Records of the Congregational Church
at Farmingbury (now Wolcott)
Record Started by Alexander Gillet, Pastor, on Dec. 29, 1773
[Transcribed by Diane Delbridge]

This is NOT a complete transcription it contains all the entries on a few selected pages of the original records from microfilm.
vol. 1
[bottom half of a page, possibly p. 9] apparently 1787 -
March 4th Olive child of Saml & Olive Byington
June 10th Nathl child of Sarah & Nathl Lewis by Mr. Perry Carmel
July 1st Ruth child of Ruth & Reuben [ ]
15th Salina child of Elisabeth & L. Gillet
Augt 19th Miles child of Mark & [Path?] Harrison
Sept Sarah child of Sarah & Josiah Barns
Nov 25 Isaac child of Wait & Deborah Hotchkiss
Anno Domini 1788 -
Jany 27th Adah, my own child
March 16 Anselm child of Cyrus Norton
23d *Anselm child of Calvin & Marm Cowles
Jerusha child of Roberta & Heman Hall
May [ ]th Justus Lot child of Justus & Lucy Peck
June 16th Samuel child of Saml & Esther Atkins
Aug 10th Rachel child of Phebe & Saml Harrison
[bottom half second column]
Anno Domini 1789 -
Jany 22d David, Elizabeth, Susan, [Kezia?]. Jonathan Fowler, Moses Frisbie, Ziba, & Jedidiah Herman, children of Meriam & Ozias Norton
March 1st [Barksey?] child of Mary & Ezekiel Upson
10th privately *Esther, wife of Josh Beecher Junr
& Nancy ---- their child
April 19th Alena child of Abraham Norton
May 10th Eunice child of Zadoc & [Eva?] [Bronson?]
Eli & Harvey, children of --- & Selah Stedman
31st Bartholomew child of Abel & Ann Curtis baptized by Mr. Perry Carmel
Northington June 28th 1789 Anna child of Lot Thompson & [ ]
July 19 Abraham child of Sanl & Olive Byington
July 26 David child of Sarah & Josiah Barns
children of Sylvia & Johnson Cleveland Mary Jane, [blank]
[new page] -
[June 1822?] Hannah? Jane child of [ ] Jackson
Sept 1, 1822 Augusta Albertina daugh of John & Mary [Dyson?]
Oct 13 Laura Anne adopted daughter of Luretta & Obed Doolittle
-- Sarah Louisa daughter of Jona Bement
Oct 16 William Son of Rev. Luke Wood & Ann his wife of Waterbury
Oct 16 Sometime since, by Mr. Crane a child of Mr Bildad Hotchkiss Carlos
Nov 4th Henry a youth of Colour, He was brought for baptism by the wife of David R. Upson
Jesse Barns & Joel Henry children of Bela Rose
Cyrus Hurlburt son of Uri Carter
Timothy Upson son of Reuben Carter
During interregnum before a Clerk was appointed Revd Mr. Keys baptized a child of Joshua Minor & Wife
May 9th 1824 Sally Maria child of John & Hanah Bronson
Do. Rufinus child of Ziba & Abigail Norton
Do. Lucas Manly child of Manly & Laura Upson
August 28th 1825 by Mr. Hubbard James Baily son of Reuben & Polly Carter
Sept 18 1825 by Mr. Hart Wm son of Thos & Jerusha Upson also John Hart son of Danl Holt & Wife
July 1st 1827 by Mr. Scranton Wm P. Tuttle son of Lucius & Rebecca Tuttle
Do. 21st by do. Algernon Sidney & Celesta Jane children of Orrin & Hannah Plumb
Oct [25th?] 1827 Ambrose [ ] son of Thos & Jerusha Upson
Oct [31st?] 1827 Laura the Wife of [Lucas?] J. Munson by the Rev Mr. Scranton
March 5, 1828 [unreadable copy]
March 23d 1828 Rachel [ ], [ ], Mary Ann, Luther Moses, & Lydia [ ] children of Col Moses Pond & Wife
--- also --- -
Charles Dwight, Albert [ ], Emeline [ ], Clark Wheler children of [Samll W. Upson??]
