 1801, at Amh. [Gen. P. 533] [GenRec]
267 - David, s. John & Hepzibah (Keyes), and Emily Pomeroy (2nd w.), October 8, 1844. [JAS]
267 - David, s. John & Hepzibah (Keyes), and Sarah Elizabeth Smith (1st w.), January 31, 1839. [JAS]
200 - Ebenezer, and Mary Dickinson, d. Nathaniel & Thankful (Barrett) (1st w.), __ __, ____. [JAS]
10 - Ebenezer, and Mary Dickinson, Nov. 12, 1772. [VR4]
265 - Ebenezer, s. Joseph & Sarah (Ingram), and Mary Dickinson, November 12, 1772, at Amh. [JAS]
267 - Elijah, s. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), and Rebecca Hall, of Mansfield, CT, d. James & Submit (Bosworth), October 24, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
85 - Emely, and John Hawks, of Deerfield, Jan. 25, 1814. [VR2]
266, 359 - Emily [aka Emilia], of Amh., d. John & Hepzibah (Keyes), and John Hawks, of Deerfield, January 25, 1814, at Amh. [JAS]
57, 264 - Hannah (1st w.), d. Joseph & Sarah (Ingram), and David Billings, s. John & Jerusha (Waite) (1st w.), April 18, 1786, at Amh. [JAS]
17 - Hannah (1st w.), d. Joseph Dickinson & Sarah, and David Billings, s. John & Jerusha (Waite) (1st w.), Apr. __, 1786, at Amh. [GenRec]
268 - Hannah, d. Solomon Keyes & Almira (Richardson), and William Chapman, of Deerfield, March 5, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
57 - Hannah, of Amh., and William Chapman, of South Deerfield, Mar. 5, 1849. [VR4]
266 - Hepzibah, of Amh., d. John & Hepzibah (Keyes), and Henry Clary (1st h.), of Brunswick Co., VA, August 31, 1826. [JAS]
270 - Isaiah [aka IE Jr.], and Sophia Franklin Coy, soon after July __,1816. [JAS]
171 - Isaiah, and Sophia Franklin Coy, d. Willis & Amy (Young), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
704 - Janette, of Exeter ME, and Amasa Stetson, s. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), September 12, 1831. [JAS]
267 - John, s. John & Hepzibah (Keyes), and Prudence Dole, July 26, 1834. [JAS]
266 - John, s. Joseph & Sarah (Ingram), and Hepzibah Keyes, d. John & Submit, December 22, 1779. [JAS]
200 - Joseph, and Eunice Dickinson, d. Azariah & Eunice (Stoughton), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
5 - Joseph, from Pelham, and Sarah Ingram, Dec. 9, 1742. [VR4]
268 - Joseph, s. John & Hepzibah (Keyes), and Eunice Parker (2nd w.), of Whately, December 30, 1810. [JAS]
268 - Joseph, s. John & Hepzibah (Keyes), and Lois Root [aka Louis] (1st w.), of Montague, d. Martin & Lucinda (Clary), July 24, 1806. [JAS]
264, 414 - Joseph, s. Joseph & Mercy (Smith), and Sarah Ingram, d. John & Lydia (Boltwood), December 9, 1742, at Amh. [JAS]
265 - Joseph, s. Joseph & Sarah (Ingram), and Eunice Dickinson, February 6, 1771, at Amh. [JAS]
92 - Lois, and Lewis Whitemore, Aug. 26, 1824. [VR2]
266, 779 - Lois, d. John & Hepzibah (Keyes), and Lewis Whittemore, bookbinder at Amh. May 1824 when he bought a small shop and lot and mortgaged it; in 1825 he had the building and a lot; in January 1827 the mortgage holder foreclosed on the lot; gone from 1830August 26, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
50 - Lucius Root, and Sarah Ann Belding, d. Aaron & Sarah (Hibbard) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
83 - Lucius Root, Rev., of Sharon, and Sarah A. Belden, of Amh., Jan. 23, 1838, in Amh. [VR2]
15 - Lucius Root, Rev., of Sharon, s. Rev. Joseph M., of Hadley, was minister in Berkly, and Sarah Ann, d. Aaron & Sally Hibbard (1st w.), Jan. 23, 1838, at Amh. [B-9] [GenRec]
270 - Lucius, and Lydia M., ___ __, ____. [JAS]
213, 264 - Lydia (1st w.), d. Joseph & Sarah (Ingram), and John Dickinson, s. Nehemiah & Amy (Stoughton), June 8, 1778. [JAS]
207, 265 - Mary (1st w.) [aka Polly], d. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), and Stephen Dickinson, s. Nathan & Judith Horsmer (3rd w.), and Mary Eastman (1st w.), December 1, 1793, at Amh. [JAS]
304 - Mary E., of Amh., and Reuben P. Gage, of Amh., soon after October 11, 1841. [JAS]
212, 264 - Mary, d. Joseph & Sarah (Ingram), and Azariah Dickinson [aka AD 2nd], s. Azariah & Eunice (Stoughton), December 22, 1785, at Amh. [JAS]
653 - Mercy, and Experience Smith, s. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), ___ __, ___. [JAS]
264, 443 - Mercy, d. Joseph & Sarah (Ingram), and David Kellogg, s. Daniel & Esther Smith (1st w.), December15, 1778. [JAS]
266 - Ornan, s. John & Hepzibah (Keyes), and Mary Reed, November 6, 1832, at Marblehead. [JAS]
582 - Peter, and Lucy Perry, d. Jonathan & Sarah (Frost), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
269 - Peter, of Amh., s. Asahel & Sarah, and Lucy Perry, of Amh., soon after March 7, 1816. [JAS]
270 - Phillip, s. Asahel & Sarah, and Sarah Ann, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
9 - Ruth, and Ebenezer Dickinson, Oct. 30, 1765. [VR4]
205, 264 - Ruth, d. Joseph & Sarah (Ingram), and Ebenezer Dickinson, s. Nathan & Thankful (Warner) (1st w.), October 30, 1765, at Amh. [JAS]
2 - Salome, and Silas Adams Gilbert, s. Lewis & Naomi (Adams), Apr. 21, 1803. [Gen 534] [GenRec]
2 - Salome, d. Ebenezer & Mary, and Silas Adams, of Dalton, s. Asa & Grace (Ward) (2nd w.), Apr. 21, 1803. [GenRec]
5, 265 - Salome, of Amh., d. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), and Silas Adams (1st h.), of Dalton, s. Asa & Grace (Ward) (2nd w.), April 21, 1803. [JAS]
265 - Samuel, s. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), and Sally Pynchon, December 20, 1809. [JAS]
11 - Sarah, and David Cole, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
156, 264 - Sarah, d. Joseph & Sarah (Ingram), and David Cowls, s. Jonathan & Sarah (Gaylord), late 1772 or early 1773, at Amh. [JAS]
38 - Sarah, d. Joseph & Sarah, and David Cowles, s. Jonathan, Jr., & Sarah (Gaylord), 1772-1774, at Amh. [GenRec]
268 - Solomon Keyes, s. John & Hepzibah (Keyes), and Almira Richardson, of Brattleboro, November 10, 1819, at Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
37, 266 - Submit (2nd w.), d. John & Hepzibah (Keyes), and Enoch Bangs (1st h.), s. Enoch & Hannah (Freeman), November 19, 1801, at Amh. [JAS]
12 - Submit (2nd w.), d. John & Hepzibah, and Enoch Bangs, Nov. 19, 1801. [GenRec]
24 - Submit (2nd w.), d. John and Hepzibah, and Enoch Dickinson, Nov. 19, 1801. [VR4]
12 - Submit Eastman (2nd w.), d. John & Hepzibah, and Enoch Bangs, Nov. 19, 1801. [GenRec]
194 - Susan (1st w.), and Ephraim Roberts, ___ __, ____, 8 ch., 1797-1813. [VR1]
616 - Susan (1st w.), resident of East Hartford, CT, and Ephraim Roberts, s. Joseph & Thankful (Fobes), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
234 - Tammy (2nd w.), of Granby, d. William & _____ (Read), of Hadley, and Daniel Dickinson, s. Fariah & Mary (Eastman), June 25, 1829, probably at Granby. [JAS]
267 - Theodore, of Amh., s. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), and Susannah Scott, July 3, 1811, at Amh. [JAS]
265 - Tilton, s. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), and Speda Smith, October 20, 1802, at Plainfield, NH. [JAS]
270 - Charlotte (Unknown), and Luther Chapin (2nd h.), October 21, 1847, at Pelham. [JAS]
782 - David S., and Sarah F. Wilkins, of Amh., September 16, 1798. [JAS]
575 - Eliza [aka Eloisa], of Sommers, CT, and Marshall Pease, s. Alvin & Polly (Gowdy), August 5, 1849, of Sommers, CT, no children in 1850 Census. [JAS]
24 - George Howard, Res. 1927, Calais, ME, and Elizabeth Woodbury Boyden, d. James Woodbury & Eliza Otis (Turner), Aug. 22, 1871, at St. Stephen, N. B. [GenRec]
41 - Horrace, and Electa Dickinson, Oct. 31, 1815. [VR4]
271 - Hubbard, and Laura F. Ingram, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
425 - Hubbard, and Laura F. Ingram, s. Joab, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
271 - Lilly, d. Marson & Charlotte, and Asaph L. Briggs, August 30, 1825, at Pelham. [JAS]
270 - Marson, resident of Pelham and Belchertown, in Amh. by July 1802, moved to Pelham October 1806, and Charlotte, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
271 - Mary, d. Marson & Charlotte, and David Abercrombie, January 18, 1816, at Pelham. [JAS]
