Vital Records Of Abington, Massachusetts
To The Year 1850
Published By The
New England Historic Genealogical Society,
Boston, Mass. 1912
Deaths - TEAGUE to YOUNG, Unidentified & Negroes
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Mary F., d. Lysander, Oct. 15, 1843, a. 3 m. 24 d. [Mary Frances, d. Lysander and Olive, G.R.10.] [Oct. 5, a. 4 m., P.R.47.]
Abagail, old age, Nov. 27 [1845], a. 82.
Bela, Dec. 11, 1810, a. 25. [s. Dr. Gridley, P.R.48.]
Benj[ami]n Lincoln, s. Dr. Gridley, suicide by hanging, insane, Mar. 8, 1831, a. 34, in Nashville, Tenn. P.R.48.
Deborah, d. Dr. Gridley, Feb. 28, 1842, a. 47. [hung herself, P.R.47.]
Dianthe B., d. Gridley Jr., June 5, 1840, a. 21. [Dianthia, June 6, P.R.47.]
Gridley, Dr., widr., b. Hingham, s. Samuel and Abigail, old age and a fall, Feb. 13 [1845], a. 89 y. 10 m. 4 d. [Feb. 12, P.R.47.]
Mary, Feb. 11, 1825, a. 62. [w. Dr. Gridley, P.R.48.]
Sarah (see ---- Thaxter).
Sarah, w. Gridley, Jan. 27, 1829, a. 35. [Sarah Ames Thaxter, w. Dr. Gridley, Jan. 26, P.R.47.] [Sarah, third w. Dr. Gridley, child bed fever, Jan. 27, P.R.48.]
Susanna, w. Gridley Jr., Feb. 22, 1826, a. 31. [Susannah, childbed, P.R.48.]
----, w. Dr. Thaxter, Nov. 24, 1810, a. 49. [w. Dr. Gridley, P.R.47.] [Sarah, w. Dr. G., d. Gen. Benjamin] Lincoln of Hingham, P.R.48.]
----, ch. Dr. Ezekiel, June 17, 1818. [inf. s. Ezekiel and Dianthe, P.R.39.] [ch. Dr. Ezekiel, June 18, P.R.47.] [ch. Dr. Ezekiel, June 17, P.R.48.]
----, inf. s. Ezek, Feb. 23, 1825. [inf. s. Ezekiel and Dianthe, P.R.39.] [s. Dr. Ezekiel, a. abt. 2 hrs., P.R.48.]
----, d. Dianthe B., Aug. 9, 1840, a. 6 m.
Abigail W. (see Nabby W.).
Else Jane, d. Cyrus, Dec. 1, 1834, a. 2 m. 29 d. [2 m. 29 d. written in pencil]. [Alcy Jane, d. Cyrus and Esther, a. 3 m. 5 d., G.R.17.] [Else Jane, d. Cyrus and Esther, bowel complaint, a. 3 m., P.R.48.]
Jacob, s. Timothy and Experience, [b. or d.] May ----.
Lucy P., d. Cyrus and Esther, Oct. 2, 1840, a. 6 m. [Lucy Pierce Thayer, Oct. 2, 1841, G.R.17.]
Nabby W., May 29, 1835. C.R.2. [Abigail W., consumption, a. 35, P.R.46.] [Nabby, d. ---- dec'd of E. Bridgewater, May 30, P.R.48.]
Priscilla, Feb. 17, 1803, a. 16. [Feb. 16, P.R.47.] [formerly of Randolph, meazles?, Feb. 16, a. 16, P.R.48.]
Sarah, w. Timothy Jr., Nov. 18, 1751.
Sarah Elisabeth, d. Stephen and ----, fever combined with chronic, Oct. 8 [1846], a. 19. [Oct. 9, a. 19 y. 1 m., G.R.1.]
Thankful, canser (scattered), Apr. 24, 1813, a. 67. P.R.46. [Thankfull, Apr. 25, P.R.47.]
Timothy, Mr., Apr. 10, 1752.
Timothy, Aug. 26, 1761.
Amanda Howe, w. George, Apr. 15, 1847, a. 22. P.R.47.
Daniel, Rev., Jan. 5 [1847], a. 68.
George A., s. George, Nov. 24, 1843, a. 1 y. 3 m. [s. Geo[rge] D., dropsy, Nov. 23, P.R.46.]
Nathaniel of Hanson, killed, Sept. 4, 1848, a. 29. P.R.47.
----, ch. Alonzo, Sept. 12 [1848], a. 2.
THOMPSON (see Thomson, Tomson)
Betsey, Apr. 1, 1844, a. 26.
Hannah, Mrs., Mar. 21, 1842, a. 59.
Henry, Sept. 13, 1809. P.R.12.
Ira, mulatto, consumption, Oct. 9, 1830, a. 39, in Boston. P.R.48.
Josephine Augusta, d. Lucius, July 21, 1843, a. 2.
Josiah, May 21, 1804, a. 51. [Thomson, P.R.47.] [Thompson, a. 52, P.R.48.]
Maria Elisabeth, d. Sam[ue]l W., Feb. 24, 1842, a. 2. [d. Samuel and Betsey, Feb. 22, a. 1 y. 10 m. 8 d., G.R.1.]
Mary, wid., Dec. 13, 1799, a. 82.
Mary, Dec. 6, 1820. P.R.12.
Mary (see Molly).
Mary H., Feb. 13, 1833, a. 1 y. 6 m. 7 d. G.R.1.
Mercy, mulatto, July ----, 1836, in Boston. P.R.48.
Molly, Apr. 29, 1827, 69. [Mary, "coloured person," P.R.46.] [Mary, wid., coloured, a. 65, P.R.47.] [Molly, Indian, wid. Josiah 2d, a. 69, P.R.48.]
Nancy H., d. Stephen and Nancy, Mar. 31, 1841, a. 29 y. 2 m. G.R.3. [Mar. 31, 1844, P.R.12.]
Nancy (Hastings) [w. Stephen], Aug. 20, 1842, in Thomastown, Me. P.R.12.
Stephen [h. Nancy (Hastings)], ----, 1834, in Thomastown, Me. P.R.12.
William, Sept. 30, 1847, a. 42. [William H., s. Stephen and Nancy, Sept. 20, 1817 sic, a. 41 y. 9 m., G.R.3.] [William H.,] Sept. 29, 1847, P.R.12.]
THOMSON (see Thompson, Tomson)
Cornallas, June 26, 1719.
Joseph, July 5, 1802, a. 54. [July 6, P.R.47.] [Thompson, tailor, formerly of Philadelphia, h. ----, con[sumption], July 6, P.R.48.]
Christopher, Mr., of Hanson, Oct. 1, 1849. P.R.47.
TIRREL (see Tirrell, Tirril, Tirrill)
Arter, s. Samuel and Sarah, Mar. 27, 1743.
William, Mr., Oct. 27, 1727.
TERRELL (see Tirrel, Tirril, Tirrill)
Abijah, Oct. 28, 1774, a. 27. G.R.12.
