Vital Records Of Acton, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts
To the Year 1850
Marriages: DEAN to HEYWOOD
Published by the
New England Historic Genealogical Society
At the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms
at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund
[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]
Charlotte, Miss, of Easton, and Jason Goward of A., int. Apr 13, 184[bound in, ? 1849, rec. between Mar. 25 and Apr. 12, 1849].
Dorcas G., Miss, and ---------How of Concord, ----, 1835, C.R.2.
Townsend of A. and Mary Nicols of Billeraca, int. May 30, 1761.
DENSMORE (see Dansmore, Dunsmore).
DERBY (see Darby).
DESPEAU (see Despo)
Samuel, shoe maker, of Charleston, and Mary M. Knights, d. -------- of A., Nov. 16, 1847.
DESPO (see Despeau)
Jessee [int. Jesse] and Miss Mary Reed, both of A., Sept. 11, 1842, in A. [Jesse Despeau, C.R.2.]
DEXTER (see Dextor)
Elisabeth [int. Elizebeth] of A. and Daniel Barker [int. Baker] of Concord, Aug. 18, 1774.
Jerusha and Ebenezer White, both of A., Apr. 19, 1804.
John and Jerusha Brooks, both of A., Nov. 16, 1779.
John of A. and Martha Miles of Westminister, int. Aug. 15, 1785.
John of A. and Mrs. Mary Belknap of Carlisle, int. Aug. 14, 1827.
Mary S., Miss, of Boston, and Clarrence M. Procter of A., int. Oct. 4, 1842.
Sarah of A. and Jacob Melvin of Concord, Jan. [Jan. written over July, dup. Jan.] 8, 1789, in Concord.
DEXTOR (see Dexter)
John Jr. of A. and Perses(?) of Stow, int. Dec. 14, 1799.
DICKINSON (see Dickson)
Dolly [int. Dolley Dickerson] of Concord and David Law of A., May 19, 1799, in Concord.
DICKSON (see Dickinson)
Lydia [int. Dixon] of Charlestown and Samuel Prentice of A., Oct. 17, 1765, in Charlestown.
Rhoda of Littleton and [torn]ben [Reuben in later handwriting, int. Reuben] Wheeler of A., Apr. 29, 1806. [Reuben of A., C.R.1.]
DIXON (see Dickson).
Philena P. and Samuel Philbrick, both of Sudbury, July 16, 1837, in Sudbury.
Nehemiah of Littleton and Jerusha Edwards of A., int. Nov. 19, 1748.
Susanna and Joseph Brown, both of Concord, Sept. 2, 1802.
Cyrus of A. and Miss Sarah A. Hodgman of Bedford, int. Apr. 25, 1836.
Jerusha P., Miss, and Stevens Hayward 2d, ----, 1846, C.R.2.
Joseph and Charlottee [int. Charlotte] Conant, both of A., Apr. 22, 1791. [Charlottee, both of A., C.R.1.]
Joseph and Miss Lucy Fletcher, both of A., int. Apr. 10, 1841.
Lemuel ([torn]uel) [Lemuel in later handwriting, int. Lemuel] and Ruth Barker, both of A., Apr. 15, 1806. [Lemuel, both of A., C.R.1.]
Reuben and Miss Elizabeth H. Jones, both of A., int. Mar. 16, 1834.
Ruth, Miss, and Daniel Fletcher, both of A., Mar. 3, 1833.
Hannah, Miss, of Westford, and Amos Handley of A., May 19, 1837, in A.
Angelina, Miss, of Wilton, N. H., and Reuben Houston of A., int. Nov. 13, 1831.
Asa P. of Concord and Miss Almira Bright of A., int. Oct. 6, 1839. [m. Nov. 3, C.R.2.]
Ephraim and Abigail Shepard, both of A., May 16, 1764.
James of A. [int. Concord] and Mary Raymond of A., Apr. 1, [sic, int. Apr. 8, dup. Apr. 1], 1763, in Concord.
Joseph of A. and Lucy Maynard of Sudbury, June 16, 1791, in Sudbury.
Josiah [int. Dubley] of A. and Betsey Smith of Sudbury, July 6, 1792, in Sudbury.
Lucy [int. Mary] of A. and Amasa [int. Ameasa] Green of Royalston, Nov. 17, 1783, in Royalston.
Mary, Mrs. [dup. and int. omit Mrs.], of A., and Joseph Flagg of Carlisle, May 12 [dup. May 9], 1756. [Mrs. Mary Dudly of A. and Joseph Flag of Carlisle, May 12, C.R.1.]
Nabby and John Harris Jr. [int. omits Jr.], both of A., Dec. 7, 1796. [John Jr., both of A., C.R.1.]
Rebeca and John Olivers, both of A., int., Jan. 29, 1820.
Rebecca of A. and Abraham Whitney of Bolton, Feb. 28, 1776, in Concord.
Samuel of Littleton and Rebekah Hayward of A., int. Sept. 20, 1755. [Haywood of A., m. Jan. 15, 1756, C.R.1.]
Thomas of Concord and Jenny Parker of A., int. Aug. 31, 1805.
DUN (see Dunn)
William of Quincy and Miss Nancy C. Swett of A., int. Nov. 9, 1845.
Lucy Ann [int. Dun], Miss, and John Brown, both of A., Dec. 28, 1843, in A.
DUNSMORE (see Dansmore)
Moses of Washington and Elisabeth Reed of Bedford, Feb. 13, 1794.
DURANT (see Duren)
Alfred of A. and Miss Mary Ann Calton of Lowell, int. July 29, 1831.
Henry and Lucy Hunt, both of A., Apr. 9, 1799.
Lucy [int. Mrs.] and Capt. Stevens Hayward, both of A., Nov. 14, 1816.
Lucy, Miss, of A., and Luke Brooks of Stow, Apr. 9, 1822.
Lydia of A. and Benoni Spaulding of Billerica, Apr. 1, 1790, in Billerica.
DURENT (see Durant)
Raichel, Miss, of Carlisl, and Jacob Reed, residing in A., int. Oct. 16, 1819.
William [int. Dutten] of Westford and Phebe Temple of A., Dec. 17, 1777, in Westford.
EASTABROOK (see Easterbrook, Easterbrooks, Estabrook, Esterbrook)
Mary, Miss, of Lexington, and James Hapgood of A., int. July 15, 1819. [Estabrook, m. Sept. 1, P.R.4.]
EASTERBROOK (see Eastabrook, Easterbrooks, Estabrook, Esterbrook)
Harriet [int. Esterbrook], Miss, and Simon Hosmer 2d, both of A., Sept. 25, 1825.
EASTERBRQOKS (see Eastabrook, Easterbrook, Estabrook, Esterbrook)
Olive of Concord and John Averill of Wes[t]minster, N. Y. [N. Y. written in pencil], Oct. 5, 1777. [Easterbrok of Concord and John Averill [ill written in later hand above y crossed out] of Wesminster, N. Y., C.R.1.]
Naby [int. Neby] of Worcester and John Shepard of A., Mar. 10, 1774, in Worcester.
William of Naraganset No. 2 and Elener Wheeler of A., int. Aug. 1, 1752.
EDWARD (see Edwards)
Sukey [int. Edwards] and Luther Conant, both of A., Jan. 3, 1813. [Edwards, both of A., C.R.1.]
EDWARDS (see Edward)
Hannah and James Billings, both of A., June 5, 1787.
Jerusha of A. and Nehemiah Dodge of Littleton, int. Nov. 19, 1748.
John of A. and Mary Melvin [int. Mrs. Mary Mulvin] of Concord, Apr. 26, 1749, in Concord.
