Vital Records Of Amherst,
Hampshire County, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
(Some Records to the Early 20th Century)
Published by The New England Historic and Genealogical Society in the Corbin Collection,
and by The Search & Research Publishing Corporation
Marriages - MACK to MYRICK
[Transcribed by Carlton O. Hommel]

485, 569, 761 - David (2nd h.), s. David & Mary (Talcott), and Harriet Williams (Parsons) Washburn (3rd w.), wid. Royal Washburn (1st h.), d. David & Harriet (Williams), May 16, 1844, at Amh. [JAS]
235 - David, Hon. h.), and Harriet W. (Parsons) Washburn, May 16, 1844. [GR3]
53 - David, Hon., Jr., (2nd h.), of Amh., and Mrs. Harriet P. Washburn, of A, May 16, 1844. [VR4]
486 - David, s. David & Independence (Pease) (1st w.), and Lucy Maria Kollock Barstow, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
277, 485 - David, s. David & Independence (Pease) (1st w.), and Mary Ely (2nd w.), d. Deacon Nathaniel & Elizabeth, January 14, 1812. [JAS]
485 - David, s. David & Mary (Talcott), and Independence Pease (1st w.), of Somers, CT, March 2, 1803. [JAS]
486 - Julia, of Amh., d. David & Independence (Pease) (1st w.), and Rev. Moody Harrington, of Camillus, NY, December 16, 1835. [JAS]
682 - Mary (3rd w.), of Hebron, CT, and Spencer Smith, s. Benjamin & Elizabeth (Rush), October 9, 1843, at Hebron, CT. [JAS]
486 - Samuel Ely, s. David & Mary (Ely) (2nd w.), and Rebecca A. Robins, d. Ephraim, related to Mr. W. B. Robins of Cincinnati, OH, September 7, 1841. [JAS]
MACKLEM, see Macklen, Macklin
49 - Elizabeth, and William Crofert, Dec. 31, 1741. [GenRec]
MACKLEN, see Macklem, Macklin
803 - Elizabeth, and William Crofert, both of Irishtown (local name for Pelham), December 31, 1741. [JAS]
MACKLIN, see Macklen, Macklem
4 - Elizabeth, from Irish Town, and William Crosert, from Irish Town, Dec. 31, 1741. [VR4]
342 - George, and Anna Harkness, d. David & Sarah (Blair?), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
487 - George, s. George & Susannah (Paul), and Anna Harkness, September 17, 1801. [JAS]
385 - Nancy (1st w.), of Leverett, and Jeremiah Woodbury Hobart, s. Joshua & Sybel (Woodbury), June 3, 1840, at Leverett. [JAS]
487, 728 - Sarah Blair, d. George & Anna (Harkness), and Samuel Thayer, s. John & Betsy (Spear) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
325 - Sophia, and Lorin Graves, s. Walter & Phila (Montague), May __, 1836, at Vernon, VT. [JAS]
2 - Fannie Louise, of Detroit, MI, and Maj. Henry Martin Adams, s. Nathaniel D. & Harriet (Hastings), Oct. 28, 1875. [Gen 685] [GenRec]
487 - Jane Lucretia, d. John & Cordelia Maria (Russell), and Milton P. Cogswell, November 28, 1850. [JAS]
487, 629 - John, and Cordelia Maria Russell [aka Delia], d. Chester & Anna (Clary), November 26, 1829, at North Amh. [JAS]
487 - Nancy Elizabeth, d. John & Cordelia Maria (Russell), and David A. Wright, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
100 - Sarah Jane ["The intention is not clear either"], and Windsor Newbury, May 19, 1836. [VR2]
488 - Sylvanus, and ____ Unknown, ___ __, ____, [JAS]
775 - Mary, and James White, s. John & Bridget, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
433 - Mary, and Philo Joy, s. Levi & Phila (Church) (1st w.), ____. [JAS]
59 - Margaret, d. John & Delia, and Israel Dickinson Billings, s. Chester & Esther Dickinson (1st w.), soon after 1850? [JAS]
24 - S. Waldo Maltbie, s. Daniel & Esther (Tappan), and Rizpah Boltwood, d. William & Electa (Stetson), Aug. 15, 1867, at Amh. [GenRec]
MANLEY, see Manly
306 - Chandler, and Lucinda Gaylord, d. Eliakim & Anna (Dana), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
488 - Chandler, of Northampton, and Hannah J. Lincoln (1st w.), of Pelham, December 27, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
488 - Chandler, of Pelham, and Lucinda Gaylord (2nd w.), of Amh., September 6, 1831, at Amh. [JAS]
MANLY, see, Manley
97 - Chandler, of Pelham, and Lucinda Gaylord, of Amh., Sept. 6, 1831. [VR2]
44 - Amy, and Johnathan Bartlett, s. Jonathan & Ann (Mixer), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
616 - Jerusha (2nd w.), and Ephraim Roberts, s. Joseph & Thankful (Fobes), before August 1800. [JAS]
58 - Charles W., of A, and Sarah Ann Foote (Colored persons), Nov. 18, 1850. [VR4]
82 - Sarah Jane, and Windsor Newbury, Apr. 19, 1836. [VR2]
446 - Susan, and Smith Kellogg, s. Ephraim & Martha (Smith), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
13 - John and Martha Bascom, d. Thomas & Martha (Allen), Dec. 1, 1796. [GenRec]
47 - John, and Martha Bascom, d. Thomas & Martha Boltwood Field (Allen), December 1, 1796, at Warren, removed to Milton, VT. [JAS]
582 - Rosanna L., of East Hartford, CT. and James M. Perry, May 24, 1843, at Manchester, CT. [JAS]
694 - Abigail (2nd w.), and Luther Spear, s. Moses & Catherine (Jones), March 14, 1824. [JAS]
444 - Josiah Beaman (1st h.), and Susan Kellogg, d. Samuel & Susannah (Felton), ___ __, ____, [JAS]
747 - _____, and Lucretia Ward, d. Isaac & Sybil (Moore), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
111 - Abna, and Dorothy Dana, Mar. 7, 1788. [VR1]
490 - Abner, probably related to Asa March and to Jonathan March; yeoman at Whately March 1887; resident of Amh. 1788; had a quarter mill interest in 1790; resident of Sunderland May 1792 when he sold his mill interest to Jonathan March, went to Conway for a while, then went West, and Dorothy Dana, of Amh., March 7, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
493 - Amos Henry, s. Asa & Sophia (Bingham), and Jane F. Bagg, ___ __, ____, both living in 1850. [JAS]
489 - Amos, s. Amos & Elizabeth (Jefferson), and Fila Cooley, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
489 - Amos, s. Asa & Meliscent (Woodstock), and Elizabeth Jefferson, d. Solomon, April 22, 1778, at Douglas. [JAS]
47 - Ann, d. Jonathan, and Lt. Samuel Cook, s. Capt. Aaron, Esq. & Sarah (Westwood), June 21, 1698, at Hadley. [OB-3] [Hadley Gen. 23] [GenRec]
18 - Asa, and Sophia Billings, Oct. 30, 1824. [GenRec]
93 - Asa, and Sophia Bingham, Oct. 30, 1824. [VR2]
492 - Asa, and Sophia Bingham, of Amh., October 30, 1824. [JAS]
490 - Asa, s. Amos & Elizabeth (Jefferson), and Philomela Stearns, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
489 - Asa, s. Asa & Meliscent (Woodstock), and Sarah Snow, perhaps d. Lemuel, May 20, 1778. [JAS]
11 - Augusta J., d. Leonard & Lois (Parker), of Hadley, and Lorin L. Ball, s. John D. & Jerusha I. (Hill), Oct. 10, 1853. [GenRec]
490 - Benjamin, s. Amos & Elizabeth (Jefferson), and Mary Whitney [aka Polly], ___ __, ____. [JAS]
492 - Edwin Franklin, s. Nathaniel & Hannah (Nash), and Lydia S. Chandler, of Woodstock, CT, ___ __, 1846. [JAS]
649 - Electa (2nd w.), of Whately, d. Rufus & Camilla (Church), and Jonathan Sprague Slate, s. Timothy & Tirzah (Sprague), May 23, 1838, at Amh. [JAS]
490 - Electa, d. Amos & Elizabeth (Jefferson), and Phineas Smith, of Whately, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
198 - Electa, of Whately, and Jonathan Slate, of Amh., May 23, 1838. [VR1]
83 - Electa, of Whately, and Jonathan Sleight, of Amh., May 23, 1838. [VR2]
493 - Eli Cooley, and Wealthy, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
35 - Elizabeth, and Silas Hawley, Feb. 4, 1808. [VR4]
365, 490 - Elizabeth, of Amh., d. Amos & Elizabeth (Jefferson), and Silas Hawley, s. Zacheriah & Rebekah (Edwards), February 4, 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
131 - Elvira Minerva, of Hadley, d. Joseph & Roxa (Johnson), and Willard Mayo Kellogg, s. Rufus & Ester (1st w.), May 13, 1834. [KG II-1298] [VR2]
454 - Elvira Minerva, of Hadley, d. Joseph & Roxy (Johnson), and Willard Mayo Kellogg, s. Rufus & Esther (Mayo) (1st w.), May 13, 1834, at Hadley. [JAS]
95 - Emerson, and Maria Dickinson, Nov. 29, 1827. [VR2]
252, 490 - Emerson, s. Amos & Elizabeth (Jefferson), and Maria Dickinson, of Amh., d. Obed & Experience (Smith), November 29, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
489 - Enos, and Mercy Marsh, twin d. Ephraim & Sarah (Mattoon), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
363 - Enos, and Rebecca Hawley, d. Chester & Augusta (Warner) (1st w.), by 1833. [JAS]
489, 497 - Ephraim, of Montague, s. Ebenezer & Elizabeth (Gillet), and Sarah Mattoon, of Northfield, d. Eleazer & Elizabeth (Boltwood), March 27, 1746, at Amh. [JAS]
5 - Ephrain, and Sarah Mattoon, Mar. 27, 1846. [VR4]
16 - Hannah (1st w.), d. Samuel & Mary (Allison), of Hatfield, and Richard Billings, s. Samuel & Sarah (Fellows), Mar. 18, 1703. [GenRec]
197 - Hannah Marsh (1st w.), d. Jonathan & Dorcas, and Samuel Dickinson 2nd, s. Nehemiah & Mary (Cowles), October 17, 1711. [JAS]
443, 491 - Hannah, d. Jonathan & Hannah Bol(cem), and Samuel Kellogg, s. Abraham & Sarah (Cowls), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
19 - Henry, of Amh., and Emily L. Blanchard, d. Lorin & Mary (Clapp), Nov. 18, 1854, at Chester. [GenRec]
139 - John Anson, of Leverett, farmer, and Laura P. Comings, of Amh., d. William & Artelisia, March 25, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
47 - John, and Anne Webster (1st w.), d. Gov. John Webster of CT, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
47 - John, and Hepsibah (Lyman) (2nd w.), wid. of Richard Lyman, of Northampton, Oct. 7, 1664. [GenRec]
491 - Jonathan, and Hannah Bol(cem), ___ __, 1769. [JAS]
79, 492 - Jonathan, s. Jonathan & Hannah Bol(cem), and Sarah Boltwood, of Amh., d. William & Eunice Noble (1st w.), January 30, 1809, at Windsor, no children of record at Amh. [JAS]
