Vital Records Of Amherst,
Hampshire County, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
(Some Records to the Early 20th Century)
Published by The New England Historic and Genealogical Society in the Corbin Collection,
and by The Search & Research Publishing Corporation
Births - IDE to JUDD
[Transcribed by Carlton O. Hommel]

413 - David, s. Nathaniel & Lydia (Newman), July 18, 1780, at Rehoboth, resident of Amh. 1808, to Attleborough by 1809. [JAS]
523 - Walter W., Apr. 24, 1874. [GR2]
11 - _____, d. Aaron H. & Martha, Mar. 28, 1843. [VR2]
421 - _____, bastard ch. Abigail, wid. Jerusha, ca October 1822. [JAS]
420 - _____, s. David & Mercy (Sprout), after 1790, probably at Amh. [JAS]
155 - _____, s. Ezra, of Amh., Dec. 13, 1824. [VR1]
161 - _____, d. Ezra, of Amh., Dec. 8, 1827. [VR1]
167 - _____, s. Ezra, of Amh., June 24, 1830. [VR1]
135 - _____, d. John, Jr., of Amh., Jan. 194 [sic], 1814. [VR1]
138 - _____, d. John, Jr., of Amh., Jan. 16, 1816. [VR1]
142 - _____, s. John, Jr., of Amh., Feb. 27, 1818. [VR1]
145 - _____, s. John, Jr., of Amh., Apr. 8, 1820. [VR1]
150 - _____, stillborn d. John, Jr, of Amh., June 17, 1822. [VR1]
160 - _____, d. John, Jr., of Amh., Apr. 25, 1827. [VR1]
422 - _____, s. John & Lucy (Hubbard) (1st w.), February 27, 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
422 - _____, s. John & Lucy (Hubbard) (1st w.), probably before 1820. [JAS]
422 - _____, stillborn ch. John & Lucy (Hubbard) (1st w.), June 17, 1822, at Amh. [JAS]
24 - _____, d. Lucius & Lydia N., Jan. 19, ____. [VR2]
421 - _____, d. Nathan & Content (Fuller) (1st w.), ca 1808, lived in Amh. 1810. [JAS]
132 - _____, d. Nathan, of Amh., Apr. 10, 1812. [VR1]
164 - _____, d. Peter, Mar. 29, 1829. [VR1]
148 - _____, d. Peter, of Amh., Aug. 30, 1821. [VR1]
133 - _____, d. Peter, of Amh., Jan. 1, 1813. [VR1]
423 - _____, stillborn ch. Peter & Emily Roberts (1st w.), June 26, 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
9 - _____, ch. Philip, bpt. November 1, 1761, at 1st Ch. [CH]
425 - _____, d. Robert & Mary (Moody), April 15, 1843, at Amh. [JAS]
11 - _____, d. Robert & Mary, Apr. 15, 1843. [VR2]
140 - _____, d. Rufus, Mar. 22, 1817. [VR1]
12 - _____, ch. Samuel, bpt. January 3, 1768, at 1st Ch. [CH]
146 - _____, d. Zacheus C., Feb. 8, 1821. [VR1]
167 - _____, d. Zacheus C., July 29, 1830. [VR1]
133 - _____, d. Zacheus C., of Amh., Mar. 3, 1813. [VR1]
130 - _____, d. Zacheus C., of Amh., May 22, 1811. [VR1]
161 - _____, d. Zacheus C., of Amh., Sept. 25, 1827. [VR1]
420 - _____, s. Nathan & Content (Fuller) (1st w.), ca 1800, lived in Amh. 1810. [JAS]
421 - _____, s. Nathan & Content (Fuller) (1st w.), ca 1803, lived in Amh. 1810. [JAS]
421 - _____, s. Nathan & Content (Fuller) (1st w.), ca 1805, lived in Amh. 1810. [JAS]
421 - _____, s. Nathan & Content (Fuller) (1st w.), December 4, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
130 - _____, s. Nathan, of Amh., Dec. 4, 1810. [VR1]
137 - _____, stillborn d. Peter, of Amh., June 26, 1815. [VR1]
153 - _____, s. Peter, of Amh., Dec. 15, 1823. [VR1]
136 - _____, s. Zacheus C., of Amh., Mar. 26, 1815. [VR1]
140 - _____, s. Zacheus C., of Amh., May 12, 1817. [VR1]
143 - _____, s. Zacheus C., of Amh., Feb. 26, 1819. [VR1]
153 - _____, s. Zacheus C., of Amh., Nov. 2, 1823. [VR1]
156 - _____, s. Zacheus C., of Amh., Sept. 1, 1825. [VR1]
423 - Aaron H., Feb. 26, 1819. [GR2]
38 - Aaron Hastings, s. Crocker, bpt. May 16, 1819, at 1st Ch. [CH]
421, 425 - Aaron Hastings, s. Zaccheus Crocker & Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.), February 26, 1819, at Amh., resident of Amh. 1840, farmer at Amh. 1845, farmer at North Amh. 1850. [JAS]
463 - Abigail Ingram, w. Peter King, ___ __, 1760, at Freetown. [JAS]
421 - Abigail, d. Nathan & Abigail (2nd w.), April 10, 1812, at Amh., bpt. as an adult 1827 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
415 - Abigail, d. Samuel & Abigail (Dickinson) (1st w.), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. April 18, 1742at 1st Ch. at 1st Ch. [JAS]
2 - Abigail, d. Samuel & Abigail, bpt. April 18, 1742, at 1st Ch. [CH]
415 - Abigail, d. Samuel & Mary (Boltwood) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. September 9, 1753, at Amh. [JAS]
6 - Abigail, d. Samuel & Mary, bpt. September 9, 1753, at 1st Ch. [CH]
404, 418 - Abigail, w. Allen Hubbard, September 8, 1794, bpt. as an adult July 1816, at 2nd Ch., lived at Amh. with bro. John Pynchon - Ingram and three young girls. [JAS]
418 - Achsah, d. Ebenezer & Esther (Rood), September 6, 1807, at Amh., bpt. November 28, 1819 at South Ch. (at home with her father), probably changed her name to Ellen A. by court action at Amh. March 1834. [JAS]
417 - Achsah, d. John & Susanna (Crocker), May 20, 1786, at Amh., bpt. July 15, 1798 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
60 - Achsah, s. Ebenezer, bpt. November 28, 1819, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
26 - Achsah, s. John, bpt. July 15, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
422 - Albert Barnes, s. Zaccheus Crocker & Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.), September 1, 1825, at Amh. [JAS]
425 - Alfreda Grout, d. Aaron Hastings & Martha (Ward), June 3, 1846, of dropsy of brain, at Amh. [JAS]
425 - Alfreda Grout, d. Aaron Hastings & Martha (Ward), June 7, 1845, at North Amh. [JAS]
426 - Alvira E., d. Lucius Chandler & Nancy S. (Pierce), July 21, 1848, at Barnston, Quebec. [JAS]
414 - Anna, d. Elisha & Elizabeth (Smith) (Lewis), June 10, 1744, at Amh. [JAS]
2 - Anna, d. Elisha & Elizabeth, bpt. June 17, 1744, at 1st Ch. [CH]
417 - Ansel, s. John & Susanna (Crocker), October 14, 1802, bpt. December 5, 1802at 1st Ch. [JAS]
29 - Ansel, s. John, bpt. December 5, 1802, at 1st Ch. [CH]
416 - Asa, s. Philip & Experience (Montague) (Pierce), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. January 27, 1771at 1st Ch. [JAS]
14 - Asa, s. Philip, bpt. January 27, 1771, at 1st Ch. [CH]
402 - Austin, ___ __, 1825. [GR2]
422 - Austin, s. John & Idea (Smith) (2nd w.), April 4, 1825, at Amh., broom maker at Amh. 1820, lived with his mother 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
414 - Azubah, d. Elisha & Elizabeth (Smith) (Lewis), April 15, 1752, at Amh. [JAS]
5 - Azubah, d. Elisha & Elizabeth, bpt. May 31, 1752, at 1st Ch. [CH]
424 - Caroline S., d. Lucius & Rhoda (Cheney), ca 1820, supposedly at Amh. [JAS]
421 - Caroline, d. Zaccheus Crocker & Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.), May 22, 1811, at Amh. [JAS]
423, 426 - Charles Royal, s. Peter & Emily Roberts (1st w.), March 19, 1827, at Amh., mechanic at Amh. 1847, went to Fon du lac, Wisconsin, perhaps before 1850. [JAS]
