Vital Records Of Burlington Massachusetts,
To The Year 1850.
Compiled By Thomas W. Baldwin, A.B., S.B.,
Member Of The New England Historic Genealogical Society.
Boston, Mass., 1915.
[transcribed by Dave Swerdfeger]

Number of Births printed--1417
Marriages-287 X 2 = 574 names
2,484 total
Established February 28, 1799, from part of Woburn. January 20, 1800, part annexed to Lexington.
Population by Census: -
1800 (U.S.) 534
1810 (U.S.), 471
1820 (U.S.), 508
1830 (U.S.), 446
1840 (U.S.), 510
1850 (U.S.), 545
1855 (State), 564
1860 (U.S.), 606
1865 (State), 594
1870 (U.S.), 626
1875 (State), 650
1880 (U.S.), 711
1885 (State), 604
1890 (U.S.), 617
1895 (State), 574
1900 (U.S.), 593
1905 (State), 588
1910 (U.S.), 591.
1. When places other than Burlington or Massachusetts are named in the original records they are given in the printed record.
2. In all records the original spelling is followed.
3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as items about the same family or individual may be found under different spellings.
4. Marriages and intentions are printed under the names of both parties.
5. Additional information which does not appear in the original text of an item, i.e., any explanation, query, inference or difference shown in other entries of the record, is bracketed.
a.— age: aged
abt. — about
b. — born
bp. — baptized
bur. — buried
ch. — child
C.R. - church record; Second Church of Christ in Woburn
d.— daughter: died: day
Dea. — Deacon
dec. — deceased
dup. — duplicate entry
G.R.1. - grave record, Precinct Burying Ground
G.R.2. - grave record, Chestnut Hill Cemetery
h.— husband: hours
inf.— infant
int.— publishment of intention of marriage
Jr. — junior
m.— month
md.— married
P.R.1. - from record of deaths in Second Parish of Woburn kept by Rev. J. Marrett, now in possession of Mrs. N. L. S. Bennett of Burlington.
P.R.2. - from records of J. P. Walker of Bangor, Maine.
s.— son
Sr.— senior
unm.— unmarried
w.-- wife
wid. — widow
widr. — widower
y. year
