Vital Records Of Amherst,
Hampshire County, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
(Some Records to the Early 20th Century)
Published by The New England Historic and Genealogical Society in the Corbin Collection,
and by The Search & Research Publishing Corporation
Births - SABIN to SMITH, Experience
[Transcribed by Carlton O. Hommel]

638 - _____, d. Alvah T. & Marietta (Keith), July 13, 1846, at East Amh. [JAS]
638 - Alvah T., s. Chandler & Ruby (Thayer), June 2, 1824, at Belchertown, resident of Amh. 1844, blacksnith at Amh. 1845, resident of Granby October 1845 when he sold his blacksmith shop in Granby and returned to East Amh. by July 1846, again left Amh. before 1850. [JAS]
637, 638 - Barnabas Wait, s. William & Fanny (Gardner), June 30, 1808, at Pittsford,VT, resident of Amh. 1830, bought a farm at Amh. April 1832, farmer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
636 - Barnabas, s. of William & Susanna, July 13, 1845, at Pomfret, CT, farmer and blacksmith at Amh. by 1733, resident of West Amh. 1794. [JAS]
637 - Betsy [aka Elizabeth], d. Barnabas & Sarah (Scott) (2nd w.), ca 1789, at Amh., bpt. March 1, 1789, at 1st Ch., went to Hatfield after 1797. [JAS]
638 - Chandler William, s. Chandler & Ruby (Thayer), September 13, 1814, at Charlemont, moved to Michigan. [JAS]
637 - Chandler, s. Barnabas & Sarah (Scott) (2nd w.), February 18, 1791, at Amh., bpt. March 27, 1791, at 1st Ch., went to Hatfield after 1797, resident of Greenfield 1811, returned to Amh. ca 1828, blacksmith at Amh. 1830 through 1850. [JAS]
22 - Chandler, s. Barnabas & Sarah, bpt. March 20, 1791, at 1st Ch. [CH]
637 - David G., s. William & Fanny (Gardner), April 13, 1810, at Pittsford,VT. [JAS]
637 - Electa, d. Barnabas & Sarah (Scott) (2nd w.), ca 1793, at Amh., bpt. June 9, 1993, at 1st Ch., went to Hatfield after 1797. [JAS]
23 - Electa, d. Barnabas & Sarah, bpt. June 9, 1793, at 1st Ch. [CH]
637 - Elisha, s. Barnabas & Elizabeth (Ingram) (1st w.), before 1777, probably at Amh., owned land at Amh. 1798 (no house), blacksmith at Amh., with a farm 1800, (non-resident), probably went to Hatfield after 1797, resident of Dummerston, VT March 1803. [JAS]
637 - Eliza W., d. Chandler & Ruby (Thayer), September 4, 1812, at Charlemont. [JAS]
21 - Elizabeth, d. Barnabas & Sarah, bpt. March 1, 1789, at 1st Ch. [CH]
637 - Emily, d. William & Fanny (Gardner), October 2, 1820, at Mendon, VT, lived with her brother Barnabas at Amh. 1840, lived at Belchertown 1850. [JAS]
783 - Ephraim T., Jan. 23, 1829. [GR3]
638 - Ephraim T., s. Chandler & Ruby (Thayer), January 23, 1829, at Amh., palm leaf splitter in a hat facrory in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
637 - John, s. Barnabas & Sarah (Scott) (2nd w.), ca 1783, at Amh., bpt. July 27, 1783, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
637 - John, s. Barnabas & Sarah (Scott) (2nd w.),___ __, 1787, at Amh., bpt. March 11, 1787, at 1st Ch., lived in 1798, probably went to Hatfield after 1797. [JAS]
18 - John, s. Barnabas & Sarah, bpt. July 27, 1783, at 1st Ch. [CH]
20 - John, s. Barnabas & Sarah, bpt. March 11, 1787, at 1st Ch. [CH]
637 - John, s. William & Fanny (Gardner), August 23. 1818, at Mendon, VT. [JAS]
638 - Lovina P., d. Barnabas Wait & Sabra Ann (Prior), March 2, 1847, at South Amh., lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
637 - Lovina, d. William & Fanny (Gardner), May 21, 1812, at Mendon, VT. [JAS]
638 - Porter, s. Chandler & Ruby (Thayer), November 25, 1816, at Hardwick. [JAS]
638 - Sarah S., d. Chandler & Ruby (Thayer), September 5, 1819, at Belchertown. [JAS]
637 - Sarah, d. Barnabas & Sarah (Scott) (2nd w.), ca 1781, at Amh., bpt. shortly before August 25, 1782, at 1st Ch., probably went to Hatfield after 1797, resident of Hatfield August 1802, nmarried. [JAS]
17 - Sarah, d. Barnabas & Sarah, bpt. June 2, 1782, at 1st Ch., by Rev. Mr. Hopkins. [CH]
638 - Sheriden Porter, s. Chandler & Ruby (Thayer), May 11, 1826, at Belchertown, bpt. as an adult November 1842, at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
18 - W[illia]m Augustus, s. Barnabas & __[?]__, G, Nov. 3, 1844. [VR2]
637 - Willard, s. William & Fanny (Gardner), July 26, 1823, at Mendon, VT. [JAS]
638 - William Augustus, s. Barnabas Wait & Sabra Ann (Prior), November 3, 1844, at South Amh., lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
637 - William, s. Barnabas & Sarah (Scott) (2nd w.), December 6, 1784, at Amh., bpt. January 30, 1785, at 1st Ch., went to Hatfield after 1797, carpenter at Buckland February 1806. [JAS]
19 - William, s. Barnabas & Sarah, bpt. January 30, 1785, at 1st Ch. [CH]
637 - William, s. William & Fanny (Gardner), October 18, 1815, at Mendon, VT. [JAS]
1 - Candace, d. Erastus, of Pittsfield, Aug. 5, 1774. [Abbott Genealogy I-358] [GenRec]
1 - Candace, d. Erastus, of Pittsfield, August 5, 1774. [JAS]
638 - Jacob, s. of Jacob, ___ __, ____, of New Salrm, agent for his father at Amh. June 1794, trader at Amh. 1795, with a farm, also an innholder at Amh. 1795, owned land on the Mill River which he sold to Daniel Rowe June 1794, sold the Kimball farm at North Amh. to Daniel Rowe and Friend Smith in September 1796, a paper mill and a potash store were mentioned. [JAS]
1483 - Charles H., ___ __, 1845. [GR3]
188, 189 - Dorothy, adopted d. Mary E., ___ __, 1905. [GR1]
639 - E____, ca 1819, resident of VT 1839. [JAS]
639 - Emogene, d. John & Eunice Ann (Hart), November 2, 1848, at Amh., lived in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
623 - Harriet W., w. Zebediah Williams Robins, ca 1810, in MA, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
189 - J. Eugene, ___ __, 1824. [GR1]
639 - James K., s. John & Eunice Ann (Hart), ca 1844, at Amh., school boy at Amh. 1850, Soldier in the Civil War, Co. F. 37th Mass Vol. Inf./ [JAS]
638 - John, ca 1815, at Shutesbury, resident of Hadley 1845, came to Amh. by May 1843, when he bought a lot and house, which he sold March 1845, peddler for tools owned by J.E. Sanderson's Mills of South Worthington in December 1848, a resident of Amh., toolmaker at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
639 - Josephine, d. John & Eunice Ann (Hart), ca 1842, in MA, perhaps in Hadley, school girl at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
327A - Lucretia, d. Moses & Sophia (Jackson),___ __, 1797, at Petersham. [JAS]
379 - Mary Miranda, d. David & Miranda (Fox), ca November 6, 1810, at Bernardston. [JAS]
189 - Mary, ___ __, 1867. [GR1]
1483 - Ralph M., s. Charles H. & Mary A. (Morse), ___ __, 1886. [GR3]
327 - Sally Amh., d. Nathaniel, July 29, 1817. [JAS]
168 - Sarah E., d. Daniel & Miriam (Fox), July 24, 1815, in MA. [JAS]
49, 189 - Walter E., ___ __, 1869. [GR1]
639 - _____, d. John & Sophia (Lord), ca 1828, perhaps at Dennis, lived at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
639 - Baalis, s. John & Sophia (Lord), April 20, 1825, at Dennis, was living at Amh. 1840 and prepared for college at Amh. Academy, gradutedAmh. College1845, studied law with Charles Delano at Amh. 1846 and with others through 1850, MA at Amh. College 1848, student at Amh. College 1850, lived at home with his parents 1850. [JAS]
101 - Elizabeth, w. Richard Carpenter, ca 1750. [JAS]
639 - John Elliot, s. John & Sophia (Lord), November 22, 1830, at Dennis, prepared for college at Amh. Academy and Williston Seminary, student at Amh. College 1850, lived at home with his parents. [JAS]
639 - John, ca 1789, in MA, clergeman at Amh. 1839, was active at South Church 1840 - 1849, but was not the pastor, member of the Hampshire of 1841(Congregationhal ministers), Clergeman at Amh. in 1850. [JAS]
190 - Mason L., Apr. 18, 1886. [GR1]
174 - Martha, d. Abraham, ca 1784 (or 1788), at New Hampshire. [JAS]
165 - Ruth, w. Aaron Cowles, September 27, 1789, at New Salem. [JAS]
165 - _____, d. John Jr., of Amh., June 23, 1829. [VR1]
639 - _____, d. John, s. of John (resident of Amh. 1829), June 23, 1829, at Amh. [JAS]
639 - Andrew T., s. Daniel & Elizabeth, ca 1840, in MA, school boy at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
639 - Daniel Walter, s. Daniel & Elizabeth, ca 1846, in MA, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
639 - Daniel, ca 1816, in MA, house painter at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
639 - Farnum E., s. Daniel & Elizabeth, ca 1844, in MA, school boy at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
639 - Mary R., d. Daniel & Elizabeth, ca 1848, in MA, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
639 - Selina Amh., d. Daniel & Elizabeth, ca 1842, in MA, school girl at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
257 - Esther, d. Josiah & Hannah, ca 1798, at Townsend. [JAS]
191 - Charlie A., s. T. P. & E. M., Dec. 23, 1864, in Cambridgeport. [GR1]
583 - Hannah, w. Paul Pettengill (1st h.), w. _____ Brown (2nd h.), ca January 10, 1769, lived in 1850. [JAS]
640 - Jane, ca 1829, in Scotland, lived in Amh. 1850 in the household of Rev. W. C. Fowler. [JAS]
641 - Aaron, s. Israel & Hannah (Cowles) (2nd w), February 14, 1806, at Whately, d. young. [JAS]
55 - Aaron, s. Israel, bpt. April 10, 1808, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
