Vital Records Of Acton, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts
To the Year 1850
Marriages: HIBRUS to PUTNAM
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]
HIBRUS (see Hybrus)
Hannah of Wesford and Deliverance Davis of A., int. Sept. 9, 1749.
Jonas [int. of Chelmsford] and Sarah Heald [int. of A.], Jan. 1, 1744-5. [Hildrech, C.R.1.]
Joseph B., cordwainer, of A., s. Joseph of Westford, and Ellen Hartwell of A., d. Timothy of A., Mar. 22, 1849.
Lemuel of A. and Miss Abigal Skinner of Lowell, int. Apr. 12, 1849.
Lydia of Wesford and David Procter of A., int. Apr. 16, 1757.
Nancy, d. Lemuel of Westford, and John J. Lothrop [int. Lathrop], blacksmith, of A., b. A. [Acton crossed out], s. Charles (Lathrop) of Cornish, N. H., Jan. 9, 1845. [Lothrop, C.R.2.]
Polly [int. Polley] of Westford [int. Chelmnsford] and David Davis [int. Davies] of A., July 4, 1793, in Carlisle.
John of A. and Sarah Harris of Westford, Jan. 7, 1770, in Concord.
Perez of Saco, Me., and Miss Hannah Robbins of A., May 19, 1833.
Sarah J., Miss, of Billerica, and Isaac Reed of A., int. Jan. 25, 1846[6 written over 5].
Elvira H., Miss, and Jerome B. Whitney, both of Pepperell, Jan. 19, 1837, in Boxboro.
John of Littleton and Miss Betsey Barker of A., May 3, 1821.
Joseph of Waltham and Miss Charlotte Jewel of A., Sept. 9, 1840, in A.
Leonard Jr. of Lincoln and Miss Miraann Willington of A., int. Oct. 7, 1832.
HOBART (see Hobert, Hubbard)
David of A. and Miss Emily Chadbourn of Madison, Me., int. Sept. 27, 1846.
Abigail of Concord and Nathan Parlin of A., Jan. 31, 1770, in Concord.
Elizabeth, Mrs., of Bedford, and Phinehas Wheeler of A., int. July 10, 1831.
Hannah, Miss, of A., and Joseph Hartwell 2d of Bedford, May 5, 1833.
John of Bedford and Miss Lucy Wheeler of A., int. Mar. 25, 1832. [m. Aug. ----, "and removed to Woborn," C.R.2.]
Sarah A., Miss, of Bedford, and Cyrus Dole of A., int. Apr. 25, 1836.
Jason of Randolph and Miss Lucinda Chaffin of A., int. Mar. 22, 1834.
HOLDEN (see Holdin)
Anna of Concord and William Barker of A., Aug 31, 1769, in Concord.
Dolly, Miss, of A., and Samuel Cook of Lunenburg, Aug. 11, 1835.
Henry, farmer, of A., b. A., s. Silas of A., and Eliza W. Miller of A., d. -----— of Acton, Me., Dec. 16, 1844.
Lydia, Miss, of Shirley, and Simon Tuttle of A., Feb. 24, 1825.
Nathaniel of Shirley and Mrs. Elizabeth Tuttle of A., int. Aug. 14, 1831.
Rhoda M. F., Miss, of Shirley, and Andrew J. Reed of A., int. Feb. 15, 1840.
Rufus of A. and [int. Miss] Mary H. Brown of Concord, Feb. 2 [sic, int. Feb. 7], 1836, in Concord.
S. Elisabeth, Miss, and Luther Forbes, -----, 1845, C.R.2.
Sarah of A. and Lemuel Barritt of Littleton, int. Sept. 5, 1747. [m. Oct. 29, C.R.1., see Sarah, 1749.]
Sarah of A. and Samuel Barrett of Littleton., Oct. 29, 1749 [see Sarah, 1747].
HOLDIN (see Holden)
Lydia of Concord and William Barker of A., int. Sept. 1, 1769.
Sarah Ann, Miss, of Boscawen, N. H., and Henry S. Davis of A., int. May 10, 1829.
Oliver (see Oliver Houghton).
Rebecca, Miss, and Newell Knights, both of A., int. Oct. 11, 1846.
Elizebeth, Miss, and Luther Davis, both of A., Nov. 14, 1839, in Lexington.
HORTEN (see Horton)
Elisabeth and James Obses, both of A., Nov. 26, 1778. [Horton and Jonas Obses, both of A., C.R.1.]
HORTON (see Horten)
John of A. and Miss Elizebeth [int. Elizabeth] B. Day of Chester, Vt., Mar. 25, 1828 [? in. Chester, Vt.].
Jotham and Miss Mary Rowell, both of A., int. June 4, 1848.
HOSMER (see Hosmore)
Aaron of A. and Miss Sarah H. Graham of Boxborough, int. Sept. 24, 1836.
Aaron of A. and Miss Laurella Nixon of Framingham, int. Mar. 4, 1849.
Abba L. [int. of A.], d. Simon, and Lowell F. Wood, railroad engineer, of A., s. Lowell, May 5, 1847.
Abel of Concord and Miss Olive P. Davies [int. Olive Parlin Davis] of A., Oct. 2, 1821. [Olive P. Davis of A., C.R.1.]
Abner of A. and Miss Lois C. Heald of Carlisle, int. Mar. 22, 1840.
Almira, Miss, of A., and David Hammon[d] [d written in pencil, int. Hammon] of Harvard, Apr. 10, 1825, in A.
Anna [int. Anne] of A. and Samuel Wheeler of Bolton, Nov. 7, 1793. [Anna of A., C.R.1.]
Asahel of Concord and Eunice Wright of A., Jan. 6, 1800.
Catherine [int. Catharine] and Simeon Furbush [int. Forbush], both of A., Nov. 22, 1797. [Furbush, both of A., C.R.1.]
Clar[i]ssa [int. Miss Clarrissa] of A. and Bradly [int. Bradley] Stone of Concord, Sept. 18, 1828. [Clarissa of A. and Bradley Stone of Concord, C.R.1.]
David of Concord and Annice Burgess [int. Anness Burger] of A., Mar. 14, 1799, in Concord.
David W. of A. and Miss Harriet C. Spaulding of Plainfield, N. H., int. Apr. 5, 1846.
Emeline [int. Emerline], Miss, of A., and Enoch Hall of Roxbury, Apr. 26, 1837, in A. [Miss Emeline, removed to Roxbury, C.R.2.]
Ephraim and Sarah Jones, both of A., int. Apr. 28, 1753.
Ephraim and Mercy Whitney, both of Boxborough, Nov. 6, 1783.
Ephraim and Miss Elizebeth H. Priest, both of A., int. Apr. 5, 1840.
Esther [int. Easther] and Daniel Fletcher Barker, both of A., Apr. 8, 1802. [Esther, both of A., C.R.1. Esther, P.R.9.]
Eunice, Mrs., and Reuben Barker, both of A., int. Mar. 8, 1825. [m. May 13, P.R.9.]
Felicia (Hosme[cut off]) [int. Felicia Hosmer], Miss, and Simeon Pope, both of A., Jan. 12, 1838, in A.
Franklin [int. of A.] and [int. Miss] Hannah Whitcomb of A., Apr. 16, 1829. [both of A., C.R.1.]
Hammond [int. Hammon] A. of Boston and Miss Susan Noyes of A., Dec. 18, 1825. [Hammond A. of Boston, Dec. 18, 1824 [sic], C.R.1.]
Harriet [int. Harriot], Miss, of A., and Gairus [int. Janus] S. Barney of Framingham, Oct. 14, 1827. [Harlot of A. and Gairus S. Barney of Framingham, C.R.1.]
Harriet E., Miss, and Abraham H. Jones, both of A., Jan. 17, 1844, in A.
Hiram and Miss Mary W. Fletcher, both of A., Aug. 7, 1836, in A.
Jeremiah and Miss Hannah Noyes, both of A., Apr. 25, 1822.
Jonathan of A. and Submit [int. Submitt] Hunt of Concord, Jan. 31, 1760, in Concord.
