Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT, Cemetery Inscriptions I - P
Extracted from Wethersfield Inscriptions,
A Complete Record of the Inscriptions
of the Five Burial Places in the Ancient Town of Wethersfield
Edward Sweetser TILLOTSON, 1899
Inscriptions from the main cemetery in Wethersfield,
located near the center of the village on a hill.

In Memory of Mrs. Anna WADSWORTH, wife of Mr. Manna WADSWORTH, and Daughter of Mr. Henry & Mrs. Anna DEMING, who departed this life Jan. 18th 1796. In the 24th Year of her Age.
Likewise in Memory of John Casper WADSWOTHR, Son of Mr. Manna & Mrs. Anna WADSWIRTH, who died Dec. 18th 1795, being 5 Months old.
Children of Horace & Rebecca WADSWORTH.
Isaac died Feb. 19, 1839, aged 2 mo's. 20 d.
Julia Ann, died May 29, 1839, aged 3 yrs. 7 m. 6 d.
Lucy Ann, died Feb. 28, 1842, aged 2 yrs. 2 m. 5 d.
Alice Amelia, died Nov 25, 1847, aged 1 y. 4 m. 11 d.
Lucius, died Sept 13, 1862, aged 19 yrs. 7 m.
Julia Ann WADSWORTH, died May 29, 1839, Aged 4 Yrs.
Isaac WADSWORTH, died Feb. 19, 1839, Aged 2 mo's.
Children of Horace & Rebecca WADSWORTH.
Sleep lovely cherubs and take your rest,
God calls you home he thought it best.
Lucy Ann, Daughter of Horace & Rebecca WADSWORTH, died March 28, 1842. Æ 2 yrs. 2 mo & 5 d's. [note: 1 month difference from joint stone]
Dear child beloved a gleam of joy illumes our hearts deserted,
Thou art not lost though are not dead, to fairer worlds departed.
In Memory of John N. WARD, who died Sept. 8, 1838, Æ 23.
This stone is erected by the
Officers of the Connecticut State Prison,
with whom he was associated and by whom
he was sincerely respected and beloved.
In Memory of Mr. Aaron WARNER, who died June 7, 1811, Æ 56.
Also of William, Son of Mr. Aaron & Mrs. Abigail WARNER, who died April 17th 1809. In his 17th year.
In Memory of Mrs. Abigail WARNER, 2nd wife of Mr. William WARNER, who died in child-bead, Janry. 19th AD. 1771: In the 24th year of her Age.
In Memory of Mr. Allen WARNER, Who died May 9th 1813, aged 42 years.
Jesus my Savour come, To waft my soul away.
His sovereign will is done, I can no longer stay.
The grave of our sister, Anna B. WARNER, died Feb. 24, 1867, aged 78.
In Memory of Mr. Daniel WARNER, Who died Nov. 23d A.D. 1762. In the 49th year of his Age.
In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth WARNER, first wife of Mr. William WARNER< who died Oct. 28th AD. 1759; In the 34th year of her Age.
In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth WARNER, the wife of Capt. John WARNER, who departed this life the 16th of Sept. AD. 1789; In the 82d year of her Age.
In Memory of Elizabeth WARNER, who died Aug. 29, 1825. Æ 78.
In Memory of Mrs. Eunice WARNER, wife of Mr. William WARNER, junr. who departed this life March 19th A. D. 1767, in the 27th year of her Age.
George Spaulding WARNER, born Dec. 28, 1871, died July 29, 1891.
Here lyeth the body of Hannah WARNER, the wife of William WARNER, and daughter of John ROBBENS, deceased March the 3, 1713/14, in the 50 year of her age.
Here lyeth the Body of Hannah WARNER, the Daughter of Mr. Daniel WARNER, Who Dyed Septr. ye 2nd 1734. In the 19th Year of her age.
In Memory of Hannah WARNER, wife of Thomas WARNER, who died Sept. 15, 1824. aged 73.
In Memory of Harriot WARNER, only daughter of Mr. Robert & Polly WARNER. She died Dec. 25-th 1800, in the 16th year of her age.
In silence here I lie, On earth I might not stay,
When life began death summons came, And hastened me away.
