Vital Records Of Amherst,
Hampshire County, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
(Some Records to the Early 20th Century)
Published by The New England Historic and Genealogical Society in the Corbin Collection,
and by The Search & Research Publishing Corporation
Marriages - SABIN to SMITH
[Transcribed by Carlton O. Hommel]

638 - Alvah T., s. Chandler & Ruby (Thayer), and Marietta Keith, of Granby, soon after September4, 1844, probably at Granby. [JAS]
196 - Barnabas Wait, and Sabra Ann Prior, June 20, 1843, 1 ch., 1847. [VR1]
638 - Barnabas Wait, s. William & Fanny (Gardner), and Sabra Ann Prior, d. Augustus & Anna, June 20, 1843, at East Medow, CT. [JAS]
414, 637 - Barnabas, and Elizabeth Ingram (1st w.), d. Elisha & Elizabeth (Smith) (Lewis), May 22, 1770, probably at Amh. [JAS]
196 - Barnabas, and Elizabeth Ingram, ___ __, ____, 1 ch. [VR1]
196 - Barnabas, and Sarah Wait, ___ __, ____, 6 ch., 1784-1793. [VR1]
637 - Barnabas, s. of William & Susanna, and Sarah Scott (2nd w.), of Hatfield, July 13, 1780, at Whately. [JAS]
637 - Betsy [aka Elizabeth], d. Barnabas & Sarah (Scott) (2nd w.), and _____ Partridge, of Hatfield, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
196 - Chandler, and Ruby Thayer, Nov. 11, 1811, 7 ch., 1812-1829. [VR1]
637 - Chandler, s. Barnabas & Sarah Scott (2nd w.), and Ruby Thayer, November 11, 1811, at Dana, shared their house with Linus Lyons. [JAS]
637 - Electa, d. Barnabas & Sarah (Scott) (2nd w.), and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ____, at Charlemont. [JAS]
637 - Emily, d. William & Fanny (Gardner), and Mason Shaw, of Belchertown, December 31, 1846, at East Amh. [JAS]
638 - Ephraim T., s. Chandler & Ruby (Thayer), and L. Maria Whitney, d. of John & Sophia (B____), of Thorndyke in Palmer, soon after September 17, 1850, at Palmer. [JAS]
637 - Lovina, d. William & Fanny (Gardner), and Amos Puffer (1st w.), ___ __, ____, at Waltham. [JAS]
638 - Sarah S., of Amh., d. Chandler & Ruby (Thayer), and Franklin Johnson, of New York, NY, December 9, 1840, at Amh. [JAS]
103 - Sarah, and Franklin Johnson, of New York, Dec. 9, 1840. [VR2]
196 - W[illia]m Chandler, and Elizabeth Brown, ___ __, 1840, 1 ch. [VR1]
196 - William, and Fanny Gardner, May 17, 1807, 7 ch., 1808-1823. [VR1]
637 - William, s. Barnabas & Sarah (Scott) (2nd w.), and Fanny Gardner, May 17, 1807, at Southboro, ME. [JAS]
SABINE, see Sabins
483 - Alexander Frederick, and Susan Whitney Lyman, d. Theodore & Susan Willard (Whitney), May 17, 1842, at Montreal, Canada. [JAS]
SABINS, see Sabine
9 - _____, and Elisabeth Ingram, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
1 - Candace, and Amos Abbott, s. Jacob & Mary (Mercy), d. Erastus, of Pittsfield, Feb. __, 1796, at Pittsfield, 10 ch. Removed to Ohio. [Abbott Genealogy I-358] [GenRec]
1 - Candace, d. Erastus, of Pittsfield, and Amos Abbott, s. Jacob & Marcy, February __, 1794, at Pittsfield. [JAS]
18 - Candace, of Pittsfield, and Abbott, s. Jacob & Marcy, ___ __, 1794. [VR1]
737, 743 - Robert, Dr., (2nd h.), of Putnam, OH, and Sarah Eliza (Vinton) Towne, wid. Abner (1st h.), d. Abiathar & Sarah (Day), May 28, 1831. [JAS]
6 - DeEasting, of Adams, NY, and Betsey Adams, d. Nathan & Sybil (Ward) (2nd w.), ___ __, 1805. [JAS]
SAMPSON, see Samson
640 - Alice (1st w.), and Israel Scott, s. of Joseph & Margaret (Belden), January 27, 1795, (no further mention). [JAS]
737 - Ansel, and Hannah Towne, d. Reuben & Mary (Thayer), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
540 - Mahala (1st w.), and Levi Nash, s. Reuben & Lydia (Edwards), April 15, 1817, by Rev. Clark, perhaps at Amh. [JAS]
196 - Mahala, and Levi Nash, ___ __, 1817. [VR1]
737 - Senaca, and Lois Towne, d. Reuben & Mary (Thayer), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
196 - Thomas, of Pelham, and Betsey Darling, Nov. 21, 1805. [VR1]
120 - Thomas, of Pelham, and Betsy Darling, of Amh., Nov. 21, 1805. [VR1]
188 - Thomas, of Pelham, and Elizabeth Darling, of Amh., d. Benjamin & Nancy (Cooke) (1st w.), November 21, 1805, at Amh. [JAS]
SAMSON, see Sampson
15 - Nathaniel, and Nancy Harkness, Sept. 21, 1780, in Pelham. [Pelham VR-141] [VR4]
669 - Thomas, of Pelham, and Betsy Darling, of Amh., Nov. 21, 1805. [VR3]
516 - _____, of Hatfield, and Lucius Moody, s. Silas & Eunice (Dickinson) (1st w.), ___ __, ____, at Hatfield. [JAS]
415 - _____, of Chesterfield, and Lodeona Ingram, d. Philip & Experience (Montague) (Pierce), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
118 - Clarissa (2nd w.), of Sunderland, and Henry C. Church, s. Joseph, Jr., & Betsey Kellogg (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
195 - Harriet W., and Zebediah Williams Robins, Dec. 9, 1841, 1 ch., 1843- [VR]
623 - Harriet W., of Enfield, and Zebediah Williams Robins, s. Isaac & Rachel (Williams) (1st w.), December 9, 1841, at Enfield. [JAS]
639 - John, and Eunice Ann Hart, May 2, 1841. [JAS]
327A - Lucretia, of Pelham, d. Moses & Sophia (Jackson), and Abel Gray, April 13, 1819, at Petersham. [JAS]
39 - Ruth, of New Salem, d. Nathan & Dorcas (Sanders), and Aaron Cowles, s. Simeon & Sarah (Dickinson) (1st w.), ___ __, ____, went to Willimansett. [GenRec]
327 - Sally Amh., of Shutesbury, d. Nathaniel, of Shutesbury, and Elijah Graves, s. Elijah & Eunice (Smith), May 29, 1837. [JAS]
40 - Sarah E., d. Daniel, of Bernardston, and Clinton J. Cowles, s. Joseph & Beulah (Walkup), Oct. 11, 1837, at Bernardston. [GenRec]
168 - Sarah E., of Bernardston, d. Daniel & Miriam (Fox), of Bernardston, and Clinton Joseph Cowles, s. Joseph Cowls & Beulah (Walkup), October 11, 1837, at Bernardston. [JAS]
101 - Elizabeth, and Richard Carpenter, s. Zachariah & Margaret (Child), ___ __, ____, at Rehoboth. [JAS]
639 - John, and Sophia Lord, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
351 - Lester, and Sally Smith Hastings, d. Lucius & Olive (Smith), ___ __, ____ [JAS]
SARGEANT, see Sargent
637 - Thomas P. (2nd w.), and Lovina (Sabin) Puffer, d. William & Fanny (Gardner), ___ __, ____, at Concord, NH. [JAS]
SARGENT, see Sargeant
174 - Martha, d. Abraham, and Daniel Currier, s. of Jonathan & Lydia, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
112, 197 - Josiah, and Hannah Smith [dup. (Noah)], Feb. 5 [dup. Oct. 5], 1789. [VR1]
691 - Josiah, of Hollis, and Hannah Smith, February 5, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
165 - Ruth, of New Salem, and Aaron Cowles, s. Simeon Cowls & Sarah (Dickinson), ca 1812. [JAS]
11 - Helen M. Savage, d. R. A. & Elizabeth (Ladd) (Eliza L.), and Albert H. Ball, s. Rev. Mason & Orinda (Bogue), Aug. 30, 1870, at Stowe, VT. [GenRec]
482 - Joseph, of Montreal, Canada, and Abigail Jones Lyman, d. Theodore & Susan Willard (Whitney), May 18, 1829, perhaps at Amh., went to Montreal, Canada. [JAS]
639 - Daniel, and Elizabeth, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
SAWTELL, see Sawtelle
257 - Esther (1st w.), of Amh., d. Josiah & Hannah, and Joseph William Douglass, s. Joseph & Amy (Smith), November 15, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
473 - Mary [aka Polly], of Townsend, and Ezra Lee, s. John & Elizabeth (Unknown) (2nd w.), soon after April 20, 1814. [JAS]
SAWTELLE, see Sawtell
481 - Cullen, Esq., of Norridgewock, ME, and Elizabeth Lymann, of Amh., d. Josiah Dwight & Betsy (Whiting), August 26, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
96 - Cullen, Esq., of Norridgwork, ME (Norridgewock on map), and Elizabeth Lyman, Aug. 26, 1830. [VR2]
583 - Hannah, and Paul Pettengill (1st h.), s. Nathaniel & Eunice (Tyler), August 9, 1793, at Methuen, [JAS]
538 - Calvin, and Mary Nash, d. Joseph & Lucy (Allis), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
804 - Edward, of Farmington, CT, and Maria M. Smith, of Hadley, September 15, 1835. [JAS]
7 - Emily Pauline, and Dwight Baxter Ayres, s. Silas & Eliza Hawley (1st w.), Sept. 26, 1865. [GenRec]
197 - ____ (colored), and Sally Ann Scott, ___ __, 1852, 1 ch. [VR1]
20 - _____, and David Blodgett, Jr., s. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
652 - Abigail, and Aaron Smith, s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
398 - Absalom (2nd h.), and Hannah (Hubbard) Graves, d. Isaac & Christian Gunn (1st w.), July 8, 1751. [JAS]
641 - Alice, d. Israel & Alice Sampson (1st w.), and Horace Smith, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
542 - Andrew, and Sarah Nash, d. Josiah & Eunice (Knight), January __, 1823. [JAS]
197 - Clarissa, and H. Dean, ___ __, ____. [VR1]
88 - Clarissa, and Sprowell Dean, May 10, 1818. [VR2]
191, 641 - Clarissa, d. Israel & Hannah (Cowles) (2nd w), and Sprowell Dean, May 10, 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
640 - Ephraim, and Harriet, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
640 - George Washington, and Permelia, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
398 - Hannah (Hubbard) (Graves), d. Isaac & Christian Gunn (1st w.), and Samuel Smead (3rd h.), April 14, 1779. [JAS]
641 - Hannah, d. Israel & Hannah (Cowles) (2nd w), and Andrew Lamson, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
197 - Israel, and Hannah Cowles, Jan. 7, 1797. [VR1]
157 - Israel, and Hannah Cowls, d. Eleazer & Hannah (Dickinson), ____ __, ____. [JAS]
25 - Israel, and Hannah Cowls, Jan. 5, 1797. [VR4]
39 - Israel, of Whately, and Hannah Cowles, d. Eleazar & Hannah (Dickinson), Jan. 5, 1797, at Hadley. [GenRec]
640 - Israel, s. of Joseph & Margaret (Belden), and Alice Sampson (1st w.), January 27, 1795, (no further mention). [JAS]
640 - Israel, s. of Joseph & Margaret (Belden), and Hannah Cowles (2nd w.), January7, 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
197 - James, and Achsah Dickinson, Dec. 17, 1797. [VR1]
26 - James, and Achsah Dickinson, Dec. 17, 1797. [VR4]
254 - James, and Achsah Dickinson, December 17, 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
7 - John, and Asenath Hawley, Oct. 19, 1758. [VR4]
197 - John, and Asenath Hawley, Oct. 9, 1758. [VR1]
361 - John, of Sunderland, and Asenath Hawley, d. Joseph & Rebecca (Field) (1st w.), October 19, 1758, at Amh. [JAS]
206 - Leonard, of Whately, and Fanny Dickinson, d. Elihu & Susanna (Lewis), March 5, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
90 - Leonard, of Whately, and Fanny Dickinson, Mar. 5, 1821. [VR2]
68 - Margaret (2nd w.), of Whately, d. Joseph & Margaret (Belding), and David Blodget, s. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), October 2, 1782, at Whately. [JAS]
197 - Martha E., of Amh., and Sanford R. King, Nov. 26, 1854. [VR1]
652 - Martha, and Ephraim Smith, s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
804 - Matthew, of "Bennington", and Sarah Chamberlain, November __, 1764. [JAS]
28 - Matthew, of Bennington, and Sarah Chamberlain, Nov. __, 1764, at Amh. [GenRec]
197 - Matthew, of Bennington, and Sarah Chamberlain, Nov. __, 1764. [VR1]
531 - Mercy, resident of Shutesbury, and William Murray, s. William & Hannah (Dickinson), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
306 - Nelson, Rev., of East Hartford, CT, and Martha Gaylord, of Amh., d. Eleazer & Hannah (Haskell) (1st w.), October 8, 1846, at Amh. [JAS]
54 - Nelson, Rev., of East Hartland, and Martha Gaylord, of Amh., Oct. 8, 1846. [VR4]
197 - Nelson, Rev., s. John, of Fairfax, VT, and Martha Gaylord, Oct. 8, 1846. [VR1]
641 - Rufus Porter, s. Rufus & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Elvira Meecham, June 8, 1850. [JAS]