641 - Aaron, s. Rufus & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), October 28, 1835, supposedely at North Hadley, bpt. November 1836, at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
67 - Aaron, s. Rufus, bpt. November 8, 1836, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
641 - Alice, d. Israel & Alice Sampson (1st w.), November 23, 1795, at Amh., lived at Amh. 1800. [JAS]
55 - Alice, d. Israel, bpt. April 10, 1808, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
55 - Clarissa, d. Israel, bpt. April 10, 1808, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
191, 641 - Clarissa, w. Sprowell Dean, d. Israel & Hannah (Cowles) (2nd w), October 20,1797, at Amh., lived at Amh. 1820. [JAS]
641 - Emily Abigail, d. Rufus & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), March 21, 1833, supposedely at North Hadley, bpt. August 1834, at 2nd Ch., lived in 1850. [JAS]
66 - Emily Abigail, d. Rufus, bpt. August 3, 1834, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
640 - Ephraim, ca 1801, in CT, Pastor of Methodist Episcopal Church at South Amh. 1849 through 1850. [JAS]
640 - Frances, d. Ephraim & Harriet, ca 1834, in MA, school girl at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
640 - George W., s. George Washington & Permelia,.ca 1842, in MA, school boy at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
640 - George Washington [aka Washington Scott], ca 1808, in New Hampshire, stone layer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
640 - George, s. Ephraim & Harriet, ca 1831, in MA, lived with his parents at Amh. 1850, inmarried, no occupation. [JAS]
641 - Hannah Cowls, d. Rufus & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), May 27, 1827, supposedely at North Hadley, bpt. November1827, at 2nd Ch., lived in 1850. [JAS]
64 - Hannah Cowls, d. Rufus, bpt. November 6, 1827, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
641 - Hannah, d. Israel & Hannah (Cowles) (2nd w), August 24, 1803, at Amh. [JAS]
55 - Hannah, d. Israel, bpt. April 10, 1808, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
641 - Irene, d. Israel & Hannah (Cowles) (2nd w), February 15, 1812, at Whately, lived at Amh. 1820. [JAS]
641 - Irene, d. Israel & Hannah (Cowles) (2nd w), September 10, 1808, at Whately, d. young. [JAS]
640 - Israel, s. of Joseph & Margaret (Belden), ___ __, 1771, at Whately, blacksmith at Amh. 1795, with a small farm, may have resided in Amh. 1798, had a blacksmith shop in North Amh. 1801, when he bought a large farm, resident of Amh. from 1795 through 1805, from 1810 through 1815 he resided away from Amh., perhaps at Whately or North Hadley, returned to Amh. by 1820, and dba "Israel Scott & Co." with 40 acres. a grist mill, a saw mill and a cotton factoey, moved to North Hadley after 1820, was in business with his son Rufus by 1842. [JAS]
641 - Israel, s. Rufus & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), April 9, 1831, supposedely at North Hadley, bpt. September 1832, at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
66 - Israel, s. Rufus, bpt. September 16, 1832, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
640 - John, s. of William & Sarah (Foot), of Palmer, March 10, 1709/10, weaver at Palmer, also a farmer, owned a black man, also owned land at Hadley and Brimfield, probably unmarried. [JAS]
68 - Margaret, d. Joseph & Margaret (Belding), August 29, 1760. [JAS]
641 - Martha Cornelia, d. Rufus & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), January 20, 1826, supposedely at North Hadley, bpt. May 1826, at 2nd Ch., lived in 1850. [JAS]
63 - Martha Cornelia, d. Rufus, bpt. May 13, 1826, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
641 - Mary Helen, d. Rufus & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), between 1837 and 1841, supposedely at North Hadley, lived in 1850. [JAS]
883 - Minnie, ___ __, 1879. [GR2]
641 - Rufus Porter, s. Rufus & Martha (Dickinson) (1st w.), May 1, 1829, supposedely at North Hadley, bpt. May 1830, at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
65 - Rufus Porter, s. Rufus, bpt. May 9, 1830, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
641 - Rufus, s. Israel & Hannah (Cowles) (2nd w), February 9, 1800, at Amh., joined 2nd Ch. January 1821, and was excommunicated in 1841, in business with his father dba "Israel Scott & Co.", resident of Amh. 1825, probably left Amh. by 1830, perhaps to North Hadley, was living in North Hadley April 1842and 1850. [JAS]
55 - Rufus, s. Israel, bpt. April 10, 1808, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
637 - Sarah, 2nd w. Barnabas Sabin, ca 1755, probably at Hatfield, wid. at Amh. 1795 with a farm. [JAS]
893 - Walter, ___ __, 1864. [GR2]
640 - William, ca 1771, in Ireland, appliied to the Town of Amh. for aid February 9, 1846; as a validated State Pauper (his wife as well), they were taken to the State Alms House at Monson April 15, 1846; he was living October 1845. [JAS]
478 - Tempe, d. Joseph & Rebecca (Chapman), ca January 21, 1793, at Orleans, came to Amh. with her children as a widow before June 1839, when she bought a two acre lot, widow at Amh. 1850 with her buildings, lot, and about 11 students as boarders. [JAS]
641 - Horatio, s. Samuel & Betsey (Murdock), April 2, 1807, at Uxbridge, resident of Uxbridge 1834, and of Pelham October 1843, farmer at Amh. by 1844, through 1850. [JAS]
641 - Matilda M., d. Horatio & Bethia (Ward) (1st w.), August 21, 1844, at East Amh., lived in 1850. [JAS]
18 - Matilda M., d. Horatio & Bethiah, G, Aug. 29 1844. [VR2]
641 - Matilda, d. Horatio & Bethia (Ward) (1st w.), August 26, 1835, at Uxbridge. [JAS]
641 - Matilda, d. Horatio & Bethia (Ward) (1st w.), May 23, 1835, at Uxbridge. [JAS]
641 - Elisha, before 1755, farmer at Pelham March 1799, when he sold land there, resident of Amh. 1800. [JAS]
784 - Martha, 3rd w. John Williams, ca 1750, she had property in 1807, lived at Amh. 1825. [JAS]
667 - Annie, d. G. O. & S. F., March 30, 1866. [GR3]
643 - Arthur, s. Sardis & Mariette (Jenks) (2nd w.), September 21, 1845, at North Amh., school boy at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
642 - Barnabas, s. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), September __, 1790, at Greenwich, resident of Pelham 1820, with interest in land at Greenwich. [JAS]
642 - Barnabas, s. Silas & Deborah (Buck), March 21, 1763, at Hardwick, drafted July 1779 for 9 months into Cont. Army, resident of Greenwich 1780 through 1809, resident of Pelham 1822, of Amh. by 1835, farmer at Amh. 1840, pensioner at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1850, also owned land at Shutesbury. [JAS]
642, 643 - Charles Oliver, s. Barnabas & Mary (Gray), January 29, 1819, at Hadley, carriage maker at Amh. 1844, went to New Salem 1845, returned to Amh. by 1850, painter at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
643 - Edward Bradford, s. Charles Oliver & Sophia Foster (Ingram) (1st w.), October 6, 1845, at New Salem, school boy at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
642 - Eli, s. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), June __, 1798, at Greenwich, resident of Amh. 1835 and 1840. [JAS]
12 - Emily Eliza [in pencil], d. Nathan & Julia Ann, Feb. 14, 1843. [in pencil]. [VR2]
643 - Emily Eliza, d. Nathan & Julia Ann (Field), February 14, 1843, at North Amh., bpt. September 1843, at North Ch., school girl at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
643 - Erastus F., s. Nathan & Julia A., May 18, 1845. [GR2]
643 - Erastus Field, s. Nathan & Julia Ann (Field), May 19, 1845, at Amh., bpt. September 1845, at North Ch., school boy at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
643 - Frank, s. Sardis & Mariette (Jenks) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____, moved to New Hampshire. [JAS]
668 - Fred F., July 14, 1860. [GR3]
643 - Henry, s. Sardis & Mariette (Jenks) (2nd w.), September 4, 1841, at Prescott, school boy at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
643 - Idella, d. Sardis, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
643 - Nathan, May 31, 1807. [GR2]
642 - Nathan, s. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), May 31, 1807, at Greenwich, bpt. as an adult July 1842, at North Ch., resident of Amh. 1840, farmer at Amh. 1845, left Amh. ca 1846, but returned before 1850, farmer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
642 - Rhoda, d. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), February 29, 1794, at Greenwich, lived with her brother Sasrdis at Amh. in 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
643 - Rosanna Dixon, s. Sardis & Electra (Sloan) (1st w.), July 4, 1840, at Greenwich, lived with her father at Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
642 - Ruth, d. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), September 22, 1791, at Greenwich. [JAS]
642, 648 - Sardis, s. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), September 5, 1809, at Greenwich, farmer at Amh. 1835, lived elsewhere until 1845, by which he was a farmer at Amh., was living at Amh. 1850 as a laborer. [JAS]
642 - Simon, s. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), June 13, 1803, at Greenwich, not mentioned in his father's will 1842, resident of Amh. 1845, moved to Batavia, NY. [JAS]