422 - Clarissa Rowe, d. John & Idea (Smith) (2nd w.), August 31, 1829, at Amh., lived with her mother 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
420 - Clarissa, d. Robert & Sarah (Bolles), March 5, 1801, at Washington, VT. [JAS]
422 - Cordelia Maria, d. John & Lucy (Hubbard) (1st w.), January 16, 1816, at Amh.,wid. at Amh. June 1837, later dism. to a church in South Hadley. [JAS]
37 - Cordelia Maria, d. John, Jr., bpt. August 25, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
419 - Cynthia, d. Gideon & Polly (King) (2nd w.), ca 1797, probably at Amh. [JAS]
422 - Daniel Crocker, s. Rufus & Mary (Cushman), March 22, 1817, at Amh. [JAS]
417, 420 - David, s. Reuben & Phebe (Shattuck), ca 1761, at Amh., bpt. March 6, 1763 at 1st Ch., resident of Amh. 1787, farmer at Amh. 1795 untilhis death. [JAS]
10 - David, s. Ruben & Phebe, bpt. March 6, 1763, at 1st Ch. [CH]
418 - Dency, d. Ebenezer & Esther (Rood), May 11, 1790, at Amh. [JAS]
422 - Dwight Sandford, s. Rufus & Mary (Cushman), December 21, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
423 - Ebenezer Bradford, s. Peter & Emily Roberts (1st w.), December 14, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
424 - Ebenezer, s. Ezra & Susan Eaton Roberts (1st w.), June 24, 1830, farmer in Amh. 1850, lived with his father, unmarried. [JAS]
414 - Ebenezer, s. John & Lydia (Boltwood), May 21, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
413 - Ebenezer, s. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), December 10, 1694, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
413 - Ebenezer, s. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), November 10, (1701), probably at Hadley. [JAS]
416, 418 - Ebenezer, s. John & Thankful (Rose), July 8, 1760, at Amh., bpt. January [Dup: January 3] 1768 [sec. Dup: November 28, 1819 at 2nd Ch. as an adult], resident of Amh. 1785 with no land, active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787, farmer at Amh. 1790-1815, licensed to keep an Inn at Amh. 1803, Selectman 1808, had a half interest in a grist mill in 1815, and soon acquired a half interest in a fulling mill (the other half with his son Peter). [JAS]
413 - Ebenezer, s. Nathaniel & Esther (Smith), November 18, 1703, from Hadley to Amh. by 1731. [JAS]
423 - Ebenezer, s. Peter & Emily Roberts (1st w.), January 29, 1819, at Amh. [JAS]
415 - Ebenezer, s. Samuel & Mary (Boltwood) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. July 19, 1752at 1st Ch. [JAS]
5 - Ebenezer, s. Samuel & Mary, bpt. July 19, 1752, at 1st Ch. Dy'd. October 6, 1752. [CH]
426 - Edward Harrison, s. Harrison & Rhoda Diana (Hubbard), November 20, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
414 - Eleanor, d. Elisha & Elizabeth (Smith) (Lewis), January 2, 1754, at Amh., bpt. January 13, 1752at 1st Ch. [JAS]
6 - Eleanor, d. Elisha & Elizabeth, bpt. January 13, 1754, at 1st Ch. [CH]
420 - Electa, d. Robert & Sarah (Bolles), May 25, 1797, at Washington, VT, lived in household of George Warner in Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
419 - Elijah, s. Gershom & Martha (Belden), December 19, 1791, perhaps in VT, bpt. June 7, 1805, perhaps at 2nd Ch., guardian in 1808 was Ebenezer Ingram. [JAS]
54 - Elijah, s. Widow Martha, bpt. June 2, 1805, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
54 - Elisha, d. Widow Martha, bpt. June 2, 1805, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
419 - Elisha, s. Gershom & Martha (Belden), ca 1793, perhaps in VT, bpt. June 7, 1805 perhaps at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
414 - Elisha, s. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), September 7, 1717, probably at Hadley, bpt. as an adult September 1741at 1st Ch., came to Amh. from Hadley between 1739 and 1741, farmer at Amh., had a trade 1760 through 1780, licensed to sell liquor 1766 through 1773, kept an inn at his house 1779 through 1782, Selectman 1763. [JAS]
415 - Elisha, s. Samuel & Mary (Boltwood) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. June 24, 1764 at 1st Ch., guardian in May 1782was Ebenezer Mattoon Jr. [JAS]
10 - Elisha, s. Samuel & Mary, bpt. June 24, 1764, at 1st Ch. [CH]
426 - Elizabeth Minerva, d. Lucius & Lydia M. (Brown), ca February 29, 1847, at North Amh. [JAS]
414 - Elizabeth, d. Elisha & Elizabeth (Smith) (Lewis), September 16, 1746, at Amh. [JAS]
3 - Elizabeth, d. Elisha & Elizabeth, bpt. September 21, 1746, at 1st Ch. [CH]
413 - Elizabeth, d. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), March 15, 1691, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
425 - Ellen Amh., d. Robert & Mary (Moody), ca June 23, 1848, perhaps at Hadley. [JAS]
420 - Elvira, d. Robert & Sarah (Bolles), May 8, 1799, at Washington, VT. [JAS]
438 - Emeline J., ___ __, 1825. [GR2]
424 - Emeline J., d. Lucius & Rhoda (Cheney), ___ __, 1825, at Washington, VT., lived in 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
423, 746 - Emeline, d. Peter & Emily Roberts (1st w.), January 1, 1813, at Amh., lived in 1850. [JAS]
420, 618 - Esther Lydia, d. Robert & Sarah (Bolles), July 4, 1803, at Washington, VT., lived at Amh. 1830 through 1850. [JAS]
418 - Esther, d. Ebenezer & Esther (Rood), May 23, 1797, at Amh. [JAS]
414 - Eunice, d. Elisha & Elizabeth (Smith) (Lewis), September 23, 1748, at Amh. [JAS]
3 - Eunice, d. Elisha & Elizabeth, bpt. September 25, 1748, at 1st Ch. [CH]
414 - Experience, d. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), April 17, 1714, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
414 - Experience, d. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), August 21, 1714, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
416 - Experience, d. Philip & Experience (Montague) (Pierce), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. November 1761at 1st Ch. [JAS]
416 - Ezekiel, s. John & Thankful (Rose), ca 1767, at Amh., resident of Amh., active in Shay's Rebellion, and signed the Oath of Allegiance February 1887, moved to Washington, VT after 1790. [JAS]
418, 423 - Ezra, s. Ebenezer & Esther (Rood), September 1, 1799, at Amh.; resident of Amh. 1824; in 1825 he owned the other half of his brother Peter's interests; was a miller: as Izra Ingram & Co. he had the "Blodgett " home, forge, and the "Clark" Smith shop; in 1835 as EI & Co. he owned buildings, 40 acres, half a grist mill, half a mill house, a forge, house occupied by Roberts, and livestock; Selectman 1836-38 and 1844; had business interests in Fon du lac, WI 1839; Representative to the General Court 1843; farmer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
