Vital Records Of
Lynn Massachusetts
To The End Of The Year 1849
Published By The Essex Institute, Salem, Ma 1905
[Transcribed by Sandra Boudrou]

The following records of births, marriages and deaths include all entries to be found in the books of record kept by the town clerks; in the church records; in the returns made to the Salem Quarterly Court; in the cemetery inscriptions; and in many private records found in family Bibles. These records are printed in a condensed form in which every essential particular has been preserved. All duplication of the town clerks' record has been eliminated, but differences in entry and other explanatory matter appear in brackets. Parentheses are used when they occur in the original record; also to indicate the maiden name of a wife.
When the places other than Lynn and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. Marriages and intentions of marriage are printed under the names of both parties. Double-dating is used in the months of January, February and March, prior to 1752, whenever it appears in the original and also whenever from the sequence of entry in the original the date may be easily determined. In all records the original spelling of names is followed and in the alphabetical arrangement the various forms should be examined, as items about the same family may be found under different spellings. The vital records kept by the Salem Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends, which are now in the custody of the Lynn Meeting, include the entire district, and while these records have been separated and credited to their respective towns when specifically stated, this fact should be always considered.
Several of the earlier Lewis families, whose names appear on the original records, and which were presumably written by Alonzo Lewis while town clerk, properly belong to Rumney Marsh, now Chelsea.
According to Rev. Samuel Danforth's almanac for 1647 the settlement at Lynn began as early as 1629. These settlers are supposed to have come from Salem, and their number was greatly augmented in 1630, at the time of the arrival of Winthrop and his company. Governor Dudley says that some of the passengers settled "upon the river Saugus." The early name of this locality was Saugus, and its freemen were admitted as members of the General Court in 1630. It was not until Nov. 20, 1637, that the present name was mentioned in the Colonial records, when it was recorded "Saugust is called Lin." The name was given in compliment to Rev. Samuel Whiting, the first minister, who had formerly lived in Lynn, Norfolk County, England. On May 29, 1644, part of the territory was included within the limits of the new town of Reading. On July 3, 1782, a part of Lynn was established as the district of Lynnfield, and on Feb. 17, 1815, another part of the town of Saugus. Lynn was incorporated as a city, Apr. 10, 1850.
The population of Lynn at different periods was as follows:
1765, 2198
1776, 2755
1790, 2291
1800, 1837
1810, 4087
1820, 4515
1830, 6138
1840, 9367
1850, 14257
1900, 68513
a. age
abt. about
b. born
bef. before
bet. between
bp. baptized
bur. buried
CR1 Records of the Salem Monthly Meeting, Society of Friends
CR2 First Congregational Church records, Lynnfield
CR3 Congregational - Universalist Church records, Saugus
CR4 South Street Methodist Church records
CR5 First Congregational Church records
CR6 First Baptist Church records
R7 Unitarian Church records
CR8 St Stephen's (Episcopal) Church records
ch. child
chn. children
Co. county
CT. F. court files, Essex Co Quarterly Court
CT. R. Court record, Essex Co Quarterly Court
d. daughter; day; died
Dea. Deacon
dup. duplicate entry
GR1 gravestone record, Old or Western Cemetery
GR2 gravestone record, Eastern Cemetery
GR3 gravestone record, Friends' Cemetery
GR4 gravestone record, Swampscott Cemetery
GR5 gravestone record, Greenlawn Cemetery, Nahant
GR6 gravestone record, Old Lynnfield Centre Cemetery
GR7 gravestone record, Old Burying Ground, Saugus Centre
GR8 gravestone record, South Lynnfield Cemetery
GR9 gravestone record, Pine Grove Cemetery
GR10 gravestone record, New Light Cemetery, Broad St.
h. husband; hour
inf. infant
int. intention of marriage
jr. junior
m. male; married; month
PR1 Interments in the Old or Western Cemetery
PR2 Bible record now in possession of Ezra Johnson
PR3 Coffin Papers. Essex Institute Manuscript Collections
PR4 Vital records in Lewis' History of Lynn
PR5 Zaccheus Collins' diary, now in possession of the Essex Institute
PR6 Common-place book of Richard Pratt now in possession of Walter Hawkes
PR7 Bible record now in possession of Samuel A. Parker of Saugus
PR8 Bible record now in possession of Frank E. Parker of Saugus
PR9 Bible record now in possession of Daniel F. Knowlton of Swampscott
PR10 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Enoch S. Johnson
PR11 bible record now in possession of Miss Ellen A. Collins of Swampscott
PR12 Bible record now in possession of S. Oliver Breed
PR13 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Benjamin Cushing
PR14 Bible record now in possession of John J. Blaney of Swampscott
PR15 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Sarah P. Ingalls of Swampscott
PR16 Record from sampler now in possession of Mrs. Mary E. Walter of Chicago
PR17 Bible and other family record now in possession of Mrs. Charles O. Mudge
PR18 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Enoch S. Johnson
PR19 Bible record now in possession of Elbridge H. Johnson
PR20 Record from sampler now in possession of William E. Baker
PR21 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Annie Rideout of Swampscott
PR22 Bible record now in possession of Walter W. Johnson
PR23 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Edward B. Churchill
PR24 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Judith H. Honors of Swampscott
PR25 Bible and sampler records now in possession of Frank W. Palmer
PR26 Bible record now in possession of Garland A. Chamberlain
PR27 Bible record now in possession of Charles F. Penney
PR28 Bible record now in possession of Miss Harriet E. Holder
PR29 Bible record now in possession of Henry A. Pevear
PR30 Bible records now in possession of George H. Martin
PR31 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. William S. Waite
PR32 Bible record now in possession of Wilbur F. Newhall of Saugus
PR33 Bible record now in possession of George H. Mansfield of New Boston, N.H.