also Mary [Witter?], Alfred Elisha & [Ca____] children of Lineas J. & Laura Munson by [ ]
July 6th 1828 Sophia R. Alcox & Orlando [ ] adults & John Ephraim, Mary Cole, Olive [ ]-ner children of Jedediah G. Alcox [ ]
also Oliver Hart, Sylvia, Maria, & Robert Clark Children of Clark & Experience Bronson by Revd Mr. Scranton
Novr 2d Wealthy Wife of Elihu Molthrop, Fitch Allen Higgins, Sylvia Widow of James Thomas, adults also Levi, Sherman & Elihu children of Elihu & Wealthy Molthrop Leve Ann, [ ], Augustus, Rhoda & Hannah Jane children of [ ] & Hannah Norton Emeline, William Roger, Mary Angeline, & Harriet Eliza children of Fitch A. & Amanda Higgins Wealthy child of John & Esther Atkins and [ ] child of Mark & Martha Tuttle by Revd Mr. Scranton
Jany 25th 1829 Marshall Ashmun, Child of Samll W. & Sally M. Upson
April 26th Jeremiah Scarritt & Laura Ann children of Widow Sylvia Thomas - Mr. Scranton
July 5th Lois Alcox & Eunice Hotchkiss adults by Mr. Scranton
Oct 25th Nathaniel Cole son of Asa Boardman & Wife Revd Mr. Wheelock
Novr 1st 1829 Timothy Harris & Mary Antoinette [ ] & Sarah Scarritt by Revd Mr. Wheelock
[blank] Sarah Ann & Ambrose Ives Downs children of Isaac & Mabel Downs by Mr. Wheelock
May 9th 1830 Laura Alma child of [ ] J. & Laura Munson Revd Mr. Wheelock
June 13th 1830 Elizabeth child of Luther Higgins & Wife by Mr. Wheelock
Sept 19th Sally child of Ira Hough & Wife also Seth Peck child of Thomas Upson & Wife & Charles Woodruff
- child of Jedidiah G. Alcox & Wife [E---] E. Scranton
May 15th 1831 [blank] child of Samll W. & Sally M. Upson by Revd Mr. Shaw
vol. 1, p. 21 [only the top part of the page] -
Febr 7 1774 Daniel Harison & Phebe Blackslee both of Waterbury
March 9 1774 Ichabod Talmage and Hannah Minor both of Farmingbury
May 19th 1774 Samuel Atkins & Esther Minor both of Farmingbury
Nov 23d 1774 Benjamin Beecher of N. Cheshire and Esther Barrit of Farmingbury
December 20th 1774 Philemon Bradley and Hannah Talmage both of this place [ ]
Cyrus Norton and Jerusha Johnson both of Farmingbury Jany 4, 1775
[top of right column in a box
My own marriage with Adah Rogers of this place attended by Mr. [ ] Dec 3d 1778]
Octobr 24th 1776 John Carter of Southington and Mary Pond of Farmingbury
Anno Domini 1777
March 6 Joel Norton of New Cambrige and Hannah Alcox of Farmingbury
Wednesday March 12 Nathan Sanford of Bethany and Lois Lindsly of Farmingbury
Thursday November 13th William Baily & Sarah Welman both of Farmingbury
Thanksgiving November 20th Josiah Barns & Sarah Wakelee both of Waterbury
Thursday January 29th 1778 Samuel Pratt of this place [page cut off]
p. 22
December 17th 1778 Thursday My honored Father Zacheus Gillet & Widow Sarah Dean, both of Farmingbury by Samll Newel
Thursday 31 Decemr 1778 Josiah Atkins & Sarah Rogers both of Farmingbury
January 25th 1779 Monday Obadiah Munson New Haven & Eunice Bradley Farmingbury
Friday, April 16th 1779 Nathan Gellet & Lucy Harrison both of Farmingbury
Monday April 19th 1779 Elijah Lane & Marcy Scarritt both of Farmingbury
Wednesday June 2d 1779 Stephen Carter of Farmingbury & Triphene Upson, Southington
Thursday June 3d Reuben Frisbie & Ruth Seward; Nathan Seward & Martha Gridly, All of Farmingbury
Thursday June 10th 1779 Philemon Barns & Anur Scott both of Farmingbury
August 12th 1779 Thursday Jude Frisbie of Farmingbury & Hannah Baldwin of Waterbury
Wednesday September 1st 1779 Theodore W__worth & Elizabeth Allen both of Southington
Monday November 15 1779 Moses White & Mil___ Porter both of Southington
Thursday November 25, 1779 Josiah Atkins 2d & Mary Gillet
Wednesday February 9th 1780 John Talmage & Lucretia Molthrop both of Farmingbury
Thursday May 18th 1780 Asa Alcox & Sabra Plumb of Farmingbury
Sabbath even June 11th 1780 Nathaniel Shepherd & Hannah Roberts both of Southington
Thursday December 23d 1780 Ichabod Merrils of Waterbury & Sarah Frisbie of Farmingbury
Thursday January 4th 1781 Charles Frisbie & Lydia Alcox of Farmingbury
Monday evening February 26, 1781 Nathan Scarrit & Abigail Atkins both of Farmingbury
Wednesday evening June 18th 1781 James Scarritt & Sylvia Plumb both of Farmingbury
Thursday July 26th 1781 Elkanah Smith & Elizabeth Gillet both of Farmingbury
Thursday August 30th 1781 Johnson Cleaveland of Farmingbury & Sylvia Harris of Waterbury
Thursday September 13, 1781 Amos Beecher of Farmingbury & Deborah Welton Waterbury
Thursday September 20th, 1781 Isaac Norton of New Cambrige & Esther Blakeslee of Farmingbury
Thursday September 27th, 1781 Luther Atkins Junr & Azubah Barns of Southington
Thursday October 3d, 1781 Elijah Bailey & Sarah Col____ both of Farmingbury
p. 46
Anno Domini 1793
Nathaniel Lane & Amelia Alcox
Asahel Lane & Abigail Alcox
[Symonds?] Welton & Olive Harrison
---- Sutliff & Elizabeth Johnson
Samll Upson & [Loise?] Hopkins
---- Barns & Lucy Beecher
Anno Domini 1794
Samll Beecher & Sarah Plumb
[Lynde?] Beecher & Orpha [Selkruggs?]
