Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT, Cemetery Inscriptions I - P
Extracted from Wethersfield Inscriptions,
A Complete Record of the Inscriptions
of the Five Burial Places in the Ancient Town of Wethersfield
Edward Sweetser TILLOTSON, 1899
Inscriptions from the main cemetery in Wethersfield,
located near the center of the village on a hill.
Sophia IVES, wife of Philo IVES, died April 8, 1838, Aged 45 years.
Here lies the Body of ye Rev'd Mr. John JAMES, Who Dec'd August ye 9th 1729, Aged about 72 years.
Serg't Leonard T. JANES, Co. B., 10th Regt., Conn Vols., died Sept 4, 1895.
In Memory of Anna JOHNSON, who died March 22d 1851, Aged 76 years. Relict of Wilford JOHNSON.
In Memory of Dr. Ezekiel Porter JOHNSON, Born in Wethersfield, Nov. 9, 1798; Died in New York, Oct. 17, 1805.
And his wife Maria Delores Calaneo de JOHNSON, Born in Teapa, Mexico, May 11, 1816; Died in New York, Oct. 1, 1867.
Here lieth ye Body of Abigail ye wife of mr. George KILBORN who died feb'ry ye 8th 1738/9 in ye 71 year of her Age.
Here lies the Body of Mr. George KILBORN who died Feb'r 8 1741 in the 73rd Year of his Age.
Here lyeth interred the body of George KILBORN, Jun., who departed this life January the 5 1711, aged twenty one years, three months and 22 days.
In Memory of Mr. George KILBORN, who departed this Life Feb'ry 7th AD. 1777. Aged 43 Years.
Frank'n KILBY, Co. B., 21st Conn. Inf. [died July 6, 1870].
In Memory of Mrs. Mary KILBY, wife of Mr. John KILBY, who died Sept. 8th, 1813, aged 49 years.
Come my dear friends who stand around
Behold me slumbering in the ground
Remember death prepared be
For you must shortly follow me.
Wyllys KILBY, Co. A., 25th Conn. Inf. [died Aug 31, 1869]
Caroline C. KIMBALL, wife of Dr. A. S. WARNER, died Sept. 12, 1866.
George F. KIMBALL, September 24, 1829. November 27, 1883.
Sarah H., wife of Henry W. KING, Died July 23, 1850, aged 26.
This place is holy ground;
World, with its cares away,
A holy, solemn stillness round
This lifeless, mouldering clay.
Nor pain, nor grief, nor anxious fear
Can reach the peaceful sleeper here.
Sarah F., Daughter of John D. & Sarah KNAPP. Died Oct. 4, 1855. Æ 1 y'r. 1 mo. 4 d's.
Earth's blighted hopes & wasting cares
Her gentle spirit cannot know;
Reflecting thus I dry my tears,
And meekly bear the heavy blow.
Here Lies Interd the Body of Capt James KNOWLES who departed this life Oct. ye 10th AD., 1765, in the 60 Year of his Age.
Here Lies Interd the Body of Mr. John KNOWLES, Son of Capt. james & Mrs martha KNOWLES, who died may ye 24th A: D: 1766, in ye 19th Year of his Age.
In Memory of Mrs. Hannah LANCELOTT, Wife of Mr. Samuel LANCELOTT, who Departed this Life Jan'ry ye 18th 1762. In the 32nd year of her Age.
In Memory of Capt. Samuel LANCELOTT, who died Nov'r ye 17th, 1764, in ye 38th Year of his age.
Death is a Debt to Nature Due which I have Paid and so Must You.
Caroline LARKIN, died Oct. 27, 1879. Aged 69 Years.
Caroline P., wife of Zachariah LARKING, Mar. 9, 1823. Sept. 26, 1893.
Reunited in Heaven.
Elizabeth, wife of Zachariah LARKIN, Born Aug 16, 1784. Died Nov. 22, 1873.
Harry C., son of Z. & C. P. LARKIN, died Dec. 25, 1865, Aged 4 Yr's & 2 mo's.
Ida C., twin daughter of Z. & C. P. LARKIN, died May 27, 1860. Aged 7 Y'rs & 11 Mo's.
Isaac LARKIN, Died Dec 29, 1821, Æ 57.
Abigail, his wife, Died Nov. 14, 1844, Æ 74.
Samuel, thier son, died at Mobile, March 22, 1837. Æ 46.
Zachariah LARKIN, died Jun 22, 1852. Æ 81.
Blessed are the dead who died in the Lord.