425 - Sarah Amh., and Orrin Roberts Ingram, s. Joab, November 15, 1848, at Concord, NH. [JAS]
13 - William, s. George & Mary A. (Keil), of Virginia, and Martha Sophia Barnard, d. Alvan & 1st w. Sally F. Wellman, Feb. 10, 1858, at Amh. [GenRec]
126 - Annie (Brunton), Wid., and Rev. Justin Perkins Kellogg, s. Horace & Alma (Smith), ___ __, ____. [KG II-1322] [VR2]
271 - Barnabas, he, his wife and infant daughter were in Amh. by May 10, 1767, they were warned out of Amh. March 5, 1768, they did not leave, owned a house and farm in Amh. 1769 through 1776, and Zerviah Carpenter, November 1, 1750, at Ashford, CT. [JAS]
271 - Benjamin, s. Benjamin & Abigail (Hathaway), and Jane, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
116 - George, and Cloe Rowe, between May 2, 1791 and May 14, 1792. [VR1]
628 - George, of "Town No. 7 and Cloe Rowe, d. Moses & Huldah (Norton), ___ __, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
406 - Joseph, of Amh.?, and Hannah Letherby, February 18, 1779, at Amh. [JAS]
272 - Lucius Junius, and Louisa M. Pratt, of Middleborough, April 29, 183(3), at Middleborough. [JAS]
112 - Smith, and Patience Hulit, Oct. 16, 1788. [VR1]
406 - Smith, of Windsor, and Patience Hulett, d. John ?, resident of Amh., October 16, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
272, 635 - Otis, s. Benjamin W. & Mary Ann, and Mehetable W. Rust, of Amh., d. Benoni & Dorothy (Wait) (1st w.), December 15, 1847, at Amh. [JAS]
575 - David, of Bernardston Gore, and Mary Peck, d. Nathaniel & Mary (Mitchel) (Peck) (Peck), February 1, 1787, at Amh.. they settled in Vermont. [JAS]
803 - Emily, of Hadley, and Alanson C. Rev., Hall, of Huntsville, AL, May 22, 1839. [JAS]
272 - Harriet M., d. Jacob & Louisa (Cook), and Francis B. Mudd, of Hadley, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
272 - Jacob, s. Noah & Mary (Willis), and Louisa Cook, of Hadley, d. William Westwood & Ann (Cook), soon after May 26, 1822, perhaps at Hadley. [JAS]
342 - Keziah [aka" widow Harkness" in 1841], and John Harkness, soon after September 1, 1781. [JAS]
2 - Rebecca Crosby (3rd w.), and Joseph Adams Gilbert, s. Lewis & Naomi (Adams), Aug. 3, 1853. [Gen 534] [GenRec]
723 - Abby and John Thayer, s. Hezekiah & Sarah (Howard), January 3, 1844, both lived in 1850. [JAS]
274, 671 - Achsah, d. Phillip & Jerusha (Pomeroy), and Abel Smith, s. Noadiah & Sarah (Lee), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
275 - David, s. Phillip & Jerusha (Pomeroy), and Lorinda, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
275 - George D., s. Charles & _____ (Scott), and Fanny, by October 1829. [JAS]
710 - Hannah (French) (1st w.), of Northampton, d. Jonathan & Sarah (Warner), wid. Nathaniel Edwards (1st h.), and Nehemiah Strong (2nd h.), s. Samuel & Esther (Clapp), ca 1728. [JAS]
272, 710 - Hannah (French), wid. Nathaniel Edwards (1st h.), and Nehemiah Strong (2nd h.), s. Samuel & Esther (Clapp), ca 1728. [JAS]
5 - Hannah, and Gideon Dickinson, Aug. 19, 1745. [VR4]
202, 710 - Hannah, d. Nathaniel Edwards & Hannah (French), of Northampton, sister of Jonathan Edwards), and Gideon Dickinson (1st h.), s. Ebenezer & Sarah Kellogg (1st w.), August 19, 1745, at Amh. [JAS]
203 - Hannah, Wid., (1st w.), of Sutherland, and Prof. Nehemiah Strong, ___ __, ____. [VR1]
274, 662 - Ira, s. Phillip & Jerusha (Pomeroy), and Catherine Smith, d. Noadiah & Sarah (Lee), of Amh., November 28, 1805. at Amh. [JAS]
275 - Jabez, and _____, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
272 - Jonathan, s. Nathaniel & Hannah (French), and Rebecca Smith, d. Samuel, of Sunderland, September 6, 1748, at Sunderland. [JAS]
14 - Lydia, and Reuben Nash, Apr. __, 1780. [VR4]
273, 539 - Lydia, d. Jonathan & Rebecca (Smith), and Reuben Edwards [Sic: should be Nash] s. Jonathan & Mary (Hawley), April __, 1780, at Amh. [JAS]
117 - Martha, and Samuel Marsh, Mar. 5, 1793. [VR1]
23 - Martha, and Samuel Marsh, Mar. 5, 1793. [VR4]
273 - Martha, d. Jonathan & Rebecca (Smith), and Samuel Marsh, of Montague, March 5, 1793, at Amh., went to Montague. [JAS]
273, 419 - Mary (1st w.), d. Jonathan & Rebecca (Smith), and Gideon Ingram, s. John & Thankful (Rose), May 1, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
197 - Mary (2nd w.), and Charles O. Sears, Mar. 13, 1873, 4 ch., 1845-1860. [VR1]
114 - Mary, and Gideon Ingram, between Apr. 28, 1790 and May 2, 1791. [VR1]
21 - Mary, and Gideon Ingram, May 1, 1791. [VR4]
424 - Nancy (Judd) (2nd w.), of Southampton, d. Frederic & Nancy (Wait), wid. _____ Edwards, and Ezra Ingram, s. Ebenezer & Esther (Rood), soon after May 5, 1838. [JAS]
23 - Nath[anie]l, and Polly Pomeroy, Jan. 16, 1794. [VR4]
710 - Nathaniel (1st h.), and Hannah French, d. Jonathan & Sarah (Warner), September 3, 1719. [JAS]
117 - Nathaniel Edwards, and Polly Pomeroy, Jan. 16, 1795. [VR1]
220, 273 - Nathaniel, s. Jonathan & Rebecca (Smith), and Eunice Dickinson (2nd w.), d. Simeon & Martha (Graves), March 23, 1800, at Amh. [JAS]
273, 590 - Nathaniel, s. Jonathan & Rebecca (Smith), and Mary Pomeroy [aka Polly] (1st w.), d. Simson & Abigail (Smith), January 16, 1794, at Amh. [JAS]
15 - Philip, and Jerusha Pomroy, Jan. 23, 1783. [VR4]
273, 590 - Phillip, s. Jonathan & Rebecca (Smith), and Jerusha Pomeroy, d. Simson & Abigail (Smith), January 23, 1783, at Amh. [JAS]
12 - Rebeckah, and Zechariah Hawley, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
273, 362 - Rebekah, d. Jonathan & Rebecca (Smith), and Zacheriah Hawley, between 1767 and 1773 at Amh. [JAS]
273, 539 - Reuben, s. Jonathan & Mary (Hawley), and Lydia Edwards, d. Jonathan & Rebecca (Smith), April __, 1780, at Amh. [JAS]
99 - Roxana, of Stafford, CT, and Henry J. Franklin, Apr. 10, 1834. [VR2]
300 - Roxanna, of Stafford, CT, d. Oliver & Mary, and Henry Johnson Franklin, s. Nathan & Jerusha (Dickinson), April 10, 1834, at Amh. [JAS]
357 - Ruth, and Alvah Hasting, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
274 - Simeon (2nd h.), s. Nathaniel & Eunice (Dickinson) (2nd w.), and Rebecca Canterbury (Stetson) Unknown (1st w.), d. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), wid. _____ Unknown (1st h.), November 22, 1835, at Amh. [JAS]
99 - Simeon, and Rebecca Stetson, Nov. 22, 1835. [VR2]
274, 704 - Simeon, s. Nathaniel & Eunice (Dickinson) (2nd w.), and Elvira Moody (3rd w.), d. Samuel & Mary, of South Hadley, November __, 1846. [JAS]
22 - ____, of No. 7, and Cloe [Roce?] Rowe?, June 16, 1791. [VR4]
577 - _____, and Mary Peck, d. Joseph Kelly & Isabella (Hyde), ___ __, ____, settled in Persia, NY. [JAS]
339 - Julia Ann (Johnson), of Hadley, d. Stephen & Sarah, wid. Jabez Howland Eldridge (1st h.), and Salem Hammond (2nd h.), s. Moses & Dorothy (Unknown) (Dresser) (1st w.), September 22, 1841, at Hadley. [JAS]
775 - Hannah, d. Caleb & Hannah (Pratt), and William Whiting, s. Jonathan, April 11, 1754, at Dedham. [JAS]
558 - Mary G. (2nd w.), of Hardwick, and Claudis B. Oviatt, November 5, 1839, at Hardwick. [JAS]
236 - Rebecca (1st w.), d. Samuel & Mary (Nye), of Machias, ME, and John Dickinson, s. John & Lydia (Eastman), October 12, 1807, at Machias, ME. [JAS]
ELLSWORTH, see Elsworth
329 - Eunice, d. Sgt. Thomas & Deborah, and Timothy Green, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
176 - Eunice, of Windsor, CT, d. Thomas, and Timothy Green, Sr., ___ __, ____. [VR1]
678 - Hamutal, d. Benjamin & Deborah (Hosford), of East Windsor, CT, and Edward Smith, s. Joseph & Sarah (Alexander), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
275 - John, and H____ Maria, ___ __, ____, lived at Amh. 1850, no children. [JAS]
765 - William Wolcott, Esq., of Hartford, CT, and Emily Scholten Webster, of Amh., d. Noah & Rebecca (Greenleaf), September 14, 1813, at Amh. [JAS]
798 - Chester, and Lucretia Wright, d. Silas & Eleanor (Goodale), ___ __, ___. [JAS]
276, 308 - Clarissa, of Amh., d. Simeon & Hannah (Grover), and Thaddeous Gilbert, s. Jedediah & Prudence (Fairbanks), October 25, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