Gamaliel Plumb & Zilpha Welton
Jeremiah Molthrop Jr & Hester Beecher
Ebenezer Bailey & Lydia Bradley
Anno Domini 1795
Doctr Baldwin & Sally Richards
James [Chalk?] & Mehitable Booth
Moses Byington & Ruth Upson
Mark Allen & Molly Lane
[ ] [Flannery?] & Beda [ ]
[next column same page maybe still 1795 but uncertain]
John [Peck?] & [ ] [Clark?]
[P------] [C---] & Polly [ ]
[blank] Richardson & Ruth Sutliff
Benjamin Hickox & [ ] [Sutliff?]
Silas Bishop & [Loise?] Church
Elijah Roe & Mary Molthrop
Washington Upson & Rhoda Carter
John Smith & [Loise?] Alcox
Michael Sutliff & Phebe Talmage
Blakesley & Wid [Loise?] Hopkins
[there is no gap in the page here!]
Marriages 1812
Solman Johnson & Esther Frisbie
Ira G. Upson & Sally Adams
Ebenezer Griggs & Hephribah Bartholomew
----- Welton of Watertown & Statira Harrison
Mark Upson & Maria Wakelee
Marcus Minor & Harriet Hotchkiss
1814 Oct 5
By the Rev. John Keys
Levi Langdon of Southington to Clarissa Hyde of Cheshire -
Solomon Griggs of Plymouth to Amanda Plumb of Wolcott Oct 20
Alen Woodruff of Southington to Rosa Hitchcox of Wolcott Nov 16
Arad Wakely to Esther [ ] both of Wolcott Nov 20
vol. 1, p. 15 -
Anno 1774
Jany The child of John Bronson
Febry Benjamin Gaylor
Apr [ ] ye child of Nathll [Chidsy?]
The child of Sarah Frisbie
Novembr The child of Isaac Barns
Anno Domini 1775
Jany 13th The child of Thaddeus Barns
May 24th Mary Lane ye daughter of Danll and Jemima Lane
June 7th Lyman ye child of Abraham and Rebecca Wooster
8th Samuel ye child of Gideon and Abigail Finch
Decemr 19th Jerusha ye daughter of Samuel & Ruth Upson
Anno Domini 1776
Jany 31 Daniel Andrus ye child of Stephen & Zilpa Pratt
Feby 12 Isaac Twitchel
March 25th Dorcas the child of Levi and Lois Gaylor
April 23 Aaron Pond
27th Lydia ye wife of Wait Hotchkiss
July 18th [Luce?] ye child of Abraham and Rebecca Woster
Sept 28th Amos ye son of Ebenezer Johnson & wife
18 John Dean died in return from ye camp at New York
Octr 6th Mehetabel Barns ye daughter of Caleb Barns
8th Martha the wife of Caleb Barns
11th Job Barns ye son of C Barns
12th Elizabeth ye wife of Elijah [cut off]
[second column]
October 17th 1776 Rhachel Brocket ye daughter of Samuel Brocket
Oct 12th Lois ye daughter of Caleb Barns
Oct 8th Daniel Finch
October 18th Isaac Scarriot ye son of Jeremh & Mary Scarriot
Oct 24th Zenas & Eunice ye children of Stephen and Zilpa Pratt
November 1st Martha Wiard
Novemr 7th Joseph ye child of Joel Grannis
Novemr 11 John Harrison ye son of Deacon Aaron Harrison
and Ephraim ye son of Joseph Smith
October 27th Hannah ye child of Stepn Pratt
Decembr 19th The wife of Joseph Smith
Anno Domini 1777
Jany 7th John Alcox
Jany 9th Henia ye child of Joseph and Phebe Atkins
Feby 23d Pharosina ye child of Joel Grannis
August 10,11 Asahel & John children of the widow Dean
24th Luce child of Aaron [Wiel?]
