Vital Records Of Amherst,
Hampshire County, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
(Some Records to the Early 20th Century)
Published by The New England Historic and Genealogical Society in the Corbin Collection,
and by The Search & Research Publishing Corporation
Births - DICKERSON, Obed to DWYER
[Transcribed by Carlton O. Hommel]

252 - Obed, s. Obed & Experience (Smith), June 15, 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
59 - Obed, s. Obed, bpt. October 4, 1818, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
241, 251 - Obed, s. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), December 8, 1782, at Amh., resident of Pelham by 1804, returned to Amh. 1806, had a farm by 1820, had a mechanical trade in 1820, moved to Gilead, Branch Co., MI, early in 1836. [JAS]
23 - Obed, s. Seth & Naomi, bpt. July 1, 1792, at 1st Ch. [CH]
220 - Obed, s. Simeon & Martha (Graves), April 11, 1772, at Amh. [JAS]
252 - Ocran, s. Obed & Experience (Smith), November 19, 1812, at Amh., lived 1820 & 1839 at Amh., probably went to Gilead, MI 1836. [JAS]
241,252 - Ocran, s. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), July 18, 1793, at Amh., resident of West Springfield by 1825, employed at the Springfield Armory ca 1825 through 1850. [JAS]
24 - Okron. ch. Seth & Naomi, bpt. August 22, 1793, at 1st Ch. [CH]
215 - Olive, d. Medad & Esther (Dickinson) (3rd w.), September 25, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
52 - Olive, d. Medad, bpt. October 21, 1798, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
198 - Olive, d. Salmon & Hannah, ca 1757, at Hatfield. [JAS]
200, 212 - Oliver [aka "Landlord Oliver"], s. Azariah & Eunice (Stoughton), March 27, 1757, at Shutesbury; to Amh. with his family ca 1762; owned much land and some buildings in Amh., farmer. [JAS]
71 - Oliver Webster, infant s. Capt. O. & Mrs. Clarissa B., bpt. May 27, 1838, at South Ch. [CH]
249 - Oliver Webster, s. Moses & Electa (Dickinson), December 24, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
231 - Oliver Webster, s. Oliver & Clarissa (Billings) (2nd w.), September 18, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
210, 230 - Oliver, s. Waitstill & Lucretia (Montague), June 27, 1789, at Amh.; farmer at Amh. 1815 through 1850; Lieut. of militia before 1823; Capt. of the South Co. of militia at Amh. 1823 through 1826; Selectman 1824 through 1827 and 1838; member of the State Legislature 1832and 1839. [JAS]
50 - Oliver, s. Waitstill, bpt. August 16, 1789, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
21 - Ollive (Dickson), d. Medad & Esther [dup. Easter], Sept. 25, 1798. [VR1]
16 - Olliver, s. Waitstill & Leucretia, June 27, 1789. [VR1]
16 - Olliver, s. Waitstill & Leucretia, June 27, 1789. [VR3]
14 - Oped, s. Simeon, bpt. April 19, 1772, at 1st Ch. [CH]
250 - Ophelia Mundane, d. October 20, 1844, at Amh. [JAS]
218 - Ora, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), April 14, 1804, at Amh. [JAS]
241 - Oretha [aka Oratia], s. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), July 13, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
23 - Oretha, d. Seth & Naomi, bpt. July 1, 1792, at 1st Ch. [CH]
207, 229 - Orin R., s. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), ca November 1806, at Amh., resident of Amh., owned some livestock. [JAS]
209 - Orin, s. Nathaniel & Theoda (Smith), August 22, 1788, at Amh., died August 27, 1788. [JAS]
54 - Orin, s. Stephen, bpt. December 21, 1806, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
22 - Orra, ch. Simeon & Sally, bpt. June 12, 1791, at 1st Ch. [CH]
214 - Orra, d. Simeon & Sally (McClain), ca May 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
674 - Orra, w. John Milton Smith,___ __, 1804, at Amh., went to Goshen in June 1833, lived 1850, probably at Goshen. [JAS]
270A - Orra6 of Amh., d. Ebenezer5 & Abigail Belden, Apr. 14, 1804. [VR3]
58 - Oshea Smith, ch. Obed, bpt. June 30, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
252 - Oshea Smith, s. Obed & Experience (Smith), July 14, 1805, at Pelham, came to Amh. with his family ca 1807, resident of Amh. through 1835, went to Gilead, MI 1836. [JAS]
241 - Oshea, s. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), July 6, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
23 - Osia, d. Seth & Naomi, bpt. July 1, 1792, at 1st Ch. [CH]
207 - Osman, s. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), ___ __, ____, at Amh., died young. [JAS]
9 - Otis, ___ __, 1783. [GenRec]
58 - Owen, s. Obed, bpt. June 30, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
236 - Pamela, d. Chester & Susanna (Dickinson), ca April 2, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
35 - Pamelia, d. Chester & Susannah, bpt. June 4, 1815, at 1st Ch. [CH]
207 - Patrick Peebles, s. Levi & Margaret (Peebles), October 29, 1789, at Amh., guardian was John Tahyer, of Belchertown, in 1803. [JAS]
13 - Patrick Peebles, s. Levi & Margaret, Oct. 29, 1789. [VR1]
285 - Patrick Peebles, s. Levi & Margaret, Oct. 29, 1789. [VR3]
50 - Pattrick Pibbles, s. Levi, bpt. March 28, 1791, in private. [CH]
205, 221 - Peres, s. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), March 26, 1763, at Amh.; blacksmith at Amh.; was active in Shay's Rebellion and took the Oath of Allegiance February 1887; farmer, owned his own shop. [JAS]
222 - Peres, s. Peres & Lucinda (Foster) (2nd w.), ca March 1813, at Amh. [JAS]
14 - Perez, s. Nathan (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Easther (Fowler) (of Westchester, NY), Mar. 26, 1763. [VR1]
292 - Perez, s. Nathan (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Easther (Fowler) (of Westchester, NY), Mar. 26, 1763. [VR3]
34 - Perez, s. Perez & Lucinda, bpt. April 25, 1813, at 1st Ch. [CH]
52 - Phidelia, d. Elihu & Susanna, bpt. June 12, 1796, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
211 - Philo [aka Filer], s. Joel & Eunice (Houghton), December 20, 1785, at Amh. [JAS]
211 - Philo, s. Joel & Eunice (Houghton), June 2, 1782, at Amh. [JAS]
206, 786 - Philomela [aka "Fila"], d. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), February 16, 1786, at Amh., bpt. as an infant, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
19 - Philomela, d. Enos & Lois, bpt. March 26, 1786, at 1st Ch. [CH]
206 - Phydelia, d. Elihu & Susanna (Lewis), May 17, 1796, at Amh. [JAS]
451 - Phydelia, w. James Kellogg, ___ __, 1796, at Amh. [JAS]
14 - Phylomelia, d. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, Feb. 16, 1786. [VR1]
277 - Phylomelia, d. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, Feb. 16, 1786. [VR3]
254 - Pliny, ___ __, 1777, at Granby, graduate of Dartmouth College 1779, minister at Walpole, NH 1805-1831. [JAS]
52 - Pliny, s. Dea[con]. Medad, bpt. April 30, 1797, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
215 - Pliny, s. Medad & Esther (Dickinson) (3rd w.), March 5, 1797, at Amh., removed to Syracuse, NY. [JAS]
21 - Pliny, s. Medad & Esther [dup. Easter], Mar. 5, 1797. [VR1]
221 - Polly, d. Jonathan & Mary (Hamilton) (1st w.), ca February 1772. [JAS]
14 - Polly, d. Jonathan, bpt. March 8, 1772, at 1st Ch. [CH]
207 - Polly, d. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), ca 1804, at Amh. [JAS]
54 - Polly, d. Stephen, bpt. September 2, 1804, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