276 - Edward, s. Edward & Rebecca, and Sarah Graves, d. Isaac & Mary (Parsons), October 4, 1736. [JAS]
13 - Elijah, and Mercy Goodale, Aug. 6, 1778. [VR4]
276, 311 - Elijah, s. Edward & Sarah (Graves), and Mercy Goodale, d. Isaac & Huldah (Burt) (1st w.), August 6, 1778, at Amh. [JAS]
276 - Hannah (Grover), and Darius Smith (2nd h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
276 - Hannah, d. Edward & Sarah (Graves), and Thomas Billings, January 12, 1758. [JAS]
276, 660 - Mary, d. Edward & Sarah (Graves), and Noah Smith, s. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), ca 1766, at Amh. [JAS]
9 - May, and Noah Smith, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
276 - Simeon (1st h.), s. Edward & Sarah (Graves), and Hannah Grover, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
30 - Clarine, and Thaddeus Gilbert, Oct. 25, 1802. [VR4]
ELSWORTH, see Ellsworth
41 - W[illia]m Esq., of Hartford, and Miss Emily Webster, Sept. 14, 1813. [VR4]
370 - Lucinda Elwell, and Douglas Haynes, s. Roswell & Abigail (Felt), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
277 - Barnabas, of Amh., and Hannah Belding, of Hatfield, February 26, 1775, at Hatfield. [JAS]
43 - Justin, Jr., of West Springfield, and Lucy Barron, of Amh., d. William, Esq. & Mary (Whiting), January 25, 1803, at Amh. [JAS]
30 - Justis, Jr., Mr., and Miss Lucy Baron, Jan. 25, 1803. [VR4]
277, 485 - Mary (2nd w.), d. Deacon Nathaniel & Elizabeth, and David Mack, s. David & Independence (Pease) (1st w.), January 14, 1812. [JAS]
37 - Mary, and Nathaniel, s. Deac. John, of Hadley, & Mehitable (Root) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
277 - Nathaniel, Deacon, of Longmeadow, and Elizabeth, ___, __, ____. [JAS]
41 - Alice, and William Barnard, farmer, resident of Auburn 1819 through 1826, removed to Amh. by 1840, August 24, 1819, at Auburn. [JAS]
750 - Jesse, of Wendell, and Lucy Warner, d. Aaron & Ruth (Selden), May 21, 1778, at Amh., went to Ohio. [JAS]
277 - Joseph, s. Rev. John & Sabra, and Sally Elvira Cheney, March 10, 1824, at Heath. [JAS]
204 - Louisa Cobb, and Simeon Strong, s. Judge Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (2nd w.), Nov. 20, 1803, ___ __, ____, 4 ch. - ____ , 1808. [VR1]
712 - Louisa Cobb, d. Rev. John Emerson, of Conway, sister of Joseph Emerson, and Simeon Strong [aka SS Esq.], s. Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (1st w.), June 5, 1795, at Conway. [JAS]
278 - Charles, probably a military veteran, perhaps resident of Leverett, and Olive Newton, March 25, 1790, at Marlborough. [JAS]
278 - Benjamin, joined First Church 1766, and C___, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
278, 656 - Robert, and Catherine Smith, d. Moses & Hannah (Childs), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
7 - Sarah, of Pelham, and James Hamilton, of Pelham, Jan. 15, 1758. [VR4]
194 - Lydia (3rd w.), and Reuben, Jr., Roberts, June, 17, 1851, 4 ch., 1833-1839. [VR1]
278, 435 - Marietta Dewey, of Amh., d. Noble & Esther (West), and Daniel Alonzo Jucket, s. Daniel & Lucy (Hawks), July 30, 1845, at Amh. [JAS]
278 - Noble, s. Isaac & Lydia (Noble), and Esther West (perhaps Wesley), d. Oliver & Lousia (Clem___), June 16, 1819, at Westfield. [JAS]
278, 279, 574 - William Henry (2nd h.), s. Noble & Esther (West), and Louisa Melinda (Pease) Hopkins, wid. John Hopkins (1st h.), d. Sharon & Polly Brooks (1st w.), August 21, 1845, at Amh. [JAS]
18 - David, of Bernardston, and Mary Park, Feb. 1, 1787. [VR4]
36 - George H., s. George, of Holden, and Juliette Clark, d. Simeon & Myra (Cowles), Nov. 26, 1856, at Amh. [GenRec]
46 - Joseph, and Nancy Dickinson, Feb. 2, 1823. [VR4]
222, 279 - Joseph, s. Hobart & Anna (Hyde), and Nancy Dickinson, d. Peres & Lucinda (Foster) (2nd w.), soon after January 18, 1823. [JAS]
335 - Eunice B., and Elihu Guild, s. Israel & Rhoda (Graves), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
380 - Luther, of Tolland, CT, and Mary Hills, of Tolland, CT, d. Leonard & Mary (Ladd), June 17, 1833, at Tolland, CT. [JAS]
303 - Lucy, and David C. Fuller, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
EVELETH, see Evely
85 - David, and Salome Parker, Aug. 19, 1813. [VR2]
67 - David, and Sarah Dickinson Blodget, d. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
280, 566 - David, s. John & Lucy (Barnes) (1st w.), and Salome Parker (2nd w.), of Amh., d. Eli & Saloma (Dickinson) (1st w.), August 19, 1813, at Amh. [JAS]
279 - David, s. John & Lucy (Barnes) (1st w.), and Sarah Dickinson Blodgett (1st w.), September 20, 1807, at Wilmington, VT. [JAS]
479 - Elizabeth G., of Enfield, and Lyman Livermore, s. Elijah & Sarah, shortly after February 2, 1823. [JAS]
104 - George, and Ann Tenney, both of Springfield, Nov. 25, 1841. [VR2]
280 - George, s. David & Salome (Parker) (2nd w.), and Ann L. Tenney, of Springfield, November 25, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
279 - John, and Lucy Barnes (1st w.), June 5, 1785, at Brookfield. [JAS]
279 - John, and Patience Bartlett (2nd w.), d. Nathaniel & Dorothy, October 4, 1797, at Brookfield. [JAS]
EVELY, see Eveleth
20 - David, and Sarah Dickinson Blodgett, d. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), Jan. 9, 1780? [GenRec]
57 - J. Dwight, of Halifax, VT, and Lucy Ann Smith, of S. Deerfield, Jan. 10, 1849. [VR4]
280 - Samuel, and Rhoda, ___ __, ___. [JAS]
804 - Sophia (Woodward), wid. of _____ Evins, and Samson Hoxsey, of Monson, February 7, 1849. [JAS]
EWING, see Ewings
32 - Prudence (2nd w.), d. William & Lettice, and Horace Church, s. Elijah & Mehitable (Williams) (1st w.), May 4, 1837, at Amh. [GenRec]
83 - Prudence, and Horace Church, both of Amh., "sometime during the year before May 1838". [VR2]
32 - Sarah T. (1st w.), d. William & Lettice, and Horace Church, s. Elijah & Mehitable (Williams) (1st w.), Nov. 29, 1832. [GenRec]
EWINGS, see Ewing
280 - Esther L., d. William, and Luther A. Lyman, of Hadley, soon after October 13, 1831. [JAS]
119, 280 - Prudence (2nd w.), of Amh., d. William, and Horace Church, of Amh., carpenter, s. Elijah & Mehitable (Williams) (1st w.), May 4, 1837. [JAS]
119, 280 - Sarah T. (1st w.), of Amh., d. William, and Horace Church, of Amh., carpenter, s. Elijah & Mehitable (Williams) (1st w.), Nov. 29, 1832. [JAS]
280 - William, and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ___. [JAS]
82 - Michael, and Fanny Draper, Aug. 10, 1836. [VR2]
100 - Michael, and Fanny Draper, Aug. 10, 1836. [VR2]
258 - Michael, and Fanny Draper, d. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
281 - Michael, of Amh., and Fanny Draper, August 10, 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
389 - Louisa, of Lowell, perhaps related to Luther Fairbank of Ware, and Seth L. Holmes, mechanic at Amh. August 1835, when he bought two lots of land, resident of Amh. through 1837, involved in the sale of many China mulberry trees, in business with John M. Spencer, soon after December 6, 1835. [JAS]
219 - Dolly W., of Amh., formerly of Medford, and Ira Dickinson, s. Joseph & Dorothy (Dickinson) (2nd w.), December 12, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
24 - Pamelia, and William Moody, Aug. __, 1795. [VR4]
518 - Pamelia, and William Moody, s. Lemuel & _____, (perhaps Mary) (Williams), August __, 1795, at Amh. [JAS]
281 - Edwin C., s. Curtis & Mirande (Clapp), and Lucelia Brown, d. Erastus F. & Philinda (Meekins), sister of Marah Brown, November 29, 1849, at Conway. [JAS]
555 - Ardelia H., of Williamsburg, and Leonard Nutting, s. John & Catherine (Smith) (2nd w.), August 30, 1839. [JAS]
82 - _____, and Eliza Borland, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
625, 626 - Emily S., [dup. a. 25] of New London, NH, d. Samuel & Susannah, and Henry Baxter [dup. Henry B.] Prince, [dup. a. 21, farmer] s. Samuel & Abigail (Robbins) [dup. s. Samuel & Ab1gail], Sept. 14, 1854, at Amh.[TR-4-6] [VR3]
645 - Eunice, and James Shaw, of Granby, July 4, 18(16), at Pelham. [JAS]
27 - Hugh, and Damaris Butterfield, d. Levi & Abigail (Gray), ___ __, ____, went to Shirley. [GenRec]
