A Deed Between the Proprietors, Saybrook, New London Co, CT.,
& Ichabod CHAPMAN, Saybrook, New London Co., CT

[Transcribed by Janece Streig]

Saybrook Land Records
Book 6 Page 348

Saybrook May the 2nd 1737 Then we the subscribers Measurers of land for ye proprietors of Oyster River Quarter in Saybrook aforesaid laid out to Ichabod CHAPMAN of sd Saybrook thirty acres of land in said Quarter on the South side of ye Old Division or Sixty five acres that was formerly laid out at the head of Deep River to D'n CHAPMAN & his sons; And the said thirty acres is in length Easterly and Westerly one hundred & thirty six Rods, and in Width at the West and fourty one Rods & at the East end thirty one rods the North east Corner is a Red Oak tree being ye South east Corner of the Sixty five acres the Northwest Corner is a heap of stones at ye roots of a Chestnutt tree which is now fallen down and as the Southwest corner of ye old Division The southwest Corner is a large Chestnut tree neer Mr. WORTHITON's fence being another corner of another piece of land laid out to said Dn. CHAPMAN & his sons the Southeast corner is a white oak tree all which trees are marked & stones about them This piece is in full of his last two Divisions

Laid out by us,


Rec'd Feb'r 1st 1746/7
And entered from ye original
per John TULLY Register.

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