94 - Rufus, and Martha Dickinson, May 10, 1825. [VR2]
641 - Rufus, s. Israel & Hannah (Cowles) (2nd w), and Dorcas W. Hapgood (2nd w.), lived in 1850, September 18, 1846. [JAS]
225, 641 - Rufus, s. Israel & Hannah (Cowles) (2nd w), and Martha Dickinson (1st w.), d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Barrows), May 10, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
97 - Sally Ann, and ____ Scott (colored), ___ __, 1852, 1 ch. [VR1]
637 - Sarah (2nd w.), of Hatfield, and Barnabas Sabin, s. of William & Susanna, July 13, 1780, at Whately. [JAS]
267 - Susannah, and Theodore Eastman, of Amh., s. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), July 3, 1811, at Amh. [JAS]
56, 640 - William, and Sarah Billings, d. Joel & Mary (Field) (1st w.), before 1823. [JAS]
408 - _____, and Rebecca, d. John & Rebecca (Paine),
332 - Betsey Atwood, of New Orleans, LA, and Moses Billings Greene, s. Clark & Submit (Hastings), December 22, 1830. [JAS]
478 - Tempe, d. Joseph & Rebecca (Chapman), and Jonathan Linnell, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
641, 757 - Horatio, s. Samuel & Betsey (Murdock), and Bethia Ward(1st w.), of Pelham, d. John & Polly (Davison)¸ May 9, 1834, by Edward Dickinson, Justice of the Peace at Amh. [JAS]
197 - Horatio, and Peris Severs, May 11, 1851. [VR1]
31 - Azubah, and ___ Lee, of Vernon, Mar. 31, 1803. [VR4]
197 - Azubah, and ___ Lee, of VT, Mar. 31, 1803. [VR1]
642 - Azubah, and _____ Lee, of Vernon, VT, March 31, 1803, at Amh. [JAS]
641 - Elisha, and Azubah, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
642 - Jared, both of Amh., and Alvira Cook, soon after April 25, 1833. [JAS]
10 - Levi, and Ruth Williams, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
642 - Levi, and Ruth Williams, between 1767 and 1774, at Amh. [JAS]
197 - Levi, and Ruth Williams, Nov. 12, 1772. [VR1]
784 - Martha (3rd w.), of Southampton, and John Williams, s. Ebenezer & Mehitable (Fowler), soon after November 1, 1807. [JAS]
18 - _____, of Prescott, and Aaron Billings, Jr., s. Aaron & Esther (Ayres), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
642 - Barnabas (1st h.), s. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), and Mary Gray [aka Polly], May 21, 1818, at Pelham. [JAS]
197 - Barnabas Silas, and Thankful Blackmer, ___ __, ____, 8 ch., 1790-1809. [VR1]
197 - Barnabas, Jr., and Mary Graves, of Prescott, ___ __, 1819, 1 ch. [VR1]
642 - Barnabas, s. Silas & Deborah (Buck), and Thankful Blackmer, of Greenwich, January 24, 1788, at Greenwich. [JAS]
197 - Charles O., and Mary Edwards (2nd w.), Mar. 13, 1873, 4 ch., 1845-1860. [VR1]
197 - Charles O., and Sophia Ingram (1st w.), Dec. 12, 1844. [VR1]
423, 643 - Charles Oliver, and Sophia Foster Ingram, of Amh., d. Peter & Emily Roberts (1st w.), December 12, 1844, at North Amh. [JAS]
643 - Idella, d. Sardis, and Charles Shaw, of Ware, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
642 - Mary (Gray), wid. Barnabas Sears (1st h.), and _____ Hemmenway (2nd h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
197 - Nathan, and Julia A. Field, Feb. 2, 1843, at Leverett, 2 ch., 1843-45. [VR1]
642 - Nathan, s. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), and Julia Ann Field, d. Erastus & Salome (Ashley), sister.Emily Field, February 2, 1842, at Leverett. [JAS]
198 - Sardis, and Electa Sloan (1st w.), Nov. 1, 1829, 1 ch., 1830. [VR1]
198 - Sardis, and Mariette Jencks (2nd w.), May 14, 1840, 4 ch., 1841-1852. [VR1]
643 - Sardis, s. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), and Electra Sloan (1st w.), d. Wilson & Lucy, February 25, 1829, at Prescott. [JAS]
643 - Sardis, s. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), and Mariette Jenks (2nd w.), d. Zechariah & Judith (Vaughan), May 14, 1840. [JAS]
642 - Simon, s. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), and Hannah Hinds, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
SEELBY, see Selby
198 - Samuel W., of Spr[inhfiel]d., and Ann E. Vail, Jan. 31, 1843. [VR1]
115 - Samuel W., of Springfield, and Ann E. Vail, of Amh., Jan. 31, 1843, in Amh. [VR2]
SELBY, see Seelby
742 - Samuel West, of West Springfield, and Ann Elizabeth Vail, of Amh., d. Joseph & Anne (Kirtland) (1st w.), January 31, 1843, at Amh. [JAS]
644 - Gideon (perhaps Thomas Selden), and Jane, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
750 - Ruth, d. Ebenezer & Elizabeth (Clark), and Aaron Warner, s. Jacob & Mary, May 20, 1741. [JAS]
643 - Thomas, s. Isaac & Esther (Ingram), and Jane Farrand, November 13, 1760. [JAS]
644 - Jabez, s. Isaac & Esther (Ingram), and Anne Parish, ___ __, 1769. [JAS]
7 - Oliver, and Esther Smith, Dec. 30, 1756. [VR4]
804 - Oliver, of Pelham, and Esther Smith, December 30, 1756. [JAS]
644 - _____, of Montague, and Jerusha, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
113 - Eliza Ann, of Amh., and Rev. Samuel Maxwell, of Marietta, Ohio, Aug. 21, 1843. [VR2]
644 - Eliza Ann, of Amh., d. William F. & Fanny (Williams) (1st w.), and Samuel Maxwell, a clergeman at Marietta, OH, August 21, 1843, at East Amh. [JAS]
750 - Sarah, and Moses Warner [aka MW "the younger"], s. Moses & Mary (Field), ca 1770, at Amh. [JAS]
198 - Sarah, and Moses Warner, ___ __, 1767. [VR1]
189 - Sylva, and Ansel Percival, ___ __, ____, ch., 1815-1831. [VR1]
578 - Sylvia W., and Ansel Percival, s. Stephen, ca 1813. [JAS]
644 - Sylvia, d. _____ & Jerusha, and Ansel Percival, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
198 - W[illia]m F., Dr.,and Fanny Williams, ___ __, 1817, 1 ch. [VR1]
377, 644 - William F. (2nd h.), s. _____ & Jerusha, and Sarah (White) Henry, mother of Helen Amanda Henry, wid. Andrew Henry (1st h.), soon after August 23, 1828, perhaps at South Hadley. [JAS]
87 - William F., of Montague, and Fanny Williams, Apr. 3, 1817. [VR2]
644, 784 - William F., s. _____ & Jerusha, and Fanny Williams (1st w.), of Amh., d. Justus & Abigail (Pomeroy), April 3, 1817, at Amh. [JAS]
151 - Sally, of Deerfield, and Chester Cooley, of Sunderland, s. Gideon & Eunice (Rowe), soon after January 31, 1807. [JAS]
197 - Peris, and Horatio Seagraves, May 11, 1851. [VR1]
SEWAL, see Sewall
14 - Marget Elizabeth, and Jonathan Warner, Dec. 2, 1779. [VR4]
SEWALL, see Sewal
47 - Jane, d. Maj. Stephen of Salem, and Rev. William Cook, s. Westwood & Sarah (Coleman), ___ __, ____. [Hadley Gen. 23] [GenRec]
198 - Margaret Elizabeth, and Jonathan Warner, ___ __ ____. [VR1]
29 - Cyril W., of Somers, CT, and Sarah Baker, d. Enos & Lucretia (Brewer) Boltwood (2nd w.), September 15, 1847, at Amh. [JAS]
55 - Cyril W., of Somers, CT, and Sarah Baker, of Amh., Sept. 15, 1847. [VR4]
9 - Cyril W., s. Samuel & Huldah, and Sarah Baker, d. Enos & Lucretia (2nd w.), Sept. 15, 1847, at Amh. [GenRec]
645 - John, s. John, of Granby, joined North Ch. 1831, dismissed by letter to a church in Montague 1835, and Cynthia Carpenter Root, soon after October 23, 1834. [JAS]
198 - Edwin H., and Julia C. Unknown, ___ __, ____, 3 ch., 1846-1854. [VR1]
238 - Edwin H., of Hadley, and Julia Cowles Dickinson, d. Elijah & Sarah Field (Belding), July __, 1844 at Brattleboro, VT, went to Hadley. [JAS]
579 - Mabel (1st w.), d. Timothy & Abigail (Skinner), of West Hartford, CT, and Nathan Perkins, s. Rev. Nathan & Catherine (Pitkin), September 7, 1798. [JAS]
740 - Nabby (1st w.), d. Deacon Jonathan & Abigail (Hart), and Joab Tyler s. Joab & Mercy (Thatcher), November 16, 1809. [JAS]
34 - ____ (2nd h.), of Hinsdale, and Lucy (Clapp) (Smith), d. Preserved & Sarah (West), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
654 - Daniel, and Mary Smith, d. Stephen & Mary (Ingram), ___ __, ____, at Hinsdale, NH. [JAS]
76 - Daniel, of Hinsdale, NH, and Rebecca Boltwood, d. Samuel & Sarah (Lewis), May 7, 1824. [JAS]
659 - David (2nd h.), of Hinsdale, NH, and Lucy (Clapp) Smith, wid. Martin Smith (1st h.), after August 1780. [JAS]
416 - Gideon, and Experience Ingram, d. Philip & Experience (Montague) (Pierce), September 29, 1785. [JAS]
101 - Harriet, and Calvin Russell, of Hadley, Nov. 30, 1837. [VR2]
198 - Henry Oliver, and Lucy Unknown, ___ __, 1829, at Amh. [VR1]
645 - Henry, s. Oliver & Lucy, and Tirza Porter, of Amh., d. Samuel & Mary, May 21, 1829, at North Amh. [JAS]
614 - Martha, and David Rider, s. Daniel, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
416 - Phebe, d. Capt. Daniel, of Hinsdale, NH, and Reuben Ingram, s. John & Lydia (Boltwood), soon after June 6, 1755. [JAS]
56 - Caroline, of Amh., and Ebenezer Arms, of Conway, Nov. 29, 1848. [VR4]
19, 645 - Caroline, of Amh., d. James & Eunice (Fales), and Ebenezer Ames, November 29, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
25 - Charles A. Shaw, s. Cushing & Betsey (Sanford), and Fanny Roe Bridgman, d. Edward & Elizabeth M. (Blodgett), Nov. 15, 1871, at Amh. [GenRec]
643 - Charles, of Ware, and Idella Sears, d. Sardis, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
667 - Elijah, of Buckland, and Hannah C. Smith, d. Reuben & Margaret (Carpenter), November 28, 1838. [JAS]
352 - Elsy (1st w.), d. David, of East Windsor, CT, and Waitstill Hastings, s. Samuel & Lucy (Pomeroy), ca 1800. [JAS]
103 - George L., of Enfield, and Amy Ann Cook, of Pelham, June 8, 1841. [VR2]
804 - George L., of Enfield, and Mary Ann Cook, of Pelham, June 8, 1841, probably at Pelham. [JAS]
645 - James, of Granby, and Eunice Fales, July 4, 18(16), at Pelham. [JAS]
690 - Maria Amh., of Plainfield, d. Silas & Lucy (White), and Alfred Smith (1st h.), soon after August 7, 1836. [JAS]
805 - Mary, and Harry Thomas, both of New Salem, between May 1835 and April 4, 1836, at New Salem. [JAS]
637 - Mason, of Belchertown, and Emily Sabin, d. William & Fanny (Gardner), December 31, 1846, at East Amh. [JAS]
164 - Persis, of Cummington, d. Sylvanus & Persis (Stoddard), and Solomon Cowles, s. Reuben Cowls & Elizabeth (Rice), October 27, 1824. [JAS]
429 - Roland, of Plainfield, and Britania Johnson, of Amh., d. Silas & Silinda (Bugbee) (2nd w.), May 31, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
646 - Sarah Ann, of Amh., d. James & Eunice (Fales), and Horace Young, of West Springfield and Fishkill, NY, November 12, 1848, at Chicopee. [JAS]
645 - Stillman, s. Silas & Lucy (White), and Emily S., ___ __, ____, no children in household 1850. [JAS]
89 - Susan Mason, d. Wason & Susan (Dwight), of Belchertown, and Calvin Bridgman, s. Wright & Irene (Smith), October 9, 1838. [JAS]
646 - James; came to Amh. January 31, 1773; he, his wife and 2 children were warned out of Amh. by the Selectman September 6, 1773, and were reported as having gone away; resident of Amh. 1776, militia duty at Amh. May 1776 through July 1776; and Thankful Walker, before 1773. [JAS]
82 - Lillian R. (Phelps), (2nd w.), and Lorin M. Dickinson, ___ __, ____. [GR1]
82 - William E., and Lillian R. Phelps (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [GR1]
412 - Alexander C., of Bernardston, and Mary Ann Pebbles Hyde, d. Samuel Gilbert McHerard & Philomela (Smith), July 12, 1848, at Vernon, VT, went to Bernardston. [JAS]
437 - Benjamin, of Westfield, and Abigail Kellogg, d. Nathaniel & Sarah (Boltwood), September 7, 1726. [JAS]
10 - Marcia M., of Dalton and West Stockbridge, and Henry Baker, s. Isaac & Rebecca (Gaylord) ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
32 - Marcia M., of Dalton, and Henry Baker, s. Isaac & Rebecca (Gaylord), ___ __, ____, removed to West Stockbridge. [JAS].
