Vital Records Of Amherst,
Hampshire County, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
(Some Records to the Early 20th Century)
Published by The New England Historic and Genealogical Society in the Corbin Collection,
and by The Search & Research Publishing Corporation
Births - SNEAD to SYBLY
[Transcribed by Carlton O. Hommel]

21 - Eunice, of Deerfield, d. Joseph, May 26, 1777. [GenRec]
19 - _____, d. Ebenezer & Sabra, R, Jan. 31, 1845. [VR2]
692 - Angelline, d. Ralph & Theodosia, July 4, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
692 - Cordelia Maria, d. Ralph & Theodosia, November 12, 1798, at Amh. [JAS]
279 - Ebenezer Strong, Oct. 1, 1801. [GR3]
692 - Ebenezer Strong, s. Thomas & Tirzah (Strong), October 1, 1801at North Brookfield, studied at Amh. Academy and went to Williams College 1819, came to Amh. College with President Moore and was in the first graduating class of Amh. College 1822, from 1822through 1825 he taught at Amh. Academy, tutor at Amh. College 1825, instructor at Amh. College 1827 ff, librarian at Amh. College 1827 ff, resident of Amh. 1830, full professor at Amh. College 1834 through 1850. [JAS]
199 - Ebenzer Strong, s. Thomas & Tirzah, bef. 1801, at No. Brookfield. [VR1]
199 - Ebenzer, s. Thomas & Tirzah, bef. 1801, No. Brookfield. [VR1]
692 - Julia Theodocia, d. Ralph & Theodosia, August 22, 1806, at Amh., bpt. October 19, 1806, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
692 - Lorenzo, s. Ralph & Theodosia, May 4, 1804, at Amh. [JAS]
692 - Martha Porter, d. Ebenezer Strong & Sabra C. (Clark), October 30, 1835, school girl at Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
281 - Mary Louisa, Aug. 8, 1831. [GR3]
692 - Mary Louisa, d. Ebenezer Strong & Sabra C. (Clark), August 8, 1831, school girl at Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
692 - Mary, d. Ralph & Theodosia, August 16, 1800, at Amh. [JAS]
692 - Rebecca Emerson, d. Ebenezer Strong & Sabra C. (Clark), December 5, 1841, of heart disease, at Amh. [JAS]
692 - Rebecca Emerson, d. Ebenezer Strong & Sabra C. (Clark), July 2, 1829, at Amh., bpt. October 25, 1829 at Amh. College Ch. [JAS]
692 - Sabra Clark, d. Ebenezer Strong & Sabra C. (Clark), January 31, 1845, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
280 - Sarah C. C., Sept. 1, 1807. [GR3]
692 - Tirzah Strong, d. Ebenezer Strong & Sabra C. (Clark), November 10, 1839, school girl at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
692 - _____, d. Warren P., ca 1826, lived at Amh. 1830. [JAS]
692 - _____, d. Warren P., ca 1829, lived at Amh. 1830. [JAS]
169 - _____, d. Warren, of A., Apr. 23, 1831. [VR1]
692 - _____, d. Warren P., April 23, 1831, at Amh. [JAS]
692 - _____, d. Warren P., December 24, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
172 - _____, d. Warren, of A., Dec. 24, 1832. [VR1]
199 - Angeline, b. Ralph & Theodosia, July 4, 1802. [VR1]
25, 709 - Angeline, d. Ralph & Theodocia [dup. Brooks], July 4, 1802. [VR1]
693 - Caroline S., d. Jeremiah & Elizabeth (Brewer), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
693 - Clarissa Stebbins, d. Jeremiah & Elizabeth (Brewer), August 27, 1796, at Springfield. [JAS]
25, 199, 709 - Cordelia Maria, d. Ralph & Theodocia [dup. Brooks], Nov. 12, 1798. [VR1]
693 - Eliza S., d. Jeremiah & Elizabeth (Brewer), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
693 - Elizabeth, d. Jeremiah & Elizabeth (Brewer), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
693 - Francis, ca 1831, in Germany, plane maker at Amh. 1850, lived in the household of Ebenezer Nutting. [JAS]
693 - Hannah Pease Crane McKean, d. Jeremiah & Elizabeth (Brewer), October 28, 1803. [JAS]
693 - Jeremiah J., s. Jeremiah & Elizabeth (Brewer), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
693 - Jeremiah, s. Jeremiah & Mary, July 17, 1764, resident of Attleboro 1789, of Springfield 1796, of Amh. 1795, blacksmith at Amh. 1795, resident of Wilbraham and Palmer 1802, of Amh. again 1805 through 1807 (with a developed half acre lot), of Springfield again 1816, and of Wilbraham 1821. [JAS]
693 - John Frederick, s. Jeremiah & Elizabeth (Brewer), bpt. February 10, 1805, perhaps at 1st Ch. [JAS]
25, 199, 709 - Julia Theodocia, d. Ralph & Theodocia [dup. Brooks], Aug. 22, 1806. [VR1]
31 - Julia Theodosia, d. Ralf & The[odoci]a, bpt. October 19, 1806, at 1st Ch. [CH]
29 - Lorenzo, s. Ralf & Theodocia, bpt. April 27, 1804, at 1st Ch. [CH]
25, 199, 709 - Lorenzo, s. Ralph & Theodocia [dup. Brooks], May 4, 1804. [VR1]
693 - Mary Brewer, d. Jeremiah & Elizabeth (Brewer), bpt. September 26, 1807, at Amh., in private. [JAS]
31 - Mary Brewer, d. Jesse & Betsy, bpt. September 26, 1807, in private. [CH]
25, 199, 709 - Mary, d. Ralph & Theodocia [dup. Brooks], Aug. 16, 1800. [VR1]
44 - Melissa, d. Jonathan J. & Zervah, May 11, 1829, at Brookfield. [JAS]
793 - Polly, 2nd w. Amasa Winslow, March 6, 1787, resident of Colrain 1820. [JAS]
27 - Violet Ann, d. Eber & Hannah, October 23, 1822, at Spencer. [JAS]
692 - Warren P., between 1790 and 1800, resident of Amh. 1830, mechanic at Amh. 1835. [JAS]
493 - Martha F., ___ __, 1837. [GR2]
693 - Gilbert Chase, s. Amasa & Alice (Chase), May 24, 1822, at Pelham, resident of Pelham 1849, blacksmith at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
19 - Edward (Niles?), s. Edward & Ann E., G, Feb. 12, 1845. [VR2]
358 - Elizabeth, w. Joseph Haven, ca 1774 at Orleans [Alt. between 1780 and 1790.] [JAS]
1591 - Annie Gertrude, d. Rev. L. T. & Elbertine M., Aug. 21, 1868. [GR3]
694 - Elijah Plumb, s. Philip & Tirzah (Hoar) (Tobey), March 17, 1831, in MA, mechanic at Amh. 1850, unmarried, lived in the household of Asahel Dwight. [JAS]
694 - Jane, d. Samuel Thompson & Maria Savage (Gridley), January 28, 1849, perhaps at Ware. [JAS]
694 - Juliet Parsons, d. Philip & Tirzah (Hoar) (Tobey), October 31, 1828, at Jamaica, VT. [JAS]
1597 - L. T., Rev., Sept. 6, 1836. [GR3]
694 - Levi Parsons, s. Philip & Tirzah (Hoar) (Tobey), February 14, 1825, at Jamaica, VT. [JAS]
719 - Mary A., April 24, 1823, in Jamaica, VT. [GR3]
719 - Mary A., Sept. 6, 1895. [GR3]
694 - Mary Asenath, d. Philip & Tirzah (Hoar) (Tobey), April 24, 1823, at Jamaica, VT, lived at Amh. 1850 with her brother Philip, unmarried. [JAS]
1592 - Nellie Maud, d. Rev. L. T. & Elbertine M., Aug. 14, 1873. [GR3]
719 - Philip D., ___ __, 1826, in Jamaica, VT. [GR3]
694 - Philip Doddridge, s. Philip & Tirzah (Hoar) (Tobey), December 29, 1826, at Jamaica, VT, resident of Amh. 1845, bought 40 acres of land at Amh. 1849, farmer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
693 - Philip, s. Philip & Elizabeth (Obert), November 18, 1776, at Westford, settled at Penobscot, ME as pastor of the church November 1809, he was dismissed from there August 1813, settled at Jamaica, VT September 1815 and dismissed in May 1829. [JAS]
693 - Pliny Fisk, s. Philip & Tirzah (Hoar) (Tobey), April 10, 1821, at Jamaica, VT, resident of Brimfield 1849. [JAS]
693, 694 - Samuel Thompson, s. Philip & Tirzah (Hoar) (Tobey), May 2, 1819, at Jamaica, VT, prepared for college at Amh. Academy, graduate of Amh. College 1839, resident of Amh. 1840, taught school at Augustine, ME, Pawtucket, RI, perhaps at Amh. 1839 through 1842, studied law under Baker and Delano at Amh. 1842through 1844, also taught at Amh. Academy 1843 - 44, admitted to the bar March 1844, he opened a law office at Palmer May 1844 and moved to Ware April 1846, attorney at Ware through 1850. [JAS]
174, 693 - Tirzah Adeline, 1st w. Moses Kimball Cross, August 13, 1817, at Jamaica, VT [Dup.: probably at Jamaica, VT], assistant teacher at Amh. Academy 1840-41. [JAS]
696 - _____, inf. d. Eliphalet & Martha (Paull) (1st w.), ca May 31, 1827, at Amh., died June 2, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
23 - _____, d. Hiram H. & Mary, July 8, ____. . [VR2]
695 - _____, inf. ch. Joseph & Betsy (Thayer) (1st w.), February 1, 1816. [JAS]
695 - _____, inf. ch. Joseph & Nancy (Walker) (2nd w.), December 15, 1818, at South Deerfield, died same day. [JAS]
697 - _____, s. Lyscum & Lydia Studley (Carlisle) (2nd w.), ca 1833, lived at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
138 - _____, s. W., of Shutesbury, Feb. 8, 1816. [VR1]
26 - Anniegeene, d. James W. & Mary I., Aug. 11, 1864. [VR1]
712 - Anniegeene, d. James W. & Mary I., Aug. 11, 1864. [VR3]
872 - Arthur J., s. Frank E. & Ellen M. (Hobart), ___ __, ____. [Union Mar. 6, 1939] [GR2]
607 - Asa Adams, ___ __, 1841. [GR2]