643 - Sophronia, d. Sardis & Mariette (Jenks) (2nd w.), January 6, 1848, at Amh., lived in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
642 - Thankful, d. Barnabas & Thankful (Blackmer), September 23, 1796, at Greenwich, lived with her brother Sasrdis at Amh. in 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
671 - William G., ___ __, 1874. [GR3]
358 - Sarah M., May 27, 1820. [GR3]
13 - _____, bpt. July 22, 1770, at 1st Ch. [CH]
644 - _____, d._____, February 4, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
644 - _____, perhaps ch. Gideon & Jane, bpt. July 22, 1770, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
643 - Andrew, s. Thomas & Jane (Farrand), ___ __, ____, lived in Amh. September 1764. [JAS]
644 - Esther, bpt. as an adult July 17, 1768, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
12 - Esther, bpt. July 17, 1768, at 1st Ch. [CH]
11 - Gideon, s. _____ & Jane, bpt. September 28, 1766, at 1st Ch. [CH]
756 - Pamelia, ___ __, 1826. [GR2]
750 - Ruth, d. Ebenezer & Elizabeth (Clark), September 23, 1717, wid. at Amh. February 1790, probably lived in June 1792. [JAS]
11 - Thomas, s. _____ & Jane, bpt. September 28, 1766, at 1st Ch. [CH]
644 - Thomas, s. Gideon & Jane, bpt. October 1766, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
643 - Thomas, s. Isaac & Esther (Ingram), September 22, 1732, he and his wife and son were warned out of Amh. by the Selectmen September 26, 1764, but it seems they did not leave, had a house and lot in 1769, in 1770 had a farm. [JAS]
643 - Jabez, s. Isaac & Esther (Ingram), March 27, 1737, brother of Thomas Selden, came to Amh. October 5, 1765, was warned out of Amh. by the Selectmen June 30, 1766, resident of Amh. 1766. [JAS]
644 - Eliza Ann, d. William F. & Fanny (Williams) (1st w.), ca 1822, at Amh. [JAS]
644 - Fanny Williams, d. William F. & Fanny (Williams) (1st w.), ca 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
644 - Pollina, d. _____ & Jerusha, ___ __, ____, was living with her mother at Amh. 1829. [JAS]
750 - Sarah, w. Moses Warner, ca 1748, wid. at Amh. 1790 through 1798, with a farm, lived at Petersham 1800. [JAS]
578 - Sylvia W., w. Ansel Percival, ca 1790, at Montague., lived at Amh. 1830, widow at Amh. February 1838. [JAS]
644 - Sylvia, d. _____ & Jerusha, ca 1790, at Montague. [JAS]
644 - William F., s. _____ & Jerusha, ca 1786, resident of Montague in 1817; graduate Dartmouth Medical School 1815; resident of Montague early in 1817; came to Amh. later in 1817; farmer at Amh.1820; medical doctor at Amh. 1825, with miltiple houses; physician at Amh. 1830 through 1840. [JAS]
579 - Mabel (1st w.), d. Timothy & Abigail (Skinner), July 2, 1776. [JAS]
739 - Nabby, d. Deacon Jonathan & Abigail (Hart), January 31, 1788, at Berlin, CT, she sang in the church choir. [JAS]
SHADDUCK, see Shattuck
10 - Ellen Maria, d. Henry & Thirza, Aug. 10 1842. [VR2]
SHATTUCK, see Shadduck
645 - _____, s. Henry & Tirza (Porter), ca 1830, lived at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
645 - Edwin White, s. Henry & Tirza (Porter), August 12, 1834, at Amh. bpt. May 1835, at North Ch., farm laborer at Amh. 1850, lived with parents. [JAS]
496 - Ellen Maria, d. Henry & Tirza (Porter), Dec. 16, 1842. [GR2]
148 - Harriet D., May 10, 1833. [GR1]
645 - Hellen Maria, d. Henry & Tirza (Porter), August 10, 1842, at Amh. bpt. April 4, 1843, at North Ch., d. same day. [JAS]
496 - Henry, May 13, 1786. [GR2]
645 - Henry, s. Oliver & Lucy, May 13, 1786, at Deerfield, resident of Deerfield 1829 - 35, then to Amh. , farmer at Amh. by March 1839,.through 1850. [JAS]
614 - Martha, w. David Rider, April 2, 1725, lived in 1748. [JAS] [JAS]
645 - Olive E., d. Henry & Tirza (Porter), February 5, 1833, at Deerfield, bpt. April 2. 1833, at North Ch., d. same day. [JAS]
496 - Olive, d. Henry & Tirza (Porter), Feb. 5, 1833. [GR2]
416 - Phebe, d. Capt. Daniel, ca 1740. [JAS]
142 - _____, d. James, of Belchertown, Apr. 28, 1818. [VR1]
146 - _____, d. James, of Belchertown, Oct. 9, 1820. [VR1]
160 - _____, d. James, of Pelham, June 26, 1827. [VR1]
1632 - Almera, d. Henry & Polly R., Aug. 15, 1845. [GR3]
646 - Angeline, d. James & Eunice (Fales), June 26, 1827, at Pelham. [JAS]
645 - Caroline, d. James & Eunice (Fales), January 22, 1823, at Springfield. [JAS]
192 - Charles A., Apr. 20, 1846. [GR1]
192 - Charles E., s. Charles A. & Fannie R. (Bridgman), July 11, 1902. [GR1]
352 - Elsy, d. David, between 1770 and 1780. [JAS]
192 - Frederick B., s. Charles A. & Fannie R. (Bridgman), Apr. 16, 1876. [GR1]
1632 - Henry, July 26, 1820. [GR3]
1633 - Isabelle, ___ __, 1848. [GR3]
189 - Lillie M., ___ __, 1848. [GR1]
841 - Luthera, Apr. 26, 1840. [GR2]
429 - Maria Amh., wid. Alfred Smith (1st h.), 2nd w. Earl Johnson (2nd h.), ca May 14, 1812, at South Abington. [JAS]
645 - Maria, d. James & Eunice (Fales), April 18, 1818, at Belchertown. [JAS]
645 - Nancy Fales, d. James & Eunice (Fales), October 9, 1820, at Belchertown. [JAS]
164 - Persis, d. Sylvanus & Persis (Stoddard), ___ __, 1806. [JAS]
646 - Sarah Ann, d. James & Eunice (Fales), January 16, 1825, at Springfield. [JAS]
645 - Stillman, s. Silas & Lucy (White), nephew of Maria A. Shaw, ca August 30, 1823, at Plainfield, butcher at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
89 - Susan Mason, d. Wason & Susan (Dwight), of Belchertown, February 28, 1820. [JAS]
646 - James, s. James & Thankful (Walker), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
646 - Thankful, d. James & Thankful (Walker), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
77 - Mary, d. Ebenezer, of Northampton, December 8, 1724. [JAS]
35 - Mary, d. Isaac & Sarah (Warner), Sept. 18, 1690. [Sunderland History, p. 289] [GenRec]
22 - Mary, w. Lt. William Boltwood, Dec. 8, 1724, at Northampton [OB-44] [Hadley Gen. P. 14 No. 6] [GenRec]
2 - Phebe, of Thompsonville, CT, h. Enoch7 Adams, Nov. 23, 1812, at W. Greenwich, RI. [GenRec]
647 - _____, d. Charles Upham & Harriet (Taylor), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
647 - Ann Elizabeth, d. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), June 24, 1810, at Little Compton, RI, was living at West Springfield 1847 and 1847. [JAS]
647 - Charles Upham, s. Charles Upham & Harriet (Taylor), ___ __, ____, lived in 1850. [JAS]
647 - Charles Upham, s. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), June 29, 1804, at Little Compton, RI, attended Brown University 1820 - 21, graduateAmh. College 1824, lecturer at Yale College 1830 - 1847, resident of New Haven, CT 1831, Professor of Chemistry at Charlestown Medical College 1834 - 50, received an honorary MD degree at Dartmouth Medical School 1836, Professor of Chemistry at Amh. College 1845 through 1850. lived in 1850. [JAS]
647 - Fanny B., d. Charles Upham & Harriet (Taylor), ___ __, ____, lived in 1850. [JAS]
647 - Fanny Haskins, d. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), March 23, 1807, at Little Compton, RI. [JAS]
966 - Fanny Haskins, d. Rev. Mase, March 23, 1807. [GR3]
646 - George Champlin, s. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), February 7, 1802, at Little Compton, RI, attended Brown University 1820 - 21, graduateAmh. College 1824, gentleman at West Amh. June 1824, studired theology under Bishop Brownell at Hartford, CT, 1824 - 26, resident of Amh. 1825,.became an Episcopal Priest before May 1838, when he resided at Stratford, CT. was living in 1850. [JAS]
646 - Hannah, d. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), June 2, 1795, at Little Compton, RI, teacher at Amh. Academy 1823 - 24, was living in 1850. [JAS]
628 - Hannah, June 2, 1795. [GR3]
646 - John Haskins, s. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), September 3, 1789, at Little Compton, RI. [JAS]
106 - Mary H., ___ __, 1841. [GR1]
646 - Mary, d. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), May 2, 1797, at Little Compton, RI, lived with her mother 1840, lived at Amh. 1850, probably in the Shepard Estate house, unmarried. [JAS]
646 - Mase, s. _____ & Rachel, May 28, 1759, at Norton, graduate of Dartmouth College 1785, ordained minister, resided at Little Compton, RI from 1787 to 1821. [JAS]
626 - Ralph, A. B., May 24, 1799. [GR3]
646 - Ralph, s. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), May 24, 1799, at Little Compton, RI, earned a BA degree, student at Andover Theological Seminary 1824. [JAS]
646 - Thomas, s. Mase & Deborah (Haskins), January 26, 1793, at Little Compton, RI, clergeman at Amh., admitted to the Hampshire Association 1834. [JAS]
195 - Grace E., w. William H., ___ __, 1858. [GR1]
773 - Ruth, d. Thomas, July 10, 1763, lived at Amh. 1800 and January 1821. [JAS]
195 - William H., ___ __, 1854. [GR1]
647 - Bridget, ca 1832, in Ireland, lived in Amh. 1850 in household of Joseph Colton. [JAS]
647 - James D., ca 1822, in Hadley, farmer (or mechanic) at Amh. 1845, farmer at Amh. 1850 (no real estate), lived in household of Lucius Dickinson. [JAS]
315 - Cynthia, d. Jacob & Keziah, March 1, 1773, at Rehoboth. [JAS]
648 - Abigail C., d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), November 18, 1790, at Belchertown. [JAS]
26 - Abigail, ___ __, 1790, at Belchertown.
