Vital Records Of Amherst,
Hampshire County, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
(Some Records to the Early 20th Century)
Published by The New England Historic and Genealogical Society in the Corbin Collection,
and by The Search & Research Publishing Corporation
[Transcribed by Carlton O. Hommel]

337 - Horatio Balch, s. Richard & Martha (Balch), December 27, 1808, at Salisbury, resident of Amh. 1830, graduate Amh. College 1830, studied at Andover Seminary 1830 1834, Tutor at Amh. College 1831through 1832, MA at Amh. College 1833, went to Baltimore, MD 1834. [JAS]
176 - Mary, w. Ephraim Cushman, ca 1757, at Taunton or Middleboro. [JAS]
342 - _____, d. Robert, between 1800 and 1810. [JAS]
342 - _____, s. Robert, between 1800 and 1810. [JAS]
342 - Robert, between 1765 and 1784, resided in Amh. 1810. [JAS]
658 - Abigail, d. Thomas & Abigail (Burt), February 9, 1735, at Longmeadow, lived 1800 at Amh. [JAS]
563 - Mary B., d. Samuel, June 16, 1806, lived in 1850. [JAS]
337 - Melinda [see Melinda Hall], d. Alanson D. & Melinda (Billings), ca May 26, 1806, at Amh. [JAS]
337 - Philander, ca 1820, resident of Wilbraham. [JAS]
151 - _____, s. Lemuel, of Pelham, Nov. 4, 1822. [VR1]
166 - _____, s. Levi, of Pelham, Jan. 6, 1830. [VR1]
337 - Ambrose, ca 1832, in New York State, laborer at Amh. 1850, lived in household of David Whipple. [JAS]
337 - Clarissa B., d. Rufus & Saloma (Osborn), ca 1829. [JAS]
754 - Deborah, d. Capt. Nathaniel & Martha (Storrs), June 5, 1748, at Mansfield, CT. [JAS]
934 - Edith C., ___ __, 1877. [GR2]
643 - Frederick A., s. Julius A. & Caroline A. (Cushman), ___ __, 1851. [GR3]
130 - Julia, Mar. 5, 1788. [VR3]
643 - Julius A., ___ __, 1827. [GR3]
376 - Mary, 3rd w. Jabez Hendricks, February 9, 1794, at Keene, NH. [JAS]
337 - Mary, ca 1832, in New York State, lived in Amh. 1850 in household Lewis McCloud. [JAS]
338 - Maryanne, d. Lemuel, May 2, 1808, at Pelham. [JAS]
686 - Rebecca, 1st w. Friend Smith, ca 1768. [JAS]
267 - Rebecca, d. James & Submit (Bosworth), April 19, 1779, at Mansfield, CT. [JAS]
337 - Ruth, d. _____ & Melinda (Hale), ca 1847, supposedly at Amh., [not in VR]. [JAS]
472 - Sanford G., s. Sanford H. & Cynthia M., Sept. 5, 1872. [GR2]
2 - Silence, w. Joseph Baxter Adams, Mar. 30, 1824, at Conway. [GenRec]
334 - Susan Amh., w. Austin Grout, ca 1808, in MA. [JAS]
589 - Sybel, ___ __, 1871. [GR2]
338 - _____, d. Calvin U. & Lucinda (Hastings), (probable (2nd w.)), between 1794 and 1800. [JAS]
338 - _____, d. David Chauncey & Polly Bascom (Hubbard) (1st w.), between 1794 and 1800. [JAS]
338 - _____, d. Jude & Lucy (Dickinson), October 12, 1810, at Amh. [JAS]
6, 130 - _____, d. Jude, of Amh., Oct. 12, 1810. [VR1]
6, 129 - _____, s. Calvin, of Amh., Mar. 30, 1810. [VR1]
132 - _____, s. Chauncey, of Amh., Aug. 30, 1812. [VR1]
338 - _____, s. David Chauncey & Lydia (Hastings) (2nd w.), August 30, 1812, at Amh. [JAS]
338 - _____, s. Jude & Lucy (Dickinson), July 29, 1812, at Amh. [JAS]
132 - _____, s. Jude, of Amh., July 29, 1812. [VR1]
130 - _____, still born ch. Chauncey, of Amh., Feb. 7, 1811. [VR1]
338 - _____, stillborn ch. David Chauncey & Lydia (Hastings) (2nd w.), February 7, 1811, at Amh. [JAS]
338 - Calvin U., between 1765 and 1884, resident of Amh. 1810, moved to Wilmington, VT by August 1812, where he was an innkeeper, gentleman at Schenectady, NY 1826. [JAS]
338 - David Chauncey [aka Chauncey Hamilton], between 1765 and 1784, trader and gentleman at Amh., resided at Amh. through 1814. [JAS]
338 - Frank, s. Calvin U. & Lucinda (Hastings), (probable (2nd w.)), March 30, 1810, at Amh., a physician. [JAS]
338 - Jude, between 1765 and 1785, trader at Amh. April 1809, owned an acre lot in 1810, gentleman at Amh. June 1813, removed to Vermont. [JAS]
221 - Mary, 1st w. Jonathan Dickinson, ca 1739. [JAS]
53 - Polly Hubbard, d. Dea[con]. _____, bpt. July 10, 1803, at 2nd Ch., by Mr. H. Williams. [CH]
338 - Polly, d. Joseph & Anne (Oliver), June 11, 1794, at Pelham. [JAS]
930 - Wolcott, Nov. 4, 1823. [GR3]
339 - Asa, s. Moses & Dorothy (Unknown) (Dresser) (1st w.), February 16, 1798, at Charlton. [JAS]
339 - Caroline, d. Moses & Elizabeth, September 3, 1825, at Charlton. [JAS]
339 - Dorothy, d. Moses & Dorothy (Unknown) (Dresser) (1st w.), May 14, 1796, at Charlton. [JAS]
339 - Ebenezer, s. Moses & Dorothy (Unknown) (Dresser) (1st w.), August 30, 1790, at Charlton. [JAS]
339 - Henry Ebenezer, s. Salem & Julia Ann (Johnson) (Eldridge), November 8, 1847, at South Amh. [JAS]
72 - John Chester, infant s. Salem & Julia Ann, bpt. November 13, 1842, at South Ch. [CH]
9 - John Chester, s. Salem & Julia A., Aug. 15, 1842. [VR2]
339 - John Chester, s. Salem & Julia Ann (Johnson) (Eldridge), August 15, 1842, at South Amh. [JAS]
339 - John J., s. Moses & Elizabeth, ca December 26, 1836, perhaps at Amh. [JAS]
339 - John, s. Moses & Dorothy (Unknown) (Dresser) (1st w.), September 16, 1793, at Charlton. [JAS]
339 - Louisa, assumed d. Phineas, ca 1811in MA. [JAS]
20 - Lyman Draper, s. Salem & Julia Ann, Oct. 31, 1844. [VR2]
339 - Lyman Dresser, s. Salem & Julia Ann (Johnson) (Eldridge), October 31, 1844, at South Amh. [JAS]
72 - Lyman Dresser, s. Salem, bpt. at South Ch., (the paper is lost containing the date of this baptism). [CH]
338 - Moses, ca 1759, resident of Charlton. [JAS]
339 - Moses, s. Moses & Dorothy (Unknown) (Dresser) (1st w.), February 19, 1799, at Charlton, resident of Charlton October 1836 when he bought a farm in East Amh., resident of Amh. April 1837 when he bought 12acres at Pelham, farmer at Amh. February 1838 when he sold his farm at East Amh. [JAS]