775 - Catherine, and Patrick White, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
410 - Cornelia, of Ellington, CT, and Benjamin F. Hurlburt, June 11, 1846, at Ellington, CT. [JAS]
281 - Josiah; he and his family came to Amh. July 31, 1763; he bought a corn mill on the Kill River which he mortgaged with Ephraim Kellogg; he did not make a living with the mill and his financial status declined; he and his family were warned out of Amh. December 23, 1763 as possible future paupers; they did not actually leave town as Joshua was a resident of Amh. ca March 1765, by which time Ephraim Kellogg had foreclosed on the mail, and Hannah, ___ __, ____, at Amh. [JAS]
390 - Lucy, and Silas Houghton, of Berlin, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
374 - Lina (1st w.), d. Heman, of Sunderland, and Seth Smith Henderson, s. Timothy & Anna (Wales), in 1812, divorced, he went to Troy, NY. [JAS]
113 - Sabra (1st w.), and Dr. Samuel, s. Joseph & Abigail (Smith), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
33 - Sabra (1st w.), and Samuel Church, Doc?, of Sunderland, s. Joseph & Abigail (Smith), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
643 - Jane, and Thomas Selden, s. Isaac & Esther (Ingram), November 13, 1760. [JAS]
772 - John, of Harvard, and Emeline Whipple, d. David & Abigail Pepper (1st w.), November 25, 1833, at Concord. [JAS]
634 - Susan Maria, of Acton, d. Nathaniel & Susanna (Cox), and George Washington Russell, January 1, 1835, at Acton. [JAS]
128 - Edwin W., and Harriet M. Clark, d. Silas & Almira (Furbush), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
428 - Esther, d. Thomas & Betsy, and Amasa Jillson, s. Nathan & Susannah (Sheldon), February 1, 1814. [JAS]
708 - Eunice, and Eliab Stone, August 10, 1823, at Montague. [JAS]
140 - Mary Ann, of Ware, and Richard Sill, s. Asa & Lucinda (Lay), January2, 1835, at Enfield, CT, children born after 1841. [JAS]
282 - Francis, s. Ephraim & Dorothy (Chester), and Mary Colton (1st w.), of Amh., d. Gad & Ann (Colton), [brother of Chauncey Colton, of Longmeadow], October 10, 1827. [JAS]
450 - George B., of Mason, NY, and Frances Lucretia Kellogg, d. Charles & Tryphena (Hubbard), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
54 - Harvey D., of Amh., and Eliza Stewart, of Amh., Sept. 17, 1845. [VR4]
282, 706 - Harvey D., s. Douglass & Polly, and Eliza Stewart, of Amh., d. James & Mindwell (Marsh) September 17, 1845, at Amh. [JAS]
805 - Esther, and Isaac Southwick, both of "Salem Town", November 4, 1741. [JAS]
4 - Esther, and Isaac Southwick, from Salem Town, Nov. 4, 1741. [VR4]
199 - Esther, and Isaac Southwick, Nov. 4, 1741. [VR1]
282 - Frederick Augustus, s. Moses Oliver & Susan (Cummings), and Mahalla Angeline Winter, September __, 1844. [JAS]
444 - Susannah, d. James & Sarah (Holton), and Samuel Kellogg, s. Samuel, July 28, 1791. [JAS]
283 - Joel William, and Mary B. Legare, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
68 - James, of Brimfield, and Achsah Blodget, d. Abner & Rachel (Phelps), May 28, 1817. [JAS]
284 - Roswell, and Frances Phelps, of Westfield, November 30, 1831, at Westfield. [JAS]
283 - Aaron [aka AF Jr.], s. Aaron, and Judith Nutting, of Amh., d. George & Judith (Hastings), May 9, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
101 - Aaron, and Judith Nutting, May 9, 1837. [VR2]
283 - Aaron, and_____ Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
45 - Archimedes, and Ann Eastman, Oct. 31, 1821. [VR4]
266, 284 - Archimedes, and Anna Eastman, d. John & Hepzibah (Keyes), October 31, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
283, 683 - Eliza, of Amh., d. Aaron, and Hervey Smith, s. Timothy & Sabra (Munsell) (2nd w.), soon after March 24, 1827. [JAS]
283 - Jonathan, and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
284, 785 - Moses, and Sarah Howe Williams, of Amh., d. Chester & Sarah (Howe), September 29, 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
- Moses, and Sarah Williams, Sept. 29, 1836. [VR2]
84 - Robert S., and Tirzah Almira Bowman, d. William & Tirzah (Hubbard), ___ __,____. [JAS]
284 - Samuel, and Roxanna [aka Roxy Ann] Beeton, of Westborough, d. William & Relief, April 7, 1830, at Westborough. [JAS]
84 - Samuel, of Amh., and Miss Roxana Beeton, of Westborough, Apr. 7, 1830, at Westborough. [VR-16] [VR1]
10 - ____, and Sarah Kellogg, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
216, 285 - Abigail (1st w.), d. John & Abigail (Boltwood), and Gideon Dickinson, s. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), ca 1770, at Amh., divorced? [JAS]
9 - Abigail, and Gideon Dickinson, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
50 - Achsah (Abbott), (2nd w.), d. Daniel, of Leverett, and Aaron Belden (1st h.), s. Joshua & Anna (Fitch), July 5, 1848, at Leverett. [JAS]
7 - Alden C., of Leverett, and Lucina Adams, d. Asa & Clarissa (Eastman), May 5, 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
2 - Alden C., of Leverett, and Lucinia Adams, d. Asa & Clarissa (Eastman), May 5, 1836. [GenRec]
6 - Alpheus, and Caroline Adams, d. Nathan & Sybil (Ward) (2nd w.), ___ __, ___. [JAS]
288 - Alpheus, s. Jonathan & Sarah (Kellogg), and Caroline Adams [aka Lina], November 18, 1811. [JAS]
288 - Caroline, d. Alpheus & Caroline (Adams), and Stoughton D. Crocker, of Sunderland, June 21, 1838. [JAS]
11 - Cephas, of Leverett, and Editha Ball, d. Abraham & Martha (Field), Oct. 2, 1844, at Amh. [GenRec]
33 - Cephas, of Leverett, and Editha Ball, d. Abraham & Martha (Field), October 2, 1844, at Amh. [JAS]
287 - Charles Frederick, s. Theodore & Catherine (Parker), and Emily Penelope Field, d. Rodolphus & Hannah D. (Hollister), September 6, 1826. [JAS]
398 - Christian (Hubbard), d. Isaac & Christian Gunn (1st w.), and Paul Field (2nd h.), of Northfield, November 13, 1753. [JAS]
286 - Clarissa, d. John & Rachael (Wait) (Wells) (2nd w.), and Hiram Chamberlain Kingsbury, of Guilford, VT, ___, __, ____. [JAS]
173,288 - De Easting Salisbury, s. Alpheus & Caroline (Adams), and Editha Crocker, d. Beal & Editha (Hubbard), May 21, 1835, at North Amh. [JAS]
288, 289 - Dorothy [aka Dolly] (1st w.), d. William & Editha (Frary), and Orlando Field, s. Seth & Mary (Hubbard), January 17, 1813. [JAS]
398 - Ebenezer (1st h.), and Christian Hubbard, d. Isaac & Christian Gunn (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
286, 323 - Ebenezer, s. John & Abigail (Boltwood), and Sarah Gould, of Amh., d. Samuel & Sarah (Gilbert), soon after October 31, 1782. [JAS]
33 - Electa (1st w.), d. Moses & Mary (Spelman), and Silas Ball, s. Silas (1st h.) & Rhoda (Griffin), physician at Montague, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
11 - Electa (1st w.), d. Moses, and Dr. Silas Ball, Jr., of Leverett, ___ __, 1807, 13 [sic] children. [VR-51] [Hist. of Sunderland, P. 258] [GenRec]
184 - Eliza (1st w.), d. Erastus & Salome (Ashley), sister of Emily Field & Julia Ann Field, and Consul Bonaparte Cutter, s. Jarius & Susannah (Bowman), September 27, 1829. [JAS]
290 - Elizabeth (Wiley), and _____ Sprague (2nd h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
287 - Emily Gratia, d. Charles Frederick & Emily Penelope (Field), and Frederick L. Rice, of Wayland, October 23, 1849. [JAS]
287 - Emily Penelope, d. Rodolphus & Hannah D. (Hollister), and Charles Frederick Field, s. Theodore & Catherine (Parker), September 6, 1826. [JAS]
596 - Esther, and Sylvester Pratt, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
50 - Heman (1st h.), and Achsah Abbott), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
328 - Isabel Frink, of Oakham, and David D. Gray, resident of Amh. 1800, bought a dwelling and a store at East Amh. June 1803, a merchant, storekeeper at Amh. 1805, sold his dwelling and store April 1809 and left Amh., perhaps to Wilmington, VT, soon after August 20, 1804. [JAS]
12 - Jemima, and ____ Bridgman, Jan. 15, 1778. [VR4]
25 - Jemima, and Ebenezer Bridgman, of Belchertown, Jan. 5, 1778. [GenRec]
