Vital Records Of Amherst,
Hampshire County, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
(Some Records to the Early 20th Century)
Published by The New England Historic and Genealogical Society in the Corbin Collection,
and by The Search & Research Publishing Corporation
[Transcribed by Carlton O. Hommel]

188 - Barnabas W., May 11, 1874, a. 66 y. [GR1]
636 - Barnabas, h. Elizabeth Ingram (1st w.), s. of William & Susanna, January 20, 1794, at Amh. [JAS]
783 - Barnabas, h. Sarah, Jan. 20, 1794, Æ 49 y. [GR3]
783 - Chandler, h. Ruby, May 6, 1862, Æ 71 y. [GR3]
638 - Eliza W., d. Chandler & Ruby (Thayer), January 6, 1830, of consunption, at Amh. [JAS]
783 - Eliza W., Jan. 6, 1830, Æ 17 y. [GR3]
783 - Ephraim T., h. L. Maria (Whitney), July 12, 1900. [GR3]
637 - John, s. Barnabas & Sarah (Scott) (2nd w.), probably before 1787, probably at Amh. [JAS]
783 - L. Maria (Whitney), w. Ephraim T., Nov. 12, 1919. [GR3]
188 - Lovina P., only d. Barnabas W. & Sabra A., July 19, 1870, a. 23 y. [GR1]
783 - Porter, Nov. 23, 1823, Æ 7 y. [GR3]
638 - Porter, s. Chandler & Ruby (Thayer), November 23, 1823, probably at Belchertown. [JAS]
783 - Ruby S., d. Ephraim T. & L. Maria (Whitney), May 25, 1872, Æ 5 y. 5 m. [GR3]
783 - Ruby, w. Chandler, May 13, 1869, Æ 87 y. [GR3]
637 - Sarah (Scott), 2nd w. Barnabas, January 21, 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
783 - Sarah, w. Barnabas, Jan. 21, 1797, Æ 42 y. [GR3]
188 - William A., only s. Barnabas W. & Sabra A., Nov. 12, 1861, a. 17 y. [GR1]
637 - William, h. Fanny Gardner, s. Barnabas & Sarah (Scott) (2nd w.), May 24, 1823, at Kendon, VT. [JAS]
190 - Betsy, w. Nathaniel, Feb. 27, 1870, a. 81 y. [GR1]
1483 - Charles H., h. Mary A. (Morse), ___ __, 1932, Masonic Marker. [GR3]
188, 189 - Dorothy, adopted d. Mary E. Sanderson, ___ __, 1907. [GR1]
639 - E____, September 2, 1839, of fever, at Amh. [JAS]
39 - E____ , Mr., of VT, Fever, Sept. 2, 1839, a. 20 y. [VR2]
189 - J. Eugene, h. Martha (Pomeroy), ___ __, 1913. [GR1]
639 - James K., s. John & Eunice Ann (Hart), May 16, 1864, at Fredericksburg, VA., wounded, and his leg amputated, unmarriedf [JAS]
190 - Lydia P., w. Nathaniel, Jr. Oct. 20, 1913, a. 83 y. [GR1]
189 - Martha (Pomeroy), w. J. Eugene, ___ __, 1921. [GR1]
189 - Mary, ___ __, 1931. [GR1]
190 - Nathaniel, h. Btsey Oct. 29, 1872, a. 87 y. [GR1]
190 - Nathaniel, Jr., h. Lydia P., Apr. 6, 1862, a. 50 y. [GR1]
1483 - Ralph M., s. Charles H. & Mary A. (Morse), ___ __, 1887. [GR3]
49, 189 - Walter E., ___ __, 1903. [GR1]
190 - Mason L., Jan. 10, 1912. [GR1]
191 - Charlie A., s. T. P. & E. M., Aug. 7. 1865. [GR1]
641 - Aaron, s. Rufus & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), Soldier in the Civil War, ___ __, 1864. [JAS]
206 - Fanny (Dickinson), w. Leonard, d. Elihu & Susanna (Lewis), ca 1840, at Lanesboro. [JAS]
641 - Hannah (Cowles), 2nd w. Israel, April 20, 1827, at Hadley. [JAS]
39 - Hannah (Cowles), h. Israel, d. Eleazar & Hannah (Dickinson), Apr. 20, 1827, at Hadley. [GenRec]
641 - Israel, s. Rufus & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), August 23, 1848, probably at North Hadley. [JAS]
81 - John, Oct. 3, 1737, a. 27 (The first person buried in Amherst grave yard.) [Judds Hadley No. 1 P. 242] [VR4]
282 - John, of Kings Town, s. Wil[lia]m, Oct 3, 1737, a. 27, oldest stone in cemetery. [GR3]
640 - John, s. of William & Sarah (Foot), October 3, 1737, at Amh. [JAS]
225, 641 - Martha Dickinson, of Amh., 1st w. Rufus, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Barrows), December 29, 1836, at North Hadley. [JAS]
588 - Sally Ann, w. George W., Aug. 8, 1896, Æ 77 y. [GR3]
56, 640 - Sarah (Billings), w. William, d. Joel & Mary (Field) (1st w.), probably between April 15, 1846 and October 1836. [JAS]
542 - Sarah (Nash), w. Andrew, d. Josiah & Eunice (Knight), January 21, 1847, at Cleveland, OH. [JAS]
893 - Walter, h. Esther (Osborn), ___ __, 1934. [GR2]
641 - Bethia Ward, 1st w. Horatio, February 13, 1850, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
666 - Alli___, d. Charles O. & Sophia F., May 9, 1859, Æ 4 y. [GR3]
667 - Annie, d. G. O. & S. F., Jan. 7, 1867. [GR3]
715 - Arthur, s. S. & M., June 22, 1864, a. 18 y., GAR Marker. [GR2]
643 - Arthur, s. Sardis & Mariette (Jenks) (2nd w.), Soldier in the Civil War, Co. D., 27th Mass Vol. Inf, June 22, 1864, of typhoid fever, at Amh. [JAS]
642 - Barnabas, 1st h. Mary (Gray) (Sears), s. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), September 20, 1829, of yellow fever, at Savannah, GA. [JAS]
165 - Barnabas, Feb. 26, 1850, Æ 85. [GR2]
642 - Barnabas, h. Thankful (Blackmer), s. Silas & Deborah (Buck), February 26, 1850, of old age, at Amh. [JAS]
669 - Charles O., h. Sophia F., April 23, 1900, a. 81 y. [GR3]
47 - Eli, Mr., Acc. Killed, Oct. 6, 1841, a. 42 y. [VR2]
221 - Eli, Oct. 6, 1841, a. 42. [GR2]
642 - Eli, s. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), October 6, 1841, killed instantantly in an accident where he was crushed by a cart wheel, at North Amh. [JAS]
643 - Erastus F., s. Nathan & Julia A., Aug. 10, 1855. [GR2]
668 - Fred F., Sept. 30, 1888. [GR3]
643 - Julia A. "Mother", w. Nathan, Oct. 10, 1893. [GR2]
719 - Mariette, w. Sardis, Dec. 27, 1864, Æ 47 y. [GR2]
665 - Mary J. (Edward), w. Charles O., ___ __, 1932. [GR3]
643 - Nathan, "Father", h. Julia A., Jan. 20, 1878. [GR2]
219 - Rhoda, Aug. 17, 1871, Æ 78. [GR2]
642 - Ruth, d. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), October 5, 1848, of consumption, at Amh., unmarried. [JAS]
220 - Ruth, Oct. 6, 1848, Æ 57. [GR2]
719 - Sardis, h. Mariette, Mar. 12, 1869, Æ 52 y. [GR2]
670 - Sophia F., w. Charles O., Dec. 16, 1871, a. 51 y. [GR3]
642 - Thankful (Blackmer), w. Barnabas, April 15, 1819, perhaps at Pelham. [JAS]
165 - Thankful, April 15, 1819, Æ 52. [GR2]
218 - Thankful, Oct. 9, 1879, a. 83 y. [GR2]
671 - William G., ___ __, 1916, FLT Marker. [GR3]
644 - _____, in. ch. William F. & Fanny (Williams) (1st w.), November 16, 1817, at Amh. [JAS]
644 - _____, in. ch. William F. & Fanny (Williams) (1st w.), October 5, 1819, at Amh. [JAS]
644, 784 - Fanny (Williams), 1st w. William F., d. Justus & Abigail (Pomeroy), June 23, 1826, at Amh. [JAS]
42 - Fanny W., Miss, d. Doct. W[illia]m F., Consumption, Feb. 16, 1840, a. 16 y. [VR2]
644 - Fanny Williams, d. William F. & Fanny (Williams) (1st w.), February 16, 1840, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
1099 - Fanny, d. Dr. W[illia]m F. & Fanny, Feb. 16, 1840, Æ 16. [GR3]
1099 - Fanny, w. Dr. William F., June 23, 1826, Æ 35. [GR3]
1099 - Jerusha, May 25, 1840, Æ 83. [GR3]
43 - Jerusha, Mrs., Angina Pectoris, May 29, 1840, a. 83 y. [VR2]
644 - Jerusha, w. _____, May 25, 1840, of angina pectoria, at Amh. [JAS]
644 - Pollina, d. _____ & Jerusha, shortly before January 8, 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
51 - W[illia]m F., Doct., Erysipelas, Dec. 31, 1842, a. 55 y. [VR2]
1099 - William F., Dr., h. Fanny, Dec. 31, 1842, Æ 56. [GR3]
644 - William F., h. Fanny (Williams), (1st w.), h. Sarah (White) (2nd w.), s. _____ & Jerusha, December 31, 1842, of erysipelas, at Amh. [JAS]
9 - Sarah, w. Cyril W., d. Enos & Lucretia (2nd w.), ___ __, ____, at Somers, CT. [GenRec]
SHADDUCK, see Shattuck
10 - Ellen Maria, d. Henry & Thirza, Apr. __, 1843. [VR2]
SHATTUCK, see Shadduck
496 - Ellen Maria, d. Henry & Tirza (Porter), April 4, 1843. [GR2]
416 - Experience (Ingram), w. Gideon, d. Philip & Experience (Montague) (Pierce), September 12, 1837, at Ticonderoga, NY. [JAS]
496 - Henry, h. Tirza (Porter), June 22, 1851. [GR2]
659 - Lucy (Clapp) (Smith), w. David (2nd h.), wid Martin Smith (1st h.), ___ __ ____, at Randolph, VT. [JAS]
654 - Mary (Smith), w. Daniel, d. Stephen & Mary (Ingram), September 3, 1788. [JAS]
496 - Olive, d. Henry & Tirza (Porter), April 2, 1833. [GR2]
496 - Tirza (Porter), w. Henry, Sept. 24, 1857. [GR2]
1632 - Almera, d. Henry & Polly R., April 3, 1881. [GR3]
25 - Charles A. Shaw, h. Fanny Roe (Bridgman), s. Cushing & Betsey (Sanford), Jan. 8, 1922, at Amh. [GenRec]
192 - Charles A., h. Fannie R. (Bridgman), Jan. 8, 1922. [GR1]
192 - Charles E., s. Charles A. & Fannie R. (Bridgman), Feb. 24, 1912. [GR1]
192 - Cushing, Aug. 14, 1873, 70 y. 6 m. [GR1]
645 - Eunice (Fales), w. James, September 17, 1846, of typhoid fever, at Amh. [JAS]
192 - Fannie R. (Bridgman), w. Charles A., June 11, 1911. [GR1]
25 - Fanny Roe (Bridgman), w. Charles A., d. Edward & Elizabeth M. (Blodgett), June 11, 1911, at Amh. [GenRec]
193 - Frank H. s. S. & E., Dec. 12, 1857, Æ 1 y. [GR1]
192 - Frederick B., s. Charles A. & Fannie R. (Bridgman), Sept. 24, 1927. [GR1]
1632 - Henry, h. Polly R., Nov. 30, 1885. [GR3]
194 - Ida M., d. W[illia]m. S. & Martha E., July 6, 1860, a. 3 w. [GR1]
645 - James, h. Eunice (Fales), August 18, 1832, at Pelham. [JAS]
193 - Julia Ann, d. S. & E., Sept. 3, 1854, Æ 3 w. [GR1]
189 - Lillie M., ___ __, 1915. [GR1]
645 - Maria, d. James & Eunice (Fales), September 8, 1838, at Pelham. [JAS]
840 - Mary H., "Mother", Dec. 27, 1891. [GR2]
645 - Nancy Fales, d. James & Eunice (Fales), October 10, 1834, at Pelham. [JAS]
1632 - Polly R., w. Henry, July 7, 1912. [GR3]
193 - Silas, Dea., Oct. 13, 1868, a. 70 y. [GR1]
194 - Stillman, Sept. 15, 1858, Æ 35. [GR1]
194 - William S., h. Martha A., Jan. 23, 1868, a. 37 y. [GR1]
194 - Willie C., s. W[illia]m. S. & Martha E., Dec. 6, 1859, a. 4 m. [GR1]
46 - D____, Mrs., Consumption, Feb. 11, 1841, a. 75 y. [VR2]
646 - Deborah (Haskins), w. Mase, d. John, February 11, 1841, of comsumption, at Amh. [JAS]
627 - Deborah (Haskins), Widow Rev. Mase of Little Compton, RI, d. John, of Boston, Feb. 11, 1841, Æ 75. [GR3]
62 - Deborah, Mrs., Feb. 11, 1841, a. 75. [VR4]
574 - George Champlin, Dec. 12, 1868. [GR3]
576 - Mary, Aug. 21, 1867. [GR3]
646 - Mase, h. Deborah (Haskins), s. _____ & Rachel, February 14, 1821, at Little Compton, RI. [JAS]
625 - Rachel, native of Norton, MA, Oct. 25, 1824, a. 76. [GR3]
646 - Rachel, w. _____, October 25, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
626 - Ralph, A. B., member of Andover Theological Seminary, Jan. 24, 1824.