Hannah, wid., Feb. ----, 1826, in Shelburne. P.R.47. [wid. Dea. Isaac, Feb. 26, a. 77, in Shilbourn, P.R.48.]
Isaac, Dea. Dec. 2, 1823, in Shelburne. P.R.47. [lung fever, Sept. 18, in Shelbourn, P.R.48.]
John, s. Gideon and Edeth, Aug. 19, 1722. [This entry crossed out.]
John of Bridgewater, Nov. 29, 1809. P.R.47.
Rebacko, d. William and Daborah, Mar. 26, 1721.
Susannah, wid. Thomas, Apr. 19, 1848, a. 93.
William Jr., June 18, 1764, in 25th y. G.R.12.
----, ch. Nathaniel of Boston, Sept. 29, 1801. P.R.47. P.R.48.
TIRRIL (see Tirrel, Tirrell, Tirrill)
Elexander, Dec. 15, 1801, a. 19. [Alexander Tirrell, P.R.47.] [Alexander Tirrell, s. Thomas, P.R.48.]
Jacob, s. Jacob and Susanna, Sept. 6, 1753.
Lemuel, July 28, 1802, a. 73. [Tirrill, P.R.47.] [Tirrell, s. Thomas, P.R.48.]
Nathaniell, Apr. 1, 1811, a. 43. [Nathaniel Tirrell [h. Sarah], G.R.5.] [Nathaniel Tirrell, P.R.47. P.R.48.]
Polly, Oct. 27, 1801, a. 17. [Tirrell, d. Thomas, Oct. 28, P.R.47. P.R.48.]
Sarah, Feb. 3, 1807, a. 81. [Tirrell, Feb. 2, a. 82, P.R.47.] [Tirrell, d. Capt. Tirrell Sr., Feb. 2, a. 82, P.R.48.]
TERRILL (see Tirrel, Tirrell, Tirril)
Abigail, d. Samuel and Mary, Jan. 30, 1743.
Deborah, Jan. 1, 1820 [dup. 1821], a. 61. [Tirrell, Jan. 1, 1821, a. 62, P.R.48.]
Elihu, Apr. 5, 1829, a. 55. [Tirrell formerly of Weymouth, lung fever and quick consumption, P.R.48.]
Elizabeth, wid. Thomas, June 17, 1756.
Hannah, w. Capt. William, Sept. 26, 1775, in 54th y. G.R.12.
Hannah, d. Thomas and Hannah, illetis, Aug. 29 [1848], a. 50. [Tirrell, C.R.4.] [Tirrell, Aug. 3, G.R.1.]
Isaac, Feb. 22, 1791, a. 73. P.R.47.
Isaac, Aug. 17, 1849, a. 67 y. 2 m. 26 d. G.r.12. [Tirrell of Boston, Aug. 13, a. 66, P.R.47.]
Jacob, s. Jacob and Susannah, Sept. 11, 1758.
John, July 21, 1816, a. 73. [Tirrell, h. Sarah, P.R.48.]
Joseph, s. Isaac Jr. and Alice, Apr. ----, 1758.
Margaret Ann (see ---- Tirrill).
Margaret Ann, d. Edwin S., Jan. 4, 1842, a. 1.
Mary, w. Americus V., June 21, 1832, a. 20. [Mary Ann Tirrell, w. Americus Vesprasius, d. Maj. Humble, P.R.48.]
Quincy, s. Cornelius, Jan. 23, 1829, a. 1. [Tirrell, s. Capt. Cornelius, throatale, Jan. 25, P.R.48.]
Reuben, s. Cornelius, Jan. 4, 1829, a. 2. [Tirrell, s. Capt. Cornelius, throatale, Jan. 6, P.R.48.]
Sarah (see ---- Tirrill).
Sarah, wid. Nath[anie]l, Jan. 19, 1842, a. 69. [Tirrel, C.R.3.] [Tirrell, a. 60, G.R.5.]
Sibyl, Nov. 6, 1815, a. 27. [Sybyl, a. 28, P.R.47.] [Sybel Tirrell, d. Dea. Isaac, Nov. 5, a. 28, P.R.48.]
Sybil, Nov. 30, 1844, a. 20 y. 2 m. 24 d. G.R.12. [Tirrell, d. Isaac of Boston, P.R.47.]
Thomas [dup. Terrill], s. Thomas and Elizebeth [dup. Elizebath], Mar. 17, 1722.
Thomas, Jan. 31, 1832, a. 86. [Tirrel, Feb. 1, C.R.1.] [Tirrell, Jan. 13, a. 85, G.R.1.] [Tirrill, Apr. ----, a. 86, P.R.47.] [Tirrell, "Revolutionary Pensioner," s. Sam[ue]l dec'd, Jan. 30, a. 84, P.R.48.]
William, Capt. [h. Hannah], Feb. 20, 1777, in 63d y. G.R.12.
William, Dec. 24, 1845, a. 18 y. 3 m. 9 d. G.R.12. [Tirrell of Boston, s. Isaac, P.R.47.]
----, ch. Lemuel Jr., Sept. 29, 1788. P.R.47.
----, w. John, July 16, 1816, a. 69. [Sarah Tirrell, P.R.48.]
----, ch. Edwin S., Aug. 13, 1834, a. 2. [Margaret Ann Tirrell, P.R.48.]
TOLMAN (see Totman)
----, ch. Stephen, July 7, 1802, a. 2. [Totman, July 6, P.R.47. P.R.48.]
TOMSON (see Thompson, Thomson)
John, s. Joseph and Abigal, Dec. ---, 1784.
TORE (see Torrey)
----, Mar. 11, 1792, a. 84.
TORREY (see Tore)
David, Dea., Oct. 28, 1830, a. 85. [Oct. 31, P.R.47.] [Oct. 28, P.R.48.]
Deborah Fitch, wid. Dr. James of Weymouth, Oct. 23, 1844, a. 89. P.R.47.
Elisabeth, w. William, Aug. 24, 1841, a. 74. [Elizabeth, C.R.3] [Elizabeth (Hersey), G.R.9.]
Hannah Gilmore, w. Col. John of Easton, Dec. 18, 1848, a. 47. P.R.47.
James, Dr., of Weymouth, Dec. 16, 1817, a. 64. P.R.47.
John E., s. Harvey and Lydia, Dec. 8, 1844 [dup. Dec. 7 [1845]], a. 5 y. 2 m. [John Elliot Torrey, Dec. 8, 1844, a. 5, G.R.1.]
Josiah, May 14, 1822, a. 67. [Dea., lung complaint, P.R.46. P.R.47.] [Dea., a. 69, P.R.48.]
Lucius A., s. Josiah and Elisabeth, Dec. 26, 1837, a. 4. [s. Josiah and Elizabeth, Nov. 23, a. 4 y. 26 d., G.R.9.]
Lucius A., s. Josiah, Aug. 31, 1843, a. 2 y. 4 m. [ch. Josiah and Elizabeth, a. 2 y. 4 m. 24 d., G.R.9.]
Lydia (see ----Torrey).
Mary, w. Josiah Esq., formerly w. Rev. Ezekiel Dodge, d. Robert Goddard Esq. of Sutton, Sept. 29, 1777, in 53d y. G.R.1.