Jonathan Jr. of A. and Sally Genings of Littleton, int. Dec. 26, 1806.
Jonathan 2d and Miss Lucy R. Hayward, both of A., July 7, 1833.
Lois [int. Miss] of A. and Aaron Hunt of Sudbury, Apr. 4, 1819.
Lucy and Joseph Stanly, both of A., Aug. 20, 1773.
Lucy and Joseph Barker 3d, both of A., Apr. 4, 1805.
Lucy, Miss, and Amas [int. Amos] Noyes Jr., both of A., Jan. 19, 1832.
Martha and Samuel Wheeler, both of A., int. Mar. 17, 1759.
Mary and Peter Tenny [int. Tenney], both of A., Nov. 30, 1797. [Tenney, both of A., C.R.1.]
Mary Ann, Miss, and John Hapgood, both of A., Apr. 20, 1826.
Nancy, Miss, of A., and Josiah Russell of E. Sudbury, int. Aug. 15, 1819.
Nathan of A. and Miss Rebecca Haynes of Bolton, int. Mar. 29, 1825.
Rebecca [int. Rebecah] and Capt. Aaron Hayward, both of A., Jan. 1, 181[cut off, 1818, int. Dec. 1, 1817].
Rebeccah and Jonathan Barker, both of A., int. Sept. 14, 1800.
Rebecka [int. Miss Rebecca] of A. and Samuel B. Haynes of Bolton, Apr. 23, 1835, in A. [Miss Rebecca, removed to Bolton, C.R.2.]
Ruben of Mason and Elisabeth Cutting of A., Jan. 9, 1794. [Reuben of Mason, C.R.1.]
Ruth and Gidion Powars, both of A., int. Sept. 3, 1757.
Ruth and John Wheeler, both of A., May 20, 1784.
Sally [int. Miss] of A. and William Moore Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Sudbury, Dec. 29, 1811. [Sally of A. and William Moore Jr. of Sudbury, C.R.1.]
Sally and Jonathan B. Davis, both of A., Aug. 24, 1815.
Samuel and Sarah Helmer, both of A., Oct. 16, 1788.
Samuel Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Concord and Rebecca Forbush of A., Oct. 17, 1789. [Samuel Jr. of Concord and Rebecca Furbush of A., C.R.1.]
Samuel 2d and Miss Jerusha Barker, both of A., Oct. 4, 1825. [Oct. 4, 1824 [sic], C.R.1. Oct. 4, 1825, P.R.9.]
Sam[ue]l 3d of A. and Miss Sally B. Whitcomb of Boxborough, int. Jan. 5, 1833.
Samuel 2d, farmer, of A., and [int. Mrs.] Mary Spalding [int. Spaulding of A.], June 13, 1847. [Spaulding, wid., C.R.2. Mary C. Spaulding, P.R.9.]
Sarah of A. and Oliver Stevens of Littleton, Apr. 1, 1766.
Sarah and Samuel Homer, both of A., Oct. 16, 1788.
Silas [int. Dea.] and Miss Molly T.[int. Tuttle] Hapgood, both of A., Feb. 13, 1823. [Dea. Silas, both of A., C.R.1.]
Silas, Dea., of A., and Miss Mary Jacobs of Carlisle, int. May 11, 1833.
Silas, farmer, of A., s. ---------, of A., and Mary Puffer of Lowell, Jan. 13, 1848.
Simon of A. and Sarah [int. Sally] Whitcomb of Bolton, Jan. 26, 1796, in Bolton.
Simon 2d and Miss Harriet Easterbrook [int. Esterbrook], both of A., Sept. 15, 1825.
Stephen [int. Stephan] and Sarah Davies, both of A., Dec. 12, 1765.
Stephen 2d and Miss Mary Wetherbee, both of A., May 26, 1831.
Stephen and Miss Parmelia [int. Pamelia] Winn, both of A., Oct. 23, 1832.
Submet and Jonas Barker, both of A., Apr. 24, 1781. [Submit, both of A., C.R.1.]
William and Mary Hunt, Sept. 23, 1832, in Wilmington, Vt., P.R.9.
HOSMORE[see Hosmer]
Nathan D. [int. Nathan Davis Hosmer] of A. and Rebecca [int. Rebeckah] Ball of Bolton, Feb. 17, 1799, in Bolton.
Joseph of A. and Releef Brown of Stow, int. June 12, 1803.
Lois, Miss, of A., and Christopher [int. Christapher] Grant of Watertown, Aug. 8, 1820. [Houston of A. and Christapher Grant of Watertown, C.R.1.]
Moses of A. and Martha Haskel of Harvard, int. Jan. 16, 1803.
Oliver [int. Holten] of Boxborough and Lois Coolidge of A., Sept. 18, 1793. [Houghton of Boxborough and Lois Cooledge of A., C.R.1.]
Tabatha of Luningbourgh and Benjamin Hayward of A., int. Nov. 18, 1784.
Lois (see Lois Houghton).
Reuben of A. and Miss Angelina Douglass of Wilton, N. H., int. Nov. 13, 1831.
HOW (see Howe)
--------- of Concord. and Miss Dorcas G. Deeth,-----, 1835, C.R.2.
HOWARD (see Hayward, Haywood, Heyward, Heywood)
Rufus of Holden and Miss Roxa Keyes of A., int. Apr. 6, 1840. [Mr. Heywood, m. ----, C.R.2.]
Thomas of Cambridge and [int. Miss] Hannah E. Wright of A., Dec. 3, 1835, in A.
William of A. and Jemmima Whitmore, "then living in Bedford," Mar. 9, 1782, in Bedford.
HOWE (see How)
Rachel and William Hammond, Sept. 10, 1828, P.R.7.
Aaron of Ipswich and Miss Jame [sic] Barker of A., int. Apr. 24, 1848.
Catherin [int. Catherine] E. of A., d. Daniel of Walpole, N. H., and Lewis Chaffin, farmer, of A., b. A., s. John of A., Mar. 25, 1845.
Daniel W. of A. and [int. Miss] Elizebeth Chaffin [int. of A.], Mar. 22, 1848.
Levi [int. Hobart] of Walpole, N. H. [int. omits N. H.], and Abigail Jones of A., Feb. 23, 1792. [Hubbard of Walpole, N. H., C.R.1.]
Nathaniel F. of Groton and Miss Clarrisa Barker of A., Mar. 14, 1843, in A.
Aaron of Sudbury and [int. Miss] Lois Hosmer of A., Apr. 4, 1819.
Elisabeth and Simon Tuttle Jr. [int. omits Jr.], both of A., Jan. 14, 1790. [Simon Jr., both of A., C.R.1.]
Hannah and Stevens Hayward, both of A., May 23, 1782.
Joanna and Joseph Noyes, both of A., Oct. 14, 1800.
Jotham and Elisabeth Gorham [int. Elizabeth Goreham] Tuttle, both of A., Dec. 23, 1804. [Elisabeth Gorham Tuttle, both of A., C.R.1.]
Lucy and Benj[ami]m Hayward, both of A., Apr. 6, 1780.
Lucy and Henry Durant, both of A., Apr. 9, 1799.
Mary of A. and Daniel White of Billerica, Jan. 1, 1784.
Mary and William Hosmer, Sept. 23, 1832, in Wilmington, Vt., P.R.9.
Nancy of A. and Martin Wood of Littleton, int. Dec. 28, 1800.
Nathan of A. and Nabby Heald of Ringe, int. May 4, 1786.
Polly [int. Polley] and Ephraim Hapgood, both of A., Jan. 23, 1800. [Polly, both of A., C.R.1,]
Rebecca [int. Miss] and Capt. Stevens [int. Stevins] Hayward, both of A., Mar. 3, 1811. [Rebecca and Capt. Stevens Hayward, both of A., C.R.1.]
Sarah and Joseph Hapgood, both of A., Feb. 11, 1798.
Sarah, Mrs., of A., and David Calton of Ringe, int. June 27, 1808.