339 - Phineas, ca 1773, in MA, farm laborer at Amh. 1850, lived in household of Allen Johnson. [JAS]
339 - Richard, s. Moses & Dorothy (Unknown) (Dresser) (1st w.), May 22, 1788, at Charlton. [JAS]
339 - Salem, s. Moses & Dorothy (Unknown) (Dresser) (1st w.), February 18, 1803, at Charton, gentleman at Charlton December 1836 when he bought a farm at Amh., soon moved to Amh. with hisstep-mother, farmer at Amh. 1840 through 1850, Selectman 1844. [JAS]
339 - Samuel, s. Moses & Dorothy (Unknown) (Dresser) (1st w.), January 6, 1784, at Charlton. [JAS]
162 - _____, d. Timothy Jr., of Amh., Mar. 18, 1828. [VR1]
136 - _____, d. Timothy, Jr., of Amh., Dec. 23, 1814. [VR1]
132 - _____, d. Timothy, of Amh., June 1, 1812. [VR1]
374 - Phinehas, s. Gideon & Abigail (Church), December 13, 1778, at Amh., active in New Hampshire politics in later life. [JAS]
340 - _____, ch. William & Eliza A. Cummings (2nd w.), ca November 1843, at Amh. [JAS]
340 - _____, s. William & Eliza A. Cummings (2nd w.), June 19, 1842, at Amh., died next day. [JAS]
9 - _____, s. William & Eliza, June 19, 1842, d. June 20 1day old. [VR2]
636 - Rosanna M., d. Isaac & Elizabeth (Wilson), May 29, 1817, at MA, lived in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
518 - Sally, w. Lemuel Moody, between 1780 and 1784, lived at Amh. 1810 and 1820. [JAS]
340 - Sylvina, d. William &_____ Unknown (1st w.), ca 1838. [JAS]
339 - William, between 1811and 1820, resident of Amh. 1840, a merchant orstore clerk, moved from Amh. by 1845. [JAS]
340 - John, s. John & Judah, ca 1825, in Ireland, farm laborer in Amh. 1850, lived in Albin Howe's hotel. [JAS]
43 - Jane, May 23, 1836. [GR2]
340 - Johana, ca 1830, in Ireland, domestic at Amh. 1850, lived in household of Timothy Smith. [JAS]
6, 130 - _____ [Dup. Arnold], s. Pliney [Dup. Pliney & Polly], of Pelham, Oct. 11, 1810. [VR1]
5, 128 - _____ [Dup. Pathania], d. Pliny [Dup. Pliny & Polly], of Pelham, June 4, 1809. [VR1]
340 - _____, d. Perez & Abigail (Nutt? or Nutting), December 17, 1812, at Amh. [JAS]
133 - _____, d. Pereze, of Amh., Dec. 17, 1812. [VR1]
167 - _____, d. Plinney, of Pelham, Apr. 2, 1830. [VR1]
152 - _____, d. Plinny, of Pelham, Apr. 24, 1823. [VR1]
146 - _____, d. Plinny, of Pelham, Aug. 3, 1820. [VR1]
148 - _____, s. Henry, of Pelham, Apr. 24, 1821. [VR1]
143 - _____, s. Pliney, of Pelham, Oct. 9, 1818. [VR1]
137 - _____, s. Plinney, of Pelham, Apr. 3, 1815. [VR1]
796 - Amanda, 2nd w. Ward Woodbury, ca 1807, at Leverett. [JAS]
732 - Amelia M., Jan. 1, 1829. [GR3]
341 - Amelia Mariah, d. Grove Wright & Amelia Brown (Newell), January 1, 1829, at Pelham. [JAS]
340 - Arnold, s. Pliny & Polly (Arnold), October 11, 1810, at Pelham. [JAS]
341 - David Birs, s. David & Elizabeth, September 5, 1799, at Pelham. [JAS]
340 - David, s. Moses, ___ __, 1763, at Belchertown, resident of West Pelham 1812, resident of Amh. 1820. [JAS]
341 - Elizabeth, d. Grove Wright & Amelia Brown (Newell), June 21827, at Pelham. [JAS]
115 - George O., ___ __, 1833. [GR1]
341 - Grove Wright, s. David & Elizabeth, July 16, 1791, at Belchertown, lived in Amh. for a short time 1822-23, resident of Pelham by 1823. [JAS]
341 - Harriet Augusta, d. Grove Wright & Amelia Brown (Newell), December 5, 1831, at Pelham. [JAS]
341 - Henry Clay, s. Grove Wright & Amelia Brown (Newell), April 6, 1845, at Pelham. [JAS]
341 - Henry Clay, s. Grove Wright & Amelia Brown (Newell), June 19, 1838, at Pelham. [JAS]
341 - Henry, s. David & Elizabeth, September 9, 1795, at Belchertown. [JAS]
341 - John Quincy Adams, s. Grove Wright & Amelia Brown (Newell), July 25, 1823, at Pelham. [JAS]
341 - Leonard Arnold, s. David & Elizabeth, December 19, 1807, at Pelham. [JAS]
341 - Lodice, d. Phineas & Mary (Reckards), ca 1811, at Belchertown, lived in 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
341 - Lucius, s. Phineas & Mary (Reckards), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
340, 743 - Lydia, d. Pliny & Polly (Arnold), August 3, 1820, at Pelham. [JAS]
341 - Maria, d. Phineas & Mary (Reckards), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
341 - Martha Antinette, d. Grove Wright & Amelia Brown (Newell), October 11, 1843, at Pelham. [JAS]
341 - Moses, s. David & Elizabeth, June 12, 1803, at Pelham. [JAS]
340 - Moses, s. Pliny & Polly (Arnold), October 9, 1818, at Pelham. [JAS]
341 - Nathaniel Little, s. David & Elizabeth, June 1, 1806, at Pelham. [JAS]
340 - Parthenia, d. Pliny & Polly (Arnold), June 4, 1809, at Pelham. [JAS]
341 - Phineas, s. Phineas & Mary (Williams), ca 1773, at Belchertown, resident of Belchertown, farm laborer at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
340 - Pliny, s. Moses & Jerusha (Parker), ca 1784, at Belchertown, farmer at Pelham. [JAS]
340 - Pliny, s. Pliny & Polly (Arnold), April 3, 1815, at Pelham. [JAS]
341 - Sidney, s. David & Elizabeth, June 10, 1796, at Belchertown, moved from Pelham to Amh. by 1820, probably left Amh. by 1825, was again in Amh. 1840, either as a mechanic orstore keeper. [JAS]
340 - Wealthy W., d. Pliny & Polly (Arnold), April 24, 1823, at Pelham. [JAS]
340 - Wealthy, d. Pliny & Polly (Arnold), April 2, 1830, at Pelham. [JAS]
26 - William, s. Grove W. & Amelia, Dec. 12, 1820. [VR1]
361 - William, s. Grove W. & Amelia, Dec. 12, 1820. [VR3]
341 - William, s. Grove Wright & Amelia Brown (Newell), December 12, 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
648 - James, ___ __, 1853. [GR2]
515 - John W., Aug. 3, 1848. [GR2]
110 - Rebecca J., d. James & Sarah, ___ __, 1846. [VR3]
660 - Tho[ma]s, ___ __, 1819. [GR2]
655 - W[illia]m. H., ___ __, 1851. [GR2]
934 - Albert L., ___ __, 1880. [GR2]
934 - Richard, s. Albert L. & Edith C. (Hall), ___ __, 1907.