285 - Jemima, d. John & Abigail (Boltwood), and Oliver Bridgman, of Belchertown, January 15, 1778, at Amh. [JAS]
286 - John (2nd h.), s. John & Abigail (Boltwood), and Rachael (Wait) Wells (2nd w.), of Hatfield, wid. ____ Wells (1st h.), ___ __, 1785. [JAS]
76, 285 - John s. Zechariah & Sarah (Clark), and Abigail Boltwood, d. Samuel & Hannah (Alexander), July 10, 1739. [JAS]
9 - John, and Elisabeth Henderson, Jan. 15, 1767. [VR4]
286, 373 - John, s. John & Abigail (Boltwood), and Elizabeth Henderson (1st w.), d. Gideon & Sarah (Baker), January 15, 1767, at Amh. [JAS]
286 - John, s. John & Elizabeth Henderson (1st w.), and Silence Lincoln, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
14 - Jonathan, and Sarah Smith, Jan. 2, 1780. [VR4]
289 - Jonathan, of Amh., and Elizabeth Johnson, of Pelham, soon after June 23, 1794. [JAS]
438 - Jonathan, of Leverett, and Sarah Kellogg, d. Ephraim & Dorothy (Hawley), September 6, 1773, at Amh. [JAS]
287 - Jonathan, s. John & Abigail (Boltwood), and Sarah Smith, January 20, 1780, at Amh. [JAS]
197 - Julia A., and Nathan Sears, Feb. 2, 1843, at Leverett, 2 ch., 1843-45. [VR1]
642 - Julia Ann, d. Erastus & Salome (Ashley), sister.Emily Field, and Nathan Sears, s. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), February 2, 1842, at Leverett. [JAS]
286 - Lucretia, d. Samuel & Miriam (Nash), and Samuel Herrick, of Brattleboro, VT, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
40 - Lucy, and Moses Cooley, Nov. 19, 1812. [VR4]
287 - Lucy, d. Jonathan & Sarah (Smith), and Moses Dickinson [Cooley?] [See JAS p. 149.] [JAS]
149, 287 - Lucy, d. Jonathan & Sarah (Smith), and Moses Dickinson Cooley, s. Daniel & Mary (Boltwood) (Dickinson) (2nd w.), November 19, 1812, at Amh. [JAS]
48 - Lucy, d. Robert, adopted by Samuel Hastings, and Moses D. Cooley, s. Daniel & Mary (Dickinson) (2nd w.), Nov. 19, 1812, at Amh. [GenRec]
49 - Martha (3rd w.), d. Joseph & Mary (Smith), and Hezekiah Belding, s. Samuel & Elizabeth (Dickinson), April 21, 1767, at Sunderland. [JAS]
47, 285 - Martha Boltwood, d. John & Abigail (Boltwood), and Col. Nathan Allen (1st h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
33, 289 - Martha, d. William & Editha (Frary), and Abraham Ball, s. Silas & Rhoda (Griffin), farmer at Leverett, May 3, 1803, at Leverett, removed to Amh. 1824. [JAS]
11 - Martha, d. William & Editha, and Abraham Ball, s. Dr. Silas & Rhoda (Griffin), May __, 1803, at Leveret, moved to Amh., 1812. [GenRec]
30 - Martin, Esqr., and Esther Rice [Kellogg in pencil], Feb. 21, 1802. [VR4]
289, 443 - Martin, s. Seth & Mary (Hubbard), and Esther Smith Kellogg [aka Esther Rice], d. Daniel & Mercy (Eastman), February 21, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
17 - Mary (1st w.), and Joel Billings, s. John & Sarah (Matthews) (2nd w.), 1764-7, at Amh. [GenRec]
56, 285 - Mary (1st w.), d.; John & Abigail (Boltwood), and Joel Billings, s. John & Jerusha (Waite) (1st w.), ca 1765, at Amh. [JAS]
4 - Mary (2nd w.), and Jacob, s. Jacob of Boston, Feb. 4, 1836. [Gen P.74] [GenRec]
506 - Mary Ann (1st w.), d. Dr._____, of Brookfield, and Henry Merrill, s. Calvin & Orinda (Rowe), ca 1822, at Brookfield. [JAS]
183 - Mary Ann, d. Dr. Field of Brookfield (1st w.), and Henry Merrill, s. Calvin and Orinda (Rowe), ___ __, ____. [VR3]
432 - Mary Hubbard, and Theodore Francis French (1st h.), of Troy, NY, July 27, 1824. [JAS]
289 - Mary Hubbard, d. Martin & Esther Smith (Kellogg), and Theodore Francis French (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
721 - Mary P. (2nd w.), d. Luther & Beulah (Moore), sister to Dolly Field, and Jacob Thayer, s. Jacob, February 4, 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
100 - Mary, and Jacob Thayer, (not in genealogy), Feb. 4, 1836. [VR2]
9 - Mary, and Joel Billing, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
285, 749 - Mary, of Amh., d. Zechariah & Sarah (Clark), and Moses Warner, s. Jacob & Mary, May 18, 1738. [JAS]
6 - Mary, of Leverett, and Eliphalet Adams, s. Nathan & Sybil (Ward) (2nd w.), trader, at Amh.,___ __, ___. [JAS]
58 - Mary, wid., and Moses Billing (2nd h.), s. John & Jerusha (Waite) (1st w.), July 3, 1793, at Amh., at Amh. [JAS]
762 - MaryAnn, of Northfield, and George Hamilton Waters, of Amh., s. George & Lucy (Healy), at Vernon, NY in 1847. [JAS]
322 - Nedad, and Phebe Gould, d. Solomon & Prudence (Rood), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
46 - Orlando, and Fanny Baker, Jan. 29, 1823. [VR4]
288, 289 - Orlando, s. Seth & Mary (Hubbard), and Dorothy Field [aka Dolly] (1st w.), d. William & Editha (Frary), January 17, 1813. [JAS]
29, 288 - Orlando, s. Seth & Mary (Hubbard), and Fanny Baker (2nd w.), d. Martin & Mary (Smith), January 6. 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
10 - Orlando, s. Seth & Mary, of Leverett, and Fanny Baker, d. Martin & Mary Smith, Feb. __, 1823, at Amh. [GenRec]
286 - Pamelia, d. John & Rachael (Wait) (Wells) (2nd w.), and Simpson Goodenough, of Brattleboro, VT, ___, __, ____. [JAS]
398 - Paul (2nd h.), of Northfield, and Christian (Hubbard) Field, d. Isaac & Christian Gunn (1st w.), November 13, 1753. [JAS]
11 - Perez, and Cynthia Lee, of Leverett, Nov. 19, 1795. [GenRec]
629 - Ransom, of Leverett, and Eliza Russell, d. Daniel & Sally (Newton), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
285, 361 - Rebecca (1st w.), d. Zechariah & and Sarah (Clark), and Joseph Hawley, s. Samuel & Mehitable (Belding), January 13, 1737. [JAS]
17 - Sally (Mary), and Moses Billings, s. John & Jerusha (Waite) (1st w.), July 3, 1793, at Amh. [GenRec]
117 - Sally [Dup., Mary], and Moses Billings, July 3, 1793. [VR1]
114 - Sally, and Josiah Smith, between Apr. 28, 1790 and May 2, 1791. [VR1]
21 - Sally, and Josiah Smith, Feb. 10, 1791. [VR4]
23 - Sally, and Moses Billings, July 3, 1793. [VR4]
286, 665 - Sally, d. John & Elizabeth Henderson (1st w.), and Josiah Smith, s. Martin & Lucy (Clapp), between April 29, 1790 and May 2, 1791, at Amh., supposedly removed to Lancaster, NH. [JAS]
14 - Sam[ue]ll, and Miriam Nash, June 15, 1779. [VR4]
286, 538 - Samuel, s. John & Abigail (Boltwood), and Miriam Nash, of Amh., d. John & Mary (Graves) (1st w.), June 15, 1779, at Amh. [JAS]
34 - Sarah (1st w.), and Timothy Clapp, s. Preserved & Sarah (West), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
15 - Sarah (3rd w.), of Sunderland, and Hezekiah Belden, s. Samuel & Elizabeth (Dickinson), Apr. 21, 1767. [GenRec]
582 - Sarah Jane, of Bernardston, and Jonathan Perry, s. Benjamin & Addy, May 17, 1842, at Vernon, VT. [JAS]
11 - Sarah, and Timothy Clap, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
34 - Sarah, and Timothy Clapp, 1772-1764, at Amh. [GenRec]
122, 285 - Sarah, d. John & Abigail (Boltwood), and Timothy Clapp, s. Preserved & Sarah (West), between 1772 and 1774, at Amh. [JAS]
285, 360 - Sarah, d. Zechariah & Sarah (Clark), and Samuel Hawley, s. Samuel & Mehitable (Belding), January __, 1736. [JAS]
399 - Seth, and Mary Hubbard, d. Israel & Abigail (Smith), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
290 - Thomas Power, s. Justin & Harriet (Power), and Maria A. Daniels, d. Robert S., of Peabody, January 11, 1844. [JAS]
290 - Walter (1st h.), and Elizabeth Wiley (1st w.), d. Ebenezer & Catherine (Dunn), January 11, 1844. [JAS]
782 - Warren (2nd h.), and Elizabeth (Wiley) Sprague, d. Ebenezer & Catherine, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
289 - William, and Editha Frary, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
42 - William, and Roxey M. Kellogg, Dec. 30, 1818. [VR4]
438 - William, of Leverett, and Dorothy Kellogg, d. Ephraim & Dorothy (Hawley), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
289, 445 - William, s. William & Editha (Frary), and Roxey Mattoon Kellogg, d. John & Roxey (Mattoon) (1st w.), of Amh., December 30, 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
33 - Zebina Field, of Leverett, and Sophronia Ball, d. Abraham & Martha (Field), November 19, 1822, at Amh. [JAS]