John of A. and Susanna [int. Susana] Harrington of Watertown, May 26, 1793, in Watertown.
John of A. and Miss Maria Adeline Heald of Westford, int. Oct. 1, 1826.
Julia, Miss, of A., and Caleb Tower of Stow, int. Mar. 18, 1828.
Mary, Miss, and Charles Tuttle, both of A., Jan. 23, 1821.
Mary P., Miss, of Enfield, N. H., and Cyrus Heyward of A., int. Aug. 30, 1846.
Nancy, Miss, of A., and Horatio Fletcher of Westford, Oct. 26, 1826.
Nathaniel of A. and Hannah Prescott of Westford, Jan. 11, 1750, in Westford.
Polly of A. and Charles Farrar of Temple, N. H., Oct 8, 1789.
Samuel of A. and Huldah Estabrook of Concord, int. Jan. 20, 1759.
Augustus [int. Agustus] and Caroline Brooks, both of A., Apr. 13, 1797. [Augustus, both of A., C.R.1.]
Lucretia and Jonathan Fletcher, both of A., int. Jan. 25, 1783.
Oliver and Anne Law, both of A., int. May [May written after April crossed out] 30, 1774.
Sabena [int. Sabrina] and Thomas Thorp, both of A., Sept. 2, 1784. [Sabina, both of A., C.R.1.]
Sophia, Miss, of Lancaster, and Nathaniel S. Faulkner of A., int. Oct. 9, 1830.
Elisabeth [int. Elisebeth] and Jonathan Davis, both of A., Jan. 23, 1771.
Zekariah and Elisabeth Heald, both of A., int. June 1, 1737.
Zekariah of A. and Thankfull Foster of Chelmsford, int. May 5, 1744.
Joseph of A. and Miss Zeliah Wheelwright of Boston, int. Apr. 19, 1835.
ESTABROOK (see Eastabrook, Easterbrook, Easterbrooks, Esterbrook)
Huldah of Concord and Samuel Edwards of A., int. Jan. 20, 1759.
ESTERBROOK (see Eastabrook, EasteThrook, Easterbrooks, Estabrook)
Joseph of A. and Miss Nancy Raymond of Littleton, int. Feb. 1, 1846.
Rebecca, Miss, of Lowell, and Charles Richards of A., int. June 30, 1844.
Asahel of Stow and Sarah Wheeler of A., int. Dec. 1, 1797.
Katherine [int. Catharine] of Stowe and Nathaniel [int. Nathiniel] Faulkner of A., Oct. 22, 1765, in Stowe.
Henry of Harvard and Miss Martha A. Conant of A., May 9, 1837, in A. [removed to Harvard, C.R.2.]
Timothy of Belleraca and Sarah Law of A., int. Sept. 1, 1764.
Edmund of A. and Miss Cyntha Crouch of Reading, int. Feb. 21, 1836.
Abigail of A. and Amos Thomas of Lambs Town, int. June 24, 1737.
Daniel of Stow and Sarah Law of A., int. Oct. 29, 1757.
Marshall and Miss Louis Wheeler, both of A., Feb. 16, 1832 [? in Boxborough].
Stephen [int. Stephan] of A. and Lois Randall (Randlal) [int. Randall] of Stow, Mar. 1, 1764.
FARRAR (see Farrer)
Charles of Temple and Sally Farrar of A., int. Sept. 15, 1789.
Charles of Temple, N. H., and Polly Edwards of A., Oct. 8, 1789.
Hepzebah of Concord and Peter Jones of A., Dec. 24, 1782., [Hepzibah Farrer of Concord, C.R.1.]
Martha and Peter Fletcher, both of A., Jan. 23 [sic, int. Mar. 20], 1768.
Sally of A. and Charles Farrar of Temple, int. Sept. 15, 1789.
Samuel and Hannah Brown, both of A., Nov. 15, 1764.
FARRER (see Farrar)
Abel and Miss Mary Harris, both of A., Aug. 31, 1823.
Aaron and Polly [int. Betsey] Richardson, both of A., July 25, 1796. [Polly, both of A., C.R.1.]
Abigail and John Adams, both of A., Dec. 1, 1768.
Abigail and Ebenezer [int. Ebenezer] Davies, both of A., Sept. 17, 180[torn, 1801 in later handwriting, int. May 24, 1801]. [Ebenezer, both of A., Sept. 17, 1801, C.R.1.]
Annis [int. Anness] of A. and Joseph Gilson of Stow, Mar. 24, 1799. [Annis of A., C.R.1.]
Catherin [int. Catherine] E., Miss, and Solomon Smith Jr., both of A., June 3, 1821. [Catherine E. Falkner of A., C.R.1. Catherine E. Faulkner, P.R.12.]
Charlott [int. Charlotte], Miss, of A., and Avery Reed of Westford, May 17, 1825. [Charlotte of A. and Avary Reed of Westford, C.R.1.]
Francis of A. and Elizabeth Muzzey [int. Elisabeth Mussy] of Lexington, Apr. 29, 1756, in Lexington.
Francis of A. and Rebeckah Keyes of Werstern, int. Feb. 24, 1759.
Hannah and Thomas White, both of A., int. Feb. 4, 1748-9.
Hannah [int. Miss] of A. and Maj. [int. omits Maj.] John Loring of Norridgewock [int. adds Somerset Co.], Feb. 8, 1820.
James and Ruth Heald, both of A., int. Sept. 1, 1759.
Jonas of A. and Eunice Stone of Boxborough, Dec. 3, 1793, in Boxborough.
Lois of A. and John Loring of Groton, Jan. 19, 1797, in Groton.
Lucy of A. and Jabez Upham of Brookfield, June 2, 1796. [Jabez Esq. of Brookfield, C.R.1.]
Lucy and [torn]braham [Abraham in later handwriting, int. Abraham] Knowlton, both of A., Oct. 25, 1807. [Abraham, both of A., C.R.1.]
Mary [int. Miss] of A. and Eli Plant of Weathersfield, Vt., Jan. 10, 1830.
Nathaniel [int. Nathaniel] of A. and Katherine [int. Catharine] Eveleth of Stowe, Oct. 22, 1765, in Stowe.
Nathaniel [int. Jr.] of A. and Susannah [int. Susana] Cox of Cambridge, Jan. 21, 1798, in Cambridge.
Nathaniel S. of A. and Miss Sophia Emerson of Lancaster, int. Oct. 9, 1830.
Patty and Foster Rogers, both of A. [both of Acton in later handwriting], May 26, 1785. [This entry crossed out.] [both of A., C.R.1.]
Rebecca of A. and Dwight Foster of Brookfield, May 7, 1783. [Dwight Foster. Esq. of Brookfield, C.R.1.]
Ruth [int. of A.] and Agustus Coolidge [int. Coolidge] of Boxborough, Nov. 3, 1785. [Ruth of A. and Augustus Coolidge of Boxborough, C.R.1.]
Sally and Dr. [int. omits Dr.] Abraham Skinner, both of A., Mar. 18, 1788. [Dr. Abraham, both of A., C.R.1.]
Sarah, Miss, of A., and Alden Fuller of Harvard, Mar. 21, 1822.
Sukey of A. and Hanibal [int. Hannibal] Hamlin of Warterford, Me. [Me. written in pencil, int. Waterford, omits Me.], Jan. 16, 18[torn, 1800 written in pencil, int. Dec. 16, 1799]. [Hanibal of Warterford, Jan. 16, 1800, C.R.1.]
Susan M., Miss, of A., and George W. Russell of Amherst, Jan. 1, 1835. [Miss Susan Maria, C.R.2.]