10 - Marilla, of Dalton and Williamsburgh, and Isaac Frederick Baker, s. Isaac & Rebecca (Gaylord), ___ __, ____, at Lenox. [GenRec]
32 - Marilla, of Dalton, and Isaac Frederick Baker, s. Isaac & Rebecca (Gaylord), ___ __, ____, at Lenox, removed to Williamsburg. [JAS]
22 - Mary, d. Ebenezer & Mary (Hunt), of Northampton, and Lieutenant William Boltwood, s. Solomon & Mary (____) (Pantry), Dec. 10, 1750. [GenRec]
77 - Mary, d. Ebenezer, of Northampton, and William Boltwood, s. Solomon & Mary (Norton) (Pantry), December 10, 1750. [JAS]
35 - Mary, d. Isaac & Sarah (Warner), and Increase Clark, of Northampton, s. John Clark, of Northampton, & Rebecca (Cooper), Feb. 2, 1709/10, at Northampton (TR), 9 children. [Judd mss. IV-124] [Sunderland History, p. 289] [GenRec]
2 - Phebe, of Thompsonville, CT, and Enoch7, s. Oliver6 & Betsy Parkhurst, Apr. 5, 1829, at Pawtucket, RI. [GenRec]
SHEPARD, see Shepherd, Shepher
647 - _____, d. Charles Upham & Harriet (Taylor), and John W. Deforest, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
646 - _____, not a resident of Amh., and Rachel, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
111 - Ann E., of Amh., and Edward Southworth, of Springfield, June 1, 1841. [VR2]
51 - Ann Elisabeth, of Amh., and Edward Southworth, of West Springfield, June 1, 1841. [VR4]
647 - Ann Elizabeth, d. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), and Edward Southworth, merchant of West Springfield, June 1, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
647 - Charles Upham, s. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), and Harriet Taylor, of Amh., d. Robert of New Braintree, September 23, 1831, lived in 1850. [JAS]
92 - Fanny H., and Lucius Boltwood, Aug. 30, 1824. [VR2]
80, 647 - Fanny Haskins, d. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), and Lucius Boltwood, s. William & Eunice Noble (1st w.), August 30, 1824, in Amh. [JAS]
647 - George Champlin, s. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), and Sally T. Kast, before 1838. [JAS]
48 - Hannah, of A, and Seth Terry, Esq. of Hartford, CT, June 7, 1837. [VR4]
83 - Hannah, of Amh., and Seth Terry, Esq., of Hartford, CT, June 7, 1837. [VR2]
646 - Hannah, of Amh., d. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), and Seth Terry, a Judge at Hartford, CT, June 7, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
198 - Mace, born. Norton, and Deborah Haskins, ___ __, ____, 6 ch. [VR1]
646 - Mase, s. _____ & Rachel, and Deborah Haskins, d. John, of Boston, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
236 - Olive (Smith) Shepard (2nd w.), d. Simeon Smith & Mary (Colton), of West Springfield, wid. Rev. Samuel Shepard, DD (1st h.), of Lenox, and John Dickinson, (2nd h.), s. John & Lydia (Eastman), January 5, 1848, at West Springfield. [JAS]
SHEPHER, see Shepherd, Shepard
23 - Fanny H., d. Deborah, and William Boltwood, Jr., & Eunice (Noble) (1st w.), Aug. 20, 1824. [GenRec]
SHEPHERD, see Shepard, Shepher
199 - Ann E., of Amh., and Edward Unknown, of Sp[ring]f[iel]d., June 30, 1840. [VR1]
772 - Ellen, of Portsmouth, NH, and Amiel Weeks, d. David & Abigail Pepper (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
647 - Andrew, resident of Keene, NH, and Milly, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
725 - Catherine (1st w.), and Enoch Thayer, s. Noah & Abigail (Thayer), soon after October 2, 1772. [JAS]
773 - Ruth, of Bridgewater, d. Thomas, and Jarib White, s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Stockwell), February 24, 1794, at Bridgewater. [JAS]
647 - Ferdinand, of Amh., and Sarah S. Dodge, of Boston, soon after April 6, 1835. [JAS]
32 - Eliza Shields, d. Michael & Bridget (White), and Charles Church, s. Spencer & Sarah F. (Perry), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
41, 44 - _____, d. John, of Hadley, and David S. Cowles, s. Silas & Zilpha (Shumway), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
617 - A., "of New York" and Susan Roberts, d. Orrin & Esther (Ingram), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
113 - Vice, and Edward Foster, Jr., May 25, 1789. [VR1]
20 - Visa, of Pelham, and Edward Foster, Jr., May 21, 1789. [VR4]
803 - Visa, of Pelham, and Edward, Jr. Munster, May 21, 1789. [JAS]
607A - Grace L., and Ansel Porter Pomeroy, s. Francis Lyman & Maria (Finn), ___ __, 1902. [VR3]
315 - Cynthia, of Rehoboth, d. Jacob & Keziah, and Isaac Goodell, s. David & Hannah (Abbott) Goodell, January 30, 1794, at Rehoboth. [JAS]
648 - Abigail C., of Amh., d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), and Amasa Briggs, physician of Eaton, Madison, Co., NY, June 5, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
26 - Abigail, and Dr. Amasa Briggs, of Eaton, NY, June 5, 1815, at Amh. [GenRec]
226, 647 - Betsey[Dup.: Elizabeth], d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), and Lucius Dickinson, s. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), July 1, 1813, at Amh. [JAS]
103 - Daniel J., of Belchertown, and Achsah L. Lyndes, Oct. 24, 1841. [VR2]
483, 648 - Daniel S., s. Abijah & Bridget (Smith), and Achsah L. Lyndes, d. Asahel & Rachel, October.24, 1841. [JAS]
594 - Dwight E., a carriage maker residing in Belchertown, and Mary Potwine, of Amh., d. John & Polly (Benton), May 10, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
648 - Elijah Gilbert. s. Elijah & Rachel (Brown), and Florinda Young, d. Job and Sarah, August 28, 1831. [JAS]
120, 198 - Elizabeth, Miss, and Lucius Dickinson, both of Amh., July 1, 1813. [VR1]
648 - Lucina, d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), and William Rockwell, February 10, 1822. [JAS]
756 - Margaret M. (1st w.), and John Warner, s. Alonzo Elijah & Ruth Cooke (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
648 - Mary, of Amh., d. Solomon & Mary (Coggshall), and John Dickinson, of Boston, shortly after January 25, 1832. [JAS]
291 - Olive, d. Elijah & Zilpha (Gilbert), and Ezra Fish, s. Seth & Lois (Cummings), ca 1796. [JAS]
648 - Sibyl, d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), and Jeremiah Goodspeed, March 10, 1818. [JAS]
647 - Stephen, and Abigail Billings, October 3, 1780, at Belchertown. [JAS]
647 - Temperance, d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), and Nicholas Frederickson, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
161 - Zilpha, of Amh., and Silas Cowles, s. David & Sarah (Eastmen), December 22, 1805, at Amh. [JAS]
38 - Zilpha, of Amh., lived at Plainville, and Silas Cowles, s. David & Sarah Eastman, Dec. 22, 1805, in Hadley. [GenRec]
328 - Maria, of Belchertown, d. Ebenezer & Polly, and Whitcomb Gray, s. Jeremiah & Margaret, April 21, 1830, at Pelham. [JAS]
172 - Mary, d. Ebenezer & Polly, and Benjamin Cragin, s. Ebenezer & Olive (Wallace), March 6, 1836. [JAS]
195 - Mary C, and John R. Root, of Amh., Apr. 25, 1854, at Shutesbury. [VR1]
550 - Nancy Hall, d. John & Dorothy (Kellogg), and Henry M. Nichols, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
198 - Nathaniel, of Walpole, and Mary Merrick, Feb.__, 1782. [VR1]
501 - Nathaniel, of Walpole, NH, and Mary Merrick, d. James S. & Esther (Colton), February 7, 1782, at Amh. [JAS]
794 - Harriet N., and Joseph E. Woods, ___ __,____. [JAS]
119 - Nancy, Miss, and Wells Ingram, both of Amh., Apr. 17, 1827. [VR1]
426 - Nancy, of Amh., and Wells Ingram, of Amh., April 17, 1827, at North Amh. [JAS]
198 - Bnis, of Amh., and Susan Fuller, of Amh., Apr. 22, 1845, in Vernon. [VR1]
649 - Briant D(avid) [aka David B. Skinner], laborer at Amh. 1845 - 48, and Susan Fuller, of Amh., April 22, 1845, at Vernon, VT. [JAS]
570 - Daniel Oliver, and Salome Parsons, d. Gideon & Huldah (Rowe), ___ __, ____, at Damasous, PA. [JAS]
321 - Eunice, and Levi Hamilton Goodrich, s. Aaron & Mercy (Hamilton), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
649 - Henry H., and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
41 - Jairus, of Amh., and Elijah Cowles, s. Silas & Zilpha (Shumway), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
45 - Alice March, and Frederick Cushman Colton, s. Rev. A. M., Vice President, Brooklyn Trust Co. for 25 years, Oct. 1, 1874, at N. Y. City. [GenRec]
563 - Chloe (2nd w.), d. Israel, sister of Phoebe, and Levi Park, s. Reuben, December 28, 1820. [JAS]
198 - Jonathan of Amh., and Electa Marsh, of Whately, May 23, 1838. [VR1]
649 - Jonathan Sprague, s. Timothy & Tirzah (Sprague), and Cynthia Goodrich (1st w.), of Wethersfield, CT, April __, 1834. [JAS]
649 - Jonathan Sprague, s. Timothy & Tirzah (Sprague), and Electa Marsh (2nd w.), of Whately, d. Rufus & Camilla (Church), May 23, 1838, at Amh. [JAS]
532 - Minerva Tirzah, d. Deacon Timothy & Tirzah (Sprague), sister Jonathan Sprague Slate, and Lewis McCloud, s. Charles, February 24, 1829, at Bernardston. [JAS]
563 - Phoebe (1st w.), d. Israel, sister of Chloe, and Levi Park, s. Reuben, April 7, 1807. [JAS]
717 - Sarah Maria, of Bernardston, d. Timothy P. & Sarah, and Benjamin Homes Taylor, s. Erastus & Lucy (Trow), soon after February 23, 1846. [JAS]
650 - John, s. Michael & Hetty (McGettrie), and Honora [aka Hannah] Eagin, d. William & Mary (Walotron), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
51 - Frances Eliza, and Dwight Cutler, s. Dr. Isaac Gurnsey & Nancy (Hastings), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
83 - Jonathan, of Amh., and Electa Marsh, of Whately, May 23, 1838. [VR2]
83 - Jonathan, of Amh., and Electa Marsh, of Whately, May 23, 1838. [VR2]
464 - Abigail, d. James A. & Lucy, and Adin King, s. Ebenezer & Tamison, December 31, 1823, at New Salem. [JAS]
650 - Dwight, s. Willard & Alma W., and Maria, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
198 - Electa Sloan (1st w.), and Sardis Sears, Nov. 1, 1829, 1 ch., 1830. [VR1]
643 - Electra (1st w.), d. Wilson & Lucy, and Sardis Sears, s. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), February 25, 1829, at Prescott. [JAS]
696 - Charlotte, and Joseph Foster Spear, s. Elisha & Eunice (Haskins), February 9, 1850, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
696 - Mary Angeline, and Lewis Jacob Spear, s. Elisha & Eunice (Haskins), September 13, 1848, lived in 1850. [JAS]
SMEAD, see Smeed
441 - Elisha, of Weybridge, VT, and Philomela Kellogg, of Amh., d. Ephraim & Esther (Hastings), February 27, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
398 - Samuel Smead (3rd h.), and Hannah (Hubbard) (Graves) Scott, d. Isaac & Christian Gunn (1st w.), April 14, 1779. [JAS]
SMEED, see Smead
38 - Elisha, of Waybridge, and Philomela Kellogg, Feb. 27, 1810. [VR4]
150, 691 - _____ (1st h.), and Florella Cooley, d. Israel & Martha A. (Morse), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
691 - _____ (1st h.), and Rhoda, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
413, 654 - Aaron, s. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), and Mehitable Ingram (1st w.), d. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), November 26, 1724. [JAS]
654 - Aaron, s. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), and perhaps Abigail (2nd w.), before August 1747. [JAS]
652 - Aaron, s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), and Abigail Scott, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
274, 671 - Abel, s. Noadiah & Sarah (Lee), and Achsah Edwards, d. Phillip & Jerusha (Pomeroy), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