648 - Almira, ca 1832, in MA, lived at Amh. 1850 in the household of Lucius Dickinson. [JAS]
226, 647 - Betsey[Dup.: Elizabeth], w. Lucius Dickinson, d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), August 6, 1788, at Belchertown, bpt. as an adult December 1812, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
34 - Betsy, bpt. December 27, 1812, at her own request, at 1st Ch. [CH]
648 - Charles Edward, s. Daniel S. & Achsah L. (Lyndes), May 11, 1850, at West Amh. [JAS]
648 - Daniel S. [aka Daniel J.], s. Abijah & Bridget (Smith), February 3, 1815, at Belchertown, painter at Amh. 1845 through April 1849 and 1850. [JAS]
648 - Elijah Gilbert, s. Elijah & Rachel (Brown), October 4, 1810, at Jamaica, VT, merchant at Jamaica, VT and Windham, VT, hotel business at Saratoga, NY, and then to Amh. in 1850, where he opened a photographer's studio. [JAS]
648 - Ermina, d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), October 22, 1802, at Belchertown, lived in 1850, perhaps in Belchertown, unmarried. [JAS]
647 - Eulila, d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), March 27, 1786. [JAS]
648 - Harriet E., d. Daniel S. & Achsah L. (Lyndes), March 13, 1845, at West Amh., school girl at AS. 1850. [JAS]
648 - Harriet Flora, d. Elijah Gilbert & Florinda (Young), July 23, 1838, at Jamaica, VT, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
20 - Harriett E., d. Daniel & Achsah, G, Mar. 13, 1845. [VR2]
648 - Helen Maria, d. Daniel S. & Achsah L. (Lyndes), January 4, 1843, at West Amh., school girl at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
11 - Helen Maria, d. Henry & Achsah, Jan. 4, 1843. [VR2]
648 - Henrietta Jane, d. Daniel S. & Achsah L. (Lyndes), August 21, 1847. at West Amh. [JAS]
648 - Henrietta, d. Elijah Gilbert & Florinda (Young), March 3, 1834, lived in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
647 - Judith, d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), February 28, 1784. [JAS]
648 - Julia Melinda, d. Asahel & Elizabeth (Kenney) November 7, 1843, at Belchertown, school girl at Amh. 1850, lived in the household of Orren Williams, who had adopted her. [JAS]
648 - Lucina, d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), June 5, 1796. [JAS]
648 - Luransa F. , d. Elijah Gilbert & Florinda (Young), September 12, 1840, at Jamaica, VT, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
648 - Mary, d. Solomon & Mary (Coggshall), February 23, 1811, at Belchertown. [JAS]
195 - Mary, w. D. E., Feb. 24, 1830. [GR1]
291 - Olive, d. Elijah & Zilpha (Gilbert), January 21, 1778, at Leverett. [JAS]
648 - Otis, s. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), July 21, 1793. [JAS]
648 - Sibyl, d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), February25, 1800. [JAS]
648 - Stephen Billings, s. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), July 20, 1806. [JAS]
647 - Stephen, November 30, 1766, resident of Belchertown. [JAS]
647 - Temperance, d. Stephen & Abigail (Billings), April 7, 1781, at Belchertown. [JAS]
161 - Zilpha, w. Silas Cowles, October 11, 1782, at Leverett. [JAS]
1539 - Abiah Redding, ___ __, 1830. [GR3]
1539 - Abiah Redding, h. Shirley (Libby), ___ __, 1883. [GR3]
328 - Maria, d. Ebenezer & Polly, July 23, 1812, at Pelham. [JAS]
172 - Mary, d. Ebenezer & Polly, March 8, 1817, at Pelham. [JAS]
23 - _____, s. Lewis L. & Abigail, June 29, ____. [VR2]
29 - _____, s. Patrick & Eliza, Jan. 1, 1855. [VR2]
159 - Rilla M., Sept. 26, 1854. [GR1]
649 - Charlotte M., bpt. as an adult November 1843 at Amh. Bapt. Ch. [JAS]
794 - Harriet N., w. Joseph E. Woods, ___ __,____, at Newport (or Portsmouth), RI. [JAS]
1638 - John, ___ __, 1806. [GR3]
1638 - T. Tabor, ___ __, 1839. [GR3]
649 - _____, d. Henry H., ca 1828 (or 1826), lived at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
649 - _____, d. Henry H., ca 1830, lived at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
649 - _____, d. Henry H., ca January 1839. [JAS]
649 - _____, perhaps s. Henry H., May 14, 1832, lived at Amh. 1840 [perhaps s. of Richard Skinner, resident of Amh. 1835]. [JAS]
171 - _____, s. ____, of Amh., May 14, 1832. [VR1]
649 - _____, s. Henry H., ca 1826 (or 1828), lived at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
649 - _____, s. Henry H., ca 1834, lived at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
649 - _____, s. Henry H., ca 1837, lived at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
1181 - Edward Lyman, s. J. L., March 8, 1872. [GR3]
649 - George W., s. Briant D(avid) & Susan (Fuller), March 2, 1846, at North Amh. [JAS]
649 - Henry H., between 1791and 1800, mechanic or tradesman at Amh. by May 1839, resident of Amh. 1840, may have come from Milebooory [sic]. [JAS]
649 - W____, s. Briant D(avid) & Susan (Fuller), April 25, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
649 - Charles Squires, s. Jonathan Sprague & Electa (Marsh) (2nd w.), November 29, 1841, at Amh., school boy in Amh. 1850, Soldier in the Civil War, in the 4th Vermont Vol. Inf. [JAS]
563 - Chloe, d. Israel, May 27, 1798. [JAS]
196 - Cora Bell, d. George E. & Emma A. (Dickinson), ___ __, 1864. [GR1]
720 - Dwight H., h. S. Lutie (Reed), Aug. 6, 1866. [GR2]
650 - Ella Camilla, d. Jonathan Sprague & Electa (Marsh) (2nd w.), August 31, 1847, at Amh., lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
196 - George E., ___ __, 1839. [GR1]
649 - Jonathan Sprague [aka Judge Slate] [aka Justin N. Slate], s. Timothy & Tirzah (Sprague); brother of Minerva Tirzah Slate (w. of Lewis McCloud), February 9, 1811, at Bernardston, resident of Amh. by 1838, a capable stage driver, stage driver at Amh. May 1842and 1850, butcher at Amh. 1847. [JAS]
649 - Lima Taylor, d. Jonathan Sprague & Electa (Marsh) (2nd w.), May 14, 1839, at Amh., school girl at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
196 - Mary Beatrice, d. George E. & Emma A. (Dickinson), ___ __, 1871. [GR1]
532 - Minerva Tirzah, d. Deacon Timothy & Tirzah (Sprague), May 18, 1809, in MA, was living at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
563 - Phoebe, d. Israel, November 27, 1786. [JAS]
634 - S. Maria, ___ __, 1827. [GR2]
717 - Sarah Maria, w. Timothy P. & Sarah, ___ __, 1827, lived in 1850, probably at Amh. [JAS]
811 - Sophia Augusta, Oct. 13, 1833. [GR2]
SLATER, see Slatter
25 - _____, ch. J[on]ath[o]n & (Hannah), Aug. 31, ____. [VR2]
650 - _____, s. John & Honora (Eagin), ca 1839, in VT. [JAS]
650 - Anna F., d. John & Honora (Eagin), ca 1836, in VT, school girl in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
650 - Catherine G., d. John & Honora (Eagin), ca 1841, probably in Amh., school girl in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
24 - Daniel C., s. John & Hannah, Nov. 27, ____. [VR2]
650 - Daniel O'Connell, s. John & Honora (Eagin), November 20, 1846. [JAS]
650 - Eliza E., d. John & Honora (Eagin), ca 1834, in VT, school girl in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
1569 - Eliza, w. Rev. Henry, ___ __, 1888. [GR3]
650 - Henrietta C., d. John & Honora (Eagin), November 30, 1842, at Amh., school girl in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
650 - John, s. Michael & Hetty (McGettrie), ca April 9, 1803, in Ireland, arrived in Quebec, Canada in 1832, and was employed by the Canadian Government, moved to Vermont in 1834, and came to Amh. in 1840, farm laborer at Amh. 1840, bought 2lots in Amh. 1845, in 1850 he cleaned and dyed clothes, was a prime mover in the establishment of St. Bridget's Ch. in Amh. in the years after 1850. [JAS]
650 - Mary, d. John & Honora (Eagin), ca 1829, in Ireland, house maid in Amh. 1850, lived in household of Charles Adams, unmarried. [JAS]
650 - Susan J., d. John & Honora (Eagin), ca 1838, in VT, school girl in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
650 - William F., s. John & Honora (Eagin), July 20, 1844, at West Amh., lived with parents at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
18 - William, s. John & Hanah, R, July 20, 1844. [VR2]
SLATTER, see Slater
10 - Etty, d. John & Honora, Nov. 30 1842. [VR2]
464 - Abigail, d. James A. & Lucy, ca 1802, at New Salem. [JAS]
901 - Charles L., s. Capt. Timothy W. & Sarah T., ___ __, 1860. [GR3]
650 - Dwight, s. Willard & Alma W., April 10, 1830, at Hardwick, harness maker, at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
901 - Elizabeth A., d. Capt. Timothy W. & Sarah T., ___ __, 1864. [GR3]
901 - Mary E., d. Capt. Timothy W. & Sarah T., ___ __, 1865. [GR3]
901 - Timothy W., Capt., ___ __, 1827. [GR3]
691 - _____, s. _____ & Florella (Cooley), ca 1827, lived at Amh. 1830. [JAS]
152 - _____, [dup. [supposed Church?]], s. Spencer (Smith) [in original], May 13, 1823. [VR1]
655 - _____, s. Aaron & Mehitable (Ingram) (1st w.), September 16, 1725, probably at Hadley, d. next day. [JAS]
671 - _____, s. Abel & Achsah (Edwards), ca 1837, at Amh., lived at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
158 - _____, s. Albert, of Pelham, July 24, 1826. [VR1]
669 - _____, d. Asa & Sarah (Moody), between 1794 and 1800, lived at Amh. 1800. [JAS]
669 - _____, d. Asa & Sarah (Moody), between 1794 and 1800, lived at Amh. 1800. [JAS]