211 - Polly, d. Stoughton & Abigail (Nash), ca 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
1011 - Porter, July 3, 1809. [GR3]
225 - Porter, s. Ebenezer & Abigail (Barrows), ca February 1801, at Amh. [JAS]
28 - Porter, s. Ebenezer & Abigail, bpt. March 8, 1801, at 1st Ch. [CH]
225, 246 - Porter, s. Eli & Louisa (Mattoon), July 3, 1809, at Amh., blacksmith at Amh., machinist at Amh. 1845, tool manufacturer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
252 - Preston, s. Obed & Experience (Smith), July 12, 1807, at Amh. [JAS]
58 - Preston, s. Obed, bpt. June 30, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
201 - Rachel L., d. Nathaniel & Thankful (Barrett) (1st w.), October 19, 1759, at Amh. [JAS]
18 - Rachel, d. Aaron & Eleanor, bpt. April 25, 1784, at 1st Ch. [CH]
203 - Rachel, d. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), ca 1773, at Amh. [JAS]
15 - Rachel, d. Reuben?, bpt. December 26, 1773, at 1st Ch. [CH]
212, 233 - Ransom, s. Azariah & Mary (Eastman), May 8, 1789, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1810 through 1839, a Deacon, Town Treas. 1820 - 1823, moved to Sunderland shortly before 1840. [JAS]
50 - Ransom, s. Azuriah, bpt. June 11, 1789, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
242 - Rebecca, d. Jonathan & Amy Stoughton (Dickinson), April 11, 1826, at Amh. [JAS]
201 - Rebecca, d. Nathaniel & Thankful (Barrett) (1st w.), May 24, 1764, at Amh., died young . [JAS]
218, 566 - Rebecca, d. Roswell & Rachel (Hunt), July 5, 1802, at Amh., lived at Amh. 1830 and 1833, went to South Hadley, lived in 1850 [JAS]
197, 203 - Reuben, s. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), ___ __, 1729, at Hadley; came to Amh. by 1731with his family; Sgt. in Capt. Porter's Co. versus Crown Point 1755; member of the Committee of Correspondence January 1774; Selectman 1772through 1775, 1777 and 1778; Lieut. of a militia company (Commanding) mustered May 1775 for 11days service at Cambridge; Capt. of a militia company organized in Amh. May 1776 for three months duty, also duty at Ticonderoga July 1776; at Mosses' Creek to reinforce the Army July 1777 at Saratoga September and October 1777 through March 1777, and at Saratoga September 1777; in January 1778 he was commanding a company for three years service; gentleman at Amh. 1788; was active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance July 1787; sold his farm in May 1788 and soon moved to the Thetford, VT. [JAS]
203, 219 - Reuben, s. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), February 25, 1755, at Amh.; soldier in militia; 11days at Cambridge on Lexington alarm; January 1776 at Charleston; two months at Saratoga 1777; enlisted for three years in Continental Army January 177(9); farmer at Amh. 1785; sold his farm at Amh. December 1788 and soon left Amh. [JAS]
6 - Reuben, s. Reuben, bpt. April 13, 1755, at 1st Ch. [CH]
252 - Richard Chauncey, s. Obed & Experience (Smith), March 18, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
63 - Richard Chauncey, s. Obed, bpt. July 30, 1826, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
556 - Robert W., April 23, 1862. [GR2]
216 - Rosalin, d. Gideon & Abigail (Field ) (1st w.), ca February 1775, at Amh. [JAS]
15 - Rosalinda, d. Gideon & Abigail, bpt. March 19, 1775, at 1st Ch. [CH]
936 - Roswell, ___ __, 1772. [GR3]
203, 218 - Roswell, s. Ebenezer & Chloe (Holton), March 20, 1772, at Amh.; farmer in Amh. through 1815; commission Capt. of the North Co. of militia 1809; Major of 3rd Regiment August 1812, discharged January 1815; manufacturer at Amh. 1820 and 1840 through 1848. [JAS]
268A - Roswell5, s. Dr. Ebenezer4 & Chloe (Holton), Mar. 20, 1772[Dup. at Amh.]. [VR3]
217 - Roxanna, d. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), April 3, 1783, at Amh. [JAS]
19 - Roxsah, d. Elisha & Martha, bpt. July 3, 1785, at 1st Ch. [CH]
206, 227 - Rufus Leonard, [aka Leonard Dickinson], s. Elihu & Susanna (Lewis), ca March 1795, at Amh. bpt. April 19, 1795 at 2nd Ch., he sold all - - his interest in his father's farm December 1816 and March 1817, farm laborer at Amh. 1820, left Amh. before 1825. [JAS]
229 - Rufus T., s. Elihu Eastman & Susan D. (Pettengill), September 1, 1838, at Belchertown. [JAS]
270A - Rufus, s. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), Feb. 20, 1886. [VR3]
218, 239 - Rufus, s. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), February 20, 1786, at Amh. resident of Amh. 1811until before 1840, captain of the North Co. of militia 1818 through 1824, had a trade, went to South Deerfield before 1840, and next he went south to Georgia for several years and then returned to Sunderland. [JAS]
239 - Rufus, s. Rufus & Almira (Church), December 21, 1813, at Amh. [JAS]
230 - Rufus, s. Salmon & Nancy (Thayer), ca August 4, 1815, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1840 through 1850, unmarried, lived with his brother Chester at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
214 - Rufus, s. Simeon & Sally (McClain), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
222 - Ruth, d. Peres & Ruth (Dickinson) (1st w.), ca November 17, 1796, at Amh. [JAS]
26 - Ruth, d. Perez, bpt. June 17, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
203 - Ruth, d. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), ca 1793, at Amh. [JAS]
1616 - S. White, ___ __, 1822. [GR3]
17 - Sabina, d. John & Lidea, bpt. September 29, 1782, at 1st Ch. [CH]
244 - Sabra Blodget, d. Levi & Almira (Pomreoy), bpt. October 22, 1820 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
61 - Sabra Blodgett, d. Levi, bpt. October 22, 1820, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
27 - Sally Ann, d. Col. Zebina, & Mary, Sept. 19, 1821. [VR1]
312 - Sally Ann, d. Col. Zebina, & Mary, Sept. 19, 1821. [VR3]
235 - Sally Ann, d. Zebina & Mary (Watson), September 19, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
215 - Sally Smith, d. Medad & Olive (Dickinson) (2nd w.), October 7, 1786, at Amh. [JAS]
49 - Sally Smith, d. Medad, bpt. November 5, 1786, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
50 - Sally, d. Levi, bpt. March 28, 1791, in private. [CH]
21 - Sally, d. Medad (Dickson) & Olive (2nd w.), Oct. 7, 1786. [VR1]
288 - Sally, d. Medad (Dickson) & Olive (2nd w.), Oct. 7, 1786. [VR3]
214, 519 - Sally, d. Simeon & Sally (McClain), between 1765 and 1784 [Dup: at Amh.] [JAS]
214, 217 - Salmon Morton, s. Aaron & Eleanor (Morton), August 2, 1788, at Amh., farm laborer and tradesmen 1815 through 1850, superintendent of WC 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
21 - Salmon Morton, s. Aaron & Eleanor, bpt. August 14, 1788, at 1st Ch. [CH]
15 - Salmon Morton, s. Aaron & Eliner, Aug. 2, 1788. [VR1]
259 - Salmon Morton, s. Aaron & Eliner, Aug. 2, 1788. [VR3]
253 - Salmon White, s. Eurotas & Sarah (Allis), May 7, 1822, at Whately, cabinet maker at Amh. 1850, unmarried, his estate later financed the - - library at Whately. [JAS]
90 - Salmon, ___ __, 1787. [GR1]
198 - Salmon, s. John & Hepzipah (Wells), May __, 1724, at Hatfield. [JAS]
197, 198 - Salmon, s. John 2nd & Hepzipah (Wells), May __, 1724, at Hatfield. [JAS]
198, 208 - Salmon, s. Salmon & Hannah, ca 1761, at Hatfield; resident of Hatfield, soon a resident of Amh.; left Amh. November 1815. [JAS]
