Vital Records Of Amherst,
Hampshire County, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
(Some Records to the Early 20th Century)
Published by The New England Historic and Genealogical Society in the Corbin Collection,
and by The Search & Research Publishing Corporation
Marriages - DALE to DYKE
[Transcribed by Carlton O. Hommel]

16 - Tho[ma]s Dale, of Suffield, and Harmony Briggs, of Pelham, Apr. 24, 1783. [VR4]
803 - Thomas, of Suffield (probably CT), and Harmon Briggs, of Pelham, April 24, 1783. [JAS]
184 - Lewis, and Salina, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
15 - Amariah, and Ruth William, Oct. 5, 1780. [VR4]
247 - Amariah, and Ruth Williams, Oct. 5, 1780. [Amherst CR] [VR1]
185 - Amariah, s. Samuel & Mary (Sumner), and Dorothy May (1st w.), d. Eleazer & Dorothy (Davis), June 30, 1763, at Pomfret, CT. [JAS]
185, 789 - Amariah, s. Samuel & Mary (Sumner), and Ruth Williams (2nd w.), d. Joseph & Ruth (Grow), October 5, 1780, at Amh. [JAS]
306 - Anna, of Ashford, CT, and Eliakim Gaylord, s. Eliakim & Elizabeth, November 5, 1788, at Windsor, CT. [JAS]
111 - Dorothy, and Abna Marsh, Mar. 7, 1788. [VR1]
490 - Dorothy, of Amh., and Abner Marsh, probably related to Asa March and to Jonathan March; yeoman at Whately March 1887; resident of Amh. 1788; had a quarter mill interest in 1790; resident of Sunderland May 1792 when he sold his mill interest to Jonathan March, went to Conway for a while, then went West; March 7, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
115 - Eleazer, and Sally Cutler, between May 27, 1791 and Apr. 27, 1792. [VR1]
186 - Eleazer, s. Amariah & Dorothy (May) (1st w.), and Sally Cutter, d. Abraham & Huldah (Batchelder), of Leverett, November 17, 1792, at Amh. [JAS]
185 - Freedom, d. Amariah & Dorothy (May) (1st w.), and _____ Willis, ___ __, ____, at Norwich. [JAS]
187 - Gideon, s. Jeremiah, and Hannah Clark (2nd w.), d. Seth & Lucy (Haskell), June 22, 1841. [JAS]
187 - Gideon, s. Jeremiah, and Julia Ann Childs (1st w.), of Barre, d. Benjamin Willis & Anna (Washburn), October 23, 1838, at Barre. [JAS]
85 - Hannah, and David Dickinson, Nov. 29, 1810. [VR2]
185, 210, 230 - Hannah, of Amh., d. Amariah & Ruth (Williams) (2nd w.), and David Dickinson, s. Waitstill & Lucretia (Montague), November 29, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
4 - Joseph L., s. Joseph W. & Mary (Nash), and Eva Viola Albee, d. John Almond & Harriet N. (Squier), Dec. 25, 1877. [GenRec]
186 - Joseph William, twin s. Joseph & Clarissa (Benton), and Marion A. Nash, of Williamsburg, July 1, 1846, at Granby. [JAS]
93 - Joseph, and Clarissa Benton, Oct. 28, 1824. [VR2]
53, 186 - Joseph, s. Amariah & Ruth (Williams) (2nd w.), and Clarissa Benton, d. Timothy & Sarah (West), October 28, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
16 - Joseph, s. Amariah & Ruth, and Clarissa Benton, d. Timothy, Oct. 28, 1828, at Amh. [B-14] [GenRec]
201 - Lucinda, and Nathan Sprout, ___ __, ____. [VR1]
185,699 - Lucinda, d. Amariah & Dorothy (May) (1st w.), and Nathan Sprout, April 9, 1795, at Amh. [JAS]
185 - Lucretia, d. Amariah & Dorothy (May) (1st w.), and Nathaniel Goddard, of Boston, May 2, 1797. [JAS]
185 - Mary, d. Amariah & Dorothy (May) (1st w.), and _____ Cowan, ___ __, ____, at Norwich. [JAS]
13 - Naomi, and Lewis Gilbert, July 23, 1778. [VR4]
185 - Ruth, d. Amariah & Ruth (Williams) (2nd w.), and John Terry, of Hardwick, May 17, 1804, at Amh. [JAS]
41 - Samuel, and Julia Moody, Jan. __, 1815. [VR4]
186 - Samuel, s. Amariah & Ruth (Williams) (2nd w.), and Julia Moody of Amh., January 15, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
115, 185 - Sarah (2nd w.), d. Amariah & Ruth (Williams) (2nd w.), and Elijah Church, s. Giles & Lois (Billing), May 11, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
32 - Sarah (2nd w.), d. Amariah & Ruth, and Elijah Church, s. Giles & Lois (Billings), May 2, 1820, at Amh. [GenRec]
89 - Sarah, and Elijah Church, May 11, 1820. [VR2]
187 - Stephen, and _____, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
63 - _____, and Olive Bissell, d. Jonathan & Prudence (Smith) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
723 - Caroline (2nd w.), and Reuben Thayer, s. Hezekiah & Sarah (Howard), April 12, 1838, both lived in 1850. [JAS]
290 - Maria Amh., d. Robert S., of Peabody, and Thomas Power Field, s. Justin & Harriet (Power), January 11, 1844. [JAS]
58 - Sylvia (2nd w.), and Chester Billings, s. Aaron & Lucy (Rich) (1st w.), ____ __, 1816. [JAS]
316 - _____, and Sally Goodell, d. Andrew & Martha (Unknown) (Haskell), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
188 - Benjamin (2nd h.), s. Samuel & Esther, and Celina (Cook) Clark (2nd w.), d. Abner & Rhoda Clark [sic: Cook (see Wrentham VR, p. 50)], widow of Aaron Clark (1st h.), soon after January 30, 1794. [JAS]
188 - Benjamin (2nd h.), s. Samuel & Esther, and Nancy Cooke (1st w.), widow of _____ Cooke, of Bellingham, RI, soon after March 19, 1785. [JAS]
188 - Benjamin Roson, s. Benjamin & Celina (Cook) (Clark) (2nd w.), and Anna H. Lee (1st w.), of Hadley, d. Samuel W. Lee, December 17, 1823, at Hadley. [JAS]
188 - Benjamin Roson, s. Benjamin & Celina (Cook) (Clark) (2nd w.), and Mary Davis (2nd w.), of Chesterfield, d. William & Margaret (Stetson), January 28, 1840, at Chesterfield. [JAS]
120, 196 - Betsy, of Amh. and Thomas Sampson, of Pelham, Nov. 21, 1805. [VR1]
669 - Betsy, of Amh., and Thomas Samson, of Pelham, Nov. 21, 1805. [VR3]
188 - Elizabeth Huldah, of Amh., d. Benjamin Roson & Anna H. (Lee) (1st w.), and Amos Allen, of Sherburne, December 29, 1846, at Amh., removed to Sherburne. [JAS]
188 - Elizabeth, of Amh., d. Benjamin & Nancy (Cooke) (1st w.), and Thomas Sampson, of Pelham, November 21, 1805, at Amh. [JAS]
151 - Eveline Frances, and Dwight Cooley, s. Israel & Martha A. (Morse), soon after September 3, 1841. [JAS]
3 - Jemina (1st w.), and William Abercrombie, s. Rev. Robert & Margaret (Stevenson), soon after January 1, 1804. [JAS]
725 - Joanna (2nd w.), and Enoch Thayer, s. Noah & Abigail (Thayer). [JAS]
26 - Mary, and Noble Baggs, ___ __, ____, removed from Belchertown to Amh. , by 1810. [JAS]
189, 418 - Mason Cook, s. Benjamin & Celina (Cook) (Clark) (2nd w.), and Naomi Ingram, of Amh., d. Ebenezer & Esther (Rood), soon after July 6, 1823. [JAS]
189 - Patrick, s. Patrick & Ellen (Lynch), and Honora Callahan, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
574 - Susan, of Ludlow, and Albert Pease, s. Sharon & Polly Brooks (1st w.), February 5, 1835. [JAS]
22 - Benj[ami]n, Capt, and Jerusha Ballard, Nov. 28, 1791. [VR4]
12 - Benjamin, Capt, and Jerusha Ballard, Nov. 28, 1791, at Amh. [GenRec]
803 - Benjamin, Capt., (non-resident taxpayer of Amh. 1790), and Jersusha Ballard, November 28, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
116 - Benjamin, Capt., and Jerusha Ballard, between May 2, 1791 and May 14, 1792. [VR1]
12 - Benjamin, Capt., and Jerusha Ballard, Nov. 28, 1791, at Amh. [GenRec]
20 - Edward, "Elder", of Colrain, clergyman?, and Lucina Andrews (2nd w.), March 2, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
92 - Edward, Rev., of Colerain, and Lucinda Andrews, Mar. 2, 1824. [VR2]
5 - Edward, Rev., of Colrain, and Betsy Adams, d. John & Betsey (Ward), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
2 - Edward, Rev., of Colraine, and Betsey Adams, d. John & Betsy (Ward), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
6 - Edward, Rev., of Colraine, and Lucina Andrews, Mar. 2, 1824, at Amh. [ B-14] [GenRec]
176, 189 - Israel, and Joanna Cushman, of Amh., d. Ephraim & Mary (Hackett), July 11, 1805, at Amh., removed to McDonough, NY. [JAS]
50 - Israel, of Dorchester, and Joanna Cushman, d. Ephraim & Mary (Hackett), July 25, 1805, at Amh., went to McDonough, NY. [GenRec]
617 - _____, of Oshkosh, WI, and Eliza Ann Roberts, d. Orrin & Esther (Ingram), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
190 - Alvah S., s. Jonathan & Ruth K., and Charlotte W. Warriner (2nd w.), of Springfield, on or after December 4, 1847. [JAS]
190 - Alvah S., s. Jonathan & Ruth K., and Sophia D. (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
55 - Arman W., of Havre de Grace, MD, and Aurelia B. Hinsdale, of Amh., Oct. 21, 1847. [VR4]
383 - Armon W., merchant, of Havre de Grace, Maryland, and Aurelia Bissell Hinsdale, d. Levi & Harriett (Moseley), October 21, 1847, at Amh. [JAS]
190, 736 - George H., s. Samuel, and Fidelia Towne, d. Ichabod & Lydia (Whipple), December 13, 1835, at Vernon, VT. [JAS]
6, 190 - Joseph [Dup.; not a resident of Amh.], and Mary Adams, d. Asa & Clarissa (Eastman), ___ __,____. [JAS]
2 - Joseph, of Hubbardston, and Mary Adams, d. Asa & Clarissa (Eastman), ___ __, ____, removed to Cazenovia, NY, 1827. [GenRec]
767 - Maria S. (1st w.), d. Samuel, and Edward Chappell Weeks, s. Henry & Sarah (Starks), May 20, 1840, at Amh. [JAS]
7, 8 - Mary (1st w.), and Joseph Adams, s. Asa & Grace (Ward) (2nd w.), ___ __,____. [JAS]
2 - Mary (1st w.), d. Benj[amin], of Shutesbury, and Joseph Adams Gilbert, s. Lewis & Naomi (Adams), Feb. 15, 1817. [Gen 534] [GenRec]
188 - Mary (2nd w.), of Chesterfield, d. William & Margaret (Stetson), and Benjamin Roson Darling, s. Benjamin & Celina (Cook) (Clark), January 28, 1840, at Chesterfield. [JAS]
770 - Sabin, of Springfield, and Nancy Ingram Wheelock, of Amh., d. John & Minerva (Cushman), November 24, 1842, at North Amh. [JAS]
111 - Sabin, of Springfield, and Nancy J. Wheelock, of Amh., Nov. 24, 1842. [VR2]
190 - Samuel, and Harriet, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
747 - Polly [aka Mary], d. Phinehas & Martha (Gary), and John Ward, s. John & Bethiah (Fuller), February 14, 1807, perhaps at Pelham. [JAS]
39 - _____, Mr., and Eunice Cowles, d. Eleazar & Hannah (Dickinson), ___ __, ____, went to Chateaugay, NY. [GenRec]
476 - Almira, of Northampton, and Williams W. Leonard, s. Noadiah & Polly (Williams), soon after May 29, 1829, had children born in Ashfield. [JAS]
497 - Joseph Day, of West Springfield, and Elizabeth Mattoon, d. Eleazer & Elizabeth (Boltwood), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
217 - Lucy, of Williamsburg, and Zimri Dickinson, s. Ebenezer & Chloe (Holton), July 1, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
805 - Mary, of Granby, and Isaiah Winslow, of Conway, March 31, 1848, at South Ch. [JAS]
157 - Nathaniel, and Eunice Cowls, d. Eleazer & Hannah (Dickinson), ____ __, ____, removed to Chateauguay, NY. [JAS]
18 - Orpha, d. Samuel & Martha (Stebbins), and Aaron Alvord, s. Noah, January 15, 1761, at Springfield. [JAS]
743 - Sarah, d. Ezra & Hannah (Kendall), of South Hadley, and Abiathar Vinton, s. Abiathar & Rachel (Caswell), December 22, 1791. [JAS]
191 - Charles, and _____, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
197 - H. , and Clarissa Scott, ___ __, ____. [VR1]
191, 401 - John [aka John Dane], resident of Shutesbury 1827 through October 1830, and Susannah Hubbard, d. Elijah & Abi (Lewis), May 31, 1827, at Vernon, VT. [JAS]
131, 132 - Mary Elizabeth, of Attleboro, d. Leprelett & Harriet Eddy (Whittaker), and Willard Kellogg, s. Willard Mayo & Elvira Minerva (Marsh), Apr. 2, 1867. [KG II-1298] [VR2]
191, 641 - Sprowell, and Clarissa Scott, d. Israel & Hannah (Cowles) (2nd w), May 10, 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
88 - Sprowell, and Clarissa Scott, May 10, 1818. [VR2]
3, 56 - Abigail (Billings) (2nd w.), [Dup.; d. Joel & Mary (Field) (1st w.)], and William Abercrombie (2nd h.), of Amh., s. Rev. Robert & Margaret (Stevenson), soon after September 27, 1812. [JAS]
3, 56, 191 - Alanson (1st h.) [2nd Dup., of Amh.], and Abigail Billings [Dup., of Amh.], [1st Dup.; d. Joel & Mary (Field) (1st w.)], ___ __, ____. [2nd Dup; December 7, 1807, at Amh.]. [JAS]
18 - Alanson, and Abigail Goodale, d. Isaac & Wid. Prudence (Billings), Dec. 7, 1807, at Amh. [GenRec]
679 - Philothea, and Elias Smith, s. Alexander & Rebekah (Warner), January 1, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
111 - Philothea, of Pelham (not in Record), and Elias Smith, Jan. 1, 1788. [VR1]
680 - Sabra, d. John & Sibbell (Kilborn), of Rockingham, VT, and Samuel Smith, s. Alexander & Rebekah (Warner), February 10, 1782, at Rockingham, VT. [JAS]
647 - John W., and _____ Shepard, d. Charles Upham & Harriet (Taylor), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
84 - Ansel C., and Julia Bowman, d. William & Tirzah (Hubbard), January __, 1829. [JAS]
51 - Betsy, and Elisha Pomeroy Cutler, s. Dr. Robert & Wid. Esther (Pomeroy) Gurnsey (1st w.), July __, 1811, had 1 child. [GenRec]
179 - Betsy, and Elisha Pomeroy Cutler, s. Robert & Esther (Pomeroy) (Gurnsey), July __, 1811. [JAS]
191A, 224 - Charles, s. Gideon & Betsey (Brimhall) (2nd w.), and Sarah B. Gridley, d. Timothy Jones & Elizabeth (Laurence) (Olmstead) (2nd w.), of Amh., September 12, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
111 - Eliza P., and Martin Stoddard, both of Providence, RI, June 30. 1841. [VR2]
200 - Eliza P., of Amh., and Martin Stoddard, of Providence, May 5, 1842, at Amh. [VR1]
51 - Eliza P., of Providence, RI, and Gen. Martin Stoddard, of Providence, RI, June 30, 1841. [VR4]
191 - Eliza Parkman, d. Gideon & Nancy (Howe) (1st w.), and Martin Stoddard, of Providence, RI, June 30, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
191 - Gideon, and Betsey Brimhall (2nd w.), December 15, 1808, at New Braintree. [JAS]
191 - Gideon, and Nancy Howe (1st w.), September 18, 1794, at New Braintree. [JAS]
191A - Jane, d. Gideon & Nancy (Howe) (1st w.), and James H. Moor,___ __, ____. [JAS]
196 - Ruth, and John F. Rowley, of So. Hadley, Aug. 28, 1838. [VR1]
192 - Ruth, of Amh., and John F. Rowley, of South Hadley, August 28, 1838, at Amh. [JAS]
105 - Livonia, of Greenfield, and William Chambers, bricklayer at Greenfield, removed to Amh. January 1825, , May 25, 1825, at Greenfield. [JAS]
192 - Lewis, laborer, at Amh. 1850, and _____, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
335 - _____, and Betsey Guild, d. Israel & Rhoda (Graves), ___ __, ____, no children. [JAS]
192 - Anne, d. Solomon & Christania (Cone), and Ambrose Collins, February 8, 1798, at Bolton, CT. [JAS]
192 - Christiana, d. Solomon & Christania (Cone), and Levi Carpenter, January 9, 1794, at Bolton, CT. [JAS]