697 - Asa Adams, s. Ebenezer Paull & Caroline (Adams), November 23, 1841, at North Amh., bpt. July 1842, at North Ch., schoolboy at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
695, 697 - Asa, s. Moses & Huldah (Raymond), June 18, 1824, laborer at Amh. May 1842through September 1844, resident of Shutesbury February 1846. lived in 1850. [JAS]
694 - Benjamin, s. Luther & Rebecca (Tower) (1st w.), February 23, 1793. [JAS]
696 - Betsey Minerva, d. Elisha & Eunice (Haskins), December 26, 1824, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
728 - Betsy, perhaps1st w. John Thayer, ca 1757. [JAS]
694 - Calvin, s. Luther & Rebecca (Tower) (1st w.), July 7, 1795. [JAS]
697 - Charles E., s. Asa R. & Mary Williams, May 20, 1848, lived in 1850. [JAS]
695 - Charles, s. Joseph & Nancy (Walker) (2nd w.), December 20, 1821, at South Deerfield. [JAS]
696 - Cynthia Adaline, d. Elisha & Eunice (Haskins), September 11, 1828, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
696 - David Cowles, s. Eliphalet & Martha (Paull) (1st w.), March 23, 1830, at Amh., joiner apprentice at Amh. 1850 with Elihu P. Church. [JAS]
406 - Ebenezer P., Oct. 19, 1812. [GR2]
199 - Ebenezer Paul, s. Eliphalet, __ ___, 1812. [VR1]
696, 697 - Ebenezer Paull, s. Eliphalet & Martha (Paull) (1st w.), October 19, 1812, at Shutesbury, bpt. as an adult September 1839, at 2nd Ch., farmer in North Amh. April 1837, perhaps a mechanic in 1840, farmer at Amh.1845 and 1850. [JAS]
697 - Edward Lyscum, s. Lyscum & Lydia Studley (Carlisle) (2nd w.), February 1, 1824, at Goshen, VT, farmer at North Amh. [JAS]
646 - Edward M., Jan. __, 1850. [GR3]
698 - Edward Myrick, s. Mirick Nathan & Sarah Ann Mary (Whitney) (1st w.), January 23, 1850, at Enfield. [JAS]
694, 695 - Eliphalet, s. Luther & Rebecca (Tower) (1st w.), February 28, 1789, at Shutesbury, military services in the war of 1812, came to Amh. ca 1829 , farmer at Amh. 1830 and 1835 with a house lot, lived with his son Ebenezer at Amh. 1845 and 1850, farmer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
696 - Elisha Pierce, s. Elisha & Eunice (Haskins), October 21, 1819, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
694, 696 - Elisha, s. Luther & Rebecca (Tower) (1st w.), February 25, 1791, at Shutesbury, resident of Shutesbury. [JAS]
697 - Eliza H., d. Hiram H. & Harriet P. (Currier) (1st w.), July 19, 1835, at Amh., lived at Amh. 1840, lived in 1850. [JAS]
26 - Ella J., d. James W. & Mary I., Aug. 22, 1858. [VR1]
712 - Ella J., d. James W. & Mary I., Aug. 22, 1858. [VR3]
697 - Ellen M., d. Hiram H. & Pamelia A. (Thurber) (2nd w.), July 22, 1850. [JAS]
199 - Elphalet, s. Luther & Rebecca Tower, ___ __, 1789, at Shutesbury. [VR1]
697 - Emily Lemira, d. Lyscum & Lydia Studley (Carlisle) (2nd w.), October 28, 1825, at Goshen, VT. [JAS]
695 - Emmons, s. Moses & Huldah (Raymond), November 21, 1830. [JAS]
695 - Fanny, d. Joseph & Nancy (Walker) (2nd w.), June 13, 1827. [JAS]
871 - Frank E., ___ __, 1855. [GR2]
26 - Frank E., s. James W. & Mary I., Nov. 7, 1856. [VR1]
712 - Frank E., s. James W. & Mary I., Nov. 7, 1856. [VR3]
21 - George P., s. Ebenezer & Caroline, May 20, 1844. [VR2]
697 - George Porter, s. Ebenezer Paull & Caroline (Adams), May 20, 1844, at North Amh., schoolboy at Amh. 1850, soldier in the Civil War, in Co. G, 52nd Mass Vol. Inf. Regt., lived in 1870. [JAS]
26 - George W., s. James W. & Mary I., Nov. 8, 1852. [VR1]
712 - George W., s. James W. & Mary I., Nov. 8, 1852. [VR3]
560 - Harriet Almeda, 3rd w. David Packard, d. Eliphalet & Martha (Paull) (1st w.), June 28, 1817, at Shutesbury, bpt. as an adult May 1838, at Amh. Bapt. Ch., lived at Amh. 1859. [JAS]
698 - Harriet Amelia, d. Ebenezer Paull & Caroline (Adams), January 10, 1846, at North Amh., bpt. June 28, 1846, at North Ch. [JAS]
695 - Harriet E., d. Moses & Huldah (Raymond), April 17, 1828. [JAS]
922 - Harriet E., Spear, d. George P. & Pamelia (Mays), Dec. 10, 1877. [GR2]
694 - Harvey, s. Luther & Rebecca (Tower) (1st w.), July 11, 1799, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
871 - Hattie May, d. Frank E. & Ellen M. (Hobart), ___ __, 1878. [GR2]
871 - Hattie May, d. Frank E. & Ellen M. (Hobart), ___ __, 1886. [GR2]
646 - Henry F., Jan. 31, 1859. [GR3]
695 - Henry Norris, s. Joseph & Nancy (Walker) (2nd w.), September 14, 1823, at South Deerfield. [JAS]
695, 697 - Hiram H., s. Moses & Huldah (Raymond), June 19, 1812, resident of Shutesbury 1832ff, farm laborer at Amh. 1840, laborer at West Amh. 1845, resident of Amh. July 1848 when he sold 3 acres at Amh, and left town, lived in 1850. [JAS]
201 - Hiram, s. Moses & Huldah (Raymond), Aug. 19, 1812. [VR1]
696 - Ira Austin, s. Elisha & Eunice (Haskins), March 9, 1833, at Shutesbury, laborer at Amh. 1850, lived with his mother. [JAS]
695 - James W., s. Moses & Huldah (Raymond), February 3, 1826, at Shutesbury, soldier in the Civil War, in Co. D., 27th Mass Vol. Inf. [JAS]
695 - James, s. Joseph & Sally (Cowls) (3rd w.) March 27, 1835, at Amh., lived in 1850, broomtier. [JAS]
697 - Jane P., d. Hiram H. & Pamelia A. (Thurber) (2nd w.), January 28, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
697 - John H., s. Hiram H. & Harriet P. (Currier) (1st w.), July 19, 1838, at Amh., lived at Amh. 1840, lived in 1850. [JAS]
695 - John Thayer, s. Joseph & Betsy (Thayer) (1st w.), March 10, 1814, at Belchertown, resident of Boston 1845 when he owned a farm at Amh., lived in 1850. [JAS]
696 - Joseph Foster, s. Elisha & Eunice (Haskins), January 21, 1831, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
695 - Joseph Oliver, s. Joseph & Nancy (Walker) (2nd w.), January 14, 1820, at Deerfield, lived at Amh. 1830, soldier in the Civil War, 57th Mass Vol. Inf. [JAS]
694, 695 - Joseph, s. Luther & Rebecca (Tower) (1st w.), February 25, 1787, at Shutesbury, lived at Belchertown, South Deerfield, and Sunderland, resident of Sunderland 1829, resident of Amh. 1830 with a house and a lot, joiner, resident of North Hadley 1845. [JAS]
201 - Joseph, s. Luther & Rebecca (Tower), Feb. 25, 1787, at Shutesbury. [VR1]
697 - Lavinia H., d. Hiram H. & Harriet P. (Currier) (1st w.), August 14, 1844, at West Amh., lived in 1850. [JAS]
20 - Lavinia, d. Hiram & Harriett, B, Aug. 14, 1845. [VR2]
607 - Leroy A., s. Asa Adams & Caroline A. (Crocker), ___ __, 1883. [GR2]
696 - Lewis Jacob, s. Elisha & Eunice (Haskins), January 22, 1826, at Shutesbury, blacksmith, lived in 1850. [JAS]
695 - Lewis, s. Moses & Huldah (Raymond), February 3, 1822, died young, at Shrewsbury. [JAS]
199 - Leyscomb, s. Luther & Rebecca, Mar. 1, 1798. [VR1]
607 - Lillian C., d. Asa Adams & Caroline A. (Crocker), ___ __, 1872. [GR2]
580 - Lizzie A. ___ __, 1854. [GR2]
696 - Louisa Tower, d. Elisha & Eunice (Haskins), September 18, 1822, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
695 - Lovina T., d. Moses & Huldah (Raymond), September 9, 1814. [JAS]
697 - Lucy R., d. Hiram H. & Pamelia A. (Thurber) (2nd w.), July 8, 1846, at West Amh. [JAS]
695 - Lucy R., d. Moses & Huldah (Raymond), March 8, 1817. [JAS]
403, 696 - Lusanna Tucker, w. Orton Hubbard, d. Eliphalet & Martha (Paull) (1st w.), November, 15, 1814, at Shutesbury, bpt. as an adult September 1839 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
694 - Luther 2nd [aka LS Jr.], s. Luther & Rebecca (Tower) (1st w.), July 25, 1785, resident of Oakham 1827, he had received land and a barn at Amh. by an execution deed, lived in 1850. [JAS]
694 - Luther, s. Moses & Catherine (Jones), August 21, 1758, at Braintree, resident of Shutesbury. [JAS]
771 - Lutie A., ___ __, 1857. [GR3]
694, 696 - Lyscum, s. Luther & Rebecca (Tower) (1st w.), March 7, 1798, at Shutesbury, resident of Amh. by 1830, in 1835 he had buildings and a farm, farmer at Amh. 1840 and 1845, may have been a mechanic as well, farmer at North Amh. 1850. [JAS]
696 - Martha E., d. Eliphalet & Martha (Paull) (1st w.), February 13, 1822. [JAS]
770 - Mary A., ___ __, 1853. [GR3]
695 - Mary Elizabeth, d. Joseph & Sally (Cowls) (3rd w.), October 6, 1832, probably at Amh., lived in 1850. [JAS]
696 - Mary Haskins, d. Elisha & Eunice (Haskins), April 19, 1814, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
26 - Mary Ida, d. James W. & Mary I., July 22, 1860. [VR1]
712 - Mary Ida, d. James W. & Mary I., July 22, 1860. [VR3]
417 - Mary J., d. Ebenezer Paull & Caroline (Adams) (2nd w.), Sept. 30, 1851. [GR2]
696 - Mary Sophia, d. Eliphalet & Martha (Paull) (1st w.), October 25, 1819, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
