Vital Records Of Amherst,
Hampshire County, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
(Some Records to the Early 20th Century)
Published by The New England Historic and Genealogical Society in the Corbin Collection,
and by The Search & Research Publishing Corporation
Marriages - KARR to LYONS
[Transcribed by Carlton O. Hommel]

435 - _____, and Sarah M. Unknown, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
647 - Sally T., and George Champlin Shepard, s. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), before 1838. [JAS]
679 - _____, and Clarinda Smith, d. Elias & Philothea (Debell), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
12 - Austin, of Paxton, and Eliza A. Warriner, of Hadley, Nov. 24, 1841, at Hadley. [VR2]
51 - Austin, of Paxton, and Eliza A. Warriner, of Hadley, Nov. 24, 1841. [VR4]
804 - Austin, of Paxton, and Eliza A. Warriner, of Hadley, November 24, 1841, at Hadley. [JAS]
718 - _____, and Polly Taylor, joined South Ch. by letter from a church in Montague before May 1847, joined a Methodist Church at Monson after her marriage, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
436 - Charles O., s. Hiram, and Rebecca (Wilde), July 8, 1839, at Leverett. [JAS]
109 - Frederick T., and Sarah J. Chadwick, both of Amh., Mar. 28, 1841. [VR2]
103, 436 - Frederick T., blacksmith at Amh. by 1840, went bankrupt by 1843, blacksmith at South Amh. 1845, gone from 1850, and Sarah Jane Chadwick, of Amh., d. Harvey & Mary, March 28, 1841. [JAS]
28 - Frederick T., of Amh., and Sarah J. Chadwick, of Amh., Mar. 28, 1841. [GenRec]
436 - Hiram, and Rebecca Wilde, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
7 - John, and ____ Morton, Feb. 9, 1758. [VR4]
435, 526 - John, moved from Northampton to Amh. between 1745 and 1750, resident of Amh. through November 1760, assumed to have been a soldier on the invasion of Canada June 1758, moved to Leverett by 1765, and Ruth Morton, d. John & Lydia (Hawley), summer 1758, in Amh. [JAS]
435 - Reuben, s. John & Ruth (Morton), and Abigail White, ___ __, ____, resided at Leverett near the Amh. Town line. [JAS]
18 - Ruth (2nd w.), and John Allis (aka John Ellis), April 3, 1759, at Amh. [JAS]
59 - Henrietta, of Amh., and Dexter S. K. Winter, of Clinton, Jan. 1. 1851. [VR4]
638 - Marietta, of Granby, and Alvah T. Sabin, s. Chandler & Ruby (Thayer), soon after September4, 1844, probably at Granby. [JAS]
11 - Nellie, and Roderick N., s. John D. & Jerusha I. (Hill), Nov. 27, 1866. [GenRec]
KELLEY, see Keley
111 - Smith, of Greenwich, and Lydia Childs, of Amh., October 24, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
68 - ____, and Hepsabah Blodget, d. David & Margaret (Scott) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
459 - _____, and Harriet Unknown, ___ __, ____, she joined Amh. Bapt. Ch. March 1, 1845, and was dismissed March 1848. [JAS]
684 - _____, and Olive R. Smith, d. Elijah & Rebecca (Brooks), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
652 - Abigail, and Jonathan Smith, s. Philip & Rebecca (Foote), November 14, 1688. [JAS]
438, 626 - Abigail, d. Ephraim & Dorothy (Hawley), and Ezra Rood (1st h.), ca 1769. [JAS]
446 - Abigail, d. Ephraim & Martha (Smith), and Daniel Dewey Cooke, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
439 - Abigail, d. Joel & Joanna (Clark), and Moses Crafts, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
22 - Abigail, d. John & Sarah (Moody), of Hadley, and Jonathan Atherton (1st h.), ___ __, ____, removed to Amh. from Hatfield between 1731 and 1737. [JAS]
437 - Abigail, d. Nathaniel & Sarah (Boltwood), and Benjamin Sheldon, of Westfield, September 7, 1726. [JAS]
38 - Abraham, and Sarah Cowles, d. Jonathan, Jr., & Sarah (Gaylord), Dec. 7, 1758, at Amh. [GenRec]
7 - Abraham, and Sarah Cowls, Dec. 7, 1758. [VR4]
155, 439 - Abraham, s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Preston) (1st w.), and Sarah Cowls, d. Jonathan & Sarah (Gaylord), December 7, 1758, at Amh. [JAS]
13 - Achsa, and Thomas Barnes, Dec. 10, 1812, at Amh. [GenRec]
40 - Achsah, and Thomas Barnes, Dec. 10, 1812. [VR4]
42, 442 - Achsah, d. Martin & Hannah (Crocker) (1st w.), and Thomas Barnes, December 10, 1812, at Amh. [JAS]
446, 557 - Almira, d. Joel & Elizabeth (Alexander), and Nathan Olney, s. Nathan & Sarah (Taylor), September 29, 1829, at Vernon, VT. [JAS]
442 - Bela, of Farmington, CT, s. Martin & Hannah (Crocker) (1st w.), and Lydia Candee, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
120 - Benjamin Franklin, s. Dexter & Mary (Towne), and Hattie Crossman, ___ __, ____. No ch. [KG I-671] [VR2]
476 - Benjamin, and Sybel Leonard, d. Nehemiah, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
126 - Benjamin, s. Horace & Alma (Smith), and Wid. Margaret (Foley) James, ___ __, ____. [KG II-1322] [VR2]
456 - Benjamin, s. Horace & Almarina (Smith), and Margaret (Foley) James, ___ __, 1848. [JAS]
114, 440 - Betsey [aka Elizabeth] (2nd w.), (2nd w.) d. William Partridge & Nancy (Holton), and Joseph Church, Jr., s. Joseph & Abigail (Smith), Jan. 5, 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
31 - Betsy (2nd w.), d. William & Nancy, and Joseph Church, s. Samuel & Abigail (Strong) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
25 - Betsy, and Josiah Church, Jr., Jan. 5, 1797. [VR4]
449 - Charles (1st h.), s. Daniel & Mercy (Eastman), and Tryphena Hubbard, of Sunderland, d. Caleb & Lucretia (Ashley), October 29, 1812, at Sunderland. [JAS]
101 - Charles F., and Mary A. Ingram, Dec. 7, 1837. [VR2]
423 - Charles Field, and Mary Ann Ingram, d. Peter & Emily Roberts (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
455 - Charles Field, s. Charles & Tryphena (Hubbard), and Mary Ann Ingram (1st w.), December 7, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
117 - Charles Field, s. Charles, and Mary Ann Ingram (1st w.), d. Peter & Emily (Roberts), Dec. 7, 1837. [KG II-1300] [VR2]
117 - Charles Field, s. Charles, and Mary E. Park (2nd w.) of Nova Scotia, d. Atwood & Mary A. (Hawley), Apr. 29, 1868. . [KG II-1300] [VR2]
128 - Charles Henry, and Harriet Watson, d. David & Lucinda (Dickinson), May 13, 1830. [KG I-656] [VR2]
125 - Charles Henry, s. Eleazer & Sally McCloud (Roberts), and Ellen S. Richards (2nd w.), d. of Asabel & Ellen (Woods), Dec. 20, 1899. [KG I-1352] [VR2]
123 - Charles Henry, s. Eleazer & Sally McCloud (Roberts), and Mary Wheeler Adams (1st w.), of No. Hadley, d. Dea. Levi & Mary (Wheeler), Dec. 23, 1868, at Hadley. [KG I-1352] [VR2]
454, 762 - Charles Henry, s. Joseph & Joanna (Kellogg) (1st w.), and Harriet Watson, of Amh., d. David & Lucinda (Dickinson), May 13, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
125 - Charles Park, s. Henry Chester & Minerva (Park), and Lillian M. Newcomb. ___ __, ____. [KG II-1335] [VR2]
117 - Charles, s. Daniel, and Tryphena Hubbard, d. Maj. Caleb & 1st w. Abigail (Montague), Oct. 29, 1812. [KG II-1300] [VR2]
132 - Charles, s. Willard Mayo & Elvira Minerva (Marsh), and Clara Augusta Paige, d. Francis & Elzadie (Haskins), Nov. 30, 1876, in Prescott. [KG II-1645] [VR2]
444 - Charlotte, d. Ebenezer & Elizabeth (Crocker) (1st w.), and Peter B. Russell, of Cabot, VT, ___ __, 1797. [JAS]
63 - Chester, and Maria Bixby, d. Rufus & Lois (Woodard), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
119 - Chester, s. Jonathan & Mary (Holland), and Lois Dickinson (1st w.), d. Silas & Eunice (Graves), June 1, 1808. [KG I-646] [VR2]
242, 450 - Chester, s. Jonathan & Mary (Holland), and Lois Dickinson (1st w.), of Amh., d. Silas & Eunice (Moody), soon after June 4, 1808. [JAS]
19 - Chester, s. Jonathan, of Brattleboro, VT, and Maria Bixbee, d. Rufus & Lois (Woodward), Aug. 1, 1816, at Hatfield. [Gen. I-292, 646] [GenRec]
450 - Chester, s. Jonathan & Mary (Holland), and Maria Bixby (2nd w.), of Amh., August 1, 1816, at Hatfield. [JAS]
119 - Chester6, s. Jonathan5 & Mary (Holland), and Maria Bixbee (2nd w.), d. Rufus & Lois (Woodward), ___ __, ____. [KG I-646] [VR2]
457 - Chloe, d. Nathaniel & Chloe (Drake) (1st w.), and Thomas Wakefield, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
32 - Clarissa, and Otis Hastings, June 13, 1804. [VR4]
353, 442 - Clarissa, of Amh., d. Martin & Hannah (Crocker) (1st w.), and Otis Hastings, s. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), June 13, 1804, at Amh. [JAS]
361, 438 - Daniel (2nd h.), s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Preston) (1st w.), and Thankful (Alexander) Hawley, wid. Joseph Hawley (1st h.), soon after April 15, 1758. [JAS]
443 - Daniel, s. Daniel & Mercy (Eastman), and Jane McAffee (1st w.), of Rockingham, VT, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
443 - Daniel, s. Daniel & Mercy (Eastman), and Merab Ann Bradley (2nd w.), of Westminster, VT, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
443 - Daniel, s. Daniel & Mercy (Eastman), and Miranda Aldis (3rd w.), of St. Albans, VT, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
438 - Daniel, s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Preston) (1st w.), and Esther Smith (1st w.), d. John & Esther (Colton), soon after September 21, 1751. [JAS]
439 - Daniel, s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Preston) (1st w.), and Sarah Parsons (3rd w.), d. Josiah, of Northampton, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
264, 443 - David, s. Daniel & Esther Smith (1st w.), and Mercy Eastman, d. Joseph & Sarah (Ingram), December 15, 1778. [JAS]
104 - Dexter, and Mary Towne, both of Amh., Mar. 7, 1839. [ Kellogg Genealogy I-671] [VR2]
209 - Dexter, and Mary Towne, of Amh., ___ __, 1839. [VR1]
453, 736 - Dexter, s. Joel & Elizabeth (Alexander), and Mary Towne, d. Ichabod & Lydia (Whipple), of Amh., March 7, 1839, at Amh., Dexter and Mary had previously filed an intent of marriage March 1835, but did not do so, they filed a second intent in January 1839. [JAS]