23 - Jonathan, s. Jonathan & Hannah, and Sarah Boltwood, d. William, Jr., & Eunice (Noble) (1st w.), Jan. __, 1809. [GenRec]
23 - Joseph (2nd h.), of Hadley, and Harriet (Boltwood) (Newhall), wid. George Newhall (1st h.), d. William, Jr., & Eunice (Noble) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
79, 539 - Joseph (2nd h.), of Hadley, and Harriet (Boltwood) Newhall, d. William & Eunice Noble (1st w.), April 7, 1844. [JAS]
363 - Joshua, and Mary Hawley, d. Chester & Augusta (Warner) (1st w.), by 1833. [JAS]
34 - Lois, and Elisha Dickinson, Feb. __, 1807. [VR4]
238 - Lois, of Amh., perhaps previously of Hadley, d. Timothy & Mercy (Smith), and Elisha [aka ED Jr.], s. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), February 1, 1807, at Amh. [JAS]
36 - Lucius, and Rachel Hawley, Mary 12, 1808. [VR4]
110 - Lucius, of Montague, and Pamelia Russell, of Amh., Sept. 6, 1841. [VR2]
634 - Lucius, of Montague, and Pamelia Russell, of Amh., September 6, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
362 - Lucius, of Montague, and Rachel Hawley, of Amh., d. Zacheriah & Rebekah (Edwards), May 12, 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
492 - Lucretia Watkins, d. Nathaniel & Hannah (Nash), and Eleazer Warner, ___ __, _____. [JAS]
38 - Lucretia, and Luther Wotkins, Feb. 14, 1810. [VR4]
491 - Lucretia, of Amh., d. Jonathan & Hannah Bol(cem), and Luther Corkins, of Hinsdale, NH, March 14, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
492, 794 - Lydia Ann Edwards, of Amh., d. Nathaniel & Hannah (Nash), and Ralph Wolcott, s. Guy & Redesca (Bissell), May 8, 1850, at South Amh., no children mentioned. [JAS]
38 - Mary (2nd w.), and Josiah Cowles, s. Jonathan, Jr., & Sarah (Gaylord), ___ __ ____, went to Leverett. [GenRec]
156, 658 - Mary (Smith) [aka Mercy] (2nd w.), of Hadley, d. Windsor & Sarah (Smith) (1st w.), and Josiah Cowls (2nd h.), s. Jonathan & Sarah (Gaylord), March 19, 1806. [JAS]
253, 492 - Mary Eliza, d. Nathaniel & Hannah (Nash), and Edwin Elbridge Dickinson, s. Eli & Roxana (Thayer), November 25, 1847, at South Amh. [JAS]
250 - Mary Lyman, of Hadley, d. Joseph & Roxa (Johnson), and William Watson Dickinson, s. Zabina & Mary (Watson), March 28, 1840, at Hadley. [JAS]
28 - Mary, d. Jonathan & Hannah, and Eleazer Cady Jr., of Partridgefield, s. Eleazer, of Partridgefield, July 5, 1804, at Amh. [GenRec]
491 - Mary, of Amh., d. Jonathan & Hannah Bol(cem), and Eleazer Cady, Jr., of Partridgefield, July 5, 1804, at Amh. [JAS]
654 - Mary, wid. at Ware 1750, and Moses Smith, s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), November, __ 1726. [JAS]
490 - Meliscent, d. Amos & Elizabeth (Jefferson), and Alanson Hildreth, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
489 - Mercy, twin d. Ephraim & Sarah (Mattoon), and Enos Marsh, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
45, 493 - Merrick M., and Louisa Bartlett, d. Samuel & Lucy (Williams), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
706 - Mindwell, of Montague,d. Joshua & Mindwell (Crosby), and James Stewart, s. James & Mary, March 5, 1818, at Montague. [JAS]
45 - Nathaniel, and Hannah Nash, Nov. 23, 1820. [See Eli7 Dickinson, Jr., family]. [VR4]
492, 540 - Nathaniel, s. Jonathan & Hannah Bol(cem), and Hannah Nash, of Amh., d. Reuben & Lydia (Edwards), November 22, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
492 - Newell, s. Jonathan & Hannah Bol(cem), and Deborah Taylor, ___ __, 1814, no children of record at Amh. [JAS]
363 - Orsamus, and Lucinda Hawley, d. Chester & Augusta (Warner) (1st w.), by 1833. [JAS]
37 - Philip, and Clarissa Hawley, Jan. 26, 1809. [VR4]
362 - Phillip, of Montague, and Clarissa Hawley, of Amh., d. Zacheriah & Rebekah (Edwards), January 26, 1809, at Amh., "went to New York". [JAS]
117 - Samuel, and Martha Edwards, Mar. 5, 1793. [VR1]
23 - Samuel, and Martha Edwards, Mar. 5, 1793. [VR4]
273 - Samuel, of Montague, and Martha Edwards, d. Jonathan & Rebecca (Smith), March 5, 1793, at Amh., went to Montague. [JAS]
47 - Sarah (1st w.), and Noah Cook, s. Westwood & Sarah (Coleman), Nov. __, 1716, at Hadley. [OB-2] [Hadley Gen. 23] [GenRec]
212, 213 - Sarah (1st w.), d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Eastman, and Nathaniel Dickinson, s. Nathaniel & Thankful (Barrett) (1st w.), December 8, 1770. [JAS]
87 - Sarah, and Alvan Russell, May 8, 1816. [VR2]
196 - Sarah, and Alvin Russell, May 8, 1816, 9 ch., 1817-1841. [VR1]
490, 631 - Sarah, d. Amos & Elizabeth (Jefferson), and Alvin Russell, s. of Phillip & Miriam (Hubbard), May 8, 1816. [JAS]
20 - Sarah, of Hadley, and Nathaniel Dickinson, Jr., (s. Nathaniel Dickinson), Dec. 8, 1779. [VR1]
17 - Sarah, of Hadley, and Nathaniel Dickinson, Jr., (son of Nathaniel Dickinson), Dec. 8, 1779. [VR1]
490 - Sophia, d. Amos & Elizabeth (Jefferson), and Thaddeus Hibbard, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
156, 658 - Timothy, and Mary Smith [aka Mercy], d. Windsor & Sarah (Smith) (1st w.), September.23. 1779. [JAS]
152, 493 - Warren B., s. Eleazer & Jemina (Clark), and Nancy Coon, d. Daniel & Harriett, October 23, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
491 - Wheeler, s. Jonathan & Hannah Bol(cem), and Lydia, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
491 - Willard, s. Jonathan & Hannah Bol(cem), and Fannie Root, September __, 1816. [JAS]
MARSHAL, see Marshall
115 - Sarah, and Eliasr Wilder, between May 27, 1791 and Apr. 27, 1792. [VR1]
MARSHAL, see Marshal
494 - Abigail C., d. Isaac & Mary (Nash), and Eli Clough, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
39 - Chester E., s. Thomas & Hannah, and Orinda Cowles, d. Simeon & Sarah (Dickinson) (1st w.), Dec. 20, 1804. [GenRec]
158, 494 - Chester Eastman, s. Thomasand Orinda Cowls, d. Simeon & Sarah (Dickinson) (1st w.) December 20, 1804, at Amh. [JAS]
24 - Dorothy, and Nathan Bowen, Oct. 13, 1799. [GenRec]
27 - Dorothy, and Nathan Bowen, Oct. 13, 1799. [VR4]
239, 494 - Electa, of Amh., d. Chester Eastman & Orinda (Cowles), and Hezekiah Dickinson, s. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), November 22, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
270 - Electra, and Hezekiah Dickinson, s. Dr. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), ___ __, 1832. [VR3]
494 - Isaac (2nd h.), and Marcy (Unknown) Abbott (2nd w.), wid. Jacob Abbott (1st h.), May 4, 1778, at Sunderland. [JAS]
1, 494 - Isaac (2nd h.), and Marcy (Unknown) Abbott, wid. of Jacob (1st h.), May 4, 1778, at Sunderland. [JAS]
494 - Isaac, and Abigail Crocker (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
29 - Isaac, Jr., and Mary Nash, Dec. 10, 1800. [VR4]
494, 538 - Isaac, s. Isaac & Abigail (Crocker) (1st w.), and Mary Nash, d. Jonathan & Anna (Hastings), December 10, 1800, at Amh. [JAS]
158, 494 - Orinda (Cowlws), w. Chester Eastman, d. Simeon & Sarah (Dickinson) (1st w.), September 26, 1838, at North Amh. [JAS]
101 - Sarah D., and Alfred Russell, of Hadley, Nov. 2, 1837. [VR2]
629 - Sarah Dickinson, d. Chester Eastman and Alfred Russell, s. Chester & Anna (Clary), ___ __ 1837. [JAS]
495 - Sarah Dickinson, of Amh., d. Chester Eastman & Orinda (Cowles), and Alfred Russell, of Hadley, s. Chester, November 2, 1837, at Amh., both lived at Hadley 1841. [JAS]
467 - Sarah Jane (1st w.), of Brookfield, and Harvey Lyman Kneeland, s. Joseph & Lydia (Champion) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
494 - Thomas, soldier in the militia at Stillwater September 1777, resident of Amh. 1780 - 90, gravedigger at Amh. 1781, and Hannah (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
494 - Thomas, soldier in the militia at Stillwater September 1777, resident of Amh. 1780 - 90, gravedigger at Amh. 1781, and Mary Butterfield (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
365 - Hyland, and Caroline Hawley, d. Phillip & Roxanna (Dickinson) ___ __, ____. [JAS]
698 - Ophelia, and Henry Martyn Spofford, s. Luke Ainsworth & Grata Matilda (Rand), __ __, ____. [JAS]
39 - Sophronia, of Cummington, and Sylvester Cowles, s. Reuben & Elizabeth (Rice), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
164 - Sophronia, of Cummington, d. Joseph & Betsey (Wood), and Sylvester Cowles, s. Reuben Cowls & Elizabeth (Rice), January 1, 1822. [JAS]
793 - Timothy, and Harriet Winslow, d. Amasa & Polly (Snow) (2nd w.), September __, 1828. [JAS]
495 - William Edward, s. William & Ann (Clark), and Harriet H. Lyman, (3rd w.), d. Enos & Lydia, of Hadley, June 29, 1948, at Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
495 - William Edward, s. William & Ann (Clark), and Mary R. Cook (1st w.), d. James & Roxanna, of Hadley, April 8, 1832, at Northampton. [JAS]
495 - William Edward, s. William & Ann (Clark), and Sophronia Ashley (2nd w.), d. Noah & Sally, August 24, 1840, at Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
MATHEWS, see Matthew
497 - Horace, resident of Amh. 1832, mechanic in Amh. 1835, soon left Amh., and Rosamond T. Hunt, of Cummington, soon after September 1, 1832. [JAS]
221 - Mary (3rd w.), of New Braintree, and Jonathan Dickinson, s. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), December 27, 1759, at Amh. [JAS]
12 - Sarah, and John Billing, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
MATTHEWS, see Mattews
20 - _____, and Speda Blodgett, d. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