660, 675 - Abigail (1st w.), of Amh., d. Noah & Mary (Elmer), and Simeon Smith, s. Simeon & Sarah (Moody), January 7, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
6 - Abigail, and Joseph Church, Jan. 2, 1755. [VR4
190 - Abigail, and Simeon Pomeroy, ___ __, 1747, ch.1747-1773. [VR1]
5 - Abigail, and Simeon Pomeroy, Jan. 22, 1746/7. [VR4]
589 - Abigail, and Simson Pomroy, s. Samuel Pomroy, January 22, 1746/47, at Amh. [JAS]
33 - Abigail, d. Capt. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), and Joseph Church, s. Samuel & Abigail (Strong) (2nd w.), Jan. 2, 1755. [GenRec]
652 - Abigail, d. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), and Jonathan Parsons, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
113, 654 - Abigail, d. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), and Joseph Church, s. Samuel & Abigail (Strong) (2nd w.), Jan. 2, 1755, at Amh. [JAS]
399 - Abigail, d. Nathaniel, and Israel Hubbard, s. Isaac & Christian Gunn (1st w.), February 19, 1747. [JAS]
656 - Abigail, d. Peletiah & Abigail (Wait), and Simeon Pomroy, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
120 - Abigail, Miss, and Simeon Smith, Jr., both of Amh., Jan. 7, 1816. [VR1]
120 - Abigail, Miss, of Amherst, and Dr. Amasa Briggs, of Eaten, NY, June 5, 1815. [VR1]
37 - Achsah, and David Moody, Mar. 1, 1809. [VR4]
18 - Achsah, and Levi Cook, Apr. 27, 1786. [VR4]
46, 47 - Achsah, d. Dea. Eleazer, and Levi Cook, s. Moses & Hannah (Smith), ___ __, ____ [Dup. Apr. 27, 1786, went to Ashfild]. [GenRec]
144, 658 - Achsah, d. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), and Levi Cook, s. Moses & Hannah (Smith), April 27, 1786, at Amh. [JAS]
517, 663 - Achsah, of Amh., d. Elisha & Ursula Fellows (Billings), and David Moody, s. Asahel & Beulah (Graves), March 1, 1809, at Amh. [JAS]
677 - Alexander, s. Joseph & Sarah (Alexander), and Rebekah Warner, of Westfield, shortly after April 1743. [JAS]
690 - Alfred (1st h.), and Maria A. Shaw, of Plainfield, d. Silas & Lucy (White), soon after August 7, 1836. [JAS]
126 - Alma, of Hadley, d. Joel, of Leverett, Amherst, & So. Deerfield, and Horace Kellogg, s. Benjamin & Patty Smith, Aug. 12, 1813. [KG I-641] [VR2]
456, 668 - Almarina, of Amh., d. Joel & Sibbel (Woodbury), and Horace Kellogg, s. Benjamin & Patty (Smith), August 12, 1814, at Amh. [JAS]
256, 663 - Amy, d. Chileab & Hannah (Dickinson), and Joseph Douglass, November 20, 1790, at Pepperell. [JAS]
660 - Andrew, s. Noah & Mary (Elmer), and Rachel McClary, of Massena, NY, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
674 - Angeline C., of Amh., and Charles Smith, s. David & Anna (Nash), April 12, 1842, at North Amh. [JAS]
111 - Angeline, and Charles Smith, both of Amh., Apr. 12, 1842. [VR2]
779 - Ann L. (Harper), d. Joseph & Sarah, of Utica, NY, wid._____ Smith (1st h.), and Phineas Wight (2nd h.), s. Joseph & Meriam, November 12, 1846, at Amh. [JAS]
683 - Anna (Tucker), d. Jedediah & Lucy, wid. Asher Smith (1st h.), and Daniel Rogers (2nd h.), a farmer at Whately, August 21, 1845, at North Amh. [JAS]
86 - Anna, and Moses Hastings, Mar. 13, 1814. [VR2]
353, 686 - Anna, of Amh., d. Friend & Rebecca (Hall) (1st w.), and Moses Hastings, s. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), March 3, 1814, at Amh. [JAS]
805 - Anne, of Hadley, and Deacon Ashley Williams, of Dalton, September 8, 1812. [JAS]
421 - Annice (Wait) (2nd w.), of Hadley, d. Joel & Deborah, wid. _____ Smith, and Zaccheus Crocker Ingram, d. John & Susanna (Crocker), September 1, 1833, at Hadley. [JAS]
668 - Arad, s. Stephen & Dorothy (Mattoon), and _____ Unknown, before 1800. [JAS]
112 - Asa, and Sarah Moody, July 3, 1788. [VR1]
19 - Asa, and Sarah Moody, July 3, 1788. [VR4]
669 - Asa, s. Simeon & Rachel (Strong), and Sarah Moody, July 3, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
683 - Asher (1st h.), s. Daniel & Lucy, and Anna Tucker, d. Jedediah & Lucy, October 19, 1791, at Shrewsbury. [JAS]
50 - Augusta Maria, d. John W., & A. M., and Avery R. Cushman, s. John Richmond & Rhoda (Crafts), May 18, 1854, at Amh. [GenRec]
196 - Barbara A., and Emerson Russell, Sept. 26, 1838, 7 ch., 1841-1859. [VR1]
632, 687 - Barbara Amh., of Amh., d. Rufus & Achsah (Ingram) (1st w.), and Emerson Russell, s. Alvin & Sarah (Marsh), September 26, 1838, perhaps at Amh. [JAS]
680 - Benjamin [aka BS Jr.], s. Edward & Hamutal (Ellsworth), and Elizabeth Rush, December 26, 1783, at Amh. [JAS]
422, 683 - Benjamin Ellsworth, s. Spencer & Betsey (Root) (1st w.), and Mary Nancy Ingram (2nd w.), of Amh., d. Rufus & Mary (Cushman), October 4, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
683 - Benjamin Ellsworth, s. Spencer & Betsey (Root) (1st w.), and Mary W. Allen (1st w.), of Athol, related to Hiram H. Allen, May 5, 1841, at Athol. [JAS]
685 - Benjamin Franklin, s. Simon & Mary (Burr), and Amy Ann Thayer (3rd w.), of Amh., June 6, 1849. [JAS]
685 - Benjamin Franklin, s. Simon & Mary (Burr), and Elizabeth Caulkings (1st w.), of East Lyme, CT, June 19, 1839, at East Lyme, CT. [JAS]
685 - Benjamin Franklin, s. Simon & Mary (Burr), and Julia A. Buckland (2nd w.), before August 1845. [JAS]
196 - Benjamin, and Elizabeth Rush, Dec. 26, 1783. [VR1]
16 - Benjamin, and Elizabeth Rwsh [Rush?], Dec. 26, 1783. [VR4]
513 - Bridget, and Jonathan Moody, s. Samuel & Sarah (Lane), November 20, 1730. [JAS]
9 - Caleb [Chileab in pencil], and Hannah Williams, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
788 - Caleb, and Hannah Williams, d. Joseph & Ruth (Grow), between 1765 and 1767, at Amh. [JAS]
302 - Catharine D. (1st w.), and Henry Frink, s. Samuel & Mehitable (Eames), May 20, 1835, at Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
776 - Catharine, d. Ebenezer & Catey, and Enoch Whiting [aka Enoch Whitney], s. William & Hannah (Ellis), October 13, 1803, at Dover. [JAS]
552 - Catherine (2nd w.), d. Silas & Lavina (Houghton), and John Nutting, supposed s. Ebenezer & Mary (Russell), before November 1803. [JAS]
278, 656 - Catherine, d. Moses & Hannah (Childs), and Robert Emmons, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
274, 662 - Catherine, of Amh., d. Noadiah & Sarah (Lee), and Ira Edwards, s. Phillip & Jerusha (Pomeroy), November 28, 1805. at Amh. [JAS]
689 - Charles X., and Eliza Burke, of Chester, VT, April 22, 1847. [JAS]
111 - Charles, and Angeline Smith, both of Amh., Apr. 12, 1842. [VR2]
689 - Charles, and Susan P., ___ __, ____. [JAS]
674 - Charles, s. David & Anna (Nash), and Angeline C. Smith, of Amh., April 12, 1842, at North Amh. [JAS]
47 - Charlotte, and Winthrop Cook, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
38 - Charlotte, and Winthrop Cook, Jan. 31, 1811. [VR4]
668 - Charlotte, of Amh., d. Joel & Sibbel (Woodbury), and Winthrop Cook, of Hadley, January 31, 1811, at Amh. [JAS]
685 - Chauncey, and Amelia Pomroy, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
685 - Chauncey, ca 1806, resident of Amh. 1835, perhaps a paper maker, resident of South Hadley 1841. [JAS]
26 - Chester, and Henrietta Baker, Apr. 5, 1797. [VR4]
671 - Chester, s. Chileab & Habbah (Dickinson),and Henrietta Maria [aka Ritta] Tyler, d. Asa & Anstress, April 5, 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
229, 583, 675 - Chileab (2nd h.), s. Chester & Henrietta Marie (Tyler), and Susan D. (Pettengill) Dickinson, wid. Elihu Eastman Dickinson (1st h.), d. Paul & Hannah (Sawyer), shortly after Feb. 6, 1849, at Belchetown. [JAS]
672, 790 - Chileab [aka CS Jr.], s. Chileab & Habbah (Dickinson), and Asenath [aka Sena] Williamson, d. George & Mary (Foster), April 7, 1803, at Amh. [JAS]
31 - Chileab, Jr., and Sena Williamson, Apr. 7, 1803. [VR4]
653 - Chileab, s. Chileab & Hannah (Hitchcock), and Mercy Golding, d. Peter, December 19, 1710. [JAS]
663 - Chileab, s. Peter & Amy (Bissell), and Hannah Dickinson, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
664 - Chileab, s. Windsor & Sarah (Smith) (1st w.), and Tabitha Clark, March 2, 1775. [JAS]
679 - Clarinda, d. Elias & Philothea (Debell), and _____ Keeler, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
313, 666 - Clarissa (2nd w.), of Amh., d. Elijah & Martha (Burt), and Rufus Goodale, s. Thomas & Hannah (Parker), July 15, 1834, at North Amh. [JAS]
684 - Clarissa B., d. Elijah & Rebecca (Brooks), and _____ Clark, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
13 - Clarissa, and Nahum (1st h.), s. Silas & Elizabeth, December 14, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
30 - Clarissa, and Nahum Aldrach, Oct. 14, 1802. [VR4]
64 - Clarissa, and Nahum Aldrich (1st h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
3 - Clarissa, d. John & Lucy, and Nahum Aldrich, s. Silas & Elizabeth, Dec. 14, 1802. [GenRec]
629 - Cordelia Smith, d. Justin & Anna, and Charles Russell, s. Daniel & Anna Newton, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
673 - Cordelia, of Amh., d. Horace & Rebekah (Moody) (1st w.), and Joseph Fuller, of Suffield, CT, May 25, 1830. [JAS]
672 - Cotton, s. Chileab & Tabitha (Clark), and Mercy Goodman (1st w.), d. Stephen & Joanna (Kellogg), October 19, 1808. [JAS]
672, 680 - Cotton, s. Chileab & Tabitha (Clark), and Sibbell Kilbourn Smith (2nd w.), of Amh., d. Samuel & Sabra (Debell), January 19, 1825. [JAS]
120 - Daniel, and Nancy Williams, both of Amh., May 11, 1815. [VR1]
682 - Daniel, s. Timothy & Sabra (Munsell) (2nd w.), and Nancy Williams, of Amh., May 11, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
276 - Darius (2nd h.), and Hannah (Grover) Elmer, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
538 - David, and Anna, d. Jonathan & Anna (Hastings), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
32 - David, Jr., and Anna Nash, Jan. 5, 1804. [VR4]
666 - David, s. David & Anna (Nash), and Sarah Condon, of Hadley, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
666 - David, s. David & Mary (Warner), and Anna Nash, January 5, 1804, at Amh. [JAS]
660, 749 - David, s. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), and Mary Warner, d. Moses & Mary (Field), ___ __ ____. [JAS]
656 - David, s. of Luke & Mary (Crow), and Hannah Willard, d. Josiah, of Wethersfield, CT, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
9 - Dorothy (1st w.), and Enos Baker, s. Elijah & Rebecca (Smith), Nov. 21, 1793, at Amh. [GenRec]
497, 655 - Dorothy (1st w.), d. Nathaniel & Rebekah (Ingram), and Ebenezer Mattoon, s. Eleazer & Elizabeth (Boltwood), shortly after June 14, 1747, probably at Amh. [JAS]
29, 661 - Dorothy (1st w.), d. Stephen & Dorothy (Mattoon), and Enos Baker, s. Elijah, November 21, 1793, at Amh. [JAS]
23 - Dorothy, and Enos Baker, Nov. 21, 1793. [VR4]
117 - Dorothy, and Enos Baker, Nov. 25, 1793. [VR1]
76 - Ebenezer, of South Hadley, and Hannah Boltwood, d. Samuel & Hannah (Alexander), November 9, 1726. [JAS]
678 - Edward, s. Joseph & Sarah (Alexander), and Hamutal Ellsworth, d. Benjamin & Deborah (Hosford), of East Windsor, CT, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
658 - Eleazer, s. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), and Mabel Bartlett, ___ __ ____. [JAS]
658 - Eleazer, s. John & Esther (Coloton), and Abigail Hale (2nd w.), d. Thomas & Abigail (Burt), March 9, 1774. [JAS]
658 - Eleazer, s. John & Esther (Coloton), and Lydia Thomas (1st w.), d. Ebenezer & Sarah, resident of Lebanon, CT, ___ __ ____. [JAS]
114 - Electa, and Elijah Moody, between Apr. 28, 1790 and May 2, 1791. [VR1]
21 - Electa, and Elijah Moody, Jan. 27, 1791. [VR4]