120 - Dexter, s. Joel & Elizabeth (Alexander), and Mary Towne, d. Ichabod (of Dana, later of Amh.) & Lydia (Whipple), Mar. 7, 1839. [KG I-671] [VR2]
439 - Diadamia, d. Abraham & Sarah (Cowls), and Thomas Clapp, of Northampton, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
438 - Dorothy, d. Ephraim & Dorothy (Hawley), and William Field, of Leverett, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
401, 442 - Dorothy, of Amh., d. Martin & Hannah (Crocker) (1st w.), and Chester Hubbard, s. Isaac & Submit (Graves), September 28, 1797, at Amh., had several other children in VT. [JAS]
119, 122 - Dwight Holland, s. Chester & Maria (Bixbee) (2nd w.), and Margaret Lucena Kelton (1st w.), d. Calvin & Hepzibah (Woodward), Sept. 12, 1843. [KG II-1334] [VR2]
121 - Dwight Holland, s. Chester & Maria (Bixbee) (2nd w.), and Wd. Sarah Louise (Puffer) Bigelow (2nd w.), d. Jacob Puffer & Dorothy (Gibson), Apr. 3, 1873. [KG II-1334] [VR2]
455 - Dwight Holland, s. Chester & Maria Bixby (2nd w.), and Margaret Lucena Kelton, of Athol, d. Calvin & Hepsibah (Woodard), September 23, 1843, at Athol. [JAS]
121, 440 - Ebenezer (1st h.), s. Ebenezer & Elizabeth (Ingram) (Panthorn) (1st w.), and Sarah Clapp, d. Preserved & Sarah (West), June 13, 1751, at Amh. [JAS]
413, 437 - Ebenezer (2nd h.), s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Boltwood), and Elizabeth (Ingram) Panthorn, d. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), former w. Philip Panthorn, March 27, 1712. [JAS]
437 - Ebenezer (2nd h.), s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Boltwood), and Sarah (Unknown) Stevens (2nd w.), widow of _____ Stevens (1st h.), soon after September 18, 1756. [JAS]
12 - Ebenezer, and Elisabeth Croker, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
49 - Ebenezer, and Elizabeth Crocker, ___ __, 1774. [GenRec]
5 - Ebenezer, and Sarah Clap, June 13, 1751. [VR4]
13 - Ebenezer, and Tamar Wright, Mar. 4, 1779. [VR4]
34 - Ebenezer, Jr. (1st h.), s. Ebenezer, and Sarah Clapp, d. Preserved & Sarah (West), June 13, 1751. [GenRec]
444 - Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer & Jerusha Smith, and Elizabeth Crocker (1st w.), ___ __, 1774, at Amh. [JAS]
444 - Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer & Jerusha Smith, and Tamar Wright (2nd w.), March 4, 1779, at Amh. [JAS]
458 - Edward Philander, s. Philander & Fanny (Sperry), and Margaret Burns, d. John & Sarah (Cole), January 21, 1834. [JAS]
93 - Eleazer, and Sally McCloud Roberts, b. Nhn, Dec. 30, 1824. [Kellogg Genealogy I-667] [VR2]
617 - Eleazer, and Sally McCloud Roberts, d. Reuben & Esther (Risley), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
122 - Eleazer, s. Dea. John & 1st w. Roxanna (Mattoon), and Sally McCloud Roberts, d. Reuben & Esther (Risley), Dec. 30, 1824 [KG I-667] [VR2]
452 - Eleazer, s. John & Roxey (Mattoon) (1st w.), and Sally McCloud Roberts, of Amh., December 30, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
37, 441 - Electa (2nd w.), d. Ephraim & Esther (Hastings), and Nathaniel Bangs, s. Enoch & Hannah (Freeman), January 15, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
20 - Electa, and Nath[anie]l Bangs, Jan. 15, 1789. [VR4]
12 - Electa, and Nathaniel Bangs, Jan. 15, 1787, at Amh. [GenRec]
112 - Electa, and Nathaniel Kellogg, Jan. 7, 1789. [VR1]
126 - Electa, d. Horace & Alma (Smith), and William Berkley Smith, s. Perez, of South Hadley, & Hannah (Lyman), June 3, 1846. No Children. [KG II-1321] [VR2]
54 - Electa, of Amh., and William B. Smith, of South Hadley, June 3, 1846. [VR4]
456 - Electa, of Amh., d. Horace & Almarina (Smith), and William Berkley Smith, of South Hadley, June 3, 1846, at Amh. [JAS]
12 - Electra, and Nathaniel Banks, Jan. 15, 1787. [GenRec]
378, 446 - Elijah, s. Ephraim & Esther (Hastings), and Hannah Herrick, d. Israel & Ruth (Tracy), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
59 - Eliza M., of A, and Hanson L. Read, of Leicester, Nov. 25, 1851. [VR4]
119 - Eliza Maria, d. Chester & Maria (Bixbee) (2nd w.), and Hanson Leland Read, ___ __, ____. [KG I-646] [VR2]
106 - Eliza, of Hadley, and Lewis L. Draper, of Amh., Nov. 28, 1839. [VR2]
33 - Elizabeth (2nd w.), and Joseph Church, s. Joseph & Abigail (Smith), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
141, 445 - Elizabeth [Dup. Elizabeth Clapp], of Amh., d. John & Roxey (Mattoon) (1st w.), and Ithamar Conkey, s. John & Margaret (Abercrombie), January 26, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
82, 100 - Elizabeth B., and Moses W. Campbell, Oct. 13, 1836. [VR2]
100, 450 - Elizabeth Billings, of Amh., d. Charles & Tryphena (Hubbard), and Moses W. Campbell, s. Ezekiel & Mary (Arnold), October 13, 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
28 - Elizabeth W., and Moses W. Campbell, Oct. 13, 1836, at Amh. [GenRec]
89 - Elizabeth, and Ithamar Conkey, Jan. 26, 1820. . [VR2]
4 - Elizabeth, and Samuel Nurs, Jan. 7, 1739/40. [VR4]
438, 552 - Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer & Elizabeth (Ingram) (Panthorn) (1st w.), and Samuel Nourse, Capt. ca 1740, perhaps resident of Shutesbury, January __, 1739/40, at Amh. [JAS]
46 - Elizabeth, d. John & Roxy, and Ithamar Conkey, s. John & Margaret, Jan. 26, 1820, at Amh. [GenRec]
219, 440 - Elizabeth, of Amh., d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Clapp), and Reuben Dickinson [aka RD Jr.], s. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), September 14, 1781, at Hatfield. [JAS]
259, 447 - Elzia (2nd w.), d. Martin & Hannah (Hastings), and Lewis Laprelate Draper, s. Lewis & Lucy (Orne), November 28, 1839, at Hadley. [JAS]
195 - Emeline, and Ferdinand Robinson, Aug. 17, 1835, at Vernon, VT, 2 ch., 1836-1840. [VR1]
448, 623 - Emeline, d. William & Susanna (Ingram), and Ferdinand Robinson, s. Amariah & Rebecca Whitney (Wetherell), August 17, 1835, at Vernon, VT. [JAS]
4 - Ephraim, and Dorothy Hawley, May 1, 1741. [VR4]
21 - Ephraim, Jr., and Martha Smith, Apr. 7, 1791. [VR4]
114 - Ephraim, Jr., and Martha Smith, between Apr. 28, 1790 and May 2, 1791. [VR1]
348, 441 - Ephraim, s. Ephraim & Dorothy (Hawley), and Esther Hastings, d. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), ___ __, 1761. [JAS]
445, 660 - Ephraim, s. Ephraim & Esther (Hastings), and Martha Smith, d. David & Mary (Warner), April 7, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
360, 438 - Ephraim, s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Boltwood), and Dorothy Hawley, d. Samuel & Mehitable (Belding), May 1, 1741, at Amh. [JAS]
446, 741 - Esther Hastings, of Amh., d. Joel & Elizabeth (Alexander), and Lucian Moro Ufford, s. Daniel & Lucy (Morris), March 13, 1834, at Amh. [JAS]
131 - Esther Mayo, d. Willard Mayo & Elvira Minerva (Marsh), and Frank Alvan Hosmer, s. Alvan & Octavia Emerson (Poole), Aug. 14, 1878. No children. [KG II-1298] [VR2]
445 - Esther Putnam, d. Samuel & Susannah (Felton), and Abraham Knowlton Haskell, ___ __, ____,[JAS]
289, 443 - Esther Smith [aka Esther Rice], d. Daniel & Mercy (Eastman), and Martin Field, s. Seth & Mary (Hubbard), February 21, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
17 - Esther, and Elijah Prouty, Dec. 21, 1785. [VR4]
210 - Esther, and Lucien M. Ufford, ___ __, 1833, 6 ch., 1834-1855. [VR1]
441 - Esther, d. Ephraim & Esther (Hastings), and Elijah Prouty, of Grenville, NY, December 21, 1785, at Amh. [JAS]
437 - Experience, d. Nathaniel & Sarah (Boltwood), and Timothy Nash, of Granby, October 15, 1736. [JAS]
804 - Ezra, (Kellogg F&M #220), of "Colchester", and Ruth Wells, of "Wellstown", early name for Shutesbury, May14, 1747. [JAS]
5 - Ezra, of Colchester, and Ruth Wells, of Wellstown (or Shutesbury), May 14, 1747. [VR4]
447 - Fanny, d. Martin & Hannah (Hastings), and Theodore Pasco, farmer at Hadley, ___ __, 1828. [JAS]
450 - Frances Lucretia, d. Charles & Tryphena (Hubbard), and George B. Felt, of Mason, NY, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
450 - George Hubbard, of Meriden, CT, s. Charles & Tryphena (Hubbard), and Elizabeth D. Young, September 10, 1848, at New York, NY. [JAS]
444 - Grata, d. Ebenezer & Tamar (Wright) (2nd w.), and Jonathan Walton (1st h.), of Hardwick, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
100, 442 - Hannah Crocker, d. Martin & Hannah (Crocker) (1st w.), and Amos Cady, August 6, 1870, at Amh., four children born in CT. [JAS]
444 - Hannah Putnam, d. Samuel & Susannah (Felton), and Nathan Wyeth, ___ __, ____,[JAS]
35 - Hannah, and Amos Cad, Aug. 6, 1807. [VR4]
28 - Hannah, and Amos Cady, Aug. 6, 1807, at Amh. [GenRec]
119 - Harriet, and Joel Baker, both of Amh., Apr. 11, 1827. [VR1]
126 - Harriet, d. Horace & Alma (Smith), and Rufus Gunn, ___ __, ____. [KG II-1322] [VR2]
31, 447 - Harriet, d. William & Susanna (Ingram), and Joel Baker, s. Martin & Mary (Smith), farmer in Amh., April 11, 1827, at North Amh. [JAS]
10 - Harriet, d. William & Susannah, and Joel, Baker, s. Martin & Mary Smith, ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
126 - Henry Chester, s. Chester & Maria (Bixbee) (2nd w.), and Minerva Park, of Bernardston, MA, d. Levi & Lucy (Hale), May 2, 1843. [KG II-1335] [VR2]
455, 564 - Henry Chester, s. Chester & Maria Bixby (2nd w.), and Minerva Park, of Bernardston, d. Levi & Chloe (Slate) (2nd w.), May 2, 1843, at Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
443 - Henry, s. Daniel & Mercy (Eastman), and Ann Maria Hubbell (2nd w.), October 16, 1831. [JAS]
443 - Henry, s. Daniel & Mercy (Eastman), and Margaret V. D. S. Hubbell (1st w.), January 27, 1825. [JAS]
457 - Henry, s. Julie & Mary (Pool), and Susan Broad (1st w.), of Leverett, April 7, 1822. [JAS]
475 - Horace, and Jerusha Leonard, d. Noadiah & Polly (Williams), May 15, 1840. [JAS]
