Settlement(?) of a Judgment to James RIGHT

[Transcribed by Janece Streig]

Saybrook Land Records
Book 3 Page 511

Settlement of a Judgment to James RIGHT

I Being Called to State & bound out Certain pieces of Land which was by the Sheriff of New London Delivered to Mr. James RIGHT late of Say Brook Dec'd and he put into possession thereof by vertue of an execution Dated October 4th 1726, which ye said RIGHT recovered by the Judgment of the Superior Court being Seventy nine acres & halfe in Say Book part of one hundred & six acres at Oyster River quarter ye said 79 acres & halfe is bounded as follows, beginning at a heap of stones neer ye s'd River, adjoining Southerly with a small piece of land granted to Sam'el STANNARD April 2d 1696 then running North 36 degrees west fifty two rod to a black oak marked by a brook of Water then North 35 degrees West five rod to a Tree marked neer the meadow then west 33 degrees South by ye meado-37 rods then West South 51 degrees thirty Rod to ye end of ye point at ye way Joyning with the meadow then Northwesterly Joyning to ye meadow as ye upland goes one hundred & six Rod to small Chestnut Stadle marked with stones about it by the meadow from thence East 37, degrees north halfe a mile to a heap of stones at ye Corner of a lane then South 9 degrees East to the first mentioned bounds by Mr. MURDOCK's house, this land adjoins East with land called ye Serv's Land Southward with meadow & Westward with meadow Northward on ye Residue of the one hundred & six acres of land Errors excepted

John PLUMBE Surv'r

Saybrook August 8th 1727,

Rec'd ye 10th of August 1727.

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