Vital Records Of Amherst,
Hampshire County, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
(Some Records to the Early 20th Century)
Published by The New England Historic and Genealogical Society in the Corbin Collection,
and by The Search & Research Publishing Corporation
Births - DADMUN to DICKERSON, Creshe
[Transcribed by Carlton O. Hommel]

626 - Charles L., June 15, 1830. [GR2]
184 - Lewis, ca 1781, in MA, laborer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
184 - William U., s. Lewis & Salina, ca 1840, in MA, living in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
DANA, see Danay
15 - _____, ch. Amariah & Dorithy, May 2, 1777. [VR1]
137 - _____, d. Samuel, of Amh., Oct. 20, 1815. [VR1]
187 - _____, d. Stephen, ca 1823. [JAS]
187 - _____, d. Stephen, ca 1827. [JAS]
157 - _____, s. Joseph, of Amh., Jan. 26, 1826. [VR1]
170 - _____, s. Joseph, of Amh., Jan. 8, 1832. [VR1]
187 - _____, s. Stephen, ca 1821. [JAS]
162 - _____, twin d. Joseph, of Amh., Mar. 14, 1828. [VR1]
162 - _____, twin s. Joseph, of Amh., Mar. 14, 1828. [VR1]
185 - Amariah, s. Amariah & Ruth (Williams) (2nd w.), November 14, 1787, at Amh., went to Weybridge, VT. [JAS]
15 - Amariah, s. Amariah & Ruth (Williams), Nov. 14, 1787. [VR1]
247 - Amariah, s. Amariah & Ruth (Williams), Nov. 14, 1787. [VR3]
49 - Amariah, s. Amariah, bpt. December 23, 1787, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
185 - Amariah, s. Samuel & Mary (Sumner), May 20, 1736, at Pomfret, CT; removed ca 1773 to Amh. ; supposedly one of the 63 men with Ethan Allen in the taking Fort Ticonderoga 1775; duty at Charlestown January 1776; four days at New Providence August 1777; a private in Capt. Reuben Dickinson's company 1778 for five months; schoolmaster at Amh. at times; was active in Shay's Rebellion and took the Oath of Allegiance February 1887. [JAS]
306 - Anna, w. Eliakim Gaylord, ca 1756, at Ashford, CT. [JAS]
186 - Anson, s. Eleazer & Sally (Cutter), May 18, 1805. [JAS]
186 - Aurelia, d. Samuel & Julia (Moody), October 20, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
186 - Austin, s. Eleazer & Sally (Cutter), May 31, 1795, at Amh., moved to Cornwall, VT, soldier in the War of 1812. [JAS]
64 - Clara S., d. Joseph W. & Marion Amh. (Nash), Aug. 13, 1854. [GR1]
62 - Clarence W., ___ __, 1847. [GR1]
71 - Clarissa Benton, bpt. October 1833, at South Ch. [CH]
187 - Clarissa Benton, d. Joseph & Clarissa (Benton), February 23, 1834, at Amh. [JAS]
185 - Dorothy, d. Amariah & Dorothy (May) (1st w.), September 22, 1769, at Pomfret, CT. [JAS]
490 - Dorothy, w. Abner Marsh, ___ __, 1769, at Pomfret, CT. resident of Amh. 1788. [JAS]
64 - Edward N., s. Joseph W. & Marion Amh. (Nash), June 11, 1858. [GR1]
185, 186 - Eleazer, s. Amariah & Dorothy (May) (1st w.), August 6, 1767, at Ponfret, CT; came to Amh. with his family 1773; was active in Shay's Rebellion and took the Oath of Allegiance February 1887; resident of Weybridge, VT, by summer 1795. [JAS]
186 - Elihu Moody, s. Samuel & Julia (Moody), January 12, 1820. [JAS]
186 - Evelyn, d. Samuel & Julia (Moody), January 20, 1818. [JAS]
246 - Ezra, ? s. Amariah & Dorithy, May 2, 1777. [VR3]
185 - Ezra, s. Amariah & Dorothy (May) (1st w.), May 1, 1764, at Pomfret, CT. [JAS]
185 - Freedom, d. Amariah & Dorothy (May) (1st w.), May 2, 1777, at Amh. [JAS]
64 - George H., s. Joseph W. & Marion A. (Nash), June 11, 1858. [GR1]
187 - Gideon, s. Jeremiah, September 11, 1805, at Oxford; graduate of Brown 1830;studied theology at Andover, Princeton, and Bangor (graduated 1836); called as Pastor to South Church A. December 1837; admitted to Hampshire Association 1838; resigned South Church August 1840; became pastor at West Springfield about 1841; moved to Ohio 1844. [JAS]
64 - Grace, Mar. 17, 1876. [GR1]
185 - Hannah, d. Amariah & Ruth (Williams) (2nd w.), October 27, 1786, at Amh. [JAS]
15 - Hannah, d. Amariah & Ruth (Williams), Oct. 27, 1786. [VR1]
247 - Hannah, d. Amariah & Ruth (Williams), Oct. 27, 1786. [VR3]
49 - Hannah, d. Amariah, bpt. December 17, 1786, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
64 - Herbert N., s. Joseph W. & Marion A. (Nash), Apr. 11, 1870. [GR1]
71 - Horace Dickinson, bpt. April 1832, at South Ch. [CH]
63 - Horace Dickinson, Jan. 8, 1832. [GR1]
187 - Horace Dickinson, s. Joseph & Clarissa (Benton), January 8, 1832, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
186 - Huldah, d. Eleazer & Sally (Cutter), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
185 - John, s. Amariah & Ruth (Williams) (2nd w.), June 14, 1783, at Amh., died sane day. [JAS]
15 - John, s. Amariah & Ruth (Williams), June 14, 1783; d. same day. [VR1]
247 - John, s. Amariah & Ruth (Williams), June 14, 1783; d. same day. [VR3]
186 - Joseph , s. Amariah & Ruth (Williams) (2nd w.), March 14, 1795, at Amh.; private in Capt. John Taylor's militia company, posted in Boston 1814 in the War of 1812; farmer at Amh., Deacon. [JAS]
64 - Joseph W., Jan. 26, 1826. [GR1]
186 - Joseph William, twin s. Joseph & Clarissa (Benton), January 26, 1826, at Amh., moved to Granby. [JAS]
70 - Joseph Williams, bpt. April 1826, at South Ch. [CH]
15 - Joseph, s. Amariah & Ruth (Williams), Mar. 14, 1795. [VR1]
247 - Joseph, s. Amariah & Ruth (Williams), Mar. 14, 1795. [VR3]
51 - Joseph, s. Amariah, bpt. April 26, 1795, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
187 - Julia Ann, d. Gideon & Julia Ann (Childs) (1st w.), October 30, 1839, at Amh., bpt February 7, 1840. [JAS]
15 - Leucretia, d. Amariah & Dorithy, Oct. 9, 1773. [VR1]
247 - Leucretia, d. Amariah & Dorithy, Oct. 9, 1773. [VR3]
185,699 - Lucinda, d. Amariah & Dorothy (May) (1st w.), November 3, 1765, at Pomfret, CT., lived at Amh. 1820 through 1840, lived in 1850 probably at Chicopee Falls. [JAS]
185 - Lucretia, d. Amariah & Dorothy (May) (1st w.), November 3, 1771, at Pomfret, CT. [JAS]
185 - Lucretia, d. Amariah & Dorothy (May) (1st w.), October 9, 1773, at Amh. adopted by Col. John May after the death of her mother. [JAS]
186 - Lucretia, d. Eleazer & Sally (Cutter), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
187 - Lucy Haskell, d. Gideon & Hannah (Clark) (2nd w.), December 29, 1843, at West Springfield. [JAS]
15 - Mary, d. Amariah & Dorithy, Apr. 17, 1775. [VR1]
47 - Mary, d. Amariah & Dorithy, Apr. 17, 1775. [VR3]
185 - Mary, d. Amariah & Dorothy (May) (1st w.), April 17, 1775, at Amh. [JAS]
15 - Mary, d. Amariah, bpt. April 23, 1775, at 1st Ch. [CH]
64 - Minnie Louise, d. Joseph W. & Marion A. (Nash), June 14, 1862. [GR1]
185 - Ruth, d. Amariah & Ruth (Williams) (2nd w.), June 8, 1784, at Amh. [JAS]
15 - Ruth, d. Amariah & Ruth (Williams), June 8, 1784. [VR1]
247 - Ruth, d. Amariah & Ruth (Williams), June 8, 1784. [VR3]
70 - Samuel Worcester, bpt. May 1828, at South Ch. [CH]
186 - Samuel Worcester, twin s. Joseph & Clarissa (Benton), March 14, 1828, at Amh., graduateAmh. College 1847, MA at Amh. 1850, teacher at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
185, 186 - Samuel, s. Amariah & Ruth (Williams) (2nd w.), March 26, 1790, at Amh., went to Massena, NY. [JAS]
15 - Samuel, s. Amariah & Ruth (Williams), Mar. 26, 1790. [VR1]
247 - Samuel, s. Amariah & Ruth (Williams), Mar. 26, 1790. [VR3]
70 - Sarah West, bpt. May 1828, at South Ch. [CH]
187 - Sarah West, twin d. Joseph & Clarissa (Benton), March 14, 1828, at Amh. [JAS]