342 - Mary, ca 1815, in Ireland, laborer in Amh. 1850, lived in Albin Howe's hotel. [JAS]
758 - Mary Atwood, 1st w. Aaron Warner, August 2, 1789, at Haverhill. [JAS]
1017 - Mary Atwood, Aug. 2, 1789, in Haverhill. [GR3]
159 - _____, d. Chester, of Belchertown, Jan. 2, 1827. [VR1]
144 - _____, s. Chester, of Shutesbury, June 28, 1819. [VR1]
4, 127 - _____ [Dup. Dexter Right], s. Daniel, of Pelham, May 26, 1807. [VR1]
5, 129 - _____ [Dup. Lonzo Oliver], s. Daniel, of Pelham, Aug.5, 1809. [VR1]
343 - _____, ch. John & Esther (Wilson) (1st w.), ca January 1823, at Pelham. [JAS]
144 - _____, d. John, Jr., of Pelham, Oct. 2, 1819. [VR1]
151 - _____, d. John, of Pelham, Dec. 21, 1822. [VR1]
162 - _____, d. John, of Pelham, Feb. 8, 1828. [VR1]
159 - _____, d. William, of Pelham, Feb. 21, 1827. [VR1]
134 - _____, s. Daniel, of Pelham, Jan. 3, 1814. [VR1]
138 - _____, s. John, Jr., of Pelham, Dec. 3, 1815. [VR1]
141 - _____, s. John, Jr., of Pelham, Nov. 17, 1817. [VR1]
148 - _____, s. John, of Pelham, May 25, 1821. [VR1]
145 - _____, s. William, of Pelham, June 15, 1820. [VR1]
343 - Abigail H., d. John & Esther (Wilson) (1st w.), February 8, 1828, at Pelham, bpt. May 1828 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
64 - Abigail, d. John, bpt. May 25, 1828, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
343 - Adaline, d. John & Esther (Wilson) (1st w.), March 21, 1813, at Pelham, bpt. as an adult May 1827 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
133 - Adaline, d. John, Jr., of Pelham, Mar. 21, 1813. [VR1]
343 - Ambrose, s. John & Esther (Wilson) (1st w.), November 10, 1811, at Pelham. [JAS]
131 - Ambrose, s. John & Esther, Jr., of Pelham, Nov. 10, 1811. [VR1]
342 - Ambrose, s. John & Keziah (Edson), February 15, 1801, at Pelham. [JAS]
343 - Amy, d. John & Esther (Wilson) (1st w.), October 2, 1819, at Pelham, bpt. June 1827 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
342 - Anna, d. David & Sarah (Blair?), October 24, 1782. [JAS]
64 - Anna, d. John, bpt. June 3, 1727, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
487 - Anna, w. George Macomber, ___ __, 1782, in Pelham, wid. at Amh. 1830, living in 1850 but not in Amh. [JAS]
342 - Betty, twin d. John & Keziah (Edson), April 16, 1786, at Pelham. [JAS]
342 - David, ca 1758, resident of Pelham. [JAS]
343 - Edward, s. William & Abigail (Turner), September 9, 1817, at Pelham. [JAS]
59 - Edward, s. William, bpt. November 30, 1817, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
130 - Edwin Oliver, s. Daniel & Betsey, of Pelham, June 7, 1811. [VR1]
1665 - Ella M., ___ __, 1859. [GR3]
343 - Esther d. John & Esther (Wilson) (1st w.), ___ __, ____, at Pelham, bpt. June 1827 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
64 - Esther, d. John, bpt. June 3, 1727, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
343 - Grove, s. John & Esther (Wilson) (1st w.), ca 1816, at Pelham. [JAS]
343 - Grove, s. William & Abigail (Turner), October 25, 1818, at Pelham. [JAS]
60 - Grove, s. William, bpt. December 20, 1818, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
343, 564 - Harriet Burrage, d. William & Abigail (Turner), February 21, 1827, at Pelham, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
64 - Harriet Burrage, d. William, bpt. June 3, 1727, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
1665 - Harriette E., ___ __, 1856. [GR3]
343 - Harvey, s. John & Esther (Wilson) (1st w.), May 25, 1821, at Pelham, bpt. June 1827. [JAS]
64 - Harvey, s. John, bpt. June 3, 1727, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
343 - Henry, s. John & Esther (Wilson) (1st w.), February 25, 1833, at Pelham, bpt. June 1833 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
66 - Henry, s. John, bpt. June 2, 1833, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
342 - Isaac, s. John & Keziah (Edson), September 27, 1782. [JAS]
343 - Isaac, s. William & Abigail (Turner), February 1, 1822, at Pelham. [JAS]
61 - Isaac, s. William, bpt. May 12, 1822, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
343 - John Rankin, s. William & Abigail (Turner), March 26, 1830, at Pelham, joiner at Amh. 1850, living in household of Robert Cutler as an apprentice. [JAS]
65 - John Rankin, s. William, bpt. June 27, 1830, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
342 - John, ca 1750, resident of Pelham. [JAS]
342 - John, s. John & Keziah (Edson), March 31, 1788, at Pelham, resident of Pelham. [JAS]
343 - Martin H., s. John & Esther (Wilson) (1st w.), November 19, 1830, at Pelham, bpt. July 1831at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
168 - Martin H., s. John & Esther, of Pelham, Nov. 19, 1830. [VR1]
65 - Martin, s. John, bpt. July 15, 1831, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
342 - Patte, twin d. John & Keziah (Edson), April 16, 1786, at Pelham. [JAS]
342 - Polly, d. John & Keziah (Edson), July 14, 1784, at Pelham. [JAS]
342 - Sarah, d. David & Sarah (Blair?), October 19, 1984, at Pelham. [JAS]
343 - Sumner, s. John & Esther (Wilson) (1st w.), November 17, 1817, at Pelham, bpt. June 1827 at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
64 - Sumner, s. John, bpt. June 3, 1727, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
342 - Susannah, d. David & Sarah (Blair?), January 8, 1789, at Pelham. [JAS]
342, 791 - Vesta, d. John & Keziah (Edson), July 29, 1790, at Pelham, resident of Pelham 1819. [JAS]
1665 - William, ___ __, 1820. [GR3]
342, 393 - William, s. John & Keziah (Edson), January 12, 1793, resident of Pelham. [JAS]
343 - William, s. William & Abigail (Turner), June 16, 1820, at Pelham, resident of Amh. 1845 and 1850, mechanic, unmarried in 1850. [JAS]
60 - William, s. William, bpt. September 24, 1820, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
720 - Cora, ___ __, 1874. [GR3]
868, 869 - Frederick K., Aug. 4, 1841[GR2]
344 - Frederick K., s. Nathaniel L. & Harriet (Church), August 4, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
344 - Harriet Newell, d. Nathaniel L. & Harriet (Church), September 2, 1838, at Amh., feeble from youth. [JAS]
12 - Henrietta, d. Nath & Harriet, Feb. 22, 184_. [VR2]
344 - Henrietta, d. Nathaniel L. & Harriet (Church), February 22, 1843, at Amh. [JAS]
1108 - Julia A., Jan. 23, 1845. [GR3]
344 - Julia Ann, d. Nathaniel L. & Harriet (Church), January 23, 1845, at Amh. [JAS]
1110 - Mary F., Nov. 20, 1853. [GR3]
343 - Nathaniel L., s. Abner & Polly (Perry), July 2, 1816, at Farley, VT, or Ballston Spa, NY, came to Amh. by January 1838, farmer at Amh. through1850. [JAS]
609 - Nathaniel, Mar. 3, 1846. [GR2]
344 - Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel L. & Harriet (Church), March 3, 1846, at Amh. [JAS]
870 - Norman F., ___ __, 1867. [GR2]
344 - Norman, s. Nathaniel L. & Harriet (Church), May 23, 1847, at Amh. [JAS]
344 - Sarah Frost, d. Nathaniel L. & Harriet (Church), March 16, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
870 - Walter, s. Norman F. & Ida M. (Knight), ___ __, 1908. [GR2]
720 - William Franklin, ___ __, 1840. [GR3]
344 - William Franklin, s. Nathaniel L. & Harriet (Church), April 21, 1840, at Amh. [JAS]
779 - Ann L, d. Joseph & Sarah, ca 1813, widow at Amh. September 1846. [JAS]
75 - Rhoda, w. Clapp Bolles, ca 1785. [JAS]
204 - Mary Jane, ___ __, ____, at New York. [VR3]
26 - _____, ch. Sam[ue]l, ___ __, ____. [VR2]
22 - _____, d. Samuel & Caroline, B, Aug. 17, 1845. [VR2]