684 - _____, d. Asher & Anna (Tucker), February 14, 1809, at Amh., lived 1820. [JAS]
5, 128 - _____, d. Asher, of Amh., Feb. 14, 1809. [VR1]
23 - _____, ch. B. E., ___ __, ____. [VR2]
22 - _____, s. B. F. & J. A., G, Aug. 14, 1845. [VR2]
680 - _____, s. Benjamin & Elizabeth (Rush), between 1794 and 1800, lived at Amh. 1810. [JAS]
680 - _____, s. Benjamin & Elizabeth (Rush), ca 1789, lived at Amh. 1810. [JAS]
680 - _____, d. Benjamin & Elizabeth (Rush), ca 1790. [JAS]
685 - _____, s. Chauncey & Amelia (Pomroy), December 18, 1833 at Amh. [JAS]
173 - _____, s. Chauncey, of Amh., Dec. 18, 1833. [VR1]
671 - _____, s. Chester & Henrietta Maria (Tyler), between 1810 and 1820, lived at Amh. 1820. [JAS]
671 - _____, d. Chester & Henrietta Maria (Tyler), between 1810 and 1820, lived at Amh. 1820. [JAS]
664 - _____, s. Chileab & Tabitha (Clark), March 25, 1781, probably at Hadley, d. same day. . [JAS]
165 - _____, s. Colton, of Amh., June 2, 1829. [VR1]
672 - _____, ch. Cotton & Mercy (Goodman) (1st w.), ca February 1810. [JAS]
683 - _____, ch. Daniel & Nancy (Williams), March 22, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
683 - _____, d. Daniel & Nancy (Williams), ___ __, __. [JAS]
683 - _____, s. Daniel & Nancy (Williams), ___ __, __. [JAS]
683 - _____, s. Daniel & Nancy (Williams), ___ __, __. [JAS]
683 - _____, s. Daniel & Nancy (Williams), ___ __, __. [JAS]
683 - _____, s. Daniel & Nancy (Williams), ___ __, __. [JAS]
683 - _____, s. Daniel & Nancy (Williams), ___ __, __. [JAS]
683 - _____, s. Daniel & Nancy (Williams), January 2, 1828, at Amh. [JAS]
162 - _____, s. Daniel, of Amh., Jan. 2, 1828. [VR1]
155 - _____, s. David, of Pelham, Apr. 19, 1825. [VR1]
683 - _____, d. Daniel & Nancy (Williams), ___ __, __. [JAS]
136 - _____, d. David, of Amh., Jan. 17, 1815. [VR1]
133 - _____, d. David, of Amh., Mar. 18, 1813. [VR1]
145 - _____, d. David, of Belchertown, Apr. 17, 1820. [VR1]
9 - _____, ch. Edward, bpt. April 5, 1761, at 1st Ch. [CH]
11 - _____, ch. Edward, bpt. October 7, 1764, at 1st Ch. [CH]
672 - _____, s. Elisha & Abigail, December 30, 1829, at Amh. [JAS]
166 - _____, s. Elisha, of Amh., Dec. 30, 1829. [VR1]
138 - _____, s. Ephraim, of Belchertown, Dec. 5, 1815. [VR1]
665 - _____, s. Ethan & Tabitha Hastings, between 1785 and 1790, lived at Amh. 1800. [JAS]
665 - _____, s. Ethan & Tabitha Hastings, between 1785 and 1790, lived at Amh. 1800. [JAS]
665 - _____, d. Ethan & Tabitha Hastings, between 1785 and 1790, lived at Amh. 1800. [JAS]
838 - _____, infant d. F. S. & L. R., Jan. 26, 1874, died same day. [GR2]
25 - _____, d. Freeman & Caroline, Jan. 19, 1848. [VR2]
687 - _____, ch. Freeman & Caroline, January 20, 1848, at Amh. d. same day. [JAS]
23 - _____, d. Horace & Emeline, ___ __, ____. [VR2]
664 - _____, d. Ithamar & Lucy (Nevers), between 1784 and 1790, lived at Amh. 1800. [JAS]
664 - _____, d. Ithamar & Lucy (Nevers), between 1790 and 1800, lived at Amh. 1800. [JAS]
664 - _____, d. Ithamar & Lucy (Nevers), between 1790 and 1800, lived at Amh. 1800. [JAS]
150 - _____, d. James, of Pelham, Mar. 27, 1822. [VR1]
140 - _____, twin d. James, of Pelham, June 2, 1817. [VR1]
145 - _____, d. James, of Pelham, Oct. 25, 1819. [VR1]
140 - _____, twin s. James, of Pelham, June 2, 1817. [VR1]
10 - _____, ch. Joel, bpt. August 7, 1763, at 1st Ch. [CH]
10 - _____, ch. Joel, bpt. August 7, 1763, at 1st Ch. [CH]
10 - _____, ch. Joel, bpt. August 7, 1763, at 1st Ch. [CH]
10 - _____, ch. Joel, bpt. August 7, 1763, at 1st Ch. [CH]137 - SMITH - b - _____, d. John D., of Amh., July 22, 1815. [VR1]
141 - _____, twin d. John D., of Hadley, Oct. 14, 1817. [VR1]
141 - _____, twin d. John D., of Hadley, Oct. 14, 1817. [VR1]
160 - _____, d. John D., of Hadley, Apr. 10, 1827. [VR1]
681 - _____, d. John Debell & Relief (Thayer), July 22, 1815, at Amh., lived 1836 at Hadley. [JAS]
13 - _____, ch. Martin & Lucy, bpt. November 6, 1768, at 1st Ch. [CH]
667 - _____, d. Moses & Tamar (Pettis), between 1790 and 1800, lived at Amh. 1800. [JAS]
667 - _____, d. Moses & Tamar (Pettis), between 1790 and 1800, lived at Amh. 1800. [JAS]
50 - _____, ch. Noadiah, bpt. October 17, 1790, at 2nd Ch., by Mr. Crosby. [CH]
140 - _____, d. Noah, Jr., of Amh., Feb. 3, 1817. [VR1]
6, 130 - _____, d. Noah, Jr., of Amh., Sept. 3, 1810. [VR1]
139 - _____, d. Oliver C., of Amh., Nov. 28, 1816. [VR1]
4 - _____, ch. Peter & Ame, bpt. April 16, 1749, at 1st Ch. [CH]
5 - _____, ch. Peter & Ame, bpt. December 24, 1751, at 1st Ch., Dy'd. [CH]
657 - _____, ch. Peter & Amy (Bissell), ca 1751, at Amh., bpt. December 24, 1751, at 1st Ch., d. young. [JAS]
687 - _____, d. Porter (assumed to be the PS of Hadley, a joiner, who lived on Middle Street in Hadley June 1832, and sold the homestead) November 7, 1833, at "Amherst" (perhaps Hadley). [JAS]
173 - _____, d. Porter, of Amh., Nov. 7, 1833. [VR1]
667 - _____, d. Reuben & Margaret (Carpenter), April 26, 1811, at Amh., probably one of the daughters otherwise listed. [JAS]
130 - _____, d. Reuben, of Amh., Apr. 261[sic], 1811. [VR1]
687 - _____, d. Rufus & Achsah (Ingram) (1st w.), between 1800 and 1810, lived at Amh. 1810. [JAS]
130 - _____, d. Rufus, of Amh., Feb. 4, 1811. [VR1]
138 - _____, d. Sereno, of Hadley, June 5, 1816. [VR1]
141 - _____, d. Simeon, Jr., of Amh., Oct. 15, 1817. [VR1]
139 - _____, d. Spencer, of Amh., Nov. 29, 1816. [VR1]
168 - _____, d. Tyler, of Amh., Nov. 28, 1830. [VR1]
5, 128 - _____, s. Friend, of Amh., June 21, 1809. [VR1]
132 - _____, s. Friend, of Amh., May 20, 1812. [VR1]
162 - _____, s. Harvey, of Amh., May 15, 1828. [VR1]
664 - _____, s. Ithamar & Lucy (Nevers), after 1790, lived at Amh. 1800. [JAS]
157 - _____, s. James, of Belchertown, Mar. 27, 1826. [VR1]
165 - _____, s. John D., of Hadley, July 19, 1829. [VR1]
156 - _____, s. John D., of Hadley, June 2, 1825. [VR1]
151 - _____, s. John D., of Hadley, Mar. 20, 1823. [VR1]
144 - _____, s. John D., of Hadley, May 16, 1819. [VR1]
169 - _____, s. John, of Hadley, Sept. 13, 1831. [VR1]
170 - _____, s. John, of Leverett, Oct. 11, 1831. [VR1]
158 - _____, s. Lyman, of Amh., May 12, 1826. [VR1]
666 - _____, s. Moses & Tamar (Pettis), between 1790 and 1800, lived at Amh. 1800. [JAS]
132 - _____, s. Noah, Jr., of Amh., Aug. 15, 1812. [VR1]
138 - _____, s. Noah, Jr., of Amh., Dec. 27, 1815. [VR1]
148 - _____, s. Noah, Jr., of Amh., May 27, 1821. [VR1]
143 - _____, s. Noah, of Amh., Feb. 21, 1819. [VR1]
687 - _____, s.Rufus & Elizabeth ( 2nd w.), October 19, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
140 - _____, s. Polly, of Amh., July 20, 1817. [VR1]
164 - _____, s. Samuel, Jr., of Amh., Dec. 16, 1828. [VR1]
146 - _____, s. Spencer, of Amh., Jan. 19, 1821. [VR1]
144 - _____, s. Spencer, of Amh., Sept. 16, 1819. [VR1]
165 - _____, s. Tyler, of Amh., July 19, 1829. [VR1]
688 - _____, s., John Wilson & Augusta M. (Rathburn), ca 1827, lived at Amh. 1840. [JAS]
664 - _____, s.Ithamar & Lucy (Nevers), after 1790, lived at Amh. 1800. [JAS]
157 - _____, stillborn s. Rufus, of Amh., Oct. 19, 1825. [VR1]
670 - _____, twin d. Samuel & Mary (Hastings), November 24, 1817, at Amh. [JAS]
141 - _____, twin d. Samuel, of Amh., Nov. 24, 1817. [VR1]
141 - _____, twin s. Samuel, of Amh., Nov. 24, 1817. [VR1]
655 - Aaron, s. Aaron & Mehitable (Ingram) (1st w.), May __, 1732, at Amh., member of Major Rogers' Rangers, was captured ny the enemy near Fort Ticonderoga March 13, 1758, and taken to Canada as a prisioner, wasstill a prisoner at Canada September 1758, may have been in the Northern Army from May 1777 (when he was at Fort Ticonderoga) through July 1777. [JAS]
652, 654 - Aaron, s. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), September.20, 1700, at Hadley, his father deeded 70 acres of land at Amh. to him December 1730, soon came to Amh. , Assessor at Amh. 1740, Moderator of Precinct Meeting 1743, also received land at Amh. from the Hadley Proprieters ca 1741, soldier on cavalry duty near Northfield October 1747, soldier in Capt. William's Co. March 10, 1748 through October 20, 1748, resident of Amh. 1750 with no land, soon moved to Shutesbury. [JAS]
652 - Aaron, s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), February 7, 1715, at Hatfield, settled in Athol. [JAS]
663 - Aaron, s. Pelatiah & Rhoda (Morton), ___ __, 1770, at Amh., bpt. December 2, 1770, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
14 - Aaron, s. Pelleriah, bpt. December 2, 1770, at 1st Ch. [CH]
687 - Abby Caroline, d. William H. & Catherine Brown (Messsenger), ca January 1840, at Amh. [JAS]
662, 671 - Abel, s. Noadiah & Sarah (Lee), April 28, 1794, at Amh., resident of Amh. 1820, bought land at Amh. 1829, had a farm in 1835. [JAS]
51 - Abel, s. Noadiah, bpt. June 8, 1794, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
688 - Abigail Southgate, d. Henry Boynton & Elizabeth (Ariana), November 2, 1843, at West Amesbury. [JAS]
30 - Abigail, bpt. July 1, 1804, at 1st Ch. [CH]
33 - Abigail, d. Capt. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), about 1723. [Hadley Hist. 127] [GenRec]
652 - Abigail, d. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), April 20, 1695, at Hatfield. [JAS]
656 - Abigail, d. Peletiah & Abigail (Wait), September 14, 1726, at Hadley. [JAS]