646 - Ralph, s. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), January 24, 1824, perhaps at Amh. [JAS]
575 - Sally Inman Kast, May 24, 1868. [GR3]
195 - Grace E., , ___ __, 1934, Woman's Relief Corps Marker. [GR1]
195 - William H., h. Grace E., ___ __, 1922. [GR1]
195 - William H., h. Grace E., ___ __, 1922. [GR1]
647 - Abigail (Billings), w. Stephen, October 4, 1816. [JAS]
1418 - Charles Edward, s. Daniel S. & Achsah L., July 8, 1851, Æ 15 m. [GR3]
647 - Eulila, d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), ___ __, 1802. [JAS]
648 - Henrietta Jane, d. Daniel S. & Achsah L. (Lyndes), July 6, 1849, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
1419 - Henrietta Jane, d. Daniel S. & Achsah L. July 6, 1849, Æ 1 y. 10 m. 15 d. [GR3]
647 - Judith, d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), ___ __, 1802. [JAS]
195 - Julia M., (beside Daniel F. Joslyn, prob. his wife?), April 14, 1880, a. 37 y. 5 m. [GR1]
195 - Mary, w. D. E., July 10, 1906. [GR1]
273 - Sarah E. (Haskins), d. Henry W. & Harriett (Newell), ___ __, 1882. [GR2]
647 - Stephen, h. Abigail (Billings), ___ __, 1840. [JAS]
501 - Mary Merrick, w. Nathaniel, d. James S. & Esther (Colton), ___ __, 1848, in Harpersfield, NY. [JAS]
1638 - Alma M., w. T. Tabor, ___ __, 1888. [GR3]
1638, 1639 - Frank, [Dup. Frankie], s. T. Tabor & Alma M., Nov. 3, 1866, Æ 5 m. [GR3]
1638 - John, h. Phoebe, ___ __, 1885. [GR3]
1638 - Phoebe, w. John. ___ __, 1888. [GR3]
1638 - T. Tabor, h. Alma M., ___ __, 1919. [GR3]
40 - _____, d. H____, Consumption, Oct. 31, 1839, a. 8 or 10 m. [VR2]
649 - _____, d. Henry H., October 31, 1839, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
1181 - Edward Lyman, s. J. L., Aug. 5, 1872. [GR3]
1180 - Lyman W., 27th Reg. Mass. Vol., June 1, 1862, Æ 18 y., in Camp at Newbern, NC. "Should be a GAR Marker." [GR3]
649 - Charles Squires, s. Jonathan Sprague & Electa (Marsh) (2nd w.), ___ __, 1862, at a military hospital at Philadelphia, PA. [JAS]
196 - Cora Bell, d. George E. & Emma A. (Dickinson), ___ __, 1872. [GR1]
196 - Emma A. (Dickinson), w. George E, ___ __, 1933, WRC. Marker. [GR1]
196 - George E., h. Emma A. (Dickinson), Civil War, ___ __, 1908, GAR. Marker. [GR1]
196 - Mary Beatrice, d. George E. & Emma A. (Dickinson), ___ __, 1872.
47 - _____, Fit, June 25, 1841, a. 2 y. [VR2]
650 - _____, s. John & Honora (Eagin), June 25, 1841, of a fit, in Amh. [JAS]
650 - Daniel O'Connell, s. John & Honora (Eagin), May 29, 1849, of scarlrt fever, at Amh. [JAS]
650 - John, h. Honora (Eagin), s. Michael & Hetty (McGettrie),___ __, 1886, in Amh. [JAS]
197 - Rhoda A., Sept. 18, 1875, Æ 80. [GR1]
901 - Charles L., s. Capt. Timothy W. & Sarah T., ___ __, 1863. [GR3]
901 - Mary E., d. Capt. Timothy W. & Sarah T., ___ __, 1883. [GR3]
901 - Sarah T., w. Capt. Timothy W., ___ __, 1897. [GR3]
901 - Timothy W., Capt., h. Sarah T., Co. D. 27th Mass. Vol's., ___ __, 1899. [GR3]
586, 691 - _____, 1st h. Florella (Cooley), before 1830. [JAS]
672 - _____, ch. Cotton & Mercy (Goodman) (1st w.), May 22, 1811, of heart disease, at Sutton. [JAS]
38 - _____, ch. Mr. _____, (North Parish), Acc. Fall, Aug. 10, 1839, a. 14 m. 1 1/6 y. [VR2]
676 - _____, d. Simeon & Abigail (Smith) (1st w.), probably before 1820. [JAS]
664 - _____, in. ch. Ithamar & Lucy (Nevers), February 17, 1785, at Springfield. [JAS]
36 - _____, Mrs., w. Simeon, Dec. 18, 1838, a. 57 y. [VR2]
670 - _____, twin d. Samuel & Mary (Hastings), probably before April 1818. [JAS]
60 - _____, widow, Nov. 12, 1837. [VR4]
573 - __as, s. Elias & Philothea, Mar. 18, 1808, Æ 2 [stone broken.] [GR3]
654 - Aaron, h. Mehitable (Ingram) (1st w.), perhaps h. Abigail (2nd w.), s. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), July 5, 1759, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
383 - Abby C., d. W[illia]m. H. & Catharine B., Dec. 23, 1844, Æ 4 y. 11 m. [GR2]
687 - Abby Caroline, d. William H. & Catherine Brown (Messsenger), December 23, 1844, of dropsy on brain, at Amh. [JAS]
671 - Abel, h. Achsah (Edwards), s. Noadiah & Sarah (Lee), January 11,1840, of "effects of intemperance", at Amh. [JAS]
40 - Abel, Mr, Consumption, Jan. 11, 1840, at So. Amh., a. 46 y. [VR2]
658 - Abigail (Hale), 2nd w. Eleazer, d. Thomas & Abigail (Burt), June 24, 1812, at Amh. [JAS]
660, 675 - Abigail (Smith), 1st w. Simeon, d. Noah & Mary (Elmer), December 18, 1838, at Amh. [JAS]
472 - Abigail, 2nd w. Dea. Eleazar, June 24, 1812, Æ 77. [GR3]
61 - Abigail, Mrs., Dec. 18, 1838, a. 58. [VR4]
182 - Abigail, w. Simeon, Dec. 18, 1838, a. 57. [GR2]
36 - Achsa (Clark), w. Simeon, d. Justus & Dorcas (Pomeroy), May 16, 1887, at Amh. [GenRec]
417, 687 - Achsah (Ingram), 1st w. Rufus, d. John & Susanna (Crocker), October 8, 1819, at Amh. [JAS]
190 - Achsah C., w. Simon, May 16, 1887, a. 85 y. 4 m. [GR3]
669 - Achsah, d. Asa & Sarah (Moody), July 22, 1806, of nervous fever, at Hatfield. [JAS]
55 - Achsah, Mrs., Consumption, Oct. 14, 1843, a. 47 y. [VR2]
274, 671 - Achsah, w. Abel, d. Phillip & Jerusha (Pomeroy), October 145, 1843, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
677 - Alexander, h. Rebekah (Warner), s. Joseph & Sarah (Alexander), September 21, 1787, probably at Amh. [JAS]
243 - Alexander, h. Rebekah, Sept. 21, 1787, a. 70. [GR3]
690 - Alfred, 1st h. Maria A. (Shaw), December 25, 1838, at Amh. [JAS]
37 - Alfred, Dec. 25, 1838, a. 27 y. [VR2]
61 - Alfred, Mr., Dec. 25, 1838, a. 26. [VR4]
445 - Alice E., d. William W. & Mary E. Smith, Aug. 18, 1893. [GR3]
321 - Allan Clark, "Baby", s. G. E. & M. M., Aug. 22, 1904. [GR2]
827 - Almira (Green), "Mother", w. Samuel, Jr., March 5, 1870, a. 62 y. [GR3]
657 - Amy (Bissell), w. Peter, August 1796, probably at Amh. [JAS]
853 - Amy Ann (Thayer), 2nd w. Benjamin Franklin, Oct. 5, 1905. [GR3]
674 - Andrew Alvon, s. Lyman & Electa (Dickinson) (1st w.), ___ __, ____, a soldier in Civil War, who died during the war. [JAS]
119 - Ann Nash, d. Moses & Mary Ann, Aug. 7, 1837, Æ 2 d. [GR2]
666 - Anna (Nash), w. David, March 22, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
197 - Anna M., "Aunt Ann", Jan. 26, 1893, Æ 72 y. [GR1]
87 - Anna, Mrs., w. David, March 22, 1825, a. 45 y. [GR2]
331 - Ansel C., "Baby", Jan. 28, 1898. [GR2]
1081 - Asenath, May 24, 1888. [GR3]
683 - Asher, h. Anna (Tucker), s. Daniel & Lucy, January 26, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
766 - Augusta M., w. John W., Sept. 11, 1884, Æ 83 y. [GR2]
656 - Azubah, s. Moses & Hannah (Childs), October 10, 1743, at Amh. [JAS]
197 - B. Ellsworth, h. Mary W., Nov. 6, 1898. [GR1]
931 - Bella, Nov. 19, 1849, a. 22, ocean buried. [GR3]
853 - Benjamin Franklin, h. Julia A. (1st w.), h. Amy Ann (Thayer) (2nd w.), Sept. 10, 1865, a. 48 y. 25 d. [GR3]
680 - Benjamin, h. Elizabeth (Rush), s. Edward & Hamutal (Ellsworth), July 14, 1819, at Amh. [JAS]
198 - Benjamin, h. Elizabeth, Revolutionary War, July 14, 1819, Æ 69. [GR1]
198 - Benjamin, March 7, 1835, a. 64. [GR1]
685 - Benjamin, March 7, 1835, at Amh. [JAS]
682 - Betsey (Root), 1st w. Spencer, May 30, 1823, of childbirth, at Amh. [JAS]
198 - Betsey, w. Spencer, May 30, 1823, Æ 30. [GR1]
932 - Carl Eldridge, "Baby", s. George Edward & Mary (Marshall), ___ __, 1920. [GR2]
523 - Catherine R., w. William H., Jan. 24, 1899. [GR2]
1580 - Charles Arthur, s. Hosea B. & Una J. (Carr), ___ __, 1889. [GR3]
676 - Charles C., s. Simeon & Achsah (Clark) (2nd w.), September 6, 1863, soldier in the Civil War, in 52nd Mass Vol. Inf., after 30 days of chronic diarrhea, at Amh. [JAS]
190 - Charles C., s. Simeon & Achsah, 52nd Regt. Mass. Vols., Sept. 6, 1863, a. 21, GAR Marker. [GR3]
259 - Charles E., Oct. 29, 1894. [GR3]
198 - Charles Edwin, Civil War, Co. H. 52 nd Regt. Mass. vol., Aug. 6, 1863, a. 20 y., GAR. Marker. [GR1]
683 - Charles Edwin, s. Benjamin Ellsworth & Mary W. (Allen) (1st w.), August 6, 1863, at Amh., a soldier in the Civil War, a member of Co. H, 52nd Mass Vol. Inf., "weak and weary, he came home only to die". [JAS]
384 - Charles H., s. W[illia]m. H. & Catharine B., Aug. 15, 1839. [GR2]
687 - Charles H., s. William H. & Catherine Brown (Messsenger), August 13, 1839, of accidental fall, at North Amh. [JAS]
198, 207 - Charles H., s. William H. & Nellie C. (Newgeon) (2nd w.), ___ __, 1897. [GR1]
199 - Charles M., s. Chileab & Susan D., Feb. 10, 1864, Æ 12 y. [GR1]
829 - Charles S., h. Jane E. (Hyde), March 23, 1895. [GR3]
767 - Charles V., Capt., Co. B. 28th Regt. Mass. Vol., May 19, 1864, at Fredericksburg, VA, from wounds received in the Battle of the Wilderness, a. 24 y., GAR Marker. [GR2]
688 - Charles V., s. John Wilson & Augusta M. (Rathburn), May 19, 1864 at Fredericksburg, VA, mortally wounded at the Battle of the Wilderness and his arm amputated. [JAS]
685 - Chauncey, h. Amelia (Pomroy), March 24, 1841, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
46 - Chauncey, Mr., of So. Hadley, Consumption, Mar. 24, 1841, a. 35 y. [VR2]
505 - Cheleab, Feb. 17, 1806, a. 30. [GR3]