The grave or our sister Huldah W. WARNER< died April 14, 1865, aged 72.
In Memory of Jacob WARNER, who died Aug. 20, 1837. Aged 75 Years.
Here lies the body of John WARNER who deceased ye 17th of May 1714/13 in the 39-th year of his age.
In Memory of John WARNER, son of Mr. Daniel and Mrs Mary WARNER, who died April ye 29th 1750. In the 13th year of his Afg.
Elisabeth WARNER died April ye 13th 1750. In the 3rd year of her Age.
Martha WARNER died April ye 14, 1750. In ye 11th Month of her Age.
Daughters of Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Mary WARNER.
In Memory of Capt. John WARNER, who died June 25-th 1808. Aged 79 years.
John WARNER, Died Oct. 11, 1838. Æ 76.
Abigail, his wife, Died Nov 11, 1840. Æ 81.
John WARNER, died Oct. 25, 1858. Aged 73.
Rebecca, his wife, died Jan. 17, 1835. Aged 50.
John WARNER, Jr., died Jun 24, 1871, Aged 61.
Abigail H. WARNER, died Nov. 2, 1886. Aged 66.
In Memory of Capt. Jonathan WARNER, who departed this Life Cot'r 4th 1786, in the 74th year of his Age.
In Memory of Josiah WARNER, Son of Capt. John & Mrs. Sarah WARNER< who died Jan'ry 4th 1787, in the 20th year of his Age.
Levi WARNER, 2nd, Born Dec 26, 1800. Died Oct 17, 1872.
Sally Larkins, his wife, Born Aug 25, 1803. Died Apr 13, 1887.
Cornelia S., Wife of John WARNER, Born Dec. 13, 1838. Died Feb. 16, 1869.
Ralph D. WARNER, 1865 -- 1891.
Johnie, son of John & Cornelia S. WARNER, Born Aug. 12, 1867. Died Apr. 13, 1868.
Mabel W., 2nd Wife of Thomas WARNER, died Nov. 2, 1856. Æ 82.
Mary WARNER, Daughter of Capt. John and Mr.s Elisabeth WARNER, Died March the 28th A. D. 1750, in the 7th year of her Age.
Mary, relict of Allen WARNER< died Aug. 22, 1848, Æ 75.
Daniel, their son, died on his passage from the Westindies, Sept. 1817. Æ 19.
Otis, Son of Robert W. & Harriet WARNER, Aged 17 Years.
Martha WARNER, died Sep. 16, 1828, Aged 2 years.
martha Ann WARNER, died Jan. 13, 1831, Aged 2 Years.
In Memory of Rebecca, Wife of John WARNER, Jr., who died Jan. 17, 1835. Aged 50 Years.
Horace, their Son, died Sept 30, 1812. Aged 1 y'r & r mo's.
Sally, their Daughter, died July 13, 1816, Aged 1 Y'r & 4 mo's.
Sally, their 2nd Daughter, died Aug. 4, 1818. Aged 8 Mo's.
In Memory of Robert WARNER, who died April 11, 1833. Æ 83.
In Memory of Samuel WARNER< oldest son of Mr. Robert & Polly WARNER. He died Jan 16-th 1799, in the 20-th year of his age.
Also of Polly WARNER. She died Dec. 13-th 1783, aged 13 months.
Death is a debt to nature due.
Which I have paid & so must you.
Sarah WARNER, Daughter of Mr. Jonathan & Mrs. Mary WARNER, Died April the 12th 1750. In the 9th year of her Age.
In Memory of Mrs. Sarah WARNER, Relict of Capt. John WARNER, who died Nov. 8-th 1815; In the 85-th year of her age.
Thomas WARNER, died Jan. 5, 1845. Æ 90.
The Grave of Welles WARNER, who died April 29, 1834. Aged 34 Years.
Peace to his slumbering Spirit,
And a memory of his worth.
Here lyeth interred the body of William WARNER, late of Wethersfield, Dec Elect. pious, grave, mosest, true, deceased Feberuary ye 20th 1713/14 in ye 69. year of his age.
In Memory of Mr. William WARNER, who departed this life May 1st AD. 1790, in the 75th Year of his Age.