521, 662 - Electa, d. Simeon & Rachel (Strong), and Elijah Moody, resident of Amh. by 1790, farmer at Southeast Amh.; bought and sold land between 1790 and 1795; in March 1795 he sold his land and moved to Vershire, VT by June 1799; January 29, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
199 - Eli, and Thankful Dickinson, d. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), October 2, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
30 - Eli, and Thankful Dickinson, Oct. 7, 1802. [VR4]
111 - Elias, and Philothea Debell, of Pelham (not in Record), Jan. 1, 1788. [VR1]
19 - Elias, and Philothea Dibell, Jan. 1, 1788. [VR4]
679 - Elias, s. Alexander & Rebekah (Warner), and Philothea Debell, January 1, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
400, 661 - Elihu, s. Isaac & Submit (Graves), and Jemima Smith [aka Anna], of Leverett, d. Joel & Anna (Merchants), March 3, 1779, at Montague. [JAS]
684 - Elijah [aka ES 2nd], s. Asa & Submit (Severance), and Rebecca Brooks, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
118 - Elijah, and Pattey Burt, Oct. 27, 1795. [VR1]
24 - Elijah, and Patty Burt, Oct. 27, 1794. [VR4]
292 - Elijah, of Hadley and Anna Dickinson, d. Nathan, ___ __, ____. [Hadley Genealogies, p. 40] [VR1]
666 - Elijah, s. David & Mary (Warner), and Martha Burt [aka Polly or Patty], d. Henry, October 27, 1794, at Amh. [JAS]
26 - Elijah, s. David & Mary of Amh., and Martha Burt, d. Henry, of Northampton, Oct. 27, 1794, at Amh. [GenRec]
111 - Elisabeth C., and Roderick B. Hill, both of Amh., Jan. 27, 1842. [VR2]
55 - Elisha (2nd h.), and Ursula (Fellows) Hastings, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
356, 663 - Elisha (2nd h.), s. Peter & Amy (Bissell), and Ursula Fellows (Billings) Hastings, wid. _____ Hastings (1st h.), February __, 1782 [JAS]
31 - Elisha, of Hadley, and Abigail Church, d. Samuel & Margaret (Smith), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
672 - Elisha, s. Elisha & Ursula Fellows (Billings), and Abigail, before April 1823. [JAS]
112, 656 - Elisha, s. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), and Abigail Church, d. Samuel & Margaret (Smith), ___ __, ____. [Dup.: marriage doubtful.] [JAS]
17 - Elisha, s. Peter & Mary, and Ursula Billings, d. John & Sarah (Matthews) (2nd w.), Feb. __, 1782, at Amh. [GenRec]
723 - Eliza (1st w.), and Reuben Thayer, s. Hezekiah & Sarah (Howard), ___ __, 1835. [JAS]
536 - Elizabeth (2nd w.), and David Nash, s. John & Hannah (Ingram), May 9, 1754. [JAS]
657 - Elizabeth (Smith), d. David & Hannah (Willard), and John Cook (2nd h.), January 4, 1770. [JAS]
437 - Elizabeth (Unknown) (3rd w.), wid. ____ Smith, of Ware, and Nathaniel Kellogg (2nd h.), s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Boltwood), October 5, 1765. [JAS]
56 - Elizabeth A., of Amh., and Rev. Joseph T. Noyes, of Newburyport, MA, Sept. 12, 1848. [VR4]
687 - Elizabeth Amh., d. Rufus & Rufus Smith (2nd w.), and the Rev. Joseph T. Noyes, of Newburyport, September 12, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
379 - Elizabeth C. Smith, of Amh., perhaps related to Paul Smith, and Roderick Bannister Hill, s. Luke & Philena (Ingram), January 27, 1842, at North Amh. [JAS]
681 - Elizabeth T., twin d. John Debell & Relief (Thayer), and John Ashcraft, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
5 - Elizabeth, and Moses Smith, of Sunderland, Sept. 17, 1747. [VR4]
657 - Elizabeth, d. David & Hannah (Willard), and Josiah Smith (1st h.), September16, 1762. [JAS]
109, 652 - Elizabeth, d. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), and Richard Chauncey, s. Isaac & Sarah (1st w.), ___ __, 1729. [JAS]
656 - Elizabeth, d. Moses & Hannah (Childs), and Elisha Nash, of Hatfield, August 13, 1767. [JAS]
656 - Elizabeth, d. Peletiah & Abigail (Wait), and Moses Smith, of Sunderland, September 17, 1747, at Amh. [JAS]
60, 667 - Elizabeth, d. Reuben & Margaret (Carpenter), and Elijah Billings, ____ __, ____. [JAS]
652 - Ephraim, s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), and Martha Scott, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
92 - Erastus Jr., of Hadley, and Polly Dickinson, Apr. 15, 1824. [VR2]
228, 351 - Erastus, Jr., (2nd h.), of Hadley, and Sophia (Hastings) Dickinson, wid. Asa (1st h.), d. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), May 18, 1842, at North Hadley, went to Hadley. [JAS]
207 - Erastus, Jr., of Hadley, and Polly Dickinson, d. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), April 15, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
114 - Erastus, of Hadley, and Mrs. Sophia H. Dickinson, of A, May 18, 1842. [VR2]
552 - Esther (1st w.), and John Nutting, supposed s. Ebenezer & Mary (Russell), December 12, 1785, at Amh. [JAS]
438 - Esther (1st w.), d. John & Esther (Colton), and Daniel Kellogg, s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Preston) (1st w.), soon after September 21, 1751. [JAS]
17 - Esther, and John Nutting, Dec. 12, 1785. [VR4]
7 - Esther, and Oliver Selfridge, Dec. 30, 1756. [VR4]
804 - Esther, and Oliver Selfridge, of Pelham, December 30, 1756. [JAS]
119 - Esther, d. Samuel & Esther (Warner), and Nehemiah Church, s. Benjamin & Hannah (Dickinson) (Hubbard), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
17 - Ethan, and Tabitha Hastings, Nov. 7, 1785. [VR4]
349, 664 - Ethan, s. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), and Tabitha Hastings, d. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), November 7, 1785, at Amh. [JAS]
327, 524 - Eunice, and Elijah Graves (1st h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
657 - Eunice, d. David & Hannah (Willard), and Reuben Wright, of Northampton, ___ __, 1792, living at Westhampton in 1795. [JAS]
252 - Experience, d. Johnathan & Elizabeth (Chauncey), of Whately, and Obed Dickinson, s. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), September 4, 1804, perhaps at Whately. [JAS]
653 - Experience, s. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), and Mercy Eastman, ___ __, ___. [JAS]
630, 667 - Fanny (1st w.), of Amh. and Orrin Russell, s. Daniel & Sally (Newton), January 13, 1831, at North Amh. [JAS]
150, 586, 691 - Florella (Cooley), wid. _____ Smith (1st h.), d. Israel & Martha A. (Morse), and Chauncey Pierce (2nd h.), June 28, 1840, at Amh. [JAS]
109 - Florella C., Mrs., and Chauncey Pearce, both of Amh., June 28, 1840. [VR2]
50 - Florilla C., Mrs., of Amh., and Chauncey Pearce, of Amh., June 16, 1840. [VR4]
687 - Freeman, and Caroline, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
686 - Friend, s. John & Mehitable, and Rebecca Hall (1st w.), before April 4, 1789. [JAS]
686 - Friend, s. John & Mehitable, and Selena [aka Sally] Rowe (2nd w.), d. Daniel, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
40 - George H., s. Chester, of Hadley, and Sophia Cowles, d. Joseph & Beulah (Walkup), May 14, 1845, at Amh. [GenRec]
161 - George Hibbard, of Hadley, and Sophia Cowles, d. Joseph & Beulah (Walkup), May 14, 1835, at Amh. [JAS]
112 - Gideon, and Margaret Church, d. Samuel & Margaret (Smith), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
31 - Gideon, of Hadley, and Margaret Church, d. Samuel & Margaret (Smith), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
562, 580 - Hannah (2nd w.), d. Samuel & Sabra (Debell), and Frederick Augustus Palmer [aka "Delucena Palmer"], s. Samuel & Abiah (Ripley), April 9, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
667 - Hannah C., d. Reuben & Margaret (Carpenter), and Elijah Shaw, of Buckland, November 28, 1838. [JAS]
11 - Hannah, and ____ Lovel, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
12 - Hannah, and Dan[ue]ll Church, Oct. 6, 1774. [VR4]
31 - Hannah, and Daniel Church, s. Samuel & Margaret (Smith), Oct. 6, 1774, at Amh. [GenRec]
6 - Hannah, and David Dickinson, Jan. 18, 1753. [VR4]
45 - Hannah, and Frederick A. Palmer, Mar. 24, 1821. [VR4]
691 - Hannah, and Josiah Sartell ( or Sawtell), of Hollis, February 5, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
112 - Hannah, and Josiah Sartell, Feb. 5, 1789. [VR1]
17 - Hannah, and Martin Cook, June 28, 1785. [VR4]
46 - Hannah, and Martin Cook, s. Moses & Hannah (Smith), June 28, 1785. [GenRec]
5 - Hannah, and Moses Cook, July 7, 1748. [VR4]
46 - Hannah, and Moses Cook, s. Westwood & Joanna (Cook), July 7, 1748. [GenRec]
677 - Hannah, d. Alexander & Rebekah (Warner), and Oliver Lovell, of Rockingham, CT, between 1765 and 1774, at Amh. [JAS]
657 - Hannah, d. David & Hannah (Willard), and Coleman Cook, January 31, 1771. [JAS]
143 - Hannah, d. Ebenezer & Hannah (Boltwood), and Moses Cook, s. Westwood & Sarah (Coleman), July 7, 1748, at Amh. [JAS]
202, 654 - Hannah, d. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), and David Dickinson, s. Israel & Ruth (Smith), soon after January 1753, at Amh., no children. [JAS]
113, 655 - Hannah, d. Moses & Hannah (Childs), and Daniel Church, s. Samuel & Margaret (Smith), Oct. 6, 1774, at Amh., removed to South Hadley by 1797. [JAS]
144, 660 - Hannah, d. Noah & Mary (Elmer), and Martin Cook, s. Moses & Hannah (Smith), July 28, 1785, at Amh. [JAS]
458 - Hannah, of Ashfield, d. Moses & Diathena (Briggs), and Josiah Kellogg, s. Gardner & Thankful (Chapin), October 30, 1794, at Ashfield. [JAS]
103 - Hannah, of Pelham, and Lydney Dillow, of West Troy, N. York, Sept. 4, 1841. [VR2]
803 - Hannah, of Pelham, and Sydney Dillon, of West Troy, NY, September 4, 1841. [JAS]
787 - Harriet D., of Hatfield, and Solomon Williams, s. Chester & Sarah (Howe), September 5, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
412 - Harriet, of Granby, and Ira Hyde, s. Andrew & Mary (Morton), ___ __, 1816, at Granby. [JAS]
688 - Henry Boynton, and Elizabeth Ariana, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
283, 683 - Hervey, s. Timothy & Sabra (Munsell) (2nd w.), and Eliza Ferry, of Amh., d. Aaron, soon after March 24, 1827. [JAS]
28 - Hestelle Miner, d. Austin M. & Isadore J., and George H. Cadwell, d. Aretas Janes & Esther (Needham), Apr. 15, 1890, at Conway. [GenRec]
675 - Horace [aka HS], s. Noah & Jerusha (Cowls), and Emeline Moore, of Amh., March 4, 1834 (perhaps April 1834). [JAS]
641 - Horace, and Alice Scott, d. Israel & Alice Sampson (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
748 - Horace, Rev., of Hadley, and Mary Dexter Ward, d. Samuel Dexter & Lucretia (Smith) Gaylord, November 2, 1829, went to Richfield, OH. [JAS]
673 - Horace, s. Silas & Asenath (Chapin), and Rebekah Moody (1st w.), March 5, 1805. [JAS]
673 - Horace, s. Silas & Asenath (Chapin), and Sarah King (2nd w.), d. Seth & Lydia (Ballentine), October 23, 1822, at Suffield, CT. [JAS]
47 - Icahbod, and Elizabeth Cook, d. Capt. Aaron, Esq. & Sarah (Westwood), July 19, 1698. [Hadley Gen. 23] [GenRec]
652 - Ichabod, s. Philip & Rebecca (Foote), and Elizabeth Cook, d. Capt. Aaron, July 16, 1698. [JAS]
422 - Idea [aka Ida] (2nd w.), d. Friend & Rebecca (Hall) (1st w.), and John Ingram, s. John & Susanna (Crocker), May 10, 1823, at Wilmington, VT. [JAS]
664 - Ithamar, s. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), and Lucy Nevers, of Springfield, d. Nathan & Hannah, January 26, 1780, perhaps at Springfield. [JAS]
508 - James, Rev. (2nd h.), and Elizabeth (Montague), wid. Samuel Montague (1st h.), d. Peter & Mary (Hubbard), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
400, 661 - Jemima [aka Anna], of Leverett, d. Joel & Anna (Merchants), and Elihu Hubbard, s. Isaac & Submit (Graves), March 3, 1779, at Montague. [JAS]