199 - Chester M., s. Chileab & Susan D., Feb. 11, 1864, Æ 13 y. [GR1]
671 - Chester, h. Henrietta Maria (Tyler), s. Chileab & Habbah (Dickinson), January 2, 1845, of paralysis, at Amh. [JAS]
199 - Chester, h. Henriette M., Jan. 2, 1845, Æ 73. [GR1]
672 - Chileab, h. Asenath (Williamson), s. Chileab & Habbah (Dickinson), February 17, 1806, at Amh. [JAS]
652, 653 - Chileab, h. Mercy Golding, s. Chileab & Hannah (Hitchcock), November 8, 1746, at Hadley. [JAS]
199 - Chileab, h. Susan D. P. (Graves), Feb. 17, 1864, Æ 57. [GR1]
663 - Chileab, h. Tabitha (Clark), s. Windsor & Sarah (Smith) (1st w.), August 25, 1804, at Hadley. [JAS]
653 - Chileab, s. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), August 14, 1715, at Hadley. [JAS]
653 - Chileab, s. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), October 24, 1752, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
652 - Chileab, s. Samuel, ___ __, 1731. [JAS]
785 - Clarabelle P., Dec. 14, 1914. [GR2]
445 - Cotton, h. Sibbell K., Aug. 17, 1855, Æ 68 y. [GR3]
664 - Cotton, s. Chileab & Tabitha (Clark), April 20, 1780, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
646 - Daniel G., April 6, 1909. [GR2]
652 - Daniel, s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), November 16, 1760, at Amh. [JAS]
666 - David, h. Anna (Nash), s. David & Mary (Warner), October 31, 1834, at North Amh. [JAS]
656 - David, h. Hannah (Willard), s. of Luke & Mary (Crow), August 6, 1771, at Hadley. [JAS]
660 - David, h. Mary (Warner), s. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), November 23, 1807, at Amh. [JAS]
124 - David, Oct. 31, 1834, a. 70 y. [GR2]
199, 203 - Eddie G., s. James P., Feb. 9, 1866, Æ 2 y. 2 m. [GR1]
199 - Edward B., s. Spencer & Betsey, Nov. 30, 1819, Æ 3 m. [GR1]
682 - Edward Benjamin, s. Spencer & Betsey (Root) (1st w.), November 30, 1819, at Amh. [JAS]
330 - Edward M., "Baby", s. G. E. & M. M., April 15, 1901. [GR2]
678 - Edward, h. Hamutal (Ellsworth), s. Joseph & Sarah (Alexander), ___ __, 1795, perhaps at Amh. [JAS]
671 - Edward, s. Abel & Achsah (Edwards), February 6, 1843, of dropsy in the head, at South Amh. [JAS]
53 - Edward, s. Wid. Achsa, of Abel, Dropsy in the head, Feb. 6, 1843, at So. Amh., a. 4 y. [VR2]
44 - Edwin R., s. Mr. Spencer, Fever, Nov. 25, 1840, at So. Amh., a. 17 y. [VR2]
682 - Edwin R., s. Spencer & Betsey (Root) (1st w.), November 25, 1840, of fever, at South Amh. [JAS]
200 - Edwin R., s. Spencer & Betsy, Nov. 25, 1840, Æ 17 y. [GR1]
200 - Edwin Ray, h. Leila (Kentfield), ___ __, 1926. [GR1]
473 - Eleazar J., h. Abigail (2nd w.), Dec. 14, 1837, a. 25. [GR3]
471 - Eleazar, Dea., h. Abigail (2nd w.), Jan. 4, 1816, Æ 91. [GR3]
60 - Eleazer J., Dec. 4, 1837, a. 25. [VR4]
665 - Eleazer Jackson, s. Seth & Lavina (Jackson), December 14, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
658 - Eleazer, h. Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), h. Abigail (Hale) (2nd w.), s. John & Esther (Coloton). January 4, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
658 - Eleazer, s. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), March 14, 1759, perhaps at Longmeadow. [JAS]
658 - Eleazer, s. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), October 22, 1757. [JAS]
658 - Eleazer, s. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), October 25, 1767, perhaps at Longmeadow. [JAS]
32 - Eleazer, s. Seth, Dec. 14, 1837, a. 23 y. [VR2]
287 - Electa (Dickinson), 1st w. Dea. Lyman, April 25, 1859. [GR2]
658 - Electa, d. Windsor & Sarah (Smith) (1st w.), March 20, 1763, at Hadley. [JAS]
274 - Electra (Dickinson), h. Lyman, s. Jonathan & Ruth, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), Apr. 25, 1859, at Amh. [VR3]
679 - Elias, h. Philothea (Debell), s. Alexander & Rebekah (Warner), March 2, 1826, at Amh. [JAS]
569 - Elias, Mar. 2, 1826, Æ 71. [GR3]
679 - Elias, s. Elias & Philothea (Debell), December 20, 1804, at Amh. [JAS]
679 - Elias, s. Elias & Philothea (Debell), March 18, 1808 at Amh. [JAS]
572 - Elias, s. Elias & Philothea, Dec. 20, 1804, Æ 8. [GR3]
666 - Elijah, h. Martha (Burt), s. David & Mary (Warner), September 12, 1848, of old age, at Amh. [JAS]
710 - Elijah, h., Rebecca, Feb. 17, 1871, Æ 88. [GR2]
148 - Elijah, Mr., h. Martha, Sept. 12, 1848, Æ 87. [GR2]
39 - Elisabeth, Miss, Consumption, Sept. 22, 1839, at So. Amh., a. 54 y. [VR2]
672 - Elisha, h. Abigail, s. Elisha & Ursula Fellows (Billings), March 20, 1846. [JAS]
17 - Elisha, h. Ursula (Billings), s. Peter & Mary, Mar. 25, 1823. [sic]. [GenRec]
663 - Elisha, h. Ursula (Fellows) (Billings), s. Peter & Amy (Bissell), March 24, 1823, of lung fever, at South Amh. [JAS]
200 - Elisha, h. Ursula B., Revolutionary War, for more than thirty years an officer in the first church of Christ in Amh., SAR. Marker, Mar. 24, 1823, Æ 74 y. [GR1]
652 - Elisha, s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), ___ __, 1784, at Whately. [JAS]
283, 683 - Eliza (Ferry), w. Hervey, d. Aaron, May 28, 1826, of childbirth, at Amh. [JAS]
287 - Eliza Ellen, Sept. 5, 1833. [GR2]
674 - Eliza Ellen, twin d. Lyman & Electa (Dickinson) (1st w.), September 5, 1833, at North Amh. [JAS]
200 - Eliza, Mrs., w. Hervey, May 28, 182[8?], a. 22. [GR1]
652 - Elizabeth (Cook), w. Ichabod, d. Capt. Aaron, October 10, 1751. [JAS]
508 - Elizabeth (Montague) (Montague), w. Rev. James Smith (2nd h.), wid. Samuel Montague (1st h.), d. Peter & Mary (Hubbard), January 31, 1816, at Pittsfield, VT. [JAS]
680 - Elizabeth (Rush), w. Benjamin, June 25, 1826, at Amh. [JAS]
1672 - Elizabeth Stearns, February 28, 1888. [GR4]
680 - Elizabeth, d. Benjamin & Elizabeth (Rush), September 22, 1839, of consumption, at South Amh., unmarried. [JAS]
201 - Elizabeth, Mrs., w. Benj[ami]n, June 25, 1826, Æ 77. [GR1]
201 - Elizabeth, Sept. 28, 1839, Æ 54 y. [GR1]
1580 - Ella M. (Carr), w. Hosea B. ___ __, 1913, Rebekah marker. [GR3]
123 - Ellen E., d. Moses & Mary A., Nov. 8, 1854, a. 16 y. [GR2]
287 - Ellen Eliza, Sept. 13, 1833. [GR2]
674 - Ellen Eliza, twin d. Lyman & Electa (Dickinson) (1st w.), September 13, 1832, at North Amh. [JAS]
768 - Elsie L., w. G.H.W., ___ __, 1929, B.P.O.E. Marker. [GR2]
671 - Elvira, d. Abel & Achsah (Edwards), March 2, 1839, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
445 - Erastus H., Sept. 16, 1812, Æ 4 m. [GR3]
672 - Erastus, s. Cotton & Mercy (Goodman) (1st w.), September 16, 1812, of erysipelas, at Amh. [JAS]
1576 - Ernest B., Jan. 30, 1919. [GR3]
664 - Ethan, w. Tabitha Hastings, s. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), March 22, 1821. [JAS]
681 - Eunice (Munsell), 1st w. Timothy, d. Jacob & Sarah (Bancroft) (1st w.), ca June 1788, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
135 - Eunice (Munsell), 1st w. Timothy, June __ , 1788. [GR3]
60 - Eunice Finemane, Mrs., July 24, 1844, a. 42 y. [VR2]
931 - Fanney Lee, w. William Henry, ___ __, 1916. [GR3]
201, 205 - Fanny F., d. Paul & Sally, Apr. 20, 1850, a. 34. [GR1]
931 - Fanny H., March 2, 1920. (A head.tone beside Fanny H. "G. Lee".) [GR3]
679 - Fanny, d. Elias & Philothea (Debell), July 29, 1850, at Milwaukee, WI. [JAS]
689 - Fanny, d. Paul & Sally (Graves), April 20, 1850, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
787 - Franklin R., Jan. 10, 1912. [GR2]
675 - Freeman J., s. Horace & Emeline (Moore), May 30, 1840, at Sunderland. [JAS]
686 - Friend, h. Rebecca (Hall) (1st w.), h. Selena (Rowe) (2nd w.), s. John & Mehitable, December 26, 1817, by drowning in the Connecticut River. [JAS]
768 - G.H.W., h. Elsie L., ___ __, 1927. [GR2]
201 - George D., s. Chileab & Susan D., Feb. 21, 1864, Æ 7 y. [GR1]
932 - George Edward, h. Mary (Marshall), ___ __, 1924. [GR2]
931 - George W., Apr. 6, 1877, a. 47. [GR3]
445 - George, June 17, 1857, Æ 11 m. [GR3]
661 - Gideon, s. Stephen & Dorothy (Mattoon), probably before February 1811. [JAS]
684 - Gilbert, s. Asher & Anna (Tucker), September 18, 1798, at Shrewsbury. [JAS]
201 - Grace M. (Edwards), d. William, Jan. 31, 1929. [GR1]
445 - H. T., 1st w. Samuel D., Sept. 24, 1872, Æ 43. [GR3]
404 - H. W., ___ __, ____. [GR2]
678 - Hamutal Ellsworth, w. Edward, d. Benjamin & Deborah (Hosford), probably before 1813. [JAS]
76 - Hannah (Boltwood), w. Ebenezer, d. Samuel & Hannah (Alexander), October __, 1733. [JAS]
655 - Hannah (Childs), w. Moses, d. Samuel, January 26, 1778, at Amh. [JAS]
663 - Hannah (Dickinson), w. Chileab, soon before February 1806. [JAS]
656 - Hannah (Willard), w. David, d. Josiah, January 27, 1809, at Westhampton. [JAS]
164 - Hannah, w. Moses, Jan. 26, 1778, a. 68. [GR3]
128 - Harriet A., d. Moses & Mary Ann, Sept. 17, 1848, Æ 19. [GR2]
673 - Harriet Ann, d. Moses & Mary Ann (Russell), September 17, 1848, not in VTR. [JAS]
523 - Harriet J., d. William H. & Catherine. B. [sic], June 22, 1928. [GR2]
674 - Harriet Thompson, d. John Milton & Orra (Dickinson), September 23, 1844. [JAS]
666 - Harriet, d. David & Anna (Nash), February 4, 1814, probably at Amh. [JAS]