498 - Ezra, Sept. 1, 1799. [GR2]
426 - Flora M., d. Lucius Chandler & Nancy S. (Pierce), June 19, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
424 - Francis Harwood, s. Ezra & Susan Eaton Roberts (1st w.), December 13, 1824, a teacher at Amh. 1850, lived with his father, unmarried. - [JAS]
426 - Frederic Harrison, s. Harrison & Rhoda Diana (Hubbard), July 2, 1846, at Amh. [JAS]
416, 419 - Gershom, twin s. John & Thankful (Rose), April __ 1765, at Amh., lived in Amh. on his father's farm, active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787, resided in Westminster, VT by 1791. [JAS]
416, 418, 419 - Gideon, s. John & Thankful (Rose), ca 1762, at Amh., lived in Amh. 1785 on his father's farm, active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787, had interest in land at Washington, VT, owned a 56 acre farm in 1797. [JAS]
413 - Hannah, d. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), October 17, 1697, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
415 - Hannah, d. Samuel & Mary (Boltwood) (2nd w.), December 18, 1767, at Amh., bpt. January 3, 1768 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
613 - Hannah, w. Isaiah Richardson, between 1784 and 1794, lived at Amh. 1810. [JAS]
425 - Harriet Lucretia, d. William & Betsey (Parker), June 18, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
7 - Harriet, d. W[illia]m & Betsy, June 18, 1841. [VR2]
421 - Harriet, d. Zaccheus Crocker & Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.), February 8, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
422, 426 - Harrison, s. John & Lucy (Hubbard) (1st w.), April 8, 1820 , at Amh., farm laborer at Amh. 1845, farmer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
39 - Harrison, s. John, Jr., bpt. July 16, 1820, at 1st Ch. [CH]
420 - Ira, s. Nathan & Content (Fuller) (1st w.), ca November 1799, probably at Amh. [JAS]
425 - Irene Orilla, d. Joab, December 20, 1826, at Barnston, Quebec, lived with father at Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
13 - Jane B., d. William & Betsy, May 2, 1843, [in pencil]. [VR2]
425 - Jane Beers, d. William & Betsey (Parker), May 2, 1843, at North Amh. [JAS]
11 - Jerush, d. Nathan & Content (Fuller), Dec. 29, 1801. [GenRec]
414 - Jerusha, d. Elisha & Elizabeth (Smith) (Lewis), May 7, 1756, at Amh. [JAS]
7 - Jerusha, d. Elisha & Elizabeth, bpt. May 16, 1756, at 1st Ch. [CH]
421 - Jerusha, d. Nathan & Content (Fuller) (1st w.), December 29, 1801, probably at Amh., bpt. as an adult at North Ch. 1831. [JAS]
418 - Jerusha, d. Samuel & Jerusha (Blodgett), ca 1793, at Amh., bpt. June 17, 1798 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
52 - Jerusha, d. Samuel, bpt. June 17, 1798, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
420, 424 - Joab, s. Joab & Lydia (Peaslee), February 15, 1797, at Danville, VT., resident of Barnston, Quebec 1821through 1834, resident of Amh. by April 1844, carpenter, at Amh. through 1850. [JAS]
416, 420 - Joab, s. John & Thankful (Rose), ___ __, ____, at Amh. [JAS]
416 - Joanna, d. Reuben & Phebe (Shattuck), ___ __, 1756, at Amh., bpt. May 23, 1756 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
7 - Joanna, d. Reuben & Phoebe, bpt. May 23, 1756, at 1st Ch. [CH]
420 - Johanna, d. David & Mercy (Sprout), December 3, 1787, at Amh. [JAS]
60 - John Pyncheon, s. Ebenezer, bpt. November 28, 1819, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
418 - John Pynchon, s. Ebenezer & Esther (Rood), June 7, 1811, at Amh., bpt. with his father November 28, 1819 at South Ch., farmer at - Amh. 1830, Sylvanus Field was his guardian. [JAS]
413 - John, s. John & Elizabeth (Gardner), of Hadley, June 29, 1661, a Proprietor of lands at Amh., received lands at Amh. 1703 and 1741, - from Hadley to Amh. by 1731, resident of Amh. 1738. [JAS]
414, 416 - John, s. John & Lydia (Boltwood), November 19, 1730, probably at Amh., resident of Amh. 1751, farmer, Militia private at Cambridge for 11days April 1777, soldier in Northern Army May through August 1777, with 4 days at New Providence, was at Stillwater September 1777, farmer at Amh. 1780. [JAS]
413, 414 - John, s. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), January 9, 1693, probably at Hadley, came to Amh. from Hadley ca 1729, member of the Cemetery Committee in 1730, his estate received land in 1741from the Hadley Proprietors. [JAS]
417, 422 - John, s. John & Susanna (Crocker), May 28, 1788, at Amh., bpt. July 15, 1798 at 1st Ch., farmer at Amh. 1815 through 1830. [JAS]
26 - John, s. John, bpt. July 15, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
415, 417 - John, s. Samuel & Mary (Boltwood) (2nd w.), ____ __, ____ [Dup: ___ __, 1755], at Amh., bpt. April 13, 1755 at 1st Ch., farmer at Amh. 1785 through 1835, active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787, Militia Lt. 1795 through 1816, gentleman at Amh. 1803. [JAS]
6 - John, s. Samuel & Mary, bpt. April 13, 1755, at 1st Ch. [CH]
416 - Jonathan Piece, s. Philip & Experience (Montague) (Pierce), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. October 12, 1766 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
11 - Jonathan Pierce, s. Phillip, bpt. October 12, 1766, at 1st Ch. [CH]
414 - Jonathan, s. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), December 15, 1708, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
417 - Jonathan, twin s. Reuben & Phebe (Shattuck), ___ __, 1765, at Amh., bpt. April 1, 1765 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
11 - Jonathan, twin s. Reuben & Phoebe, bpt. April 21, 1765, at 1st Ch. [CH]
425 - Laura F., s. Joab, June 11, 1821, at Barnston, Quebec. [JAS]
271 - Laura F., w. Hubbard Eaton, ___ __, 1821, at by Barnston, Québec. [JAS]
426 - Lavina I. ca 1834, in MA, lived at Amh. 1850 in household of Charles A. Ball. [JAS]
789 - Lida I., ___ __, 1843. [GR2]
425 - Lida Isadore, d. Aaron Hastings & Martha (Ward), March 28, 1843, at North Amh. [JAS]
41 - Linus, s. Crocker, bpt. May 17, 1824, at 1st Ch. [CH]
8 - Lodema, d. Phillip, bpt. October 1, 1758, at 1st Ch. [CH]
415 - Lodeona, d. Philip & Experience (Montague) (Pierce), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. October 1, 1758, at Amh. [JAS]
426 - Lora Diana, d. Harrison & Rhoda Diana (Hubbard), September 7, 1847, at Amh. [JAS]
4 - Luce, d. Elisha & Elizabeth, bpt. July 30, 1750, at 1st Ch. [CH]
416 - Lucinda, twin d. Philip & Experience (Montague) (Pierce), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. May 22, 1768. at Amh. at 1st Ch. [JAS]
425, 426 - Lucius Chandler, s. Joab, January 6, 1823, at Barnston, Quebec, carpenter at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