646 - Mirick N., July 28, 1824. [GR3]
694 - Moses, s. Luther & Rebecca (Tower) (1st w.), February 17, 1782, not a resident of Amh. [JAS]
199 - Myrick Nathan, s. Eliphalet, July 29, 1842. [VR1]
695 - Nancy Maria, d. Joseph & Nancy (Walker) (2nd w.), August 25, 1825. [JAS]
696, 697 - Nathan Mirick [Dup.: Mirick Nathan], s. Eliphalet & Martha (Paull) (1st w.), July 28, 1824, at Shutesbury, mechanic in 1847, perhaps at Amh., he operated a stationery store at Amh. ca 1850 but lived outside Amh., perhaps at Enfield, lived in 1850. [JAS]
872 - Raymond W., s. Frank E. & Ellen M. (Hobart), ___ __, ____. [Union Mar. 6, 1939] [GR2]
694 - Rebecca, d. Luther & Rebecca (Tower) (1st w.), December 18, 1783. [JAS]
694 - Rhoda, d. Luther & Rebecca (Tower) (1st w.), September 22, 1780. [JAS]
862 - Rubin, s. George W. & Hattie (Dow), ___ __, 1887. [GR2]
695 - Sarah Cowles, d. Joseph & Sally (Cowls) (3rd w.), November 29, 1830, probably at Amh., lived in 1850. [JAS]
26 - Sarah E., d. James W. & Mary I., Jan. 8, 1851. [VR1]
712 - Sarah E., d. James W. & Mary I., Jan. 8, 1851. [VR3]
873 - John L., June 1, 1818, in Griswold, CT. [GR3]
698 - John Laurens, s. John L & Lucy (Fuller), June 1, 1818, at Griswold, CT, student at Amh. College, graduate of Amh. College August 1848, assistant principal at Amh. Academy 1848 - 49, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
698 - Ainsworth Rand, s. Luke Ainsworth & Grata Matilda (Rand), September 12, 1825, lived at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
698 - Ann Matilda, d. Luke Ainsworth & Grata Matilda (Rand), September 22, 1827, lived at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
698 - Elizabeth Jane, d. Luke Ainsworth & Grata Matilda (Rand), September 19, 1823, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
698 - Henry Martyn, s. Luke Ainsworth & Grata Matilda (Rand), September 8, 1821, at Gilmanton, NH, graduate of Amh. College 1840, tutor at 1842- 1844, received MA at Amh. College 1843, moved to Louisiana, lived in 1850. [JAS]
698 - Luke Ainsworth, s. Eleazer & Mary (Flint), graduate of Middlebury College, Congregational clergyman, his first pastorate was at Gilmanton, NH, he was there through 1821, then to Brentwood, NH, and Lancaster, NH, also Atkinson, NH, resident of Amh. 1837 through 1840, resident of Chilmark 1843, he moved to the West and founded several churches, lived in 1850. [JAS]
698 - Mary Susan, d. Luke Ainsworth & Grata Matilda (Rand), February 12, 1820, probably at Gilmanton, NH, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
698 - Richard Cecil, s. Luke Ainsworth & Grata Matilda (Rand), December 22, 1817, at Gilmanton, NH, graduate of Amh. College 1839, resident of Amh. 1840, studied theology at Medway 1839 through 1842, supply minister at Barry 1842- 43. [JAS]
520 - Catherine, d. Asa & Dolly, January 11, 1821, at Athol, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
699 - Elizabeth, ca 1839, in MA, lived at Amh. 1850 in the household of Asahel Moody. [JAS]
699 - Joseph G., s. David B. & Mary (Gleason), ca 1827, at Colrain, wagon maker at Amh. 1850, in May 1850 he bought a dwelling house at Amh., in August 1850 he resided in the household of Edwin Cook, unmarried. [JAS]
699 - Amariah, d. Nathan & Lucinda (Dana), February 23, 1800, may have lived at Palmer before 1840, she was a pauper at Amh. 1840 and was supported by the Town of Amh. October 1840, as her father could no longer care for her. [JAS]
699 - Clarinda, d. Nathan & Lucinda (Dana), J__ 28, 1798, she and her sister Louisa bought a shop for hats and clothes at Amh. December 1834, she was living at Amh. 1840, was a laborer at Amh. in 1842, lived in 1850, not in Amh. [JAS]
699 - Joseph, s. Nathan & Lucinda (Dana), ca 1805. [JAS]
699 - Josiah D., ca 1764, proprietor of the Baggs Tavern in East Amh. 1830, sold his interest in 1834. [JAS]
699 - Louisa, d. Nathan & Lucinda (Dana), May 24, 1809, shop owner with her sisters at Amh. 1834, laborer at Amh. 1842. [JAS]
69 - Louisa, May 24, 1809. [GR1]
699 - Lucinda, d. Nathan & Lucinda (Dana), December 29, 1795, at Hardwick. [JAS]
699 - Malinda, d. Nathan & Lucinda (Dana), February 16, 1807, unmarried in December 1834 which she too was in business with her sisters at Amh., laborer at Amh. 1842, lived in 1850, not at Amh. [JAS]
207 - Malinda, Feb. 16, 1807. [GR1]
420 - Mercy, w. David Ingram, before 1765. [JAS]
699 - Nathan, ca 1764, at Hardwick, resident of Hardwick when he enlisted in the Continental Army for six months, he was discharged December 1760 after 6 months and 3 days at New York, farm laborer at Amh. by 1820, he was a resident of Hardwick in 1795, resident of Amh. 1825, 1830 and 1840, applied for a pension before August 1832at Amh., pensioner at Amh. 1832and 1840. [JAS]
12 - Harriet N., d. Calvin, ca 1827, at New Haven, VT. [JAS]
369 - Mary A., Apr. 27, 1839. [GR3]
SQUIRE, see Squires
700 - Aaron, s. Ezekiel & Mary, bpt. January 29, 1769, at 1st Ch., lived at Amh. September 1765. [JAS]
13 - Aaron, s. Ezekiel, bpt. January 29, 1769, at 1st Ch. [CH]
700 - Azubah, d. Ezekiel & Mary, ___ __, ____, lived at Amh. September 1765. [JAS]
602 - Bathsheba, w. Levi Puffer, ___ __, ____, joined the 2nd Ch. July 4, 1819, and was excommunicated June 27, 1826, may have formerly lived at Leicester, resident of Amh. through October 1825, widow as of January 1826 when she moved to Belchertown. [JAS]
700 - Elizabeth 2nd, d. Ezekiel & Mary, ___ __, ____, lived at Amh. September 1765. [JAS]
700 - Ezekiel, s. Ezekiel & Mary, ___ __, ____, lived at Amh. September 1765. [JAS]
700 - Moses, s. Ezekiel & Mary, bpt. January 29, 1769, at 1st Ch., lived at Amh. September 1765. [JAS]
13 - Moses, s. Ezekiel, bpt. January 29, 1769, at 1st Ch. [CH]
700 - Raneeld, bpt. July 13, 1766, at 1st Ch., may be an infant. [JAS]
11 - Rano?eld, bpt. July 13, 1766, at 1st Ch. [CH]
151 - _____, d. Bersheba, of Belchertown, Dec. 20, 1822. [VR1]
208 - _____, s. Jairus W., Dec. 21, 1866, d. same day. [Amherst VR cards] [GR1]
151 - _____, s. Zebina, of Belchertown, Oct. 28, 1822. [VR1]
12 - Alice, d. Thomas & Alice (Knowlton), ca March 1795, at Belchertown. [JAS]
154 - _____, s. W[illia]m, of Hadley, Sept. 13, 1824. [VR1]
736 - Fred H., ___ __, 1873. [GR3]
736 - Marion W., d. Fred H. & Mable (White), ___ __, 1904. [GR3]
STANLEY, see Stanly
159 - ____, s. Augustus, of Amh., Feb. 4, 1827. [VR1]
701 - Ann Eliza, d. Rufus Martyn & Ann (Wedge), October 29, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
717 - Edward Augustus, s. Edward A. & Percey (Franklin) [dup. Percy (Franklin)], Nov. 25, 1799. [VR3]
17 - Edward Augustus, s. Edward A. & Percey (Franklin), Nov. 25, 1799. [VR1]
701 - Edward H., s. Edward Augustus & Harriet (Dodge), ca 1837, at Amh., school boy at Amh. 1850, soldier in the Civil War, in Co. C., 10th Mass Vol. Inf. [JAS]
66 - Ellen Caroline, d. Edward A., bpt. August 17, 1834, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
701 - Ellen Caroline, d. Edward Augustus & Harriet (Dodge), ca September 1833, at Amh., bpt. August 17, 1834, school girl at Amh. 1850, lived with parents. [JAS]
717 - Ezra Sargent, s. Edward A. & Percey (Franklin) [dup. Percy (Franklin)], bpt. Feb. 8, 1807 (CR, p. 11). [VR3]
17 - Ezra Sargent, s. Edward A. & Percey (Franklin), bpt. Feb. 8, 1807 (CR, p. 11). [VR1]
717 - Fanna Williams, d. Edward A. & Percey (Franklin) [dup. Percy (Franklin)], June 20, 1798. [VR3]
17 - Fanna Williams, d. Edward A. & Percey (Franklin), June 20, 1798. [VR1]
778 - Frances A. M., w. Elisha Parker Whitney, ___, __, 1818, in MA, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
1227 - Frances A., May 2, 1818. [GR3]
701 - Frances, d. Henry Franklin & Lucina (Pease) (1st w.), May 2, 1818, in MA. [JAS]
701 - Harriet N., d. Henry Franklin & Amanda (Perry) (2nd w.), ca 1821. [JAS]
717 - Henry Franklin, s. Edward A. & Percey (Franklin) [dup. Percy (Franklin)], Mar. 15, 1794. [VR3]
17 - Henry Franklin, s. Edward A. & Percey (Franklin), Mar. 15, 1794. [VR1]
65 - Mary Eliza Franklin, d. Edward A., bpt. September 19, 1830, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
701 - Mary Eliza Franklin, d. Edward Augustus & Harriet (Dodge), ca 1830, at Amh., bpt. September 19, 1830, at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
58 - Rufus Alan, s. Edward A., bpt. June 16, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
717 - Rufus Allen, s. Edward A. & Percey (Franklin) [dup. Percy (Franklin)], bpt. June 16, 1815 (2d CR). [VR3]
