Vital Records Of Amherst,
Hampshire County, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
(Some Records to the Early 20th Century)
Published by The New England Historic and Genealogical Society in the Corbin Collection,
and by The Search & Research Publishing Corporation
Births - DICKERSON, Dana to DICKERSON, Noble
[Transcribed by Carlton O. Hommel]

37 - Dana, d. David, bpt. December 8, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
61 - Daniel Austen, s. Daniel, bpt. May 12, 1822, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
234 - Daniel Austin, s. Daniel & Louisa Adams (1st w.), April 1, 1822, at Amh., farmer at Amh., lived in household of Sanford Cutter Cushman at Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
547 - Daniel Austin, s. Daniel & Louisa, ___ __, 1822. [GR2]
219 - Daniel Baxter, s. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), May 18, 1813, at Amh. [JAS]
57 - Daniel Baxter, s. Joseph, bpt. July 4, 1813, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
72 - Daniel W., ___ __, 1851. [GR1]
51 - Daniel, s. Amariah & Mary, bpt. August 4, 1793, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
212, 233 - Daniel, s. Azariah & Mary (Eastman), June 18, 1793, at Amh., operated his father's farm following 1813, Representative to General Court 1828 to 1833, Justice of the Peace 1833 to 1850, Selectman 1835, farmer. [JAS]
200 - Daniel, s. Jonathan & Dorothy (Stoughton), October 10, 1756, at Shutesbury, went to Hadley. [JAS]
197, 199 - Daniel, s. Nehemiah & Mehitable, September 8, 1710, at Hadley; from Hadley to Amh. between 1839 and1845; received land from the Hadley proprietors; had a mill interest, farmer. [JAS]
248 - David Loring, s. Loring & Mary (Graves), December 7, 1844, at Amh. [JAS]
230 - David P. s. David & Hannah (Dana), May 13, 1823, at Amh., went to Brighton, MI. [JAS]
41 - David Porter, s. David, bpt. July 13, 1823, at 1st Ch. [CH]
232 - David S., s. Nathaniel Coleman & Submit (Smith) (1st w.), ca 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
232 - David S., s. Nathaniel Coleman & Submit (Smith) (1st w.), June 17, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
39 - David Smith, s. Lieu. Enos, bpt. November 19, 1820, at 1st Ch. [CH]
206, 226 - David, s. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), July 27, 1778, at Amh., went to Petersham ca 1800, farmer. [JAS]
17 - David, s. Enos & Lois, bpt. February 17, 1782, at 1st Ch. [CH]
14 - David, s. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, Apr. 27, 1778. [VR1]
277 - David, s. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, Apr. 27, 1778. [VR3]
197, 202 - David, s. Israel & Ruth (Smith), March 18, 1726, at Hadley; resident of Amh. by 1751; soldier in Capt. Porter's Co. versus Crown Point 1755, and Capt. Edwards' Co. versus Lake George 1755; member of Capt. Pomeroy's Co. June 1758 on invasion of Canada; farmer and carpenter at Amh. [JAS]
67 - David, s. Oshea S., bpt. May 1, 1836, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
253 - David, s. Oshea Smith & Chloe (Draper), January 24, 1836, at Amh., bpt. May 1, 1836 at 2nd Ch., went to Gilead, MI. [JAS]
16 - David, s. Waitstill & Leucretia, Aug. 14, 1785. [VR1]
16 - David, s. Waitstill & Leucretia, Aug. 14, 1785. [VR3]
210 - David, s. Waitstill & Lucretia (Montague), August 14, 1785, at Amh., farmer at Amh. [JAS]
49 - David, s. Waitstill, bpt. September 23, 1787, at 2nd Ch., by Mr. Lyman. [CH]
236 - Deborah Robbins, d. John & Rebecca Ellis (1st w.), September 4, 1815, at Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
28 - Deborah, d. William & Thirza, bpt. November 14, 1802, at 1st Ch. [CH]
224 - Deborah, of Amh., d. William & Thirza (Warner), ca October 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
253 - Dexter, s. Dexter & Nancy (Smith) (1st w.), ca 1822, in MA. [JAS]
220 - Dolly, d. Ira & Dolly W. (Fairbanks), July 10, 1817, at West Fairlee, VT. [JAS]
242 - Dolly, d. Silas & Eunice (Moody), ca 1801, at Amh. bpt. April 1804 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
29 - Dolly, d. Widow Eunice, bpt. April 27, 1804, at 1st Ch. [CH]
200 - Dorothy, d. Jonathan & Dorothy (Stoughton), March 14, 1742, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
219 - Dorothy, d. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), May 30, 1807, at Amh. [JAS]
54 - Dorothy, d. Joseph, bpt. July 12, 1807, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
255 - Dwight B., ca 1823, in MA, toolmaker at Amh. 1845 and 1850. [JAS]
73 - Dwight E., Jan. 21, 1846. [GR1]
249 - Dwight Enos, s. Waitstill & Mercy Joanna (Dickinson), January 21, 1846, at Amh. [JAS]
1015 - E. P., ___ __, 1837. [GR3]
21 - Easter, d. Medad & Esther [dup. Easter], Aug. 15, 1800. [VR1]
14 - Easther, d. Nathan (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Easther (Fowler) (of Westchester, NY), Mar. 3, 1767. [VR1]
292 - Easther, d. Nathan (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Easther (Fowler) (of Westchester, NY), Mar. 3, 1767. [VR3]
244 - Ebenezer Chandler, s. Levi & Almira (Pomreoy), bpt. February 2, 1819 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
60 - Ebenezer Chandler, s. Levi, bpt. February 2, 1819, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
545 - Ebenezer P., "Father", h. Caroline F. (Brown), Jan. 10, 1878, a. 58 y. 5 m., Masonic Symbol. [GR2]
273 - Ebenezer P., s. Abijah & Polly (Mary) Stetson, d. Gideon & Nancy, Aug. 2, 1819, at Amh. [VR3]
225, 245 - Ebenezer Porter, s. Abijah & Mary (Stetson), August 2, 1819, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1842, perhaps lived at Sunderland 1845, resident of Amh. early in 1850, probably moved to Plumtrees in Sunderland by August 1850. [JAS]
60 - Ebenezer Porter, s. Abijah, bpt. October 24, 1819, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
244 - Ebenezer Watson, s. Levi & Almira (Pomreoy), April 1, 1822, at Amh., bpt. May 5, 1822. [JAS]
61 - Ebenezer Watson, s. Levi, bpt. May 5, 1822, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
270 - Ebenezer, Dea., ___ __, 1725. [VR3]
266, 268 - Ebenezer, Dea., s. Nehemiah & Mary (Cowles), Sept. 17, 1696, at Hadley. [VR3]
268 - Ebenezer, Dr., of Amherst, s. Ebenezer, Dea., & Sarah (Kellogg), ___ __, 1725, at Hadley. [VR3]
268 - Ebenezer, of Amh., s. Nathaniel, Aug. 10, 1745 at Amh., bpt. July __, 1745, at Hadley 3rd precinct. [VR3]
203 - Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer & Chloe (Holton), February 6, 1761. bpt. November 15, 1767 at 1st Ch., farmer in Amh. [JAS]
171 - Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer & Ruth (Eastman), Apr. 7, 1779, at Amh. [VR3]
205, 224 - Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer & Ruth (Eastman), April 7, 1779, at Amh.; farmer at Amh.; supposed to have build a cotton mill at Factory Hollow ca 1809; in September 1810 he mortgaged his mill interest to Jonathan Mark and others, who later foreclosed; he supposedly broken into the cotton mill andstole cotton yarn, which was later found in his attic; he fled to Ohio. leaving a curse - - on Factory Hollow. [JAS]
197, 202 - Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), ca 1724, at Hadley; came to Amh. by 1731with his family; was a Deacon in 1780. [JAS]
12 - Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer 2d, bpt. November 15, 1767, at 1st Ch. [CH]
198, 205 - Ebenezer, s. Nathan & Thankful (Warner) (1st w.), January 3, 1741, at Hatfield; lived at Amh. by 1763; practiced a trade through1773; soldier on Lexington Alarm; 11days at Cambridge, four days in New Providence August 1777 and spent September 1777 at Stillwater; was active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787. [JAS]
197 - Ebenezer, s. Nehemiah & Mary (Cowles), September 17, 1696, at Hadley; bought land at Amh. February 1729/30 from his brothers; resident of Amh. by1731; received land from the Hadley Proprietors; Moderator of Town Meeting 1737, 38, 39, 40, 47, 50- 53, 56, and 1758-60; Assessor 1740; Town Treasurer 1742through 1756; a Deacon; militia duty at Fort Charlestown, NH in April 1747 when it was attack by Indians; Selectman 1759. [JAS]
196 - Ebenezer, s. Nehemiah, ___ __, 1696. [JAS]
239 - Ebenezer, s. Rufus & Almira (Church), April 30, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
196 - Ebenezer, s. Samuel, ___ __, 1681. [JAS]
267 - Ebenezer, s. Samuel, Feb. 2, 1680, at Hatfield. [VR3]
266, 270 - Ebenezer, s. Thomas & Hannah, 168_, at Wethersfield, CT. [VR3]
224 - Ebenezer, s. William & Thirza (Warner), ca 1794, at Amh. [JAS]
24 - Ebenezer, s. William & Thirza, bpt. January 25, 1795, at 1st Ch. [CH]
272 - Ebenezer, s. William & Tirza Warner (d. Josiah & Deborah), bpt. Jan. 25, 1795. [VR3]
268A, 270 - Ebenezer4, s. Ebenezer3 & Chloe (Holton), ___ __, 1761. [dup. Feb. 6, 1761, at Amh.] [VR3]
631A - Edith M., d. William A. & Lizzie Emery (Prince), ___ __, ____. [VR3]
267A - Edith, d. Ebenezer & Hannah (Frary), Aug. 23, 1707, in Hatfield. [VR3]
205 - Editha, d. Ebenezer & Ruth (Eastman), December 16, 1773, at Amh. [JAS]
15 - Editha, d. Ebenezer, ye 3d & Ruth, bpt. December 26, 1773, at 1st Ch. [CH]
224 - Editha, d. Sylvanus & Deborah (Parker), ca 1800, at Amh., bpt. as an adult July 1816 at 2nd Ch., removed to Rumsey, NH. [JAS]
251 - Edmund Nehemiah, s. Bela Uriah & Pamela (Dickinson), August 14, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
235 - Edmund, s. Zebina & Mary (Watson), February 29, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
58 - Edmund, s. Zebina, bpt. June 2, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
27 - Edmund, s. Zebina, Col., & Mary, Feb. 29, 1816. [VR1]
312 - Edmund, s. Zebina, Col., & Mary, Feb. 29, 1816. [VR3]
234 - Edward Baxter, s. Daniel & Tammy Eastman (2nd w.), May 5, 1840, at Amh. [JAS]
234 - Edward Baxter, s. Daniel & Tammy Eastman (2nd w.),___ __, 1867, GAR marker. [JAS]
240 - Edward Baxter, s. Joseph & Fidelia Alvord (2nd w.), February 6, 1845, at West Amh. [JAS]
19 - Edward Baxter, s. Joseph & Fidelia, G, Feb. 6, 1845. [VR2]
249 - Edward Montague, s. Waitstill & Mercy Joanna (Dickinson), October 14, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
69 - Edward Nehemiah, s. Bela U., bpt. June 29, 1843, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
246 - Edward Porter, s. Porter & Elizabeth Rich (Billings), July 16, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
68 - Edward Porter, s. Porter, bpt. July 1, 1841, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
24, 301 - Edward, 1st ch. [Dup. s.] Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), Jan. 1, 1803. [VR3]
954 - Edward, Jan. 1, 1803. [GR3]
29 - Edward, s. Fowler & Lucretia, bpt. February 20, 1803, at 1st Ch. [CH]
223, 243 - Edward, s. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), January 1, 1803, at Amh.; attended Amherst Academy; spent his junior year at Amherst College; graduate of Yale College 1823;studied law in his father's office in Amh. and at Northampton Law School; admitted to the Hampshire bar 1826; lawyer at Amh. 1826 through 1850; Moderator of Town Meeting 1833, 35, 42, 43, and 1849; trustee of Amherst Academy 1835 through 1850; Esquire in 1830 ff; Treasurer of Amherst College 1835 through 1850; represented Amh. in General Court 1838 and 1839; State Sen. for Hampshire County 1842 and 1843; member of the Governor's Council 1846 and 1847; active in the formation of the Amherst and Belchertown RR. [JAS]
