Vital Records Of Amherst,
Hampshire County, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
(Some Records to the Early 20th Century)
Published by The New England Historic and Genealogical Society in the Corbin Collection,
and by The Search & Research Publishing Corporation
Marriages - BISHOP to BUZZELL
[Transcribed by Carlton O. Hommel]

61 - Arnold, of Belchertown, and Sarah Packard, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
61 - Hanna, d. Arnold & Sarah (Packard), and Albee C. Barrett, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
62, 553 - Henry, s. Arnold & Sarah (Packard), and Catharine Maria Nutting, d. John & Catherine (Smith) (2nd w.), of Amh., April 9, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
689 - Lucretia, and Stephen S. Smith, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
61 - Peter, resident at Amh. from November 1, 1760 to July 16, 1761, when he was warned out of town, resident again in 1766, and Abigail, ___ __, ____, resident at Amh. from August 1, 1761 until January 16, 1762, when she and daughter Abigail were warned out of town. [JAS]
62 - Phineas, s. Arnold & Sarah (Packard), and Mary Henrietta Maria Smith [aka Louisa], April 12, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
676 - Phinehas, and Mary Henrietta Maria Smityh, d. Tyler & Martha, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
657 - Amy, resident of Windsor, CT before coming to Amh. ca April 1746, and Peter Smith, s. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
343A - Anna (1st w.), of Belchertown and Timothy Green 3rd, s. Timothy, Jr., & Eunice (Clark) (1st w.), ___ __, 1795. [Hadley Genealogies, P. 62, 65] [Northampton Probate Box 64, No. 39] [VR3]
179 - Anna (1st w.), of Belchertown and Timothy Green 3rd, s. Timothy, Jr., & Eunice (Clark) (1st w.), Nov. 17, 1795, in Amh. [VR1]
330 - Anna (1st w.), of Belchertown, and Timothy Green, s. Timothy & Eunice (Clark) (1st w.), November 17, 1795, at Amh. [JAS]
19, 48 - Asahel, and Polly Corkins, Nov. 28, 1799, at Amh. [GenRec]
62 - Asahel, and Polly Corkins, November 28, 1799, at Amh. [JAS]
63 - Clarissa, d. Jonathan & Prudence (Smith) (1st w.), and _____ Flint, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
708 - Eunice, and John Stoughton, of Windsor, CT, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
62 - Jonathan, s. Jonathan & Elizabeth (Holliday), and Redexsalno Loomis (2nd w.), d. John & Redexselano, September 13, 1791. [JAS]
62 - Jonathan, s. Jonathan & Elizabeth (Holliday), of Windsor, CT, and Prudence Smith (1st w.), June 12, 1770. [JAS]
63 - Julia, d. Jonathan & Redexsalna (Loomis) (2nd w.), and Ruel Payne, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
63, 535 - Laura, of Amh., d. Jonathan & Redexsalna (Loomis) (2nd w.), and John McMaster, s. Joshua & Rebecca (Thompson), soon after March 29, 1834. [JAS]
63, 682 - Mary, d. Jonathan & Redexsalna (Loomis) (2nd w.), and Timothy Smith, s. Timothy & Eunice (Munsell) (1st w.), June 7, 1827, at East Windsor, CT, no childrenn listed in 1850. [JAS]
63 - Olive, d. Jonathan & Prudence (Smith) (1st w.), and _____ Daniels, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
63 - Prudence, d. Jonathan & Prudence (Smith) (1st w.), and Charles T. Starks, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
63, 793 - Redesca, d. Jonathan & Redexsalna (Loomis) (2nd w.), and Grey Wolcott, s. Gideon & Huldah, November 26, 1815. [JAS]
63 - Ruby, d. Jonathan & Prudence (Smith) (1st w.), and Walter Pease, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
352 - Thaddeus Amh., of Ellington, CT, and Abigail Irene Hastings, of Amh., d. Elisha & Abigail Potwine (2nd w.), December 4, 1844, at South Amh., moved to Ellington, CT. [JAS]
BIXBEE, see Bixby
207 - Dorothy, and Stillman Taylor, ___ __, 1727, children 6, 1829-1846. . [VR1]
19 - Dorothy, d. Rufus & Lois (Woodward), and Stillman Taylor, s. Moses & Lettice, Sept. 23, 1827, at Amh. [GenRec]
119 - Maria, (2nd w.), d. Rufus & Lois (Woodward), and Chester6 Kellogg, s. Jonathan5 & Mary (Holland), ___ __, ____. [KG I-646] [VR2]
19 - Maria, d. Rufus & Lois (Woodward), and Chester Kellogg, s. Jonathan, of Brattleboro, VT, Aug. 1, 1816, at Hatfield. [Gen. I-292, 646] [GenRec]
19 - Rufus, and Lois Woodward, d. Jonathan, of Orange, ___ __, ____, at Orange. [GenRec]
BIXBY, see Bixbee
63 - Achsa Richards, d. Salmon & Betsy (Richards), and Stephen Holland, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
716 - Dorothy Whiting [aka Dolly], of Amh., and StillmanTaylor, s. Moses & Letitia (Richardson) (1st w.), September 23, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
63 - Dorothy Whiting, d. Rufus & Lois (Woodard), and Stillman Taylor, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
64 - Elizabeth Richards, d. Salmon & Betsy (Richards), and John Edward Roberts, ___ __, ___. [JAS]
450 - Maria (2nd w.), of Amh., and Chester Kellogg, s. Jonathan & Mary (Holland), August 1, 1816, at Hatfield. [JAS]
63 - Maria, d. Rufus & Lois (Woodard), and Chester Kellogg, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
63, 795 - Rufus, s. Sampson & Mary (Bullard), and Lois Woodard, d. Jonathan, ca 1795, at Orange. [JAS]
63 - Salmon, s. Sampson & Mary (Bullard), and Betsy Richards, d. William & Bethia (Bixby), soon after August 13, 1798. [JAS]
BLACKMER, see Blackner
516 - Elizabeth (2nd w.), d. Barnabas & Betsy, of Belchertown, and Silas Moody, s. Asahel & Beulah (Graves), December 8, 1803, at Belchertown. [JAS]
64, 519 - Mary, of Belchertown, d. Reuben & Betsey (Kenfield), of Belchertown, and Calvin Moody, s. Silas & Elizabeth Blackmer (2nd w.), April 16, 1828, at Enfield. [JAS]
64 - Reuben, and Betsey Kenfield, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
197 - Thankful, and Barnabas Silas Sears, ___ __, ____, 8 ch., 1790-1809. [VR1]
642 - Thankful, of Greenwich, and Barnabas Sears, s. Silas & Deborah (Buck), January 24, 1788, at Greenwich. [JAS]
BLACKNER, see Blaclmer
19 - Elizabeth, [?wid. or d. Barnabas Blackner?] of Belchertown, and Silas Moody (2nd w.), s. Asahel & Beulah, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
90 - Betsy, and Sidney Hannum, Oct. 18, 1821. [VR2]
98 - Charles, of Collinsville, and Eunice Blodgett, May 2, 1833. [VR2]
19 - Betsy, d. Joseph, Jr., & Mercy (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Sidney Hannum, of Pelham, at Williamsburg, Oct. 18, 1821. [GenRec]
64, 341 - Betsy, of Amh., d. Joseph & Mercy (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Sidney Hannum, s. David & Elizabeth, October 18, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
20 - Charles, s. Joseph & Mary, and Eunice Blodgett, d. Asahel & Lucinda (____) Clapp (2nd w.), May 22, 1833. [Hist. Windsor, CT II-108]
65, 69 - Charles, s. Joseph & Mercy (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Eunice Blodgett, d. Asiel & Lucinda (Adams) (Clapp) (2nd w.), May 2, 1833, at Amh. [JAS]
19 - Charles, s. Joseph, Jr., & Mercy (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Eunice Blodgett, d. Asahel & Lucinda, at Canton, CT, May 2, 1833, at Amh. [GenRec]
19 - Francis, s. Joseph, Jr., & Mercy (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Wid. Catherine Webster, ___ __, ____, at Savannah, GA. [GenRec]
803 - James, and Mary Dick, of Pelham, September 26, 1780. [JAS]
15 - James, of Belchertown, and Mary Dick, of Pelham, Sept. 26, 1780. [Pelham VR-91] [VR4]
19 - John, and Sarah Kelso, from Lisbon, Oct. 26, 1742, at Amh. [CR 1-101] [GenRec]
4 - John, from Lisbon, and Sarah Kelso, from Lisbon, Oct. 26, 1742. [VR4]
64 - John, s. Joseph & Mercy (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Mary Wadsworth, ___ __, ____, at Hardwick. [JAS]
19 - John, s. Joseph, Jr., & Mercy (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Mary Wadsworth (or Wardwell), ___ __, ____, at Southbridge [Dup. Hardwick]. [GenRec]
13 - Joseph (2nd h.), and Clarissa (Smith) Aldridge, wid. Nahum, May 28, 1845, at Amh. [JAS]
64 - Joseph (2nd h.), s. Joseph & Mary, and Clarissa (Smith) Aldrich (2nd w.), wid. Nahum Aldrich, May 28, 1845, at Amh. [JAS]
19 - Joseph s. Joseph & Mary, and Clarissa (Smith) Aldrich (2nd w.), wid. Nahum, d. John Smith & Lucy, May 28, 1845, at Amh., from Worcester to Amh., at 20 years. [GenRec]
64 - Joseph, and Mary Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
19 - Joseph, s. Joseph & Mary, and Mercy Dickinson (1st w.), d. Moses & Mary, Nov. 30, 1797, at Amh. [GenRec]
64, 214 - Joseph, s. Joseph & Mary, and Mercy Dickinson (1st w.), November 30,1797, at Amh. [JAS]
64 - Joseph, s. Joseph & Mercy (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Abigail Tucker, ___ __, ____, moved to Springfield. [JAS]
19 - Joseph, s. Joseph, Jr., & Mercy (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Abigail Tucker, ___ __, ____, at Springfield. [GenRec]
64 - Mary Ann, d. Joseph & Mercy (Dickinson) (1st w.), and George Peters, May 10, 1838, at Philadelphia, PA. [JAS]