82 - Clarissa, d. John & Mary, and Gaius Booth, of East Windsor, CT, s. Caleb & Anne (Bartlett), December 1, 1806, at Suffield, CT. [JAS]
193 - Erastus, s. Solomon & Christania (Cone), and Caroline Carver, d. Joseph, October 17, 1798, at Bolton, CT. [JAS]
803 - Hannah, and Cyrus Blodgett, of Brimfield, April 18, 1822. [JAS]
194 - Harriet, d. Solomon & Orpha (Bagg) (1st w.), and William McCarty, of New York, NY, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
208 - Maria P., and Jonathan Thayer, ___ __, ____, 2 ch., 1840-1843. [VR1]
194, 727 - Mariah Pardee, d. Salmon Cone & Sarah (Thayer) (1st w.), and Jonathan Thayer, May 29, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
40, 194 - Mary Thayer (2nd w.), of Amh., d. Salmon Cone & Sarah (Thayer) (1st w.), and Addison A. Barber, s. Ira, June 19, 1843, at Amh. [JAS]
115 - Mary, of Amh., and Addison Barber, June 19, 1843. [VR2]
193, 753 - Octavia, d. Solomon & Christania (Cone), and Phineas Warner, s. David & Lucy (Unknown) (Orchard), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
193 - Philinda, d. Solomon & Christania (Cone), and _____ Collins, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
105 - Ruth, of Amh., and John F. Rowling, of So. Hadley, Aug. 28, 1838. [VR2]
193 - Ruth, of Amh., d. Solomon & Christania (Cone), and John F. Rowling, of South Hadley, August 28, 1838, at Amh. [JAS]
194, 547 - Salmon Cone (2nd h.), s. Solomon & Christania (Cone), and Persis (Norton) Nelson (2nd w.), wid. William Nelson (1st h.), June 23, 1845, at Halifax, VT. [JAS]
194 - Salmon Cone, s. Solomon & Christania (Cone), and Sarah Thayer (1st w.), of Deerfield, d. Zenas & Sarah, December 20, 1813, at Montague. [JAS]
195, 483 - Samuel Fowler, s. Salmon Cone & Sarah (Thayer) (1st w.), and Elizabeth Lyndes, d. Asahel & Rachel, October 30, 1838, at Hinsdale, NH. [JAS]
13 - Sarah O. 2nd w., d. Salmon & Sarah F., and Alvan Barnard, s. Elihu, of Deerfield, Apr. 8, 1849, at Amh. [GenRec]
41, 194 - Sarah Octavia, (2nd w.), d. Salmon Cone & Sarah (Thayer) (1st w.), and Alvan Barnard, s. Elihu & Martha, April 8, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
335 - Smith, and Mary Ann Guild, d. Israel & Rhoda (Graves), ___ __, ____, lived at Hinsdale, Michigan. [JAS]
192 - Solomon, probably s. Solomon & Anne (Downer), and Christania Cone, d. Jared & Christianna (Loomis), July 30, 1772, at Bolton, CT. [JAS]
194 - Solomon, s. Solomon & Christania (Cone), and Maria Pardee (2nd w. ), of East Haven, CT, d. Abijah, September 5, 1813, at East Haven, CT. [JAS]
194 - Solomon, s. Solomon & Christania (Cone), and Orpha Bagg (1st w.), d. Ebenezer & Orpha (Granger), August 7, 1800, at West Springfield. [JAS]
195, 604 - David, s. David & Mary (Pitkin), and Cynthia Rankin, d. John & Ann (Hunter) (1st w.), of Pelham, September 21, 1830, at Pelham. [JAS]
195 - David, s. Seth & Deborah (Haskell), and Mary Pitkin, of East Hartford, CT, December 22, 1796, at Windsor, CT. [JAS]
195 - Edward, s. David & Mary (Pitkin), and Mary Ann Parsons, of Ludlow, ___ __, ____, at Ludlow, went to East Windsor, CT. [JAS]
23 - Horace, and Eunice Church Boltwood, d. William, Jr., & (Irene) (2nd w.), in Stockbridge, NY, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
79, 196 - Horace, s. David & Mary (Pitkin), and Eunice Church Boltwood, of Amh., October 4, 1827. [JAS]
196 - Irene Boltwood, d. Horace & Eunice Church (Boltwood), and Hosmer G. Tryon, of Willoughby, NY, September 5, 1850. [JAS]
46 - James P., and Irene H. Clark, Sept. 6, 1823. [VR4]
35 - James P., s. David & Mary P, and Irene Clark, d. Asahel & Irene (Hubbard), Sept. 5, 1823, at Amh. [GenRec]
126 - James Pitkin, and Irene H. Clark, d. Asahel & Irene (Hubbard), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
196 - James Pitkin, s. David & Mary (Pitkin), and Irene H. Clark, of Amh., [William Boltwood and Judah Clark her guardians], September 5, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
195 - Lucretia (2nd w.), of Amh., d. David & Mary (Pitkin), and William Clark, of South Hadley, January 5, 1843, at Amh. [JAS]
37 - Lucretia, d. David & Mary, and William Clark, of South Hadley, Jan. 5, 1843, at Amh. [GenRec]
112 - Lucretia, of Amh., and William Clark, of South Hadley, Jan. 5, 1843. [VR2]
52 - Lucretia, of Amh., and William Clark, of South Hadley, Jan. 5, 1843. [VR4]
56 - Mary C., and James Miller, of Maunch Chunck, PA, Oct. 25, 1848. [VR4]
196 - Mary Clapp, d. James Pitkin & Irene H. (Clark), and James Miller, of Mauch Chunk, PA, October 25, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
195 - Mary, of Amh., d. David & Mary (Pitkin), and Ralph Clapp, of Bergen, NY, soon after May 5, 1828, at Amh. [JAS]
19 - Philothea, and Elias Smith, Jan. 1, 1788. [VR4]
15 - Mary, of Pelham, and James Blair, of Belchertown, Sept. 26, 1780. [Pelham VR-91] [VR4]
803 - Mary, of Pelham, and James Blair, September 26, 1780. [JAS]
10 - ____, and Eleazar Coles, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
19 - _____, and Thomas Larrabee, July 24, 1788. [VR4]
14 - Aaron, and Ruth [dup. Eleanor] Morton, June 8, 1780, at Hatfield. [VR4]
214 - Aaron, s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), and Eleanor Morton, of Hatfield, d. Jonathan, of Hatfield, June 8, 1780, at Hatfield. [JAS]
415 - Abigail (1st w.), and Samuel Ingram, s. John & Lydia (Boltwood), October 21, 1740, at Amh. [JAS]
160 - Abigail (1st w.), d. Eli & Lois (Horton), and Chester Cowls, s. Oliver & Irene (Dickinson), March 3, 1796, at Granby. [JAS]
38 - Abigail (1st w.), d. Eli or Levi, of Granby, and Chester Cowles, s. Oliver & Irene (Dickinson), Mar. 3, 1796, at Granby. [GenRec]
4 - Abigail, and Sam[ue]ll Ingram, Oct. 21, 1740. [VR4]
197, 769 - Abigail, d. John 2nd, and Jonathan Wells, s. Ebenezer & Mary (Waite), ___, __ ____. [JAS]
225, 704 - Abijah, s. Ebenezer & Ruth (Eastman), and Mary Stetson [aka Polly], d. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), October 26, 1806, at Amh. [JAS]
197 - Achsah, and James Scott, Dec. 17, 1797. [VR1]
26 - Achsah, and James Scott, Dec. 17, 1797. [VR4]
254 - Achsah, and James Scott, December 17, 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
34 - Achsah, and Jona[than] C. Warner, Jan. 20, 1807. [VR4]
210, 757 - Achsah, of Amh., d. Jonathan & Azubah (Coleman), and Jonathan C. Warner, s. Jonathan & Mary (Coleman), January 20, 1807, at Amh. [JAS]
228, 411 - Adolphus, s. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), and Lydia Hyde, of Amh., d. Andrew & Mary (Morton), October 16, 1817, at Amh. [JAS]
235 - Alithea Swan (2nd w.), d. Zebina & Mary (Watson, and Charles W. Carter, a cabinet maker of Springfield, October 17, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
16 - Amanda, and Amos Bigelow, Mar. 23, 1812, at Amh. [CR1-145] [GenRec]
40 - Amanda, and Amos Bigelow, Mar. 23, 1812. [VR4]
54, 223 - Amanda, d. William & Thirza (Warner), and Amos Bigelow, s. Amos & Anna (Brown), March 23, 1812, at Amh. [JAS]
248,606 - Amariah, s. David & Hannah (Dana), and Hannah Sawyer Reed, of Shutesbury, d. William & Anna (Reed), October 26, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
235 - Ame Stoughton, d. Walter & Lydia (Dickinson), and Avery D. Hubbard, of Sunderland, August 27, 1844, went to Sunderland. [JAS]
213, 452 - Amy Stoughton (Dickinson) (3rd w.), d. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), wid. Jonathan Dickinson (1st h.), and John Azor Kellogg (2nd h.), May 5, 1847, at Amh. [JAS]
213, 221, 242 - Amy Stoughton, d. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), and Jonathan Dickinson (1st h.), s. Noah & Susannah (Ward), September 19, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
87 - Amy, and Jonathan Dickinson, Sept. 19, 1816. [VR2]
292 - Anna, d. Nathan, and Elijah Smith of Hadley (see Hadley Genealogies, p. 40), ___ __, _____. [VR1]
205 - Anna, of Amh., d. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), and Oliver Smith, Jr., of Hadley, June 4, 1806. [JAS]
228, 351 - Asa (1st h.), s. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), and Sophia Hastings, of Amh., d. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), May 12, 1822, at Amh. [JAS]
91 - Asa, 2d, and Sophia Hastings, May 12, 1822. [VR2]
201 - Asa, and Louisa Sprout, ___ __, ____. [VR1]
103 - Asa, and Louisa Sprout, Jan. 26, 1841. [VR2]
228, 699 - Asa, s. Asa & Salome (Hastings), and Louisa Sprout, of Amh., d. Nathan & Lucinda (Dana), sister of Clarinda, January 20, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
206, 349 - Asa, s. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), and Salome [aka Sally] Hastings, d. Thomas & Hannah (Billings), June 9, 1805, at Amh. [JAS]
736 - Asenath (1st w.), of Ludlow, d. Erastus & Flavia (Root), and Samuel Tower, s. Isaac & Elizabeth (Wheeler), May 4, 1820. [JAS]
89 - Austin L., and Sarah E. Draper, Mar. 26, 1820. [VR2]
227, 258 - Austin Lyman, s. Elihu & Suzanna (Lewis), and Sarah Eastman Draper, of Amh., d. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), March 26, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
378 - Austin, Rev., and Laura W. Unknown, Feb. 15, 1791. [GR3]
233 - Austin, s. Azariah & Mary (Eastman), and Laura W. Camp, of New Preston, CT, June __, 1836, at New York, NY. [JAS]
212, 264 - Azariah [aka AD 2nd], s. Azariah & Eunice (Stoughton), and Mary Eastman, d. Joseph & Sarah (Ingram), December 22, 1785, at Amh. [JAS]
200, 708 - Azariah, s. Samuel 2nd & Hannah (Marsh) (1st w.), and Eunice Stoughton, d. John & Eunice (Bissell), September 16, 1747, at Windsor, CT. [JAS]
224, 450 - Azuah [Dup; Aruah], of Amh., d. William & Thirza (Warner), and Ira Kellogg, s. Jonathan & Mary (Holland), January 25, 1808. [JAS]
37, 206 - Azubah (1st w.), d. Enos & Lois (Dickinson) (Dickinson), and Enoch Bangs, s. Enoch & Hannah (Freeman), January 22, 1795, at Amh. [JAS]
12 - Azubah (1st w.), d. Enos & Lois, and Enoch Bangs, Jan. 22, 1795, at Amh. [CR-1-140] [GenRec]
118 - Azubah, and Enoch Bangs, Jan. 22, 1795. [VR1]
24 - Azubah, and Enoch Bangs, Jan. 22, 1795. [VR4]
225, 430 - Azubah, of Amh., d. Eli & Louisa (Mattoon), and Orren Johnson, s. Silas & Silinda (Bugbee) (2nd w.), May 14, 1829 at Amh. [JAS]
242, 716 - Azubah, of Amh., d. Silas & Eunice (Moody), and John Taylor, s. Moses & Letitia (Richardson) (1st w.), shortly after April 13, 1818. [JAS]
212 - Baxter, s. Azariah & Mary (Eastman), and Martha Bush, of Boylston, June 4, 1823, at Boylston. [JAS]
101 - Bela U., and Pamela Dickinson, Oct. 25, 1837. [VR2]
235, 236, 251 - Bela Uriah, s. Zebina & Mary (Watson), and Pamela Dickinson, of Amh., d. Chester & Susanna (Dickinson), October 25, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
212, 214, 233 - Betsey (1st w.), of Amh., d. Aaron & Eleanor (Morton), and Ransom Dickinson, s. Azariah & Mary (Eastman), November 17, 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
214 - Betsey, d. Simeon & Sally (McClain), and _____ Moody (1st h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
92, 230 - Beulah Montague (1st w.), d. David & Hannah (Dana), and Moses Melancthon Brown, s. Oliver, soon after November 7, 1832. [JAS]
239 - Caleb Dexter, s. Roswell & Rachel (Hunt), and Louisa W. Billings (2nd w.), of Fairhaven, VT, October 10, 1848. [JAS]
239, 629 - Caleb Dexter, s. Roswell & Rachel (Hunt), and Tryphena Russell (1st w.), of North Hadley, d. Daniel & Sally (Newton), January 4, 1830, probably at North Hadley. [JAS]
222 - Caroline Gunn, d. Ezekiel & Perley (Gunn), and Alfred Brainard, of Randolph, VT, February 21, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
24 - Caroline, d. Ezekiel & Perley (Gunn), of Montague, and Alfred Braynard, of Randolph, VT, Feb. 21, 1825, Heath. [Dickinson Gen. p. 174] [GenRec]
239 - Caroline, d. Rufus & Almira (Church), and Dexter Bartlett, of Sunderland, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
223, 715 - Catherine, d. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), and Joseph Artenatus Sweetser, s. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
251 - Charles, s. Salmon Morton & Lucretia (Smith), and Lydia Ann White, of Amh., d. William & Lucy (Woodward), sister of Sarah White (w. Oliver Watson), January 23, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
246, 781 - Charles (1st h.), s. Eli & Lovisa (Mattoon), and Sarah Wiley, of Amh., d. Samuel & Sally (Lombard), June 8, 1848, at Boston, no children. [JAS]
447 - Charles Henry, and Martha Crocker Kellogg, d. Martin & Hannah (Hastings), ___ __ 1846. [JAS]
54 - Charles Henry, of Northampton, and Martha Crocker Kellogg, of Hadley, Sept. 2, 1846. [Kellogg I - 675] [VR4]
240 - Charles Holton, s. Roswell & Rachel (Hunt), and Jantha Maria Brainard, of Hartford, CT, September 25, 1838, at Hartford, CT. [JAS]
20 - Chester and Susanna Dickinson, d. Nathaniel Jr., & Sarah (Marsh), ____ __, ____. [VR1]
31 - Chester, and Susan Dickinson, May 29, 1803. [VR4]
213, 235, 236 - Chester, s. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), and Susanna Dickinson, d. Nathaniel & Sarah (Marsh) (1st w.), May 29, 1803, at Amh. [JAS]
248 - Chester, s. Salmon & Nancy (Thayer), and Pamelia S. Pierce, d. Charles & Harriet (Pito), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
203, 220, 240 - Chloe (1st w.), d. Ebenezer & Chloe (Holton), and Simeon Dickinson, s. Simeon & Martha (Graves), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
241, 591 - Chloe (2nd w.), of Amh., d. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), and Simeon Pomeroy, s. Simeon & Mary (Hastings) (1st w.), April 23, 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
86 - Chloe, and Moses Cowls, Nov. 16, ____. [VR2]
88 - Chloe, and Simeon Pomeroy, Apr. 23, 1818. [VR2]
190 - Chloe, and Simeon Pompey, ___ __, 1818, ch.1819-1828. [VR1]
165, 218 - Chloe, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), and Moses Cowles, s. Simeon Cowls & Sarah (Dickinson), November 10, 1814, at Amh. [JAS]
39 - Chloe, d. Ebenezer & Abigail, of Amh., and Moses Cowles, s. Simeon & Sarah (Dickinson) (1st w.), Nov. 10, 1814. [GenRec]
270 - Cloe, d. Dr. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), and Moses Cowles, ___ __, 1814. [VR3]
233 - Cordelia, d. Ransom & Betsey (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Rev. Hemenway J. Gaylord, before January 1829, moved to Sunderland, 1840. [JAS]