208, 229 - Salmon, s. Salmon & Phebe (Baker), ca January 7, 1788, at Amh., farm laborer at Amh. through 1815, gone from 1820 through 1835, perhaps at Hatfield, returned to Amh. by 1840, farmer in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
221 - Saloma, d. Jonathan & Mary (Hamilton) (1st w.), ca 1761, at Amh., bpt. August 15, 1762at 1st Ch. [JAS]
9 - Salome, d. Jonathan & Mary, bpt. August 15, 1762, at 1st Ch. [CH]
201 - Salome, d. Nathaniel & Thankful (Barrett) (1st w.), April 1, 1765, at Amh. [JAS]
201 - Salome, d. Nathaniel & Thankful (Barrett) (1st w.), November 13, 1768, at Amh. [JAS]
208 - Salome, d. Nathaniel & Theoda (Smith), October 16, 1769, at Amh. [JAS]
17 - Salome, d. Nathaniel (s. Lt. Jo.) & Theoda, bpt. June 2, 1782, at 1st Ch. [CH]
11 - Salome, d. Nathaniel, bpt. April 6, 1766, at 1st Ch. [CH]
13 - Salome, d. Nathaniel, bpt. November 17, 1768, at 1st Ch. [CH]
241 - Salome, d. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), September 12, 1805, at Amh. [JAS]
30 - Salome, d. Seth & Naomi, bpt. October 27, 1805, at 1st Ch. [CH]
207 - Salome, d. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), ca April 1810, at Amh., guardian was Elijah Church, of Amh. [JAS]
55 - Salome, d. Stephen, bpt. May 6, 1810, at 2nd Ch., by Mr. Eastman. [CH]
197 - Samuel 2nd, s. Nehemiah & Mary (Cowles), August 16, 1632; Deacon at Hadley; received land in Hadley from the Proprietors; removed to Shutesbury. [JAS]
196 - Samuel 2nd, s. Nehemiah, ___ __, 1682. [JAS]
230, 248 - Samuel Dana, s. David & Hannah (Dana), November 4, 1816, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
236 - Samuel Ellis, s. John & Rebecca Ellis (1st w.), November 29, 1817, at East Machias, ME. [JAS]
24 - Samuel Fowler Jr., 5th ch. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), Aug. 16, 1811. [VR1]
301 - Samuel Fowler Jr., s. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), Aug. 16, 1811. [VR3]
205, 223 - Samuel Fowler, s. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), October 9, 1775, at Amh.; graduate of Dartmouth College 1795; taught a year at New Salem Academy 1796;studied law in the office of Judge Stone at Northampton; Town Treas. 1803 through 1818; Town Clerk 1804 through 1818; Representative to the General Court 1805 through 1809, 1813, 1816 - 1818, 1827 - 1829; later State Senator; known as Esquire; a founder of Amherst Academy; moved to Cincinnati, Ohio,1833 where he was Steward at Lane Seminary; next moved to Hudson, Ohio, where he was Steward for Western Reserve College. [JAS]
292 - Samuel Fowler, s. Nathan, Jr. (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Easther (Fowler) (of Westchester, NY), Oct. 9, 1775. [VR3]
223 - Samuel Fowler, s. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), August 16, 1811, at Amh., moved to Macon, Georgia. [JAS]
34 - Samuel Fowler, s. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia, bpt. October 5, 1811, at 1st Ch. [CH]
228 - Samuel Gilbert, s. Adolphus & Lydia (Hyde), bpt. December 6, 1829, at 2nd Ch., mason at Amh. 1850, living with his brother Elijah - - Eastman Dickinson, at Amh. [JAS]
65 - Samuel Gilbert, s. Adolphus, bpt. December 6, 1829, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
225, 245 - Samuel Stetson, s. Abijah & Mary (Stetson), February 12, 1815, at Amh., farmer at Amh., lived in his brother William's household 1840 through 1850. [JAS]
58 - Samuel Stetson, s. Abijah, bpt. September 22, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
31 - Samuel Stores, s. Ebenezer & Abigail, bpt. August 3, 1806, at 1st Ch. [CH]
557 - Samuel Storrs, ___ __, 1815. [GR2]
557 - Samuel Storrs, Jr., s. Samuel Storrs & Alzina (Towne), ___ __, 1847. [GR2]
225, 245 - Samuel Storrs, s. Ebenezer & Abigail (Barrows), ca July 1806, at Amh., moved with his family to Cincinnati, Ohio, ca 1813 resided there 1831. [JAS]
245 - Samuel Storrs, s. Samuel Stetson & Alzina (Towne), February 6, 1847, at North Amh. [JAS]
232 - Samuel, adopted s. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), bpt. November 14, 1819, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
39 - Samuel, adopted s. Lieut. Enos 2d, bpt. November 14, 1819, at 1st Ch. [CH]
267A - Samuel, s. Ebenezer & Hannah (Frary), Oct. 14, 1718. [VR3]
217, 238 - Samuel, s. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), October 28, 1789, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1820 through 1850. [JAS]
21 - Samuel, s. Elisha & Martha, bpt. December 6, 1789, at 1st Ch. [CH]
202 - Samuel, s. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), ca April 1760, at Amh., bpt. May 13, 1764 at 1st Ch., militia duty at Rhode Island, June 1779 through February 1780. [JAS]
10 - Samuel, s. Gideon & Hannah, bpt. May 13, 1764, at 1st Ch. [CH]
200 - Samuel, s. Jonathan & Dorothy (Stoughton), May 5, 1753, at Shutesbury, went to Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
196 - Samuel, s. Nathaniel, ___ __, 1638. [JAS]
197 - Samuel, s. Samuel 2nd & Hannah (Marsh) (1st w.), October 16, 1712, at Hadley. [JAS]
250 - Sarah Amelia, d. Marquis Fayette & Hannah S. (Williams), October 8, 1848, at North Amh. [JAS]
61 - Sarah Anne, d. Zebina, bpt. January 13, 1822, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
1183 - Sarah F., d. Elijah & Sara F., Apr. 14, 1836. [GR3]
239 - Sarah Field, d. Elijah & Sarah Field (Belding), April 14, 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
219 - Sarah Hunt, d. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), January 13, 1809, at Amh. [JAS]
55 - Sarah Hunt, d. Joseph, bpt. April 2, 1809, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
212 - Sarah Ingram, d. Azariah & Mary (Eastman), June 17, 1787, at Amh. [JAS]
49 - Sarah Ingram, d. Azariah, bpt. July 15, 1787, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
243 - Sarah Jane Gunn, twin d. Nathan & Mary Ann (Taylor), October 18, 1829, at Amh., went to Romeo, MI. [JAS]
43 - Sarah Jane, d. Nathan, bpt. July 2, 1832, at 1st Ch. [CH]
245 - Sarah Jane, d. William Eastman & Phebe W. (Rhodes) (1st w.), October 22, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
246 - Sarah Lovisa, d. Eli & Roxana (Thayer), February 15, 1834, at New Haven, CT. [JAS]
225 - Sarah M., d. Eli & Louisa (Mattoon), January 3, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
235 - Sarah Marsh, d. Walter & Lydia (Dickinson), March 3, 1828, lived with father at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
162 - Sarah Marsh, d. Walter, of Amh., Mar. 3, 1828. [VR1]
240 - Sarah N., d. Caleb Dexter & Tryphena (Russell) (1st w.), September 23, 1835, at Greenfield. [JAS]
234 - Sarah Tammason, d. Daniel & Tammy Eastman (2nd w.), May 19, 1834, at Amh. [JAS]
226, 605 - Sarah Warner, d. David & Mary Field (Warner), ca 1810, at Petersham,lived at Amh. March 1831. [JAS]
254 - Sarah, ca 1835, in MA, lived in household of Joseph Billings, at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
377 - Sarah, d. Azariah & Mary (Dickinson), June 17, 1787. [GR3]
198 - Sarah, d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), ca 1734, at Amh. [JAS]
202 - Sarah, d. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), ca September 1753, at Amh., bpt. October 28, 1753 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
6 - Sarah, d. Gideon & Hannah, bpt. October 28, 1753, at 1st Ch. [CH]
207 - Sarah, d. Levi & Margaret (Peebles), May 15, 1783, at Amh. [JAS]
285 - Sarah, d. Levi & Margaret (Peebles), May 15, 1783. [VR3]