185 - Sarah, d. Amariah & Ruth (Williams) (2nd w.), December 14, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
50 - Sarah, d. Amariah, bpt. January 22, 1792, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
70 - Sophronia, bpt. April 1826, at South Ch. [CH]
186 - Sophronia, twin d. Joseph & Clarissa (Benton), January 26, 1826, at Amh., bpt. April 1826, probably died young. [JAS]
187 - Stephen, ca 1795, resident of Amh. [JAS]
186 - Sylvia, d. Amariah & Ruth (Williams) (2nd w.), June 1, 1773, at Amh. [JAS]
15 - Sylvia, d. Amariah & Ruth (Williams), June 1, 1793. [VR1]
47 - Sylvia, d. Amariah & Ruth (Williams), June 1, 1793. [VR3]
51 - Sylvia, d. Amariah, bpt. July 7, 1793, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
DANAY, see Dana
50 - Samuel, s. Amariah, bpt. July 18, 1790, at 2nd Ch., by Mr. Forward. [CH]
187 - John C., s. Thomas, ca 1811, of Busti, NY, and Cattaraugus, NY, student at Amh. College, registered 1835. [JAS]
137 - _____, s. Joseph, of Pelham, May 11, 1815. [VR1]
165 - _____, s. Reglin, of Amh., Apr. 29, 1829. [VR1]
8 - Benjamin C., s. Benj[amin] F., July 23, 1827. [VR2]
188 - Benjamin Clark, s. Benjamin Roson & Anna H. (Lee) (1st w.), July 23, 1827, at Amh., went to Sunderland. [JAS]
188 - Benjamin Roson, s. Benjamin & Celina (Cook) (Clark) (2nd w.), January 23, 1798, at Bellingham, came to Amh. with his family 1806, - farmer. [JAS]
187, 188 - Benjamin, s. Samuel & Esther, July 4, 1761, at Bellingham, resident of Bellingham 1790 and 1798, resident of Franklin January 1805, -
188 - Celina Cook, d. Benjamin & Celina (Cook) (Clark) (2nd w.), May 24, 1805. [JAS]
188 - Eliphalet, s. Benjamin & Nancy (Cooke (1st w.), December 11, 1791. [JAS]
8 - Elizabeth H., d. Benj[amin] F., Sept. 28, 1824. [VR2]
188 - Elizabeth Huldah, d. Benjamin Roson & Anna H. (Lee) (1st w.), September 28, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
188 - Elizabeth, d. Benjamin & Nancy (Cooke) (1st w.), October 20, 1785. [JAS]
188 - Emelina Celina , d. Benjamin Roson & Anna H. (Lee) (1st w.), September 2, 1831, at Amh. [JAS]
8 - Emeline C., d. Benj[amin] F., Sept. 2, 1831. [VR2]
65 - Emeline C., Sept. 2, 1831. [GR1]
66 - Emery T., April 28, 1829. [GR1]
188 - Emery Thompson, s. Benjamin Roson & Anna H. (Lee) (1st w.), April 28, 1829, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
8 - Emery, s. Benj[amin] F., Apr. 28, 1829. [Births Book D][VR2]
151 - Eveline Frances, w. Dwight Cooley, ca 1810, in VT, lived in the house of Sarah (Dana) Church in 1850, after the death of her husband. [JAS]
188 - Horace Bates, s. Benjamin & Celina (Cook) (Clark) (2nd w.), August 6, 1811. [JAS]
189 - Mary Ann, d. Julius & Mary A. (Brett), ca 1841, at Mansfield, CT, lived in household George Burnham 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
26 - Mary, w. Noble Baggs, ca. 1749. [JAS]
188, 189 - Mason Cook, s. Benjamin & Celina (Cook) (Clark) (2nd w.), May 18, 1801; resident of Shutesbury 1823; later a Physician at Greenwich; - - went West and later was a member of the US House of Representatives, from the Fond du Lac district of Wisconsin. [JAS]
188 - Nancy, d. Benjamin & Nancy (Cooke) (1st w.), November 17, 1792, at Bellingham. [JAS]
188 - Silas, s. Benjamin & Nancy (Cooke) (1st w.), November 19, 1790. [JAS]
188 - Silas, s. Benjamin & Nancy (Cooke) (1st w.), September 16, 1787, died young. [JAS]
188 - Sylvia, d. Benjamin & Nancy (Cooke) (1st w.), December 7, 1789. [JAS]
1 - Thayer, of Hadley, s. Enoch & 2nd w. Joanna, ___ __, 1788. [GenRec]
189 - John, s. Patrick & Honora (Callahan), ca March 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
189 - Michael, s. Patrick & Honora (Callahan), ca January 27, 1845, at Barre. [JAS]
189 - Patrick, s. Patrick & Ellen (Lynch), ca 1804, in Ireland, illiterate, lived at Barre 1845 through 1847, day laborer in Amh. by December 1848. [JAS]
189 - Thomas, s. Patrick & Honora (Callahan), ca March 1847, at Barre. [JAS]
20 - _____, ch. Edward & Lucina Adams, (2nd w.), May 28, 1727, at Colrain, d. same day. [JAS]
28 - _____, s. J. R., Apr. 14, 1854. [VR2]
189 - Angelina, d. Israel & Joanna (Cushman), ca 1807, bpt. July 1813 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
57 - Angelina, d. Israel, bpt. July 11, 1813, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
189 - Dickerman, s. Israel & Joanna (Cushman), ca 1809, bpt. July 1813 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
57 - Dickerman, s. Israel, bpt. July 11, 1813, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
189 - Edward Cushman, s. Israel & Joanna (Cushman), ca 1814, bpt. December 1814 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
57 - Edward Cushman, s. Isreal, bpt. December 18, 1814, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
189 - Elizabeth, d. Israel & Joanna (Cushman), ca 1813, bpt. July 1813 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
57 - Elizabeth, d. Israel, bpt. July 11, 1813, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
189 - Israel, between 1765 and 1784, resident of Dorchester, came to Amh. by 1805, resided at Amh. through July 1813 and December 1814, probably left Amh. by 1815. [JAS]
189 - Israel, s. Israel & Joanna (Cushman), ca 1819, perhaps at Amh., tailor at McDonough, NY, 1850. [JAS]
189 - Lewis Cushman, s. Israel & Joanna (Cushman), bpt. July 1813 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
57 - Lewis Cushman, s. Israel, bpt. July 11, 1813, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
190 - ____, ch. Samuel & Harriet, ca January 1831, died February 1831, at North Amh. [JAS]
190 - ____, d. Samuel & Harriet, ca 1821. [JAS]
190 - ____, d. Samuel & Harriet, ca 1824. [JAS]
190 - ____, d. Samuel & Harriet, ca 1827. [JAS]
190 - _____, s. Alvah S. & Sophia D. (1st w.), August 8, 1846, at East Amh., died September 5, 1846, of mirasmus, at Amh. [JAS]
67 - Adelbert E., ___ __, 1860. [GR1]
190 - Alvah S., s. Jonathan & Ruth K., ca 1811, mechanic at Amh. 1846 through November 1847. [JAS]
190 - Arthur George Sumner, s. George H. & Fidelia (Towne), September 23, 1847, at North Amh. [JAS]
190 - Charles Franklin, s. Joseph & Mary (Adams), bpt. March 11, 1827 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
63 - Charles Franklin, s. Joseph & Mary, bpt. March 11, 1827, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
288 - Clarissa Jane, Feb. 9, 1834. [GR3]
287 - Cora E. D. Sabin & Clarissa Jane, May 29, 1865. [GR3]
190 - Flora Amh., d. George H. & Fidelia (Towne), September 6, 1845, at North Amh. [JAS]
1551 - George H., "Husband", h. Emily (Roberts), Mar. 11, 1857. [GR3]
190 - George H., s. Samuel, March 19, 1813, at Cumberland, RI, resident of Amh. by 1835, machinist. [JAS]
2 - Joseph, of Hubbardston, Nov. 20, 1800. [GenRec]
796 - Lizzie E., w Thomas E., ___ __, 1867. [GR2]
190 - Luthera F., d. George H. & Fidelia (Towne), February 6, 1840, at Amh. [JAS]
767 - Maria S., d. Samuel, ca 1824, at Granby. [JAS]
7, 8 - Mary, 1st w. Joseph Adams, ca 1797. [JAS]
188 - Mary, d. William & Margaret (Stetson), ca 1794, at Chesterfield. [JAS]
288 - Sabin, Sept. 10, 1819. [GR3]
190 - Samuel, ca 1795; resided at "the Factory" in North Amh. 1829; merchant at North Amh.; Esquire; was the first Postmaster at North Amh. 1834 through 1837; Gentleman; left Amh. soon after April 1837. [JAS]