Simon and Lydia Brooks, both of A., Mar. 4, 1779.
Simon of A. and Lydia Proctor [int. Brooks, sic] of Westford, June 16, 1785, in Westford.
Submit [int. Submitt] of Concord and Jonathan Hosmer of A., Jan. 31, 1760, in Concord.
Tabetha of A. and Joshua Todd of Ringe, N. H. [N. H. written in pencil, int. omits N. H.], Feb. 23, 1796. [Tabitha of A. and Joshua Todd of Rindge, C.R.1.]
Frances [sic, int. adds S.], 26, performer, of Boston, s. John and Lydia, and Harriet E. Lathrop, 27, of A., d. Charles and Mary, Oct. 25, 1846.
G. W. Lafaette and Mrs. Harriet E. Huntoon, both of A., int. May 5, 1848.
Harriet E., Mrs., and G. W. Lafaette Huntoon, both of A., int. May 5, 1848.
George [int. Hibrus] of A. and Sarah [int. Derara] Williams of Littleton, Dec. 10, 1763.
Rufus and Miss Almira Noyes, both of A., June 10, 1827.
Simeon, shoemaker, and Mariah [int. Maria] Nickless, b. A., d. John, all of A., Apr. 6, 1846.
Polly and James Foster Cundy, both of Boston, Oct. 23, 1777.
IRWIN (see Erwin).
JACOB (see Jacobs)
E. B. of A. and Miss Jane C. Knights of Haverhill, N. H., int. Aug. 2, 1849.
Maria A., Miss, and Andrew Govan, both of A., int. Apr. 28 [? 8 written, over 7 or 7 written over 8], 1845. [Jacobs, m. May ---—, C.R.2.]
JACOBS (see Jacob)
Mary, Miss, of Carlisle, and Dea. Silas Hosmer of A., int. May 11, 1833.
John G. and Miss Ruth Richardson, both of A., Sept. 11 [dup. Sept. 18], 1842, in A. [Charles and Ruth W. Richardson, ----, 1842, C.R.2.]
Ruth W., 23, of A., w. -----, d. Allen Richardson and Ruth (Wheeler) of A., and William A. Piper, 28, dentist, of A., s. A. H. and Clarissa of Charlemont, Nov. 26, 1846. [Ruth W., formerly w. Charles Jaquith, ----—, 1847, C.R.2.]
Perce V. [Jay, sic, ? Joy], Miss, of Brattleborough, Vt., and Benjamin F. Hapgood of A., int. Aug. 11, 1833.
Nathaniel [int. Jepps] of A. and Esther [int. Ester] Foster of Westford, Feb. 27, 1740, in Westford.
JENN1NGS (see Genings).
John and Ann Davis, both of A., int. July 15, 1799.
JEWEL (see Jewell, Juel)
Charlotte, Mrs., of Stow, and Joel Conant of A., int. May 18, 1839.
Charlotte, Miss, of A., and Joseph Hoar of Waltham, Sept. 9, 1840, in A.
JEWELL (see Jewel, Juel)
Isaac B., mechanic, of A., and [int. Miss] Sarah B. Henry of Stow, Nov. 18, 1847.
John of Waterford and Lucy Cutting of A., Nov. 24, 178 [torn, 1788 written in pencil]. [Nov. 24, 1788, C.R.1.]
Tilda [int. Jewit] of Boxborough and Paul Conant of A., Apr. 8, 1817.
Ann Mariah of Lexington and Abel W. Jones of A., Aug. 30, 1843, in Brattleboro, Windham Co., Vt.
Joseph M. D., butcher, and Betsy Ann Brown, both of Lowell, Nov. 26, 1848.
Nathan of Littleton and Miss Lucy Davis of A., Dec. 21, 1823. [Jonson of Littleton, C.R.1.]
Aaron and Abigail [int. Abigail] Billing, both of A., Apr. 8, 1779.
Aaron of Chelmsford and Lydia [int. Lidia] Jones of A., Oct. 11, 1803. [Lydia of A., C.R.1.]
Aaron Jr. of A. and Miss Ruth Wren of Stow, int. June 7, 1818.
Abbigail H. [int. Miss Abagail M.] and Lewis Wood, both of A., Oct. 10, 1827. [Abigail M., both of A., C.R.1.]
Abel and Lucy Hapgood, both of A., Jan. 3, 1805.
Abel W. of A. and Ann Mariah Johnson of Lexington, Aug. 30, 1843, in Brattleboro, Windham Co., Vt.
Abigail of A. and Levi Hubbard [int. Hobart] of Walpole, N. H. [int. omits N. H.], Feb, 23, 1792. [Hubbard of Walpole, N. H., C.R.1.]
Abigail of A. and Archibald McFarlin of Chelmsford, Mar. 29, 1803. [Archebald of Chelmsford, C.R.1.]
Abigail H. (see Abbigail H).
Abraham H. and Miss Harriet E. Hosmer, both of A., Jan. 17, 1844, in A.
Amos of Royelston and Lydia Woolley [int. Wooley] of A., Oct. 11, 1770.
Ann Ester Wright, Mrs., and Jonas Blodget, both of A., int. Mar. 22, 1835.
Betsy of A. and [torn]i [Levi in later handwriting, int. Levi] Wait of Groton, Aug. 9, 1807. [Levi of Groton, C.R.1.]
Charlotte H. [int. Miss] and George W. Tuttle, both of A., July 19, 1827.
Charlotte S. [sic, L.], Miss, of Stow, and Frances [sic] Brown of A., int. Nov. 13, 1842.
Clarisa [int. Clarrissa], Miss, and [int. Capt] John Fletcher, both of A., Apr. 25, 1822 [2 written over 1, int. Mar. 24, 1822]. [Clarissa and Capt. John Fletcher, both of A., Apr. 25, 1822, C.R.1. Clarissa and John Fletcher, Apr. 25, 1822, P.R.1.]
Clarissa [Int. Miss Clarisa] and Daniel Wetherbee 2d, both of A., July 19, 1836, in A.
Dolly and [torn]mes [James in later handwriting, int. James] Jones, both of A., Oct. 20, 1807. [James, both of A., C.R.1.]
Dorothy, Miss, and Dennis Putman [int. Putnam], both of A., Jan. 27, 1825. [D. Jones, wid., and Denis Putnam, both of A., C.R.1.]
Elisha of Hopkinton and Kezia [int. Keziah] Conant of A., Dec. 29, 1791. [Kezia of A., C.R.1.]
Eliza, Miss, and James Tuttle, both of A., int. Apr. 10, 1841.
Elizabeth H., Miss, and Reuben Dole, both of A., int. Mar. 16, 1834.
Elnathan and Miss Eliza Tuttle, both of A., Mar. 14, 1821.
Eunice and Lt. Abraham Conant, both of A., May 6, 1813.
Evelina T. of A., b. A., d. Elnathan of A., and Henry Shapley, s. Henry C. of A., Apr. 12, 1846.
Hannah and Phineah [int. Phineas] Wheeler, both of A., May 6, 1802. [Phineas, both of A., C.R.1.]
Hannah [int. Miss] of A. and Francis Leighton of Westford, Nov. 21, 1802.
Henrietta [int. Miss] and Joseph W. Tuttle, both of A., Apr. 3, 1828.
Hepsabeth A., Miss, and Jonathan A. Piper, both of A., Sept. 8, 1831[? in Boxborough].
James ([torn]mes) [James in later handwriting, int. James] and Dolly Jones, both of A., Oct. 20, 1807. [James, both of A., C.R.1.]
Joseph of A. and Sarah French of Medford, int. Aug. 15, 1773.
Lucinda [int. Miss Lucyndia] of A. and Ebenezer [int. Ebenezar] White of Leominster, Jan. 5, 1802. [Lucinda of A. and Ebenezer White of Leominster, C.R.1.]
Lucinda Elenor [int. Miss Lucindia Elenor] of A. and Timothy Hartwell [int. of A.], June 19, 1828. [Lucinda Elenor and Timothy Hartwell, both of A., C.R.1.]