Mary, w. Philip, Mar. 26, 1816, in 47th y. G.R.12. [Molly, consumption, a. 47, P.R.46.] [Molly Dyer Torrey, w. Phillip, a. 47, P.R.47.] [Molly, w. Philip, a. 47, P.R.48.]
Mary, w. David, d. David Noyes, Dec. 26, 1838, a. 37.
Mehitable, d. Josiah, consu[m]ption, Apr. 10 [1847], a. 61. [Mehetabel, Apr. 9, P.R.47.]
Nabby Williams, w. John, Sept. 11, 1826. P.R.47.
Nathaniel Cushing (see ---- Torrey).
Philip [h. Mary, h. Rosanda], Feb. 26, 1841, in 81st y. G.R.12. [Phillip, a. 81, P.R.47.]
Robert A., s. Josiah, scarlatiana, May 31, 1848, a. 3. [ch. Josiah and Elizabeth, a. 3 y. 4 m. 17 d., G.R.9.]
Ruth (see ---- Torrey).
Ruth, wid., Mar. 23, 1827, a. 70. [Ruth 1st, P.R.46.] [Ruth Reed Torrey, wid., P.R.47.] [Ruth, wid. Dea. Josiah, d. Lt. Daniel Reed, dropsy at heart, a. 70 y. 5 m. 15 d., P.R.48.]
Ruth, July 12, 1829, in 79th y. G.R.12. [d. Thomas dec'd, consumption, July 11, P.R.48.]
Ruth F. (see ---- Torrey).
Tho[ma]s, June 28, 1806, a. 90. [[h. Ruth] in 90th y., G.R.12.] [a. 90, P.R.47. P.R.48.]
William, widr., farmer and butcher, inflamation of bladder, July 22 [1846], a. 78. [[h. Elizabeth (Hersey)] G.R.9.]
----, Apr. 13, 1774, in 75th y. "of her age." G.R.1.
----, "relicks of Josiah Esq.," Sept. 24, 1783, a. 63. G.R.1.
----, ch. W[illia]m, Oct. 4, 1797, a. 3. [scald, P.R.48.]
----, w. [ch., P.R.48.] Philip, May 11, 1799. P.R.47.
----, ch. Capt. Joseph of Pembroke, Sept. 27, 1802. P.R.47. [Nath[anie]l Cushing Torrey, s. Capt. Joseph and Polly Dodge (Niles), a. 6 w., P.R.48.]
----, w. Tho[ma]s, May 9, 1805. [Ruth, May 7, in 79th y., G.R.12.] [May 7, a. 79, P.R.47.] [May 8, a. 72, P.R.48.]
----, d. Jesse and w., May 22, 1828, a. 3 y. 6 m. [Ruth F., d. Jesse and Anna M., G.R.17.] [Ruth, d. Jesse, P.R.48.]
----, w. Dea. David, Jan. 12, 1830, a. 83. [Lydia, G.R.17.] [old age, P.R.48.]
----, ch. Col. John, Aug. 10, 1839, a. 1 y. 6 m. P.R.47.
----, ch. Col. John, Aug. 13, 1839, a. 8. P.R.47.
TOTMAN (see Tolman)
George Sidney, s. George, Mar. 20, 1842, a. 2 y. 6 m. [s. George and Roxanna R., Mar. 19, G.R.3.]
John, Aug. 2, 1815, a. 83. [a. 82, P.R.47. P.R.48.]
Mary, w. John, June 2, 1780, a. 48. G.R.16.
Sarah, Mar. 19 [dup. crossed out, Mar. 20], 1813, a. 71. [w. John, Mar. 20, P.R.47. P.R.48.]
Sophia Jane, d. George and Roxana, Sept. 19, 1844, a. 1 y. 8 m. [ch. George and Roxanna R., Sept. 18, G.R.3.]
Benjamin, May 11, 1792, a. 84. P.R.47. [cancer, P.R.48.]
Lydia, d. Mathew, Apr. 23, 1753.
Matthew, Jan. 28, 1749-50.
Susannah [Susannah written in pencil], wid., Apr. 26, 1830, a. 79 [79 written in pencil].
Alvin, s. Jeremiah and Shophia W., Oct. 21, 1837, a. 1.
Mary, d. Jeremiah, Aug. 6, 1844, a. 1 y. 2 m. 4 d.
Abner, Jan. 29, 1809, a. 71. [old age, debility, a. 70, P.R.46.] [Jan. 30, P.R.47.] [Jan. 27, a. 71, P.R.48.]
Anna, Jan. 30, 1825, a. 43. [w. Ezekiel, d. Ezra Shaw dec'd, P.R.48.]
Benj[ami]n, kill[e]d by a fall from a tree, Jan. 11, 1798, a. 46. [s. Benj[amin], P.R.48.]
Charlotte, w. Ezek[ie]l Jr., July 25, 1831, a. 19. [d. Jonathan Eager [of] Weymouth, typhus fever, P.R.48.]
Daniel Cushman, s. Daniel and Hannah, Dec. 2, 1847, a. 2 y. 8 m. 20 d. G.R.12.
Ezekiel, s. Ezekiel and Mary, Feb. 19, 1771, a. 3 y. 5 m. G.R.1.
Ezekiel, July 30, 1818, a. 82. [July 3, P.R.47.] [July 29, P.R.48.]
Ezekiel, Oct. 20, 1833, a. 61. [h. Rachel] a. 64, G.R.1.] [s. Ezekiel Sr., Oct. 21, a. 62, P.R.48.]
Louisa, d. Daniel, Jan. 29, 1822, a. 1. [July 28, a. 2, P.R.46.] [July 29, a. 1, P.R.47.] [July 28, a. 1 y. 3 m., P.R.48.]
Mary, wid., July 5, 1822, a. 84. [Molly, wid. Ezekiel, P.R.48.]
Rachel (see ---- Townsend).
Sarah (see ---- Townsend).
W[illia]m Francis (Towsnd), s. William and Margaret, Sept. 10 [1848], a. 2 y. 6 m. [a. 2 y. 7 m. 27 d., G.R.1.]
----, w. Ezekiel Jr. Aug. 16, 1807, a. 37. [Rachel, G.R.1.] [Aug. 17, P.R.47.] [Rachel con[sumption], Aug. 16, a. 34, P.R.48.]
----, twin [ch.] Daniel, July 18, 1813. [fits, a. 7 d., P.R.46.] [July 17, P.R.47.] [twin d. Daniel, July 17, a. 1. w., P.R.48.]
----, twin [ch.] Daniel, July 18, 1813. [fits, July 21, a. 10 d., P.R.46.] [July 21, P.R.47.] [twin d. Daniel, July 21, a. 10 d., P.R.48.]
----, ch. Ezekiel, Sept. 16, 1813, a. 1. [ch. Ezekiel Jr., P.R.48.]
----, inf. William and Margaret, Aug. 28, 1841. [Sarah, a. 2 m. 1 d., G.R.1.]