169 - Sarah Ann, d. Moses & Sally, of Pelham, Apr. 11, 1831. [VR1]
190 - Sarah J., d. George H. & Fidelia (Towne), August 2, 1838, at Amh. [JAS]
747 - Polly, d. Phinehas & Martha (Gary), October 31, 1783, at Pomfret, CT. [JAS]
1455 - Amanda, Sept. 9, 1812. [GR3]
719 - Laura A., Sept. 10, 1829, in Warren. [GR3]
217 - Lucy, w. Zimri Dickinson, between 1755 and 1775. [JAS]
18 - Orpha, d. Samuel & Martha (Stebbins), May 21, 1734, at Springfield. [JAS]
743 - Sarah, d. Ezra & Hannah (Kendall), June 7, 1771. [JAS]
191 - _____, d. Charles, ca 1838, probably at Amh. [JAS]
191 - _____, d. Sprowell & Clarissa (Scott), ca 1819, probably at Amh. [JAS]
191 - _____, s. John & Susannah (Hubbard), ca 1839. [JAS]
1009 - Abbott L., Feb. 21, 1852. [GR3]
1009 - Anginette, May 3, 1840 (sic). [GR3]
191 - Charles, ca 1815, farm laborer at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
1120 - Ellen B., Dec. 30, 1835. [GR3]
1009 - Everett L., ___ __, 1837. [GR3]
1009 - Herbert, ___ __, 1847. [GR3]
1009 - Leprelate, June 12, 1812. [GR3]
191 - Mary J., d. John & Susannah (Hubbard), ca 1832, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
1482 - Philana A., ___ __, 1821. [GR3]
191 - Sprowell, between 1775 and 1793, resident of Amh. 1818 through 1820, mechanic. [JAS]
155 - _____, d. ____, of Hadley, Jan. 26, 1825. [VR1]
5, 127 - _____, d. Alanson, of Amh., May 26, 1808. [VR1]
191 - Melinda, d. Alanson & Abigail (Billings), May 26, 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
679 - Philothea, w. Elias Smith, between 1760 and 1770, lived 1830 with her son Sidney, at Amh. [JAS]
680 - Sabra, d. John & Sibbell (Kilborn), January 24, 1759, widow at Amh. 1835 through 1849 with a farm. [JAS]
583 - Fred J., May __, 1861. [GR3]
583 - Fred J., May, __ 1884, at Amherst College. [GR3]
191 - Avery Parker, s. Gideon & Nancy (Howe) (1st w.), November 2, 1798, at New Braintree. [JAS]
191A - Charles Augustus, s. Gideon & Betsey (Brimhall) (2nd w.), October 7, 1814, at New Braintree. [JAS]
191A - Charles Gridley, s. Charles & Sarah B. (Gridley), July 31, 1849, at Northampton. [JAS]
191A - Charles, s. Gideon & Betsey (Brimhall) (2nd w.), June 24, 1820, at New Braintree; came to Amh. 1833; attendedAmh. Academy; graduate of Amh. College 1840; read law through September 1842when he was admitted to the bar; Justice of the Peace 1844; moderator of Amh. Town Meeting 1844 and 1846; lawyer at Amh. 1845; left Amh. after 1846; was a law partner at Northampton 1847; Treasurer of Hampshire County 1849. [JAS]
191 - Eliza Parkman, d. Gideon & Nancy (Howe) (1st w.), May 5, 1802, at New Braintree. [JAS]
191 - Eliza Parkman, d. Gideon & Nancy (Howe) (1st w.), September 30, 1800, at New Braintree. [JAS]
191A - Francis Roatch, s. Gideon & Betsey (Brimhall) (2nd w.), November 20, 1823. [JAS]
191 - Gideon, ca 1775, gentleman at Amh. by 1830, had lived as late as 1823 at New Braintree. [JAS]
191 - Jane, d. Gideon & Nancy (Howe) (1st w.), July 4, 1806, at New Braintree. [JAS]
191A - John Adams, s. Gideon & Betsey (Brimhall) (2nd w.), April 5, 1816, at New Braintree, graduate of Amh. College 1836, resident of Amh. 1840, a druggist, removed to Bunker Hill, Illinois, by 1842. [JAS]
191 - Lewis Howe, s. Gideon & Nancy (Howe) (1st w.), January 27, 1795, at New Braintree. [JAS]
191 - William Adams, s. Gideon & Nancy (Howe) (1st w.), August 22, 1796, at New Braintree. [JAS]
191A - William Avery, s. Gideon & Betsey (Brimhall) (2nd w.), July 26, 1809, at New Braintree. [JAS]
191A - Anthony, ___ __, ____, at Portugal, for many years a resident of Amh. [JAS]
192 - Hannah, d. Lewis, ca 1843, in Ireland, lived in household of Thomas White in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
192 - James, s. Lewis, ca 1838, in Ireland, lived in household of Thomas White in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
154 - _____, d. Salmon, of A., Aug. 8, 1824. [VR1]
143 - _____, d. Salmon, of A., Dec. 15, 1818. [VR1]
149 - _____, d. Salmon, of A., Feb. 6, 1822. [VR1]
157 - _____, s. Salmon, of A., Jan. 26, 1826. [VR1]
192 - Anne, d. Solomon & Christania (Cone), bpt. August 1776, at Bolton, CT. [JAS]
193 - Caroline Carver, d. Erastus & Caroline (Carver), October 9, 1799, at Bolton, CT, bpt. August 1812at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
56 - Caroline Carver, d. Erastus, bpt. August 9, 1812, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
194 - Christana Cone, d. Salmon Cone & Sarah (Thayer) (1st w.), August 6, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
192 - Christiana, d. Solomon & Christania (Cone), ___ __, 1773. [JAS]
82 - Clarissa, d. John & Mary, October 15, 1785, at Suffield, CT. [JAS]
194 - Dwight, s. Solomon & Orpha (Bagg) (1st w.), February 27, 1806, at Amh. [JAS]
194 - Dwight, s. Solomon & Orpha (Bagg) (1st w.), late in 1804. [JAS]
194 - Dwight, s. Solomon & Orpha (Bagg) (1st w.), March 15, 1803, at Suffield, CT. [JAS]
194 - Elijah Hale, s. Solomon & Orpha (Bagg) (1st w.), December 24, 1812. [JAS]
193 - Erastus Livingston, s. Erastus & Caroline (Carver), bpt. November 21, 1819 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
39 - Erastus Livingston, s. Erastus, bpt. November 21, 1819, at 1st Ch. [CH]
193 - Erastus, s. Erastus & Caroline (Carver), January 20, 1804, at New London, CT. [JAS]
192 - Erastus, s. Solomon & Christania (Cone), ___ __, 1775; resident of Bolton, CT through 1801; druggist in New London, CT through 1804, when he removed to Leverett; carpenter at Amh. by1810; land surveyor at Amh. 1814; left Amh. after November 1819. [JAS]
194 - Harriet, d. Solomon & Orpha (Bagg) (1st w.), August 15, 1805, at Amh., educated in music and literature. [JAS]
193 - Horace, s. Solomon & Christania (Cone), bpt. July 17, 1791, at Bolton, CT, left home ca 1806. [JAS]
195 - John, s. Samuel Foster & Elizabeth (Lyndes), ca 1843, probably at Amh. [JAS]
193 - Josiah, s. Solomon & Christania (Cone), bpt. May 14, 1786, at Bolton, CT. [JAS]
193 - Julia, d. Erastus & Caroline (Carver), bpt. November 21, 1813, at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
57 - Julia, d. Erastus, bpt. November 21, 1813, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
193 - Julius Augustus, s. Erastus & Caroline (Carver), ___ __, 1807, probably at Leverett, bpt. August, 1812at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
56 - Julius Augustus, s. Erastus, bpt. August 9, 1812, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
194, 727 - Mariah Pardee, d. Salmon Cone & Sarah (Thayer) (1st w.), August 21, 1814, at Amh., bpt. May 1836, at Amh. Babt. Ch., lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
194 - Mariva, d. Solomon & Orpha (Bagg) (1st w.), November 8, 1810. [JAS]
193 - Martha Boardman [aka Patty], d. Erastus & Caroline (Carver), September 19, 1802, at Bolton, CT. [JAS]
193 - Martha Boardman, d. Erastus & Caroline (Carver), April 17, 1810, probably at Amh., bpt. August 1812at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
23 - Martha Boardman, d. Erastus & Caroline, Apr. 11, 1810. [VR1]
257 - Martha Boardman, d. Erastus & Caroline, Apr. 11, 1810. [VR3]
56 - Martha Boardman, d. Erastus, bpt. August 9, 1812, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
194 - Mary Thayer, d. Salmon Cone & Sarah (Thayer) (1st w.), February 16, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