1412 - Edwin E., November 21, 1826. [GR3]
246, 253 - Edwin Eldridge, s. Eli & Roxana (Thayer), November 21, 1826, at South Amh., machinist at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
548 - Edwin H., ___ __, 1868. [GR2]
74 - Edwin H., Rev., ___ __, 1843. [GR1]
228 - Edwin Hastings, s. Asa & Louisa (Sprout), September 10, 1843, at South Amh. [JAS]
14 - Edwin? Hastings, d. [sic] Asa & Louisa, Sept. 10, 1843, [in pencil]. [VR2]
54 - Eleanor Moreton, d. Dea[con]. _____, bpt. September 2, 1804, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
215 - Eleanor Morton, d. Medad & Esther (Dickinson) (3rd w.), August 3, 1804, at Amh. [JAS]
233 - Eleanor Morton, d. Ransom & Betsey (Dickinson) (1st w.), January 26, 1813, at Amh. [JAS]
218, 674 - Electa, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), February 10, 1795, at Amh., lived in 1850, in Conway. [JAS]
218 - Electa, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), February 8, 1783, at Amh. [JAS]
226 - Electa, d. Lucius & Betsey (Shumway), June 7, 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
222 - Electa, d. Peres & Ruth (Dickinson) (1st w.), ca 1790, at Amh. [JAS]
26 - Electa, d. Perez, bpt. June 17, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
287 - Electa, Feb. 10, 1795. [GR2]
270A - Electra, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), Feb. 8, 1783. [VR3]
270A, 274 - Electra6, d. Ebenezer5 & Abigail (Belden), Feb. 10, 1795, at Amh. [VR3]
34 - Elenor Morton, d. Ransum, bpt. April 25, 1813, at 1st Ch. [CH]
225, 245, 246 - Eli, s. Eli & Louisa (Mattoon), March 11, 1803, at Pelham, came to Amh. with his family ca 1809, resided at Amh. through 1830, blacksmith or tool maker, moved to New Haven, CT, and then to Belchertown, returned to Amh. by 1840, and lived there through 1845, lived at Belchertown 1846 and Amh. 1850. [JAS]
206, 225 - Eli, s. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), August 11, 1775, at Amh.; to Pelham ca 1798; lived there and at Amh. until ca 1809, when he returned to Amh. ; farmer at Amh. 1810; in 1840 he was a manufacturer and tradesman as well as a farmer; lived at Amh. 1850 with occupation of a "Fassett Maker". [JAS]
17 - Eli, s. Enos & Lois, bpt. February 17, 1782, at 1st Ch. [CH]
14 - Eli, s. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, Aug. 11, 1775. [VR1]
277 - Eli, s. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, Aug. 11, 1775. [VR3]
202 - Eli, s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), October 1, 1762, at Amh. [JAS]
11 - Eli, s. Moses & Thankful, Oct. 1, 1762. [VR1]
289 - Eli, s. Moses & Thankful, Oct. 1, 1762. [VR3]
229 - Elihu D., s. Elihu Eastman & Susan D. (Pettengill), ca November 1840, at Belchertown, [JAS]
208, 229 - Elihu Eastman, s. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), ca September 1812, at Amh., farm laborer at Amh. through 1835, moved to Belchertown by 1840 as a farm laborer. [JAS]
56 - Elihu Eastman, s. Stephen, bpt. October 18, 1812, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
199, 206 - Elihu, s. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), October 14, 1753, at Amh.; soldier on Lexington Alarm 1775; 11days at Cambridge; Cpl. May through July 1776; at Fort Ticonderoga July 1776 through March 1777; at Bennington August 1777 and at Stillwater September 1777; duty in Rhode Island June 1779. [JAS]
6 - Elihu, s. Nathan & Joanna, bpt. October 21, 1753, at 1st Ch. [CH]
239 - Elijah B., s. Rufus & Almira (Church), December 16, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
228, 247 - Elijah Eastman, s. Adolphus & Lydia (Hyde), July 4, 1822, at Amh. farmer at Amh. [JAS]
62 - Elijah Eastman, s. Adolphus, bpt. September 22, 1822, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
1183 - Elijah, Mar. 11, 1792. [GR3]
217, 238 - Elijah, s. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), March 11, 1792, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1820 through 1850, by 1845 he was incompetent. [JAS]
23 - Elijah, s. Elisha & Martha, bpt. April 22, 1792, at 1st Ch. [CH]
202, 245 - Elijah, s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), April 13, 1760, at Amh.; soldier in militia May through July 1777 with Northern Army; September 1777 at Stillwater; enlisted for one year at Rhode Island April 1778; militia Ensign 1790, Capt. 1795 and Major by 1806; Selectman 1792, 94, 97, 98, 1802, 1803 through 1808, 1810, 11, 1814 through 1816; militia Col. by 1800, resigned after 1804, gentlemen 1819. [JAS]
11 - Elijah, s. Moses & Thankful, Apr. 13, 1760. [VR1]
289 - Elijah, s. Moses & Thankful, Apr. 13, 1760. [VR3]
9 - Elijah, s. Moses, bpt. April 20, 1760, at 1st Ch. [CH]
201 - Elijah, s. Nathaniel & Thankful (Barrett) (1st w.), April 1, 1762, at Amh. [JAS]
201 - Elijah, s. Nathaniel & Thankful (Barrett) (1st w.), December 26, 1756, at Amh. [JAS]
9 - Elijah, s. Nathaniel, bpt. April 4, 1762, at 1st Ch. [CH]
7 - Elijah, s. Nathaniel, bpt. January 12, 1757, at 1st Ch. [CH]
203 - Elijah, s. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), ca 1764, at Amh. [JAS]
217, 238 - Elisha [aka ED Jr.], s. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), January 30, 1781, at Amh., resident of Amh. 1807, moved to Whittington, VT, soon after February 1807. [JAS]
1183 - Elisha W., s. Elijah & Sara F., Aug. 6, 1828. [GR3]
238 - Elisha William, s. Elijah & Sarah Field (Belding), August 6, 1828, at Amh. [JAS]
217 - Elisha, s. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), August 2, 177(6), at Amh. [JAS]
19 - Elisha, s. Elisha & Martha, bpt. July 3, 1785, at 1st Ch. [CH]
202, 217 - Elisha, s. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), ___ __,1747, at Amh., bpt. March 22, 1747 at 1st Ch.; soldier in the militia on the Lexington Alarm at Charlestown January 1776; four days in New Providence August 1777; duty at Rhode Island June 1779 through January 1780; farmer at Amh. 1780; active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787. [JAS]
3 - Elisha, s. Gideon & Hannah, bpt. March 22, 1747, at 1st Ch. [CH]
244 - Elivira, d. Josiah Warner & Eleanor (Chapin), ca September 1818, at Amh., bpt. November 22, 1818 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
13 - Eliza M., d. Ebenezer P. & Caroline, F, July 3, 1843. [VR2]
95 - Eliza M., July 2, 1843. [GR2]
245 - Eliza Maria, d. Ebenezer Porter & Caroline Elizabeth (Brown), July 2, 1843, at North Amh. [JAS]
236 - Eliza Otis Turner, d. John & Rebecca Ellis (1st w.), January 7, 1821, at East Machias, ME. [JAS]
43 - Eliza, d. Morton S., bpt. October 2, 1831, at 1st Ch. [CH]
237 - Eliza, d. Salmon Morton & Lucretia (Smith), August 25, 1828, at Amh. [JAS]
122 - Elizabeth B., ___ __, 1822. [GR1]
243 - Elizabeth Bancroft, d. Nathan & Mary Ann (Taylor), February 22, 1831, at Amh., went to Romeo, MI. [JAS]
43 - Elizabeth Bancroft, d. Nathan, bpt. July 2, 1832, at 1st Ch. [CH]
225 - Elizabeth Barrows, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Barrows), ca December 1808, at Amh., died young. [JAS]
32 - Elizabeth Barrows, d. Ebenezer & Abigail, bpt. January 15, 1809, at 1st Ch. [CH]
231 - Elizabeth Billings, d. Oliver & Elizabeth (Billings) (1st w.), May 19, 1822, at Amh. [JAS]
24 - Elizabeth, 9th ch. Samuel F. & Lucretia (Gunn), May 29, 1823. [VR1]
267A - Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer & Hannah (Frary), Aug. 2, 1709, in Hatfield. [VR3]
207 - Elizabeth, d. Levi & Margaret (Peebles), June 3, 1787, at Amh., guardian was John Tahyer, of Belchertown, in 1803. [JAS]
13 - Elizabeth, d. Levi & Margaret, June 3, 1787. [VR1]
285 - Elizabeth, d. Levi & Margaret, June 3, 1787. [VR3]
50 - Elizabeth, d. Levi, bpt. March 28, 1791, in private. [CH]
239 - Elizabeth, d. Rufus & Almira (Church), February 27, 1819, at Amh. [JAS]
223 - Elizabeth, d. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), May 29, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
301 - Elizabeth, d. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), May 29, 1823. [VR3]
224 - Elizabeth, d. Sylvanus & Deborah (Parker), ca 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
90 - Ella W., d. Chester & Pamelia, ___ __, 1854. [GR1]
254 - Ellen Julia, d. Dexter & Julia B., October 3, 1844, at South Amh. [JAS]
18 - Ellen Julia, d. Dexter & Julia, G, Oct. 3, 1844. [VR2]
1599 - Ellen M., ___ __, 1836. [GR3]
247 - Ellen M., d. Wright & Esther Ayres (Billing), ca June 1839, probably at Amh., bpt. August 19, 1839 at South Ch. [JAS]
72 - Ellen M., infant d. Wright E., bpt. August 19, 1839, at South Ch. [CH]
240 - Ellen Maria, d. Charles Holton & Jantha Maria (Brainard), October 1, 1840, at Hartford, CT. [JAS]
9 - Ellen Roxana, d. W[illia]m W. & Mary L., July 8, 1842. [VR2]
251 - Ellen Roxana, d. William Watson & Mary Lyman (Marsh), July 8, 1842, at East Amh. [JAS]
237 - Ellen S., d. Jonathan Smith & Minerva (Bartlett), September 3, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
725 - Ellen, July 8, 1842. [GR3]
60 - Elvira, d. Warner, bpt. November 22, 1818, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
250 - Ely Othman, s. Frederick Ely & Elvira (Brown), August 3, 1835, at North Amh., soldier in the Civil War, Co. C, 27th MVI. [JAS]
71 - Emela Boltwood, bpt. November 22, 1835, at South Ch. [CH]
252 - Emeline, d. Ocran & Amelia (Stebbins), December 20, 1828, at Springfield, went to New York, NY. [JAS]
551 - Emila, d. Noah & Tabitha (Newhall), February 27, 1800, at Conway, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
1260 - Emila, Feb. 27, 1800, in Conway. [GR3]
168 - Emily (The poet), d. Edward, Esq., of Amh., Dec. 10, 1830. [VR1]
231 - Emily Boltwood, d. Oliver & Clarissa (Billings) (2nd w.), August 6, 1835, at Amh. [JAS]
243 - Emily Elizabeth, d. Edward & Emily (Norcross), December 10, 1830, at Amh., student at Amh. Academy 1841through 1847, at Mount Holyoke seminary 1847 B 1848, at Amh. Academy fall of 1848. [JAS]
239 - Emily Field, d. Elijah & Sarah Field (Belding), December 4, 1842, at Amh., lived with parents at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
20 - Emily Francis, d. Chester & Pamelia, G, Mar. 29, 1845. [VR2]
247 - Emily Lake, d. Elijah Eastman & Mary S. (Goodman), September 19, 1845, at Amh. [JAS]
238 - Emily, d. Elisha & Lois (Marsh), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
219 - Emily, d. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), January 4, 1817, at Amh. [JAS]
66 - Emily, d. Oshea S., bpt. April 28, 1833, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
253 - Emily, d. Oshea Smith & Chloe (Draper), February 12, 1833, at Amh., lived in MI 1850. [JAS]
953 - Emily, Dec. 10, 1830, (The Poet). [GR3]
808 - Emilyetta, Aug. 18, 1849. [GR2]