James, s. ---- of Roxbury, Sept. 17, 1835, a. 8 m. P.R.48.
Charles G., Sept. 6, 1849, a. 3 y. 7 m. 6 d. G.R.9.
Clarissa, d. Amos, consumption, Apr. 16, 1833. P.R.48.
Granville W., June 30, 1840, a. 1 y. 3 m. G.R.9.
John, shoemaker, bilious cholic, Apr. 24 [1849], a. 42. [Apr. 22, a. 42 y. 6 m. 5 d., G.R.9.]
Nathan, s. Widow Turner, Dec. 27, 1829, a. 15. [s. Seth and Priscilla, scorpholus tumour in his throat, P.R.48.]
-----, ch. Joseph, Dec. 24, 1798, a. 2. [Polly, a. 1 y. 6 m. P.R.48.]
----, w. Joseph, Jan. 6, 1800, a. 24. [Polly, d. Jotham Whiting, con[sumption], P.R.48.]
Thomas, s. ---- of Dorchester?, Dec. 9, 1813, a. 20. P.R.48.
Ellen, d. John and Harriet N., May 17, 1842, a. 9 m.
George, Aug. 23, 1833, a. 22. [George D., G.R.1.] [George, typhus fever, P.R.48.]
Mary A., d. W[illia]m E., Sept. 23, 1843, a. 1 y. 5 m. 5 d.
Sarah C. d. William E. and Mary A., Dec. 17, 1839, a. 2.
----, Ch. William E., Jan. 29, 1848, a. 3.
----, ch. William E., Feb. 10, 1848, a. 10 d.
Abagail S. w. Josiah, disease of the heart, Jan. 31 [1847], a. 46 y. 8 m. 20 d. [Abigail Smith Vining, G.R.1.] [Nabby Thaxter Vining, P.R.47.]
Abigail, w. Alexander, Dec. 9, 1812 in 30th y. G.R.5. P.R.47. [Abigail Whiting Vining of Hingham, P.R.48.]
Abigail, w. Ebed, Jan. 26, 1831, a. 65. Nabby, P.R.48.]
Alexander, Oct. 27, 1818, a. 33. [[h. Abigail] G.R.5.] [s. Benj[amin], P.R.48.]
Benjamin, Mar. 18, 1835, a. 88. [Dec. ----, P.R.47.] [Mar. 16, P.R.48.]
Caroline (see Cloe).
Charlotte (see ----Vining).
Cloe, June 8, 1811, a. 24. [Caroline, d. Benjamin and Chloe, G.R.5.] [Chloe, d. Benj[amin], June 7, P.R.48.]
David, s. Elisha and Mary, Mar. 10, 1752.
Deborah, wid., Dec. 21, 1822, a. 80. [w. Elisha, Dec. 26, a. 81, P.R.48.]
Ebed, s. Elisha and Mary, Feb. 4, 1752.
Ebed, Oct. 31, 1844 [dup. [1845]], a. 82. [[h. Abigail Nov. 1, a. 81, G.R.2.]
Elbridge (see ----. Vining).
Elisha, Apr. 3, 1799, a. 85. [Apr. 4, P.R.47.] [Apr. 6, P.R.48.]
Elisha, Mar. 11, 1822, a. 80. ["Pensioner," Mar. 10, P.R.48.]
Hannah, w. George, Feb. 17, 1774, in 101st y. G.R.2.
Hannah, wid., May 11, 1790, a. 81. P.R.47.
Israel, s. Elisha and Mary, Feb. 23, 1752.
Joshua Howe, s. Josiah, Aug. 30, 1827, a. 6 m. [s. Josiah and Abigail Smith, G.R.1.] [consumption, a. 6 m. "lacking 1 day," P.R.48.]
Mary, d. Elisha and Mary, Feb. 14, 1752.
Mary, Jan. 22, 18013 a. 83. [wid., P.R.47.] [wid. Elisha, wid. Lt. Nath[anie]l Pratt, wid. Elisha Orcutt (first husband), P.R.48.]
Nabby (see ---- Vining).
Naby, d. Ebed and Naby, Oct. 3, 1792, in 6th y. G.R.2. [Sept. 23, a. 6, P.R.47.]
Naby, d. Ebed and Naby, Apr. 15, 1797, in 4th y. G.R.2. [Apr. 18, a. 4, P.R.47.] [ch. Ebed Jr., Apr. 17, a. 4, P.R.48.]
Richard, widr. [dup. omits widr.], farmer, cancerous state of stomach, June 17 [1845] [dup. a. 80]. [Dea. R., C.R.1.] [Dea. Richard [h. Susa], a. 79, G.R.1.] [Dea. Richard, a. 78, P.R.47.]
Richard E., s. Richard Jr. [dup. s. Richard Jr. and Lucretia B.], Apr. 7, 1845, a. 2 m. 8 d. [Richard Elmore Vining, G.R.13.] [Apr. 8, a. 14 w., P.R.47.]
Sarah (see ---- Vining).
Sarah, d. Spencer, Jan. 17, 1830, a. 2. [Sarah Porter Vining, d. Spencer and Sarah, Jan. 18, G.R.12.] [Sarah, scalded, Jan. 18, P.R.46.] [Sarah Porter Vining, ch. Lt. Spencer, Jan. 18, P.R.47.] [Sarah Porter Vining, d. Lt. Spencer, scalded, Jan. 18, P.R.48.]
Susannah, w. Dea. Richard, Dec. 3, 1836, a. 67. [w. Dea. V., C.R.1.] [Susa, w. Dea. Richard, G.R.1.] [Susan Pratt Vining, w. Dea. Richard, P.R.47.]
S[----], d. Sam[----], Nov. 14, 1776, in 16th. y. G.R.16.
----, ch. Richard, Apr. 4, 1807 [dup. crossed out, 1808], a. 2. [ch. Capt. Richard, Apr. 4, 1807, P.R.47.] [Charlotte, d. Capt. Richard, Apr. 4, 1807, P.R.48.]
----, ch. Ebed Jr., July 28, 1814, a. 2. [Sarah, July 29, P.R.48.]
----, ch. Ebed Jr., Feb. 3, 1816, a. 1. [Feb. 2, a. 2, P.R.47.] [Nabby, Feb. 2, P.R.48.]
----, ch. Ebed Jr., Aug. 28, 1818. [Elbridge, a. 2, P.R.48.]
----, ch. Benja[min] F., Oct. 18, 1842, a. 2 m.
----, wid., Dec. 28, 1798, a. 87.
Edward, ch. Edward, Sept. 16, 1828. P.R.47.
William, Capt., of E. Bridgwater, Aug. 22, 1840, a. 65. P.R.47.
WADE (see Waide)
Samuel, drowned, Dec. 25, 1833, a. 19. [a. 18, P.R.47.]
WAIDE (see Wade)
Seth, Sept. 13, 1821, a. 57. [pauper, P.R.48.]
Ann Elizabeth, d. Sam[ue]l, Sept. 18, 1825. [d. Sam[ue]l and Joanna, Sept. 17, a. 2 m., G.R.1.] [d. Sam[ue]l, Sept. 17, a. 9 w. "into one day," P.R.48.]