17 - Rufus Allen, s. Edward A. & Percey (Franklin), bpt. June 16, 1815 (2d CR). [VR1]
717 - Rufus Allin, s. Edward A. & Percey (Franklin) [dup. Percy (Franklin)], Mar. 6, 1803, bpt. Mar. 20. [VR3]
17 - Rufus Allin, s. Edward A. & Percey (Franklin), Mar. 6, 1803, bpt. Mar. 20. [VR1]
64 - Rufus Martyn, s. Edward A., bpt. May 20, 1827, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
701 - Rufus Martyn, s. Edward Augustus & Harriet (Dodge), February 24, 1827, at Amh., bpt. May 20, 1827, at 2nd Ch., iron moulder at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
717 - Samuel Gamwell, s. Edward A. & Percey (Franklin) [dup. Percy (Franklin)], June 12, 1796. [VR3]
17 - Samuel Gamwell, s. Edward A. & Percey (Franklin), June 12, 1796. [VR1]
STANLY, see Stanley
700 - Edward Augustus, s. Allyn & Elizabeth (Webb), ca 1773, at West Hartford, CT, bpt. August 21, 1773, resident of Amh. by 1793, in 1798 he rented a house in Amh. and owned another house and a farm, in 1800 he had a farm, a hatter at Amh., hatter at Amh. July 1816 when he sold his farm, moved to Wilmington, VT, in 1846 he moved to Waltham, lived in 1850. [JAS]
700, 701 - Edward Augustus, s. Edward Augustus & Persis (Franklin) (1st w.), November 25, 1799, at Amh., farmer at Amh., resident of Amh. 1825, he sold a lot at Amh. December 1834 and mortgaged 10 acres at Amh. 1843, in November 1849 he mortgaged his 50 acre farm, farmer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
701 - Ezra Sargent, s. Edward Augustus & Mary (2nd w.), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. February 8, 1807, at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
54 - Ezra Sergeant, s. Nathan [prob. Edward] A., bpt. February 8, 1807, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
700 - Fanna Williams [aka Fanny], d. Edward Augustus & Persis (Franklin) (1st w.), June 20, 1798, at Amh., lived in Amh. 1807. [JAS]
700,701, - Henry Franklin, s. Edward Augustus & Persis (Franklin) (1st w.), March 15, 1794, at Amh. resident of Amh. 1813 and March 1815 when he bought land at Hadley, resident of Granby by November 1816 when he sold his land at Hadley, blacksmith, moved back to Amh. by June 1819 and resided at Amh. 1820 gone from 1825 and again returned by May 1837, lived at Amh. March 1838, left Amh. again, by 1840 but is mentioned at Amh. March 1845, lived in 1850, probably at Granby/ [JAS]
53 - Percy, wife of Edward Augustus, bpt. November 2, 1800, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
53 - Rufus Allan, s. Edward A., bpt. March 20, 1803, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
701 - Rufus Allen, s. Edward Augustus & Persis (Franklin) (1st w.), ca 1816, at Amh., bpt. June 16, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
700 - Rufus Allen, s. Edward Augustus & Persis (Franklin) (1st w.), March 6, 1803, at Amh., bpt. March 20, 1803, lived at Amh. 1807. [JAS]
700 - Samuel Gamwell, s. Edward Augustus & Persis (Franklin) (1st w.), June 12, 1796, at Amh., lived in Amh. 1807. [JAS]
1614 - Helen Eloise, Dec. __, 1846. [GR3]
1532 - Martin T., ___ __, 1837. [GR3]
766 - Sarah, w. Henry Weeks, ca 1779, lived at Amh. March 1813, widow at Amh. 1830 and 1835. [JAS]
424 - Annie Kirby, d. William F. & Mary E., Nov. 6, 1868. [GR3]
702 - Dwight, s. Edward & Maria, ca 1844, in MA, schoolboy at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
701 - Edward, ca 1825, in MA, engineer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
419 - Eliza Chaplin, d. President W[illia]m A., May 20, 1833, in Cambridge. [GR3]
1671 - Elizabeth, ___ __, 1888. [GR4]
425 - Ethel Rebecca, d. William F. & Mary E., Oct. 11, 1865. [GR3]
702 - Jesse George Davis, s. Jesse & Lucinda (Davis), February 24, 1812, at Ashburnham, graduate of Amh. College 1836, taught at Hopkins Academy 1836 - 1838, student at Andover Theological Seminary1838 - 1839, received MA at Amh. College 1839, tutor at Amh. College 1839 - 1841, went to Andover Theological Seminary 1841. [JAS]
422 - William A., Rev., March 17, 1805, in Beford, MA. [GR3]
426 - William French, s. Rev. William A. Nov. 9, 1835. [GR3]
428 - William Kittredge, s. William F. & Mary Emmeline (Kittredge), May 18, 1860. [GR3]
28 - _____, d. G___, Feb. __, 1854. [VR2]
252 - Amelia, d. Elam & Ruth (Hitchcock), March 18, 1793. [JAS]
880 - Anna J., ___ __, 1867. [GR3]
702 - Charles Henry, s. Dana & Elizabeth Lewis (Heath), March 26, 1824. [JAS]
702 - Dana, s. Augustus & Martha (Bliss), April 11, 1798, at Wilbraham, resident of Wilbraham 1823, resident of Monson April 1829 when he bought land at Amh., resident of Monson May 1838 when he sold land at Amh., resident of Amh. by May 1831when he bought 11acres at Amh., by 1835 he had left Amh., lived in 1850. [JAS]
702 - Harriet, d. Dana & Elizabeth Lewis (Heath), August 29, 1826. [JAS]
129 - Joseph Seymour, Apr. 8, 1797, at Westfield. [VR3]
880 - Josiah J., ___ __, 1826[GR3]
702 - Julia Ann, d. Dana & Elizabeth Lewis (Heath), March 25, 1823, at Monson, lived in 1850. [JAS]
1561 - Justus M., Oct. 1, 1835. [GR3]
1561 - Marcus E., s. Justus M. & Laura A. (Leach), Nov. 10, 1882. [GR3]
1561 - Nina May, d. Justus M. & Laura A. (Leach), May 19, 1881. [GR3]
496 - Ann L., w. Richard Matthews, ca 1818, in Hull, England., lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
702 - _____, s. _____ & Ann, between 1821and 1825, living at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
702 - Elizabeth, d. _____ & Ann, between 1821and 1825, bpt, May 1840, at Amh. Bapt. Ch., lived at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
702 - Mary, ca 1825, in MA, lived at Amh. 1850 in the household of Erastus Cowls. [JAS]
738 - Orrin, adapted s. Stephen & Wealthy (Cowles), bpt. September 28, 1828, perhaps at 1st Ch. [JAS]
202 - Asa Olcott (Alcut), Aug. 23, 1819. [Gill VR-37] [VR1]
27 - Merriam Mara [Miriam Mary?], ch. Titus, bpt. August 4, 1799, at 1st Ch. [CH]
23 - Syntha, d. Titus, bpt. March 4, 1792, at 1st Ch. [CH]
146 - _____, d. Gideon Jr., of Amh., Jan. 18, 1821. [VR1]
152 - _____, s. Gideon, Jr., of Shutesbury, Aug. 30, 1823. [VR1]
156 - _____, s. Gideon, Jr., of Shutesbury, Aug. 26, 1825. [VR1]
161 - _____, d. Gideon, of Shutesbury, Oct. 15, 1827. [VR1]
171 - _____, s. Gideon, Jr., of Shutesbury, July 16, 1832. [VR1]
704 - Adeline Mehitable, d. Gideon & Clarissa (Henry), January 21, 1839. [JAS]
702 - Almira, d. Jacob & Rizpah (Bisbee), August 5, 1802, at Abington, bpt. October 24, 1813, at 2nd Ch., lived at Amh.1850 with her brother Jacob. [JAS]
200 - Almira, d. Jacob Isaac & Rizpah (Bisbee), Aug. 5, 1802at Abington. [ VR1]
200 - Almira, d. Jacob Isaac & Rizpah (Bisbee), Aug. 5, 1802, at Abington. [VR3]
57 - Almira, d. Jacob, bpt. October 26, 1813, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
704 - Amasa, s. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), August 31, 1801, at Amh., resident of Amh. 1825 with a farm, gone from 1830, had a large dairy farm at Stetson, Penobscot, ME 1835. [JAS]
210 - Baxter F., ___ __, 1828. [GR1]
70 - Baxter Franklin, bpt. July 1828, at South Ch. [CH]
200 - Baxter Franklin, s. Jacob & Mary (Franklin), Apr. 4, 1828. [ VR1]
703 - Baxter Franklin, s. Jacob & Mary (Franklin), April 4, 1828, at Amh., bpt. July 1828, at South Ch., tool maker at Amh. 1848, lived at Amh. 1850 with his parents. [JAS]
200 - Baxter Franklin, s. Jacob Isaac & Mary Franklin, Apr. 4, 1828. [VR3]
656 - Charles T., Dec. 2, 1818. [GR2]
704 - Charles Thayer, s. Gideon & Clarissa (Henry), December 2, 1818, at Shutesbury, farmer at Amh. 1850 with 91acres. [JAS]
206 - Charles, s. Gideon & Clarissa (Henry), bp. Dec. 2, 1818, at Shutesbury. [VR3]
206 - Charles, s. Gideon & Clarissa Henry, bp. Dec. 2, 1818, at Shutesbury. [VR1]
703 - Charlotte, d. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), November 14, 1784, at Belchertown. [JAS]
164 - Charlotte, w. Simeon Cowles, ___ __, 1784, at Belchertown. [JAS]
703 - Electa, d. Jacob & Rizpah (Bisbee), April 7, 1808, at Abington, bpt. October 24, 1813, at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
200 - Electa, d. Jacob Isaac & Rizpah (Bisbee), Apr. 7, 1808 at Abington. [ VR1]
200 - Electa, d. Jacob Isaac & Rizpah (Bisbee), Apr. 7, 1808, at Abington. [VR3]
57 - Electa, d. Jacob, bpt. October 26, 1813, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
81 - Electa, w. William Boltwood, ___ __, 1808, at Abington. [JAS]
206 - Gideon, bp. Jan. 18, 1762, at ?Abington. [VR3]