19 - Mary Ann, d. Joseph, Jr., & Mercy (Dickinson) (1st w.), and George Peters, at Philadelphia, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
804 - Parses, and John Hench, (intent at Pelham), January 5, 1789. [JAS]
112 - Porris, and John Hirsch, Jan. 5, 1789. [VR1]
342 - Sarah, and David Harkness, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
13, 64 - Joseph (2nd h.), s. Joseph & Mary, and Clarissa (Smith) Aldrich (2nd w.),, wid. Nahum Aldrich, May 28, 1845, at Amh. [JAS]
66 - Benjamin, and Jemima Unknown, ____ ___, ____. [JAS]
19 - Clarissa, and James A. Dunn, Apr. 29, 1819. [GenRec]
88 - Clarissa, and James A. Dunn, Apr. 29, 1819. [VR2]
66, 262 - Clarissa, of Amh., d. Benjamin & Jemima, and James A. Dunn, of Amh., April 29, 1819 , at Amh. [JAS]
66 - Danford W., and Waity Arnold, d. Richard & Lydia, May 12, 1835, at Sturbridge. [JAS]
19 - Ella Vilona, d. Lorin & Mary (Clapp), and Calvin N. Childs, Dec. 16, 1862, at Milwaukee, WI. [GenRec]
19 - Emily L., d. Lorin & Mary (Clapp), and Henry Marsh, of Amh., Nov. 18, 1854, at Chester. [GenRec]
65 - Horace K., s. Thomas & Polly (Canada), and Wait, d. Calvin & Sally (Brown), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
65, 123 - Lorin, and d. Silas & Deborah (Cushman), Clapp, December 3, 1835 at Amh. [JAS]
767 - Lydia (1st w.), and John Wellman (this JW assumed), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
803 - John, both of Lisbon (probably Lisbourn, early name for Pelham), and Sarah Kelso, October 26, 1742. [JAS]
66 - Lathrop, and Louisa, ____ ___, ____. [JAS]
20 - David, of Belchertown, and Esther Goodale, of Belchetown, Jan. 29, 1801. [GenRec]
66 - David, of Belchertown, s. Ebenezer & Abigail (Parsons), and Esther Goodale, of Belchertown, January 29, 1801, at Amh [JAS]
66 - Ebenezer, s. Edward & Rachel (Warriner), and Abigail Parsons, of Palmer, d. Benjamin & Martha (Bliss), April 9, 1771. [JAS]
20 - Joel, and Fanny Warner, Dec. 31, 1807. [GenRec]
35 - Joel, and Fanny Warner, Dec. 31, 1807. [VR4]
67 - Joel, s. Ebenezer & Abigail (Parsons), and Fanny Warner, of Amh., December 31, 1807, at Amh., moved west with his family. [JAS]
BLODGET, see Blodgett, Blotchet
68 - Abner, of East Windsor, CT, s. Benoni & Rebecca (Booth), and Rachel Phelps, of Enfield, CT, d. Benjamin & Rachel (Brown), March 23, 1768, at East Windsor, CT. [JAS]
68 - Achsah, d. Abner & Rachel (Phelps), and James Fenton, of Brimfield, May 28, 1817. [JAS]
71, 411 - Alonzo Calkins, s. Asiel & Eunice (Calkins) (1st w.), and Rosalind Hyde (1st w.), d. Andrew & Mary (Morton), December 3, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
70 - Amelia Lucretia, d. Cephas & Huldah (Gaylord), and Langdon Ayres, of Granby, November 21, 1844, at Amh. [JAS]
6, 69, 122 - Asiel (2nd h.), s. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), and Lucinda (Adams) Clapp (2nd w.), d. Nathan & Sybil (Ward) (2nd w.), wid. Olivert Clapp, (1st h.), October 11, 1812, at Amh. [JAS]
69 - Asiel, s. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), and Eunice Calkins (1st w.) [aka Polly], from Leverett, perhaps of Ludlow, January 14, 1796. [JAS]
69 - Benoni, s. Abner & Rachel (Phelps), and Damaris Blodgett, d. Phineas & Damaris (Loomis) Blodgett, sister Minerva Blodgett, November 18, 1807 at East Windsor, CT. [JAS]
70 - Cephas, s. Abner & Rachel (Phelps), and Huldah Gaylord, d. Eleazer & Sylvia (Clark), sister Eleazar Gaylord, September 15, 1814, at East Windsor, CT. [JAS]
70 - Charles, s. David & Margaret (Scott) (2nd w.), and Content Waite, January 25, 1815. [JAS]
69 - Damaris, d. Phineas & Damaris (Loomis) Blodgett, sister Minerva Blodget, and Benoni Blodget, s. Abner & Rachel (Phelps), November 18, 1807, at East Windsor, CT. [JAS]
8 - David, and Jerusha Dickinson, Jan. 4, 1760. [VR4]
72, 219 - David, s. Asiel & Eunice (Calkins) (1st w.), and Sarah Hunt Dickinson, d. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), May 29, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
67, 198 - David, s. Benoni & Rebecca (Booth), and Jerusha Dickinson, d. Ebenezer & Sarah Kellogg (1st w.), January 4, 1760, at Amh. [JAS]
68 - David, s. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), and Margaret Scott (2nd w.), of Whately, d. Joseph & Margaret (Belding), October 2, 1782, at Whately. [JAS]
68 - David, s. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), and Sarah Ingraham (1st w.) [doubtful], ___ __, ____. [JAS]
70 - Edward Phelps, s. Cephas & Huldah (Gaylord), Pastor at Greenwich, and Mary Webb, ____ ___, ___, at Andover. [JAS]
70 - Elizabeth Maria, d. Charles & Content, and Thomas Burnham, February 26, 1837. [JAS]
73 - Elizabeth, d. John & Irene (Robinson), and Joseph Whitson, of Newport, R I, March 13, 1770, at Amh. [JAS]
67, 496 - Experience (1st w.), d. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), and Elijah Matthews, s. Silas Matthews & Percilla (Woods), October 23, 1817, at Amh. [JAS]
70 - Harriet Gaylord, s. Cephas & Huldah (Gaylord), and Charles Montague, of Lenox, printer, November 19, 1840, at East Windsor, CT. [JAS]
72 - Henry Sanford, s. Benoni & Damaris (Blodget), and Louisa R. Broad, d. Luther & Sarah (Darling), October 15, 1840, at Leverett. [JAS]
68 - Hepsabah, d. David & Margaret (Scott) (2nd w.), and ____ Kellogg, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
72 - Huldah, d. John & Irene (Robinson), and Thomas Warren, of Stafford, CT, ___ __, _____. [JAS]
73 - Irene, twin d. John & Irene (Robinson), and Thomas Buell, January 27, 1780. [JAS]
71, 255 - Israel Porter, s. Asiel & Eunice (Calkins) (1st w.), and Avis Dodge d. Zebulon & Salome (Thayer), July 6, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
198, 204 - Jerusha (Dickinson) (2nd w.), d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), and Nathan Dickinson (2nd h.), s. Nathan & Thankful (Warner), March 19, 1804, at Amh. [JAS]
16 - Jerusha, and Elisha Ingram, June 17, 1783. [VR4]
32 - Jerusha, and Nathan Dickinson, Mar. 19, 1804. [VR4]
67, 415 - Jerusha, d. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), and Samuel Ingram, s. Samuel & Mary (Boltwood) (2nd w.), June 17, 1783, at Amh. [JAS]
72 - John Loomis, s. Benoni & Damaris (Blodget), and Julia Ann Smith, soon after June 10, 1834, probably at Amh. [JAS]
110 - John, Jr., and Lois Dickinson, Apr. 5, 1787. [VR1]
72 - John, s. Daniel & Deborah (Ellsworth), and Irene Robinson, d. Benjamin, of Stafford, CT, December 4, 1755. [JAS]
73, 199 - John, s. John & Irene (Robinson), and Lois Dickinson, d. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), April 5, 1787, at Amh.; their children born Newport, NH, and Randolph, VT. [JAS]
2 - Lucinda, (1st w.), of Belchertown, and Silas Ward Adams7, s. Asa & Clarissa (Eastman), Dec. 29, 1835. [GenRec]
113 - Luke, and Martha Dickinson, Apr. 8, 1789. [VR1]
73, 204 - Luke, s. John & Irene (Robinson), and Martha Dickinson (1st w.), of Amh., d. Joseph & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), April 8, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
73 - Luke, s. John & Irene (Robinson), and Sarah Bangs (2nd w.), January 30, 1794, at Claremont, NH; their children were all born at Claremont. [JAS]
70 - Martha Amelia, d. Charles & Content, and James M. White, December 25, 1843. [JAS]
70 - Mary Amanda, d. Charles & Content, and Eli F. Metcalf, October 24, 1847. [JAS]
68 - Nancy, d. David & Margaret (Scott) (2nd w.), and Ephraim Titus, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
73 - Rosamond, d. John & Irene (Robinson), and William Ainsworth, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
67, 590 - Sabra [Dup.; Sabra Blodgett], d. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), and David Pomeroy, s. Simson & Abigail (Smith), January (or June) 14, 1785 [JAS]
67 - Sarah Dickinson, d. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), and David Eveleth, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
68 - Submit, d. David & Margaret (Scott) (2nd w.), and Waitstill Kellogg, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
BLODGETT, see Blodget, Blotchet
21 - Abner, of E. Windsor, CT, s. Benoni & Abigail (Booth), of E. Windsor, CT, and Rachel Phelps, d. David & Abigail (Pettibone), Mar. 23, 1768, at Windsor, CT. [Hist. Windsor, CT II-108] [GenRec]
20 - Alonzo C., s. Asahel & Eunice (Calkins) (1st w.), and Rosalind Hyde, d. Andrew & Mary, Dec. 3, 1830. [Hist. Windsor, CT II-108] [GenRec]
96 - Alonzo E., and Rosalina Hyde, Dec. 3, 1830. [VR2]
21 - Amelia Lucretia (Delia), d. Cephas & Huldah (Gaylord), and Langdon Ayres, s. Chester & Susan, of Granby, lived at Granby, Nov. __, 1844, at Amh. [GenRec]
85 - Asael, and Lucinda Clapp, Oct. 11, 1812. [VR2]
20 - Asahel, s. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), and Eunice Calkins (1st w.), of Leverett, ___ __, 1794. [GenRec]
20 - Asahel, s. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), and Wid. Lucinda (Adams) Clapp (2nd w.), d. Nathan Adams, of Leverett, wid. of Oliver Clapp, Jr., Oct. 11, 1812. [GenRec]