Corinda (see ---- Wales).
Cyrus Randall (see ---- Wales).
Dorcas, w. Cyrus Minot, Apr. 13, 1844, a. 24 y. 2 m. 13 d. [Dorcas C. (Wade), G.R.1.]
Henry, s. W[illia]m Jr., Jan. 24, 1832, a. 7. [s. Lt. William, canker rash, P.R.48.]
Horatio N. F., s. Ira and Vesta, Oct. 15, 1838, a. 4 m.
Ira Augustus, inf. s. Ira, Feb. 14, 1827. [quincy, a. 7 w., P.R.48.]
Lydia (see ---- Wales).
Mary, w. William, Aug. 11, 1837, a. 70. [in 76th y., G.R.17.] [Aug. 12, a. 74, P.R.74.]
Samuel W., s. Samuel R., Nov. 23, 1843, a. 5 m. 19 d. [s. S. R. and Susan, Nov. 27, a. 5 m. 23 d., G.R.1.]
Samuel Webster, s. Samuel R., Sept. 11, 1839. [s. S. R. and Susan, a. 3 m. 9 d., G.R.1.]
Simeon R., s. Samuel, Feb. 28, 1845, a. 22. [Simeon G., G.R.1.] [Simeon, P.R.47.]
William, s. W[illia]m, Mar. 22, 1838. [in 79th y., G.R.17.]
----, ch. William, Jan, 9, 1794. ["between Mehitable & Hannah," P.R.48.]
----, wid., Feb. 15, 1805, a. 83. [Lydia, P.R.47.] [a. 53, P.R.48.]
----, ch. Cyrus, Aug. 31, 1811. P.R.47. [Cyrus Randall Wales, s. Cyrus, P.R.48.]
----, ch. Cyrus, Oct. 15, 1814. [Corinda?, d. Cyrus, P.R.48.]
----, s. Cyrus M. and Dorcas, Apr. 17, 1844, a. 17 d.
Horace D., s. Horace D. and Mary, hydrocephalus, Oct. 24 [1848], a. 1 y. 2 m. 18 d. [Horace Dean Walker, ch. Rev. Horace D., P.R.47.]
Hetta L. H., w. Rev, J. W., Dec. 11, 1842, a. 27. [H. A., C.R.1.] [Hetta. L. H., d. Hon. W. A. Hayes, G.R.1.] [Hetty L. Hayes Ward, w. Rev. James W., P.R.47.]
Clarissa, w. Augustus N., phthisis, July 3 [1849], a. 19. [July 2, G.R.3.] [Clarrissa Reed Warren, July 2, P.R.47.]
Rhoda, w. Simeon, July, 9, 1844.
----, ch. Rob[er]t, Aug. 8 [1846], a. 1. [Sarah Frances, d. Robert D. and Sarah H., G.R.13.] [Sarah Frances, ch. Robert D., a. 10 m., P.R.47.]
Eleazer, debility, old age, Feb. 8, 1828, a. 82. P.R.48.
Sarah, apoplexy, Sept. 28, 1820, a. 73. P.R.46.
----, wid., May 10, 1829, a. 68. [Washbourn, wid. Capt. ----, [of] E. B[ridgewater], w. Ichabod Howland of Hanson, P.R.48.]
Charles Emory, s. Thomas and Mary, ----, [1847], a. 3 m. 9 d.
WELKS (see Wilk, Wilkes, Wilks)
Quarters, July 12, 1805, a. 26. [Quarter Weld, P.R.47.] [Quartus Wells, fever, P.R.48.]
Amanda, fever, Dec. 7 [1846], a. 17. [Dec. 8, P.R.47.]
Almira, w. ----, consumption, Feb. 20 [1849], a. 34.
Augustus W., s. Edward and Almira, Oct. 2 [1849], a. 7 m. 14 d.
George William, s. George F., Sept. 28, 1842, a. 10 m.
John, Aug. 23, 1847, a. 50.
John William, s. William, Aug. 8, 1830, a. 1 y. 3 m. [scrphous tumour, Aug. 9, P.R.48.]
Benj[ami]n, Jan. 31, 1823, a. 49. [lung fever, P.R.46.] [a. 48, P.R.47.] [a. 49, P.R.48.]
Hannah, d. Jeremiah and Hannah, Oct. 7, 1742.
Hannah, d. Jeremiah, Dec. 3, 1755.
Hannah, w. Jeremiah, Sept. 12, 1765, in 44th y.
Harriet, w. Isaac H., Nov. 5, 1832, a. 32. G.R.12. [Nov. 4, P.R.46.] [Harriet Harden White, Nov. 4, P.R.47.] [Harriet, w. Isaac, typhus fever, Nov. 4, a. 31, P.R.48.]
Jacob, Nov. 18, 1755.
Jane, w. Micah, Dec. 5, 1831, a. 57. [consumption, P.R.46.] [Jane Hearsey White, w. Maj. Micah, Dec. 7, P.R.47.] [Jane, w. Maj. Micah, consumption, Dec. 5, a. 58, P.R.48.]
Jane B., d. Daniel, Apr. 13, 1842, a. 3 y. 11 m.
Lucy, wid., paralytick fits, Mar. 8, 1813, a. 59. P.R.46. [Mar. 9, a. 60, P.R.47.] [Mar. 9, a. 59, P.R.48.]
Lucy, wid., July 10, 1822, a. 64. [wid. Luther, July 11, a. 68, P.R.48.]
Luther, Oct. 14, 1815, a. 73. [Oct. 17, P.R.47.] [Oct. 14, P.R.48.]
Mehitable (Whte), w. Benj[ami]n, Dec. 16, 1821 a. 45. [Mehitabel White, lung complaint, P.R.46.][Mehetable Pool White, Dec. 17, P.R.47.] [Mehitable White, Dec. 17, P.R.48.]
Micah, Mar. 16, 1795, a. 45. P.R.47.
Micah, Maj., s. Micah, June ----, 1839, a. 66. [June 8, a. 67, P.R.47.]
Nancy (see ---- White).
Sam[ue]l, s. Micah Jr., July 17, 1825, a. 7. [Samuel Colburn White, killed by cart wheel, a. 6 y. 7 m., P.R.46.] [Samuel Colburn White, a. 7, P.R.47.] [Sam[ue]l Colbourn White, killed by cart wheel, a. 7, P.R.48.]
Sarah, w. Jeremiah, Feb. 19, 1769, in 38th y.
----, w. Tho[ma]s, Dec. 24, 1806, a. 24. [Nancy, Dec. 13, in 23d y.1_G.R.12.] [Nancy Harden White, Dec. 13, a. 24, P.R.47.] [Nancy, Dec. 14, a. 24, 2.R.48.]
----, w. Lewis, July 6, 1847, a. 31.
WHITEN (see Whiting)
Susanna, d. Jotham and Susanna, Mar. 5, 1773, in 2d y. G.R.1.
----, s. Eleazer and Sarah. Mar. 19, 1749, a. 21 d. G.R.2.