206 - Gideon, bp. Jan. 18, 1762, at? Abington. [VR1]
206 - Gideon, s. Gideon & [sic] Nancy Thayer (2nd w.), bp. May 22, 1791, at Belchertown. [VR1]
704 - Gideon, s. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), May 22, 1791, at Belchertown, resident of Amh. 1815, perhaps at Amh. 1820, resident of Shutesbury by 1823, Selectman and lumberman at Shutesbury, lived in 1850. [JAS]
206 - Gideon, s. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (2nd w.), bp. May 22, 1791, at Belchertown. [VR3]
703 - Gideon, s. John & Rachel (Paine), January 18, 1762, at Randolph; resident of Abington when he enlisted in the Continental Army June 6, 1781for three years ; Sgt. at Phillipsburgh on the North River; discharged December 24, 1783; farmer at Belchertown through April 1794; bought land at Amh. 1790 and had 140 acre farm at Amh. April 1794; came to Amh. 1794; Selectman 1799, 1800, 1802- 1804, also an assessor; Justice of the Peace 1812, farmer at Amh. through 1835. [JAS]
210 - Henry M., s. Jacob & Mary F., ___ __, 1838. [GR1]
200 - Henry Martin, d. Jacob Isaac & Mary Franklin, Jan. 5, 1838. [VR3]
71 - Henry Martin, infant s. Jacob, Jr., bpt. May 13, 1838, at South Ch. [CH]
200 - Henry Martin, s. Jacob & Mary (Franklin), Jan. 5, 1838. [ VR1]
703 - Henry Martin, s. Jacob & Mary (Franklin), January 5, 1838, at Amh., bpt. May 1838, at South Ch., school boy at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
200 - Jacob Isaac, May 21, 1775. [ VR1]
200 - Jacob Isaac, May 21, 1775. [VR3]
210 - Jacob, ___ __, 1800. [GR1]
702 - Jacob, s. Isaac & Hannah (Bicknell), May 21, 1775 at Abington, blacksmith at Abington, came to Amh. 1812, farmer at Amh. 1815 through 1840. [JAS]
702, 703 - Jacob, s. Jacob & Rizpah (Bisbee), February 12, 1800, at Abington, bpt. October 24, 1813, at 2nd Ch., came with his family to Amh. 1812, farmer in Amh. 1825 through 1850 [JAS]
200 - Jacob, s. Jacob Isaac & Rizpah (Bisbee), Feb. 18, 1800, at Abington. [ VR1]
200 - Jacob, s. Jacob Isaac & Rizpah (Bisbee), Feb. 18, 1800, at Abington. [VR3]
57 - Jacob, s. Jacob, bpt. October 26, 1813, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
704 - James, s. Gideon & Clarissa (Henry), August 30, 1823, at Shutesbury, lived in 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
704 - Jennette Eliza, d. Gideon & Clarissa (Henry), July 15, 1832, at Shutesbury, lived in 1850. [JAS]
829 - John H., Dec. 8, 1829. [GR2]
704 - John H., s. Gideon & Clarissa (Henry), December 8, 1829, lived 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
704 - John, s. Gideon & Clarissa (Henry), August 26, 1825, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
704 - John, s. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), July 17, 1809, at Amh., bpt. September 1816, at 2nd Ch., had a farm at Amh. 1835, lived in 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
58 - John, s. Gideon, bpt. September 22, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
704 - Luther Henry, s. Gideon & Clarissa (Henry), January 3, 1817. [JAS]
704 - Maria Ann, d. Gideon & Clarissa (Henry), October 15, 1827, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
704 - Mary Ann, d. Gideon & Clarissa (Henry), January 18, 1821, at Amh., resided in Amh. 1840. [JAS]
210 - Mary E. M., d. Jacob & Mary F., ___ __, 1836. [GR1]
210 - Mary J., d. Jacob & Mary F., ___ __, 1832. [GR1]
703 - Mary Jane [aka Mercy Jane], d. Jacob & Mary (Franklin), January 15, 1832, at Amh., bpt. July 1832, at South Ch. [JAS]
71 - Mary Jane, bpt. July 8, 1832, at South Ch. [CH]
200 - Mary Jane, d. Jacob & Mary (Franklin), Jan. 15, 1832. [ VR1]
200 - Mary Jane, d. Jacob Isaac & Mary Franklin, Jan. 15, 1832. [VR3]
656 - Mary N., d. Charles T. & Emily A. (Roberts), Aug. 29, 1841. [GR2]
705 - Mary N., d. Charles Thayer & Emily Ann (Roberts), August 29, 1841. [JAS]
656 - Mary N., May 20, 1844. [GR2]
206 - Mary Nancy, d. Charles & Emily Ann (Roberts), bp. May 20, 1844. [VR1]
206 - Mary Nancy, d. Charles & Emily Ann (Roberts), bp. May 20, 1844. [VR3]
705 - Mary Nancy, d. Charles Thayer & Emily Ann (Roberts), May 20, 1844, at Amh., lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
704 - Mary, d. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), August 2, 1846, at Belchertown. [JAS]
704 - Nancy, d. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), March 18, 1793, at Belchertown, died young. [JAS]
704 - Nancy, d. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), October 7, 1799, at Amh. [JAS]
703 - Percy, s. Jacob & Mary (Franklin), May 25, 1826, at Amh. [JAS]
200 - Percy, s. Jacob & Mary (Franklin), Oct. 15, 1824, at Amh. [ VR1]
703 - Percy, s. Jacob & Mary (Franklin), October 15, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
210 - Percy, s. Jacob & Mary F., ___ __, 1824. [GR1]
200 - Percy, s. Jacob Isaac & Mary Franklin, Oct. 15, 1824, at Amh. [VR3]
704 - Rachel, d. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), May 26, 1795, at Amh. [JAS]
722 - Rachel, d. John & Rachel (Paine), December 19, 1764, at Randolph. [JAS]
274 - Rebecca Canterbury, d. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), July 9, 1806, at Amh., bpt. September 1816 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
58 - Rebecca Canterbury, d. Gideon, bpt. September 22, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
703 - Rizpah, d. Jacob & Rizpah (Bisbee), August 5, 1809, at Abington, bpt. October 24, 1813, at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
200 - Rizpah, d. Jacob Isaac & Rizpah (Bisbee), Aug. 5, 1809, at Abington. [ VR1]
200 - Rizpah, d. Jacob Isaac & Rizpah (Bisbee), Aug. 5, 1809, at Abington. [VR3]
57 - Rizpah, d. Jacob, bpt. October 26, 1813, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
703 - Romaine, d. Baxter Franklin & Rachael Johnson (Pomeroy), March 6, 1850, at Amh., [JAS]
704 - Samuel, s. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), October 11, 1789, at Belchertown, lived 1800. at Amh. [JAS]
704, 756 - Sarah, d. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), July 22, 1797, at Amh. (She probably died with no surviving children brfore January 1829, as they are not mentioned in her father's will.) [JAS]
702 - Sophia, d. Jacob & Rizpah (Bisbee), November 28, 1798, at Abington. [JAS]
200 - Sophia, d. Jacob Isaac & Rizpah (Bisbee), Nov. 28, 1798, at Abington [VR3]
200 - Sophia, d. Jacob Isaac & Rizpah (Bisbee), Nov. 28, 1798, at Abington. [ VR1]
704 - William Barry, s. Gideon & Clarissa (Henry), June 3, 1834. [JAS]
704 - William Barry, s. Gideon & Nancy (Thayer) (1st w.), August 15, 1803, at Amh., bpt. September 1816, at 2nd Ch., prepared at Amh.Academy, lived at Amh. 1820, graduate of Amh. College 1828, taught school in Virginia for 15 years, lived in 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
58 - William Barry, s. Gideon, bpt. September 22, 1816, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
705 - _____, ch. Titus, ___ __, ____, lived at Amh. 1790. [JAS]
705 - _____, ch. Titus, ___ __, ____, lived at Amh. 1790. [JAS]
705 - Abial, s. Abial & Margaret (McHard), ca April 8, 1804, at Greenfield, resident of Amh. 1830, blacksmith at Amh. February 1837 when he bought a lot at Amh., resident of Gil by July 1835 when he sold the lot at Amh. [JAS]
202 - Amelia, d. Titus, ___ __, 1793. [VR1]
24 - Amelia, d. Titus, bpt. October 27, 1793, at 1st Ch. [CH]
705 - Amelia, d. Titus, bpt. October 27, 1793, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
115 - Betsey, d. Elihu & Rachel (Meigs), Dec. 31, 1770, at Madison?, CT. [JAS]
705 - Cynthia, d. Titus, bpt. March 4, 1792, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
705 - Fanny, ca 1810, in MA, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
202 - Fanny, d. Phineas & Mary (Wells), ___ __, 1801. [VR1]
705 - Fanny, d. Phineas & Priscilla (Meacham) (2nd w.), bpt. April 26, 1801, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
28 - Fanny, d. Phineas, bpt. April 26, 1801, at 1st Ch. [CH]
202 - Hannah, d. Phineas & Mary (Wells), ___ __, 1799. [VR1]
705 - Hannah, d. Phineas & Priscilla (Meacham) (2nd w.), bpt. March 17, 1799, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
27 - Hannah, d. Phineas, bpt. March 17, 1799, at 1st Ch. [CH]
511 - Hannah, d. Solomon & Elizabeth, August 18, 1810, at Townsend, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
25 - James Morton, s. Phin, bpt. May 1, 1797, at 1st Ch. [CH]
202 - James Morton, s. Phineas & Mary (Wells), ___ __, 1797. [VR1]