439 - A. A., ___ __, 1839. [GR2]
439 - A. A., ___ __, 1929. [GR2]
344 - Caroline Maria, d. Samuel & Caroline S. (Prevear), August 17, 1845, at West Amh. [JAS]
344 - Charles H. s. Samuel & Caroline S. (Prevear), December 21, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
1400 - Charles L., March 9, 1847. [GR3]
902 - Ella F., ___ __, 1858. [GR2]
344 - James, between 1791and 1800, resident of Amh. by 1835, farmer. [JAS]
344 - Louisa, ca 1825, in MA, lived in household of Leander Merrick in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
936 - Maria D., ___ __, 1808. [GR3]
816 - Samuel E., ___ __, 1828. [GR2]
344 - Samuel, s. Samuel Harrington, ca 1820, at Worcester, resident of Amh. by December 1843, watch maker and jeweler. [JAS]
930 - Timothy M., September 12, 1847. [GR2]
72 - Ardelia, ___ __, 1842. [GR2]
116 - George W., July 10, 1849. [GR1]
344 - George Windsor, s. Windsor & Susan, bpt. as an infant March 4, 1849 at South Ch. [JAS]
459 - Hannah, d. Ezra & Polly (Harver), May 4, 1805, at Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
330 - Huldah, 2nd w. Timothy Green, between 1775 and 1784. [JAS]
433 - Maria P., d. David & Anna, November 9, 1806, at Brattleboro, VT. [JAS]
116 - Stephen N., Dec. 6, 1839. [GR1]
116 - Windsor, Apr. 5, 1803. [GR1]
344 - Windsor, April 5, 1803, he and his wife joined South Church by letter from West Brattleboro, VT, March 1849. [JAS]
639 - Eunice Ann, w. John Sanderson, ca 1823, at Chesterfield, lived at Amh. 1845 and 1850. [JAS]
555 - Margaret, 1st w. Porter Nutting, September 17, 1816, at Conway, lived in Williamsburg December 1837. [JAS]
73 - Ruth E., Nov. 11, 1879. [GR1]
555 - Tryphosa, 2nd w. Porter Nutting, October 21, 1811, at Conway, lived in 1850. [JAS]
345 - Nathaniel, bpt. September 1831at North Ch. as an adult, wagon maker at Amh. 1830. [JAS]
345 - Abigail, d. Benjamin & Bridget, November 13, 1753. [JAS]
345, 346 - Benjamin, s. Benjamin & Bridget, ___ __, ____, to receive land in Leverett and Westminster, NH., in 1759 received the south lot of his father's farm and four acres in Levrett, as well as half interest in land in Westminster, NH, a member of Capt. Barnard's Co. in 1760. [JAS]
345 - Eleazer, s. Benjamin & Bridget, on or before 1738, co- executer of his father's estate in 1759, member of Capt. Smith's Co. on Crown Point expedition 1755 and a soldier on the invasion of Canada 1758, resident of Amh. 1759 and 1760, was to receive land in Westminster, NH. [JAS]
345 - Hepzibah, d. Benjamin & Bridget, ___ __, ____, under 10 years of age in 1758. [JAS]
345 - Mary, d. Benjamin & Bridget, ___ __, ____, under 21years of age in 1758. [JAS]
345 - Peter, s. Benjamin & Bridget, ___ __, ____, had small farm at Amh. 1759, executer of his father's estate in 1759, received land in Westminster, NH. [JAS]
345 - Stephen, s. Benjamin & Bridget, ___ __, ____, under 21years of age in 1758, to be cared for by his two older brothers. [JAS]
345 - Zechariah, s. Benjamin & Bridget, before 1744, under 21in 1758 when he was to receive land in Westminster, NH, soldier in Capt. Barnard's Co. in 1760. [JAS]
346 - Abby Ann, d. Mark & Charlotte Clark (Wood) Holt (2nd w.), October 18, 1831, at Hardwick. [JAS]
979, 981 - Caroline Eliza, d. Dea. Mark & Charlotte C. (Wood), March 11, 1836, in Hardwick, MA. [GR3]
346 - Caroline Eliza, d. Mark & Charlotte Clark (Wood) Holt (2nd w.), March 11, 1836, at Hardwick. [JAS]
346 - Charlotte Cordelia, d. Mark & Charlotte Clark (Wood) Holt (2nd w.), September 13, 1829, at Hardwick. [JAS]
29 - Charlotte, Aug. 4, 1838, at Oakham. [GR1]
1531 - Edward T., July 21, 1887. [GR3]
305 - Hannah, d. Ebenezer , ___ __ 1786. [JAS]
346 - Lewis R., s. David & Polly, July 12, 1821, at Shutesbury, resident of Shutesbury, laborer in 1850. -
346 - Mark, s. George, March 6, 1798, at Hardwick, resident at Hardwick through 1836, farmer at Amh. by July 1843, on a rented farm, Deacon 1847, farmer 1850. [JAS]
346 - Mary L., d. Lewis R & Louisa Tower Spear, ca 1842, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
346 - Matthew Wood, s. Mark & Charlotte Clark (Wood) Holt (2nd w.), July 7, 1827, at Hardwick, attended Monson Academy, andstudied in New York, NY, student at Amh. College 1850. [JAS]
854 - Nellie E., Dec. 19, 1850. [GR2]
346 - Samuel Erasmus, ca September, 1805, of Charleston, SC., student at Amh. College 1823 and 1824. [JAS]
346 - Sarah, d. Mark & Sarah (Haskell) (1st w.), March 10, 1824, at Hardwick, lived in North Brookfield. [JAS]
346 - William Wirt, s. Mark & Charlotte Clark (Wood) Holt (2nd w.), March 5, 1834, at Hardwick. [JAS]
173 - _____, s. Luther, of Shutesbury, Sept. 28, 1833. [VR1]
211 - _____, s. Sylvester H. & Elvira W. (Gray), ___ __, 1855. [GR2]
211 - Abel Gray, ___ __, 1793. [GR2]
211 - Abel O., s. Abel Gray & Lucretia, ___ __, 1822. [GR2]
346 - Alvah, March 2, 1800, resident of Shutesbury. [JAS]
347 - Caroline S., d. Alvah & Anna (Henry), October 13, 1840, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
589 - Charles H., ___ __, 1869. [GR2]
211 - Charles O., s. Sylvester H. & Elvira W. (Gray), ___ __, 1858. [GR2]
211 - Charles, s. Abel Gray & Lucretia, ___ __, 1820. [GR2]
347 - Clarissa M., d. Alvah & Anna (Henry), November 25, 1822at Shutesbury. [JAS]
646 - Deborah, d. John, ca 1766, at Boston, came to Amh. shortly before January 1824, a widow, she mortgaged land at Amh. 1824, owned a lot and buildings 1830 through 1841, and her estate owned them through 1850. at West Amh. [JAS]
347 - Eliza Jane., d. Alvah & Anna (Henry), May 20, 1830, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
347 - Eliza, d. Willard & Rebekah (Howard), ca September 1836, at Amh. [JAS]
347 - Elizabeth J., d. Alvah & Anna (Henry), January 9, 1832, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
589 - Ellsworth Henry, s. Charles H. & Sybel H., Aug. 21, 1894. [GR2]
131 - Elzadie, w. of Francis Page, ____ __, 1820. [VR3]
347 - Esther, d. Willard & Rebekah (Howard), January 9, 1828, at Amh. [JAS]
273 - Esther, d. Willard D. & Rebekah, ___ __, 1828. [GR2]
696 - Eunice Haskins, d. Joseph & Mary (Pierce), February 19, 1792, at Middleboro, moved as an infant to Shutesbury with her family, lived at Amh. 1850 in household of her son-in-law Austin Eastman. [JAS]
211 - Frank F., s. Sylvester H. & Elvira W. (Gray), ___ __, 1869. [GR2]
789 - Fred I., s. James E. & Lida I. (Ingram), ___ __, 1865. [GR2]
727 - Hattie, ___ __, 1857. [GR2]
211 - Hattie, d. Sylvester H. & Elvira W. (Gray), ___ __, 1856. [GR2]
347 - Henry W., s. Willard & Rebekah (Howard), November 14, 1832, at Amh., his guardian in 1844 was his uncle, Charles Harrison Bangs, lived with his uncle in Amh. 1840, farmer. [JAS]
273 - Henry W., s. Willard D. & Rebekah, ___ __, 1832. [GR2]
38 - Hopey Haskins, d. Joseph & Mary (Pierce), ca 1802, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
273 - Ida L., ___ __, 1864. [GR2]
347 - Ira C., s. Willard & Rebekah (Howard), ___ __, 1834, at Amh. [JAS]
789 - James E., ___ __, 1838. [GR2]
347 - James E., s. Willard & Rebekah (Howard), March 9, 1838, at Amh., his guardian in 1844 was his uncle. [JAS]
347 - James M., s. Alvah & Anna (Henry), December 10, 1827, resident of Amh. 1850, unmarried, lived in household of Roswell Howard family 1850. [JAS]
347 - John E., s. Alvah & Anna (Henry), March 14, 1836, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