193, 753 - Octavia, d. Solomon & Christania (Cone), ca January 10, 1788, bpt. June 22, 1788, at Bolton, CT., lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
194 - Orpha, d. Solomon & Orpha (Bagg) (1st w.), April 2, 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
193 - Philinda, d. Solomon & Christania (Cone), bpt. May 6, 1781, at Bolton, CT. [JAS]
193 - Ruth, d. Solomon & Christania (Cone), bpt. February 12, 1797, at Bolton, CT. [JAS]
193 - Ruth, d. Solomon & Christania (Cone), bpt. September 7, 1783, at Bolton, CT. [JAS]
194 - Salmon Cone, s. Salmon Cone & Sarah (Thayer) (1st w.), January 26, 1826, at Amh. [JAS]
193 - Salmon Cone, twin s. Solomon & Christania (Cone), March 3, 1794, bpt. April 27, 1794, at Bolton, CT., probably came to Leverett with his father, resident of Amh. by 1813, mechanic. [JAS]
194 - Samuel Fowler, s. Salmon Cone & Sarah (Thayer) (1st w.), November 14, 1816, at Amh., house painter at Amh. 1840 through 1850. [JAS]
193 - Sanford, twin s. Solomon & Christania (Cone), March 3, 1794, bpt. April 27, 1794, at Bolton, CT. [JAS]
194 - Sarah Octavia, d. Salmon Cone & Sarah (Thayer) (1st w.), December 15, 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
192 - Solomon, probably s. Solomon & Anne (Downer), March 2, 1750, at Lebanon, CT; moved from Lebanon to Bolton, CT, 1775; Lister at Bolton 1782; road surveyor 1787 school secretary 1797; authored a book on land surveying; resident at Bolton through 1797; probably a resident of Leverett by 1810; perhaps militia captain there; did business with Calvin U. Hamilton at Amh. 1810; absconded with the funds of the business shortly before July 25, 1810. [JAS]
193 - Solomon, s. Solomon & Christania (Cone), bpt. November 15, 1787, at Bolton, CT; resident of Suffield, CT, July 1804; carpenter; came to Amh. 1805; chair maker and cabinetmaker at Amh. 1806 and 1809; left Amh. March 1810; commanded a company of the 37th US infantry in May 1813; was in command of Fort Hale at East Haven, CT, when it was attack by the British in 1813 during the War of 1812; after the war he settled in Hudson, NY; about 1818 he moved to Bridgeville, Sullivan Co., NY, where he was a cabinet maker; member of the New York State Legislature. [JAS]
166 - _____, d. James P., of A., Nov. 18, 1829. [VR1]
156 - _____, d. James, of A., June 1, 1825. [VR1]
160 - _____, s. James, of A., Mar. 23, 1827. [VR1]
195 - Abigail Church, d. David & Mary (Pitkin), April 25, 1802, living in the household of Cotton Smith, at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
196 - Charles Pitkin, s. James Pitkin & Irene H. (Clark), March 23, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
258A - Charles Pitkin, s. James Pitkin & Irene H. Clark, Mar. 23, 1827, in A. [VR3]
195 - David, s. David & Mary (Pitkin), April 15, 1799, at Windsor, CT; resident of Amh. 1820; Wheelwright through 1850; owned half a fulling mill; Selectman 1830 and 1831; interest in sawmill and a clothing shop. [JAS]
195 - David, s. Seth & Deborah (Haskell), May 17, 1770, at Windsor, CT; resident of Windsor, CT; came to Amh. 1817; owned interest in saw and grist mill, and a fulling mill. [JAS]
258 - David, s. Seth of Rochester, MA & Windsor, CT, May 11, 1770. [VR3]
195 - Edward, s. David & Mary (Pitkin), February 18, 1807, at Windsor, CT. [JAS]
956 - Eliza C., d. James P. & Irene (Clark), ___ __, 1825. [GR3]
196 - Eliza Clark, d. James Pitkin & Irene H. (Clark), June 1, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
258A - Eliza Clark, s. James Pitkin & Irene H. Clark, June 1, 1825, in A. [VR3]
956 - Harriet L., d. James P. & Irene (Clark), ___ __, 1838. [GR3]
196 - Harriet Lucretia, d. James Pitkin & Irene H. (Clark), April 13, 1838, at Amh. [JAS]
258A - Harriet Lucretia, d. James Pitkin & Irene H. Clark, Apr. 13, 1838, in A. [VR3]
196 - Henry Lyman, d. [Sic] James Pitkin & Irene H. (Clark), December 11, 1834, at Amh. [JAS]
258A - Henry Lyman, s. James Pitkin & Irene H. Clark, Dec. 11, 1834, in A. [VR3]
195, 195 - Horace, s. David & Mary (Pitkin), December 29, 1803, at Windsor, CT; resident of Sunderland 1827 and 1828; after 1830 he moved to Stockbridge, Madison Co., NY. [JAS]
196 - Irene Boltwood, d. Horace & Eunice Church (Boltwood), December 6, 1830, at Sunderland. [JAS]
956 - Irene H., d. James P. & Irene (Clark), ___ __, 1832. [GR3]
196 - Irene Hubbard, d. James Pitkin & Irene H. (Clark), October 27, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
258A - Irene Hubbard, d. James Pitkin & Irene H. Clark, Oct. 27, 1832, in A. [VR3]
956 - James P., ___ __, 1797. [GR3]
258 - James Pitkin, of A, s. David & Mary Pitkin, of East Hartford, CT, Sept. 8, 1797, at Windsor, CT. [VR3]
195, 196 - James Pitkin, s. David & Mary (Pitkin), September 8, 1797, at Windsor, CT; resident of Amh. by 1820; clothier; in 1825 he owned half a fulling mill; farmer. [JAS]
195 - Lucretia, d. David & Mary (Pitkin), June 15, 1805, at Windsor, CT. [JAS]
258A - Luther Hoadly, b. James Pitkin & Irene H. Clark, July 7, 1840, in A. [VR3]
196 - Luther Hoadly, s. James Pitkin & Irene H. (Clark), July 7, 1840, at Amh. [JAS]
195 - Martha Ann, d. David & Cynthia (Rankin), March 2, 1833, at Amh. [JAS]
196 - Mary Clapp, d. James Pitkin & Irene H. (Clark), November 18, 1829, at Amh. [JAS]
258A - Mary Clapp, d. James Pitkin & Irene H. Clark, Nov. 18, 1829, in A. [VR3]
195 - Mary, d. David & Mary (Pitkin), October 17, 1800, at Windsor, CT. [JAS]
195 - William, s. David & Mary (Pitkin), 13 September 1809 at Windsor, CT, went to Stockbridge, NY. [JAS]
131 - _____, [dup. Frederic Ely], s. Walter, Oct. 25, 1811. [VR1]
134 - _____, [dup. Marquis Fayette], s. Walter, Jan. 4, 1814. [VR1]
138 - _____, [dup. Nathaniel Albert], s. Walter, Dec. 1, 1815. [VR1]
24 - _____, ch Moses B. & Elect[ra] (Dickinson), ___ __, 1818. [VR2]
253 - _____, ch. Dexter & Nancy (Smith) (1st w.), bpt. 1836 at North Ch. [JAS]
16 - _____, ch. Ebenezer 3d & Ruth, bpt. May 2, 1779, at 1st Ch. [CH]
239 - _____, ch. Elijah & Sarah Field (Belding), September 15, 1838, at Amh., died September 18, 1838. [JAS]
24 - _____, ch. Elisha & Martha, bpt. May 18, 1794, at 1st Ch., by Rev. Mr. Crosby. [CH]
221 - _____, ch. Jonathan & Mary(Warner) (2nd w.), ca December 1778, at Amh., died same month. [JAS]
25 - _____, ch. Joseph & Fidelia, Aug. 31, 1848. [VR2]
11 - _____, ch. Moses & Thankful, bpt. February 17, 1765, at 1st Ch. [CH]
4 - _____, ch. Moses & Thankful, bpt. February 3, 1751, at 1st Ch. [CH]
7 - _____, ch. Moses & Thankful, bpt. July 20, 1755, at 1st Ch. [CH]
4 - _____, ch. Moses & Thankful, bpt. June 4, 1749, at 1st Ch. [CH]
7 - _____, ch. Nathan & Joanna, bpt. September 28, 1755, at 1st Ch. [CH]
12 - _____, ch. Nathan, bpt. November 1, 1767, at 1st Ch. [CH]
12 - _____, ch. Nathan, bpt. November 1, 1767, at 1st Ch. [CH]
12 - _____, ch. Nathan, bpt. November 1, 1767, at 1st Ch. [CH]
12 - _____, ch. Nathan, bpt. November 1, 1767, at 1st Ch. [CH]
8 - _____, ch. Nathaniel, bpt. November 25, 1759, at 1st Ch. [CH]
229 - _____, ch. Orin R. & Mary (Hyde), ca October 1830, at Amh., died October 29, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
222 - _____, ch. Peres & Ruth (Dickinson) (1st w.), ca March 1798, at Amh., died March 20, 1798. [JAS]