126 - Horace, d. Horace & Alma (Smith), and Lucy Ann Carpenter, ___ __, ____. [KG II-1322] [VR2]
456, 668 - Horace, s. Benjamin & Patty (Smith), and Almarina Smith, of Amh., d. Joel & Sibbel (Woodbury), August 12, 1814, at Amh. [JAS]
126 - Horace, s. Benjamin & Patty Smith, and Alma Smith, of Hadley, d. Joel, of Leverett, Amherst, & So. Deerfield, Aug. 12, 1813. [KG I-641] [VR2]
35 - Ira, and Ruah Dickinson, Jan. 25, 1808. [VR4]
224, 450 - Ira, s. Jonathan & Mary (Holland), and Azuah [Dup; Aruah] Dickinson, of Amh., d. William & Thirza (Warner), January 25, 1808. [JAS]
44 - Isabella Nancy (1st w.), d. Lyman & Mary (Porter), and Arthur F. Cowles, s. James & Nancy (Henderson), Oct. 21, 1863, at Amh. [GenRec]
87 - James, and Fidelia Dickinson, d. Elihu5 & Susanna (Lewis), June 2, 1817. [VR2]
206 - James, and Phydelia Dickinson, d. Elihu & Susanna (Lewis), ____. [JAS]
451 - James, s. Samuel & Susannah (Felton), and Phydelia Dickinson [aka Fidelia], of Amh., June 2, 1817, at Amh. [JAS]
101 - Joanna, and Jonathan Pierce, Nov. 16, 1837. [VR2]
37 - Joanna, and Jos[eph] Kellogg, Oct. 28, 1809. [VR4]
439 - Joanna, d. Joel & Joanna (Clark), and Jonathan Ingram, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
442,445, 448 - Joanna, d. John & Roxey (Mattoon) (1st w.), and Joseph Kellogg, s. Joseph & Jerusha (Ingram), November 28, 1809, at Amh. [JAS]
446, 586 - Joanna, of Amh., d. Joel & Elizabeth (Alexander), and Jonathan Pierce, s. Thomas & Jemima (Paul), November 16, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
446 - Joel, s. Ephraim & Esther (Hastings), and Elizabeth Alexander, of Deerfield, d. Amos & Elizabeth, October 4, 1804, at Deerfield. [JAS]
439 - Joel, s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Preston) (1st w.), and Joanna Clark, d. Samuel & Sarah (Rust), soon after August 7, 1748. [JAS]
15 - John (2nd h.), of Amh., and Martha (Belden) Ingram, wid. Gershom Ingram (1st h.), d. Hezekiah & Sarah Field (3rd wife), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
49, 419, 445 - John (2nd h.), s. Ephraim & Esther (Hastings), and Martha (Belding) Ingram (2nd w.), d. Hezekiah & Martha (Field) (3rd w.), wid. Gershom Ingram (1st h.), July 20, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
213, 452 - John Azor (2nd h.), and Amy Stoughton Dickinson, d. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), wid. Jonathan Dickinson (1st h.), May 5, 1847, at Amh. [JAS]
452 - John Azor, s. John & Roxey (Mattoon) (1st w.), and Harriet Nash (1st w.), d. Reuben & Abigail (Woodard), of Benson, VT, September 27, 1812. [JAS]
452 - John Azor, s. John & Roxey (Mattoon) (1st w.), and Julia Ann Howard (2nd w.), d. Samuel & Janette (Currie), of Benson, VT, May 31, 1826. [JAS]
86 - John, and Martha Ingram, July 20, 1815. [VR2]
445, 498 - John, s. Ephraim & Esther (Hastings), and Roxey Mattoon [aka Roxanna, Irene] (1st w.), d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Alvord) (2nd w.), September __, 1785. [JAS]
16 - Jona[than], and Mary Holland, of Pelham, June 5, 1783. [Gen. I-292] [VR4]
444 - Jonathan, s. Ebenezer & Sarah (Clapp), and Mary Holland, of Pelham, June 5, 1783, at Amh. [JAS]
119 - Jonathan, s. Ens. Ebenezer, and Mary Holland, June 5, 1783. [KG I-646] [VR2]
37 - Jos[eph], and Joanna Kellogg, Oct. 28, 1809. [VR4]
414, 442 - Joseph, s. Ephraim & Dorothy (Hawley), and Jerusha Ingram, d. Elisha & Elizabeth (Smith) (Lewis), December 16, 1781, at Belchertown. [JAS]
442,445, 448 - Joseph, s. Joseph & Jerusha (Ingram), and Joanna Kellogg, d. John & Roxey (Mattoon) (1st w.), November 28, 1809, at Amh. [JAS]
458 - Josiah, s. Gardner & Thankful (Chapin), and Hannah Smith, of Ashfield, d. Moses & Diathena (Briggs), October 30, 1874, at Ashfield. [JAS]
458 - Josiah, s. Josiah & Hannah (Smith), and Cynthia Chapin, ___ __, ____, went to Northampton, March __, 1848. [JAS]
11 - Julia A. (2nd w.), d. Eleazar & Sally M., of Pelham, and Albert Wellington Ball, s. Abraham & Martha (Field), June 18, 1856, at Amh. [GenRec]
123 - Julia Ann, d. Eleazer & Sally McCloud (Roberts), and Albert Wellington Ball, of Leverett, MA (2nd w.), s. Abraham & Martha (Field), June 18, 1856. [KG I-1352] [VR2]
126 - Justin Perkins, Rev., s. Horace & Alma (Smith), and Wid. Annie (Brunton) Eckley, ___ __, ____. [KG II-1322] [VR2]
447 - Lorenzo, of Hadley, s. Martin & Hannah (Hastings), and Fanny Jones, of Hadley, ___ __, 1829. [JAS]
36 - Louisa M. (1st w.), d. Stillman & Sybil (Hastings), and Edwin Warren Clark, s. Simeon & Myra (Cowles), Dec. 9, 1868, at Amh. [GenRec]
446 - Louisa, d. Joel & Elizabeth (Alexander), and Hubbard W. Griswold, of Benson, VT, ___ __, ____, at Benson, VT, they resided in Benson, VT, September 1833. [JAS]
44 - Lucia (3rd w.), d. Lyman & Mary (Porter), and Arthur F. Cowles, s. James & Nancy (Henderson), June 13, 1877, at Amh. [GenRec]
444 - Lucy Snow, of Amh., d. Samuel & Susannah (Felton), and Asa Wilson, Jr., of Belchertown, January 29, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
90 - Lucy, and Asa Wilson Jr., of Belchertown, Jan. 29, 1821. [VR2]
46 - Lucy, and Bradford Bently, Aug. 29, 1822. [VR4]
38 - Lucy, and Rufus Crafts, of Whately, Feb. 26, 1810. [VR4]
49 - Lucy, and Rufus Crafts, of Whately, Feb. 26, 1819. [GenRec]
53, 447 - Lucy, d. Martin & Hannah (Hastings), and Bradford Bentley, August 25, 1822, at Hadley. [JAS]
442 - Lucy, of Amh., d. Joseph & Jerusha (Ingram), and Rufus Crafts, of Whately, February 26, 1810, at Amh., went to Whately, later to Brooklyn, NY. [JAS]
682 - Lydia (Smith) (2nd w.), of Westfield, d. Simon, wid. Amos Kellogg (1st h.), and Spencer Smith (2nd h.), s. Benjamin & Elizabeth (Rush), January 24, 1827, at Westfield. [JAS]
447 - Lydia, d. Martin & Hannah (Hastings), and Franklin Rich, of New Lebanon, NY, ___ __, 1834. [JAS]
126 - Lyman Smith, s. Horace & Alma (Smith), and Emeline Leonard, ___ __, ____. [KG II- 1321] [VR2]
456 - Lyman Smith, s. Horace & Almarina (Smith), and Emeline Leonard, d. Seth, formerly of Buckland, October 9, 1827. [JAS]
453 - Lyman, s. William & Susanna (Ingram), and Mary Ann Porter, of Amh., d. Elijah & Anna (Abbott), December 22, 1832, at North Amh. [JAS]
433, 446 - Maria, of Amh., d. Joel & Elizabeth (Alexander), and James Jones, s. James & Esther (Hunt), January 13, 1829 at North Amh. [JAS]
363 - Martha (1st w.), d. Dexter & Mary [Alt.; "Polly Dickinson aka Martha], and Zebina Hawley, s. Zacheriah & Rebekah (Edwards), March 19, 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
447 - Martha Crocker, d. Martin & Hannah (Hastings), and Charles Henry Dickinson, ___ __ 1846. [JAS]
54 - Martha Crocker, of Hadley, and Charles Henry Dickinson, of Northampton, Sept. 2, 1846. [Kellogg I - 675] [VR4]
442, 589 - Martin (2nd h.), s. Ephraim & Dorothy (Hawley), and Lucy (Pomeroy) Hastings (2nd w.), wid. Samuel Hastings (1st h.), d. Simson & Abigail (Smith), soon after July 16, 1814. [JAS]
27 - Martin, and Han[na]h Hastings, Oct. 31, 1799. [VR4]
441 - Martin, s. Ephraim & Dorothy (Hawley), and Hannah Crocker (1st w.), d. Zacheus, of Shutesbury, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
349, 447 - Martin, s. Martin & Hannah (Crocker) (1st w.), and Hannah Hastings, d. Thomas & Hannah (Billings), October 31, 1799, at Amh. [JAS]
121 - Mary Elizabeth, d. Dexter & Mary (Towne), and Dwight Graves, of Hinsdale, s. Fortin & Louisa (Russell), Apr. 11, 1863, at Leverett. [KG I-671] [VR2]
128 - Mary Felton, d. Samuel & Mary (Watson), and Joseph Day Andrews of Wallingford, CT, s. Col. Ira & Julia (Hall), Jan.__, 1848. [KG II-1348] [VR2]
452 - Mary Felton, d. Samuel & Mary (Watson), and Joseph Day Andrews, of Wallingford, CT. ___ __, ____, lived at Brooklyn, NY 1850. [JAS]
131 - Mary Harriet, d. Willard Mayo & Elvira Minerva (Marsh), and Henry Hawley, s. Harrison & Lucena (Dickinson), June 2, 1869. No ch. [KG II-1298] [VR2]
36 - Mary, and Luke Wait, July 5, 1808. [VR4]
437 - Mary, d. Nathaniel & Sarah (Boltwood), and Richard Crouch, November 14, 1732. [JAS]
442 - Mary, of Amh., d. Joseph & Jerusha (Ingram), and Luke Wait, of Whately, July 5, 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
37 - Mary, of Hadley, and James Coffran, Oct. 3, 1838, at Hadley. [GenRec]
49 - Mary, of Hadley, and James Cofran, of A, Oct. 3, 1838. [VR4]
105 - Mary, of Hadley, and James Cofran, of Amh., Oct. 3, 1838, in Hadley. [Kellogg Genealogy I-305, 674] [VR2]
133, 447 - Mary, of Hadley, d. Martin & Hannah (Hastings), and James Cofran, s. Benjamin & Miriam (Stevens), October 3, 1838, at Hadley. [JAS]
148, 443 - Mercy, d. Daniel & Mercy (Eastman), and Alden Cooley, s. Daniel & Mary (Boltwood) (Dickinson) (2nd w.), June 9, 1803, in Newfane, VT. [JAS]
48 - Mercy, d. Daniel, and Alden Cooley, s. Daniel & Mary (Dickinson) (2nd w.), June 9, 1803, at Newfane, VT, went to Illinois. [GenRec]
458 - Merub, s. Josiah & Hannah (Smith), and _____ Rice, soon after August __, 1832. [JAS]
439 - Miriam, d. Joel & Joanna (Clark), and Capt Eleazer Frary, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
45 - Nancy, and James Comings, of Leverett, Sept. 3, 1818. [GenRec]
42 - Nancy, and James Cummings, Sept. 3, 1818. [VR4]
444 - Nancy, d. Samuel & Susannah (Felton), and Dutton Knowlton (1st h.), of Belchertown, ___ __, ____,[JAS]
440 - Nancy, of Amh., d. William Partridge & Nancy (Holton), and Capt. Jarus Cummings, of Leverett, September 3, 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
458 - Naomi Parsons, d. Josiah & Hannah (Smith), and Thaddeus Chapin, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
457, 517 - Nathaniel (2nd h.), s. Gardner & Thankful (Chapin), and Betsey (Cowles) Moody (2nd w.), d. Timothy & Elizabeth (Graves) Cowles, wid. Josiah Moody(1st h.), soon after July 20, 1817. [JAS]
