Vital Records Of Acton, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts
To the Year 1850
Marriages: RAMSDAL to YOUNG & Unidentified
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]
RAMSDAL (see Ramsdell)
Elener of Concord and Eleazer Sartwell of A., int. Feb. 8, 1755. [m. Sept. 11, C.R.1.]
RAMSDELL (see Ramsdal)
Doratha [int. Dorotha] of A. and William Green of Stow, Sept. 9, 1802.
Isaac and Abigail Temple, both of A., int. Dec. 1, 1769.
George W. [W. written in pencil], Carpenter, of A., and M. [M. written in pencil] Augusta [int. Miss Mary A.] Sprague, Aug. 4, 1847.
Louisa, Miss, of Stow, and Cyrus Putnam of A., int. Aug. 26, 1826.
Sarah H., Miss, of Keene, N. H., and Rev. Horace Richardson of A., int. Dec. 6, 1846.
RANDALL (see Randell)
Betsey [int. Elisebeth Randal] of Stowe and Simeon Hayward of A., Oct. 30, 1792, in Stowe.
Lois (Randlal) [int. Randall] of Stow and Stephen [int. Stephan] Farr of A., Mar. 1, 1764.
RANDELL (see Randall)
Releafe and Israel Brown, both of Stow, Aug. 26, 1805.
Susannah, Miss, of Stow, and John Fletcher 2d of A., int. Feb. 7, 1841.
RAYMAND (see Raymond)
Nathan [int. Raymond] of Boxborough and Miss [int. Mrs.] Hannah Baulding of A., Jan. 16, 1834.
RAYMOND (see Raymand)
Ann B.. Miss, and Jacob Littlefield, both of Boxborough, June 10, 1838, in Boxborough.
John of Winchendon and Mary Davies of A., Dec. 10, 1812.
Mary of A. and James Dudley of A. [int. Concord], Apr. 1 [sic, int. Apr. 8, dup. Apr. 1], 1763, in Concord.
Nancy, Miss, of Littleton, and Joseph Esterbrook of A., int. Feb. 1, 1846.
Nathan [int. Raymon] of Boxborough and Betsey Cobbleigh [int. Cobleigh] of A., Nov. 16, 1815. [Raymond of Boxborough and Betsey Cobleigh of A., C.R.1.]
Samuel of Lexington and Mary Piper of A., int. Sept. 24, 1757.
READ (see Reed)
Mary and Mark White, both of A., int. Sept. 17, 1757.
REED (see Read)
Abigail [int. Nabby] of A. and John Lawrence Jr. [int. Lawrence, omits Jr.] of Concord, Nov. 24, 1796. [Abigail of A. and John Lawrence Jr. of Concord, C.R.1.]
Andrew J. of A. and Miss Rhoda M. F. Holden of Shirley, int. Feb. 15, 1840.
Anna of Westford and Asaph Chaffin of A., int. Mar. 15, 180[5].
Avery of Westford and Miss Charlott [int. Charlotte] Faulkner of A., May 17, 1825. [Avary of Westford and Charlotte Faulkner of A., C.R.1.]
Barnard and [int. Miss] Mary Handley, both of A., Apr. 18, 1819.
Betsey [int. Reed written after Wheeler crossed out], Miss, of Littleton, and Tho[ma]s Kendall [int. Kendal] of A., Feb. 18, 1794, in Littleton.
Charlotte, Miss, of A., and Marshall Blanchard of Boxboro, int. Mar. 24, 1844.
Elisabeth of Bedford and Moses Dunsmore of Washington, Feb. 13, 1794.
Hannah and Theodore Wheeler, both of A., Apr. 7, 1803.
Hannah, Miss, of Littleton, and James Fletcher of A., int. Sept. 22, 1828.
Hannah M. [int. Miss, of A.] and Thomas S. Russell of A., Nov. 25, 1849.
Harriet, Miss, of A., and Calvin Harris of W. Cambridge, Feb. 26, 1843, in A. [Miss Harriot, removed to W. Cambridge, Mar. ----, C.R.2.]
Huldah, "risidence in Acton," and Isaac King, int. Mar. 10, 1807.
Isaac of A. and Miss Sarah J. Hill of Billerica, int. Jan. 25, 1846 [6 written over 5].
Jacob, residing in A., and Miss Raichel Durent of Carlisl, int. Oct. 16, 1819.
Joseph, farmer, b. A., s. William 2d, and [int. Miss] Lucetta M. Avary [int. Avara], all of A., Apr. 21, 1846. [Lucetta Mary Avery, P.R.11.]
Mary and Samuel Whitcom, both of Littleton, Nov. 30, 1826, C.R.1.
Mary, Miss, and Jessee [int. Jesse] Despo, both of A., Sept. 11, 1842, in A. [Jesse Despeau, C.R.2.]
Mary Ann, Miss, of A., and William Kendell [int. Kendall] of Littleton, Nov. 27, 1827. [Kendal of Littleton, C.R.1.]
Nabby (see Abigail).
Nancy, Miss, of A., and John Wilson of Carlisle, int., Dec. 31, 1823.
Rufus and Miss Eliza Smith, both of A., int. June 19, 1825.
Ruthy [int. Ruthey] and Daniel Hayward Piper, both of A., Apr. 12, 1798. [Ruthy, both of A., C.R.1.]
Sarah C., Miss, of A., and William Brown of Concord, int. Oct. 24, 1835. [m. Dec. 3, C.R.2.]
Sybil [int. Sibbel] and Joseph Harris, both of A., Mar. 17, 1799. [Sybil, both of A., C.R.1.]
Thankfull of A. and Jacob Davis of Concord, Nov. 8, 180[bound in, int. Oct. 16, 1803].
Theodore, Lt. [int. omits Lt.], and Hannah Barnard, both of A., Dec. 14, 1815. [Theodore, both of A., C.R.1.]
Thomas and Ame Parkhurst, both of Harvard, Dec. 4, 1791.
William [int. Read] of Marlboro and Sarah Wood of A., May 28, 1740, in Concord.
William Jr. and Mary Wheeler, both of A., Feb. 21, 1804.
William 3d and Lucy Chaffin, both of A., June 11, 1812.
William 4th of A. and Miss Ann Gleason of E. Sudbury, int. Mar. 6, 1826.
Charles of A. and Miss Rebecca Evans of Lowell, int. June 30, 1844.
Edward and Betsy Hammond, Apr. 13, 1809, P.R.7.
Allen and Ruth Wheeler, both of A., Jan. 26, 1808.
Ann [int. Miss Ann H. of A.] and Elisha S. Thomson of Springfield, Vt., Jan. 11, 1829. [Ann H. Richerson of A. and Elisha S. Tompson of Springfield, Vt., C.R.1.]
Betsey (see Polly).
Charles F. and Miss Mary Davis, both of A., Nov. 29, 1839, in A.
Harriet W. of A., b. A., d. Allen of A., and Albert Palmer, mechanic, of Lowell, s. ---- of Thedford, Vt., July 19, 1848.
Horace, Rev., of A., and Miss Sarah H. Rand of Keene, N. H., int. Dec. 6, 1846.
Louisa [int. Loisa] Jane, Miss, and Zabine Curtis Burroughs, both of A., Sept. 20, 1829 [? in Littleton].
Moses, Lt., of A., and [int. Mrs.] Miriam Merian [int. Meriam] of Concord, Sept. 22, 1816.
Polly [int. Betsey] and Aaron Faulkner, both of A., July 25, 1796. [Polly, both of A., C.R.1.]
Ruth, Miss, and John G. Jaquith, both of A., Sept. 11 [dup. Sept. 18], 1842, in A. [Ruth W. and Charles Jaquith, 1842, C.R.2.]
Abel and [int. Miss] Mary Chamberlain, both of A., Aug. 20, 1818.
Benaiah( [torn]naiah) [Benaiah in later handwriting, int. Benajah] and Mary Gilbert, both of A., Aug. 15, 1807. [Benaiah, both of A., C.R.1.]
Benjamin and Miss Harriet [int. Harriot] Haynes, both of A., Apr. 10, 1830.
Charlotte [int. Miss] and George Tarbell, both of A., Mar. 24, 1836, in A.
Cyrus of A. and Miss Mary W. Boyinton of Framingham, int. Aug. 29, 1834.
Dolly and Moses Hayward, both of A., Jan. 14, 1808.
Ebenezer and Lydia Proctor [int. Procter], both of A., Jan. 23, 1812. [Proctor, both of A., C.R.1.]
Elbridge and Miss Charlott [int. Charlotte] White, both of A.. Jan. 16, 1833 [? in Concord]. [Charlotte, P.R.3.]
Elbridge and Mary Elizabeth Hapgood, June 6, 1849, P.R.3.
Elisabeth and Hugh Foster, both of A., int. Apr. 20, 1757.
Elisabeth M. [M. written in pencil. int. omits M.] of A. and Elisha Gates [int. Gatts] of Stow, Aug. 21, 1791. [Elisabeth More Robbins of A. and Elisha Gates of Stow, C.R.1.]
Eliza, Miss, of Mason, N. H., and Nathaniel Brown of A., int. Oct. 11, 1834.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Elizabeth H., Miss, of Ashbumham, and Ebenezer Barker 2d of A., int. Aug. 17, 1831.
Elizabeth M. (see Elisabeth M.).
Emeline A., Miss, of A., and James B. Steward of Sudbury, July 4, 1841, in Sudbury.
Esther of Littleton and David Keyes of A., int. Jan. 24, 1751.
Francis of A. and Miss Nancy Spofford of Temple, N. H., int. Aug. 18, 1833.