21 - Benoni, s. Abner & Rachel (Phelps), and Damaris Blodgett, d. Phineas & Damaris (Loomis), Nov. 18, 1807, at E. Windsor, CT, moved to Amh., Mar. 21, 1810. [Hist. Windsor, CT II-108] [GenRec]
21 - Cephas, s. Abner & Rachel (Phelps), and Huldah Gaylord, d. Eleazar & Sy, Sept. 15, 1814, at E. Windsor, CT. [GenRec]
803 - Cyrus, of Brimfield, and Hannah Dewey, April 18, 1822. [JAS]
21 - Damaris, d. Phineas & Damaris (Loomis), and Benoni Blodgett, s. Abner & Rachel (Phelps), Nov. 18, 1807, at E. Windsor, CT, moved to Amh., Mar. 21, 1810. [Hist. Windsor, CT II-108] [GenRec]
21 - David, and Sarah H. Dickinson, Nov. 29, 1832. [GenRec]
98 - David, and Sarah H. Dickinson, Nov. 29, 1832. [VR2]
20 - David, Jr., s. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), and _____ Scott, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
20 - David, s. Benoni & Abigail (Booth), and Jerusha Dickinson, Jan. 4, 1760. [GenRec]
21 - Edward Phelps, Rev., s. Cephas & Huldah (Gaylord), and Mary Webb, of England, ___ __, ____, at Andover, over 40 years minister at Greenwich. [GenRec]
16 - Elisabeth, and Joseph Whiston, of Newport, Mar. 13, 1783. [VR4]
25 - Elizabeth M., d. Phineas, of E. Windsor, and Edward Bridgman, s. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w.), Nov. 5, 1840, at E. Windsor, CT. [GenRec]
88 - Elizabeth May, d. Phineas & Sarah (Reed), and Edward Bridgman, s. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w.), November 5, 1840, at East Windsor, CT. [JAS]
20 - Elizabeth, and Joseph Whiston, of Newport, Mar. 13, 1783. [GenRec]
89 - Esther, and John Briggs (1st h.), s. Ebenezer & Silence (Redding), resident of South Hadley, Amh., and Springfield, __ __, ____. [JAS]
98 - Eunice, and Charles Blain, of Collinsville, May 2, 1833. [VR2]
20 - Eunice, d. Asahel & Lucinda (____) Clapp (2nd w.), and Charles Blair, s. Joseph & Mary, May 22, 1833. [Hist. Windsor, CT II-108] [GenRec]
19 - Eunice, d. Asahel & Lucinda, at Canton, CT, and Charles Blair, s. Joseph, Jr., & Mercy (Dickinson) (1st w.), May 2, 1833, at Amh. [GenRec]
65, 69 - Eunice, d. Asiel & Lucinda (Adams) (Clapp) (2nd w.), and Charles Blair, s. Joseph & Mercy (Dickinson) (1st w.), May 2, 1833, at Amh. [JAS]
88 - Experience, and Elijah Matthews, Oct. 22, 1817. [VR2]
21 - Experience, and Elijah Matthews, Oct. 23, 1817. [GenRec]
21 - Harriet Gaylord, d. Cephas & Huldah (Gaylord), and Charles Montague, newspaper printer of Pittsfield, buried at Pittsfield, Nov. ___ __, 1840, at E. Windsor, CT. [GenRec]
21 - Henry, s. Benoni & Damaris (Blodgett), and Louisa R. Broad, of Leverett, d. Luther & Sarah, Oct. 15, 1840, at Leverett, left 2 children. [VR-3-170] [GenRec]
90 - Israel P, and Avis Dodge, of Belchertown, July 6, 1820. [VR2]
20 - Israel Porter, s. Asahel & Eunice (Calkins) (1st w.), and Avice Dodge, of Belchertown, Aug. 6, 1820. [Hist. Windsor, CT II-108] [GenRec]
20 - Jerusha, and Nathan Dickinson, Mar. 19, 1804. [GenRec]
20 - Jerusha, d. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), and Samuel Ingram, June 17, 1783. [GenRec]
21 - John Loomis, s. Benoni & Damaris (Blodgett), and Julia Smith, d. Benjamin, of Hadley, ___ __, ____, left no children. [GenRec]
20 - John, Jr., s. John, and Lois Dickinson, d. Nathan & Joanna, Apr. 5, 1787. [GenRec]
7, 69 - Lucinda (1st w.), d. Asiel & Lucinda (Adams) (Clapp) (2nd w.), and Silas Ward Adams, s. Asa & Clarissa (Eastman), December 29, 1835. [JAS]
20 - Luke, and Martha Dickinson, d. Joseph & Martha, Apr. 8, 1789, went to Claremont, NH. [Hist. Windsor, CT II-108] [GenRec]
14, 68 - Martha, d. Abner & Rachel (Phelps), and Nathaniel Allen, s. Nathaniel & Anna, February 16, 1802. [JAS]
643, 644 - Martha, of Stafford, CT, and Stephen P. Puffer, s. Stephen P. & Sally (Fosgate), ___ __, ____. [VR3]
358 - Mary, and Silas Hawks, of Deerfield, February 26, 1798, at Deerfield. [JAS]
502 - Minerva, of East Windsor, CT, d. Phineas & Damaris (Loomis), sister of Damaris Blodgett (w. of Benoni Blodgett), and Allen Porter Merrick, s. Aaron & Mary (Howe), May 7, 1834, probably at East Windsor, CT. [JAS]
88 - Richard Baxter, s. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w.), and Mary Nutting, d. George & Judith (Hastings), March 22, 1843, at Amh. [JAS]
190 - Sabra, and David Pomeroy, ___ __, 1786, ch., 1787-1802. [VR1]
20 - Sabra, d. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), and David Pomeroy, s. Simeon & Abigail, Jan. 14, 1786. [GenRec]
279 - Sarah Dickinson (1st w.), and David Eveleth, s. John & Lucy (Barnes) (1st w.), September 20, 1807, at Wilmington, VT. [JAS]
20 - Sarah Dickinson, d. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), and David Evely, Jan. 9, 1780? [GenRec]
20 - Speda, d. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), and _____ Matthews, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
BLOTCHET, see Blodget, Blodgett
11 - Jerusha, d. David & Jerusha, and David Pomeroy, ___ __, 1736 [sic, see birth of Jerusa]. [VR1]
73 - Stephen Carver, and Bethany Coit (1st w.), of Norwich, VT, February 12, 1829, their children were born at Norwich, VT. [JAS]
210 - Elvira M., and Edward C. Upton, of Andover, ___ __, 1841. [VR1]
21 - Eliza M., and Edward C. Upton, s. Abiel Upton, Jr., Mar. 17, 1841, at Amh. [GenRec]
51 - Eliza M., of Amh., and Edward C. Upton, of Andover, MA, Mar. 17, 1841. [VR4]
109 - Eliza M., of Amh., and Edward C. Upton, of Andover, Mar. 17, 1841. [VR2]
74 - Eliza M., of Amh., and Edward C. Upton, of Andover, March 17, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
530 - Fanny (1st w.), d. Stephen & Eleanor (Worthington), and Daniel Munger, s. Daniel, November 6, 1817, at Agawam. [JAS]
74 - Elisha (2nd h.), s. Jeremiah & Dorcas (Burtt), and Eunice (Clapp) Childs (2nd w.), of Conway, d. John & Eunice, of Deerfield, soon after April 4, 1834, at Conway. [JAS]
21 - Elisha, Esq., s. Jeremiah & Dorcas, and Eunice Gere (1st w.), of Preston, CT, Apr. __, 1802, at Preston. [GenRec]
21 - Elisha, Esq., s. Jeremiah & Dorcas, and Wd. Eunice (Clapp) Childs, (2nd w.), d. Joseph Clapp, from Montague, & Eunice (Snead), of Deerfield, ___ __, 1834, at Conway. [GenRec]
74 - Elisha, s. Jeremiah & Dorcas (Burtt), and Eunice Gere (1st w.), April __, 1802, at Preston, CT. [JAS]
35, 74 - Orinda, d. Elisha & Eunice (Gere) (1st w.), and Mason Ball, s. Josiah & Elizabeth (Cheney), grad. Union College, removed to Amh. May 1833, Pastor Amh. Bapt. Church, January 1, 1834, at Amh. [JAS]
11 - Orinda, d. Elisha & Eunice, and Rev. Mason Ball, Baptist minister, Jan. 1, 1834, at Amh. [GenRec]
45 - Sarah A. (2nd w.), of Georgia, VT, and Anson M. Colton, s. Joseph & Lucia M., ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
74 - Sophia Ann d. Elisha & Eunice (Gere) (1st w.), and Seth Clapp, May 2, 1803, at Ludlow. [JAS]
124 - Sophia Ann, d. Elisha, and Seth Clapp, s. Elisha & Asenath (Taylor), ___ __,____. [JAS]
74 - Ananias, of Washington, VT, and Sophia Bolles, d. Joseph & Sarah (Kellogg), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
419 - Joseph (1st w.), and Sally Ingram, d. Robert & Sarah (Bolles), ___ __, ____, at Washington, VT. [JAS]
419 - Sally (Ingram), d. Robert & Sarah (Bolles), and Moses Ring (2nd w.), ___ __, ____, at Washington, VT. [JAS]
491 - Hannah, and Jonathan Marsh, ___ __, 1769. [JAS]
BOLES, see Bolles
10 - _____, and Sarah Kellogg, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
BOLLES, see Boles
75 - Clapp, s. Joseph & Sarah (Kellogg), and Rhoda Harper, ___ __, ____, they had twelve children. [JAS]
75 - Clarissa, d. Clapp & Rhoda (Harper), and Joseph Dickinson, of South Hadley Canal, April __, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
74, 440 - Joseph, s. Joseph & Thankful (Smith), and Sarah Kellogg, d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Clapp), June 14, 1771, at Amh. [JAS]
22 - Joseph, tanner, s. Joseph & Thankful (Smith), and Sarah Kellogg, d. Ens. Ebenezer & Sarah (Clapp) (2nd w.), June 14, 1771, at Amh. to Washington, VT, bef. 1795. [Kellogg Gen. I-139, 291, 2] [GenRec]
98 - Pamela C., and Lewis Cowls, of Hadley, Nov. 14, 1833. [VR2]
75, 169 - Pamela Camp, d. Clapp & Rhoda (Harper), and Lewis Cowles, s. Silas & Zilpha (Shumway), November 14, 1833, at Amh. [JAS]
22, 41, 43 - Pamela E. (1st w.), and Lewis Cowles, s. Silas & Zilpha (Shumway), Nov. 14, 1833 [Dup. 1833]. [GenRec]
617 - Roswell C., and Catherine Roberts, d. Reuben & Esther (Risley), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
75 - Roswell C., s. Clapp & Rhoda (Harper), and Catherine Roberts, May. 12, 1836 in Amh. [JAS]
81 - Roswell, and Catharine Roberts, May 18376 (sic). [VR2]
22 - Roswell, s. Joseph Bolles & Sarah?, and Catherine Roberts, d. Rev. W. W. Hunt, May __, 1837. [GenRec]
114 - Sarah, and Robert Ingram, Feb. 23, 1790. [VR1]
22 - Sarah, d. Joseph & Sarah (Kellogg), and Robert Ingram, Feb. 23, 1790, 8 children. [GenRec]