437 - Nathaniel (2nd h.), s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Boltwood), and Elizabeth (Unknown) Smith (3rd w.), wid. ____ Smith, of Ware, October 5, 1765. [JAS]
437 - Nathaniel (2nd h.), s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Boltwood), and Martha (Allis) Hammond (2nd w.), d. Ichabod, of Hardwick, wid. _____ Hammond (1st h.), soon after July 1, 1758. [JAS]
457 - Nathaniel, s. Gardner & Thankful (Chapin), and Chloe Drake (1st w.), d. Josiah & Chloe (Cross), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
75, 437 - Nathaniel, s. Joseph & Abigail (Terry), and Sarah Boltwood, d. Samuel & Sarah (Lewis), June 28, 1869, at Hadley. [JAS]
437 - Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Boltwood), and Sarah Preston (1st w.), d. John & Sarah (Gardner), March 4, 1714. [JAS]
452 - Nathaniel, s. Samuel & Susannah (Felton), and Alvira (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
452 - Nathaniel, s. Samuel & Susannah (Felton), and Eliza Fowler (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
457, 693 - Olive Murilla, d. Henry & Susan Broad (1st w.), and Gilbert Chase Southwick, s. Amasa & Alice (Chase), October 31, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
38 - Philomela, and Elisha Smeed, of Waybridge, Feb. 27, 1810. [VR4]
38 - Philomela, and Elisha Smeed, of Waybridge, Feb. 27, 1810. [VR4]
441 - Philomela, of Amh., d. Ephraim & Esther (Hastings), and Elisha Smead, of Weybridge, VT, February 27, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
445 - Prudence Alvord, of Amh., d. John & Roxey (Mattoon) (1st w.), and Samuel Jones, of Weybridge, VT, October 27, 1814, at Amh. [JAS]
6 - Prudence, of 1st Parish (Hadley), and Josiah Parsons, of Hampton, June 27, 1751. [VR4]
804 - Prudence, of Hadley 1st Parish (Hadley), and Josiah Parsons, of "Dampton", perhaps Northampton, June 27, 1751. [JAS]
457 - Roswell, s. Nathaniel & Chloe (Drake) (1st w.), and Nancy Gates, ca August 1833 (before January 1840). [JAS]
444 - Roxanna, d. Samuel & Susannah (Felton), and Samuel Washburn Orcutt, ___ __, ____,[JAS]
42 - Roxey M., and William Field, Dec. 30, 1818. [VR4]
289, 445 - Roxey Mattoon, d. John & Roxey (Mattoon) (1st w.), of Amh., and William Field, s. William & Editha (Frary), December 30, 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
90 - Rufus, 2d, and Nanct Stetson, and June 22, 1820. [VR2]
28 - Rufus, and Abigail Chamberlain, Oct. 26, 1815, at Amh. [GenRec]
104 - Rufus, and Abigail Chamberland, d. Major James, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
41 - Rufus, and Abigail Chamberlin, Oct. 26, 1815. [VR4]
449 - Rufus, s. Daniel & Mercy (Eastman), and Abigail Chamberlain (2nd w.), of Amh., October 26, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
449 - Rufus, s. Daniel & Mercy (Eastman), and Esther Mayo (1st w.), of Orange, soon after January 7, 1809. [JAS]
449 - Rufus, s. Daniel & Mercy (Eastman), and Mary Smith (3rd w.), of Hadley, d. Enos, May 25, 1826. [JAS]
448, 704 - Rufus, s. Joseph & Jerusha (Ingram), and Nancy Stetson, of Amh., d. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), June 22, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
442, 525 - Sally Beals (1st w.), of Amh., twin d. Martin & Hannah (Crocker) (1st w.), and Samuel Morgan, August 18, 1806, at Amh. [JAS]
34 - Sally, and Samuel Morgan, Aug. 18, 1806. [VR4]
444 - Sally, d. Samuel & Susannah (Felton), and David Wyeth, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
90 - Samuel, and Mary Watson, Nov. 13, 1820. [VR2]
443, 491 - Samuel, s. Abraham & Sarah (Cowls), and Hannah Marsh, d. Jonathan & Hannah Bol(cem), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
128 - Samuel, s. Samuel & Susanna (Felton), and Mary Watson, d. David & Lucinda (Dickinson), Nov. 13, 1820. [KG I-656] [TR-B-13] [VR2]
451, 762 - Samuel, s. Samuel & Susannah Felton, and Mary Watson, d. David & Lucinda (Dickinson), November 13, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
444 - Samuel, s. Samuel, and Susannah Felton, d. James & Sarah (Holton), July 28, 1791. [JAS]
454, 697 - Sanford Wells, s. William & Susanna (Ingram), and Emily Lemira Spear, of Hadley, d. Lyscum & Lydia Studley (Carlisle) (2nd w.), November 25, 1847, at Amh., no children. [JAS]
121, 440, 537 - Sarah (Clapp), d. Preserved & Sarah (West), and John Nash (2nd h.), s. John & Hannah (Ingram), April 23, 1778, at Amh. [JAS]
34 - Sarah (Clapp), d. Preserved & Sarah (West), and John Nash (2nd h.), s. John & Hannah, Apr. 23, 1778. [GenRec]
10 - Sarah, and ____ Boles, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
10 - Sarah, and ____ Field, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
13 - Sarah, and John Nash, Apr. 23, 1778. [VR4]
74, 440 - Sarah, d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Clapp), and Joseph Bolles, s. Joseph & Thankful (Smith), June 14, 1771, at Amh. [JAS]
22 - Sarah, d. Ens. Ebenezer & Sarah (Clapp) (2nd w.), and Joseph, tanner, s. Joseph & Thankful (Smith), June 14, 1771, at Amh. to Washington, VT bef. 1795. [Kellogg Gen. I-139, 291, 2] [GenRec]
438 - Sarah, d. Ephraim & Dorothy (Hawley), and Jonathan Field, of Leverett, September 6, 1773, at Amh. [JAS]
446 - Sarah, d. Ephraim & Martha (Smith), and Chester Lyman, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
197, 437 - Sarah, d. Nathaniel & Sarah (Boltwood), and Ebenezer Kellogg, s. Nehemiah & Mary (Cowles), May 26, 1720. [JAS]
33 - Sibil, and Abraham Goddard, Feb. 16, 1806. [VR4]
101 - Smith, of Greenwich, and Lydia Childs, Oct. 24, 1837. [VR2]
446 - Smith, s. Ephraim & Martha (Smith), and Susan Manwaring, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
451 - Sophia Eastman Dickinson Watson, d. Samuel & Mary (Watson), and Varian Tompkins (1st h.), of Brooklyn, NY, January 17, 1844. [JAS]
129 - Sophia Eastman Dickinson, d. Samuel & Mary (Watson), and Varian Tompkins (1st h.), s. Judge Caleb, of Westchester Co., NY, & Debroah (Varian), Jan. 17, 1844. [KG II-1347] [VR2]
351, 453 - Stillman, s. Martin & Hannah (Hastings), and Sibyl Woodbury Hastings, d. Lucius & Olive (Smith), September 13, 1837, at South Deerfield. [JAS]
444 - Susan, d. Samuel & Susannah (Felton), and Josiah Beaman Marks (1st h.), ___ __, ____,[JAS]
439 - Sybil, d. Abraham & Sarah (Cowls), and Enos Graves, of Leverett, October 6, 1785. [JAS]
440 - Sybil, d. William Partridge & Nancy (Holton), and Abraham Goddard, of Brattleboro, VT, February 16, 1806, at Amh., moved to Stuckely, lower Canada, "with 12 other families". [JAS]
458 - Thankful, d. Josiah & Hannah (Smith), and Sylvester Cook, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
374, 449 - Tryphena (Hubbard) (2nd w.), widow of Charles Kellogg (1st h.), and Timothy Henderson (2nd h.), s. Timothy & Anna (Wales), June __, 1846, at Vernon, VT. [JAS]
450 - Tryphena (Hubbard), d. Caleb & Lucretia (Ashley), and Timothy Henderson (2nd h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
68 - Waitstill, and Submit Blodget, d. David & Margaret (Scott) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
131 - Willard Mayo, s. Rufus & Ester (1st w.), and Elvira Minerva Marsh, of Hadley, d. Joseph & Roxa (Johnson), May 13, 1834. [KG II-1298] [VR2]
454 - Willard Mayo, s. Rufus & Esther (Mayo) (1st w.), and Elvira Minerva Marsh, of Hadley, d. Joseph & Roxy (Johnson), May 13, 1834, at Hadley. [JAS]
131, 132 - Willard, s. Willard Mayo & Elvira Minerva (Marsh), and Mary Elizabeth Dean, of Attleboro, d. Leprelett & Harriet Eddy (Whittaker), Apr. 2, 1867. [KG II-1298] [VR2]
125 - William Henry7, s. Henry Chester & Minerva (Park), and Ellen H. French (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [KG II-1335] [VR2]
125 - William Henry7, s. Henry Chester & Minerva (Park), and Hannah M. McKinney (2nd w.) ___ __, ____. [KG II-1335] [VR2]
440 - William Partridge, twin ? s. Ezekiel, s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Boltwood), and Nancy Holton, d. James, of New Salem, February 22, 1772. [JAS]
119 - William Wallace, s. Chester & Maria (Bixbee) (2nd w.), and Sarah Basset, ___ __, ____. [KG I-646] [VR2]
417, 447 - William, s. Joseph & Jerusha (Ingram), and Susanna Ingram, d. John & Susanna (Crocker), soon after June 15, 1805. [JAS]
91 - Wright D. (sec. h.), and Roxana (Goodale) Dickinson, ___ __, 1831. [VR2]
229, 317, 455 - Wright Dickinson (2nd h.), and Roxana (Goodell) Dickinson, wid. Stephen A. (1st h.), d. Andrew & Martha (Unknown) (Haskell), December 1, 1831, at Amh. [JAS]
97 - Wright Dickinson, and Roxanna G. Dickinson [see Stephen H. Dickinson, m. 1823, P. 91], Dec. 1, 1831. [VR2]
KELLY, see Kelley
29 - Smith, of Greenwich, and Lydia Childs, Oct. 26, 1737. [GenRec]
459 - Aaron, s. John & Lucy (Avery), and Hannah Harris, d. Ezra & Polly (Harver), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
803 - Sarah, and John Blane, both of Lisbon (probably Lisbourn, early name for Pelham), October 26, 1742. [JAS]
19 - Sarah, from Lisbon and John Blair, Oct. 26, 1742, at Amh. [CR 1-101] [GenRec]
4 - Sarah, from Lisbon, and John Blair, from Lisbon, Oct. 26, 1742. [VR4]
119, 122 - Margaret Lucena, d. Calvin & Hepzibah (Woodward), and Dwight Holland Kellogg (1st w.), s. Chester & Maria (Bixbee), Sept. 12, 1843. [KG II-1334] [VR2]
455 - Margaret Lucena, of Athol, d. Calvin & Hepsibah (Woodard), and Dwight Holland Kellogg, s. Chester & Maria Bixby (2nd w.), September 23, 1843, at Athol. [JAS]
259 - Horace N., and Cordelia Emily Draper, d. Learned Orne & Anna (Comstock), April 29, 1844, at Pelham. [JAS]
553 - Mosely Jacob, of Belchertown, and Julianna Nutting, of Amh., d. George & Judith (Hastings), December 3, 1835. [JAS]
5 - Asa, of Rowe, and Esther Adams, d. John & Betsey (Ward), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
2 - Asa, of Rowe, and Esther Adams, d. John & Betsy (Ward), Resided in Heath, ___ __, ____. [Gen. 534] [GenRec]