660, 675 - Abigail, twin d. Noah & Mary (Elmer), December 4, 1782, bpt. July 1804, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
113, 654 - Abigail, w. Joseph Church, d. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), ca 1723, at Hatfield. [JAS]
589 - Abigail, w. Simson Pomroy, ___ __, 1726, at Hadley, widow at Amh. after 1812. [JAS]
655 - Abner, s. Aaron & Abigail, (2nd w.), ___ __, 1747, at Amh., bpt. August 16, 1747 at at 1st Ch. (Ch. record lists his mother as " Abigail".) [JAS]
3 - Abner, s. Aaron & Abigail, bpt. August 16, 1747, at 1st Ch. [CH]
20 - Achsa, d. Deacon Elisha & Urzulah, bpt. October 1, 1786, at 1st Ch. [CH]
669 - Achsah, d. Asa & Sarah (Moody), ca 1792, probably at Amh., bpt. October 30, 1803, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
667 - Achsah, d. Reuben & Margaret (Carpenter), ___ __, ____, d. young. [JAS]
29 - Achsah, s. Asa & Sarah, bpt. October 30, 1803, at 1st Ch. [CH]
517, 663 - Achsah, w. David Moody, d. Elisha & Ursula Fellows (Billings), ca 1786, at Amh., bpt. October 1, 1786, at 1st Ch., admix. of her husband's estate November 1838, lived in 1850. [JAS]
144, 658 - Achsah, w. Levi Cook, d. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), ca August 20, 1765, perhaps at Longmeadow. [JAS]
42 - Acsah Elizabeth, d. Mrs. Rufus, bpt. September 27, 1829, at 1st Ch. [CH]
675 - Albert Edgar, s. Horace & Emeline (Moore), ca 1844, at Sunderland, school boy at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
21 - Albert Henry, s. Charles & Angelina, Feb. 26, 1845. [VR2]
674 - Albert Henry, s. Charles & Angeline C. (Smith), February 26, 1845, at North Amh., school boy at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
679 - Alexander, s. Elias & Philothea (Debell), ca 1788, at Amh., bpt. September 5, 1790, at 1st Ch., had a farm in 1820 and 1825, farmer at Amh. February 1827 when he received his father's land at Hadley. [JAS]
22 - Alexander, s. Elias & Philothea, bpt. September 5, 1790, at 1st Ch. [CH]
677 - Alexander, s. Joseph & Sarah (Alexander), October 11, 1717, probably at Hadley, came to Amh. from Hadley ca 1748, had a trade from 1751through 1776, soldier in the Army that invaded Canada 1758, from 1758 through 1763 he kept an Inn in Amh., in 1761he was a Proprietor of Farley, VT but did not settle, Selectman 1762, '66, '68, '71, and 1780., had a farm in 1760, farmer at Amh. through 1787, Moderator of Town Meeting 1772and 1780. [JAS]
684 - Alexis, s. Elijah & Rebecca (Brooks), ca 1809, at Bolton, NY, resident of Amh. 1845 and 1850, lived with parents at Amh. 1850, unmarried, farmer. [JAS]
690 - Alfred, ca 1811, non-resident of Amh. 1836, perhaps a peddler. [JAS]
445 - Alice E., d. William W. & Mary E. Smith, May 8, 1870. [GR3]
321 - Allan Clark, "Baby", s. G. E. & M. M., Mar. 12, 1904. [GR2]
126 - Alma, d. Joel, w. Horace Kellogg, Feb 20, 1796, at Leverett. [KG I-64] [VR3]
668 - Almarina, d. Joel & Sibbel (Woodbury), February 20, 1796, at Leverett. [JAS]
691 - Almira, ca 1808, in MA, resident of Amh. 1850, lived in the household of Joseph E. Marshall, at Amh. [JAS]
681 - Amanda, d. Timothy & Sabra (Munsell) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____, single woman at Amh. April 1815, lived in Amh. after 1824. [JAS]
656 - Amasa, s. Moses & Hannah (Childs), April 23, 1746, at Amh., Corp. at Fort Ticonderoga May 1777, resident of Deerfield by 1782. [JAS]
684 - Amos, s. Asher & Anna (Tucker), May 1, 1805, at Shrewsbury. [JAS]
256, 663 - Amy, w. Joseph Douglass, d. Chileab & Hannah (Dickinson), ca 1770, at Amh. [JAS]
674 - Andrew Alvon, s. Lyman & Electa (Dickinson) (1st w.), ca 1829, bpt. September 1831, at North Ch. [JAS]
660 - Andrew, s. Noah & Mary (Elmer), April 29, 1774, at Amh., was living in 1825. [JAS]
674 - Angeline C., w. Charles Smith, ca 1820, at Hadley, lived at Amh. April 1848. [JAS]
600 - Ann Eliza, ___ __, 1836. [GR2]
673 - Ann Nash, d. Moses & Mary Ann (Russell), ca April 6, 1837, at Amh., bpt. April 8, 1837, at North Ch., d. 2 days later. [JAS]
666 - Anna Hastings, d. David & Anna (Nash), January 17, 1815, at Amh., bpt. March 12, 1815, at 1st Ch., lived at Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
35 - Anna Hastings, d. David & Anna, bpt. March 12, 1815, at 1st Ch. [CH]
686 - Anna, d. Friend & Selena (Rowe) (2nd w.), ca 1796, at Amh. [JAS]
331 - Ansel C., Nov. 12, 1897. [GR2]
18 - Arad, ch. Stephen & Dorothy, bpt. March 21, 1784, at 1st Ch. [CH]
661, 668 - Arad, s. Stephen & Dorothy (Mattoon), ca 1776, at Amh., bpt. March 1784, at 1st Ch., resident of Amh. 1800 with some land, probably lived with his father 1810, lived in 1812. [JAS]
661, 669 - Asa, s. Simeon & Rachel (Strong), September 16, 1766, at Amh., bpt. September 28, 1766, at 1st Ch., resident of Amh. 1790, bought a lot in Amh. in 1795, had a house and farm in 1798, sold some of his land in 1803 and 1804, gentleman at Amh. in January 1805 when he sold his farm, moved away from Amh.shortly after April 1807 and by July 1811was living in Blanford. [JAS]
19 - Asa, s. Simeon & Rachel, Sept. 16, 1766. [VR1]
11 - Asa, s. Simeon, bpt. September 28, 1766, at 1st Ch. [CH]
673 - Asenath, d. Horace & Rebekah (Moody) (1st w.), July 8, 1812, in MA, lived with her father at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
1081 - Asenath, July 8, 1812. [GR3]
683 - Asher, s. Daniel & Lucy, October 4, 1759, at Shrewsbury, began his military service in May 1778 in the militia, and was discharged from the Continental Army December 1780, came to Amh. by 1812, a farm laborer at Amh. 1820 and a U.S. pensioner, he was ill for a time before his death. [JAS]
675 - Atwell P., s. Spencer & Martha Barber (Potwine). July 26, 1847, at Amh., lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
365 - Augusta M., ___ __, 1832. [GR2]
688 - Augusta Maria, d. John Wilson & Augusta M. (Rathburn), ___ __, 1832, at Enfield, school girl at Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
667 - Avery, s. Reuben & Margaret (Carpenter), ___ __, ____, d. young. [JAS]
656 - Azubah, s. Moses & Hannah (Childs), September 30, 1741, at Amh. [JAS]
197 - B. Ellsworth, Jan. 19, 1821. [GR1]
632 - Barbara Amh., w. Emerson Russell, d. Rufus & Achsah (Ingram) (1st w.), ___ __, 1819, at Wilmington, VT, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
682, 683 - Benjamin Ellsworth, s. Spencer & Betsey (Root) (1st w.), January 19, 1821, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1841through 1850. [JAS]
39 - Benjamin Ellsworth, s. Spencer, bpt. May 6, 1821, at 1st Ch. [CH]
685 - Benjamin Franklin, s. Simon & Mary (Burr), ca August 16, 1817, at East Lyme, CT, admitted to a church in Chicopee Falls, July 1841, graduate of Yale College ca 1841, physician at Amh. 1845 and 1850, in 1850 he had buildings and a farm. [JAS]
685 - Benjamin, ca 1771, does not seem to have lived at Amh. [JAS]
690 - Benjamin, ca 1838, in MA, school boy at Amh. 1850, lived in the household of John Dickinson. [JAS]
678, 680 - Benjamin, s. Edward & Hamutal (Ellsworth), March 26, 1750, probably at Hadley, farmer at Amh. 1780 through 1819. [JAS]
39 - Betsey, d. Spencer, bpt. May 6, 1821, at 1st Ch. [CH]
653 - Bridget, d. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), March 15, 1708, at Hatfield. [JAS]
513 - Bridget, w. Jonathan Moody, ___ __, 1708, at Hadley. [JAS]
662 - Calvin, s. Noadiah & Sarah (Lee), August 12, 1792, removed to Johnson, VT. [JAS]
50 - Calvin, s. Noadiah, bpt. October 7, 1792, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
932 - Carl Eldridge, "Baby", s. George Edward & Mary (Marshall), ___ __, 1920. [GR2]
675 - Caroline Miranda, d. Horace & Emeline (Moore), ca 1835, at Sunderland, school girl at Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
302 - Catharine D., 1st w. Henry Frink, ca 1808. [JAS]
776 - Catharine, d. Ebenezer & Catey, January 27, 1781, at Dover, lived at Amh. October 1836. [JAS]
655 - Catharine, d. Moses & Hannah (Childs), August 13, 1739, at Amh. [JAS]
671 - Catharine, d. Reuben, bpt. August 5, 1810, (perhaps as an adult) (perhaps daughter of Reuben Smith & Margaret (Carpenter)). [JAS]
552 - Catherine (2nd w.), d. Silas & Lavina (Houghton), December 23, 1779, at Whately, wid. at Amh. 1835 - 50, lived at Amh. 1850 with her daughter Catharine. [JAS]
662 - Catherine, d. Noadiah & Sarah (Lee), May 21, 1782, at Amh. [JAS]
33 - Catherine, d. Rufus & Achsah, bpt. August 5, 1810, at 1st Ch. [CH]
676 - Charles [aka CS 2nd], s. Tyler & Martha, July 19, 1829, at Amh., farmer in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
1580 - Charles Arthur, s. Hosea B. & Una J. (Carr), ___ __, 1882. [GR3]
676 - Charles C., s. Simeon & Achsah (Clark) (2nd w.), ca April 9, 1842, school boy at Amh. 1850, lived with his mother, [JAS]
47 - Charles Clark, s. Mrs. Simon, bpt. July 23, 1842, at 1st Ch.," this rite was performed at the funeral of Simon Smith". [CH]
259 - Charles E., May 21, 1821. [GR3]
681 - Charles E., s. John Debell & Relief (Thayer), May 21, 1821, at Hadley, lived in 1850. [JAS]
11 - Charles Edwin, s. B. Ellsworth & Mary N., Mar. 5, 1843. [VR2]
683 - Charles Edwin, s. Benjamin Ellsworth & Mary W. (Allen) (1st w.), March 5, 1843, at Amh., bpt. ca 1845, at South Ch., school boy at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