Winthrop and Mary Wright, both of A., Oct. 23, 180[torn, 1800 written in pencil, int. Aug. 31, 1800]. [Oct. 23, 1800, C.R.1.]
Winthrop E. of A. and Miss Martha A. Bixby of Framingham, int. July 31, 1830.
Thadeus of Northboro and Miss Mary Prescott of A., int. Dec. 11, 1805.
Frederick and Miss Susan Fletcher, both of A., int. Oct. 11, 1846.
David of Wesford and Sarah Barns of A., int. June 15, 1767.
Noah and Polly Davis, both of A., May 1, 1796.
Samuel of A. and Mary Blood of Concord, May 28, 1766, in Concord.
Samuel of A. and Alice Walker, Apr. 23, 1778, in Chelmsford.
Isaac T. and Miss Maria E. [int. E. Maria] Weston, both of A., Sept. 20, 1838, in A. [Miss Eunice Maria, Oct. ----. C.R.2.]
Joseph of Carlisle and Mrs. [dup. and int. omit Mrs.] Mary Dudley of A., May 12 [dup. May 9], 1756. [Flag of Carlile and Mrs. Mary Dudly of A., May 12, C.R.1.]
Dorathy T., Miss, and Charles O. Barker, both of Methuen, Sept. 3, 1837, in Methuen.
Aaron and Miss Lydia L. [int. Lucindia] Jones, both of A., Mar. 31, 1825. [Lydia L., both of A., C.R.1.]
Abby [int. Abba], 21, of A., d. Moses of A., and Jonas Goss, 35, farmer, of Lancester, s. Jonas, Sept. 11, 1845.
Andrew, Dea., of Westford, and Mary Hapgood, wid., of A., int. Nov. 26, 1819.
Ann and James Law, both of A., Mar. 27, 1788.
Betsey of A. and Timothy Shattuck [int. Shatuck] Jr. of Lincoln, N. H., Jan. 28, 1812. [Shattuck Jr. of Lincoln, N. H., C.R.1.]
Betsy, Miss, of A., and Levi Tufts of Groton, int. Mar. 4, 1834.
Calvin, farmer, of A., s. John S., and [int. Miss] Hannah Clough [int. of Strafford, N., sic, ? N. H.], Aug. 8, 1847.
Daniel of A. and Sarah Hartwell of Westford, Nov. 12, 1741.
Daniel and Anna [int. Ann] Barker, both of A., Sept. 11, 1766.
Daniel and Miss Ruth Dole, both of A., Mar. 3, 1833.
Elisabeth of A. and John Ruggles of Boston, int. June 9, 1737.
Eliza, Miss, and George B. Cole, both of A., Apr. 26, 1825.
Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).
Fanny [int. Miss] of A. and Guy S. Burroughs [int. of A.], Sept. 4, 1828. [Fanny and Guy S. Burrows, both of A., C.R.1.]
Frances [int. Miss] of A. and Nath[anie]l Thurston [int. Esq.] of Bradford, July 4, 1809. [Frances of A. and Nath[anie]l Thurston Esq. of Bradford, c.R.1.]
Hannah R., Mrs., of A., and Almon Wright of Troy, N. H., Apr. 11, 1844, in A. [Hannah, wid., "Dismissed to Chh. in Troy, N. H.," C.R.2.]
Hephsibah of A. and Samuel Stow of Marlborough, int. Apr. 26, 1747.
Horatio of Westford and Miss Nancy Edwards of A., Oct. 26, 1826.
James and Lydia White, both of A., May 4, 1786.
James and [int. Miss] Louisa Robbins, both of A., Mar. 11, 1819.
James of A. and Miss Hannah Reed of Littleton, int. Sept. 22, 1828.
John of Concord and Margeret Craft of A., int. Mar. 22, 1755.
John [int. Capt.] and Miss Clarisa [int. Clarrissa] Jones, both of A., Apr. 25, 1822[2 written over 1, int. Mar. 24, 1822]. [Capt. John and Clarissa Jones, both of A., Apr. 25, 1822, C.R.1. John and Clarissa Jones, Apr. 25, 1822, P.R.1.]
John 2d of A. and Miss Susannah Randell of Stow, int. Feb. 7, 1841.
John Swift and Lucy Forbush, both of A., int. Mar. 23, 1800.
Jonathan and Lucretia Emerson, both of A., int. Jan. 25, 1783.
Jonathan and Lydia Hammond, Apr. 2, 1823, P.R.7.
Joseph of A. and Abigail Bacon of Lincoln, May 26, 1778, in Lincoln.
Joseph and Lucy Tuttle, both of A., Mar. 29, 1796.
Joseph of Littleton and Sally Cole [int. wid.] of A., Mar. 19, 1818.
Loisa and Edmond Tuttle, both of Littleton, Mar. 30, 1826, C.R.1.
Lucy, Miss, and Joseph Dole, both of A., int. Apr. 10, 1841.
Mary, Miss, and Stilman Worster [int. Stillman Worsters], both of A., Apr. 18, 1826. [Stilman Worster, both of A., C.R.1.]
Mary W., Miss, and Hiram Hosmer, both of A., Aug. 7, 1836, in A.
Molly and Tilly [int. Tulle] Robbins, both of A., June 4, 1799. [Tilly, both of A., C.R.1.]
Moses [int. Mose] and Catharine Law, both of A., Apr. 20, 1817.
Nabby and Danforth Law, both of A., Feb. 4, 1800.
Peter and Martha Farrar, both of A., Jan. 23 [sic, int. Mar. 20], 1768.
Rebeccah of A. and Abraham Whitcomb of Stowe, Dec. 11, 1780, in Stowe.
Ruth and David Stimson, both of A., May 27, 1742. [Stimpson, both of A., C.R.1.]
Ruth and Joseph Barker, both of A., Jan. 23 [sic, int. Mar. 20], 1768.
Sarah of A. and William Baker (Ba[ ]ker) [Baker in later handwriting, int. Baker] of Stowe, Dec. 8, 1769, in Stowe.
Susan, Miss, and Frederick Field, both of A., int. Oct. 11, 1846.
Timothy and Sarah Brewer, both of A., Dec. 21, 1764.
Henery Jr. of Carlisle and Miss Eunice Wheeler of A., Mar. 1, 1820 [? in Carlisle].
Mary, Miss, of Concord, and James Harris of A., int. June 20, 1829.
Pheba F., Miss, of Concord, and Ebenezer Wood of A., int. Apr. 18, 1830.
Luther and Miss S. Elisabeth Holden, ----, 1845, C.R.2.
FORBUSH (see Furbush)
Abel [int. Furbush] and Miss Sukey Robbins, both of A., Sept. 3, 1820. [Furbush, both of A., C.R.1.]
Abel H., 22, farmer, of Stow [int. A.], b. A., s. Abel of Stow, and Sarah Parker, 19, of Stow [int. A.], Nov. 24, 1844.
David of Marlborough and Ruth Wood of A., int. May 14, 1734.
David and Sarah Hayward [int. both of A.], "first Thursday of Nov," 1762. [Forbesh, C.R.1.]
David Jr. and Sukey Procter, both of A., Aug. 3, 1805.
Ephraim of A. and Mary Buttrick of Concord, int. Mar. 25, 1784.
Ephraim of A. and Abigail Rogers of Concord, int. Mar. 6, 1806.
James of A. and Eunice Brown of Concord, int. Oct. 25, 1775.
Lois of A. and James Simons of Bedford, July 9, 1789. [Furbush of A., July 8, C.R.1.]
Lucy and John Swift Fletcher, both of A., int. Mar. 23, 1800.
Miriam and John Heywood, both of A., int. Sept. 26, 1761.