74, 419 - Sarah, of Amh., d. Joseph & Sarah (Kellogg), and Robert Ingram, of Washington, VT, s. John & Thankful (Rose), February 23, 1790, at Washington, VT. [JAS]
74 - Sophia, d. Joseph & Sarah (Kellogg), and Ananias Bohanon, of Washington, VT, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
74 - Thankful, d. Joseph & Sarah (Kellogg), and Isaac Barron, of Washington, VT, September 25, 1800. [JAS]
422 - James K., of South Hadley, and Merilla Sophia Ingram, d. John & Lucy (Hubbard) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
BOLTWOD, see Boltwood
22, 23 - Samuel, Hon., s. Lt. Solomon & Mary (Strong), and Judith Nash, d. John, of Amh. & Mary Graves of Hatfield, ___ __, ____. [Strong Gen. II-1317] [Hadley Gen. P. 14 No. 6] [GenRec]
BOLTWOOD, seer Boltwod
76, 285 - Abigail, d. Samuel & Hannah (Alexander), and John Field, s. Zechariah & Sarah (Clark), July 10, 1739. [JAS]
23 - Edmund, s. William & Electa (Stetson), and Kate Weston Powers, Nov. 14, 1866, at Amh. [GenRec]
23 - Elijah, Hon., farmer & Hotel keeper in Amh., s. Samuel & Judith (Nash), and Eliza Almy, d. Tillinghast & Hannah (Chase), Nov. 5, 1807, no children. [Strong Gen. II-1317] [GenRec]
81 - Elijah, s. Samuel & Judith (Nash), and Elizabeth Almy, d. Tillinghast, of Portsmouth, RI, November 5, 1807, at Portsmouth, RI, no children. [JAS]
29 - Elisha (1st h.), and Lucretia Brewer, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
80 - Elisha (1st h.), s. Solomon & Mary (Strong), and Luvretia Brewer, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
23 - Elisha (2nd. h.), s. Lt. Solomon & Mary (Strong), and Lucretia Brewer, (1st w.), of Wilbraham, d. Gaius & Lucretia (Babcock), of Milton, Jan. 18, 1804, at Wilbrham. [TR] [Strong Gen. II-1333] [Hadley Gen. P. 14, No. 7] [GenRec]
23 - Elisha, s. Lt. Solomon & Mary (Strong), and Enos Baker (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [Hadley Gen. P. 14, No. 7] [GenRec]
75, 497 - Elizabeth, d. Samuel & Sarah (Lewis), and Eleazer Mattoon, , s. Philip, July 20, 1715. [JAS]
22 - Esther, d. Lt. William & Mary (Sheldon), and Abner Noble, of Pownal, VT, Jan. 1, 1795. [Hadley Gen. P. 14 No. 6] [GenRec]
77 - Esther, d. William & Mary (Sheldon), and Abner Noble, of Portal, VT, January 1, 1795. [JAS]
23 - Eunice Church, d. William, Jr., & (Irene) (2nd w.), and Horace Dexter, in Stockbridge, NY, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
79, 196 - Eunice Church, of Amh., and Horace Dexter, s. David & Mary (Pitkin), October 4, 1827. [JAS]
76 - Hannah, d. Samuel & Hannah (Alexander), and Ebenezer Smith, of South Hadley, November 9, 1726. [JAS]
79, 539 - Harriet (2nd w.), d. William & Eunice Noble (1st w.), and George Newhall (1st h.), November 7, 1838, at Amh. [JAS]
24 - Harriet Newhall, d. William & Electa (Stetson), and Stephen H. Larned, s. Thomas & Lucy (Holmes), July 20, 1871, at Amh. [GenRec]
23 - Harriet, d. William, Jr., & Eunice (Noble) (1st w.), and George Newhall (1st h.), of Athol, Nov. 7, 1838. [GenRec]
49 - Harriet, of A, and George Newhall, of Athol, Nov. 7, 1838. [VR4]
105 - Harriet, of Amh., and George Newhall, of Athol, Nov. 7, 1838, in Amh. [VR2]
4 - Jemima, and David Nash, Sept. 29, 1742. [VR4]
23, 25 - Jemima, d. Lt. Solomon & Mary (Strong) [dup. d. Solomon, Jr.], and William Brewer, of Wilbraham, [dup. s. ?William & Mercy], Oct. 16, 1805. [Hadley Gen. P. 14, No. 7] [GenRec]
32 - Jemima, and William Brewer, Oct. 16, 1805. [VR4]
22 - Jemima, d. Samuel & Hannah (Alexander), and David Nash, (1st w.) (he married 3 times), s. Dea. John & Hannah (Ingram), of Amh., Sept. 29, 1742. [Hadley Gen. P. 13 No. 3, 104 No. 17] [GenRec]
76, 536 - Jemima, d. Samuel & Hannah (Alexander), and David Nash, s. John & Hannah (Ingram), September 29, 1742, at Amh. [JAS]
78 - Jemima, d. Solomon & Mary (Strong), and William Brewer, of Wilbraham, October 16, 1805, in Amh. [JAS]
24 - John Emerson, s. William & Electa (Stetson), and Emma E. Hobart, d. Charles & Eliza (Howard), Apr. 29, 1868, at Amh. [GenRec]
22 - John, s. Lt. William & Mary and Sarah Hayze, of Pelham, ___ __, 1784. [Hadley Gen. P. 14 No. 6] [GenRec]
78 - John, s. William & Mary (Sheldon), and Harmony Briggs (1st w.), of Pelham, soon after March 29, 1782. [JAS]
78 - John, s. William & Mary (Sheldon), and Sarah Hayse (2nd w.), of Pelham, soon after October 21, 1784. [JAS]
118 - Kezia, and Abia Southworth, Nov. 20, 1795. [VR1]
24 - Kezia, and Abia Southworth, of Pelham, Nov. 20, 1794. [VR4]
78 - Kezia, twin d. Solomon & Mary (Strong), and Dr. Abia Southworth, of Pelham, November 20, 1794, in Amh. [JAS]
23 - Keziah, d. Lt. Solomon & Mary (Strong), and Dr. Abia Southworth, of Pelham, Nov. 8, 1794, 7 ch. [Strong Gen. II-1330] Hadley Gen. P. 14, No. 7] [GenRec]
23 - Lucius Manlius, s. Lucius & Fanny H. Shepher, and Clara B.Williams, d. Hinckley & Elvir A. (Waight), June 6, 1860, at Amh. [GenRec]
92 - Lucius, and Fanny H. Shepard, Aug. 30, 1824. [VR2]
80, 647 - Lucius, s. William & Eunice Noble (1st w.), and Fanny Haskins Shepard, d. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), August 30, 1824, in Amh. [JAS]
23 - Lucius, s. William, Jr., & Eunice (Noble) (1st w.), Fanny H. Shepher, d. Deborah, Aug. 20, 1824. [GenRec]
29, 80 - Lucretia (Brewer) (2nd w.), and Enos Baker (2nd h.), s. Elijah, November __, 1811. [JAS]
14 - Lucy, and Stephen Hubbard, Feb. 10, 1780. [VR4]
22 - Lucy, d. Lt. William & Mary (Sheldon), and Stephen Hubbard, Feb. 10, 1780. [Hadley Gen. P. 14 No. 6] [GenRec]
77, 400 - Lucy, d. William & Mary (Sheldon), and Stephen Hubbard, s. Isaac & Submit (Graves), February 10, 1760, at Amh. [JAS]
76, 414 - Lydia, d. Samuel & Sarah (Lewis), and John Ingram, s. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), June 29, 1719, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
23 - Martha, d. Samuel & Judith (Nash), and Hon. John Armes, of Conway, s. Consider & Mercy (Catlin), Jan. 8, 1800, 14 children. [Strong Gen. II-1317)] [GenRec]
79 - Martha, d. Samuel & Judith (Nash), and John Arms, before 1808. [JAS]
77, 415 - Mary (2nd w.), d. Solomon & Mary (Norton) (Pantry), and Samuel Ingram, s. John & Lydia (Boltwood), July 11, 1751, at Amh. [JAS]
332 - Mary Sheldon(1st w.), of Amh., and Rufus Green, s. Timothy & Sybel (Hastings) (Peck) (2nd w.), January 17, 1813, at Amh. [JAS]
79 - Mary Sheldon, d. William & Eunice Noble (1st w.), and Rufus Green, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
23 - Mary Sheldon, d. William, Jr., & Eunice (Noble) (1st w.), and Rufus Green, s. Timothy & Sibil. [GenRec]
148, 214 - Mary, and Moses Dickinson [aka "Marah"] (1st h.), s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
40 - Mary, and Rufus Graves, Jan. 13, 1813. [VR4]
354A - Mary, and Rufus Green, s. Timothy, Jr., & Eunice (Clark) (1st w.), ___ __, 1813. [Hadley Genealogies, P. 62, 65] [Northampton Probate Box 64, No. 39] [VR3]
6 - Mary, and Sam[ue]ll Ingram, July 11, 1751. [VR4]
22 - Mary, d. Lt. Solomon & Mary (Strong), and Moses Dickinson, Jr. (1st h.), of Amh., ___ __, ____. [Strong Gen. II-1322] [GenRec]
22 - Mary, d. Solomon & Mary (____) (Pantry), and Samuel Ingram, s. John (2nd w.), of Amh., July 11, 1751. [GenRec]
181 - Mary, d. William & Eunice (Noble), and Rufus Green, s. Timothy, Jr., & Sibyl (Hastings) (Peck) (2nd w.), Jan. 17, 1813. [VR1]
79, 351 - Olive (Smith) (Hastings), d. Joel & Sibbel (Woodbury), and Rev. Samuel Ware (3rd h.), of Sunderland, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
81 - Oliver Noble, s. William & Eunice (Noble) (1st w.), of Amh., and Nancy Smith, d. Nathaniel, of Bridgewater, NH, November 13, 1833, Nancy later resided at Ionia, MI. [JAS]
23 - Oliver Noble, s. William, Jr., & Eunice (Noble) (1st w.), and Nancy Smith, Nov. 13, 1833. [GenRec]
76 - Rebecca, d. Samuel & Sarah (Lewis), and Daniel Shattuck, of Hinsdale, NH, May 7, 1824. [JAS]
24 - Rizpah, d. William & Electa (Stetson), and S. Waldo Maltbie, s. Daniel & Esther (Tappan), Aug. 15, 1867, at Amh. [GenRec]
798 - Ruth, and Charles Wright, s. Samuel, October 19, 1742, at Amh. [JAS]
4 - Ruth, d. Sam[ue]l, and Charles Wright, s. Sam[ue]l, Oct. 19, 1742. [VR4]
22 - Ruth, d. Solomon & Mary (____) (Pantry), and Charles Wright, of Northampton, lived in Pownal, VT, Oct. 19, 1742. [GenRec]
76 - Ruth, d. Solomon & Mary (Norton) (Pantry), and Charles Wright, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
76 - Samuel, s. Samuel & Sarah (Lewis), and Hannah Alexander, d. Nathaniel, May 10, 1703. [JAS]
79, 538 - Samuel, s. Solomon & Mary (Strong), and Judith Nash, d. John & Mary (Graves) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
75 - Samuel, sergeant, s. Robert & Mary, and Sarah Lewis, d. Capt. William, of Farmington, CT, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
38 - Sarah (Benney) (2nd w.), d. Robert Benney, wid. of Solomon Boltwood, and Dr. Rufus, physician, s. Oliver & Irene (Dickinson), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