89, 496 - Elijah (2nd h.), and Esther (Blodgett) (Briggs), of Amh., wid. John (1st h.), December 18, 1827, at North Amh. [JAS]
88 - Elijah, and Experience Blodgett, Oct. 22, 1817. [VR2]
21 - Elijah, and Experience Blodgett, Oct. 23, 1817. [GenRec]
67, 496 - Elijah, s. Silas Matthews & Percilla (Woods), and Experience Blodget (1st w.), d. David & Jerusha (Dickinson), October 23, 1817, at Amh. [JAS]
242 - Martha R., and Martin Dickinson, s. Jonathan & Amy Stoughton (Dickinson), April 19, 1848, at Leverett, went to North Hadley. [JAS]
44 - Mary S., and Elijah Cowles, ___ __, ____, 7 children. [GenRec]
295 - Mary, d. Samuel & Rachel (Leonard), and Leonard Fiske, s. Nahum & Sarah, October 19, 1847, at Vernon, VT. [JAS]
496 - Richard, s. Richard & Anna, and Ann L. Steel, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
16 - Sarah (2nd w.), d. William & Mehitable, and John Billings, s. Richard & Hannah (Marsh) (1st w.), Nov. 12, 1772, at Amh. [GenRec]
55 - Sarah (2nd w.), d. William & Mehitable, and John Billings, s. Richard & Hannah (Marsh) Billings, ca 1773, at Amh. [JAS]
496 - Silas, resident of Amh. by 1772; had land developed and a mill interest in 1773; Sgt. in Capt. Parker's militia Co. at Fort Ticonderoga May 1777, and Percilla Woods, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
500 - Benjamin Mayo [aka BM Moulton], s. Ebenezer & Lucina (Mayo), and Nancy Palmer, of Deerfield, d. William & Seba, of Deerfield, November 11, 1845, at Greenfield. [JAS]
96 - Caroline, and Jona[thon] E. Woods, of Enfield, Jan. 20, 1830. [VR2]
500 - Caroline, of Amh., d. Noah Dickinson & Lucy (Billings), and Jonathan E. Woods, of Enfield, January 20, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
499 - Dolly Goddard, [aka Dorothy G. Mattoon], of Amh., d. Ebenezer & Lucina (Mayo), and Aaron Billings Vanevar, of Boston, January 25, 1843. [JAS]
113 - Dorothy G., of Amh., and Aaron B. Vannevar, of Boston, Jan. 25, 1843. [VR2]
86 - Dorothy S., and Timothy I. Gridley, Apr. 20, 1815. [VR2]
333, 499 - Dorothy Smith (1st w.), of Amh., d. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), and Timothy Jones Gridley, s. Isaac & Elizabeth, April 20, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
498, 661 - Dorothy, d. Ebenezer & Dorothy (Smith) (1st w.), and Stephen Smith, s. Stephen & Mary Ingram, ca 1771, at Amh. [JAS]
499 - Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), and Lucina Mayo, of Orange, December 30, 1804. [JAS]
221, 495 - Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer & Sarah (Alvord) (2nd w.), and Mary Dickinson, d. Noah & Mary (Dickinson) (1st w.), July 7, 1779, at Montague. [JAS]
497, 655 - Ebenezer, s. Eleazer & Elizabeth (Boltwood), and Dorothy Smith (1st w.), d. Nathaniel & Rebekah (Ingram), shortly after June 14, 1747, probably at Amh. [JAS]
497 - Ebenezer, s. Eleazer & Elizabeth (Boltwood), and Sarah Alvord (2nd w.), d. John, of Northampton, ___ __, 1759. [JAS]
75, 497 - Eleazer, s. Philip and Elizabeth Boltwood, d. Samuel & Sarah (Lewis), July 20, 1715. [JAS]
121, 498 - Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer & Dorothy (Smith) (1st w.), and Oliver Clapp, s. Preserved & Sarah (West), between 1772 and 1774. [JAS]
34 - Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer, and Oliver Clapp, s. Preserved & Sarah (West), 1772-1774. [GenRec]
497 - Elizabeth, d. Eleazer & Elizabeth (Boltwood), and Joseph Day, of West Springfield, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
499, 572 - Fanny (2nd w.), of Amh., d. Ebenezer & Lucina (Mayo), and Samuel Morrison Parsons, John & Asenath (Carrington), May 12, 1835, at Amh. [JAS]
99 - Fanny, and Samuel M. Parsons, May 12, 1835. [VR2]
225, 498 - Lousa, d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Alvord) (2nd w.), and Eli Dickinson, s. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), November 12, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
499 - Lucina, d. Ebenezer & Lucina (Mayo), and Ithamar C. Cowles, ___ __, ____, resided in Unionville, Ohio. [JAS]
95 - Maria Antoinette, and Levi Hutchinson, of Orange, Oct. 6, 1829. [VR2]
411, 499 - Maria Antoinette, d. Ebenezer & Lucina (Mayo), and Levi Hutchinson, October 6, 1829, at Amh. [JAS]
500 - Mary Dickinson, d. Noah Dickinson & Lucy (Billings), and _____ Cowles, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
498 - Mary Dickinson, of Amh., d. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), and Daniel Dwight, Esq., of Westmoreland, NH., December 24, 1807. [JAS]
57, 500 - Noah Dickinson, s. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), and Lucy Billings, d. Aaron & Lucy (Rich) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
445, 498 - Roxey [aka Roxanna, Irene] (1st w.), d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Alvord) (2nd w.), and John Kellogg, s. Ephraim & Esther (Hastings), September __, 1785. [JAS]
5 - Sarah, and Ephrain Marsh, Mar. 27, 1846. [VR4]
489, 497 - Sarah, of Northfield, d. Eleazer & Elizabeth (Boltwood), and Ephraim Marsh, of Montague, s. Ebenezer & Elizabeth (Gillet), March 27, 1746, at Amh. [JAS]
11 - Dorothy, and Stephen Smith, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
11 - Elisabeth, and Oliver Clap, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
644 - Samuel, a clergeman at Marietta, OH, and Eliza Ann Sellon, of Amh., d. William F. & Fanny (Williams) (1st w.), August 21, 1843, at East Amh. [JAS]
113 - Samuel, Rev., of Marietta, Ohio, and Eliza Ann Sellon, of Amh., Aug. 21, 1843. [VR2]
113 - Samuel, Rev., of Marietta, Ohio, and Eliza Ann Sellon, of Amh., Aug. 21, 1843. [VR2]
2 - William, of Heath, and Electra Abby, d. Samuel, October__, 1807. [JAS]
185 - Dorothy (1st w.), d. Eleazer & Dorothy (Davis), and Amariah Dana, s. Samuel & Mary (Sumner), June 30, 1763, at Pomfret, CT. [JAS]
789 - William (perhaps?), and Sarah Williams, d. Joseph & Ruth (Grow), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
500 - William, resident of Amh. 1773; militia soldier at Cambridge for 11 days in 1775 on Lexington Alarm; farmer at Amh. 1776; in August 1777 spent 4 days on militia duty at New Providence; was at Stillwater September 1777; and perhaps Sarah Williams, d. Joseph, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
501 - Hannah Allen, of Amh. (NH ?), and Sanderson Carter, of Berlin, November 20, 1788, at Petersham. [JAS]
501 - Richard, and Bridget, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
449 - Esther Mayo (1st w.), of Orange, and Rufus Kellogg, s. Daniel & Mercy (Eastman), soon after January 7, 1809. [JAS]
499 - Lucina, of Orange, and Ebenezer Mattoon, s. Ebenezer & Mary (Dickinson), December 30, 1804. [JAS]
94 - Isaac, Esq., of Troy, and Sarah S. Strong, Apr. 10, 1826. [VR2]
115 - Eloner, and Alexander Conkey, in Pelham between May 27, 1791 and Apr. 27, 1792. [Pelham VR-97] [VR1]
MC CULLOCK, see Mc Culluch, Mc Culluck
111 - Henry, and Martha Hamilton, of Pelham, Dec. 6, 1787. [VR1]
MC CULLUCH, see Mc Cullock, Mc Culluck
114 - Martha, and Isaac Abercrombie, Jan. 26, 1790. [VR1]
MC CULLUCK, see Mc Cullock, Mc Culluch
110 - Molly, and Olliver Harroon, Jan. 18, 1787. [VR1]
443 - Jane (1st w.), of Rockingham, VT, and Daniel Kellogg, s. Daniel & Mercy (Eastman), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
532 - Charles, and Susan, born in Pelham, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
MCCARTHY, see Mccarty
205 - Bridget, d. John McCarty & Kate, and James Sullivan, s. Jeremiah & Bridget, Sept. 2, 1852, at Amh. [VR1]
MCCARTY, see Mccarthy
205 - Bridget, d. John & Kate, and James Sullivan, s. Jeremiah & Bridget, Sept. 2, 1852, at Amh. [VR1]
205 - Bridget, d. John & Kate, and James Sullivan, s. Jeremiah & Bridget, Sept. 2, 1852. [VR1]
194 - William, of New York, NY, and Harriet Dewey, d. Solomon & Orpha (Bagg) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
213 - Sally, of Petersham, and Simeon Dickinson, s. Nehemiah & Amy (Stoughton), ___ __, 1781. [JAS]
660 - Rachel McClary, of Massena, NY, and Andrew Smith, s. Noah & Mary (Elmer), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
45 - Washington, and Ana Gray Colton, d. Rev. A. M., Oct. 1, 1868, at Easthampton, MA. [GenRec]
532 - Lewis, s. Charles, and Minerva Tirzah Slate, d. Deacon Timothy & Tirzah (Sprague), sister Jonathan Sprague Slate, February 24, 1829, at Bernardston. [JAS]
803 - Martha, and Isaac Abercrombie, of Pelham, January 26, 1790. [JAS]
713 - Isaac, Esq., of Troy, NY, and Sarah Sophia Strong, of Amh., d. Hezekiah Wright & Martha (Dwight), April 10, 1826, at Amh. [JAS]
141 - Elinor (1st w.), and Mr. Alexander Conkey, of Pelham, soon after June 18, 1791, at Amh., moved to Amh. in March 1805. [JAS]
45 - Elinor, and Alexander Conkey, ___ __, 1791. [GenRec]
MCCRACKEN, see Mccracker
804 - Joseph, of Worchester, and Sarah Turner, of Pelham, February 12, 1760. [JAS]
MCCRACKER, see Mccracken
8 - Joseph, of Worcester, and Sarah Turner, of Pelham, Feb. 12, 1760. [VR4]
112 - Rachael, of Springfield, and Nathaniel Church, s. Samuel & Abigail (Harrison) (1st w.), ___ __, 1727. [JAS]
804 - Molly, of Pelham, and Oliver Hannum ?, of Cambridge, January 18, 1787. [JAS]
804 - Alexander, both of Irishtown (early name for Pelham), and Ann Alexander, April 30, 1741. [JAS]
4 - Alexander, from Irish Town, and Ann Alexander, Apr. 31[sic], 1741. [VR4]
MCCULLOCH, see Mccullock
19 - Henry, and Martha Hamilton, of Pelham, Dec. 6, 1787. [VR4]
804 - Henry, both of Pelham, and Martha Hamilton, December 6, 1787, with intent at Pelham January 6, 1787. [JAS]
MCCULLOCK, see Mcculloch