Molly and [int. Capt.] John Hayward, both of A., July 5, 1792. [Furbush, both of A., C.R.1.]
Rebecca of A. and Samuel Hosmer Jr. [int. omits Jr.] of Concord, Oct. 17, 1789. [Furbush of A. and Samuel Roamer Jr. of Concord, C.R.1.]
Ruth [int. Furbush] of A. and Joseph Keyes of Wesford [int. A.], May 7 [dup. May 11], 1768.
Sally [int. Sarah of A. and John Haynes [int. Hayns] of Sudbury, Nov. 26, 1785. [Sally Furbush of A. and John Haynes of Sudbury, C.R.1.]
Samuel of A. and Mary Winn of Concord, int. Sept. 13, 1823.
Sarah of A. and Timothy Chaffin of Holden, int. May 21, 1760.
Sarah, Miss, and Jonathan Barker, both of A., Nov. 20, 1832.
Dwight of Brookfield and Rebecca Faulkner of A., May 7, 1783. [Dwight Foster Esq. of Brookfield, C.R.1.]
Elias of Wesford and Abigail Wheeler of A., int. Apr. 12, 1746.
Elisabeth of A. and William Moor of Concord, int. Aug. 19, 1758.
Ephraim and Polly Furbush [int. Forbush], both of A., Jan. 26, 1808. [Furbush, both of A., C.R.1.]
Esther [int. Ester] of Westford and Nathaniel Jefts [int. Jepps] of A., Feb. 27, 1740, in Westford.
Hugh and Mary Law, both of A., Jan. 8, 1740. [Mercy, both of A., C.R.1.]
Hugh and Elisabeth Robbins, both of A., int. Apr. 20, 1757.
John of Boxborough and Basmoth Tower, wid., of A., int. Feb. 7, 1817.
Mary, wid., of Littleton, and Lt. Abraham Hapgood of A., int. Oct. 19, 1815.
Merah [int. Sarah] of Littleton and Thomas Blanchard [int. Blanshard] of A., Nov. 29, 1753, in Littleton.
Nathan of A. and Abigael Coollidge of Berlin, int. Aug. 15[1 written over 2], 1785.
Sarah (see Merah).
Silas and Elisebeth [int. Elizabeth] Piper, both of A., Dec. 6, 1770.
Smith of Wesford and Esther Sartel of A., June 16, 1778. [Sartell of A., C.R.1.]
Thankfull of Chelmsford and Zekariah Emery of A., int. May 5, 1744.
Uriah and Miriam Furbush, both of A., Apr. 11, 1816.
Isaac of Dracut and Abagail [int. Abigail] Prescott of A., May. 17, 1739. [Abigail Prescot of A., C.R.1.]
Mary [int. Fraizeir, Miss] and [int. Ens.] Simon Hapgood, both of A., Feb. 26, 1817. [Frazier and Simon Hapgood, P.R.10.]
Jacob and Sally Olivers [int. Oliver], both of A., Dec. 9, 1802. [Olivers, both of A., C.R.1.]
Ebenezer of Dunstable and Sarah Proctor of A., int. May 14, 1766.
Isaac and Sarah Wooley, both of A., Jan. 11, 1771 [sic, int. Oct. 25, 1775].
Ruth [int. Ruthy] of A. and [torn]uel [Samuel in later handwriting, int. Samuel] Miriam of Pittsford, V[t]. [int. Vt.], Apr. 5, 1807. [Ruth of A. and Samuel Miriam of Pittsford, V[t]., C.R.1.]
Sarah of Medford and Joseph Jones of A., int. Aug. 15, 1773.
Patty and Stephan Law Jr., both of A., Dec. 25, 1788. [Stephen Jr., both of A., C.R.1.]
Abigal, Miss, and Joshua N. Hayden, both of A., int. Apr. 1, 1820.
Alden of Harvard and Miss Sarah Faulkner of A., Mar. 21, 1822.
Ebenezer W. [int. Warrin] of A. and Betty Wheeler of Boxborough [int. Littleton], Sept. 6, 1792, in Boxborough.
Emerson F, and Miss Sarah W. Spaulding, both of A., int. May 13, 1849.
Ephraim of Lancaster and [int. Miss] Sukey Hayward of A., June 11, 1818.
Margaret J. W., Mrs., of Roxbury, and Edwin Hatch of A., int. Apr. 14, 1845.
Susan M. of A., d. Alden of A., and Leand[e]r Rowell of A., s. Artemas, Dec. 20, 1849.
FURBUSH (see Forbush)
Abraham of A. and Mercy Whitney of Stow, int. Nov. 18, 1769.
Daniel and Lucy Wheeler, both of A., int. Jan. 22, 1770.
Mary Hosmer [int. Forbush] of A. and Daniel Wheeler 2d [int. Wheelar, omits 2d] of Concord, Apr. 2, 18[torn, 1800 written in pencil and crossed out; 1801 in later handwriting, int. Mar. 15, 1801]. [Mary Hosmer Furbush of A. and Daniel Wheeler 2d of Concord, Apr. 2, 1801, C.R.1.]
Miriam and Uriah Foster, both of A., Apr. 11, 1816.
Polly [int. Forbush] and Ephraim Foster, both of A., Jan. 26, 1808. [Furbush, both of A., C.R.1.]
Simeon [int. Forbush] and Catherine [int. Catharine] Hosmer, both of A., Nov. 22, 1797. [Furbush, both of A., C.R.1.]
GAFFALD (see Garfield)
George of A. and Patty Procter of Littleton, int. Oct. 19, 1806.
Alpheus [int. Alphius] of Waltham and Betsey Hayward [int. wid.] of A., May 7, 1812. [Alpheus of Waltham and Betsy Haywood of A., C.R.1.]
Joy of Situate and Mary King of Littleton, Nov. 14, 1826, C.R.1.
GARFIELD (see Gaffald)
Maria R., Miss, of Waltham, and Eli B. Russell of A., int. Feb. 16, 1845.
Artemos [int. Artimous Gaites, dup. int. Artimos Gates] of Stow and Nabby Law of A., Sept. 12, 1813. [Artinias Gates of Stow, C.R.1.]
Betsy M., Miss, of Westford, and Daniel Veasy of A., int. Sept. 6, 1840.
Elisha [int. Gatts] of Stow and Elisabeth M. [M. written in pencil, int. omits M.] Robbins of A., Aug. 21, 1791. [Gates of Stow and Elisabeth More Robbins of A., C.R.1.]
Elizeabeth Robbins of Stow and Abial Buttrick, residing in A., int. May 13, 1810.
Francis of Stow and Submitt [int. Submet] Tuttle of A., Jan. 5, 1812.
Sally of Littleton and Jonathan Hosmer jr. of A., int. Dec. 26, 1806.
GERARD (see Jerrard)
Ira of Boston and Miss Susan Piper of A., Oct. 19, 1826.
GIBSON (see Gipson)
Betsey of Ashby and Nathaniel G. Brown of A., int. Jan. 7, 1808.
Dorothy, Miss, of Ashby, and Fraincis Barker Brown of A., int. Jan. 1, 1810.
Elizabeth of Stowe and Jonathan Piper of A., Jan. 15, 1778, in Stowe.
James I. [int. J.] of Groton and Miss Sarah E. Handley of A., [int. June 25], 1842, in A.
Mary of Stow and Ezekiel Davis of A., Feb. 28, 1743-4.
Aaron and Mary Lamson, both of A., Apr. 15, 1804.
Eunice and Roger Wheeler, both of A., Aug. 30, 1764.
Jacob and Eleanor [int. Elenor] Chaffin, both of A., Oct. 23, 1770.
Josiah of A. and Lois Brooks of Littleton, June 30, 1772.
