A Deed Between The Proprietors, Saybrook, New London Co., CT.,
& Samuel LAY, Saybrook, New London Co., CT

[Transcribed by Janece Streig]

Saybrook Land Records
Book 6 Page 201

Deed from Proprietors to Samuel LAY

We ye subscribers by ye Power given us by ye Proprietors of Potopague Quarter In the Township of Say-Brook have laid out to Sam'll LAY one Lott Number 19 In which Lott is two acres & an half and is in ye Quarter aforesaid & is bounded as follows Beginning at a heap of stones next to the land laid out for a Burying Place Eighteen Rods Northerly to two Maple trees standing by the side of ye Cove from thence to the highway It is thirty two Rods to a stake thence easterly to the above mentioned heap of stones twenty two rods to a take thence Easterly to the above mentioned heap of stones twenty two rods laid out this 25th Day of October 1730 by us measurers of land & is laid out for fity Pounds Right originally given him by his father.


Rec'd May 10th 1743 & Entered from ye original
Per Sam'll WILLARD Register.

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