72 - Charles Edwin, s. Ellsworth, bpt. at South Ch., (the paper is lost containing the date of this baptism). [CH]
384 - Charles H., s. W[illia]m. H. & Catharine B., May 25, 1838. [GR2]
687 - Charles H., s. William H. & Catherine Brown (Messsenger), May 25, 1838. [JAS]
207 - Charles H., s. William H. & Nellie C. (Newgeon) (2nd w.), ___ __, 1891. [GR1]
670 - Charles L., s. Moses & Lois W. (Lee), ca 1824, schoolboy 1832, resident of Amh. 1840 and 1845. [JAS]
829 - Charles S., Dec 16, 1828. [GR3]
681 - Charles S., s. Samuel & Almira (Green), December 16, 1828, at Amh., his guardian was James Kellogg in 1843, attendedAmh. College 1849 and 1850, lived 1850 at Amh. [JAS]
688 - Charles V., s. John Wilson & Augusta M. (Rathburn), ca October 16, 1839, at Amh., school boy at Amh. 1850, soldier in the Civil War, Capt. of Co. B, 28th Mass Vol. Inf. [JAS]
689 - Charles X., ___ __, ____, at Amh. (NH?). [JAS]
689 - Charles, ca 1824, in NH, came to Amh. by February 1850 when he bought a farm, farmer at Amh. in 1850. [JAS]
666, 674 - Charles, s. David & Anna (Nash), July 29, 1820, at Amh., resident of Amh. 1842, farm laborer at North Amh. 1845, bought a small lot in Amh. March 1846, and mortgaged it 1848, broomtier at Amh. 1849, farmer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
39 - Charles, s. David, bpt. October 1, 1820, at 1st Ch. [CH]
675 - Charles, s. Oliver & Mehitable, bpt. July 27, 1816, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
37 - Charles, s. Oliver Cooley & Mehitable his wife, bpt. July 27, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
29 - Charlotte, bpt. May 1, 1803, at her request, at 1st Ch. [CH]
668 - Charlotte, d. Joel & Sibbel (Woodbury), December 21, 1789, at Leverett. [JAS]
676 - Chester M., s. Chileab & Susan D. (Pettengill) (Dickinson), May 1, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
671 - Chester, s. Chester & Henrietta Maria (Tyler), ca 1799, at Amh., resident of Amh. 1735, lived in 1840. [JAS]
663, 671 - Chester, s. Chileab & Hannah (Dickinson), ca 1772, at Amh., bpt. as an adult May 1819, at 2nd Ch., received land from his fathert in the 3rd Div. December 1793, farmer at Amh. through 1845, Selectman 1812. [JAS]
658, 663 - Chileab, May 21, 1754, at Hadley, bpt. July 1754, at 1st Ch., Capt. and merchant at Hadley. [JAS]
671, 676 - Chileab, s. Chester & Henrietta Maria (Tyler), ca May 6, 1806, at Amh., bpt. August 1806, at 1st Ch., farmer, blacksmith and carpenter at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1830 through 1850. [JAS]
663, 671 - Chileab, s. Chileab & Hannah (Dickinson), ca 1776, at Amh., bpt. as an adult October.23, 1803, at 1st Ch., received his father's house lot in 1800, joiner at Amh. 1804 when he sold land, had a joiner shop and a farm at South Amh. [JAS]
652, 653 - Chileab, s. Chileab & Hannah (Hitchcock), February 18, 1685, received land at Amh. from his father April 1714, resident of Hadley when he bought land at Amh. April 1730 and February 1731/32. resident of Hadley February 1744. [JAS]
653 - Chileab, s. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), before 1730, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
653 - Chileab, s. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), July 8, 1730, at Hadley, received his father's land at Hadley 1746. [JAS]
653 - Chileab, s. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), May 25, 1724, at Hadley, [JAS]
653 - Chileab, s. Chileab & Mercy (Golding), September 27, 1713, at Hadley. [JAS]
3 - Chileab, s. Peter & Ame, bpt. November 8, 1747, at 1st Ch. [CH]
657, 663 - Chileab, s. Peter & Amy (Bissell), October 27, 1747, at Amh., bpt. November 8, 1747, at 1st Ch., farmer at Amh. 1770, soldier at Amh. April 1777 on the Lexington Alarm, licensed to sell liquor 1778, farmer at Amh. 1787 when he received his father's farm, conveyed his house to his son Chileab March 1800, farmer at Amh. February 1801, no further mention. [JAS]
652 - Chileab, s. Samuel, ___ __, 1635. [JAS]
6 - Chileab, s. Windsor & Sarah, of the 1st Parish [Hadley], bpt. June 30, 1754, at 1st Ch. [CH]
29 - Chileah, Jr., bpt. October 23, 1803, at his own request, at 1st Ch. [CH]
785 - Clarabelle P., April 5, 1889. [GR2]
679 - Clarinda, d. Elias & Philothea (Debell), ca 1804, at Amh., bpt. July 29, 1804, at 1st Ch, single woman living at Amh. 1827. [JAS]
30 - Clarinda, d. Elias & Philothea, bpt. July 29, 1804, at 1st Ch. [CH]
684 - Clarissa B., d. Elijah & Rebecca (Brooks), ca 1816, lived at Fredericksburg, IA 1871. [JAS]
666 - Clarissa, d. Elijah & Martha (Burt), ca May 28, 1795 at Amh., bpt. September 13, 1795, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
24 - Clarissa, d. Elijah & Patty, bpt. September 13, 1795, at 1st Ch. [CH]
64 - Clarissa, h. Aldrich h. Joseph Blair (2nd h.), ca 1778. [JAS]
629 - Cordelia Smith, d. Justin & Anna, January 19, 1800, lived April 1, 1836. [JAS]
673 - Cordelia, d. Horace & Rebekah (Moody) (1st w.), August 15, 1808. [JAS]
689 - Cornelia Ann, d. Stephen S. & Lucretia (Bishop), ___ __, 1832, at New Bedford, lived at Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
664 - Cotton, s. Chileab & Tabitha (Clark), April 22, 1779, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
664, 672 - Cotton, s. Chileab & Tabitha (Clark), April 7, 1787, probably at Hadley, bpt. May 20, 1887, resident of Amh. 1810, with a farm and a trade, left Amh. after 1812, resident of Hadley in 1825, returned to Amh. by 1827, in September 1827 started a stage route from Boston, farmer at Amh. 1840 - 50, Selectman at Amh. 1840, was assistant Marshall for the Federal Census in 1850. [JAS]
646 - Daniel G., June 8, 1830. [GR2]
652 - Daniel, s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), March 3, 1692, at Hatfield, conpetent in 1773, from Hatfield to Amh. between 1739 and 1745, he "was crazy". [JAS]
23 - Daniel, s. Timothy & Eunice, bpt. January 1, 1792, at 1st Ch. [CH]
681, 682 - Daniel, s. Timothy & Sabra (Munsell) (2nd w.), November 15, 1791, at Amh., bpt. January 1, 1792, at 1st Ch., soldier in MA militia during war of 1812, served at Charlestown for four months in 1814, cordwainer at Amh. 1815, he left Amh. by 1830, later lived near Cleveland, OH. [JAS]
36 - David, bpt. July 7, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
690 - David, ca 1836 in MA, aided as a pauper at Amh. April 1845 through October 1845, assumed to be the DS who lived in the household of Timothy Gridley at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
666 - David, s. David & Anna (Nash), March 17, 1817, at Amh., lived in 1820. [JAS]
660, 666 - David, s. David & Mary (Warner), November 18, 1763, at Amh., bpt. June 12, 1768, at 1st Ch., had a house and farm in Amh. 1798, Selectman 1812, farmer through 1834. [JAS]
12 - David, s. David & Mary, bpt. June 12, 1768, at 1st Ch. [CH]
654, 659 - David, s. Jonathan & Hannah (Wright), ca 1732, at Hatfield, to Amh. shortly before 1755, soldier in Capt. Porter's Co. in 1755 in expedition against Crown Point, Corp. in Capt. Pomeroy's Co. in June 1758 in the invasion of Canada, had a farm and a mill interest 1766 - 1805, chosen 2nd Lt. of Capt. Eli Parker's Co. in March 1776, Militia Lt. through 1780, was active in Shay's Rebellion, and took the Oath of Alegiance February 1787, again a Milita Lt. in 1790 - 95. [JAS]
653 - David, s. Luke & Mary (Crow), July 7, 1707, at Hadley, came from Hadley to Amh. ca 1739, sold his farm at Amh. January 14, 1742/3, lived at Amh. until ca 1745, when he returned to Hadley, had a large library, a loon, land with mill rights and a fish net at Hadley. [JAS]
518 - Delia A., Mar. 14, 1842. [GR2]
687 - Delia Amh., d. William H. & Catherine Brown (Messsenger), March 14, 1842, probably at Amh. school girl at Amh. 1850, lived with parents. [JAS]
690 - Deranzil, ca 1825, in NY, bought land at North Amh. October 1849, teacher at Amh. 1850, lived in the household of Newman W. Smith. [JAS]
672 - DeWitt Clinton, s. Elisha & Abigail, ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. June 1828, at South Ch. [JAS]
22 - Diadama, offered by Elias & wife, bpt. July 31, 1791, at 1st Ch. [CH]
448 - Dorothy, w. Ebenezer Mattoon, d. Dr. Nathaniel, of Amh., Feb. 19, 1729. [VR3]
497, 655 - Dorothy, 1st w. Ebenezer Mattoon, d. Nathaniel & Rebekah (Ingram), February 23, 1729, at Hadley. [JAS]
29, 661 - Dorothy, 1st w. Enos Baker, ca 1771, at Amh. [Dup.; ca 1772, at Amh., bpt. March 1784, at at 1st Ch.] [JAS]
18 - Dorothy, d. Stephen & Dorothy, bpt. March 21, 1784, at 1st Ch. [CH]
70 - Dwight Clinton, bpt. June 1828, at South Ch. [CH]
670 - Dwight, s. Samuel & Mary (Hastings), ca 1812, at Amh., bpt. June 9, 1816, at 1st Ch. lived at Amh. 1820. [JAS]
36 - Dwight, s. Samuel 2d, bpt. June 9, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
676 - Dwight, s. Tyler & Martha, ca 1842, probably at Amh., lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
704 - Earle, s. N. A. & H. G., ___ __, 1899, a. 2m. 14 d. [GR2]
47 - Edward Allen, s. Dr. J. W., bpt. July 17, 1842, at 1st Ch. [CH]
682 - Edward Benjamin, s. Spencer & Betsey (Root) (1st w.), September 16, 1819, at Amh., bpt. November 7, 1819, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