Zachariah LARKIN, died Feb. 14, 1870, Aged 53.
Exchanged earth for Heaven.
Here lyes the body of Jonathan LATEMER, who deceased November 27, 1711, aged 30 years.
Stillborn child of Mr. Bezaleel & Mrs. Lydia LATIMER, Born Nov'r 2d AD. 1776.
Benjamin, Son of Mr. Bezaleel & Mrs. Lydia LATIMER, Died July 16th AD. 1778. Aged 1 month & 4 days.
You pretty Babes now take your Rest,
God calls you home becaus he tho't it best.
Capt. George G. LATIMER, drowned April 24, 1863, aged 28.
Dear husband; mourn'd with fond regret,
Lost in lifes pride, in manhoods bloom.
Oh! who could deem thy star should set,
So darkly and so soon.
Here lies the Body of Seirg't John LATIMER, who died March the 3, 1727, aged 74 years.
Mary LATIMER, died August the 10, 1727, aged 1 year and 3 months.
Mary Ann, wife of Elisha LATIMER, Born Feb. 10, 1804. Died Dec. 3, 1864.
Farewell Mother. Forever dear to the hearts of thy children will be the memory of thy faithful love.
In Memory of Mrs. Lydia LATIMER, Wife of Mr. Bezaleel LATTIMER, who departed this life Dec. 13th, 1796, in the 49th Year of her Age.
To the Memory of the Rev'd James LOCKWOOD. Late pastor of the first Church of Christ in Wethersfield. Who in the 34th Year of his Ministry, and the 58th of his Age, on the 20th of July, 1772, Entered into the Joy of his Lord. As a tutor and afterwards one of ye Corporation of Yale College, highly venerated and Esteemed. As a Minister of the Gospel, one whose praise is in the Churches. Sollicited to precide over two of the principal Academies In America, The Colleges at New Haven & Princeton, His Affection for the People of his Charge did not Permit His acceptance of either of those honorable Satations. But having respect to the Recompence of Reward, finished the pious Course he early began in the Gospel Ministry, And here resteth from his Labours Through life exerted. The bold to curb and the Licentious awe, And turn the Tide of Souls another Way.
Mrs. Mary LOCKWOOD, Relict of the Rev'd James LOCKWOOD, who died Dec'r 23d AD. 1794. AEt 74. In the joyful hope of eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Henry LOCKWOOD, born June 1, 1819, died March 29, 1893, aged 74.
Rebecca D. Griswold, his wife, Born Aug. 19, 1821. Died April 2, 1893, aged 72.
Eberett L. BAILEY, Born Aug. 15, 1852. Died July 30, 1854.
Theresa B. BAILEY, Born Aug. 31, 1849. Died Oct. 5, 1873.
Arnold BAILEY, born Dec. 17, 1814. died March 18, 1865.
James F. LOCKWOOD, Aged 21, Y'rs.
Mary E. LOCKWOOD, Aged 13 Mo's.
Carrie E. LOCKWOOD, Aged 10 M'os.
Kate LOCKWOOD, Aged 4 Y'rs.
Here lie the Remains of William LOCKWOOD, Son of the Rev'd Mr. James LOCKWOOD & Mrs. Mary, his wife; who died Aug'st ye 2nd A.D. 1752. Aged 11 Years.
Eliza Warner LOOMIS, died June 1, 1865. Æ 59.
Polly LOSEY, died May 15, 1890. Aged 97 Y'rs.
Albert Hale, son of John & Elizabeth H. LOVELAND, Died Mar. 16, 1857. Æ 23.
In Memory of Mrs. Betty LOVELAND< the wife of Mr. John LOVELAND, who departed this life on the 16th Day of April AD. 1794, in the 50th Year of her Age.
Elizabeth Howard, wife of John LOVELAND, died Aug. 1, 1854. Æ 48.
John Newton, son of John & Elizabeth H. LOVELAND, died Nov. 29, 1840, Æ 5 Mo.
George LOVELAND, 1799 - 1855.
Hannah, his wife, 1801 - 1882.
John LOVELAND, died Aug 1, 1839, Æ 16 mo.
Elizabeth LOVELAND, died May 18, 1830, Æ 23 yrs.
Hannah LOVELAND, 1835 - 1893.
In Memory of John LOVELAND who died Oct. 30, 1809, in the 67 year of his age.
Esther, his relict, died Nov. 13, 1824, aged 64.
Also Henry Buck who died at Port-Au-Prince, St. Domingo, June 11, 1815, aged 29.