91 - Zebina, of Leverett, and Sophronia Ball, Nov. 19, 1822. [VR2]
11 - Zebina, of Leverett, s. Perez, and Sophronia Ball, d. Abraham & Martha (Field), Nov. 19, 1822, at Amh. [B-13] [GenRec]
287 - Zechariah, s. John & Abigail (Boltwood), and Philena Clark, of Northampton, October 28, 1787, at Northampton. [JAS]
284 - Zechariah, s. John & Mary (Edwards), and Sarah Clark, d. John & Rebecca (Cooper), of Northampton, May 25, 1705. [JAS]
193 - Martin, and Esther Rice, Feb. 21, 1802. [VR1]
291 - William, and Theda, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
115 - Eunice, Mrs., and John A. V. Smith, both of Amh., Aug. 17, 1843, at Amh. [VR2]
605A, 607 - Maria [dup. d. John & Mary], and Francis Lyman Pomeroy, s. Ansel & Sally (Johnson), ___ __ [dup. Dec. 7], 1865. [VR3]
775 - Ann, and Thomas White, July 25, 1833, in Canada. [JAS]
FISH, see Fisk, Fiske
292 - Cummings, s. Ezra & Olive (Shumway), and Esther W. Chapin, d. Luther & Mary (Wedge), March 29, 1825, at Pelham. [JAS]
6 - David, and Louisa Andrews, Nov. 25, 1802. [GenRec]
30 - David, and Lovisa Andrews, Nov. 25, 1802. [VR4]
293 - David, of Amh., and Louisa Andrews, November 25, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
51 - Elizabeth (2nd w.), of Lexington, MA, and Rev. Robert Cutler, s. James, of Menotomy, May 1, 1744. settled at Epping & Canterbury, NH and at Greenwich, MA. [GenRec]
535 - Elvira Amh., and Charles McMaster, s. Joshua & Rebecca (Thompson), September 7, 1842, at Chesterfield, NH. [JAS]
803 - Erasmus D., of Hadley, and Cynthia Russell, of Shutesbury, between May 1835 and April 4, 1836, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
291 - Ezra, s. Seth & Lois (Cummings), and Olive Shumway, d. Elijah & Zilpha (Gilbert), ca 1796. [JAS]
521 - Hannah, and Daniel Moody, s. Joel & Rebecca (Goodman), September 13, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
26 - Hannah, and Daniel Moody, Sept. 13, 1798. [VR4]
39 - Isaac, and Mary Lock, Jan. 28, 1811. [VR4]
293, 479 - Isaac, s. Stephen & _____ (Unknown), and Mary Locke, of Amh., d. _____ & Triphena (Smith), January 28, 1811, at Amh. [JAS]
293 - Leonard, and Mary, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
18 - Lois [perhaps Fisk], and Sam[ue]ll Thomson, Aug. 27, 1787. [VR4]
291 - Melita, d. Ezra & Olive (Shumway), and Capt. Nathan Paul, of Shutesbury, February 2, 1826. [JAS]
32 - Phebe, and William Gerald, Jan. 5, 1804. [VR4]
293 - Phebe, d. Stephen?, and William Genold, January 30, 1804, at Amh. [JAS]
291 - Rodolphus D., s. Ezra & Olive (Shumway), and Mary Ball, of Shutesbury, September 4, 1834, went to Sunderland. [JAS]
292 - Seth, s. Ezra & Olive (Shumway), and Elizabeth Ball (1st w.), d. Jonah, of Shutesbury, February 23, 1824, at. Shutesbury. [JAS]
292, 545 - Seth, s. Ezra & Olive (Shumway, and Emilia D. Nelson (2nd w.), d. Stephen S. & Emilia (Robins), September 30, 1846, at Amh. [JAS]
293 - Stephen, and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
32 - Stephen, Jr., and Lydia Bowman, Apr. 18, 1805. [VR4]
32 - Stephen, Jr., of Amh., and Miss Lydia Bowman, Apr. 18, 1805. [VR1]
83, 293 - Stephen, s. Stephen & _____ (Unknown), and Lydia Bowman, of Amh., d. William & Susanna (Hines), April 11, 1805, at Amh. [JAS]
803 - John, of Shelburn, and Anna Leland, of Conway, August 31, 1786, at Amh. [JAS]
1 - Abigail, d. Jonathan & Rachel (Fairbanks), and Thomas Adams, s. John & Susanna (Breck), Oct. 26, 1720. [GenRec]
4 - Abigail, d. Jonathan & Rachel (Fairbanks), and Thomas Adams, s. John & Susanna (Breck), October 26, 1720. [JAS]
58 - George E., Rev., of Rutland, and Harriet B. Holt, of Amh., May 1, 1850. [VR4]
294 - George Elisha, s. Rev. George & Mary Hall (Fisk), and Harriet B. Holt, of Amh., d. Jacob & Charlotte C., brother Jacob Holt, May 1, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
18 - Jo[hn], of Shelburn, and Anna Leland, of Conway, Aug. 31, 1786. [VR4]
803 - John, of Shelburn, and Anna Leland, of Conway, August 31, 1786, at Amh. [JAS]
3 - Lizzie E., d. John & Annie L. (Corrao), and George Cooke Adams Ainsworth, s. Forrester & Mary P. (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
92 - Lizzie E., d. John & Annie L. (Corrao?), and George Cook Ainsworth, s. Forrester & Lucy , ___ __, ____. [VR3]
792 - Martha (2nd w.), d. Nathan & Mehitable (Forbes), and Ezra Winslow, s. Shuhael & Azubah (Blodhett), June 20, 1801, perhaps at Brimfield. [JAS]
325 - Nathaniel W., Rev., and Martha Maria Graves, d. Rufus & Experience (Graves), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
FISK, see Fish, Fiske
8 - Abigail, of Waltham, d. John and Abigail, and Solomon Adams, s. John & Mercy, September 16, 1794, at Waltham. [JAS]
769 - Daniel, and Hepzibah Wells, d. Jonathan & Abigail (Dickinson), October 14, 1773. [JAS]
545 - Frederick Amh., of Norwalk, CT, and Anna Nelson, of Amh., d. Stephen S. & Emilia (Robins), September 24, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
110 - Lois, and Samuel Thompson, Aug. 27, 1787. [VR1]
90 - Sarah Ann (1st w.), of Hardwick, d. Charles W. & Sarah (Lawrence), and Ebenezer Briggs, s. John & Esther (Blodgett), July 8, 1840, at Hardwick. [JAS]
24 - Stephen, Jr., and Lydia Bowman, Apr. 18, 1804. [GenRec]
FISKE, see Fish, Fisk
12 - Anne S., d. Prof. _____, of Amh. College, and Everett C. Banfield, Oct. 28, 1854, at Charlestown. [GenRec]
104 - David H., of Ludlow, and Lucy P. Hastings, Dec. 29, 1841. [VR2]
294, 351 - David H., resident of Ludlow 1841, came to Amh. by February 1845, a painter, moved away from Amh.August 1847, and Lucy P. Hastings, of Amh., d. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), December 29, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
106 - Frederick A., of Norwalk, CT, and Ann A. Nelson, of Amh., Sept. 24, 1839. [VR2]
295 - Leonard, s. Nahum & Sarah, and Mary Matthews, d. Samuel & Rachel (Leonard), October 19, 1847, at Vernon, VT. [JAS]
295 - Lois, and Samuel Thomson, August 27, 1787, at Amh. [JAS]
294 - Nathan Welby, s. Rev. Nathan, and Deborah Waterman Vinal, , of Boston, d. David, soon after October 4, 1828. [JAS]
26 - Sarah Ann,d. Charles W., of Hardwick, and Ebenezer, s. John, of Springfield, July 15, 1840, at Hardwick. [GenRec]
526 - Anna, d. Jesse & Jerusha, and Elliot Morse, s. Elijah, ___ __, ____, no children. [JAS]
37 - Eliza (1st w.), and Eliphalet Beecher Coleman, s. Seth & Sarah (Beecher) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
404 - Mary Elizabeth, d. Ezra, of Guilford, VT, and Rodolphus Baker Hubbard, s. Giles & Rebecca Smith (Hubbard), April 28, 1832. [JAS]
295 - Newton, s. Joseph D. & Betsy (Johnson), and Eunice Hannum Jillson, of Pelham, d. Riley & Sylvia, April 20, 1834, at Windham, CT. [JAS]
295 - Newton, s. Joseph D. & Betsy (Johnson), June 10, 1810, at Windham, CT; came to Amh. by December 1835; he bought a drugstore and was assistant postmaster by December 1835; he was Town Clerk and Treas. 1846 and 1847, druggist in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
2 - Orus (2nd h.), of Leverett, and Mary Ann Clapp (Adams) Howard, wid. Joseph Howard (1st h.), d. Silas Ward7 & Lucinda (Blodgett) (1st w.), Sept. 5, 1871. [Gen 684] [GenRec]
295 - John, and Mary, ___ __, ___. [JAS]
295 - William, and Ruth, ___ __, ____, he, his wife, and children were warned out of Amh. by the Selectmen in May 1784. [Her surname and that of the children were written as "Gerrall and "Gerald" in the warning report.] [JAS]
296 - Enoch, and Betsey, ___ __, ___. [JAS]
296 - James, and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ___. [JAS]
28 - James, and Bulah Moody, Nov. 24, 1800. [VR4]
514 - James, of Palmer, and Beulah Moody, d. Asahel & Beulah (Graves), November 24, 1800, at Amh., went to Homer, NY. [JAS]
480 - Henrietta, of Amh., and John E. Lowell, of Amh., had professional income in Amh. 1830, soon after December 14, 1828. [JAS]
296 - James, s. James & Margaret (Wood), and Eunice White, January 1, 1817, at Northbridge. [JAS]
424 - Olive (1st w.), d. Roger & Olive, and Joab Ingram, s. Joab & Lydia (Peaslee), ___ __, ____, at Royalston [sic], VT. [JAS]