248 - Emma A. [aka Emily Frances], d. Chester & Pamelia S. (Pierce), March 29, 1845, at South Amh. [JAS]
196 - Emma A., ___ __, 1845. [GR1]
240 - Emma Holton, d. Charles Holton & Jantha Maria (Brainard), September 11, 1845, at Boston (Roxbury?) [JAS]
246 - Emma Louisa, d. Eli & Roxana (Thayer), September 3, 1840, at Amh. [JAS]
226 - Enoch B., s. Lucius & Betsey (Shumway), August 27, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
39 - Enoch Bangs, s. Linus, bpt. November 19, 1820, at 1st Ch. [CH]
232 - Enos Cowls, s. Nathaniel Coleman & Submit (Smith) (1st w.), August 3, 1813, at Amh. [JAS]
232 - Enos Cowls, s. Nathaniel Coleman & Submit (Smith) (1st w.), October 10, 1817, at Amh., went to Lagrange Co., Indiana, from there to Lima, Lagrange Co., Indiana, May 1840. [JAS]
433 - Enos, March 27, 1788. [GR3]
206, 226 - Enos, s. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), March 27, 1788, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1815 through 1850. [JAS]
21 - Enos, s. Enos & Lois, bpt. April 11, 1788, in private. [CH]
14 - Enos, s. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, Mar. 27, 1788. [VR1]
277 - Enos, s. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, Mar. 27, 1788. [VR3]
210, 232 - Enos, s. Jonathan & Azubah (Coleman), October 23, 1785, at Amh.; farmer at Amh. 1810 through 1850; Commanding Officer (Lieut.) of the South Co. of militia from 1811through 1817; a Lieut. in the attachment that served in Boston in 1814 alert in the War of 1812; Selectman 1814 through 1818, 1830, 31, 36, 37, 39, and 1842; supporter of Amherst College; a Representative to the General Court 1828 and 1837. [JAS]
21 - Enos, s. Jonathan, Jr. & Azubah, Oct. 23, 1785. [VR1]
281 - Enos, s. Jonathan, Jr. & Azubah, Oct. 23, 1785. [VR3]
19 - Enos, s. Lt. Jonathan & Azubah, bpt. December 4, 1785, at 1st Ch. [CH]
198, 205 - Enos, s. Nathan & Thankful (Warner) (1st w.), March 28, 1746, at A; Constable at Amh. 1779; Selectman 1784; was active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787. [JAS]
3 - Enos, s. Nathan & Thankful, bpt. March 30, 1746, at 1st Ch., Dy'd. June 30, 1748. [CH]
211 - Erastus, s. Joel & Eunice (Houghton), October 11, 1791, at Amh., moved to Hinsdale, NH. [JAS]
22 - Erastus, s. Joel & Eunice, bpt. October 16, 1791, at 1st Ch., by Rev. Mr. Hopkins. [CH]
254 - Esther, ca 1817, in MA, lived in household of Henry Hastings, at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
230 - Esther, d. David & Hannah (Dana), January 30, 1813, at Amh. [JAS]
52 - Esther, d. Dea[con]. Medad, bpt. September 7, 1800, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
209 - Esther, d. Israel & Sarah (Boltwood) (1st w.), ca March 1781, at Amh. [JAS]
17 - Esther, d. Israel & Sarah, bpt. April 8, 1781, at 1st Ch., by Rev. Mr. Emerson. [CH]
215 - Esther, d. Medad & Esther (Dickinson) (3rd w.), August 15, 1800, at Amh. [JAS]
205 - Esther, d. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), March 3, 1767, at Amh. [JAS]
199 - Esther, d. Nathaniel & Hannah, January 5, 1716, at Sunderland? [JAS]
197, 199 - Esther, d. Nathaniel 3rd & Hannah, January 5, 1716, at (Sunderland?). [JAS]
203 - Esther, d. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), ca January 1759, at Amh. [JAS]
8 - Esther, d. Reuben, bpt. February 11, 1759, at 1st Ch. [CH]
760 - Esther, w. Oliver Warren, between 1780 and 1790, lived at Hadley March and May 1811, and at Amh. 1820 and 1830. [JAS]
248 - Ethelbert Samuel, s. Samuel Dana & Caroline (Wolcott), August 31, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
516 - Eunice, 1st w. Silas Moody, ___ __, 1771, at Amh. [JAS]
200 - Eunice, d. Azariah & Eunice (Stoughton), April 10, 1749, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
211 - Eunice, d. Joel & Eunice (Houghton), ca June 1796, at Amh., moved to Springfield. [JAS]
25 - Eunice, d. Joel & Eunice, bpt. August 29, 1796, at 1st Ch. [CH]
203 - Eunice, d. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), ca October 1771, at Amh. [JAS]
14 - Eunice, d. Reuben, bpt. November 17, 1771, at 1st Ch. [CH]
220 - Eunice, d. Simeon & Martha (Graves), February 6, 1764, at Amh. [JAS]
10 - Eunice, d. Simeon, bpt. February 12, 1764, at 1st Ch. [CH]
265 - Eunice, w. Joseph Eastman, ___ __, 1749, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
250 - Evander Valette, s. Sylvester & Harriet (Cutler), March 17, 1838, at Amh. [JAS]
13 - Experience, ch. Ebenezer 2d, bpt. May 20, 1770, at 1st Ch. [CH]
745 - Experience, d. Aaron, September 30, 1795. [JAS]
203 - Experience, d. Ebenezer & Chloe (Holton), ca April 1770, at Amh., bpt. May 20, 1770 at 1st Ch., died young [JAS]
198 - Experience, d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), ___ __, 1741, at Amh., bpt. June 1741at 1st Ch. [JAS]
1 - Experience, s. Ebenezer & Sarah, bpt. June 28, 1741, at 1st Ch. [CH]
205, 222 - Ezekiel, s. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), May 25, 1765, at Amh.; was active in Shay's Rebellion and took the Oath of Allegiance February 1887; may have lived away from Amh.1790; moved to Heath by 1830. [JAS]
14 - Ezekiel, s. Nathan (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Easther (Fowler) (of Westchester, NY), May 25, 1765. [VR1]
292 - Ezekiel, s. Nathan (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Easther (Fowler) (of Westchester, NY), May 25, 1765. [VR3]
53 - Fanna, d. Elihu, bpt. May 10, 1801, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
210 - Fanny [aka Frances], d. Joel & Eunice (Houghton), March 26, 1780, at Amh. [JAS]
216 - Fanny, Aug. 17, 1797. [GR3]
216, 507, 733 - Fanny, d. Alijah & Jerusha (Smith), April 26, 1805, at Amh., lived at Amh. May 1825 and June 1828, taxed at Amh. 1835 as "Mrs, Fanny Tompson" , perhps divorced, was living in 1850 at Amh., called "Harriet" in the 1850 Census. [JAS]
206 - Fanny, d. Elihu & Susanna (Lewis), ca April 1801, at Amh., bpt. May 10, 1801at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
216 - Fanny, d. Elijah & Jerusha (Smith), August 5, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
18 - Fanny, d. Joel & Eunice, bpt. December 7, 1783, at 1st Ch. [CH]
209 - Fanny, d. Nathaniel & Theoda (Smith), ca 1779, at Amh., bpt. June 1782. [JAS]
17 - Fanny, d. Nathaniel (s. Lt. Jo.) & Theoda, bpt. June 2, 1782, at 1st Ch. [CH]
222 - Fanny, d. Peres & Ruth (Dickinson) (1st w.), December 8, 1793, at Amh. [JAS]
26 - Fanny, d. Perez, bpt. June 17, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
801 - Fanny, Dec. 8, 1793. [GR3]
19 - Filer, ch. Joel & Eunice, bpt. February 5, 1786, at 1st Ch. [CH]
124 - Flora N., Oct. 15, 1855. [GR1]
72 - Franc Edward, s. W[illia]m, bpt. at South Ch., (the paper is lost containing the date of this baptism). [CH]
252 - Frances Amelia, d. Ocran & Amelia (Stebbins), July 28, 1822, at Springfield, went to Illinois. [JAS]
246 - Frances Annette, d. Porter & Elizabeth Rich (Billings), August 8, 1835, at Amh. [JAS]
68 - Frances Annette, d. Porter, bpt. July 1, 1841, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
254 - Frances E., s. Dexter & Julia B., May 7, 1847, at Amh. [JAS]
227 - Frances Jennett, d. Friend & Betsy (Hayes) (2nd w.), ca 1835, living in 1850, probably at Haddam, CT. [JAS]
253 - Frances Maria, adopted d. Dexter & Nancy (Smith) (1st w.), bpt. April 2, 1833 at North Ch. [JAS]
246 - Francis Howard, s. Eli & Roxana (Thayer), May 3, 1836, at Belchertown, lived at Amh. 1850, later to Woodstock, CT. [JAS]
1260 - Francis, Nov. 10, 1834. [GR3]
247 - Frank Edward, s. William & Vesta H. (Rankin) (1st w.), April 16, 1844, at South Amh., Civil War soldier, 21st Mass Vol Inf. [JAS]
16 - Frank Edward, s. William & Vesta, Apr. 14, [dup. 16], 1844, [in pencil] [VR2]
43 - Frank Emory, s. Frank N. & Elizabeth (Johnson), Feb. 6, 1896. [GR2]
43 - Frank N., Jan. 15, 1866. [GR2]
225 - Franklin, s. Abijah & Mary (Stetson), August 26, 1812, at Amh., blacksmith, moved to Belchertown. [JAS]
58 - Franklin, s. Abijah, bpt. September 22, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
34 - Frederic Ely, s. Walter & Lydia, bpt. December 8, 1811, at 1st Ch. [CH]
131 - Frederic Ely, s. Walter, of Amh., Oct. 25, 1811. [VR1]
39 - Frederic, s. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia, bpt. October 17, 1819, at 1st Ch. [CH]
234, 250 - Frederick Ely, s. Walter & Lydia (Dickinson), October 25, 1811, at Amh. blacksmith at Pelham 1833, resident of Amh. by 1835, went to - - Leverett and back to Amh. by 1840, left Amh. by 1845, perhaps to Leverett. [JAS]
248 - Frederick W., s. Loring & Mary (Graves), June 26, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
24 - Frederick, 8th ch. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), Aug. 13, 1819. [VR1]
230 - Frederick, s. David & Hannah (Dana), October 9, 1820, at Amh., resident of Brighton, Livingston Co., MI. 1850. [JAS]
301 - Frederick, s. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), Aug. 13, 1819. [VR3]
223 - Frederick, s. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), August 3, 1819, at Amh., graduate Amherst College 1837, moved to Billerica. [JAS]
224 - Freeman, s. William & Thirza (Warner), ca 1799, at Amh., resident of Amh. 1815 through 1835. [JAS]
31 - Friend, ch. Asa & Sally, bpt. May 11, 1806, at 1st Ch. [CH]
23 - Friend, ch. Asa (s. Nathan of Hatfield) & Sally [dup. Salome] (Hastings), Apr. 6, 1806. [VR1]
261 - Friend, ch. Asa (s. Nathan of Hatfield) & Sally [dup. Salome] (Hastings), Apr. 6, 1806. [VR3]
206, 227 - Friend, s. Asa & Salome (Hastings), April 6, 1806, at Amh., resident of Cumberland, RI, by 1827, returned to Amh. by 1833, after living at Haddam, CT, returned to Haddam, CT, by 1835, he and his brother Noble manufactured axes and chisels at Haddam. [JAS]
220, 241 - Gad, s. Simeon & Martha (Graves), November 29, 1761, at Amh., farmer at Amh. [JAS]
211 - Gardner, s. Stoughton & Abigail (Nash), ca 1789, at Amh., went to New York State. [JAS]
66 - George Ransom, s. Orrin, bpt. May 18 1834, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
229 - George Ransom, twin s. Orin R. & Mary (Hyde), ca April 1834, later moved to Monson. [JAS]
246 - George Royal, s. Eli & Roxana (Thayer), July 9, 1828, at South Amh., tailor at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
225 - George W., s. Eli & Loufisa (Mattoon), April __, 1818, at Amh., resident of Amh. 1840, living in Springfield 1848. [JAS]
236 - George, s. Chester & Susanna (Dickinson), bpt. September 25, 1811at 1st Ch. [JAS]
34 - George, s. Chester & Susannah, bpt. September 25, 1811, at 1st Ch. [CH]
234 - George, s. Daniel & Tammy Eastman (2nd w.), October __, 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
231 - George, s. Oliver & Clarissa (Billings) (2nd w.), September 11, 1828, at Amh. [JAS]
42 - George, s. Oliver, bpt. December 14, 1828, at 1st Ch. [CH]
253 - George, s. Oshea Smith & Chloe (Draper), October 2, 1838, at Bethel, MI. [JAS]
208 - George, s. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), ca October 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
59 - George, s. Stephen, bpt. November 10, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