13 - Sarah, d. Levi & Margaret, May 15, 1783. [VR1]
203 - Sarah, d. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), ca January 1757, at Amh. [JAS]
549 - Sarah, March 3, 1828. [GR2]
236 - Sarah M., d. Chester & Susanna (Dickinson), ca 1807, in MA, lived with Abigail Dickinson, d. Gideon, in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
199 - Selah, s. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), April 30, 1777. [JAS]
199 - Selah, s. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), September 20, 1755; soldier in the Revolutionary War; militia duty May through July 1776; on Canadian campaign April through December 1776. [JAS]
217 - Selina, d. Zimri & Lucy (Day), between 1789 and 1803, probably at Amh., guardian was Nathan Franklin. [JAS]
241 - Seth, s. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), August 26, 1788, at Amh., died August 28, 1788. [JAS]
220, 241 - Seth, s. Simeon & Martha (Graves), October 6, 1759, at Amh., soldier in militia at Stillwater September 1777, farmer at Amh. 1785, left Amh. soon after 1820, perhaps to Springfield. [JAS]
8 - Seth, s. Simeon & Martha, bpt. October 7, 1759, at 1st Ch. [CH]
29 - Seth, s. Widow Eunice, bpt. April 27, 1804, at 1st Ch. [CH]
242 - Silas, (twin?) s. Silas & Eunice (Moody), ca 1798, at Amh., guardian was Chester Kellogg. [JAS]
254 - Silas, bpt. September 5, 1762at 1st Ch., appears to be an infant or small child. [JAS]
10 - Silas, bpt. September 5, 1762, at 1st Ch. [CH]
18 - Silas, s. Col. Elijah, Jr., & Jerusha, Sept. 24, 1783. [VR1]
276 - Silas, s. Col. Elijah, Jr., & Jerusha, Sept. 24, 1783. [VR3]
216 - Silas, s. Elijah & Jerusha (Smith), September 24, 1783, at Amh., bpt. in private at his own request April 17, 1804 by Pastor of 1st Ch. [JAS]
221, 242 - Silas, s. Jonathan & Mary (Hamilton) (1st w.), ca November 1769, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1795 through 1803. [JAS]
13 - Silas, s. Jonathan, bpt. November 19, 1769, at 1st Ch. [CH]
29 - Silas," I propounded the cov[enan]t and baptized Silas Dickinson at his request in private", April 17, 1804. [CH]
15 - Silvanus, s. Ebenezer 3d & Ruth, bpt. December 4, 1774, at 1st Ch. [CH]
306 - Simeon, Jr., s. Simeon & Lucy, bp. Mar. 20, 1763. [VR3]
204, 220 - Simeon, s. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), ca 1726, at Hatfield; came to Hadley and then to Amh. ca 1748; Constable 1760; Selectman 1776. [JAS]
201, 213 - Simeon, s. Nehemiah & Amy (Stoughton), October 9, 1759, perhaps at Amh.; moved to Hadley 1773 with his family; farm annexed by Amh. 1788; gentleman at Amh. 1795; sold his land 1793 and 1795 and moved to Weybridge, VT 1796. [JAS]
220, 240 - Simeon, s. Simeon & Martha (Graves), August 28, 1757, at Amh.; soldier in the Revolutionary War; at Dorchester October 1776 to March 1777; with Northern Army May 1777 to July 1777; at Stillwater August 1777 to October 1777; at Rhode Island June 1779 to January 1780; farmer at Amh. 1780; Pensioner at Amh. 1832. [JAS]
8 - Simeon, s. Simeon & Martha, bpt. September 4, 1757, at 1st Ch. [CH]
214 - Simeon, s. Simeon & Sally (McClain), bpt. December 1798, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
726 - Simeon, s. Simeon & Sarah, Feb. 22, 1764. [VR3]
27 - Simeon, s. Simeon, bpt. December 13, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
222 - Solomon, s. Ezekiel & Perley (Gunn), September 6, 1801, at Amh., bpt. July 1813 at 1st Ch., resident of Amh. 1824 and 1825, farmer. [JAS]
34 - Solomon, s. Ezekiel & Perly, bpt. July 18, 1813, at 1st Ch. [CH]
222 - Solomon, s. Peres & Ruth (Dickinson) (1st w.), ca June 1792, at Amh. [JAS]
203 - Solomon, s. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), ___ __, 1761, at Amh., soldier in the Continental Army for six months, at West Point 1780, Cpl. August through November 1781, resident of Amh. 1785, soon left Amh. [JAS]
43 - Sophia Smith, d. Morton S., bpt. October 2, 1831, at 1st Ch. [CH]
237 - Sophia Smith, d. Salmon Morton & Lucretia (Smith), August 22, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
242 - Sophia, d. Jonathan & Amy Stoughton (Dickinson), February 5, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
66 - Sophia, d. Jonathan, bpt. May 27, 1832, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
218 - Speedy [aka Experience], d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), July 19, 1807, at Amh. [JAS]
38 - Spencer, s. N., Jr., bpt. May 2, 1819, at 1st Ch. [CH]
209 - Spencer, s. Nathaniel & Theoda (Smith), December 18, 1847, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
209 - Spencer, s. Nathaniel & Theoda (Smith), June 1, 1784, at Amh., bpt. May 1819 at 1st Ch., living in Westhampton 1795. [JAS]
92 - Stephen A., ___ __, 1770. [Hadley Genealogies p. 41] [GR1]
207, 229 - Stephen Amh., s. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), ca 1803, at Amh., blacksmith and farmer at Amh. [JAS]
199, 207 - Stephen Horsmer, s. Nathan & Judith Hosmer (3rd w.), ca June 1770, at Amh., farmer at Amh. [JAS]
13 - Stephen Horsmer, s. Nathan, bpt. July 8, 1770, at 1st Ch. [CH]
209 - Stephen, s. Nathaniel & Theoda (Smith), March 1, 1780, at Amh., living in Westhampton 1795. [JAS]
17 - Stephen, s. Nathaniel (s. Lt. Jo.) & Theoda, bpt. June 2, 1782, at 1st Ch. [CH]
200, 211 - Stoughton, s. Jonathan & Dorothy (Stoughton), February 7, 1755, at Shutesbury; came to Amh. before 1770; house joiner; member of Capt. Cook's militia co. from Amh.on duty at Springfield for seven days in September 1786; moved to Weybridge, VT, by 1797. [JAS]
209 - Submit, d. Nathaniel & Theoda (Smith), November 28, 1789, at Amh., died December 19, 1789. [JAS]
247 - Sumner Lamantine, s. William & Harriet N. (Allen) (2nd w.), July 6, 1848, at South Amh. [JAS]
238, 592 - Susan Ermina, d. Elijah & Sarah Field (Belding), August 13, 1826, at Amh., lived in 1850. [JAS]
19 - Susanna, d. Elisha & Marcia, bpt. August 21, 1785, at 1st Ch. [CH]
213 - Susanna, d. Nathaniel & Sarah (Marsh) (1st w.), September 6, 1781, at Amh. [JAS]
293 - Susanna, d. Nathaniel Jr. & Sarah (Marsh), Sept. 6, 1781. [VR3]
242 - Susannah Ward, d. Jonathan & Amy Stoughton (Dickinson), June 5, 1828, at Amh. [JAS]
64 - Susannah Ward, d. Jonathan, bpt. August 3, 1828, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
635 - Susannah, 4+ w. Benoni Rust, ___ __, 1785, at Amh. [JAS]
217 - Susannah, d. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), August 12, 1785, at Amh. [JAS]
205, 224 - Sylvanus, s. Ebenezer & Ruth (Eastman), December 2, 1774, at Amh., farmer at Amh., moved to Reedsburg, VT, before 1820. [JAS]
234, 250 - Sylvester, s. Walter & Lydia (Dickinson), November 23, 1809, at Amh., carpenter at Amh. 1835, in 1840 he owned a Gristmill, lived at Montague 1845, and returned to Amh. before 1850. [JAS]
33 - Sylvester, s. Walter & Mary, bpt. July 21, 1811, at 1st Ch. [CH]
216, 404 - Thankful [aka Thankful"2nd"], d. Juda & Thankful Warner (Dickinson), January 9, 1801, at Amh., her guardian was Perez Dickinson as a girl, she had intended to marry Pliny Dickinson February 12, 1820, but he cancelled the intention after two weeks. [JAS]
13 - Thankful Warner, d. Nathan, Jr. & Esther his wife, bpt. December 18, 1768, at 1st Ch. [CH]
236 - Thankful, d. Chester & Susanna (Dickinson), ca August 27, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