99 - Mary, and John M. Greovery, June 8, 1834. [VR2]
533 - Mary, of Amh., and John McGreevey, of Amh., June 8, 1834, at Amh. [JAS]
63 - _____, and Clarissa Bissell, d. Jonathan & Prudence (Smith) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
FLOYD, see Floydd
301 - David, of Belchertown, and Anna Freeman, of Amh., August 29, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
54 - David, of Belchertown, and Miss Anna Freeman, Aug. 29, 1816. [VR1]
FLOYDD, see Floyd
87 - David, and Anna Freman, Aug. 19, 1816. [VR2]
615 - Thankful, and Joseph Roberts, s. Joseph & Mabel, ca 1749. [JAS]
481 - Mary, and Addison A. Lovett, s. John & Angeline (Ballou), August 10, 1850, in Ware. [JAS]
FOOT, see Foote
29 - Albert, s. Erastus of Colchester, CT, and Mary Ann Chase, d. Arnold & Hannah (Douglas), Nov. 1, 1851, at Colchester, CT, went to Colchester, CT. [GenRec]
379 - David A., of Conway, and Esther Elvira Hill, of Amh. d. Luke & Philena (Ingram), November 13, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
FOOTE, see Foot
106 - David A., of Conway, and Esther E. Hill, of Amh., Nov. 13, 1839. [VR2]
58 - Sarah Ann, and Charles W. Manuel, of Amh. (Colored persons), Nov. 18, 1850. [VR4]
256 - Elsy, of Ludlow, and Zebina Douglass, s. Joseph & Amy (Smith), ___ __, 1712, at Ludlow. [JAS]
712 - Prusha, of Chesterfield, NH, and Charles Lee Strong, s. Simeon & Louisa Cobb (Emerson, January 12, 1843. [JAS]
64 - Lois, Miss, and Samuel Bakeman, Jr., both of Amh., Dec. 5, 1821. [Belchertown C-254] [VR1]
614 - Rhoda (1st w.), of Fitzwilliam, NH, and Theodor S. Rider, s. John and Mercy, soon after March 12, 1844. [JAS]
297 - Mendall G., of Amh., and Harriet N. Parker, of Westborough, April 15, 1834, at Westborough. [JAS]
390 - Oliver, and Lucy Houghton, d. Silas & Lucy (Farnsworth), April 10, 1832. [JAS]
192 - Sally, and Stephen Puffer, Sept. __, 1812, ch.1813-1824. [VR1]
601 - Sally, d. Joel & Naomi, and Stephen Puffer, s. of Reuben & Hannah (Perry), September __, 1812, at Sutton. [JAS]
48 - A. B., Rev., and Irene Cooley, d. Moses D. & Lucy (Field), Oct. 3, 1843, at Salem, VT. [GenRec]
116 - A. B., Rev., of Cambridge, and Irene Cooley, of Amh., Oct. 5, ____, at Troy, NY. [VR2]
149, 297 - Andrew Butler, s. Andrew Butler & Clarissa (Davenport), and Irene Cooley, of Amh., d. Moses Dickinson & Lucy (Field), October 5, 1843, at Troy, NY (perhaps at Salem, NH.) [JAS]
182 - Calvin, of Worcester, and Caroline Cutler, d. Samuel Fisk & Luthera (Ruggles) (1st w.), December 1, 1841, at Amh., lived at Worcester. [JAS]
112 - Calvin, of Worcester, and Caroline Cutler, of Amh., Dec. 1, 1841. [VR2]
51 - Calvin, of Worcester, and Caroline Cutter, of Amh., Dec. 1, 1841. [VR4]
24 - Edgar L., Rev., and Mary Rebecca Boyden, d. James Woodbury & Eliza Otis (Turner), Aug. 20, 1868, at Chicago, IL. [GenRec]
113 - Edward, Jr., and Vice Shirtliff, of Pelham, May 25, 1789. [VR1]
20 - Edward, Jr., and Visa Shirtlief, of Pelham, May 21, 1789. [VR4]
297 - Isaac, s. Isaac, trader (also called a merchant), resident of Amh. by January 1792, moved to Greenfield by February 1795, and Rebecca, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
221 - Lucinda (2nd w.), and Peres Dickinson, s. Nathan & Esther (Fowler), soon after October 22, 1804. [JAS]
560 - Maria A. (2nd w.), and David Packard, s. John Packard, March 7, 1839. [JAS]
555 - Mary Eliza (2nd w.), of Shutesbury, and Levi Nutting, s. John & Catherine (Smith) (2nd w.), May 7, 1848, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
790 - Mary, d. William & Hannah, and George Williamson July 9, 1778, at Canterbury, CT. [JAS]
297 - William H., and Louisa, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
482 - Eliza, and Henry Lyman, s. Theodore & Susan Willard (Whitney), May 16, 1832. [JAS]
803 - Jacob, of Claremont, NH, and Mary Rankin, of Belchertown, October 12, 1837. [JAS]
749 - Ann, of New Milford (CT?), and Jacob Warner, s. Jacob & Mary, July 29, 1842. [JAS]
452 - Eliza (1st w.), and Nathaniel Kellogg, s. Samuel & Susannah (Felton), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
205 - Esther (1st w.), of Westchester [sic ] CT, and Nathan Dickinson, s. Nathan & Thankful (Warner) (1st w.), January 15, 1761, at Amh. [JAS]
8 - Esther, and Nathan Dickinson, father of S. F., Jan. 15, 1761. [VR4]
783 - Mehitable, of Westfield, lived in Amh. in 1747, and Ebenezer Williams, s. Zebadiah & Sarah, May 16, 1728, at Westfield. [JAS]
297,765 - William Chauncey (2nd h.), s. Reuben Rose & Catherine (Chauncey), and Harriet (Webster) Cobb, of New Haven, CT., d. Noah & Rebecca (Greenleaf), wid. Edward Henry (1st h.), August __, 1825 [Dup.; July 21, 1825], at New Haven, CT. [JAS]
314 - Abraham, of Hadley, and Hannah Goodell, d. David & Hannah (Abbott), May 24, 1795. [JAS]
3 - Daniel W., Rev., s. Albert R. & Maria (Worden), and Abby Fiske Adams, d. John Sidney & Mary (Hawley), Nov. 1, 1865, at Amh. [GenRec]
299 - Dexter, s. John & Orpha (Cadwell), and Margaret, ___ __, ____, no children. [JAS]
112 - Harriet E., and Dr. Isaac G. Cutler, M. D., both of Amh., Jan. 10, 1843. [VR2]
180, 299 - Harriet E., d. Luther & Eunice C., of Amh., and Isaac Gurnsey Cutler, s. Isaac Gurnsey & Nancy (Hastings), January 10, 1843, at Amh. [JAS]
52 - Harriet E., of Amh., and Isaac G. Cutler, of Amh., Jan. 10, 1843. [VR4]
51 - Harriet, d. Luther, and Dr. Isaac Durnsey Cutler, s. Dr. Isaac Gurnsey & Nancy (Hastings), Jan. 10, 1843, at Amh. [GenRec]
111 - Hiram E., and Sarah J. Cowles, both of Amh., May 12, 1841. [VR2]
51 - Hiram E., of Amh., and Sarah J. Cowls, of Amh., May 12, 1841. [VR4]
160, 299 - Hiram E., s. Luther & Eunice C., and Sarah Irene Cowls, d. Chester & Sally (Wade) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
40 - Hiram E., s. Luther, of Baltimore, and Sarah Ide Cowles, d. Chester & Sally (Wade) (2nd w.), May 12, 1841, at Amh., went to Baltimore. [GenRec]
28 - John, and Orpha Cadwell, Dec. 26, 1786, at Amh. [GenRec]
109 - John, and Orpha Cadwell, Dec. 26, 1786. [VR1]
298 - John; related to Abraham Fox, of Hadley (who died before 1817); may not have lived at Amh.; Soldier in the Revolution; at Dorchester October 1776 to March 1777, in Capt. Flowers Co.; he enlisted for three years in Continental Army January 1778; drummer August 1781 through November 1781; active in Shay's Rebellion and took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787, and Orpha Cadwell, of Amh., December 26, 1786, at Amh. [JAS]
298 - Luther, s. John & Orpha (Cadwell), and Eunice C., ___ __, ____. [JAS]
300 - Benjamin, and Ellen, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
300, 744 - Eliza (1st w.), d. Nathan & Jerusha (Dickinson), and Medad Vinton, s. Abiathar & Sarah (Day), January 29, 1829, at Amh. [JAS]
95 - Eliza, and Medad Vinton, Jan. 19, 1829. [VR2]
299, 730 - Elizabeth [aka Eliza], d. Henry Johnson & Mary (Williams), and Eliab [Eli] Thomas, October 18, 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
86 - Fanny, and John Thayer, of Belchertown, [not in genealogy], Feb. 2, 1815. [VR2]
299, 728 - Frances (2nd w.), of Amh., d. Henry Johnson & Mary (Williams), and John Thayer, February 2, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
99 - Henry J., and Roxana Edwards, of Stafford, CT, Apr. 10, 1834. [VR2]
299 - Henry Johnson, and Mary Williams, of Pomfret, CT, July 15, 1765, at Pomfret, CT. [JAS]
300 - Henry Johnson, s. Nathan & Jerusha (Dickinson), and Roxanna Edwards, of Stafford, CT, d. Oliver & Mary, April 10, 1834, at Amh. [JAS]
92 - Mary, and Jacob Stetson, Nov. 13, 1823. [VR2]
242, 299 - Mary, d. Henry Johnson & Mary (Williams), and Gad Dickinson, s. Simeon & Martha (Graves), July 11, 1793, at Amh. [JAS]
200 - Mary, d. Nathan & Cenisha, and Jacob Stetson, Nov. 13, 1823, at Amh. [ VR1]
200 - Mary, d. Nathan & Cenisha, and Jacob Stetson, s. Jacob Isaac & Rizpah (Bisbee), Nov. 13, 1823, at Amh. [VR3]
300, 703 - Mary, of Amh., d. Nathan & Jerusha (Dickinson), and Jacob Stetson, s. Jacob & Rizpah (Bisbee), Novenber 13, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