Sept 8th Jeremiah child of Jeremh & M Scarriot
[page cut off]
p. 16 AD 1777
Sept 13th Sarah ye child of Jeremiah Scarriot
Octobr 31 Abigail child of Samll Waters
November The child of Cyrus & Susanna Grilly
AD 1778
Feby 11th The child of Amos & Huldah Hall namd Elisabeth
25th Eli child of Abel Beecher
March 16th Abner child of Giles Porter
Apr 29th Thomas child of John & M Alcox
May 3d Asbel child of Samll & Esther Atkins
June 4th Lowly child of Calvin & Miriam Cowles
July 30th Wait Hotchkiss
August 9th [blank] child of Jesse & Patience Alcox
16th Sukey child of Curtis Hall
18th Sarah child of Heman & Rebekah Hall
Sept 10th Asa child of Joel Grannis
11th Joseph child of Isaac Elwell
[no date] Child of David Frost
Octobr 9th Mary child of Jacob Carter
16th Adah, child of Joseph & Phebe Atkins
Nov 23rd Hannah, wife of Reuben Frisbie
Decemr 30th Susanna child of Simeon & Mary Plum
AD 1779
Sept 19 Sarah wife of Josiah Rogers
21 An infant of James & Martha Thomas
Nov 2d [blank] child of Nathll Lewis
Nov 16th Infant child of Zacheus Gillet Junr
Anno Domini 1780
April 9th Infant of Wm Baily & his wife
14th Ruth ye wife of Samuel Brocket
23d Timothy son of Zacheus Gillet
June 19th L__ wife to Capt Amos Beecher
July 10th [blank] wife of Joseph Sutliff
July 19th 1781 Mary Roberts wife of --- Roberts
Novemr 6, 1781 Infant child of Isaac Carter
8th Martin child of Stephen & Triphena Carter
Nov 17th Daniel Byington
18th Lyman son of Jesse & Patience Alcox
Decemr 2d Infant child of Capt Amos & Rebecca Beecher
Anno Domini 1782
Jany 2d Archibald Upson son of Captain Samuel & Ruth Upson
May 3d 1782 Child of James & Sarah Baily
May 24th 1782 Temperance Platt
May 28th Joseph Atkins
October 27th 1781 Josiah Atkins died from [ ]
August 27th 1782 Infant child of Charles & Wealth Upson
Octobr 22d 1782 Cambrige, a Negro
25th Decr Amasa Gaylord
Anno Domini 1783
May 3d infant child of Joseph & Mary Minor
Infant child of Philemon Bradly
Infant child of J[ ] & Sarah Baily
Harvey child of Ickabod & Hannah Talmage
December 30th 1783 Wealth Upson
Anno Domini 1784
April 26th Jeremiah child of Jeremiah & Mary Scarrit
April 28th Content daughter of Caleb & Pilly Bartholomew, Negroes
August 27th 1784 Stephen Barns
Novemr 7th Sarah Barns daughter of Stephen & Sarah Barns
p. 18, [1793 continued from previous page]
Timothy Bradley
The Wife of Ephraim Smith
The child of David Harrison
The child of Hezekiah Beecher
AD 1794
The [1st?] March The Wife of James Bailey
Mr. __ Barns
Daniel Lane
Esther [Frisby?]
M___ah Robards
Mr. ____ Clinton
The Wife of Mr. David Alcox
Amos Seward
The child of Mr. ____ Becket
The child of Mr. & Mrs. Warner
The Child of Mr & Mrs Thomas
The Child of Mr.
[page cut off may switch to 1795 ]
Capt Heman Hall
Old Mr. Warren
The Child of Stephen Carter
Old Mr. Joseph Sutliff
Philemon Barns
The infant of Curtis Hall
The child of Zephariah Parker
Gad Bartlemy Negro
The child of Mr. Becketts
The Child of Uzza Norton
The Child of L____ Beecher
AD 1796
The Infant Child of John Sutliff
The Child [^Harry] of Darius Wiard
The Wife of Moses Pond
The Child of Moses Pond
The Child of John [ ]
[page cut off]
p. 19
The Wife of [ ] [ ] [ ]
Joseph Child of Joel Grannis
Polly Child of Joel Grannis
Old Mr. --- Bracket
a Child of Mr. Baldwin
The wife of John Potter
a Child of Josiah Barns
a Child of Josiah Barns
a Child of Josiah Barns
a Child of Josiah Barns
a Child of David Alcox
Widow Abigail Atkins
The child of [Zenas?] Bracket
AD 1797
Daniel Johnson
The child of Jared Welton
The Child of Curtiss Hall
The Child of Nathaniel Sutliff
AD 1798
Molly Hopkins aged 44 with ---
Miriam Wife to Calvin Cowles aged 44 with the Consumption
Thomas Upson aged 79 with the inflammatory fever