WHITING (see Whiten)
Abigail, w. John, Dec.9, 1827, a. 40. [Nabby Goodwin Whiting, P.R.47.] [Nabby Goodwin Whiting, d. Widow Stollard of Hanson, P.R.48.]
Abigail (see ---- Whiting).
Albert, s. Zenas L., Dec. 9, 1832, a. 8 m. [s. Zenas Loring Whiting, Dec. 9, 1834, P.R.48.]
Ann Rossetter (see ---- Whiting).
Betsey, Apr. 16, 1837, a. 34. P.R.46. [Betsey Whitmarsh Whiting, w. John, P.R.47.]
Charlotte, w. William, Oct. 13, 1840, a. 24.
Eleazar [h. Sarah], Jan. ----, 1795, in 89th y. G.R.2. [Eleazer Whiteon, Jan. 16, P.R.47.] [Eleazer Whiting, Jan. 17, P.R.48.]
Ephraim, Apr. 14, 1843, a. 52. [h. Mehitable] a. 52 y. 6 m. 18 d., G.R.2.]
Hannah, Sept. 25, 1824, a. 47.] [w. Theophelous of Hanover?, canser, Sept. 26, a. 48, P.R.48.]
Henry Lyman, s. Zenas P., Oct. 22, 1843, a. 8.
Horatio (see ---- Whiting).
Ithamer, July 31, 1820, a. 34. [Ithamar, s. Barzilla, P.R.48.]
Jane, wid. Thomas, July 14, 1838, a. 75. [a. 74, G.R.2.]
Jotham, May 24, 1828, a. 81. [old age, a. 82, P.R.48.]
Lemuel, Dec. 20, 1824, a. 51. [[h. Rebecca] a. 51 y. 1 m. 12 d., G.R.1.] [cancer tumour, a. 57, P.R.48.]
Marilla (see ---- Whiting).
Mary, w. Stephen, Apr. 10, 1844, a. 20 y. 5 m. [Mary A., G.R.2.]
Rebecca, wid. Lemuel, Dec. 31, 1824, a. 49. P.R.48.
Roena, d. Eleazer, Aug. 6, 1832, a. 4 m. 6 d. [d. Eleazer and Nancy, Aug. 1, a. 16 m., G.R.1.] [Rowena, croop, Aug. 6, a. 1 y. 3 m., P.R.48.]
Rowena (see ---- Whiting).
Rowena, d. Ithamer and Abigail, Oct. 15, 1817, a. 3 y. 5 m. G.R.2.
Rowena (see ---- Whiting).
Ruth, w. Horatio, Apr. 26, 1825, a. 33. [d. Caleb Lov[ ]?, mortification, a. 30, P.R.48.]
Sarah, w. Eleazar, Sept. 9, 1789, in 66th y. G.R.2. [Whitten, w. Eleazer, Sept. 10, P.R.47.]
Simeon Dean, s. Stephen and Judith, Dec. 17, 1847.
Stephen W., s. Stephen [s. Stephen and Mary A., G.R.1.], Aug. 20, 1844, a. 4 m. 15 d.
Susanna, w. Jotham, Jan. 29, 1828, a. 78. [Susannah, P.R.48.]
Thomas, Jan. 1, 1826, a. 72. [[h. Jane] G.R.2.] [a. 72 y. 5 m., P.R.48.]
----, ch. Berzella, Jan. 26, 1802, a. 3. [Merilla, d. Barzillai Naby, Jan. 25, G.R.2.] [ch. Barzilla, Jan. 25, P.R.47.] [Merilla, d. Barzilla, Jan. 21, P.R.48.]
----, ch. Elithamer, Nov. 17, 1812. [ch. Ithamar, Nov. 18, P.R.47.] [s. Ithamer, a. 1 d., P.R.48.]
----, w. Elezer, Feb. 20, 1816, a. 29. [Roena, Feb. 19, G.R.2.] [[w.] Eleazer, Feb. 19, P.R.47.] [Rowena, w. Eleazer, Feb. 19, P.R.48.]
----, ch. Thamer, Feb. 25, 1819, a. 3. [Rowena, d. Ithamar, Feb. 23, P.R.48.]
----, d. Orin, Aug. 10, 1825, a. 2. [Ann Rossetter, d. Oran and S. C., Aug. 3, a. 1 y. 8 m., G.R.17.] [Ann Rosseter, d. Orren Aug. 3, a. 1 y. 9 m., P.R.48.]
----, inf. s. Horatio, Aug. 16, 1825. [Horatio, Aug. 10, a. 4 m. P.R.48.]
----, ch. Orren, Sept. 27, 1826, a. abt. 9 m. P.R.48.
----, w. Barzillai, Apr. 22, 1844, a. 84. [Abigail, w. Barzella, G.R.2.]
Abigail (see ---- Whitman).
Asa, dropsy consumption, Jan. 1, 1827, a. 44. P.R.46. P.R.47. [s. Dea. Eleazer [of] E. B[ridgewater], suddenly, a. 38, P.R.48.]
Daniel T., bowel complaint, Aug. 12, 1830, a. 1 y. 4 m. P.R.46. [ch. Daniel, P.R.47.] [s. Daniel, dissentary, a. 1, P.R.48.]
Dolly, consumption, Aug. 7, 1816, a. 28. P.R.46. [Aug. 6, a. 29, P.R.47.] [Dorothy, d. Dea. Eleazer, Aug. 7, P.R.48.]
E., Dea., May 31, 1807, a. 91. [Dea. Eleazer [h. Abigail], G.R.12.] [Dea. Eleazer, May 30, P.R.47.] [Dea. Eleazer, May 31, P.R.48.]
Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer F., Jan. 18, 1837, a. 20.
Ebenezer F., Feb. 27, 1842, a. 57.
Eleazer (see E.).
Eleazer, Dea., [of] E. Bridgewater, Dec. 5, 1846, a. 91. P.R.47.
Ephraim, Lt., s. Eleazer, Dec. 23, 1838, a. 80. [[h. Mehetable (Brown)] P.R.45.] [paraletick, a. 81, P.R.46.]
Henry, b. Weym[outh], s. David, consumption, Apr. 2 [1846], a. 27.
John, Dea., of E. Bridgewater, July 21, 1842, a. 107 y. 4 m. P.R.47.
Mary, apoplexy, Feb. 16, 1832, a. 79. P.R.46. [Mary Brown Whitman, w. Dea. Eleazer, P.R.47.] [Mary, w. Dea. Eliazer [of] E. B[ridgewater], d. Capt. Woodbridge Brown dec'd, P.R.48.]
Mehitable, June 13, 1805, a. 9. [d. Lt. Ephraim and Mehitable, G.R.13.] [Mehetable, P.R.45.] [Hitty, ch. Lt. Ephraim, P.R.47.] [Mehitable, d. Lt. Ephraim, P.R.48.]
Mehitable, w. Ephriam, Sept. 3, 1831, a. 71. [Mehitable, w. Lt. Ephraim, in 71st y., G.R.13.] [Mehetable (Brown), w. Eph[raiam], P.R.45.] [Mehetabel, paraletick, a. 71, P.R.46.] [Hitty Brown Whitman, w. Lt. Ephraim, a. 71, P.R.47.] [Mehitable, w. Lt. Ephraim, d. Samuel Brown dec'd, a. 71, P.R.48.]