245 - George, s. William Eastman & Phebe W. (Rhodes) (1st w.), ca September 6, 1847, probably at Amh. [JAS]
317 - Gertrude R., Feb. 17, 1867 [sic]. [GR3]
317 - Gertrude R., Oct. 9, 1827 [sic]. [GR3]
197, 202 - Gideon, s. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), December 1, 1720, at Hadley; came to Amh. by 1731with his family; Selectman 1770 and 1782. [JAS]
217 - Gideon, s. Gideon & Abigail (Field) (1st w.), ca August 1781, at Amh. [JAS]
17 - Gideon, s. Gideon & Abigail, bpt. September 16, 1781, at 1st Ch. [CH]
202, 216 - Gideon, s. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), ca November 1745, at Amh., bpt. December 1, 1745 at 1st Ch.; in the militia on the Lexington Alarm; active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787; moved to Washington, VT, ca 1790. [JAS]
2 - Gideon, s. Gideon & Hannah, bpt. December 1, 1745, at 1st Ch. [CH]
214 - Halsey, s. Simeon & Sally (McClain), ca September 1793, at Amh. [JAS]
35 - Hannah Montague, d. Ezekiel & P., bpt. July 31, 1814, at 1st Ch. [CH]
223 - Hannah Montague, d. Ezekiel & Perley (Gunn), May 5, 1814, at Amh. [JAS]
71 - Hannah Sophia, bpt. May 15, 1831, at South Ch. [CH]
230 - Hannah Sophia, d. David & Hannah (Dana), January 1, 1831, at Amh., lived with mother at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
623 - Hannah, ___ __, 1797. [GR2]
254 - Hannah, ca 1826, in MA, lived in household of Moody Cook, at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
200 - Hannah, d. Azariah & Eunice (Stoughton), December 24, 1750, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
212 - Hannah, d. Azariah & Mary (Eastman), June 3, 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
52 - Hannah, d. Azariah, bpt. August 6, 1797, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
267A - Hannah, d. Ebenezer & Hannah (Frary), Feb. 17, 1715, in Hatfield. [VR3]
202, 751 - Hannah, d. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), ca December 1748, at Amh., bpt. January 22, 1748/9 at 1st Ch., wid. at Amh. 1776 with a farm. [JAS]
4 - Hannah, d. Gideon & Hannah, bpt. January 22, 1749, at 1st Ch. [CH]
197, 531 - Hannah, d. John 2nd, ___ __,1700. [Dup: d. John & Sarah, January 15, 1700, at Hatfield.] [JAS]
215 - Hannah, d. Medad & Olive (Dickinson) (2nd w.), March 10, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
288 - Hannah, d. Medad (Dickson) & Olive (2nd w.), Mar. 19, 1788. [VR3]
21 - Hannah, d. Medad (Dickson) & Olive, Mar. 10, 1788. [VR1]
49 - Hannah, d. Medad, bpt. June 22, 1788, at 2nd Ch., by Mr. Strong. [CH]
201 - Hannah, d. Moses & Thankful (Smith), October 7, 1747, at Amh. [JAS]
3 - Hannah, d. Moses & Thankful, bpt. November 8, 1747, at 1st Ch. [CH]
119 - Hannah, d. Nehemiah & Mary (Cowles), Sept. 6, 1684, at Hadley. [JAS]
253 - Hannah, d. Oshea Smith & Chloe (Draper), ca 1841, at Bethel, MI. [JAS]
198 - Hannah, d. Salmon & Hannah, ca 1752, at Hatfield. [JAS]
197 - Hannah, d. Samuel 2nd & Hannah (Marsh) (1st w.), March 6, 1723, at Hadley, died young. [JAS]
241 - Hannah, d. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), January 16, 1800, at Amh. [JAS]
27 - Hannah, d. Seth & Naomi, bpt. March 16, 1800, at 1st Ch. [CH]
16 - Hannah, d. Waitstill & Leucretia, May 26, 1787. [VR3]
210 - Hannah, d. Waitstill & Lucretia (Montague), May 26, 1787, at Amh. [JAS]
49 - Hannah, d. Waitstill, bpt. September 23, 1787, at 2nd Ch., by Mr. Lyman. [CH]
663 - Hannah, w. Chileab Smith, ca 1750. [JAS]
53 - Hariette, d. Joseph, Jr., bpt. January 18, 1801, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
251 - Harlan, s. Charles & Lydia Ann (White), November 7, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
216 - Harrey, s. Juda & Thankful Warner (Dickinson), ca 1793, at Amh. [JAS]
245 - Harriet Atwood, d. Ebenezer Porter & Caroline Elizabeth (Brown), July 24, 1846, at North Amh. [JAS]
238 - Harriet Atwood, d. Elijah & Sarah Field (Belding), January 16, 1834, at Amh., lived with parents at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
229 - Harriet Elizabeth, d. Orin R. & Mary (Hyde), ca September 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
67 - Harriet Elizabeth, d. Orrin, bpt. October 2, 1836, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
240 - Harriet Hunt, d. Caleb Dexter & Tryphena (Russell) (1st w.), bpt. November 7, 1844. [JAS]
247 - Harriet Vesta, s. William & Harriet N. (Allen) (2nd w.), August 12, 1846, at South Amh. [JAS]
219 - Harriet, d. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), November 2, 1798, at Amh., lived with her mother 1850, at Amh., unmarried. [JAS]
248 - Harriet., d. Chester & Pamelia S. (Pierce), ca 1843, in MA. [JAS]
238 - Harrison, s. Elisha & Lois (Marsh), ___ __, 1810, at Halifax, VT. [JAS]
217 - Harrison, s. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), April 21, 1794, at Amh. [JAS]
229 - Harry Elihu, s. Orin R. & Mary (Hyde), ca May 1833, at Amh., later moved to Monson. [JAS]
216 - Harry, s. Juda & Thankful Warner (Dickinson), May 11, 1799, at Amh. [JAS]
53 - Harry, s. of the widow Thankful, bpt. September 13, 1801, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
224 - Harvey, s. Sylvanus & Deborah (Parker), ca 1795, at Amh., idiot, unmarried, pauper at Wilmington, VT. [JAS]
19 - Heany, d. Judah & Thankfull, May 11, 1799. [VR1]
284 - Heany, d. Judah & Thankfull, May 11, 1799. [VR3]
240 - Helen Eliza, d. Caleb Dexter & Tryphena (Russell) (1st w.), November 26, 1837, at Greenfield. [JAS]
9 - Henrietta, d. Otis & Melinda (Bancroft), Feb. 11, 1812. [Gen. P. 39] [GenRec]
254 - Henrietta, d. Otis & Melinda (Bancroft), February 11, 1812, at Granville. [JAS]
222 - Henry Bennett, s. Ezekiel & Perley (Gunn), November 26, 1807, at Amh., bpt. July 1813 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
34 - Henry Bennett, s. Ezekiel & Perly, bpt. July 18, 1813, at 1st Ch. [CH]
79 - Henry Clay, ___ __, 1843. [GR1]
11 - Henry Clay, s. Waitstill & Mercy J., Feb. 14, 1843. [VR2]
249 - Henry Clay, s. Waitstill & Mercy Joanna (Dickinson), February 14, 1843, at Amh., soldier in the Civil War. [JAS]
66 - Henry Elihu, s. Orrin, bpt. June 2, 1833, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
246 - Henry Milford, s. Eli & Roxana (Thayer), January 28, 1832, at New Haven?, CT, laborer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
250 - Henry, s. Frederick Ely & Elvira (Brown), ca 1837, at Leverett. [JAS]
244 - Henry, s. Levi & Almira (Pomreoy), ca 1830, at Hadley. [JAS]
557 - Herbert Samuel, s. Samuel Storrs & Alzina (Towne), ___ __, 1867. [GR2]
631A - Herbert, s. William A. & Lizzie Emery (Prince), ___ __, ____. [VR3]
218, 239 - Hezekiah, s. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), March 14, 1802, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1835 through 1850. [JAS]
218 - Hezekiah, s. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), September 26, 1790, at Amh., farmer at Amh. by 1835, through 1850. [JAS]
270A - Hezekiah, s. Ebenezer & Abigail Belden, Sept. 26, 1790. [VR3]
270A, 280 - Hezekiah6, s. Ebenezer5 & Abigail Belden, Mar. 14, 1802, at Amh. [VR3]
217 - Hiram, s. Zimri & Lucy (Day), between 1797 and 1804, guardian was Samuel Annabal. [JAS]
24 - Holsey, ch. Simeon & Sally, bpt. October 20, 1793, at 1st Ch., by Rev. Mr. Strong. [CH]
206, 227 - Horace, s. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), January 25, 1797, at Amh., joiner at Amh. 1820, left Amh. soon after 1845, perhaps to Palmer. [JAS]
25 - Horace, s. Enos & Lois, bpt. April 16, 1797, at 1st Ch. [CH]
211 - Horace, s. Stoughton & Abigail (Nash), ___ __, 1794, at Amh. [JAS]
211 - Horace, s. Stoughton & Abigail (Nash), ca 1800, at Weybridge, VT. [JAS]
14 - Horrace, s. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, Jan. 25, 1797. [VR1]
277 - Horrace, s. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, Jan. 25, 1797. [VR3]
220 - Ira, s. Ira & Dolly W. (Fairbanks), June 3, 1813, at West Fairlee, VT, went to Michigan. [JAS]
204, 219 - Ira, s. Joseph & Dorothy (Dickinson) (2nd w.), August 14, 1789, at Amh., bpt. August 16, 1789, farmer at Amh. 1810, moved to West Fairley, VT, by 1813, returned to Amh. by 1820, under care of the town 1837 as an intemperate person. [JAS]
50 - Ira, s. Joseph, bpt. August 16, 1789, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
14 - Irena, d. Nathan, Jr. (s. Nathan from Hatfield & Easther (Fowler), of Westchester, NY, Dec. 31, 1770. [VR1]
292 - Irena, d. Nathan, Jr. (s. Nathan from Hatfield & Easther (Fowler), of Westchester, NY, Dec. 31, 1770. [VR3]
217 - Irene, d. Gideon & Abigail (Field) (1st w.), ca July 1787, at Amh. [JAS]
20 - Irene, d. Gideon & Abigail, bpt. August 12, 1787, at 1st Ch. [CH]
207 - Irene, d. Levi & Margaret (Peebles), April 28, 1785, at Amh. [JAS]
13 - Irene, d. Levi & Margaret, Apr. 25, 1785. [VR1]
50 - Irene, d. Levi, bpt. March 28, 1791, in private. [CH]
205, 509 - Irene, d. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), December 31, 1770, at Amh., widow at Amh. 1820. [JAS]
198 - Irene, d. Nathan & Thankful (Warner) (1st w.), July 13, 1743, at Hatfield. [JAS]
14 - Irene, d. Nathan, Jr. & Esther, bpt. January 6, 1771, at 1st Ch. [CH]
199, 209 - Israel [aka Jacob], s. John & Esther (Dickinson), May 15, 1746, at Amh.; farmer at Amh.; dug graves in 1781; active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787; gone from 1790. [JAS]
209 - Israel, s. Israel & Sarah (Boltwood) (1st w.), ca 1779, at Amh. [JAS]
16 - Israel, s. Israel & Sarah, bpt. November 21, 1779, at 1st Ch. [CH]
3 - Israel, s. John & Esther, bpt. June 22, 1746, at 1st Ch. [CH]
196 - Israel, s. Nehemiah, ___ __, 1691. [JAS]
18 - J. Achaza, s. Coll Elijah, Jr., & Jerusha, Oct. 8, 1793. [VR1]
276 - J. Smith, s. Elijah, Jr., Col., & Jerusha, Oct. 8, 1793. [VR3]
20 - James Houghton, s. Joel & Eunice, bpt. March 12, 1788, at 1st Ch. [CH]
211 - James Houghton, twin s. Joel & Eunice (Houghton), March 10, 1788, at Amh., died March 12, 1788. [JAS]
243 - James Taylor , s. Nathan & Mary Ann (Taylor), ca April 1834, at Amh. [JAS]
318 - James Taylor 2nd, s. Nathan & Mary Ann, Oct. 3, 1834, a. 6 m. [GR3]
44 - James Taylor, s. Nathan & his wife, bpt. September 21, 1834, at 1st Ch. [CH]
243 - James Taylor, s. Nathan & Mary Ann (Taylor), August 25, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
319 - James Taylor, s. Nathan & Mary Ann, Aug. 5, 1833, a. 11m. [GR3]
236 - James, s. Chester & Susanna (Dickinson), ca March 1822, probably at Amh. [JAS]
61 - James, s. Chester, bpt. August 13, 1822, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
247 - Jane Caroline, d. Elijah Eastman & Mary S. (Goodman), May 11, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
251 - Jane Watson, d. William Watson & Mary Lyman (Marsh), August 26, 1845, at East Amh. [JAS]
22 - Jemima, d. Jonathan & Azubah, bpt. September 18, 1791, at 1st Ch. [CH]
220 - Jemima, d. Simeon & Martha (Graves), November 28, 1767, at Amh. [JAS]
12 - Jemima, d. Simeon & Martha, bpt. December 6, 1767, at 1st Ch. [CH]
1616 - Jennie M., d. S. White & Sarah (Hyde), ___ __, 1856. [GR3]