419, 424 - Lucius, s. Robert & Sarah (Bolles), December 11, 1791, at Washington, VT. [JAS]
421, 426 - Lucius, s. Zaccheus Crocker & Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.) November 2, 1823, at Amh., broom maker and farmer at North Amh. 1845-1850, [JAS]
13 - Lucretia, d. Mary, widdow [sic], bpt. May 20, 1770, at 1st Ch. [CH]
12 - Lucretia, d. Philip, bpt. May 22, 1768, at 1st Ch. [CH]
415 - Lucretia, d. Samuel & Mary (Boltwood) (2nd w.), ___ __, 1770, at Amh., bpt. May 20, 1770 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
416 - Lucretia, twin d. Philip & Experience (Montague) (Pierce), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. May 22, 1768. at Amh. at 1st Ch. [JAS]
422 - Lucy Hubbard, d. John & Lucy (Hubbard) (1st w.), June 11, 1823, at Amh., lived in Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
424 - Lucy Maria, d. Ezra & Susan Eaton Roberts (1st w.), December 8, 1827, lived with her father in Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
418 - Lucy, d. Ebenezer & Esther (Rood), May 14, 1804, at Amh. [JAS]
414, 515 - Lucy, d. Elisha & Elizabeth (Smith) (Lewis), July 22, 1750, at Amh., lived at Amh. March 1790. [JAS]
12 - Lusinda, d. Philip, bpt. May 22, 1768, at 1st Ch. [CH]
422 - Lydia Smith, d. John & Idea (Smith) (2nd w.), April 25, 1827, at Amh., lived with her mother 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
416 - Lydia, d. John & Thankful (Rose), ___ __, ____, at Amh. [JAS]
415 - Lydia, d. Samuel & Abigail (Dickinson) (1st w.), ca April 1744, at Amh., bpt. April 29, 1744 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
2 - Lydia, d. Samuel & Abigail, bpt. April 29, 1744. at 1st Ch. [CH]
527 - Lydia, w. John Morton, ___ __, 1774, at Amh., bpt. as an infant 1744 at 1st Ch., bpt. again in private March 16, 1769, at Amh. [JAS]
37 - Marietta, d. John, Jr., bpt. August 25, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
424 - Martha W., Sept. 20, 1821. [GR2]
419 - Martha, d. Gershom & Martha (Belden), March __, 1802, never married. [JAS]
420 - Martin, s. Robert & Sarah (Bolles), April 24, 1793, at Washington, VT, resident of Washington, VT. [JAS]
455 - Mary Ann, 1st w. Charles Field Kellogg, ___ __, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
117 - Mary Ann, d. Peter & Emily (Roberts), 1st w. Charles Field Kellogg, Aug. 9, 1816, at Amh. [KG II-1300] [VR2]
423 - Mary Ann, d. Peter & Emily Roberts (1st w.), August 9,1816, at Amh. [JAS]
417 - Mary Boltwood, d. John & Susanna (Crocker), September 15, 1796, at Amh., bpt. July 15, 1798 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
26 - Mary Boltwood, d. John, bpt. July 15, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
421 - Mary Boltwood, d. Zaccheus Crocker & Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.), March 3, 1813, at Amh., an invalid, changed her name from "Mary Ingram" to "Mary Boltwood Ingram", lived with her father at Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
397 – Mary J., d. Robert & Mary. ___ __, 1807.{sic} [GR2]
425 - Mary J., d. Robert & Mary___ __, 1837, at A. [JAS]
422, 683 - Mary Nancy, d. Rufus & Mary (Cushman), March 30, 1819, at Amh., lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
34 - Mary, d. Cracker & Saily, bpt. April 25, 1813, at 1st Ch. [CH]
419, 593 - Mary, d. Gideon & Mary (Edwards) (1st w.), ca 1793, probably at Amh. [Dup.; at Amh.], [Dup.; orphan in 1799 and had a guardian, lived at Sturbridge May 1819]. [JAS]
413, 654 - Mary, d. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), July 10, (1702), probably at Hadley, resident of Sunderland, 1760. [JAS]
416 - Mary, d. Philip & Experience (Montague) (Pierce), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. February 19, 1766. [JAS]
415 - Mary, d. Samuel & Mary (Boltwood) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. February 1760 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
9 - Mary, d. Samuel & Mary, bpt. February 24, 1760, at 1st Ch. [CH]
413 - Mehitable, d. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), September 13, 1698, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
422 - Merilla Sophia, d. John & Lucy (Hubbard) (1st w.), January 19, 1814, at Amh. [JAS]
417 - Nancy, d. John & Susanna (Crocker), September 23, 1816, at Amh., bpt. July 15, 1798 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
26 - Nancy, d. John, bpt. July 15, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
423 - Naomi Darling, d. Peter & Emily Roberts (1st w.), March 29, 1829, at Amh. [JAS]
418 - Naomi, d. Ebenezer & Esther (Rood), May 4, 1802, at Amh. [JAS]
416 - Naomi, d. John & Thankful (Rose), ___ __, ____, at Amh. [JAS]
417, 420 - Nathan, s. Reuben & Phebe (Shattuck), ca 1769, at Amh., bpt. July 30, 1769 at 1st Ch., farmer at Amh. 1795 until his death. [JAS]
13 - Nathan, s. Reuben & Phebe, bpt. July 30, 1769, at 1st Ch. [CH]
417 - Nathaniel, s. Reuben & Phebe (Shattuck), ca 1776, at Amh., received 12acres from his father's estate in 1791. [JAS]
417 - Nathaniel, twin s. Reuben & Phebe (Shattuck), ), ___ __, 1765, at Amh., bpt. April 21, 1765 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
11 - Nathaniel, twin s. Reuben & Phoebe, bpt. April 21, 1765, at 1st Ch. [CH]
35 - Norma Adams, w. Charles Austiman Ball, ca 1821, at Leverett. [JAS]
422 - Orilla Prudence, d. Rufus & Mary (Cushman), August 12, 1837, at Amh., bpt. September 18, 1831at North Ch. [JAS]
425 - Orrin Roberts, s. Joab, July 7, 1824, at Barnston, Quebec. [JAS]
54 - Oshea, ch. Widow Martha, bpt. June 2, 1805, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
419, 424 - Oshea, s. Gershom & Martha (Belden), ___ __, 1796, perhaps in VT, bpt. June 7, 1805 perhaps at 2nd Ch., resident of Amh. by ca 1805, lived with his mother there through 1815, went to Sunderland ca 1820, later went to Newport, NH. [JAS]
418, 423 - Peter, s. Ebenezer & Esther (Rood), April 8, 1792, at Amh., miller in Amh. with 2 acres and half a grist mill in 1815, by 1820 also had half interest in a fulling mill, in 1825 he also had half a clothier's shop, and a carding works, in 1830 also a marlin clothing works, mill house, the "Aasher Smith" house, moved to Fon du lac, Wisconsin by 1849. [JAS]
416 - Phebe, d. Philip & Experience (Montague) (Pierce), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. August 9, 1772at 1st Ch. [JAS]
14 - Phebe, d. Philip, bpt. August 9, 1772, at 1st Ch. [CH]
417 - Phebe, d. Reuben & Phebe (Shattuck), ___ __, ____, at Amh. [JAS]
416 - Phebe, d. Reuben & Phebe (Shattuck), ___ __, 1759, at Amh. [JAS]
420 - Phebe, d. Reuben, ca 1782. [JAS]
