A Deed Between Nathaniel CARTER, Killingworth, New London Co., CT.,
& John CARTER, Killingworth, New London Co., CT
[Transcribed by Janece Streig]
Killingworth, Middlesex County, CT
Land Records Volume 6 Page 443
FHL Film #4623
Entered July ye 30th 1742
To all people to whom these presents shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Nathaniel CARTER of Killingworth in ye County of New London and Coloney of Conecticut in New England for the Consideration of the sum of Eighty pounds Currant money of s'd Coloney to me in hand before or at the Ensealeing here of well and truly paid by John CARTER of ye afore s'd Killingworth which is to my satisfaction Have given granted Bargained sold Conveyed and Confirmed unto him the said John CARTER his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract of Land scituate in the township of Killingworth afore s'd lying at a place Called Sopus near CRANE's meadow Bounded as followeth begining at ye southeasterly Corner near Saybrook line at a stake and a heap of stons Runing thence westerly to a black oak staddle stones about it thence southerly to a white oak tree standing in ye line between John CARTER's & Benjamin CARTER's Land thence norwesterly to a Black oak tree marked stons about it thence Easterly to a Chestnut tree marked standing in Saybrook line thence southerly to the first mentioned Corner be it for quantity of acres more or Less bounded Easterly by Saybrook line southerly by Benjamin CARTER's Land west by John CARTER's Land and northerly in part by the Land of Ens'n John SHETHER and partly by the Land of Sam'll PLATS To Have and To Hold the above granted premises to him the s'd John CARTER his heirs and assigns forever to his & their only proper use benefit and behoof forever and I the s'd Nathaniel CARTER for my self my heirs Executors & administrators Do Covenant promise and grant to and with ye s'd John CARTER his heirs and assigns that at and until the Ensealeing of these presents I am the true sole and Lawfull owner of the above granted premises & have in my self Good Right full power & Lawfull authority to Bargain and sell ye same in manner and form as is above written and the s'd John CARTER his heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times forever here after by force and vertue of these present have hold use occupie possess and Injoy the above Demised premises with ye appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining freely and Clearly acquitted & discharged of and from all maner of former or other gifts grants Bargains sales or Incumbrances in the Law whatsoever furthermore I the s'd Nath'll CARTER Do promis the above granted & bargained premises to him the s'd John CARTER his heirs and assigns against the Lawfull claimes or Demands of any person or persons whomsoever forever here after to warrant secure and defend In witness where of I the s'd Nathaniel CARTER have here unto set my hand and seale this twenty third Day of April AD 1742 and in the 13th year of his majesties Reign George ye 2nd King of Great Brittain &c.
Signed Sealed and delivered
in presence of
Nathaniel CARTER (Seale)
Killingworth April 26: 1742 then personally appeared the subscriber Nath'll CARTER & acknowledged the signing & sealeing the within written Instrument to be his free act & Deed before me John LANE Justic of peace