Joel [Hopkins?] aged 98 with the [ ] [ ]
Widow Sarah Barns aged 69
[in the margin] Widow Barns 2d with consumption
[Elisabeth?] daughter of [ ] Lane - dysentery
[ ] Harry son of Darius Wiard Ulcer of the head 15 March
AD 1799
---- Son of Amos Upson, [ ], 2d
Isaac Son of Joseph Twitchel aged [ ] Dysentery
---- Son of Timothy Talmage age 15 Months Consumption
---- Child of Reuben Lucas J[ ] after birth
Curtiss Hall accidental death aged 53 by a fall of a [ ] upon the head
Charles Phrisby by [ ] & weakness & bleeding
Wife of Gideon Twitchell with consumption
Child of David Harrison Consumption
Michael Sutliff at Seal [sic] Small pox
Child James Bailey by a Scald
Wait Hopkins by inflammatory fever
Child of John Potter Consumption
The aged Widw P[ ] [ ]
p. 32
[ ] Tyler age 73 Jany 2d 1804
Hannah wife to Levi Johnson age 37 Jany 9th 1804
Aaron Wiard the aged Jany 23 1804
Enos Hitchcock age 78 Jany 29 1804
Eliphalet Pardee age 78 Feby 4 1804
Love Daughter to Moses Byington Aet 8 Feb 12 1804
Jared his Son Aet 5 March 17 1804
Pittie a Negro Woman May 1st Aet 74 1804
Joseph Smith Aet 75 May 11th 1804
Markus Child Elijah Lane June 4th Aet 10 month 1804
Sarah Hotchkiss Aet 40 June 7th 1804
Albert, Infant of David Churchill Aet 3 months August 16 1804
Triphena Wife of Stephen Curtis Et 48 Octbr 29th 1804
Sarah Wife of John Brawnson Et 73 Decr 17th 1804
Isaac Hopkins Etas 96 Jany 13 1805
[blank] son of John Beecher Ets 11 Jany 17 1805
Elizabeth Horton Aet 37 Feby 7th 1805
Rebecca Wife of [ ] Barns of Bristol
and Daughter of Elisha Horton Et 23 Feb 26th 1805
Widow Rebecca Hall Etat 59 June 7th 1805
Child of Marvin Beckwith E 4 Sept 22 1805
Israel Baldwin E 87 Nov 15th 1805
An Infant child of Lee Upson Jany 1806
A child of Samll Plumbs 7 month old April 1806
Marcy Wife of Elijah Lane Aet 47 April 18 1806
James Alcox aged 72 Aug 10 1806
----- Wife of John Alcox 1807
[blank] Son of Solomon Alcox 1807
Hopkins Upson 1807
Rachel Pond 1807
Infant child of Zaphna Potter 1807
David Bailey 1807
Child of Samll Horton 1807
p. 33
Jedadiah Minor 1807
Ichabod Talmage 1807
Daughter of ---- Bradley 1807
Wife of Simeon Plumb 1807
Wife of Abel Beecher 1807
Son of James Scarritt 1807
[Clome?] Churchill 1807
Wife of Samll Upson 1807
James Bartholomew 1807
Infant of Elkanah Smith 1807
Child of Gamaliel Plumb 1807
Child of James Alcox 1808
Nathaniel Hitchcox 1808
Nathaniel Sutliff 1808
Thankful Bronson 1808
Infant of Ella Molthrop 1808
Wife of [ ] Lewis 1808
John Alcox 1808
Philo Beardsley 1808
Aaron Harrison 1808
p. 34 List of deaths continued during the Year 1811
Jany 11th Stephen Carter Junr
Feby 16th A Child of Silas Hine *
Do. 25th Doct Cole *
July 10th Infant of Eldad Parker
August 4th Do. Elisha M. Pomeroy still born
Oct 9th A Child of Asa Granniss
Do. 10th Lewis Loveland *
Do. 27th Abel Beecher * Father
Decr 23d A Child of Stephen Harrison
N. B. Those with this mark * did not belong to the Society tho they died within its limits
Deaths 1812
Twin children of Levi Atkins a premature birth
Widow Mehitabel Clark Aet 92
Timothy Scott Aet 81
Josiah Barnes Jr Aet 21 March 26
Josiah Barns & his wife the parents of 1 young man, died, both of them on 1 morning of Wednesday the 1st of April he between the hours of 12 & 1 she about 7 oclock. They were both interred in one grave. Their disease was considered to be Peripneumony. He was 67 years of age she 56.
The wife of Ebenezer Beecher, aged 23 *
__otus L. Peck, aged 24. He was killed almost instantaneously by beg violently thrown fm a cart, & havg 1 wheel run across his body
Amariah Plumb aged 32 Peripneumony
Widow [blank] Wiard *
The wife of Titus Sutliff
A son of Abner Hotchkiss 6 years old No [18?]