In Memory of John LOVELAND, who died May 14, 1834. Aged 64 Y'rs.
John LOVELAND, died June 5, 1872, aged 63.
Elizabeth H., his wife, died Aug. 1, 1854. Aged 48.
Sarah T., his wife, died Dec. 5, 1873. Aged 63.
Rebecca LOVELAND, died Sept. 30, 1882. Aged 78.
Lucy LOVELAND, died July 3, 1893. Aged 82.
Children of John & Elizabeth LOVELAND.
Albert H. died March 16, 1857. Aged 23.
John N. died Nov. 29, 1840. Aged 7 Mo's.
In Memory of Mable, relict of John LOVELAND, who died Aug. 11, 1854. Æ 85.
Prudence, Daughter of Mr. John & Mrs. Comfort LOVELAND, Departed this Life Sept. 14th A.D. 1773, in ye 24th Year of her Age.
In Memory of Mrs. Rebecah LOVELAND, Wife of Mr. John LOVELAND, Jun., who died Oct. 21st, 1801, in the 27th year of her age.
Rev. Andrew S. LOVELL, died Jan. 30, 1892, aged 84.
The memory of the just is blessed.
Mary A. Miner, wife of Rev. A. S. LOVELL. Died Aug. 2, 1865. Aged 43.
At Rest.
Ezra LYON, died July 23, 1864. Æ 67.
Matilda Lyon, his wife, Died Apr. 9, 1893. Æ 87.
Emily T. HUBBARD, died Aug. 15, 1873. Æ 52.
In Memory of the Rev. John MARSH, S. T. D. A native of Haverhill, Mass. Graduate and Tutor of Harvard College. Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Wethersfield, and Fellow of Yale College. A gentleman of great urbanity, distinguished scholarship, fervent peity; and an eminent Minister of the Gospel of Christ. Ordained Jan. 12, AD. 1774. Died Sept. 13, 1821, Æ 79.
Mrs. Ann MARSH, died March 14, 1838, AEt XC.
When the ey say her, then it blessed her.
Ebenezer Grant MARSH, Heb. Inst'r, Tutor, Professor Elect of Languages & Eccl. History In Yale College C. A. & S. H. Mass. S. and a Preacher of the Gospel. Died Nov. 16-th AD. 1803, AEt 27.
David MARSH, Died Feb. 23-rd AD. 1794. AEt 4.
Ann MARSH, born Nov. 17, 1778. Died Dec 2-d 1857.
Rev. John MARSH, D.D. Born 1788. Died 1868.
Frances Talmadge, his wife, b. 1795. d. 1852.
Abigail MARSH, born 1784. died 1869.
Mary MARSH, wife of William WATSON, Born 1782. Died 1869.
Lydia MARSH, born 1786, died 1880.
These all died in faith.
Here lies Interr'd ye Body of Dr. Jonathan MARSH, late of Norwich, who died in this place June ye 3, 1766, in ye 47th Year of his Age. who had with Great Dexterity, Success & Extent of Practice Served above 20 Years as a Surgeon &c. a very usefull Man in live, and is death Much & universally Lamented.
William H. MARTIN, Co. A. 26th Reg't Conn Vols. [ died Nov. 5, 1883]
In Memory of Mrs. Anne MAY, wife of Deacon Hezekiah MAY, Who Departed this Life Nov. 7th AD. 1767, in ye 69th Year of her Age.
In Memory of Mrs. Anne, Daughter of Mr. Sam'll & Mrs. Mary MAY, Who died Sept. ye 12th AD. 1775, in ye 16th Year of her Age.
Ann Maria MAY, Born June 20, 1806. Died Jun 1, 1884.
In Memory of Mr. George, Son of Hezekiah & Mrs. Mary MAY, who died Sept. ye 27th AD. 1775, in ye 20th year of his Age.
Here lies the Body of Deac'n Hezekiah MAY, who departed this life Sept. the 3d 1783; in the 87th Year of his Age.
In Memory of Hezekiah MAY, who Died Oct. 18, 1793, Aged 38 Years.
Huldah, wife of Lemuel MAY, died Nov. 26, 1843. Æ 75.
'Tis done -- 'Tis done -- her spirit fled,
Her body moulders with the dead.
Death's dread commission is fulfilled,
Earth's sorrow o'er her bosom still'd.
In Memory of Mr. Joseph MAY, who died Feb. 19-th 1807. Aged 50 years.