62 - Thankful, d. Chester, bpt. November 9, 1823, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
215 - Thankful, d. Medad & Olive (Dickinson) (2nd w.), June 25, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
50 - Thankful, d. Medad, bpt. July 19, 1789, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
205 - Thankful, d. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), December 14, 1768, at Amh. [JAS]
199 - Thankful, d. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), March 15, 1758, at Amh. [JAS]
8 - Thankful, d. Nathan & Joanna, bpt. March 26, 1758, at 1st Ch. [CH]
53 - Thankful, d. of the widow Thankful, bpt. September 13, 1801, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
14 - Thankfull Warner, d. Nathan (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Easther Fowler (of Westchester, NY), Dec. 14, 1768. [VR1]
292 - Thankfull Warner, d. Nathan (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Easther Fowler (of Westchester, NY), Dec. 14, 1768. [VR3]
19 - Thankfull, d. Judah & Thankfull, Jan. 9, 1801. [VR1]
284 - Thankfull, d. Judah & Thankfull, Jan. 9, 1801. [VR3]
21, 288 - Thankfull, d. Medad & Olive (2nd w.), June 25, 1789. [VR3]
209 - Theoda, d. Nathaniel & Theoda (Smith), May 1, 1786, at Amh., living in Westhampton 1795. [JAS]
49 - Theoda, d. Nathaniel, Jr., bpt. August 20, 1786, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
93 - Timothy W., ___ __, 1848. [GR1]
248 - Timothy W., s. Samuel Dana & Caroline (Wolcott), February 7, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
24 - Timothy, 7th ch. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), Mar. 11, 1816. [VR1]
14 - Timothy, Rev., s. Nathan (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Easther (Fowler) (of Westchester, NY), June 25, 1761. [VR1]
292 - Timothy, Rev., s. Nathan (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Easther (Fowler) (of Westchester, NY), June 25, 1761. [VR3]
205 - Timothy, s. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), June 25, 1761, at Amh.; soldier in Northern Army May through August 1777; October 1777 at Saratoga; nine months at Fishkill 1778; graduate of Dartmouth 1785; clergyman in Holliston. [JAS]
301 - Timothy, s. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), Mar. 11, 1816. [VR3]
223, 244 - Timothy, s. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), March 11, 1816, at Amh., moved to Macon, Georgia, by December 1837. [JAS]
36 - Timothy, s. Samuel Fowler, bpt. April 28, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
68 - Vera Lucretia, March 22, 1897. [GR1]
94 - Waitstill, Mar. 9, 1814. [GR1]
199, 209 - Waitstill, s. John & Esther (Dickinson), April 17, 1750, at Amh.; farmer at Amh., with a mill interest in 1773; soldier 11days at Cambridge on Lexington Alarm; Constable 1779; active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787. [JAS]
4 - Waitstill, s. John & Esther, bpt. August 12, 1750, at 1st Ch. [CH]
231, 244 - Waitstill, s. Oliver & Elizabeth (Billings) (1st w.), March 19, 1814, at Amh., teamster at Amh. 1835, storekeeper at South Amh. where he opened his own store 1842, Selectman 1845 through 1849, Postmaster at South Amh., Representative to General Court 1850, farmer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
73 - Walter H., Oct. 27, 1870. [GR1]
235 - Walter Mason, s. Walter & Lydia (Dickinson), February 27, 1826, at Amh., joiner at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
157 - Walter Mason, s. Walter, of Amh., Feb. 27, 1826. [VR1]
14 - Walter Nehemiah, s. Marquis & Hannah, Oct. 30, 1843. [VR2]
250 - Walter Nehemiah, s. Marquis Fayette & Hannah S. (Williams), October 30, 1843, at North Amh. [JAS]
18 - Walter, s. Esq. Nathaniel & Sarah, bpt. June 6, 1784, at 1st Ch. [CH]
36 - Walter, s. Lucius & Betsy, bpt. February 21, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
213, 234 - Walter, s. Nathaniel & Sarah (Marsh) (1st w.), May 2, 1784, at Amh., bpt. June 1784 at 1st Ch., farmer at Amh. 1805 through 1850, manufacturer. [JAS]
293 - Walter, s. Nathaniel Jr. & Sarah (Marsh), May 2, 1784. [VR3]
20 - Wealthy, ch. Elisha & Martha, bpt. December 16, 1787, at 1st Ch. [CH]
217 - Wealthy, d. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), December 5, 1787, at Amh. [JAS]
238, 251 - Wells, s. Samuel & Wealthy (Cushman), October 8, 1820, at Amh., broomtier at Amh., 1850. [JAS]
317 - Willard R., July 20, 1838. [GR3]
220 - William [aka WD 2nd], s. Simeon & Martha (Graves), January 26, 1775, at Amh., farmer at Amh. [JAS]
228 - William Addison, s. Asa & Louisa (Sprout),November 19, 1849, at South Amh. [JAS]
94 - William Amh., Nov. 19, 1849. [GR1]
243 - William Austin, s. Edward & Emily (Norcross), April 16, 1829, at Amh., graduateAmh. College 1850 and a teacher at Amh. [JAS]
7 - William Austin, s. Edward & Emily, Apr. 16, 1829. [VR2]
240 - William Billings, s. Caleb Dexter & Louisa W. (Billings) (2nd w.), August 13, 1849. [JAS]
558 - William C., s. E. H. & Nellie, ___ __, 1893. [GR2]
225, 245 - William Eastman, s. Abijah & Mary (Stetson), October 17, 1809, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1840 through 1850. [JAS]
58 - William Eastman, s. Abijah, bpt. September 22, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
234 - William Eastman, s. Daniel & Tammy Eastman (2nd w.), July 11, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
250 - William Franklin, s. Wiliam & Lucinda (Bisbe) (1st w.), March 26, 1843, at Amh. [JAS]
11 - William Franklin, s. Wm & Lucinda, Mar. 26, 1843. [VR2]
77 - William O. s. Frank E. & Mary S., Oct. 30, 1869. [GR1]
72 - William Rankin, s. W[illia]m & Vesta, bpt. July 19, 1842, at South Ch. [CH]
247 - William Rankin, s. William & Vesta H. (Rankin) (1st w.), July 20, 1839, at South Amh. [JAS]
725 - William W., Aug. 22, 1810. [GR3]
27 - William Watson, s. Col. Zebina & Mary, Aug. 22, 1810. [VR1]
312 - William Watson, s. Col. Zebina & Mary, Aug. 22, 1810. [VR3]
235, 250 - William Watson, s. Zebina & Mary (Watson), August 22, 1810, at Amh., farmer in Amh. 1835 through 1850. [JAS]
57 - William Watson, s. Zebina, bpt. March 21, 1813, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
24 - William, 2nd ch. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), Oct. 7, 1804. [VR1]
94 - William, Nov. 7, 1816. [GR1]
205, 223 - William, s. Ebenezer & Ruth (Eastman), February 6, 1767, at Amh., farmer at Amh. [JAS]
12 - William, s. Ebenezer the3rd & Ruth, bpt. February 8, 1767, at 1st Ch. [CH]
244 - William, s. Josiah Warner & Eleanor (Chapin), ca December 1816, at Amh., bpt. February 9, 1817 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
244 - William, s. Levi & Almira (Pomreoy), November 8, 1828, at Hadley, died November 10, 1828. [JAS]
226, 247 - William, s. Lucius & Betsey (Shumway), November 7, 1815, at Amh., farm laborer at Amh. 1840, wagon maker at Amh. 1845 mechanic at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
252 - William, s. Ocran & Amelia (Stebbins), April 5, 1820, at Springfield, resident of Amh. 1845. [JAS]
231, 244 - William, s. Oliver & Elizabeth (Billings) (1st w.), October 14, 1819, at Amh., teamster at Amh. through 1844, farmer in 1850. [JAS]
30 - William, s. S[amue]m Fowler & Lucretia, bpt. November 18, 1804, at 1st Ch. [CH]
301 - William, s. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), Oct. 7, 1804. [VR3]