22 - Sarah (Benney), wid. Solomon Boltwood, and Dr. Rufus Cowles of Amh. (2nd h.), ___ __, 1819. [Strong Gen. II-1329] [Hadley Gen. P. 14 No. 6] [GenRec]
52, 80, 159 - Sarah (Benny), d. Capt. Robert, wid. Solomon Boltwood (1st h.), and Rufus Cowls (2nd h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
77, 209 - Sarah , d. William & Mary (Sheldon), and Israel Dickinson, s. John & Ester (Dickinson), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
22 - Sarah, d. Lt. William & Mary (Sheldon), and Israel Dickinson, ___ __, ____. [Hadley Gen. P. 14 No. 6] [GenRec]
75, 437 - Sarah, d. Samuel & Sarah (Lewis), and Nathaniel Kellogg, s. Joseph & Abigail (Terry), June 28, 1869, at Hadley. [JAS]
76 - Sarah, d. Solomon & Mary (Norton) (Pantry), and Elijah Merrill, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
23 - Sarah, d. William & Electa (Stetson), and Silas D. Clark, s. Silas & Almira, Dec. 30, 1847. [GenRec]
81, 128 - Sarah, d. William & Electa (Stetson), and Silas Dexter Clark, of Boston, s. Silas & Almira (Furbush), December 30, 1847, at Amh. [JAS]
23 - Sarah, d. William, Jr., & Eunice (Noble) (1st w.), and Jonathan Marsh, s. Jonathan & Hannah, Jan. __, 1809. [GenRec]
55 - Sarah, of Amh., and Silas D. Clark, of Boston, Dec. 30, 1847. [VR4]
79, 492 - Sarah, of Amh., d. William & Eunice Noble (1st w.), and Jonathan Marsh, s. Jonathan & Hannah Bol(cem), January 30, 1809, at Windsor, no children of record at Amh. [JAS]
76 - Solomon (2nd h.), s. Samuel & Sarah (Lewis), and Mary (Norton) Pantry, d. John, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
52, 80, 159 - Solomon Boltwood (1st h.), s. Solomon & Mary (Strong), and Sarah Benny, d. Capt. Robert, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
6 - Solomon, and Mary Strong, Aug. 29, 1751. [VR4]
22 - Solomon, s. Lt. Solomon & Mary (Strong), and Sarah Benny, (1st h.), ___ __, 1786, no children. [Strong Gen. II-1329] [Hadley Gen. P. 14 No. 6] [GenRec]
22 - Solomon, s. Samuel, of Hadley & Sarah (Lewis), and Mary (Norton) Pantry, wid. of John Pantry, Jr., of Hartford, CT, d. John Norton, of Farmington, CT. ___ __, ____. [Hadley Gen. p. 14, no. 5, 6 ch.] [GenRec]
22, 23 - Solomon, s. Solomon & Mary (____) (Pantry), and Mary Strong, (1st w.), d. Nehemiah and his 1st w. Wd. Hannah (French) (Edwards) of Amh., Aug. 29, 1751. [Gen. II-1317] [GenRec]
77, 711 - Solomon, s. Solomon & Mary (Norton) (Pantry), and Mary Strong, d. Nehemiah & Hannah (French) (Edwards) (1st w.), August 29, 1751, in Amh. [JAS]
126, 399 - William (2nd h.), and Irene (Hubbard) Clark, d. Isaac & Submit (Graves), ___ __, 1808. [JAS]
79 - William (2nd h.), s. William & Mary (Sheldon), and Irene (Hubbard) Clark (2nd w.), February 18, 1808, in Amh. [JAS]
79, 351 - William (2nd h.), s. William & Mary (Sheldon), and Olive (Smith) Hastings (3rd w.), d. Joel & Sibbel (Woodbury), April 20, 1833. [JAS]
20 - William, and Eunice Nobbie, Aug. 2, 1789. [VR4]
113 - William, and Eunice Noble, Aug. 2, 1789. [VR1]
35 - William, and Wid. Irene Clark, Feb. 18, 1808. [VR4]
22 - William, Lieutenant, s. Solomon & Mary (____) (Pantry), and Mary Sheldon, d. Ebenezer & Mary (Hunt), of Northampton, Dec. 10, 1750. [GenRec]
92 - William, of Amh., and Mrs. Oliver Hastings, of Deerfield, Feb. 6, 1833. [Deerfield VR-163] [VR1]
22 - William, s. Lt. William & Mary (Sheldon), and Eunice Noble (1st w.), d. Stephen & Ruth of Westfield, Aug. 2, 1789. [Hadley Gen. P. 14 No. 6] [GenRec]
22 - William, s. Lt. William & Mary (Sheldon), and Mrs. Irene (Hubbard) Clark, (2nd w.), Feb. 18, 1808. [Hadley Gen. P. 14 No. 6] [GenRec]
22 - William, s. Lt. William & Mary (Sheldon), and Mrs. Olive (Smith) Hastings, (3rd w.), d. Joel Smith, Wid. of Lucius Hastings, Apr. 20, 1833. [Hadley Gen. P. 14 No. 9] [Hadley Gen. P. 14 No. 6] [GenRec]
77 - William, s. Solomon & Mary (Norton) (Pantry), and Mary Sheldon, d. Ebenezer, of Northampton, December 10, 1750. [JAS]
81, 703 - William, s. William & Eunice Noble (1st w.), and Electa Stetson, d. Jacob & Rizpah (Bisbee), June 1, 1826, at Amh. [JAS]
79 - William, s. William & Mary (Sheldon), and Eunice Noble (1st w.), d. Stephen & Ruth, August 2, 1789, in Amh. [JAS]
23 - William, s. William, Jr., & Eunice (Noble) (1st w.), and Electa Stetson, d. Jacob & Rispah, June 1, 1826. [GenRec]
24 - William, s. William, Jr., & Eunice Noble, and Electa Stetson, d. Jacob & Rispah, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
82 - Solomon, and Mary, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
24 - Henry, and Susan Grant, Dec. 4, 1843. [GenRec]
113 - Henry, and Susan Grant, both of Amh., Dec. 4, 1843. [VR2]
82 - Henry, s. Jonathan, and Susan Grant, d. Phillip & Lucy (Allen), December 4, 1843, at Amh. [JAS]
535 - Elizabeth Booth, and Alvin McMaster, s. Joshua & Rebecca (Thompson), ___ __, ____, went to Michigan. [JAS]
82 - Gaius, of East Windsor, CT, s. Caleb & Anne (Bartlett), and Clarissa Dewey, d. John & Mary, December 1, 1806, at Suffield, CT. [JAS]
586 - Lucy, and Leonard R. Pierce, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
82 - Eliza, d. John & Sophronia G., and _____ Falconer, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
82 - John, and Sophronia G., ___ __, ____. [JAS]
721 - Mary Jane (3rd w.), of New York, NY, lived in September 1836, and Martin Thayer, s. Josiah & Avis (Hayward ) (1st w.), May 13 or June 17, 1832, at New York, NY. [JAS]
82 - Mary Jane, d. John & Sophronia G., and Martin Thayer, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
83 - Nancy, Miss, of Amh., and Francis McIn( )ter, of Belchertown, soon after Dec. 17, 1813. [JAS]
21 - Orinda, d. Elisha & Eunice (Gere), and Rev. Mason Ball, s. Josiah, of Shutesbury, Jan. 1, 1834, at Amh. [GenRec]
21 - Sophia, d. Elisha & Eunice (Gere), and Seth Clapp, insane, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
24 - Nathan, and Dorothy Marshall, Oct. 13, 1799. [GenRec]
27 - Nathan, and Dorothy Marshall, Oct. 13, 1799. [VR4]
84, 538 - Edmund, s. William & Susanna (Hines), and Achsa [Dup; Achsah] Nash, d. Jonathan & Anna (Hastings), April 21, 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
83 - Betsey, d. William & Susanna (Hines), and Alexander Vanever, of Boston, soon after September 9, 1809, in Amh. [JAS]
84 - Clarissa, d. William & Tirzah (Hubbard), and Wells P. Hodgett, ____. [JAS]
24 - Edmund, and Achsa Nash, d. Jonathan, Jr., & Anna, Apr. 21, 1808. [GenRec]
36 - Edward, and Achsah Nash, Apr. 21, 1808. [VR4]
84 - Julia, d. William & Tirzah (Hubbard), and Ansel C. Delano, January __, 1829. [JAS]
32 - Lydia, and Stephen Fish, Jr., Apr. 18, 1805. [VR4]
24 - Lydia, and Stephen Fisk, Jr., Apr. 18, 1804. [GenRec]
32 - Lydia, Miss, and Stephen Fish, Jr., of Amh., Apr. 18, 1805. [VR1]
83, 293 - Lydia, of Amh., d. William & Susanna (Hines), and Stephen Fish, s. Stephen & _____ (Unknown), April 11, 1805, at Amh. [JAS]
83 - Mary, d. William & Tirzah (Hubbard), and William Hunt, ___ __,____. [JAS]
185 - N., and Orinda Merrill, widow of Calvin, d. Moses Rowe & Huldah (Norton), ___ __, ____. [VR3]
24 - Phineas, and Hannah Goodale, d. Thomas & Hannah, Dec. 18, 1806. [GenRec]
34 - Phineas, and Hannah Goodale, Dec. 18, 1806. [VR4]
84, 311 - Phineas, s. William & Susanna (Hines), and Hannah Goodale (2nd w.?), d. Thomas & Hannah (Parker), December 18, 1806, at Amh. [JAS]
31 - Sally, and Benj[ami]n Cox, Aug. 4, 1803. [VR4]
24, 49 - Sally, and Benjamin Cox, Aug. __, 1803 [Dup. Aug. 4, 1803, at Amh.] [GenRec]
83, 170 - Sally, d. William & Susanna (Hines), and Benjamin Cox, paper maker at North Amh. by 1805, moved to Springfield by July 1809, August 4, 1803, at Amh. [JAS]
84 - Stillman G., s. Phineas & Hannah (Goodale) (2nd w.?), and Caroline Taylor, d. Ira & Abigail (Coon), ___ __,____. [JAS]
83, 183 - Susanna, d. William & Susanna (Hines), and Jarius Cutter, ___ __,____. [JAS]
24 - Thankful, and Elisha Clark, of Sunderland, Aug. 27, 1797. [GenRec]
26 - Thankful, and Elisha Clark, of Sunderland, Aug. 27, 1797. [VR4]
83, 129 - Thankful, d. William & Susanna (Hines), and Elisha Clark, August 27, 1797, at Amh., two children between 1797 and 1800. [JAS]
84 - Tirzah Almira, d. William & Tirzah (Hubbard), and Robert S. Ferry, ___ __,____. [JAS]
83 - Tryphena Montague, d. William & Tirzah (Hubbard), and Moses Abbott, Jr., ___ __, 1832. [JAS]
83 - William, and Susanna Hines, ___ __,____. [JAS]
83 - William, s. William & Susanna (Hines), of Sunderland, and Tirzah Hubbard, of Sunderland, d. Caleb, August 16, 1804, at Sunderland, [JAS]
326 - Ambrose, of Deerfield, and Adaline Graves, d. David & Mary (Bush), June 21, 1849. [JAS]
24 - Ebenezer, and Elizabeth M. Hunter, of Hadley, Nov. 26, 1839. [GenRec]
24 - Elizabeth Woodbury, d. James Woodbury & Eliza Otis (Turner), and George Howard Eaton, Res. 1927, Calais, ME, Aug. 22, 1871, at St. Stephen, N. B. [GenRec]
24 - James Woodbury, practice law in Amh. 1874 to 18__, s. Dr. Wyatt C., of Beverly, and Eliza Otis Turner, d. John & Rebecca (Dickinson), May 18, 1847. [GenRec]