241 - _____, ch. Simeon & Chloe (Dickinson) (1st w.), ___ __, ____, died an infant. [JAS]
143 - _____, d. Adolphus, of A., Oct. 14, 1818. [VR1]
240 - _____, d. Caleb Dexter & Tryphena (Russell) (1st w.), March 28, 1848, died young. [JAS]
167 - _____, d. Daniel, of A., July 14, 1830. [VR1]
169 - _____, d. David, Jan. 1, 1831. [VR1]
162 - _____, d. David, of A., May 21, 1828. [VR1]
172 - _____, d. Edward Esq., of A., Feb. 28, 1833. [VR1]
164 - _____, d. Edward, of A., Apr. 16, 1829. [VR1]
173 - _____, d. Electa, of A., July 1, 1833. [VR1]
141 - _____, d. Ezekiel, of A., Oct. 29, 1817. [VR1]
164 - _____, d. Henry, of Belchertown, Jan 1,1829. [VR1]
227 - _____, d. Horace & Sophia (Stetson), March 18, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
155 - _____, d. Horace, of A., Mar. 18, 1825. [VR1]
160 - _____, d. Jon[athan] S., of A., Apr. 2, 1827. [VR1]
156 - _____, d. Jon[athan] S., of A., June 10, 1825. [VR1]
168 - _____, d. Jon[athan] S., of A., Nov. 10, 1830. [VR1]
171 - _____, d. Jon[athan] S., of A., Sept. 3, 1832. [VR1]
164 - _____, d. Jon[athon] S., of A., Jan. 3, 1829. [VR1]
237 - _____, d. Jonathan Smith & Minerva (Bartlett), ca 1834, at Amh. [JAS]
237 - _____, d. Jonathan Smith & Minerva (Bartlett), January 3, 1829, at Amh. [JAS]
237 - _____, d. Jonathan Smith & Minerva (Bartlett), November 10, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
240 - _____, d. Joseph & Fidelia Alvord (2nd w.), December 9, 1842, at Amh., died December 11, 1842. [JAS]
28 - _____, d. Joseph & Fidelia, Dec. 6, 1854. [VR2]
10 - _____, d. Joseph & Fidelia, Dec. 9, 1842. [VR2]
5, 128 - _____, d. Joseph, of A., Jan. 13, 1809. [VR1]
139 - _____, d. Joseph, of A., Jan. 4, 1817. [VR1]
145 - _____, d. Leonard, of A., July 16, 1820. [VR1]
153 - _____, d. Leonard, of A., Oct. 19, 1823. [VR1]
141 - _____, d. Lucius, of A., June 7, 1818. [VR1]
151 - _____, d. Lucius, of A., Oct. 11, 1822. [VR1]
154 - _____, d. Lucius, of A., Oct. 12, 1824. [VR1]
243 - _____, d. Nathan & Mary Ann (Taylor), ca 1835, at Amh. [JAS]
243 - _____, d. Nathan & Mary Ann (Taylor), ca 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
169 - _____, d. Nathan, of Amh., Feb. 22, 1831. [VR1]
148 - _____, d. Obed, of Amh., Mar. 28, 1821. [VR1]
140 - _____, d. Obed, of Amh., May 1, 1817. [VR1]
165 - _____, d. Obed, of Amh., Sept. 21, 1829. [VR1]
132 - _____, d. Oliver 2nd, of Amh., Apr. 1, 1812. [VR1]
150 - _____, d. Oliver, 2nd, of Amh., May 19, 1822. [VR1]
171 - _____, d. Oliver, Capt., of Amh., Aug. 2, 1832. [VR1]
158 - _____, d. Oliver, Capt., of Amh., July 29, 1826. [VR1]
154 - _____, d. Oliver, Capt., of Amh., Oct. 27, 1824. [VR1]
167 - _____, d. Oliver, Capt., of Amh., Sept. 22, 1830. [VR1]
27 - _____, d. Rufus Leonard & Electa (Perry), July 16, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
227 - _____, d. Rufus Leonard & Electa (Perry), October 19, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
159 - _____, d. Rufus, of Amh., Feb. 19, 1827. [VR1]
143 - _____, d. Rufus, of Amh., Feb. 27, 1819. [VR1]
138 - _____, d. Rufus, of Amh., Jan. 22, 1816. [VR1]
148 - _____, d. Salmon M., of Amh., Aug. 22, 1821. [VR1]
163 - _____, d. Salmon M., of Amh., Aug. 25, 1828. [VR1]
156 - _____, d. Salmon M., of Amh., Sept. 25, 1825. [VR1]
139 - _____, d. Sam[ue]l, of Amh., Dec. 14, 1816. [VR1]
164 - _____, d. Samuel, of Amh., Feb. 9, 1829. [VR1]
142 - _____, d. Samuel, of Amh., Sept. 20, 1818. [VR1]
144 - _____, d. Samuel, of Hadley, Apr. 18, 1819. [VR1]
22 - _____, d. W[illia]m & Mary, Aug. __, 1845. [VR2]
28 - _____, d. W[illia]m, Capt. ,June 28, 1854. [VR2]
204 - _____, infant ch. Joseph & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), October 21, 1762, at Amh., d. December 18, 1762, at Amh. [JAS]
132 - _____, s. Abijah, of A., Aug. 25, 1812. [VR1]
22 - _____, s. Asa & Louisa, Dec. 22, 1845. [VR2]
10 - _____, s. Chester & Mary, Oct. 28, 1842. [VR2]
236 - _____, s. Chester & Susanna (Dickinson), ca 1809. [JAS]
156 - _____, s. David, of A., July 26, 1825. [VR1]
246 - _____, s. Eli & Roxana (Thayer), December 28, 1830, at South Amh., died young. [JAS]
168 - _____, s. Eli Jr., of A., Dec. 28, 1830. [VR1]
242 - _____, s. Gad & Mary (Franklin), ca 1801, probably at Amh., not mentioned in his father's will of 1829. [JAS]
227 - _____, s. Horace & Sophia (Stetson), June 29, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
152 - _____, s. Horace, of A. CM, June 29, 1823. [VR1]
131 - _____, s. Ira, of A., Sept. 30, 1811. [VR1]
133 - _____, s. Joseph, of A., May 18, 1813. [VR1]
146 - _____, s. Leucius, of A., Aug. 27, 1820. [VR1]
171 - _____, s. Nathan, of Amh., Aug. 25, 1832. [VR1]
163 - _____, s. O., Capt., Sept. 11, 1828. [VR1]
137 - _____, s. Obed, of Amh., Apr. 28, 1815. [VR1]
157 - _____, s. Obed, of Amh., Mar. 18, 1826. [VR1]
154 - _____, s. Obed, of Amh., Oct. 13, 1824. [VR1]
141 - _____, s. Oliver 2nd, of Amh., Dec. 17, 1817. [VR1]
138 - _____, s. Oliver 2nd, of Amh., Feb. 11, 1816. [VR1]
135 - _____, s. Oliver 2nd, of Amh., Mar. 19, 1814. [VR1]
144 - _____, s. Oliver 2nd, of Amh., Oct 14, 1819. [VR1]
149 - _____, s. Rufus L., of Amh., Jan. 3, 1822. [VR1]
227 - _____, s. Rufus Leonard & Electa (Perry), January 3, 1822, at Amh. [JAS]
168 - _____, s. Rufus, Capt., of Amh., Dec. 16, 1830. [VR1]
154 - _____, s. Rufus, Capt., of Amh., Oct. 30, 1824. [VR1]
134 - _____, s. Rufus, of Amh., Dec. 21, 1813. [VR1]
230 - _____, s. Salmon & Nancy (Thayer), ca 1827, perhaps at Hatfield. [JAS]
230 - _____, s. Salmon & Nancy (Thayer), July 18, 1814, at Amh. [JAS]
135 - _____, s. Salmon Jr., of Amh., July 18, 1814. [VR1]
152 - _____, s. Salmon M., of Amh., Sept. 16, 1823. [VR1]
132 - _____, s. Salmon, of Amh., Nov. 14, 1812. [VR1]
152 - _____, s. Samuel F., Esq., of Amh., May 29, 1823. [VR1]
250 - _____, s. Sylvester & Harriet (Cutler), ca February 28, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
250 - _____, s. Sylvester & Harriet (Cutler), March 19, 1841, of fits, at Amh. [JAS]
6, 129 - _____, s. Walter, of Amh., Nov. 22, 1809. [VR1]
173 - _____, still born d. Cha[rle]s, of A., Aug. 25, 1833. [VR1]
254 - _____, stillborn d. Charles, August 25, 1833, at Amh. [JAS]
229 - _____, twin ch. Orin R. & Mary (Hyde), ca April 1834, at Amh. [JAS]
211 - _____, twin d. Joel & Eunice (Houghton), March 10, 1788, at Amh., died March 11, 1788. [JAS]
166 - _____, twin d. Nathan, of Amh., Oct. 18, 1829. [VR1]
166 - _____, twin d. Nathan, of Amh., Oct. 18, 1829. [VR1]
253 - _____, twin s. Edwin Elbridge & Mary Eliza (Marsh), September 18, 1850, at Amh., died September 24, 1850. [JAS]
1013 - A. P., ___ __, 1860. [GR3]
214 - Aaron, s. Aaron & Eleanor (Morton), ca March 1784, at Amh., died young. [JAS]
18 - Aaron, s. Aaron & Eleanor, bpt. April 25, 1784, at 1st Ch. [CH]
53 - Aaron, s. Dea[con]. Medad, bpt. August 1, 1802, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
215 - Aaron, s. Medad & Esther (Dickinson) (3rd w.), July 5, 1802, at Amh., went to Heath. [JAS]
201, 214 - Aaron, s. Moses & Thankful (Smith), June 24, 1753, at Amh.; soldier in militia at Charlestown January 1776; 2nd Lieut. Capt. Reuben Dickinson's Co. June 29,1780; militia Lieut. 1785; farmer, also practiced a trade. [JAS]
5 - Aaron, s. Moses & Thankful, bpt. July 15, 1753, at 1st Ch. [CH]
245 - Abbie Jeanette, d. Samuel Stetson & Alzina (Towne), ___ __, 1841, at North Amh. [JAS]