PR34 Bible record now in possession of M. F. Delnow
PR35 Bible record now in possession of Charles S. Viall
PR36 Bible record now in possession of Miss Maria L. Johnson
PR37 Bible record now in possession of Charles H. Newhall
PR38 Bible record now in possession of Thomas Rhodes of Saugus
PR39 Bible record now in possession of Capt. C.P. Jayne of Quincy
PR40 Bible record now in possession of Andrew Mansfield of Lynnfield
PR41 Family record now in possession of Gustavus Frelinghuysen Nourse
PR42 Bible record now in possession of Miss Elizabeth Ann Jackson
PR43 bible record now in possession of Richard Breed
PR44 Record from family register now in possession of Alfred A. Arrington
PR45 Bible records now in possession of Mrs. Lydia M. Lewis
PR46 Record from sampler now in possession of Mrs. A. Jus. Johnson
PR47 Bible record now in possession of Hon. Peter M. Neal
PR48 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. James H. Conner
PR49 Bible records now in possession of Frederick A. Phillips
PR50 Bible record now in possession of John Campbell Robinson of Boston
PR51 Bible record now in possession of Dr. Benjamin Percival
PR52 Bible record now in possession of Oliver R. Howe
PR53 Diary of Joseph Lye, now in possession of Henry F. Tapley
PR54 bible record now in possession of George L. Shorey
PR55 Record from sampler now in possession of Miss Mary Anna Sweetser
PR56 Bible record nod in possession of Guilford S. Newhall
PR57 Bible record now in possession of William C. Lamphier
PR58 Bible record now in possession of Zephaniah H. Spinney
PR59 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Lydia Ellis Galloupe
PR60 Bible record recently in possession of the late J.E.F. Marsh of New
Ipswich, N.H.
PR61 Bible record now in possession of Miss Sarah J.K. Southwork
PR62 Bible records now in possession of Mrs. B.F. Alley
PR63 Bible record now in possession of George H. Chadwell
PR64 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. William Lyon
PR65 Record from sampler now in possession of Mrs. John H. Wentworth
PR66 Bible record now in possession of Joseph Blaney of Swampscott
PR67 Bible record now in possession of Francis E. Lord
PR68 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. George Rhodes
PR69 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Edward A. Alley
PR70 Record from sampler now in possession of Phillip W. Blood
PR71 Family register now in possession of the Misses Breed, 52 Broad St
PR72 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. C. Nelson Orcutt
PR73 Bible records now in possession of the Misses Breed, 52 Broad St
PR74 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Abigail B. Clifford
PR75 Family records now in possession of Oliver R. Furbish
PR76 Record from sampler now in possession of Isaiah Graves
PR77 Bible record now in possession of Miss Martha F. Harney
PR78 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Joshua R. Johnson
PR79 Bible record now in possession of T. Merritt Newhall
PR80 Bible record now in possession of Walter H. Breed
PR81 Bible record now in possession of Charles H. Haddock
PR82 Bible record now in possession of Samuel J. Hollis
PR83 Bible records now in possession of Mrs. Samuel J. Hollis
PR84 Bible record now in possession of Miss Julia P. Hood
PR85 Family record now in possession of Mrs. Grace P. Leighton
PR86 Family record now in possession of William N. Parrott
PR87 Bible record now in possession of Charles W. Tewksbury
PR88 Family record now in possession of Mrs. Mary E. Whiton
PR89 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. B.W. Redfern of Swampscott
PR90 Family record now in possession of Mrs. James E. Hilton
PR91 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Martha Ingalls
PR92 Bible record now in possession of Miss Sarah R. Alley
PR93 Bible record now in possession of heirs of John L. Alley
PR94 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Eugene Wood
PR95 Family record kept by Benjamin Burchstead Johnson
PR96 Bible record now in possession of Robert W. Vickary
PR97 Family record now in possession of Mrs. Leonard B. Usher
PR98 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Clara E. Spinney
PR99 Bible record now in possession of Thomas P. Nichols
PR100 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Israel A. Newhall
PR101 Record from sampler now in possession of Mrs. J. Horton Bubier
PR102 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Amos F. Breed, 19 Union St