George Jr. and Mary Bright, both of A., Jan. 21, 1808.
George Washington and Rebecca [int. Rebeckah] Robbins, both of A., Feb. 2, 1809. [Rebecca, both of A., C.R.1.]
Hannah, Miss, of A., and Perez Hill of Saco, Me., May 19, 1833.
Jacob of Wesford and Lydia Heald of A., int. Nov. 25, 1749.
John of Wesford and Sarah Davis of A., int. May 4, 1751.
John and Sarah Blanshard, both of A., int. Mar. 26, 1774.
John and Sally Jones, both of A., Dec. 15, 1791. [John, s. Joseph (s. Nathan), Dec. 29, 1790, P.R.3.]
John of Mason and Nancy Chaffin of A., Feb. 7, 1804.
John 4th of Carlisle and Anna Davies of A., May 10, 1810. [Davis of A., C.R.1.]
John D. of A. and Miss Lucy Ann Wetherbee of Boston, int. Nov. 21, 1839.
John Densmore [int. Dunsmoorj and Hannah Burgis [int. Barges], both of A.. Apr. 29, 1802. [John Densmore Robbins and Hannah Burgis, both of A., C.R.1.]
Jonas of Chelmsford and Mary Heald of A., May 24, 1738, in Concord.
Joseph of A. and Ruth Bacon of Bedford, Apr. 18, 1751, in Bedford. [Joseph, s. Nathan and Dorethy Barker, P.R.3.]
Joseph of Gt. Barrington and Mary Robbins of A., int. Aug. 24, 1765.
Joseph of A. and Eliazabeth Moore [int. Elizebeth More) of Sudbury, Jan. 16, 1775, in Sudbury.
Joseph of A. and Rebecca Dansmore of Luningbourgh, int. Dec. 10, 1777.
Joseph and Eunice Parlin, both of A., June 12, 1803.
Joseph ([torn]eph) [Joseph written in pencil in later hand, int. Joseph] of Winchendon and Sally Cutting of A., Oct. 6, 1805. [Joseph of Winchendon, C.R.1.]
Joseph and Miss Charlotte [int. Mrs. Chariot] Parker, both of A., Jan. 23, 1823. [Charlotte, both of A., C.R.1.]
Lois, 25, of A., d. Abel and Mary of A., and John Grimes, 30, farmer [int. of A.], s. Thomas and Margaret, Nov. 22, 1846.
Louisa [int. Miss] and James Fletcher, both of A., Mar. 11, 1819.
Lucy of A. and Richard Clark, resident in Lincoln, Apr. 14, 1805.
Lucy, Miss, and Ivory [int. Ivery] Keyes, both of A., May 14, 1833.
Lucy, d. John and Sally, and Rev. Winthrop F. Wheeler, -----, P.R.3.
Lucy J., 17, of A., d. Lucinda, and William R. Shattuck, 23, trader, of A., s. W[illia]m and Elizebeth, Sept. 20, 1846.
Luke Jones and Catharine Josephine Wilson, Aug. 8, 1829, in New Orleans, P.R.3.
Luther and Miss Lucinda W. Jones, both of A., Nov. 23, 1826.
Luther E. of A. and Miss Emerline Augusta [int. Agusta] Smith of Stow, June 30, 1833.
Lydia, Miss, of A., and James Keyes of A. [int. Lexington], Nov. 11, 1834. [James 2d, removed to Lexington, C.R.2.]
Mary of A. and Joseph Robbins of Gt. Barrington, int. Aug. 24, 1765.
Mary, Miss, and Gaius W. Allen, both of A., Apr. 1, 1827.
Mary, Miss, and Luke Smith, both of A., int. July 19, 1835.
Mary Ann, Miss, of A., and Joshua Page of Bedford, int. Mar. 24, 1832.
Nancy B., Miss, of A., and Cyrus Law of Littleton, May 2, 1841, in A.
Nathan, "first of name to settle in Acton in 1669," and Dorethy Barker, -----, P.R.3.
Nehemiah B. of Littleton and Miss Mary Whitcomb of Harvard, Oct. 6, 1836, in Harvard.
Polley [int. Polly] of A. and Capt. Amos Sarjent [int. Serjant] of Stow, Dec. 14, 1815. [Polly of A. and Capt. Amos Sargent of Stow, C.R.1.]
Rebecca of A. and Joseph Spaulding of Dunstable, int. Nov. 8, 1795.
Rebecca [int. Rebeckah] and George Washington Robbins, both of A., Feb. 2, 1809. [Rebecca, both of A., C.R.1.]
Robert of A. and Mary Chever [Cheever written in pencil above Chever] of Concord, Dec. 29, 1785. [Cheever of Concord, C.R.1.]
Sally, 23, of A., d. Abel and Mary of A., and Daniel L. Veazey [zey in later handwriting over erasure], 30, stonecutter, s. Daniel (Veasy) and Eliza, Feb. 24, 1847.
Sukey, Miss, and Abel Forbush [int. Furbush], both of A., Sept. 3, 1820. [Furbush, both of A., C.R.1.]
Susannah [int. of Chelmsford] and Israel Heald of A., Dec. 30, 1760, in Chelmsford.
Tilly [int. Tille] and Molly Fletcher, both of A., June 4, 1799. [Tilly, both of A., C.R.1.]
Tilly 2d and Miss Joanna H. Noyes, both of A., Dec. 11, 1827.
ROBERSON (see Robinson)
Sally B. of Stow and Loring Barnard of A., int. July 12, 1823.
ROBINSON (see Roberson)
Charles of Bedford and Miss Sophia Billings of A., Sept. 3[3 written over 5], 1840, in A. [Robertson of Bedford, C.R.2.]
Jesse of Lexington and Rebecca Tidd of A., Nov. 21, 1793, in Lexington.
Abigail of Concord and Ephraim Forbush of A., int. Mar. 6, 1806.
Foster and Patty Faulkner, both of A. [both of Acton in later handwriting], May 26, 1785. [This entry crossed out.] [both of A., C.R.1.]
Lucy W., Miss, of Newbury, and Lucas B. Gilman of A., int. Oct. 9, 1849.
Mary, Miss, of A., and Benjamin Ball of Concord, Mar. 21, 1822.
Phebe E., Miss, of Boston, and Aaron Wheeler of A., int. Mar. 29, 1846.
Hannah [int. of A.], d. Lewis of A., and Eli Litchfield, farmer [int. of A.], s. ------ of Littleton, Apr. 8, 1845.
John P., shoemaker s. Lewis, and Marion W. Handley, b. A., d. Eleazer S., all of A., Nov. 12, 1844.
Lewis Jr. of A. and Miss Sophia M. Potter of Concord, int. Mar. 15, 1840.
Henderson, mechanic, of A., s. Artemas, and [int. Miss] Hellen A. Burgess of Littleton [int. A.], Oct. 22, 1848.
Leand[e]r of A., s. Artenas, and Susan M. Fuller of A., d. Alden of A., Dec. 20, 1849.
Mary, Miss, and Jotham Horton, both of A., int. June 4, 1848.
RUGGELS (see Ruggles)
Elisabeth and William Cutting, both of A., Nov. 13, 1777. [Ruggles and W[illia]m Cutting Jr., both of A., C.R.1.]
RUGGLES (see Ruggels)
John of Boston and Elisabeth Fletcher of A., int. June 9, 1737.
RUSSEL (see Russell, Russill)
Abigail of A. and Zakeriah -----[blot] of Wesford, int. Jan. 3, 1761.
Amos and Love Adams, both of A., int. June 22, 1774.
James and Lydia Potter, both of Concord, Dec. 15, 1764.
Sarah and Daniel Brooks, both of A., Mar. 31, 1778.
RUSSELL (see Russel, Russill)
Betsy [int. Betsey Russel] of Bolton and Nathan Lampson [int. Lamson] of A., Feb. 11, 1795, in Bolton.
Eli B. of A. and Miss Maria R. Garfield of Waltham, int. Feb. 16, 1845.
G. W. and Catherine E. Smith, --------, "Dis. Dec. 2, 1849 to Dorchester," C.R.2.
George W. of Amherst and Miss Susan M. Faulkner of A., Jan. 1, 1835. [Miss Susan Maria, C.R.2.]
Jason and Miss Elizabeth Thorp, both of W. Cambridge, Apr. 10, 1809.
Josiah of E. Sudbury and Miss Nancy Hosmer of A., int. Aug. 15, 1819.
Mary, Miss, and Levi Chamberlain, both of A., int. Nov. 28, 1841.
Thomas S. of A. and [int. Miss] Hannah M. Reed [int. of A.], Nov. 25, 1849.
RUSSILL (see Russel, Russell)
Micajah Jr. and Miss Hannah Graves, both of Lynn, July 22, 1838, in Lynn.
Seth, 25, mason, s. Seth, and Rhoda Taylor, 18, all of Littleton, Oct. 31, 1844.
John and Submit Hastings, both of A., int. Oct. 13, 1753.
Lois of Littleton and John Davis of A., int. Dec. 25, 1790.
SARGENT (see Sargent)
Hannah W., Miss, of Boxboro, and William Billings of A., int. Aug. 15, 1841.
Lucy, Miss, of Stow, and Francis Tuttle Jr. of A., int. Jan. 24, 1836.
Mary A., Miss, of Stow, and Simon Tuttle [int. Jr.] of A., May 2, 1839, in Stow.
Nancy [int. Serjant] of Princeton and Luke Hayward of A., Dec. 12, 1811. [Sargent of Princeton, C.R.1.]
Sarah [int. Sally Sargant] of Stowe and Ammi F. [int. Faulkner] Adams of A., July 24, 1794, in Stowe.