233 - Daniel, s. Azariah & Mary (Eastman), and Louisa Adams (1st w.), of Newfane, VT, February 17, 1819. [JAS]
234 - Daniel, s. Azariah & Mary (Eastman), and Tammy Eastman (2nd w.), of Granby, d. William & _____ (Read), of Hadley, June 25, 1829, probably at Granby. [JAS]
199 - Daniel, s. Nehemiah & Mehitable, and Rachel Goodman, d. Thomas & Grace (Marsh), ca June 14, 1750. [JAS]
85 - David, and Hannah Dana, Nov. 29, 1810. [VR2]
6 - David, and Hannah Smith, Jan. 18, 1753. [VR4]
28 - David, and Mary Warner, Mar. 6, 1800. [VR4]
56 - David, of Greenfield, and Mary Elizabeth Adams, of Amh., Nov. 28, 1848. [VR4]
226, 751 - David, s. Enos & Lois (Dickinson, and Mary Field Warner [aka Mary Ann Field Warner], d. Moses & Sarah (Sellon), March 6, 1800, at Amh. [JAS]
17 - David, s. Enos, and Mary Field Warner, d. Moses & Sarah, ___ __, ____. [VR1]
17 - David, s. Enos, and Mary Field Warner, d. Moses & Sarah,___ __, ____. [VR1]
202, 654 - David, s. Israel & Ruth (Smith), and Hannah Smith, d. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), soon after January 1753, at Amh., no children. [JAS]
185,210, 230 - David, s. Waitstill & Lucretia (Montague), and Hannah Dana, of Amh., d. Amariah & Ruth (Williams) (2nd w.), November 29, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
50 - Deborah R., of Amh., and Samuel Harris, of East Machias, Maine, Apr. 30, 1839. [VR4]
236 - Deborah Robbins, of Amh., d. John & Rebecca Ellis (1st w.), and Rev. Samuel Harris, of East Machias, ME, April 30, 1829, at Amh., went to Conway and other places. [JAS]
91 - Deborah, and Henry Taylor, of Montague, Oct. 16, 1822. [VR2]
224 - Deborah, of Amh., d. William & Thirza (Warner), and Henry Taylor, of Montague, October 16, 1822, at Amh. [JAS]
253 - Dexter [aka DD Jr.], s. Dexter & Nancy (Smith) (1st w.), farmer at Amh. 1844 through 1850, and Julia B., ___ __, ____. [JAS]
253 - Dexter, and Cyrene H. (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
89 - Dexter, of Boston, and Nancy Smith, Apr. 2, 1820. [VR2]
253, 662 - Dexter, trader in Boston 1820 through 1834, resident of Townsend (a trader) in 1850, and Nancy Smith (1st w.), of Amh., d. Noadiah & Sarah (Lee), April 2, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
198, 200, 204 - Dorothy (2nd w.), d. Jonathan & Dorothy (Stoughton), and Joseph Dickinson, s. Ebenezer & Sarah Kellogg (1st w.), April 10, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
219, 320 - Dorothy (2nd w.), of Amh., d. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), and Marcus L. Goodell, s. Moses Goodale & Susannah (Pettengill) (1st w.), November 9, 1837. [JAS]
111 - Dorothy, and Joseph Dickinson, Apr. 10, 1788. [VR1]
19 - Dorothy, and Joseph Dickinson, Apr. 20, 1788. [VR4]
101 - Dorothy, and Marcus Goodale, of Belchertown, Nov. 9, 1837. [VR2]
254 - Dwight B., and Maria, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
14 - Easther, d. Nathan, and Medad Dickinson, ___ __, ____. [VR1]
245 - Ebenezer Porter, s. Abijah & Mary (Stetson), and Caroline Elizabeth Brown, of Belchertown, d. Robert & Eliza (Rainger), October 5, 1842, at Belchertown. [JAS]
9 - Ebenezer, and Ruth Eastman, Oct. 30, 1765. [VR4]
270 - Ebenezer, Dr., s. Dea. Ebenezer & Cloe (Horton), and Abigail Belton, of Amh., d. Hezekiah & Abigail, Nov. 17, 1782. [VR3]
8 - Ebenezer, of E. Hadley, and Chloe Holton, May 4, 1757, at Northfield [Hubbards Chh. Rec. P. 71] [Judd Hatfield Book P. 123] [VR4]
15 - Ebenezer, s. Dr. Ebenezer & Chloe, of Belchertown, and Abigail Belden, d. Hezekiah & Abigail (Nash) (2nd w.), Nov. 17, 1782. [GenRec]
49, 203, 218 - Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer & Chloe (Holton), and Abigail Belding (aka Belden), d. Hezekiah & Abigail (Nash), November 17, 1782, at Amh. [JAS]
224 - Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer & Ruth (Eastman), and Abigail Barrows, soon after June 1798. [JAS]
13 - Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer & Ruth, and Abigail Barrows, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
202 - Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), and Chloe Holton, d. John & Mehitable (Alexander), May 4, 1757, at Northfield. [JAS]
205, 264 - Ebenezer, s. Nathan & Thankful (Warner) (1st w.), and Ruth Eastman, d. Joseph & Sarah (Ingram), October 30, 1765, at Amh. [JAS]
197 - Ebenezer, s. Nehemiah & Mary (Cowles), and Sarah (Hamilton) (2nd w.), wid. _____ Hamilton of Brookfield, ___, __ ____. [JAS]
197, 437 - Ebenezer, s. Nehemiah & Mary (Cowles), and Sarah Kellogg (1st w.), d. Nathaniel & Sarah (Boltwood), May 26, 1720. [JAS]
49 - Edw[ar]d W., of Amh., and Esther A. Billings, of Amh., Aug. 23, 1838. [VR4]
105 - Edward W., and Esther A. Billings, both of Amh., Aug. 28, 1838. [VR2]
243 - Edward, s. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), and Emily Norcross, of Monson, d. Joel & Betsy (Norcross), May 6, 1828, at Monson. [JAS]
253, 492 - Edwin Elbridge, s. Eli & Roxana (Thayer), and Mary Eliza Marsh, d. Nathaniel & Hannah (Nash), November 25, 1847, at South Amh. [JAS]
43 - Edwin H., s. Charles R. & Adelia (Harris), and Nellie Graves Cowles, d. Jonathan, Jr., & Sarah M. (Dickinson), Mar. 18, 1892, at Amh. [GenRec]
16 - Edwin, and Paulina R. Bent, d. Rev. Josiah, Aug. 14, 1849, at So. Hadley. [GenRec]
57 - Edwin, of South Hadley, and Paulina R. Bent, of Amh., Aug. 14, 1849. [VR4]
52 - Edwin, of South Hadley, and Paulina Rice Bent, d. Josiah & Paulina (Rice), August 14, 1849, at South Hadley. [JAS]
233 - Eleanor Morton, d. Ransom & Betsey (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Rev. Stillman Pratt, before July 1829, moved to Orleans, 1836. [JAS]
215 - Eleanor Morton, of Amh., d. Medad & Esther (Dickinson) (3rd w.), and Rev. Stillman Pratt, of Orleans, May 7, 1835, at Amh. [JAS]
41 - Electa, and Horrace Eaton, Oct. 31, 1815. [VR4]
94 - Electa, and Lyman Smith, May 25, 1825. [VR2]
102 - Electa, and Moses B. Dickinson, July 22, 1840. [VR2]
218, 674 - Electa, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), and Lyman Smith, s. Jonathan & Ruth (Jordan), May 2, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
226, 231, 249 - Electa, d. Lucius & Betsey (Shumway), and Moses Billings Dickinson, s. Oliver & Elizabeth (Billings) (1st w.), July 22, 1840, at Amh. [JAS]
222 - Electa, of Amh., d. Peres & Ruth (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Horace Gates, of Belchertown, October 31, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
270 - Electra, d. Dr. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), and Lyman Smith, ___ __. 1824. [VR3]
246, 723 - Eli [aka ED Jr.], s. Eli & Lovisa (Mattoon), and Roxana Thayer, of Belchertown, d. Hezekiah & Sarah (Howard), soon after January 15, 1826, probably at Belchertown. [JAS]
225, 498 - Eli, s. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), and Louisa Mattoon, d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Alvord) (2nd w.), November 12, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
229, 583 - Elihu Eastman (1st h.), s. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), and Susan D. Pettengill, of Belchertown, d. Paul & Hannah (Sawyer), April 2, 1835, at Amh. [JAS]
115 - Elihu, and Susanna Lewis, between May 27, 1791 and Apr. 27, 1792. [VR1]
206, 477 - Elihu, s. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), and Susanna Lewis, d. Noadiah & Irene (Clapp), September 28, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
247 - Elijah Eastman, s. Adolphus & Lydia (Hyde), and Mary S. Goodman, of South Hadley, d. Luther & Lucretia, August 24, 1841, at South Hadley. [JAS]
92 - Elijah, and Sarah Field Belding, Oct. 23, 1823. [VR2]
14 - Elijah, Col., and Jerusha Smith, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
50, 238 - Elijah, s. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), and Sarah Field Belding, d. Elihu & Sarah (Clapp), October 23, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
15 - Elijah, s. Elisha & Martha, and Sarah Field Belden, d. Elihu & Sarah (Clapp), Oct. 23, 1823, at Amh. [B-14] [GenRec]
215, 659 - Elijah, s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), and Jerusha Smith, d. Jonathan & Rebekah (Smith), June 13, 1780, at Amh. [JAS]
238 - Elisha [aka ED Jr.], s. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), and Lois Marsh, of Amh., perhaps previously of Hadley, d. Timothy & Mercy (Smith), February 1, 1807, at Amh. [JAS]
34 - Elisha, and Lois Marsh, Feb. __, 1807. [VR4]
217, 220 - Elisha, s. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), and Martha Dickinson, d. Simeon & Martha (Graves), ___ __,____. [JAS]
85, 236 - Eliza Otis Turner, d. John & Rebecca (Ellis), and James Woodbury Boyden, s. Dr. Wyatt C. & Elizabeth (Woodbury), May 18, 1847, at Amh. [JAS]
56 - Eliza, of Amh., and Frederick Reynolds, of Hadley, Dec. 28, 1848, at S. Deerfield. [VR4]
237 - Eliza, of Amh., d. Salmon Morton & Lucretia (Smith), and Frederick Reynolds, farmer at Hadley, December 28, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
231,371 - Elizabeth Billings (1st w.), d. Oliver & Elizabeth (Billings) (1st w.), and Charles Franklin Hayward, s. Amasa & Betsy (Johnson), May 29, 1844, at South Amh. [JAS]
91 - Elizabeth, and Rectus Chapin, of South Hadley, Oct. 10, 1822. [VR2]
15 - Elizabeth, d. Hezekiah, of Spfd., and Samuel Belden, ___ __, 1717, 8 ch. [Hadley Gen. P. 11] [GenRec]
223 - Elizabeth, d. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), and _____ Currier, of Worcester, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
106 - Elizabeth, of Amh., d. Sylvanus & Deborah (Parker),and Rectus Chapin, of South Hadley, s. Zenas & Eleanor (Rumrill) Chapin, blacksmith, October 10, 1822, at Amh., residents of Amh. 1835 through 1837, removed to Stanford, VT. [JAS]
551 - Emila [aka Emily & Emili], of Conway, d. Noah & Tabitha (Newhall), and Seth Nims, s. Israel & Bethiah (Ba___), November 26, 1823, at Conway. [JAS]
18 - Emily L., d. Elijah & Mary (Goodman), and Henry Clay Billings, s. Warren & Kezi, Jan. 9, 1867, at, Amh. [GenRec]
219 - Emily, d. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), and William M. Graves, of South Hadley, soon after May 6, 1843, at Northampton. [JAS]
11 - Enos, and Lois Dickinson, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
37 - Enos, and Lois Dickinson, Apr. 27, 1809 (("Enos & Lois Dickinson") "this is the way it read.") [VR4]
226, 542 - Enos, s. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), and Joanna Nash (1st w.), of Hadley, d. Josiah & Eunice (Knight), of Hadley, January 27, 1814, at Hadley. [JAS]
42 - Enos, 2d, and Thankful Cowle, Jan. 7, 1819. [VR4]
159, 226 - Enos, s. Enos & Lois (Dickinson, and Thankful Warner Cowls, s. Oliver & Lois (Clark) (1st w.), January 7, 1819, at Amh. [JAS]
39 - Enos, s. Enos & Lois, of Amh., and Thankful Warner Cowles, d. Oliver & Lois (Clark) (1st w.), Jan. 7, 1819, at Amh. [GenRec]
206, 210, 232 - Enos, s. Jonathan & Azubah(Coleman), and Lois Dickinson, d. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), April 27, 1809, at Amh. [JAS]
198, 201, 205 - Enos, s. Nathan & Thankful (Warner) (1st w.), and Lois Dickinson, d. Moses & Thankful (Smith), February 20, 1772, at Amh. [JAS]
58, 209 - Esther (1st w.), d. Israel & Sarah (Boltwood) (1st w.), and Chester Billings, s. Aaron & Lucy (Rich) (1st w.), January 25, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
17 - Esther (1st w.), d. Israel & Sarah, and Chester Billings, s. Aaron & Eliza (Lucy) Rice (1st w.), Jan. 25, 1810, at Amh. [GenRec]
201, 205, 214 - Esther (3rd w.), d. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), and Medad Dickinson, s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
38 - Esther, and Chester Billings, Jan. 25, 1810. [VR4]
760 - Esther, and Oliver Warren, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
199 - Esther, d. Nathaniel & Hannah, and John Dickinson, s. Nehemiah & Mehitable, November 12, 1741. [JAS]
197, 199 - Esther, d. Nathaniel 3rd & Hannah, and John Dickinson, s. Nehemiah 2nd, Nov. 12, 1741. [JAS]
23, 203 - Esther, d. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), and Amos Ayres, s. Samuel & Martha (Bell), May 17, 1781, at Hatfield. [JAS]
516 - Eunice (1st w.), and Silas Moody, s. Asahel & Beulah (Graves), June 11, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
220, 273 - Eunice (2nd w.), d. Simeon & Martha (Graves), and Nathaniel Edwards, s. Jonathan & Rebecca (Smith),March 13, 1800, at Amh. [JAS]
265 - Eunice, and Joseph Eastman, s. Joseph & Sarah (Ingram), February 6, 1771, at Amh. [JAS]
113 - Eunice, and Silas Moody, June 11, 1789. [VR1]
20 - Eunice, and Silas Moody, June 11, 1789. [VR4]
200 - Eunice, d. Azariah & Eunice (Stoughton), and Joseph Eastman, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
203 - Eunice, d. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), and Silas Moody, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
745 - Experience, d. Aaron, and Luther Wait, s. Elihu & Rebecca (Graves) Waite, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
222 - Ezekiel, s. Nathan & Esther (Fowler), and Perley Gunn, of Montague, January 19, 1797, at Montague. [JAS]
90 - Fanny Dickinson, and Leonard Scott, of Whately, Mar. 5, 1821. [VR2]
90 - Fanny, and Leonard Scott of Whately Mar. 5, 1821. [VR2]
206 - Fanny, d. Elihu & Susanna (Lewis), and Leonard Scott, of Whately, March 5, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
216, 733 - Fanny, d. Elijah & Jerusha (Smith), and Artemas Thompson (1st h.), resided at Amh. 1825 and had buildings and a farm, in 1826 he was moderator of West Middle School District at Amh., Gentleman at Amh. June 1828 when he sold an interest in land in Wilmington, CT, 1830 he had a house and a lot, January 18, 1823. [JAS]
210 - Fanny, d. Joel & Eunice (Houghton), and Festus Stebbins, June 2, 1799, at Windsor, VT. [JAS]
222, 388 - Fanny, d. Peres & Ruth (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Senaca Holland, s. Jonas & Susanna (Willard), November 30, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
87 - Fidelia, d. Elihu5 & Susanna (Lewis), and James Kellogg, June 2, 1817. [VR2]
30 - Fowler, Esq., and Lucretia Green, Mar. 21, 1802. [VR4]
43 - Frances (2nd w.), d. C. D. & Tryphena (Russell), and Enoch Dwight Cowles, s. Enoch & Julia D. (Brigham), June 7, 1871, at Amh. [GenRec]