Lucinda W., Miss, and Luther Robbins, both of A., Nov. 23, 1826.
Lucy Jane, Miss, and Horace Tuttle, both of A., Mar. 15, 1827.
Luther B. [int. Blanchard] and Miss Charlotte Billings, both of A., June 28, 1821. [Luther B., C.R.1.]
Lydia [int. Lidia] of A., and Aaron Jones of Chelmsford, Oct. 11, 1803. [Lydia of A., C.R.1.]
Lydia L. [int. Lucindia], Miss, and Aaron Fletcher, both of A., Mar. 31, 1825. [Lydia L., both of A., C.R.1.]
Martha Ann, Miss, and Frances [sic] Conant, both of A., int. Apr. 12, 1849.
Mary and Charles Stratton, both of A., May 10, 1803.
Mary S., Miss, of A., and John Mead of Lowell, Apr. 21, 1830.
Nathan and Anna Wheeler, both of A., Nov. 18, 1804.
Oliver and Hannah Woolley [int. Wooley], both of A., Dec. 29, 1763.
Peter of A. and Hepzebah Farrar of Concord, Dec. 24, 1782. [Hepzibah Farrer of Concord, C.R.1.]
Ruth of A. and Jonas Allin [int. Allen] of A. [int. Royalston], Sept. 5, 1765.
Sally and John Robbins, both of A., Dec. 15, 1791. [John, s. Joseph (s. Nathan), Dec. 29, 1790, P.R.3.]
Samuel Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Hannah Davis, both of A., July 30, 1782. [Samuel, both of A., C.R.1.]
Samuel ([torn]uel) [Samuel in later handwriting, int. Samuel] and Anna Tuttle, both of A., Oct. 21, 1806. [Samuel, both of A., C.R.1.]
Samuel and Miss Martha Ann Handly [dup. and int. Handley], both of A., Apr. 8, 1838, in A.
Sarah and Ephraim Hosmer, both of A., int. Apr. 28, 1753.
Sarah (see Sally).
Silas and [int. Miss] Lucinda Wetherbee, both of A., Oct. 12, 1809. [Lucinda, both of A., C.R.1.]
Silas W. and Miss Ann E. W. Piper, both of A., May 12, 1833.
Thomas G. F. and Miss Louisa O. Tuttle, both of A., int. Apr. 12, 1846.
JOY (see Jay).
JUEL (see Jewel, Jewell)
Perses of Stow and John Dextor Jr. of A., int. Dec. 14, 1799.
Moley of Concord and Jacob Wheeler of A., int. Jan. 1, 1774.
Emma, Miss, of E. Cambridge, and Nathaniel Guptil of A., int. May 17, 1846.
Sarah L., Miss, and Vamum Tuttle, both of A., int. Apr. 15, 1849.
KENDALL (see Kendall)
Tho[ma]s [int. Kendal] of A. and Miss Betsey Reed [int. Reed written after Wheeler crossed out] of Littleton, Feb. 18, 1794, in Littleton.
KENDALL (see Kendall)
William [int. Kendall] of Littleton and Miss Mary Ann Reed of A., Nov. 27, 1827. [Kendal of Littleton, C.R.1.]
Abigail [int. Abbigail], Miss, of A., and Samuel Wheeler of Bolton, Jan. 17, 1832 [? in Boxborough].
David of A. and Mary Chaffin of Littleton, int. July 26, 1746.
David of A. and Esther Robbins of Littleton, int. Jan. 24, 1761.
Ivory [int. Ivery] and Miss Lucy Robbins, both of A., May 14, 1833.
James of A. [int. Lexington] and Miss Lydia Robbins of A., Nov. 11, 1834. [James 2d, removed to Lexington, C.R.2.]
Jonas [int. Jr.] of Pelham, N. H., and Miss Esther Wright of A., Oct. 13, 184[cut off, ? 1842, int. Aug. 28, 1842], in A. [----, 1842, removed to Pelham, N. H., C.R.2.]
Joseph of Wesford [int. A.] and Ruth Forbush [int. Forbush] of A., May 7 [dup. May 11], 1768.
Rebeckah of Werstern and Francis Faulkner of A., int. Feb. 24, 1759.
Roxa, Miss, of A., and Rufus Howard of Holden, int. Apr. 6, 1840. [Mr, Heywood, m. -------, C.R.2.]
Sally, Miss, of Littleton, and Davis Partin of A., Nov. 14, 1830. [Salley Kies of Littleton, C.R.1.]
Samuel of Westford and Malley [dup. and int. Molly] Davis [int. Davies] of A., Mar. 21, 1769, in Concord.
Walter and Miss Rebecca Noyes, both of A., Nov. 7, 1839, in A.
KIBBY (see Kebby)
Sarah J., Miss, of Bucksport, Me., and John R. Cobb of A., int. Sept. 24, 1848.
James, farmer, of Littleton, and Mary B. Harris of New York City, Nov. 25, 1847.
Jesse of Littleton and Mary Adams of A., Nov. 30, 1815.
Isaac and Huldah Reed, "risidence in Acton," int. Mar. 10, 1807.
Mary of Littleton and Joy Gannett of Situate, Nov, 14, 1826, C.R.1.
Paul C. of A. and Miss Susan Marshall of Littleton, int. Feb. 12, 1832.
KNIGHT (see Knights)
John of Harvard and Catharine Hayward of A., Dec. 15 [Oct. 10 written in pencil above Dec. 15], 1791. [Catherine of A., Oct. 10, C.R.1.]
Simeon [int. Knights] and Lusinda [int. Lucinday] Piper, both of A., July 27, 1817.
KNIGHTS (see Knight)
Elizebeth A. of A., b. A., d. Simeon of A., and Edward O. Nickless [dup, Nickols, int. Nickles], carpenter, of Charleston, Jan. 1, 1846.
Jane C., Miss, of Haverhill, N. H., and E. B. Jacob of A., int. Aug. 2, 1849.
Mary M., d. ------ of A., and Samuel Despeau, shoe maker, of Charleston, Nov. 16, 1847.
Nancy P. [int. Knight], Miss, of A., and David Goodredge of Charleston [int. Goodridge of Charlestown], June 27, 1838, in A.
Newell and Miss Rebecca Homer, both of A., int. Oct. 11, 1846.
Abraham ([torn]braham) [Abraham in later handwriting, int. Abraham] and Lucy Faulkner, both of A., Oct. 25, 1807. [Abraham, both of A., C.R.1.]
LAMPSON (see Lamson)
Nathan [int. Lamson] of A. and Betsy Russell [int. Betsey Russel] of Bolton, Feb. 11, 1795, in Bolton.
Oliver [int. Lamson] of A. and Jane Adams [int. Adam] of Pepperill, Feb. 11, 1761, in Pepperill.
LAMSON (see Lampson)
Amos of A. and Milisant Powars of Littleton, int. May 2, 1755.
Ebenezer and Ruth Burgis [int. Burges], both of A., Feb. 28, 1808. [Burgis, both of A., C.R.1.]
John and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Cory, both of A., Jan. 10, 1764.
Mary and Aaron Gilbert, both of A., Apr. 15, 1804.
Oliver and Margeret Craft, both of A., int. Jan. 17, 1756.
Rebecca and Samuel Handley, both of A., Sept. 5, 1804.
Soloman of A. and Lois Virgin of Western, int. Aug. 30, 1757.
LATHROP (see Lothrop).
Anne and Oliver Emerson, both of A., int. May [May written after April crossed out] 30, 1774.
Caroline Matilda of A. and Samuel Scott of Concord, May 24, ----[torn, 1801 in later handwriting, int. Mar. 26, 1801]. [May 24, 1801, C.R.1.]
Catharine and Moses [int. Mose] Fletcher, both of A., Apr. 20, 1817.
Cyrus of Littleton and Miss Nancy B. Robbins of A., May 2, 1841, in A.
Danforth and Nabby Fletcher, both of A., Feb. 4, 1800.