SARJENT (see Sargent)
Amos [int. Serjant], Capt., of Stow, and Polley [int. Polly] Robbins of A., Dec. 14. 1815. [Sargent of Stow and Polly Robbins of A., C.R.1.]
SARTEL (see Sartwell)
Esther of A. and Smith Foster of Wesford, June 16, 1778. [Sartell of A., C.R.1.]
Sarah of A. and George Woods of Fitchburgh, Jan. 17. 1782 [1782 in later handwriting]. [Sartwell of A. and George Wood of Fitchburg, Jan. 17, 1782, C.R.1.]
SARTWELL (see Sartel)
Abigail, Miss, of Townsend, and Dea. John White of A., int. Jan. 20, 1822.
Allis of A. and Charles Henly of Concord, Nov. 3, 1782. [Allice Sartell of A. and Charles Handly of Concord, C.R.1.]
Bulah [int. Buler Satwell] of A. and Ezekiel Sartwell of Springfield, Vt. [int. omits Vt.], Jan. 27, 1788. [Bulah Sartwell of A. and Ezekiel Sartwell of Springfield, Vt., C.R.1.]
Eleazer of A. and Elener Ramsdal of Concord, int. Feb. 8, 1755. [m. Sept. 11, C.R.1.]
Eleazer [int. Eleazar] and Lydia [int. Lidia] Brooks, both of A., Dec. 14,1802. [Eleazer and Lydia Brooks, both of A., C.R.1.]
Ezekiel of Springfield, Vt. [int. omits Vt.], and Bulah Sartwell [int. Baler Satwell] of A., Jan. 27, 1788. [Ezekiel of Springfield, Vt., and Bulah Sartwell of A., C.R.1.]
SAUNDERSON (see Sanderson).
Albert [int. Sawin] of Cambridge and Miss Nancy Wheeler of A., June ---—, 1832.
Joseph of Westminster and Polly Gilbert of A., int. Dec. 27, 1791.
SAWTELL (see Sartel, Sartwell).
Catherine, Miss, and Emersbn B. Handley, both of A., int. July 29, 1831.
Elias of Bolten and Ruth Hayward of A., Jan. 16, 1772.
Eliza, Miss, of A., and Andrew Conant of Concord, int. Aug. 27, 1831.
Joshua, resident in A., and Esther Davies of A., Feb. 20, [torn, 1810 in later handwriting, int. Apr. 5, 1809]. [Feb. 20, 1810, C.R.1.]
Caroline M., Miss, of Westford, and Ancil Davis of A., int. May 2, 1839.
Samuel of Concord and Caroline Matilda Law of A., May 24, [torn, 1801 in later handwriting, int. Mar. 26, 1801]. [May 24, 1801, C.R.1.]
Lydia A., Miss, of Kenebunk, Me., and George B. Piper of A., int. Oct. 14, 1849.
Henry, s. Henry C. of A., and Evelina T. Jones of A., b. A., d. Elnathan of A., Apr. 12, 1846.
James of Watertown and M[a]ria Moore of Cambridge, Jan. 9, 180[bound in, ? 5 or 6].
Elizebeth H., 19, d. W[illia]m and Elizebeth, and Nathan H. Wheeler, 22, of A., s. Abel and Nancy, Oct. 1, 1846.
Obil of Rockford, Ill., and Miss Martha M. Conant of A., int. Sept. 4, 1839. [Obed and Miss Maria M. Conant, m. Sept. 29, C.R.2.]
Timothy [int. Shatuck] Jr. of Lincoln, N. H., and Betsey Fletcher of A., Jan. 28, 1812. [Shattuck Jr. of Lincoln, N. H., C.R.1.]
William R., 23, trader, of A., s. W[illia]m and Elizebeth, and Lucy J. Robbins, 17, of A., d. Lucinda, Sept. 20, 1846.
Abigail and Ephraim Dudley, both of A., May 16, 1764.
Daniel and Sarah Adams, both of A., int. Apr. 22, 1774.
Dorothy [int. Dorathy Sheperd] and Jonathan Cleaveland [dup. Cleveland], both of A., June 16, 1743, in Concord.
John of A. and Naby [int. Neby] Eaton of Worcester, Mar. 10, 1774, in Worcester.
Samuel, Rev. [Rev. in later handwriting, int. Rev.], of Brentwood, N. H. [int. omits N. H.], and Mrs. [Mrs. in later handwriting, int. omits Mrs.] Lydia That[c]her [int. of A.], Dec. 23, 1789. [Rev. Sam[ue]l of Brantwood, N. H., and Mrs. Lydia Thatcher of A., C.R.1.]
Stephan and Prudance Adams, both of A., Aug. 29, 1786. [Stephen Shepherd and Prudence Adams, both of A., C.R.1.]
SILLEY (see Cilley).
SIMONS (see Symond)
James of Bedford and Lois Forbush of A., July 9, 1789. [Furbush of A., July 8, C.R.1.]
Abigal, Miss, of Lowell, and Lemuel Hildreth of A., int. Apr. 12, 1849.
Abraham, Dr. [int. omits Dr.], and Sally Faulkner, both of A., Mar. 18, 1788. [Dr. Abraham, both of A., C.R.1.]
Henry of Andover and Miss Mary Hayward of A., June 29, 1824. [both of A., C.R.1.]
Anna of A. and Daniel H. Lewis of Concord, July 4, 1816.
Betsey of Sudbury and Josiah Dudley [int. Ditbley] of A., July 6, 1792, in Sudbury.
Catherine E. and G. W. Russell,-------, "Dis. Dec. 2, 1849 to Dorchester," C.R.2.
Eliza, Miss, and Rufus Reed, both of A., int. June 19, 1825.
Emerline Augusta [int. Agusta], Miss, of Stow, and Luther E. Robbins of A., June 30, 1833.
Enice [int. Miss Eunice] of A. and Asa Putnam, Dec. 1, 1828. [Eunice of A., C.R.1.]
Joseph A. of Concord and Miss Rebecca Brooks of A., int. Feb. 11, 1849.
Luke and Miss Mary Robbins, both of A., int. July 19, 1835.
Samuel of Ashuelot and Mary Cumming of A., May 12, 1741. [Samuel Swift of Ashuelot, C.R.1.]
Sarah and Gersham Davies, both of A., Dec. 24, 1765.
Soloman and Lucy Nutting, both of A., Aug. 28, 1792. [Solomon, both of A., C.R.1.]
Solomon Jr. and Miss Catherin [int. Catherine] E. Faulkner, both of A., June 3, 1821. [Catherine E. Falkner of A., C.R.1. Catherine E. Faulkner, P.R.12.]
SPALDING (see Spaulding)
Charles H. [int. Capt.] of Cambridge [int. Cambridgeport] and Miss Mary Conant of A., May 11, 1837, in A. [Spaulding, removed to Cambridge, C.R.2.]
Mary [int. Spaulding, Mrs., of A.] and Samuel Hosmer 2d, farmer, of A., June 13, 1847. [Spaulding, wid., C.R.2. Mary C. Spaulding, P.R.9.]
SPAULDING (see Spalding)
Benoni of Billerica and Lydia Durant of A., Apr. 1, 1790, in Billerica.
Betsey, Miss, of Ashburnham, and Joel Conant of A., int. Oct. 29, 1829.
Harriet C., Miss, of Plainfield, N. H., and David W. Hosmer of A., int. Apr. 5, 1846.
Hazadiah [int. Hasadiah] of Chelmsford and Moses Woods of A., Apr. 16, 1793, in Westford.
Joseph of Dunstable and Rebecca Robbins of A., int. Nov. 8, 1795.
Josiah of Westford and Lydia Cleaveland of A., Feb. 15, 1763, in Westford.
Philip of Wesford and Elizabeth Ober of A., int. Apr. 30, 1762.
Sarah W., Miss, and Emerson F. Fuller, both of A., int. May 13, 1849.
Nancy, Miss, of Temple, N. H., and Francis Robbins of A., int. Aug. 18, 1833.
M. Augusta [M. written in pencil, int. Miss Mary A.] and George W. [W. written in pencil] Rand, carpenter, of A., Aug. 4, 1847.
Albert H. of Northboro [dup. Springfield] and Mary Ann Bride of A., d. Wilson of A., Feb. 4, 1846.
Mary Ann, Miss, of S. Wallingsford, Vt., and J. Holden Tuttle of A., int. Aug. 5, 1849.
Joseph and Lucy Hosmer, both of A., Aug. 20, 1773.
STARNS (see Stearns, Sternes)
Samuel of Killingsly and Mrs. Ann Wood of A., int. May 23, 1749.
STEARNS (see Starns, Sternes)
Mary E., d. Nathaniel, and Moses Taylor, farmer, b. A., s. Silas, all of A., June 18, 1846. [Mary Elisabeth, C.R.2. Mary Elizabeth, P.R.5. Elizebeath, P.R.7.]
Nathaniel of A. and Miss Sally Bigelow of Sherburn, int. Apr. 22, 1837.
Thomas of Littleton and Mary White of A., Oct. 4, 1739. [Sterns of Littleton, C.R.1.]
STERNES (see Stares, Stearns)
Nathaniel and Sophia Hammond, Apr. 10, 1817, P.R.7.
Levi W. of A. and [int. Miss] Mary Heyward of Boxboro, Sept. 2, 1846.
Mary of Mar[l]borough and Samuel Hayward of A., June 3, 1739. [Haywood of A., C.R.1.]
Oliver of Littleton and Sarah Hosmer of A., Apr. 1, 1766.