557 - Abbie, ___ __, 1841. [GR2]
18 - Abi, ch. Gideon & Abigail, bpt. November 23, 1783, at 1st Ch. [CH]
217 - Abi, d. Gideon & Abigail (Field) (1st w.), ca October 1783, at Amh. [JAS]
252 - Abigail C., d. Obed & Experience (Smith), May 1, 1817, died May 3, 1817. [JAS]
252 - Abigail Chauncey, d. Obed & Experience (Smith), July 28, 1811, at Amh. [JAS]
252 - Abigail Chauncey, d. Obed & Experience (Smith), March 28, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
61 - Abigail Chauncey, d. Obed, bpt. May 20, 1821, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
270A - Abigail, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), Apr. 13, 1797. [VR3]
218 - Abigail, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), April 13, 1797, at Amh., bpt. as an adult July 1816 at 2nd Ch., unmarried. [JAS]
198 - Abigail, d. Ebenezer & Sarah (Kellogg) (1st w.), ca 1732, at Amh. [JAS]
160 - Abigail, d. Eli & Lois (Horton), December 7, 1774, at Granby. [JAS]
217 - Abigail, d. Gideon & Abigail (Field) (1st w.), ca June 1779, at Amh. [JAS]
16 - Abigail, d. Gideon & Abigail, bpt. July 25, 1779, at 1st Ch. [CH]
202 - Abigail, d. Gideon & Hannah (Edwards), ca December 1750. [JAS]
4 - Abigail, d. Gideon & Hannah, bpt. January 20, 1751, at 1st Ch. [CH]
197 - Abigail, d. John 2nd,___ __, 1716 [Dup.; ca 1716]. [JAS]
237 - Abigail, d. Nehemiah & Wealthy (Dickinson) (Cowles), December 14, 1826, probably at Amh., bpt. December 15, 1826 at 2nd Ch., died December 25, 1826, at Amh. [JAS]
63 - Abigail, d. Nehemiah, bpt. December 15, 1826, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
59 - Abigail, d. Obed, bpt. May 3, 1817, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
241 - Abigail, d. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), May 30, 1784, at Amh. [JAS]
17 - Abijah, ch. Ebenezer & Ruth, bpt. January 6, 1782, at 1st Ch. [CH]
205, 225 - Abijah, s. Ebenezer & Ruth (Eastman), December 7, 1781, at Amh., farmer at Amh. [JAS]
210 - Abijah, s. John & Hannah, bpt. November 14, 1784, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
276A - Abner, h. Sarah (_____), s. Ebenezer & Hannah (Frary), Jan. 26, 1724, in Hatfield. [VR3]
210, 757 - Achsah, d. Jonathan & Azubah (Coleman), December 25, 1786, at Amh., wid. at Amh. with buildings and a farm. [JAS]
20 - Achsah, d. Jonathan & Azubah, bpt. February 4, 1787, at 1st Ch. [CH]
21 - Achza, d. Jonathan, Jr. & Azubah, Dec. 25, 1786. [VR1]
281 - Achza, d. Jonathan, Jr. & Azubah, Dec. 25, 1786. [VR3]
238 - Adeline Frances, d. Samuel & Wealthy (Cushman), September 23, 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
207, 228 - Adolphus, s. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), October 11, 1794, at Amh.; private in militia, to Boston in 1814 for three months in the War of 1812; resident of Amh. 1816; received his father's farm at Amh. 1825. [JAS]
52 - Adolphus, s. Stephen, bpt. May 25, 1800, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
68 - Albert S., Dec. 22, 1845. [GR1]
228 - Albert Sprout, s. Asa & Louisa (Sprout), December 22, 1845, at South Amh. [JAS]
244 - Alfred Erasmus, s. Levi & Almira (Pomreoy), bpt. May 6, 1827 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
64 - Alfred Erasmus, s. Levi, bpt. May 6, 1827, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
944 - Alice F., d. Cha[rle]s & Lydia A. (White), ___ __, 1858. [GR3]
240 - Alice Louisa, d. Charles Holton & Jantha Maria (Brainard), December 21, 1849, at Boston (Roxbury?) [JAS]
235 - Alithea Swan, d. Zebina & Mary (Watson), September 15, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
64 - Alithea Swan, d. Zebina, bpt. December 23, 1827, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
244 - Almary, d. Levi & Almira (Pomreoy), ___ __, 1837. [JAS]
239 - Almira, d. Rufus & Almira (Church), February 19, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
214 - Alsa, d. Aaron & Eleanor (Morton), ca August 1781, at Amh. [JAS]
224 - Amanda, d. William & Thirza (Warner), ca 1792, at Amh. [JAS]
24 - Amanda, d. William & Thirza, bpt. January 25, 1795, at 1st Ch. [CH]
230, 248 - Amariah, s. David & Hannah (Dana), July 26, 1825, at Amh., farm laborer at Amh. 1850, soldier in Civil War. [JAS]
25 - Ame Stoughton, d. John & Lydia, bpt. June 12, 1796, at 1st Ch. [CH]
236 - Ame Stoughton, d. John & Rebecca Ellis (1st w.), August 28, 1808, at East Machias, ME. [JAS]
234 - Ame Stoughton, d. Walter & Lydia (Dickinson), October 22, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
41 - Ame Stoughton, d. Walter, bpt. January 3, 1824, at 1st Ch. [CH]
251 - Ame Stoughton, d. William Watson & Mary Lyman (Marsh), March 9, 1848, at East Amh. [JAS]
725 - Amelia, Feb. 21, 1852. [GR3]
77 - Amy S. d. Frank E. & Mary S., Mar. 12, 1875, [GR1]
213 - Amy Stoughton, d. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), April 16, 1796, at Amh. [JAS]
228 - Andrew Edgar, s. Adolphus & Lydia (Hyde), February 10, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
64 - Andrew Edgar, s. Adolphus, bpt. May 13, 1827, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
252 - Ann, d. Ocran & Amelia (Stebbins), ca 1835. [JAS]
251 - Anna M., d. Wells & Melinda (Smith), March 1, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
28 - Anna, d. Capt. Jonathan & Azubah, bpt. January 25, 1801, at 1st Ch. [CH]
210 - Anna, d. Jonathan & Azubah (Coleman), January 25, 1801, at Amh. [JAS]
205 - Anna, d. Nathan & Esther (Fowler) (1st w.), April 15, 1780, at Amh. [JAS]
292 - Anna, d. Nathan (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Easther (Fowler) (of Westchester, NY), Apr. 15, 1780. [VR3]
232 - Ansel C., s. Nathaniel Coleman & Submit (Smith) (1st w.), December 21, 1809, at Amh., went West to Indiana and Wisconsin. [JAS]
33 - Ansel, s. Coleman & Mitta, bpt. February 25, 1810, at 1st Ch. [CH]
220 - Ansel, s. Ira & Dolly W. (Fairbanks), January 24, 1815, at West Fairlee, VT, went to Indiana. [JAS]
210 - Ansel, s. Jonathan & Azubah (Coleman), October 22, 1788, at Amh. [JAS]
21 - Ansel, s. Jonathan & Azubah, bpt. December 14, 1788, at 1st Ch., by Rev. Henry Williams. [CH]
21 - Ansel, s. Jonathan, Jr. & Azubah, Oct. 22, 1788. [VR1]
281 - Ansel, s. Jonathan, Jr. & Azubah, Oct. 22, 1788. [VR3]
238 - Antoinette, d. Samuel & Wealthy (Cushman), October 7, 1822, at Amh. lived with parents at Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
222 - Appleton, s. Peres & Lucinda (Foster) (2nd w.), ca February 1808, at Amh., graduated Amherst College 1825. [JAS]
32 - Appleton, s. Perez, bpt. March 27, 1808, at 1st Ch. [CH]
71 - Arthur C., s. Chester, Jr. & Caroline A., ___ __, 1891. [GR1]
24 - Arua, ch. William & Thirza, bpt. January 25, 1795, at 1st Ch. [CH]
9 - Asa, bpt. May 10, 1761, at 1st Ch. [CH]
69 - Asa, Feb. 24, 1809. [GR1]
207, 228 - Asa, s. Asa & Salome (Hastings), February 24, 1809, at Amh., resident of Amh. 1840, laborer at Amh. April 1842, when he bought his father in law's house and land, farmer at Amh. 1845 through 1850 [shared with his brother Noble]. [JAS]
32 - Asa, s. Asa & Sarah, bpt. March 26, 1809, at 1st Ch. [CH]
199, 206 - Asa, s. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), ca May 1761, at Amh., was active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787; farmer at Amh. [JAS]