2 - Sally (2nd w.), and Isaiah Adams, s. John & Betsy (Ward), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
793 - Bethiah, of Enfield, d. Shubael & Bethiah (Felton), and Alden Spooner Winslow, s. Thomas & Theodosia (Pierce), August 24, 1837, at Belchertown. [JAS]
64 - Betsey, and Reuben Blackmer, ___ __, ____ . [JAS]
709 - Charlotte M., of Enfield, d. Shubael & Charlotte (Smith), and Chester Stratton, s. Roswell & Rhoda (Wright), soon after February 27, 1845. [JAS]
632 - Mary Snow, of Enfield, d. Shubael & Charlotte (Kenfield), and Francis Henry [aka Henry Russell], s. Alvin & Sarah (Marsh), January 16, 1846, at Enfield. [JAS]
542 - Sally (Whitcomb) (2nd w.), wid. _____Kennan (1st h.), and Oliver Nash (2nd h.), s. Josiah & Eunice (Knight), December 27, 1832. [JAS]
388 - Esther S., of Leicester, and Rufus Holman, resident of Leicester in 1841, bought a tanyard at East Amh. that year with Samuel B. Bailey, soon after April 16, 1842, left Amh. in March 1843 after selling his interest in the tanyard to Samuel B. Bailey. [JAS]
332 - J. Baker, and Eleanor M. Green, d. Linus & Esther (Hawley), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
53 - Jeremiah B., of Hadley, and Eleanor M. Green, of Hadley, Apr. 10, 1845. [VR4]
460 - John, of Amh., and Ruth Bump, of Amh., soon after December 11, 1819. [JAS]
332 - Laurana, and Dorus Green, s. Zera & Eleanor (Morton), November 24, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
196 - Mary, and Francis Henry Russell, ___ __, ____, in Enfield, 6 ch., 1841-1859. [VR1]
460 - Warren Debell, of Amh., and Amy Lyon, of Wendell, soon after January 23, 1805. [JAS]
627 - Francis, of Longmeadow, and Irene Prince, d. Samuel & Irene (Moody), ___ __, ____, at Amh. [VR3]
460, 599 - Francis, of Springfield (or Longmeadow), and Irene Prince, of Amh. (or Pelham), d. Samuel & Irene (Moody), (assumed to be the "Eri Prince" who joined 2nd Ch. July 1817, and was later dismissed), March 7, 1822, at Amh. [JAS]
90 - Francis, of Springfield, and Irene Prince, Mar. 7, 1822. [VR2]
266 - Hepzibah, d. John & Submit, and John Eastman, s. Joseph & Sarah (Ingram), December 22, 1779. [JAS]
771 - Mary Ann, of Brimfield, d. Justice & Elizabeth, of Sturbridge, and Russell T. Wheelock, s. Aaron & Ruth (Town), May 16, 1826, at Brimfield. [JAS]
460 - Robert Charles, and Rebecca Broome, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
557 - Hannah Matilda, d. Samuel & Hannah Phillips (Rogers), and Isaac Orr (1st h.), s. John & Sarah (Houston), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
585 - Mary Ann, of Belchertown, and Wilmoth [aka Wilmarth] Phillips, of Amh., soon after March 25, 1831. [JAS]
1 - Andrew, of Amh., and Abigail (Fisher) Adams, d. Asa & Sarah (Dickinson) (1st w.), Jan. __, 1775. [GenRec]
461 - Andrew, s. Richard & Sarah (Burley), and Elizabeth Kimball (Andrew's first cousin), d. Nathaniel & Elizabeth (Rindge), September 19, 1749, at Windham, CT. [JAS]
22 - Ann, of Windham, CT, and Benjamin Kimball, Nov. 1, 1787. [VR1]
461 - Anna (1st w.), of Windham, CT, d. Peletiah & Mary (Crowell), and Benjamin Kimball, twin s. Andrew & Elizabeth (Kimball), November 1, 1787. [JAS]
462 - Austin, of Amh., s. Benjamin & Anna (Kimball) (1st w.), and Hannah Haynes, of Monson, soon after March 16, 1809. [JAS]
22 - Benjamin, and Ann, of Windham, CT (1st w.), Nov. 1, 1787. [VR1]
22 - Benjamin, and Roxy Warren, of Ashford, CT, (2nd w.), Apr. 15, 1795. [VR1]
461 - Benjamin, twin s. Andrew & Elizabeth (Kimball), and Anna Kimball (1st w.), of Windham, CT, d. Peletiah & Mary (Crowell), November 1, 1787. [JAS]
461 - Benjamin, twin s. Andrew & Elizabeth (Kimball), and Roxey Lendy Warren (2nd w.), of Ashford, CT, d. John & Elizabeth, April 15, 1795, at Amh. [JAS]
461 - Elizabeth (Andrew's first cousin), d. Nathaniel & Elizabeth (Rindge), and Andrew Kimball, s. Richard & Sarah (Burley), September 19, 1749, at Windham, CT. [JAS]
96 - Hannah, and Simeon Pomroy, 3d, Nov. 11, 1829. [VR2]
462, 591 - Harriet Sandford (3rd w.), of Amh., d. Benjamin & Roxey Lendy (Warren) (2nd w.), and Simeon Pomroy, s. Simeon & Mary (Hastings) (1st w.), November 11, 1829, at Amh. [JAS]
27 - John F., and Lucy S. Carter, d.Samuel Cutts & Elizabeth L. Jackson (2nd w.), Nov. 14, 1864, at Amh. [GenRec]
36 - Louisa H., d. Samuel & Esther, of Enfield, and Henry Packard Clark, s. Peter & Hannah (Packard) (1st w.), Dec. 22, 1847, at Enfield. [GenRec]
464 - Orissa (2nd w.), d. Ebenezer & Judith, and Appleton King, s. Peter & Abigail (Ingram), February 4, 1834, at New Lebanon, NY. [JAS]
4 - Pelatiah, Jr., of Windham, CT, and Joanna Adams, d. Asa & Grace (Ward) (2nd w.), ___ __, 1794. [JAS]
1 - Pelatiah, Jr., of Windham, CT, and Joanna Adams, d. Asa & Grace (Ward) (2nd w.), Nov. 19, 1794, at Amh. [GenRec]
462 - Elizabeth W., d. Thompson, and Rev. Thomas G. Murphy, of Dover, Delaware, July 31, 1844, at Amh. [JAS]
462 - Thompson, s. Nathaniel & Mabel (Thompson), and Deborah W. Griffin (2nd w.), ___ __, ___. [JAS]
465 - Adin Alonzo, s. Adin & Abigail (Sloan), and Eliza E. Taylor (1st w.), of Shutesbury, February __, 1845. [JAS]
465 - Adin Alonzo, s. Adin & Abigail (Sloan), and Julia E. (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
464 - Adin, s. Ebenezer & Tamison, and Abigail Sloan, d. James A. & Lucy, December 31, 1823, at New Salem. [JAS]
463 - Albigence, physician at Pelham 1825 and 1835 at Amh., who went after his debtors by attachments on their land, and Rebekah Smith, March 26, 1825, at Pelham. [JAS]
463 - Appleton, s. Peter & Abigail (Ingram), and Crischain Electa Noble (1st w.), of Shutesbury, d. Matthew & "David", September 12, 1831, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
464 - Appleton, s. Peter & Abigail (Ingram), and Orissa Kimball (2nd w.), d. Ebenezer & Judith, February 4, 1834, at New Lebanon, NY. [JAS]
465 - Arnold P., of Amh., blacksmith at Amh., and Aurelia Parsons, of Enfield, CT, d. Asahel, Jr., December 31, 1834, at Enfield, CT. [JAS]
7, 464 - Cyrus, s. Peter & Abigail (Ingram), and Achsah Adams, of Shutesbury, d. Asa & Clarissa (Eastman), February 15, 1831, at Amh. [JAS]
2 - Cyrus, s. Peter & Abigail, and Achsa Adams, d. Asa & Clarissa (Eastman), Feb. 13/15, 1831. [GenRec]
463 - Ebenzer, s. Peter & Abigail (Ingram), and Deborah Chamberlain, ___ __, ____, at Lebanon, NY. [JAS]
183, 465 - James Munroe, s. Adin & Abigail (Sloan), and Susan Cutter, d. Benjamin Franklin & Delia M. (Butler), December 27, 1846, at Vernon, VT. [JAS]
9 - John A., of Suffield, CT, and Prudence Baker, d. Enos & Dorothy (Smith) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
29 - John Amh., of Suffield, CT, and Prudence Baker, d. Enos & Dorothy (Smith) (1st w.), soon after June 12, 1830. [JAS]
137 - John, and Lucretia Woolworth Colton, d. Simeon & Lucretia Woolworth (Colton) (1st w.), ___ __, ____, [JAS]
531 - Margaret, and Edmond Myrick, soon after August 15, 1819 (intent at Pelham), no mention of children. [JAS]
463 - Peter, s. Ebenezer & Mary (Livermore), and Abigail Ingram, soon after April 25, 1783. [JAS]
419 - Polly (2nd w.) [aka Mary], d. Starling, and Gideon Ingram (1st h.), s. John & Thankful (Rose), soon after April 17, 1796. [JAS]
158 - Polly (Lewis) (2nd w.), of Goshen, widow _____ King (1st h.), and Simeon Cowls (2nd h.), s. Jonathan & Sarah (Gaylord), June 27, 1815. [JAS]
38 - Polly, Wid. (2nd w.), and Simeon Cowles, s. Jonathan, Jr., & Sarah (Gaylord), June 27, 1815. [GenRec]
197 - Sanford R., and Martha E. Scott, of Amh., Nov. 26, 1854. [VR1]
673 - Sarah (2nd w.), d. Seth & Lydia (Ballentine), and Horace Smith, s. Silas & Asenath (Chapin), October 23, 1822, at Suffield, CT. [JAS]
22 - Sarah, of New Salem, and Thomas Harlow, of Pelham, Apr. 12, 1792. [VR4]
804 - Sarah, of New Salem, and Thomas Harlow, of Pelham, April 12, 1792. [JAS]
116 - Sarah, of New Salem, and Thomas Harlow, of Pelham, Int. Mar. 11, 1792, between May 2, 1791 and May 14, 1792. [VR1]
465 - Cyrus, s. Henry & Ann, and Phebe Heydon, d. Thomas & Molly, March 27, 1817, at Pelham. [JAS]
465 - Francis, s. Cyrus & Phebe (Heydon), and Sophia J. Tomson (1st w.), March 9, 1848, at Pelham. [JAS]
43 - Maria N., d. Matthew & Catherine (Phelps), and Homer L. Cowles, s. Daniel & Mary (Henderson), Dec. 28, 1880, at Amh. [GenRec]
723 - _____ (1st h.), and Charlotte Thayer, d. John & Polly (Hayward), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
466 - Anna Maria, d. Samuel & Mary (Benton), and Guy Merrill, September __, 1837. [JAS]
466 - Betsey, d. Samuel & Mary (Benton), and Solomon Gilbert, ___ __, ____, no children. [JAS]
286 - Hiram Chamberlain, of Guilford, VT, and Clarissa Field, d. John & Rachael (Wait) (Wells) (2nd w.), ___, __, ____. [JAS]
466 - Samuel, s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Chapman), and Mary Benton, of Rockingham, VT, d. Jacob & Hannah (Slade), June 3, 1789, at Alstead, NH. [JAS]
410 - Sophia Field, of Sturbridge, and Horace Hurlburt, September 17, 1844, at Sturbridge. [JAS]
798 - _____ (2nd h.), and Esther (Wright), d. Charles & Ruth (Boltwood), ___ __, ___. [JAS]
642 - Jemima, housewife, a. 21, and Edward S. Puffer, s. Stephen & Martha (Blodget), miller, a. 22, Aug. 3, 1887,at Northfield. [VR3]
742 - Anne (1st w.), d. Ambrose & Mabel, of Saybrook, CT, and Joseph, s. Joseph, December 7, 1813. [JAS]
554 - Emily, of Amh., and Ebenezer Nutting, s. John & Catherine (Smith) (2nd w.), January 1, 1827, at Hadley. [JAS]
467 - Harvey Lyman, s. Joseph & Lydia (Champion) (1st w.), and Sarah Jane Marshall (1st w.), of Brookfield, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
467 - Isaac Newton, s. Joseph & Lydia (Champion) (1st w.), and Frances M. Strong, of Northampton, d. Seth, August 19, 1841, at Northampton. [JAS]
467 - Joseph Champion, s. Joseph & Lydia (Champion) (1st w.), and Harriet Strong, of Northampton, d. Seth, soon after May 26, 1837. [JAS]
