A Deed Between Nathaniel LUCAS, Saybrook, New London Co., CT.,
& Samuel NORTON, Saybrook, New London Co., CT

[Transcribed by Janece Streig]

Saybrook Land Records
Book 6 Page 107
FHL Film #5538

Deed from Nathaniel LUCAS (LUCUS) to Samuel NORTON

To all people to whom these presents shall come, Greeting; Know ye that I Nath'll Lucus of Say-Brook in the County of New London and Colony of Connecticut in New England for the consideration of Two hundred and fifty pounds money I have in hand received of Sam'll NORTON of the same Saybrook, have granted and conveyed and by these presents do give grant bargain sell and confirm unto the said Sam'll NORTON his heirs and assigns forever all that my messuage tract and parcel of land in the First Society in Say-Brook aforesaid containing Seven acres and a half with the Dwelling House and Barn thereon standing Bounded Northerly on the land of Stephen CHALKER, Easterly on the highway until it comes to a meer stone neer the brook from thence four rods and a half in a straight line to a meer stone standing on the dam and bounds on the land of Lt. Joseph DUDLEY continuing in a Steight line to the fishing Brook and then the line extends Westerly as the Brook runs in its natural course until it meets with the land of Stephen CHALKER, bounding southerly on said Brook, and one piece more of land lying on the East side of the highway over against the house containing about half an acre, Bounded Westerly on the highway North Easterly on Thos. JONES" land and Southerly on Common Land Both which pieces lye in a Triangular form.

To have and to hold the above granted and bargained Premises with the appurtenances thereof unto him the said NORTON his heirs and assigns forever to his and their own proper use and behoof and also I the said Nath'll LUCAS do for myself my heirs executors and administrators Covenant with the said Sam'll NORTON his heirs and assigns forever to his and their own proper use and behoof, and also I the said Nath'll LUCAS do for myself my heirs executors and Administrators Covenant with the said Sam'll NORTON his heirs and assigns that at and untill the ensealing of these presents I am well seized of the Premises as a good indefeasible estate in fee simple and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as is above written and that the same is free from all incumbrances whatsoever.

And Furthermore I the said Nath'll LUCAS do by these presents Bind myself and my heirs forever to Warrant and Defend the above Granted and bargained Premises to him the said Sam'll NORTON his heirs and assigns against all claims and demands what soever.

In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 17th day of November in the 16th year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George ye Second of Great Brittain &c., King Anno Domini 1742

Signed Sealed and delivered
In presence of
Sam'll WILLARd

Nathaniell LUCUS (Seal)

Say-Brook November 17th 1742.
Nath'll LUCAS ye ensealer of the above Instrument acknowledge dthe same to be his free act and deed,
Before me Sam'll WILLARD Just Peace.

Received December 10th 1742.
And entered from ye original
Per Sam'll WILLARD Register.

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