418 - Philena, d. Samuel & Jerusha (Boltwood), October 30, 1785, at Amh., bpt. June 1, 1798 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
52 - Philena, d. Samuel, bpt. June 17, 1798, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
379 - Philena, w. Luke Hill, ___ __, 1785, at Amh. [JAS]
414, 415 - Philip, s. John & Lydia (Boltwood), August 27, 1727, probably at Hadley, came to Amh. ca 1753, soldier in Capt. Smith's Co. 1755 on expedition against Crown Point, soldier on raid into Canada 1758, farmer at Amh. 1760 through 1790, soldier in Northern Army August 1777 - December 1777 at Saratoga, Continental service for one year in Rhode Island, beginning April 1778, went to Brookfield, VT 1790. [JAS]
415 - Philip, s. Philip & Experience (Montague) (Pierce), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. April 27, 1760 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
9 - Phillip, s. Phillip, bpt. April 27, 1760, at 1st Ch. [CH]
420 - Polly, d. Robert & Sarah (Bolles), March 17, 1795, at Washington, VT. [JAS]
413, 655 - Rebekah, d. John & Mehitable (Dickinson), November 5, 1704, probably at Hadley, lived at Amh. 1774. [JAS]
414, 416 - Reuben, s. John & Lydia (Boltwood), November 18, 1732, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1760, in July and August 1779 was a soldier at New London, CT, farmer at Amh. 1780-91. [JAS]
417, 420 - Reuben, s. Reuben & Phebe (Shattuck), ca 1760, at Amh., resident of Amh., active in Shay's Rebellion, and signed the Oath of Allegiance February 1887, moved to Leyden before 1790, cordwainer there 1791, resided at Chelsea, Orange Co, VT August 1803 and 1808. [JAS]
397 - Robert, __ __, 1815. [GR2]
421, 425 - Robert, s. Zaccheus Crocker & Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.), March 26, 1815, at Amh., resident of Amh. 1826, farmer at Amh. 1845, by 1849 moved to Hadley. [JAS]
416, 419 - Robert, twin s. John & Thankful (Rose), April __ 1765, at Amh., resident of Amh. through 1790, active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787, moved to Washington VT by 1791where he was a prosperous farmer. [JAS]
416 - Roswell, s. Philip & Experience (Montague) (Pierce), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. July 30, 1775 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
15 - Roswell, s. Philip, bpt. July 30, 1775, at 1st Ch. [CH]
423 - Rufus Daniel Crocker, s. Rufus & Mary (Cushman), June 13, 1833, at Amh., broom maker and school boy at Amh., 1850. [JAS]
417, 422 - Rufus, s. John & Susanna (Crocker), November 23, 1790, at Amh., bpt. July 15, 1798 at 1st Ch., farmer at Amh. 1815 through 1850. [JAS]
26 - Rufus, s. John, bpt. July 15, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
419 - Sally, d. Robert & Sarah (Bolles), September 14, 1790, at Amh. [JAS]
414, 415 - Samuel, s. John & Lydia (Boltwood), December 18, 1720, probably at Hadley, bpt. as an adult April 1742at 1st Ch., resident of Amh. by ca 1740, soldier on cavalry duty near Northfield October 1747, farmer at Amh. 1750 through 1766, Selectman 1766, had a tenth interest in a mill 1766, and a quarter interest in a burned saw mill at Amh. 1769. [JAS]
415, 417 - Samuel, s. Samuel & Mary (Boltwood) (2nd w.), ___ __, ____ [Dup: ___ __, 1755], at Amh., bpt. January 1757 at 1st Ch., soldier at Charlestown January 1776 and at Mosses Creek July 1777, farm laborer in Amh. 1780, farmer at Amh. 1785 through 1819, active in Shay's Rebellion, took the Oath of Allegiance February 1787, gentleman at Amh. 1815. [JAS]
7 - Samuel, s. Samuel & Mary, bpt. January 12, 1757, at 1st Ch. [CH]
422 - Sarah Belden, d. Zaccheus Crocker & Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.), September 27, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
422 - Sarah J., d. Zaccheus Crocker & Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.), July 29, 1830, lived with her father at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
423 - Sarah L., d. Peter & Emily Roberts (1st w.), August 28, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
425 - Sarah Louisa, d. Robert & Mary (Moody), January 18, 1847, at North Amh., bpt. October 10, 1847. [JAS]
264, 414 - Sarah, [Dup; d. John & Lydia (Boltwood)], ___ __, 1725, at Hadley [Dup; September 25, 1725, probably at Hadley], bpt. as an adult September 1741at 1st Ch., came to Amh. ca 1730. [JAS]
110 - Sarah, d. Nathaniel & Esther (Smith), October 2, 1717, probably at Hadley. [JAS]
417 - Sarah, d. Reuben & Phebe (Shattuck), ___ __, ____, at Amh. [JAS]
415 - Sarah, d. Samuel & Abigail (Dickinson) (1st w.), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. August 16, 1747 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
3 - Sarah, d. Samuel & Abigail, bpt. August 16, 1747, at 1st Ch. [CH]
33 - Solomon Boltwood, s. Crocker & Sally, bpt. August 5, 1810, at 1st Ch. [CH]
421 - Solomon Boltwood, s. Zaccheus Crocker & Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.), April 1, 1807, at Amh., prep at Amh. Academy and graduateAmh. College 1831, attended Andover Theological Seminary 1833-35, MA at Amh. College 1834, tutor at Amh. College 1835-36, teacher at Amh. Academy1831-33, went to Sunderland 1836, where he was ordained pastor, trustee Amh. Academy 1837-40. [JAS]
423, 643 - Sophia Foster, d. Peter & Emily Roberts (1st w.), August 30, 1821, at Amh., lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
37 - Sophia, d. John, Jr., bpt. August 25, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
425 - Susan Crocker, d. Robert & Mary (Moody), ca 1839, at Amh., bpt. December 1, 1839 at North Ch. [JAS]
421 - Susan Crocker, d. Zaccheus Crocker & Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.), November 10, 1808, at Amh. [JAS]
417 - Susanna, d. John & Susanna (Crocker), December 16, 1783, at Amh., bpt. July 15, 1798 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
8 - Susanna, dt. Elisha & Elizabeth, bpt. June 18, 1758, at 1st Ch. [CH]
415 - Susannah, d. Elisha & Elizabeth (Smith) (Lewis), June 10, 1758, at Amh. [JAS]
26 - Susannah, d. John, bpt. July 15, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
419 - Thankful, d. Gershom & Martha (Belden), ___ __, 1799, perhaps in VT, bpt. June 7, 1805, perhaps at 2nd Ch., later married in New York. [JAS]
54 - Thankful, d. Widow Martha, bpt. June 2, 1805, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
49 - Thankful, wife John, bpt. November 18, 1787, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
424 - Wells Woodbridge, s. Ezra & Susan Eaton Roberts (1st w.), August 27, 1832. [JAS]
575 - William, May 12, 1817. [GR2]