21 - Martha, and Isaac Abercrombie, Jan. 26, 1790. [VR4]
1 - Martha, and Isaac Abercrombie, s. Rev. Robert & Margaret (Hinson), Jan. 26, 1790, at Amh. [GenRec]
18 - Molly, of Pelham, and Oliver Herroun, of Cambridge, Vermont, Jan. 18, 1787. [Herroon in Pelham VR-128] [VR4]
3 - Alexander, and Ann Alexander, Apr. 30, 1741, at Amh. [GenRec]
262 - Asa, Rev., of Concord, NH, and Clarissa Dwight, d. Justus & Sarah (Lamb), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
533 - Consider [aka Charles McFarland], and _____ Unknown, (had one child and predeceased her husband), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
533 - Consider [aka Charles McFarland], and Mary Paine, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
533 - Horatio Thomas, resident of Hadley 1799, cleric there December 1805, resident of Oxford, Chenango Co., NY September 1807 when he purchased a house lot at Amh., resident again at Oxford, NY September 1813 when he sold land at Amh., and Catharine, lived at Hadley 1805 and at Oxford, NY September 1813, ___ __,____. [JAS]
533 - John, of Amh., and Mary Flinn, of Amh., June 8, 1834, at Amh. [JAS]
83 - Francis, of Belchertown, and Miss Nancy Boston, of Amh., soon after Dec. 17, 1813. [JAS]
7 - Adelia (2nd w.) of Rochester, NY, and Timothy Green Ayres, s. Josiah & Eunice (Green), Nov. 3, 1842. [GenRec]
534 - Anson, possible s. William & Olive, and Hannah Cowls (2nd w.), of Belchertown, soon after March 27, 1835. [JAS]
534 - Anson, possible s. William & Olive, and M____ Unknown (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
534 - Charles, and Harriet, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
125 - Hannah M., and William Henry7 Kellogg, s. Henry Chester & Minerva (Park) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [KG II-1335] [VR2]
534 - William, and Olive, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
535 - Alvin, s. Joshua & Rebecca (Thompson), and Elizabeth Booth, ___ __, ____, went to Michigan. [JAS]
535 - Charles, s. Joshua & Rebecca (Thompson), and Elvira A. Fish, September 7, 1842, at Chesterfield, NH. [JAS]
92 - Henry, and Hannah M. Hyde, Oct. 3, 1824. [VR2]
411, 535 - Henry, s. Joshua & Rebecca (Thompson), and Hannah M. Hyde, d. Andrew & Mary (Morton), October 3, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
63, 535 - John s. Joshua & Rebecca (Thompson), and Laura Bissell, of Amh., d. Jonathan & Redexsalna (Loomis) (2nd w.), soon after March 29, 1834. [JAS]
534 - Joshua (1st h.), s. Deacon John & Millicent, and Rebecca Thompson, d. John & Eunice, November 20, 1794, at Palmer. [JAS]
241, 534 - Rebecca (Thompson) (3rd w.), wid. Joshua McMaster (1st h.), and Simeon Dickinson (2nd h.), s. Simeon & Martha (Graves), November 29, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
93 - Rebecca, and Simeon Dickinson, Nov. 29, 1824. [VR2]
535 - Walter (2nd h.), and Jane (Unknown) Wheeler (2nd w.), of Amh., wid. _____ Wheeler (1st h.), April 2, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
535 - Walter, and _____ Unknown (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
105 - Walter, and Mrs. Jane Wheeler, both of Amh., Apr. 2, 1839. [VR2]
563 - Betsey (2nd w.), of Amh., d. Thomas & Lucy, and Joseph Parants [aka Joseph Joel], October 12, 1842, at Amh. [JAS]
52 - Betsey, of Amh., and Joseph Parents, of Amh., Oct. 12, 1842. [VR4]
112 - Betsy, and Joseph Parents, both of Amh., Oct. 12, 1842. [VR2]
581 - Elizabeth (2nd w.), of New Salem, and John Perry, moved from Hadley to Amh. after 1745 and moved to New Salem by 1749, September 26, 1743, at New Salem. [JAS]
705 - Priscilla (2nd w.), sister of Mary Meacham, and Phineas Stevens, before 1797. [JAS]
16 - David O., s. Daniel & Abigail (Burnham), and Frances Jane Bently, d. Bradford & Lucy, Sept. 11, 1867, at Amh. [GenRec]
641 - Elvira, and Rufus Porter Scott, s. Rufus & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), June 8, 1850. [JAS]
653 - Thomas, and Mercy Smith, d. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), February 18, 1842. [JAS]
18 - Hannah, d. Andrew & Isabel, and Samuel Hyde, Dec. 19, 1765. [GenRec]
804 - Perry, both of Belchertown, and Mary Dwight, November 16, 1837. [JAS]
661 - Anna, and Joel Smith, s. Stephen & Mary (Ingram), February 12, 1752, at Leverett. [JAS]
MERICK, see Merrick
208 - Achsa, of Shutesbury, and Reuben Thayer, Oct. 12, 1816, ch. 7 - 1817-1836. [VR1]
20 - Calvin, and Orinda Row, May 12, 1789. [VR4]
183 - Harriet (2nd w,), Mrs. of NY City and Henry Merrill, s. Calvin and Orinda (Rowe), ___ __, ____. [VR3]
183 - Lucy, d. Calvin & Orinda (Rowe), and Dexter Anderson, in Hinsdale, ___ __, ____. [VR3]
MERRICK, see Merick
502 - Aaron, s. James S. & Esther (Colton), and Mary Howe [aka Polly], d. Phineas & Martha, June 12, 1800, at Enfield. [JAS]
504, 724 - Achsah [Dup. Achsah Merick], of Shutesbury, d. Simeon & Lydia (Caswell), and Reuben Thayer, s. Reuben & Rachel (Stetson) (1st w.), October 12, 1816, at Belchertown. [JAS]
502 - Allen Porter, s. Aaron & Mary (Howe), and Minerva Blodgett, of East Windsor, CT, d. Phineas & Damaris (Loomis), sister of Damaris Blodgett (w. of Benoni Blodgett), May 7, 1834, probably at East Windsor, CT. [JAS]
658 - Chileab Brainered, of Wilbraham, and Lucina Smith, d. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), ___ __ ____. [JAS]
504 - Elizabeth, d. Simeon & Lydia (Caswell), and Jonathan Warner, __ __, ____. [JAS]
126, 502 - Esther (2nd w.), d. James S. & Esther (Colton), and Judah Clark, s. Simeon & Rebekah (Strong), November 26, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
35 - Esther Merrick, d. James, and Judah Clark, s. Simeon & Rebecca (Strong), Nov. 26, 1789, at Amh. [GenRec]
114 - Esther, and Judah Clark, Nov. 26, 1789. [VR1]
- Etta Bliss, and David Reuben Pomeroy, s. Francis Lyman & Maria (Finn), ___ __, _____. [VR3]
87, 503 - James Ely, s. Aaron & Mary (Howe), and Harriet Bridgman, d. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w. ), December 24, 1845, at Amh. [JAS]
25 - James Ely, s. Aaron & Mary, and Harriet Bridgman, d. Jonathan & Jerusha (Smith) (2nd w.), Dec. 24, 1845, at Amh. [GenRec]
504 - James Lyman, s. Gideon & Beulah (Stebbins), and Emma Taylor, d. Nathaniel & Mary, March 11, 1839, at Ttebreez, Persia, no children. [JAS]
501 - James S., s. James & Martha (Ely), and Esther Colton, d. Isaac & Mary, October 10, 1754, perhaps at Springfield. [JAS]
503 - Leander, s. Caleb & Charlotte (Herrick), and Hannah Elvira Morton (2nd w.), of Hatfield, d. Ebenezer & Hannah (Ingram), , November 27, 1827, at Hatfield. [JAS]
503 - Leander, s. Caleb & Charlotte (Herrick), and Harriet Hodge (1st w.), of Hadley, d. John, Esq., December 2, 1824, at Hadley. [JAS]
501, 799 - Lucy, of Amh., d. James S. & Esther (Colton), and Elijah Yale, s. Nathaniel & Abigail January 28, 1798, at Amh. (confusion on date.) [JAS]
405, 502 - Martha (1st w.), d. Aaron & Mary (Howe), of Amh., and Ethan Davis Hubbard, s. Eli & Mehitable (Haskell), September 30, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
83 - Martha, and Ethan D. Hubbard, both of Amh., Sept. 30, 1837. [VR2]
48 - Martha, Miss, of Amh., and Ethan D. Hubbard, of Amh., Sept. 20, 1837. [VR4]
198 - Mary, and Nathaniel Sikes, of Walpole, Feb.__, 1782. [VR1]
501 - Mary, d. James S. & Esther (Colton), and Nathaniel Sikes, of Walpole, NH, February 7, 1782, at Amh. [JAS]
504 - Noah, resident of Wilbraham April 1814 when bought a farm at Amh., sold it November 1814, resident of Amh. 1815, left Amh. early in 1815, and Stratira Unknown, __ __, ____. [JAS]
105, 501 - Sarah, d. James S. & Esther (Colton), and Henry Chandler, s. Henry & Mercy (Colton), February 7, 1782, at Amh. [JAS]
28 - Sarah, James & Ester, and Henry Chaldler, Feb. __, 1782, at Amh. [GenRec]
504 - Simeon, resident of Berkley 1795, perhaps at Shutesbury 1816, and Lydia Caswell, d. Jabe & Elizabeth, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
502 - William, s. Aaron & Mary (Howe), and Mary H. Purple, d. Roswell & Mary (Roberts), May 31, 1849, at Gill. [JAS]
MERRIL, see Merrill
113 - Calvin, and Orinda Row, May 12, 1789. [VR1]
628 - Abraham (2nd h.), and Huldah Norton, d. John & Rebeckah, former w. Moses Roth (1st h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
505 - Abraham (2nd h.), s. Abraham, and Huldah (Norton) Rowe (2nd w.), of Amh., wid. Moses Rowe (1st h.) December 17, 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
42 - Abraham, Æ 82 y., and Wid. Huldah Rowe, Æ 83 y., Dec. 17, 1818. [VR4]
57 - Abraham, and Mrs. Huldah Rowe, both of Amh., Dec. 17, 1818. [Ch. Rec.] [VR1]
105 - Abraham, Mr., "aged 81", and Mrs. Huldah Rowe, "aged 83", ("present, their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren"), ("married in Amherst on Thursday last", Dec. 17, 1818. [Hampshire Gazette, Dec. 22, 1818] [VR1]
505 - Abraham, s. Abraham, and Joanna Brace (1st w.), of West Hartford, CT, December 31, 1761. [JAS]
186 - Abraham5, s. Abraham4, and Joanna Brace (1st w.) of West Hartford, CT., Dec. 31, 1761. [VR3]
186 - Abraham5, s. Abraham4, and Wid. Huldah (Norton) Rowe (2nd. w.) of ? Amh., d. ____ Norton of Suffield, CT, Dec. 17, 1818, at Amh. [CR-I-146] [VR3]
52, 216, 507 - C____ [Dup. Calvin] (3rd h.), and Fanny (Dickinson) (Thompson) Benjamin, wid. Artemas Thompson (1st h.), wid. Caleb Benjamin (2nd h.), d. Elijah & Jerusha (Smith), ca 1840. [JAS]
476 - Calvin, and Cordelia Amelia Leonard, d. Moses & Pamelia (Hubbard), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