David of A. and Dolly Dickinson [int. Dolley Dickerson] of Concord, May 19, 1799, in Concord.
Elisabeth [int. Elisabeth] and Francis Cragin, both of A., Sept. 9, 1766.
James and Ann Fletcher, both of A., Mar. 27, 1788.
John and Sarah Barker, both of A., int. Aug. 7, 1737.
Jonathan and Mary Bartlett, both of A., Oct. 14, 1804.
Joseph and Nabby [int. Naby] Pike, both of A., Feb. 13, 1809. [Nabby, both of A., C.R.1.]
Lydia and Bennet Wood [int. both of A.], Jan. ---, 1739. [Jan. 31, C.R.1.]
Mary and Hugh Foster, both of A., Jan. 8, 1740. [Mercy, both of A., C.R.1.]
Molly and James Marsh, both of A., int. June 22, 1774.
Nabby of A. and Artemos Gates [int. Aitimous Gaites, dup. int. Artimos Gates] of Stow, Sept. 12. 1813. [Artimas Gates of Stow, C.R.1.]
Nathaniel T. and Miss Mary Ann Handley, Apr. 26, 1841, in A.
Reuben of Sheran [int. Sharron], N. H., and Mrs. Ruth Piper of A., Sept. 5, 1827. [Low of Sharon, N. H., C.R.1.]
Ruben and Allis [int. Ellis, dup. int. Rachel] Piper, both of A., Jan. 13, 1778. [Alles, both of A., C.R.1.]
Samuel ([torn]muel) [Samuel in later handwriting, int. Samuel] and Mercy Adams, both of A., Apr. 30, 1807. [Samuel, both of A., C.R.1.]
Sarah of A. and Daniel Farr of Stow, int. Oct. 29, 1757.
Sarah of A. and Timothy Farly of Belleraca, int. Sept. 1, 1764.
Sarah and Jonathan Piper, both of A., int. Nov. 1, 1775.
Sarah F., Mrs., of A., and Daniel Bowker of Sudbury, int. Mar. 25, 1849.
Stephan Jr. and Patty Fry, both of A., Dec. 25, 1788. [Stephen Jr., both of A., C.R.1.]
Susana of A. and Oliver Brown of Concord, Apr. 6, 1780. [Susanna of A., C.R.1.]
George, 21, carpenter, of Concord, b. Lincoln, s. Abel and Nancy of Lincoln, and Eliza Conant, 19, of A., b. A., d. Silas and Eliza of A., Jan. 31, 1849.
John [Lawrence written above Blanchard crossed out] of Littleton and Mrs. Hannah Davis of A., June 27, 1771, in Littleton.
John Jr. [int. Lawrance, omits Jr.] of Concord and Abigail [int. Nabby] Reed of A., Nov. 24, 1796. [Lawrence jr. of Concord and Abigail Reed of A., C.R.1.]
Mary, Miss, and -------- Haywood of Concord, 1838, C.R.2.
Poly, Miss, of Bedford, and James Heywood of A., int. June 14, 1818.
Thomas F. of A. and Miss Eliza Ann Cole of Littleton, int. Aug. 12, 1833.
Thomas Fiske [int. Law[r]ance] of Concord and [int. "Mrss"] Lucy Harrington [int. Herrington] of A., Nov. 29, 1[torn, 1810 in later handwriting, int. Sept. 1, 1810]. [Lawrance of Concord and Lucy Harrington of A., Nov. 29, 1810, C.R.1.]
LAYTON (see Leighton).
Seth of Concord and Mary Conant of A., Feb. 8, 1753, in Concord.
Francis of Westford and [int. Miss] Hannah Jones of A., Nov. 21, 1802.
Susannah and Josiah Hayward, both of A., int. Aug. 31, 1814.
Edwin C. of A. and Olivia ----, [int.] ---- [1846].
Daniel H. of Concord and Anna Smith of A., July 4, 1816.
Samuel of Stow and Miss Martha Blanchard of Boxborough, Apr. 3, 1834.
Andrew of A. and Miss Cynthia Blood of Pepperell, Aug. 27, 1837, in Townsend.
Eli, farmer [int. of A.], ----- of Littleton, and Hannah Rouillard [int. of A.], d. Lewis of A., Apr. 8, 1845.
Paul of Carlisle and Lucy Davies of A., int. Aug. 30, 1801.
Jacob and Miss Ann B. Raymond, both of Boxborough, June 10, 1838, in Boxborough.
W[illia]m of Chelmsford and Abigail [int. Miss Abigail Hayward of A., Apr. 22, 18[torn, 1810 in later handwriting, int. Dec. 16, 1809]. [Abigail of A., Apr. 22, 1810, C.R.1.]
Daniel and Mrs. Dorcas Brabrook, both of A., int. Nov. 23, 1751.
John of Groton and Lois Faulkner of A., Jan. 19, 1797, in Groton.
John, Maj. [int. omits Maj.], of Norridgewock [int. adds Sumerset Co.], and [int. Miss] Hannah Faulkner of A., Feb. 8, 1820.
Almira M., Miss, and Cyrus Noyes, both of A., int. June 1, 1845.
Harriet E., 27, of A., d. Charles and Mary, and Frances [sic, int. adds S.] Huntoon, 26, performer, of Boston, s. John and Lydia, Oct. 25, 1846.
Henry O., 23, carpenter, of A., s. Charles and Mary, and Rebecca W. Wood, 17, of A., d. Lewis and Abigal of A., Nov. 22, 1846.
John J. [int. Lathrop], blacksmith, of A., b. A. [Acton crossed out], s. Charles (Lathrop) of Cornish, N. H., and Nancy Hildreth, d. Lemuel of Westford, Jan. 9, 1845. [Lathrop, C.R.2.]
William R. and Miss Mary E. Weston, both of A., int. July 27, 1845. [m. Sept. ----- C.R.2.]
William R. and Miss Susan Putman, int. Aug. 12, 1849.
Frances A. [int. Miss Ann F. of Boston] and Isaac Bullard, farmer, of A., 13, Mason, N. H., Apr. 15, 1847.
Catharine [int. Catherine] H., Miss, of A., and James W. Coyle of Tyngsborough, Oct. 11, 1826. [Catharine H. Of A., C.R.1.]
McCORISTINE (see Corristine).
James of Boxboro and [int. Mrs.] Hannah W. Beard of A., May 5, 1835, in A.
Archibald of Chelmsford and Abigail Jones of A., Mar. 29, 1803. [Archebald of Chelmsford, C.R.1.]
Mary B., Miss, of Fitchburgh, and Norman Stone of A., int. Jan. 5, 1829.
Gratitude, Miss, of Ashburnham, and Joseph Wheeler of A., int. Feb. 18, 1822.
John Jr. of Stow and Lois Davies of A., Dec. 13, 1781.
Lucy of Stowe and Simeon Hayward of A., Dec. 12, 1786,, in Stowe.
Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] and Daniel Baker, both of A., June 6, 1797. [Elisabeth, both of A., C.R.1.]
James and Molly Law, both of A., int. June 22, 1774.
Mary and Robert I. Clark, both of Charlestown, Oct. 31, 1802.
Susan, Miss, of Littleton, and Paul C. Kittridge of A., int. Feb. 12, 1832.
Margeret and Jonathan Wheeler, both of A., int. July 6, 1737.
William and Sarah Conant, both of A., int. Feb. 13, 1774.
Joseph of A. and Betsey Hapgood of Stow, Oct. 17, 1795, in Concord.
Joseph, resident in A., and Betsey Hapgood of Stow, int. Aug. 11, 1805.
Lucy of Sudbury and Joseph Dudley of A. June 16, 1791, in Sudbury.
MEAD (see Meeds)
John of Lowell and Miss Mary S. Jones of A., Apr. 21, 1830.
MEEDS (see Mead)
Joseph [int. Meed] of Bolten and Betsey [int. Betsy] Brooks of A., Apr. 26, 1792. [Meeds of Bolton and Betsey Brooks of A., C.R.1.]