207 - Asa, s. Stephen Horsmer & Mary (Eastman) (1st w.), ca 1797, at Amh., bpt. May 1800., resident of Amh. through 1830. [JAS]
52 - Asa, s. Stephen, bpt. May 25, 1800, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
736 - Asenath, d. Erastus & Flavia (Root), resident of Granby when she was bpt. as an adult May 1815, at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
244 - Ashley Hubbard, d. Levi & Almira (Pomreoy), ca 1834. [JAS]
18 - Augustus Holden, s. Loring & Mary, R, Dec. 7, 1844. [VR2]
206, 227 - Austin Lyman [aka Lyman Dickinson], s. Elihu & Susanna (Lewis), ca April 1799, at Amh., bpt. May 26, 1799 at 2nd Ch., manufacturer at Amh. 1820, left Amh. by 1825. [JAS]
52 - Austin Lyman, s. Elihu, bpt. May 26, 1799, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
378 - Austin, Rev., ___ __, ____, in Amh. [GR3]
212, 233 - Austin, s. Azariah & Mary (Eastman), February 15, 1791, at Amh., graduate of Dartmouth College 1813, resident of Amh. 1815, ordained a clergyman at Amh. 1826. [JAS]
50 - Austin, s. Azariah, bpt. April 10, 1791, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
250 - Avalmy Lavanda, s. Sylvester & Harriet (Cutler), August 9, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
5 - Az?ariah, ch. Nathan & Joanna, bpt. March 15, 1752, at 1st Ch. [CH]
200, 211 - Azariah, s. Azariah & Eunice (Stoughton), April 13, 1753, at Shutesbury; came to Amh. with his family ca 1762; private in Capt. Reuben Dickinson's Co. at Mosses Creek July 1777; active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787, farmer 1790 - 1813. [JAS]
198, - Azariah, s. Nathan & Joanna (Leonard) (2nd w.), March 6, 1752, at Amh.; soldier in the Revolutionary War; Lexington Alarm; 11days at Cambridge; on duty May through July 1776; at Dorchester October 1776 through May1777; at Mosses' Creek July 1777 and on duty July and September 1780; left Amh. by 1795, and later resided at Boston; married there. [JAS]
197, 200 - Azariah, s. Samuel 2nd & Hannah (Marsh) (1st w.), July 10, 1717, at Hadley; resident of Shutesbury by 1747; Deacon there; came to Amh. shortly before August 1762; Selectman at Amh. 1765; may have lived elsewhere from 1773 through 1790; Deacon 1782through 1790; was living in Amh. 1795. [JAS]
224, 450 - Azuah [Dup; Aruah], d. William & Thirza (Warner), June 16, 1790, at Amh. [JAS]
242, 716 - Azubah, (twin?) d. Silas & Eunice (Moody), ca 1798, at Amh., bpt. April 1804, at at 1st Ch., wid. at South Hadley October 1833 with 6 small children and very little estate. [JAS]
225 - Azubah, d. Eli & Louisa (Mattoon), March 17, 1799, at Pelham. [JAS]
206 - Azubah, d. Enos & Lois (Dickinson) (Dickinson), July 6, 1773, at Amh. [JAS]
17 - Azubah, d. Enos & Lois, bpt. February 17, 1782, at 1st Ch. [CH]
14 - Azubah, d. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, July 6, 1773. [VR1]
277 - Azubah, d. Enos (s. Nathan from Hatfield) & Lois, July 6, 1773. [VR3]
408 - Azubah, July 6, 1773. [GR3]
29 - Azubah, s. Widow Eunice, bpt. April 27, 1804, at 1st Ch. [CH]
51 - Baxter, s. Amariah, bpt. June 9, 1795, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
212 - Baxter, s. Azariah & Mary (Eastman), April 14, 1795, at Amh., graduate of Yale 1817, clergyman. [JAS]
27 - Bela Uriah, d. Zebina, Col., & Mary, May 1, 1814. [VR1]
312 - Bela Uriah, d. Zebina, Col., & Mary, May 1, 1814. [VR3]
235, 251 - Bela Uriah, s. Zebina & Mary (Watson), May 1, 1814, at Amh., farmer in Amh. 1835 through 1850. [JAS]
57 - Bela Uriah, s. Zebina, bpt. July 10, 1814, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
21 - Bela, ch. John & Lydia, bpt. July 19, 1789, at 1st Ch. [CH]
213 - Bela, s. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), July 6, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
210 - Bela, s. Waitstill & Lucretia (Montague), bpt. October 1791, died young, at Amh. [JAS]
50 - Bela, s. Waitstill, bpt. October 16, 1791, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
70, 77 - Bertie E. s. Frank E. & Mary S., Dec. 23, 1873. [GR1]
214 - Betsey, d. Aaron & Eleanor (Morton), June 11, 1790, at Amh. [JAS]
15 - Betsey, d. Aaron & Eliner, June 11, 1790. [VR1]
259 - Betsey, d. Aaron & Eliner, June 11, 1790. [VR3]
209 - Betsey, d. Nathaniel & Theoda (Smith), February 1, 1782, at Amh. [JAS]
17 - Betsey, d. Nathaniel (s. Lt. Jo.) & Theoda, bpt. June 2, 1782, at 1st Ch. [CH]
222 - Betsey, d. Peres & Ruth (Dickinson) (1st w.), ca 1788, at Amh., bpt. June 1798 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
26 - Betsey, d. Perez, bpt. June 17, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
214 - Betsey, d. Simeon & Sally (McClain), ___ __, ____, at Amh. [JAS]
22 - Betsy, d. Aaron & Eleanor, bpt. July 4, 1790, at 1st Ch. [CH]
36 - Beulah Montague, d. David & Esther, bpt. May 5, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
230 - Beulah Montague, d. David & Hannah (Dana), September 7, 1811, at Amh., bpt. May 1816 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
213 - Bissell, s. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), September 7, 1787, at Amh. [JAS]
20 - Bissell, s. John & Lydia, bpt. October 28, 1787, at 1st Ch. [CH]
219, 239 - Caleb Dexter, s. Roswell & Rachel (Hunt), May 23, 1806, at Amh., blacksmith at Amh. 1829, left Amh. early in 1830, resident of Greenfield by 1835 and North Hadley by 1841, resident of Amh. 1842, returned to North Hadley by 1845, where he made boom tools and knives. [JAS]
224 - Caleb, s. Sylvanus & Deborah (Parker), ca 1798, at Amh., resident of Wilmington, VT, and Stanford [Stamford?], VT. [JAS]
544 - Caroline E., Feb. 24, 1848. [GR2]
245 - Caroline Elizabeth, d. Ebenezer Porter & Caroline Elizabeth (Brown), February 24, 1848, at North Amh. [JAS]
545 - Caroline F. (Brown), "Mother", w. Ebenezer P., May 18, 1901, a. 78 y. [GR2]
222 - Caroline Gunn, d. Ezekiel & Perley (Gunn), February 4, 1804, at Amh., bpt. July 1813 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
228 - Caroline, d. Adolphus & Lydia (Hyde), October 14, 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
60 - Caroline, d. Adolphus, bpt. December 27, 1818, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
24 - Caroline, d. Ezekiel & Perley (Gunn), of Montague, ___ __, 1813. [Dickinson Gen. p. 174] [GenRec]
34 - Caroline, d. Ezekiel & Perly, bpt. July 18, 1813, at 1st Ch. [CH]
239 - Caroline, d. Rufus & Almira (Church), January 22, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
24 - Catharine, 6th ch. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), Feb. 17, 1814. [VR1]
301 - Catharine, d. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), Feb. 17, 1814. [VR3]
238 - Catherine W., d. Samuel & Wealthy (Cushman), February 9, 1829, at Amh., lived with sister, Lucina Melvina Hawle, at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
253 - Catherine, d. Oshea Smith & Chloe (Draper), October 3, 1843, at Bethel, MI. [JAS]
35 - Catherine, d. Samuel F. & Lucretia, bpt. April 24, 1814, at 1st Ch. [CH]
223 - Catherine, d. Samuel Fowler & Lucretia (Gunn), February 17, 1814, at Amh. [JAS]
715 - Catherine, w. Joseph Artenatus Sweetser, ___ __, 1814. at Amh. [JAS]
38 - Celia, d. Lucius & Betsey, bpt. August 30, 1818, at 1st Ch. [CH]
224 - Chandler, s. Sylvanus & Deborah (Parker), ca 1803, at Amh. [JAS]
72 - Charles, s. Capt. O., bpt. at South Ch., (the paper is lost containing the date of this baptism). [CH]