PR103 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. S. John Boyce
PR104 Bible record now in possession of Miss Elizabeth D. Page
PR105 Bible and sampler record now in possession of the Lummus family
31 Franklin St.
PR106 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Caroline A. Hallowell
PR107 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Nathaniel Fellows
PR108 Bible record now in possession of James Sliver Newhall
PR109 Bible record now in possession of Miss Mary Caroline Newhall
PR110 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Micajah N. Goodridge
PR111 Bible record now in possession of Miss Lizzie Lee Bacheller
PR112 Family record now in possession of Miss Abby M. Bowen
PR113 Bible record now in possession of Joseph Wesley Breed
PR114 Family record now in possession of Mrs. Clara M. Downing
PR115 Family record now in possession of John C. Houghton
PR116 Family record now in possession of heirs of Marshall S. Parrott
PR117 Family record now in possession of William P. Sargent
PR118 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. William T. Gray
PR119 Bible and other family record now in possession of Mrs. Helen P.
PR121 Bible and other family records now in possession of Misses Lydia A.
and Sarah M. Currier
PR122 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Charles I. Jacobs
PR123 Family record now in possession of heirs of Capt. Samuel Mudge
PR124 Bible record now in possession of Miss Lydia A. Newhall
PR125 Bible records now in possession of the heirs of John Norwood,
369 Summer St
PR126 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Joseph Nye
PR127 Family register now in possession of Mrs. James Tarbox
PR128 Family register now in possession of Fred S. Rankins
PR129 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Wesley Breed
PR130 Family register now in possession of Miss Mary C. Burrill
PR131 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Alexander Ingalls Dight of Natick
PR132 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. William Frye
PR133 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Lydia M. Hammond
PR134 Bible record now in possession of Rufus Kimball
PR135 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Sarah Newhall
PR136 Record from sampler now in possession of Misses Lucilla and Annie
Phillips of Nahant
PR137 Bible record now in possession of James H. Richards
PR138 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. George W. Wheeler
PR139 Family record now in possession of Mrs. Frank S. Winship
PR140 Bible record now in possession of John W. Berry
PR141 Bible record now in possession of Israel Augustus Newhall
PR142 Family register now in possession of Frederick A. Gordon
PR143 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Harriet E. Sanborn
PR144 Bible record now in possession of Miss Emily A. Orcutt
PR145 Family record now in possession of the Lakeman family, 185 Franklin St
PR146 Bible record now in possession of Miss Clara D. Poole
PR147 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Nathan B. Skinner
PR148 Bible record now in possession of Amos Rhodes
PR149 Bible record now in possession of the heirs of Moses Kelly, 19 Bond St
PR150 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Samuel H. Barnes
PR151 Bible record now in possession of the Misses Belle and Helen M. Hollis
PR152 Bible record now in possession of Charles Orin Lewis
PR153 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. James L. Southworth
PR154 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Charles Welsh
PR155 Bible record now in possession of Charles A. Ramsdell
PR156 Bible record now in possession of Florimond B. Mower
PR157 bible record now in possession of the heirs of Joseph Anderson
PR158 Record now in possession of Mrs. Joseph P. Dearborn
PR159 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Sophronia A. Estes, widow of Mark
PR160 Bible record now in possession of Herbert H. Estes
PR161 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Lizzie Adams
PR162 Record now in possession of Mrs. Mary E. Wright, widow of George C.
PR163 Bible record now in possession of Joseph M. Rowell
PR164 Bible record now in possession of the heirs of Mrs. Sophia S. Lewis, 34
Lexington St.
PR166 Sampler now in possession of Mrs. Charles A. Hathaway
PR167 Record in possession of Mrs. William L. Searles
PR168 Bible record now in possession of Joseph M. Rowell
PR169 Bible record now in possession of Philip A. Newhall
PR170 Bible record now in possession of George Webb Mudge
PR170 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Webster Brown
PR172 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. E. McIntosh
PR173 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. A.M. Moore
PR174 Bible record now in possession of Miss Elmina R. Tozzer
PR175 Bible record now in possession of Miss Annie Chase
PR176 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Francis D. Wilson
PR177 Bible record now in possession of the heirs of George Webb Mudge
PR178 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. G.A. Smith
PR179 Bible record now in possession of George Edward Hilton
PR180 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. Nathaniel H. Lord
PR181 Bible record now in possession of Aaron Newhall
PR182 Family record now in possession of the heirs of William M. Newhall
PR183 Bible record now in possession of Mrs. George H. Clapp
PR184 Bible record now in possession of George H. Newhall
PR185 Sampler now in possession of Mrs. A.R. Bunting of Swampscott
rec recorded
s. son
sr. senior
t.c. town copy
unm. Unmarried
w. wife; week
wid. widow
widr. widower
y. year
7 br. September
8 br. October
9 br. November
10 br. December
