A Deed Between The Proprietors, Saybrook, New London Co., CT.,
& Robert LAY, Saybrook, New London Co., CT

[Transcribed by Janece Streig]

Saybrook Land Records
Book 4 Page 450
FHL Film #5537

Deed from the Proprietors to Robert LAY

Mach 24th 1731/2 Then We ye Subscribers measurers for ye Proprietors of Oyster River Quarter Laid out for Mr. Robert LAY ye second fifteen acres of land on ye East Side of nutt Hill in Oyster River Quarter in ye Township of Say Brook at ye North End of LAY's land bought of Capt CHAPMAN & is butted South upon ye said Land 58 Rods & East 40 Rods upon Common land 62 Rods upon Common land & West 40 Rods upon Common land ye Southwest Corner is a White Oake which is ye Northwest Corner of his land aboves'd & the Northweast of land belonging to ye heirs of Mr. James WRIGHT ye South East a Chestnut Standing in or near his line abovesaid & ye Northeast a White Oake & ye Northwest a Chestnut all which Trees are marked & stones at ye Roots which fifteen acres aboves'd is s'd LAY's full proportion of a fifty Pound Ridht which ye said LAY bought of Abraham CHALKER Dec'd.

Laid out by us
Sam'll JONES

Entered from original March 20th A.D. 1733
Per Sam'll WILLARD Register

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