Oliver of Ringe, N. H. [int. omits N. H.], and Lucy Hayward of A., Nov. 26, 1789.
Samson of Chelmsford and Polly Wood of A., May 29, 1817.
James B. of Sudbury and Miss Emeline A. Robbins of A., July 4, 1841, in Sudbury.
David and Ruth Fletcher, both of A., May 27, 1742. [Stimpson, both of A., C.R.1.]
Lois and Sheribiah H. White, both of A. [int. both residing in A.], Sept. 26, 1811. [Sherebiah H., both of A., C.R.1.]
Ira and [int. Miss] Maria Hapgood of A., Jan. 1, 1829.
Lovica, Miss, of A., and Walter I. [int. J.] Atcherson [int. of A.], June 28, 1842, in Lexington.
Bradly [int. Bradley] of Concord and Clar[i]ssa [int. Miss Clarrissa] Hosmer of A., Sept. 18, 1828. [Bradley of Concord and Clarissa Hosmer of A., C.R.1.]
Eunice of Boxborough and Jonas Faulkner of A., Dec. 3, 1793, in Boxborough.
Norman of A. and Miss Mary B. Mackintyre of Fitchburgh, int. Jan. 5, 1829.
Rebecca, Miss, of Concord, and Nathaniel Hapgood, int. Dec. 23, 1809.
Samuel of Marlborough and Hephsibah Fletcher of A., int. Apr. 26, 1747.
Charles and Mary Jones, both of A., May 10, 1803.
Nancy and Jonathan Barker, both of Sudbury, Canada, June 18, 1788.
SWEATT (see Sweet, Swett)
Silas of A. and Mrs. Nancy Heyward of Lancester, int. Sept. 10, 1848.
SWEET (see Sweatt, Swett)
Mahitable W., Miss, and Isaac Procter, both of A., Aug. 3, 1834.
SWETT (see Sweatt, Sweet)
Nancy C., Miss, of A., and William Dunklee of Quincy, int. Nov. 9, 1845.
Catharine H. [H. blurred out, int. omits H.] of A. and Charles Whitman of Stow, Mar. 6, 1787. [Catherine of A. and Dr. Charles Whitman of Stow, C.R.1.]
John, Rev., of A., and Miss [int. Mrs.] Abigail Adams of Medway, Nov. 19, 1740, in Medway.
John, Dr., and Catharine [int. Mrs. Catharin] Davies, both of A., Dec. 3, 1767 [6 written over 7].
Samuel (see Samuel Smith).
SYMOND (see Simons)
Obed A. and Miss Mary Wright, both of A., June 15, 1843, in A. [Simonds, C.R.2.]
Josiah W., Rev., and Miss Mary L. Bigelow, both of Boxboro[ugh], Mar. 25, 1838, in Boxborough.
George and [int. Miss] Charlotte Robbins, both of A., Mar. 24, 1836, in A.
John [int. Tarbel] of Bolton and Sally Chaffin of A., July 19, 1808. [Tarbell of Bolton, C.R.1.]
Sally, Mrs. [int. Tarbel, Miss], of A., and Abel Bruce of Fitchburg, Apr. 11, 1826. [Mrs. Sally Tarbel of A., C.R.1.]
James F. of Boston and Miss Sarah Ann Wild of A., int. Nov. 6, 1839. [m. Nov. 28, removed to Boston, C.R.2.]
Ephraim [of] Stow and Ruth Davis of A., Jan. 16, 1772.
George R. of Boston and Miss Dolly Brown of A., int. Apr. 7, 1844.
Isaac of A. and Betsey Whitney of Watertown, Oct. 20, 1793, in Watertown.
Mercy E., Miss, of Stow, and Silas Davis of A., int. Nov. 6, 1839.
Moses, farmer, b. A., s. Silas, and Mary E. Stearns, d. Nathaniel, all of A., June 18, 1846. [Mary Elisabeth, C.R.2. Mary Elizabeth, P.R.5. Elizebeath, P.R.2]
Rebecca of Stow and Calvin Heywood [int. Hayward] of A., Jan. 26, 1791 [1 written over 2, 1791 written in pencil, int. Nov. 17, 1790]. [Calven Heywood of A., Jan. 26, 1791, C.R.1.]
Rhoda, 18, and Seth Sampson, 25, mason, s. Seth, all of Littleton, Oct. 31, 1844.
Sarah of Concord and Charles Brown of A., Dec. 15, 1763, in Concord.
Sarah, Miss, of A., and Obadiah P. Osbem [int. Osborn] of Providence, R. I., Sept. 23, 1838, in A.
Silas of Stow and Mary Davis of A., Feb. 5, 1767.
Silas [int. Taylour] and Miss Sophia Hapgood, both of A., Apr. 11, 1820 [? in Littleton]. [Taylor, P.R.6.]
Timothy and Sarah Wheeler, both of A., Feb. 11, 1765, in Concord.
--------, of Concord and Benjamin Brabrook of A., int. Aug. 6, 1770.
Abigail and Isaac Ramsdell, both of A., int. Dec. 1, 1769.
Benjamin of Concord and Abigail Harris of A., int. Oct. 12, 1745.
Mary of Concord and Daniel Barker of A., int. Dec. 17, 1769.
Phebe of A. and William Dutton [int. Dutten] of Westford, Dec. 17, 1777, in Westford.
Samuel and Jerusha Hager [int. Hagar], both of A., Sept. 15, 1785. [Hager, both of A., C.R.1.]
Samuel and Miss Mary Harris, both of A., Mar. 25, 1827.
Sarah of Westford and Simon Wheeler of A., July 13, 1742, in Westford.
TENNEY (see Tenny)
Amos and ------- Chaffin, int. ----, 1782.
Cheny ([torn?]) [Cheny in later handwriting, int. Cheny Jenny] of Littleton and [int. Mrs.] Mary Hayward of A., Dec. 2, 1806. [Cheny Tenney of Littleton and Mary Hayward of A., C.R.1.]
Hannah of Littleton and Robert Chaffin [int. of A., Nov. 19, 1777. [Tinney of Littleton and Robert Chaffin of A., C.R.1.].
John and Miss Susan A. Preist [int. Priest], both of A., Oct. 24, 1843, in Stow.
Peter of A. and Sibel Whitcomb of Bolton, int. Mar. 16, 1815.
Zerviah of Littleton and David Barnard of A., Oct. 1, 1782.
TENNY (see Tenney)
Benjamin F. [int. Tenney] of Littleton and Miss Mary Burges of A., Dec. 3, 1824. [Tenny of Littleton and Mary Berges of A., C.R.1.]
Peter [int. Tenney] and Mary Hosmer, both of A., Nov. 30, 1797. [Tenney, both of A., C.R.1.]
Lydia (That[c]her), Mrs. [Mrs. in later handwriting, int. omits Mrs., adds of A.], and Rev. [Rev. in later handwriting, int. Rev.] Samuel Shepard of Brentwood, N. H. [int. omits N. H.], Dec. 23, 1789. [Mrs. Mary Thatcher of A. and Rev. Sam[ue]l Shepard. of Brantwood, N. H., C.R.1.]
Nathneil [int. Nathaniel] of Dunstable and Lydia Heald of A., Nov. 22, 1785. [Nath[anie]l of Dunstable, C.R.1.]
Amos of Lambs Town and Abigail Farr of A., int. June 24, 1737.
William and Ann Piper, both of A., int. Feb. 20, 1779.
William and Sally Putnam, both of A., June 1, 1794.
Cesar and Auzubah [Azubah written above Auzubah] Hendrick, both of A., Jan. 27, 1785. [Caesar Thompson and Azubah Hendrick, both of A., C.R.1.]
Cesar and Peggy Green, both of A., Dec. 1, 1785. [Caesar, both of A., C.R.1.]
Elisha S. of Springfield, Vt., and Ann [int. Miss Ann H.] Richardson [int. of A.], Jan. 11, 1829. [Tompson of Springfield, Vt., and Ann H. Richerson of A., C.R.1.]
Elisabeth, Miss, and Jason Russell, both of W. Cambridge, Apr. 10, 1809.
Thomas and Sabena [int. Sabrina] Emerson, both of A., Sept. 2, 1784. [Sabina., both of A., C.R.1.]
Thomas ([torn]mas) [Thomas in later handwriting, int. Thomas] and Nabby Barker, both of A., May 25, 1806. [Thomas, both of A., C.R.1.]
Thomas of A. and Mrs. Lucy Tufts of Charlstown, int. Nov. 11, 1827.
Nath[anie]l [int. Esq.] of Bradford and [int. Miss] Frances Fletcher of A., July 4, 1809. [Nath[anie]l Esq. of Bradford and Frances Fletcher of A., C.R.1.]
Rebecca of A. and Jesse Robinson of Lexington, Nov. 21, 1793, in Lexington.
Joseph and Betsey N. Bickford, both of Lowell, July 16, 1837, in Sudbury.
Oliver S. of Fitchburgh and Miss Lucy [int. adds E.] Handley of A., Nov. 30, 1843, in A.
John A. of A. and Miss Sarah Ann Heath of Canor [sic, Canaan], N. H., int. Dec. 14, 1841.
George W. and Miss Henrietta Tuttle, both of A., int. Oct. 11, 1846.
Joshua of Ringe, N. H. [N. H. written in pencil, int. omits N. H.], and Tabetha Hunt of A., Feb. 23, 1796. [Joshua of Rindge and Tabitha Hunt of A., C.R.1.]
Augustus 2nd of Stow and Miss Nancy Bright of A., int. May 4, 1826.
Basmoth, wid., of A., and John Foster of Boxborought, int. Feb. 7, 1826.Feb. 7, 1817.