223 - William, s. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), October 7, 1804, at Amh., moved to Andover, later a bank cashier at Worcester. [JAS]
15 - William, s. Simeon, bpt. January 29, 1775, at 1st Ch. [CH]
59 - William, s. Warner, bpt. February 9, 1817, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
225, 247 - Wright [aka Wright E.], s. Eli & Louisa (Mattoon), February 11, 1811, at Amh., name was changed by court order at Amh., March 22, 1834, to Edward Wright Dickinson, mechanic at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
213, 235 - Zebina, s. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), September 30, 1778, at Amh.; Militia Lieut. by 1801; farmer at Amh. 1805 through 1837; Gentleman; Deputy Sheriff of Hampshire Co.; Militia Colonel 1825 through 1837; Representative to General Court 1830, 1831, and 1834; Selectman 1826 through 1829 and 1832. [JAS]
235 - Zebina, s. Zebina & Mary (Watson), May 10, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
63 - Zebina, s. Zebina, bpt. September 18, 1825, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
203, 217 - Zimri, s. Ebenezer & Chloe (Holton), ca 1759, at Amh.; soldier in militia May through July 1777 in northern Army; August through October 1777 at Saratoga; 9 months at Fishkill 1778; June 1779 through February 1780 at Rhode Island; July and August 1779 at New London, CT; six months continuous service at West Point 1780; he had his musket and bayonet in 1802; physician in Amh. [JAS]
268A, 313 - Zimri5, s. Ebenezer4 & Chloe (Holton), ___ __, ____. [VR3]
135 - _____, d. Job, of Shutesbury, July 8, 1814. [VR1]
797 - Susan, d. Benjamin, between 1800 and 1810, lived at Amh. 1830. [JAS]
DOAN, see Doane
172 - Inez, ___ __, 1884. [GR1]
DOANE, see Doan
135 - Betsey, w. Seth Coleman, ca 1777, bpt. as an adult, May 1799 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
226 - Betsie [dup. Betsey] [Elizabeth?], Nov. 7, 1777. [VR3]
254 - Charles, ca 1831, in MA, laborer in Amh. 1850, lived in household of David Whipple. [JAS]
255 - Avis, d. Zebulon & Salome (Thayer), June 5, 1796, at Belchertown. [JAS]
255 - Caroline, d. Zebulon & Salome (Thayer), March 22, 1810, at Belchertown. [JAS]
255 - Charles, s. Zebulon & Salome (Thayer), January 1, 1800, at Belchertown. [JAS]
255 - Ezra G., s. Zebulon & Salome (Thayer), February 12, 1806, at Belchertown. [JAS]
255 - Hannah, d. Zebulon & Salome (Thayer), October 12, 181(6), at Belchertown. [JAS]
255, 701 - Harriet, d. Zebulon & Salome (Thayer), December 23, 1803, at Belchertown, bpt. as an adult November 1831, at 2nd Ch., lived at Amh. December 1834 and 1850. [JAS]
255 - Horace, twin s. Zebulon & Salome (Thayer), ___ __, ____, at Belchertown. [JAS]
254 - John, s. Moses Tyler & Lydia (Gibbs), December 7, 1766, in Sutton, resident of Amh. 1790, lived in Sangerfield, Oneida Co., NY, by 1799. [JAS]
633 - Lorinda, ___ __, 1836. [GR2]
255 - Marian, d. Zebulon & Salome (Thayer), October 12, 181(5), at Belchertown. [JAS]
305 - Mary, ___ __, 1827. [GR2]
34 - Mary, d. John Chester & Lovisa (Childs), September 19, 1827, at Pelham. [JAS]
255 - Ora, s. John Chester & Louisa (Childs), brother of Mary, January 31, 1832, at Pelham. [JAS]
255 - Parker, s. Zebulon & Salome (Thayer), November 10, 1801, at Belchertown. [JAS]
255 - Parker, s. Zebulon & Salome (Thayer), November 29, 1798, died young. [JAS]
255 - Salome T. Dodge, d. Zebulon & Salome (Thayer), December 23, 1807, at Belchertown. [JAS]
56 - Salome, d. Zebulon, bpt. July 5, 1812, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
255 - Seva, ch. Zebulon & Salome (Thayer), February 13, 1812, at Belchertown. [JAS]
255 - Zebulon, s. Caleb & Merriam, before 1775, perhaps at Belchertown. [JAS]
255 - Sarah, ca 1825, in Ireland, lived in Amh. 1850 in the Amh. Hotel, laborer. [JAS]
255 - Jonathan, s. Patrick & Phalian, April 21, 1849. at Amh. [JAS]
255 - Betsy, bpt. as an adult, August 16, 1795 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
DORANCE, see Dorrance
46 - Oliver Harrison, s. Dr. G., bpt. January 13, 1839, at 1st Ch. [CH]
DORRANCE, see Dorance
256 - Charles Johnson, s. Gardner & Juliet (Lee), July 27, 1846, at Attica, NY. [JAS]
256 - Frederick Gordon, s. Gardner & Juliet (Lee), April 19, 1834, at Sunderland. [JAS]
255 - Frederick Lee, s. Gardner & Juliet (Lee), ca February 1831, at Sunderland. [JAS]
255 - Gardner, s. Rev. Gordon, January 23, 1799, at Windsor, graduate of Williams College 1820, physician at Sunderland 1827, moved to Amh. 1835, moved to Attica, NY, by 1843. [JAS]
255 - Hannah Morgan, d. Gardner & Juliet Lee), December 3, 1828, at Sunderland. [JAS]
256 - James Gardiner, s. Gardner & Juliet (Lee), February 27, 1844, at Attica, NY. [JAS]
255 - Mary Elizabeth Dorrance, d. Gardner & Juliet (Lee), May 8, 1832, at Sunderland. [JAS]
256 - Oliver Harrison, s. Gardner & Juliet (Lee), May 4, 1838, at Amh. [JAS]
896 - Gilbert, s. William H. & Elsie (Bauman), ___ __, 1912. [GR2]
896 - May Scott, ___ __, 1865. [GR2]
896 - William H., ___ __, 1889. [GR2]
896 - William H., s. William H. & Elsie (Bauman), ___ __, 1921. [GR2]
168 - _____, s. William, of Belchertown, Dec. 20, 1830. [VR1]
256 - Phila, ca 1828, in MA, lived in household of Joseph Kellogg. [JAS]
850 - Eugenia I., ___ __, 1856. (In Hobart plot). [GR2]
DOUGLAS, see Douglass
164 - _____, d. Joseph Jr., Feb. 18, 1829. [VR1]
156 - _____, d. William, July 6, 1825. [VR1]
139 - _____, d. Zebina, Aug. 30, 1816. [VR1]
160 - _____, s. Joseph Jr., June 2427 [sic], 1827. [VR1]
155 - _____, s. Joseph Jr., Sept. 27, 1824. [VR1]
152 - _____, s. William, July 2, 1823. [VR1]
162 - _____, s. William, May 3, 1828. [VR1]
168 - _____, s. William, Oct. 2, 1830. [VR1]
159 - _____, s. William, of Amh., Jan. 25, 1827. [VR1]
148 - _____, s. William, of Amh., Sept. 1, 1821. [VR1]
1 - Ame, d. Joshua & Sarah, bpt. August 16, 1741, at 1st Ch. [CH]
72 - Amelia Goodale, d. Joseph W. & Esther S., bpt. April 14, 1840, at South Ch. [CH]
58 - Chileab Smith, s. Joseph, bpt. June 30, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
72 - Esther Ann, d. Joseph W. & Esther S., bpt. April 14, 1840, at South Ch. [CH]
1652 - Franklin D., h. Minnie B. (Clark), ___ __, 1857. [GR3]
58 - Frederick Stoddard, s. Joseph, bpt. June 30, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
58 - Hannah, d. Joseph, bpt. June 30, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
72 - Horace Josiah, s. Joseph W. & Esther S., bpt. April 14, 1840, at South Ch. [CH]
72 - John Dickinson, s. Joseph W. & Esther S., bpt. April 14, 1840, at South Ch. [CH]
58 - Joseph Williams, s. Joseph, bpt. June 30, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
72 - Laomi, d. Joseph W. & Esther S., bpt. April 14, 1840, at South Ch. [CH]
58 - Mary Ann, d. Joseph, bpt. June 30, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
DOUGLASS, see Douglas
164 - _____, d. Joseph, Jr., of Amh., Feb. 18, 1829. [VR1]
156 - _____, d. William, of Amh., July 6, 1825. [VR1]
256 - _____, d. Zebina & Elsy Ford, July 31, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
139 - _____, d. Zebina, of Amh., Aug. 30, 1816. [VR1]
160 - _____, s. Joseph, Jr., of Amh., June 2427 [sic], 1827. [VR1]
155 - _____, s. Joseph, Jr., of Amh., Sept. 27, 1824. [VR1]
257 - _____, s. William & Phebe (Bisbee), January 28, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
257 - _____, s. William & Phebe (Bisbee), July 2, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