416 - William, s. Philip & Experience (Montague) (Pierce), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. May 15, 1763 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
10 - William, s. Philip, bpt. May 15, 1763, at 1st Ch. [CH]
37 - William, s. Z. Crocker & Sally, bpt. July 20, 1817, at 1st Ch. [CH]
421, 425 - William, s. Zaccheus Crocker & Sarah (Hastings) (1st w.), May 12, 1817, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1845-50. [JAS]
426 - Zacheus Crocker, s. Aaron Hastings & Martha (Ward), April 3, 1848, at North Amh. [JAS]
426 - Zacheus Crocker, s. Aaron Hastings & Martha (Ward), July 16, 1848, of whooping cough, at Amh. [JAS]
417, 421 - Zacheus Crocker, s. John & Susanna (Crocker), September 17, 1781, at Amh., bpt. July 15, 1798 at 1st Ch., resident of Amh. 1805, farmer at Amh. 1815 through 1850. [JAS]
26 - Zacheus Crocker, s. John, bpt. July 15, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
5, 128 - _____ [Dup. Huldah], d. William, of Pelham, June 25, 1809. [VR1]
163 - _____, d. ____, of Hadley, Oct. 11, 1828. [VR1]
173 - _____, d. Jeremiah, of Hadley, Oct. 2, 1833. [VR1]
588 - Nancy, d. Major Gen. Thomas, between 1791and 1800, lived at Amh. 1840, at Ellington CT March 1849, and at Chicago, IL March 1850. [JAS]
587 - Mary L., w. Edwin S. Pierce, ca 1820, at New York, NY, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
12 - _____, s. Elizabeth, (colored), Apr. 27, 1843. [VR2]
141 - _____, s. Polly (negro), of Amh., Oct. 30, 1817. [VR1]
154 - _____, s. W[illia]m (negro), of Amh., May 29, 1824. [VR1]
103 - Elizabeth D., d. Joseph & Mary (Loring), March 22, 1804, at Boston. [JAS]
1138 - Elizabeth D., March 22, 1804. [GR3]
654 - Henry, ___ __, 1817, in Amh. [GR3]
665 - Lavina, d. Nehemiah & Esther (Abbott), October 1, 1771, at Woodstock, CT, bpt. as an adult October 1800, at 1st Ch., lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
621 - Olive P., w. Henry, w. Horace Frazier, ___ __, 1900. [GR3]
427 - _____, s. _____ & Rebecca, between 1810 and 1815. [JAS]
427 - Charlotte Maria, d. Simeon & Sarah Draper (Weeks), May 3, 1825, perhaps at Amh. [JAS]
427 - Henry Weeks, s. Simeon & Sarah Draper (Weeks), April 23, 1823, at Guilford, VT. [JAS]
427 - Mary Julia Ann, d. Simeon & Sarah Draper (Weeks), October 4, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
427 - Sarah L., d. Simeon & Sarah Draper (Weeks), June 30, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
427 - _____, s. Horatio & Dolly, July 8, 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
142 - _____, s. Horatio, of Amh., July 9, 1818. [VR1]
547 - Mary Hutchins, w. Carleton Bill Newbury, ___ __, 1808, lived at Amh. February 1839 and 1840, lived in 1850. [JAS]
489 - Elizabeth, d. Solomon, December 20, 1760, at Douglas, lived 1810 and 1820 at Amh. [JAS]
72 - Annie E., ___ __, 1867. [GR1]
1411 - Jason, June 25, 1811. [GR3]
428 - Jason, s. Benjamin & Hannah (Atwood), June 25, 1811, mason at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
293 - Nellie M., Nov. 21, 1858. [GR3]
643 - Mariette, d. Zechariah & Judith (Vaughan), ca October 1817, at New Salem, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
20 - Eliza A., d. W[illia]m & Matilda, Apr. 6, 1845. [VR2]
614 - Julia Ann, d. Jonathan & Lucinda, ca 1826, at Paulet, VT, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
428 - Cecil H., s. Edwin & Sabra H. (1st w.), ca August 8, 1840. [JAS]
428 - Edwin, s. Cecil & Asenath (Lyman), August 20, 1814, at Northampton, resident of Amh. 1842, went to Hadley. [JAS]
133 - Frank S., Nov. 4, 1855. [GR1]
428 - George Baker, s. Paul & Eleanor (Punchard), September 11, 1818, at Lebanon, ME, graduateAmh. College 1840, student at Andover Theological Seminary 1840-42, MA at Amh. College 1843, tutor at Amh. College 1842-44, teacher at Salem 1844ff, Doctor of Divinity, Professor of Latin at Amh. College 1850. [JAS]
428 - John Howard, s. Edwin & Elizabeth (Jones) (2nd w.), January 19, 1843, at Hadley. [JAS]
428 - Mary Lucinda, d. Edwin & Elizabeth (Jones) (2nd w.), November 11, 1850, at Hadley. [JAS]
428 - Sophia Elizabeth, d. Edwin & Elizabeth (Jones) (2nd w.), February 19, 1845, at Hadley. [JAS]
133 - Sylvester, Aug. 18, 1824. [GR1]
428 - William Henry, s. Edwin & Elizabeth (Jones) (2nd w.), November 15, 1846, at Hadley. [JAS]
137 - _____, d. Amasa, of Amh., Apr. 1, 1815. [VR1]
140 - _____, d. Amasa, of Pelham, Feb. 14, 1817. [VR1]
140 - _____, s. Nathan, Jr., of Pelham, June 11, 1817. [VR1]
138 - _____, d. Riley, of Pelham, June 4, 1816. [VR1]
428 - Albert Lyman, s. Amasa & Esther (Fay), August 28, 1823, at Pelham. [JAS]
86 - Almira, d. Nathan & Cynthia (Arnold), ca February, 1807, at Pelham. [JAS]
428 - Amasa, s. Nathan & Susannah (Sheldon), April 25, 1788, at Cumberland, RI, came to Pelham with his parents ca 1806, mechanic at Amh. 1814, resident of Pelham 1817. [JAS]
295 - Eunice Hannum, d. Riley & Sylvia, June 14, 1816, at Pelham. [JAS]
428 - Loiza Minerva, d. Amasa & Esther (Fay), April 1, 1814, at Amh. [JAS]
602 - Marinda, d. Peleg & Silvey, December 6, 1805, at Cumberland, RI, joined 2nd Ch. July 1831, lived at Pelham 1842. [JAS]
428 - Olive Fay, d. Amasa & Esther (Fay), February 14, 1817, at Pelham. [JAS]
431 - _____, s. Charles & Aurelia E. (Woodise), April 17, 1843, at Amh. [JAS]
11 - _____, s. Charles [dup. Henry? in pencil] & Aurelia, Apr. 17, 1843. [VR2]
431 - _____, d. Henry, farmer at South Amh. 1847, & Roxana, March 16, 1837, at South Amh. [JAS]
168 - _____, s. Hiram, of Amh., Oct. 24, 1830. [VR1]
430 - _____, s. Orren & Azubah (Dickinson), July 1, 1838, at Amh., d. 2 days later. [JAS]
172 - _____, s. Orin, of Amh., Oct. 7, 1832. [VR1]
137 - _____, infant s. Orin & Auzbah, ___ __, 1838. [GR1]
163 - _____, s. Richard (negro), of Amh., Nov. 17, 1828. [VR1]
129 - Alfred W., s. H. S. & Nellie A., March. 13, 1880. [GR1]
431 - Allen, ca 1824, in CT, blacksmith at Springfield 1849 and at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
797 - Anna S., ___ __, 1885. [GR3]
799 - August, ___ __, 1861. [GR3]
429 - Betsy, d. Silas & Clarissa (Bugbee) (1st w.), ca February 17, 1789, at Woodstock, CT. [JAS]
429 - Britania, d. Silas & Silinda (Bugbee) (2nd w.), September 17, 1808, at Pelham. [JAS]
430, 602 - Caroline Elizabeth, of Amh., d. Earl & Nancy (Oliver) (1st w.), January 20, 1824, at South Amh., lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
429 - Celinda, d. Silas & Silinda (Bugbee) (2nd w.), January 31, 1802, at Dover, VT. [JAS]
431 - Charles W., s. Allen & Esther Ann (Douglas), April 21, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
430, 601 - Clarissa Billings, d. Earl & Nancy (Oliver) (1st w.), December 10, 1822, at Hadley, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