210 - Jeremy, d. Jonathan & Azubah (Coleman), August 22, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
198 - Jerusha, d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), ca 1739, at Amh. [JAS]
217 - Jerusha, d. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), July 29, 1796, at Amh. [JAS]
216 - Jerusha, d. Gideon & Abigail (Field) (1st w.), ca May 1771, at Amh. [JAS]
14 - Jerusha, d. Gideon, Jr. & Abigail, bpt. June 2, 1771, at 1st Ch. [CH]
220 - Jerusha, d. Simeon & Martha (Graves), March 24, 1770, at Amh. [JAS]
13 - Jerusha, d. Simeon, bpt. April 1, 1770, at 1st Ch. [CH]
94 - Joanna T., ___ __, 1841. [GR1]
249 - Joanna Thankful, d. Waitstill & Mercy Joanna (Dickinson), February 17, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
11 - Joanna, d. Nathan & Joanna, bpt. April 6, 1766, at 1st Ch. [CH]
199 - Joanne, d. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), ca March 1766, at Amh. [JAS]
252 - Joel Brown, s. Obed & Experience (Smith), April 13, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
62 - Joel Brown, s. Obed, bpt. July 11, 1824, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
206 - Joel Leonard, s. Elihu & Susanna (Lewis), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. March 9, 1794 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
51 - Joel Leonard, s. Elihu, bpt. April 19, 1795, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
51 - Joel Leonard, s. Elihu, bpt. March 9, 1794, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
209 - Joel, s. Israel & Sarah (Boltwood) (1st w.), ca 1777, at Amh., became a sailor. [JAS]
16 - Joel, s. Israel & Sarah, bpt. November 21, 1779, at 1st Ch. [CH]
211 - Joel, s. Joel & Eunice (Houghton), April 21, 1794, at Amh., moved to New York State. [JAS]
24 - Joel, s. Joel & Eunice, bpt. May 4, 1794, at 1st Ch. [CH]
200, 210 - Joel, s. Jonathan & Dorothy (Stoughton), May 29, 1751, at Shutesbury, private in Capt. Crocker's Co. at Ticonderoga in 1776 and 1777, came to Amh. by 1780, left Amh. by 1800, later a Pensioner. [JAS]
196 - John 2nd, s. Nathaniel 2nd, ___ __, 1667. [JAS]
236 - John Griffin, s. John & Rebecca Ellis (1st w.), December 12, 1812, at East Machias, ME. [JAS]
238 - John Milton, s. Samuel & Wealthy (Cushman), October 23, 1824, at Amh., lived with parents at Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
15 - John W., s. Bela U. [or V.] & Amelia, C, Feb. 1, 1844. [VR2]
69 - John Watson, s. Bela U., bpt. April 4, 1844, "this child was baptized at home, being sick and apparently about dying". [CH]
251 - John Watson, s. Bela Uriah & Pamela (Dickinson), February 1, 1844, at Amh., bpt. April 4, 1844, at home (near death). [JAS]
196, 197 - John, of Hatfield, s. Nathaniel, ___ __, 1630. [JAS]
230 - John, s. David & Hannah (Dana), October 19, 1814, at Amh. [JAS]
199, 210 - John, s. John & Esther (Dickinson) [tentative parentage], ___ __, ____, Lieut. at Amh. 1780, left town ca 1785. [JAS]
17 - John, s. John & Lidea, bpt. September 29, 1782, at 1st Ch. [CH]
213. 236 - John, s. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), February 26, 1782, at Amh.; graduate of Williams College 1800; later a lawyer at East Machias, Maine from 1807 to 1837; Probate Judge of Washington Co., Maine 1820 through 1837; member of the - Constitutional Convention in Maine 1820; returned to Amh. ca 1837; lawyer at Amh.; Esquire through 1845; Selectman 1847; farmer living in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
242 - John, s. Jonathan & Amy Stoughton (Dickinson), June 13, 1817, at Amh., went to Winchester, VA. [JAS]
63 - John, s. Jonathan, bpt. April 22, 1827, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
209 - John, s. Nathaniel & Theoda (Smith), October 16, 1775, at Amh., living with uncle, Willard Smith, at Westhampton 1795. [JAS]
17 - John, s. Nathaniel (s. Lt. Jo.) & Theoda, bpt. June 2, 1782, at 1st Ch. [CH]
201, 213 - John, s. Nehemiah & Amy (Stoughton), October 27, 1757, at Shutesbury; came to Amh. ca 1759; supposedly represented Amh. at a meeting in Northampton September 1774; soldier in militia May through July 1776; duty at Mosses Creek July 1777; his farm was annexed by Amh. 1788; known as JD Esquire 1815 ff; Pensioner at Amh. 1832. [JAS]
197, 199 - John, s. Nehemiah & Mehitable, May 14, 1713, at Hadley; from Hadley to Amh. between 1839 and1845; received land from the Hadley proprietors; had a quarter mill interest 1850 through 1860; was a militia Lieut. by 1760; called a gentleman in 1773; Selectman 1759, 61, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72-75. [JAS]
198, 208 - John, s. Salmon & Hannah, ca 1766, at Hatfield; resident of Amh. by 1796; Selectman 1799 and 1800; farmer. [JAS]
242 - John, s. Silas & Eunice (Moody), July 17, 1793, at Amh. [JAS]
235 - John, s. Zebina & Mary (Watson), September 3, 1812, at Amh., graduate of Union College 1833, at Amh. [JAS]
57 - John, s. Zebina, bpt. March 21, 1813, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
27 - John, s. Zebina, Col., & Mary, Sept. 3, 1812. [VR1]
312 - John, s. Zebina, Col., & Mary, Sept. 3, 1812. [VR3]
557 - Johnnie Herbert, s. Samuel Storrs & Alzina (Towne), ___ __, 1858. [GR2]
232 - Jonathan Coleman (Coleman Briggs?), s. Nathaniel Coleman & Submit (Smith) (1st w.), ca 1830, at Amh., bpt. August 15, 1830 at South - - Ch. [JAS]
70 - Jonathan Coleman, bpt. August 15, 1830, at South Ch. [CH]
216, 237 - Jonathan Smith, s. Elijah & Jerusha (Smith), August 6, 1803, at Amh., farmer at Amh. [JAS]
216 - Jonathan Smith, s. Elijah & Jerusha (Smith), October 8, 1793, at Amh. [JAS]
198, 204 - Jonathan, s. Deacon Nathaniel 4+, ca November 7, 1699, at Hatfield; from Hatfield to Hadley, then to Amh. 1748; Town Treas. 1757; Selectman 1759, 61, 64, 67, and 1769; Moderator of Town Meeting 1757. [JAS]
200, 210 - Jonathan, s. Jonathan & Dorothy (Stoughton), September 5, 1749, at Shutesbury; came to Amh. before 1770 with his family; - commissioned a Lieut. in Capt. Zaccheus Crocker's Co. May 7, 1776; Lieut. in Capt. Holly's Co. in the Northern Army May through August 1777; farmer at Amh.; militia Lieut. through 1795, and later Capt.; Selectman 1780, 82, 84. 85, 87, 93, 95, 96, and 1799. [JAS]
204, 221 - Jonathan, s. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), ca 1737, perhaps at Hadley; came to Amh. with family 1748; went to Pittsfield after 1795. [JAS]
221, 242 - Jonathan, s. Noah & Susannah (Ward) (2nd w.), May 19, 1795, farm laborer at Amh., gone from 1835 but returned by 1840 when he left again. [JAS]
51 - Jonathan, s. Noah, bpt. June 9, 1795, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
252 - Jonathan, s. Obed & Experience (Smith), April 28, 1815, at Amh., died May 4, 1815. [JAS]
197, 199 - Jonathan, s. Samuel 2nd & Hannah (Marsh) (1st w.), January 16, 1715, at Hadley; resident of Shutesbury by 1745; member of Capt. Williams' Co. on-duty from March 10 through October 20, 1748; in 1757 as a Lieut. he commanded a company in Col. Williams' Regiment; received land from the Hadley Proprietors; shortly before 1770 he moved to Amh. ; Lieut. in 1780 at Amh. [JAS]
237 - Joseph Eastman, s. John & Rebecca Ellis (1st w.), April 27, 1825, at East Machias, ME. [JAS]
207 - Joseph Eastman, s. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), ca May 1800, at Amh. [JAS]
53 - Joseph Eastman, s. Stephen, bpt. November 30, 1800, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
203 - Joseph, s. Ebenezer & Chloe (Holton), ca 1771, at Amh. [JAS]
198, 204 - Joseph, s. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), ___ __,1730, at Hadley; came to Amh. ca 1731with his family; Cpl. in Capt. Pomeroy's Co. June 1758 on the raid into Canada; 2nd Lieut. in Capt. Reuben Dickinson's Co. on the Lexington alarm 1775; Sgt. at New Providence for four days in August 1777; Selectman 1779, 1778 and 1794; was active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787;
204, 219 - Joseph, s. Joseph & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), September 18, 1768, at Amh., bpt. September 1880 at 1st Ch., farmer at Amh. [JAS]
12 - Joseph, s. Joseph & Martha, bpt. September 11, 1767, at 1st Ch. [CH]
219, 240 - Joseph, s. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), October 20, 1810, at Amh., farmer at Amh. [JAS]
56 - Joseph, s. Joseph, bpt. January 6, 1811, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
196 - Joseph, s. Nathaniel, ___ __, 1632. [JAS]
217 - Joshua , s. Gideon & Abigail (Field) (1st w.), ca April 1785, at Amh. [JAS]
25 - Joshua Warner, s. William & Thirza, bpt. July 24, 1796, at 1st Ch. [CH]
19 - Joshua, s. Gideon, Jr. & Abigail, bpt. May 29, 1785, at 1st Ch. [CH]
6 - Joshua, s. Nathaniel & Thankful, bpt. October 21, 1753, at 1st Ch. [CH]
13 - Joshua, s. Reuben, bpt. October 2, 1768, at 1st Ch. [CH]
211 - Joshua, s. Stoughton & Abigail (Nash), ___ __, 1792, at Amh. [JAS]
211 - Joshua, s. Stoughton & Abigail (Nash), ca 1797, at Weybridge,VT . [JAS]
224, 244 - Josiah Warner, s. William & Thirza (Warner), ca June 1796, farmer at Amh., operated a Brickyard on his land which he sold in March 1822, when he moved to Springfield. [JAS]
200 - Josiah, s. Nathaniel & Thankful (Barrett) (1st w.), October 15, 1753, at Amh. [JAS]
209 - Josiah, s. Nathaniel & Theoda (Smith), October 16, 1777, at Amh., living in Westhampton 1795. [JAS]
17 - Josiah, s. Nathaniel (s. Lt. Jo.) & Theoda, bpt. June 2, 1782, at 1st Ch. [CH]
231 - Josiah, s. Oliver & Elizabeth (Billings) (1st w.), December 17, 1817, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1845, lived in household of Charles Franklin Hayward, 1850. [JAS]
203 - Josiah, s. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), ca 1766, at Amh., died young. [JAS]
203 - Josiah, s. Reuben & Sarah (Clark), ca September 1768, at Amh. [JAS]
202, 216 - Juda [aka Judah], s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), February 12, 1765, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1790. [JAS]
53 - Juda, ch. of the widow Thankful, bpt. September 13, 1801, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
216 - Juda, s. Juda & Thankful Warner (Dickinson), August 20, 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
11 - Juda, s. Moses & Thankful, Feb. 12, 1765. [VR1]
289 - Juda, s. Moses & Thankful, Feb. 12, 1765. [VR3]
19 - Judah, s. Judah & Thankfull (Dickinson), Aug. 20, 1797. [VR1]
284 - Judah, s. Judah & Thankfull (Dickinson), Aug. 20, 1797. [VR3]
199 - Judith, d. Nathan & Judith Hosmer (3rd w.), April 1, 1774, at Amh. [JAS]
207 - Judith, d. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), ca 1796 , at Amh., bpt. May 1800. [JAS]
52 - Judith, d. Stephen, bpt. May 25, 1800, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
250 - Julia Ann, d. Frederick Ely & Elvira (Brown), October 13, 1839, at Leverett. [JAS]
238 - Julia Cowles, d. Elijah & Sarah Field (Belding), September 3, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
94 - Julia L., May 3, 1844. [GR1]
17 - Julia Lyman, d. Waitstill & Mary J., R, May 3, 1844. [VR2]