39 - Edward Benjamin, s. Spencer, bpt. November 7, 1819, at 1st Ch. [CH]
330 - Edward M., s. G. E. & M. M., Oct. 30, 1900. [GR2]
674 - Edward Milton, s. John Milton & Orra (Dickinson), October 30, 1847, lived in 1850. [JAS]
671 - Edward, s. Abel & Achsah (Edwards), ca. 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
677, 678 - Edward, s. Joseph & Sarah (Alexander), March 26, 1719, probably at Hadley, came from Hadley to Amh. ca 1751, lived with his older brother, had a farm at Amh. 1766 through 1791, in April 1791he resided at Amh. and conveyed his house and farm to his son Benjamin. [JAS]
682 - Edwin R., s. Spencer & Betsey (Root) (1st w.), May 13, 1823, at Amh., lived in Amh. 1839. [JAS]
200 - Edwin Ray, ___ __, 1880. [GR1]
41 - Edwin Root, s. Spencer, bpt. July 20, 1823, at 1st Ch. [CH]
653, 658 - Eleazar, s. John & Ester (Colton), January 27, 1725, at Hadley, may have served in a MA unit at the Fort at Charlestown, NH, which was under attack April 1747, resided at Longmeadow and Wilbraham, came to Amh. between 1780 and 1783, had a farm 1785, Selectman at Amh. 1783, active in Shay's recellion, taking the Oath of Allegiance February 1787, farmer at Amh. through 1816. [JAS]
665 - Eleazer Jackson, s. Seth & Lavina (Jackson), August 24, 1812, at Amh. [JAS]
658 - Eleazer, s. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), February 28, 1754. [JAS]
658 - Eleazer, s. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), June 20, 1758, perhaps at Longmeadow. [JAS]
664 - Eleazer, s. Ithamar & Lucy (Nevers), bpt. December 6, 1801, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
28 - Eleazer, s. Ithamer, bpt. December 6, 1801, at 1st Ch. [CH]
658 - Electa, d. Windsor & Sarah (Smith) (1st w.), February 13, 1764, at Hadley. [JAS]
658 - Electa, d. Windsor & Sarah (Smith) (1st w.), November 17, 1761, at Hadley. [JAS]
19 - Electa, Simeon & Rachel, June 21, 1769. [VR1]
521, 662 - Electa, w. Elijah Moody, d. Simeon & Rachel (Strong), June 21, 1769, at Amh., lived at Vershire, VT 1799. [JAS]
660 - Eli, s. David & Mary (Warner), ca 1778, at Amh. [JAS]
677, 679 - Elias, s. Alexander & Rebekah (Warner), February 11, 1756, at Amh., bpt. March 14, 1756, at 1st Ch., soldier from the Lexington alarm April 1775, served eight months in 1776, at the end of 1778 he was a soldier stationed at Dorchester, resident of Amh. 1780 perhaps a soldier, in 1785 he had an undeveloped farm, in 1790 the farm was partially developed, active in Shay's Rebellion and took the Oath of Allegiance at Amh. February 1787, probably went to Hadley by 1794, in 1798 had a house and a farm at Amh., from 1795 through 1810 had a farm at Amh. as a nonresident, in 1812his farm was annexed from Hadley to Amh. at his petition, farmer at Amh. 1815 through 1826. [JAS]
7 - Elias, s. Alexander & Rebekah, bpt. March 14, 1756, at 1st Ch. [CH]
679 - Elias, s. Elias & Philothea (Debell), ca 1797, at Amh., bpt. August 27, 1797, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
679 - Elias, s. Elias & Philothea (Debell), ca 1807, at Amh., bpt. April 19, 1807, at 1st Ch. [JAS]
31 - Elias, s. Elias & Philothea, bpt. April 14, 1807, at 1st Ch. [CH]
26 - Elias, s. Elias & Philothea, bpt. August 27, 1787, at 1st Ch. [CH]
684 - Elijah [aka ES 2nd], s. Asa & Submit (Severance), March 1, 1783, at Shelburne, went to Halifax, VT, ca 1796 with his family, he moved to Amh. from Vermont ca April 1838, farmer at Amh. 1840 through 1850, perhaps a mechanic as well. [JAS]
660, 665 - Elijah, s. David & Mary (Warner), ca 1761, at Amh., bpt. June 12, 1768, at 1st Ch., licensed to sell Amh. 1783, was active in Shay's Rebellion and took the Oath of Allegiance in February 1787, had an undeveloped farm in 1795, bought a house lot at Amh. June 1795, had house and farm in 1798, farmer at Amh. 1800 through 1848, Selectman 1809 to 1811. [JAS]
12 - Elijah, s. David & Mary, bpt. June 12, 1768, at 1st Ch. [CH]
666 - Elijah, s. Elijah & Martha (Burt), bpt. October 12, 1798, at Amh., in private, probably died soon after. [JAS]
26 - Elijah, s. Elijah & Martha, bpt. October 12, 1798, in private. [CH]
663, 622 - Elisha, s. Elisha & Ursula Fellows (Billings), ___ __, 1791, at Amh., bpt. November 6, 1791, at 1st Ch., farmer at Amh. 1820, Town Clerk 1822, Moderator of Town Meeting 1825, sold part of his land at Amh. 1826, sold his land at Amh. May 1836, was soon after living in China MI. [JAS]
22 - Elisha, s. Elisha & Urzulah, bpt. November 6, 1791, at 1st Ch. [CH]
653, 656 - Elisha, s. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), January 23, 1721, at Hatfield,.resident of Amh. 1761, of Hadley 1770. [JAS]
652 - Elisha, s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), July 10, 1705, at Hatfield, to Whately ca 1731. [JAS]
657, 667 - Elisha, s. Peter & Amy (Bissell), March 14, 1749, at Amh., assumed to be the child bpt. April 1749 at 1st Ch., resident of Amh. 1770, farmer at Amh. 1773 through 1823, was licensed to sell liquor in 1780, may have been a tavern keeper, Selectman 1782, 1785 - 87, 1789 - 91and 1794 - 96, Moderator of Town Meeting 1783 and 1796, received land from his father's estate 1787, Representative to the General Court 1810 -11. [JAS]
287 - Eliza Ellen, Feb. 14, 1831. [GR2]
674 - Eliza Ellen, twin d. Lyman & Electa (Dickinson) (1st w.), February 14, 1831, at Amh., bpt. June 1832, at North Ch. [JAS]
687 - Elizabeth Amh., d. Rufus & Rufus Smith (2nd w.), ca 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
1672 - Elizabeth Stearns, March 14, 1814. [GR4]
681 - Elizabeth T., twin d. John Debell & Relief (Thayer), October 14, 1817, at Hadley. [JAS]
1670 - Elizabeth, ___ __, 1854. [GR4]
680 - Elizabeth, d. Benjamin & Elizabeth (Rush), ca 1785, at Amh., bpt. June 2, 1785 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
19 - Elizabeth, d. Benjamin & Elizabeth, bpt. January 2, 1785, at 1st Ch. [CH]
657 - Elizabeth, d. David & Hannah (Willard), bpt. April 30, 1741, at 1st Ch., received furniture from her father in 1762. [JAS]
1 - Elizabeth, d. David & Hannah, bpt. April 5, 1741, at 1st Ch. [CH]
688 - Elizabeth, d. Henry Boynton & Elizabeth (Ariana), ca 1846, in MA, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
652 - Elizabeth, d. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), May 8, 1708, at Hatfield. [JAS]
656 - Elizabeth, d. Moses & Hannah (Childs), September 10, 1743, at Amh. [JAS]
656 - Elizabeth, d. Peletiah & Abigail (Wait), May 19, 1722, at Hadley. [JAS]
60, 667 - Elizabeth, w. Elijah Billings, d. Reuben & Margaret (Carpenter), ca 1796, at Amh. [JAS]
414, 653 - Elizabeth, w. Noadiah Lewis (1st h.), w. Elisha Ingram (2nd h.), September 10, 1712, at Hadley. [JAS]
109, 652 - Elizabeth, w. Richard Chauncey, ___ __, 1708, at Hatfield. [JAS]
637 - Ella F., ___ __, 1853. [GR2]
674 - Ellen Eliza, d. John Milton & Orra (Dickinson), March 24, 1834, at Goshen, lived in 1850. [JAS]
673 - Ellen Eliza, d. Moses & Mary Ann (Russell), ca May 1838, at Amh., bpt. November 3, 1848, at North Ch., schoolgirl in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
287 - Ellen Eliza, Feb. 14, 1831. [GR2]
674 - Ellen Eliza, twin d. Lyman & Electa (Dickinson) (1st w.), February 14, 1831, at Amh., bpt. June 1832, at North Ch. [JAS]
671 - Elvira, d. Abel & Achsah (Edwards), ca 1823, at Amh., bpt. May 2, 1824, probably at 1st Ch. [JAS]
841 - Elvira, Dec. 16, 1839. [GR2]
691 - Emeline Packard, bpt. October 1833, at South Ch. [JAS]
71 - Emerline Packard, bpt. October 1833, at South Ch. [CH]
652 - Ephraim, s. Jonathan & Abigail (Kellogg), March 24, 1711, at Hatfield, settled in Athol. [JAS]
664 - Erastus [aka ES 2nd], s. Chileab & Tabitha (Clark), May 29, 1775, probably at Hadley, merchant at Hadley 1804. [JAS]
672 - Erastus, s. Cotton & Mercy (Goodman) (1st w.), ca May 1812, probably at Amh. [JAS]
1576 - Ernest B., Dec. 8, 1863. [GR3]
552 - Esther, 1st w. John Nutting, bpt. as an adult July, 1791. [JAS]
438 - Esther, d. John & Esther (Colton), November 27, 1726. [JAS]
119 - Esther, d. Samuel & Esther (Warner), ___ __, 1719. [JAS]
658, 664 - Ethan, s. Eleazer & Lydia (Thomas) (1st w.), April 24, 1763, perhaps at Longmeadow, came to Amh. with his father by 1783, was active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787, in August 1778 was tried in the Court of Sessions for stealing 8 sheep at Pelham and goods from Ebenezer Boltwood of Amh. (perhaps connected with Shay's Rebellion activities), had a house and farm at Amh. in 1798, sold land to his brother Ithamar in January 1800, he left Amh. by 1810, later resided at Wilmingron, VT. [JAS]
70 - Eugene, bpt. June 1828, at South Ch. [CH]
672 - Eugene, s. Elisha & Abigail, June 26, 1821, at Amh., bpt. June 1828, at South Ch. [JAS]
26 - Eugene, s. Elisha Jr. & Abigail, July 26, 1821. [VR1]
657 - Eunice, d. David & Hannah (Willard), October 11, 1756, at Hadley. [JAS]
327, 524 - Eunice, w. Elijah Graves (1st h.), w. Daniel Morgan (2nd h.), w. William Curtiss (3rd h.), before 1784 [Dup: between 1780 and 1784.] [JAS]
252 - Experience, d. Johnathan & Elizabeth (Chauncey), ca 1785, at Whately. [JAS]
653 - Experience, s. Ichabod & Elizabeth (Cook), January 27, 1717, at Hatfield, was living in September.1746, settled in Granby. [JAS]