Nabby Barrel (see ---- Whitman).
Orinda H., lung complaint, Jan. 12, 1827, a. 13. P.R.46. [Orinda Hyde Whitman, d. Eleazer, P.R.47.] [Orinda H., d. Eleazer Jr., Jan. 13, P.R.48.]
Sarah, consumption, Apr. 27, 1831, a. 39. P.R.46. [Sally Porter Whitman, a. 38, P.R.47.] [Sarah, w. Daniel of E. Bridgewater, d. Capt. James Porter of E. Bridgewater, consumption, a. 39, P.R.48.]
----, ch. Elezer, Feb. 5, 1793. [ch. Eleazer, Feb. 4, P.R.47.] [s. Eleazer Jr., Feb. 4, a. 4, P.R.48.]
----, wid., Apr. 26, 1814, a. 91. [Abigail, w. Dea. Eleazer, Apr. 27, G.R.12.] [Abagail, Apr. 26, P.R.46.] [Abigail Alden Whitman, wid., Apr. 27, P.R.47.]
----, w. Jared Esq., July 5, 1817, a. 25. [Abigail, July 4, P.R.41.] [Abigail, July 4, a. 24, P.R.46.] [Nabby Barrell Whitman, July 4, a. 24, P.R.47.] [Abigail, d. ---- Barrell dec'd, July 4, a. 24, P.R.48.]
----, inf. Daniel, consumption, July 29, 1831. P.R.46. [d. Sarah, a. 3 m. 22 d., P.R.48.]
----, inf. Henry, Sept. 1, 1841.
----, s. Charles S. and liannah, Aug. 19, 1843, a. 2 m. 27 d.
WHITMARSH (see Witmarsh)
Abia, d. Richard and Lydia, Nov. 13, 1717.
Albert, s. Albert, May 14, 1837.
Amos, s. Jacob and Hannah, Jan. 8, 1778, in 7th y. G.R.11.
Asa, Nov. 26, 1808, in 45th y. G.R.12. [nervous fever, a. 45, P.R.46.] [a. 44, P.R.47.] [s. Jacob, a. 44, P.R.48.]
Betey, d. Nicolas and Elisabeth, Nov. 18, 1730.
Charity, cancer, Dec. 22, 1839, a. 72. P.R.46.
Charlotte, Mar. 5, 1838, a. 47. P.R.46. [Charlotte Gannett Whitmarsh, w. Thomas, P.R.47.]
Christian, Mrs. Jan. 7, 1731-2.
Daniel, s. Richard and Lydea, Jan. 24, 1727-8.
Ebenezer, Apr. 8, 1718.
Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Hannah, Jan. 1, 1753.
Ebenezer, consumption, Dec. 8, 1810, a. 22. P.R.46. [a. 23, P.R.47.] [s. Lot, Dec. 7, P.R.48.]
Edward, dysentary, Oct. 27, 1822, a. 1 y. 7 m. P.R.46. [s. Thomas, a. 2, P.R.48.]
Edwin, s. Capt. Joshua and Harriet, Mar. 4, 1837, a. 15 m.
Eunice, d. Thomas, May 5, 1753.
Hannah, wid., Nov. 15, 1803, a. 72. P.R.47. [wid. Eben[eze]r W., P.R.48.]
Hannah, wid., Feb. 13, 1808, a. 75. P.R.47. [wid. Jacob, a. 74, P.R.48.]
Hannah, lung fever, Feb. 5, 1844, a. 78. P.R.46. [Hannah Jackson Whitmarsh, wid., P.R.47.]
Harriet, d. Joshua, Aug. 17, 1844, a. 23. [Harriet W., d. J. H., G.R.1.]
Jacob, Jan. 24, 1803, in 77th y. G.R.12. [a. 77, P.R.47. P.R.48.]
Jacob, consumption, Feb. 8, 1838, a. 41. P.R.46.
John, s. Thomas and Sarah, Oct. 11, 1741.
John, s. Tho[ma]s, Aug. 4, 1763.
Julia Frances, d. Albert and Susan, starlet fever, May 23 [1849], a. 11 m.
Lot [h. Susanna], Sept. 13, 1836, a. 76. G.R.12. [inflamation of the bladder, a. 77, P.R.46.] [a. 77, P.R.47.]
Lot [h. Merrill], Feb. 21, 1848, a. 22 y. 9 m. 19 d. G.R.12. [Lot Jr., a. 23, P.R.47.]
Lott, s. Ebenezer and Hannah, Feb. 22, 1753.
Mary, d. Thomas and Sarah, June 16, 1734.
Mary (Whitmars), [twin] d. Richard and Lydia, Mar. 20, ----.
Nicholas, s. Nicholas and Elisebeth, Apr. 18, 1724.
Peter R., s. James and Mary, cholera infantum, Sept. 12 [1849], a. 6 m. 14 d.
Richard, s. Richard and Lydia, Apr. 5, 1723.
Ruth, d. Richard and Lydia, Nov. 13, 1716.
Sarah (Whitmars), [twin] d. Richard and Lydia, Mar. 20, ----.
Sarahe, w. Thomas, May 14, 1753.
Susanna, w. ----, Aug. 16, 1845. C.R.2. [w. Lot, a. 76, G.R.12.] [Susanna Pool Whitmarsh, wid. Lot, a. 76, P.R.47.]
----, ch. Asa, Sept. 25, 1791. P.R.47.
----, wid. Eben[eze]r, Apr. 26, 1814, a. 91. P.R.48.
----, ch. Ebenezer, Sept. 22, 1848, a. 17 m. P.R.47.
Adelia Emeline, s. [sic] James and Emeline, Aug. 20 [1849], a. 1 y. 7 m.
WILD (see Wile).
Mary Elisabeth, d. Charles, Sept. 6, 1840, a. 1.
Susan Huntington, d. Rev. Otis, Dec. 9, 1840, a. 4. y. 7 m. [ch. Rev. Otis and Lucy, a. 4 y. 7 m. 17 d., G.R.1.]
----, inf. Charles, Aug. 8, 1842.
----, w. John, Dec. 11, 1806, a. 19. [Lydia Ford Wiles, P.R.47.] [Lydia Wild, w. John, Dec. 11 or 12, con[sumption], P.R.48.]
WILK (see Welks, Wilkes, Wilks)
----, ch. Tho[ma]s, Oct. 10, 1802. [Wilkes, P.R.47.] [Wilks, P.R.48.]
WILKES (see Welks, Wilk, Wilks)
Almira, w. Warren,. June 28, 1840, a. 21. [Almira Blanchard Wilkes, P.R.47.]
Anna, Jan. 24, 1789, a. 56. P.R.47.
Caroline, d. John, Jan. 14, 1836, a. 72. [in 72d y., G.R.7.]
John, Apr. 30, 1848, a. 77. [[h. Sarah] a. 77 y. 3 m., G.R.7.]