666 - Harriet, d. David & Anna (Nash), March 5, 1809, probably at Amh. [JAS]
669 - Harriet, d. Joel & Sibbel (Woodbury), August 16, 1813, at Amh. [JAS]
398 - Harriet, d. Joel & Sibbel, Aug. 16, 1813, a. 3. [GR3]
445 - Harriett H., 1st w. W[illia]m W., Mar. 13, 1857, Æ 29. [GR3]
699 - Hattie, ___ __, ____. [GR2]
203 - Henrietta (Bartlett), w. Marshall, Mar. 13, 1875, Æ 41 y. [GR1]
671 - Henrietta Maria (Tyler), w. Chester, d. Asa & Anstress, June 16, 1848, of dropsy, at Amh. [JAS]
202 - Henriette M., w. Chester, Aug. 16, 1848, Æ 78 y. [GR1]
202, 213 - Henry E., h. Margaret, Feb. 24, 1909, Æ 70 y. [GR1]
687 - Henry F., s. Freeman & Caroline, June 12, 1849, of whooping cough at Amh. [JAS]
853 - Herbert M., July 13, 1848, a. 2 y. [GR3]
685 - Herbert M., s. Benjamin Franklin & Julia A. (Buckland) (2nd w.), July 13, 1848, of fits, at Amh. [JAS]
683 - Hervey, h. Eliza (Ferry), s. Timothy & Sabra (Munsell) (2nd w.), November 5, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
202 - Hervey, h. Eliza, Nov. 5, 1830, a. 36. [GR1]
203 - Hewit, Mr., Jan. 30, 1823, Æ 70. [GR1]
678 - Hewit, s. Edward & Hamutal (Ellsworth), January 10, 1823 at Amh., unmarried. [JAS]
786 - Hilda A., Nov. 13, 1914. [GR2]
1083 - Horace, h. Rebekah (Moody) (1st w.), h. Sarah (King) (2nd w.), Nov. 11, 1862, a. 81 y. 8 m. [GR3]
1580 - Hosea B., h. Ella M. (Carr), h. Una J. (Carr), ___ __, 1915. [GR3]
652 - Ichabod, w. Elizabeth (Cook), s. Philip & Rebecca (Foote), ca November 1746, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
689 - Irana E., d. Nathan K. & Elvira, March 5, 1851, at Amh. [JAS]
678 - Irene (Chapin) (Lovell) (2nd w.), w. Nathaniel Alexander (1st h.), w. _____ Lovell (2nd h.), d. _____ Chapin, July 23, 1835, probably at Amh. [JAS]
570 - Irene, 2nd w. Nathaniel A., July 23, 1835, a. 83. [GR3]
931 - Isabella Lee Field, ___ __, 1888. [GR3]
670 - Isabella Mary [aka Bella], d. Moses & Lois W. (Lee), November 19, 1849, at sea, buried at sea. [JAS]
664 - Ithamar, w. Lucy (Neeers), s. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), September 1, 1844. [JAS]
931 - James Starr, June 10, 1861. [GR3]
829 - Jane E. (Hyde), w. Charles S., March 8, 1910. [GR3]
371 - Jennie R., d. William E. & Sarah E. (Hyde), Dec. 16, 1877. [GR3]
668 - Jerusha, d. Noah & Jerusha (Cowls), June 9, 1820, probably at Amh. [JAS]
39 - Jerusha, w. Noah, Jr., d. Simeon & Sarah (Dickinson) (1st w.), July 11, 1858, at Amh. [GenRec]
684 - Joanna, d. Asher & Anna (Tucker), July 29, 1797, at Shrewsbury. [JAS]
254 - John D., May 5, 1836, Æ 45 y. [GR3]
681 - John Debell, h. Relief (Thayer), s. Samuel & Sabra (Debell), May 5, 1838, at Hadley. [JAS]
766 - John W., h. Augusta M., May 27, 1886, Æ 83 y. [GR2]
652 - John, s. John, ___ __, 1761. [JAS]
652 - John, s. Philip.& Rebecca (Foote), ___ __, 1727. [JAS]
680 - John, s. Samuel & Sabra (Debell), January 7, 1791. [JAS]
652 - John, s. Samuel, ___ __, 1676. [JAS]
287 - Jonathan, h. (Jordan), Dec. 27, 1843. [GR2]
654 - Jonathan, h. Hannah (Wright), s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), ca 1778, at Orange. [JAS]
659 - Jonathan, h. Rebekah (Smith), s. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), April 20, 1814, at Amh. [JAS]
173 - Jonathan, h. Rebekah, Aug. 20, 1814, Æ 86, SAR Marker. [GR3]
667 - Jonathan, h. Ruth (Jordan), s. Noah & Mary (Elmer), December 27, 1843, of consumption, at North Amh. [JAS]
56 - Jonathan, Mr., Farmer, Consumption, Dec. 27, 1843, a. 75 y. [VR2]
652 - Jonathan, s. Philip & Rebecca (Foote), ca October 25, 1737, at Hatfield. [JAS]
691 - Jonathan, September 7, 1838, at Leverett. [JAS]
677 - Joseph, h. Sarah (Alexander), October 21, 1767, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
677 - Joseph, s. Alexander & Rebekah (Warner), January 22, 1748. [JAS]
685 - Julia A. (Buckland), 2nd w. Benjamin Franklin, November 12, 1848, of insanity, at Amh. [JAS]
853 - Julia A., 1st w. Benjamin Franklin, Nov. 12, 1848, a. 27 y. [GR3]
931 - Kate Louise, March 16, 1872. [GR3]
445 - L. M., 2nd. w. Samuel D., May 5, 1917. [GR3]
642 - Laura B., 1st w. Daniel G., June 13, 1878, a. 40 y. [GR2]
475 - Lavina, J., w. Seth, Dec. 25, 1852, Æ 81 y. [GR3]
669 - Linus, s. Joel & Sibbel (Woodbury), February 15, 1826, at Amh. [JAS]
392 - Linus, s. Joel & Sybil, Feb. 15, 1826, a. 24. [GR3]
670 - Lois W. (Lee), w. Moses, November 12, 1837, of consumption, at South Amh. [JAS]
931 - Lois W., w. Moses, Nov. 12, 1837, a. 44. [GR3]
32 - Lois, Mrs., wd. Moses, Cons., Nov. 12, 1837, a. 50 y. [VR2]
469 - Lovina, June 24, 1889. [GR3]
190 - Lucius H., s. Simeon & Achsah, March 18, 1864, a. 23. [GR3]
663 - Lucretia, d. Elisha & Ursula Fellows (Billings), before April 1823. [JAS]
678 - Lucy, d. Edward & Hamutal (Ellsworth), ___ __, 1797, unmarried. [JAS]
656 - Lucy, d. Peletiah & Abigail (Wait), May 8, 1737, probably at Amh. [JAS]
652 - Luke, s. Chileab & Hannah (Hitchcock), ___ __, 1747. [JAS]
682 - Lydia (Smith) (Kellogg), 2nd w. Spencer Smith (2nd h.), wid. Amos Kellogg (1st h.), d. Simon, November 25, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
658 - Lydia (Thomas), 1st w. Eleazer, d. Ebenezer & Sarah, between 1770 and 1774, perhaps at Wilbraham. [JAS]
468 - Lydia T., Feb. 20, 1895. [GR3]
658 - Lydia, d. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), November 7, 1774. [JAS]
203 - Lydia, w. Spencer, Nov. 25, 1830, Æ 45. [GR1]
287 - Lyman, Dea., h. Electa (Dickinson) (1st w.) h. Mary M. (Emerson) (2nd w.), Feb. 24, 1894. [GR2]
684 - Lyman, s. Asher & Anna (Tucker), assumed to have died before 1817. [JAS]
669 - Lyman, s. Joel & Sibbel (Woodbury), October 16, 1802, probably at Amh. [JAS]
396 - Lyman, s. Joel & Sibbel, Oct. 16, 1802, a. 5. [GR3]
135 - M. Annie, Jan. 26, 1930, age 76 y. [GR3]
202 - Margaret, w. Henry E., July 28, 1899, Æ 56 y. [GR1]
203 - Marshall, h. Henrietta (Bartlett), Jan. 27, 1890, Æ 64 y. [GR1]
666 - Martha (Burt), w. Elijah, d. Henry, May 9, 1849, of old age, at Amh. [JAS]
647 - Martha B. (Potwine), w. Spencer, Feb. 24, 1907. [GR2]
148 - Martha, w. Elijah, May 9, 1849, Æ 76. [GR2]
695 - Martha, w. Lyman, Sept. 12, 1902, Æ 81 y[GR2]
659 - Martin, 1st h. Lucy (Clapp), s. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), before August 1780, at Amh. [JAS]
675 - Martin, s. Horace & Emeline (Moore), February 17, 1841, at Sunderland. [JAS]
276, 660 - Mary (Elmer), w. Noah, d. Edward & Sarah (Graves), September 4, 1833, at North Amh. [JAS]
660, 749 - Mary (Warner), w. David, d. Moses & Mary (Field), July 25, 1826. [JAS]
131 - Mary A., "Our Mother", w. Moses, June 5, 1870, Æ 61. [GR2]
684 - Mary Ann, 1st w. Lyman, July 28, 1844, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
60 - Mary Ann, born Leverett (husband Nov. 28?), Consumption, July 28, 1844, a. 28 y. 8 m. [VR2]
1449 - Mary Ann, w. Lyman, July 28, 1844, Æ 28. [GR3]
135 - Mary Bissell, w. Timothy, Oct. 12, 1878. [GR3]
445 - Mary E., 2nd w. William W., Dec. 13, 1918. [GR3]
204 - Mary E., d. Spencer & Betsy, Apr. 14, 1840, Æ 23 y. [GR1]
43 - Mary Elizabeth (Cowles), w. William W., d. Daniel & Mary (Henderson), Dec. 13, 1918. [GenRec]
682 - Mary Elizabeth, d. Spencer & Betsey (Root) (1st w.), April 14, 1840, of lung fever, at Amh. [JAS]
43 - Mary Elizabeth, Miss, d. Mr. Spencer, Lung Fever, Apr. 14, 1840, a. 23 y. [VR2]
206 - Mary J., Higgins, w. Sylvester, ___ __, 1927. [GR1]
931 - Mary Jane, Smith Jan. 22, 1892. [GR3]
1575 - Mary M. (Bliss), w. Samuel, Dec. 7, 1905. [GR3]
287 - Mary M. (Emerson), 2nd w. Dea. Lyman, Mar. 30, 1879. [GR2]
86 - Mary N., w. Dea. B. Elsworth, June 9, 1859, Æ 40. [GR2]
683 - Mary W. (Allen), 1st w. Benjamin Ellsworth, September 4, 1847, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
204 - Mary W., w. B. Ellsworth, Sept. 4, 1847, a. 27 y. [GR1]
445 - May B., w. William H., June 5, 1894. [GR3]
685 - Mehitable, w. John, May 20, 1813, probably at Amh. [JAS]
680 - Melinda, d. Samuel & Sabra (Debell), July 23, 1801, at Amh. [JAS]
653 - Mercy (Golding), w. Chileab, d. Peter, August 6 or 7, 1756, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
121 - Moses C., s. Moses & Mary Ann, March 16, 1846, Æ 1 d. [GR2]
82 - Moses, Feb. 23, 1846, Æ 41. [GR2]
655 - Moses, h. Hannah (Childs), s. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), May 12, 1781, at Amh. [JAS]
165 - Moses, h. Hannah, May 12, 1781, a.76, SAR Marker. [GR3]
670 - Moses, h. Lois W. (Lee), s. Noadiah & Sarah (Lee), April 26, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
931 - Moses, h. Lois W., April 26, 1832, a. 48. [GR3]
654 - Moses, h. Mary (Marsh), s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), at "Ware River Precinct", probably early in 1749. [JAS]
673 - Moses, h. Mary Ann (Russell), s. David & Anna (Nash), February 23, 1846, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
658 - Naomi, d. Windsor & Sarah (Smith) (1st w.), December 18, 1775. [JAS]
568 - Nathaniel A., h. Sarah (1st w.), h. Irene (2nd w.), April 4, 1839, Æ 95, SAR Marker. [GR3]