Caleb of Stow and Miss Julia Edwards of A., int. Mar. 18, 1828.
Joshua ([torn]sinia) [Joshua in later handwriting, int. Joshua] and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Crouch, both of A., June 30, 1805. [Joshua and Elisabeth Crouch, both of A., C.R.1.]
Joseph of Oxford, Me. [Me. written in pencil, int. omits Me.], and Anne [int. Anna] Cragin of A., Apr. 28, 1772.
Shippia of Boston and Hannah Chaffin of A., Nov. 1, 1791. [Sheppie of Boston, C.R.1.]
Elisabeth [int. wid.] of A. and Oliver B. Trask of Boston, Oct. 8, 1816.
Oliver B. of Boston and Elisabeth Trask [int. wid.] of A., Oct. 8, 1816.
Peter Thatcher of Boston and Elisabeth [int. Elizeabeth Hunt] Wild of A., June 4, 1811. [Peter Thatcher Trask of Boston and Elizabeth Wild of A., C.R.1.]
Thomas [int. Traiater] of Concord and Nabby [int. Abigal] Olivers of A., May 11, 1817.
Joseph, residing in A., and Nabby Lealand Whitcomb of Boxborough, int. Apr. 1, 1808.
Hannah M., Miss, and Luther B. White, both of A., int. Jan. [sic, ? June] 1, 1845.
Levi of Groton and Miss Betsy Fletcher of A., int. Mar. 4, 1834.
Lucy, Mrs., of Charlstown, and Thomas Thorp of A., int. Nov. ll, 1827.
Anna and [torn]uel [Samuel in later handwriting, int. Samuel] Jones, both of A., Oct. 21, 1806. [Samuel, both of A., C.R.1.]
Betsey of A. and Samuel Brown Jr. of Concord, June 5, 1800. [Betsy of A., C.R.1.]
Betty of A. and Ruben Davies of Watertown, Jan. 18, 1780. [Reuben of Watertown, C.R.1.]
Charles and Miss Mary Edward, both. of A., Jan. 23, 1821.
Charles of A. and Mrs. Maria H. Wright of Westford, int. May 5, 1833.
Charlotte H., Miss [int. Mrs. written over Miss], and Theodore Ames, both of A., Dec. 31, 1840, in A.
Daniel and Miss Emerline E. Handly [int. Emeline E. Handley], both of A., May 27, 1834.
Edmond and Loisa Fletcher, both of Littleton, Mar. 30, 1826, C.R.1.
Edward and Miss Harriet P. Handley, int. Feb. 28, 1841.
Elisabeth Gorham [int. Elizabeth Goreham] and Jotham Hunt, both of A., Dec. 23, 1804. [Elisabeth Gorham Tuttle, both of A., C.R.1.]
Eliza, Miss, and Elnathan Jones, both of A., Mar. 14, 1821.
Eliza J., Miss, and Dexter F. Parker, both of. A., int. Aug. 5, 1849.
Elizabeth, Mrs., of A., and Nathaniel Holden of Shirley, int. Aug. 14, 1831.
Elizabeth Goreham (see Elisabeth Gorham Tuttle).
Eunice [int. Miss] of A. and Rev. Gardner B. Perry of Bradford, July 15, 1819.
Ezra and Sarah Chamberlain, both of Concord, Jan. 9, 1849.
Frances [sic, int. Francis] and Harriet [int. Harriet] Wetherbee, both of A., July 14, 1812. [Francis and Harriet Wetherbee, both of A., C.R.1.]
Francis Jr. of A. and Miss Lucy Sargent of Stow, int. Jan. 24, 1836.
George W. and [int. Miss] Charlotte H. Jones, both of A., July 19, 1827.
Harriet, Miss, and Rev. Isaac Brown, both of A., int. May 3, 1839.
Henrietta, Miss, and George W. Todd, both of A., int. Oct. 11, 1846.
Horace and Miss Everlina [int. Evelina] Davis, both of A., Jan. 8, 1824. [Evaline, both of A., C.R.1.]
Horace and Miss Lucy Jane Jones, both of A., Mar. 15, 1827.
J. Holden of A. and Miss Mary Ann Stafford of S. Wallingsford, Vt., int. Aug. 5, 1849.
James and Miss Eliza Jones, both of A., int. Apr. 10, 1841.
Joseph W. and [int. Miss] Henrietta Jones, both of A., Apr. 3, 1828.
Louisa O., Miss, and Thomas G. F. Jones, both of A., int. Apr. 12, 1846.
Lucy of Littleton and Oliver Hapgood of A., Feb. 10, 1785.
Lucy and Joseph Fletcher, both of A., Mar. 29, 1796.
Methitable of Littleton and Adam Noyes of A., int. Apr. 2, 1799.
Molly [int. Molley] and Ephraim Hapgood, both of A., Apr. 13, 1780.
Nancy, 19, dressmaker, of A., b. A., d. Frances of A., and Elbridge G. Parker, 23, farmer, of Westford, s. Gilbert of Westford, Apr. 17, 1845.
Rebecca and Samuel Potter Conant, both of A., Oct. 23, 1789.
Sally of A. and Nathan Meriam [int. omits Meriam] Wright of Concord, Apr. 7, 1808. [Nathan Meriam Wright of Concord, C.R.1.]
Samuel ([torn]uel) [Samuel in later handwriting, int. Samuel] Jr. and Mary Wright, both of A., Sept. 5, 1805. [Samuel Jr., both of A., C.R.1.]
Simon Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Elisabeth Hunt, both of A., Jan. 14, 1790. [Simon Jr., both of A., C.R.1.]
Simon Jr. and Betsey Hapgood, both of A., Feb. 17, 1814.
Simon and Miss Polly B. [int. omits B.] Davis, both of A., Dec. 21, 1820. [Miss Polly B., both of A., C.R.1.]
Simon of A. and Miss Lydia Holden of Shirley, Feb. 24, 1825.
Simon of A. and Miss Sarah Brooks of Lincoln, int. Sept. 15, 1833.
Simon [int. Jr.] of A. and Miss Mary A. Sargent of Stow, May 2, 1839, in Stow.
Submitt [int. Submet] of A. and Francis Gates of Stow, Jan. 5, 1812.
Susan, Miss, of A., and Leander Archibald of Leomister, Nov. 22, 184[cut off, ? 1842, int. Nov. 6, 1842], in A.
Susana of Littleton and Isaac Miles of A., Mar. 1, 1791 [1 written over 2]. [Susanna of Littleton, Mar. 1, 1791, C.R.1.]
Thadeus [int. Thaddeus] and Abigail Barker, both of A., Sept. 24, 1789. [Thadeus, both of A., C.R.1.]
Varnurn and Miss Sarah L. Keith, both of A., int. Apr. 15, 1849.
Jabez of Brookfield and Lucy Faulkner of A., June 2, 1796. [Jabez Esq. of Brookfield, C.R.1.]
VEASY (see Veazey)
Daniel of A. and Miss Betsy M. Gates of Westford, int. Sept. 6, 1840.
VEAZEY (see Veasy)
Daniel L. [zey in later handwriting over erasure], 30, stone cutter, s. Daniel (Veasy) and Eliza, and Sally Robbins, 23, of A., d. Abel and Mary of A., Feb. 24, 1847.
Thomas and Lucy Parker, both of A. [int. both residing in A.], Nov. 12, 1815. [Vinall, both residing in A., C.R.1.]
Lois of Western and Soloman Lamson of A., int. Aug. 30, 1757.
Elizabeth, Miss, and John J. Close, both of Lowell, Sept 20, 1834.
Levi ([torn]i) [Levi in later handwriting, int. Levi] of Groton and Betsy Jones of A., Aug. 9, 1807. [Levi of Groton, C.R.1.]
Roxanna, Miss, and Heman H. Bowers, both of A., int. Mar. 25, 1849.
Sally of Bolton and Howard Brown, Resid[worn] in A., int. Dec. 31, 1808.
Alice and Samuel Fitch of A. Apr. 23, 1778, in Chelmsford.
Asa of Tingstown [int. Tyngstown, Me.] Elizabeth] White of A., Jan. 4, 1803.[Asa of Tingstown (so called) and Elizabeth White of A., C.R.1.]
Samuel W. and Miss Harriet Parker [int 1both of A.], June 1, 1843, in A.
George Washington of Concord and [int. Miss] Lucy Wheeler of A., Nov. 29, 1810. [Lucy of A., C.R.1.]
Horace of Westford and Polly [int. Miss Polly H.] Billings of A., Oct. 13, 1835, in. A.
Elizabeth of A. and Zacheus Green of Carlisle, Oct. 21, 1795, in Carlisle.
Joseph and Miss Nabby Buttrick, both of A., Sept. 19, 1824. [Buthrik, both of A., C.R.1.]
Nathan [int. Warner] of Harvard and Abigail [Elizabeth written in pencil above Abigail, int. Elisabeth] Heywood of A., June 28, 1784. [Warner of Harvard and Elisabeth Haywood of A., C.R.1.]
WARREN (see Warrin)
Sampson of Charlestown and [int. Miss] Mary Piper of A., Feb. 15, 1838, in A.
WARRIN (see Warren)
Oliver of Littleton and Elizabeth Allen of A., int. June 20, 1761.
Releaf, Miss, of Concord, and Isaac Harrington of A., int. Aug. 25, 1825.
Esther of Townsend and Luther Gilbert of A., int. Oct. 6, 1811.
WELLINGTON (see Willington)
Eliza, Miss, of A., and Eliezer S. Hendley [int. Eleazer S. Handley of A.], Apr. 22, 1824. [Wallington of A. and Elezar S. Hendley, C.R.1.]