Jude of A. and Abigail Bridges of Dunstable, July 14, 1772.
Luther ([torn]ther) [Luther written in pencil, int. Luther] and Lucy Hayward, both of A., Jan. 9, 1806. [Luther, both of A., C.R.1.]
Luther of A. and Esther Waugh of Townsend, int. Oct. 6, 1811.
Mary of Brokfield and Timothy Brooks of A., int. Dec. 17, 1757.
Mary and Hezekiah Wheeler, both of A., Nov. 12, 1767.
Mary and [torn]naiah [Benaiah in later handwriting, int. Benajah] Robbins, both of A., Aug. 15, 1807. [Benaiah, both of A., C.R.1.]
Polly of A. and Joseph Sawen of Westminster, int. Dec. 27, 1791.
Thirza of A. and [torn]iel [Daniel in later handwriting, int. Daniel] Clenning of Littleton., Mar. 30, 1806. [Daniel of Littleton, C.R.1.]
--------, of A. and John Procter of Littleton, int. June 3, 1791.
Israel H. of Concord and Miss Lucy Haynes of A., int. Sept. 4, 1839.
Ann and Philip [dup. Philip] Piper, both of A., Aug. 7, 1770, in Concord.
John and Abigail Barker, both of A., Sept. 1, 1743, in Concord.
Lucas B. of A. and Miss Lucy W. Rogers of Newbury, int. Oct. 9, 1849.
Joseph of Stow and Annis [int. Anness] Faulkner of A., Mar. 24, 1799. [Annis of A., C.R.1.]
GIPSON (see Gibson)
Bezelial [int. Bezeliel] of Fitchbourg and Lois Billing of A., Nov. 25, 1784. [Bezaleel Gibson of Fitchburg and Lois Billings of A., C.R.1.]
Ann, Miss, of E. Sudbury, and William Reed 4th of A., int. Mar. 6, 1826.
Eunice of Worcester and Pallatiah Brooks of A., int. May 10, 1806.
Jesse (-----[torn]) [Jesse in later handwriting, int. Jesse] of Worcester and Sally Brooks of A., Feb. 24, 1807 [Jesse of Worcester, C.R.1.]
Joel and Maria Handly, both of A., int. Mar. 10, 1832 [3 written over 2].
Sophia, Miss, of Littleton, and Frances [sic] Conant of A., int. Nov. 21, 1841.
GOODENOUGH (see Goodnow)
Sarah [int. Goodnow] of A. and Abraham Bennett of Concord, Feb. 28, 1765, in Concord.
GOODNOW (see Goodenough)
Peter, Dr., and [int. Miss] Lois B. Billings, both of A., Dec. 26, 1816.
David of Charleston [int. Goodridge of Charlestown] and Miss Nancy P. Knights [int. Knight] of A., June 27, 1838, in A.
Susanna, Miss, of Boston, and Daniel Butters of A., int. June 21, 1818.
Jonas, 35, farmer, of Lancester, s. Jonas, and Abby [int. Abba] Fletcher, 21, of A., d. Moses of A., Sept. 11, 1845.
Andrew and Miss Maria A. Jacob, both of A., int. Apr. 28[? 8 written over 7 or 7 written over 8], 1845. [Jacobs, m. May ---, C.R.2.]
Jason of A. and Miss Charlotte Dean of Easton, int. Apr. 13, 184[bound in, ? 1849, rec. between Mar. 25 and Apr. 12, 1849].
Sarah H., Miss, of Boxborough, and Aaron Hosmer of A., int. Sept. 24, 1836.
Christopher [int. Christapher] of Watertown and Miss Lois Houghton of A., Aug. 8, 1820. [Christapher of Watertown and Miss Lois Houston of A., C.R.1.]
Hannah, Miss, and Micajah Russill Jr., both of Lynn, July 22, 1838, in Lynn.
William of Stow and Lucy Wheeler of A., Dec. 24, 1779.
Amasa [int. Ameasal of Royalston and Lucy [int. Mary] Dudley of A., Nov. 17, 1783, in Royalston.
Charles A. of Littleton and Miss Martha M. Williston of Boxboro [ugh], Apr. 18, 1837, in Boxborough.
Nathan of Concord and Lois Conant of A., int. Aug. 11, 1759.
Peggy and Cesar Thomson, both of A., Dec. 1, 1785. [Caesar, both of A., C.R.1.]
Sarah [int. Miss] of Brooklin [int. Brookline], N. H., and Abil [int. Abel] White of A., Aug. 22, 1819.
William of Stow and Doratha [int. Dorotha] Ramsdell of A., Sept. 9, 1802.
Zacheus of Carlisle and Elizabeth Warner of A., Oct. 21, 1795, in Carlisle.
Eliab and Miss Mary Harrington [int. Herrington], both of A., Oct. 29, 1833.
John, 30, farmer [int. of A.], s. Thomas and Margaret, and Lois Robbins, 25, of A., d. Abel and Mary of A., Nov. 22, 1846.
Nathaniel of A. and Miss Emma Keith of E. Cambridge, int. May 17, 1846.
Jerusha [int. Hagar] and Samuel Temple, both of A., Sept. 15, 1785. [Hager, both of A., C.R.1.]
Joseph and Agnis Wetherbee, both of A., Aug. 19, 1793.
Sally of Concord and John Hardy of Cavindish, Vt., Feb. 17, 1785.
Enoch of Roxbury and Miss Emeline [int. Emerline] Hosmer of A., Apr. 26, 1837, in A. [Miss Emeline, removed to Roxbury, C.R.2.]
Almira F., Miss, and Luther Wilkins, both of A., int. Dec. 6, 1845.
Hanibal [int. Hannibal] of Warterford, Me. [Me. written in pencil, int. Waterford, omits Me.], and Sukey Faulkner of A., Jan. 16, 18[torn, 1800 written in pencil, int. Dec. 16, 1799]. [Hanibal of Warterford, Jan. 16, 1800, C.R.1.]
Betsy and Edward Richards, Apr. 13, 1809, P.R.7.
David (Hammon[d written in pencil]) [int. Hammon] of Harvard and Miss Almira Hosmer of A., Apr. 10, 1825, in A.
Elizebeth and Jonathan Coolidge, Sept. 28, 1808, P.R.7.
Jonathan and Elizebeth Coolidge, May 3, 1785, P.R.7.
Jonathan and Mary Ann Clap, Oct. 11, 1830, P.R.7.
Lydia and Jonathan Fletcher, Apr. 2, 1823, P.R.7.
Sophia and Nathaniel Sternes, Aug. 10, 1817, P.R.7.
William and Rachel Howe, Sept. 10, 1828, P.R.7.
HANDLEY (see Handly, Hendley, Hendly, Henly)
Aaron C., butcher or marketman, of A., s. John of A., and Harriet Putman, d. Dennis of A., June 1, 1848.
Amos Jr. and Miss Mary Wright, both of A., Nov. 3, 1831[? in Concord].
Amos of A. and Miss Hannah Doughty of Westford, May 19, 1837, in A.
Charles Jr. and Hannah Chaffin, both of A., Jan. 28, 1808.
Charlotte, Miss, and Ebenezer Davis, both of A., June 9, 1839, in A. [May -------, C.R.2.]
Eliza, Miss, of A., and Charles W. Bemis of Weston, int. Mar. 12, 1835.
Emerson B. and Miss Catherine Sawyer, both of A., int. July 29, 1831.
Harriet P., Miss, and Edward Tuttle, int. Feb. 28, 1841.
Jonas of A. and Mrs. Lydia Burrill of Littleton, int. Apr. 12, 1849.