Mary, Mar. 6, 1830, a. 64. [Wilks, a. 64 y. 3 d., G.R.7.] [Wilks) a. 64 y. 4 d., P.R.48.]
Mehitable, w. Samuel D., Nov. 29, 1847, a. 40. [Hitty Gurney Wilkes, P.R.47.]
Remember, wid., Feb. 1, 1823, a. 80. [Wilks, wid. John, P.R.48.]
----, ch. John, Mar. 23, 1815, a. 2. [Susan Wilks, Mar. 24, P.R.48.]
----, inf. Samuel D. and Mehitable, Mar. 23, 1834. [Mar. 22, P.R.47.]
----, ch. Warren and Almira, Sept. 6, 1838, a. 3 m.
Isaac, Jan. 5, 1845, a. 38.
WILKS (see Welks, Wilk, Wilkes)
Elizabeth, Dec. ----, 1797, a. 91. [Widow Wilkes, Dec. 30, a. 90, P.R.47.] [Wilks, wid. Thomas, Dec. 30, a. 90, P.R.48.]
John (see Thomas).
Sally, wid. John, lung fever, Feb. 20 [1849], a. 78. [a. 78 y. 7 m., G.R.7.] [Sally Pool Wilkes, Feb. 21, P.R.47.]
Samuel Lane (see ---- Wilks).
Sarah, Nov. 11, 1820, a. 76. [Nov. 10, a. 75, P.R.48.]
Tho[ma]s, Mar. 17, 1787. [Wilkes, Mar. 17, 1788, a. 80, P.R.47.]
Thomas, "should be John" [written in pencil above Thomas], May 24, 1793t a. 58. [John Wilkes, P.R.47.] [John Wilks, s. Thomas dec'd, P.R.48.]
----, inf. John, Dec. ----, 1797. [Wilkes, Nov. 14, P.R.47.] [Sam[ue]l Lane Wilks, Nov. 16, a. 11 m., P.R.48.]
WILLET (see Willett)
Anna, wid., Feb. 13, 1818, a. 82. [wid. Thomas, a. 81, P.R.48.]
Isaac, July 14, 1800, a. 21. [Willett, P.R.47.] [Willet, s. Thomas, fever, July 13, P.R.48.]
WILLETT (see Willet)
Thomas, Oct. 20, 1792, a. 50. P.R.47.
Emma Elisabeth, d. Charles B., May 12 [1849], a. 2.
Mary, w. Horatio C., June 5, 1842, a. 28. [Mary Stetson Williams, P.R.47.]
Sylvia Amelia, d. Nahum, Oct. 26, 1834. [Silvia Amelia, d. Nahum of W. Bridgewater, consumption, a. 3 m. 6 or 7 d., P.R.47.]
Zilpah, cancer, Feb. 11, 1821, a. 62. P.R.46. [w. Daniel, P.R.47.]
Dianah, d. Pelham, consumption, Oct. 4 [1846], a. 14. [Diana, d. Pelham and Nancy, Oct. 1, G.R.4.]
Susanna, wid., Jan. 10, 1822, a. 53. [Ruth, Jan. 11, P.R.47.] [wid., formerly of Bridgewater, Jan. 10, P.R.48.]
William A., s. William, Jan. 11, 1835. [William Augustus, consumption, Jan. 12, a. 8 m., P.R.46.] [Jan. 11, a. 1, P.R.47. [W[illia]m Augustin, influenza, Jan. 11, a. 8 m., P.R.48.]
Daniel, Apr. 27, 1838, a. 23.
Lucy, Dec. ----, 1838, a. 40.
Edward, Aug. 27, 1794, a. 18. P.R.47. P.R.48.
WITMARSH (see Whitmarsh)
Samuel, s. Richard and Lydea, Aug. 26, 1732.
Eliza Blanchard, w. Thomas, July 9, 1842, a. 27. P.R.47.
William Thomas, ch. Thomas, Dec. 24, 1844, a. 4. P.R.47.
----, ch. Thomas, Sept. 18, 1839, a. 3. P.R.47.
----, ch. Thomas, Sept. 27, 1839, a. 2. P.R.47.
----, ch. Thomas, Sept. 28, 1839, a. 5 m. P.R.47.
----, ch. Thomas, Sept. 9, 1842.
Margaret, Mrs., Sept. 25, 1717, a. 19 y. 1 m. G.R.14.
W[illia]m, June 19, 1827, a. 37. [consumption, P.R.48.]
Edmund C., s. Job and Martha, Sept. 27, 1837, a. 18 y. 9 m. G.R.1.
Emma S., d. Nathaniel and Sarah, dysentery, Sept. 10 [1849], a. 1 y. 10 m. 14 d. [a. 2, P.R.47.]
George S., ch. Simeon and Mary, Feb. 24, 1836, a. 1 y. 4. m. G.R.1.
James, s. Simeon and Mary, Aug. 17, 1840, a. 11 m. 23 d. G.R.1.
James S., ch. Simeon and Mary, Jan. 6, 1834, a. 2 y. 5 m. G.R.1.
Maria, consumption, Aug. 7, 1837, a. 23. P.R.46. [Maria Harden Young, w. Charles, P.R.47.]
Martha, d. Job, Sept. 18, 1835, a. 21. [d. Capt. Job and Mary, in 23d y., G.R.1.]
Martha, w. Job, Oct. 16, 1846, a. 51. G.R.1.
Martha S., d. Simeon and Mary, fever, May 8 [1849], a. 3 y. 6 m. [a. 3 y. 5 m. G.R.1.]
----, Ellen Maria [Sophia written in pencil above Maria crossed out], d. Jeremiah and Sophia, Aug. 29, 1835. a. 9 m.
----, ----, [Mar]ch 13, 1803, a. 60. G.R.15.
----, ----, d. John, Mar. 29, 1805, a. 18.
----, ----, Dec. 12, 1848, a. 75. G.R.1.
----, ----, Sept. 7, 1849.
-----, ----, Sept. 18 [1849].
----, ----, [----]78, a. 38. G.R.15.
Bess, "negro woman," July 13, 1798, a. 65. [Bess Gould, P.R.47.] [Bessy Gould, wid., fit, P.R.48.]
Billah, "black woman," debility, old age, Jan. 18, 1812, a. 95. P.R.46. [Jan. 19, P.R.47.] [Billow, wid., "slave to Col. Hobart's father," Jan. 19, a. 90, P.R.48.]
Jack, "Esq. Aaron Hobart's Negro," Dec. 26, 1795, a. 80. P.R.47. ["Col. Aaron Hobart's Negro," P.R.48.]
Kate, "Black Woman," Aug. ----, 1818, a. 90. [Catharine, negro, Aug. 17, a. abt. 90, P.R.46.] [Cate, "Coloured woman," Aug. 18, a. 84, P.R.47.] [Kate, black, "the late Josiah Torrey's slave," Aug. 17, a. 84, P.R.48.]
Moses, "Coloured man," Feb. 6, 1791, a. 86. P.R..47.
Peter, "person of colour," Sept. 8, 1793. P.R.48.