Ebenezer Beecher *
Abel Beecher * Son
Simeon Plumb
The wife & an infant of Joseph Plumb
Mrs. [blank] Sanford *
John Welton *
[ ] Minor *
[ ] Upson
An infant of Solo Plumb
The wife of Mark Upson
Eliza [ ]
Timothy Bradley
Asaph Hotchkiss
Lucas Hart Pastor
Wife of Isaac A. Hunt
Samuel Brockit *
Julia Upson
Deacn Justus Peck *
Asahel Brockitt
Rebecca Lindsley
Polly Pond
Ronda Hotchkiss
Thomas Knight
an infant son of Jesse Alcox
Wife of [Ossee?] Bartholomew
Son of Zephana Parker
*An Infant Child of Samuel Houghton
Isaac son of Clark Bronson
February *An Infant Child of John Sutliff
March *An Infant child of Amos Johnson
May Jemima Andruss a Town pauper aged 74
---- * Willow son of Elijah Rogers
p. 37 [1821]
*George son of Solomon Wiard aged six years Sept 26, 1821
Sarah Martin aged 50 a person of colour Oct 3d
Southington Moses Clark aged 54 Oct 5
Southing Nov 9th Widow Lee No 13
Jany Widow Guernsey Aetet 86 or 7
19 An infant child of Streat Todd
Miss Todd, daughter of Mr. Hezekiah Todd Waterbury
Feby A child of Mr. Alpheus Bradley Feb 20
Feb 4 The wife of Abel Curtis
July 15 Mark Harrison Esqr Ae 71
Aug 21 Wm Smith Ae 25
Sept 24 David Wakely aged [blank]
Sept 26 Widow Sanford
Nov 4 Roxana Bailey daughter of Reuben and Polly Carter aged 2 yrs
Nov 22 The wife of Moses Bradley
Nov 18 Orinda Martha daughter of Daniel & Molly Holt Ae 1
April 20, 1823 [page cut off]
[top of next column]
Jan 13th 1825 William P. Tuttle son of [ ]
Feb 7th Orrilla Potter
Feb 21 Ephraim [Winston?]
March 7th Laura Welton Episcopalian
Do. 21st Jeremiah Scarritt
August Child of Widow Lewis Baptist
Sept 18th Preserve Carter
Do. 21st Child of Jared Welton Episcopalian
Do. 27th Child of Eldad Alcox Do.
Do. 28th Child of Elihu Molthrop
Oct 17th Mary Chatterton
Novr 4th Wm Mix
Novr 7th Child of Lewis Churchill Baptist perhaps
Do. 12th Richmond Hall
[maybe same date] Abigail Alcox at Manlius
Feb 17th Cleora Alcox
Child of Adna Whiting
Child of Solomon Wiard
Mary Upson
Isaac Downs
Elisha Horton
Livinna Doolittle
Timothy Bradley
Wife of David Pardee
Child of Ephraim Hall
Lowly Harrison
Lois G. Alcox
Child of [Rachel] Hall
Betsey Alcox
Addin Lewis
[ ] Harrison
---- Nicols child
[ ] [ ]s child
Mary Scarritt
Orren Jackson
Son of Samuel Finch Episcopalian
Child of John Bronson Junr
James Thomas
[here a line is drawn like a new year is starting, but there is no date]
Abel Carter
Mary Parker
Infant of Ziba Norton
Sidney son of Almon Alcox
Child of Newton Norton
Elizabeth Byington
Infant of Ira Frisbie
vol. 2, p. 124 1840
Feb 20th Hannah wife of Lud Linsly aged 69
May 4th Laura Norton 20
18th Wid. Hannah Alcott 92
July 10th John Curtiss
30th [blank] Wife of Abraham Tuttle
31st Nathaniel Lane 76
Aug. 11th Emily daughter of Johnson Alcott 3
14th Wife of Joseph Miner
Sept 11th Emily daughter of Daniel Todd 9
Oct. 17th Polly wife of [Pates?] Upson
18th Child of Alfred Sears
burned to death by the clothes taking fire
25th Samuel Plumb 74
Was taken suddenly in a fit of the palsy or apoplexy and
expired in about thirty two hours.
------ Three Children of Uriah T. Thompkin
Decm 12th Mary, wife of Isaac Hotchkiss 56
Jany 28 Eri, Son of Eri Welton Decd 9
Feby 7 Mary Wife of Bela Rose 52
p. 125
Feby 12th Rachel Linsley aged 36
17th Phebe, Daughter of Joseph N. Sperry 3
24th Amos Johnson of Bristol found frozen to death
caused by Intemperance
April 23d Samuel Finch of Consumption 60
Sept 18th A. B. Sperry Wife of Joseph N. Sperry 35
Novr 22d Jesse Beecher 38
Decm 11th Benjamin Bement 88
Jany 16th Hannah M. Higgins Wife of Upson Higgins 23
Feby 28th Freelove Upson 51