195 - Calvin, and Orinda Rowe, ___ __, ____. [VR1]
59 - Calvin, of A, and Fanny D. Benjamin, of Amh., Sept. 9, 1851. [VR4]
505, 626 - Calvin, s. Abraham & Joanna Brace (1st w.), and Orinda Rowe, d. Moses & Huldah (Norton), May 12, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
182, 186 - Calvin, s. Abram & Joanna, and Orinda Rowe, d. Moses of Suffield, CT. & Huldah T., ___ __, ____. [VR3]
507 - Calvin, s. Calvin & Orinda (Rowe), and Cordelia Amelia Leonard (1st w.), of Sunderland, October 1, 1821, at Sunderland. [JAS]
183 - Calvin, s. Calvin and Orinda (Rowe), and Cordelia A. Leonard (1st w.), d. Moses of Sunderland, Oct. 1, 1821. [VR3]
183 - Calvin, s. Calvin and Orinda (Rowe), and Fanny Dickinson Benjamin (2rd w.), d. Elijah Dickinson & Jerusha Unknown, in Amh., Sept. 9, 1851. [VR3]
183 - Calvin, s. Calvin and Orinda (Rowe), and Mrs. _____ Benjamin (2nd w.), in Amh., ___ __, ___. [VR3]
76 - Elijah, and Sarah Boltwood, d. Solomon & Mary (Norton) (Pantry), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
721 - Eliza (2nd w.), of Amh., and Martin Thayer, s. Josiah & Avis (Hayward ) (1st w.), August 22, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
92 - Eliza, and Martin Thayer, of Petersburgh, VA, Aug. 22, 1824. [VR2]
506 - Eliza, d. Calvin & Orinda (Rowe), and Martin Thayer, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
183 - Eliza, d. Calvin and Orinda (Rowe), and Martin Thayer, in Amh., ___ __, 1824. [VR3]
466 - Guy, and Anna Maria Kingsbury, d. Samuel & Mary (Benton), September __, 1837. [JAS]
710 - Henrietta B., and Ezra Jones Strickland, s. Francis L. & Jerusha (Gaylord), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
506 - Henry, s. Calvin & Orinda (Rowe), and Mary Ann Field (1st w.), d. Dr._____, of Brookfield, ca 1822, at Brookfield. [JAS]
183 - Henry, s. Calvin and Orinda (Rowe), and Mary Ann Field, d. Dr. Field of Brookfield (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [VR3]
183 - Henry, s. Calvin and Orinda (Rowe), and Mrs. Harriet Merriam of NY City (2nd w,) ___ __, ____. [VR3]
506, 561 - Horace, s. Calvin & Orinda (Rowe), and Deborah Paine, d. Roswell & Sarah (Chamberlain), October 19, 1809, at Amh. [JAS]
183 - Horace, s. Calvin and Orinda (Rowe), and Deborah Paine, d. Roswell Paine of So. Amh., ___, __, ____. [VR3]
37 - Horrace, and Deborah Paine, Oct. 19, 1809. [VR4]
507 - Lucy E., of Amh., d. Calvin & Cordelia Amelia (Leonard) (1st w.), and Gerrit E. Peters, of Kent, CT, July 27, 1850, at Northampton. [JAS]
183 - Lucy, d. Calvin and Orinda (Rowe), and Dexter Anderson, ___ __, ____, in Hinsdale. [VR3]
19, 506 - Lucy, of Amh., d. Calvin & Orinda (Rowe), and Dexter Anderson, resident of Amh. 1820, hatter at Keene, NH 1842, of Woodstock, VT 1846, ___ __,____. [JAS]
89 - Nathaniel, and Mary A. Briggs , d. John Redding & Hannah (Allen) (2nd w.), December 30, 1845, at Sherburne Falls. [JAS]
185 - Orinda, widow of Calvin, d. Moses Rowe & Huldah (Norton), and N. Bowman, ___ __, ____. [VR3]
135A - Ebenezer, and Louisa Coleman, d. Seth & Betsey (Doane), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
MESSENGER, see Messenger, Messinger
686 - Catherine Brown [aka Catherine B. Dickinson], d. Samuel & Olive (Chase), and William H. Smith, s. Jonathan & Abbie (Bowen), shortly after August 26, 1832. [JAS]
34 - Mary Ide, d. Samuel & Oliver, sister of Catherine Brown Messenger, and Albert Wellington Ball, s. Abraham & Martha (Field), resident of Amh. by 1840, manufacturer of wicking, perhaps at Puffer=s Hill in North Amh., August 24, 1842, at Holliston. [JAS]
MESSINGER, see Messenger. Messenger
11 - Mary Jane (1st w.) of Hollliston, and Albert Wellington Ball, s. Abraham & Martha (Field), Aug. 24, 1842, at Holliston. [GenRec]
109 - Abiel (Adams) (2nd w.), d. Rev. William & Alice (Bradford), wid. Rev. Joseph Metcalf, of Falmouth, and Isaac Chauncey (2nd h.), s. Rev. Israel & Mary (Nichols), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
70 - Eli F., and Mary Amanda Blodget, d. Charles & Content, October 24, 1847. [JAS]
523 - Elizabeth [aka Betsey], of Amh., and Lewis Moore, shortly after April 7, 1810. [JAS]
363, 507 - Luther, s. Joel & Elizabeth and Lucy Hawley, d. Chester & Augusta (Warner) (1st w.), ___ __, ____, at Hadley. [JAS]
507, 575 - Samuel, of Williamsburg, and Jerusha Peck, d. Nathaniel & Mary (Mitchel) (Peck) (Peck), after 1802. [JAS]
804 - David, both of Pelham, and Patty Rankine, April 6, 1813. [JAS]
615 - _____, and Thankful Roberts, d. Joseph & Thankful (Fobes), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
804 - Ebenezer, and Hannah Hunt, of Belchertown, November 1, 1832. [JAS]
196 - James, of Mauch Chunk, PA, and Mary Clapp Dexter, d. James Pitkin & Irene H. (Clark), October 25, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
56 - James, of Maunch Chunck, PA, and Mary C. Dexter, Oct. 25, 1848. [VR4]
508 - John F., and Amanda, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
511 - Tobias, and Abigail Montague, d. Luke & Mary (Lamphers), August 31, 1817, at Granby, NY. [JAS]
149 - Frederick W., and Esther Maria Cooley, d. Alden & Mercy (Kellogg), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
753 - Elizabeth, of Shutesbury, and Jonathan Warner [aka JW, Jr.], s. Jonathan & Margaret Elizabeth (Zuill), soon after March 4, 1810, perhaps at Shutesbury. [JAS]
742 - Maria Agnes, of Montgomery Co., NY, and Daniel Kingsley Underwood, s. Jonathan Kingsley & Elizabeth (Allen), August __, 1842. [JAS]
43 - Ann, d. Josiah & Mary (Garfield), and Jonathan Bartlett, s. Joseph & Sarah (Jenning), December 18, 1768, at Brookfield. [JAS]
51 - Jason, and Susan Cutler, d. Dr. Robert & Wid. Esther (Pomeroy) Gurnsey (1st w.), May 4. 1808, at Amh., had 3 sons and 2 daughters, lived in Hardwick. [GenRec]
36 - Jason, and Susan Cutler, May 4, 1808. [VR4]
178 - Jason, of Hardwick, and Susan Cutler, of Amh., d. Robert & Esther (Pomeroy) (Gurnsey), May 4, 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
47 - Lavinia (1st w.), d. Ira & Clarissa (Osborne), and Willard Sylvester Cook, s. David S. & Sarah (Taylor), Dec. 27, 1868, at Windsor, CT. [GenRec]
508 - William C., resident of Shirley, railroad contractor at Amh. in the summer of 1844, and Catherine R. Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
22 - Isaac M., of Bernardston, and Sally Gailer, Feb. 22, 1792. [VR4]
304 - Isaac M., of Bernardston, and Sally Gailer, of Amh., February 22, 1782, at Bernardston. [JAS]
116 - Issac M., of Bernardston, and Sally Gaylord, Int. Jan. 31, 1792, between May 2, 1791 and May 14, 1792. [Bernardston TR-II-362] [VR1]
804 - Calvin, of Shutesbury, and Vesta S. Belding , of Whately, between May 1835 and April 29, 1836, at Whately. [JAS]
512 - Abigail, d. John & Mindwell (Lyman), and Nathan Moody, s. Samuel & Sarah (Lane), March 16, 1735. [JAS]
511 - Abigail, d. Luke & Mary (Lamphers), and Tobias Miller, August 31, 1817, at Granby, NY. [JAS]
38 - Anna, d. Peter, of So. Hadley, and Nathaniel Cowles, s. Jonathan & Prudence (Frary), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
21 - Charles, newspaper printer of Pittsfield, buried at Pittsfield, and Harriet Gaylord Blodgett, d. Cephas & Huldah (Gaylord), Nov. ___ __, 1840, at E. Windsor, CT. [GenRec]
70 - Charles, of Lenox, printer, and Harriet Gaylord, s. Cephas & Huldah (Gaylord), November 19, 1840, at East Windsor, CT. [JAS]
510 - Elijah, s. Richard & Lucy (Cooley), and Jerusha Woodbury (2nd w.), d. John (Jeremiah?) & Mary (Ward), April 23, 1805. [JAS]
510 - Elijah, s. Richard & Lucy (Cooley), and Lovina Jones (1st w.), June 21, 1791. [JAS]
508 - Elizabeth, d. Peter & Mary (Hubbard), and Samuel Montague (1st h.), s. Deacon Samuel & Elizabeth (White), ___ __, 1742. [JAS]
386 - Esther P. (1st w.), of Sunderland, d. Moses, and Edmund Hobart, s. Joshua & Sybel (Woodbury), February __, 1844, at Sunderland. [JAS]
18 - Eunice, d. John & Abigail (Hubbard), and Ebenezer Ames, December 15, 1815, at Sunderland, removed to 1820, [JAS]
415 - Experience, and Jonathan Pierce(1st h.), ___, __, 1751. [JAS]
510 - George, s. Luke & Irene (Dickinson), and Mary A. Parsons, d. Timothy & Eunice (Chapman), March 7, 1834, at Columbus, GA. [JAS]
509 - Hannah, d. Richard & Lucy (Cooley), and _____ Gunn, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
512, 666 - Heman (1st h.), s. Jedediah & Dorcas (Grover), and Martha Smith, of Amh., d. Elijah & Martha (Burt), March 31, 1825, at Amh., no children. [JAS]
93 - Heman, of Hadley, and Maria Martha (sic) Smith, Mar. 31, 1825. [VR2]
511 - Isaac Woodbury, s. Elijah & Jerusha Woodbury (2nd w.), and Hannah Stevens, d. Solomon & Elizabeth, January 16, 1832. [JAS]
512 - Jeremiah, and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
399 - John, and Abigail Hubbard, d. Israel & Abigail (Smith), October 2, 1777. [JAS]
512 - Joseph (2nd h.), s. Joseph & Sarah (Henry), and Mary (Brush) Abbott, d. Jesse, former w. Abijah Abbott (1st h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
209 - Lucretia, d. Josiah & Abigail (Montague), sister of Luke Montague and of Beulah Montague, and Waitstill Dickinson (1st h.), s. John & Ester (Dickinson), before July 1780. [JAS]
231 - Lucy (3rd w.), d. David, of Sunderland, and Oliver Dickinson, s. Waitstill & Lucretia (Montague), March 9, 1847, at Troy, NY. [JAS]
509 - Lucy, d. Richard & Lucy (Cooley), and _____ Richardson, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
27 - Luke, and Irene Dickinson, Nov. 15, 1798. [VR4]
511 - Luke, s. Josiah & Abigail (Montague), and Mary Lamphers, December 25, 1792. [JAS]