Adeline, Miss, of A., and Amos Blood of Lancester, int. June 13, 1849. [m. ----, 1849, C.R.2.]
Maria E. [int. E. Maria], Miss, and Isaac T. Flagg, both of A., Sept. 20, 1838, in A. [Miss Eunice Maria, Oct. C.R.2.]
Mary E., Miss, and William R. Lothrop, both of A., int. July 27, 1845. [m. Sept. ----—, C.R,2.]
Agnis and Joseph Hager, both of A., Aug. 19, 1793.
Ammi and Dolley Barker, both of A., Feb. 25, 1810.
Catherine [int. Catharine] and Nathan Wheeler, both of A., June 11, 1811. [Catherine, both of A., C.R.1.]
Daniel 2d and Clarissa [int. Miss Clarisa] Jones, both of A., July 19, 1836, in A.
Edward and Elenor Davis, both of A., int. Jan. 30, 1777.
Edward Jr. and Susanna Hapgood, both of A., Dec. 24, 1807.
Harriet [int. Harriat] and Frances [sic, int. Francis] Tuttle, both of A., July 14, 1812. [Harriet and Francis Tuttle, both of A., C.R.1.]
Harriet, Miss, of A., and Winthrop F. White of Ashby, int. Oct. 6, 1839. [Miss Harriot, m. Nov. ----, removed to Ashby, C.R.2.]
John Jr. of Boxborough and Miss Louisa S. Brown of A., Jan. 1, 1835.
Lucinda [int. Miss] and Silas Jones, both of A., Oct. 12, 1809. [Lucinda, both of A., C.R.1.]
Lucy Ann, Miss, of Boston, and John D. Robbins of A., int. Nov. 21, 1839.
Mary, Miss, and Stephen Hosmer 2d, both of A., May 26, 1831.
Oliver and Polley [int. Polly] Davis, both of A., Feb. 29, 1816.
Phineas of A. and Mary J. Willoby of Peterboro, N. H., int. Oct. 29, 1848.
Polley and Edward Harrington [int. Herrington], both of A., May 2, 1811. [Harrington, both of A., C.R.1.]
Sophia, Miss, and Winthrop F. Conant, both of A., Dec. 29, 1842, in A.
Susannah, Miss, and Abraham M. White, both of A., Sept. 5, 1833.
WETT (see Witt)
Samuel [int. Wite] of Marlborough and Lucy Adams of A., Oct. 30, 1787. [Witt of Marlborough, C.R.1.]
WHEELAR (see Wheeler, Wheelor)
Olive and Peter Barker, both of A., int. Aug. 10, 1800.
WHEELER (see Wheelar, Wheelor)
Aaron of A. and Miss Betsey Chaffin of Pepperell, int Nov. ---, 1810.
Aaron of A. and Miss Phebe E. Rogers of Boston, int. Mar. 29, 1846.
Abigail of A. and Elias Foster of Wesford, int. Apr. 12, 1746.
Anna and Nathan Jones, both of A., Nov. 18, 1804.
Asa of Carlisle and Polly Davis of A., Mar. 25, 1784.
Asa and Miss Amanda Brown, both of A., May 12, 1825.
Betty of Boxborough [int. Littleton] and Ebenezer W. [int. Warrin] Fuller of A., Sept. 6, 1792, in Boxborough.
Cyrus of A. and Miss Fidelia Heald of Carlisle, int. Jan. 12, 1828.
Daniel 2d [int. Wheelar, omits 2d ] of Concord and Mary Hosmer Furbush [int. Forbush] of A., Apr. 2, 18 [torn, 1800 written in pencil and crossed out; 1801 in later handwriting, int. Mar. 15, 1801]. [Wheeler 2d of Concord and Mary Hosmer Furbush of A., Apr. 2, 1801, C.R.1.]
Dorcas of A. and Joseph Blodget of W. Nottingham, int. Apr. 3, 1756.
Eleanor (see Ellenor).
Elener of A. and William Edggel of Naraganset No. 2, int. Aug. 1, 1752.
Eliza, Miss, and Silas Conant, both of A., Feb. 22, 1825, in Cambridgeport.
Elizabeth of A. and Lemuel Whitney of Stow, int. Mar. 14, 1761.
Ellenor int. Elenor], Miss, of A., and Cyrus Hapgood of Concord, Jan. 18, 1842, in A.
Eunice, Miss, of A., and Henery Flint Jr. of Carlisle, Mar. 1, 1820 [? in Carlisle].
Francis [int. of Concord crossed out] and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] Mary Hayward, both of A., June 5, 1755, in Lexington.
Franklin of A. and Miss Susan Collins of Marlboro, N. H., int. Mar. 23, 1845.
Hannah, Mrs. [int. Miss], and Joseph Chaffin, both of A., Dec. 10, 1826.
Hezekiah and Mary Gilbert, both of A., Nov. 12, 1767.
Jacob of A. and Moley Kebby of Concord, int. Jan. 1, 1774.
John and Ruth Hosmer, both of A., May 20, 1784.
John H. and Betsey Brook, both of A., Mar. 25, 1817.
Jonathan and Margeret Martin, both of A., int. July 6, 1737.
Jonathan and Sibbel Carkins [int. Carken], both of A., May 20, 1792. [Corkens, both of A., C.R.1.]
Jonathan and [int. Miss] Eda Davies, both of A., June 2, 1818.
Jonathan of A. and Miss Mary Angeline Baker of Westford, int. Feb. 26, 1834.
Joseph and Judith [int. Judeth] Barker, both of A., Apr. 11, 1793. [Judith, both of A., C.R.1.]
Joseph of A. and Miss Gratitude Marble of Ashburnham, int. Feb. 18, 1822.
Joseph Procter [int. Proctor of A.] and Betty Morros [int. Naby Munroe] of Billerica, Dec. 9, 1779. [Joseph Procter Wheeler of A. and Betty Munroe of Billerica, C.R.1.]
Josiah Gilbert and Mary Perren [int. Perrin], both of A., May 17, 1798. [Perren, both of A., C.R.1.]
Judah of A. and Lucy Corey [int. Cory] of Westford, May 20, 1762, in Westford.
Judith [int. Judeth] and Samuel Hayward, both of A., Oct. 20, 1799. [Judith, both. of A., C.R.1.]
Louis, Miss, and Marshall Farr, both of A., Feb. 16, 1832 [? in Boxborough].
Lucinda J., 24, dress maker, b. A., d. Jonathan of A., and Hiram Butters, 29, miller, of A., s. Nathaniel of A., Aug. 25, 1844. [Lucinda Jane, C.R.2.]
Lucy and Daniel Furbush, both of A., int. Jan. 22, 1770.
Lucy of A. and William Graves of Stow, Dec. 24, 1779.
Lucy [int. Miss] of A. and George Washington Wallace of Concord, Nov. 29, 181(?). [Lucy of A., C.R.1.]
Lucy, Miss, of A., and (?) Hodgman of Bedford, int. Mar. 25, 1832. [m. Aug. (?) and removed to Woborn," C.R.2.]
Martha of A. and Nathaniel Barret [int. Barritt of Chelmsford], Nov. 30, 1748, in Chelmsford.
Mary and William Reed Jr., both of A., Feb. 21, 1804.
Nancy, Miss, of A., and Albert Sawen [int. Sawin] of Cambridge, June ---, 1832.
Nathan of A. and Lois Cobley of Littleton, int. Aug. 31, 1799.
Nathan and Catherine [int. Catharine] Wetherbee, both of A., June 11, 1811. [Catherine, both of A., C.R.1.]
Nathan H., 22, of A., s. Abel and Nancy, and Elizebeth H. Shattuck, 19, d. W[illia]m and Elizebeth, Oct. 1, 1846.
Nehemiah of A. and Susannah Proctor [int. Susanna Procter] of Westford, Dec. 10, 1746, in Westford.
Oliver of A. and Abigail Wood of Groten, int. Oct. 10, 1747.
Oliver of A. and Hephzebath [int. Hepsebeth] Munroe of Billerica, Mar. 3, 177[torn, 1773 in later handwriting, int. Feb. 12, 1774].
Phineah [int. Phineas] and Hannah Jones, both of A., May 6, 1802. [Phineas, both of A., C.R.2.]
Phineas, Dea., and [int. Mrs.] Lucy Hayward, both of A., Apr. 14, 1836, in A. [Lucy, wid., C.R.2.]
Phinehas, Lt., and Lucy Purling, both of A., int. Nov. 15, 1799.
Phinehas of A. and Mrs. Elizabeth Hodgman of Bedford, int. July 10, 1831.
Rachel and Elias Whitney, both of Stow, int. Nov. 18, 1758.
Reuben [int. Ruben] of Carlisle and Hepzibah Heyward [int. Hapsebah Heywood] of A., Oct. 20, 1789, in Carlisle.
Reuben( [torn]ben) [Reuben in later handwriting, int. Reuben] of A. and Rhoda Ditson of Littleton, Apr. 29, 1806. [Reuben of A., C.R.1.]
Roger and Eunice Gilbert, both of A., Aug. 30, 1764.
Ruth of A. and Ephraim Cobbley [int. Cobley] of Bolton, Dec. 19, 1797. [Coblaigh of Bolton, C.R.1.]
Ruth and Allen Richardson, both of A., Jan. 26, 1808.
Sampson of A. and Sarah Parlin [int. Perlin] of Concord, May 23, 1751, in Concord.
Samuel and Martha Hosmer, both of A., int. Mar. 17, 1759.
Samuel of A. and Lydia Munroe of Billerica, Feb. 13, 1777, in Billerica.