225, 358 - Franklin, s. Abijah & Mary (Stetson), and Nancy Hawes, of Belchertown, d. Herman & Ruth (Peso) (1st w.), ___ __, ____, at Belchertown. [JAS]
250 - Frederick Ely, s. Walter & Lydia (Dickinson), and Elvira Brown [aka Elmira], of Amh., August 15, 1833, at Pelham. [JAS]
223 - Frederick, s. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), and Mary L. Richardson, of Billerica, February 17, 1846. [JAS]
95 - Friend, of Cumberland, RI, and Betsey Packard, May 28, 1827. [VR2]
227 - Friend, s. Asa & Salome (Hastings), and Betsy Hayes (2nd w.), d. Mrs. Martha Hayes Humphrey, October 3, 1833, at Granby, CT. [JAS]
227, 559 - Friend, s. Asa & Salome (Hastings), and Betsy Packard (1st w.), of Amh., d. Jacob & Zebiah, May 28, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
242, 299 - Gad, s. Simeon & Martha (Graves), and Mary Franklin, d. Henry Johnson & Mary (Williams), July 11, 1793, at Amh. [JAS]
202, 710 - Gideon (1st h.), s. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), and Hannah Edwards, d. Nathaniel Edwards & Hannah (French), of Northampton, sister of Jonathan Edwards, August 19, 1745, at Amh. [JAS]
9 - Gideon, and Abigail Field, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
5 - Gideon, and Hannah Edwards, Aug. 19, 1745. [VR4]
38 - Gideon, and Lydia Dickinson, Mar. 18, 1810 (("Gideon & Lydia Dickinson") "Written this way.") [Hadley Hist. 45 No. 82] [VR4]
216, 285 - Gideon, s. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), and Abigail Field (1st w.), d. John & Abigail (Boltwood), ca 1770, at Amh., divorced? [JAS]
216, 220 - Gideon, s. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), and Lydia Dickinson (2nd w.), of Amh., d. Simeon & Martha (Graves), March 18, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
536 - Hannah (1st w.), and Abner Nash, s. Jonathan & Mary (Hawley), ___ __, 1786. [JAS]
212, 479 - Hannah (1st w.), of Amh., d. Azariah & Mary (Eastman), and Austin Loomis, s. Thomas & Eunice (Mann), February 2, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
210, 542 - Hannah (1st w.), of Amh., d. Waitstill & Lucretia (Montague), and Oliver Nash, s. Josiah & Eunice (Knight), November 22, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
202, 710 - Hannah (Edwards), wid. Gideon (1st h.), d. Nathaniel Edwards & Hannah (French), and Nehemiah Strong (2nd h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
89 - Hannah Dickinson, and Austin Loomis, of Bolton, CT, Feb. 2, 1820. [VR2]
223, 244 - Hannah Montague, of Amh., d. Ezekiel & Perley (Gunn), and Timothy Dickinson, s. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), January 10, 1838. at Amh. [JAS]
10 - Hannah, and Aaron Warner, by 1769. [VR4]
663 - Hannah, and Chileab Smith, s. Peter & Amy (Bissell), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
118 - Hannah, and Jonathan Smith, Nov. 6, 1795. [VR1]
24 - Hannah, and Jona[than] Smith, of Whately, Nov. 6, 1794. [VR4]
89 - Hannah, and Joseph Weatherhead, of Springfield, Mar. 2, 1820. [VR2]
39 - Hannah, and Oliver Nash, Nov. 22, 1810. [VR4]
157, 200 - Hannah, d. Azariah & Eunice (Stoughton), and Eleazer Cowls, s. Jonathan & Sarah (Gaylord), December 5, 1771, at Amh. [JAS]
38 - Hannah, d. Azariah, and Eleazar Cowles, s. Jonathan, Jr., & Sarah (Gaylord), Dec. 5, 1771, at Amh. [GenRec]
202, 751 - Hannah, d. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), and Aaron Warner (1st h.), s. Aaron & Ruth (Selden), ca 1769, at Amh. [JAS]
197, 531 - Hannah, d. John 2nd [Dup.: d. John & Sarah], and William Murray, ___, __ ____. [JAS]
215 - Hannah, d. Medad & Olive (Dickinson) (2nd w.), and Lorenzo Smith, of Hadley, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
119 - Hannah, d. Nehemiah & Mary (Cowles), and Isaac Hubbard (1st h.), ca 1700. [JAS]
196 - Hannah, d. Nehemiah, and Isaac Hubbard (1st h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
84 - Hannah, of Amh., and Timothy Dickinson, of Macon, GA, Jan. 10, 1838. [VR2]
49 - Hannah, of Amh., and Timothy Dickinson, of Macon, Georgia, Jan. 10, 1838. [VR4]
241 - Hannah, of Amh., d. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), and Joseph Weatherhead, of Springfield, March 2, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
84 - Heneretta, of Amh., and W[illia]m W. Bacon, of King, Upper Canada, Sept. 26, 1837. [VR2]
9 - Henrietta, d. Otis & Melinda (Bancroft), and William Wallbridge Bacon, from King, Upper Canada, Sept. 26, 1837, at Amh. [Gen. P. 39] [GenRec]
48 - Henrietta, of Amh., and William W. Bacon, of King, Upper Canada, Sept. 26, 1837. [VR4]
254 - Henrietta, of Amh., d. Otis & Melinda (Bancroft), and William Walbridge Bacon, of King, Upper Canada, September 26, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
722 - Henry B., and Esther Mann Thayer, d. Reuben & Betsy (Howard) (Wales) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____, moved to Worcester. [JAS]
270 - Hezekiah, s. Dr. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), and Electra Marshall, ___ __, 1832. [VR3]
239, 484 - Hezekiah, s. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), and Electa Marshall, of Amh., d. Chester Eastman & Orinda (Cowles), November 22, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
91 - Horace, and Sophia Stetson, Sept. 11, 1822. [VR2]
227, 702 - Horace, s. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), and Sophia Stetson, of Amh., d. Jacob & Rizpah (Bisbee), September 11, 1822, at Amh. [JAS]
219 - Ira, s. Joseph & Dorothy (Dickinson) (2nd w.), and Dolly W. Fairbanks, of Amh., formerly of Medford, December 12, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
27 - Irene, and Luke Montague, Nov. 15, 1798. [VR4]
205, 509 - Irene, d. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), and Luke Montague, s. Richard & Lucy (Cooley), February 15, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
155, 198 - Irene, d. Nathan & Thankful (Warner), and Oliver Cowls, s. Jonathan & Sarah (Gaylord), October 27, 1762, at Amh. [JAS]
38 - Irene, d. Nathan, and Oliver Cowles, s. Jonathan, Jr., & Sarah (Gaylord), Oct. 27, 1762. [GenRec]
18 - Israel, and Abigail Lyon, Mar. 16, 1786. [VR4]
22 - Israel, and Sarah Boltwood, d. Lt. William & Mary (Sheldon), ___ __, ____. [Hadley Gen. P. 14 No. 6] [GenRec]
209 - Israel, s. John & Ester (Dickinson), and Abigail Lyon (2nd w.), March 16, 1786, at Amh. [JAS]
77, 209 - Israel, s. John & Ester (Dickinson), and Sarah Boltwood, d. William & Mary (Sheldon), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
8 - Jerusha, and David Blodget, Jan. 4, 1760. [VR4]
20 - Jerusha, and David Blodgett, s. Benoni & Abigail (Booth), Jan. 4, 1760. [GenRec]
67, 198 - Jerusha, d. Ebenezer & Sarah Kellogg (1st w.), and David Blodget (1st h.), s. Benoni & Rebecca (Booth), January 4, 1760, at Amh. [JAS]
220, 300 - Jerusha, d. Simeon & Martha (Graves), and Nathan Franklin, s. Henry Johnson & Mary (Williams), November 29, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
87 - Joanna, and John Conkey, of Pelham, July 15, 1817. [VR2]
142, 199 - Joanna, of Amh., d. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), and John Conkey, of Pelham, Esq., Major 1809, July 15, 1817, at Amh. [JAS]
210 - Joel, s. Jonathan & Dorothy (Stoughton), and Eunice Houghton, d. James & Lois, of Hopkinton, November 23, 1778. [JAS]
236 - John (2nd h.), s. John & Lydia (Eastman), and Olive (Smith) Shepard (2nd w.), d. Simeon Smith & Mary (Colton), of West Springfield, wid. Rev. Samuel Shepard, DD (1st h.), of Lenox, January 5, 1848, at West Springfield. [JAS]
213, 747 - John (3rd h.), s. Nehemiah & Amy (Stoughton), and Susannah (Ward) (Dickinson) Wilder (2nd w.), wid. Noah Dickinson (1st h.), wid. Nathaniel Wilder (2nd h.), d. Isaac & Sybil (Moore), November 6, 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
29 - John, and ____ Rood, Feb. 12, 1801. [VR4]
100 - John, Esq., and Susannah Dickinson (see Nathaniel Wilder, 1824, P. 93), Nov. 6, 1836. [VR2]
82 - John, Esq., and Wid. Susannah Wilder, Nov. 6, 1836. [VR2]
648 - John, of Boston, and Mary Shumway, of Amh., d. Solomon & Mary (Coggshall), shortly after January 25, 1832. [JAS]
210 - John, s. John & Esther (Dickinson) [tentative parentage], and Hannah, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
236 - John, s. John & Lydia (Eastman), and Rebecca Ellis (1st w.), d. Samuel & Mary (Nye), of Machias, ME, October 12, 1807, at Machias, ME. [JAS]
213, 264 - John, s. Nehemiah & Amy (Stoughton), and Lydia Eastman (1st w.), d. Joseph & Sarah (Ingram), June 8, 1778. [JAS]
199 - John, s. Nehemiah & Mehitable, and Esther Dickinson, d. Nathaniel & Hannah, November 12, 1741. [JAS]
197, 199 - John, s. Nehemiah 2nd, and Esther Dickinson, d. Nathaniel 3rd & Hannah, Nov. 12, 1741. [JAS]
208 - John, s. Salmon & Hannah, and Lucretia, ___ __, ____, two or more children. [JAS]
16 - Jona[than], Lt., and Azubah Coleman, Mar. 27, 1783. [VR4]
213, 221, 242 - Jonathan (1st h.), s. Noah & Susannah (Ward), and Amy Stoughton Dickinson, d. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), September 19, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
45, 216, 237 - Jonathan Smith, s. Elijah & Jerusha (Smith), and Minerva Bartlett, d. Samuel & Lucy (Williams), September 6, 1824, at Hinsdale, NH. [JAS]
87 - Jonathan, and Amy Dickinson, Sept. 19, 1816. [VR2]
8 - Jonathan, and Mary Hamilton, Dec. 27, 1759. [VR4]
13 - Jonathan, and Mary Warner, Feb. 26, 1778. [VR4]
204 - Jonathan, s. Deacon Nathaniel, and Mary Smith, d. Nathaniel & Mary (Dickinson), of Hatfield, April 2, 1724, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
134, 210 - Jonathan, s. Jonathan & Dorothy (Stoughton), and Azubah Coleman, d. Nathaniel & Mercy (Smith), March 27, 1783, at Amh. [JAS]
37 - Jonathan, s. Jonathan & Dorothy, and Azubah Coleman, d. Nathaniel & Mary (Smith), Mar. 27, 1783, at Amh. [Hadley Hist. P. 22] [GenRec]
221 - Jonathan, s. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), and Mary Hamilton (1st w.), December 27, 1759, at Amh. [JAS]
221 - Jonathan, s. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), and Mary Mathews (3rd w.), of New Braintree, March 20, 1786, at New Braintree. [JAS]
221 - Jonathan, s. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), and Mary Warner (2nd w.), February 26, 1778, at Amh. [JAS]
200, 709 - Jonathan, s. Samuel & Hannah (Marsh) (1st w.), and Dorothy Stoughton, d. John & Eunice (Bissell), of Windsor, CT, September 26, 1745, at Windsor, CT. [JAS]
33 - Joseph Dickinson, of South Hadley Canal, and Clarissa Ball, d. Abraham & Martha (Field), April 19, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
111 - Joseph, and Dorothy Dickinson, Apr. 10, 1788. [VR1]
19 - Joseph, and Dorothy Dickinson, Apr. 20, 1788. [VR4]
75 - Joseph, of South Hadley Canal, and Clarissa Bolles, d. Clapp & Rhoda (Harper), April __, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
11 - Joseph, of South Hadley, and Clarissa Ball, d. Abraham & Martha (Field), Apr. 19, 1837, at Amh. [GenRec]
204 - Joseph, s. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), and Martha Dickinson (1st w.), d. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), January 21, 1762, probably at Amh. [JAS]
198, 200, 204 - Joseph, s. Ebenezer & Sarah Kellogg (1st w.), and Dorothy Dickinson (2nd w.), d. Jonathan & Dorothy (Stoughton), April 10, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
219, 408 - Joseph, s. Joseph & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Sarah Hunt, d. John & Rebecca (Paine), January 29, 1795, at Belchertown. [JAS]
240 - Joseph, s. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), and Fidelia Alvord (2nd w.), d. Orange & Sophia (Taylor), June 2, 1841, at Wilmington, VT. [JAS]
240 - Joseph, s. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), and Jane Elizabeth Pease (1st w.), d. Asa & Mary, of Granby, May 8, 1839, at Granby. [JAS]
244 - Josiah Warner [aka Warner Dickinson], s. William & Thirza (Warner), and Eleanor Chapin, of Norwich, d. Zenas & Eleanor (Rumrill), soon after December 20, 1815, perhaps at Norwich. [JAS]
202, 205, 216 - Juda [aka Judah] (1st h.), s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), and Thankful (2nd w.) Dickinson, d. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), November 10, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
216 - Juda [aka Judah], s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), and Olive (1st w.), ___ __,____. [JAS]
14 - Judah (1st h.), and Thankfull Warner Dickinson , ___ __, ____. [VR1]
14 - Judah (1st h.), and Thankfull Warner Dickinson, d. Nathan & Easther (Fowler), ___ __, ____. [VR1]
115 - Judah, and Thankful Dickinson, between May 27, 1791 and Apr. 27, 1792. [Hadley Genealogies P. 40 No. 49] [VR1]
199, 372 - Judith (1st w.), d. Nathan & Judith Hosmer (3rd w.), and Daniel Heath, March 13, 1794, at Amh. [JAS]
207, 728 - Judith (1st w.), d. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), and Samuel Thayer, s. John & Betsy (Spear) (1st w.), April 11, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
87 - Judith, and Samuel Thayer, of Belchertown, [not in genealogy], Apr. 11, 1816. [VR2]
238 - Julia Cowles, d. Elijah & Sarah Field (Belding), and Edwin H. Seymour, of Hadley, July __, 1844 at Brattleboro, VT, went to Hadley. [JAS]
207 - Levi (1st h.), s. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), and Margaret Peebles, d. Patrick & Margaret (Taylor), soon after September 6, 1782. [JAS]
244, 591 - Levi, s. Sylvanus & Deborah (Parker), and Almira Pomreoy [aka Alma], of Amh., d. David & Sabra (Blodgett), soon after August 17, 1816. [JAS]
119 - Lois (1st w.), d. Silas & Eunice (Graves), and Chester Kellogg, s. Jonathan & Mary (Holland), June 1, 1808. [KG I-646] [VR2]
242, 450 - Lois (1st w.), of Amh., d. Silas & Eunice (Moody), and Chester Kellogg, s. Jonathan & Mary (Holland), soon after June 4, 1808. [JAS]
352 - Lois (2nd w.), and Waitstill Hastings, s. Samuel & Lucy (Pomeroy), before December __, 1812. [JAS]
238 - Lois P., d. Elisha & Lois (Marsh), and Hiram Wheeler, June 15, 1836, at Whitingbar, VT. [JAS]
244 - Lois Pomroy, d. Levi & Almira (Pomreoy), and _____ Wheeler, of Wilmington, VT, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
37, 11 - Lois, and Enos Dickinson, Apr. 27, 1809 [Dup. ___ __, ____.] (("Enos & Lois Dickinson") "this is the way it read.") [VR4]