205, 509 - Luke, s. Richard & Lucy (Cooley), and Irene Dickinson, d. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), February 15, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
336, 666 - Martha (Smith) (2nd w.), d. Elijah & Martha (Burt), wid. Heman Montague (1st h.), and Lyman Gunn (2nd h.), s. Stephen & Sarah (Baker), August 30, 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
81 - Martha, Mrs., and Lyman Gunn, Aug. 18376 (sic). [VR2]
395, 512 - Mary Ann, of Amh., d. Joseph & Mary (Brush) (Abbott), and Joseph Howard, s. John & Elizabeth (Smith), medical doctor at Amh. 1832, February __, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
657 - Peter, and Mary Smith, d. David & Hannah (Willard), February 24, 1778. [JAS]
509 - Richard, s. Deacon Samuel & Elizabeth (White), and Lucy Cooley, d. Simon & Elizabeth (Gunn), May 23, 1750. [JAS]
508 - Samuel (1st h.), s. Deacon Samuel & Elizabeth (White), and Elizabeth Montague, d. Peter & Mary (Hubbard), ___ __, 1742. [JAS]
512 - Sarah Elizabeth, of Amh., d. Joseph & Mary (Brush) (Abbott), and Platt Bull, of Mobile, AL, soon after December 26, 1829. [JAS]
23 - Seth, and Rachel Smith, Sept. 10, 1794. [VR4]
118 - Seth, of So. Hadley, and Rachel Smith, Sept. 10, 1795. [VR1]
662 - Seth, of South Hadley and Rachel Smith, d. Simeon & Rachel (Strong), September 10, 1794, at Amh. [JAS]
7 - Susan G., d. Stephen & Grace of Hadley, and Elijah Ayres, s. Josiah & Eunice (Green), Jan. 18, 1838, at Hadley. [GenRec]
24 - Susan Grout, d. Stephen & Grace, and Elijah Ayres, s. Josiah & Eunice (Green), January 18, 1838, at Hadley. [JAS]
325 - Susan Lee, d. Moses & Mary (Pomeroy), and Harrison Graves, s. Cephas & Miranda (Church), January 1, 1843, at Sunderland. [JAS]
162 - Sybel, d. John & Sybel (Hall), of Hadley, and Eleazer Cowls, of Hadley, of Hadley, s. Eleazer & Hannah (Dickinson), September 5, 1810, at Hadley. [JAS]
39 - Sybil, d. John & Sybil, of Hadley, and Eleazar Cowles, s. Eleazar & Hannah (Dickinson), Sept. 5, 1810, at Hadley. [GenRec]
614 - Thankful, and Stephen Ryder, ___ __, 1795. [JAS]
512 - Uriel, and Jane S. Unknown, ___ __, ____, he and his wife were dismissed from Westborough to Amh. Bapt. Ch. August 1847 and dismissed back to Westborough July 1850. [JAS]
509 - Zebina, s. Richard & Lucy (Cooley), and Jemima Gunn, sister of Capt. Nathaniel Gunn, December 30, 1778, no children. [JAS]
214 - _____, (1st h.), and Betsey Dickinson, d. Simeon & Sally (McClain), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
713 - _____, and Martha Augusta Strong, of Rome, NY, d. Hezekiah Wright & Martha (Dwight), after July 1844. [JAS]
202, 751 - Aaron (2nd h.), perhaps of Granby, and Hannah (Dickinson) Warner, wid. Aaron Warner (1st h.), d. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), December 4, 1777. [JAS]
37 - Aaron, and Nancy Goodale, Oct. 16, 1809. [VR4]
311, 522 - Aaron, possible s. Aaron & Hannah, and Nancy Goodell, d. Thomas & Hannah (Parker), October 16, 1809, at Amh. [JAS]
513 - Abigail, d. Nathan & Abigail (Montague), and (John) Paulk, before August 1791, at Granby. [JAS]
519 - Abijah, twin s. Medad & Rebecca (Lee), and Polly Woods, resident of Northfield, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
520 - Ansel, s. Lemuel & Sally (Hanks), and Electa Gates, of Amh., soon after May 18, 1835. [JAS]
8 - Asahel, and Beula Graves, Aug. 20, 1761. [VR4]
25 - Asahel, and Lucy Pond, Sept. 27, 1796. [VR4]
517 - Asahel, s. Asahel & Beulah (Graves), and Lucy Pond, September 27, 1796, at Amh. [JAS]
327A, 514 - Asahel, s. Jonathan & Bridget (Smith), and Beulah Graves, d. Aaron, August 20, 1761, at Amh.
190 - Ashael, and Lucy Pond, Sept. 27, 1796. [VR1]
517, 745 - Betsey (2nd w.), d. Josiah & Betsey (Cowles), and David Wait, s. David & Abigail (Larkham), after June 1834. [JAS]
457, 517 - Betsey (Cowles) (2nd w.), d. Timothy & Elizabeth (Graves) Cowles, wid. Josiah Moody (1st h.), and Nathaniel Kellogg (2nd h.), s. Gardner & Thankful (Chapin), soon after July 20, 1817. [JAS]
214 - Betsey (Dickinson), d. Simeon & Sally (McClain), and _____ Unknown (2nd h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
514 - Beulah, d. Asahel & Beulah (Graves), and James Fleming, of Palmer, November 24, 1800, at Amh., went to Homer, NY. [JAS]
28 - Bulah, and James Fleming, Nov. 24, 1800. [VR4]
64, 519 - Calvin, s. Silas & Elizabeth Blackmer (2nd w.), and Mary Blackmer, d. Reuben & Betsey (Kenfield), of Belchertown, April 16, 1828, at Enfield. [JAS]
798 - Clarissa, and Silas Wright, s. Silas & Eleanor (Goodale), September 11, 1833. [JAS]
519, 636 - Clarissa, of Amh., d. Lemuel & Sally (Hanks), and Benjamin B. Ruton, soon after January 13, 1832, perhps at Amh. [JAS]
32 - Dan[ue]l, Capt., and Thankful Dick[inso]n, Mar. 28, 1805. [VR4]
26 - Daniel, and Hannah Fish, Sept. 13, 1798. [VR4]
216 - Daniel, Capt., (2nd h.), of South Hadley, and Thankful Warner (Dickinson) Dickinson, d. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), March 28, 1805, at Amh. [JAS]
537 - Daniel, of Granby, and Abigail Nash, d. David & Elizabeth (Smith) (2nd w.), July 2, 1789. [JAS]
521 - Daniel, s. Joel & Rebecca (Goodman), and Hannah Fish, September 13, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
37 - David, and Achsah Smith, Mar. 1, 1809. [VR4]
653 - David, and Miriam Smith, d. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), November 16, 1838. [JAS]
14 - David, Capt., (2nd h.), of So. Hadley, and Thankfull Warner (Dickinson) Dickinson, d. Nathan & Easther (Fowler), ___ __, ____. [VR1]
517, 663 - David, s. Asahel & Beulah (Graves), and Achsah Smith, of Amh., d. Elisha & Ursula Fellows (Billings), March 1, 1809, at Amh. [JAS]
191 - Edad, and Abigail Pratt, ___ __, 1782. [VR1]
15 - Eldad, and Abigail Pratt, Nov. 21, 1782. [VR4]
515 - Eldad, twin s. Jonathan & Bridget (Smith), and Abigail Pratt, November 21, 1782, at Amh., no mention of children. [JAS]
521 - Elihu, and Rachel Moody, May 1, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
19 - Elihu, and Rachel Moody, May 1, 1788. [VR4]
112 - Elihu, and Rachel Moody, May 5, 1788. [VR1]
114 - Elijah, and Electa Smith, between Apr. 28, 1790 and May 2, 1791. [VR1]
21 - Elijah, and Electa Smith, Jan. 27, 1791. [VR4]
521, 662 - Elijah, resident of Amh. by 1790, farmer at Southeast Amh.; bought and sold land between 1790 and 1795; in March 1795 he sold his land and moved to Vershire, VT by June 1799; and Electa Smith, d. Simeon & Rachel (Strong), January 29, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
517, 745 - Elvira (1st w.), of Hatfield, d. Josiah & Betsey (Cowles), and David Wait, s. David & Abigail (Larkham), soon after December 8, 1832. [JAS]
274 - Elvira (3rd w.), d. Samuel & Mary, of South Hadley, and Simeon Edwards, s. Nathaniel & Eunice (Dickinson) (2nd w.), November __, 1846. [JAS]
113 - Eunice, and Silas Dickinson, Oct. 22, 1789. [VR1]
20 - Eunice, and Silas Dickinson, Oct. 22, 1789. [VR4]
242, 514 - Eunice, d. Jonathan & Eunice (Graves), and Silas Dickinson, s. Jonathan & Mary (Hamilton) (1st w.), October 22, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
61, 522 - Fanny (2nd w.), d. Elijah & Electa (Smith), and Aretas Bisbee, s. Gamaliel & Ruth (Shaw), November 4, 1841, at Vershire, VT. [JAS]
18 - Fanny (2nd w.), d. Elijah & Electa, and Aretas Bisbee, s. Gamaliel & Ruth, Nov. 4, 1841, at Vershire, VT. [GenRec]
517 - Fanny Prince, of Amh., d. Josiah & Betsey (Cowles), and Rufus Cowls, Jr., of Hatfield, December 4, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
520 - Hiram, s. Asahel & Lucy (Pond), and Louisa S. Wilson, of Belchertown, shortly after November 7, 1840. [JAS]
6 - Huldah, and Oliver Chauncey, Dec. __, 1751. [VR4]
29 - Huldah, and Oliver Chauncy, s. Richard, Dec. __, 1751. [GenRec]
111, 513 - Huldah, d. Jonathan & Bridget (Smith), and Oliver Chauncey, of Amh., s. Richard & Elizabeth (Smith), December __, 1751, at Amh. [JAS]
18 - Irene, and Sam[uel]l Prince, June 14, 1787. [VR4]
110, 191 - Irene, and Samuel Prince, June 14, 1787 [Dup. ___ __, 1787, ch., 1787-1803]. [VR1]
598 - Irene, and Samuel Prince, June 14, 1787, at Amh. [JAS]
632 - Irene, and Samuel Prince, June 14, 1787, at Amh. [VR3]
127 - Jemima, and Rufus Clark, s. Elijah & Sibyl (Green), September 20, 1837, at Marion, NY. [JAS]
36 - Jemima, d. Daniel, and Rufus Clark, s. Elijah & Sibyl (Green), Sept. 20, 1837, at Marion, NY, went to Beloit, WI. [GenRec]
516 - Jeremy [aka Jeremiah], s. Jonathan & Eunice (Graves), and Betsey, of Waybridge, VT in 1804, perhaps related to the Stoughton Dickinson of who administered Jeremy's Estate, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
521 - Joel, s. John & Sarah (Dickinson), and Rebecca Goodman, d. Thomas & Rebecca (Shepard), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
8 - Jonathan, Jr., and Eunice Graves, Mar. 1, 1759. [VR4]
327A, 513 - Jonathan, s. Jonathan & Bridget (Smith), and Eunice Graves, d. Aaron, March 1, 1759, at Amh. [JAS]
513 - Jonathan, s. Samuel & Sarah (Lane), and Bridget Smith, November 20, 1730. [JAS]
539 - Josephus, and Salome Nash, d. Amos & Eunice (Pomeroy), after 1810, had 2 children. [JAS]
517 - Josiah (1st h.), s. Asahel & Beulah (Graves), and Betsey Cowles, d. Timothy & Elizabeth (Graves), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
97 - Josiah, of South Hadley, and Electa Goodale, Jan. 15, 1832. [VR2]
316 - Josiah, of South Hadley, and Electa Goodale, of Amh., d. Stephen & Lydia (Moody), January15, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
