NEWCOMB & GAUSS Printers, Salem, Massachusetts

[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]


The following records of births, marriages and deaths include all entries to be found in the books of record kept by the town clerks; in the church records; in the returns made to the Salem Quarterly Court; in the cemetery inscriptions; and in many private records found in family Bibles. These records are printed in a condensed form in which every essential particular has been preserved. All duplication of the town clerks' record has been eliminated, but differences in entry and other explanatory matter appear in brackets. Parentheses are used when they occur in the original record; also to indicate the maiden name of a wife. When places other than Newbury and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. Marriages and intentions of marriage are printed under the names of both parties. Double dating is used in the months of January, February and March, prior to 1752, whenever it appears in the original and also, whenever from the sequence of entry in the original the date may be easily determined. In all records the original spelling of names is followed and in the alphabetical arrangement the various forms should be examined, as items about the same family may be found under different spellings. As Newbury and Newburyport have been so closely connected, both socially and geographically, it will be desirable to examine the records of both towns when making researches. Byfield parish is included in these records, and on account of its close proximity to Rowley may contain records of Rowley families not given elsewhere. The original book of records beginning about 1640 was copied in 1690 by Henry Short, the town clerk. The original has been followed in these pages, any changes or additions occurring in Short's record being so indicated.


On May 6, 1635, the plantation called Wessacocon was established as "Neweberry." It derived its name from Newbury, Berkskire, England, and was so named in hoNov of the Rev. Thomas Parker, who had preached for some time in Newbury, England, before his emigration to America. The town comprised all the territory now included in the city of Newburyport, the towns of West Newbury and Newbury, and the larger part of the parish of Byfield. On Jan. 28, 1764, Newburyport was set off from Newbury. On Feb. 18, 1819, a part of Newbury was established as Parsons, which name was changed, on June 14, 1820, to West Newbury. The population of Newbury at different periods has been as follows:
  • 1765, 2960.
  • 1776, 3239.
  • 1790, 3972.
  • 1800, 4076.
  • 1810, 5176.
  • 1820, 3671.
  • 1830, 3603.
  • 1840, 3789.
  • 1850, 4426.
  • 1895, 1489.
  • 1900, 1601.
  • 1905, 1480.