466 - Joseph, settled at West Springfield, and Lora Champion (2nd w.), between 1829 and 1833. [JAS]
466 - Joseph, settled at West Springfield, and Lydia Champion (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
467, 632 - Lauraette, of West Springfield, d. Joseph & Lydia (Champion) (1st w.), and Dwight Russell, s. Alvin & Sarah (Marsh), April 22, 1847, at Somers, CT. [JAS]
467 - _____, dead or gone by January 1764, and Elizabeth Unknown, she to Amh. by January 1764, she and her two children were warned out of Amh. by Selectmen April 18, 1764. [JAS]
541 - Eunice, d. Simeon & Sarah, of Ware and Rockingham, VT, and Josiah Nash, s. Enos & Joanna (Barnard), January 30, 1772. [JAS]
577 - Joseph R., of Warren, and Sarah R. Peck, d. Horace, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
747 - Philander Sumner, and Mary Ward, d. John & Polly (Davison)¸ June 11, 1837, at Pelham. [JAS]
42 - Mary E., d. Richard & Julia (Moynahan), and Albert R. Cowles, s. Ransom & Sarah B. (Gunn), Oct. 15, 1895, at Amh. [GenRec]
467 - _____ and _____ Unknown, ___ __, _____, "Mrs. Knowles" joined 2d Ch. by letter 1833, and was dismissed by letter 1838, may have been the mother of Lyman Knowles. [JAS]
25 - Betsey, and Samuel C. Ayres, April 19, 1829, at Worthington. [JAS]
468, 519 - Lyman, s. Rufus, of Worthington, and Mary W. Moody, d. Lemuel & Sally (Hanks), of Amh., soon after May 8, 1825. [JAS]
621 - Abiah, and Willard Robins (1st h.), s. Ephraim & Lydia (Barret), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
778 - Dorothy, widow at Belchertown 1797 through March 1802, member of 2nd Ch. before 1810, and Joshua Whitney, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
444 - Dutton (1st h.), of Belchertown, and Nancy Kellogg, d. Samuel & Susannah (Felton), ___ __, ____,[JAS]
88 - Elisha, and Nancy Hubbard, Nov. 3, 1817. [VR2]
401, 469 - Elisha, s. Rosel & Sophia (Goodel) (2nd w.), and Nancy Hubbard, d. Elijah & Abi (Lewis), November 3, 1817. [JAS]
468 - Nancy, d. Rosel & Sophia (Goodel) (2nd w.), and James Bartlett, November 11, 1816. [JAS]
468 - Rosel, and Sophia Goodel [aka "Via Goodel"] (2nd w.), of Belchertown, March 16, 1786. [JAS]
468 - Rosel, s. Rosel & Sophia (Goodel) (2nd w.), and Prudence Conkey, d. Elisha & Susannah (Thomson), soon after August12, 1809. [JAS]
261, 468 - Susannah Knowlton, d. Rosel & Sophia (Goodell) (2nd w.), and Josiah Dunbar, s. Josiah & Patty, October 25, 1815. [JAS]
379 - Mary Ladd, d. Samuel & Margaret (Chapman), and Leonard Hills, s. Elijah & Grace (Mariner), June 8, 1797, at Ellington, CT. [JAS]
469 - Daniel H., trader at East Amh. by December 1822, when he bought a lot, merchant at Amh. 1825, gentleman at Amh. 1826, gentleman at South Hadley by July 1829 where he lived through July 1834, and Clarissa Dwight, of South Hadley, soon after October 31, 1825. [JAS]
262 - Sarah, d. Daniel & Martha, and Justus Dwight, s. Capt. Nathaniel & Hannah (Lyman), January 19, 1763. [JAS]
511 - Mary, and Luke Montague, s. Josiah & Abigail (Montague), December 25, 1792. [JAS]
641 - Andrew, and Hannah Scott, d. Israel & Hannah (Cowles) (2nd w), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
135A - Miles M., and Anna Maria Coleman, d. Seth & Betsey (Doane), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
803 - Esther, of Bedford, and Joseph Crosby, of Amh. (NH?), September 24, 1778, at Bedford. [JAS]
46 - Frederick A., s. Ephraim & Catherine, and Jane Cutler, d. Ithamar F. & Luthera (Cutler), Nov. 15, 1870, at Amh. [GenRec]
469 - Edward [aka Michael Langden], and _____ Unknown. ___ __, ____. [JAS]
798 - Electa, and Samuel Wright, s. Silas & Eleanor (Goodale), February 15, 1810. [JAS]
744 - Abigail, and David Wait, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
475 - Pitts A. [aka Fitts A. Larned], and Cynthia, ___ __, ____, no children. [JAS]
24 - Stephen H., s. Thomas & Lucy (Holmes), and Harriet Newhall Boltwood, July 20, 1871, at Amh. [GenRec]
19 - Thomas, and ____ Dickinson, July 24, 1788. [VR4]
112 - Thomas, and Salome Dickinson, July 24, 1788. [VR1]
201, 470 - Thomas, of Amh., and Salome Dickinson, d. Nathaniel & Thankful (Barrett) (1st w.), July 24, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
15 - Darius K., of Sharon, and Fanny Hibbard Belden, d. Aaron & Sally Hibbard (1st w.), July 29, 1841, at Amh. [GenRec]
112 - Darius R., of Sharon, and Fanny H. Belden, of Amh., July 29, 1841. [VR2]
51 - Darius R., of Sharon, and Fanny Hibbard Belden, d. Aaron & Sarah (Hibbard) (1st w.), July 29, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
350 - Luther Lathrop, and Elizabeth Hastings, d. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), ___ __, ____, at Wilmington, VT. [JAS]
334 - Elizabeth, and _____ Olmstead (1st h.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
582 - Hubbard, of North Hadley, and Martha E. Perry, of Amh., d. Benjamin & Addy, May 11, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
46 - Clark, and Joanna Cook, d. Moses & Hannah (Smith), Nov. 16, 1774. [GenRec]
143, 470 - Clark, probable s. James Lawton, of Greenwich, sadler at Amh. 1773, left Amh. and returned by 1785, active in Shay's Rebellion, took Oath of Allegiance February 1787, bought land in West Amh. 1791, 1st Ch. made a complaint against him for "violation of the Third Commandment without restraint from January through April 1793", resident of Amh. March 1793, when he sold his father's land in Greenwich, and Joanna Cook, d. Moses & Hannah (Smith), November 16, 1774, at Amh. [JAS]
470 - George Washington, s. Robert & Lois (Hitchcock), and Sarah Elizabeth Gilbert, of Leverett, related to Abner Gilbert, of Leverett, May 31, 1848, at Leverett. [JAS]
470 - William H., s. Robert & Lois (Hitchcock), and Sarah Amh., ___ __, ____, no children. [JAS]
749 - Aaron, and Anna Warner, d. Jacob & Ann (Fowler), February 2, 1775, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
12 - Aaron, and Anna Warner, Feb. 2, 1775. [VR4]
140 - Lucinda, d. John & Anna (Sill), and Asa Cone, s. Daniel & Keziah (Chapman), ___ __, 1804. [JAS]
780 - Fanny, and William Wilder, both of Amh., residents of Amh. 1815, March 3, 1812, at Deerfield. [JAS]
756 - Arminda C. (2nd w.), and John Warner, s. Alonzo Elijah & Ruth Cooke (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
?804 - Be?hiah, and Daniel Rankon, both of Pelham, May 22, 1783. [JAS]
471 - Benanuel, resident of Amh. by 1776, assumed to have been on militia duty at Horse Neck 1780, sold his land at Amh. September 1786, and Lucy, ___ __, ____, lived at Amh. 1786, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
16 - Bethiah, of Pelham, and Daniel Rinken (Rinkin), of Pelham, May 22, 1783. [VR4]
583 - Jonathan, of Pelham, and Lydia Emerson Pettengill, d. Nathaniel & Eunice (Tyler), in 1796. [JAS]
470 - Timothy, and Sarah (widow at Amh. 1780, resident of Amh. 1784, with insolvent estate, poor), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
309 - Samuel Julius, teacher at Sunbury, NC, and Mary Arms Gilbert, of Amh., d. Thomas & Harriet (Arms), September 19, 1848, at Fall River. [JAS]
31 - _____, of Vernon, and Azubah Searl, Mar. 31, 1803. [VR4]
642 - _____, of Vernon, VT, and Azubah Searl, March 31, 1803, at Amh. [JAS]
197 - _____, of VT, and Azubah Searl, Mar. 31, 1803. [VR1]
471 - Abner, and Sarah (resident of Amh. April 1779, was in her "old age" in 1781, assumed to have sold 15 acres at Amh. to John Lee in July 1796), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
621 - Anna (2nd w.), supposedly resided at Amh., and Amos Robins, s. Ephraim & Lydia (Barret), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
188 - Anna H. (1st w.), of Hadley, d. Samuel W. Lee, and Benjamin Roson Darling, s. Benjamin & Celina (Cook) (Clark), December 17, 1823, at Hadley. [JAS]
35 - Betsey, and Eliphalet Pease, Apr. 14, 1808. [VR4]
574 - Betsy Lee, of Amh., and Eliphalet Pease, s. Peter & Desire (Munsel), April 14, 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
11 - Cynthia, of Leverett, and Perez, Field, Nov. 19, 1795. [GenRec]
473 - Ezra, s. John & Elizabeth (Unknown) (2nd w.), and Mary Sawtell [aka Polly], of Townsend, soon after April 20, 1814. [JAS]
676 - Fanny [aka Frances], and William Henry Smith [aka Harry W. Smith], s. Moses & Lois W. (Lee), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
10 - Gideon, and Lucy Wood, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
472, 747 - Gideon, s. Abner & Sarah, and Lucy Ward, d. Isaac & Sybil (Moore), between 1764 and 1774. [JAS]
784 - Hannah (2nd w.), lived at Amh. 1800, and John Williams, s. Ebenezer & Mehitable (Fowler), ca 1773, at Amh. [JAS]
11 - Hannah, and John Williams, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
472, 621 - Henry, s. Abner & Sarah, and Cata Robins [aka Katharine], d. Ephraim & Lydia (Barret), ___ __, ____, at Amh. [JAS]
39 - Ira, and Sophia Nash, Nov. 29, 1810. [VR4]
473 - Ira, s. John & Elizabeth (Unknown) (2nd w.), and Sophia (Ellsworth) Rice [aka Sophia Nash], of Amh., November 29, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
13 - John, and ____ Cole, Apr. 9, 1778. [VR4]
471 - John, s. Abner & Sarah, and Elizabeth [aka Betsey] (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
471 - John, s. Abner & Sarah, and Elizabeth Cole (1st w.), April 9, 1778, at Amh. [JAS]
255 - Juliet, d. Rev. Chauncey, of Colebrook, CT, and Gardner Dorrance, s. Rev. Gordon, November 28, 1827. [JAS]
670 - Lois W., and Moses Smith, , s. Noadiah & Sarah (Lee), April __, 1816. [JAS]
2 - Margaret (2nd w.), and Samuel Abby, s. Samuel & Rachel (Masson), May 27, 1827, at Milo, Yates Co., NY, removed to Canandaigua, NY, by 1795. [JAS]
354 - Minerva, of Conway, d. Horatio & ____ (Densmore), and Edmund Hastings, s. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), May 23, 1849, at Conway. [JAS]