655 - Jemima, d. Aaron & Mehitable (Ingram) (1st w.), and probably _____ Whitten, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
87, 663 - Jerusha (2nd w.), d. Elisha & Ursula Fellows (Billings), and Jonathan Bridgman, s. Joseph & Ruth (Wright), July 22, 1809, at Amh. [JAS]
25 - Jerusha (2nd w.), d. Elisha & Ursula, and Jonathan Bridgman, s. Joseph, July 22, 1809, at Amh. [GenRec]
14 - Jerusha, and Col. Elijah Dickinson, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
37 - Jerusha, and Jona[than] Bridgman, July 27, 1809. [VR4]
657 - Jerusha, d. David & Hannah (Willard), and Oliver Atwell, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
215, 659 - Jerusha, d. Jonathan & Rebekah (Smith), and Elijah Dickinson, s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), June 13, 1780, at Amh. [JAS]
631, 668 - Joanna (1st w.), of Amh., d. Noah & Jerusha(Cowls), and Harvey Russell, s. Chester & Anna (Clary), June 12, 1834, perhaps at Amh. [JAS]
664 - Joanna, d. Chileab & Tabitha (Clark), and Hon. Estes Howe, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
668 - Joel, s. Joel & Anna (Merchants), and Sibbel Woodbury, d. Jeremiah & Jerusha, of Leverett, ca 1788. [JAS]
661 - Joel, s. Stephen & Mary (Ingram), and Anna Merchants, February 12, 1752, at Leverett. [JAS]
690, 768 - John [aka JS Jr.], both of Amh., and Wealthy Wellman, d. John, November 28, 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
115 - John A. V., and Mrs. Eunice Finemore, both of Amh., Aug. 17, 1843, at Amh. [VR2]
53 - John A. V., of Amh., and Julia A. Caesar, Nov. 28, 1844 (Thanksgiving Day). [VR4]
681, 728 - John Debell, s. Samuel & Sabra (Debell), and Relief Thayer, d. John & Betsy (Spear) (1st w.), July 11, 1813, at Amh. [JAS]
218 - John Milton, and Ora Dickinson, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), ___ __,____. [JAS]
98 - John Milton, and Orra Dickinson, June 25, 1833. [VR2]
674 - John Milton, s. Reuben & Margaret (Carpenter), and Orra Dickinson, of Amh., June 25, 1833, at Amh. [JAS]
270 - John N., and Orra Dickinson, d. Dr. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden),___ __. 1833. [VR3]
686 - John Rowe, s. Friend & Selena (Rowe) (2nd w.), and Electa Conkey Gray, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
688 - John Wilson, s. Stephen & Clarina, and Augusta M. Rathburn, d. Jonathan & Polly (Wilcox), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
142 - John, and Mary Cook, d. Westwood & Sarah (Coleman), ___ __, 1764. [JAS]
81 - John, Jr., and Wealthy Weldman, both of Amh., Nov. 28, 1836, in Amh. [VR2]
685 - John, of Litchfield, CT, and Mehitable, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
24 - Jona[than], of Whately, and Hannah Dick[inso]n, Nov. 6, 1794. [VR4]
27 - Jona[thon], and Ruth Jurdon, Feb. 7, 1799. [VR4]
667 - Jonathan [aka JS 2nd], s. Noah & Mary (Elmer), and Ruth Jordan, February 7, 1799, at Amh. [JAS]
654 - Jonathan [aka JS Jr.], s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), and Hannah Wright, d. Benoni, of Hatfield, June 6, 1722. [JAS]
118 - Jonathan, and Hannah Dickinson, Nov. 6, 1795. [VR1]
7 - Jonathan, and Rebeckah Smith, Apr. 8, 1756. [VR4]
655, 659 - Jonathan, s. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), and Rebekah Smith, d. Nathaniel & Rebekah (Ingram), April 8, 1756, at Amh. [JAS]
665 - Jonathan, s. Martin & Lucy (Clapp), and Hannah Dickinson Allis, d. Julius & Hannah (Dickinson), November 6, 1794, at Amh. [JAS]
652 - Jonathan, s. Philip & Rebecca (Foote), and Abigail Kellogg, November 14, 1688. [JAS]
679 - Joseph [aka JS Jr.], s. Alexander & Rebekah (Warner), and Eunice Goodman, of Hatfield, d. Nathan, ca 1773. [JAS]
677 - Joseph, s. Sgt. Joseph & Rebecca (Dickinson), and Sarah Alexander, ___ __, 1715. [JAS]
657 - Josiah (1st h.), and Elizabeth Smith, d. David & Hannah (Willard), September16, 1762. [JAS]
114 - Josiah, and Sally Field, between Apr. 28, 1790 and May 2, 1791. [VR1]
21 - Josiah, and Sally Field, Feb. 10, 1791. [VR4]
804 - Josiah, of Boston, and Chloe Harkness, of Pelham, February 16, 1814. [JAS]
286, 665 - Josiah, s. Martin & Lucy (Clapp), and Sally Field, d. John & Elizabeth Henderson (1st w.), between April 29, 1790 and May 2, 1791, at Amh. supposedly removed to Lancaster, NH. [JAS]
72 - Julia Ann, and John Loomis Blodget, s. Benoni & Damaris (Blodget), soon after June 10, 1834, probably at Amh. [JAS]
482 - Julia Avis, of South Hadley, d. Hiram & Mary (Moody), and John Lyman, s. George & Laura (W____), September 5, 1850. [JAS]
21 - Julia, d. Benjamin, of Hadley, and John Loomis Blodgett, s. Benoni & Damaris (Blodgett), ___ __, ____, left no children. [GenRec]
389 - Julia, of Amh., and John Hopkins, of Amh., soon after November 22, 1843. [JAS]
659 - Justin, s. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), and Experience Clark, of Northanpton, ___ __ ____. [JAS]
680 - Laurana, of Amh., d. Samuel & Sabra (Debell), and John Russell, of Northampton, November 19, 1812, at Amh. [JAS]
527 - Lavina, of Hatfield, and Enos Morton, s. John & Lydia (Ingram), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
136 - Leurany, of Amh., and Stephen M. Collier, June 30, 1840, at Amh. [JAS]
107 - Leurary, and Stephen M. Collier, both of Amh., June 30, 1840. [VR2]
45 - Leurary, and Stephen M. Collier, June 30, 1840, at Amh. [GenRec]
665 - Levi, s. Martin & Lucy (Clapp), and Hannah Holland, of Pelham, soon after July 1, 1781, perhaps at Pelham. [JAS]
215 - Lorenzo, of Hadley, and Hannah Dickinson, d. Medad & Olive (Dickinson) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
670 - Louisa Amh., of Amh., d. Moses & Lois W. (Lee), and Dr. Fayette Clapp, of Chesterfield, September 8, 1848, at Northampton. [JAS]
98 - Louisa, and Luther Graves, of Sunderland, May 15, 1833. [VR2]
804 - Louisa, and Thaddeus Smith, both of Hadley, June 14, 1827. [JAS]
326 - Louisa, of Amh., and Luther Graves, s. Elijah & Resign (Hatch), May 15, 1833, at Amh. [JAS]
34 - Lousia A. K., d. Moses, and Dr. Fayette Clapp, Sept. 8, 1848, at Northampton. [GenRec]
40 - Louvonia, and John Russell, Nov. 19, 1812. [VR4]
138, 676 - Lucia Maria, of Amh., d. Simeon & Abigail (Smith) (1st w.), and Joseph Colton, April 1, 1835, at Greenfield. [JAS]
658 - Lucina, d. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), and Chileab Brainered Merrick, of Wilbraham, ___ __ ____. [JAS]
25 - Lucinda K. Smith (3rd w.), d. Rufus of Amh. & Palmer, and Jonathan Bridgman, s. Joseph, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
87 - Lucinda King, (1st w.), of Amh., d. Rufus & Isabel (Watson), and Erastus Smith Bridgman, s. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w.), soon after October 8, 1831, at Amh. [JAS]
804 - Lucinda, and Walter Newton 2nd, both of Hadley, February 10, 1841, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
664 - Lucinda, d. Chileab & Tabitha (Clark), and Col. Sylvester Goodman, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
107 - Lucinda, of Hadley, and Walter Newton, 2n\d. , Feb. 10, 1841. [VR2]
664 - Lucretia, d. Chileab & Tabitha (Clark), and Samuel Gaylord (1st h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
237 - Lucretia, of Hadley, d. Elihu & Lucretia (Cook), of Hadley, and Salmon Morton Dickinson, s. Aaron & Eleanor (Morton), May 10, 1820, at Hadley. [JAS]
34 - Lucy (Clapp), d. Preserved & Sarah (West), and ____ Shattuck (2nd h.), of Hinsdale, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
659 - Lucy (Clapp), wid. Martin Smith (1st h.), and Daniel Shattuck (2nd h.), of Hinsdale, NH, after August 1780. [JAS]
57 - Lucy Ann, of S. Deerfield, and J. Dwight Everett, of Halifax, VT, Jan. 10, 1849. [VR4]
667 - Lucy R., d. Reuben & Margaret (Carpenter), and William S. Packard, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
605, 686 - Lydia Calista, d. Friend & Rebecca (Hall) (1st w.), and Alanson Ray, carpenter at Amh. by April 1825 when he bought a lot by the Mill River and sold it October 1827; he also bought a lot in North Amh. September 1826 and sold it October 1826; February 18, 1825, at Wilmington, VT. [JAS]
684 - Lyman [aka LS 2nd], s. Asher & Anna (Tucker), and Mary Ann (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
684 - Lyman [aka LS 2nd], s. Asher & Anna (Tucker), and Olive M. Wentworth (2nd w.), d. James & Martha, of Belchertown, soon after August 20, 1845. [JAS]
218, 674 - Lyman s. Jonathan & Ruth (Jordan), and Electa Dickinson, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden),May 25, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
94 - Lyman, and Electa Dickinson, May 25, 1825. [VR2]
270 - Lyman, and Electra Dickinson, d. Dr. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), ___ __. 1824. [VR3]
569 - Marcus, Rev., of Rensellaerville, NY, and Prudence Stoddard Parsons, of Amh., d. David & Harriet (Williams), October 27, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
37 - Marcy [Dup. Mary], d. Nathaniel & Mary (Ely), and Nathaniel Coleman, s. Nathaniel & Mary (Ely), ___ __, ____ [Dup. Mar. 24, 1739]. He cleared the farm in South Amh., later owned by Enos Dickinson. [GenRec]
31 - Margaret, and Samuel Church, s. Samuel & Abigail (Harrison) (1st w.), ___ __, 1734. [GenRec]
112 - Margaret, d. Samuel & Sarah (Bliss), and Samuel Church, s. Samuel & Abigail (Harrison) (1st w.), Mar. 6, 1734. [JAS]
429 - Maria A. (Shaw) (2nd w.), of Amh. or Montague, wid. Alfred Smith (1st h.), and Earl Johnson (2nd h.), s. Silas & Silinda (Bugbee) (2nd w.), May 18, 1848, at Montague. [JAS]
690 - Maria A. (Shaw), of Montague, wid. Alfred Smith (1st h.), and Earl Johnson (2nd h.), after 1838. [JAS]
804 - Maria M, of Hadley, and Edward Saxton, of Farmington, CT, September 15, 1835. [JAS]
93 - Maria Martha (sic), and Heman Montague, of Hadley, Mar. 31, 1825. [VR2]
13 - Maria, and William Bassett, Jan. 22, 1825, at Amh. [GenRec]
93 - Maria, and William Bassett, Jan. 27, 1825. [VR2]
47 - Maria, d. Seth & Lavina (Jackson), and William Bassett, January 27, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
47 - Marius, Rev., and Miss Prudence Parsons, Oct. 7, 1823. [VR4]
49, 658 - Martha (4th w.), d. Windsor & Sarah (Smith) (1st w.), and Hezekiah Belding (1st h.), s. Samuel & Elizabeth (Dickinson), April 16, 1795. [JAS]
182 - Martha Asenath, of West Springfield, and Moses Cutler, s. Joseph & Polly (Hastings), January __, 1841, at West Springfield. [JAS]
120 - Martha L., Miss, and David Wait, Jr., of Deerfield, Oct. 27, 1831. [VR1]
691 - Martha L., of Amh., and David Wait, Jr., of Deerfield, October 27, 1831, at Amh. [JAS]
15 - Martha, (4th w.), of Hadley, and Hezekiah Belden, s. Samuel & Elizabeth (Dickinson), Apr. 16, 1795. [GenRec]
21 - Martha, and Ephraim Kellogg, Jr., Apr. 7, 1791. [VR4]
114 - Martha, and Ephraim Kellogg, Jr., between Apr. 28, 1790 and May 2, 1791. [VR1]
653 - Martha, d. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), and Thomas Meekins, February 18, 1842. [JAS]
445, 660 - Martha, d. David & Mary (Warner), and Ephraim Kellogg, s. Ephraim & Esther (Hastings), April 7, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
512, 666 - Martha, of Amh., d. Elijah & Martha (Burt), and Heman Montague (1st h.), s. Jedediah & Dorcas (Grover), March 31, 1825, at Amh., no children. [JAS]
34 - Martin (1st h.), and Lucy Clapp, d. Preserved & Sarah (West), Jan. 4, 1760. ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
659 - Martin (1st h.), s. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), and Lucy Clapp, January 4, 1760, at Amh. [JAS]
8 - Martin, and Lucy Clap, Jan. 4, 1760. [VR4]