Samuel of Bolton and Anna [int. Anne] Hosmer of A., Nov. 7, 1793. [Anna of A., C.R.1.]
Samuel of Bolton and Miss Abigail [int. Abbigail] Keyes of A., Jan. 17, 1832 [? in Boxborough].
Sarah of A. and John Penney of Stow, int. May 2, 1753.
Sarah and Timothy Taylor, both of A., Feb. 11, 1765, in Concord.
Sarah of A. and Asahel Eveleth of Stow, int. Dec. 1, 1797.
Simon of A. and Sarah Temple of Westford, July 13, 1742, in Westford.
Susannah, Mrs., of Boxboro, and Palatiah Brooks of A., int. Mar. 21, 1841.
Theodore and Hannah Reed, both of A., Apr. 7, 1803.
Thomas of A. and Miss Sarah Wood of Littleton, Oct. 8, 1786, in Littleton.
Winthrop F., Rev., and Lucy Robbins, d. John and Sally, ------, P.R.3.
WHEELOR (see Wheeler, Wheeler)
Josiah D. [int. Wheeler] and Miss Mary W. Wood, both of A., Nov. 27, 1838, in A.
Susan F., Miss, and Luther S. Noyes, both of A., Sept. 22, 1839, in A.
William [int. Wheeler] and Miss Eliza Bright, both of A., Sept. 16, 1838, in A. [Wheeler, Sept. 30, C.R.2.]
Zeliah, Miss, of Boston, and Joseph Erwin of A., int. Apr. 19, 1835.
WHITCOM (see Whitcomb)
Samuel and Mary Reed, both of Littleton, Nov. 30, 1826, C.R.1.
WHITCOMB (see Whitcom)
Abraham of Stowe and Rebeccab Fletcher of A., Dec. 11, 1780, in Stowe.
Benjamin F. of Stow and Miss Susan T. Withington of A., int. Nov. 20, 1842.
David of Stow and Nancy Hayward of A., Nov. 20, 1803.
Hannah [int. Miss] of A. and Franklin Hosmer [int. of A.], Apr. 16, 1829. [both of A., C.R.1.]
Joel H. and Miss Eliza J. Perley, both of A., int. Nov. 8, 1846.
Mary, Miss, of Harvard, and Nehemiah. B. Robbins of Littleton, Oct. 6, 1836, in Harvard.
Nabby Lealand of Boxborough and Joseph Tucker, residing in A., int. Apr. 1, 1808.
Sally B., Miss, of Boxborough, and Samuel Hosmer 3d of A., int. Jan. 5, 1833.
Sarah [int. Sally] of Bolton and Simon Hosmer of A., Jam 26, 1796, in Bolton.
Sibel of Bolton and Peter Tenney of A., int. Mar. 16, 1815.
Abil [int. Abel] of A. and [int. Miss] Sarah Green of Brooklin [int. Brookline], N. H., Aug. 22, 1819.
Abraham M. and Miss Susannah Wetherbee, both of A., Sept. 5, 1833.
Ann and Joseph Barker, both of A., June 23, 1742.
Anna and Paul Hayward, both of A., July 14, 1768.
Asa of A. and Miss Lucy H. Brooks of Lincoln, int. Oct. 9, 1830.
Charlott [int. Charlotte], Miss, and Elbridge Robbins, both of A., Jan. 16, 1833 [? in Concord]. [Charlotte, P.R.3.]
Daniel of Billerica and Mary Hunt of A., Jan. 1, 1784.
Daniel Jr. of Rockingham, Vt. [int. and dup. int. formerly of A.], and Naby [int. and dup. int. Nabby] Hapgood of A., Sept. 27, 1815. [Nabby of A., Apr. 27, C.R.1.]
Dorothy and Francis Barker, both of A., int. Apr. 28, 1753.
Ebenezer and Mary Hayward, both of A., int. Sept. 27, 1774.
Ebenezer [int. Ebenezar] of Leominster and Lucinda [int. Miss Lucyndia] Jones of A., Jan. 5, 1802. [Ebenezer of Leominster and Lucinda Jones of A., C.R.1.]
Ebenezer and Jerusha Dexter, both of A., Apr. 19, 1804.
Elisabeth of A. and Daniel More of Sudbury, June ---, 1743.
Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] of A. and Asa Walker of Tingstown [int. Tyngstown, Me.], Jan. 4, 1803. [Elizabeth of A. and Asa Walker of Tingstown (so called), C.R.1.]
Hetty [int. Mehitable] of Westford and Josiah Noyes of A., June 26, 1794. [Hitty of Westford, C.R.1.]
John Jr. and Charlotte Hapgood, both of A., Oct. 17, 1811. [John Jr., s. Daniel and Mary, and Charlotte Hapgood, d. Abraham and Mary, P.R.8.]
John, Dea., of A., and Miss Abigail Sartwell of Townsend, int. Jan. 20, 1822.
Luther B. and Miss Hannah M. Tufts, both of A., int. Jan. [sic, ? June] 1, 1845.
Lydia and James Fletcher, both of A., May 4, 1786.
Marah [int. Mara] and Ebenezer Heald, both of A., Sept. 2, 1779. [Marah, both of A., C.R.1.]
Mark of A. and Anna Chamberlain [int. Annah Chamberlin] of Westford, May 14, 1742. [Anna Chamberlain of Westford, C.R.1. P.R.8.
Mark and Mary Read, both of A., int. Sept 17, 1757.
Mary of A. and Thomas Stearns of Littleton, Oct. 4, 1739. [Sterns of Littleton, C.R.1.]
Mary and John Heald, both of A., Dec. 19, 1771.
Mary and Jonas Brooks, both of A., Mar. 4, 1779.
Mary [int. Miss] of A. and John Harris Jr. [int. of A.], Apr. 26, 1829. [both of A., C.R.1.]
Mehitable (see Hetty).
Rebecca and Daniel Davies, both of A., int. Sept. 27, 1772 [sic, ? 1774, rec. between two entries each dated Sept. 27, 1774].
Ruth of Westford and Samuel Adams of A., Nov. 25, 1783, in Westford.
Sally and Timothy Proctor [int. Procter], both of A., Sept. 17, 1787, in Littleton.
Sally, Miss, of Westford, and Gilbert Parker of A., int. Mar. 18, 1820.
Samuel and Lydia Billing, both of A., June 27, 1765.
Samuel and Dorothy Billing, both of A., June 4, 1772.
Samuel (see Samuel Wett).
Sheribiah H. and Lois Stocker, both of A. [int. both residing in A.], Sept. 26, 1811. [Sherebiah H., both of A., C.R.1.]
Thomas and Hannah Faulkner, both of A., int. Feb. 4, 1748-9.
Winthrop F. of Ashby and Miss Harriet Wetherbee of A., int. Oct. 6, 1839. [Miss Harriot, m. Nov. ----, removed to Ashby, C.R.2.]
Charles of Stew and Catharine H. [H blurred out, int. omits H.] Swift of A., Mar. 6, 1787. [Dr. Charles of Stow and Catherine Swift of A., C.R.1.]
Emma, Miss, and ------ Hartwell of Groton, -------, C.R.2.
Susanna and Oliver Blood, both of Stow, Dec. 24, 1797, in A.
Jemmima, "then living in Bedford," and William Howard of A., Mar. 9, 1782, in Bedford.
Abraham of Bolton and Rebecca Dudley of A., Feb. 28, 1776, in Concord.
Betsey of Watertown and Isaac Taylor of A., Oct. 20, 1793, in Watertown.
Charles of Quabin [Quabin written after Stow crossed out] and Rebeckah Wood of A., int. July 14, 1753.
Elias and Rachel Wheeler, both of Stow, int. Nov. 18, 1758.
Jerome B. and Miss Elvira H. Hoar, both of Pepperell, Jan. 19, 1837, in Boxboro.
Lemuel of Stow and Elizabeth Wheeler of A., int. Mar. 14, 1761.
Mary of Stowe and Peter Chaffin of A., Mar. 20, 1787, in Stowe.
Mercy of Stow and Abraham Furbush of A., int. Nov. 18, 1769.
Mercy and Ephraim Hosmer, both of Boxborough, Nov. 6, 1783.
Nicholas Bowes [int. Bows] of Hingham and Anna Adams of A., Nov. 13, 1800. [Nicholas Bowes Whitney of Hingham, C.R.1.]
Samuel and [int. Mrs.] Lucy Handley, both of A., Sept. 13, 1808. [Lucy, both of A., C.R.1.]
Sarah of A. and Loami Burges of Tingsborough, int. Nov. 18, 1791.
WILD (see Wilde)
Amasa T. of A. and. Miss Sarah Butler Babb of Boston, int. Mar. 15, 1820.
Benjamin [int. Jr.] and Sophia [int. Miss Sophi] Davies, both. of A., Jan. 21, 1817.
Elisabeth [int. Elizeabeth Hunt Wild] of A. and Peter Thatcher Trask of Boston, June 4, 1811. [Elizabeth Wild of A. and Peter Thacher Trask of Boston, C.R.1.]
Joseph of A. and Sarah Conant of Stow, int. Sept. 23, 1815.
Sarah Ann, Miss, of A., and James F. Tasker of Boston, int. Nov. 6, 1839. [m. Nov. 28, removed to Boston, C.R.2.]
WILDE (see Wild)
Mary, Miss, of A., and John A. Berry of Charleston, int. Aug. 16, 1846. [Wild and Mr. Berrey of N. H., m. ---, 1848, C.R.2.]
Anne [int. Wilkens] of Carlisle and Jonas Heald of A., Jan. 6, 1785, in Carlisle.