116 - Nathaniel A., Jr., s. Nathaniel & Sarah, Oct. 10, 1781, a. 6 m. 23 d. [GR3]
678 - Nathaniel Alexander, h. Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.), h. Irene (Chapin) (Lovell) (2nd w.), April 4, 1839 of bladder ulcer, at South Amh. [JAS]
678 - Nathaniel Alexander, s. Nathaniel Alexander, h. Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.), October 10, 1781, at Amh. [JAS]
37 - Nathaniel Alexander, Ulceration of bladder, Apr. 4, 1839, at So. Amh., a. 95 y. 1 m. 3 d. [VR2]
156 - Nathaniel, Dr., h. Rebeckah, March 9, 1774, a. 73. [GR3]
655 - Nathaniel, h. Rebekah (Ingram), s. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), March 9, 1774 at Amh. [JAS]
655 - Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel & Rebekah (Ingram), September 9, 1727, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
204, 207 - Nellie C. (Newgeon), 2nd w. William H., ___ __, 1897. [GR1]
207 - Nellie D. (Hunt), 1st. w. William H., ___ __, 1887. [GR1]
721 - Nelson, s. W. & H. L., Aug. 1, 1864, a. 5 m. [GR2]
699 - Newton, ___ __, ____. [GR2]
662 - Noadiah, h. Sarah (Lee), s. Moses & Hannah (Childs), September 23, 1799, at Amh. [JAS]
667 - Noah [aka NS Jr.], w. Jerusha [aka Joanna] (Cowls), s. Noah & Mary (Elmer), October 27, 1847, of old age, at Amh. [JAS]
660 - Noah, h. Mary (Elmer), s. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), February 22, 1830, at North Amh. [JAS]
204 - Noah, Oct. 27, 1847, a. 75 y. [GR1]
668 - Noah, s. Noah & Jerusha (Cowls), April 20, 1816, probably at Amh. [JAS]
656 - Oliver, s. Moses & Hannah (Childs), probably before January 1781, of measles, at White Plains, NY, perhaps in Cont. Service. [JAS]
662 - Oliver, s. Noadiah & Sarah (Lee), ___ __, ___, at New York, NY, unmarried. [JAS]
399 - Orrilla, d. Joel & Sibbel, June 27, 1811, a. 4. [GR3]
668 - Orrillia, d. Joel & Sibbel (Woodbury), October 19, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
395 - Orrillia, d. Joel & Sibbel, Oct. 19, 1802, a. 9. [GR3]
165 - Paul E., ___ __, 1930. [GR1]
205 - Paul, Mar. 11, 1881, Æ 90 y. 7 m. [GR1]
662 - Pelatiah, h. Rhoda (Morton), s. Peletiah & Abigail (Wait), June 3, 1809, at Heath. [JAS]
663 - Peter, s. Elisha & Ursula Fellows (Billings), probably ca 1788. [JAS]
669 - Phila, d. Simeon & Jerusha (Cooley), March 8, 1790, probably at Amh. [JAS]
178 - Phila, d. Simeon & Jerusha, Mar. 8, 1790, a. 4 m. 8 d. [GR3]
655 - Philip, s. Aaron & Mehitable (Ingram) (1st w.), November 21, 1759, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
652 - Philip, s. Samuel, ___ __, 1685. [JAS]
663 - Polly, d. Elisha & Ursula Fellows (Billings), August 16, 1796, probably at Amh. [JAS]
679 - Prudence, d. Elias & Philothea (Debell), July 24, 1850, at Milwaukee, WI. [JAS]
661 - Rachel (Strong), w. Simeon, d. Nathaniel, September 1, 1797. [JAS]
784 - Ralph G., Dec. 11, 1918. [GR2]
686 - Rebecca (Hall), 1st w. Friend, April 19, 1795, at Bethlehem, CT. [JAS]
653 - Rebecca (Smith), w. William, d. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), before September 1746. [JAS]
677 - Rebecca, d. Alexander & Rebekah (Warner), March 10, 1752, at Amh. [JAS]
709 - Rebecca, w. Elijah, Jan. 2, 1875, a. 86. [GR2]
156 - Rebeckah, w. Dr. Nathaniel, July 21, 1789, a. 86. [GR3]
413, 655 - Rebekah (Ingram), w. Nathaniel, d. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), July 21, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
1083 - Rebekah (Moody), 1st w. Horace, Nov. 30, 1821, a. 38 y. 9 m. [GR3]
673 - Rebekah (Moody), 1st w. Horace, November 30, 1821. [JAS]
655, 659 - Rebekah (Smith), w. Jonathan Smith, d. Nathaniel & Rebekah (Ingram), September 5, 1807, at Amh. [JAS]
677 - Rebekah (Warner), w. Alexander, November 26, 1801. [JAS]
173 - Rebekah, consort Jonathan, Sep. 5, 1807, Æ 76. [GR3]
244 - Rebekah, w. Alexander, Nov. 26, 1801, a. 88. [GR3]
256 - Releif [sic], w. John D., April 14, 1874, a. 83 y. 8 m. [GR3]
393 - Reuben H., s. Joel & Sibbel, Aug. 16, 1820, a. 17. [GR3]
669 - Reuben Hamilton, s. Joel & Sibbel (Woodbury), August 16, 1820, probably at Amh. [JAS]
526, 662 - Rhoda (Morton), w. Peletiah, d. John & Lydia (Hawley), February 23, 1817, at Heath. [JAS]
708 - Rhoda M., Oct. 6, 1875, a. 53 y. [GR2]
829 - Robert H., Mar. 25, 1900. [GR3]
679 - Rodney, s. Elias & Philothea (Debell), February 3, 1809 at Amh. (then Hadley). [JAS]
571 - Rodney, s. Elias & Philothea, Feb. 3, 1809, Æ 19. [GR3]
257 - Royal W., June 26, 1859. [GR3]
287 - Ruth (Jordan), w. Jonathan, July 30, 1853. [GR2]
691 - S. (female), February 23, 1841, of bowel inflammation, at Amh. [JAS]
46 - S____, Miss, Inf. of Bowels, Feb. 23, 1841, a. 24 y. [VR2]
680 - Sabra (Debell), wid, Samuel, d. John & Sibbell (Kilborn), September 28, 1849, of cancer, at Amh. [JAS]
681 - Sabra (Munsell), 2nd w. Timothy, d. Jonathan & Hannah (Pasco), January 17, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
135, 137 - Sabra (Munsell), 2nd w., Timothy, June 15 [Dup. Jan. 17], 1815 [sic Æ 61.] [GR3]
242 - Sabra, w. Samuel, Sept. 28, 1849, a. 91. [GR3]
669 - Sally, d. Joel & Sibbel (Woodbury), October 4, 1802, probably at Amh. [JAS]
397 - Sally, d. Joel & Sibbel, Oct. 4, 1802, a. 3. [GR3]
205 - Sally, Nov. 5, 1866, Æ 78. [GR1]
445 - Samuel D., h. H. T. (1st w.), h. L. M., (2nd w.), Apr. 28, 1890. [GR3]
652 - Samuel, ___ __, 1680. [JAS]
681 - Samuel, h. Almira (Green), s. Samuel & Sabra (Debell), June 17, 1829, at Amh. [JAS]
1574 - Samuel, h. Mary M. (Bliss), Feb. 14, 1901. [GR3]
680 - Samuel, h. Sabra (Debell), s. Alexander & Rebekah (Warner), November 8, 1834, at Amh. [JAS]
241 - Samuel, h. Sabra, November 8, 1834, a. 76, SAR Marker. [GR3]
652, 653, 656 - Samuel, h. Sarah (Bliss), s. Chileab & Hannah (Hitchcock), ___ __, 1724. [JAS]
828 - Samuel, Jr., "Father, h. Almira (Green), June 17, 1829, a. 28 y. [GR3]
656 - Samuel, s. Moses & Hannah (Childs), d. at an early age at Kingston, Jamica. [JAS]
677 - Sarah (Alexander), w. Joseph, January 31, 1768. [JAS]
658, 677 - Sarah (Smith), 1st w. Windsor Smith, d. Joseph & Sarah (Alexander), September 1, 1772, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
210 - Sarah B., w. W[illia]m. F., Jan. 14, 1846, Æ 26. [GR2]
689 - Sarah B., w. William F., January 14, 1846, of a fit, at Amh. [JAS]
371 - Sarah E. (Hyde), w. William E., April 18, 1878. [GR3]
641 - Sarah E., 2nd w. Daniel G., June 27, 1883, a. 51 y. 4 m. [GR2]
1084 - Sarah King, 2nd w. Horace, July 22, 1866, a. 81 y. [GR3]
567 - Sarah, 1st w. Nathaniel A., Oct. 7, 1810, a. 67 y. [GR3]
348, 678 - Sarah, 1st w. Nathaniel Alexander, d. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), October 7, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
62 - Sarah, d. Mr. Seth, Feb. 24, 1841, a. 43. [VR4]
662 - Sarah, d. Noadiah & Sarah (Lee), July 10, 1797, probably at Amh. [JAS]
665 - Sarah, d. Seth & Lavina (Jackson), February 24, 1842, perhaps at Amh. [JAS]
474 - Sarah, Feb. 24, 1842, Æ 43 y. [GR3]
686 - Selena (Rowe), 2nd w. Friend, d. Daniel, October 10, 1845, at Stonington, CT. [JAS]
476 - Seth, h. Lavina J., D__ 15, 1856, Æ __ [stone damaged]. [GR3]
668 - Sibbel (Woodbury), w. Joel, d. Jeremiah & Jerusha, June 6, 1840, at South Deerfield. [JAS]
445 - Sibbell K., w. Cotton, Feb. 20, 1880, Æ 87 y. [GR3]
658 - Silas, s. Silas, ___, __1813. [JAS]
50 - Simeon, farmer, Suicide, July 23, 1842, a. 49 y. [VR2]
675 - Simeon, h. Abigail (Smith) (1st w.), h. Achsah (Clark) (2nd w.), s. Simeon & Jerusha (Cooley), July 23, 1842, of suicide, at Amh. [JAS]
661 - Simeon, h. Rachel (Strong), s. Moses & Hannah (Childs), March 23, 1777, at Amh. [JAS]
962 - Simeon, July 23, 1842, a. 49 y. [GR3]
163 - Simeon, Lieut., March 23, 1777, a. 42, SAR Marker. [GR3]
674 - Sophia Emillie, d. John Milton & Orra (Dickinson), September 8, 1844. [JAS]
682 - Spencer, h. Betsey (Root) (1st w.), 2nd h. Lydia (Smith) (Kellogg) (2nd w.), h. Mary (Mack) (3rd w.), s. Benjamin & Elizabeth (Rush), December 31, 1849, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
206 - Spencer, h. Betsey, h. Lydia, Dec. 31, 184_, Æ 62 y. [GR1]
647 - Spencer, h. Martha B. (Potwine), July 11, 1901. [GR2]
668 - Spencer, s. Noah & Jerusha (Cowls), January 30, 1815, probably at Amh. [JAS]
661 - Stephen, h. Dorothy (Mattoon), s. Stephen & Mary (Ingram), August 9, 1813, probably at Amh. [JAS]
654 - Stephen, h. Mary (Ingram), s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), ___ __, 1760, at Leverett. [JAS]
659 - Stephen, s. Martin & Lucy (Clapp), probably before November 1779. [JAS]
206 - Susan (Susie) M. d. Chileab & Susan D., May 12, 1883, a. 29 y. [GR1]
664 - Tabitha (Clark), h. Chileab, September 12, 1816, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
349, 664 - Tabitha, h. Ethan Smith, d. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), ___ __, ___, at Wilmington, VT. [JAS]
829 - Thomas Weasner, Nov. 6, 1930. [GR3]
681 - Timothy, h. Eunice (Munsell) (1st w.), h. Sabra (Munsell) (2nd w.), s. Edward & Hamutal (Ellsworth), October 24, 1814, at Amh. [JAS]