110 - Lois, and John Blodget, Jr., Apr. 5, 1787. [VR1]
206, 210, 232 - Lois, d. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), and Enos Dickinson, s. Jonathan & Azubah (Coleman), April 27, 1809, at Amh. [JAS]
198, 201, 205 - Lois, d. Moses & Thankful (Smith), and Enos Dickinson, s. Nathan & Thankful (Warner) (1st w.), February 20, 1772, at Amh. [JAS]
73, 199 - Lois, d. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), and John Blodget, s. John & Irene (Robinson), April 5, 1787, at Amh.; their children born Newport, NH, and Randolph, VT. [JAS]
20 - Lois, d. Nathan & Joanna, and John Blodgett, Jr., s. John, Apr. 5, 1787. [GenRec]
82 - Lorin M., and Lillian R. (Phelps) Shea, (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [GR1]
110 - Lorin, and Mary Graves, both of Amh., Jan. 27, 1842. [VR2]
248, 324 - Loring, s. David & Hannah (Dana), and Mary Graves, of Amh., d. Ichabod & Hannah, January 27, 1842, at South Amh. [JAS]
239 - Louisa, d. Rufus & Almira (Church), and Benjamin Sutton, of Georgia, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
241 - Louisa, of Amh., d. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), and Truman Haskins, of Wilmington, VT, October 19, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
100 - Lucina M., and Harrison Hawley, Oct. 20, 1836. [VR2]
238, 367 - Lucina Melvina, of Amh., d. Samuel & Wealthy (Cushman), and Harrison Hawley, s. Zebina & Martha (Kellogg) (1st w.), October 20, 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
48 - Lucinda H., d. Parez, and James H. Cowan, ___ __, ____, went to Knoxville, TN. [GenRec]
214 - Lucinda, d. Aaron & Eleanor (Morton), and Luke Tuttle (1st h.), ___ __, ____, at South Hadley, went to Lake George, NY, and next to Pittsfield. [JAS]
205,762 - Lucinda, d. Ebenezer & Ruth (Eastman), and David Watson, s. Oliver & Elizabeth, ___ __, 1799. [JAS]
222 - Lucinda, d. Peres & Lucinda (Foster) (2nd w.), and James H. Cowan, ___ __,____, went to Knoxville, Tennessee. [JAS]
82 - Lucine M., and Harrison Hawley, Oct. 20, 1836. [VR2]
198 - Lucius, and Elizabeth Shumway, July __, 1813. [VR1]
120 - Lucius, and Miss Elizabeth Shumway, both of Amh., July 1, 1813. [VR1]
226, 647 - Lucius, s. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), and Betsey Shumway[Dup.: Elizabeth], d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), July 1, 1813, at Amh. [JAS]
546 - Lucretia (Montague) (2nd w.?), d. Josiah & Abigail (Montague), wid. Waitstill Dickinson (1st h.), and Benjamin (2nd h.) Nelson, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
209, 546 - Lucretia (Montague), wid. Waitstill Dickinson (1st h.), d. Josiah & Abigail (Montague), and Benjamin Nelson (2nd h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
223 - Lucretia Gunn, d. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), and Rev. Asa Bullard, May 16, 1832, at Amh., moved to Cambridge. [JAS]
36 - Lucy, and Aaron M. Chandler, June 13, 1808. [VR4]
105, 214 - Lucy, d. Aaron & Eleanor (Morton), and Aaron Merrick Chandler, s. Henry & Sarah (Merrick), June 13, 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
28, 29 - Lucy, d. Aaron & Eleanor, and Aaron Merrick Chandler, s. Henry, Jr., of Wilbraham, & Sarah (Merrick), June 13, 1808, at Amh., Went to Wilmingotn, VT. [GenRec]
200 - Lucy, d. Jonathan & Dorothy (Stoughton), and Zaccheus Crocker, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
221, 338 - Lucy, d. Jonathan & Mary (Mathews) (3rd w.), and Jude Hamilton, soon after October 28, 1809. [JAS]
93 - Luisa, and Truman Haskins, of Wilmington, VT, Oct. 19, 1824. [VR2]
216, 220 - Lydia (2nd w.), of Amh., d. Simeon & Martha (Graves), and Gideon Dickinson, s. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), March 18, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
34 - Lydia Dick[inso]n, and Walter Dick[inso]n, Nov. 7, 1806. [VR4]
38 - Lydia, and Gideon Dickinson, Mar. 18, 1810 (("Gideon & Lydia Dickinson") "Written this way.") [Hadley Hist. 45 No. 82. [VR4]
20 - Lydia, d. John, and Walter Dickinson, s. Nathaniel Jr., & Sarah (Marsh), Nov. 6, 1806. [VR1]
213, 234 - Lydia, of Amh., d. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), and Walter Dickinson, s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Marsh) (1st w.), November 7, 1806, at Amh. [JAS]
207 - Margaret (Peebles), wid. Levi Dickinson (1st h.), d. Patrick & Margaret (Taylor), and Andrew Hyde (2nd h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
244,371 - Maria Chapin, of Amh., d. Josiah Warner & Eleanor (Chapin), and Chandler Edwin Hayward, May 13, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
111 - Maria, and Chandler Howard, both of Amh., May 13, 1841. [VR2]
95 - Maria, and Emerson Marsh, Nov. 29, 1827. [VR2]
101 - Maria, and Rev. Eli W. Harrington, of Lunenburg, May 16, 1837. [VR2]
219 - Maria, d. Roswell & Rachel (Hunt), and Rev. Eli W. Harrington, of Lunenburg, May 16, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
51 - Maria, of Amh., and Chandler Howard, of Amh., May 13, 1841. [VR4]
252, 490 - Maria, of Amh., d. Obed & Experience (Smith), and Emerson Marsh, s. Amos & Elizabeth (Jefferson), November 29, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
250, 789 - Marquis Fayette, s. Walter & Lydia (Dickinson), and Hannah S. Williams, d.Asa & Prudence (Pease) (2nd w.), of Shutesbury, November 20, 1838, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
204 - Martha (1st w.), d. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), and Joseph Dickinson, s. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), January 21, 1762, probably at Amh. [JAS]
225, 641 - Martha (1st w.), of Amh., d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Barrows), and Rufus Scott, s. Israel & Hannah (Cowles) (2nd w), May 10, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
73, 204 - Martha (1st w.), of Amh., d. Joseph & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Luke Blodget, s. John & Irene (Robinson), April 8, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
34 - Martha (2nd w.), and Timothy Clapp, s. Preserved & Sarah (West), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
118, 219 - Martha (2nd w.), d. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), and Lucius Church, of Amh., of Amh., s. Sylvanus & Betsey (Stevens), Oct. 3, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
33 - Martha (2nd w.), d. Joseph & Sarah, and Lucius Church, s. Sylvanus & Betsy (Stevens), Oct. 3, 1850, at Amh. [GenRec]
231, 371 - Martha (2nd w.), d. Oliver & Clarissa (Billings) (2nd w.), and Charles Franklin Hayward, s. Amasa & Betsy (Johnson), November 26, 1846, at Amh. [JAS]
89 - Martha G., and Parker Hastings, of Wilmington, VT, Sept. 12, 1819. [VR2]
241, 353 - Martha Graves (1st w.), d. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), and Parker Hastings, s. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), September 21, 1819, at Amh. [JAS]
226, 555 - Martha Orilla (1st w.), of Amh., d. Lucius & Betsey (Shumway), and Levi Nutting, John & Catherine (Smith) (2nd w.), January 29, 1846, at South Amh. [JAS]
113 - Martha, and Luke Blodget, Apr. 8, 1789. [VR1]
94 - Martha, and Rufus Scott, May 10, 1825. [VR2]
122, 202 - Martha, d. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), and William Clapp, s. Preserved & Sarah (West), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
20 - Martha, d. Joseph & Martha, and Luke Blodgett, Apr. 8, 1789, went to Claremont, NH. [Hist. Windsor, CT II-108] [GenRec]
217, 220 - Martha, d. Simeon & Martha (Graves), and Elisha Dickinson, s. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), ___ __,____. [JAS]
54 - Martha, of Amh. (South), and Charles F. Haywood of Amh. (South), Nov. 26, 1846. [VR4]
58 - Martha, of Amh., and Lucius Church, of Cherry Lake, FL, Oct. 3, 1850. [VR4]
242 - Martin, s. Jonathan & Amy Stoughton (Dickinson), and Martha R. Matthews, April 19, 1848, at Leverett, went to North Hadley. [JAS]
15 - Mary ([sic] Martha) (1st w.), d. Jonathan, and Hezekiah Belden, s. Samuel & Elizabeth (Dickinson), Apr. 16, 1752, at Hadley. [TR-II] [GenRec]
221 - Mary (1st w.), d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg), and Noah Dickinson, s. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), April 27, 1757, at Amh. [JAS]
49, 204 - Mary (1st w.), d. Johnathan & Mary (Smith), and Hezekiah Belding, s. Samuel & Elizabeth (Dickinson), April 16, 1752. [JAS]
40 - Mary (1st w.), d. Joseph, Jr., & Rhoda, and Levi D. Cowles, s. Chester & Abigail (Dickinson) (1st w.), Nov. 7, 1838, at Granby. [GenRec]
167 - Mary (1st w.), of Granby, d. Joseph & Rhoda (Vinton), and Levi Dickinson Cowles, s. Chester Coles & Abigail (Dickinson) (1st w.), adopted by Oliver Cowls, November 7, 1838, at Granby. [JAS]
48 - Mary (2nd w.), and Daniel Cooley, s. Simeon & Mary, Oct. 5, 1780, at Amh. [GenRec]
16 - Mary (2nd w.), and Hiram H. Allen, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
148, 214 - Mary (Boltwood) (2nd w.), and Daniel Cooley (2nd h.), s. Abner & Jerusha (Graves), October 5, 1780, at Amh. [JAS]
22 - Mary (Boltwood), wid. Moses Dickinson, Jr. (1st h.), d. Lt. Solomon & Mary (Strong), and Daniel Cooly, Esq. (2nd h.) of Amh., Oct. 5, 1780. [Strong Gen. II-1322] [GenRec]
219,353 - Mary Ann (2nd w.), d. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), and Parker Hastings, s. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), June 8, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
226 - Mary Ann Field, d. David & Mary Field (Warner), and Dr. Sheppard Clark, of Hubbardston, ___ __,1825. [JAS]
101 - Mary Ann, and Parker Hasting, June 8, 1837. [VR2]
2 - Mary Eastman, d. ____ & Sophia (Hastings), and Dea. William Adams, s. Asa & Clarissa (Eastman), Nov. 6, 1844. [GenRec]
8, 229 - Mary Eastman, d. Asa & Sophia (Hastings), and William Adams, farmer, November 6, 1844, removed to Amh. by 1848. [JAS]
236, 773 - Mary Nye (1st w.), d. John & Rebecca Ellis (1st w.), and Calvin White, February 2, 1830, at East Machias, ME. [JAS]
83 - Mary T., and Waitstill Dickinson, both of Amh., Apr. 20, 1837. [VR2]
15 - Mary, and Daniel Cooly, Oct. 5, 1780. [VR4]
10 - Mary, and Ebenezer Eastman, Nov. 12, 1772. [VR4]
265 - Mary, and Ebenezer Eastman, s. Joseph & Sarah (Ingram), November 12, 1772, at Amh. [JAS]
7 - Mary, and Noah Dickinson, Apr. 27, 1757. [VR4]
198, 204, 220 - Mary, d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), and Noah Dickinson, s. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), April 27, 1757, at Amh. [JAS]
209 - Mary, d. Israel & Sarah (Boltwood) (1st w.), and William Champney, of Pownal, VT, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
200 - Mary, d. Nathaniel & Thankful (Barrett) (1st w.), and Ebenezer Eastman, __ __, ____. [JAS]
221, 498 - Mary, d. Noah & Mary (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Ebenezer Mattoon, s. Ebenezer & Sarah (Alvord) (2nd w.), July 7, 1779, at Montague. [JAS]
198 - Mary, d. Salmon & Hannah, and Samuel Dickinson, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
223, 549 - Mary, of Amh., d. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), and Mark H. Newman, soon after September 14, 1828. [JAS]
104 - Mary, of Granby, and Levi D. Cowls, of Amh., Nov. 7, 1838. [VR2]
66 - Mary, of Granby, and Levi D. Cowls, of Amh., Nov. 7, 1838. [VR2]
14 - Medad, and Easther Dickinson, d. Nathan , ___ __, ____. [VR1]
16 - Medad, and Sally Smith, Dec. 4, 1783. [VR4]
201, 205, 214 - Medad, s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), and Esther (3rd w.) Dickinson, d. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
198, 201, 215 - Medad, s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), and Olive Dickinson (2nd w.), d. Salmon & Hannah, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
215, 658 - Medad, s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), and Sarah Smith (1st w.), d. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), December 4, 1783, at Amh. [JAS]
196, 413 - Mehitable, d. John & Frances (Foote), and John Ingram, s. John & Elizabeth (Gardner), June 26, 1689. [JAS]
64, 214 - Mercy (1st w.), d. Moses & Mary (Boltwood), and Joseph Blair, s. Joseph & Mary, November 30,1797, at Amh. [JAS]
19 - Mercy (1st w.), d. Moses & Mary, and Joseph Blair, s. Joseph & Mary, May 28, 1845, at Amh., from Worcester to Amh., at 20 years. [GenRec]
48 - Mercy I. [?Joanna], of Amh., and Waitstill Dickinson, of Amh., Apr. 20, 1837. [VR4]
226, 231, 249 - Mercy Joanna, d. Enos & Joanna (Nash) (1st w.), and Waitstill Dickinson, s. Oliver & Elizabeth (Billings) (1st w.), April 20, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
148, 214 - Moses [aka "Marah"] (1st h.), s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), and Mary Boltwood, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
102 - Moses B., and Electa Dickinson, July 22, 1840. [VR2]
215 - Moses Billings, s. Medad & Esther (Dickinson) (3rd w.), and Ruth Osburn, ___ __, ____, left Amh. [JAS]
226, 231, 249 - Moses Billings, s. Oliver & Elizabeth (Billings) (1st w.), and Electa Dickinson, d. Lucius & Betsey (Shumway), July 22, 1840, at Amh. [JAS]
22 - Moses, Jr. (1st h.), of Amh., and Mary Boltwood, d. Lt. Solomon & Mary (Strong), ___ __, ____. [Strong Gen. II-1322] [Hadley Gen. P. 14 No. 6] [GenRec]
201, 653 - Moses, of Sunderland s. Nathaniel & Hannah, and Thankful Smith, d. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), May 31, 1848, at Sunderland. [JAS]
190 - Naamah, and Jesse Pompey, ___ __, 1810, ch.1810-1826. [VR1]
46 - Nancy, and Joseph Estabrook, Feb. 2, 1823. [VR4]
222, 279 - Nancy, d. Peres & Lucinda (Foster) (2nd w.), and Joseph Estabrook, s. Hobart & Anna (Hyde), soon after January 18, 1823. [JAS]'s
218, 780 - Nancy, d. Roswell & Rachel (Hunt), and Nathan Adams Wilder, s. Bezelell & Sarah (Adams), January 3, 1819. [JAS]
39 - Naomi, and Jesse Pomroy, June 26, 1810. [VR4]
202, 220, 241 - Naomi, d. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), and Seth Dickinson, s. Simeon & Martha (Graves), May 1, 1782, at Amh. [JAS]
241 - Naomi, d. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), and Jesse Pomeroy, an armorer at Springfield, June 26, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