Sally, wife of David WARREN, died March 7, 1863. Aged 71.
Maggie, wife of George C. WASHBURN, died Oct. 3, 1863, aged 27 y'rs.
By sudden death in womans prime,
Laid here at twenty seven,
She bade farewell to things of time,
And winged her flight to Heaven.
Huldah S. WATERBURY, died Sept 19, 1848. Æ 70.
Joseph WATERBURY, Died Oct. 6, 1834. Æ 78 Yrs.
William, his son, died at Gaudaloup, Jan. 30, 1805, Æ 21 Y'rs.
Simeon, his son, died at Jamaica, Oct. 28, 1808. Æ 21 Yrs.
Mary, wife of Joseph WATERBURY, died Dec. 17th 1727, Aged 70 years.
Also Joseph their Son, died (at Sea) Nov. 17th 1825. Aged 30 years.
John, Son of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Mehetable WEBB, died Feb. the 2nd 1756, 2 weeks and one day old.
Joseph WEBB, B. 8 Aug. 1749. D. 20 Dec 1815.
Abigail Chester, his wife, B. 27 May 1754. D. 16 Mar. 1827.
Sarah, Their eldest child, wife of Elias MORGAN, B. 19 Nov. 1775. D. 11 Dec 1805.
Harriet Blatchley, B. 17 Sept. 1777, D. 2 Nov. 1778.
Harriet BLATCHLEY, B. 1 Aug. 1779. D. 2 Dec 1818.
Joseph Hays, B. 30 Aug. 1781. D. 19 Oct. 1814.
Frances Chester, B. 23 Dec 1784. D. 3 Aug. 1844.
Elias Morgan, B. 1 Dec. 1770. D. 10 July 1812.
Henry Elias, B. 21 Sept. 1799. D. 27 Mar. 1858.
Thomas Chester COIT, B. 5 Nov. 1791. D. 28 Feb. 1841.
Mary Ann, his wife, B. Jun 1803. D. 13 Mar. 1871.
Lavinia Morgan, B. 8 Feb. 1798. D. 20 Dec. 1874.
John Haynes, B. 8 Dec. 1786. D. 14 Sept. 1847.
Thomas Chester, B. 6 Oct. 1788. D. 4 Jan 1790.
Thomas Chester, B. 25 May, 1793. D. 30 Mar. 1821.
Henry Livingston, B. 5 Apr. 1795. D. 12 Oct. 1846.
Frances Henrietta, daughter of Henry DELORD, wife of H. L. WEBB, B. 13, Oct 1813. D. 16 Mar. 1834.
Charles Barrell, B. 4 Apr. 1797. D. 4 Dec. 1833.
Elizabeth Bancker, B. 10 Mar. 1783. D. 2 May 1858.
Amelia, B. 19 Jan 1791. D. 4 Dec. 1859.
To the Memory of Mr. Joseph WEBB, late an eminent Merch't in Weathersfield, Whose Applycation and Industry were equal'd only by his Ability & Integrity in business. He departed this Life April 5th A: D: 1761, AEtat's 34.
Mrs. Mehitable, formerly Relict of Mr. Joseph WEBB, late wife of Mr. Silas DEANE. She departed this life Octo'br 13th A: D: 1767, AEtat's 35.
Call round this tomb, each object of desire,
Each purer flame, informed by purere fire; Bid her be all that chears or softens life,
The tender parent, daughter, friend & wife;
Bid her be all that makes mankind adore,
Then view this stone & you'll be vain no more.
Mary, wife of Ezra WEBB, died July 10, 1824, aged 55.
Ezra WEBB, died Feb. 10, 1826, Aged 58.
Augustus WEBSTER, born in Morristown, Vt., Feb. 4, 1827. Died in Wethersfield, Nov. 7, 1871. Aged 44 y's. 9 m's & 3 d's.
Gone but not forgotten.
Benjamin WEEKS, died Oct. 17, 1827, Æ 57.
Abigail, his wife, Died Apr. 10, 1862. Æ 25½.
In Memory of Bille WELLES, who died Jan. 10, 1821, in his 74th year.