513 - Josiah, s. Nathan & Abigail (Montague), and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ____, perhaps at Amh. [JAS]
41 - Julia, and Samuel Dana, Jan. __, 1815. [VR4]
186 - Julia, of Amh., and Samuel Dana, s. Amariah & Ruth (Williams) (2nd w.), January 15, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
789 - Lemuel (perhaps?), and Mary [aka May] Williams, d. Joseph & Ruth (Grow), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
30 - Lemuel, and Sally Hawks, Nov. 4, 1802. [VR4]
514 - Lemuel, s. Jonathan & Bridget (Smith), and _____ Williams, (perhaps Mary, d. Joseph), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
518 - Lemuel, s. Lemuel & _____ (perhaps Mary, d. Joseph) Williams, and Sally Hanks, November 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
17 - Lois, and Levi Whiting, Dec. 19, 1785. [VR4]
514, 777 - Lois, d. Asahel & Beulah (Graves), and (perhaps) Levi Whiting, of Amh., had a very small farm in 1790, December 19, 1785, at Amh. [JAS]
61, 516 - Lucinda (1st w.), d. Silas & Eunice (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Aretas [Dup. Artetas] Bisbee, s. Gamaliel & Ruth (Shaw), February 14, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
18 - Lucinda (1st w.), d. Silas & Eunice, and Aretas Bisbee, s. Gamaliel & Ruth, Feb. 14, 1815, at Amh. [GenRec]
86 - Lucinda, and Aretus Bisbee, Feb. 14, 1815. [VR2]
516 - Lucius, s. Silas & Eunice (Dickinson) (1st w.), and _____ Sanders, of Hatfield, ___ __, ____, at Hatfield. [JAS]
29 - Lydia, and Stephen Goodale, Jan. 31, 1802. [VR4]
315 - Lydia, and Stephen Goodale, s. David & Hannah (Abbott) Goodell, January 31, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
520 - Lyman Beecher, s. David & Achsah (Smith), and Catherine Spooner, of Athol, d. Asa & Dolly, March 29, 1848, at Athol. [JAS]
97 - Martha, and Hiram Gilbert, of Ware, May 25, 1831. [VR2]
38 - Martha, and James Cook, Mar. 22, 1810. [VR4]
47 - Martha, d. Medad & Rebecca (Lee), and James Cook, Mar. 22, 1810, at Amh. [GenRec]
522 - Martha, of Amh., and Hiram Gilbert, of Ware, May 25, 1831, at Amh. [JAS]
145, 515 - Martha, of Amh., twin d. Medad & Rebecca (Lee), and James Cook, s. Silas & Joanna (Darling), March 22, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
468, 519 - Mary W., d. Lemuel & Sally (Hanks), of Amh., and Lyman Knowles, s. Rufus, of Worthington, soon after May 8, 1825. [JAS]
34 - Mary, and Paul Thurston, Oct. 9, 1806. [VR4]
514 - Mary, of Amh., d. Lemuel & _____ (perhaps Mary, d. Joseph) Williams, and Paul Thurston, of Pelham, October 9, 1806, at Amh. [JAS]
425 - Mary, of Granby, d. Zebina & Hannah, and Robert Ingram, s. Zaccheus Crocker & Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.), soon after August 7, 1836. [JAS]
9 - Medad, and Rebeckah Lee, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
214, 519 - Medad, and Sally Dickinson, d. Simeon & Sally (McClain), ___ __, ____, at Weybrifge, VT. [JAS]
515 - Medad, twin s. Jonathan & Bridget (Smith), and Rebecca Lee, December 4, 1770, at Amh. [JAS]
512 - Nathan, s. Samuel & Sarah (Lane), and Abigail Montague, d. John & Mindwell (Lyman), March 16, 1735. [JAS]
11 - Perez, and Lucy Ingram, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
414, 515 - Perez, s. Jonathan & Bridget (Smith), and Lucy Ingram, d. Elisha & Elizabeth (Smith) (Lewis), ca 1773, at Amh., no mention of children. [JAS]
521 - Rachel, and Elihu Moody, May 1, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
19 - Rachel, and Elihu Moody, May 1, 1788. [VR4]
112 - Rachel, and Elihu Moody, May 5, 1788. [VR1]
301, 514 - Rebecca [Dup; Rebekah Moody, called "perhaps the w. of Samuel French], d. Jonathan & Eunice (Graves), and Samuel French, resident of Bridgewater 1794, cooper at Amh. by 1795, July 30. 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
515, 528 - Rebecca, d. Medad & Rebecca (Lee), and John Morton [aka "Rufus Morton"], s. John & Lydia (Ingram), November 26, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
26 - Rebeckah, and Samuel French, July 30, 1797. [VR4]
673 - Rebekah (1st w.), and Horace Smith, s. Silas & Asenath (Chapin), March 5, 1805. [JAS]
27 - Rebekah, and Rufus Morton, Nov. 26, 1798. [VR4]
516, 539 - Rufus, s. Jonathan & Eunice (Graves), and Lucretia Nash (2nd w.), d. Amos & Eunice (Pomeroy), before 1810. [JAS]
516, 584 - Rufus, s. Jonathan & Eunice (Graves), and Rachel Pettis (1st w.), d. John & Rachel (Rhodes), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
112 - Sarah, and Asa Smith, July 3, 1788. [VR1]
19 - Sarah, and Asa Smith, July 3, 1788. [VR4]
669 - Sarah, and Asa Smith, s. Simeon & Rachel (Strong), July 3, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
19 - Silas (his 2nd w.), s. Asahel & Beulah, and Elizabeth Blackner (2nd w.), [?wid. or d. Barnabas Blackner?] of Belchertown, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
203 - Silas, and Eunice Dickinson, d. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
113 - Silas, and Eunice Dickinson, June 11, 1789. [VR1]
20 - Silas, and Eunice Dickinson, June 11, 1789. [VR4]
354A - Silas, and Judith Green, d. Timothy & Sibyl (Hastings) (Peck) (2nd w.), ___ __, 1817. [Hadley Genealogies, P. 62, 65] [Northampton Probate Box 64, No. 39] [VR3]
42 - Silas, and Judith Green, May 22, 1817. [VR4]
516 - Silas, s. Asahel & Beulah (Graves), and Elizabeth Blackmer (2nd w.), d. Barnabas & Betsy, of Belchertown, December 8, 1803, at Belchertown. [JAS]
516 - Silas, s. Asahel & Beulah (Graves), and Eunice Dickinson (1st w.), June 11, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
330, 519 - Silas, s. Silas & Eunice (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Judith Green, d. Timothy & Sybel (Hastings) (Peck) (2nd w.), May 22, 1817, at Amh. [JAS]
181 - Silas, s. Silas & Eunice, and Judith Green, d. Timothy & Sibyl (Hastings) (Peck) (2nd w.), May 22, 1817, in A, they went to Vershire, VT. [VR1]
24 - William, and Pamelia Fairbanks, Aug. __, 1795. [VR4]
518 - William, s. Lemuel & _____ (perhaps Mary, d. Joseph) Williams, and Pamelia Fairbanks, August __, 1795, at Amh. [JAS]
191A - James H., and Jane Delano, d. Gideon & Nancy (Howe) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
571 - Charles, merchant, of Ware, and Elizabeth Barnard Parsons, of Amh., d. David & Elizabeth Williams (1st w.), November 22, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
56 - Charles, of Ware Village, and Elizabeth B. Parson, of Amh., Nov. 22, 1848. [VR4]
524 - Christiana J., of Amh., and Leander Noble, of Shutesbury, November 13, 1832, probably at Amh. [JAS]
675 - Emeline, of Amh., and Horace Smith [aka HS], s. Noah & Jerusha (Cowls), March 4, 1834 (perhaps April 1834). [JAS]
205 - Hannah, of Cambridge, d. Josiah & Mary (Hastings), and Samuel Sweetser (Switzer), Oct. 24, 1792, at Cambridge. [Cambridge VR-168] [VR1]
556 - Harriet Amh., of Lowell, d. Chauncey & Betsy, and John Hastings Nutting, s. George & Judith (Hastings), June 2, 1846, at Newton. [JAS]
26 - Jonathan, Jr., and Sally Baggs, d. Noble & Mary (Darling), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
205 - Josiah, and Mary Hastings, Sept. 19, 1768. [Cambridge II-27] [VR1]
523 - Levi, in Amh. by 1824; he bought land at Factory Hollow in Amh. in March 1825; perhaps a millwright; Gentleman at Amh. January 1826; to Enfield by December 1826 where he was a miller; and Sarah, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
523 - Lewis, and Elizabeth Miles [aka Betsey], of Amh., shortly after April 7, 1810. [JAS]
797 - Lucinda, lived at Amh. October 1824 and February 1827, and Albert Worthington, July 31, 1821. [JAS]
345 - Martha E., d. William & Martha L. (Buckminster), and Edward Hartley, of Montreal, Canada, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
524 - Martin, and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
523 - Mary Ann, d. William & Hannah (Drake), and Samuel Wiley, s. Samuel & Sally (Lombard), April 6, 1846, at Enfield, CT. [JAS]
260, 523 - Nancy (1st w.), of Belchertown, d. William & Hannah (Drake), and John Driggs, s. Samuel & Catherine (Turner), april 15, 1845, at Amh. [JAS]
36 - Sarah Jane, (1st w.), of Beloit, WI, and Dexter Clark, s. Elijah & Sibyl (Green), Mar. 10, 1846, at Beloit, WI. [GenRec]
18 - Sophia, d. Samuel & Eunice (Warner), and John Francis Billings, s. Joseph & Susan B. (Thompson), May 21, 1880, at Amh. [GenRec]
746 - Sybil, d. Nathaniel, and Isaac Ward, s. Obadiah & Joanna (Mixer), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
128 - William B., and Eunice Clark, d. Silas & Almira (Furbush), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
523 - William, and Hannah Drake, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
524 - Zephaniah Swift, s. Judah & Mary, and Phebe Drury, of Auburn, d. Thomas & Experience, sister of Achsa Drury (w. of Samuel Dexter Watson), February 21, 1799, at Auburn; no children of record. [JAS]
327, 524 - Daniel (2nd h.), and Eunice (Smith) Graves (2nd w.), soon after July 15, 1827. [JAS]
524 - Daniel, and _____ Unknown (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
524 - Erastus [aka Erasmus], resident of Amh. 1825, farmer at Amh. 1830, and _____ Unknown, lived at Amh. 1828, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
327, 524 - Eunice (Smith) (Graves), and William Curtiss (3rd h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
327, 524, 525 - Leonard, resident of Amh. 1830, left Amh. after 1836, and Julia Ann Graves, d. Elijah & Eunice (Smith), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