198, 204 - Nathan (2nd h.), s. Nathan & Thankful (Warner), and Jerusha (Dickinson) Blodget (2nd w.), d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), March19, 1804, at Amh. [JAS]
32 - Nathan, and Jerusha Blodget, Mar. 19, 1804. [VR4]
20 - Nathan, and Jerusha Blodgett, Mar. 19, 1804. [GenRec]
8 - Nathan, father of S. F., and Esther Fowler, Jan. 15, 1761. [VR4]
198 - Nathan, s. Ebenezer & Hannah (Frary) Dickinson, and Thankful Warner (1st w.), d. Daniel & Thankful (Billings), of Sunderland, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
198 - Nathan, s. Ebenezer & Hannah (Frary), and Joanna Leonard (2nd w.), of Westfield, April 20, 1751. [JAS]
198 - Nathan, s. Ebenezer & Hannah (Frary), and Judith Hosmer (3rd w.), before 1770. [JAS]
243 - Nathan, s. Ezekiel & Perley (Gunn), and Mary Ann Taylor, of Westfield, soon after August 30, 1828, perhaps at Westfield. [JAS]
205 - Nathan, s. Nathan & Thankful (Warner) (1st w.), and Esther Fowler (1st w.), of Westchester [sic ] CT, January 15, 1761, at Amh. [JAS]
200 - Nathaniel (2nd h.), s. Samuel 2nd & Hannah (Marsh) (1st w.), and Jemima Wales (2nd w.), of Amh., wid. Major Seth Wales (1st h.), January 18, 1747, at Amh. [JAS]
200, 745 - Nathaniel (2nd h.), s. Samuel 2nd & Hannah (Marsh) (1st w.), and Jemima Wales (2nd w.), of Amh., wid. Major Seth Wales (1st h.), January 18, 1747, at Amh. [JAS]
373 - Nathaniel (2nd h.)?, and Sarah (Baker) (Henderson), d. John & Rebecca (Clark), former w. Gideon (1st h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
213 - Nathaniel (2nd h?), s. Nathaniel & Thankful (Barrett), and "Widow Henderson" [may be Sarah (Baker), wid. Gideon Henderson] (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
231 - Nathaniel Coleman [aka Coleman Dickinson], s. Johnathan & Azubah (Coleman), and Submit Smith (1st w.), of Amh., [aka Mitta], sister of Rebecca Smith (w. Aaron Warner), d. David, of Brattleboro, VT, January 27, 1807, at Amh. [JAS]
231 - Nathaniel Coleman [aka Coleman Dickinson], s. Johnathan & Azubah (Coleman), and Sybil Strickland (2nd w.), of Greenfield, d. David, of Brattleboro, VT, June 2, 1841, at Greenfield. [JAS]
34 - Nathaniel Colman, and Submit Smith, Jan. 27, 1807. [VR4]
38 - Nathaniel, and Esther, d. John Cowles, Jr., & Deborah (Bartlett), May 25, 1713. [GenRec]
110 - Nathaniel, and Jemima Wales, Jan. 18, 1787. [VR1]
17 - Nathaniel, Jr., (son of Nathaniel Dickinson), and Sarah Marsh, of Hadley, Dec. 8, 1779. [VR1]
20 - Nathaniel, Jr., s. Nathaniel Dickinson, and Sarah Marsh of Hadley, Dec. 8, 1779. [VR1]
208, 657 - Nathaniel, s. John & Ester (Dickinson), and Theoda Smith, d. David & Hannah (Willard), August 13, 1769. [JAS]
212, 213 - Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel & Thankful (Barrett) (1st w.), and Sarah Marsh (1st w.), d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Eastman, December 8, 1770. [JAS]
200 - Nathaniel, s. Samuel 2nd & Hannah (Marsh) (1st w.), and Thankful Barrett (1st w.) ___ __, ____. [JAS]
213, 217, 237 - Nehemiah (2nd h.), s. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), and Wealthy (Dickinson) Cowles, d. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), January 18, 1826, at Amh., she later became insane and a pauper, lived at the Town Poor Farm in South Amh. 1850. [JAS]
162, 217 - Nehemiah (2nd h.), and Wealthy (Dickinson) Cowles, of Amh. d. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), ___ __, 1826. [JAS]
94 - Nehemiah, and Welathy Cowls, Jan. 18, 1826. [VR2]
201, 708 - Nehemiah, s. Samuel 2nd & Hannah (Marsh) (1st w.), and Amy Stoughton, November 14, 1749, at Windsor, CT. [JAS]
232 - Noadiah Smith, s. Nathaniel Coleman & Submit (Smith) (1st w.), and Asenath Goodrich, of Leominster, soon after August 14, 1845. [JAS]
204, 213, 220, 747 - Noah (1st h.), s. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), and Susannah Ward, d. Isaac & Sybil (Moore), March 22, 1792, at Amh. [JAS]
7 - Noah, and Mary Dickinson, Apr. 27, 1757. [VR4]
116 - Noah, Lt., and Susanna Ward, between May 27, 1791 and Apr. 27, 1792. [VR1]
17 - Noah, s. Ebenezer & Mary D. (Mattoon), and Lucy Billings, d. Aaron & Eliza (Lucy) Rice (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
221 - Noah, s. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), and Mary Dickinson (1st w.), d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg), April 27, 1757, at Amh. [JAS]
198, 204, 220 - Noah, s. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), and Mary Dickinson, d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), April 27, 1757, at Amh. [JAS]
252 - Obed, s. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), and Experience Smith, d. Johnathan & Elizabeth (Chauncey), of Whately, September 4, 1804, perhaps at Whately. [JAS]
252 - Ocran, s. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), and Amelia Stebbins, d. Elam & Ruth (Hitchcock), April 3, 1816. [JAS]
198, 201, 215 - Olive (2nd w.), d. Salmon & Hannah, and Medad Dickinson, s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
245, 330 - Olive (Green), wid. Samuel Storrs Dickinson (1st h.), d. Zera & Eleanor (Morton), and Thomas Weauner (2nd h.), of Cincinnati, Ohio, at Cincinnati, Ohio, ___ __, 1846. [JAS]
215 - Olive, d. Medad & Esther (Dickinson) (3rd w.), and Dr. George Hill, of Ann Arbor, MI, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
212, 776 - Oliver (2nd h.), s. Azariah & Eunice (Stoughton), and Dorothy Whiting (2nd w.), wid. Ellis Whiting (1st h.), November 20, 1831, probably at Amh., no children. [JAS]
47 - Oliver, and Clarissa Billings, Jan. 15, 1824. [VR4]
212 - Oliver, s. Azariah & Eunice (Stoughton), and Hannah Strickland (1st w.), February 8, 1781, no children. [JAS]
58, 230 - Oliver, s. Waitstill & Lucretia (Montague), and Clarissa Billing (2nd w.), d. Moses & Mary (Field), soon after December 18, 1823, probably at Amh. [JAS]
39 - Oliver, and Elizabeth Billings, Aug. 17, 1811. [VR4]
18 - Oliver, s. Waitstill, and Elizabeth Billings, (1st w.), d. Moses & Mary (Sally Field?), Nov. 17, 1811, at Amh., had 6 children. [GenRec]
58, 230 - Oliver, s. Waitstill & Lucretia (Montague), and Elizabeth Billing (1st w.), d. Moses & Mary (Field), November 17, 1811, at Amh. [JAS]
18 - Oliver, s. Waitstill & Lucretia, and Clarissa, (2nd w.) d. Moses & Mary (Sally Field?), 1822 or 3. [GenRec]
231 - Oliver, s. Waitstill & Lucretia (Montague), and Lucy Montague (3rd w.), d. David, of Sunderland, March 9, 1847, at Troy, NY. [JAS]
218 - Ora, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), and John Milton Smith, ___ __,____. [JAS]
229, 411 - Orin R., s. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), and Mary Hyde, of Amh., d. Andrew & Mary (Morton), January 29, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
98 - Orra, and John Milton Smith, June 25, 1833. [VR2]
674 - Orra, of Amh., and John Milton Smith, s. Reuben & Margaret (Carpenter), June 25, 1833, at Amh. [JAS]
270 - Orra, s. Dr. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), and John N. Smith, ___ __. 1833. [VR3]
96 - Orrin R., and Mary Hyde, Jan. 19, 1830. [VR2]
96 - Oshea S., and Chloe Draper, Dec. 1, 1830. [VR2]
253, 258 - Oshea Smith, s. Obed & Experience (Smith), and Chloe Draper, of Amh., d. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), December 1, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
101 - Pamela, and Bela U. Dickinson, Oct. 25, 1837. [VR2]
235, 236, 251 - Pamela, of Amh., d. Chester & Susanna (Dickinson), and Bela Uriah Dickinson, s. Zebina & Mary (Watson), October 25, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
221 - Peres, s. Nathan & Esther Fowler, and Lucinda (Foster) (2nd w.), soon after October 22, 1804. [JAS]
203, 205, 221 - Perez (1st w.), s. Nathan & Ester (Fowler) (1st w.), and Ruth Dickinson (1st w.), d. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), June 28, 1787, at Amh. [JAS]
110 - Perez, and Ruth Dickinson, June 28, 1787. [VR1]
14 - Perez, s. Nathan, and ____ Unknown of Heath, ___ __, ____. [VR1]
35 - Philomela, and Ebenezr Williams, Jan. 21, 1808. [VR4]
206, 786 - Philomela, d. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), and Ebenezer Williams, s. Justus & Abigail (Pomeroy), January 21, 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
451 - Phydelia [aka Fidelia], of Amh., and James Kellogg, s. Samuel & Susannah (Felton), June 2, 1817, at Amh. [JAS]
206 - Phydelia, d. Elihu & Susanna (Lewis), and James Kellogg, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
215 - Pliny, s. Medad & Esther (Dickinson) (3rd w.), and Aurelia Burt, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
92 - Polly, and Erastus Smith Jr., of Hadley, Apr. 15, 1824. [VR2]
26 - Polly, and Zebina Hawley, Mar. 19, 1797. [VR4]
207 - Polly, d. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), and Erastus Smith, Jr., of Hadley, April 15, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
211 - Polly, d. Stoughton & Abigail (Nash), and _____ Dyke, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
1011 - Porter, and Elizabeth R., Nov. 27, 1833. [GR3]
18 - Porter, d. Eli & Lovisa, and Warren Billings, s. Aaron & Esther (Ayres), Nov. __, 1832, at Amh. [GenRec]
57, 246 - Porter, s. Eli & Lovisa (Mattoon), and Elizabeth Rich Billings, d. Aaron & Esther (Ayres) (2nd w.), November 27, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
252 - Preston, s. Obed & Experience (Smith), and Celestia Bell, of Portland, CT, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
203 - Rachel, d. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), and _____ Palmer, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
233 - Ransom, s. Azariah & Mary (Eastman), and Adelia Gilbert (2nd w.), January 30, 1850. [JAS]
212, 214, 233 - Ransom, s. Azariah & Mary (Eastman), and Betsey Dickinson (1st w.), of Amh., d. Aaron & Eleanor (Morton), November 17, 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
92 - Rebecca, and Samuel Parker, July 3, 1823. [VR2]
242 - Rebecca, d. Jonathan & Amy Stoughton (Dickinson), and Edwin Y. Carter, of Belchertown, ___ __, 1847, at Benson, VT, went to Springfield. [JAS]
218, 566 - Rebecca, of Amh., d. Roswell & Rachel (Hunt), and Samuel Parker, s. Eli & Saloma (Dickinson) (1st w.), July 3, 1828, at Amh. [JAS]
219, 440 - Reuben [aka RD Jr.], s. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), and Elizabeth Kellogg, d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Clapp), of Amh., September 14, 1781, at Hatfield. [JAS]
203 - Reuben, s. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), and Sarah Clark, d. Samuel & Sarah (Rust), November 9, 175[3], at Northampton. [JAS]
218, 408 - Roswell, s. Ebenezer & Chloe (Holton), and Rachel Hunt, d. John & Rebecca (Paine), probably of Belchertown, April 23, 1797. [JAS]
218 - Roswell, s. Ebenezer & Chloe (Holton), and Rachel Hunt, probably of Belchertown, April 23, 1797. [JAS]
91 - Roxana (Goodale), and Wright D. Kellogg (sec. h.), ___ __, 1831. [VR2]
229, 317, 455 - Roxana (Goodell), d. Andrew & Martha (Unknown) (Haskell), wid. Stephen A. (1st h.), and Wright Dickinson Kellogg (2nd h.), December 1, 1831, at Amh. [JAS]
97 - Roxanna G. [see Stephen H. Dickinson, m. 1823, P. 91], and Wright Dickinson Kellogg, Dec. 1, 1831. [VR2]
217, 364 - Roxanna, d. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), and Phillip Hawley, s. Zacheriah & Rebekah (Edwards), ___ __,1800, in Vermont, many of their children went to Barrington, Illinois. [JAS]
41 - Roxy, and Elijah Cutler, May 4, 1815. (See Intentions Chester Cutler & Roxy A-40). [VR4]
183 - Roxy, of Amh., and Chyle Cutter, house painter at Amh. 1812 through August 1815, May 4, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
35 - Ruah, and Ira Kellogg, Jan. 25, 1808. [VR4]
227, 582 - Rufus Leonard [aka Leonard Dickinson], s. Elihu & Suzanna (Lewis), and Electa Perry, of Amh., d. Jonathan & Sarah (Frost), March 29, 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
270 - Rufus, s. Dr. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), and Almira Church, ___ __, 1811. [VR3]
115, 239 - Rufus, s. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), and Almira Church, of Amh., d. Silvanus & Betsey (Stevens), August __, 1811, perhaps at Amh. [JAS]
239 - Rufus, s. Rufus & Almira (Church), and Julia Ann Stockbridge Stebbins, October 5, 1847, at South Deerfield. [JAS]
33 - Rufus, s. Sylvanus & Deborah, and Almira Church, d. Sylvanus & Betsy (Stevens), Aug. __, 1811, went to Deerfield. [GenRec]
203, 205, 221 - Ruth, (1st w.), d. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), and Perez Dickinson, s. Nathan & Ester (Fowler) (1st w.), June 28, 1787, at Amh. [JAS]
21 - Ruth, and Jo Hubbard, Aug. 11, 1790. [VR4]
110 - Ruth, and Perez Dickinson, June 28, 1787. [VR1]
804 - Ruth, of Hadley, and Jo[seph] Hubbard, August 11, 1790. [JAS]
114 - Ruth, of Hatfield, and John Hubbard, between Apr. 28, 1790 and May 2, 1791. [VR1]
244 - Sabra Blodget, d. Levi & Almira (Pomreoy), and Ardon Thomas, of Wilmington, VT, ___ __, 1846. [JAS]
214, 519 - Sally, d. Simeon & Sally (McClain), and Medad Moody, ___ __, ____, at Weybrifge, VT. [JAS]
229, 727 - Salmon [aka SD Jr.], s. Salmon & Phebe (Baker), and Nancy Thayer, of Amh., d. Jonathan & Dorcas (Taylor), September __, 1811, at Amh. [JAS]
237 - Salmon Morton, s. Aaron & Eleanor (Morton), and Lucretia Smith, of Hadley, d. Elihu & Lucretia (Cook), of Hadley, May 10, 1820, at Hadley. [JAS]
198 - Salmon, of Hatfield, s. John & Hepzipah (Wells), and Hannah, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
198 - Salmon, of Hatfield, s. John 2nd & Hepzipah (Wells), and Hannah, ___, __, ____. [JAS]
208 - Salmon, s. Salmon & Hannah, and Phebe Baker, of Nova Scotia, April 17, 1784. [JAS]
221, 566 - Saloma, d. Jonathan & Mary (Hamilton) (1st w.), and Eli Parker, s. Eli & Elizabeth (Hubbard) (1st w.), March __, 1782, at Amh. [JAS]
96 - Salome, and Elisha Clarke Jr., of Hadley, Oct. 21, 1830. [VR2]
112 - Salome, and Thomas Larrabee, July 24, 1788. [VR1]
201, 470 - Salome, d. Nathaniel & Thankful (Barrett) (1st w.), and Thomas Larrabee, of Amh., July 24, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
207 - Salome, of Amh., d. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), and Elisha Clark, Jr., of Hadley, October 21, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
209 - Sam[ue]l S., and Alsina Towne, of A, ___ __, 1839. [VR1]