135 - Timothy, h. Mary (Bissell), for many years an officer in the Church, Apr. 21, 1866. [GR3]
663 - Ursula Fellows (Billings) (Hastings), w. Elisha Smith (2nd h.), w. _____ Hastings (1st h.), August 31, 1831, probably at Amh. [JAS]
932 - w. George Edward, ___ __, 1932. [GR2]
372 - W[illia]m Berkeley, May 25, 1882. [GR3]
931 - W[illia]m Henry, h. Fanney Lee, ___ __, 1887. [GR3]
283, 268 - Walter G., drowned July 16, 1876, a. 11 y. [GR3]
679 - William A., Oct. 9, 1888, or July 11, 1879. [GR2]
678 - William A., s. W. A. & M. E., July 11, 1879. [GR2]
126 - William Berkley, h. Electra (Smith), s. Perez Smith & Hannah (Lyman), May 25, 1882. [KG I-641] [VR2]
371 - William E., h. Sarah E. (Hyde), July 17, 1909. [GR3]
1449 - William F., s. Lyman & Mary Ann, Jan. 14, 1844, Æ 4 y. [GR3]
523 - William H., h. Catherine R. (Smith), Dec. 12, 1871, a. 63 y. [GR2]
207 - William H., h. Nellie D. (Hunt) (1st. w.), h. Nellie C. (Newgeon) (2nd w.), h. Cora A. (Johnson) (3rd w.), ___ __, ____ [GR1]
445 - William W., h. Harriett H. (1st w.), h. Mary E., (2nd w.), Nov. 26, 1893. [GR3]
36 - William, Dec. 3, 1838, a. 22 y. [VR2]
690 - William, December 3, 1838, at Amh., called Mr. WS. [JAS]
61 - William, Mr., Dec. 3, 1838, a. 22. [VR4]
56 - William, s. Lyman, Jaundice, Jan. 14, 1844, a. 4 y. [VR2]
668 - William, s. Noah & Jerusha (Cowls), April 15, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
657 - Windsor, h. Sarah (Smith) (1st w.), h. Lydia (Unknown) (Hastings) (2nd w.), s. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), December 31, 1788, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
659 - Wright, s. Martin & Lucy (Clapp), probably before November 1779. [JAS]
SMOTH, see Smith
9 - Simeon, Lieut., Mar. 23, 1777. [VR1]
279 - Ebenezer Strong, Sept. 18,1876. [GR3]
277 - Martha P., Feb. 23, 1860, a. 24 y. [GR3]
281 - Mary Louisa, Sept. 12, 1899. [GR3]
276 - Rebecca E., d. Ebenezer Strong & Sarah C., Dec. 5, 1841, a. 12 y. [GR3]
47 (sic) - Rebecca, d. Prof. E., Disease of the heart, Dec. 5, 1841, a. 12 y. [VR2]
280 - Sarah C. C., w. Ebenezer Strong, May 23, 1883. [GR3]
1410 - Hannah (Jenkins), formerly w. Benjamin Jenkins, March 31, 1871. [GR3]
693 - Jeremiah, h. Elizabeth (Brewer), s. Jeremiah & Mary, before March 1822, at Wilbraham. [JAS]
160 - Mary, w. Josiah Snow, Jr., d. Chester & Abigail (Dickinson) (1st w.), December 16, 1845. [JAS]
765 - Mary, w. Horatio Southgate, Esq., d. Noah & Rebecca (Greenleaf), February 28, 1819. [JAS]
23 - Keziah (Boltwood), w. Dr. Abia, d. Lt. Solomon & Mary (Strong), Sept. 28, 1835, Æ 82. [Strong Gen. II-1330] [Hadley Gen. P. 14, No. 7] [GenRec]
693 - Philip, 2nd h. Tirzah (Hoar) (Tobey), s. Philip & Elizabeth (Obert), May 25, 1834. [JAS]
1591 - Annie Gertrude, d. Rev. L. T. & Elbertine M., Aug. 21, 1893 [sic]. [GR3]
1596 - Elbertine M., (Hawley), w. Rev. L. T., Dec. 4, 1891. [GR3]
1594 - George H., s. Rev. L. T. & Elbertine M., Aug. 7, 1870, a. 6 w. [GR3]
694 - Juliet Parsons, d. Philip & Tirzah (Hoar) (Tobey), September 22, 1830. [JAS]
1597 - L. T., Rev., h. Elbertine M. (Hawley), July 8, 1878. [GR3]
719 - Laura A. (Day), w. Philip D., May 14, 1898. [GR3]
694 - Levi Parsons, s. Philip & Tirzah (Hoar) (Tobey), April 22, 1828. [JAS]
1592 - Nellie Maud, d. Rev. L. T. & Elbertine M., Jan. 6, 1891. [GR3]
719 - Philip D., h. Laura A. (Day), ___ __, 1907, in Amh. [GR3]
719 - Philip, Rev., 2nd h. Tirza, May 25, 1834. [GR3]
719 - Tirza (Tobey), w. Rev. Abner Tobey, of Wilmington, VT, (1st h.), w. Rev. Spaulding, of Jamaica, VT (2nd h.), Sept. 29, 1848, a. 63. [GR3]
693, 735 - Tirzah, w. Rev. Philip Spaulding (2nd h.), w. Rev. Alvan Tobey (1st h.), d. Joseph & Mary (Hitchcock), September 29, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
695 - _____, inf. ch. Joseph & Betsy (Thayer) (1st w.), February 11, 1816, probably at Belchertown. [JAS]
43 - _____, Mrs., of Eliphalet, Consumption, July 31, 1840, a. 49 y. [VR2]
772 - Amelia D., d. Lewis J. & Mary A. Apr. 11, 1882, a. 26 y. 9 m. [GR3]
607 - Asa Adams, "Father", h. Caroline A. (Crocker), ___ __, 1915, GAR Marker. [GR2]
201 - Betsey (Thayer), first w. Joseph Spear, d. Jonathan of Belchertown & Betsy, Feb. 17, 1816. [VR1]
695, 728 - Betsy (Thayer), 1st w. Joseph, d. John & Betsy (Spear) (1st w.), February 29, 1816, of consumption, perhaps at Belchertown. [JAS]
420 - Caroline (Adams), 2nd w. Ebenezer P., Oct. 16, 1908. [GR2]
40 - Caroline (Adams), w Ebenezer P., d. Asa, Jr. & Clarissa (Eastman), Dec. 21, 1891. [VR3]
2 - Caroline (Adams), w. Ebenezer P., d. Asa & Clarissa (Eastman), Oct. 16, 1908, at Amh. [GenRec]
607 - Caroline A. (Crocker), "Mother", w. Asa Adams, ___ __, 1926. [GR2]
199 - Dell (Washburn), sec. w. Myrick Nathan, ___ __, 1899. [VR1]
406 - Ebenezer P., Dec. 21, 1891. [GR2]
2 - Ebenezer P., h. Caroline (Adams), s. Eliphalet & Martha (Paule), Dec. 21, 1891, lived in Amh. [GenRec]
175 - Edward L., only s. Lyscum & Lydia S., March 16, 1847, Æ 23. [GR2]
697 - Edward Lyscum, s. Lyscum & Lydia Studley (Carlisle) (2nd w.), March 16, 1847, of lung fever, at Amh. [JAS]
646 - Edward M., Sept. __, 1892. [GR3]
409 - Eliphalet, Dec. 15, 1865, a. 76, Veteran of 1812, Marker with flag. [GR2]
175 - Elisha, "killed by lightening," May 11, 1843, Æ 51. [Gravestone in West Cemetery at Shutesbury (1059-17)]
696 - Elisha, h. Eunice Haskins, s. Luther & Rebecca (Tower) (1st w.), May 11, 1842, killed by lightning at North Amh. [JAS]
872 - Ellen M. (Hobart), w. Frank E., d. Woodbury & Harriet (Macomber), March 4, 1939, at Cushman. [Union Mar. 6, 1939] [GR2]
871 - Ellen M. (Hobart), w. Frank E., Mar. 5, 1939. [GR2].
695 - Fanny, d. Joseph & Nancy (Walker) (2nd w.), January 1, 1829, probably at Sunderland. [JAS]
871 - Frank E., h. Ellen M. (Hobart), ___ __, 1910. [GR2].
872 - Frank E., w. Ellen M. (Hobart), ___ __, 1910. [Union Mar. 6, 1939] [GR2]
926 - George P., Co. G. 52nd reg. Mass. Vol., Mar. 28, 1912, Æ 67 y. 10 m., GAR Marker. [GR2]
201 - Harriet (Currier), w. Hiram, d. Daniel & Martha (Sargent), Oct. 19, 1844 [sic]. [VR1]
440 - Harriet A., d. E. P. & Caroline, Feb. 9, 1849, Æ 3 y. [GR2]
698 - Harriet Amelia, d. Ebenezer Paull & Caroline (Adams), February 9, 1849, of scarlet fever, at Amh. [JAS]
922 - Harriet E., d. George P. & Pamelia (Mays), May 4, 1929. [GR2]
697 - Harriet P. (Currier), 1st w. Hiram H., October 17, 1844, of typhus fever, at Amh. [JAS]
862 - Hattie (Dow), w. George W, ___ __, 1916. [GR2]
646 - Henry F., April 2, 1875. [GR3]
695 - Henry Norris, s. Joseph & Nancy (Walker) (2nd w.), July 7, 1845 or 1846, at Hadley or Sunderland. [JAS]
201 - Hiram, h. Harriet (Currier), s. Moses & Huldah (Raymond), May 20, 1895. [VR1]
695 - inf. d. Joseph & Sally (Cowls) (3rd w.), April 7, 1839. [JAS]
695 - James W., s. Moses & Huldah (Raymond), July 8, 1864, mortally wounded May 1864. [JAS]
697 - Jane P., d. Hiram H. & Pamelia A. (Thurber) (2nd w.), April 3, 1849. [JAS]
695 - Joseph Oliver, s. Joseph & Nancy (Walker) (2nd w.), July 17, 1863, at Baton Rouge, LA. [JAS]
201 - Joseph, h. (1) Betsey (Thayer), h.(2) Nancy (Walker), s. Luther & Rebecca Tower, Aug. 19, 1850, at Sunderland. [VR1]
773 - Lewis J., "Father", h. Mary A., Aug. 29, 1896, a. 70. [GR3]
607 - Lillian C., d. Asa Adams & Caroline A. (Crocker), ___ __, 1882. [GR2]
697 - Lucy R., d. Hiram H. & Pamelia A. (Thurber) (2nd w.), September 5, 1846, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
694 - Luther, h. Rebecca Tower (1st w.), h. Abigail Marcy (2nd w.), s. Moses & Catherine (Jones), August 20, 1843 at Shutesbury. [JAS]
177 - Lydia S., w. Lyscom, Oct. 28, 1888, Æ 87. [GR2]
177 - Lyscom, h. Lydia S., Apr. 6, 1869, Æ 71. [GR2]
696 - Martha (Paull), 1st w. Eliphalet, July 31, 1840, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
696 - Martha E., d. Eliphalet & Martha (Paull) (1st w.), ___ __, ___, ____, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
411 - Martha, 1st w. Eliphalet, July 31, 1840, a. 49. [GR2]
774 - Mary A. "Mother", w. Lewis J., Apr. 15, 1881, a. 51. [GR3]
417 - Mary J., d. Ebenezer Paull & Caroline (Adams), (2nd w.) Apr. 28, 1928. [GR2]
696 - Mary Sophia, d. Eliphalet & Martha (Paull) (1st w.), December 15, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
646 - Mirick N., h. Sarah A. M., July 30, 1899, Springfield Lodge No. 61 BPOE. [GR3]
694 - Moses, h. Huldah (Raymond), s. Luther & Rebecca (Tower) (1st w.), June 9, 1832. [JAS]
201 - Nancy (Walker), sec. w. Joseph Spear, Jan. 27, 1828. [VR1]
695 - Nancy Walker, 2nd w. Joseph Spear, January 27, 1828. [JAS]
923 - Pamelia A. (Mays), w. George P., May 21, 1927, Æ 83 y. 4 m. [GR2]
694 - Rebecca (Tower), 1st w. Luther, March 18, 1822, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
862 - Rubin, s. George W. & Hattie (Dow), ___ __, 1888. [GR2]
201 - Sally (Cowles), third w. Joseph Spear, d. Simeon, Dec. 14, 1866, at Hadley. [VR1]
646 - Sarah A. M., w. Mirick N., March 2, 1861. [GR3]
414 - Sophia M., d. Eliphalet & Martha, (1st w.) Dec. 16, 1837, a. 18. [GR2]