515 - Rebecca, and Medad Moody, twin s. Jonathan & Bridget (Smith), December 4, 1770, at Amh. [JAS]
9 - Rebeckah, and Medad Moody, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
662 - Sarah, and Noadiah Smith, s. Moses & Hannah (Childs), November 3, 1779, probably at Amh. [JAS]
781 - Warren N., and Eliza A. Wiley, d. Samuel & Sally (Lombard), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
748 - Lucius W., of Ellsworth, OH, and Emily Gaylord Ward, d. Samuel Dexter & Lucretia (Smith) Gaylord, August 10, 1843. [JAS]
283 - Mary B., and Joel William Fenn, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
18 - Anna, of Conway, and Jo Fisher, of Shelburn, Aug. 31, 1786. [VR4]
803 - Anna, of Conway, and John Fish(e)r, of Shelburn, August 31, 1786, at Amh. [JAS]
474 - Eliza Tryphena, of Sherborn, d. Joseph P. & Tryphena, cousin of John Henry Martin Leland, and John Henry Martin Martin, s. John & Lydia (Leland) (1st w.), October 18, 1845, at Sherborn. [JAS]
383 - John (2nd h.), and Harriett (Moseley) Hinsdale, d. David & Rebecca (Dewey), wid. Levi (1st h.), soon after February 1830. [JAS]
474 - John (2nd h.), s. Rev. John & Hepzibah (Leland), and Harriet (Mosely) Hinsdale (2nd w.), of Pittsfield, widow of Levi Hinsdale (1st h.), May 9, 1839, at Pittsfield. [JAS]
474 - John Henry Martin, s. John & Lydia (Leland) (1st w.), and Eliza Tryphena Leland, of Sherborn, d. Joseph P. & Tryphena, cousin of John Henry Martin Leland, October 18, 1845, at Sherborn. [JAS]
474 - John, s. Rev. John & Hepzibah (Leland), and Lydia Leland (1st w.), d. Aaron & Deborah, cousin of John Leland, June __, 1808, at Boston. [JAS]
474 - Lydia (1st w.), d. Aaron & Deborah, cousin of John Leland, and John Leland, s. Rev. John & Hepzibah (Leland), June __, 1808, at Boston. [JAS]
474 - Aaron, perhaps from West Springfield, to Sunderland ca 1734, blacksmith, moved to Amh. 1745, moved to Bennington, VT, ca 1762, and Martha Cooley, September 22, 1737, at Sunderland. [JAS]
183 - Cordelia A. of Sunderland (1st w.) and Calvin Merrill, s. Abram & Joanna, Oct. 1, 1821. [VR3]
507 - Cordelia Amelia (1st w.), of Sunderland, and Calvin Merrill, s. Calvin & Orinda (Rowe), October 1, 1821, at Sunderland. [JAS]
476 - Cordelia Amelia, d. Moses & Pamelia (Hubbard), and Calvin Merrill, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
126 - Emeline, and Lyman Smith Kellogg, s. Horace & Alma (Smith), ___ __, ____. [KG II-1321] [VR2]
456 - Emeline, d. Seth, formerly of Buckland, and Lyman Smith Kellogg, s. Horace & Almarina (Smith), October 9, 1827. [JAS]
22 - Jerusha (2nd w.), of Sutherland, d. Col. Noadiah, and William Ashley, s. Stephen & Elizabeth (Billings), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
475 - Jerusha, d. Noadiah & Polly (Williams), and Horace Kellogg, May 15, 1840. JAS
198 - Joanna (2nd w.), of Westfield, and Nathan Dickinson, s. Ebenezer & Hannah (Frary), April 20, 1751. [JAS]
51 - Julia N. W., d. Moses & Pamelia, of Sunderland, and Robert Cutler, s. Dr. Isaac Gurnsey & Nancy (Hastings), Feb. 3, 1831, at Amh. [GenRec]
179, 476 - Julia Narcissa, of Amh., d. Moses & Pamelia (Hubbard), and Robert Cutler, s. Isaac Gurnsey & Nancy (Hastings), February 3, 1831, at Amh. [JAS]
475 - Louisa, d. Noadiah & Polly (Williams), and David Hubbard (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
40 - Lucilla S. (2nd w.), of Sunderland, and Levi D. Cowles, s. Chester & Abigail (Dickinson) (1st w.), Mar. 7, 1848, at Sunderland. [GenRec]
167, 475 - Lucilla Stanley (2nd w.), d. Noadiah &. Polly (Williams), of Sunderland, and Levi Dickinson Cowles, s. Chester Coles & Abigail (Dickinson) (1st w.), adopted by Oliver Cowls, March 7, 1848, at Sunderland. [JAS]
476 - Lydia, d. Nehemiah, and Hollis Wilber, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
476 - Mary Pamelia, d. Moses & Pamelia (Hubbard), and Eli Woodruff, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
476 - Moses, s. Noadiah & Jerusha (Smith), and Pamelia Hubbard, d. William & Hannah (Baker), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
476 - Myra Aurelia, d. Moses & Pamelia (Hubbard), and Emmons Russell, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
476 - Nehemiah (2nd h.), and Martha (Unknown) Holton (2nd w.), wid. _____ Holton (1st h.), August 15, 1773, at New Salem. [JAS]
476 - Nehemiah, and Hannah Childs (1st w.), September 27, 1768, at New Salem. [JAS]
476 - Nehemiah, and Jerusha (3rd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
475 - Noadiah, s. Noadiah & Jerusha (Smith), and Polly Williams, d. Oliver & Zerviah (Ballard), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
797 - Penelope (1st w.), and Samuel Wright, s. Samuel, May 1_?, 1757. [JAS]
260 - Sarah Ann, d. Watson & Abashabe, and Stephen Dunakin, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
476 - Sybel, d. Nehemiah, and Benjamin Kellogg, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
476 - Williams W., s. Noadiah & Polly (Williams), and Almira Day, of Northampton, soon after May 29, 1829, had children born in Ashfield. [JAS]
477 - Jesse F., came from Worcester to Amh. 1845, left Amh. prior to 1850, but returned in 1851, and Mary, lived in 1850, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
13 - Hannah, and Joseph Hulet, Feb. 18, 1779. [VR4]
406 - Hannah, and Joseph Hulett, of Amh.?, February 18, 1779, at Amh. [JAS]
401, 477 - Abi [aka Abia & Abigail], d. Noadiah & Irene (Clapp), and Elijah Hubbard, s. Isaac & Submit (Graves), February 15, 1795, at Amh. [JAS]
24 - Abi, and Elijah Hubbard, Feb. 15, 1795. [VR4]
118 - Abi[gail], and Elijah Hubbard, Feb. 14, 1795. [VR1]
48 - Betsy (1st w.), and Benjamin Cooley, s. Alden & Mercy (Kellogg), Oct. 31, 1799, at Amh. [GenRec]
27 - Betsy, and Benjamin Cooley, Oct. 31, 1799. [VR4]
477 - Betsy, d. Noadiah & Irene (Clapp), and Benjamin Cooley, of Whately, October 31, 1799, at Amh. [JAS]
94, 478 - Elisha, s. Noadiah & Irene (Clapp), and Zibeah[aka Zibby] Bryant, perhaps second w., d. Seth & Elizabeth (French), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
414, 653 - Elizabeth (Smith), d. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), former w. Noadiah Lewis (1st h.), of Farmington, CT, and Elisha Ingram (2nd h.), s. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), August 14, 1743, probably at Amh. [JAS]
118 - Irena, and Simeon Clark Jr., Apr. 23, 1795. [VR1]
125, 477 - Irene (2nd w.), d. Noadiah & Irene (Clapp), and Simeon Clark, s. Simeon & Rebekah (Strong), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
35 - Irene (2nd w.), d. Noadiah, and Simeon Clark, s. Simeon & Rebecca (Strong), Apr. 23, 1795, at Amh. [GenRec]
24 - Irene, and Simeon Clark, Jr., Apr. 23, 1795. [VR4]
803 - Lucy A. (2nd w.), of Belchertown, b. ca 1826, at Palmer, and George H. Allen, of Palmer, b, ca 1826, at Belchertown, livery stable keeper, August 14, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
203 - Mary A. (1st w.), and William G Strickland., s. Francis & Jenisha [Alt. Jerusha] (Gaylord), July 24, 1844, at A. [VR1]
710 - Mary Ann (1st w.), of Middletown CT, and William Green Strickland, s. Francis L. & Jerusha (Gaylord), July 24, 1814, at Middletown CT. [JAS]
116 - Mary E., Miss, of Middletown, CT, and W[illia]m G. Strickland, of A. [VR2]
569 - Mary Eliza, and James Parsons, s. David & Harriet (Williams), April 5, 1832. [JAS]
8 - Noadiah, and Irene Clap, Mar. 1, 1759. [VR4]
34 - Noadiah, and Irene Clapp, d. Preserved & Sarah (West), Mar. 1, 1759. [GenRec]
121, 477 - Noadiah, s. Noadiah & Elizabeth (Smith), and Irene Clapp, d. Preserved & Sarah (West), ___ __, 1759, at Amh. [JAS]
381 - Polly (1st w.), d. Nathan, of Chatham, and East Hampton, CT, and Samuel Hills, s. John & Mindwell (Wright), June 16, 1796, at East Hampton, CT. [JAS]
372, 478 - Polly Lewis (2nd w.), d. Noadiah & Irene (Clapp), and Daniel Heath, March 5, 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
25 - Polly, and Daniel Heath, Mar. 5, 1797. [VR4]
478 - Rachel, of Amh., d. Noadiah & Irene (Clapp), and Seth Belding, of Whately, shortly after October 23, 1807. [JAS]
477, 540 - Salome [aka Sally], d. Noadiah & Irene (Clapp), and Moses Nash, s. John & Mary (Graves) (1st w.), August 16, 1792, at Amh. [JAS]
22 - Salome, and Moses Nash, Aug. 16, 1792. [VR4]
117 - Salome, and Moses Nash__ __, 1792. [VR1]
75 - Sarah, d. Capt. William, of Farmington, CT, and Samuel Boltwood, s. Robert & Mary, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
115 - Susanna, and Elihu Dickinson, between May 27, 1791 and Apr. 27, 1792. [VR1]
206, 477 - Susanna, d. Noadiah & Irene (Clapp), and Elihu Dickinson, s. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), September 28, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
9 - Julia M., d. Joseph & Elizabeth, of Middletown, CT, and Charles Adams, s. Solomon & Abigail (Fisk), October 1, 1834, at Middletown, CT. [JAS]
2 - Julia M., d. Joseph & Elizabeth, of Middletown, CT, and Charles Adams, s. Rev. Solomon & Abigail (Fish), Oct. 1, 1834, at Middletown, CT [GenRec]
691 - Augustus, of Ashfield, and Mary Smith, of Amh. [perhaps NH], March 1, 1849, at Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
35 - Eleanor, and Levi, s. Simeon & Rebecca (Strong), ___ __, ____, at Lanesborough. [GenRec]
125 - Eleanor, and Levi Clark, s. Simeon & Rebekah (Strong), November 15, 1780, at Lanesborough. [JAS]
488 - Hannah J. (1st w.), of Pelham, and Chandler Manley, of Northampton, December 27, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
286 - Silence, and John Field, s. John & Elizabeth Henderson (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
159 - Ruth (2nd w.), of Amh. [previously of Bridgewater], and Oliver Cowls, s. Oliver & Irene (Dickinson), January 16, 1806, at Amh. [JAS]
38 - Ruth (2nd w.), of Bridgewater, and Oliver Cowles, s. Oliver & Irene (Dickinson), Jan. 16, 1806, at A. [GenRec]