85, 236 - James Woodbury, s. Dr. Wyatt C. & Elizabeth (Woodbury), and Eliza Otis Turner Dickinson, d. John & Rebecca (Ellis), May 18, 1847, at Amh. [JAS]
24 - Mary Ann, of Hadley, and Silas H. Thayer, Apr. 7, 1839. [GenRec]
24 - Mary Rebecca, d. James Woodbury & Eliza Otis (Turner), and Rev. Edgar L. Foster, Aug. 20, 1868, at Chicago, IL. [GenRec]
BOYINGTON, see Boyngton, Boynton
724 - Mary Ann, of Hadley, d. James & Persis, lived in 1850, probably at Hadley, and Silas H. Thayer, s. Hezekiah & Sarah (Howard), April 7, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
BOYNGTON, see, Boyington, Boynton
208 - Mary Ann, of Hadley, and Silas Amh. Thayer, Apr. 7, 1839. [VR1]
BOYNTON, see Boyington, Boyngton
104 - Abigail, d. Zachariah & Sarah, and John Palmer (1st h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
99 - Benjamin, of Shutesbury, and Lucretia Nutting, Apr. 16, 1835. [VR2]
803 - Ebenezer, both of Hadley, and Elizabeth M. Hunter, November 26, 1839. [JAS]
36 - Francis H., s. Benjamin & Louisa (Down), of Rehoboth, and Emily Adelia Clark, d. Simeon & Myra (Cowles), May 24, 1866, at Amh. [GenRec]
696 - Joshua Edson, and Betsey Minerva Spear, d. Elisha & Eunice (Haskins), July 4, 1844. [JAS]
108 - Mary Ann, of Hadley, and Silas H. Thayer, Apr. 7, 1840. [VR2]
85 - Ezra, resident of Amh. 1842, laborer at North Amh., farmer at Amh. 1845, and Mary B., ___ __, ____. [JAS]
186 - Joanna (1st w.) of West Hartford, CT., and Abraham5 Merrill, s. Abraham4, Dec. 31, 1761. [VR3]
505 - Joanna (1st w.), of West Hartford, CT, and Abraham, s. Abraham Merrill, December 31, 1761. [JAS]
598 - Lois I. (1st w.), of West Springfield, and Edward Prevear, s. Edward & Betsy, soon after September 26, 1840. [JAS]
100 - Martha Smith, and George Warner, Oct. 14, 1836. [VR2]
443 - Merab Ann (2nd w.), of Westminster, VT, and Daniel Kellogg, s. Daniel & Mercy (Eastman), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
85 - Elizabeth, of Amh. 1789, and Elihu Holland, of Pelham, soon after March 19, 1789. [JAS]
86 - John Quincy, s. John & Almira (Jillson), and Eliza Amh., ___ __, ____. [JAS]
86 - John, s. Solomon & Esther (Ballou), and Almira Jillson, d. Nathan & Cynthia (Arnold), soon after July 6, 1825. [JAS]
86 - Mellissa, d. John Quincy & Eliza Amh., December 23, 1840, at Amh. [JAS]
222 - Alfred, of Randolph, VT, and Caroline Gunn Dickinson, d. Ezekiel & Perley (Gunn), February 21, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
240 - Jantha Maria, of Hartford, CT, and Charles Holton Dickinson, s. Roswell & Rachel (Hunt), September 25, 1838, at Hartford, CT. [JAS]
24 - Alfred, of Randolph, VT, and Caroline Dickinson, d. Ezekiel & Perley (Gunn), of Montague, Feb. 21, 1825, Heath. [Dickinson Gen. p. 174] [GenRec]
97 - Harriet, of Willington, CT, and George Burnham, s. George & Abigail (Hills), March 24, 1841, at Willington, CT. [JAS]
693 - Elizabeth [aka Betsey], lived at Wilbraham March 1822 and at Wayne Co., NY 1844, and Jeremiah Snow, s. Jeremiah & Mary, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
86, 412 - Justin L., and Harriet Clark Hyde, d. Andrew & Mary (Morton), November 28, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
102 - Justin L., of Springfield, and Harriet C. Hyde, Nov. 28, 1839. [VR2]
331 - Lucena, and Porter Greene, s. Clark & Submit (Hastings), April 2, 1845, in Illinois. [JAS]
9 - Lucretia (2nd w.), and Enos, s. Elijah Baker & Rebecca (Smith), Nov. __, 1811. [GenRec]
23 - Lucretia, (1st w.), of Wilbraham, d. Gaius & Lucretia (Babcock), of Milton, and Elisha Boltwood (2nd h.), s. Lt. Solomon & Mary (Strong), Jan. 18, 1804, at Wilbrham. [TR] [Strong Gen. II-1333] [Hadley Gen. P. 14, No. 7] [GenRec]
29 - Lucretia, and Elisha Boltwood (1st h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
80 - Luvretia, and Elisha Boltwood (1st h.), s. Solomon & Mary (Strong), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
32 - William, and Jemima Boltwood, Oct. 16, 1805. [VR4]
23, 25 - William, of Wilbraham, [dup. s. ?William & Mercy], and Jemima Boltwood, d. Lt. Solomon & Mary (Strong) [dup. d. Solomon, Jr.], Oct. 16, 1805. [Hadley Gen. P. 14, No. 7] [GenRec]
78 - William, of Wilbraham, and Jemima Boltwood, d. Solomon & Mary (Strong), October 16, 1805, in Amh. [JAS]
86 - John M., s. John Milton & Philena (Higley), and Catherine A. Wright, of Blandford, d. Silas P. & Grace Amh., soon after May 9, 1846. [JAS]
16 - Jane E., of Gardner, and Paul West Allen, s. Washington & Betsey, April 4, 1844, at Gardner. [JAS]
25 - Millicent, of Shutesbury, and Joshua Conkey, of Pelham, Int. Mar. 14, June __, 1782. [Pelham VR-97] [GenRec]
45 - Millicent, of Shutesbury, and Joshua Conkey, of Pelham, June __, 1782. [GenRec]
803 - Millicent, of Shutesbury, and Joshua Conkey, of Pelham, June __, 1782. [JAS]
26 - Alson R., s. Guilford & Wd. Martha (Hansen) (Ober), and Maria Rawson, d.Daniel & Rachel, May 28, 1884, at Florence. [GenRec]
89 - Calvin, s. Wright & Irene (Smith), and Susan Mason Shaw, d. Jason & Susan (Dwight), of Belchertown, October 9, 1838. [JAS]
25 - Coleman, s. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w.), and Sarah Louisa Cook, d. Perez, of Granby, in Wisconsin, ___ __, 1854, at Saratoga, New York. [GenRec]
25 - Ebenezer, of Belchertown, and Jemima Field, Jan. 5, 1778. [GenRec]
25 - Edward, s. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w.), and Elizabeth M. Blodgett, d. Phineas, of E. Windsor, Nov. 5, 1840, at E. Windsor, CT. [GenRec]
88 - Edward, s. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w.), and Elizabeth May Blodgett, d. Phineas & Sarah (Reed), November 5, 1840, at East Windsor, CT. [JAS]
87 - Erastus Smith, s. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w.), and Lucinda King Smith, (1st w.), of Amh., d. Rufus & Isabel (Watson), soon after October 8, 1831, at Amh. [JAS]
25 - Erastus, s. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w.) and._____ Unknown (2nd w.), ___ __, ____, at Boston, had 2 children born in Amh. and one in Boston. [GenRec]
25 - Erastus, s. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w.) and_____ Unknown (1st w.), ___ __, ____, at Amh. [GenRec]
25 - Fanny Roe, d. Edward & Elizabeth M. (Blodgett), and Charles A. Shaw, s. Cushing & Betsey (Sanford), Nov. 15, 1871, at Amh. [GenRec]
162 - George, of Lee, and Sarah Cowles, of Amh., d. Jonathan Cowls & Esther (Graves), September 30, 1840, at Amh., went to Pittsfield. [JAS]
107 - George, of Lee, and Sarah Cowles, of Amh., Sept. 30, 1840. [VR2]
25 - George, s. Ebenezer & Jemima (Field), and Sarah Cowles, d. Jonathan Cook & Esther, lived at Pittsfield, Sept. 30, 1840. [GenRec]
40 - George, s. Ebenezer, of Belchertown, and Sarah Cowles, d. Jonathan & Esther (Graves), Sept. 30, 1840, at Amh., went to Pittsfield. [GenRec]
25 - Guilford, s. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w.), and Wido Martha (Hasen) Ober, d. Enoch Hasen & Eunice, Sept. 14, 1851, at Sedgwick, ME. [GenRec]
87, 503 - Harriet, d. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w.), and James Ely Merrick, s. Aaron & Mary (Howe), December 24, 1845, at Amh. [JAS]
25 - Harriet, d. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w.), and James Ely Merrick, s. Aaron & Mary, Dec. 24, 1845, at Amh. [GenRec]
37 - Jona[than], and Jerusha Smith, July 27, 1809. [VR4]
87 - Jonathan, s. Joseph & Ruth (Wright), and Achsa Granger (1st w.), d. Holcomb & Electa, of Hadley, adopted d. Joshua Clark, of Granby, November 20, 1806, at Granby, no children born alive. [JAS]
87, 663 - Jonathan, s. Joseph & Ruth (Wright), and Jerusha Smith (2nd w.), d. Elisha & Ursula Fellows (Billings), July 22, 1809, at Amh. [JAS]
25 - Jonathan, s. Joseph, and Achsah Granger (1st w.) ___ __, ____, at Granby, had no child formalive (born alive?). [GenRec]
25 - Jonathan, s. Joseph, and Jerusha Smith (2nd w.), d. Elisha & Ursula, July 22, 1809, at Amh. [GenRec]
25 - Jonathan, s. Joseph, and Lucinda K. Smith (3rd w.), d. Rufus of Amh. & Palmer, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
25 - Jonathan, s. Joseph, and Wido Hannah F. Wood (4th w.), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
26 - Louis Melville, s. Guilford & Wd. Martha (Hansen) (Ober), and Etta R. Pratt, d. Charles & Mary, Apr. 26, 1874, at Shutesbury. [GenRec]
25 - Louisa, d. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w.), and Moses C. Porter, s. Jonathan, teacher, Apr. 14, 1857, at Amh. [GenRec]
285 - Oliver, of Belchertown, and Jemima Field, d. John & Abigail (Boltwood), January 15, 1778, at Amh. [JAS]
26 - Oscar L., s. Guilford & Wd. Martha (Hansen) (Ober), and Matilda Supremant, d. Peter & Melissa, Sept. 5, 1888, at Thompsonville, CT. [GenRec]
110 - Richard B., and Mary Nutting, both of Amh., Mar. 22, 1843. [VR2]
25 - Richard Baxter, s. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w.), and Mary Nutting, d. George & Judith, Mar. 22, 1843, at Amh. [GenRec]
12 - _____, and Jemima Field, Jan. 15, 1778. [VR4]
