A Deed Between The Proprietors of Saybrook, New London Co., CT.,
& Thomas SPENCER, Saybrook, New London Co., CT

[Transcribed by Janece Streig]

Saybrook Land Records
Book 3 Page 447

Deed for land laid aside for Thomas SPENCER

SayBrook February 21st 1723/4

Then we ye subscribers by ye power given us by ye proprietors of Oyster River Quarter within the above named Town have laid out one piece of land within ye bounds of ye aforesaid Quarter for Thos. SPENCER, which land is layed out on the west side or and of a piece of land formerly layed out for Lt. Abra'h CHALKER on both sides of the brook that runs down to W'm BUSHNELL's mill pond ye land now laid out is thus bounded: We began at ye South Corner of ye aforesaid CHALKER's land, which Corner is an old tree fallen down but but we marked a White Oake tree standing about three or four foot northwrd of ye old tree which White oak tree we marked T.S. then Running Northwesterly 30 rod by Serg't James POST's land to a white oake staddle which is ye Southwest Corner of ye land now layed out from that staddle we went Seventy Eight Rods Northeasterly to black oake tree which is ye North west Corner of ye afore named CHALKER's land now laid out hath but three Corners & is Seven Acres but it lyes but for a third part of a fifty pound Right which Division thirty acres to a fifty pound Right layed out by us


Measurers of land for the Quarter afores'd

Rec'd May ye 1st 1727

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