Lucy [int. Mrs.] and Samuel Whitney, both of A., Sept. 13, 1808. [Lucy, both of A., C.R.1.]
Lucy [int. adds E.], Miss, of A., and Oliver S. Tilden of Fitchburgh, Nov. 30, 1843, in A.
Marion W., b. A., d. Eleazer S., and John P. Rouillard, shoemaker, s. Lewis, all of A., Nov. 12, 1844.
Mary [int. Miss] and Barnard Reed, both of A., Apr. 18, 1819.
Mary Ann, Miss, and Nathaniel T. Law, Apr. 26, 1841, in A.
Rebecca, Miss, of A., and Erastus Canvass of Lyme, N. H., Jan. 27, 1842, in A.
Samuel and Rebecca Lamson, both of A., Sept. 5, 1804.
Sarah E., Miss, of A., and James I. [int. J.] Gibson of Groton, [int. June 25], 1842, in A.
Susan R., Miss, of A., and Oliver Merriam [int. Meriam] of Concord, Nov. 14, 1837, in A.
HANDLY (see Handley, Hendley, Hendly, Henly)
Eliza Ann [int. Handley], Miss, and Timothy [int. Timothy] Harris, both of A., Sept. 17, 1833.
Emerline E. [int. Emeline. E. Handley], Miss, and Daniel Tuttle, both of A., May 27, 1834.
Maria and Joel Glover, both of A., int. Mar. 10, 1832[3 written over 2].
Martha Ann [dup. and int. Handley], Miss, and Samuel Jones, both of A., Apr. 8, 1838, in A.
Daniel of Eliot, Me., and Miss Lucy F. Cole of A., int. Dec. 6, 1845.
Mary C. and Elisha Peckins, Dec. 27, 1849.
Abraham and Lucy Davies, both of A., int. Oct. 25, 1775.
Abraham of A. and Mary Wright of Concord, Mar. 13, 1783, in Concord.
Abraham, Lt., of A., and Mary Foster, wid., of Littleton, int, Oct. 19, 1815.
Abram and Roxana Wilson, July 26, 1846, P.R.4.
Benjamin F. of A. and Miss Perce V. Jay [sic, ? Joy] Brattleborough, Vt., int. Aug. 11, 1833.
Betsey of Stow and Joseph Maynard of A., Oct. 17, 1795, in Concord.
Betsey of Stow and Joseph Maynard, resident in A., int. Aug. 11, 1805.
Betsey and Simon Tuttle Jr., both of A., Feb. 17, 1814.
Charlotte and John White Jr., both of A., Oct. 17, 1811. [Charlotte, d. Abraham and Mary, and John White Jr., s. Daniel and Mary, P.R.8.]
Cyrus of Concord and Miss Ellenor [int. Elenor] Wheeler of A., Jan. 18, 1842, in A.
Ephraim and Molly [int. Molley] Tuttle, both of A., Apr. 13, 1780.
Ephraim and Polly [int. Polley] Hunt, both of A., Jan. 23, 1800. [Polly, both of A., C.R.1.]
Ephraim Jr. of A. and Hannah Ball of Bolton, int. Apr. 11, 1805.
Hannah [int. Miss] of A. and George Baldwin of Concord, May 12, 1829.
Harriet, Miss, and Joseph B. Barry, both of A., int. Aug. 29, 1830.
James of A. and Miss Mary Eastabrook of Lexington, int. July 15, 1819. [Estabrook, in. Sept. 1, P.R.4.]
John and Miss Mary Ann Hosmer, both of A., Apr. 20, 1826.
Joseph and Sarah Hunt, both of A., Feb. 11, 1798.
Lucy and Abel Jones, both of A., Jan. 3, 1805.
Maria [int. Miss] of A. and Ira Stockwell, Jan. 1, 1829.
Mary, wid., of A., and Dea. Andrew Fletcher of Westford, int. Nov. 26, 1819.
Mary Elizabeth and Elbridge Robbins, June 6, 1849, P.R.3.
Molly T. [int. Tuttle], Miss, and [int. Dea.] Silas Hosmer, both of A., Feb. 13, 1823. [Dea. Silas, both of A., C.R.1.]
Naby [int. and dup. int. Nabby] of A. and Daniel White Jr. of Rockingham, Vt. [int. and dup. int. formerly of A.], Sept. 27, 1815. [Nabby of A., Apr. 27, C.R.1.]
Nathaniel and Miss Rebecca Stow of Concord, int. Dec. 23, 1809.
Oliver of A. and Lucy Tuttle of Littleton, Feb. 10, 1785.
Polly of A. and Jonas Wright of Concord, Mar. 30, 1794, in Concord.
Rebecca and Jonathan Billings Jr., both of A., Apr. 24, -----—[torn, 1810 in later handwriting, int. Mar. 17, 1810]. [Apr. 24, 1810, C.R.1.]
Sarah of A. and Timothy Wood of Harvard, Aug. 24, 1797, in Harvard.
Simon [int. Ens.] and [int. Miss] Mary Frazier [int. Fraizeir], both of A., Feb. 26, 1817. [Simon and Mary Frazier, P.R.10.]
Sophia, Miss, and Silas Taylor [int. Taylour], both of A., Apr. 11, 1820 [? in Littleton]. [Taylor, P.R.6.]
Susanna and Edward Wetherbee Jr., both of A., Dec. 24, 1807.
William E. S. and Maria Haven, -----, P.R.4.
John of Cavindish, Vt., and Sally Hager of Concord, Feb. 17, 1785.
John M. and Miss Charlotte Davis, both of A., Jan. 5, 1843, in A. [Dr.[Dr. written after Mr. crossed out] John, ----, 1842, C.R.2.]
HARRINGTON (see Herrington)
Catharine [int. Herrington] and Ephraim Davis, both of A., May 4, 1794. [Catherine Harrington, both of A., C.R.1.]
Edward [int. Herrington] and Polley Wetherbee, both of A., May 2, 1811. [Harrington, both of A., C.R.1.]
Isaac of A. and Miss Releaf Watkins of Concord, int. Aug. 25, 1825.
Lucy [int. Herrington, "Miss."] of A. and Thomas Fiske Lawrence [int. Law(r)ance] of Concord, Nov. 29, 1[torn, 1810 in later hand writing, int. Sept. 1, 1810]. [Harrington of A. and Thomas Fiske Lawrance of Concord, Nov. 29, 1810, C.R.1.]
Mary [int. Herrington], Miss, and Eliab Grimes, both of A., Oct. 29, 1833.
Phinehas and Miss Sophia Conant, both of A., May 5, 1842, in A.
Susanna [int. Susana] of Watertown and John Edwards of A., May 26, 1793. in Watertown.
Abigail of A. and Benjamin Temple of Concord, int. Oct. 12, 1745.
Abigail [int. Abigal], Miss, of A., and Ebenezer Wood of Concord, May 31, 1820. [Miss Abigail of A. and Ebenezar Wood of Concord, C.R.1.]
Calvin of W. Cambridge and Miss Harriet Reed of A., Feb. 26, 1843, in A. [Miss Harriot, removed to W. Cambridge, Mar. ----, C.R.2.]
Calvin, farmer, b. A., s. Joseph, and [int. Mrs.] Harriet Pierce, all of A., Sept. 19, 1848.
Daniel of A. and Miss Harriet Dakin of Concord, int. May 6, 1837.
James of A. and Miss Mary Flint of Concord, int. June 20, 1829.
James of A. and Miss Lydia Dakin of Concord, int. Oct. 11, 1835.
John of A. and Ruth Parlin of Concord, int. Nov. 25, 1758.
John Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Nabby Dudley, both of A., Dec. 7, 1796. [John Jr., both of A., C.R.1.]