220, 300 - Nathan, s. Henry Johnson & Mary (Williams), and Jerusha Dickinson, d. Simeon & Martha (Graves), November 29, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
17 - Percy, and Edward A. Stanley, Dec. 1, 1793. [VR1]
201 - Percy, and Edward Augustus Stanley, of Amh., Dec. 5, 1850. [VR1]
201 - Percy, and Edward Augustus Stanley, of Amh., Dec. 5, 1850. [VR3]
299, 700 - Persis (1st w.), of Amh., d. Henry Johnson & Mary (Williams), and Edward Augustus Stanly, s. Allyn & Elizabeth (Webb), December 1, 1793, at Amh. [JAS]
300, 382 - Sophia, of Amh., d. Nathan & Jerusha (Dickinson), and Hervey Hills, s. Samuel & Polly (Lewis) (1st w.), May 10, 1831, at Amh. [JAS]
289 - Editha, and William Field, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
439 - Eleazer, Capt, and Miriam Kellogg, d. Joel & Joanna (Clark), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
191 - Erastus, and Submit Pratt, ___ __,1812. [VR1]
39 - Erastus, and Submit Pratt, Jan. 16, 1812. [VR4]
597 - Erastus, of Deerfield, and Submit Pratt, of Amh., January 16, 1812, at Amh. [JAS]
43 - Francis L., s. Francis & Louisa, and Sarah Jennette Cowles, d. Jonathan, Jr., & Sarah M. (Dickinson), Oct. 3, 1882, at Amh. [GenRec]
38 - Prudence, and Jonathan Cowles, s. John, Jr., & Deborah (Bartlett), Jan. 21, 1697, at Hatfield. [TR] [GenRec]
301 - Robert, s. Dexter & Irene (Cooley), and Meliscent Woods, d. Martin & Electa (Bacon), June 3, 1835. [JAS]
757 - Statira Irene, of Deerfield, d. Dexter & Irene (Cooley), brother of Robert Frary, and Seth Porter Warner, s. Titus & Mary (Baggs), March 28, 1832, at Deerfield, no children listed. [JAS]
89 - Statira Tord, Miss, and Seth P. (T. in Deerfield VR) Warner, of Amh., Mar. 28, 1832. [Deerfield VR-242] [VR1]
50 - Levi B., of Amh., and Olive Pratt, of A, Oct. 22, 1840. [VR4]
109 - Lewis B., and Olive Pratt (Col), both of Amh., Oct. 22, 1840. [VR2]
647 - Nicholas, and Temperance, d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
48 - Porter, and Almira Cooley, d. Alden & Mercy (Kellogg), Sept. 30, 1837, at Amh. [GenRec]
48 - Porter, and Almira Cooley, Sept. 20, 1837. [VR4]
150, 301 - Porter, s. Nicholas & Temperence (Shumway), and Almira Cooley, of Amh., d. Israel & Martha A. (Morse), September 30, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
84 - Portor, and Almira Cooley, both of Amh., Sept. 30, 1837. [VR2]
307 - Eliza, of Amh., and Elijah B. Gaylord, yeoman at Amh. February 1825, when he bought two acres at Amh. and mortgaged it, soon after August 21, 1825. [JAS]
FREEMAN, see Freman
28 - Adelaide Maria Freeman, d. Joseph & Martha Hutchinson, and Edward Janes Cadwell, s. Aretas Janes & Esther (Needham), Feb. 13, 1877, at Enfield. [GenRec]
54 - Anna, Miss, and David Floyd, of Belchertown, Aug. 29, 1816. [VR1]
301 - Anna, of Amh., and David Floyd, of Belchertown, August 29, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
301 - Frederick H., of Amh., and Elizabeth Robins, of Amh., February 19, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
105 - Frederick H., and Elisabeth Robins, both of Amh., Feb. 19, 1839. [VR2]
195 - Frederic H., and Elizabeth Robinson, Feb. 19, 1839. [VR1]
FREMAN, see Freeman
87 - Anna, and David Floydd, Aug. 19, 1816. [VR2]
94 - Elizabeth, and Seth Bryant, February 7, 1765, at Bridgewater. [JAS]
125 - Ellen H., and William Henry7 Kellogg, s. Henry Chester & Minerva (Park) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [KG II-1335] [VR2]
710 - Hannah, d. Jonathan & Sarah (Warner), and Nathaniel Edwards (1st h.), September 3, 1719. [JAS]
289, 301, 432 - Mary Hubbard (Field) (2nd w.), d. Martin & Esther Smith (Kellogg), and Thomas Jones(2nd h.), s. Elnathan & Mary, December 24, 1835, at Newfane, VT. [JAS]
289 - Mary Hubbard (Field), d. Martin & Esther Smith (Kellogg), and Thomas Jones (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
26 - Samuel, and Rebeckah Moody, July 30, 1797. [VR4]
301, 514 - Samuel, resident of Bridgewater 1794, cooper at Amh. by 1795, and Rebecca Moody [Dup; Rebekah Moody, called "perhaps the w. of Samuel French], d. Jonathan & Eunice (Graves), July 30. 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
14 - Susan W. (2nd w.), of Andover, and Polycarpus C. Alexander, soon after October 7, 1846. [JAS]
432 - Theodore Francis (1st h.), of Troy, NY, and Mary Hubbard Field, July 27, 1824. [JAS]
289 - Theodore Francis (1st w.), and Mary Hubbard Field, d. Martin & Esther Smith (Kellogg), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
583 - Thomas, and Rhoda Pettengill, d. Nathaniel & Eunice (Tyler), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
301 - George, s. Miner & Lucinda (Jewett), and Susan Griffin, d. Jonathan & Lydia, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
302 - Henry (2nd h.), s. Samuel & Mehitable (Eames), and Elizabeth (Unknown) Norton (2nd w.), widow of _____ Norton (1st h.), May 30, 1838, at Hartford, CT. [JAS]
302 - Henry, s. Samuel & Mehitable (Eames), and Catharine D. Smith (1st w.), May 20, 1835, at Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
302 - Henry, s. Samuel & Mehitable (Eames), and Helen Serelia Jones (3rd w.), d. Jabez & Anna (Chapman), ca 1850. [JAS]
2 - Sarah, and Mason Abby, s. Richard & Mary (Huntington), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
193 - Anna, and W[illia]m Rice, J.r, Jan. 31, 1810. [VR1]
38 - Anna, and William Rice, Jr., Jan. 31, 1810. [VR4]
609 - Anna, of Amh., and William Rice, s. William & Roxana (Smith), January 31, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
581 - Sarah, and Jonathan Perry, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
420 - Content (1st w.), of Montague, and Nathan Ingram, s. Reuben & Phebe (Shattuck), December 18, 1798, at Montague. [JAS]
303 - David C., and Lucy Evarts, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
302 - Jabez, and Clarissa, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
6 - Jabez, and Sarah F. Aspinwall, May 8, 1848, at Vernon, VT. [GenRec]
303 - Jabez, s. Jabez & Clarissa, and Mary E. (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
303 - Jabez, s. Jabez & Clarissa, and Sarah F. Aspinwall (2nd w.), May 8, 1848, at Vernon, VT. [JAS]
673 - Joseph, of Suffield, CT, and Cordelia Smith, of Amh., d. Horace & Rebekah (Moody) (1st w.), May 25, 1830. [JAS]
356 - Rebecca (2nd w.), d. Joseph Fuller, of Suffield, CT, and Elijah Hasting, s. Hopestill & Lydia (Frary), before 1803. [JAS]
38 - Rebecca Hastings (1st w.), d. Joseph, of Suffield, CT, and Levi Cowles, s. Oliver & Irene (Dickinson), Dec. 25, 1805, at Amh. [GenRec]
577 - Sarah R. (1st w.), of Hinsdale, NH, lived at Amh. March 1824, and Horace Peck, s. Winchester & Lydia (Perkins), June 29, 1816. [JAS]
198 - Susan, of Amh., and Bnis Skinner, of Amh., Apr. 22, 1845, in Vernon. [VR1]
649 - Susan, of Amh., and Briant D(avid) Skinner [aka David B. Skinner], laborer at Amh. 1845 - 48, April 22, 1845, at Vernon, VT. [JAS]
605A - Sylvester Brown, and Mary Chester Pomeroy, d. Ansel & Sally (Johnson),___ __,1851. [VR3]
11 - Bradford M., s. Daniel M. & Betsey of So. Abington, and Julia M. Ball, d. Rev. Mason & Orinda (Bogue), Aug. 20, 1863, at Springfield. [GenRec]
35 - Almira, adopted by Aaron Merrick, and Irene Clark, d. Asahel & Irene (Hubbard), Mar. 31, 1813, at Amh., went to Springfield. [GenRec]
85 - Almira, and Silas Clark, Mar. 21, 1813. [VR2]
128, 502 - Almira, of Amh., adopted d. Aaron & Mary (Howe) Merrick, and Silas Clark, s. Asahel & Irene (Hubbard), March 21, 1813, at Amh. [JAS]
96 - Martha, and Martin Cooley, June 24, 1830. [VR2]
48 - Martha, and Martin Cooley, s. Alden & Mercy (Kellogg), June 24, 1830, at Amh. [GenRec]
151 - Martha, and Martin Cooley, s. Israel & Martha A. (Morse), June 24, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
11 - Harriet E., of Wethersfield, CT, and Henry C. Ball, s. John D. & Jerusha I. (Hill), June 15, 1853, at South Hadley. [GenRec]
32 - Sarah, of Maine, and Cephas Church, s. Elijah & Mehitable (Williams) (1st w.), ___ __, ____, at Boston. [GenRec]