A Deed Between Benjamin MERRELL, Killingworth, New London Co., CT.,
& Samuel CARTER, Killingworth, New London Co., CT

[Transcribed by Janece Streig]

Land Records Volume 5 Pages 51-52
Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut
FHL Film #4622

Entered May ye 27 1735

To all Christian People to whome these presents shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Benjamin MERREL of Killingworth in the County of Newlondon and Coloney of Conecticut in New England for and in Consideration of [blank] Currant money to me in hand paid before the Ensealeing of these presents by Samuel CARTTER of the town County and Coloney above s'd the Receipt where of I Do hereby acknowledg Have Given Granted allienated Conveyed Confirmed & by these presents Do fully freely & absolutly give grant Bargain sell allien Convey and Confirm unto him the s'd Samuel CARTER his heirs and assigns forever three tracts of Land scituate in the Township of Killingworth afore s'd one piece of s'd Land lying above the looer Bare swamp Begining at a walnut staddle thence westerly twenty six Rods to a heap of stones thence southerly three Rods and an half to a heap of stones thence Easterly twenty six Rods to a heap of stones thence norther three Rods to the first mentioned Corner containing half an acre and three Rods Bounded Every way by the Common it being ye 166th lott in the tenth Division, another peice of Land lying on the Eastside of Samuel CARTER's home lot begining at a heap of stones thence south Easterly fourteen Rods to a heap of stones thence northerly twenty three Rods and an half as the highway Runs to a heap of stones thence south westerly seventeen Rods to the first mentioned Corner Containing three quarters of an acre & twenty Rods Bounded Every way by the hways, another tract lying a little above the looer Bare swamp begining at a burch tree marked stones above it thence notherly twenty seven Rods to a heap of stones thence westerly twenty six Rods to a heap of stones thence southerly twenty Eight Rods & an half to a heap of stones thence Easterly thirty three Rods to the first Corner Containing four acres twenty Rods Bounded southerly by the Land of James STEEVENS Jun'r Notherly by Benjamin MERRELS Land Eastward and westward by the Common the two Last pieces of Land herein Described were part of the 158 Lot in ye tenth Division originaly on the Right of Ensign John SHETHER To Have and To Hold the s'd three pieces of Land here in granted with all the appurtenances privilidges and Comodities to ye same belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the s'd Samuel CARTTER his heirs and assigns forever to his heirs and assigns forever to his and their only propper use benifit and behoof forever free and Clear & freely & Clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all manner of former gifts grants Bargains Sales or and other incumbrances in the Law whatsoever and I the s'd Benjamin MERRILLS for myself my self my heirs Executors and administrators Do Covenant promise and grant to and with the s'd Samuel CARTER his heirs and assigns that before the Ensealeing here of I am the true sole and Lawfull owner of the s'd Bargained premises and have Good Right full power and Lawfull authority to Bargain & sell the same in manner of above s'd and here by bind and oblige my self my heirs Executors and administrators to warrant secure and defend the s'd granted premises forever to him the s'd Samuel CARTER his heirs and assigns against the Lawfull Claimes or Demands of any person or persons whomeso ever In witness whereof I the s'd Benjamin MERRELL have hereunto set my hand and seale this nineteenth Day of may A:D: 1735

Siged sealed and delivered
in presence of
Sam'll WILLCOCKS Jun'r

Benjamin MERREL (Seal)

Killingworth may ye 19th 1735 then and there personally appeared the witin named Benjamin MERRELL and acknowledged the signing and sealeing of the above or within Instrument to be his free act and deed before me Abrah PIERSON Justice of peace

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