249 - Julia Lyman, d. Waitstill & Mercy Joanna (Dickinson), May 3, 1844, at Amh. [JAS]
254 - Julia, bpt. as an adult, July 21, 1811at 1st Ch. [JAS]
228 - Julia, d. Adolphus & Lydia (Hyde), July 4, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
60 - Julia, d. Adolphus, bpt. September 24, 1820, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
55 - Julia, d. Dea[con]. Medad, bpt. March 26, 1809, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
215 - Julia, d. Medad & Esther (Dickinson) (3rd w.), ca February 1809, at Amh. [JAS]
252 - Julia, d. Ocran & Amelia (Stebbins), October 15, 1831, at Springfield. [JAS]
33 - Julia, d. Walter & Mary, bpt. July 21, 1811, at 1st Ch. [CH]
65 - Juliann, d. Obed, bpt. August 15, 1830, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
252 - Juliann, d. s. Obed & Experience (Smith), September 21, 1829, at Amh. [JAS]
218 - Julianna, d. Zimri & Lucy (Day), shortly after May 1802, at Amh. or Williamsburg. [JAS]
236 - Justus, s. Chester & Susanna (Dickinson), bpt. May 17, 1812at 1st Ch. [JAS]
34 - Justus, s. Chester & Susannah, bpt. May 17, 1812, at 1st Ch. [CH]
1014 - L. J., ___ __, 1838. [GR3]
44 - Lavina Norcross, d. Edward & wife, bpt. August 4, 1833, at 1st Ch., by Rev. M. T. Adams. [CH]
952 - Lavinia N., Feb. 28, 1833. [GR3]
243 - Lavinia Norcross, d. Edward & Emily (Norcross), February 28, 1833, at Amh., student at Amh. Academy 1850. [JAS]
7 - Lavinia Norcross, d. Edward & Emily, Feb. 28, 1833, bpt. Aug. 4, 1833. [VR2]
234 - Leander M., s. Walter & Lydia (Dickinson), August 20, 1821, at Amh., bricklayer at Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
148 - Leander M., s. Walter, of Amh., Aug. 20, 1821. [VR1]
40 - Leander Malancton, s. Walter, bpt. November 3, 1821, at 1st Ch. [CH]
73 - Lester R., s. Dwight E. & Etta E. (Bolter), May 19, 1879. [GR1]
15 - Leucinda, d. Aaron & Eliner, Aug. 5, 1786. [VR1]
259 - Leucinda, d. Aaron & Eliner, Aug. 5, 1786. [VR3]
15 - Leucy, d. Aaron & Eliner, June 15, 1785. [VR1]
259 - Leucy, d. Aaron & Eliner, June 15, 1785. [VR3]
14 - Leutius, d. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, Jan. 23, 1790. [VR1]
277 - Leutius, d. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, Jan. 23, 1790. [VR3]
244 - Levi Chandler, s. Levi & Almira (Pomreoy), bpt. April 26, 1825 at 2nd Ch., died young. [JAS]
63 - Levi Chandler, s. Levi, bpt. April 26, 1825, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
553 - Levi E., Nov. 21, 1831. [GR2]
71 - Levi Enos, bpt. July 15, 1832, at South Ch. [CH]
226 - Levi Enos, s. Lucius & Betsey (Shumway), November 21, 1831at Amh., tool maker, at Amh. [JAS]
244 - Levi G., s. Levi & Almira (Pomreoy), ca October 1832, at Hadley. [JAS]
244 - Levi P., s. Levi & Almira (Pomreoy), ca 1833. [JAS]
285 - Levi, May 20, 1759, at Pelham. [VR3]
199, 207 - Levi, s. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), ca 1763, at A; soldier at Dorchester October 1776 through March 1777; in the Northern Army May through July 1777; four days in New Providence August 1777; on duty August through November 1781; resident of Amh. 1782; was active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787; left Amh. by 1795. [JAS]
224 - Levi, s. Sylvanus & Deborah (Parker), August 6, 1793, at Amh., resident of Amh. 1815 through 1828, when he moved to Hadley. [JAS]
238 - Lois P., d. Elisha & Lois (Marsh), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
248 - Lois Philomela, d. Loring & Mary (Graves), October 22, 1842, at Amh. [JAS]
244 - Lois Pomroy, d. Levi & Almira (Pomreoy), bpt. July 27, 1817 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
59 - Lois Pomroy, d. Levi, bpt. July 27, 1817, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
61 - Lois, d. Austin L., bpt. July 8, 1821, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
227 - Lois, d. Austin Lyman & Sarah Eastman (Draper), ca June 1821, at Amh., guardian was her maternal grandmother. [JAS]
206 - Lois, d. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), October 7, 1783, at Amh. [JAS]
18 - Lois, d. Enos & Lois, bpt. October 16, 1783, at 1st Ch., by Mr. Hopkins. [CH]
14 - Lois, d. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, Oct. 7, 1783. [VR1]
277 - Lois, d. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, Oct. 7, 1783. [VR3]
201 - Lois, d. Moses & Thankful (Smith), ca January 1751, bpt. February 3, 1750/51at 1st Ch. [JAS]
199 - Lois, d. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), ca July 1759, at Amh. [JAS]
8 - Lois, d. Nathan & Joanna, bpt. August 5, 1759, at 1st Ch. [CH]
119 - Lois, d. Silas & Eunice (Graves), 1st w. Chester Kellogg, Feb. 6, 1790. [VR3]
242 - Lois, d. Silas & Eunice (Moody), February 6, 1790, at Amh. [JAS]
214 - Lois, d. Simeon & Sally (McClain), ___ __, ____, at Amh. [JAS]
29 - Lois, d. Widow Eunice, bpt. April 27, 1804, at 1st Ch. [CH]
70 - Loisa Azubah, bpt. June 1828, at South Ch. [CH]
28 - Loiza, d. Seth & Naomi, bpt. June 13, 1802, at 1st Ch. [CH]
220 - Lorenzo, s. Ira & Dolly W. (Fairbanks), September 30, 1811, at Amh., went to New York State. [JAS]
93 - Lorin M., s. Mahlon L. & Clara I., ___ __, 1886. [GR1]
230, 248 - Loring, s. David & Hannah (Dana), September 19, 1818, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1840 through 1850. [JAS]
38 - Loring, s. David & Hannah, bpt. November 1, 1818, at 1st Ch. [CH]
93 - Louis M., s. Mahlon L. & Clara I., ___ __, 1884. [GR1]
232 - Louisa Azubah, d. Nathaniel Coleman & Submit (Smith) (1st w.), ca April 1828, at Amh. [JAS]
252 - Louisa L., d. Ocran & Amelia (Stebbins), April 24, 1824, at Springfield, teacher at West Springfield. [JAS]
230 - Louisa Nash, d. David & Hannah (Dana), May 21, 1828, at Amh., lived with mother at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
42 - Louisa Nash, d. David, bpt. August __, 1828, at 1st Ch. [CH]
234 - Louisa, d. Daniel & Tammy Eastman (2nd w.), July 14, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
239 - Louisa, d. Rufus & Almira (Church), August 4, 1811, at Amh., "out of wedlock". [JAS]
241 - Louisa, d. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), April 17, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
214 - Louisa, d. Simeon & Sally (McClain), ca June 1787, at Amh. [JAS]
20 - Louisa, d. Simeon & Sally, bpt. July 15, 1787, at 1st Ch. [CH]
224 - Louisa, twin d. Sylvanus & Deborah (Parker), ca 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
936 - Lovina, ___ __, 1804. [GR3]
218 - Lovina, d. Roswell & Rachel (Hunt), April 26, 1804, at Amh., bpt. as an adult January 1827 at 2nd Ch., lived with her mother 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
5 - Luce, d. Simeon & Martha, bpt. July 26, 1752, at 1st Ch. [CH]
132 - Lucena, w. Harrison Hawley, ____ __, 1818. [VR3]
238 - Lucina Melvina, d. Samuel & Wealthy (Cushman), December 14, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
33 - Lucinda, bpt. August 24, 1810, at her own request, at 1st Ch. [CH]
214 - Lucinda, d. Aaron & Eleanor (Morton), August 5, 1786, at Amh. [JAS]
20 - Lucinda, d. Aaron & Eleanor, bpt. October 1, 1786, at 1st Ch. [CH]
205,762 - Lucinda, d. Ebenezer & Ruth (Eastman), November 17, 1769, at Amh., wid. at Amh. 1815 through 1840 with a farm and buildings. [JAS]
222 - Lucinda, d. Peres & Lucinda (Foster) (2nd w.), ca May 1811, at Amh. [JAS]
33 - Lucinda, d. Perez, bpt. June 2, 1811, at 1st Ch. [CH]
233 - Lucinda, d. Ransom & Betsey (Dickinson) (1st w.), May 2, 1810, at Amh., moved to Sunderland 1840. [JAS]
34 - Lucinda, d. Ransum & B., bpt. October 18, 1812, at 1st Ch. [CH]
249 - Lucius M., s. Moses & Electa (Dickinson), ___ __, 1842, at Amh. [JAS]
206, 226 - Lucius, s. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), January 23, 1790, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1820 through 1850, Selectman 1834 and 1835. [JAS]
22 - Lucius, s. Enos & Lois, bpt. February 14, 1790, at 1st Ch. [CH]
21 - Lucius, s. John & Sally, bpt. October 26, 1788, at 1st Ch. [CH]
214 - Lucius, s. Simeon & Sally (McClain), July 31, 1788, at Amh., went to Greenfield. [JAS]
223 - Lucretia Gunn, d. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), December 16, 1806, at Amh. [JAS]
71 - Lucretia Marilla, bpt. May 15, 1831, at South Ch. [CH]
231 - Lucretia Marilla, d. Oliver & Clarissa (Billings) (2nd w.), September 22, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
24 - Lucretia, 3rd ch. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), Dec. 16, 1806. [VR1]
31 - Lucretia, d. S[amue]m Fowler & L[ucretia]., bpt. January 25, 1807, at 1st Ch. by Rev. Mr. Williams. [CH]
301 - Lucretia, d. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), Dec. 16, 1806. [VR3]
94 - Lucy M., ___ __, 1847. [GR1]
249 - Lucy Maria, d. Waitstill & Mercy Joanna (Dickinson), October 22, 1847, at Amh. [JAS]
1435 - Lucy Marsh, d. Bela & Pamela, ___ __, 1851. [GR3]
251 - Lucy Marsh, d. Bela Uriah & Pamela (Dickinson), December 13, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
214 - Lucy, d. Aaron & Eleanor (Morton), June 15, 1785, at Amh. [JAS]
19 - Lucy, d. Aaron & Eleanor, bpt. June 9, 1785, at 1st Ch. [CH]
200 - Lucy, d. Jonathan & Dorothy (Stoughton), November 9, 1746, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
221 - Lucy, d. Jonathan & Mary (Mathews) (3rd w.), ca February 1790, at Amh. [JAS]
22 - Lucy, d. Jonathan & Mary, bpt. March 14, 1790, at 1st Ch. [CH]
220 - Lucy, d. Simeon & Martha (Graves), September 28, 1751, at Amh. [JAS]
13 - Lusinda, d. Ebenezer 3rd, bpt. November 19, 1769, at 1st Ch. [CH]
270A - Luther, s. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), Aug. 26, 1788. [VR3]
218 - Luther, s. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), August 26, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
203 - Luther, s. Ebenezer & Chloe (Holton), ca November 1774, at Amh., bpt. December 4, 1774 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
15 - Luther, s. Ebenezer 2d, bpt. December 4, 1774, at 1st Ch. [CH]
211 - Luther, s. Stoughton & Abigail (Nash), ca 1787, at Amh. [JAS]
65 - Lydia E., Walter & Lydia, Sept. 17, 1817. [GR2]
234 - Lydia Eastman, d. Walter & Lydia (Dickinson), September 17, 1817, at Amh., lived with father at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
141 - Lydia Eastman, d. Walter, of Amh., Sept. 17, 1817. [VR1]
245 - Lydia Emilyetta, d. Samuel Stetson & Alzina (Towne), August 18, 1849, at North Amh. [JAS]
250 - Lydia Jane, d. Marquis Fayette & Hannah S. (Williams), July 17, 1846, at North Amh. [JAS]
54 - Lydia Jane, July 17, 1846. [GR2]
236 - Lydia Rebecca, d. John & Rebecca Ellis (1st w.), April 22, 1823, at East Machias, ME. [JAS]
63 - Lydia Rebecca, d. Jonathan, bpt. April 22, 1827, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
228 - Lydia, d. Adolphus & Lydia (Hyde), June 11, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
63 - Lydia, d. Adolphus, bpt. September 3, 1825, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
213 - Lydia, d. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), July 9, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