Luther and Miss Almira F. Hamlin, both of A., int. Dec. 6, 1845.
Sarah [int. Derara] of Littleton and George Hybrus [int. Hybrus] of A., Dec. 10, 1763.
WILLINGTON (see Wellington)
Miraann, Miss, of A., and Leonard Hoar Jr. of Lincoln, int. Oct. 7, 1832.
Eli Jr. and Miss Mary D. Haynes, both of Sudbury, Apr. 30, 1837, in Sudbury.
Josiah and Polley Connery, both of A., int. Feb. 22, 1776.
Martha M., Miss, of Boxboro[ugh], and Charles A. Green of Littleton, Apr. 18, 1837, in Boxborough.
Mary J. of Peterboro, N. H., and Phineas Wetherbee of A., int. Oct. 29, 1848.
Catharine Josephine and Luke Jones Robbins, Aug. 8, 1829, in New Orleans, P.R.3.
John of Carlisle and Miss Nancy Reed of A., int. Dec. 31, 1823.
Roxana and Abram Hapgood, July 26, 1846, P.R.4.
Louisa [int. Miss] and Nath[anie]l S. Adams, both of A., July 30, 1835, in A.
Mary of Concord and Samuel Forbush of A., int. Sept. 13, 1823.
Parmelia [int. Pamelia], Miss, and Stephen Hosmer, both of A., Oct. 23, 1832.
Susan E., Miss, and Abraham B. Hendly [int. Headley], both of A., Jan. 15, 1828 [? in Littleton].
WITE (see Wett).
Susan T., Miss, of A., and Benjamin F. Whitcomb of Stow, int. Nov. 20, 1842.
WITT (see Wett)
Alpheus [int. Alpheus] and Miss Sally Wood, both of A., Nov. 17, 1833.
Alpheus and Miss Hannah Carter, both of A., Nov. 14, 1830.
WOOD (see Woods)
Abigail of Groten and Oliver Wheeler of A., int. Oct. 10, 1747.
Alden of Boxborough and Sally Hayward of A., Oct. 16, 1817.
Ann, Mrs., of A., and Samuel Starns of Killingsly, int. May 23, 1749.
Anna of A. and David Chace, resident in Newton, Feb. 24, 1805.
Bennet and Lydia Law [int. both of A.], Jan. ---, 1739. [Jan. 31, C.R.1.]
Ebenezer of Concord and Miss Abigail [int. Abigal] Harris of A., May 31, 1820. [Ebenezer of Concord and Miss Abigail Harris of A., C.R.1.]
Ebenezer of A. and Miss Pheba F. Flint of Concord, int. Apr. 18, 1830.
Lewis and Abbigail H. [int. Miss Abagail M.] Jones, both of A., Oct. 10, 1827. [Abigail M., both of A., C.R.1.]
Loel and Miss Tabethy Hayward, both of A., int. Mar. 25, 1820.
Lowell F., railroad engineer, of A., s. ----- Lowell, and Abba L. Hosmer [int. of A.], d. Simon, May 5, 1847.
Martin of Littleton and Nancy Hunt of A., int. Dec. 28,1800.
Mary An [int. Miss Mary Ann] and Josiah Piper, both of A., Jan. 14, 1827, in Wallingford, Vt.
Mary W., Miss, and Josiah D. Wheelor [int. Wheeler], both of A., Nov. 27, 1838, in A.
Polly of A. and Samson Stevens of Chelmsford, May 29, 1817.
Rebecca W., 17, of A., d. Lewis and Abigal of A., and Henry O. Lothrop, 23, carpenter, of A., s. Charles and Mary, Nov. 22, 1846.
Rebeckah of A. and Charles Whitney of Quabin [Quabin written after Stow crossed out], int. July 14, 1753.
Ruth of A. and David Forbush of Marlborough, int. May 14, 1734.
Sally, Miss, and Alpheas [int. Alpheus] Witt, both of A., Nov. 17, 1833.
Sarah of A. and William Reed [int. Read] of Marlboro, May 28, 1740, in Concord.
Sarah, Miss, of Littleton, and Thomas Wheeler of A., Oct. 8, 1786, in Littleton.
Timothy of Harvard and Sarah Hapgood of A., Aug. 24, 1797, in Harvard.
John of A. and Miss Eliza W. Bride of Harvard [int. A.], Nov. 8, 1837, in Harvard.
WOODS (see Wood)
George of Fitchburgh and Sarah Sartel of A., Jan. 17, 1782 [1782 in later handwriting]. [Wood of Fitchburg and Sarah Sartwell of A., Jan. 17, 1782, C.R.1.]
Moses of A. and Hasadiah [int. Hasadiah] Spaulding of Chelmsford, Apr. 16, 1793, in Westford.
WOOLEY (see Woolley)
Dorothy of Concord and William Conant of A., int. Mar. 9, 1745.
Sarah and Isaac French, both of A., Jan. 11, 1771 [sic, int. Oct. 25, 1775].
WOOLLEY (see Wooley)
Hannah [int. Wooley] and Oliver Jones, both of A., Dec. 29, 1763.
Lydia [int. Wooley] of A. and Amos Jones of Royelston, Oct. 11, 1770.
Ebenezer and Lydia Brabrook, both of A., Feb. 17, 1799.
Elijah of A. and Rebecah Batchelor [dup. Rebeccah Batcheller, int. Rebeckah] of Boxborough, Sept. 7, 1797, in Boxborough.
Bridges of A. and Lucy Borden of Littleton, int. Nov. 11, 1797.
Sewall of A. and Miss Esther Boyes of Londondary, N. H., int. June 28, 1824.
Stillman [int. Stillman Worsters] and Miss Mary Fletcher, both of A., Apr. 18, 1826. [Stilman Worster, both of A., C.R.1.]
Ruth, Miss, of Stow, and Aaron Jones Jr. of A., int. June 7, 1818.
Abel of Ashby and Sibbel Hayward of A., June 21, 1792.
Almon of Troy, N. H., and Mrs. Hannah R. Fletcher of A., Apr. 11, 1844, in A. [Hannah, "Dismissed to Chh. in Troy, N. H.," C.R.2.]
Calab of Wesford and Elisebeth Cleaveland of A., int. Mar. 25, 1760.
Delia D., Mrs., and -----, Dec. ----, 1838, removed to Boston, C.R.2.
Elisabeth [int. Elizebeth] and Nathan Brooks, both of A., Oct. 22, 1797. [Elisabeth, both of A., C.R.1.]
Elisebeth of Concord and Dea. John Heald of A., int. Nov. 10, 1759.
Elizabeth of Concord and Thomas Noyes of A., Jan. 3, 1765.
Esther, Miss, of A., and Jonas Keyes [int. Jr.] of Pelham, N. H., Oct. 13, 184[cut off, ? 1842, int. Aug. 28, 1842], in A. [----, 1842, removed to Pelham, N. H., C.R.2.]
Eunice of A. and Asahel Hosmer of Concord, Jan. 6, 1800.
Hannah E. [int. Miss] of A. and Thomas Howard of Cambridge, Dec. 3, 1835, in A.
Jonas of Concord and Polly Hapgood of A., Mar. 30, 1794, in Concord.
Joseph of Concord and [int. Mrs.] Sarah Davies of A., Oct. 20, 180[torn, 1801 in later handwriting, int. Sept. 27, 1801]. [Joseph, 80, of Concord, and Sarah Davies, 71, of A., Oct. 20, 1801, C.R.1.]
Lois of Marlborough, N. H., and Samuel Wright of A., int. May 24, 1792.
Lydia of Marlborough, N. H. and Sam[ue]l Wright of A., int. Feb. 24, 1814.
Maria H., Mrs., of Westford, and Charles Tuttle of A., int. May 5, 1833.
Mary of Concord and Abraham Hapgood of A., Mar. 13, 1783, in Concord.
Mary and Winthrop Faulkner, both of A., Oct. 23, 180[torn, 1800 written in pencil, int. Aug. 31, 1800]. [Oct. 23, 1800, C.R.1.]
Mary and [torn]uel [Samuel in later handwriting, int. Samuel] Tuttle Jr., both of A., Sept. 5, 1805. [Samuel Jr., both of A., C.R.1.].
Mary, Miss, and Amos Handley Jr., both of A., Nov. 3, 1831 [? in Concord].
Mary, Miss, and Obed A. Symond, both of A., June 15, 1843, in A. [Simonds, C.R.2.]
Nathan and Asenath Brook [int. Brooks], both of A., Feb. 22, 1814. [Brooks, both of A., C.R.1.]
Nathan Meriam [int. omits Meriam] of Concord and Sally Tuttle of A., Apr. 7, 1808. [Nathan Meriam Wright of Concord, C.R.1.]
Samuel of Concord and Rachel Proctor [dup. and int. Procter] of A., May 6, 1756.
Samuel of A. and Lois Wright of Marlborough, N. H., int. May 24, 1792.
Sam[ue]l of A. and Lydia Wright of Marlborough, N. H., int. Feb. 24, 1814.
Sylvia Sacharrissa [int. Silvia Cecharissa] and Silas Piper Jr., both of A., Oct. 5, 1817.
- Sam[ue]l, Dr., of A., and Mrs. Seraphinia Pierce of Athol, int. Aug. 27, 180[torn, ? 1808].
- -------, Oliver and Edwin C. Leslie of A., [int.] [1846].
-------, Zakeriah ([blot]e) of Wesford and Abigail Russel of A., int. Jan. 3, 1761.
-------, ----- and Mrs. Delia D. Wright, Dec. ---, 1838, removed to Boston, C.R.2.