429 - Clarissa, d. Silas & Silinda (Bugbee) (2nd w.), September 19, 1793, at Dover, VT. [JAS]
198, 207 - Cora A., ___ __, 1869. [GR1]
229 - Dwight H., s. Harvey S. & Louisa, Nov. 2, 1842. [GR2]
431 - Dwight H., s. Hervey Shelden & Louisa (Gowdy) (1st w.), November 2, 1842, at Amh., perhaps a Soldier in the Civil War. [JAS]
429 - Earl, s. Silas & Silinda (Bugbee) (2nd w.), farm laborer at Amh. 1820, went to Hadley and returned to Amh. by 1824, farmer at Amh. 1825 through 1850. [JAS]
1648 - Eben M., ___ __, 1836. [GR3]
430 - Ebenezer Mattoon, s. Orren & Azubah (Dickinson), November 4, 1836, at Amh., school boy at Amh. 1850, Soldier in the Civil War, Co. C, 10th Mass Vol. [JAS]
43 - Edward L., Oct. 9, 1831. [GR2]
430 - Edwin H., s. Hervey Shelden & Louisa (Gowdy) (1st w.), March 23, 1838, at Mansfield, CT. [JAS]
137 - Eli H., s. Orin & Auzbah, ___ __, 1839. [GR1]
72 - Eli Harrison, infant s. Orin & Azariah D., bpt. May 17, 1840, at South Ch. [CH]
430 - Eli Harrison, s. Orren & Azubah (Dickinson), October 13, 1839, at Amh., school boy at Amh. 1850, Soldier in the Civil War, Co. D, 27th Mass Vol. [JAS]
46 - Frances, d. George, of Pelham, ca 1824, in Ireland. [JAS]
135 - Frederick M., ___ __, 1864. [GR1]
135 - George L., ___ __, 1834. [GR1]
71 - George Lyman, bpt. May 24, 1835, at South Ch. [CH]
430 - George Lyman, s. Orren & Azubah (Dickinson), August 21, 1834, at Amh., farm laborer at Amh. 1850, lived with his parents, Soldier in the Civil War, Co. K, 42nd Inf Reg't. [JAS]
241 - Harvey S., April 10, 1813. [GR2]
136 - Henry E., ___ __, 1830. [GR1]
430 - Henry Eckford, s. Orren & Azubah (Dickinson), November 4, 1830, at Amh., farm laborer at Amh. 1850, lived with his parents, unmarried. [JAS]
136 - Herbert H., s. Henry E. & Jane E., ___ __, 1866. [GR1]
430 - Hervey Shelden, s. Joel C. & Mary (Barrows), April 10, 1813, at Mansfield, CT, farmer at Enfield, CT, 1835 and 1838, farmer at Amh. by 1845, teamster at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
431 - Hiram N., s. Hiram & Mary (Northam), October 24, 1830, at Amh. [JAS]
431 - Hiram, s. Silas & Celia, September 3, 1802, at Hardwick, came to Amh. 1828, bricklayer at Amh. 1830, gone from Amh. by 1840. [JAS]
339 - Julia Ann, , d. Stephen & Sarah, ca 1812, at Hadley. [JAS]
898 - Marcia A., ___ __, 1846. [GR2]
137 - Martin S., s. Orin & Auzbah, ___ __, 1841. [GR1]
430 - Martin Silas, s. Orren & Azubah (Dickinson), September 19, 1841, at Amh., lived in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
43 - Mary Frances, d. Edward L. & Jane (Hanna), July 20, 1871. [GR2]
1538 - O. Axel, May 16, 1868. [GR3]
137 - Orin, ___ __, 1799. [GR1]
429, 430 - Orren [aka Orrigen], s. Silas & Silinda (Bugbee) (2nd w.), April 17, 1800, at Dover, VT, farm laborer at Amh. 1820 and 1825, farmer at Amh. 1830 through 1850, had his name changed in 1843 by the court from "Orrigen" to "Orren". [JAS]
429 - Roena, d. Silas & Silinda (Bugbee) (2nd w.), November 21, 1804, at Dover, VT. [JAS]
131 - Roxa, d. Stephen, ___ __, 1795. [VR3]
429, 567 - Roxanna, d. Silas & Silinda (Bugbee) (2nd w.), February 21, 1797, at Dover, VT, lived at Plainfield December 1831and September1834, and at Amh. or Hadley July 1841. [JAS]
605 - Sally, d. Stephen & Sarah (Johnson), w. Ansel Pomeroy, Oct. 28, 1799, at Hadley. [VR3]
592 - Sally, w. Ansel Pomeroy, ca 1801, at Hadley, lived in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
606 - Sarah, d. Joel & Roxey (Morgan), November 23, 1817, at Charlton, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
72 - Silas Martin, s. Orren, bpt. at South Ch., (the paper is lost containing the date of this baptism). [CH]
70 - Silas Oliver, bpt. June 1826, at South Ch. [CH]
430 - Silas Oliver, s. Earl & Nancy (Oliver) (1st w.), April 12, 1826, at Amh., farm laborer at Amh., 1850, lived with his father, Soldier in the Civil War, Co. G., 52nd Mass Vol. at Amh. [JAS]
429 - Silas, s. Nathaniel, Jr., & Anna, June 29, 1763, at Woodstock, CT, resident of Woodstock, CT, soldier in Revolutionary War, with Washington's army in the retreat across New Jersey, at New London, CT July and August 1779, and afterwards at West Point, NY, ca 1790 moved to Dover, VT, then to Pelham ca 1808, farmer at Amh. by 1815. [JAS]
429 - Silas, s. Silas & Silinda (Bugbee) (2nd w.), June 8, 1807, at Dover, VT. [JAS]
71 - William F., bpt. December 16, 1832, at South Ch. [CH]
430 - William Franklin, s. Orren & Azubah (Dickinson), October 7, 1832, at Amh., farm laborer at Amh. 1850, lived with his parents, unmarried, perhaps a Soldier in the Civil War. [JAS]
433 - _____, d. Lemuel & Loissa (Nash), between 1810 and 1820. [JAS]
432 - _____, d. Levi & Mary (1st w.), between 1810 and 1820, lived in Amh. 1820. [JAS]
131 - _____, s. Levi, of Shutesbury, Oct. 29, 1811. [VR1]
134 - _____, s. Levi, of Shutesbury, June 7, 1813. [VR1]
137 - _____, s. Levi, of Shutesbury, June 8, 1815. [VR1]
143 - _____, s. Levi, of Shutesbury, Feb. 15, 1819. [VR1]
137 - _____, d. Marshall S., of Greenwich, Oct. 25, 1815. [VR1]
141 - _____, s. Marshal S., of Enfield, Jan. 18, 1818. [VR1]
21 - _____, d. Tho[ma]s Jr., G, July 5, 1845. [VR2]
433 - Alfred Dexter, s. James & Maria (Kellogg), November 24, 1829, at Sherburne. [JAS]
432 - Augusta Thayer, s. Thomas & Mary Hubbard (Field) (French) (2nd w.), July 5, 1845, at West Amh. [JAS]
70 - Caroline Raymond, bpt. October 4, 1829, at South Ch. [CH]
432 - Caroline Raymond, d. Levi &Louisa (Raymond) (2nd w.), January __, 1829, probably at Amh., bpt. October 4, 1829 at 2nd Ch., d. October 9, 1829. [JAS]
428 - Elizabeth, d. John & Hannah (Warner), September 1, 1822, at Hadley. [JAS]
433 - Ellen Cordelia, d. James & Maria (Kellogg), March 17, 1841, at Sherburne. [JAS]
10 - Emiline A., July 23, 1823, at Madison, CT. [VR1]
10 - Emiline A., July 23, 1823, in Madison, CT. [VR1]
549 - Gerald Dennison, August 24, 1878. [GR2]
302 - Helen Serelia d. Jabez & Anna (Chapman), April 9, 1827, at Deerfield. [JAS]
433 - James, s. James & Esther (Hunt), of Tisbury, September 15, 1809, apprentice clothier at Leverett, resident of Amh. 1828, by 1830 he resided at Sherburne where he established a woolen mill that burned in 1850. [JAS]
624 - James, Sept. 15, 1805. [GR2]
432 - Joseph Lyman, s. Thomas & Elizabeth M. (Lyman) (1st w.), December 4, 1832, at Enfield, student at Amh. College 1848 through 1850. [JAS]
432 - Lemuel, between 1794 and 1802, resident of Amh. 1818, tailor at Amh. February 1820, left Amh. 1821. [JAS]
431 - Levi, between 1775 and 1793, resident of Ludlow 1815 when he bought a farm in Amh., farmer at Amh. 1820 through 1831, Selectman 1824 and 1825, left Amh. ca 1830. [JAS]