22 - Lydia, d. John & Lydia, bpt. August 28, 1791, at 1st Ch., by Rev. H. Williams. [CH]
5 - Lydia, d. Simeon & Martha, bpt. May 27, 1753, at 1st Ch. [CH]
220 - Lydia, d. Simeon &Martha (Graves), May 25, 1753, at Amh. [JAS]
38 - Lydia, d. Walter, bpt. November 5, 1818, at 1st Ch. [CH]
94 - Lyman E., Aug. 9, 1839. [GR1]
249 - Lyman Enos, s. Waitstill & Mercy Joanna (Dickinson), August 9, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
227 - Lyman Foster, s. Friend & Betsy (Packard) (1st w.), ca April 13, 1830, at Canton, CT. [JAS]
65 - Lyman Foster, s. Friend, bpt. April __, 1831, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
227 - Lyman H., s. Friend & Betsy (Packard) (1st w.), ca 1831, living in 1850, probably at Haddam, CT. [JAS]
246 - Lyman Wright, s. Eli & Roxana (Thayer), February 20, 1843, at Amh. [JAS]
11 - Lyman Wright, s. Eli, Jr. & Roxanna, Feb. 20, 1843. [VR2]
228 - Lyman, s. Adolphus & Lydia (Hyde), November 30, 1833, at Amh. [JAS]
66 - Lyman, s. Adolphus, bpt. March 20, 1834, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
224 - Madison, s. Sylvanus & Deborah (Parker), ___ __, 1806, at Amh., removed to Headsboro, VT, and Wilmington, VT. [JAS]
93 - Mahlon L., ___ __, 1858. [GR1]
12 - Maria Brainard, d. Charles H. & Maria, Jan. 6, 1843. [VR2]
240 - Maria Brainard, d. Charles Holton & Jantha Maria (Brainard), January 6, 1843, at Amh. [JAS]
244 - Maria Chapin, d. Josiah Warner & Eleanor (Chapin), December 21, 1820, at Amh., bpt. May 6, 1821at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
61 - Maria Chapin, d. Warner, bpt. May 6, 1821, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
32 - Maria Dorcas Goodrich, d. Colman & Submit, bpt. April 24, 1808, at 1st Ch. [CH]
232 - Maria Dorcas Goodrich, d. Nathaniel Coleman & Submit (Smith) (1st w.), February 10, 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
252 - Maria, d. Obed & Experience (Smith), October 25, 1809, at Amh. [JAS]
58 - Maria, d. Obed, bpt. June 30, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
219 - Maria, d. Roswell & Rachel (Hunt), March 10, 1808, as an adult January 1827 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
208 - Maria, d. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), ca October 1818, at Amh., in 1827 guardian was Samuel Thayer, of Belchertown, in 1829 guardian was Capt. Enod Dickinson. [JAS]
60 - Maria, d. Stephen, bpt. November 15, 1818, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
224 - Maria, twin d. Sylvanus & Deborah (Parker), ca 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
53 - Marian, d. Joseph, Jr., bpt. March 8, 1801, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
1675 - Marquis Fayette, Jan. 4, 1814. [GR4]
250 - Marquis Fayette, s. Marquis Fayette & Hannah S. (Williams), January 16, 1840, at North Amh. [JAS]
234, 250 - Marquis Fayette, s. Walter & Lydia (Dickinson), January 4, 1814, at Amh., farm laborer on father's farm in Amh. 1840, assessor of Amh. 1850 (poll tax only). [JAS]
35 - Marquis Fayette, s. Walter & Lydia, bpt. February 20, 1814, at 1st Ch. [CH]
134 - Marquis Fayette, s. Walter, of Amh., Jan 4, 1814, in Amh. [VR1]
55 - Marshall D., May 20, 1839. [GR2]
239 - Marshall Dwight, s. Hezekiah & Electa (Marshall), May 20, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
204 - Martha (1st w.), d. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), ca 1740, perhaps at Hadley. [JAS]
237 - Martha B., d. Jonathan Smith & Minerva (Bartlett), April 2, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
229 - Martha G., d. Stephen A. & Roxana (Goodell), ca 1824, probably at Amh. [JAS]
241 - Martha Graves, d. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), November 4, 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
26 - Martha Graves, d. Seth & Naomi, bpt. January 21, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
228 - Martha Julia, d. Adolphus & Lydia (Hyde), July 16, 1831, at Amh., living with her brother Elijah Eastman Dickinson in 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
66 - Martha Julia, d. Adolphus, bpt. May 13, 1832, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
248 - Martha Maria., d. Chester & Pamelia S. (Pierce), June 3, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
249 - Martha O., d. Moses & Electa (Dickinson), December 23, 1846, at Amh. [JAS]
226 - Martha Orilla, d. Lucius & Betsey (Shumway), April 22, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
226 - Martha Orilla, d. Lucius & Betsey (Shumway), May 8, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
70 - Martha Orrilla, bpt. November 1825, at South Ch. [CH]
238 - Martha Smith, d. Elijah & Sarah Field (Belding), September 25, 1830, at Amh., lived with parents at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
122 - Martha, ___ __, 1826. [GR1]
41 - Martha, d. Capt. Oliver, bpt. December 18, 1826, at 1st Ch. [CH]
225 - Martha, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Barrows), September 23, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
270A - Martha, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), Dec. 26, 1799. [VR3]
218 - Martha, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), December 26, 1799, at Amh. [JAS]
28 - Martha, d. Ebenezer & Abigail, bpt. November 14, 1802, at 1st Ch. [CH]
217 - Martha, d. Elisha & Martha (Dickinson), January 16, 1778, at Amh., bpt. July 1785, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
19 - Martha, d. Elisha & Martha, bpt. July 3, 1785, at 1st Ch. [CH]
202 - Martha, d. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), ca December 1756, at Amh., bpt. January 30, 1757 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
7 - Martha, d. Gideon & Hannah, bpt. January 30, 1757, at 1st Ch. [CH]
204 - Martha, d. Joseph & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), August 2, 1769, at Amh., bpt. November 21, 1779 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
16 - Martha, d. Joseph & Martha, bpt. November 21, 1779, at 1st Ch. [CH]
219 - Martha, d. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), June 9, 1796, at Amh. [JAS]
219 - Martha, d. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), November 26, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
53 - Martha, d. Joseph, Jr., bpt. January 16, 1803, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
226 - Martha, d. Lucius & Betsey (Shumway), October 11, 1822, at Amh., died young. [JAS]
231 - Martha, d. Oliver & Clarissa (Billings) (2nd w.), July 29, 1826, at Amh. [JAS]
220 - Martha, d. Simeon & Martha (Graves), July 17, 1755, at Amh. [JAS]
7 - Martha, d. Simeon & Martha, bpt. July 20, 1755, at 1st Ch. [CH]
242 - Martin, s. Jonathan & Amy Stoughton (Dickinson), February 14, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
63 - Martin, s. Jonathan, bpt. April 22, 1827, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
252 - Martin, s. Ocran & Amelia (Stebbins), June 19, 1818, at Springfield. [JAS]
220 - Martin, s. Simeon & Martha (Graves), October 29, 1765, at Amh., farmer at Amh. [JAS]
11 - Martin, s. Simeon & Martha, bpt. November 3, 1765, at 1st Ch. [CH]
71 - Mary A., d. Chester, Jr. & Caroline A., ___ __, 1873. [GR1]
234 - Mary Adams, d. Daniel & Louisa Adams (1st w.), January 26, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
226 - Mary Ann Field, d. David & Mary Field (Warner), ___ __, ____, at Petersham. [JAS]
229 - Mary Ann, d. Elihu Eastman & Susan D. (Pettengill), ca 1837, at Belchertown. [JAS]
211 - Mary Ann, d. Joel & Eunice (Houghton), August 22, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
26 - Mary Ann, d. Joel & Eunice, bpt. August 26, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
219 - Mary Ann, d. Joseph & Sarah (Hunt), February 20, 1801, at Amh. [JAS]
43 - Mary Ann, d. Nathan, bpt. July 2, 1832, at 1st Ch. [CH]
66 - Mary Ann, d. Oshea S., bpt. May 27, 1832, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
253 - Mary Ann, d. Oshea Smith & Chloe (Draper), September 28, 1831, at Amh. [JAS]
243 - Mary Ann, twin d. Nathan & Mary Ann (Taylor), October 18, 1829, at Amh., went to Romeo, MI. [JAS]
71 - Mary B., d. Chester, Jr. & Caroline A., ___ __, 1874. [GR1]
21 - Mary E. W., d. Sam[ue]l S. & Alzina, Dec. 8, 1844. [VR2]
245 - Mary E. W., d. Samuel Stetson & Alzina (Towne), December 8, 1844, at North Amh. [JAS]
248 - Mary E., d. Chester & Pamelia S. (Pierce), June 4, 1838, at Worcester. [JAS]
90 - Mary E., d. Chester & Pamelia, ___ __, 1839. [GR1]
806 - Mary E., Dec. 8, 1844. [GR2]
229 - Mary Eastman, d. Asa & Sophia (Hastings), October 30, 1823, at Amh., bpt. October 27, 1827 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
64 - Mary Eastman, d. Asa, bpt. October 7, 1827, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
2 - Mary Eastman, w. Dea. William Adams, d. ____ & Sophia (Hastings), Oct. 30, 1823. [GenRec]
72 - Mary Eliza, d. W[illia]m & Vesta, bpt. July 19, 1842, at South Ch. [CH]
247 - Mary Eliza, d. William & Vesta H. (Rankin) (1st w.), November 11, 1841, at South Amh. [JAS]
248 - Mary Elizabeth, d. Loring & Mary (Graves), April 12, 1847, at Amh. [JAS]
246 - Mary Emeline, d. Eli & Roxana (Thayer), May 26, 1838, at Belchertown. [JAS]
71 - Mary Emerline, bpt. November 11, 1832, at South Ch. [CH]
231 - Mary Emerline, d. Oliver & Clarissa (Billings) (2nd w.), August 2, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
231 - Mary Field, d. Oliver & Elizabeth (Billings) (1st w.), April 1, 1812, at Amh. [JAS]
247 - Mary Goodman, d. Elijah Eastman & Mary S. (Goodman), September 30, 1843, at Amh. [JAS]
69 - Mary Goodman, infant of Eastman, bpt. February 29, 1844, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
237 - Mary L., d. Jonathan Smith & Minerva (Bartlett), June 10, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
236 - Mary Nye, d. John & Rebecca Ellis (1st w.), March 11, 1811, at East Machias, ME. [JAS]
69 - Mary Susan, d. Bela U., bpt. June 29, 1843, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
251 - Mary Susan, d. Bela Uriah & Pamela (Dickinson), October 15, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
16 - Mary, 2nd w. Hiram H. Allen, ___ __, 1812. [JAS]
24 - Mary, 4th ch. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), Feb. 10, 1809. [VR1]
232 - Mary, adopted d. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), bpt. November 14, 1819, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
39 - Mary, adopted d. Lieut. Enos 2d, bpt. November 14, 1819, at 1st Ch. [CH]
254 - Mary, ca 1787, in MA, lived in household of William Walker in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
225 - Mary, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Barrows), ca June 1804, at Amh., died young. [JAS]
30 - Mary, d. Ebenezer & Abigail, bpt. July 8, 1804, at 1st Ch. [CH]
267A - Mary, d. Ebenezer & Hannah (Frary), Oct. 14, 1718, in Hatfield. [VR3]
198 - Mary, d. Ebenezer & Sarah Kellogg (1st w.), ca 1735, at Amh. [JAS]
14 - Mary, d. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, Oct. 20, 1792. [VR1]