705 - James Morton, s. Phineas & Priscilla (Meacham) (2nd w.), ca January 28, 1797 at Amh., bpt. May 1, 1797, at 1st Ch.; farm laborer at Amh. 1825; from 1835 through 1850 his guardian was A.M. Chandler; farm laborer at Amh. 1850 and lived in the household of Enos Dickinson. [JAS]
1507 - Joan, ___ __, 1838. [GR3]
202 - Lucius, s. Phineas & Mary (Wells), ___ __, 1804. [VR1]
705 - Lucius, s. Phineas & Priscilla (Meacham) (2nd w.), April 17, (1803), at Amh., bpt. August 7, 1803, at 1st Ch., farm laborer at Amh., unmarried, from 1845 through 1850 his guardian was S. K. Eastman, in 1850 he was living at Amh. in the household of Chester Cowls. [JAS]
29 - Lucius, s. Phineas, bpt. August 7, 1803, at 1st Ch. [CH]
508 - Mary P., ___ __, 1808. [GR2]
11 - Mary Pitman, d. Robert P. & Mary (Woodridge), of Boston, ca September 30, 1808, at Marblehead. [JAS]
202 - Merriam, ch. Titus, ___ __, 1799 . [VR1]
705 - Miriam Mara, d. Titus, bpt. August 4, 1799, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
705 - Phineas, before 1755, belonged to a church at Wendell, resident of Amh. 1795 and 1800. [JAS]
3 - Polley, d. Phinehas & Elizabeth, Nov. 5, 1793. [VR1]
202 - Polly, d. Phineas & Mary (Wells), bpt. Nov. 17, 1793 at Amh. [VR1]
705 - Polly, d. Phineas & Mary Wells (1st w.), November 5, 1793, at Amh., bpt. November 17, 1793, probably at 1st Ch. [JAS]
24 - Polly, d. Phineas & Mary, bpt. November 17, 1793, at 1st Ch. [CH]
202 - Syntha, d. Titus, bp. ___ __, 1792, at Amh. [VR1]
202 - Thankful, d. Titus, ___ __, 1798. [VR1]
26 - Thankful, d. Titus, bpt. January 14, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
705 - Thankful, d. Titus, bpt. January 14, 1798, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
705 - William, assumed to be the WS who resided at Amh. 1815 and 1820, "Bill" was a pauper at Amh. 1850, lived on Town Poor Farm, unmarried. [JAS]
202 - William, s. Phineas & Mary (Wells), ___ __, ____. [VR1]
705 - William, s. Phineas & Priscilla (Meacham) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
706 - Abigail, d. James & Mindwell (Marsh), ca 1825. [JAS]
706 - Charles O., s. John & Charlotte, ca October 11, 1849. [JAS]
706 - Eliza, d. James & Mindwell (Marsh), January 26, 1819, at Montague. [JAS]
706 - James, s. James & Mary, ca July 21, 1785, at Montague, resident of Montague 1818, tanner at Amh. 1820, gone from 1825, back in Amh. by November 1837, farm laborer at Amh. 1840, not mentioned in Amh. in 1845, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
706 - John, s. James & Mindwell (Marsh), between 1821and 1825, lived at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
706 - Lucy W., d. Nathan & Waty (Webster), ca 1831at Montague. [JAS]
1158 - Orre A., Apr. 5, 1872. [GR3]
172 - _____, s. ____, of Amh., Feb. 4, 1833. [VR1]
172 - _____, s. _____, Feb. 4, 1833. [VR1]
706 - _____, s., Randolph R. & Ruby L., February 4, 1833, at Amh. [JAS]
212, 213 - Esther, d. C. E & B. P., ___ __, 1903. [GR1]
212, 213 - Howard James, ___ __, 1900. [GR1]
707 - Caleb, s. David & Patience (Bartlett) (1st w.), May 18, 1775, probably at Amh. [JAS]
706 - David, ___ __, 1749, at Hanover, resident of Amh. 1773 and 1776, no further mention at Amh. [JAS]
707 - David, s. David & Patience (Bartlett) (1st w.), August 28, 1776, at Hadley. [JAS]
707 - Lovisa, d. David & Patience (Bartlett) (1st w.), April 7, 1778. [JAS]
386 - Rosabella, d. Joseph & Sarah (Mitchell), January 14, 1812, at Bath, ME. [JAS]
1119 - Henrietta (Field), w. Walter V., ___ __, 1901. [GR3]
1119 - Walter V., ___ __, 1821. [GR3]
1119 - Walter V., h. Henrietta (Field), ___ __, 1890. [GR3]
707 - Amos W., bpt. as an adult at the Fort River in Mill Hollow, August 21, 1831, accepted by letter at the 1st Bapt. Ch. at Worcester July 1837, perhaps a resident of South Hadley. [JAS]
707 - David, ca 1794, probably resided at Erving 1826, came to Amh. ca 1827, had no estate. [JAS]
886 - Jeremiah, ___ __, 1835. [GR2]
707 - Lydia Levina [aka Lydia Louisa], d. Samuel Austin & Levina Achsa, July 31, 1848, at Amh., bpt. May 1849, at South Ch., lived 1850 at Amh. [JAS]
707 - Martha Mandane, d. Samuel Austin & Levina Achsa, September 2, 1849, at Amh., lived 1850 at Amh. [JAS]
70 - Samuel Austin, bpt. May 1827, at South Ch. [CH]
707 - Samuel Austin, s. David & Lydia E. (Nash), ca 1826, at Erving, bpt. May 1827, at South Ch., he joined South Ch. before May 1847 and was censored for laboring on the Sabbath in September 1850, blacksmith at Amh.1850. [JAS]
707 - Stillman, ca 1800, in MA, resident of Hadley May 1848 and owned land in Hadley, lived in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
133 - Mary A., June 18, 1854. [GR1]
708 - _____ (perhaps Mary Louraine, born July 25, 1824), d. Eliab & Eunice (Fay), between 1821and 1825, lived at Amh. 1830 and 1840. [JAS]
708 - Eliab, January 23, 1805, at Montague, bpt. as an adult at the Fort River in Mill Hollow, August 21, 1831, joined Amh. Babt. Ch. 1832, resident of Amh. 1830 and 1840, yeoman at Amh. September 1837 and October 1841, he and his wife were "excluded from the Amh. Babt. Ch. May 1843, no further mention at Amh. [JAS]
1475 - Mary E. C., ___ __, 1857. [GR3]
786 - Catharine, April 18, 1838. [GR3]
708 - _____, d. Eleazer William & Lucy (Colton), between 1825 and 1830, lived at Amh. 1830. [JAS]
708 - _____, s. Eleazer William & Lucy (Colton), between 1810 and 1815, lived at Amh. 1830. [JAS]
1628 - Charles L., 2d, s. John & Melancia B., Nov. 18, 1839. [GR3]
708 - Eleazer William, between 1790 and 1800, kept a general store at Amh. 1827ff, resident of Amh. 1830 with a store and a lot, later a resident of Springfield, lived in 1850. [JAS]
1629 - Eugene Winfred, s. E. F. & E. M., Nov. 22, 1910. [GR3]
1628 - John, Rev., Sept., 6, 1801. [GR3]
1628 - Maria, April 7, 1799. [GR3]
708 - Richard Salter, s. Eleazer William & Lucy (Colton), September 29, 1830, at Amh., bpt. December 26, 1830, at Amh., prepared at Williston Seminary, student at Amh. College 1850. [JAS]
200 - Richard Salter, s. W[illia]m. E. , bp. Dec. 26, 1830, at Amh. [VR1]
200 - Richard Salter, s. W[illia]m. E., bp. Dec. 26 1830. [VR3]
43 - Richard Salter, s. W[illiam]m. E., bpt. December 26, 1830, at 1st Ch. [CH]
1628 - Winfred C., 4th s. Charles L. & Hattie H. (Cowles), Oct. 3, 1877. [GR3]
171 - _____, s. Dick, of Amh., June 24, 1832. [VR1]
202 - _____, s. Asa Olcott (Alcut), & Maria A. (Cook), Feb. 3, 1855, at Amh. [VR1]
202 - _____, s. Asa Olcott [dup. Alcut] & Maria A. Cook, Feb. 3, 1855. [VR3]
708 - Amy, d. John & Eunice (Bissell), October 24, 1719, at Windsor, CT. [JAS]
708 - Asa O. [aka Asa Alcott], s. Asa & Anna (Stephens), resident of Gill when he bought an 80 acre farm at South Amh. August 1849, he occupied the farm April 1850, farmer at South, 1850. [JAS]
708 - Bridget M., ca 1822, in Ireland, lived in Amh. 1850 in household of David S. Cook. [JAS]
708 - Dorothy, d. John & Eunice (Bissell), March 18, 1714/15, at Windsor, CT. [JAS]
708 - Eunice, d. John & Eunice (Bissell), February 19, 1717, at Windsor, CT. [JAS]
480 - Lydia, d. Henry & Elizabeth (Sanderson), April 4, 1818, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
154 - _____, d. Ebenezer, of Pelham, July 13, 1824. [VR1]
709 - Austin Crocker, s. Dexter & Achsah (Smith), February 1, 1816, at Petersham, resident of Hartford, CT, next moved to Amh. where he had a general store ca 1843, by 1845 he had moved to Springfield, he was a wholesale dealer instraw goods, lived in 1850. [JAS]
709 - Austin Powers, s. Austin Crocker & Hannah Spencer (Powers), March 29, 1848, at Chelsea. [JAS]
708 - Charles H., ca 1828, in MA, mechanic at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
630 - Cylinda, d. Asahel & Persis, August 27, 1805, at Petersham. [JAS]
709 - Elizabeth Jane, d. Austin Crocker & Hannah Spencer (Powers), February 23, 1841, at Hartford, CT, lived in 1850. [JAS]
709 - Emily Sophia, d. Austin Crocker & Hannah Spencer (Powers), August 31, 1845, at Springfield. [JAS]
709 - George Edgar, s. Moses S. & Eliza Ann (Barton) (1st w.), November 23, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
146 - Julia C., ___ __, 1844. [GR1]
368 - Lucy, w. Calvin Hawley, between 1775 and 1784, bpt. as an adult July 1817 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
709 - Mary G. [aka Susan Mary], d. Austin Crocker & Hannah Spencer (Powers), August 23, 1843, at West Amh. [JAS]
14 - Mary G., d. Austen C. & Hannah, G, Aug. 23, 1843, [in pencil]. [VR2]