347 - John H., s. Willard & Rebekah (Howard), December 5, 1830, at Amh., his guardian in 1844 was his uncle, Charles Harrison Bangs, in 1850, he was a laborer in Amh., lived in household of Jonathan Cowles. [JAS]
347 - Joseph H., s. Alvah & Anna (Henry), September 9, 1834, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
347 - Margaret M., d. Alvah & Anna (Henry), December 15, 1838, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
789 - Martha W., d. James E. & Lida I. (Ingram), ___ __, 1870. [GR2]
347 - Mary Ann M., d. Alvah & Anna (Henry), April 27, 1820, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
607 - Mary Ann M., w. Dwight Alonzo Reed, ___ __, 1820, at Shutesbury, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
348 - Relief, ca 1824, at New Salem. [JAS]
347 - Sarah Adaline, d. Alvah & Anna (Henry), June 6, 1823 [Dup: 1824], at Shutesbury. [JAS]
273 - Sarah E., d. Henry W. & Harriett (Newell), ___ __, 1859. [GR2]
347 - Susan E., d. Alvah & Anna (Henry), October 14, 1828, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
211 - Sylvester H., s. Abel Gray & Lucretia, ___ __, 1825. [GR2]
347 - Sylvester Henry, s. Alvah & Anna (Henry), February 18, 1825, at Shutesbury, day laborer at Amh. 1850, lived in household of Charles Stetson. [JAS]
273 - Willard D., ___ __, 1804. [GR2]
347 - Willard, November 9, 1804, farmer at Amh. by 1828. [JAS]
347 - William Amh., s. Alvah & Anna (Henry), February 12, 1845, at Shutesbury. [JAS]
211 - William G., s. Sylvester H. & Elvira W. (Gray), ___ __, 1860. [GR2]
789 - Willie, s. James E. & Lida I. (Ingram), ___ __, 1861. [GR2]
351 - _____, ch. Eli & Sally (Paine), ___ __, ____, at Amh. [JAS]
12 - _____, ch. Samuel & Lucy, bpt. September 11, 1767, at 1st Ch. [CH]
153 - _____, d. Elijah, of Hadley, Mar. 18, 1824. [VR1]
162 - _____, d. Elisha, of Amh., Feb. 4, 1828. [VR1]
146 - _____, d. Elisha, of Amh., Jan. 16, 1821. [VR1]
151 - _____, d. Elisha, of Amh., Mar. 23, 1823. [VR1]
135 - _____, d. Elisha, of Amh., May 23, 1814. [VR1]
21 - _____, d. Henry & Sarah, B, June 11, 1845. [VR2]
353 - _____, d. Moses & Anna (Smith), ca 1819, at Amh. [JAS]
353 - _____, d. Moses & Anna (Smith), ca 1826, at Amh. [JAS]
350 - _____, d. Samuel & Lucy (Pomeroy), July 19, 1788, at Amh., died same day. [JAS]
17 - _____, d. William & Roxanna, [stillborn], G, May 5, 1844. [VR2]
351 - _____, s. Eli & Sally (Paine), ca 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
352 - _____, s. Elisha & Abigail Potwine (2nd w.), September 30, 1817, died next day. [JAS]
156 - _____, s. Elisha, of Amh., Aug. 1, 1825. [VR1]
138 - _____, s. Elisha, of Amh., Mar. 9, 1816. [VR1]
143 - _____, s. Elisha, of Amh., Nov. 16, 1818. [VR1]
141 - _____, s. Elisha, of Amh., Sept. 30, 1817. [VR1]
354 - _____, s. James & Clarissa Collins (Pease), November 25, 1842, at Amh., died two days later. [JAS]
9 - _____, s. James & Clarissa, Nov. 26, 1842, d. Nov. 27, aged 1day. [VR2]
354 - _____, stillborn ch. James & Clarissa Collins (Pease), April 25, 1846, at East Amh. [JAS]
350 - _____ twin ch. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), October 3, 1776, at Amh. [JAS]
350 - _____ twin ch. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), October 3, 1776, at Amh. [JAS]
353 - _____, s. Moses & Anna (Smith), ca 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
353 - _____, s. Moses & Anna (Smith), ca 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
353 - _____, s. Moses & Anna (Smith), June 3, 1829. at Amh. [JAS]
165 - _____, s. Moses, Jr., of Amh., June 3, 1829. [VR1]
153 - _____, s. Thomas, Jr., of Amh., Nov. 27, 1823. [VR1]
354 - _____, stillborn ch. William & Roxanna Goodman (1st w.), May 5, 1844, at East Amh. [JAS]
350 - Aaron, s. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), February 7, 1794, at Amh. [JAS]
350 - Aaron, s. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), September 7, 1798, at Amh., went to Wilmington, VT. [JAS]
24 - Aaron, s. Moses & Elizabeth, bpt. March 23, 1794, at 1st Ch. [CH]
27 - Aaron, s. Moses & Elizabeth, bpt. October 14, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
352 - Abigail Irene [aka Hardassa], d. Elisha & Abigail Potwine (2nd w.), January 16, 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
357 - Abigail, 1812, in MA, probably related to Alvah Hasting, in whose household she resided in 1850, listed as insane. [JAS]
355 - Albert C., s. Joseph Chapin & Sarah Elizabeth (Puffer), October 24, 1849, at Amh. [JAS]
1472 - Alice May, d. William & K. C. (2nd w.), June 10, 1855. [GR3]
357 - Alvah, ca 1802, at Waterbury, CT, related to Abigail Hastings, lived at Bernardston 1829, came to Amh. shortly before 1850, shoemaker. [JAS]
348 - Anna, d. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), April 22, 1748, probably at Hatfield. [JAS]
1472 - Arthur H., s. William & K. C. (2nd w.), May 27, 1862. [GR3]
355 - Bernard, ca 1818, in MA, probably related to Samuel Hastings, farm laborer and miller at Mill Valley in Amh. by 1845, resident of Whately in 1839, in Amh. 1850. [JAS]
353 - Celia, d. Otis & Clarissa (Kellogg), July 22, 1805, at Amh. [JAS]
30 - Celia, d. Otis & Clarissa, bpt. July 26, 1805, at 1st Ch. [CH]
23 - Charles A., s. Chaphin & Sarah, Mar. 12, 1845. [VR2]
355 - Charles Amh., s. Joseph Chapin & Sarah Elizabeth (Puffer), January 6, 1846, at North Amh. [JAS]
66 - Charles Miller, s. Justin, bpt. July 8, 1832, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
357 - Charles S., s. Alvah & Ruth (Edwards), ca 1842, in MA. [JAS]
1489 - Charles W., Oct. 6, 1858. [GR3]
34 - Charles, s. Waitstil, bpt. August 31, 1813, at 1st Ch. [CH]
352 - Charles, s. Waitstill & Lois (Dickinson) (2nd w.), bpt. August 31, 1813 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
355 - Charlotte Eliza, d. Bernard & Charlotte, May 20, 1847, at Amh. [JAS]
356 - Consider, s._____ & Ursula Fellows (Billings), ca 1772, bpt. June 1781at 1st Ch., called "the son of Urzulah Billings", farmer and blacksmith at New Salem by 1799. [JAS]
34 - David Shaw, s. Waitstil, bpt. August 31, 1813, at 1st Ch. [CH]
352 - David Shaw, s. Waitstill & Elsy (Shaw) (1st w.), ca 1809, bpt. 1813 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
351 - David, s. Lucius & Olive (Smith), ca 1813, at Amh. [JAS]
350 - David, s. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), November 12, 1800, at Amh., bpt. in private January 7, 1801. [JAS]
28 - David, s. Moses & Elizabeth, bpt. January 7, 1801, in private. [CH]
349 - David, s. Thomas & Hannah (Billings), ___ __, ___, at Amh., bpt. April 26, 1795 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
24 - David, s. Thomas & Hannah, bpt. April 26, 1795, at 1st Ch. [CH]
1491 - Edmund, March 4, 1822. [GR3]
351, 354 - Edmund, s. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), March 4, 1822, at Amh., farmer at Amh. [JAS]
40 - Edmund, s. Thomas, bpt. May 19, 1822, at 1st Ch. [CH]
357 - Edward, ca 1841, in MA, lived in household of James M. Perry, perhaps an apprentice plane maker. [JAS]
351 - Edwin, s. Eli & Sally (Paine), ca 1809, at Amh. [JAS]
36 - Eli, s. Lucius, bpt. July 7, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
349, 351 - Eli, s. Thomas & Hannah (Billings), June 1, 1784, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1810 through 1825, moved to Ohio. [JAS]
18 - Eli, s. Thomas, Jr. & Hannah his wife, bpt. June 6, 1784, at 1st Ch. [CH]