277 - Mary, d. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, Oct. 20, 1792. [VR3]
209 - Mary, d. Israel & Sarah (Boltwood) (1st w.), ca 1775, at Amh. [JAS]
16 - Mary, d. Israel & Sarah, bpt. November 21, 1779, at 1st Ch. [CH]
221 - Mary, d. Jonathan & Mary (Hamilton) (1st w.), ca 1766, at Amh., bpt. August 10, 1766 at 1st Ch., lived in household of Edward Augustus Stanley 1850. [JAS]
204 - Mary, d. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), ca 1732, probably at Hatfield. [JAS]
11 - Mary, d. Jonathan & Mary, bpt. August 10, 1766, at 1st Ch. [CH]
167 - Mary, d. Joseph & Rhoda (Vinton), June 10, 1815. [JAS]
200 - Mary, d. Nathaniel & Thankful (Barrett) (1st w.), December 27, 1746, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
221, 498 - Mary, d. Noah & Mary (Dickinson) (1st w.), ca 1758, bpt. May 1766. [JAS]
198 - Mary, d. Salmon & Hannah, December 15, 1754, at Hatfield. [JAS]
32 - Mary, d. Samuel F., Esq. & Lucretia, bpt. April 2, 1809, at 1st Ch. [CH]
301 - Mary, d. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), Feb. 10, 1809. [VR3]
223 - Mary, d. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), February 10, 1809, at Amh., living, perhaps at New York, NY in 1850. [JAS]
16 - Mary, d. W[illia]m E. & Mary, Sept. 30, ___, [in pencil]. [VR2]
265 - Mary, w. Ebenezer Eastman, ___ __, 1746, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
53 - Mary, wife Gad, bpt. November 2, 1800, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
54 - Medad, s. Dea[con]. Medad, bpt. June 22, 1806, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
215 - Medad, s. Medad & Esther (Dickinson) (3rd w.), May 25, 1806, at Amh. [JAS]
201, 214 - Medad, s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), June 9, 1755, at Amh.; soldier in Capt. Reuben Dickinson's Co. at Mosses Creek July 1777, farmer, also practiced a trade; active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787; Deacon; Adjutant in militia 1795; Selectman 1794, 1796 through 1801, and 1805 through 1807; innkeeper 1800; Moderator of Town Meeting 1800, 1804, 1810, and 1811; Representative to General Court 1810 and 1811. [JAS]
196, 413 - Mehitable, d. John & Frances (Foote), ca 1666, at Hatfield. [JAS]
226 - Mercy Joanna, twin? d. Enos & Joanna (Nash) (1st w.), April 7, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
206 - Mercy, d. Enos & Lois (Dickinson), October 20, 1792, at Amh. [JAS]
214 - Mercy, d. Moses & Mary (Boltwood), ca 1777. [JAS]
201 - Mercy, d. Moses & Thankful (Smith), November 21, 1757, at Amh. [JAS]
8 - Mercy, d. Moses & Thankful, bpt. December 4, 1757, at 1st Ch. [CH]
91 - Monroe D., ___ __, 1851. [GR1]
51 - Moses Billings, s. Dea[con]. Medad, bpt. October 18, 1795, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
215 - Moses Billings, s. Medad & Esther (Dickinson) (3rd w.), September 6, 1795, at Amh. [JAS]
21 - Moses Billings, s. Medad & Esther [dup. Easter], Sept. 6, 1795. [VR1]
231, 244 - Moses Billings, s. Oliver & Elizabeth (Billings) (1st w.), February 11, 1816, at Amh., teamster at Amh. 1840, farmer at Amh. by 1848. [JAS]
226 - Moses Field, s. David & Mary Field (Warner), September 18, 1800, at Petersham. [JAS]
18 - Moses, s. Coll. Elijah, Jr. & Jerusha, June 15, 1781. [VR1]
276 - Moses, s. Coll. Elijah, Jr. & Jerusha, June 15, 1781. [VR3]
215, 216 - Moses, s. Elijah & Jerusha (Smith), June 15, 1781, at Amh., graduate Williams College 1800, practiced a trade 1810, taught sacred music at Amh. Academy 1817 and 1818, farmer in Amh. 1810 through 1840, unmarried. [JAS]
201, 214 - Moses, s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), ca May 1749, at Amh., bpt. June 4, 1749 at 1st Ch., farmer at Amh. [JAS]
201 - Moses, s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), early in 1746, at Amh. [JAS]
3 - Moses, s. Moses & Thankful, bpt. April 27, 1746, at 1st Ch. [CH]
197, 201 - Moses, s. Nathaniel 3rd & Hannah; resident of Amh. by 1745; called Esquire 1782through 1790; Moderator of Town Meeting 1764, 1774 -76; Selectman 1759, 62, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71- 78, 81; Justice of the Peace 1781; Representative to General Court, July 1775 and May 1777; active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787. [JAS]
235 - Nancy Hammond, d. Zebina & Mary (Watson), October 5, 1829, at Amh., lived perhaps in Delphi, Delaware Co., NY, 1850. [JAS]
65 - Nancy Hammond, d. Zebina, bpt. April 25, 1830, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
211 - Nancy, d. Joel & Eunice (Houghton), February 11, 1789, at Amh., guardian was Jerusha, wid. Nehemiah Leonard. [JAS]
211 - Nancy, d. Joel & Eunice (Houghton), May 29. 1783, at Amh. [JAS]
18 - Nancy, d. Joel & Eunice, bpt. December 7, 1783, at 1st Ch. [CH]
21 - Nancy, d. Joel & Eunice, bpt. March 1, 1789, at 1st Ch. [CH]
221 - Nancy, d. Jonathan & Mary (Mathews) (3rd w.), ca June 1787, at Amh., unmarried. [JAS]
20 - Nancy, d. Jonathan & Mary, bpt. June 24, 1787, at 1st Ch. [CH]
222 - Nancy, d. Peres & Lucinda (Foster) (2nd w.), April 8, 1806, at Amh. [JAS]
31 - Nancy, d. Perez & Lucinda, bpt. May 11, 1806, at 1st Ch. [CH]
218, 780 - Nancy, d. Roswell & Rachel (Hunt), September 14, 1798, at Amh., lived in 1850. [JAS]
23 - Naoma, d. Seth & Naomi, bpt. July 1, 1792, at 1st Ch. [CH]
202 - Naomi, d. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), October 6, 1762, at Amh. [JAS]
241 - Naomi, d. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), August 10, 1786, at Amh. [JAS]
197,198 - Nathan, s. Ebenezer & Hannah (Frary), May 30, 1712, at Hatfield; resident of Hatfield February 1741/2; came to Amh. by 1746; was a corporal in Capt. Williams' Co. 1754/5, stationed at Ashfield the fall of 1754, farmer. [JAS]
267A, 291 - Nathan, s. Ebenezer & Hannah (Frary), May 30, 1712. [VR3]
222, 243 - Nathan, s. Ezekiel & Perley (Gunn), March 21, 1799, at Amh., a mechanic in Amh., moved to Romeo, MI, ca 1841. [JAS]
198, 204 - Nathan, s. Nathan & Thankful (Warner) (1st w.), October 19, 1735, at Hatfield; came to Amh. ca 1775; soldier on a raid into Canada July 1758; militia duty at Stillwater September 1777; practiced a trade 1785; was active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787. [JAS]
196 - Nathaniel 2nd, s. Nathaniel, ___ __, 1643. [JAS]
196 - Nathaniel 3rd , s. Nehemiah, ___ __, 1689. [JAS]
196 - Nathaniel 4+, s. Joseph, ___ __, 1670. [JAS]
234 - Nathaniel Albert, s. Walter & Lydia (Dickinson), December 1, 1815, at Amh., mechanic at Amh. 1845, left town for a while, farmer at Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
36 - Nathaniel Albert, s. Walter & Lydia, bpt. January 28, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
138 - Nathaniel Albert, s. Walter, of Amh., Dec. 1, 1815. [VR1]
210, 231 - Nathaniel Coleman [aka Coleman Dickinson], s. Jonathan & Azubah (Coleman), February 4, 1784, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1810 through 1850, Deacon at First Church later at South Church. [JAS]
18 - Nathaniel Coleman, s. Jonathan &Azubah, bpt. April 4, 1784, at 1st Ch. [CH]
21 - Nathaniel Coleman, s. Jonathan, Jr. & Azubah, Feb. 4, 1784. [VR1]
281 - Nathaniel Coleman, s. Jonathan, Jr. & Azubah, Feb. 4, 1784. [VR3]
196 - Nathaniel, ___ __, 1600. [JAS]
269 - Nathaniel, ___ __, 1712. [VR3]
20 - Nathaniel, Jr., s. Nathaniel, Sr. & Thankful, Sept. 9, 1750. [VR1]
293 - Nathaniel, Jr., s. Nathaniel, Sr. & Thankful, Sept. 9, 1750. [VR3]
199, 208 - Nathaniel, s. John & Esther (Dickinson), August 13, 1742, at Amh.; private in Lieut. Noah Dickinson's Co. three days at Cambridge on Lexington Alarm; farmer; active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787. [JAS]
200, 212 - Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel & Thankful (Barrett) (1st w.), September 9, 1750, probably at Shutesbury; came to Amh. with his family in 1751; graduate Harvard 1771;studied law under Maj. Hawley of Northampton through 1774;delegate to the Provincial Congress at Concord 1774 and Watertown January 1775; Rep. to the General Court 1778, 1780, and 1773; Town Clerk 1775 through 1787, and Town Treas. 1775 through 1784; Selectman 1779; known as nd Esquire 1782through 1802; Moderator of Town Meeting 1784 and 1785; appointed Justice of the Peace 1781; known as "Squire Nat"; innkeeper at Amh. 1783 through 1785. [JAS]
197, 200 - Nathaniel, s. Samuel 2nd & Hannah (Marsh) (1st w.), September 3, 1721, at Hadley; moved from Hadley to Shutesbury , then to Amh. early in 1751; farmer, builder and land surveyor; soldier in Capt.'s Porter's company on expedition versus Crown Point 1755; stationed at Charlemont for 10 months 1757; Selectman 1765, 72-75; member of the Committee on Correspondence January 1774; in militia on the Lexington Alarm, and at Mosses Creek July 1777; innkeeper 1781. [JAS]
293 - Nathaniel, Sr. (who moved from Hadley to Shutesbury and then to Amh.), ca 1722. [VR3]
196 - Nehemiah 2nd , s. Nehemiah, ___ __, 1672. [JAS]
234 - Nehemiah Eastman, s. Walter & Lydia (Dickinson), July 25, 1819, at Amh. [JAS]
144 - Nehemiah O, s. Walter, of Amh., July 25, 1819. [VR1]
18 - Nehemiah, ch. John & Lydia, bpt. February 22, 1784, at 1st Ch. [CH]
213, 237 - Nehemiah, s. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), February 16, 1784, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1815 through 1835. [JAS]
196 - Nehemiah, s. Nathaniel, ___ __, 1644. [JAS]
201 - Nehemiah, s. Nehemiah & Amy (Stoughton), April 23, 1755, at Shutesbury, came to Amh. ca 1782, left Amh. before 1790. [JAS]
197, 201 - Nehemiah, s. Samuel 2nd & Hannah (Marsh) (1st w.), June 15, 1726, at Hadley; resident of Shutesbury at a early age; did militia duty near Northfield April 1747 in cavalry; a member of Lieut. Jonathan Dickinson's Co. 1757; came to Amh. ca 1759; moved to Hadley by 1773. [JAS]
39 - Nehemiah, s. Walter & Lydia, bpt. October 17, 1819, at 1st Ch. [CH]
232 - Noadiah Smith, s. Nathaniel Coleman & Submit (Smith) (1st w.), March 22, 1815, at Amh., teacher at South Church Sabbath School 1839 through 1840, graduated Amherst College 1841and was later a clergyman. [JAS]
1314 - Noah, Feb. 19, 1819. [GR3]
242 - Noah, s. Jonathan & Amy Stoughton (Dickinson), February 19, 1819, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1840 through 1850. [JAS]
204, 220 - Noah, s. Jonathan & Mary (Smith), ca 1729, probably at Hatfield; to Hadley with his family and then to Amh. ca 1748; farmer at Amh. by 1760; in 1773 became commanding officer ( Lt.) of a militia company at Cambridge January 1776, and with Northern Army May through July 1777; his company was at New Providence for four days in August 1777 and at Stillwater September - - 1777. [JAS]
63 - Noah, s. Jonathan, bpt. April 22, 1827, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
21, 261 - Noble, ch. Asa (s. Nathan of Hatfield) & Sally [dup. Salome] (Hastings), Dec. 14, 1807. [VR3]
207 - Noble, s. Asa & Salome (Hastings), December 14, 1807, at Amh. farmer at Amh. on family farm, unmarried, lived with his brother Asa, 1845 through 1850. [JAS]
32 - Noble, s. Asia & Sarah, bpt. March 13, 1808, at 1st Ch., by Rev. Mr. Williams. [CH]