257 - _____, s. William & Phebe (Bisbee), October 2, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
257 - _____, s. William & Phebe (Bisbee), September 1, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
152 - _____, s. William, of Amh., July 2, 1823. [VR1]
162 - _____, s. William, of Amh., May 3, 1828. [VR1]
168 - _____, s. William, of Amh., Oct. 2, 1830. [VR1]
256 - Amy, d. Joseph & Amy (Smith), June 11, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
257 - Amy, d. William & Phebe (Bisbee), July 6, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
256 - Chileab Smith, s. Joseph & Amy (Smith), July 13, 1809, at Amh., changed name to Solomon Gilbert. [JAS]
257 - Edwin, s. William & Phebe (Bisbee), May 3, 1828, at Amh. [JAS]
257 - Ellen, ca 1837, at Scotland, lived in household of Samuel Carter, at Amh., 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
257 - Emeline Goodel, d. Joseph William & Esther (Sawtell) (1st w.), October 31, 1831, at Amh. [JAS]
257 - Esther Ann, d. Joseph William & Esther (Sawtell) (1st w.), February 18, 1829, at Amh. [JAS]
256 - Frederick Stoddard, s. Joseph & Amy (Smith), February 11, 1811, at Amh., resident of Amh. 1835, went to Palmer, MI by 1837. [JAS]
256 - Hannah, d. Joseph & Amy (Smith), March 8, 1805, at Amh. [JAS]
256 - Henry, s. Joseph & Amy (Smith), December 21, 1796, at Amh., cordwainer at Springfield 1823. [JAS]
257 - Horace Josiah, s. Joseph William & Esther (Sawtell) (1st w.), ca December 1838, at Amh. [JAS]
257 - Horace Sawtell, s. Joseph William & Esther (Sawtell) (1st w.), June 24, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
257 - John Dickinson, s. Joseph William & Esther (Sawtell) (1st w.), February 18, 1834, at Amh., schoolboy, at Amh. 1850, laborer. [JAS]
256, 257 - Joseph William, s. Joseph & Amy (Smith), March 29, 1803, at Amh., Cooper at South Amh. [JAS]
256 - Joseph, May 23, 1767, at Pepperell, came to Amh. shortly after 1798, practiced a mechanical trade from 1820 through 1835, moved to China, MI after 1840. [JAS]
257 - Loammi, s. Joseph William & Esther (Sawtell) (1st w.), September 27, 1824, at Amh., bpt. April 1840 at South Ch. [JAS]
256 - Mary Ann, d. Joseph & Amy (Smith), May 15, 1807, at Amh. [JAS]
256 - Salome, d. Joseph & Amy (Smith), March __, 1795, at Amh. [JAS]
256 - Salome, d. Joseph & Amy (Smith), September 13, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
256, 257 - William, s. Joseph & Amy (Smith), January 29, 1801, at Amh., farmer at Amh., town pauper by 1832, lame, after 1837 he was probably taken to the State Alms House at Palmer/Monson. [JAS]
256 - William, s. Zebina, between 1816 and 1832, (a bastard, his mother was a black woman). [JAS]
256 - Zebina, s. Joseph & Amy (Smith), March 22, 1793, at Amh., gentleman at Amh. January 1829 when he sold a lot. [JAS]
909 - Alice, ___ __, 1866. [GR2]
862 - Hattie, ___ __, 1887. [GR2]
257 - Rosa [aka Rosina], ca 1802, in Ireland, lived alone at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
181 - Annie B., March 28, 1862. [GR1]
257 - Almeron S. [aka Capt. ASD.], ca 1818, at Branford (or Milford), CT, came to Amh. 1848, harness maker, lived in Harriet Montague's house. [JAS]
257 - Charles N., s. Almeron S. & Helen J., October 23, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
257 - Charles N., s. Almeron S. & Helen J., October 5, 1850, of, heart disease, at Amh. [JAS]
258 - Julia Atwater, d. Almeron S. & Helen J., September 13, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
26 - Charles Nelson, s. Almeron S. & Helen, Oct. 23, 1848. [VR2]
154 - _____, s. Cyrus, of Amh., May 29, 1824. [VR1]
258 - _____, s. Cyrus, of Amh.? May 29, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
457 - Chloe, d. Josiah & Chloe (Cross), July 22, 1769, perhaps at Buckland, probably divorced, living in 1850. [JAS]
523 - Hannah, . William Moore, ___ __, ____, at (Union, CT). [JAS]
5, 128 - _____ [Dup. Maria], d. Lewis [Dup. Lewis & Lucy, of Pelham, Feb. 3, 1809. [VR1]
163 - _____, d. Lewis, Jr., of Pelham, Oct. 25, 1828. [VR1]
146 - _____, d. Lyman, of Pelham, Feb. 29, 1821. [VR1]
158 - _____, s. Lyman, of Pelham, Apr. 18, 1826. [VR1]
259 - Alonso Orne, s. Learned Orne & Anna (Comstock), January 23, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
259 - Angeline Maria, d. Learned Orne & Anna (Comstock), February 25, 1830, at Pelham. [JAS]
259 - Antoinette Orme, d. Lewis Laprelate & Elzia (Kellogg) (2nd w.), September 20, 1840, at Amh. [JAS]
258 - Chloe, d. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), ca September 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
55 - Chloe, d. Ichabod, bpt. December 25, 1808, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
259 - Cordelia Emily, d. Learned Orne & Anna (Comstock), June 11, 1826, at Pelham. [JAS]
258 - David, s. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), ca October 1810, at Amh., guardian was Jonathan Cowls, moved to Elk Grove, Cook Co., Illinois by - - 1837. [JAS]
56 - David, s. Rev. Ichabod, bpt. November 11, 1810, at 2nd Ch., by Dr. Parsons. [CH]
259, 426 - Emeline, d. Lewis Laprelate & Margaret Henry (1st w.), October 25, 1828, at Pelham, she lived at Amh. with her father 1850. [JAS]
259 - Emerson Henry, s. Lewis Laprelate & Margaret Henry (1st w.), November 2, 1831, at Pelham, farmer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
52 - Fanna, d. Ichabod, bpt. October 13, 1799, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
258 - Fanny, d. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), ca 1800, at Amh. [JAS]
281 - Fanny, w. Michael Fagon, ca 1800, at Amh. [JAS]
258 - Hannah, d. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), ca April, 1804, at Amh. [JAS]
54 - Hannah, d. Rev. Ichabod, bpt. May 12, 1805, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
259 - Henry Luther, s. Lewis Laprelate & Margaret Henry (1st w.), July 13, 1833, at Pelham. [JAS]
258 - Ichabod, s. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), ca July 1807, at Amh., resident of Amh. 1830 and 1832, moved to Elk Grove, Cook Co., Illinois by 1837. [JAS]
55 - Ichabod, s. Ichabod, bpt. August 9, 1807, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
258 - Ichabod, s. Timothy & Hannah, August 24, 1757, probably at Dedham; Pvt. 3 days at Nantasket 1776; Sgt. April 1778 for three months, again August and September 1778; graduate Harvard College 1783; first ordained pastor at 2nd Church January 25, 1786 through 1809 when he was dismissed; Justice of the Peace 1810; farmer 1810 ff. [JAS]
258 - Joel, s. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), ca August 1813 at Amh., guardian was Jonathan Cowls., resident of Amh. 1834, moved to Elk Grove, Cook Co., Illinois by 1837. [JAS]
57 - Joel, s. Rev. Ichabod, bpt. September 19, 1813, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
259 - John Luther, s. Lewis Laprelate & Margaret Henry (1st w.), April 17, 1838, at Amh. [JAS]
259 - Learned Orne, s. Lewis & Lucy (Orne), brother Lewis Laprelate, September 10, 1793, at Attenborough, resident of Pelham, may have lived at Amh. 1844. [JAS]
259 - Lewis Laprelate, s. Lewis & Lucy (Orne), brother Learned Orne, March 28, 1801, at Attenborough, merchant, resident of Pelham 1827, to Shutesbury by 1838, then to Amh. by April 1838, gone for some time in 1840, returned to Amh. by September 1840, merchant and trader at Amh. [JAS]