356 - Elijah, s. Elijah & Jerusha (Billings) (1st w.), ca 1791, in Amh., bpt. October 1798 at 1st Ch., his uncle, Perez Hastings, of Hatfield, was his guardian, received all his father's real estate, but the will was contested successfully after 1810 when he was pronounced deranged, resident of Amh. 1820 and 1823,"went off". [JAS]
27 - Elijah, s. Elijah, bpt. October 14, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
356 - Elijah, s. Hopestill & Lydia (Frary), brother of Tabitha Hastings and perhaps_____ Hasting, June 6, 1753, probably at Hatfield; militia member on Lexington alarm 1775; farmer and blacksmith at South Amh. 1776; soldier in Capt. Cook's militia company at Springfield September 1786; militia Ensign 1788 and Lieut. by 1790; he was licensed to sell liquor in 1786; he moved from South Amh. to West Amh. 1798; gentleman by 1792. [JAS]
34 - Elijah, s. Waitstil, bpt. August 31, 1813, at 1st Ch. [CH]
352 - Elijah, s. Waitstill & Elsy (Shaw) (1st w.), ca 1801, bpt. 1813 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
349, 352 - Elisha, s. Samuel & Lucy (Pomeroy), July 31, 1780, at Amh., famer at Amh. through 1850. [JAS]
349 - Elisha, s. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), ___ __, ___, at Amh., bpt. April 12, 1761. [JAS]
9 - Elisha, s. Thomas & Sarah, bpt. April 12, 1761, at 1st Ch. [CH]
20 - Eliza A., d. Bernard & Charl[otte], Jan. 14, 1845. [VR2]
355 - Eliza Ann, d. Bernard & Charlotte, April 6, 1845, at Mill Valley in Amh. [JAS]
352 - Eliza, d. Elisha & Abigail Potwine (2nd w.), February 4, 1828, at Amh., resident of Amh. 1850, lived with her brother Samuel, unmarried. [JAS]
355 - Elizabeth, d. Bernard & Charlotte, ca 1839, at Whately. [JAS]
356 - Elizabeth, d. Bernard & Charlotte, ca 1848, in MA. [JAS]
350 - Elizabeth, d. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), August 31, 1779, at Amh., bpt. 1790 at 1st Ch. went to Wilmington, VT. [JAS]
22 - Elizabeth, d. Moses & Elizabeth, bpt. October 17, 1790, at 1st Ch. [CH]
1472 - Ella Maria, d. William & K. C. (2nd w.), Oct. 13, 1857. [GR3]
355 - Elmira, d. Samuel & Elvira (Cooley), February 2, 1841, at Amh. [JAS]
354 - Emily Pomeroy, d. Henry & Sarah Clark (Pomroy) (1st w.), June 11, 1845, at East Amh. [JAS]
348 - Esther, d. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), February 1, 1743, at Hatfield. [JAS]
38 - Fanny, d. Waitstill, bpt. December 23, 1818, at 1st Ch. [CH]
34 - Gardner Matthews, s. Waitstil, bpt. August 31, 1813, at 1st Ch. [CH]
352 - Gardner, s. Waitstill & Elsy (Shaw) (1st w.), ca 1805, bpt. 1813 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
357 - George Amh., s. Alvah & Ruth (Edwards), ca 1840, in MA. [JAS]
353 - George Kellogg, s. Otis & Clarissa (Kellogg), November 22, 1812. [JAS]
351, 354 - George, s. Eli & Sally (Paine), ca 1807, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1829. [JAS]
66 - Gideon Stetson, s. Justin, bpt. July 8, 1832, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
61 - Gratia Dickinson, s. Parker, bpt. October 29, 1820, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
39 - Hamilton, s. Linus, bpt. November 19, 1820, at 1st Ch. [CH]
351 - Hamilton, s. Lucius & Olive (Smith), ca 1821, at Amh. [JAS]
349 - Hannah, d. Thomas & Hannah (Billings), November 10, 1774, at Amh. [JAS]
349 - Hannah, d., Thomas & Hannah (Billings), January 15, 1780, at Amh. [JAS]
354 - Harriet Amelia, d. Henry & Sarah Clark (Pomroy) (1st w.), ___ __, ____, at East Amh., bpt. August 22, 1841at 2nd Ch. [JAS]
677 - Harriet Tryphena, w. Samuel D. Smith, ___ __, 1829, at Bernardston, lived at Amh. in August 1850. [JAS]
357 - Harriet, d. Alvah & Ruth (Edwards), ca January 12, 1829, at Bernardston. [JAS]
36 - Harriet, d. Tho[ma]s., Jr., bpt. July 27, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
351 - Harriet, d. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), May 15, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
2 - Harriet, d. Thomas & Eunice, May 15, 1816. [GenRec]
68 - Harriette Amelia, d. Henry, bpt. August 22, 1841, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
1342 - Hattie Belle, d. T. H. & Nellie J., Nov. 25, 1874. [GR3]
357 - Henry Amh., s. Alvah & Ruth (Edwards), ca 1833, in MA, farm laborer in Amh. 1850, unmarried. [JAS]
355 - Henry Baxter, s. Samuel & Elvira (Cooley), February 28, 1843, at Amh. [JAS]
11 - Henry Baxter, s. Samuel & Elvira, Feb. 28, 1843. [VR2]
1487 - Henry E., Aug. 1, 1825. [GR3]
352, 355 - Henry Elisha, s. Elisha & Abigail Potwine (2nd w.), August 1, 1825, at Amh., bpt. as an adult March 1849 at South Ch., tool maker at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
357 - Henry, s. Dan & Alice, ca 1821, at Petersham, mechanic. [JAS]
351, 354 - Henry, s. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), May 1, 1818, at Amh., carpenter and merchant at Amh., 1838 through 1850. [JAS]
351 - Henry, s. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), November 11, 1814, at Amh. [JAS]
35 - Henry, s. Thomas, Jr., bpt. January 15, 1815, at 1st Ch. [CH]
355 - Herbert Ashton, s. Samuel & Elvira (Cooley), November 5, 1850, at Amh. [JAS]
351 - Horace, s. Lucius & Olive (Smith), ca 1815, at Amh. [JAS]
28 - Horace, s. Rachel, bpt. May 24, 1802, "on her mother's right whose ye child is", at 1st Ch. [CH]
353 - Horace, s. Rachel, d. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), bpt. May 24, 1802at 1st Ch., "on her mother's right", no mention of father. [JAS]
28 - Huldah, bpt. September 19, 1802, "on ye right of Mrs. Samuel", at 1st Ch. [CH]
350 - Huldah, d. Samuel & Lucy (Pomeroy), ___ __, ____, at Amh. bpt. September 19, 1802at 1st Ch. [JAS]
1472 - J. Gertrude, d. William & K. C. (2nd w.), July 16, 1855. [GR3]
352 - James Hunt, s. Waitstill & Lois (Dickinson) (2nd w.), ca 1818, at Amh. [JAS]
442 - James, h. Clarissa C. (Pease), Oct. 16, 1813. [GR3]
35 - James, s. John, Jr., bpt. January 9, 1814, at 1st Ch. [CH]
351, 354 - James, s. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), October 16, 1813, at Amh., carpenter at Amh. March 1841. [JAS]
349, 613 - Jerusha, d. Thomas & Hannah (Billings), August 8, 1772, at Amh., went to Lebanon Springs, NY, lived at New Lebanon, NT September 1832. [JAS]
16 - Jerusha, d. Thomas & Hannah, bpt. April 18, 1779, at 1st Ch. [CH]
351 - Joel Smith [aka "Smith Hastings"], s. Lucius & Olive (Smith), ___ __, ____, at Amh., bpt. January 24, 1819 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
38 - Joel Smith, s. Lucius, bpt. January 24, 1819, at 1st Ch. [CH]
357 - John B., between 1801and1810, mechanic at Amh. 1840 and 1845. [JAS]
352, 355 - Joseph Chapin [aka Chapin Hastings], s. Elisha & Abigail Potwine (2nd w.), November 16, 1818, at Amh., farmer at Amh., Civil War soldier. [JAS]
20 - Juda, s. Thomas & Hannah, bpt. October 1, 1786, at 1st Ch. [CH]
169 - Judith, ___ __, 1786. [GR1]
36 - Judith, d. Lucius, bpt. July 7, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
349, 553 - Judith, d. Thomas & Hannah (Billings), October 1, 1786, at Amh., wid. at Amh. 1840 and 1850. [JAS]
36 - Juliana, d. Lucius, bpt. July 7, 1816, at 1st Ch. [CH]
1472 - Lizzie, d. William & K. C. (2nd w.), Oct. 9, 1858. [GR3]
357 - Lorenzo F., s. Alvah & Ruth (Edwards), ca 1836, in MA. [JAS]
338, 356 - Lucinda, d. Elijah & Jerusha (Billings) (1st w.), between 1775 and 1784, at Amh. [Dup. ca 1784, at Amh., bpt. October 1798 at 1st Ch.] [JAS]
27 - Lucinda, d. Elijah, bpt. October 14, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
