Vital Records Of Mansfield, Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By The Essex Institute Salem, Mass. 1933
[Transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

The following records of births, marriages and deaths include all entries to be found in the books of record kept by the town clerks; in the church records; in the cemetery inscriptions, and in private records found in family Bibles, etc.
These records are printed in a condensed form in which every essential particular has been preserved. All duplication of the town clerks' record has been eliminated, but differences in entry and other explanatory matter appear in brackets. Parentheses are used when they occur in the original record; also to indicate the maiden name of a married woman, and to show variations in the spelling of a name in the same entry.
When places other than Mansfield and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. Marriages and intentions of marriage are printed under the names of both parties. When both the marriage and intention of marriage are recorded, only the marriage record is printed.
In all records the original spelling of names is followed, and the various forms of family names have been placed in one alphabetical arrangement.
April 26, 1770, part of Norton made the district of Mansfield. August 23, 1775, the district made a town by general act.
The population of Mansfield at different periods was as follows:-
1790, 983
1800, 1,016
1810, 1,030
1820, 1,222
1830, 1,172
1840, 1,382
1850, 1,789
1860, 2,114
1870, 2,432
1880, 2,765
1890, 3,432
1900, 4,006
1910, 5,183
1920, 6,255
1930, 6,364
C.R.----Book of records of the Foxborough and Mansfield New Church Society.
d.----daughter; day; died.
dup.----duplicate entry.
G.R.1.----gravestone record, Old Cemetery.
G.R.2.----gravestone record, Spring Brook Cemetery.
G.R.3.----gravestone record, East Mansfield Cemetery.
G.R.4.----gravestone record, Hodges Cemetery, West Mansfield.
G.R.5.----gravestone record, Codding Cemetery, West Mansfield.
G.R.6.----gravestone record, Sweet Cemetery, West Mansfield.
G.R.7.----gravestone record, Morton Church Cemetery, West Mansfield.
G.R.8.----gravestone record, Happy Hollow Cemetery, West Mansfield.
G.R.9.----gravestone record, Leonard Cemetery, East Mansfield.
G.R.10.----gravestone record, White Farm.
G.R.11.----gravestone record, Private Cemetery on Gilbert St.
h.----husband; hour.
int.----intention of marriage.
m.----male; married; month.
P.R.1.----Genealogical material collected by W. A. Copeland of Mansfield.
P.R.2.----Bible record and family papers in possession of H. Louis Sweet of Mansfield.
P.R.3.----Bible record in possession of Miss Emma Frost of Orange, N.J.
P.R.4.----Private record in possession of Miss Ida F. Hodges of Mansfield.
P.R.5.----Bible record in possession of Mrs. Alice S. Shepard of Mansfield.
P.R.6.----Bible record in possession of Mrs. Mabel W. Wheeler of Mansfield.
P.R.7.----Bible record in possession of Mrs. Beatrice V. Houston of Mansfield.
P.R.8.----Bible record in possession of Mrs. Alfred W. Burt of Mansfield.
P.R.9.----Bible record in possession of Miss Evelina Fisher of Mansfield.
P.R.10.----Bible record in possession of T. W. George of Mansfield.
P.R.11.----Bible record in possession of Miss Jennie F. Copeland of Mansfield.
P.R.12.----Bible record in possession of Mrs. William A. Copeland of Mansfield.
P.R.13.----Bible record in possession of Miss Mabel Barnes of Mansfield.
P.R.14.----Mss. record in possession of Miss Sarah B. Day of Mansfield.
P.R.15.----Bible record in possession of Mrs. Charles Hagerty of Mansfield.
P.R.16.----Bible record in possession of Kenneth C. Sherman of Mansfield.
P.R.17.----Bible record in possession of Mrs. Ethel M. Barrows of Mansfield.
P.R.18.----Bible record in possession of Miss Elizabeth M. Holmes of Mansfield.
P.R.19.----Bible record in possession of Mrs. Alice I. Cobb of Mansfield.
P.R.20.----Bible record in possession of Mrs. Harriet E. Thompson of Mansfield.
P.R.21.----Bible record in possession of Jesse R. Hodges of Mansfield.
P.R.22.----Bible record in possession of Mrs. F. I. Sherman of Mansfield.
P.R.23.----Bible record in possession of Mrs. Hayden E. Shepard of Mansfield.
P.R.24.----Bible record in possession of Mrs. Julia A. Spaulding of Mansfield.
P.R.25.----Undertaker's books in possession of Kenneth C. Sherman of Mansfield.
P.R.26.----Bible record in possession of Mrs. Elizabeth Greene Bodfish of Oak Bluffs.
P.R.27.----Bible record in possession of Herbert Earle Robinson of Harwichport.
P.R.28.----Bible record in possession of Miss Phebe M. Smith of Mansfield.
P.R.29.----Bible record in possession of Mrs. Mary Robinson Thompson of Nantucket.
P.R.30.----Bible and manuscript records in possession of Henry N. Paine.
P.R.31.----Taunton Vital Records.
P.R.32.----Norton Vital Records.
w.----week; wife.