442, 525 - Samuel, and Sally Beals Kellogg (1st w.), of Amh., twin d. Martin & Hannah (Crocker) (1st w.), August 18, 1806, at Amh. [JAS]
34 - Samuel, and Sally Kellogg, Aug. 18, 1806. [VR4]
525 - Samuel, and Sarah Warner (2nd w.), brother Moses Warner, of Hatfield, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
525 - Ezekiel, and _____ Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
525 - Henry A.; blacksmith; resident of Cabotville (Holyoke) February 1836 when he bought an interest in a machine shop at Amh.; machinist at Amh. 1836, assembled a bowie-knife pistol, put his business into a trust July 1837; gone from Amh. by 1840; and Sarah Amh., lived 1841, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
27 - Ruth M. Morris, d. John, and Horace, s. Levi & Abigail (Gray), went to Lafayette, Stark Co., IL., ___ __, ____, at Otto, NY. [GenRec]
526 - Charles E., and Mary E., ___ __, ____. [JAS]
526 - Elliot, s. Elijah, and Anna Fitch, d. Jesse & Jerusha, ___ __, ____, no children. [JAS]
28 - George Luther, s. Stephen & Esther (Kinne) and Flora E. Cadwell, d. Aretas Janes & Esther (Needham), Oct. 3, 1878, at Amh. [GenRec]
150 - Martha Amh., and Israel Cooley, s. Simeon & Bethia (Ashley), February 7, 1792 or 1793, at Sunderland. [JAS]
7 - ____, and John Keet, Feb. 9, 1758. [VR4]
13 - Caroline, d. Joseph & Margaret, and George H. Barton, s. Augustus & Rhoda, ___ __, ____, at Nashua, NH. [GenRec]
415 - Ebenezer, of Hatfield, and Hannah Ingram, d. Samuel & Mary (Boltwood) (2nd w.), June 22, 1786. [JAS]
330, 527 - Eleanor, d. John & Lydia (Ingram), and Zera Green (1st h.), s. Timothy & Eunice (Clark) (1st w.), March 28, 1799, at Amh. [JAS]
179 - Eleanor, d. John Morton Jr., & Lydia, and Zera Green (1st h.), s. Timothy & Eunice (Clark) (1st w.), Mar. 28, 1799, in Amh. [VR1]
179 - Eleanor, d. John, Jr., & Lydia, and Zera Green, s. Timothy & Eunice (Clark) (1 st w.), Mar. 28, 1799, at Amh. [VR1]
214 - Eleanor, of Hatfield, d. Jonathan, of Hatfield, and Aaron Dickinson, s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), June 8, 1780, at Hatfield. [JAS]
542 - Electa (1st w.), and Elijah Nash, s. Josiah & Eunice (Knight), November 15, 1803. [JAS]
353A - Eleanor, and Zera Green, s. Timothy, Jr., & Eunice (Clark) (1st w.), ___ __, 1799. [Hadley Genealogies P.62, 65] [VR3]
27 - Elenor, and Zera Green, Mar. 28, 1799. [VR4]
527 - Enos, s. John & Lydia (Ingram), and Lavina Smith, of Harfield, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
503 - Hannah Elvira (2nd w.), of Hatfield, d. Ebenezer & Hannah (Ingram), and Leander Merrick, s. Caleb & Charlotte (Herrick), November 27, 1827, at Hatfield. [JAS]
515, 528 - John [aka "Rufus Morton"], s. John & Lydia (Ingram), and Rebecca Moody, d. Medad & Rebecca (Lee), November 26, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
528, 726 - John Alden, s. Thomas & Eunice, and Sophronia Thayer, of Amh., d. Enoch & Mary (Higgins) (3rd w.), soon after February 8, 1829, at Amh. [JAS]
415 - John, and Lydia, d. Samuel & Abigail (Dickinson) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
527 - John, s. John & Lydia (Hawley), and Lydia Ingram, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
360, 526 - John, s. Joseph & Mary (Marsh?), and Lydia Hawley, d. Samuel & Mehitable (Belding), August 4, 1730, probably at Hatfield. [JAS]
527 - Joseph, s. John & Lydia (Hawley), and Mary Wilson, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
193 - Lucretia, and Sparhauk Rice, Apr. 5, 1798. [VR1]
26 - Lucretia, and Sparhawk Rice, Apr. 5, 1798. [VR4]
529 - Lucretia, of Amh., and Sparhawk Rice, of Barre, April 5, 1798, at Amh., settled at Westford, VT. [JAS]
526, 784 - Lydia (1st w.), d. John & Lydia (Hawley), and John Williams, s. Ebenezer & Mehitable (Fowler), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
117 - Mary, and Andrew Hide, Mar. 29, 1793. [VR1]
23 - Mary, and Andrew Hyde, Mar. 29, 1793. [VR4]
411, 527 - Mary, of Amh., d. John & Lydia (Ingram), and Andrew Hyde, s. Samuel & Hannah (McClure), March 29, 1793, at Amh. [JAS]
16 - Moses and Ruth Billings, d. Richard & Hannah (Marsh) (1st w.), ___ _, ____. [GenRec]
7 - Rhoda, and Pelatiah Smith, Apr. 24, 1755. [VR4]
526, 662 - Rhoda, d. John & Lydia (Hawley), and Peletiah Smith, April 24, 1755, at Amh. [JAS]
27 - Rufus, and Rebekah Moody, Nov. 26, 1798. [VR4]
14 - Ruth [dup. Eleanor], and Aaron Dickinson, June 8, 1780, at Hatfield. [VR4]
25 - Ruth, and Larkin Green, Mar. 8, 1797. [VR4]
435, 526 - Ruth, d. John & Lydia (Hawley), and John Keet, moved from Northampton to Amh. between 1745 and 1750, resident of Amh. through November 1760, assumed to have been a soldier on the invasion of Canada June 1758, moved to Leverett by 1765, summer 1758, in Amh. [JAS]
333, 527 - Ruth, d. John & Lydia (Ingram), and Larkin Green, March 8, 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
120 - Silas, and Miss Mary Smith, both of Amh., Nov. 3, 1808. [VR1]
528, 686 - Silas, s. John & Lydia (Ingram), and Mary Smith, of Amh., d. Friend & Rebecca (Hall) (1st w.), November 3, 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
766 - Sybel, of Leverett, d. Chauncey & Betsy, and Tyler Wedge, s. Curtis & Joanna (Howard), October 23, 1848, at Leverett. [JAS]
627 - Thomas (2nd h.), and Hannah Root, wid. _____ Root (1st h.), before May 1781. [JAS]
527 - Thomas (2nd h.), s. John & Lydia (Hawley), and Hannah (Unknown) Root (2nd w.), of Amh., wid. _____ Root (1st h.), before May 20, 1781. [JAS]
527 - Thomas, s. John & Lydia (Hawley), and Sarah Barrett (1st w.), of Sunderland, April 29, 1762, at Sunderland. [JAS]
383 - Harriett, d. David & Rebecca (Dewey), and Levi Hinsdale (1st h.), s. Rev. Theodore & Anna (Bissell), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
191 - Abigail (1 st w.), and Rev. Thomas Potwine, ___ __, ____, ch., ?1756-1772. [VR1]
191 - Mosely, Mrs., of Glastonbury, CT, (sec. w.), and John Potwine, Feb. 7, 1771. [VR1]
MOSMAN, see Mossman
529, 610 - Abner G., and Emily Rice, d. Alpheus & Huldah (Caul), May 16, 1833. [JAS]
MOSSMAN, see Mosman
529 - Silas, s. Silas; blacksmith at Cabotville (Holyoke) February 1836 when he and others bought a machine shop in Amh.; machinist in Amh. 1847; and Abigail Hubbard Hunt, d. William & Fanny (Montague), ___ __, ____, lived in 1850 perhaps at Chicopee or Springfield. [JAS]
529 - Nathan, and Mary Smith (2nd w.), of Amh., March 13, 1819, at Amh. [JAS]
88 - Nathan, and Mary Smith, Mar. 13, 1819. [VR2]
340 - Charles C. C., of Northampton, and Parthenia Hannum, d. Pliny & Polly (Arnold), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
530 - William, and Sarah, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
272 - Francis B., of Hadley, and Harriet M. Edson, d. Jacob & Louisa (Cook), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
530 - John, and Abigail Clement, of Haverhill, soon after February 28, 1829. [JAS]
530 - Daniel, s. Daniel, and Fanny Bodurtha (1st w.), d. Stephen & Eleanor (Worthington), November 6, 1817, at Agawam. [JAS]
530 - Daniel, s. Daniel, and Hester B. Holmes (2nd w.), March 23, 1823, at Woodstock, VT. [JAS]
530 - Fanny, d. Daniel & Fanny (Bodurtha) (1st w.), and Reuben Glass, October 2, 1845. [JAS]
49 - Charles H., of Greenfield, and Adeline S. Cowan, d. Hiram William & Joanna (Reynolds), Feb. 7, 1849, at Amh. [GenRec]
154 - Charles Henry, of Greenfield, and Adeline S. Cowan, of Amh., d. Hiram & Joanna (Reynolds), February 7, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
MUNSEL, see Munsell
205 - Abby T., d. John Howard, and Luke Sweetser, s. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), Dec. 3, 1833, at N.Y. City. [VR1]
111 - Thomas, and Sarah Smith, Nov. 29, 1787. [VR1]
MUNSELL, see Munsel
714 - Abby T., d. _____ & Abbie (Havens), and Luke Sweetser, s. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), December 3, 1833, at New York, NY. [JAS]
681 - Eunice (1st w.), d. Jacob & Sarah (Bancroft), and Timothy Smith, s. Edward & Hamutal (Ellsworth), ___ __, 1786, at Amh. [JAS]
681 - Sabra (2nd w.), d. Jonathan & Hannah (Pasco), and Timothy Smith, s. Edward & Hamutal (Ellsworth), ___ __, 1790. [JAS]
678 - Thomas, of East Windsor, CT, and Sarah, d. Edward & Hamutal (Ellsworth), November 29, 1787, at Amh. [JAS]
18 - Thomas, of Windsor, and Sarah Smith, Nov. 29, 1787. [VR4]
803 - Edward, Jr., and Visa Shirtlief, of Pelham, May 21, 1789. [JAS]
530 - Edmund (2nd h.), s. Edmund, and Margaret (Quinlan) (Unknown) (2nd w.), d. John, former w. _____ Unknown (1st h.), soon after September 27, 1850, no children mentioned. [JAS]
462 - Thomas G., Rev., Murphy, of Dover, Delaware, and Elizabeth W. Kimberly, d. Thompson, July 31, 1844, at Amh. [JAS]
6 - Dorothy, and Abner Adams, May 9, 1754. [VR4]
5, 531 - Dorothy, d. William & Hannah (Dickinson), and Abner Adams, May 9, 1754, at Amh. [JAS]
1 - Dorothy, s. Gen. William, of Amh., & Hannah (Dickinson), and Abner Adams, s. Thomas & Abigail (Fisher), May 9, 1754, at Amh. [GenRec]
531 - Hannah, d. William & Hannah (Dickinson), and Timothy Abbott, of Bennington, VT, November 22, 1764. [JAS]
197, 531 - William, and Hannah Dickinson, d. John 2nd [Dup.: d. John & Sarah], ___, __ ____. [JAS]
531 - William, s. William & Hannah (Dickinson), and Mercy Scott, resident of Shutesbury, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
531 - Edmond, and Margaret King, soon after August 15, 1819 (intent at Pelham), no mention of children. [JAS]