106 - Sam[ue]l S., and Alzina Towne, both of Amh. , Mar. 27, 1839. [VR2]
104 - Sam[ue]l S., and Alzina Towne, both of Amh., Mar. 27, 1839. [VR2]
197 - Samuel 2nd (2nd h.), s. Nehemiah & Mary (Cowles), and Bridget (Cook) Barnard (2nd w.), d. Aaron & Sarah (Westwood) Cook, wid. John Barnard, September 24, 1730. [JAS]
197 - Samuel 2nd, s. Nehemiah & Mary (Cowles), and Hannah Marsh (1st w.), d. Jonathan & Dorcas, October 17, 1711. [JAS]
248, 793 - Samuel Dana, s. David & Hannah (Dana), and Caroline Wolcott, d. Guy & Redesca (Bissell), of Springfield, March 29, 1847, at Enfield, CT. [JAS]
223 - Samuel Fowler [aka Fowler Dickinson], s. Nathan & Esther (Fowler), and Lucretia Gunn, March 21, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
605A - Samuel G., and Susan M. Pomeroy, d. Ansel & Sally (Johnson), ___ __, 1853. [VR3]
245, 736 - Samuel Stetson, s. Abijah & Mary (Stetson), and Alzina Towne, d. Ichabod & Lydia (Whipple), March 27, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
245, 330 - Samuel Storrs (1st h.), s. Ebenezer & Abigail (Barrows), and Oliver Green, of Hadley, d. Zera & Eleanor (Morton), September 19, 1831, at Hadley. [JAS]
198 - Samuel, and Mary Dickinson, d. Salmon & Hannah, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
50 - Samuel, and Wealthy Cushman, d. Ephraim & Mary (Hackett), Jan. 1, 1816, at Amh. [GenRec]
86 - Samuel, and Welathy Cushman, Jan. 1, 1816. [VR2]
47 - Samuel, Dea. (2nd h.), and Bridget (Cook) Barnard, wid. John Barnard (1st h.), d. Capt. Aaron, Esq. & Sarah (Westwood), ___ __, ____. [Hadley Gen. 23] [GenRec]
238 - Samuel, s. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), and Wealthy Cushman, of Amh., d. Ephraim & Mary (Hackett), January 1, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
197 - Samuel, s. Samuel 2nd & Hannah (Marsh) (1st w.), and Esther White, ___, __ ____. [JAS]
1 - Sarah (1st w.), d. Dea. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg), and Asa Adams, s. Thomas & Abigail (Fisher), Jan. 18, 1753, at Amh. [GenRec]
4, 198 - Sarah (1st w.), d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w), and Asa Adams, s. Thomas & Abigail (Fisher), ca 1734, at Amh. [JAS]
158, 203 - Sarah (1st w.), d. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), and Simeon Cowls, s. Jonathan & Sarah (Gaylord), February 12, 1778. [JAS]
38 - Sarah (1st w.), d. Reuben, and Simeon Cowles, s. Jonathan, Jr., & Sarah (Gaylord), Feb. 12, 1778. [GenRec]
202, 220, 240 - Sarah (2nd w.), d. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), and Simeon Dickinson, s. Simeon & Martha (Graves), February 12, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
246, 781 - Sarah (Wiley) (2nd w.), wid. Charles Dickinson (1st h.), d. Samuel & Sally (Lombard), and Isaac S. Clark (2nd h.), farmer, at Hadley, June 3, 1849. [JAS]
7 - Sarah Dickinson, d. Reuben, and Amos Ayres, s. Samuel, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
21 - Sarah H., and David Blodgett, Nov. 29, 1832. [GenRec]
98 - Sarah H., and David Blodgett, Nov. 29, 1832. [VR2]
72, 219 - Sarah Hunt, d. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), and David Blodget, s. Asiel & Eunice (Calkins) (1st w.), May 29, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
225 - Sarah M., d. Eli & Louisa (Mattoon), and Peregrine Waters, millwright, of South Hadley, February 5, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
40 - Sarah M., d. Walter & Lydia, and Jonathan Cowles, Jr., s. Jonathan & Esther (Graves), July 1, 1851, at Amh. [GenRec]
226, 605 - Sarah Warner (2nd w.), of Hubardston, d. David & Mary Field (Warner), and Willard Raymond, March 31, 1829. [JAS]
6 - Sarah, and Asa Adams, Jan. 18, 1753 [n. style]. [VR4]
31 - Sarah, and Moses Pomeroy, Apr. 12, 1803. [VR4]
112 - Sarah, and Simeon Dickinson, Feb. 12, 1789. [VR1]
207, 591 - Sarah, d. Levi & Margaret (Peebles), and Moses Pomeroy, s. Simeon Pomroy& Mary (Hastings) (1st w.), April 12, 1803, at Amh. [JAS]
202, 220, 241 - Seth, s. Simeon & Martha (Graves), and Naomi Dickinson, d. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), May 1, 1782, at Amh. [JAS]
113 - Silas, and Eunice Moody, Oct. 22, 1789. [VR1]
20 - Silas, and Eunice Moody, Oct. 22, 1789. [VR4]
242, 514 - Silas, s. Jonathan & Mary (Hamilton) (1st w.), and Eunice Moody, d. Jonathan & Eunice (Graves), October 22, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
241, 534 - Simeon (2nd h.), s. Simeon & Martha (Graves), and Rebecca (Thompson) McMaster (3rd w.), wid. Joshua McMaster (1st h.), November 29, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
93 - Simeon, and Rebecca McMaster, Nov. 29, 1824. [VR2]
112 - Simeon, and Sarah Dickinson, Feb. 12, 1789. [VR1]
220, 327A - Simeon, s. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), and Martha Graves, d. Aaron, of Hatfield, sister of Mary Graves, September 7, 1750. [JAS]
213 - Simeon, s. Nehemiah & Amy (Stoughton), and Sally McClain, of Petersham, ___ __, 1781. [JAS]
203, 220, 240 - Simeon, s. Simeon & Martha (Graves), and Chloe (1st w.) Dickinson, d. Ebenezer & Chloe (Holton), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
202, 220, 240 - Simeon, s. Simeon & Martha (Graves), and Sarah Dickinson (2nd w.), d. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), February 12, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
228, 351 - Sophia (Hastings), wid. Asa (1st h.), d. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), and Erastus Smith, Jr., (2nd h.), of Hadley, May 18, 1842, at North Hadley, went to Hadley. [JAS]
114 - Sophia H., Mrs., of Amh., and Erastus Smith, of Hadley, May 18, 1842. [VR2]
53 - Sophia S., of Amh., and Thomas Reynolds, of Hadley, June 4, 1845. [VR4]
237 - Sophia Smith, milliner, of Amh., d. Salmon Morton & Lucretia (Smith), and Thomas Reynolds, farmer at Hadley, June 4, 1845, at Amh. [JAS]
229, 317 - Stephen A. (1st h.) [aka Stephen Hosmer Dickinson & SAD Jr.], s. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), and Roxana Goodell, d. Andrew & Martha (Unknown) (Haskell), March 16, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
91 - Stephen H. (1st h.), and Roxana Goodale, Mar. 16, 1823. [VR2]
207 - Stephen Horsmer (2nd h.), s. Nathan & Judith Horsmer (3rd w.), and Sarah Wilson [aka Sally] (2nd w.), of Belchertown, wid. _____, Wilson (1st h.), February 26, 1824, perhaps at Belchertown. [JAS]
207, 265 - Stephen Horsmer, s. Nathan, and Mary Eastman (1st w.) [aka Polly], d. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), December 1, 1793, at Amh. [JAS]
17 - Stoughton, and Abigail Nash, Dec. 16, 1784. [VR4]
211, 536 - Stoughton, s. Jonathan & Dorothy (Stoughton), and Abigail Nash, d. Jonathan & Mary (Hawley), December 16, 1784, at Amh. [JAS]
229, 583, 675 - Susan D. (Pettengill), wid. Elihu Eastman Dickinson (1st h.), d. Paul & Hannah (Sawyer), and Chileab Smith (2nd h.), s. Chester & Henrietta Marie (Tyler), shortly after Feb. 6, 1849, at Belchetown. [JAS]
190 - Susan E., and Lorenzo Harlan Pomeroy, ___ __, 1841, ch.1849-1855. [VR1]
238, 592 - Susan Ermina, d. Elijah & Sarah Field (Belding), and Lorenzo Harlan Pomeroy, s. Ansel & Sally (Johnson), October 6, 1847, at East Amh. [JAS]
196 - Susan, and Benoni Rust, ___ __, ____, 8 ch., 1808-1830. [VR1]
31 - Susan, and Chester Dickinson, May 29, 1803. [VR4]
605A - Susan, and Lorenzo H. Pomeroy,s. Ansel & Sally (Johnson), ___ __, 1847. [VR3]
213, 235, 236 - Susanna, d. Nathaniel & Sarah (Marsh) (1st w.), and Chester Dickinson, s. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), May 29, 1803, at Amh. [JAS]
20 - Susanna, d. Nathaniel Jr., & Sarah (Marsh), and Chester Dickinson,____ __, ____. [VR1]
217, 635 - Susannah (4th w.), d. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), and Benoni Rust, August 1, 1833, at Amh. [JAS]
93 - Susannah [see John Dickinson Esq., 1838, P. 100], and Nathaniel Wilder, of Wendell, Dec. 8, 1824. [VR2]
100 - Susannah Dickinson (see Nathaniel Wilder, 1824, P. 93), and John Dickinson, Esq., Nov. 6, 1836. [VR2]
213, 220, 747 - Susannah Ward, wid. Noah Dickinson (1st h.), [aka "Widow Susannah Dickinson"], d. Isaac & Sybil (Moore), and Nathaniel Wilder (2nd h), of Wendell, soon after December 9, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
224, 565 - Sylvanus, s. Ebenezer & Ruth (Eastman), and Deborah Parker, d. Eli & Elizabeth (Hubbard) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
181, 250 - Sylvester, s. Walter & Lydia (Dickinson), and Harriet Cutler, of Amh., d. Joseph & Polly (Hastings), July 4, 1837, at North Amh. [JAS]
216, 404 - Thankful (1st w.), d. Juda & Thankful Warner (Dickinson), and John Hubbard, soon after February 1820. [JAS]
202, 205, 216 - Thankful (2nd w.), d. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), and Juda [aka Judah] Dickinson (1st h.), s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), November 10, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
216 - Thankful Warner (Dickinson), d. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), and Capt. Daniel Moody (2nd h.), of South Hadley, March 28, 1805, at Amh. [JAS]
30 - Thankful, and Eli Smith, Oct. 7, 1802. [VR4]
115 - Thankful, and Judah Dickinson, between May 27, 1791 and Apr. 27, 1792. [VR1]
199 - Thankful, d. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), and Eli Smith, October 2, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
14 - Thankfull Warner (Dickinson), d. Nathan & Easther (Fowler), and Capt. David Moody, of So. Hadley (2nd h.), ___ __, ____. [VR1]
14 - Thankfull Warner, d. Nathan & Easther (Fowler), and Judah Dickinson (1st h.), ___ __, ____. [VR1]
32 - Thankfull, and Capt. Dan[ie]l Moody, Mar. 28, 1805. [VR4]
223, 703, 754 - Thirza (Warner), wid. William (1st h.), d. Josiah & Deborah (Hall), and Gideon Stetson (2nd h.), s. John & Rachel (Paine), December 24, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
84 - Timothy, of Macon, GA, and Hannah Dickinson, of Amh., Jan. 10, 1838. [VR2]
49 - Timothy, of Macon, Georgia, and Hannah Dickinson, of Amh., Jan. 10, 1838. [VR4]
223 - Timothy, s. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), and Hannah Montague Dickinson, of Amh., d. Ezekiel & Perley (Gunn), January 10, 1838. at Amh. [JAS]
206 - Tiossah, Mrs. (2nd w.) and Gideon Stetson, Dec. 24, 182_, at Amh. [VR1]
90 - Tirzah, and Gideon Stetson, Dec. 24, 1820. [VR2]
209 - Waitstill (1st h.), s. John & Ester (Dickinson), and Lucretia Montague, d. Josiah & Abigail (Montague), sister of Luke Montague and of Beulah Montague, before July 1780. [JAS]
83 - Waitstill, and Mary T. Dickinson, both of Amh., Apr. 20, 1837. [VR2]
48 - Waitstill, of A, and Mercy I. [?Joanna] Dickinson, of Amh., Apr. 20, 1837. [VR4]
226, 231, 249 - Waitstill, s. Oliver & Elizabeth (Billings) (1st w.), and Mercy Joanna Dickinson, d. Enos & Joanna (Nash) (1st w.), April 20, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
34 - Walter Dick[inso]n, and Lydia Dick[inso]n, Nov. 7, 1806. [VR4]
213, 234 - Walter, s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Marsh) (1st w.), and Lydia (2nd w.), of Amh., d. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), November 7, 1806, at Amh. [JAS]
20 - Walter, s. Nathaniel Jr., & Sarah (Marsh), and Lydia Dickinson, d. John, Nov. 6, 1806. [VR1]
40, 43 - Wealthy, d. Elisha of Amh., and Josiah Cowles, s. Josiah, of Leverett, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
162, 217 - Wealthy, of Amh., d. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), and Josiah (1st h.), s. Josiah & Christian (Graves) (1st w.), soon after May 1, 1814. [JAS]
251 - Wells, s. Samuel & Wealthy (Cushman), and Melinda Smith, d. Justin & Alinda (Smith), of Whately, May 30, 1849, at Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
223, 754 - William (1st h.), s. Ebenezer & Ruth (Eastman), and Thirza Warner, d. Josiah & Deborah (Hall), September 28, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
631 - William A., s. Asa & Louis [sic], and Lizzie Emery Prince, d. George H. & Sarah E., Nov. 1, 1870, at Amh. [VR3]
245 - William Eastman, s. Abijah & Mary (Stetson), and Phebe W. Rhodes (1st w.), of Chesterfield, d. Jacob & Sarah (Wood), November 26, 1848, at Chesterfield. [JAS]
250 - William Watson, s. Zabina & Mary (Watson), and Mary Lyman Marsh, of Hadley, d. Joseph & Roxa (Johnson), March 28, 1840, at Hadley. [JAS]
114 - William, and Lucinda Bisbee, both of Amh., May 26, 1842. [VR2]
113 - William, and Thirza Warner, Sept. 28, 1789. [VR1]
20 - William, and Tirza Warner, Sept. 28, 1789. [VR4]
61, 249 - William, s. David & Hannah (Dana), and Eunice D. Bisbe, (2nd w.), of Amh., d. Aretas & Lucinda (Moody) (1st w.), September 12, 1844, at South Amh. [JAS]
61, 249 - William, s. David & Hannah (Dana), and Lucinda Bisbe (1st w.), of Amh., d. Aretas & Lucinda (Moody) (1st w.), May 26, 1842, at South Hadley. [JAS]
16, 247 - William, s. Lucius & Betsey (Shumway), and Harriett N. Allen (2nd w.), d. James & Dolly (Henshaw), ___ __,____ [JAS]
247, 604 - William, s. Lucius & Betsey (Shumway), and Vesta H. Rankin (1st w.), of Amh., d. Joseph & (Polly Harkness), December 1, 1836, probably at Amh. [JAS]
19 - William, s. Oliver & Elizabeth, and Eunice D. Bisbee (2nd w.), d. Aretas & Lucinda (Moody) (1st w.), Sept. 12, 1844, at Amh. [GenRec]
19 - William, s. Oliver & Elizabeth, and Lucinda Bisbee (1st w.), d. Aretas & Lucinda (Moody) (1st w.), May 26, 1842, at Amh. [GenRec]
57, 247 - Wright (1st h.), s. Eli & Lovisa (Mattoon), and Esther Ayres Billings, of Amh., d. Aaron & Esther (Ayres) (2nd w.), August 23, 1838, at Amh. [JAS]
18 - Wright, s. Eli & Lovisa, and Eliza R. Billings, d. Aaron & Esther (Ayres), Aug. 23, 1838. [GenRec]
235, 763 - Zebina, s. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), and Mary Watson, of Leicester, d. William & Susan (Bullock), November 16, 1808, at Leicester. [JAS]
217 - Zimri, s. Ebenezer & Chloe (Holton), and Lucy Day, of Williamsburg, July 1, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
103 - Lydney, of West Troy, N. York, and Hannah Smith, of Pelham, Sept. 4, 1841. [VR2]
803 - Sydney, of West Troy, NY, and Hannah Smith, of Pelham, September 4, 1841. [JAS]
72 - Susan, Miss, of Salem, and Samuel M. Worcister, of Amh., May 29, 1825. [Salem VR III-299] [VR1]