April 28th Henry W. only Child of Henry Harrison 3
May 14 William Comes 61
July 6 Sally Widow of John Curtiss 55
August 1st Abiah Wife of Hezekiah Bradley 67
29th Herschel Welton 45
Sept. 9 Martha Ann daughter of Stiles L. Hotchkiss 5
17 Julia, wife of Eliada Pierpont 36
Oct 6 Hezekiah Bradly 82
13 Sarah wife of Levi Hall 64
p. 128 1847
March 25 Royce Lewis aged 73
April 30 Emily, wife of Levi Atkins Jr 30
May 17 Achsa, wife of Nathaniel Lewis 64
June 4 Isaac P. son of Isaac Downs 5
12 Fanny, Widow of Royce Lewis 65
23 Thankful, Widow of Dea. Isaac Bronson 93
Aug 8 Obed Alcott 71
Oct. 30 Betsey, wife of Prosper Hull 40
Nov. 2 Prosper Hull 47
Dec. 30 Hannah Jane, wife of Henry Bunce 22
Feb. 4 Heman Hall 73
May 1 Widow Lydia Alcott 82
23 Solomon Plumb 79
June 10 Infant Son of Orlando Plumb
July 7 Wealthy H., wife of Henry Harrison 35
22 Adeline, Daughter of Johnson Alcott 17
Sept 7 Moses Beach 64
Oct 3 Simeon P. Baily 22
Nov 1 Widow Uriah Norton 73
10 Erastus Atkins 44
10 Moses Bradley 71
p. 129
Oct 4 Olive H. daughter of A. C. Beach aged 1
Dec. 13 Clarissa C. daughter of Martin Upson 19
Sept 4 Widow Hannah Welton 88
Feb. 10 Josiah Thomas 73
27 John Thomas 75
March 10 Charles Y. Hall 22
April 9 Sally, daughter of Ira Hough 19
Aug. 23 Lydia Ann, daughter of Willard Plumb 4
Sept. 2 Emeline, daughter of Albin Alcott 20
10 Widow Eunice Smith 83
Oct. 23 Henry W. Kenea 13
January 15 Harriet Nichols aged 20
March 12 Robert C. Bronson 25
18 David Frost 83
22 William Bartholomew 66
April 14 Isaac B. Baxter found dead by the wayside
Intemperance 53
23 Sarah, wife of Titus Brocket 71
May 10 Olive L, wife of Chester Andruss 40
p. 132 1853
April 2 Lucy Ann, wife of A. C. Beach (found dead in the
well) aged 39
3 Hannah, wife of David Scarritt 73
20 Levi Norton 34
22 Lydia L. daughter of Stephen Norton 16 months
Aug. 1 Edward D. son of John Wakely 14 months
16 Samuel Y. Butler 20
Oct 8 Obed Doolittle 90
17 Sarah Elizabeth daughter of Samuel E. Davis
scalded 2
25 Elihu Moulthrop 75
Nov. 22 Betsey, wife of Lyman Higgins 73
Dec 11 Heman Pardee 63
21 Widow Amy Todd 98
Jan. 8 Fanny E. wife of John Hurd 44
March 2 Polly, widow of Lemuel Austin 70
May 17 John Hills 69
June 3 Selah Upson 78
July 17 Harriet wife of Marcus Minor 63
Aug 10 Angelina Wiard 25
Sept 5 Rebecca, wife of Amos Roberts 58
p. 133
Sept. 9 Clarinda, child of Silas Pardee aged 2 months
January 13 John Evelin, son of Bement J. Wakeley 10 months
15 Bement J. Wakeley 28
17 Charlotte, wife of Augustus Rose 38
Feb. 7 Obedience, widow of John Kenea 88
10 Asa Hall 76
April 14 Ellen, daughter of Rev. H. A. Welton
18 [blank] Collins 35
May 8 Walter S. son of Geo W. Carter 17 months
Sept 18 Widow Ruth Johnson 80
Oct. 2 Vodicia Welton 73
Nov 15 Newel B. Churchill 22
14 Samuel Linsley 44
21 Widow Lucretia Plumb 85
Jan. 22 Mary, wife of Thomas Slade 59
[no date] Nathaniel Lewis
Feb 10 Lydia widow of Heman Hall 80
April 4 Levi Atkins Sen. 81
p. 134
May 10 Widow Abigail Norton 73
June 6 E. E. Davis of Watertown 67
21 William Robbins 24
30 Aaron Wiard 74
July 8th Samuel Nichols (died in Cheshire) 95
10 Widow Thedee Bailey 91
Sept 12 Almus Wakeley 55
Oct 3 Geo. W. son of Liberty C. Palmer 1
14 Emily J. daughter of Robert Todd 8
[no date] Infant child of Robert Atkins
Dec 18 Florana Alcott 53
31 Widow Sarah Churchill 92
Jan. 26 William C. Pluymert 74
Feb 21 Titus Brocket 77
May 9 Amos Bradley 60
June 1 Wells Plumb 57
27 Capt Levi Hall 80
July Denison Churchill (died in Boston) 21
Sept 11th Deacon Harvey Upson 88
Octr 30th Widow Sylvia Thomas 54
p. 137 1862
Jany 12th Widow Anna Bradley aged 79
16th Adeline E. \ 9?