349, 351 - Lucius, s. Thomas & Hannah (Billings), October 13, 1791, at Amh., small farm at Amh. [JAS]
22 - Lucius, s. Thomas & Hannah, bpt. October 16, 1791, at 1st Ch. [CH]
1559 - Lucy E., April 27, 1848. [GR3]
355 - Lucy Elmira, d. Samuel & Elvira (Cooley), April 27, 1848, at Amh. [JAS]
351 - Lucy P., d. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), November 27, 1823, at Amh. [JAS]
41 - Lucy Palmer, d. Thomas, bpt. May 9, 1824, at 1st Ch. [CH]
34 - Lucy Pomeroy, d. Waitstil, bpt. August 31, 1813, at 1st Ch. [CH]
352 - Lucy Pomeroy, d. Waitstill & Elsy (Shaw) (1st w.), ca 1803, bpt. 1813 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
352 - Lucy, d. Elisha & Abigail Potwine (2nd w.), March 23, 1823, bpt. as an adult November 1841at South Ch. [JAS]
350 - Lucy, d. Samuel & Lucy (Pomeroy), ___ __, ____, at Amh. bpt. August 13, 1897 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
26 - Lucy, d. Samuel, bpt. August 13, 1797, at 1st Ch. [CH]
351 - Lucy, d. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), March 3, 1811, at Amh., died young at Amh. [JAS]
349 - Lucy, d. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), ca 1765, at Amh., bpt. March 31, 1765. [JAS]
11 - Lucy, d. Thomas & Sarah, bpt. March 31, 1765, at 1st Ch. [CH]
356 - Lydia, d. Elijah & Jerusha (Billings) (1st w.), ca 1785, in Amh., bpt. October 1798 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
27 - Lydia, d. Elijah, bpt. October 14, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
1488 - Margaret G., Feb. 16, 1826. [GR3]
357 - Mariah C., d. Alvah & Ruth (Edwards), ca 1846, in MA. [JAS]
357 - Mary L., d. Alvah & Ruth (Edwards), ca 1848, in MA. [JAS]
352 - Mary Pomeroy, d. Elisha & Abigail Potwine (2nd w.), May 23, 1814, at Amh. [JAS]
351 - Mary, d. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), February 17, 1809, at Amh., died young at Amh. [JAS]
351 - Mary, d. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), September 28, 1807, at Amh., died young at Amh. [JAS]
32 - Mary, d. Thomas & Eunice, bpt. March 26, 1809, at 1st Ch. [CH]
32 - Mary, d. Thomas & Eunice, bpt. November 1, 1807, at 1st Ch. [CH]
349, 670 - Mary, d. Thomas & Hannah (Billings), October 27, 1788, at Amh., lived at Amh. 1820. [JAS]
21 - Mary, d. Thomas & Hannah, bpt. November 2, 1788, at 1st Ch. [CH]
590 - Mary, d. Thomas & Mary (Belden), bpt. August 12, 1759. [JAS]
348 - Mary, d. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), ___ __, at Amh., bpt. April 24, 1755, at home at Amh., and died that night. [JAS]
348 - Mary, d. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), ___ __, at Amh., bpt. August 12, 1759. [JAS]
7 - Mary, d. Thomas & Sarah, bpt. April 24, 1757, privately at his own home, she died at night. [CH]
8 - Mary, d. Thomas & Sarah, bpt. August 12, 1759, at 1st Ch. [CH]
352 - Mathew, s. Waitstill & Elsy (Shaw) (1st w.), ca 1807, bpt. 1813 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
350 - Matilda, d. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), January 14, 1787, at Amh. [JAS]
22 - Matilda, d. Moses & Elizabeth, bpt. October 17, 1790, at 1st Ch. [CH]
357 - Miriam, d. Elijah & Rachael (Livermore), ___ __, 1824, at Amh. [JAS]
350, 353 - Moses, s. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), January 13, 1792, at Amh., resident of Amh. [JAS]
23 - Moses, s. Moses & Elizabeth, bpt. March 4, 1792, at 1st Ch. [CH]
348, 350 - Moses, s. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), August 28, 1855, at Amh.; militia member on Lexington alarm April 1777; enlisted 8 months 1776; farmer at Amh.; active in Shay's rebellion, took Oath of Allegiance February 1787; militia Lt. 1795; militia Capt. 1796; Selectman 1797, 98, 1801, 08-11, 1813; militia Major 1801through 1819 (commanding officer of the 3rd Regt. with headquarters at Amh.); moved to Wilmington, VT ca 1817. [JAS]
7 - Moses, s. Thomas & Sarah, bpt. August 31, 1755, at 1st Ch., by Mr. Woodbridge of Hatfield. [CH]
66 - Nancy Stetson, d. Justin, bpt. July 8, 1832, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
351 - Nancy, d. Eli & Sally (Paine), ca 1811, at Amh. [JAS]
356 - Nancy, d. Elijah & Jerusha (Billings) (1st w.), ca 1787, in Amh., bpt. October 1798 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
27 - Nancy, d. Elijah, bpt. October 14, 1798, at 1st Ch. [CH]
353 - Oratia Dickinson, s. Parker & Martha Graves (Dickinson) (1st w.), August 16, 1820, at Wilmington, VT, bpt. October 1820 at 2nd Ch., lawyer. [JAS]
350, 353 - Otis, s. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), July 17, 1783, at Amh., went to Wilmington, VT by 1810, returned to Amh. by 1815, left and returned by 1825, lived for a while at Weybridge, VT, and later went to Ogden, NY. [JAS]
22 - Otis, s. Moses & Elizabeth, bpt. October 17, 1790, at 1st Ch. [CH]
25 - Parker, d. Moses & Elizabeth, bpt. August 28, 1796, at 1st Ch. [CH]
350, 353 - Parker, s. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), July 18, 1796, at Amh., left Amh. with his father to Wilmington, VT ca 1817, returned to Amh. 1837, and left again 1839, again returned to Amh. ca 1847, where he was a farmer. [JAS]
442 - Philomela C., Jan. 10, 1828. [GR3]
351 - Philomela Clark, d. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), January 10, 1828, at Amh. [JAS]
65 - Philomela Clark, d. Thomas, bpt. September 20, 1829, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
22 - Pickeran [or Pickering], ch. Moses & Elizabeth, bpt. October 17, 1790, at 1st Ch. [CH]
350 - Pickering, s. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), June 28, 1785, at Amh. [JAS]
350 - Polly, d. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), September 12, 1781, at Amh. [JAS]
22 - Polly, d. Moses & Elizabeth, bpt. October 17, 1790, at 1st Ch. [CH]
66 - Rachel Rebecca, d. Justin, bpt. July 8, 1832, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
350, 353 - Rachel, d. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), November 20, 1777, at Amh., bpt. October, 1790 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
22 - Rachel, d. Moses & Elizabeth, bpt. October 17, 1790, at 1st Ch. [CH]
351 - Sally Smith, d. Lucius & Olive (Smith), ca 1811, at Amh. [JAS]
353 - Saloma N., d. Parker & Martha Graves (Dickinson) (1st w.), September 7, 1824, probably at Wilmington, VT, went to Suffield, CT. [JAS]
349 - Salome, d. Thomas & Hannah (Billings), July 22, 1770, at Amh. [JAS]
16 - Salome, d. Thomas & Hannah, bpt. April 18, 1779, at 1st Ch. [CH]
355 - Samuel, ca 1780, in MA, farm laborer in Amh. 1850, lived in the household of Bernard Hastings, unmarried. [JAS]
352, 355 - Samuel, s. Elisha & Abigail Potwine (2nd w.), March 9, 1816, at Amh., tool maker and farmer at South Amh. [JAS]
350 - Samuel, s. Samuel & Lucy (Pomeroy), November 14, 1785, at Amh., resident of Amh. 1815, moved to Bennington, VT, later to Readsville, VT. [JAS]
19 - Samuel, s. Samuel & Lucy, bpt. December 25, 1785, at 1st Ch. [CH]
348, 349 - Samuel, s. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), March 1, 1752, at Hatfield; to Amh. ca 1753; farmer at Amh.; Corp. at Saratoga in Capt. Parker's Co. May 1777; active in Shay's rebellion, took Oath of Allegiance February 1787; Selectman 1799 through 1801. [JAS]
357 - Sarah H., d. _____ & Olivia, ___ __, 1808, at Waterbury, VT. [JAS]
350 - Sarah, d. Moses & Elizabeth (Parker), November 15, 1789, at Amh. [JAS]