194 - Mary (1st w.), and Reuben Roberts, Jr., Nov. 5, 1832. [VR1]
619, 687 - Mary (1st w.), of Amh., d. Rufus & Achsah (Ingram) (1st w.), and Reuben Roberts, s. Reuben & Esther (Risley), November 25, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
529 - Mary (2nd w.), of Amh., and Nathan Moulton, March 13, 1819, at Amh. [JAS]
449 - Mary (3rd w.), of Hadley, d. Enos, and Rufus Kellogg, s. Daniel & Mercy (Eastman), May 25, 1826. [JAS]
156, 658 - Mary [aka Mercy], d. Windsor & Sarah (Smith) (1st w.), and Timothy Marsh (1st h.), September.23. 1779. [JAS]
673 - Mary Berintha, d. Horace & Rebekah (Moody) (1st w.), and James B. Wood, December 2, 1824, resided at Akron Ohio, 1841. [JAS]
194 - Mary Elvira, and Manning Roberts, May 1, 1861, 2 ch., 1862-1863. [VR1]
62 - Mary Henrietta Maria [aka Louisa], and Phineas Bishop, s. Arnold & Sarah (Packard), April 12, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
676 - Mary Henrietta Maria, d. Tyler & Martha, and Phinehas Bishop, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
803 - Mary Louisa, (2nd w.), of Hadley, and George H. Clark, of Portland ME, November 1, 1836. [JAS]
29, 660 - Mary, aka Polly, d. Noah & Mary (Elmer), and Martin Baker, s. Elijah, July 6, 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
111 - Mary, and Leutious Wait, of Hatfield, Feb. 28, 1788. [VR1]
19 - Mary, and Lucius Wait, of Hatfield, Feb. 28, 1788. [VR4]
88 - Mary, and Nathan Moulton, Mar. 13, 1819. [VR2]
98 - Mary, and Reuben Roberts, Jr., Nov. 25, 1832. [VR2]
653 - Mary, d. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), and Moses Billing, of Sunderland, May 31, 1748. [JAS]
657 - Mary, d. David & Hannah (Willard), and Peter Montague, February 24, 1778. [JAS]
660 - Mary, d. David & Mary (Warner), and Lucius Wait, of Hatfield, February 28, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
204 - Mary, d. Nathaniel & Mary (Dickinson), of Hatfield, and Jonathan Dickinson, s. Deacon Nathaniel, April 2, 1724, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
9 - Mary, d. Noah & Mary, and Martin Baker, s. Elijah Baker & Rebecca (Smith), July 6, 1797, at Amh. [CR 3-140] [GenRec]
654 - Mary, d. Stephen & Mary (Ingram), and Daniel Shattuck, ___ __, ____, at Hinsdale, NH. [JAS]
120 - Mary, Miss, and Silas Morton, both of Amh., Nov. 3, 1808. [VR1]
691 - Mary, of Amh. [perhaps NH], and Augustus Libby, of Ashfield, March 1, 1849, at Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
305 - Mary, of Amh., and Sumner Gates, soon after December 22, 1832. [JAS]
631, 666 - Mary, of Amh., d. David & Anna (Nash), and Lucius Russell, s. Chester & Anna (Clary), May 28, 1829, at North Amh. [JAS]
528, 686 - Mary, of Amh., d. Friend & Rebecca (Hall) (1st w.), and Silas Morton, s. John & Lydia (Ingram), November 3, 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
251 - Melinda, d. Justin & Alinda (Smith), of Whately, and Wells Dickinson, s. Samuel & Wealthy (Cushman), May 30, 1849, at Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
134, 653 - Mercy, d. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), and Nathaniel Coleman, s. Nathaniel & Mary (Ely), March 24, 1739. [JAS]
16 - Miranda (2nd w.), and James Pomeroy, s. Rev. Pomeroy & Louisa (Tenney) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
15 - Miranda (2nd w.), and Pomeroy Belden, s. Aaron & Sally Hibbard (1st w.), June 1, 1841, at Hadley. [GenRec]
51 - Miranda (2nd w.), d. Jacob, and Pomeroy Belden, s. Aaron & Sarah (Hibbard) (1st w.), June 1, 1841, at Hadley. [JAS]
653 - Miriam, d. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), and David Moody, November 16, 1838. [JAS]
629, 673 - Moses s. David & Anna (Nash), and Mary Ann Russell, d. Chester & Anna (Clary), November 20, 1828, at North Amh. [JAS]
24 - Moses, and Tamer Pettes, Nov. 20, 1794. [VR4]
118 - Moses, and Tamer Pettes, Nov. 20, 1795. [VR1]
156 - Moses, of Leverett, and Electa Cowls, d. Josiah & Christian (Graves) (1st w.), ____ __, ____, moved to Greenfield, OH. [JAS]
656 - Moses, of Sunderland, and Elizabeth Smith, d. Peletiah & Abigail (Wait), September 17, 1747, at Amh. [JAS]
5 - Moses, of Sunderland, and Elizabeth Smith, Sept. 17, 1747. [VR4]
584, 666 - Moses, s. David & Mary (Warner), and Tamar Pettis, d. John & Rachel (Rhodes), November 20, 1794, at Amh. [JAS]
655 - Moses, s. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), and Hannah Childs, d. Samuel, of Deerfield, ___ __, 1732. [JAS]
654 - Moses, s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), and Mary Marsh, wid. at Ware 1750, November __, 1726. [JAS]
670 - Moses, s. Noadiah & Sarah (Lee), and Lois W. Lee, April __, 1816. [JAS]
253, 662 - Nancy (1st w.), of Amh., d. Noadiah & Sarah (Lee), and Dexter Dickinson, in Boston 1820 through 1834, resident of Townsend (a trader) in 1850, April 2, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
89 - Nancy, and Dexter Dickinson, of Boston, Apr. 2, 1820. [VR2]
23 - Nancy, and Oliver Noble, s. William, Jr., & Eunice (Noble) (1st w.), Nov. 13, 1833. [GenRec]
81 - Nancy, d. Nathaniel, of Bridgewater, NH, and Oliver Noble Boltwood, s. William & Eunice (Noble) (1st w.), of Amh., November 13, 1833, Nancy later resided at Ionia, MI. [JAS]
657 - Naomi, d. David & Hannah (Willard), and ____ Wallace, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
678 - Nathaniel Alexander [aka Alexander Smith] (1st h.), s. Alexander & Rebekah (Warner), and Irene (Chapin) Lovell (2nd w.), of Rockingham, CT, d. _____ Chapin, of East Windsor, CT, wid _____ Lovell (2nd h.), October 13, 1811. [JAS]
348, 678 - Nathaniel Alexander [aka Alexander Smith], s. Alexander & Rebekah (Warner), and Sarah Hastings (1st w.), of Amh., d. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), January 17, 1771. [JAS]
413, 655 - Nathaniel, s. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), and Rebekah Ingram, d. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), November 11, 1726. [JAS]
690 - Newman W., and Harriet O., ___ __, ____. [JAS]
662 - Noadiah, s. Moses & Hannah (Childs), and Sarah Lee, November 3, 1779, probably at Amh. [JAS]
9 - Noah, and May Elmer, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
39 - Noah, Jr., s. Noah, and Jerusha Cowles, d. Simeon & Sarah (Dickinson) (1st w.), Feb. 21, 1806. [GenRec]
276, 660 - Noah, s. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), and Mary Elmer, d. Edward & Sarah (Graves), ca 1766, at Amh. [JAS]
158, 667 - Noah, s. Noah & Mary (Elmer), and Jerusha Cowls, of Amh., d. Simeon & Sarah (Dickinson) (1st w.), February 21, 1806, at Amh. [JAS]
684 - Olive R., d. Elijah & Rebecca (Brooks), and _____ Kellogg, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
38 - Olive, and Lucius Hastings, Feb. 8, 1810. [VR4]
79, 349, 351 - Olive, of Amh., d. Joel & Sibbel (Woodbury), and Lucius Hastings (1st h.), s. Thomas & Hannah (Billings), March __, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
205 - Oliver, Jr., of Hadley, and Anna Dickinson, of Amh., d. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), June 4, 1806. [JAS]
804 - Oliver, of Boston, and Lovisa Harkness, of Pelham, February 16, 1814. [JAS]
675 - Oliver, s. Simeon & Jerusha (Cooley), and Mehitable, before July 1816. [JAS]
688 - Paul, s. Jonathan & Susanna (Spooner), and Sally Graves, d. Enos & Sybil (Kellogg), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
7 - Pelatiah, and Rhoda Morton, Apr. 24, 1755. [VR4]
526, 662 - Peletiah, and Rhoda Morton, d. John & Lydia (Hawley), April 24, 1755, at Amh. [JAS]
656 - Peletiah, s. of Samuel & Sarah (Bliss), and Abigail Wait, d. William, of Northampton, ___ __, 1721. [JAS]
668 - Perez, s. Stephen & Dorothy (Mattoon), and Elizabeth, lived at Amh. October 1814, ___ __, ____, no children mentioned. [JAS]
657 - Peter, s. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), and Amy Bissell, resident of Windsor, CT before coming to Amh. ca April 1746, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
94 - Philathea, and Charles Ripley, Nov. 22, 1825. [VR2]
691 - Philip 2nd , of South Hadley, and Sarah Smith, of Leverett, ca June 1834, at North Ch. [JAS]
804 - Philip, 2nd, of South Hadley, and Sarah Smith, of Leverett, June 12, 1834. [JAS]
652 - Philip, s. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), and Sarah White, January 11, 1722. [JAS]
412, 665 - Philomela, of Amh., d. Seth & Lavina (Jackson), and Samuel Gilbert McHerard Hyde, s. Andrew & Mary (Morton), May 6, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
193 - Philothea, and Charles M. Ripley, ___ __, ____. [VR1]
615, 679 - Philothea, d. Elias & Philothea (Debell), and Charles Ripley, both of Amh., had a chair shop at West Amh. 1825 through March 1828, November 22, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
489 - Phineas, of Whately, and Electa Marsh, d. Amos & Elizabeth (Jefferson), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
119, 657 - Phineas, s. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), and Mary Church, d. Benjamin & Hannah (Dickinson) (Hubbard), February 11, 1746. [JAS]
26 - Polly, and Martin Baker, July 6, 1797. [VR4]
597. 684 - Polly, of Amh., d. Asher & Anna (Tucker), and David Pratt [aka DP 2nd], resident of Shutesbury 1812 and 1813, may have resided at Deerfield by 1813, soon after January 18, 1813. [JAS]
62 - Prudence (1st w.), and Jonathan Bissell, s. Jonathan & Elizabeth (Holliday), of Windsor, CT, June 12, 1770. [JAS]
652 - Prudence, d. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), and Benjamin Hastings, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
712 - Rachel L., of Ipswich, and Simeon Edward Strong, s. Simeon & Louisa Cobb (Emerson), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
118 - Rachel, and Seth Montague, of So. Hadley, Sept. 10, 1795. [VR1]
23 - Rachel, and Seth Montague, Sept. 10, 1794. [VR4]
662 - Rachel, d. Simeon & Rachel (Strong), and Seth Montague, of South Hadley, September 10, 1794, at Amh. [JAS]
667 - Ralph Erskine, s. Reuben & Margaret (Carpenter), and Jane Gray, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
28, 654 - Rebecca (1st w.), d. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), and Elijah Baker, s. Capt. John & Rebecca (Clark), June 16, 1757, at Amh.; soldier in F&I Wars; removed from Northampton to Amh. summer of 1747; farmer; Selectman 1777, >78. =81, =82; Moderator in 1782. [JAS]
9 - Rebecca, and Elijah Baker, s. Capt. John & Rebecca (Clark), June 16, 1757, at Amh. [GenRec]
677 - Rebecca, d. Alexander & Rebekah (Warner), and Lemuel Childs (1st h.), of Deerfield, April 16, 1778, at Amh. [JAS]
653 - Rebecca, d. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), and William Smith, October 21, 1726. [JAS]
204 - Rebecca, d. Noah & Mary E., and John Strong, s. Judge Simeon & 2nd. w., Sarah (Wright), Dec. 3, 1809, 3 chn. - 1811-1816. [VR1]
272 - Rebecca, d. Samuel, of Sunderland, and Jonathan Edwards, s. Nathaniel & Hannah (French), September 6, 1748, at Sunderland. [JAS]
38 - Rebeccah, and John Strong, Dec. 3, 1809. [VR4]
13 - Rebeckah, and ____ Unknown, Apr. 16, 1778. [VR4]
7 - Rebeckah, and Elijah Baker, June 16, 1757. [VR4]
7 - Rebeckah, and Jonathan Smith, Apr. 8, 1756. [VR4]
753 - Rebeckah, of Brattleboro, VT, lived at Amh. June 1809, d. David, of Brattleboro, VT, sister of Submit Smith (w. of Nathaniel Coleman Dickinson), and Aaron Warner, s. Jonathan & Margaret Elizabeth (Zuill), November 24, 1805, at Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