Bille WELLES, died Dec. 17, 1833. Aged 64 Years.
Martha, his wife, died Jan. 14, 1833. Aged 65 Years.
In Memory of Chloa WELLES, who died Jan. 17, 1836. Aged 83 Yrs.
Edgar Clinton, son of Gurdon & Sophia WELLES, Died Nov. 24, 1870. Æ 29.
In Memory of Elizabeth WELLES, who died July 12, 1840. Æ 59.
Frederick Eugene, son of Gurdon & SOphia WELLES, Died April 24, 1858, Æ 14 Yrs.
In Memory of George WELLES, who died July 22, 1813, aged 5 Y.
In memory of Capt. Gideon WELLES of Wethersfield. A person of engaging deportment, his genius naturally good, was cultivated by reading & intercourse with mankind, he had a happy faculty in the dispatch of business, punctual and faithful in all his dealings, was exemplary in every social, civil and religious duty, a blessing to mankind. He rests not here but in returning from the westindies he suddenly sicken'd and died Feb. 11th AD. 1795, aged 39 years. The bosom of edvouring seas Entombs my mouldering dust. There life and all my active powers are in amoment lost. In kind remembrance of my love my friends will not refuse to weep. My hands would once have dry'd your tears, But now lies buried in the deep. Yet weep in hope my bones are safe wrap't in the unchain'd decree, The trump that wakes the dead on earth shall call me from the sea.
Beneath this stone lies interr'd the belov'd remains of Miss Mary WELLES. A person amiable in her manners, kind and benevolent in her disposition, an early lover of her God, and a believer in Christ her redeemer. She cheerfully sunk into the arms of death Aug'st 10th 1793. Aged 26 years. My spirit cries I am not dead, my body moulders in the ground, My Soul to God in heaven is fled, sometimes I glide down ethers space And watch and view my weeping friends, back i return to Gods embrace, and there my quick execusion ends.
Gurdon WELLES, died Dec. 30, 1847. Æ 48.
Caroline Galpin, Died Nov. 28, 1834. Æ 1 yr. 8 m.
Thomas Warner, Died April 10, 1842. Æ 4 yrs.
Children of Gurdon & Sophia WELLES.
Henry WELLES, Born May 13, 1789. Died Jan. 19, 1858.
Ruth H., wife of Henry WELLES, Born Mar. 12, 1789. Died June 21, 1865.
In hope of a glorious Resurrection.
Children of Henry & Ruth WELLES.
Eliza, Born May 28, 1815. Died Jan. 28, 1818.
Rhoda Maria, Born Aug. 9, 1816. Died Jan. 1, 1817.
Henry WELLES, Born Oct. 20, 1819. Died Nov 5, 1891.
He giveth his beloved sleep.
In Memory of Dr. John WELLES, who died Feb'r 19th 1771. Aged 60 Yerar.
Julia WELLES, Born in Wethersfield, June 14, 1801. Died in Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1866.
In Memory of Leonard WELLES, who died Jan. 11, 1835. Aged 69 Years.
Lucy Frances, daughter of John & Mary W. WELLES, died Nov. 5, 1855. Æ 1 yr. 5 mo.
Mary W., wife of Dea. John WELLES, died June 27, 1867. Æ 54.
Joseph WELLES, died Oct. 26, 1863. Æ 54.
Lucy R., his wife, died Sept. 6, 1875. Æ 95.
Oliver WELLES, Jr., 1823 -- 1860.
Georgiana Deming, his wife, 1824 -- 1894.
In Memory of Prudence, wife of Leonard WELLES, who died Aug. 18, 1840. Aged 73 Years.
Samuel R. WELLES, Born July 30, 1815. Died Dec. 4, 1888.
Emily R. Morgan, born April 15, 1887. Died July 28, 1888.
In Memory of Mrs. Sarah, Relict of Solomon WELLES, Esqr., who Died Feb. 14, 1814. Aged 88 years.
Long liv'd on earth she left this frail abode,
And found a fefuge with her saviour God.
In Memory of Solomon WELLES, Esq., who died Sept'r 28th 1802. Aged 81 years.
In Memory of Mr. Thomas WELLES, 2nd, who died Nov. 12, 1815, in the 35 year of his age.