22 - Sarah, d. Moses & Elizabeth, bpt. October 17, 1790, at 1st Ch. [CH]
348 - Sarah, d. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), July 13, 1744, at Hatfield. [JAS]
352 - Sarah, d. Waitstill & Lois (Dickinson) (2nd w.), bpt. July 2, 1815 at 1st Ch. [JAS]
35 - Sarah, d. Waitstill, bpt. July 2, 1815, at 1st Ch. [CH]
38 - Saxer (?) Hart, d. Waitstill, bpt. December 23, 1818, at 1st Ch. [CH]
351 - Sibyl Woodbury, d. Lucius & Olive (Smith), November 19, 1816, at Amh. [JAS]
354 - Sibyl, d. Thomas, of Hatfield, & Mary (Belden), bp. Oct. 14, 1753. [VR3]
351 - Sophia, d. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), February 1, 1805, at Amh. [JAS]
30 - Sophia, d. Thomas & Eunice, bpt. March 24, 1805, at 1st Ch. [CH]
16 - Submit, ch. Thomas & Hannah, bpt. April 18, 1779, at 1st Ch. [CH]
349 - Submit, d. Thomas & Hannah (Billings), May 13, 1777, at Amh. [JAS]
329, 348 - Sybel, d. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), October 9, 1753, at Amh. [JAS]
177 - Sybil, d. Thomas & Mary (Belding), ___ __, 1753, in Amh. [VR1]
6 - Sybil, d. Thomas & Sarah, bpt. October 14, 1753, at 1st Ch. [CH]
37 - Sybill Woodbury, d. Lucius & Olive, bpt. February 1, 1817, at 1st Ch. [CH]
356 - Tabitha, d. Hopestill & Lydia (Frary), October 1, 1749, probably at Hatfield. [JAS]
349, 664 - Tabitha, d. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), ca 1767, at Amh., lived at Amh. 1800. [JAS]
348, 349 - Thomas [aka TH Jr. prior to 1780], s. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), May 20, 1746, at Hatfield; to Amh. by 1753; Selectman 1780, 83 and 88, constable 1784; farmer all his life. [JAS]
349, 350 - Thomas [aka TH Jr. through 1825], s. Thomas & Hannah (Billings), February 6, 1782, at Amh., farmer at Amh. 1805 through 1850, Selectman 1834 and 1839, moderator at 2nd Church meeting March 1847. [JAS]
354 - Thomas Henry, s. Henry & Sarah Clark (Pomroy) (1st w.), December 11, 1846, at East Amh. [JAS]
351 - Thomas s. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), October 12, 1812, at Amh. [JAS]
34 - Thomas, s. Thomas & Eunice, bpt. November 15, 1812, at 1st Ch. [CH]
17 - Thomas, s. Thomas & Hannah, bpt. February 17, 1782, at 1st Ch. [CH]
348 - Thomas, s. Thomas & Mary (Field), from Hatfield to Amh. about 1753; farmer 1760 through 1787 and also had a trade 1766 through 1770,; soldier on the Lexington Alarm 1775; militia lieutenant 1781; on committee to obtain a new pastor 1781. [JAS]
40 - Waitstill, bpt. June 10, 1821, at 1st Ch. [CH]
349, 352 - Waitstill, s. Samuel & Lucy (Pomeroy), July 24, 1778, at Amh., he and other members of the family sold the farm at Amh. 1811, farm laborer at Amh. through 1825, moved to New York State. [JAS]
349 - Waitstill, s. Samuel & Lucy (Pomeroy), June 15, 1775, at Amh. [JAS]
16 - Waitstill, s. Samuel & Lucy, bpt. July 26, 1778, at 1st Ch. [CH]
348 - Waitstill, s. Thomas & Sarah (Belden), May 8, 1750, probably at Hatfield. [JAS]
352 - Waitstill, s. Waitstill & Lois (Dickinson) (2nd w.), ca 1820, at Amh. [JAS]
66 - Warren, s. Justin, bpt. July 8, 1832, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
355 - Willard Dwight, s. Samuel & Elvira (Cooley), October 9, 1845, at Amh. [JAS]
1472 - William C., s. William & K. C. (2nd w.), June 23, 1866. [GR3]
1472 - William, April 18, 1820. [GR3]
351, 354 - William, s. Thomas & Eunice (Clark), April 18, 1820, at Amh., joiner at Amh. [JAS]
39 - William, s. Thomas, bpt. June 26, 1820, at 1st Ch. [CH]
353 - Zacheus Crocker. s. Otis & Clarissa (Kellogg), June 2, 1810, at Wilmington, VT. [JAS]
171 - _____, d. William, of Amh., Sept. 12, 1832. [VR1]
357 - _____, d. William, September 12, 1832, at Amh. [JAS]
703 - Mary, ___ __, 1859. [GR3]
21 - _____, s. Silas, B, May 30, 1845. [VR2]
358 - _____, d. Joseph & Elizabeth (Sparrow), between 1820 and 1825. [JAS]
358 - Harriet, d. Dr. Jonathan, ca 1777, at Southampton, may be related to Joseph Haven. [JAS]
358 - John, s. John & Elizabeth (Howe), September 23, 1808, at Holliston, student at Amh. Academy, resident of Amh. 1830, graduateAmh. College 1834, student at Hartford Theological Seminary 1834 through 1836, ordained Pastor at York, Maine 1836, MA at Amh. College 1837. [JAS]
358 - Joseph, ca 1785; graduate Harvard College 1810; clergy at Amh. by November 1827; resided at Amh. through April 1837 when he resided at Billerica. [JAS]
358 - Joseph, s. Joseph & Elizabeth (Sparrow), January 4, 1816, at Dennis, studied at Amh. Academy, graduatedAmh. College 1835, at Union Theological Seminary 1836 through 1837, MA at Amh. College 1838, student at Andover 1837 through 1839, Pastor of Church at Ashland 1839, Prof. of Moral Philosophy at Amh. College 1850. [JAS]
358 - _____, ch. Herman & Ruth (Peso) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
358 - _____, ch. Herman & Ruth (Peso) (1st w.), after 1820 and before 1835. [JAS]
358 - Christiana, d. Herman & Ruth (Peso) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
358 - George, ca 1838, in MA, schoolboy in Amh. 1850, lived in household of Alonzo Dutton. [JAS]
358 - James F., s. Herman & Sally K. (Unknown) (Pierce) (2nd w.), ca 1838, probably at Belchertown. [JAS]
358 - John ?, s. Herman & Ruth (Peso) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
358 - Nancy, d. Herman & Ruth (Peso) (1st w.), ___ __, ____. [JAS]
597 - Mary Powers, ___ __, 1856. [GR3]
359 - Charles, s. John & Emily (Eastman), February 14, 1815, at Deerfield, bpt. May 1815. [JAS]
58 - Charles, s. John & Emily, bpt. May 22, 1815, at 2nd Ch. [CH]
119 - Edward, ___ __, 1834. [GR1]
359 - Edward, assumed s. Silas & Lucy (1st w.), ca December 2, 1834, at Corning, NY, Civil War Soldier, Co. F., 86th NY Vol. [JAS]
359 - Emily Amelia, d. Silas & Mary (Blodgett), November 5, 1817, at Deerfield. [JAS]
359 - Emily, d. John & Emily (Eastman), June 26, 1819, at Deerfield. [JAS]
359 - Eri Franklin, s. Joseph Blodget & Jerusha Roberts (Howard), September 24, 1846, at Amh., lived with grandfather Roswell Hawley Howard at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
359 - Franklin, s. Silas & Mary (Blodgett), July 4, 1813, at Deerfield. [JAS]
359 - Frederick, s. John & Emily (Eastman), September 26, 1817, at Deerfield, resident of Amh. 1840. [JAS]
359 - George, s. Silas & Mary (Blodgett), November 4, 1803, at Deerfield, farm laborer at Amh. 1845, resident of Amh. 1848 and 1850. [JAS]
359 - Harriet, d. John & Emily (Eastman), March 16, 1816, at Deerfield. [JAS]
359 - Henry, s. Silas & Mary (Blodgett), June 15, 1815, at Deerfield. [JAS]
359 - James Austin, s. Silas & Mary (Blodgett), June 3, 1820, at Deerfield. [JAS]
359 - John, s. John & Emily (Eastman), January 22, 1823, at Deerfield. [JAS]
359 - Joseph Blodget, s. Silas & Mary (Blodgett), November 23, 1823, at Deerfield, farmer at East Amh. 1845 and 1846 on leasehold. [JAS]
358 - Lucy, d. Silas & Mary (Blodgett), February 25, 1799, at Charlemont. [JAS]
359 - Mary, d. Silas & Mary (Blodgett), September 25, 1801, at Charlemont. [JAS]
359 - Richard, s. Silas & Mary (Blodgett), February 15, 1810, at Conway. [JAS]
119 - Silas, ___ __, 1806. [GR1]
359 - Silas, s. Silas & Mary (Blodgett), January 8, 1806, at Deerfield, probably at Corning, NY 1834, farmer at East Amh. by 1845, doing business at Amh. through 1849, lived at Amh. 1850. [JAS]
119 - William A., ___ __, 1841. [GR1]
359 - William, s. Silas & Sarah R. (Hastings) (2nd w.), May 30, 1845, at East Amh. [JAS]