873 - John L., (Graduated at Amherst Coll. Aug. 1848), Oct. 12, 1851, in Amh. [GR3]
588 - Mary (Pitkin), h. Owen, d. Joseph Chester & Mary (Hollister), May 24, 1845. [JAS]
698 - Ann Matilda, d. Luke Ainsworth & Grata Matilda (Rand), July 1, 1843, at Chilmark. [JAS]
698 - Richard Cecil, s. Luke Ainsworth & Grata Matilda (Rand), May 25, 1843, at Chilmark. [JAS]
45 - D. Brainerd, Dr., h. Elizabeth Sweetser (Colton), Jan. 30, 1925, at Agoa. [GenRec]
47 (sic) - _____, farmer, Apoplexy, Jan. 1, 1842, a. 78 y. [VR2]
207 - Clarinda, Jan. 22, 1862, Æ 64 y. [GR1]
699 - Josiah D., January 1, 1842. [JAS]
208 - Lucinda, w. Nathan, July 14, 1856, Æ 90 y. [GR1]
207 - Malinda, Nov. 10, 1897. [GR1]
699 - Nathan, h. Lucinda Dana, January 1, 1842, of apoplexy, at Amh. [JAS]
207, 208 - Nathan, h. Lucinda, Revolutionary War, Jan. 1, 1842, Æ 78 y., SAR Marker. [GR1]
208 - Hannah (Erving), Oct. 18, 1881, Æ 85. [GR1]
208 - Mary Jane (Cook), w. Jerry W. (or Jairus W.), d. Ira & Theodocia, Feb. 17, 1864, Æ 21 y., in Belchertown. [Vol. B. p. 10.] [GR1]
736 - Fred H., h. Mable (White), ___ __, 1928. [GR3]
736 - Marion W., d. Fred H. & Mable (White), ___ __, 1904. [GR3]
STANLEY, see Stanly
284 - Amanda F., w. Henry F., Nov. 2, 1858, Æ 65. [GR3]
1458 - Amelia A., w. Edward H., Dec. 7, 1869, Æ 28 y., at Omaha, NE. [GR3]
1458 - Edward A., h. Harriet (Dodge), Oct. 13, 1881, Æ 81 y. 10 m. [GR3]
17, 19 - Edward A., h. Percy (Franklin), Aug. 11, 1851, a. 78 yrs. [VR1]
1458 - Edward H., h. Amelia A., Co. C. 10th Regt. Mass. Vol., July 27, 1862, Æ 25 y., at Harrisson's Landing, GAR Marker. [GR3]
701 - Edward H., s. Edward Augustus & Harriet (Dodge), July 27, 1862, died at Harrison's Landing. [JAS]
1458 - Harriet (Dodge), w. Edward A., Feb. 22, 1886, Æ 83 y. 2 m. [GR3]
285 - Harriet N. D. Henry F. & Amanda, Sept. 30, 1838, a. 17 y. [GR3]
701 - Harriet N., d. Henry Franklin & Amanda (Perry) (2nd w.), September 30, 1834, perhaps at Amh. [JAS]
61 - Harriet Newell (died at Northampton), Sept. 30, 1838, a. 17. [VR4]
284 - Henry F., h. Amanda F., Aug. 7, 1874, Æ 80 y. 5 m. [GR3]
701 - Mary Eliza Franklin, d. Edward Augustus & Harriet (Dodge), April 9, 1848, of consumption, at Amh., unmarried. [JAS]
1458 - Rufus M., Mar. 22, 1852, Æ 25 y. [GR3]
STANLY, see Stanley
701 - Ezra Sargent, s. Edward Augustus & Mary (2nd w.), probably before July 7, 1807. [JAS]
299, 700 - Persis, 1st w. Edward Augustus, d. Henry Johnson & Mary (Williams), March 28, 1803, of childbirth, at Amh. [JAS]
286 - Polly, w. Edward A., March 26, 1803, a. 35. [GR3]
701 - Rufus Allen, s. Edward Augustus & Mary (2nd w.),___ __, 1845. [JAS]
700 - Rufus Allen, s. Edward Augustus & Persis (Franklin) (1st w.), April 8, 1811, killed by a rolling log. [JAS]
1533 - Mary, d. Martin T. & Susie H., Sept. 20, 1881, Æ 7 m. 11 d. [GR3]
1532 - Susie H., w. Martin T., ___ __, 1918. [GR3]
424 - Annie Kirby, d. William F. & Mary E., March 4, 1885. [GR3]
419 - Eliza Chaplin, d. President W[illia]m A., July 30,1906, in Pittsfield. [GR3]
425 - Ethel Rebecca, d. William F. & Mary E., Oct. 15, 1882. [GR3]
420 - Frazar Augustus, s. Rev. William A., Mar. 14, 1862, a. 21 y., at the battle of Newbern, NC, GAR Marker. [GR3]
283 - Henry, Dea., Jan. 31, 1894, a. 68 y. [GR2]
277 - Jennett (Edgarton), w. Henry M., May 6, 1920. [GR2]
427 - Mary Emmeline (Kittredge), w. William French, Jan. 24, 1905. [GR3]
421 - Olive (Coit), 2nd w. Dr. William A., March 10, 1911, a. 96 y. [GR3]
423 - Rebecca Alden (Frazar), 1st w. Rev. William A., July 19, 1855, a. 47 y. [GR3]
422 - William A., Rev., h. Rebecca Allen (Frazier) (1st w.), h. Olive (Coit) (2nd w), June 8, 1876. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1827, was for twenty three years pastor of the First Cong. Church in Cambridgeport, MA, was president of Amherst College and pastor of the college church from 1854 until his death.
426 - William French, h. Mary Emmeline (Kittredge), s. Rev. William A. & Rebecca Alden (Frazar) (1st w.), May 21, 1874. [GR3]
428 - William Kittredge, s. William F. & Mary Emmeline (Kittredge), May 12, 1881. [GR3]
418 - Winifred (Alden), May 10, 1909. [GR3]
35 - Jerusha (Clark), 1st w. John, d. Simeon & Rebecca (Strong), Mar. 26, 1815, at Granby. [GenRec]
208, 209 - Eliza A., w. Gibbs, Feb. 5, 1874. [GR1]
1662 - Elizabeth M., d. W[illia]m E. & Sarah E., June 12, 1927. [GR3]
208, 209 - Gibbs, h. Eliza A., Dec. 22, 1894, Æ 63 y. [GR1]
702 - Harriet, d. Dana & Elizabeth Lewis (Heath),October 6, 1841. [JAS]
209 - Jennie A., d. Gibbs & Eliza A., Nov. 18, 1858, Æ 3 y. [GR1]
125 - Jerusha (Clark) (2nd w.), w. John, d. Simeon & Rebekah (Strong), March 26, 1815, at Granby. [JAS]
880 - Josiah J., 1st h. Mary L., ___ __, 1867. [GR3]
1561 - Justus M., h. Laura A. (Leach), Jan. 16, 1889, GAR Marker. [GR3]
1536 - Lafayette C., Co. K. 26th Mass. Vols, June 19, 1872, Æ 27 y., GAR & Relief Corps Markers. [GR3]
1561 - Laura A. (Leach), w. Justus M., June 21, 1886. [GR3]
1561 - Marcus E., s. Justus M. & Laura A. (Leach), Jan. 20, 1889. [GR3]
35 - Mary (Clark), 2nd w. John, d. Simeon & Rebecca (Strong), June 30, 1855. [GenRec]
1561 - Nina May, d. Justus M. & Laura A. (Leach), April 27, 1902. [GR3]
1659 - Sarah E. "Mother", w. W[illia]m E., Sept. 6, 1878, a. 46. [GR3]
1658 - W[illia]m E., "Father", h. Sarah E., Jan. 29, 1890, a. 61. [GR3]
702 - _____, h. Ann, assumed to be dead before July 1840 [JAS].
771 - Lutie A. (Spear), w. E. J., ___ __, 1907. [GR3]
32 - _____, d. Isaac, Feb. 10, 1837, a. 5 y. [VR2]
210 - Baxter F., 1st h. Rachel J., ___ __, 1865. [GR1]
656 - Charles T., h. Emily A. (Roberts), Nov. 18, 1858. [GR2]
829 - Eliza M. (Peirce), w. John H., May 27, 1902. [GR2]
656 - Emily A. (Roberts), w. Charles T., Mar. 9, 1891. [GR2]
403 - Gideon, Esq., Revolutionary War, h. Nancy (1st w.), h. Thirza (2nd w.), Oct. 14, 1835, a. 74 y., SAR Marker. [GR3]
703 - Gideon, h. Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), h. Thirza (Warner) (Dickinson) (2nd w.), October 14, 1835, at Amh. [JAS]
206 - Gideon, h. Tiossah (Dickinson), h. (Nancy Thayer), Oct. 15, 1835, in Amh. [VR1]
206 - Gideon, Oct. 15, 1835, at Amh. [VR1]
210 - Henry M., s. Jacob & Mary F., ___ __, 1901. [GR1]
210 - Jacob, h. Mary F., ___ __, 1876. [GR1]
702 - Jacob, h. Rizpah Bisbee, s. Isaac & Hannah (Bicknell), February 14, 1840, at Asthma at South Amh. [JAS]
209 - Jacob, h. Rizpah, Feb. 14, 1840, Æ 65. [GR1]
42 - Jacob, Mr., Asthma, Feb. 14, 1840, at South Amh., a. 65 y. [VR2]
829 - John H., h. Eliza M. (Peirce), Jan. 28, 1917. [GR2]
805 - John, Feb. 8, 1871, a. 61 y. [GR2]
704 - John, s. Gideon & Clarissa (Henry), December 27, 1825, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
704 - Mary Ann, d. Gideon & Clarissa (Henry), February 4, 1840, of fever, at Amh., unmarried. [JAS]
42 - Mary Ann, Miss, d. Gideon, Fever (numonia) , Feb. 4,1840, a. 19 y. [VR2]
210 - Mary E. M., d. Jacob & Mary F., ___ __, 1927. [GR1]
210 - Mary F., w. Jacob, ___ __, 1897. [GR1]
210 - Mary J., d. Jacob & Mary F., ___ __, 1838. [GR1]
703 - Mary Jane [aka Mercy Jane], d. Jacob & Mary (Franklin), February 10, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
656 - Mary N., d. Charles T. & Emily A. (Roberts), Aug. 29, 1844. [GR2]
705 - Mary N., d. Charles Thayer & Emily Ann (Roberts), August 29, 1844. [JAS]
206 - Mary Nancy, d. Charles & Zebina (Roberts), June 30, 1902. [VR1]
44 - Miss Rispa, Typh. Fever, Sept. 21, 1840, at So. Amh., a. 31 y. [VR2]
703 - Nancy (Thayer), 1st w. Gideon, February 4, 1820, of apoplexy, at Amh. [JAS]
206 - Nancy (Thayer), first w. Gideon, Feb. 4, 1820. [VR1]
404 - Nancy, 1st w. Gideon, Esq. Feb. 4, 1820, a. 56. [GR3]
210 - Percy, s. Jacob & Mary F., ___ __, 1826. [GR1]
210 - Richard, s. Baxter F., 1st h., & Rachel J., Nov. 30, 1852, a. 7 m. [GR1]
702 - Rizpah (Bisbee), w. Jacob, d. Gamaliel & Ruth, March 28, 1833, at Amh. [JAS]
703 - Rizpah, d. Jacob & Rizpah (Bisbee), September 21, 1840, of typhoid fever, at South Amh. [JAS]
211 - Rizpah, d. Jacob & Rizpah, Sept. 21, 1840, a. 34. [GR1]
211 - Rizpah, w. Jacob, March 28, 1833, a. 54 y. [GR1]
704 - Samuel, s. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), probably before March 1828. [JAS]
39 - Simeon [sic Simone?], w. Charles, d. Simeon & Sarah (Dickinson) (1st w.), ___ __, ____, at Amh. or Goshen. [GenRec]
703 - Thirza (Warner) (Dickinson), 2nd w. Gideon Stetson (2nd h.), w. William Dickinson (1st h.), February 6, 1840, of cancer, at Amh. [JAS]
406 - Thirza, 2nd w. Gideon, Feb. 6, 1840, Æ 69, "she was a Mother". [GR3]
42 - Thirza, Mrs., Cancer, Feb. 6, 1840, a. 69 y. [VR2]
14 - Elizabeth (Wells), w. Phineas, Nov. 10, 1793, a. 39 y. [VR1]
212 - James M., Aug. 31, 1858, Æ 62. [GR1]
202 - James Morton, s. Phineas & Mary (Wells), Aug. 31, 1858, at Amh. [VR1]
202 - James Morton, s. Phineas & Mary (Wells), Aug. 31, 1858. [VR3]
202 - James Morton, s. Phineas & Mary (Wells), Aug. 31, 1858. [VR3]
705 - Mary (Wells), 1st w. Phineas, November 10, 1793, of childbirth, at Amh. [JAS]