510 - Lovina, 1st w. Elijah Montague, February 25, 1773. [JAS]
433 - Maria Elizabeth, d. James & Maria (Kellogg), June 20, 1832, at Sherburne. [JAS]
299 - Martha F., Oct. 1, 1862. [GR2]
432 - Martin Field, s. Thomas & Mary Hubbard (Field) (French) (2nd w.), June 1, 1838, at Enfield. [JAS]
824 - Mary H., Sept. 13, 1804. [GR3]
432 - Mary Louisa, d. Levi &Louisa (Raymond) (2nd w.), bpt. December 19, 1822at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
62 - Mary Louisa, d. Levi, bpt. December 29, 1822, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
433 - Sabra, d. John C. & Sabra (Allen), ca March 1847, at Wilbraham, lived in household of her uncle Nathaniel Allen in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
546 - Sally, 1st w. Seth Nelson, ca 1780, resident of Worcester 1802. [JAS]
432 - Samuel Minot, s. Thomas & Mary Hubbard (Field) (French) (2nd w.), September 16, 1836, at Enfield, schoolboy at Amh. 1850, his will established the Jones Library at Amh. in 20th Century. [JAS]
433 - Sarah Francelia, d. James & Maria (Kellogg), February 3, 1839, at Sherburne. [JAS]
70 - Susan Allen, bpt. November 1825, at South Ch. [CH]
432 - Susan Allen, d. Levi &Louisa (Raymond) (2nd w.), bpt. November __, 1825 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
823 - Thomas, March 6, 1787. [GR3]
432 - Thomas, s. Elnathan & Mary, March 6, 1787, at Concord; a manufacturer at Enfield before coming to Amh. ca 1840; he had a factory and buildings; Representative to the General Court 1845; trustee of Amh. Academy 1841through 1850; gentleman at Amh. 1848; in 1850 he was a manufacturer of cotton and woolen goods in North Amh. [JAS]
432 - Thomas, s. Thomas & Elizabeth M. (Lyman) (1st w.), April 22, 1830, at Enfield, lived in Amh. 1850, perhaps married. [JAS]
432 - William Green, s. Thomas & Elizabeth M. (Lyman) (1st w.), April 30, 1834, at Enfield. [JAS]
287 - Ruth, Jan. 18, 1779. [GR2]
667 - Ruth, w. Jonathan Smith, ca 1777, lived at Amh. 1800 to 1840, lived with her son Lyman at Conway after 1845. [JAS]
433 - _____, d. Henry S., ca May 1847, at Amh. [JAS]
169 - _____, s. Frederic, of Amh., Mar. 10, 1831. [VR1]
434 - _____, s. Frederick & Maria P. (Harris), March 10, 1831, at Amh. [JAS]
131 - _____, s. Levi, of Amh., Sept. 6, 1811. [VR1]
146 - _____, d. Levi, of Amh., Feb. 19, 1821. [VR1]
434 - _____, s. Levi & Catherine (Ballard) (2nd w.), May 1, 1827, at Amh. [JAS]
160 - _____, s. Levi, of Amh., May 1, 1827. [VR1]
435 - _____, s. Lewis & Rebecca (Hawley), between 1836 and 1840. [JAS]
435 - _____, d. Lewis & Rebecca (Hawley), between 1836 and 1840. [JAS]
13 - _____, d., Philo & Mary E., G, July 31, 1843. [VR2]
48 - Albert Brown, s. J. A., bpt. October 20, 1844, at 1st Ch. [CH]
17 - Albert Brown, s. Jared & Emily, Apr. 18, 1844, [in pencil]. [VR2]
434 - Albert Brown, s. Jared Addison & Emily T. (Vose), April 18, 1844, at West Amh. [JAS]
434 - Albert Philo, s. Frederick & Maria P. (Harris), June 14, 1846. at Amh. [JAS]
434 - Anna Emily, d. Frederick & Maria P. (Harris), July 15, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
47 - Anna Emily, d. Frederick, bpt. April 10, 1842, at 1st Ch. [CH]
433 - Caroline B., d. Levi & Catherine (Ballard) (2nd w.), February 19, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
40 - Caroline, d. Mr. _____, bpt. July 24, 1821, at 1st Ch. [CH]
434 - Charles Henry, s. Jared Addison & Emily T. (Vose), February 18, 1831, at Boson. [JAS]
434 - Ellen Maria, d. Frederick & Maria P. (Harris), January 6, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
46 - Ellen Maria, d. Frederick & Maria P., bpt. June 9, 1839, at 1st Ch. [CH]
412 - Ellen, Jan. 6, 1839. [GR2]
434 - Emeline Augusta, d. Frederick & Maria P. (Harris), November 5, 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
46 - Emeline Augusta, d. Frederick & Maria P., bpt. August 19, 1838, at 1st Ch. [CH]
434 - Emily Augusta, d. Jared Addison & Emily T. (Vose), October 30, 1832, at Brooklyn, NY. [JAS]
433, 434 - Frederick, s. Levi & Phila (Church) (1st w.), September 20, 1807, at Amh., carpenter at Amh. 1835, joiner at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
40 - Frederick, s. Mr. _____, bpt. July 24, 1821, at 1st Ch. [CH]
434 - Jared Addison, s. David & Jerusha (Wilde), June 1, 1802, at Weymouth, resident of New York, NY, came to Belchertown by 1839, moved to Amh. where he represented the "O M Clapp & Co.", bonnet manufacturing, at Amh. 1844, returned to Brooklyn, NY 1845. [JAS]
434 - Levi Henry, s. Philo & Mary (Mallory), May 5, 1839, at Amh. [JAS]
46 - Levi Henry, s. Philo, bpt. December __, 1839, at 1st Ch. [CH]
433 - Levi, ca 1785, at Boston, resident of South Boston, came to Amh. by 1805, wheelwright at Amh. 1808, wagon maker at Amh. 1820. [JAS]
435 - Lewis, between 1801and 1810, resident of Adams 1833, came to Amh. by October 1835, joiner at Amh. through 1849, changed his name from "Lewis Joy" to "Lewis Everett Joy." [JAS]
140 - Lorenzo, ___ __, 1841. [GR1]
434 - Mary Elizabeth, d. Philo & Mary (Mallory), June 6, 1837, at Amh. [JAS]
46 - Mary Elizabeth, d. Philo & Mary Ann, bpt. August 19, 1838, at 1st Ch. [CH]
434 - Philo Levi, s. Philo & Mary (Mallory), July 31, 1843, at Mill Valley. [JAS]
48 - Philo Levi, s. Widow _____, bpt. March 15, 1844, at 1st Ch. [CH]
40 - Philo, ch. Mr. _____, bpt. July 24, 1821, at 1st Ch. [CH]
433, 434 - Philo, s. Levi & Phila (Church) (1st w.), September 6, 1811, at Amh., wheelwright at Amh. 1835, wagon maker at Mill Valley, 1843. [JAS]
434 - Sarah Ann, d. Frederick & Maria P. (Harris), June 1, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
46 - Sarah Ann, d. Frederick & Maria P., bpt. August 19, 1838, at 1st Ch. [CH]
433, 541 - Sarah Church, d. Phila (Church) (1st w.), March 29, 1814, at Amh., lived in 1850. [JAS]
9 - Susan Maria, d. Jared A. & Emily, Aug. 29, 1842, d. May 17. [VR2]
434 - Susan Maria, d. Jared Addison & Emily T. (Vose), August 29, 1842, at Amh. [JAS]
434 - William Addison, s. Jared Addison & Emily T. (Vose), November 4, 1837, at New York, NY. [JAS]
140 - William F. Joy, ___ __, 1853. [GR1]
435 - Daniel Alonzo, s. Daniel & Lucy (Hawks) [aka "Alonzo Juckett"], ca 1822, at Deerfield, shoemaker at Amh. 1845, laborer in Amh. 1848 to 1850. [JAS]
358 - Daniel Alonzo, s. Daniel & Lucy Hawks, ___ __, ____. [JAS]
435 - Stillborn ch. Daniel Alonzo & Marietta Dewey (Ensign), January 19, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
435 - Crispes, ca 1788, in MA, perhaps related to Editha Crocker [Judd may be married name]. [JAS]
424 - Nancy, d. Frederic & Nancy (Wait), March 22, 1796, at Southampton. [JAS]
97 - Sarah, w. Henry L. Burnham, ca 1813, at Hartford, CT. [JAS]