A Deed Between Theophilus CRANE, Killingworth, New London Co., CT.,
& Nathaniel CARTER, Killingworth, New London Co., CT

[Transcribed by Janece Streig]

Land Records Volume 4 Page 170
Killingworth, Middlesex, Connecticut
FHL Film #4622

Entered may ye 22 1729

To all Christian People to whome these presents shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Theophilus CRANE of Killingworth in the County of Newlondon and Coloney of Conecticut in New England for Divers Good & Lawfull Considerations me thereunto moveing but more Especailly for the parental Love & Natural affection that I Have and do bare toward by Dutyfull and well beloved son Nathaniel CRANE of Killingworth afore s'd have make over Convey and Confirm unto him the s'd Nathaniel CRANE his heirs and assigns forever a Certain tract or parcell of Land situate in Killingworth afore s'd lying on the East side of orchard meadow begining at the southwesterly Corner at a small white oak tree standing on the Edg of the upland by s'd meadow marked with N P and T:C stoans Cast about it other trees marked about it measureing thence Northerly 61 ½ Rods at a trapstik tree with T:C stoans Cast about it trees marked about it thence Southerly 60 rods and half at a heap of stoans with trees marked about it thence westerly 128 Rods of the first mentioned Corner Containing forty nine acres more or less as it lies Bounded southerly by the Land of Nathaniel PARMELE Every way Elce by the Common & after Divisions to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the s'd Nathaniel CRANE his heirs and assigns forever to his and their only propper use benifit and behoof forever freely and Clearly to him the s'd Nathaniel CRANE his heirs and assigns forever in fee simple it being to be accounted as Ninty Eight pounds of my Estate Given to him and so to be vallued in the Inventory of my Estate In witness where of I the s'd Theophilus CRANE have here unto set my hand and seale this twentyeth Day of may Anno=Dom: 1729: and in the second year of his majesties Reign George the second King of Great Brittain &c

Signed Sealed and delivered
in presence of Charles HAZELLTON

Theophilus CRANE (Seal)

The subscriber hereunto appeared personally ye 20 day of may: 1729 and acknowledged the above written Instrument to be his free act and deed before me Abrah: PIERSON Justice of peace

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