259 - Lewis, s. Learned Orne & Anna (Comstock), August 14, 1822, at Pelham. [JAS]
258 - Lois, d. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), ca June, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
53 - Lois, d. Ichabod, bpt. July 18, 1802, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
413 - Lucy, d. Lewis & Lucy (Orne), January 21, 1790, at Attleborough. [JAS]
259 - Mary Ann, d. Learned Orne & Anna (Comstock), February 5, 1825, at Pelham. [JAS]
1669 - Mary E. ___ __, 1832. [GR4]
259 - Mary Elizabeth, d. Lewis Laprelate & Margaret Henry (1st w.), April 18, 1836, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
259 - Mirande Philena, d. Learned Orne & Anna (Comstock), June 17, 1831, at Pelham. [JAS]
258 - Sarah Eastman, d. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), ca December 1800, at Amh. [JAS]
53 - Sarah Eastman, d. Rev. Ichabod, bpt. January 18, 1801, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
258 - Timothy, s. Ichabod & Sally (Cowls), ca September 1803, at Amh. [JAS]
54 - Timothy, s. Rev. Ichabod, bpt. October 9, 1803, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
27 - Ellen (twin), d. John & Margaret, Oct. 1, 1849. [VR2]
259 -Ellen, twin d. John & Margaret, October 1, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
27 - Katy (twin), d. John & Margaret, Oct. 1, 1849. [VR2]
260 - John, s. Samuel & Catherine (Turner), ca November 16, 1809, at Hartford, CT, resident of Amh. by November 1842, toolmaker of carpenter tools. [JAS]
260 - Mary E. [aka Nancy], d. John & Nancy (Moore) (1st w.), March 9, 1846, at Amh. [JAS]
763 - Achsa, of Auburn, d. Thomas & Experience, June 13, 1784, at Auburn. [JAS]
524 - Phebe, d. Thomas & Experience, April 17, 1771, at Auburn, wid. at Amh. 1825 - 1850, lived at Amh. 1850 with widow Harriet - Hinsdale. [JAS]
344 - Frank D., Jan. 21, 1862. [GR3]
344 - J. Edward, Feb. 22, 1873. [GR3]
344 - Susan M. (Osgood), w. Frank D., July 28, 1913. [GR3]
260 - John, s. _____ & Mary, ca 1849, in MA (a grandchild?) (A nephew?) [JAS]
260 - Margaret, d. _____ & Mary, ca 1838, in Scotland. [JAS]
260 - William, s. _____ & Mary, ca 1849, in Ireland. [JAS]
260 - _____, s. Stephen & Sarah Ann (Leonard), ca March 1841. [JAS]
260 - Charles Thomas, s. Stephen & Sarah Ann (Leonard), ca 1839, at South Hadley. [JAS]
97 - Henry T., April 22, 1848. [GR1]
260 - Henry T., s. Stephen & Sarah Ann (Leonard), April 22, 1848. [JAS]
260 - John Oscar, s. Stephen & Sarah Ann (Leonard), July 22, 1842, at Amh. [JAS]
97 - Lizzie S., Dec. 13, 1869. [GR1]
97 - Mary A. Marsh, Nov. 6, 1847. [GR1]
260 - Nancy Elizabeth, d. Stephen & Sarah Ann (Leonard), ca 1837. [JAS]
260 - Stephen, between 1811and 1820, farm laborer at South Hadley, came to Amh. 1840, applied to the town of Amh. for aid March 1843, and was declared a legal resident of Canton. [JAS]
261 - _____, ch. Azial & Mary (1st w.), ___ __, 1809. [JAS]
142 - _____, d. John, of Belchertown, Apr. 16, 1818. [VR1]
158 - _____, d. John, of Belchertown, July 25, 1826. [VR1]
170 - _____, d. John, of Belchertown, Mar. 24, 1832. [VR1]
149 - _____, d. John, of Belchertown, Nov. 2, 1821. [VR1]
155 - _____, d. John, of Belchertown, Oct. 19, 1824. [VR1]
145 - _____, s. John, of Belchertown, Dec. 27, 1819. [VR1]
163 - _____, s. John, of Belchertown, Sept. 11, 1828. [VR1]
151 - _____, stillborn d. Josiah, Jr., of Belchertown, Sept. 282, 1822. [VR1]
260 - Aziel, ca 1773, resident of Belchertown 1796 through April 1816 when he came to Amh. , Gentleman 1812, Capt. of militia? 1817, a manufacturer and dealer of looking glasses at Amh. 1820. [JAS]
261 - Cornelia Ann, d. Azial & Mary (1st w.), ca 1809, at Belchertown. [JAS]
261 - Cornelia Ann, d. Azial & Mary (1st w.), May 20, 1825, of consumption, at Amh. [JAS]
261 - Dexter, s. John & Hannah, ca 1820, at Belchertown, victualler at Amh. 1849. [JAS]
261 - Frederick K., s. Azial & Mary (1st w.), ca 1796, at Belchertown. [JAS]
261 - Joseph Lyman, s. Stephen & Lucy (Cutler), ca May 1833, at Amh. [JAS]
261 - Josiah Russell, s. Stephen & Lucy (Cutler), ca September 1831, at Amh. [JAS]
261 - Josiah, s. Josiah & Patty, September 2, 1794, at Pelham. [JAS]
261 - Mary Cutler, d. Stephen & Lucy (Cutler), ca June 1829, at Amh. [JAS]
261 - Mary, ca 1807, bpt. as an adult September 1827 at 2nd Ch., probably related to Sophia Dunbar. [JAS]
261 - Sophia, ca 1794, in Maine, bpt. as an adult September 1827 at 2nd Ch. probably related to Mary Dunbar, lived in the household of James Adams Nash at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
261 - Stephen Mason, s. Stephen & Lucy (Cutler), ca May 1835, at Amh. [JAS]
9 - John Oscar, s. Stephen & Sarah, July 22, 1842. [VR2]
143 - _____, d. John, of Shutesbury, Jan. 17, 1819. [VR1]
262 - Mary, ca 1826, in Ireland, lived in household of Henry B. Smith at Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
409 - Caroline Dutch, d. Ebenezer & Phebe (Eaton), April 6, 1800, at Bradford, widow at North Amh. 1840, taught at Amh. Academy 1841-43. [JAS]
376 - Alonzo, July 29, 1815. [GR2]
262 - Alonzo, s. Stephen & Tryphena, July 29, 1815, at Windham, VT, resident of Windham, CT 1842, soon to Amh. , a farmer. [JAS]
262 - Lucina Amh., ca 1830, in Vermont, lived with Alonzo Dutton at Amh. 1850, perhaps his sister. [JAS]
263 - Asahel, s. John & Esther (Billings), February 2, 1822, at Belchertown, came to South Amh., ca 1846, wood turner and pump manufacturer, resident of Amh. 1850. [JAS]
262 - Clarissa, d. Justus & Sarah (Lamb), January 30, 1768. [JAS]
262 - Daniel, s. Justus & Sarah (Lamb), September 7, 1775, at Belchertown, graduate of Dartmouth College 1797, went to Ohio. [JAS]
262 - Elihu, s. Justus & Sarah (Lamb), October 22, 1763, at Bellingham, graduate of Dartmouth College 1790, AND. [JAS]
262 - Elijah, s. Col. Elijah & Diana (Hinsdale), December 14, 1787, probably at Belchertown, storekeeper at Amh. following April 1812, Town - Clerk and Town Treas. 1819, unmarried. [JAS]
263 - Ella Maria, d. Asahel & Maria Dolly Allen, November 17, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
262 - Jonathan, s. Justus & Sarah (Lamb), January 21, 1770. [JAS]
262 - Justus, s. Capt. Nathaniel & Hannah (Lyman), January 13, 1739; militia Capt. Tory during the revolution; farmer and town surveyor; resident of Belchertown; esquire. [JAS]
262 - Justus, s. Justus & Sarah (Lamb), August 20, 1781. [JAS]
713 - Martha, w. Hezekiah Wright Strong, January 1, 1783, at Belchertown. [JAS]
262 - Nathaniel, s. Justus & Sarah (Lamb), November 21, 1772. [JAS]
262 - Sarah, d. Justus & Sarah (Lamb), November 5, 1778. [JAS]
263 - Timothy, s. Cicil & Mary (Clapp), 25 May 1807, at Northampton, graduate of Amh. College 1827, instructor of at Amh. Academy 1826 BA 1829, MA at Amh. College 1830, studied theology at Yale Divinity School 1830 through 1833, tutor at Amh. College 1832, to New York, NY to study medicine, caught smallpox and never regained good health. [JAS]
262 - William, s. Justus & Sarah (Lamb), September 18, 1765. [JAS]
263 - Timothy, ca 1828, in Ireland, resident of Amh. 1850, farm laborer, lived in household of Levi D. Cowls. [JAS]
264 - Catharine, d._____ & Elizabeth, ca 1804, at Weymouth. [JAS]
263 - Eliab, s. Henry & Rebeckah, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
263 - Rebeckah, d. Henry & Rebeckah, ___ __, ____. [JAS]