Jacob of Concord and Sarah Dexter of A., Jan. [Jan. written over July, dup. Jan.] 8, 1789, in Concord.
Mary [int. Mulvin, Mrs.] of Concord and John Edwards of A., Apr 26, 1749, in Concord.
MERIAM (see Merian, Merriam, Miriam)
Jonas of Concord and [int. Miss] Lois Davies of A., Nov. 26, 1801. [Miriam of Concord, C.R.1.]
MERIAN (see Meriam, Merriam, Miriam)
Miriam [int. Mrs. Miriam Meriam] of Concord and Lt. Moses Richardson of A., Sept. 22, 1816.
MERRIAM (see Meriam, Merian, Miriam)
Isaac [int. Miriam] of Concord and Rebecca Davis [int. Rebeca Davies] of A., Dec. 2, 1768, in Concord.
Oliver [int. Meriam] of Concord and Miss Susan R. Handley of A., Nov. 14, 1837, in A.
MILES (see Mills)
Isaac of A. and Susana Tuttle of Littleton, Mar. 1, 1791[1 written aver 2]. [Susanna of Littleton, Mar. 1, 1791, C.R.1.]
Martha of Westminster and John Dexter of A., int. Aug. 15, 1785.
Mary, Miss, of Concord, and Henry Bull of A., int. Jan. 19, 1840.
Eliza W. of A., d. -------- of Acton, Me., and Henry Holden, farmer, of A., b. A., s. Silas of A., Dec. 16, 1844.
MILLS (see Miles)
Caroline A., Miss, of Littleton, and Alfred Chaffin of A., int. Mar. 22, 1846.
Samuel of Concord and Dorcas Prescott of A., int. Apr. 17, 1738.
MIRIAM (see Meriam, Merian, Merriam)
Samuel ([torn]uel) [Samuel in later handwriting, int. Samuel] of Pittsford, V[t]. [int. Vt.], and Ruth [int. Ruthy] French of A., Apr. 5, 1807. [Samuel of Pittsford, V[t]., and Ruth French of A., C.R.1.]
MOOR (see Moore, More)
William of Concord and Elisabeth Foster of A., int. Aug. 19, 1758.
MOORE (see Moor, More)
Eliazabeth [int. Elizebeth More] of Sudbury and Joseph Robbins of A., Jan. 16, 1775. in Sudbury.
M[a]ria of Cambridge and James Sharland of Watertown, Jan. 9, 180[bound ? 5 or 6].
William Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Sudbury and [int. Miss] Sally Hosmer of A.. Dec. 29, 1811. [William Jr. of Sudbury and Sally Hosmer of A., C.R.1.]
MORE (see Moor, Moore)
Daniel of Sudbury and Elisabeth White of A., June ---- 1743.
Jonathan and Rebeca Chamberlin, both of A., May 12, 1774.
Betty [int. Naby Munroe] of Billerica and Joseph Procter [int. Proctor] Wheeler [int. of A.], Dec. 9, 1779. [Betty Munroe of Billerica and Joseph Procter Wheeler of A., C.R.1.]
Zina of Sudbury and Miss Clarinda Chaffin of A., int. Mar. 27, 1839. [Mossman of Sudbury, m. Apr. ----, C.R.2.]
MULVIN (see Melvin).
Betty (see Betty Morros).
Hannah of Billerica and William Ober of A., int. Oct. 18, 1760.
Hephzebah [int. Hepsebeth] of Billerica and Oliver Wheeler of A., Mar. 3, 177[torn, 1773 in later handwriting, int. Feb. 12, 1774].
Lydia of Billerica and Samuel Wheeler of A., Feb. 13, 1777, in Billerica.
Nabby (see Betty Morros).
Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth Mussy] of Lexington and Francis Faulkner of A., Apr. 29, 1756, in Lexington.
Elijah of Newipswich, N. H., and Mrs. Elizabeth [int. adds L.] Heald of A., Mar. 9, 1831. [Newhawl of Newipswich, N. H., and Elizebeth Heald of A., C.R.1.]
Silas ([torn]s) [Silas in later handwriting, int. Silas] of Spencer and Sarah Chaffin of A., Mar. 10, 1807. [Silas of Spencer, C.R.1.]
NICKLESS (see Nicols)
Edward O. [dup. Nickols, int. Nickles], carpenter, of Charleston, and Elizebeth A. Knights of A., b. A., d. Simeon of A., Jan. 1, 1846.
Mariah [int. Maria], b. A., d. John, and Simeon Ingalls, shoemaker, all of A., Apr. 6, 1846.
NICOLS (see Nickless)
Mary of Billeraca and Townsend Dennis of A., int. May 30, 1761.
Laurella, Miss, of Framingham, and Aaron Hosmer of A., int. Mar. 4, 1849.
Adam of A. and Mehitable Tuttle of Littleton, int. Apr. 2, 1799.
Adam of [int. adds Stanstead] Lower Canada and [int. Mrs.] Joanna Noyes of A., Feb. 11, 1830. [Adam of Lower Canada and Joanna Noyes of A., C.R.1.]
Almira, Miss, and Rufus Hyde, both of A., June 10, 1827.
Amas [int. Amos] Jr. and Miss Lucy Hosmer, both of A., Jan. 19, 1832.
Amos and Hannah Davis, both of A., Feb. 28, 1793.
Amos, Lt., of A., and Miss Lydia Conant of Concord, int. Mar. 16, 1816.
Betsey and Paul Brooks, both of A., June 12, 1800.
Cyrus and Miss Almira M. Lothrop, both of A., int. June 1, 1845.
Hannah, Miss, and Jeremiah Hosmer, both of A., Apr. 25, 1822.
Harriot, Miss, and Simon Davis, both of A., May 2, 1822.
Joanna [int. Mrs.] of A. and Adam Noyes of [int. adds Stanstead] Lower Canada, Feb. 11, 1830. [Joanna of A. and Adam Noyes of Lower Canada, C.R.1.]
Joanna H., Miss, and Tilly Robbins 2d, both of A., Dec. 11, 1827.
Joseph and Joanna Hunt, both of A., Oct. 14, 1800.
Joseph and Miss Lucy Barker, both of A., Feb. 14, 1833 [? in Stow].
Josiah of A. and Hetty [int. Mehitable] White of Westford, June 26, 1794. [Hitty of Westford, C.R.1.]
Luther S. and Miss Susan F. Wheelor, both of A., Sept. 22, 1839, in A.
Rebecca, Miss, and Walter Keyes, both of A. Nov. 7, 1839, in A.
Susan, Miss, of A., and Hammond [int. Hammon] A. Hosmer of Boston, Dec. 18, 1825. [Hammond A. of Boston, Dec. 18, 1824 [sic], C.R.1.]
Thomas of A. and Elizabeth Wright of Concord, Jan. 3, 1765.
Thomas J. and Miss Jerusha [int. adds P.] Brooks, both of A., Mar. 24, 1831. [Jerusha P., both of A., C.R.1.]
Lucy and Soloman Smith, both of A., Aug. 28, 1792. [Solomon, both of A., C.R.1.]
Elizabeth of A. and Phillip Spaulding of Wesford, int. Apr. 30, 1762.
William of A. and Hannah Munroe of Billerica, int. Oct. 18, 1760.
James and Elisabeth Horten, both of A., Nov. 26, 1778. [Jonas Obses and Elisabeth Horton, both of A., C.R.1.]
OLIVER (see Olivers, Olover)
Abigail R., Miss, and Nathan Chaffin, both of A., int. Sept. 23, 1837.
Eunice, Miss, of Littleton, and Lovell Boston of A., int. July 8, 1837.
OLIVERS (see Oliver, Olover)
Abigail (see Nabby).
Abijah [int. Oliver] of A. and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Barber of A., d. Eunice, Dec. 21, 1802. [Olivers and Elizabeth Barber, both of A., C.R.1.]
John and Rebeca Dudley, both of A., int. Jan. 29, 1820.
Nabby [int. Abigal] of A. and Thomas Triater [int. Traiater] of Concord, May 11, 1817.
