History Of North Adams, Massachusetts
Reminiscences Of Early Settlers.
-Extracts From Old Town Records.-
Its Public Institutions, Industries And Prominent Citizens,
Together With A Roster Of Commissioned Officers In The War Of The Rebellion.
By W. P. Spear.
North Adams, Mass.: Hoosac Valley News Printing House. 1885.
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

- Chapter I - East Hoosac
First Explored and Surveyed, 1.
Incorporation of Adams, 1.
First Town Tax, 2.
Early Town Meetings, 2-3.
Resolves of Early Town Meetings, 3-4-5.
Credit to South Village, 5.
Names of a few Early Settlers, 5-6.
- Chapter II - Fort Massachusetts
Built, 7.
Location, 7.
The Attack and Capitulation of August 20, 1746, 8.
Rebuilt During Last French and Indian War, 9.
The Site of the Fort, 10.
The Burial Ground, 10.
Headstones Found, 11.
A Quaint Petition, 12.
- Chapter III - The North Village
Village Proper, 13.
First Saw and Grist Mill, 13.
Barnes' Mills, 14.
Israel Jones, 14.
Village Site, 15.
Oliver Parker' Mills, 16.
Amos Bronson, 17.
David Estes, 17.
Jeremiah Colgrove's Oil Mill, 18.
Dwellings and Settlers in 1785 and 1795, 19.
Josiah Holbrook, 20.
Oliver Parker, Sr., 21.
Lack of a Circulating Medium, 22.
- Chapter IV - Stores, Trading And Barter
First Traders, 24.
First Store, 24.
First for the Sale of Groceries, 25.
System of Bartering, 27.
Prices Paid for Calicos, Groceries and Grain in 1803, 27-28.
George Whitman as a Trading Man, 28.
Wool Carding, Cloth Fulling and Dressing, 29.
- Chapter V - Early Industries
Blacksmith Shops, 30.
Carpenter and Cooper Shops, 31.
Brick Yards, 32.
Saddle and Harness Makers, 32.
Wagon and Sleigh Makers, 33.
Cabinet Shops, 33.
Water Works, Pumps and Lead Pipes, 34.
Stone Cutting and Marble Works, 34.
Hat Manufacturers and Hat Stores, 34.
Tailor Shops, 35.
Forge for Making Wrought Iron, 35.
First Cupola Furnace and Machine Shops, 36-39.
- Chapter VI - Roads And Streets
Old Road Over Mountain, 40.
Highway Taxes, 41.
Road Surveys, 41.
Wages Paid for Labor on Roads, 43.
Laying Out of Streets, 41-43.
Early Stage Lines, 43.
- Chapter VII - Schoolhouses And Churches
First Schoolhouse, 44.
Money Raised for Schools, 44.
School Districts, 45.
School Property, 45.
School Books, 45-46.
Teachers' Wages, 46.
Schedule of Property for Assessment, 47.
Drury Academy, 47-49.
Veazie Street and Union Street Schools, 49.
The First Churches, 49-51.
History of Baptist Church, 51-53.
Universalist Church, 53.
Methodist Church, 53-55.
Congregational Church, 55-56.
Episcopal Church, 56.
Blackinton Church, 56.
Roman Catholic Church, 56.
French Catholic Church, 57.
- Chapter VIII - Public Houses
Old Black Tavern, 58.
Berkshire House, 59.
North Adams House, 60.
Wilson House, 60.
Ballou House, 61.
- Chapter IX - Professionals
Lawyers, Date of their Settlement, 62.
Acting Justices of the Peace, 63.
Practicing Physicians, 64.
Representatives to the General Court, 64-68.
Postoffice and Postmasters, 68-70.
Telegraphy, 70.
- Chapter X - Manufacturing
Arnold Print Works, 71.
Old Brick Factory, 71.
Eagle Factory, 72.
S. Blackinton Woolen Company, 73.
The Beaver, 74.
Estes Factory, 75.
Turning Shops, 76.
The Union, 76.
Union Woolen Factory, 77.
Johnson Manufacturing Company, 77.
Gould Mill, 78.
Stone Mill, 79.
Brooklyn, 79.
North Adams Manufacturing Company, 80.
Freeman Print Works, 80.
Greylock Mill, 82.
Wholesale Boot and Shoe Manufacturers-Edwin Childs and David C. Rogers, 82.
H. T. Cady's, 83.
W. G. Cady & Co., 83.
Whitman, Canedy & Co., 83.
Sampson Manufacturing Company, 83.
North Adams Iron Company, 84.
Tanneries, 86.
- Chapter XI - Prominent Citizens
Captain Jeremiah Colgrove, 88.
Protection of a Fugitive Slave, 89.
Giles Tinker, 90.
Deacon Artemas Crittenden, 92.
Rufus Wells, 93.
Harvey and Oliver Arnold, 94.
Duty S. Tyler, 96.
William Wallace Freeman, 96.
Caleb B. Turner, 97.
William E. Brayton, 97.
Sylander Johnson, 98.
Amasa W. Richardson, 99.
Elisha Kingsley, 99.
Orson Wells, 100.
Benjamin Chase, 100.
Ezra D. Whitaker, 100.
Josiah Quincy Robinson, 100.
Dr. Edward Norman, 100.
Dr. Seth N. Briggs, 101. Dr.
N. S. Babbitt, 101.
Dr. E. S. Hawkes, 101.
- Chapter XII - Miscellaneous
Division of the Town. 103.
Roster of Commissioned Officers, 104.
North Adams Fire District, 107.
Boston, Hoosac Tunnel & Western Railroad, 109.
North Adams Gas Light Company, 109.
Sketch of Hoosac Tunnel, 110.
Banks, 111.
Newspapers, 112.
North Adams Hospital, 112.
North Adams Library Association, 114