152 - Mary, 1st w. Charles Cooley, ca 1796. [JAS]
708 - Moses S., s. John & Polly (Sanderson), ___ __, 1820, at Montague or Wendell, joiner 1849, carpenter at Amh. January 1850, toolmaker at Amh. 1850, lived in Levi Nutting's household. [JAS]
620 - Sarah, w. George Risley Roberts, ca 1814, at Shutesbury, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
STRATTEN, See Stratton
961 - Chester, Dr., March 19, 1816. [GR3]
STRATTON, See Stratten
139 - _____, s. Gideon, of Shutesbury, Jan. 3, 1817. [VR1]
709 - Chester, s. Roswell & Rhoda (Wright), March 19, 1816 at Northfield, dentist at Amh. by 1845, through 1850. [JAS]
1162 - Edward J., s. Rufus W. & Jane E. (Clapp), Dec. 17, 1854. [GR3]
1163 - Lillian, inf. d. Rufus W. & Jane E. (Clapp), June 10, 1859. [GR3]
1161 - Rufus W., January 23, 1827. [GR3]
STRICKLAND, see Strickin
710 - Arthur Henry, s. William Green & Mary Ann (Lewis) (1st w.), June 15, 1847, at Amh., lived with father at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
36 - Catherine, d. Francis & Jerusha, bpt. May 14, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
710 - Catherine, d. Francis L. & Jerusha (Gaylord), December 19, 1814, probably at Amh. [JAS]
601 - Eugenia Cornelia, 1st w. Stephen Perry Puffer, September 6, 1829, at Toronto, Canada, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
710 - Ezra Jones, s. Francis L. & Jerusha (Gaylord), January 10, 1817, at Hadley, bpt. March 30, 1817, at 1st Ch., shoemaker, lived in 1850. [JAS]
37 - Ezra Jones, s. Francis, bpt. March 30, 1817, at 1st Ch. [CH]
710 - Frances Lewis, d. William Green & Mary Ann (Lewis) (1st w.), June 26, 1845, at Amh. [JAS]
709 - Francis L., grandson John, ___ __, 1779, at Montpelier, VT, resident of Amh. 1805, resident of Amh. through September 1815, in March 1813 he bought a half interest in his dwelling and his shop, all in which he lost in a Sheriff sale September 1815, resident of Hadley 1817 and April 1821. [JAS]
202 - Francis L., May 6, 1779. [VR1]
36 - Francis, s. Francis & Jerusha, bpt. May 14, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
709 - Francis, s. Francis L. & Jerusha (Gaylord), January 7, 1810. [JAS]
709 - George , s. Francis L. & Jerusha (Gaylord), March 29, 1812. [JAS]
36 - George, s. Francis & Jerusha, bpt. May 14, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
212 - Hannah, 1st w. Oliver Dickinson, ca 1757. [JAS]
709 - John Lee, s. Francis L. & Jerusha (Gaylord), February 20, 1808. [JAS]
36 - John, s. Francis & Jerusha, bpt. May 14, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
36 - Porter, s. Francis & Jerusha, bpt. May 14, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
709 - Porter, s. Francis L. & Jerusha (Gaylord), December 24, 1805, perhaps at Amh., resident of Amh. 1830. [JAS]
710 - Samuel Winthrop, s. Warren & Emily (Belding), July 29, 1816, at Gill, resident of Amh. April 1840, resident of Deerfield July 1840, back to Amh. by September 1840, resident of Amh. December 1840, was a farm laborer at Amh. in 1840. [JAS]
231 - Sybil, d. David, ca 1793, at Greenfield. [JAS]
710 - William Green, s. Francis L. & Jerusha (Gaylord), January 16, 1821, probably at Hadley, cabinetmaker at West Amh. by 1844, in 1850 dba "Strickland and Dickinson " with a building and a lot, lived in household of Joshua Ayres. [JAS]
STRICKLIN, see Strickland
40 - William Green, bpt. June 10, 1821, at 1st Ch. [CH]
20 - _____, d. Elija & Dorcas (col), [stillborn], G, Mar. 10, 1845. [VR2]
14 - _____, d. George & Dorcas (col.), C, Oct. 19, 1843. [VR2]
130 - _____, d. John, of Amh., Jan. 15, 1811. [VR1]
137 - _____, s. John, of Amh., June 2, 1815. [VR1]
139 - _____, s. John, of Amh., Oct. 16, 1816. [VR1]
713 - Adelia, d. John & Rebekah (Smith), ca 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
712 - Charles Lee, s. Simeon & Louisa Cobb (Emerson), August 19, 1808, at Amh., prepared at Amh. Academy, graduatedAmh. College 1826, MA at Amh. College 1829, taught school at Hadley, and in NY and NH, resident of Amh. 1835 and 1840. [JAS]
170 - Cornelia Bradley, w. Horace Bradford Cowles, April 3, 1821, at Wrapping, CT. [JAS]
713 - Elijah Dwight, s. Hezekiah Wright & Martha (Dwight), August 18, 1808, at Deerfield, prepared at Amh. Academy and graduatedAmh. College 1825, taught at Braintree 1825 - 1826 and Richmond, VA 1827. [JAS]
713 - Frances E. [aka Fanny], d. Hezekiah Wright & Martha (Dwight), September 16, 1802, at Deerfield. [JAS]
713 - Henry [aka Wright], s. Hezekiah Wright & Martha (Dwight), December 11, 1810, at Amh., his given name was "Wright Strong", and he had it changed by court action March 4, 1826 to "Henry Wright Strong", graduate of Amh. College 1825, moved to Troy, NY to study law, he was a State Sen. from Troy, NY. [JAS]
204 - Hezekiah Wright, h. Martha (Dwight], s. Judge Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (2nd w.), Oct. 7, )1848, at Troy, NY. [VR1]
711, 712 - Hezekiah Wright, s. Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (1st w.), January 1, 1769, at Amh., bpt. January 7, 1769, at 1st Ch., studied law in his father's office, was a lawyer for a time at Deerfield, then returned to Amh. , was a gentleman at Deerfield 1809, received an honorary MA from Yale College 1800, resident of Amh. 1810, Justice of the Peace by 1811, a founder of Amh. Academy andAmh. College, a partner of Leonard Dwight until 1812, store keeper at Amh. 1812- 1815, sold his business to Luke Sweetser in 1824, licensed inn holder at Amh.1824, postmaster of Amh. 1824 - 42, he had the first icehouse at Amh. and the first bathing house at Amh., went to Troy New York ca 1844 to live with his son Henry. [JAS]
13 - Hezekiah Wright, s. Simeon & Sarah, bpt. January 5, 1769, at 1st Ch. [CH]
712 - John Emerson, s. Simeon & Louisa Cobb (Emerson), ca 1801, at Conway, bpt. May 9, 1802, at Conway, farmer at Amh. 1825, gentleman at Amh. 1827, by 1830 he had gone "out West", lived at Granville, NY, May 1837, a gentleman, lived in 1840. [JAS]
94 - John T., June 2, 1815. [GR2]
37 - John Tillotson, s. Jo., bpt. August 11, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
713 - John Tillotson, s. John & Rebekah (Smith), June 2, 1815, bpt. August 11, 1816, at 1st Ch., farmer, insane 1840 through 1850, lived with his mother at home, unmarried. [JAS]
262 - John, Aug. 4, 1778. [GR3]
204 - John, h. Rebecca (Smith), s. Judge Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (2nd w.), July 5, 1849, at Amh. [Amherst Gen. II - 1334] [VR1]
711, 713 - John, s. Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (1st w.), August 4, 1778, at Amh., bpt. August 16, 1778, at 1st Ch., graduate of Williams College 1798, resident of Amh. 1800 and 1805, gentleman at Amh. 1809, farmer 1810 through 1849, Justice of the Peace, 1814. [JAS]
16 - John, s. Simeon & Sarah, bpt. August 16, 1778, at 1st Ch. [CH]
712 - Lemuel, s. Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (1st w.), August 6, 1783, at Amh., bpt. August 10, 1783, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
18 - Lemuel, s. Simeon & Sarah, bpt. August 10, 1783, at 1st Ch. [CH]
35 - Marsal Mason, s. H. W. & Martha, bpt. November 28, 1813, at 1st Ch. [CH]
713 - Marshal Mason, s. Hezekiah Wright & Martha (Dwight), September 3, 1813, at Amh., bpt. November 28, 1813, at 1st Ch., attendedAmh. College 1830 - 1832, spent a year at Union, lawyer at Racine, WI 1844, lived in 1850. [JAS]
713 - Martha Augusta, d. Hezekiah Wright & Martha (Dwight), ___ __, 1819, at Amh., bpt. February 21, 1819, at 1st Ch., resident of Rome, NY. 1844. [JAS]
38 - Martha Augusta, d. Wright, bpt. February 21, 1819, at 1st Ch. [CH]
713 - Mary, d. John & Rebekah (Smith), January 15, 1811, at Amh., lived with her mother at Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
100 - Mary, Jan. 15, 1811. [GR2]
101 - Milton, Oct. 15, 1816. [GR2]
37 - Milton, s. Jo. & Rebecca, bpt. July 13, 1817, at 1st Ch. [CH]
713 - Milton, s. John & Rebekah (Smith), October 15, 1816, at Amh., bpt. July 13, 1817, at 1st Ch., farmer at Amh.1850, admr. of his father's estate. [JAS]
710 - Nehemiah, s. Nehemiah & Hannah (French) (Edwards) (1st w.), February 24, 1730, at Northampton, graduate of Yale College 1755, became the pastor of a church at Granby, CT January 1761, Professor at Yale College 1769 and 1770, he later studied law, he lived for a time at New Milford, CT, he owned land at Amh. 1790 as a nonresident. at Amh. [JAS]