120 - Amasa, Dr., of Eaten, NY, and Miss Abigail Smith, of Amherst, June 5, 1815. [VR1]
26 - Amasa, Dr., of Eaton, NY, and Abigail Shumway, June 5, 1815, at Amh. [GenRec]
648 - Amasa, physician of Eaton, Madison, Co., NY, and Abigail C. Shumway, of Amh., d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), June 5, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
271 - Asaph L., and Lilly Eaton, d. Marson & Charlotte, August 30, 1825, at Pelham. [JAS]
90 - Cyrus, and Athenia, __ __, ____. [JAS]
90 - Ebenezer, s. John & Esther (Blodgett), and Sarah Ann Fisk (1st w.), of Hardwick, d. Charles W. & Sarah (Lawrence), July 8, 1840, at Hardwick. [JAS]
26 - Ebenezer, s. John, of Springfield, and Sarah Ann Fiske, d. Charles W., of Hardwick, July 15, 1840, at Hardwick. [GenRec]
89, 496 - Esther (Blodgett), of Amh., wid. John (1st h.), and Elijah Matthews (2nd h.). [JAS]
78 - Harmony (1st w.), of Pelham, and John Boltwood, s. William & Mary (Sheldon), soon after March 29, 1782. [JAS]
16 - Harmony, of Pelham, and Tho[ma]s Dale, of Suffield, Apr. 24, 1783. [VR4]
803 - Harmony, of Pelham, and Thomas Dale, of Suffield (probably CT), April 24, 1783. [JAS]
36 - James T., s. John & Mary, of Orange, MA, and Zilpha Gilbert Clark, d. Simeon & Myra (Cowles), Nov. 24, 1859, at Amh. [GenRec]
89 - John (1st h.), s. Ebenezer & Silence (Redding), resident of South Hadley, Amh,. and Springfield, and Esther Blodgett, __ __, ____. [JAS]
89 - John Redding, s. John & Esther (Blodgett), and _____ Unknown (1st w.), __ __, ____. [JAS]
89 - John Redding, s. John & Esther (Blodgett), and Hannah Allen (2nd w.), d. Capt. Ethan & Sally (Holbrook), October 13, 182(6). [JAS]
89 - Mary A., d. John Redding & Hannah (Allen) (2nd w.), and Nathaniel Merrill, December 30, 1845, at Sherburne Falls. [JAS]
424 - Mary, of Amh., and Oshea Ingram, s. Gershom & Martha (Belden), August 6, 1821, at Southampton., probably divorced by 1826. [JAS]
14 - Abigail, d. Lewis & Mary (Rice), and Benjamin Weeks Allen, s. Stephen A. & Catherine (Weeks), January 24, 1816, at Marlborough. [JAS]
4 - Abigail, d. Lewis & Mary, of Marlborough, and Benjamin Weeks Allen, s. Stephen & Catherine W., Jan. 28, 1816, at Marlborough. [GenRec]
40, 43 - Julia D., adopted d. Walter Dickinson, and Enoch Cowles, s. Joseph & Beulah (Walkup), May 19, 1825, at Amh. [GenRec]
94 - Julia D., and Enoch Cowls, May 19, 1825. [VR2]
167 - Julia D., of Amh., d. Elizabeth (Merril), adopted d. Walter Dickinson, and Enoch Cowles, s. Joseph & Beulah (Walkup), May 19, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
4 - Lydia Brigham, d. Ashley & Mary, and Lewis Hastings Allen, s. Benjamin Weeks & Abigail (Brigham), Apr. 6, 1853, at Marlborough. [GenRec]
191 - Betsey (2nd w.), and Gideon Delano, December 15, 1808, at New Braintree. [JAS]
480 - Eliza S., of Leverett, and David B., resident of Amh. by May 1836, when he bought a small lot, carriage maker at Amh. in business with Samuel C. Ayres, gentleman at Amh. 1837, carriage trimmer and maker through November 1939, sold his lot and left Amh. by 1840, soon after October 8, 1836. [JAS]
72 - Louisa R., d. Luther & Sarah (Darling), and Henry Sanford Blodgett, s. Benoni & Damaris (Blodget), October 15, 1840, at Leverett. [JAS]
21 - Louisa R., of Leverett, d. Luther & Sarah, and Henry Blodgett, s. Benoni & Damaris (Blodgett), Oct. 15, 1840, at Leverett, left 2 children. [VR-3-170] [GenRec]
606 - Parsons, and Miriam Fairbanks Reed, d. William & Anna (Reed), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
457 - Susan Broad (1st w.), of Leverett, and Henry Kellogg, s. Julie & Mary (Pool), April 7, 1822. [JAS]
90 - Charles, of Amh., mechanical income, and Lucy, __ __, ____. [JAS]
91 - _____, and Charlotte, of Amh. 1820, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
91 - _____, and Harriet, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
364 - Martha (1st w.), of Conway, and Eli Hawley, twin s. Zechariah & Anna (Howard), April 15, 1838. [JAS]
91 - Darwin, farm laborer at Amh. 1850, and Mary C., ___ __, ____. [JAS]
91 - Isaac, farm laborer at Amh. 1840, and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
605 - John (1st h.), of Halifax, VT, and Sarah Read, of Amh., d. Thomas & Sally (Smith), November 26, 1840, at South Amh. [JAS]
91 - John, joiner at Amh. by 1753, farmer at Amh. by 1764, and Abigail, __ __, ____. [JAS]
26 - John, of Halifax, VT, and Sarah Reed, d. Thomas & Sally, of Amh., Sept. 26, 1840, at Amh., went to Halifax, VT. [GenRec]
110 - John, of Halifax, VT, and Sarah Reed, of Amh., Nov. 26, 1840. [VR2]
91 - John, removed from _alifax, VT to Amh. by July, 1842, and Sarah, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
573 - Polly (1st w.), and Sharon Pease, s. Sharon & Lucy, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
684 - Rebecca and Elijah Smith [aka ES 2nd], s. Asa & Submit (Severance), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
91 - Samuel Dwight, farm laborer in Enfield, CT 1848, painter at Amh. 1850, and Diantha Coon, June 10, 1847, at Enfield, CT. [JAS]
460 - Rebecca, and Robert Charles Kidd, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
583 - _____ (2nd h.), and Hannah (Sawyer), wid. Paul (1st h.), after 1842, moved to Erving. [JAS]
747 - Abel, of Belchertown, and Hannah Ward, d. John & Polly (Davison)¸ December 17, 1829, at Pelham. [JAS]
118 - Abigail, and Eleazer Nash, Apr. 6, 1795. [VR1]
93 - Abigail, and Eleazer Nash, Jr., of Granby, April 6, 1795, at Amh. [JAS]
26 - Abigail, and Eleazer Nash, Jr., s. Elezser & Phebe, of Granby, Apr. 6, 1795, at Amh. [GenRec]
24 - Abigail, and Eleazer Nash, of Granby, Apr. 6, 1795. [VR4]
54 - Anna, and Amos Bigelow, s. Daniel & Martha (Pratt), February __, 1784, at Framingham. [JAS]
245 - Caroline Elizabeth, of Belchertown, d. Robert & Eliza (Rainger), and Ebenezer Porter Dickinson, s. Abijah & Mary (Stetson), October 5, 1842, at Belchertown. [JAS]
93, 392 - Charles P., and Mary Houston (1st w.), John Orr & Lucy (Taylor), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
93, 392 - Charles P., and Sarah Ann Houston (2nd w.), John Orr & Lucy (Taylor), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
569 - Clarissa, of Hartford, CT, and Francis Parsons, s. David & Harriet (Williams), December 23, 1829. [JAS]
92 - Daniel, and Anna, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
196 - Elizabeth, and W[illia]m Chandler Sabin, ___ __, 1840, 1 ch. [VR1]
96 - Elizabeth, and W[illia]m Sabin, ___ __, 1840, 1 ch. [VR1]
250 - Elvira [aka Elmira], of Amh., and Frederick Ely Dickinson, s. Walter & Lydia (Dickinson), August 15, 1833, at Pelham. [JAS]
92 - George, and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
372 - Huldah T., of Stephentown, NY, and Daniel Dickinson Heath, of Amh., s. Daniel & Polly (Lewis) (2nd w.), soon after December 4, 1825. [JAS]
93, 367 - Joseph Putnam, and Laura A. Hawley, d. Austin & Betsy (Pierce), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
281 - Lucelia, d. Erastus F. & Philinda (Meekins), sister of Marah Brown, and Edwin C. Fairchild, s. Curtis & Mirande (Clapp), November 29, 1849, at Conway. [JAS]
426 - Lydia M., of Belchertown, d. Robert & Elvira, and Lucius Ingram, s. Zaccheus Crocker & Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.), November 27, 1845, at Belchertown. [JAS]
589 - Marah, of Conway, d. Erastus F. & Philinda (Meekins), and Sumner Osgood Polley, s. Amos & Jerusha, October 20, 1847, at Conway, no children mentioned in 1850 Census. [JAS]
133 - Mary Brown, d. Ebenezer & Keziah, aka Polly, and Jonas Colburn, February 19, 1824, at Framingham. [JAS]
36 - Mary Taylor (2nd w.), and Dexter Clark, s. Elijah & Sibyl (Green), May 8, 1859, at Rockford, IL. [GenRec]
26 - Moses M., of Springfield, and Eunice K. Nash d. Oliver & Hannah, of Granby, May 7, 1840, at Amh. [GenRec]
108 - Moses M., of Springfield, and Eunice K. Nash, of Amh., May. 7, 1840. [VR2]
92,230 - Moses Melancthon, s. Oliver, and Beulah Montague Dickinson (1st w.), d. David & Hannah (Dana), soon after November 7, 1832. [JAS]
92, 543 - Moses Melancthon, s. Oliver, and Eunice Knight Nash (2nd w.), d. Oliver & Hannah Dickinson (1st w.), May 7, 1840, at Amh. [JAS]
2 - Nancy (1st w.), and Isaiah Adams, s. John & Betsy (Ward), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
564 - Relucia Amh., of Belchertown, d. Robert & Eliza, and Hurlburt Park, s. Levi & Chloe (Slate) (2nd w.), June 16, 1850, at North Amh. [JAS]
93 - Smith, and Chloe, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
92, 695 - Sylvester, s. Selah A. & Betsey (Dunham), and Nancy Maria Spear (2nd w.), d. Joseph & Nancy (Walker) (2nd w.), June 11, 1845. [JAS]
92 - Sylvester, s. Selah A. & Betsey (Dunham), and Phebe S. Russell (1st w.), d. Elijah, December 21, 1842. [JAS]
131 - Horatio, of Castleton, VT, and Luthera Clarke, of Amh., soon after August 31, 1836. [JAS]