John Jr. [int. of A.] and [int. Miss] Mary White of A., Apr. 26, 1829. [both of A., C.R.1.]
Joseph and Sybil [int. Sibbel] Reed, both of A., Mar. 17, 1799. [Sybil, both of A., C.R.1.]
Mary, Miss, and Abel Farrer, both of A., Aug. 31, 1823.
Mary, Miss, and Samuel Temple, both of A., Mar. 25, 1827.
Mary B. of New York City and James Kimball, farmer, of Littleton, Nov. 25, 1847.
Sarah of Westford and John Hill of A., Jan. 7, 1770, in Concord.
Timothy [int. Timothy] and Miss Eliza Ann Handly [int. Handley], both of A., Sept. 17, 1833.
Ellen of A., d. Timothy of A., and Joseph B. Hildreth, cordwainer, of A., s. Joseph of Westford, Mar. 22, 1849.
Joseph 2d of Bedford and Miss Hannah Hodgman of A., May 5, 1833.
Sarah of Westford and Daniel Fletcher of A., Nov. 12, 1741.
Timothy [int. of A.] and Lucinda [int. Miss Lucindia] Elenor Jones of A., June 19, 1828. [Timothy and Lucinda Elenor Jones, both of A., C.R.1,]
---------, of Groton and Miss Emma Whitman, --------, C.R.2.
Martha of Harvard and Moses Houghton of A., int. Jan. 16, 1803.
Submit and John Sanders, both of A., int. Oct. 13, 1753.
Edwin of A. and Mrs. Margaret J. W. Fuller of Roxbury, int. Apr. 14, 1845.
Maria and William E. S. Hapgood, -------, P.R.4.
Joshua N. and Miss Abigal Fuller, both of A., int. Apr. 1, 1820.
HAYES (see Hays)
Hannah [int. Hays] of A. and Isaac Aplleton [int. Applin] of Swanzey, Feb. 14, 1765.
Albert of Milford and Mrs. Mary E. Cummings of A., int. Aug. 26, 1849.
Charles B. of A. and Miss Jemmima A. Clemens of Nashua, N. H., int. Nov. 13, 1846.
Harriet [int. Harriot], Miss, and Benjamin Robbins, both of A., Apr. 10, 1830.
John [int. Hayns] of Sudbury and Sally [int. Sarah] Forbush of A., Nov. 26, 1785. [Haynes of Sudbury and Sally Furbush of A., C.R.1.]
Lucy, Miss, of A., and Israel H. Giles of Concord, int. Sept. 4, 1839.
Mary D., Miss, and Eli Willis Jr., both of Sudbury, Apr. 30, 1837, in Sudbury.
Rebecca, Miss, of Bolton, and Nathan Hosmer of A., int. Mar. 29, 1825.
Samuel B. of Bolton and Rebecka [int. Miss Rebecca] Hosmer of A., Apr. 23, 1835, in A. [Miss Rebecca, removed to Bolton, C.R.2.]
William of Concord and Miss Eliza Olover of A., Feb. 6, 1834.
HAYS (see Hayes)
Catharine and Simon Davis, both of A., int. May 28, 1748.
Hananh and Jonathan Cleaveland, both of A., int. Apr. 16, 1748.
Rachel of A. and Moses Belden of Swansey, int. Oct. 10, 1761.
HAYWARD (see Haywood, Heyward, Heywood, Howard)
Aaron, Capt., and Rebecca [int. Rebecah] Hosmer, both of A., Jan. 1, 181[cut off, 1818, int. Dec. 1, 1817].
Abigail [int. Miss Abigal] of A. and W[illia]m Livingston of Chelmsford, Apr. 22, 18[torn, 1810 in later handwriting, int. Dec. 16, 1809]. [Abigail of A., Apr. 22, 1810, C.R.1.]
Benj[ami]n and Lucy Hunt, both of A., Apr. 6, 1780.
Benjamin of A. and Tabatha Houghton of Luningbourgh, int. Nov. 18, 1784.
Benjamin, Dea., of A., and Mrs. Rachal Hayward of Worcester, int. Dec. 9, 1821.
Betsey (see Elisabeth).
Betsey [int. wid.] of A. and Alpheus [int. Alpheus] Gale of Waltham, May 7, 1812. [Betsy Haywood of A. and Alpheus Gale of Waltham, C.R.1.]
Betsey, Miss, of A., and Samuel T. Adams of Boston, Apr. 8, 1835, in A.
Catharine of A. and John Knight of Harvard, Dec. 15 [Oct. 10 written in pencil above Dec. 15], 1791. [Catherine of A., Oct. 10, C.R.1.]
Elisabeth [int. Betsey] and Elijah Davies [int. Davis], both of A., Sept 10,, 1793. [Betsey and Elijah Davies, both of A., C.R.1.]
John [int. Capt.] and Molly Forbush, both of A., July 5, 1792. [Furbush, both of A., C.R.1.]
Josiah and Lucy Conant, both of A., int. Nov. 27, 1761.
Josiah and Susannah Lenfield, both of A., int. Aug. 31, 1814.
Lucy and Nehemiah Batchelor, both of A., July 31, 1766.
Lucy of A. and Oliver Stevens of Binge, N. H. [int. omits N, H.], Nov. 26, 1789.
Lucy and [torn]ther [Luther written in pencil, int, Lutherj Gilbert, both of A., Jan. 9, 1806. [Luther, both of A., C.R.1.]
Lucy and [torn]asa, [Amasa in later handwriting, int. Amasa] Davies, both of A., Oct. 20, 1807. [Amasa, both of A., C.R.1.]
Lucy [int. Mrs.] and Dea. Phineas Wheeler, both of A., Apr. 14, 1836, in A. [Lucy, wid., C.R.2.]
Lucy R., Miss, and Jonathan Hosmer 2d, both of A., July 7, 1833.
Luke of A. and Nancy Sargent [int. Serjant] of Princeton, Dec. 12, 1811. [Sargent of Princeton, C.R.1.]
Lydia and Joseph Piper, both of A., int. Dec. 3, 1768.
Lydia and John Adams, both of A., Feb. 23, 1770.
Mary, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], and Francis Wheeler [int. of Concord crossed out], both of A., June 5, 1755, in Lexington.
Mary and Ebenezer White, both of A., int. Sept. 27, 1774.
Mary and James Colman [int. Coleman], both of A., Jan. 16, 1803. [Colman, both of A., C.R.1.]
Mary [int. Mrs.] of A. and [torn]y [Cheny in later handwriting] Tenney [int. Cheny Jenny] of Littleton, Dec. 2, 1806. [Mary of A. and Cheny Tenney of Littleton, C.R.1.]
Mary of Concord and Silas Conant of A., int. Apr. 4, 1807.
Mary, Miss, of A., and Henry Skinner of Andover, June 29, 1824. [both of A., C.R.1.]
Miriam and Stephen [int. Stephan] Chaffin, both of A., June 2, 1786. [Stephen, both of A., C.R.1.]
Moses and Dolly Robbins, both of A., Jan. 14, 1808.
Nancy of A. and David Whitcomb of Stow, Nov. 20, 1803.
Paul and Anna White, both of A., July 14, 1768.
Rachal, Mrs., of Worcester, and Dea. Benjamin Hayward of A., int. Dec. 9, 1821.
Rebekah of A. and Samuel Dudley of Littleton, int. Sept. 20, 1755. [Haywood of A., m. Jan. 15, 1756, C.R.1.]
Rebekah [int. Rebecca] and James Davies, both of A., Sept. 2, 1779. [Rebecca, both of A., C.R.1.]
Ruth of A. and Elias Sawyer of Bolten, Jan. 16, 1772.