In Memory of Mrs. Martha W. MAY, Wife of Mr. William MAY, who died Aug'st 12th 1802, aged 46 years.
In Memory of Mrs. Mary MAY, wife of Dea'n Samuel MAY, who departed this life Sept ye 2nd AD. 1790, in ye 63rd Year of her age.
In Memory of Mary Ann MAY, Late wife of William MAY, who died April 15, 1836. Aged 82 Yrs.
Rebecca MAY, died March 13, 1843. Æ 84.
Also an infant of S. & G. MAY, died Nov 13, 1834, Æ 9 Mo's.
Here Lies Enter'd the Body of Deacon Samuel MAY, who died February the 18th AD 1793. in the 68th Year of his Age.
Silvester, Son of Joseph & Rebecca MAY, died Dec. 12th, 1783. Aged 11 Months.
In Memory of Mr. William MAY, Who died April 4th, 1809. Aged 60 years.
Wolcott, Son of William & Martha MAY, died May 6, 1784. Aged 8 Years.
Here Lieth ye Body of Robert, ye Son of mr Robert & Elesebeth MECEKEE, Who died Apraill ye 11, A. D. 1736, in ye 4 year of his Age.
Here lies Inter'd ye body of Mrs. Mary MEEKS, Daughter of ye Rev. Solomon STODDARD, Wife to Mr. Stephen MEEKS; who Dec'd Aug. 11th 1734, Aged 63 Years. Born Jan'r 9th 1670.
Henry, Son of William & Laura MITCHELL, died March 7, 1839, Aged 4 Y'rs.
This little bud so fair and young,
Was called away by sudden death.
His soul above we humbly trust,
With Christ doth dwell in paradise.
In Memory of Mr. James MITCHELL, who Departed this life Feb'y XIth AD. 1776. In the 71st Year of his age. He was born in the Kingdom of Scotland near the City of Glasgow.
To the Memory of Mrs. Armenal MITCHELL, Relict of Mr. James MITCHELL, formerly the wife of Mr. Donald GRANT, Merchant, who died March 4th 1814. Æ 94 years.
In the Memory of Mrs. Mary MITCHELL, who Departed this life Aug'st 16th AD. 1739, in the 28th Year of her Age. She was the wife of Mr. James MITCHELL, and Daughter of Mr. David BUCK.
In the Memory of Mrs. Rebecca MITCHELL, who Departed this life Oct'br 20th AD. 1747. In the 45th Year of her age. She was the wife of Mr. James MITCHELL and Daughter of the Rev'd Stephen MIX.
In Memory of Capt. James MITCHELL, who died June the 5th 1801, aged 68 years.
Also his wife, Mrs. Hannah MITCHELL, died June 16th 1799, aged 55.
Their Son, Capt. James, who was drowned in his passage from the West Indies June 10th 1801, aged 27.
Also their Son Stephen, who was drowned at the same time with his brother, aged 20.
Hannah, their daughter, died Oct 3d 1776, aged one year.
William, their Son, died in the West Indies Oct. 16th 1800, age 21.
Daniel, their Son, died Aug. 18th 1806 at Middletown, a Merchant, aged 23.
Andrew, their Son, died Jan'y 22d 1808, aged 22.
Laura, wife of William MITCHELL, Died Mar. 9, 1869, Aged 68.
In Memory of Hon. Stephen Mix MITCHELL, L.L.D., Memb'r Cont'l Gong. 1783-5, U. S. Senator 1793-5. Judge Sup'r Court 1795-1897. Chief Justice State of Conn. 1807-14. He Died Full of Years & of Honors Sept. 30, 1835. Æ 93.
His Beloved Wife Hannah daughter of Don'd GRANT died Feb. 11, 1830. Æ 81.
Children of S. M. M. & H. G. M.
Don'd Grant, Capt. U. S. Army, died Aug. 1798. Æ 26.
Stephen Mix, couns'lr-at-law, died May 1820. Æ 55.
Lewis, couns'lr-at-law, died June 1826. Æ 39.
Charles, couns'lr-at-law, died June 1831. Æ 46.
Rebecca, daied Aug. 1831. Æ __
Alfred, Rev. buri'd at Norwich, died Dec. 1831. Æ __.
Walter, couns'lr-at-law, died July, 1849, Æ 72.
Hannah Grant, died Dec. 1866. Æ 87.
Hannah, died July 1878. Æ 85.