249 - Charles A., s. Moses & Electa (Dickinson), September 27, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
231 - Charles D., s. Oliver & Clarissa (Billings) (2nd w.), July 15, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
240 - Charles Dexter, s. Caleb Dexter & Tryphena (Russell) (1st w.), November 23, 1841, at North Hadley. [JAS]
219 - Charles Holton, s. Roswell & Rachel (Hunt), January 18, 1811, at Amh., gone from 1835, resident of Hartford, CT by 1838, a cabinet maker, returned to Amh. shortly after September 1842, by 1845 he moved to Roxbury where he was a piano maker. [JAS]
234 - Charles Read, s. Daniel & Tammy Eastman (2nd w.), October 16, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
73 - Charles Read, s. Daniel & Tammy, ___ __, 1837. [GR2]
546 - Charles Storrs, April 5, 1852. [GR2]
254 - Charles, bpt. as an adult, September 1831at South Ch., died whilestill a member. [JAS]
71 - Charles, bpt. September 11, 1831, at South Ch. [CH]
214 - Charles, s. Aaron & Eleanor (Morton), September 8, 1782, at Amh. [JAS]
17 - Charles, s. Aaron & Eleanor, bpt. September 29, 1782, at 1st Ch., by Rev. Mr. Kellogg. [CH]
15 - Charles, s. Aaron & Eliner, Sept. 8, 1782. [VR1]
259 - Charles, s. Aaron & Eliner, Sept. 8, 1782. [VR3]
225, 246 - Charles, s. Eli & Louisa (Mattoon), September 23, 1805, at Pelham, came to Amh. with his family ca 1809, turner at Amh. 1830 and 1835, after 1845 he removed to Hadley. [JAS]
242 - Charles, s. Jonathan & Amy Stoughton (Dickinson), January 23, 1822, at Amh. [JAS]
63 - Charles, s. Jonathan, bpt. April 22, 1827, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
43 - Charles, s. Morton S., bpt. October 2, 1831, at 1st Ch. [CH]
237 - Charles, s. Salmon Morton & Lucretia (Smith), September 16, 1823, at Amh., bonnet maker at Amh. 1850, lived in father's household. [JAS]
945 - Charles, Sept. 16, 1823. [GR3]
246 - Charlotte Roxanna, d. Eli & Roxana (Thayer), September 11, 1846, at Belchertown. [JAS]
936 - Charlotte, ___ __, 1800. [GR3]
225 - Charlotte, d. Abijah & Mary (Stetson), October 24, 1807, at Amh., unmarried, lived with mother at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
58 - Charlotte, d. Abijah, bpt. September 22, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
218 - Charlotte, d. Roswell & Rachel (Hunt), January 14, 1800, at Amh., lived with her mother 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
235 - Chester [aka CD 2nd], s. Zebina & Mary (Watson), October 12, 1819, at Amh., lunatic at Amh. March 1846, the Selectman authorized the request to sent him to the Worcester Insane Asylum. [JAS]
251 - Chester Eastman, s. Bela Uriah & Pamela (Dickinson), January 3, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
71 - Chester, Jr., ___ __, 1840. [GR1]
17 - Chester, s. John & Lidea, bpt. September 29, 1782, at 1st Ch. [CH]
213, 235 - Chester, s. John & Lydia (Eastman) (1st w.), April 26, 1780, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1805 through 1850, Selectman 1817, 1819 through 1824, 1834, Militia Lieut. 1823, Representative to General Court 1827, Esquire 1836 through 1850. [JAS]
230, 247 - Chester, s. Salmon & Nancy (Thayer), November 14, 1812, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1840 through 1850, perhaps a mechanic as well, listed on militia list for 1850. [JAS]
90 - Chester, s. Salmon & Nancy, ___ __, 1812. [GR1]
208 - Chester, s. Salmon & Phebe (Baker), September 25, 1785, at Hatfield, mariner and a resident of Boston, owned property in Amh. [JAS]
16 - Chester, s. Waitstill & Leucretia, July 12, 1780. [VR1]
310 - Chester, s. Waitstill & Leucretia, July 12, 1780. [VR3]
209, 210 - Chester, s. Waitstill & Lucretia (Montague), July12, 1780, at Amh., idiot and dumb, came under care of the Town as a pauper 1834. [JAS]
248 - Chester, s. Chester & Pamelia S. (Pierce), October 28, 1842, at Amh., soldier in Civil War. [JAS]
49 - Chester, s. Waitstill, bpt. September 23, 1787, at 2nd Ch., by Mr. Lyman. [CH]
60 - Chester, s. Zebina, bpt. January 30, 1820, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
27 - Chester, s. Zebina, Col., & Mary, Oct. 12, 1819. [VR1]
312 - Chester, s. Zebina, Col., & Mary, Oct. 12, 1819. [VR3]
270A - Chloe, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), Jan. 26, 1793. [VR3]
165, 218 - Chloe, d. Ebenezer & Abigail (Belden), January 26, 1793, at Amh., bpt. as an adult January __, 1813 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
203 - Chloe, d. Ebenezer & Chloe (Holton), ca February 1763, bpt. March 20, 1763 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
264, 268A - Chloe, d. Ebenezer & Chloe (Holton), Jan. 26, 1793, at Amh. [dup. bpt. Mar. 20, 1763.] [VR3]
10 - Chloe, d. Ebenezer & Chloe, bpt. March 20, 1763, at 1st Ch. [CH]
241, 591 - Chloe, d. Seth & Naomi (Dickinson), July 26, 1795, at Amh., "went to Springfield". [JAS]
25 - Chloe, d. Seth & Naomi, bpt. September 21, 1795, at 1st Ch. [CH]
276 - Chretia, d. Col. Elijah, Jr., & Jerusha, Jan. 19, 1791. [VR3]
18 - Chretia, d. Elijah, Jr., & Jerusha, Jan. 19, 1791. [VR1]
1260 - Clara Augusta June 13, 1825. [GR3]
249 - Clara E., d. Moses & Electa (Dickinson), August 8, 1844, at Amh. [JAS]
1412 - Clara F., d. Edwin E. & Mary E., Sept. 18, 1850. [GR3]
253 - Clara Frances, twin d. Edwin Elbridge & Mary Eliza (Marsh), September 18, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
240 - Clara Sophia, d. Joseph & Fidelia Alvord (2nd w.), August 31, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
231 - Clarissa Almira, d. Oliver & Clarissa (Billings) (2nd w.), August 14, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
72 - Clarissa Amelia, infant d. Capt. O., bpt. May 17 1840, at South Ch. [CH]
231 - Clarissa C., d. Oliver & Clarissa (Billings) (2nd w.), October 27, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
222 - Clarissa, d. Ezekiel & Perley (Gunn), June 27, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
34 - Clarissa, d. Ezekiel & Perly, bpt. July 18, 1813, at 1st Ch. [CH]
18 - Clarissa, d. Moses B., R, ___ __, ____. [VR2]
242 - Clarissa, d. Silas & Eunice (Moody), ca 1795, at Amh., bpt. April 1804 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
211 - Clarissa, d. Stoughton & Abigail (Nash), ca 1785, at Amh. [JAS]
29 - Clarissa, d. Widow Eunice, bpt. April 27, 1804, at 1st Ch. [CH]
209 - Clary, d. Nathaniel & Theoda (Smith), July 11, 1771, at Amh. [JAS]
209 - Clary, d. Nathaniel & Theoda (Smith), June 1, 1774, at Amh. [JAS]
233 - Clementine, d. Austin & Laura W. (Camp), September 21, 1839, at Amh., died September 25, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
38 - Cordelia, d. Ezekiel & Perley, bpt. April 28, 1818, at 1st Ch. [CH]
233 - Cordelia, d. Ransom & Betsey (Dickinson) (1st w.), December 7, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
37 - Cordelia, d. Ransom & Betsey, bpt. March 23, 1817, at 1st Ch. [CH]
223 - Cordella, d. Ezekiel & Perley (Gunn), October 29, 1817, at Amh. [JAS]
43 - Cornelia Lucretia, d. Morton S., bpt. October 2, 1831, at 1st Ch. [CH]
237 - Cornelia Lucretia, d. Salmon Morton & Lucretia (Smith), September 25, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
216 - Creshe, d. Elijah & Jerusha (Smith), January 19, 1791, at Amh. [JAS]
850A - D. A., ___ __, 1822. [GR2]