Sally of A. and Alden Wood of Boxborough, Oct. 16, 1817.
Samuel of A. and Mary Stevens of Mar[l]borough, June 3, 1739. [Haywood of A., C.R.1.]
Samuel and Mary Brown, both of A., Dec. 20, 1764.
Samuel and Judith [int. Judeth] Wheeler, both of A., Oct. 20, 1799. [Judith, both of A., C.R.1.]
Samuel of A. and [int. Mrs.] Mary Blanchard, resident in A., Sept. 18, 1817.
Sarah and David Forbush [int. both of A.], "first Thursday of Nov," 1762. [Forbesh, C.R.1.]
Sibbel of A. and Abel Wright of Ashby, June 21. 1792.
Simeon of Concord and Mary Billing of A., July 7, 1763.
Simeon of A. and Lucy Marble of Stowe, Dec. 12, 1786, in Stowe.
Simeon of A. and Betsey Randall [int. Elisebeth Randal] of Stowe, Oct. 30, 1792, in Stowe.
Stevens and Hannah Hunt, both of A., May 23, 1782.
Stevens [int. Stevins], Capt., and [int. Miss] Rebecca Hunt, both of A., Mar. 3, 1811. [Capt. Stevens and Rebecca Hunt, both of A., C.R.1.]
Stevens, Capt., and [int. Mrs.] Lucy Durant, both of A., Nov. 14, 1816.
Stevens 2d and Miss Jerusha P. Dale, -----, 1846, C.R.2.
Sukey [int. Miss] of A. and Ephraim Fuller of Lancaster, June 11, 1818.
Sylvester and Miss Lucy A. Conant, both of Concord, Nov. 30, 1837, in Concord.
Tabethy, Miss, and Loel Wood, both of A., int. Mar. 25, 1820.
HAYWOOD (see Hayward, Heyward, Heywood, Howard)
Ephraim and Miss Betsy [int. Betsey] Davis, both of A., Dec. 30, 1798.
--------, of Concord and Miss Mary Lawrence, -------, 1838, C.R.2.
Dorathy of A. and Nehemiah Davis of Concord, int. Apr. 28, 1753.
Ebenezer and Marah [int. Mara] White, both of A., Sept. 2, 1779. [Marah, both of A., C.R.1.]
Elisabeth and Zekariah Emery, both of A., int. June 1, 1737.
Elizabeth (int. adds L.], Mrs., of A., and Elijah Newhall of Newipswich, N. H. Mar. 9, 1831. [Elizebeth of A. and Elijah Newhawl of Newipswich, N. H., C.R.1.]
Fidelia, Miss, of Carlisle, and Cyrus Wheeler of A., int. Jan. 12, 1828.
Israel of A. and Susannah Robbins [int. of Chelmsford], Dec. 30, 1760, in Chelmsford.
John of A. and Elisabeth Barrat [int. Barrit of Chelmsford], July 18, 1745, in Chelmsford.
John, Dea., of A., and Elisebeth Wright of Concord, int. Nor. 10, 1759.
John and Mary White, both of A., Dec. 19, 1771.
Jonas of A. and Anne Wilkins [int. Wilkens] of Carlisle, Jan. 6, 1785, in Carlisle.
Lois C., Miss, of Carlisle, and Abner Hosmer of A., int. Mar. 22, 1840.
Lydia of A. and Jacob Robbins of Wesford, int. Nov. 25, 1749.
Lydia of A. and Nathneil [int. Nathaniel] Thatcher of Dunstable, Nov. 22, 1785. [Nath[anie]l of Dunstable, C.R.1.]
Maria Adeline, Miss, of Westford, and John Edwards of A., int. Oct. 1, 1826.
Martha of A. and John Barrett [int. Barrit] of Chelmsford, May 24, 1738, in Concord.
Mary of A. and Jonas Robbins of Chelmsford, May 24, 1738, in Concord.
Nabby of Ringe and Nathan Hunt of A., int. May 4, 1786.
Ruth and James Faulkner, both of A., int. Sept. 1, 1759.
Sarah [int. of A.] and Jonas Hildreth. [int. of Chelmsford], Jan. 1, 1744-5. [Hildrech, C.R.1.]
Sarah Ann, Miss, of Canor [sic, Canaan], N. H., and John A. Tilton of A., int. Dec. 14, 1841.
HENDLEY (see Handley, Handly, Hendly, Henly)
Eliezer S. [int. Eleazer S. Handley] and Miss Eliza Wellington of A., Apr. 22, 1824. [Elezar S. Hendley and Eliza Willington of A., C.R.1.]
Olive [int. Handly, Miss] and Isaac Barker, both of A., Oct. 22[2 written over 0], 1829. [Handley, both of A., Oct. 22, C.R.1.]
HENDLY (see Handley, Handly, Hendley, Henly)
Abraham B. [int. Hendley] and Miss Susan E. Winn, both of A., Jan. 15, 1828 [ ? in Littleton].
Auzubah [Azubah written above Auzubah] and Cesar Thomson, both of A., Jan. 27, 1785. [Azubab and Caesar Thompson, both of A., C.R.1.]
HENLY (see Handley, Handly, Hendley, Hendly)
Charles of Concord and Allis Sartwell of A., Nov. 3, 1782. [Handly of Concord and Allice Sartell of A., C.R.1.]
Sarah B. [int. Miss] of Stow and Isaac B. Jewell, mechanic, of A., Nov. 18, 1847.
HERRINGTON (see Harrington)
Hannah and Jesse Pierce [int. Peirce], both of A., Dec. 27, 1814. [Harrington and Jesse Pierce, both of A., C.R.1.]
HEYWARD (see Hayward, Haywood, Heywood, Howard)
Cyrus of A. and Miss Mary P. Edwards of Enfield, N.H., int. Aug. 30, 1846.
Hepzibah [int. Hapsebah Heywood] of A. and Reuben [int. Ruben] Wheeler of Carlisle, Oct. 20, 1789, in Carlisle.
James W. and Miss Hannah E. Conant, both of A., June 18, 1840, in A. [Hayward, C.R.2.]
Lucy Anna, Miss, of Roxboro, and Thomas Burbeck Of A., int. Oct. 9, 1842.
Mary of A., b. A., d. Aaron, and Charles R. Bowers, shoemaker, of A., Apr. 3, 1845.
Mary [int. Miss] of Boxboro and Levi W. Stevens of A., Sept. 2, 1846.
Nancy, Mrs., of Lancester, and Silas Sweatt of A., int. Sept. 10, 1848.
Stevens of Boxboro and Miss Charlotte Conant of A., June 13, 1843, in A.
Susan P. [int. B.], Miss [int. of A.], and William C. Allen of New York City, Nov. 7, 1843, in A. [Susan Blood Hayward, C.R.2.]
HEYWOOD (see Hayward, Haywood, Heyward, Howard)
Abigail [Elizabeth written in pencil above Abigail, int. Elisabeth] of A. and Nathan Warner [int. Worner] of Harvard, June 28, 1784. [Elisabeth Haywood of A. and Nathan Warner of Harvard, C.R.1.]
Calvin [int. Hayward] of A. and Rebecca Taylor of Stow, Jan. 26, 1791[1 written over 2, 1791 written in pencil, int. Nov. 17, 1790]. [Calven Heywood of A., Jan. 26, 1791, C.R.1.]
Elizabeth of A. and Jacob Powar of Concord, Aug. 26, 1781, in Concord.
Elizabeth (see Abigail).
James of A. and Miss Poly Lawrence of Bedford, int. June 14, 1818.
John and Miriam Forbush, both of A., int. Sept. 26, 1761.