706 - Abigail, d. James & Mindwell (Marsh), October 3, 1839, of fever at Amh. [JAS]
39 - Abigail, d. James, Fever, Oct. 3, 1839, a. 14 y. [VR2]
62 - Abigail, Oct. 4, 1839, a. 14. [VR4]
706 - Charles O., s. John & Charlotte, January 1, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
707 - Family. [GR3]
212 - Bertha (Peffers), w. Chandler E., ___ __, 1921. [GR1]
212, 213 - Esther May, ___ __, 1915. [GR1]
212 - Esther, d. C. E & B. P., ___ __, 1915. [GR1]
212, 213 - Howard James, ___ __, 1902. [GR1]
706 - David, h. Patience (Bartlett) (1st w.), h. Mary (Nash) (Wood) (2nd w.), February 11, 1832, at Whately. [JAS]
538, 707 - Mary (Nash) (Firmin), w. David Stockbridge (2nd h.), w. Firmin Wood (1st h.), d. John & Mary (Graves) (1st w.), June 20, 1832, at Whately [JAS]
706 - Patience (Bartlett), 1st w. David, October 19, 1806, at Whately. [JAS]
707 - _____, stillborn ch. Henry D. & Emily A. (2nd w.), February 23, 1846, at West Amh. [JAS]
303 - Emily A., w. Henry, Feb. 23, 1846, Æ 25 y. [GR3]
707 - Emily Amh., 2nd w. Henry D., February 23, 1846, of childbirth, at Amh. [JAS]
887, 887 - Charles L., s. Jeremiah & Elizabeth [Dup. Effie], June 26, 1891, Æ 24 y. [GR2]
707 - David, 1st h. Lydia E. (Nash), November 27, 1828, at Amh. [JAS]
213 - David, Nov. 28, 1828, Æ 34 y. [GR1]
886, 887 - Jeremiah, h. Effie [Dup. Elizabeth] I. (Holden), Co. D. 27th Mass. Volts., ___ __, 1909, GAR Marker. [GR2]
568 - Eunice (Parsons), 2nd w. Solomon, d. David & Eunice (Wells), January 22, 1797, at Northampton. [JAS]
737 - Abbie P. (Clark), w. Joel A., ___ __, 1916. [GR3]
1475 - Mary E. C., ___ __, 1934. [GR3]
1628 - Charles L. 2d., w. Hattie H. (Cowles), s. John & Melancia B., Feb. 16, 1910, GAR Marker. [GR3]
1629 - Eugene Winfred, s. E. F. & E. M., Nov. 27, 1910. [GR3]
1628 - Hattie H. (Cowles), w. Charles L., Sept. 17, 1886. [GR3]
1628 - John, Rev., "Father", h. Melancia B., May 8, 1854. [GR3]
1628 - Maria, "Auntie", May 21, 1877. [GR3]
1628 - Melancia B., "Mother", w. Rev. John, Nov. 20, 1877. [GR3]
1628 - Winfred C., 4th s. Charles L. & Hattie H. (Cowles), Oct. 8, 1881. [GR3]
60 - Martha, Mrs., w. H. W., Suicide, May 30, 1844, a. 62 y. [VR2]
1287 - Charlotte V., w. David, July 13, 1854, Æ 46. [GR3]
1288 - David, h. Charlotte V., March 1, 1856, a. 57. [GR3]
709 - Emily Sophia, d. Austin Crocker & Hannah Spencer (Powers), November 30, 1847, at Chelsea. [JAS]
709 - Mary G. [aka Susan Mary], d. Austin Crocker & Hannah Spencer (Powers), November 12, 1847, at Chelsea. [JAS]
STRATTEN, see Stratton
961 - Charlotte M., w. Dr. Chester, Nov. 27, 1907. [GR3]
961 - Chester, Dr., h. Charlotte M., Aug. 21, 1867. [GR3]
STRATTON, see Stratten
1162 - Edward J., s. Rufus W. & Jane E. (Clapp), Mar. 10, 1889. [GR3]
1161 - Jane E. (Clapp), w. Rufus W., October 8, 1903. [GR3]
1163 - Lillian, inf. d. Rufus W. & Jane E. (Clapp), Aug. 17, 1859. [GR3]
1161 - Rufus W., h. Jane E. (Clapp), January 20, 1914. [GR3]
181, 182 - Sarah H. (Read), w. Samuel, Jan. 2, 1885, Æ 77 y. [GR1]
855 - _____, Aug. 8, 1854, Æ 71. [GR3]
1101 - Frances L., d. W[illia]m G. & Mary A., June 30, 1849, Æ 4 y. 10 d. [GR3]
710 - Frances Lewis, d. William Green & Mary Ann (Lewis) (1st w.), June 20, 1849, of scarlet fever, at Amh. [JAS]
709 - Francis L., h. Jerusha (Gaylord), grandson John, March 19, 1822, at Hadley. [JAS]
202 - Francis L., Mar. 19, 1822, at Hadley. [VR1]
1100 - Mary A., w. W[illia]m G., Sept. 24, 1849, Æ 27 y. 10 m. [GR3]
710 - Mary Ann (Lewis), 1st w. William Green, September 24, 1849, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
1102 - William F., s. William G. & E. W., June 28, 1853, Æ 2 y. [GR3]
203 - William G., h. Mary A. (Lewis), h. Eunice W. Puffer, s. Francis & Jenisha [Alt. Jerusha] (Gaylord), about 1886, 4 ch. -1845-1854. [VR1]
713 - Adelia, d. John & Rebekah (Smith), probably before 1820. [JAS]
712 - Charles Lee, h. Prusha (Ford), s. Simeon & Louisa Cobb (Emerson), August 2, 1847, at Chesterfield, NH. [JAS]
60 - Croup, Aug. 9, 1844, a. 9 m. [VR2]
713 - Elijah Dwight, s. Hezekiah Wright & Martha (Dwight), January 3, 1827, at Richmond, VA. [JAS]
710 - Hannah (French) (Edwards), 1st w. Nehemiah Strong (2nd h.), w. Nathaniel Edwards (1st h.), August 31, 1771, probably at Amh. [JAS]
23 - Hannah (French), w. Nehemiah, Aug. 1, 1814. [OB-46] [Hadley Gen. P. 14, No. 7] [GenRec]
81 - Hannah, August 31, 1761, a. 64 y. [GR3]
81 - Hannah, w Nehemiah, Aug. 31, 1761, a. 64. [Judds Hadley No. 1 P. 242] [VR4]
713 - Henry Wright, h. Sarah E. (Cornell), s. Hezekiah Wright & Martha (Dwight), February 28, 1848, at Troy, NY. [JAS]
204 - Hezekiah Wright, s. Judge Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (2nd w.), bpt. Jan. 1, 1769, at Amh. [Amherst Gen. II - 1334] [VR1]
94 - John T., Jan. 12, 1865. [GR2]
262 - John, July 1, 1849. [GR3]
204 - John, s. Judge Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (2nd w.), Aug. 4, 1778, bpt. Aug., __, 1778, at Amh. [Amherst Gen. II - 1334] [VR1]
203 - John1, Apr. 14, 1699, in Northampton. ("Came in Ship "Mary & John" to this country, May 30, 1630.") (Had 2 wives and 18 children.") [VR1]
712 - Lemuel, s. Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (1st w.), December 13, 1783, at Amh. [JAS]
265 - Lemuel, s. Simeon, Esq. & Sarah, Dec. 13, 1783, a. 4 m. [GR3]
47 - Louisa C., Mrs., w. Simeon Esq., Decline, Sept. 7, 1841, a. 65 y. [VR2]
712 - Louisa Cobb (Emerson), w. Simeon, d. Rev. John Emerson, September 7, 1841, of decline, at Amh. [JAS]
267 - Louisa Cobb (Emerson), w. Simeon, Sept. 7, 1841. [GR3]
713 - Martha (Dwight), w. Hezekiah Wright, June 30, 1844, at Amh., threw herself into the well while deranged and drowned. [JAS]
43, 711 - Mary (Whiting) (Barron), of Petersham, 2nd w. Simeon (2nd h.), w. William Barron (1st h.), d. _____ Whiting, of Concord, February 12, 1808, of boilious fever, ay West Springfield, where she was living in the household of Justice Ely. Jr. [JAS]
711 - Mary, d. Nehemiah & Hannah (French) (Edwards) (1st w.), February 21, 1732, at Northampton. [JAS]
100 - Mary, Jan. 18, 1898. [GR2]
101 - Milton, Aug. 3, 1887. [GR2]
710 - Nehemiah, 2nd h. Hannah (French) (Edwards) (1st w.), h. Hannah (White) (2nd w.), 2nd h. Katharine (Unknown) (Barrett) (3rd w.), s. Samuel & Esther (Clapp), February 28, 1772, at Amh. [JAS]
80 - Nehemiah, Feb. 28, 1772, a. 78 y. [GR3]
81 - Nehemiah, Feb. 28, 1772, a. 78. [Judds Hadley No. 1 P. 242] [VR4]
710 - Nehemiah, h. "Mrs. Thomas", s. Nehemiah & Hannah (French) (Edwards) (1st w.), August 12, 1807, at Bridgeport, CT. [JAS]
203 - Nehemiah, Prof., h. Wd. Hannah (Edwards), h. Mrs. Catherine (Barrett), Feb. 28, 1772, 3 chn. 1731-1736. [Amherst Genealogy, II - 1316, #24571-2] [VR1]
711 - Polly, d. Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (1st w.), February 28, 1777, at Amh. [JAS]
264 - Polly, Feb. 28, 1777, a. 1 y. 2 m. [GR3]
99 - Rebekah S., Mrs., May 11, 1875. [GR2]
711 - Sally, d. Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (1st w.), February 26, 1777, at Amh. [JAS]
264 - Sally, Feb. 26, 1777, a. 10 y. [GR3]
711 - Sarah (Wright), 1st w. Simeon, d. Stephen, December 3, 1783, probably at Amh. [JAS]
265 - Sarah, w. Simeon, Esq., December 3, 1783, a. 43 y. [GR3]
47 - Simeon, Esq., Decline Consumption, Sept. 2, 1841, a. 78 y. [VR2]
263, 265 - Simeon, Esq., Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth of MA, h. Sarah, December 14, 1805, a. 70. [GR3]
712 - Simeon, h. Louisa Cobb (Emerson), s. Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (1st w.), September 2, 1741, at Amh. [JAS]
266 - Simeon, h. Louisa Cobb (Emerson), Sept. 2, 1841, SAR Marker. [GR3]
204 - Simeon, h. Louisa Cobb (Emerson}, s. Judge Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (2nd w.), Sept. 2, 1841, at Amh. [VR1]
711 - Simeon, h. Sarah (Wright) (1st w.), 2nd h. Mary (Whiting) (Barron) (2nd w.), s. Nehemiah & Hannah (French) (Edwards) (1st w.), December 14, 1805, probably at Amh. [JAS]
203 - Simeon, Judge, h. Mrs. Mary (Barron}, h. Sarah (Wright), s. Nehemiah & Hannah, Dec. 14, 1805. [Amherst Genealogy, II - 1316, 1333] [VR1]
62 - Simeon, Sept. 2, 1841, a. 78. [VR4]
204 - Solomon, Hon, s. Judge Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (2nd w.), bpt. Mar. 2, 1780, at Amh. [Amherst Gen. II - 1334] [VR1]
712 - William Frederic, s. Simeon & Louisa Cobb (Emerson), before 1840, at Amh. [JAS]
714 - Anne, w. James, March 31, 1816, of dropsy, perhaps at Pelham. [JAS]
777 - Charles William, "Our Darling Baby", s. John M. & Julia R. (Eastman), ___ __, 1908. [GR2]
776 - John Lyman, "Our Darling Baby", s. John M. & Julia R. (Eastman), ___ __, 1906. [GR2]
775 - Julia R. (Eastman), w. John M., May 16, 1915. [GR2]
783 - Julius Frederick, "Our Darling Baby", s. John M. & Julia R. (Eastman), ___ __, 1910. [GR2]
782 - Randolph Eastman, "Our Darling Baby", s. John M. & Julia R. (Eastman), ___ __, 1909. [GR2]
672 - Abby T., w. Luke, Oct. __, 1882, in Amh. [GR3]
672 - Luke, h. Abby T., July 27, 1882, in Amh. [GR3]