  • a.預ge.
  • abt.預bout.
  • b.傭orn.
  • bef.傭efore.
  • bet.傭etween.
  • bp.傭aptited.
  • bur.傭uried.
  • c.c.佑opy made by Joshua Coffin.
  • C.R.1.--chtirch record, First Congregational Church.
  • C.R.2.幼hurch record, Second Church, now First of West Newbury.
  • C.R.3.幼hurch record, Third Church, now First Religions Society (Unitarian} of Newburyport.
  • C.R.4.幼hurch record, Fourth Church, now Second of West Newbury.
  • C.R.5.幼hurch record, Byfield Church.
  • C.R.6.幼hurch record, Amesbury Monthly Meeting of Friends.
  • C.R.7.幼hurch record, Queen Anne's Chapel (Episcopal).
  • C.R.8.幼hurch record, St. Paul's Church (Episcopal), of Newbaryport.
  • C.R.9.幼hurch record, First Presbyterian Church, Old South of Newburyport.
  • C.R.10.幼hinch record, Belleville Congregational Church, Newburyport.
  • C.R.11.幼hurch record, Purchase Street Methodist Church, Newburyport.
  • ch.---child.
  • ch.幼hildren.
  • Co.幼ounty.
  • d.--danghter; day; died.
  • Dea.妖eacon.
  • dup.妖uplicate entry.
  • G.R.1.揚ravestone record, private burial ground on Joseph Ilsley's farm, Oldtown.
  • G.R.2.--gravestone record, Oldtown Cemetery.
  • G.R.3.揚ravestone record, Newbury Neck Cemetery.
  • G.R.4.揚ravestone record, Queen Anne's Churchyard, Belleville, Newburyport.
  • G.R.5.揚ravestone record, St. Paul's Churchyard, Newburyport.
  • G.R.6.揚ravestone record, Walnut Hill Cemetery, West Newbury.
  • G.R.7.揚ravestone record, Bridge Street Cemetery, West Newbury.
  • G.R.8.揚ravestone record, Merrimac Cemetery, West Newbury.
  • G.R.9.揚ravestone record, Crane Neck Hill Cemetery, West Newbury.
  • G.R.10.揚ravestone record, Friend's Burying Ground, Turkey Hill road, West Newbury.
  • G.R.11.揚ravestone record, private burial ground, C. W. Ordway farm, West Newbury.
  • G.R.12.--gravestone record, Lower Green Cemetery, Oldtown.
  • G.R.13.揚ravestone record, Highland Cemetery, Newburyport.
  • G.R.14.揚ravestone record, Byfield Cemetery.
  • G.R.15.揚ravestone record, Sawyer's Hill Cemetery, Newburyport.
  • G.R.16.揚ravestone record, Old Burying Hill, Newburyport.
  • h.揺usband; hour.
  • inf.擁nfant.
  • int.-intention of marriage.
  • jr.-Junior.
  • m.-male;married; month.
  • P.R.1.祐hort's sexton's book now in possession of Miss Ruth Short.
  • P.R.2.由ecord of deaths from Selectmen's books.
  • P.R.3.悠nterleaved almanacs of Capt. Joseph O'Brien now in possession of the Essex Institute.
  • P.R.4.唯ible record now in possession of James L. Odiorne of West Newbury.
  • P.R.5.唯ible record now in possession of Alonzo Jaques of West Newbury.
  • P.R.6.唯ible record now in possession of the heirs of John Greenleaf Plummer of Newburyport.
  • P.R.7.唯ible record now in possession of Mrs. Catherine Pearson of Newburyport.
  • P.R.8. Manuscript of Rev. Moses Parsons now in possession of the heirs of Mrs. Susan E. Parsons Forbes of Byfield.
  • P.R.9.唯ible record now in possession of Edward A. Hale of Newburyport.
  • P.R.10.唯ible record now in possession of the heirs of Maj. E. F. Bartlett.
  • P.R.11.唯ible record now in possession of Charles F. Smith of Newburyport.
  • P.R.12.優iary of Samuel Tappan in possession of the heirs of Mrs. Abbie Smith Nickerson.
  • P.R.13.友amily record now in possession of Frank Thurlo.
  • P.R.14.唯ible record now in possession of Miss Ruth Short
  • P.R.15.-Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Phebe Plumer Todd of Newburyport.
  • P.R.16.祐ampler now in possession of Miss Eleanor Jones of Newburyport.
  • P.R.17.唯ible record now in possession of Miss Lizzie Jaques. P.R.18.輸ncient book of accounts and records kept by Stephen Emery now in possession of Rev. Rufus Emery, D.D., of West Newbury.
  • P.R.19.唯ible record now in possession of Miss Emily A. Bailey of West Newbury.
  • P.R.20.佑opy book now in possession of Mrs. J. Appleton Brown of West Newbury.
  • P.R.21.友amily record now in possession of Miss Harriet N. Hills of Newburyport.
  • P.R.22.唯ible record now in possession of Miss Mary Russell Curzon of Newburyport.
  • P.R.23.唯ible record now in possession of Daniel M. Davis.
  • P.R.24.唯ible record now in possession of Stephen P Hale.
  • P.R.25.友amily register now in possession of Leonard Smith of Haverhill.
  • P.R.26.友amily register now in possession of Leonard Smith of Haverhill.
  • P.R.27.友amily register now in possession of Leonard Smith of Haverhill.
  • rec. --recorded.
  • s.-son.
  • S.dup.佑opy of vital records made by Henry Short about 1690.
  • sr.耀enior.
  • unm.蓉nmarried. w.謡ife;week. wid.謡idow.
  • widr.謡idower.
  • y. --Year.
  • 7 br.祐eptember.
  • 8 br.涌ct.ober.
  • 9 br.湧ovember.
  • 10 br.優ecember.

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