463 - Rebekah, and Albigence King, physician at Pelham 1825 and 1835 at Amh., who went after his debtors by attachments on their land, March 26, 1825, at Pelham. [JAS]
655, 659 - Rebekah, d. Nathaniel & Rebekah (Ingram), and Jonathan Smith, s. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), April 8, 1756, at Amh. [JAS]
660, 713 - Rebekah, of Amh., d. Noah & Mary (Elmer), and John Strong, s. Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (1st w.), December 3, 1809, at Amh. [JAS]
101 - Reuben, and Margaret, d. Richard & Elizabeth (Sanford), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
25 - Reuben, and Pegga Carpenter, Apr. 14, 1796. [VR4]
193 - Reuben, and Ruth Rich, Sept. 9, 1779. [VR1]
14 - Reuben, and Ruth Rich, Sept. 9, 1779. [VR4]
667 - Reuben, s. Noah & Mary (Elmer), and Margaret [aka Peggy] Carpenter, April 14, 1796, at Amh. [JAS]
671 - Reuben, s. Pelatiah & Rhoda (Norton), and Achsah (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
671 - Reuben, s. Pelatiah & Rhoda (Norton), and Ruth Rich (1st w.) [lived at Amh. January 1790, not mentioned in June 1795 deed], September 9, 1779, at Amh. [JAS]
28 - Reubin, s. Noah & Mary, and Margaret Carpenter, Apr. 14, 1796, in Amh. had 5 children born in Amh., and moved to Goshen. [GenRec]
691 - Rhoda, wid. _____ Smith (1st h.), and Amos Putnam (2nd h.), of New Salem, April 24, 1838, at New Salem. [JAS]
609, 678 - Roxana, d. Edward & Hamutal (Ellsworth), and Wiliam Rice, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
193 - Roxlana, and W[illia]m Rice, Sen[ior], ___ __, ____. [VR1]
417, 687 - Rufus, and Achsah Ingram (1st w.), of Amh., d. John & Susanna (Crocker), September 15, 1806, at Amh. . [JAS]
33 - Rufus, and Achsah Ingram, Sept. 15, 1806. [VR4]
687 - Rufus, and Elizabeth (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
687 - Rufus, he and his wife were accepted by letter at the Amh. Bapt. Ch. September 1843, and were dismissed to a church at Cabotville January 1847, and Lovina, lived at Amh. 1843, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
364 - Sally (Meekins) (2nd w.), widow _____ Smith, and Eli Hawley, twin s. Zechariah & Anna (Howard), November 2, 1848, lived in Plainville, Hadley 1850. [JAS]
33 - Sally, and Jonathan Hubbard, Feb. 9, 1806. [VR4]
16 - Sally, and Medad Dickinson, Dec. 4, 1783. [VR4]
192 - Sally, and Thomas Read, Apr. 2, 1801, ch.1803-1811 [possibly 1817]. [VR1]
605, 678 - Sally, d. Nathaniel Alexander & Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.), and Thomas Read, April 2, 1801, at Amh. [JAS]
668 - Sally, d. Noah & Jerusha (Cowls), and Henry J. Graves, September 12, 1838. [JAS]
330, 681 - Samuel [aka SS Jr.], s. Samuel & Sabra (Debell), and Almira Green, d. Zera & Eleanor (Morton), assumed to be the "Mrs. Samuel Smith" who joined the 2nd Ch. November 1832 by letter, September __, 1827. [JAS]
357 - Samuel D., and Harriet Hasting, d. Alvah & Ruth (Edwards), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
677 - Samuel D., s. Cotton & Sibbell (Kilbourn) (2nd w.), and Harriet Tryphena Hastings, of Bernardston, January 23, 1850, at Bernardston. [JAS]
34 - Samuel, 2n\d, and Mary Hastings, May 7, 1807. [VR4]
680 - Samuel, s. Alexander & Rebekah (Warner), and Sabra Debell, d. John & Sibbell (Kilborn), of Rockingham, VT, February 10, 1782, at Rockingham, VT. [JAS]
653 - Samuel, s. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), and Rebecca, ___ __, ___. [JAS]
349, 670 - Samuel, s. Noadiah & Sarah (Lee), and Mary Hastings, d. Thomas & Hannah (Billings), May 7, 1807, at Amh. [JAS]
215, 658 - Sarah (1st w.), d. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), and Medad Dickinson, s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), December 4, 1783, at Amh. [JAS]
658, 677 - Sarah (1st w.), d. Joseph & Sarah (Alexander), and Windsor Smith, s. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), December 3, 1747. [JAS]
630 - Sarah (2nd w.), of Heath, d. Noah, of Heath, and Levi Russell, s. Daniel & Sally (Newton), shortly after April 3, 1835, probably at Heath. [JAS]
50 - Sarah C., d. William H. & Catherine (Messenger), and Edward P. Cushman, s. John Richmond & Rhoda (Crafts), Oct. 22, 1867, at Amh. [GenRec]
267 - Sarah Elizabeth (1st w.), and David Eastman, s. John & Hepzibah (Keyes), January 31, 1839. [JAS]
14 - Sarah, and Jonathan Field, Jan. 2, 1780. [VR4]
287 - Sarah, and Jonathan Field, s. John & Abigail (Boltwood), January 20, 1780, at Amh. [JAS]
804 - Sarah, and Josiah Pomeroy, both of Hadley, May 23, 1837, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
111 - Sarah, and Thomas Munsel, Nov. 29, 1787. [VR1]
18 - Sarah, and Thomas Munsell, of Windsor, Nov. 29, 1787. [VR4]
29 - Sarah, and Thomas Reed, Apr. 2, 1801. [VR4]
678 - Sarah, d. Edward & Hamutal (Ellsworth), and Thomas Munsell, of East Windsor, CT, November 29, 1787, at Amh. [JAS]
658 - Sarah, d. Windsor & Sarah (Smith) (1st w.), and Perez Cook, November 16, 1775. [JAS]
403, 660 - Sarah, of Amh., d. Noah & Mary (Elmer), and Jonathan Hubbard, s. Timothy & Mary (Clapp), February 9, 1806, at Amh. [JAS]
691 - Sarah, of Leverett, and Philip Smith 2nd , of South Hadley, ca June 1834, at North Ch. [JAS]
804 - Sarah, of Leverett, and Philip Smith 2nd, of South Hadley, June 12, 1834. [JAS]
665 - Seth, s. Eleazer & Abigail Hale (2nd w.), and Lavina Jackson, of Woodstock, CT, d. Nehemiah & Esther (Abbott), February 21, 1798. [JAS]
672, 680 - Sibbell Kilbourn (2nd w.), of Amh., d. Samuel & Sabra (Debell), and Cotton Smith, s. Chileab & Tabitha (Clark), January 19, 1825. [JAS]
120 - Simeon, Jr., and Miss Abigail Smith, both of Amh., Jan. 7, 1816. [VR1]
50 - Simeon, of A, and Achsah Clarke, of A, Aug. 4, 1839. [VR4]
360 - Simeon, of Montague, and Anne Hawley, d. Samuel & Sarah (Field), by 1762. [JAS]
661 - Simeon, s. Moses & Hannah (Childs), and Rachel Strong, d. Nathaniel, of Northampton, shortly before July 1763. [JAS]
127, 775 - Simeon, s. Simeon & Jerusha (Cooley), and Achsah Clark (2nd w.), of Amh., d. Justice & Dorcas (Pomeroy), August 4, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
669 - Simeon, s. Simeon & Rachel (Strong), and Jerusha Cooley, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
660, 675 - Simeon, s. Simeon & Sarah (Moody), and Abigail Smith (1st w.), of Amh., d. Noah & Mary (Elmer), January 7, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
36 - Simeon, s. Simeon, and Achsa Clark, d. Justus & Dorcas (Pomeroy), Aug. 4, 1839, at Amh. [GenRec]
803 - Sophia, and William Allis, both of Hatfield, October 20, 1784. [JAS]
17 - Sophia, of Hatfield, and William Allis, Oct. 20, 1784. [VR4]
265 - Speda, and Tilton Eastman, s. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), October 20, 1802, at Plainfield, NH. [JAS]
682 - Spencer (2nd h.), s. Benjamin & Elizabeth (Rush), and Lydia (Smith) Kellogg (2nd w.), of Westfield, d. Simon, wid. Amos Kellogg (1st h.), January 24, 1827, at Westfield. [JAS]
110 - Spencer 2nd, and Martha B. Potwin, both of Amh., Jan. 24, 1844. [VR2]
116 - Spencer, of Amh., and Miss _____ Unknown, of CT, Oct. __, ____. [VR2]
682 - Spencer, s. Benjamin & Elizabeth (Rush), and Betsey Root (1st w.), of Somers, CT, January 16, 1816. [JAS]
682 - Spencer, s. Benjamin & Elizabeth (Rush), and Mary Mack (3rd w.), of Hebron, CT, October 9, 1843, at Hebron, CT. [JAS]
594, 675 - Spencer, s. Noah & Jerusha (Cowls), and Martha Barber Potwine, d. John & Polly (Benton), January 24, 1844, at Amh. [JAS]
689 - Stephen S., and Lucretia Bishop, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
11 - Stephen, and Dorothy Mattun, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
413, 654 - Stephen, s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), and Mary Ingram, d. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
498, 661 - Stephen, s. Stephen & Mary Ingram, and Dorothy Mattoon, d. Ebenezer & Dorothy (Smith) (1st w.),.ca 1771, at Amh. [JAS]
231 - Submit (1st w.), of Amh., [aka Mitta], sister of Rebecca Smith (w. Aaron Warner), d. David Smith, and Nathaniel Coleman Dickinson [aka Coleman Dickinson], s. Johnathan & Azubah (Coleman), January 27, 1807, at Amh. [JAS]
34 - Submit, and Nathaniel Colman Dickinson, Jan. 27, 1807. [VR4]
804 - Thaddeus, both of Hadley, and Louisa Smith, June 14, 1827. [JAS]
201, 653 - Thankful, d. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), and Moses Dickinson, of Sunderland, s. Nathaniel & Hannah, May 31, 1848, at Sunderland. [JAS]
208, 657 - Theoda, d. David & Hannah (Willard), and Nathaniel Dickinson, s. John & Ester (Dickinson), August 13, 1769. [JAS]
2 - Thomas, of Canandiagua, NY, and Sophronia Abby, d. Samuel, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
681 - Timothy, s. Edward & Hamutal (Ellsworth), and Eunice Munsell (1st w.), d. Jacob & Sarah (Bancroft), ___ __, 1786, at Amh. [JAS]
681 - Timothy, s. Edward & Hamutal (Ellsworth), and Sabra Munsell (2nd w.), d. Jonathan & Hannah (Pasco), ___ __, 1790. [JAS]
63, 682 - Timothy, s. Timothy & Eunice (Munsell) (1st w.), and Mary Bissell, of East Windsor, CT, d. Jonathan & Redexsalna (Loomis) (2nd w.), June 7, 1827, at East Windsor, CT, no childrenn listed in 1850. [JAS]
106 - Tirza S., and William Ashley, both of Amh., Dec. 4, 1839. [VR2]
22, 685 - Tirzah S., d. Elijah & Rebecca (Brooks), and William Ashley, s. Joseph & Cynthia (Hubbard), December 4, 1839, at North Amh. [JAS]
479, 678 - Triphena, d. Edward & Hamutal (Ellsworth), and_____ Locke, resident of Williamson, NY, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
676 - Tyler, s. Chester & Henrietta Maria (Tyler), and Martha, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
685 - W. Windsor [aka Windsor], and Harriet L. Paul, of Shutesbury, shortly after March 7, 1849, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
59 - W[illia]m W., of A, and Harriet Handerson, of A, Oct. 28, 1851. [VR4]
54 - William B., of South Hadley, and Electa Kellogg, of Amh., June 3, 1846. [VR4]
456 - William Berkley, of South Hadley, and Electa Kellogg, of Amh., d. Horace & Almarina (Smith), June 3, 1846, at Amh. [JAS]
126 - William Berkley, s. Perez, of South Hadley, & Hannah (Lyman) and Electa Kellogg, d. Horace & Alma (Smith), June 3, 1846. No children. [KG II-1321] [VR2]
689 - William F., mechanic at Amh. 1845, and Sarah B. ___ __, ____. [JAS]
686 - William H., s. Jonathan & Abbie (Bowen), and Catherine Brown Messsenger [aka Catherine B. Dickinson], d. Samuel & Olive (Chase), shortly after August 26, 1832. [JAS]
676 - William Henry [aka Harry W. Smith], s. Moses & Lois W. (Lee), and Fanny [aka Frances] Lee, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
324 - William Smith, of New London, CT, and Aurilia Gould, of Amh., soon after April 1817. [JAS]
43 - William W., and Mary Elizabeth Cowles, d. Daniel & Mary (Henderson), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
653 - William, and Rebecca Smith, d. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), October 21, 1726. [JAS]
689 - William, assumed to be the WS who resided at Amh. 1845, broomtier at North Amh., 1846, and Emily, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
658 - Windsor (2nd h.), s. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), and Lydia (Unknown) Hastings (2nd w.), wid. of Hopestill Hastings (1st h.), was living 1789, October 20. 1773. [JAS]
658, 677 - Windsor, s. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), and Sarah Smith (1st w.), d. Joseph & Sarah (Alexander), December 3, 1747. [JAS]
689 - Z. W., manufacturer at Amh., 1848, and Augusta, ___ __, ____. [JAS]