In Memory of Mrs. Abigail WELLS, Relict of Mr. Ichabod WELLS, Who died Sept. 27th 1810, Aged 82 years.
Angeline, wife of Harvey WELLS, died Sept 4, 1832. Æ 19 y.s & 11 m.
My friends most dear as you pass by,
As your are now so once was I;
As I am now so you must be,
Prepare for death & follow me.
In Memory of Mrs. Anner, Relict of Mr. Samuel WELLS, who died Sept. 15, 1828. Æ 66.
Ashbel WELLS, Born Feb. 9, 1791. Died Mar. 28, 1872.
Tryphena, his wife, Born Nov. 22, 1799. Died Feb. 4, 1890.
Charles H., son of Ashbel and Tryphena WELLS, Born Dec. 28, 1841. Died Dec. 31, 1856.
William W. WELLS, Born Oct. 16, 1828. Died Oct. 10, 1877.
Harriet L., wife of Martin WELLS, Born Oct 25, 1836. Died Dec 7, 1893.
In Memory of Bethankful, widow of the late Jonthan WELLS, who died July 25, 1848, Aged 77 years.
Chester WELLS, who died Apr. 17, 1815. Æ 76.
Clarissa B. WELLS, Born May 15, 1816. Died Aug. 9, 1890.
Gone to rest.
Donald, son of Horace & Mary WELLS, died Mar. 1, 1821. Aged 8 Months.
Elijah WELLS, died Dec. 23, 1897. Æ 46.
Sarah, his wife, died March 4, 1823. Æ 72.
The Lord himself shall descend
from heaven with a shout, with the
voice of the archangel, and with the
trump of God; and the dead in Christ
shall rise first.
Eunice Montague, daughter of Horace & Euncie WELLS, Died Feb. 16, 1891. Aged 68.
Asleep in Jesus.
Ezekiel WELLS, Died Oct. 23, 1818. Aged 17 years.
Fanny WELLS, Died Nov. 16, 1870.
Here Lies Interr'd the Remains of Gideon WELLS, who Deceased March 29th AD. 1739, In the 48th Year of his Age.
In Memory of Mr. Gideon WELLS, who died March 19th, 1810, Aged 46 years.
George WELLS, died Nov. 21, 1861. Æ 75.
Prudence, his wife, died April 30, 1841. Æ 54.
Here lies ye Body of Mrs. Hannah WELLS, wife of Capt. Thomas WELLS, who Dec'd Sept'r ye 18th 1738, in ye 60th Year of her Age.
In Memory of Hannah, relict of Maj. Chester WELLS, who died Jan. 6, 1821, aged 76.
In Memory of Capt. Hezekiah WELLS, Who died Jan. 1st 1804, Aged 78 years.
Also of Mrs. Mary WELLS, Wife of Capt. Hezekiah WELLS, Who died May 23, 1786. Aged 60 years.
Death Inevitable! Important.
Horace WELLS, died Feb. 28, 1853. Æ 65.
Mary, his wife, died Nov. 29, 1838. Æ 43.
Children of H. & M. WELLS, died.
Donald, March 1, 1821. Æ 8 m.
Harriet F., June 18, 1831. Æ 6 M.
Antoinette, Oct. 6, 1834. Æ 1 Y. 6 M.
Horace, Dec. 28, 1852. Æ 37.
James H., Mar. 21, 1859. Æ. 31.
Martha V.
Catharine L., Nov. 19, 1863. Æ 27.
Edward D., Sept. 15, 1873. Æ 57.
Mary G. WELLS, Jan 23, 1889. Æ 70.
Horace WELLS 2-d died Feb. 11, 1832. aged 39.
Eunice, his wife, died April 3, 1846. aged 48.
Horace A., son of Horace & Eunice WELLS. Died Jun 20, 1884. Aged 53.
In Memory of Mr. Ichabod WELLS, who died May 30th 1800, in the 78th year of his Age.
Michael, son of Jonathan & Bethankful WELLS, & Grandson of Mr. Ichabod WELLS, died Feb. 17th, 1809, in his 13th year.