Nathaniel of A. [int. Aug. 4, 1824 reads of Concord, second int. A.] and Miss Rachel Olivers of A., Nov. 24, 1825. [both of A., Nov. 24, 1824 [sic, second int. Sept. 1, 1825], C.R.1.]
Rachel, Miss, of A., and Nathaniel Olivers of A. [int. Aug. 4, 1824 reads of Concord, second int. A.], Nov. 24, 1825. [both of A., Nov. 24, 1824 [sic, second int. Sept. 1, 1825], C.R.1.]
Sally [int. Oliver] and Jacob Freeman, both of A., Dec. 9, 1802. [Olivers, both of A., C.R.1.]
OLOVER (see Oliver, Olivers)
Eliza, Miss, of A., and William Haynes of Concord, Feb. 6, 1834.
Obadiah P. [int. Osborn] of Providence, R. I., and Miss Sarah Taylor of A., Sept. 23, 1838, in A.
Joel F. of A. and Miss Louisa Bennett of Dunstable, int. May 23, 1830.
Palatiah F. of A. and Miss Sophronia Parlin of Littleton, int. Mar. 18, 1833.
Joshua of Bedford and Miss Mary Ann Robbins of A., int. Mar. 24, 1832.
Albert, mechanic, of Lowell, s. -------- of Thedford, Vt., and Harriet W. Richardson of A., b. A., d. Allen of A., July 19, 1848.
Mary Ann, Miss, and Hiram Butters of A., int. Nov. 10, 1849.
John of Amesbury and Lois [int. Louisa] Adams of A., June 25, 1799. [Lois of A., C.R.1.]
Asa, farmer, and Eliza W. Corristine [sic, int. Miss Eliza McCoristine], both of A., June 11, 1845.
Charlotte, Miss [int. Mrs. Chariot], and Joseph Robbins, both of A., Jan. 23, 1823. [Charlotte. both of A., C.R.1.]
Dexter F. and Miss Eliza J. Tuttle, both of A., int. Aug. 5, 1849.
Elbridge G., 23, farmer, of Westford, s. Gilbert of Westford, and Nancy Tuttle, 19, dressmaker, of A., b. A., d. Frances of A., Apr. 17, 1845.
Gilbert of A. and Miss Sally White of Westford, int. Mar. 18, 1820.
Harriet [int. adds N.], Miss, of Westford, and Josiah [int. adds W.] Brown of A., Oct. 23, 1842, in A.
Harriet, Miss, and Samuel W. Walker [int. both of A.], June 1, 1843, in A.
Jenny of A. and Thomas Dugan of Concord, int. Aug. 31, 1805.
John and Miss Rhoana Parker, both of A., Nov. 14, 1824. [Roanna, both of A., C.R.1.]
Lucy and Thomas Vinal, both of A. [int. both residing in A.], Nov. 12, 1815. [Vinall, both residing in A., C.R.1.]
Mary (see Mary Barker).
Polly of A. and Enos Boston, Jan. 7, 1786, in Littleton.
Rhoana, Miss, and John Parker, both of A., Nov. 14, 1824. [Roanna, both of A., C.R.1.]
Sarah, 19, of Stow [int. A.], and Abel H. Forbush, 22, farmer, of Stow [int. A.], b. A., s. Abel of Stow, Nov. 24, 1844.
Ame and Thomas Reed, both of Harvard, Dec. 4, 1791.
PARLIN (see Parling)
Amos of Concord and Esther Davies of A., int. Mar. 26, 1757.
Davis and Miss Nancy Barnard, both of A., May 6, 1825. [Perlin, both of A., C.R.1.]
Davis of A. and Miss Sally Keyes of Littleton, Nov. 14, 1830. [Salley Kies of Littleton, C.R.1.]
Eunice and Joseph Robbins, both of A., June 12, 1803.
Nathan of A. and Abigail Hodgman of Concord, Jan. 31, 1770, in Concord.
Ruth of Concord and John Harris of A., int. Nov. 25, 1758.
Samuel and Lucy Davis, both of A., Mar. 26, 1772.
Sarah [int. Perlin] of Concord and Sampson Wheeler of A., May 23, 1751, in Concord.
Sophronia, Miss, of Littleton, and Palatiah F. Osgood of A., int. Mar. 18, 1833.
Warner ([torn]arner) [Warner in later handwriting, int. Warner] and Lydia Davies, both of A., July 5, 1807. [Warner, both of A., C.R.1.]
PARLING (see Parlin)
Lucy and Lt. Phinehas Wheeler, both of A., int. Nov. 15, 1799.
Adaline, Miss, of Littleton, and Simon I. Conant of A., int. May 27, 1834.
Ephraim of Dracut and Miss Sarah P. Davis [int. of A.], Dec. 16, 1833.
Thomas of Lexington and Betsey Chaffin of A., July 1, 1810.
Elisha and Mary C. Hanscom, Dec. 27, 1849.
John of Stow and Sarah Wheeler of A., int. May 2, 1753.
David [int. Perhum Esq.] of Brewer and Betsey Barnard of A., Aug. 25, 1814. [Perham Esq. of Brewer, C.R.1.]
Elisha and Mary Conant, both of Concord, Oct. 10, 1805.
Steph[e]n and Miss Harriet J. Potter, both of A., int. May 29, 1849.
Eliza J., Miss, and Joel H. Whitcomb, both of A., int. Nov. 8, 1846.
Mary [int. Perrin] and Josiah Gilbert Wheeler, both of A., May 17, 1798. [Perren, both of A.,start C.R.1.]
Gardner B., Rev., of Bradford, and [int. Miss] Eunice Tuttle of A., July 15, 1819.
Samuel and Philena P. Dockhand, both of Sudbury, July 16, 1837, in Sudbury.
William and [int. Miss] Sarah Davis [int. Davies] of A., Apr. 5, 1829. [Davis of A., C.R.1.]
George N., 30. mechanic, of A., s. George N. of Lexington, and Harriet Blood, 31, of Concord, d. Timothy of Concord, Aug. 21, 1844.
Harriet [int. Mrs.] and Calvin Harris, farmer, b. A., s. Joseph, all of A., Sept. 19, 1848.
Jesse [int. Peirce] and Hannah Herrington, both of A., Dec. 27, 1814. [Pierce and Hannah Harrington, both of A., C.R.1.]
Seraphinia, Mrs., of Athol, and Dr. Sam[ue]l Young of A., int Aug. 27, 180[torn, ? 1808].
Nabby [int. Naby] and Joseph Law, both of A., Feb. 13, 1809. [Nabby, both of A., C.R.1.]
Allis [int. Ellis, dup. int. Rachel] and Ruben Law, both of A., Jan. 13, 1778. [Alles, both of A., C.R.1.]
Amasa and Mary Piper, both of A., int. June 25, 1782.
Ann and William Thomas, both of A., int. Feb. 20, 1779.
Ann E. W., Miss, and Silas W. Jones, both of A., May 12, 1833.
Daniel Hayward and Ruthy [int. Ruthey] Reed, both of A., Apr. 12, 1798. [Ruthy, both of A., C.R.1.]
Elisebeth [int. Elizabeth and Silas Foster, both. of A., Dec. 6, 1770.
Ellis (see Allis).
Esther and Jonas Brooks, Aug. 31, 1774 [? in Hollis, N. H.].
George B. of A. and Miss Lydia A. Seavey of Kenebunk, Me., int. Oct. 14, 1849.
Hettey [int. Hitty] and Samuel Conant, both of A., Aug. 2, 1812. [Hittey, both of A., C.R.1.]
Jerusha [int. Miss] of A., b. A., and Robert Burr, farmer, of Ashby, June 5, 1845.
Jonathan and Sarah Law, both of A., int. Nov. 1, 1775.
Jonathan of A. and Elizabeth Gibson of Stowe, Jan. 15, 1778, in Stowe.
Jonathan A. and Miss Hepsabeth A. Jones, both of A., Sept. 8, 1831 [ ? in Boxborough].
Joseph and Lydia Hayward, both of A., int. Dec. 3, 1768.