479 - Jonathan Edwards, s. Jonathan & Tempe (Seabury), and Caroline Green, of Hadley, d. Dorcas, November 30, 1848, at Sunderland. [JAS]
478 - Jonathan, and Tempe Seabury, d. Joseph & Rebecca (Chapman), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
195 - Sarah, and Robert C. Robinson, of Troy, NY, ___ __, ____. [VR1]
52 - Sarah, of A., and Robert C. Robinson, of Gray, NH, Oct. 6, 1842. [VR4]
112 - Sarah, of A., and Robert C. Robinson, of Troy, NY, Oct. 6, 1842. [VR2]
479 - Sarah, of Amh., d. Jonathan & Tempe (Seabury), and Robert C. Robinson, of Troy, NY, October 6, 1842, at Amh. [JAS]
33 - Ruth, and Oliver Cowls, Jan. 16, 1806. [VR4]
479 - Lyman, s. Elijah & Sarah, and Elizabeth G. Eveleth, of Enfield, shortly after February 2, 1823. [JAS]
356 - Rachael, d. Elijah & Sarah, sister of Lyman Livermore, and Elijah Hasting, s. Elijah & Jerusha (Billings) (1st w.), January 19, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
91 - Rachel, and Elijah Hastings, Jan. 19, 1823. [VR2]
745 - Jane, and John D. Waldner, both of Amh., soon after July 8, 1827. [JAS]
LOCK, see Locke
39 - Mary, and Isaac Fish, Jan. 28, 1811. [VR4]
LOCKE, see Lock
479, 678 - _____, resident of Williamson, NY, and Triphena Smith, d. Edward & Hamutal (Ellsworth), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
293, 479 - Mary, of Amh., d. _____ & Triphena (Smith), and Isaac Fish, s. Stephen & _____ (Unknown), January 28, 1811, at Amh. [JAS]
17 - _____ (2nd w.), and Joel Billings, s. John & Sarah (Matthews) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [GenRec]
4 - Francis W., s. Levi W. & Lydia, of Enfield, and Laura Jane Albee, d. John E. & Lydia B. (Wellman), June 8, 1851, at A. [GenRec]
781 - Sally, d. Benjamin & Sally (Gibbs), and Samuel Wiley, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
375 - Dolly (1st w.), of Shelburne, and Gideon Henderson, s. Timothy & Anna (Wales), ___ __, 1810. [JAS]
374 - Ozias, of Elyria, Ohio, and Harriet Henderson, of Amh., d. Timothy & Anna (Wales), December 14, 1829. [JAS]
89 - Austin, of Bolton, CT, and Hannah Dickinson, Feb. 2, 1820. [VR2]
212, 479 - Austin, s. Thomas & Eunice (Mann), and Hannah Dickinson (1st w.), of Amh., d. Azariah & Mary (Eastman), February 2, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
635 - Clarrissa (2nd w.), of Amh., and Benoni Rust, August 3, 1828, at Middlefield. [JAS]
45 - Emma L., and Edward Gould Colton, s. Rev. A. M., practicing dentist in Brooklyn for 30 years, May 3, 1870, at N. Y. City. [GenRec]
537 - Experience (Parsons) Loomis (3rd w.), d. Nathaniel, of Northampton, wid. Amos Loomis (1st h.), of Southampton, and David Nash (2nd h.), s. John & Hannah (Ingram), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
480 - John Milton [aka Milton], s. Austin & Hannah (Dickinson) (1st w.), and Sarah S. Gleason or Leason, of Amh., d. David A. & Mary (Fairbanks), October 25, 1843, at Montague. [JAS]
804 - Mary, a single women of Williamsburg, and Ansel Packard, farmer of Wendell, April 23, 1846, at Amh. [JAS]
62 - Redexsalna (2nd w.), d. John & Redexselano, and Jonathan Bissell, s. Jonathan & Elizabeth (Holliday), September 13, 1791. [JAS]
480 - David B., resident of Amh. by May 1836, when he bought a small lot, carriage maker at Amh. in business with Samuel C. Ayres, gentleman at Amh. 1837, carriage trimmer and maker through November 1939, sold his lot and left Amh. by 1840, and Eliza S. Broad, of Leverett, soon after October 8, 1836. [JAS]
639 - Sophia, and John Sanford, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
732 - Susan D., and Amherst Thompson, s. Amherst & Sarah, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
51 - Darius R., of Sharon, and Fanny H. Belden, of Amh., July 29, 1841. [VR4]
LOVEL, see Lovell
11 - ____, and Hannah Smith, ___ __, ____. [VR4]
LOVELL, see Lovel
678 - Irene (Chapin) Lovell (2nd w.), of Rockingham, CT, d. _____ Chapin, of East Windsor, CT, wid _____ Lovell (2nd h.), and Nathaniel Alexander Smith [aka Alexander Smith] (1st h.), s. Alexander & Rebekah (Warner), October 13, 1811. [JAS]
480 - John E., of Amh., had professional income in Amh. 1830, and Henrietta Fletcher, of Amh., soon after December 14, 1828. [JAS]
768 - John L., of Ware, and Nancy Maria Wellman, of Amh., d. John [her mother = Lydia (Blandon) (1st w.)], October 14, 1847, at Northampton. [JAS]
3 - Lavinia S., d. Phillip, and Emerson Abercrombie, s. David & Mary (Eaton), October 23, 1848, at Pelham. [JAS]
480 - Nehemiah G., resident of Princeton before coming to Amh. 1836, Pastor of Amh. Babt. Ch. November 1836 through January 19, 1840, when he resigned because of lack of pay, but with no hard feelings, left Amh. soon after January 1840, and Lucy B., ___ __, ____. [JAS]
677 - Oliver, of Rockingham, CT, and Hannah Smith, d. Alexander & Rebekah (Warner), between 1765 and 1774, at Amh. [JAS]
481 - Addison Amh., s. John & Angeline (Ballou), and Mary Fogarty, August 10, 1850, in Ware. [JAS]
36 - Edward B., and Rozina Ballou, d. Leonard & Phebe (Trask), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
480 - Wheaton, s. John & Angeline (Ballou), and Lydia Stowel, of Shutesbury, d. Henry & Elizabeth (Sanderson), November 26, 1839, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
194 - W[illia]m, and Juliette Roberts, ___ __, ____, 5 ch., 1860-1876. [VR1]
165 - Samuel, 2nd, and Charlotte Cowles, d. Simeon & Sarah (Dickinson), October 26, 1840. [JAS]
109 - Isabel, and Aaron Gray, Feb. 22, 1759. [VR1]
481 - Enos, s. Nathaniel, and Sarah Thayer, October 7, 1836. [JAS]
770 - Salome (Unknown) (2nd w.), wid. of _____ Luscomb (1st h.), of New Bedford, and Abraham (2nd h.), s. Abraham & Naomi, soon after December 13, 1841. [JAS]
482 - Abigail Jones, d. Theodore & Susan Willard (Whitney), and Joseph Savage, of Montreal, Canada, May 18, 1829, perhaps at Amh., went to Montreal, Canada. [JAS]
37 - Achsa, d. Timothy, of Chester, and William Coleman, a physician, s. Seth & Sarah (Beecher) (1st w.), ___ __, ____, went to Middlefield then to West Hartford, CT. and then to Pittsfield. [GenRec]
135 - Achsa, of Chester, and William Coleman, s. Seth & Sarah (Beecher) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
482 - Anna Whiting, d. Josiah Dwight & Betsy (Whiting), October 12, 1823, at Northfield. [JAS]
482 - Anna Whiting, of Amh., d. Josiah Dwight & Betsy (Whiting), and Francis G. Parker, a merchant of Boston, April 28, 1846, probably at Springfield. [JAS]
446 - Chester, and Sarah Kellogg, d. Ephraim & Martha (Smith), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
432 - Elizabeth M. (1st w.), d. Joseph & Elizabeth, and Thomas Jones, s. Elnathan & Mary, June 3, 1829, at Northampton. [JAS]
96 - Elizabeth, and Cullen Sawtelle, Esq., of Norridgwork, ME (Norridgewock on map), Aug. 26, 1830. [VR2]
481 - Elizabeth, of Amh., d. Josiah Dwight & Betsy (Whiting), and Cullen Sawtelle, Esq., of Norridgewock, ME, August 26, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
56 - George J., of Hadley, and Pamelia J. Taylor, of A, Nov. 8, 1848. [VR4]
718 - George J., of Hadley, and Pamelia J. Taylor, of Amh., d. Willard & Sarah, November 8, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
495 - Harriet H., (3rd w.), d. Enos & Lydia, of Hadley, and William Edward Mather, s. William & Ann (Clark), June 29, 1948, at Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
482 - Henry, s. Theodore & Susan Willard (Whitney), and Eliza Found, May 16, 1832. [JAS]
47 - Hepsibah (Lyman) (2nd w.), wid. of Richard Lyman, of Northampton, Oct. 7, 1664. [GenRec]
482 - John, s. George & Laura (W____), and Julia Avis Smith, of South Hadley, d. Hiram & Mary (Moody), September 5, 1850. [JAS]
481 - Josiah Dwight, and Betsy Whiting, of Northfield, February 1, 1808. [JAS]
280 - Luther Amh., of Hadley, and Esther L. Ewings, d. William, soon after October 13, 1831. [JAS]
579 - Mary (Unknown) (2nd w.), wid. _____ Lyman (1st h.), perhaps related to Mark Doolittle, of Belchertown, formerly lived at Enfield, and Nathan Perkins (2nd h.), s. Rev. Nathan & Catherine (Pitkin), April 30, 1835, at Enfield. [JAS]
189 - Mary, Mrs. (2nd w.), and Rev Nathan Perkins, ___ __, ____. [VR1]
483 - Susan Whitney, d. Theodore & Susan Willard (Whitney), and Alexander Frederick Sabine, May 17, 1842, at Montreal, Canada. [JAS]
482 - Theodore, s. Elisha & Abigail (Jones), and Susan Willard Whitney, possibly related to David S. Whitney, of Northampton, October 9, 1806. [JAS]
482, 793 - William Ellis, s. William & Clarissa, and Flavia Redexa Wolcott, d. Guy & Redesca (Bissell), of Amh., November 30, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
559 - Honora, d. John & Mary (Fitzgerald) Lynch, and Cornelius O'Conner, s. John & Ellen (Sullivan), ___ __,____. [JAS]
103 - Achsah L., and Daniel J. Shumway, of Belchertown, Oct. 24, 1841. [VR2]
483, 648 - Achsah L., d. Asahel & Rachel, and Daniel S. Shumway, s. Abijah & Bridget (Smith), October 24, 1841. [JAS]
483 - Asahel, and Rachel [aka Achsah], ___ __, ____. [JAS]
195, 483 - Elizabeth, d. Asahel & Rachel, and Samuel Fowler Dewey, s. Salmon Cone & Sarah (Thayer) (1st w.), October 30, 1838, at Hinsdale, NH. [JAS]
485 - Lewis L., and Abigail C., ___ __, ____. [JAS]
LYON, see Lyons
209 - Abigail (2nd w.), and Israel Dickinson, s. John & Ester (Dickinson), March 16, 1786, at Amh. [JAS]
18 - Abigail, and Israel Dickinson, Mar. 16, 1786. [VR4]
460 - Amy, of Wendell, and Warren Debell Kentfield, of Amh., soon after January 23, 1805. [JAS]
716 - Homer, of Ludlow, and Maria Taylor, twin d. Moses & Letitia (Richardson) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
LYONS see Lyon
565 - Abigail (Unknown) (2nd w.), of Colrain, wid. David Lyons (1st h.), lived at Amh. 1820, and Eli (2nd h.), soon after November 9, 1814. [JAS]