A Deed Between Thomas WILLCOCKS, Killingworth, New London Co., CT.,
& John CARTER, Killingworth, New London Co., CT

[Transcribed by Janece Streig]

Land Records Volume 5 Pages 176-177
Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut
FHL Film #4622

Entered Novem'r [1736]

To all Christian people to whome these presents shall come greeting &c Know ye that I Thomas WILLCOCKS of ye town of Killingworth in the County of Newlondon and Coloney of Conecticut in New England husbandman for and in Consideration of the sum of two pounds ten shillings to me in hand before the Ensealeing and Delivery here of well and truly paid by John CARTER of Killingworth husband man the Receipt where of I Do here by acknowledge and my self there with fully satisfied and contented and thereof and of Very part & parcel there of Do Exonerate acquit and discharge the s'd John CARTER his heirs Executors and administrators forever by these presents Have Given Granted Bargained sold aliened Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presents Do fully freely and absolutly Give Grant Bargain sell allien Convey and Confirm unto him the s'd John CARTER his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcell of Land situate lying and being within the township of Killingworth afore s'd a little westward of John CARTER's house Lott begining at a heape of stones by the highway being one of ye Corner Bounds of Mr ELIOT's Land thence westerly fifty two Rods to a Black oake staddle marked with stones about it ye norwest Corner bounds of M'r ELIOT's Land thence Easterly forty seven Rods to a butternut bush standing by the high way & stones about it a Corner Bound of John CARTER's Land thence southerly sixten Rods to the first mentioned Corner containing two acres and a half Bounded southerly by M'r ELIOT's Land notherly by Comon Land and John CARTER's Land Easterly by a highway it being a part of my Lott in ye 11th Division Laid out to me March ye 20th 1736 p'r Dan'll GRISWOULD, Josiah BALLDWIN and John SHETHER Com'tt by a sirvey Bill of s'd Land from under their hands may appear To Have and To Hold s'd Granted and Bargained premises with all the appurtenances Privilidges and Comodities there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the s'd John CARTER his heirs and assigns forever to his and their only propper use benifit and behoof forever and I the s'd Thomas WILLCOCKS for me my heirs Executors and administrators Do Covenant promis and Grant to & with the s'd John CARTER his heirs and assigns that before the Ensealeing here of I am ye true sole and Lawfull owner of the above Bargained premises and that he or they shall by vertue here of possess and Improve the same forever here after free from all Incumbrances whatsoever and also to warrant and defend the s'd premises to s'd CARTER and his assigns against ye Lawfull Claimes forever here after of all persons whomsoever In witness where of I the s'd Thomas WILLCOCKS have here unto set my hand and seale this 23th Day of October AD 1736 and in the tenth year of his majesties Reign

Signed sealed and delivered
in presence of us

Thomas WILLCOCKS (Seale)

Killingworth October ye twenty third day AD 1736 then Came Thomas WILLCOCKS the signer and sealer to the above Instrument and acknowledged the same to be his free act and deed before me David BUELL Justice of ye peace

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