797 - Susan, of Salem, d. Benjamin, and Samuel Melancthon Worcester, s. Samuel & Zervia (Fox), May 27, 1825, at Salem. [JAS]
DOA, see Doak
6 - Eliza Ann, d. John of Barre, NY, and Benjamin Joy Andrews, s. Nathan & Abigail, ___ __, ____, Barre, NY. [GenRec]
DOAK, see Doa
20 - Eliza Ann, d. John, of Barr, VT, and Benjamin Joy Andrews, s. Nathan & Abigail, ___ __,____, at Barre, NY. [JAS]
135 - Betsey, of Ashfield, and Seth Coleman, s. Seth & Sarah (Beecher) (1st w.), ca 1797. [JAS]
37 - Elizabeth, and Seth Coleman, Jr., s. Seth & Sarah (Beecher) (1st w.), ___ __, ____, went to Sodus, NY. [GenRec]
321 - Abigail, of Beverly, and David Gould, s. John & Phebe (French), August 10, 1726. [JAS]
10 - Achsa, of Pelham, and Charles Baker, s. Joel & Harriet (Kellogg), May 18, 1854, at Newburn, NC. [GenRec]
20 - Avice, of Belchertown, and Israel Porter Blodgett, s. Asahel & Eunice (Calkins) (1st w.), Aug. 6, 1820. [Hist. Windsor, CT II-108] [GenRec]
71, 255 - Avis d. Zebulon & Salome (Thayer), and Israel Porter Blodget, s. Asiel & Eunice (Calkins) (1st w.), July 6, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
90 - Avis, of Belchertown, and Israel P. Blodgett, July 6, 1820. [VR2]
255 - Bartholomew, resident of Amherst, NH? 1793, and Jerusha Batchelder, of Wenham, March 10, 1772, at Wenham. [JAS]
255, 701 - Harriet, of Belchertown, d. Zebulon & Salome (Thayer), and Edward Augustus Stanley, s. Edward Augustus & Persis (Franklin) (1st w.), November 24, 1825, perhaps at Belchertown. [JAS]
116 - John, and Violet Warriner, between May 2, 1791 and May 14, 1792. [VR1]
21 - John, and Violet Worriner, May 1, 1791. [VR4]
254 - John, s. Moses Tyler & Lydia (Gibbs), and Violet Warriner, June 16, 1791, in Amh. [JAS]
11 - Mary Dodge, d. John C. & Lovisa, of Pelham. and Epaphrahas Hoyt Ball, s. Abraham & Martha (Field), Oct 25, 1847, at Pelham. [GenRec]
34 - Mary, d. John Chester & Lovisa (Childs), sister of Ora Dodge, and Epaphrahas Hoyt Ball, s. Abraham & Martha (Field), October 5, 1847, at Pelham. [JAS]
727 - Palmer, of Belchertown, and Ruth Thayer, of Amh., d. Jonathan & Dorcas (Taylor), August 13, 1824, at Ashford, CT. [JAS]
255 - Salome T., d. Zebulon & Salome (Thayer), and Eliphalet Strong, of Strafford, CT., ___ __, ____. [JAS]
647 - Sarah S., of Boston, and Ferdinand Sherwood, of Amh., soon after April 6, 1835. [JAS]
25 - Zebulon, of Belchertown, and Salome Thayer, Jan. 3, 1796. [VR4]
255, 718 - Zebulon, s. Caleb & Merriam, and Salome Thayer [aka Sally], d. Josiah & Avis (Hayward ) (1st w.), January 3, 1796, at Amh. [JAS]
67 - Prudence, and John Eastman, s. John & Hepzibah (Keyes), July 26, 1834. [JAS]
255 - Patrick, born in Ireland, laborer, and Phalian, born in Ireland, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
805 - Lucy _?, of Belchertown, and Dr. Horatio Thompson, physician of Belchertown (perhaps related to Artemis Thompson), December 4, 1834. [JAS]
255 - Gardner, s. Rev. Gordon, and Juliet Lee, d. Rev. Chauncey, of Colebrook, CT, November 28, 1827. [JAS]
255 - Hannah Morgan, d. Gardner & Juliet (Lee), and Thomas Corlett, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
114 - John, and _____ Unknown, Apr. __ , 1790. [VR1]
109, 190 - John, and Ruth Porter, Apr. __ , 1790 [Dup. 1790]. [VR1]
803 - John, both of Wendell, and Ruth Porter, sometime in the year preceding April 22, 1790, probably at Amh. [JAS]
803 - William, both of Belchertown, and Polly Pettingail, October 23, 1838. [JAS]
29 - Hannah, d. Joseph & Amy, and Arnold Chase, s. Augustus & Mary (Arnold), June 8, 1835, at Hadley. [GenRec]
36 - Hattie E. (3rd w.), d. Elbridge & Fannie (Woodbury), and Edwin Warren Clark, s. Simeon & Myra (Cowles), Aug. 15, 1889, at Turners Falls. [GenRec]
257 - Joseph William, s. Joseph & Amy (Smith), and Esther Sawtell (1st w.), of Amh., d. Josiah & Hannah, November 15, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
256 - Joshua, and Sarah, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
257 - William, s. Joseph & Amy (Smith), and Phebe Bisbee, January 29, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
256 - Amy, d. Joseph & Amy (Smith), and Laban Tucker (1st h.), of Hardwick, ___ __, ____, at Hardwick. [JAS]
257, 431 - Esther Ann, d. Joseph William & Esther (Sawtell) (1st w.), and Allen Johnson, May 2, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
108, 256 - Hannah, of Amh., d. Joseph & Amy (Smith), and Arnold Chase, s. Augustus & Mary (Arnold), soon after December 21, 1825. [JAS]
256, 663 - Joseph, and Amy Smith, d. Chileab & Hannah (Dickinson), November 20, 1790, at Pepperell. [JAS]
256 - Zebina, s. Joseph & Amy (Smith), and Elsy Ford, of Ludlow, ___ __, 1712, at Ludlow. [JAS]
257 - Almeron S., and Helen J., ___ __, ____. [JAS]
457 - Chloe (1st w.), d. Josiah & Chloe (Cross), and Nathaniel Kellogg, s. Gardner & Thankful (Chapin), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
523 - Hannah, and William Moore, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
48 - Catherine Vose (Cooley), d. Alden & Mercy (Kellogg), and Timothy Hubbard (2nd h.), s. Jonathan of Amh., Aug. __, 1855, at Elk Grove, IL, went to Elk Grove, Cook Co., IL. [GenRec]
253, 258 - Chloe Draper, of Amh., d. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), and Oshea Smith Dickinson, s. Obed & Experience (Smith), December 1, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
96 - Chloe, and Oshea S. Dickinson, Dec. 1, 1830. [VR2]
259 - Cordelia Emily, d. Learned Orne & Anna (Comstock), and Horace N. Kendall, April 29, 1844, at Pelham. [JAS]
259, 426 - Emeline, of Amh., d. Lewis Laprelate & Margaret Henry (1st w.), and Charles Royal Ingram, s. Peter & Emily Roberts (1st w.), December 1, 1847, at Amh. [JAS]
82, 100 - Fanny, and Michael Fagan, Aug. 10, 1836. [VR2]
281 - Fanny, and Michael Fagon, of Amh., August 10, 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
258 - Fanny, d. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), and Michael Fagon, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
718 - Frost, of Uxbridge, and Mary Thayer, of Amh., d. Josiah & Avis (Hayward ) (1st w November 24, 1812, at Amh. [JAS]
258, 734 - Hannah, d. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), and Stephen M. Tibbitts, [Dup.: Stephen Morey], physician at Amh. 1831, he left Amh. shortly before February 1832, he and his wife were living at Magnolia in the Florida territory in February 1832, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
48 - Ichabod (1st h.), s. Rev. Ichabod, of Amh., and Catherine Vose Cooley, d. Alden & Mercy (Kellogg), ___ __, 1831, at Amh. [GenRec]
38 - Ichabod, Rev., pastor of East Church, Amh., and Sally Cowles, Dec. 6, 1798, at Amh. [GenRec]
27 - Ichabod, Revd., and Miss Sarah Cowls, Dec. 6, 1798. [VR4]
149,258 - Ichabod, s. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), and Catherine Vose Cooley, d. Alden & Mercy (Kellogg), soon after April 14, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
156, 258 - Ichabod, s. Timothy & Hannah, and Sally Cowls, d. David & Sarah (Eastman), December 6, 1798. [JAS]
40 - Israel, and Mary Thayer, Nov. 24, 1812. [VR4]
149, 258 - Joel, s. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls),and Sarah Parsons Cooley, d. Alden & Mercy (Kellogg), soon after July 19, 1834, at Amh. [JAS]
259 - Learned Orne, s. Lewis & Lucy (Orne), and Anna Comstock, December 6, 1821, at Pelham. [JAS]
106 - Lewis L., of Amh., and Eliza Kellogg, of Hadley, Nov. 28, 1839. [VR2]
259, 447 - Lewis Laprelate, s. Lewis & Lucy (Orne), and Elzia Kellogg (2nd w.), d. Martin & Hannah (Hastings), November 28, 1839, at Hadley. [JAS]
259, 377 - Lewis Laprelate, s. Lewis & Lucy (Orne), and Margaret Henry (1st w.), d. Luther & Mehitable (Peck), July 4, 1827, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
413 - Lucy (1st w.), of Pelham, d. Lewis & Lucy (Orne), sister of Lewis Laprelate Draper, and David Ide, s. Nathaniel & Lydia (Newman), soon after October 1, 1808. [JAS]
804 - Maria, and Levy B. Hall, both of Pelham, June 28, 1827. [JAS]
259 - Mary Ann, of Amh., d. Learned Orne & Anna (Comstock), and Henry S. Bugbee, of Ludlow, June 12, 1844. [JAS]
776 - Nathan, and Hannah Whiting, d. William & Hannah (Ellis), December 25, 1788. [JAS]
89 - Sarah E., and Austin L. Dickinson, Mar. 26, 1820. [VR2]
227, 258 - Sarah Eastman, d. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), of Amh., and Austin Lyman Dickinson, s. Elihu & Suzanna (Lewis), March 26, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
259 - Ellen, twin d. John & Margaret, October 1, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
259 - John, laborer in Amh., and Margaret, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
259 - Margaret, twin d. John & Margaret, October 1, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
338 - Dorothy (Unknown) (1st w.), wid. _____ Dresser (1st h.), and Moses Hammond (2nd h.), April 2, 1783, at Charlton. [JAS]
DRIGGS, see Driggs
260 - John, s. Samuel & Catherine (Turner), and Eunice A. Graves (2nd w.), of Springfield, d. Joseph & Elizabeth Simons, of Brimfield, soon after February 19, 1849. [JAS]
260, 523 - John, s. Samuel & Catherine (Turner), and Nancy Moore (1st w.), of Belchertown, d. William & Hannah (Drake), april 15, 1845, at Amh. [JAS]
763 - Achsa, of Auburn, d. Thomas & Experience, sister of Phebe Drury (w. of Zephaniah Swift Moore), and Samuel Dexter Watson, s. William & Susan (Bullock), February 17, 1807, at Auburn. [JAS]
524 - Phebe, of Auburn, d. Thomas & Experience, sister of Achsa Drury (w. of Samuel Dexter Watson), and Zephaniah Swift Moore, s. Judah & Mary, February 21, 1799, at Auburn. no children of record [JAS]
260 - _____, and Mary, ___ __, ____, lived in household of Levi D. Cowls at Amh., 1850. [JAS]
31 - Sarah A. (2nd w.), d. Watson & Abashaba (Leonard), and Austin Church, s. Joseph & Betsy (Kellogg) (2nd w.), Oct. 3, 1853, at Amh. [GenRec]
260 - Stephen and Sarah Ann Leonard, d. Watson & Abashabe, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
88 - Azel, and Martha Gamwell, Oct. 6, 1817. [VR2]
261 - Azial (2nd h.), and Martha (Trowbridge) Gamwell (2nd w.), wid. Samuel Gamwell (1st h.), October 6, 1817, at Amh. [JAS]
261 - Azial, and Mary (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
261 - Dexter, s. John & Hannah, and Mary A. House, of Belchertown, d. Ira & Editha, May 14, 1849, probably at Belchertown. [JAS]
261, 468 - Josiah, s. Josiah & Patty, and Susannah Knowlton, d. Rosel & Sophia (Goodell) (2nd w.), October 25, 1815. [JAS]
803 - Maria, of Belchertown, and Emery Ballou, of Pelham, July 4, 1837. [JAS]
181, 261 - Stephen, moved from Belchertown to North Amh. 1826, and Lucy Cutler, of Amh., d. Joseph & Polly (Hastings), March 24, 1828, at North Amh., to Leverett 1836. [JAS]
11 - Sarah, and William Baldwin, both of Pelham, Feb. 20, 1783, at Amh. [GenRec]
19 - James A., and Clarissa Blanchard, Apr. 29, 1819. [GenRec]
88 - James A., and Clarissa Blanchard, Apr. 29, 1819. [VR2]
66, 262 - James Amh., of Amh., and Clarissa Blanchard, of Amh., d. Benjamin & Jemima, April 29, 1819, at Amh. [JAS]
409 - Caroline Dutch [aka Phebe Caroline Dutch], d. Ebenezer & Phebe (Eaton), and William Worthington Hunt, s. Abner & Dimmis (Root), September 28, 1824. [JAS]
111 - Alonzo, and Maria H. Cowles, both of Amh., Nov. 13, 1842. [VR2]
163 - Alonzo, and Maria Harriet Cowls, d. Eleazer & Sybel (Montague), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
41 - Alonzo, of Windham, VT, and Maria H. Cowles, d. Eleazar, Jr., & Sibbil (Montague), Nov. 13, 1842, at Amh. [GenRec]
262 - Alonzo, s. Stephen & Tryphena, and Maria Harriet Cowles, November 13, 1842, at Amh. [JAS]
263 - Simeon (2nd h.), Col., resident of Belchertown, owned a wagon shop at Belchertown, and Elizabth H. [aka Elizabeth M. Dwight] Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
17, 263 - Asahel, s. John & Esther (Billings), and Maria Dolly Allen, of Amh., d. James & Dolly (Hens haw), March 30, 1846, at South Amh. [JAS]
262 - Clarissa, d. Justus & Sarah (Lamb), and Rev. Asa McFarland, of Concord, NH, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
469 - Clarissa, of South Hadley, and Daniel H. Lamb, trader at East Amh. by December 1822, when he bought a lot, merchant at Amh. 1825, gentleman at Amh. 1826, gentleman at South Hadley by July 1829 where he lived through July 1834, soon after October 31, 1825. [JAS]
498 - Daniel, Esq., of Westmoreland, NH., and Mary Dickinson Mattoon, of Amh., d. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), December 24, 1807. [JAS]
262 - Justus, s. Capt. Nathaniel & Hannah (Lyman), and Sarah Lamb, d. Daniel & Martha, January 19, 1763. [JAS]
713 - Martha, and Hezekiah Wright Strong [aka HWS Esq.], s. Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
204 - Martha, of Belchertown, and Hezekiah Wright Strong, s. Judge Simeon & Sarah (Wright) ( 2nd w.), ___ __, ____, chn. - 6, ____ - 1819, in Amh. [VR1]
804 - Mary Ann, and Edward Hooker, both of South Hadley, May 6, 1834. [JAS]
804 - Mary, and Perry Mellen, both of Belchertown, November 16, 1837. [JAS]
DYAR, see Dye, Dyer,
112 - Catharine, of Amh., and Thomas Pray, of Weymouth, Oct. 3, 1843. [VR2]
52 - Catharine, of Amh., and Thomas Pray, of Weymouth, Oct. 3, 1843. [VR4]
DYE, see Duar, Dyer
48 - Thomas, and Mary A. B. C., d. Daniel & Mary (Dickinson) (2nd w.), Apr. 13, 1815, at Amh., went to Pennsylvania. [GenRec]
DYER, see Duar, Dye
191 - Catharine, of Amh., and Thomas Pray, of Waymouth, Oct. 13, 1843. [VR1]
264 - Catharine, of Amh., d._____ & Elizabeth, and Thomas Prey, shoemaker, of Weymouth, October 3, 1843, at Amh. [JAS]
263 - Henry, he and his family moved to Amh. , April 25, 1768, were warned out by Selectmen February 28, 1765, supposedly on militia duty at Charlestown, January 1776, and Rebeckah, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
263 - Thomas [aka Capt. TD], at Amh. by March 1815, a trader at East Amh., Gentleman at Amh. through 1820, to PA soon after April 1820, and Mary Blair Cooley [aka Mary A. B. C. Cooley], April 13, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
86 - Thomas, and Mary A. B. C. Cooley, Apr. 13, 1815. [VR2]
148 - Thomas, and Mary Blair Cooley, d. Daniel & Mary (Boltwood) (Dickinson) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
211 - _____, and Polly Dickinson, d. Stoughton & Abigail (Nash), ___ __, ____. [JAS]