18th John M. / children of David H. Nichols [maybe 4y7m]
25th Mary wife of Upson Higgins 37
Feby Infant daughter of A. S. Atwood
27th Hendrick Norton 45
28th Ezra Stiles Hough 19
April 12th [blank] son of David H. Nichols 7
[blank] son of Mary Lewis 4
May 30th James Alcott 87
June 17th Giorgiana Wiard 15
Augt 7th Ellen Elizabeth child of Joel W. Upson 2
18th [Orien?] Son of A. S. Atwood 6
Infant Son of Barnard Carey
Sept 7th Serilla Chipman 19
Oct 8th Emerson Bruce Bronson 15
Infant daughter of S. S. Hitchcock
Nov 22nd David Scarritt 81
Jany 25 Betsey Ann Hall age 36
March 4th Keziah wife of Daniel Lane 87
April 14th Luther Hotchkiss 84
p. 118 [not in order] 1869
[no date] widow of Levi Atkins 90
Oct 15th Huld J. wife of George Awood [sic] 31
25th Esther L. M. Bronson 15
Nov 10 Harriet L. Bronson 24
Dec 17 Mrs. Mary A. Sizer 52
March 19th Milo G. Hotchkiss 75
Apr 20 wife of Wm R. Bradley 61
Apr 25 Widow Mary Thomas 89
David Scarritt of Plymouth 65
July 4 Seth Wiard 60
16 Phebe wife of Martin Upson 73
19 Mary wife of Ephraim Hall 70
Aug 12 Widow Rebecca Tuttle 86
20 Dea. Ansel H. Plumb 67
July Widow Harley Downs died in Meriden 65
Aug 31 Isaac Hotchkiss died in Bristol 83
Sep 3rd Martin Upson 77
24 Chloe wife of Albin Alcott 63
[no date] Hannah V. wife of C. R. Byington 61
Dec 21 Widow Sarah Finch 85
p. 121 1872
Sept. 7th Wm Norton died in Plantsville 63
8th Marcus Minor died in Bristol 80
24 Julia Dillon (Colored) 27
Oct 17 J. Berlin Pritchard 34
17 Wm Henry Brown 9 months
27 Eldad Parker Town Poor 85
Dec 4 Thomas J. Lewis [Town Poor in different hand] 64
22 Child of Joel Upson 4 ½
30 Luther W. Plumb 40
Oct 30 Thomas Alcott 73
Jany 29 Widow Sarah Truesdell 94
Feb 2 [blank] Walsh 7
10th Nancy wife of Dea. Orrin Hall 74
Col. Moses Pond died in Bristol 87
March 3rd Carrie Beecher 7 yr 7 mos
Tom Slade 53
13 Jane Root 10
Apr 10 Bement D. Wakelee [22.6m?]
20 Mrs. Mills 74
July 26 Samuel Downs 73
Sept 21 George Bridgeman 82
[new page] 1877
Archibald Minor March 10th 98
John Beecher April 19th 82
Willie Garrett May 2nd 6
Child of Homewood Jany 20 4
Wife of Erastus Nichols 20 80
James L. Kenea Aug 10th 51
Wm Johnson died in Bristol Sept 13 65
James Alcott Dec 16 70
Hezekiah Mix Town Poor
Mrs. Orrin Yemmans April 23rd 59
Mrs. Samuell Porter July 3rd
Alice Plumb Aug 3rd 9
Mrs. Eliza A. Plumb Nov 22nd 44
Michael [Kathen ?] Dec 2nd about 75
Emily A. Bailey Jany 20th 74
[next page]
John L Bradley Apr 17th 72
Mrs. Hannah Bement in Southington June 7th 90y9m
Infant of Elliott Norton [no date]
Infant of Henry Johnson twin Jany 25
Child of Geo N. Dingwell Feb 4
Widow of Sheldon Welton Apr 14 76
Amos Newton Alcott 17 43
Willis Merrills 18 79
Mahlon Hotchkiss 22 62
church member 12 years
Jeremiah S. Plumb May 1st 72
Jarvis R. Bronson Oct 5, 1881 73y 6m
church member 42 years
Dea. Orrin Hall Oct 10, 1881 84-11-29
died suddenly member 47 years
Mrs. R. B. Ford Sept 1882 joined the church 1875
Mrs. Sarah J. Thomas July 27, 1883 51
united with church 1871
Dea. George Willis Carter Mar 3, 1884 73
died suddenly united with the church 1843 vested deacon 1870
Martha Tuttle Aug 29, 1884 77
joined ch 1828
Dea. Miles S. Upson March 27, 1885 64
joined ch 1850 chosen deacon [ ]
Esther P. (widow James R.) Bronson June? 7?, 1885 79y 10m
joined ch 1843 died in Colebrook River
Ella Jane (Rose)Wakelee Dec 26, 1885 29
after long illness, [ ] [ ]
Sarah M. (Tuttle) Moulthrop Feb 19, 1886 66
united by letter in 1864
Lydia Ann (M____) Downs July 11, 1886 74
united in 1867
Harriet (Merrill) Alcott (wid Johnson) Aug 25, 1886 80
united in [1837?]
Mary A. (Hough) Upson (wid Drake? S.) Jan 11, 1887 64
united in [1842?]
Salina (Alcott) Alcott (wid James) 22, 79
united in [1878?]
Lois widow of Dea A. H. Plumb Oct 3, 1888 83
united in [1843?]