94 - Ichabod, s. Seth & Elizabeth (French), and Silence Bryant, d. Phillip & Silence (Hayward), December 27, 1792, at Bridgewater. [JAS]
94 - Moses, resident of Amh. 1830, and Mary Wright, of Northampton, soon after March 16, 1832. [JAS]
94 - Olive, d. Seth & Elizabeth (French), and William Hunter Conkey, soon after October 29, 1804, at Pelham. [JAS]
94 - Seth, and Elizabeth French, February 7, 1765, at Bridgewater. [JAS]
26 - Seth, from Bridgewater, and Elizabeth Unknown, ___ __, ____. Were admitted to Dr. Parson's church, Mar. 31, 1794. [GenRec]
94 - Seth, s. Seth & Elizabeth (French), and Nabby Babey, soon after October 14, 1798, at Pelham. [JAS]
94 - Silence, d. Phillip & Silence (Hayward), and Ichabod Bryant, s. Seth & Elizabeth (French), December 27, 1792, at Bridgewater. [JAS]
94, 478 - Zibeah [aka Zibby], perhaps second w., d. Seth & Elizabeth (French), and Elisha Lewis, s. Noadiah & Irene (Clapp), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
95 - George, resident of Amh. from September 1759 through January 22, 1760, when he and his family were warned out of Amh., and Mary, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
570 - Winthrop, of New London, CT, and Eunice Wells Parsons, of Amh., d. Gideon & Huldah (Rowe), February __. 1812, at Amh. [JAS]
685 - Julia A. (2nd w.), and Benjamin Franklin Smith, s. Simon & Mary (Burr), before August 1845. [JAS]
95 - Samuel, and Keziah Wood, March 6, 1780, at Pelham. [JAS]
95, 360 - Benjamin (2nd h.), and Sarah (Hawley) Hodden, wid. John, d. Samuel & Sarah (Field), soon after October 1779. [JAS]
95 - J. E., and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
73 - Thomas, and Irene Blodgett, d. twin s. John & Irene (Robinson), January 27, 1780. [JAS]
95 - David B., of North Amh., and Jemima P., ___ __, ____. [JAS]
429 - Clarissa (1st w.), and Silas Johnson, s. Nathaniel, Jr., & Anna, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
370 - George, and Laurana A. Hayward, d. Amasa & Betsy (Johnson), July __, 1837, at Bernardston, went to Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
259 - Henry S., of Ludlow, and Mary Ann Draper, of Amh., d. Learned Orne & Anna (Comstock), June 12, 1844. [JAS]
429 - Silinda Bugbee (2nd w.), and Silas Johnson, s. Nathaniel, Jr., & Anna, December 6, 1793, at Woodstock, CT. [JAS]
792 - Melinda Amh., and Andrew Willson, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
95 - Platt, and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
512 - Platt, of Mobile, AL, and Sarah Elizabeth Montague, of Amh., d. Joseph & Mary (Brush) (Abbott), soon after December 26, 1829. [JAS]
622 - Albert, of Wendell, and Samantha Roberts, d. Isaac & Sylvia (2nd w.), December 11, 1845, at Amh. [JAS]
223 - Asa, Rev., and Lucretia Gunn Dickinson, d. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), May 16, 1832, at Amh., moved to Cambridge. [JAS]
763 - Susan [aka Susannah], of Rehoboth, and Captain William Watson, soon after July 14, 1769. [JAS]
460 - Ruth, of Amh., and John Kentfield, of Amh., soon after December 11, 1819. [JAS]
304 - Aziel (2nd h.), and Martha (Trowbridge) Gamwell, [aka widow Patty Gamwell], d. John & Margret (Farrar), October 6, 1817, at Amh. [JAS]
55 - Francis J., of Amh., and Azubah Wells, of Amh., Colored persons, Feb. 4, 1847. [VR4]
96 - Michael, of Amh., and Polly Norton [or Nelson ?], lived with Persis (Norton) Dewey, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
26 - Samuel, of Wendell, and Elizabeth Thompson, of Amh., Nov. 28, 1843, at Amh. [GenRec]
96 - William, and Hannah ___ __, ____, [She may be sister of William, not his wife.] [JAS]
689 - Eliza, of Chester, VT, and Charles X. Smith, of Amh. (NH?), April 22, 1847. [JAS]
96 - John, and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
163 - Almon S., and Angelina Cowls, d. William & Abigail (Hill), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
97 - George, s. George & Abigail (Hills), and Harriet Brett, of Willington, CT, March 24, 1841, at Willington, CT. [JAS]
97 - Henry L., s. George & Abigail (Hills), and Sarah Judd, of Hartford, May 8, 1834, at Hartford, CT. [JAS]
97 - James, and Eunice, ___ __, ____, six children between 1784 and 1800. [JAS]
34 - Louisa, of Shutesbury, and William Emerson Clapp, s. Silas & Deborah (Cushman), Sept. 13, 1837, at Vernon, VT. [GenRec]
123 - Louisa, of Shutesbury, and William Emerson Clapp, s. Silas & Deborah (Cushman), September 13, 1837, at Vernon, VT. [JAS]
70 - Thomas, and Elizabeth Maria Blodget, d. Charles & Content, February 26, 1837. [JAS]
758 - Anne G. (2nd w.), d. Thomas & Anna (Greely), and Aaron Warner, s. Joshua & Jerusha (Edwards), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
410 - John, of Petersham, and Rhoda Hunt, of Amh., soon after January 6,1816. [JAS]
458 - Margaret, d. John & Sarah (Cole), and Edward Philander Kellogg, s. Philander & Fanny (Sperry), January 21, 1834. [JAS]
805 - Elizabeth J., of Wilbraham, and Joel B. Stebbins, of Palmer, May 12, 1847, probably at Amh. Bapt. Ch. [JAS]
98 - Freeman, and Mary, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
564 - Nelson, of Gill, and Phoebe L. Park, d. Levi & Phoebe (Slate) (1st w.), February 11, 1840. [JAS]
564 - Salmon H., and Miranda A. Park, d. Levi & Phoebe (Slate) (1st w.), May 27, 1829. [JAS]
215 - Aurelia, and Pliny Dickinson, s. Medad & Esther (Dickinson) (3rd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
98 - Enoch, s. Henry & Judith (Fuller), and Nancy Graves, d. Enos & Sybil (Kellogg), April 12, 1825. [JAS]
311 - Huldah (1st w.), d. Thomas & Mercy (Phelps), and Isaac Goodell (2nd h.), April 10, 1753, probably at Northampton. [JAS]
38 - Joseph, and Sarah, d. John, Jr., & Deborah (Bartlett), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
666 - Martha [aka Polly or Patty], d. Henry, and Elijah Smith, s. David & Mary (Warner), October 27, 1794, at Amh. [JAS]
26 - Martha, d. Henry, of Northampton, and Elijah Smith, s. David & Mary of Amh., Oct. 27, 1794, at Amh. [GenRec]
118 - Pattey, and Elijah Smith., Oct. 27, 1795. [VR1]
24 - Patty, and Elijah Smith, Oct. 27, 1794. [VR4]
27 - Sarah (1st w.), d. David & Sarah (Phelps), and Noah Baker, s. Capt. John & Rebecca (Clark), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
9 - Sarah, and Noah Baker, s. Capt. John & Rebecca (Clark), ___ __, 1740. [GenRec] [Transcriber's note: On same line as Sarah's name, under column for "to whom married" is the name Rachel Phillips. Corbin may have put this name in the wrong column, as "parent's name" is the next column to the right. Rachel's name was not placed anywhere.]
107 - Caroline E., of Chicopee Falls, and Jeremiah Chapman, of Amh., September 17, 1848, at Somers, CT. [JAS]
26 - Caroline E., of Chicopee, and Jeremiah Chapman, of Amh., Sept. 17, 1848, at Somers, CT. [GenRec]
212 - Martha, of Boylston, and Baxter Dickinson, s. Azariah & Mary (Eastman), June 4, 1823, at Boylston. [JAS]
326 - Mary, of Westfield, and David Graves, s. David & Sarah (Clapp), November 3, 1816. [JAS]
98 - Abel Amh., resident at Amh. 1842 through March 1845, shoemaker, and Harriet M. Peck, of Monson, soon after October 15, 1842. [JAS]
183 - Delia M., d. William & Margaret (Ethan), and Benjamin Franklin Cutter, s. Jarius & Susannah (Bowman), October 23, 1824, at Hinsdale, NH. [JAS]
98 - William, and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
27 - Abby, s. Levi & Abigail (Gray), and Mary J. Thayer. [GenRec]
27 - Damaris, d. Levi & Abigail (Gray), and Hugh Faren, ___ __, ____, went to Shirley. [GenRec]
27 - Eunice, d. Levi & Abigail (Gray), and John Horton, s. George, ___ __, ____, at Hadley. [GenRec]
99, 390 - Eunice, d. Levi & Abigail (Gray), and John W. Horton, s. George, soon after March 21, 1844, at Hadley. [JAS]
27 - Horace, s. Levi & Abigail (Gray), and Ruth M. Morris, d. John, went to Lafayette, Stark Co., IL., ___ __, ____, at Otto, NY. [GenRec]
27 - Levi, gunsmith in Lynn, s. Levi & Abigail (Gray), and Eliza Stuart, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
98 - Levi, of Amh. resident of Amh. October 1841, and Abigail Gray, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
27 - Levi, s. Peter & Hannah, and Abigail Gray, d. Eliphalet & Lydia, of Belchertown, Jan. 28, 1809, at Ellington, CT. [GenRec]
494 - Mary (2nd w.), and Thomas Marshall, soldier in the militia at Stillwater September 1777, resident of Amh. 1780 - 90, gravedigger at Amh. 1781, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
27 - William, butcher in Amh., s. Levi & Abigail (Gray), and Lucy Bartlett, d. Alexander Bartlett, of Pelham, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
99 - William, s. Levi & Abigail (Gray), and Lucy J. Bartlett, d. Alexander & Lucy, soon after December __, 1841. [JAS]
59 - Hannah, and Joel Billings, ____ __, ____. [JAS]
99 - Frederick, and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
33 - William H., s. Jeremiah & Nancy (Winkley), and Ellen Jane Church, d. Alonzo & Hannah (Hyde), June 16, 1864, at Amh. [GenRec]