In Memory of Mr. James WELLS, who Departed this Life Sep'tr 28th AD. 1776. In the 49th year of his Age.
In Memory of Mrs. Jerusha WELLS, wife of Mr. Joseph WELLS, who died June 18-th, 1803. Aged 58 years.
In Memory of Capt. John WELLS, who departed this Life June 21st 1793, in the 68th Year of his Age.
Sacred to the Memory of Jonathan WELLS, who died Sept. 21, 1821, aged 59.
Even so Father for it seemed good in thy sight.
Here Lies Enterd the Body of Mr. Joseph WELLS, Who Departed this life April ye 1st AD. 1788, in the 68 Year of his Age.
In Memory of Mr. Joseph WELLS, who died August 13-th 1809. Aged 64 years.
Joshua WELLS, Died March 4, 1804. Æ 43.
Judith WELLS, Died April 28, 1839. Æ 68
Erastus WELLS, Died Jun 17, 1860. Æ 72.
Manning WELLS, Died May 1, 1831. Æ 39.
In Memory of Mr. Josiah WELLS, who died Aug'st 24th A. D. 1783. Aged 62 Years.
As I am now So you must be
Prepare for death And follow me.
In Memory of Mr. Josiah WELLS, who died Sept. 3d 1831. Aged 51 years.
In Memory of Mrs. Judith WELLS, First Wife of Mr. Seth WELLS, who died Dec'r ye 6th AD. 1785. In the 34th Year of her Age.
Judith, Daugher of Mr. Seth & Mrs. Judith WELLS, who Departed this Life May the 9th AD. 1780, in the 8th Year of her Age.
In Memory of Mrs. Louis, Wife of Mr. Elisha WELLS, & Daughter of Capt. John & Mrs. Rebecca WELLS, who died Aug'st 22d 1783, in the 28th year of her Age.
Kind reader prepare for the Important hour of Death.
In Memory of Mrs. Lydia WELLS, 2-d wife of Mr. Seth WELLS, who died June 8-th 1824. Aged 69 years.
Here lies ye Remains of ye truly Amiable & Virtuous Mrs. Mabel WELLS, Wife of Mr. Chester WELLS, & Daughter of Mr. James & Mrs. Mable MICHEL, Who Died in Child-bed ye 4th Decr. 1763, in ye 28th Year of her Age.
In Memory of Martha WELLS, Daughter of Mr. James & Mrs. Prudence WELLS, who died Nov'r 20 AD. 1776, in the 13th year of her age.
Here lies Interr'd the Body of Mrs. Mary WELLS, the wife of Mr. John WELLS, who Died September [remainder is missing].
In Memory of Mrs. Mary WELLS, Wife of Capt. Thomas WELLS, who departed this Life March 31st AD. 1775. Inthe 70th year of her Age.
In Memory of Mrs. Mary WELLS, Wife of Mr. Joseph WELLS, who died Novem'r 8th 1797. in the 76th Year of her Age.
In Memory of Mrs. Mary, Consort of Mr. Thomas WELLS, who died Mar. 11, 1817, in the 52 year of her age.
In Memory of Mary WELLS, wife of Capt. Horace WELLS, who died Nov. 29, 1838. aged 43 years.
In Memory of Mr. Michael WELLS, who died Sept'r 22d 1794. In the 26th year of his Age.
In Memory of Nancy WELLS, who died June 27, 1889, aged 87 years.
In Memory of Doc'r Oliver WELLS, who Departed this Life February ye 23rd AD. 1777. In ye 34th Year of his Age.
In Memory of Mrs. Rebecca WELLS, Daughter of Capt. John & Mrs. Rebecca WELLS, who died Sept. 29, AD. 1776, in the 18th year of her Age.
In Memory of Mrs. Rebeckah WELLS, wife of Capt. John WELLS, who died April 13-th 1806, Aged 71 years.
Here lieth the body of Capt. Robert WELLS, deceased June 22, 1714, in ye 66 year of his age.
Rositer WELLS, died July 24, 1879, aged 88.
Emily Butler, his wife, died Dec. 5, 1878. aged 86.
Rossiter WELLS, Jr., died Jan 21, 1846. Æ 21.
The kindness of they feeling heart