710 - Nehemiah, s. Samuel & Esther (Clapp), ___ __, 1694, at Northampton, farmer at Northampton when he bought a farm at East Amh. November 1742, he soon moved there, he sold the farm December 1758, resident of Amh. 1760 and 1770. at Amh. [JAS]
203 - Nehemiah, s. Samuel & Esther, ___ __, 1664. [VR1]
711 - Polly, d. Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (1st w.), ca December 177(4?), at Amh., bpt. June 11, 1775, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
15 - Polly, d. Simeon & Sarah, bpt. June 11, 1775, at 1st Ch. [CH]
661 - Rachel, d. Nathaniel, February 5, 1732, as a widow in 1780 and 1785 she had a farm at Amh., no further mention of her at Amh. [JAS]
124 - Rebekah, d. Nathaniel & Miriam (Sheldon), ca 1724. [JAS]
711 - Sally, d. Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (1st w.), October 20, 1766, at Amh., bpt. October 26, 1766, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
12 - Sally, d. Simeon & Sarah, bpt. October 16, 1766, at 1st Ch. [CH]
10 - Sally, d. Simeon & Sarah, Oct. 20, 1766. [VR1]
726 - Sally, d. Simeon & Sarah, Oct. 20, 1766. [VR3]
203 - Samuel2, s. John1, bpt. Aug. 5, 1652, b. Windsor, CT. [VR1]
713 - Sarah Sophia, d. Hezekiah Wright & Martha (Dwight), April 15, 1805, at Deerfield, teacher at Amh. Academy 1821- 1823. [JAS]
712 - Simeon Edward, s. Simeon & Louisa Cobb (Emerson), ca 1804, at Amh., bpt. November 1804, at 1st Ch., physician at Heath 1845, lived in 1850. [JAS]
266 - Simeon, Feb. 22, 1764. [GR3]
203 - Simeon, Judge, s. Nehemiah & Hannah, bpt. Mar. 6, 1736, b. N[orth]h[ampto]n. [Amherst Genealogy, II - 1316, 1333] [VR1]
204 - Simeon, s. Judge Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (2nd w.), bp. Feb. 22, 1764. [Amherst Gen. II - 1334] [VR1]
711, 712 - Simeon, s. Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (1st w.), February 22, 1764, at Amh., bpt. February 26, 1764, at 1st Ch., graduate of Yale College 1786, Justice of the Peace 1785, resident of Amh. 1790, lived in his father's house, was a lawyer at Conway by 1795, resided there 1802, by 1805 returned to Amh. and was a lawyer, Representative at the General Court 1809, 1812- 1814, gentleman at Amh. 1809, [JAS]
10 - Simeon, s. Simeon & Sarah, bpt. February 26, 1764, at 1st Ch. [CH]
10 - Simeon, s. Simeon & Sarah, Feb. 22, 1764. [VR1]
726 - Simeon, s. Simeon & Sarah, Feb. 22, 1764. [VR3]
30 - Simeon, s. Simeon, Jr. & Loiza, bpt. November 18, 1804, at 1st Ch. [CH]
711 - Simeons, s. Nehemiah & Hannah (French) (Edwards) (1st w.), March 6, 1736, at Northampton, graduate a Yale College 1756, Amh. Town Clerk 1763 - 1766, Town Treas. 1764 - 1774, Selectman 1762, 1769, and 1771, in 1766 he had a house lot and a farm, also income from trade or profession, Town Moderator 1763 and 1770, read law with Col. Worthington of Springfield, Justice of the Peace 1768 through ca 1774, when he gave up his commission, Representative to the General Court 1767 and 1769, Esq. 1773ff, he lost his local offices due to his Tories sympathies, in August 1777 he was confined within John Field's house and his weapons were confiscated, he was later released, in January 1776 he had a blanket confiscated for use by the soldiers, he held a professional income through 1795, in 1790 and 91he was a Representative to the General Court, in 1790 and 1800 he had a free black servant in household, State Sen. 1792and 1793, received a LL.D. degree from Harvard College 1805, was appointed Justice of the Mass. Supreme Court in 1800, and was such at his death. [JAS]
204 - Solomon, Hon, s. Judge Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (2nd w.),, Sept. 16, 1850, at Leomister. [VR1]
711 - Solomon, s. Simeon & Sarah (Wright) (1st w.), March 2, 1780, at Amh., bpt. March 6, 1780, at 1st Ch., graduate of Williams College 1798, lawyer at Royalston, Athol, Westminster (1809) and Leominster, Member of Congress 1815 - 1819, Judge of the Circuit Court of Common Pleas 1818, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas July 1821through September 1842. [JAS]
16 - Solomon, s. Simeon & Sarah, bpt. March 6, 1780, at 1st Ch. [CH]
712 - William Frederic, s. Simeon & Louisa Cobb (Emerson), ca 1799, probably at Conway, bpt. May 9, 1802, at Conway. [JAS]
714 - Hercules, s. James & Anne, before April 1772. [JAS]
714 - James, ca 1822in Ireland, day laborer at Amh. 1850, lived in household of Orren Johnson. [JAS]
205 - James, s. Jeremiah & Bridget, , bp. July __, 1830. [VR3]
205 - James, s. Jeremiah & Bridget, bp. July, 1830, at Ireland. [VR1]
205 - Johanna, d. James & Bridget (McCarty), bp. June 12, 1853, at Amh. [VR1]
205 - Johanna, d. James & Bridget (McCarty), bp. June 12, 1853. [VR3]
205 - Katy, d. James & Bridget (McCarty), Nov. 30, 1854, at Amh. [VR1]
205 - Katy, d. James & Bridget (McCarty), Nov. 30, 1854. [VR3]
103 - Mary Ann, d. Timothy & Hanora, ca 1828, in Ireland. [JAS]
47 - Anna Stuart, d. Joseph A., bpt. August 1, 1841, at 1st Ch. [CH]
205 - Artenatus, s. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), Feb. 1, 1809. [VR3]
205 - Artenatus, s. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), Feb. 1, 1809. [VR1]
205 - Caroline, d. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), Jan. 24, 1814, bp. 1814. [VR3]
205 - Caroline, d. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), Jan. 24, 1814, bp. ___, __, 1814. [VR1]
714 - Charles, s. Luke & Abby T. (Munsell), ca 1842, probably at Amh., school boy at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
205 - John Howard, s. Luke & Abby T. (Munsel), bp. Mar. 2, 1835, at Amh. [VR3]
205 - John Howard, s. Luke & Abby T. (Munsel), bp. Mar. 2, 1835, at Amh. [VR1]
714 - John Howard, s. Luke & Abby T. (Munsell), March 2, 1835, at Amh., student at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
44 - John Howard, s. Luke & wife, bpt. August 2, 1835, at 1st Ch. [CH]
714 - Joseph [aka Aretenatus Sweetser], s. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), brother of Luke, changed his name from " Artenatus" to "Joseph Aretenatus" by court action at Amh. March 1830, resident of Athol until 1830, when he was living with his brother Luke at Amh., did business with Luke until ca 1834, was said to have been a cashier at Amh. Bank 1841, he was not living in, 1835 nor 1840, later went to New York, NY. [JAS]
672 - Luke, Oct. 28, 1800, in Athol. [GR3]
714 - Luke, s. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), brother of Joseph, October 28, 1800, at Athol; student at Amh. Academy in the winter of 1820/21; employed by Hezekiah Wright Strong in the store 1821- 24; Luke bought the store in 1824; he continued the store through March 1830; in 1830 he had the store and a lot with his brother Joseph; he later did business with George Cutler; Selectman 1833; dba "Sweeter & Cutler"; trader at Amh. 1837; merchant at Amh. 1840, he was an active promoter of the Amherst and Belchertown Railroad; Justice of the Peace 1845; Representative to General Court 1847 - 1849; merchant at Amh.1850. [JAS]
205 - Luke, s. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), bp. ___ __, 1800 [dup. Oct. 28, 1800, b. Athol 1800]. [VR-88] [Athol VR-495] [VR3]
205 - Luke, s. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), Oct. 28, 1800, bp. Oct. 28, 1800. [Athol VR-88] [VR1]
205 - Maria, d. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), Aug. 3, 1806. [VR3]
205 - Maria, d. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), Aug. 3, 1806. [VR1]
47 - Mary Newman, d. Joseph A., bpt. August 1, 1841, at 1st Ch. [CH]
205 - Miranda, d. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), Aug. 2, 1804. [VR3]
205 - Miranda, d. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), Aug. 2, 1804. [VR1]
205 - Nabby, d. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), Sept. 14, 1795. [VR3]
205 - Nabby, d. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), Sept. 14, 1795. [VR1]
205 - Polly, d. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), Feb. 24, 179_; bp. 1795. [VR3]
205 - Polly, d. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), Feb. 24, 179_; bp. ___ __, 1795. [VR1]
205 - Samuel, s. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), Oct. 18, 1798. [VR3]
205 - Samuel, s. Samuel & Hannah (Moore), Oct. 18, 1798. [VR1]
715 - Isaac, between 1800 and 1810, lived alone at Amh.
715 - Isaac, between 1800 and 1810, lived alone at Amh. 1830. [JAS]
135 - _____, d. Ebnezer, of Pelham, Sept. 11, 1814. [VR1
148 - _____, s. Ebenezer, of Pelham, May 3, 1821. [VR1]
132 - Maria, d. Ebnezer & Polly, of Pelham, July 23, 1812. [VR1]