Josiah and Sarah Davis, both of A., Nov. 29, 1764.
Josiah and Mary An [int. Miss Mary Ann] Wood, both of A., Jan. 14, 1827, in Wallingford, Vt.
Lusinda [int. Lucinday] and Simeon Knight [int. Knights], both of A., July 27, 1817.
Luther W., farmer, b. A., s. Silas, and Betsy H. Conant, d. Simeon, all of A., June 25, 1846.
Mary of A. and Samuel Raymond of Lexington, int. Sept. 24, 1757.
Mary and Amasa Piper, both of A., int. June 25, 1782.
Mary [int. Miss] of A. and Sampson Warren of Charlestown, Feb. 15, 1838, in A.
Mehitable (see Hettey).
Phillip [dup. Philip] and Ann Gill, both of A., Aug. 7, 1770, in Concord.
Rachel and John Barker, both of A., int. July 1, 1774.
Rachel (see Allis).
Ruth, Mrs., of A., and Reuben Law of Sheran [int. Sharron], N. H., Sept. 5, 1827. [Low of Sharon, N. H., C.R.1.]
Samuel [int. Sam[ue]ll] and Olive Adams, both of A., June 29, 1772.
Sarah of A. and James Barnard of Watertown, int. May 12, 1759.
Sibella [int. Sibil] and Francis Cragin, both of A., Mar. 30, 1773.
Silas and Mehitible Barker, both of A., June 7, 1791. [Mehitabel, both of A., C.R.1.]
Silas Jr. and Sylvia Sacharrissa [int. Silvia Cecharissa] Wright, both of A., Oct. 5, 1817.
Susan, Miss, of A., and Ira Gibbs of Boston, Oct. 19, 1826.
Thomas and Judeth Powars, both of A., May 11, 1786. [Powers, both of A., C.R.1.]
William A., 28, dentist, of A., s. A. H. and Clarissa of Charlemont, and Ruth W. Jaquith, 23, of A., w. ------, d. Allen Richardson and Ruth (Wheeler) of A., Nov. 26, 1846. [Ruth W., formerly w. Charles Jaquith, -----—, 1847, C.R.2.]
Eli of Weathersfield, Vt., and [int. Miss] Mary Faulkner of A., Jan. 10, 1830.
Simeon and Miss Filicia [int. Felicia] Hosmer (Hosme[cut off]) [int. Hosmer], both of A., Jan. 12, 1838, in A.
Harriet J., Miss, and Steph[e]n Perkins, both of A., int. May 29, 1849.
Lydia and James Russel, both of Concord, Dec. 15, 1764.
Sophia M., Miss, of Concord, and Lewis Rouillard Jr. of A., int. Mar. 15, 1840.
POWAR (see Powars, Powers)
Jacob of Concord and Elizabeth Heywood of A., Aug. 26, 1781, in Concord.
POWARS (see Powar, Powers)
Elliot [dup. written on loose sheet El[i]ot Powers, int. Eliot] and Mary Barker [dup. written on loose sheet Parker], both of A., Mar. 20, 1770, in Concord.
Gidion and Ruth Hosmer, both of A. Sept. 3, 1757.
Judeth and Thomas Piper, both of A., May 11, 1786. [Powers, both of A., C.R.1.]
Milisant of Littleton and Amos Lamson of A., int. May 2, 1755.
POWERS (see Power, Powars)
Eliot and Mary Cragin, both of A., int. Apr. 4, 1761.
James [int. Powars] of Quabbin and Lydia Powers [int. Powars] of A., Jan. 18, 1746. [Powers of Quabbin and Mrs. Lydia Powers of A., C.R.1.]
Lydia [int. Powars] of A. and James Powers [int. Powars] of Quabbin, Jan. 18, 1746. [Powers, Mrs., of A., and James Powers of Quabbin, C.R.1.]
PREIST (see Priest)
John P. and Miss Sarah C. Davis, both of A., int. Mar. 10, 1842.
Susan A. [int. Priest], Miss, and John Tenney, both of A., Oct. 24, 1843, in Stow.
Samuel of A. and Lydia Dickson [int. Dixon] of Charlestown, Oct. 17, 1765, in Charlestown.
Abagail [int. Abigail] of A. and Isaac Fox of Dracut, May 17, 1739. [Abigail Prescot of A., C.R.1.]
Caroline and Daniel Brooks, both of A., int. Feb. 19, 1757.
Dorcas of A. and Samuel Minott of Concord, int. Apr. 17, 1738.
Hannah of Westford and. Nathaniel Edwards of A., Jan. 11, 1750, in Westford.
Mary, Miss, of A., and Thadeus Fay of Northboro, int. Dec. 11, 1805.
Rebeckah and Gershom Davis [int. Garsham Davies], both of A., July 8, 1741, in Westford.
PRIEST (see Preist)
Elizebeth H., Miss, and Ephraim Hosmer, both of A., int. Apr. 5, 1840.
Rhoda and Sam[ue]l Adams, both of Concord, Oct. 18, 1812.
PROCTER (see Proctor)
Betsey [int. Proctor] and Aaron Chaffin, both of A., Apr. 2, 1815. [Procter, both of A., C.R.1.]
Clarrence. M. of A. and Miss Mary S. Dexter of Boston, int. Oct. 4, 1842.
David of A. and Lydia Hildreth of Westford, int. Apr. 16, 1757.
Esther and Ephraim Billing, both of A., Nov. 27, 1794. [Billings, both of A., C.R.1.]
Isaac and Miss Mahitable W. Sweet, both of A., Aug. 3, 1834.
John of Littleton and ------ Gilbert of A., int. June 3, 1791.
Patty of Littleton and George Gaffald of A., int. Oct. 19, 1806.
Sukey and David Forbush Jr., both of A., Aug. 3, 1805.
PROCTOR (see Procter)
Lydia [int. Brooks, sic] of Westford and Simon Hunt of A., June 16, 1785, in Westford.
Lydia [int. Procter] and Ebenezer Robbins, both of A., Jan. 23, 1812. [Proctor, both of A., C.R.1.]
Maria, Miss, of A., and Luther Billings of Westford, int. Mar. 27, 1827.
Rachel [dup. and int. Procter] of A. and Samuel Wright of Concord, May 6, 1756.
Sarah of A. and Ebenezer French of Dunstable, int. May 14, 1766.
Susannah [int. Susanna Procter] of Westford and Nehemiah Wheeler of A., Dec. 10, 1746, in Westford.
Timothy [int. Procter] and Sally White, both of A., Sept. 17, 1787, in Littleton.
Huldah of Concord and William Conant of A., int. Nov. 6, 1756.
Mary of Lowell and Silas Hosmer, farmer, of A., s. ---- of A., Jan. 13, 1848.
Nancy, Miss, of A., and Adam Putnam of Tukesbury, Dec. 31, 1823.
Peter and Polly Cutting, both of A., int. May 6, 1810.
John [int. Pusehe] of A. and Lucy Blodgett [int. Elisebeth Blodget] of Westford, Nov. 22, 1770, in Concord.
PUTMAN (see Putnam)
Dennis [int. Putnam] and Miss Dorothy Jones, both of A., Jan. 27, 1825. [Denis Putnam and D. Jones, wid., both of A., C.R.1.]
Harriet, d. Dennis of A., and Aaron C. Handley, butcher or marketman, of A., s. John of A., June 1, 1848.
Susan, Miss, and William R Lothrop, int. Aug. 12, 1849.
PUTNAM (see Putman)
Adam of Tukesbury and Miss Nancy Puffer of A., Dec. 31, 1823.
Asa and Enice [int. Miss Eunice] Smith of A., Dec. 1, 1828. [Eunice of A., C.R.1.]
Bettey [int. Betty] of Stow and Joseph Brown of A., Mar. 18, 1790. [Betsy of Stow, C.R.1.]
Cyrus of A. and Miss Louisa Rand of Stow, int. Aug. 26, 1826.
Sally and William Thomas, both of A., June 1, 1794.