[An older inscription: In Memory of The Hon. Stephen Mix MITCHELL, L. L. D., Born at Wethersfield, Dec, 20, 1743, Died Sept. 30, 1835, Æ XCIII. In early life he represented his native town in the Legislature of the State, and was one of the Council during and after the Revolutionary War. He was a Member of Congress uder the Confederation, ond one of the Committee of that body who recommended the calling of the Convention which formed the Constitution of the Untied States. A Representative & Senator in Congress under the Constitution. For many years he held the office of Chief Judge of the Supreme Court of this State, in which office he closed his public life at the age seventy. While in the Councils of the State and Nation, Distinguished for the wisdom of his Measures, Revered for his devotion to the public good. As a Judge, Ready, impartial & Independent, as a Christian, humbly trusting for mercy in the merits of the Redeemer. ]
Stephen Mix MITCHELL, son of S. M. & Sophia MITCHELL, of Burlington, Vt., Born June 24, 1820. Died Dec 16, 1873.
Mary E., his wife, Born March 25, 1826. Died May 26, 1890.
Walter, Died Jan 19, 1863, aged 18 Y'rs.
Lewis, Died Oct 23, 1862, aged 5 Y'rs.
Catherine S. Died July 18, 1863, aged 11 Mos.
Children of Stephen M. & Mary E. MITCHELL.
In Memory of William MITCHELL, who died May 10, 1836, Aged 32 Y'rs.
Our Mother, Elizabeth, wife of Selden MINER, Died Oct 11, 1859. Æ 76.
Eliza Bliss, daughter of Selden & Elizabeth MINER, died March 26, 1824, aged 4 years & 9 months.
Much lov'd Shade, Farewell,
Thou art absent but not forgotten.. Cowper
John, Son of Mr. Selden & Mrs. Elizabeth MINER, Died Feb. 21, 1831. Aged near 20 years.
God my redeemer lives, And often from the skies
Looks down and watches all my dust Till he shall bid it rise.
Joseph Stillman, son of Selden & Elizabeth MINER, died Feb 3, 1827, aged 3 months and 27 days.
In Memory of Lorenzo, Son of Mr. Selden & Mrs. Elizabeth MINER, who died Nov. 17th, 1818. Aged 2 years.
Selden MINER, Born April 26, 1783. Buried with Christ by Baptism. June 10, 1814. Buried "to rise in the likeness of His resurrection," Oct 17, 1844.
Here lies Interred the Body of Rev. Mr. Stephen MIX, late Pastor of the first Church in Wethersfield, an able Minister born at newhaven and Educated at Cambridge College, Who having served his generation by the will of God, fell asleep August 28-th 1738. In the 66-th year of his age and 44-th of his Ministry.
Here lies the Body of Elisha MIX, A. M. and a Christian of Eminent Experience and Piety; the only Son of the Rev'd Mr. Stephen MIX, who was Born Octob'r ye 19th 1705, & Died June ye 7th 1739.
In Memory of Alvan MONTAGUE, who died June 29, 1815. AEt 53.
Eunice, wife of Moses MONTAGUE, died Apr. 5, 1841. Æ 77.
In Memory of Mr. George MONTAGUE, who died Feb'ry 22d AD. 1802, in the 37th Year of his Age.
Gordon Harris, son of Gordon H. & Martha MONTAGUE, died Mar. 1, 1821. Æ 6 mon's 12 days.
Gordon Harris, son of Capt. Gordon H. & Martha MONTAGUE, died April 24, 1827. Æ 3 y'rs.
Huldah MONTAGUE, Died Aug. 7, 1828. Aged 24 years.
Her soul was virtuous, and her mind
Was nobly just, humane and kind.
John MONTAGUE, died Nov. 9, 1811. Æ 49.
Persis, his wife, died jan. 7, 1826. Æ 64.
Patty, their daughter, died Sept. 12, 1822. Æ 25.
Martha R. Died Sept 15, 1867, Age 80.
Justus N. died Jan. 29, 1841. Age 39.
Children of George & Sarah MONTAGUE.
In Memory of Capt. Moses MONTAGUE, Who died August 15th 1804. In the 41st year of his Age.
Noble MONTAGUE, died Aug. 9, 1838, aged 37.
Julia Ann, his wife, died Feb. 17, 1852, aged 49.
In Memory of Mrs. Sarah, wife of Mr. George MONTAGUE, who died May 1st AD. 1802, in the 35th Year of her Age.
In Memory of Mr. Boyssou de MONPLAISIR, of the Island of Guadeloupe, who died December 6th AD. 1818, aged 26 years.
In Memory of Elizabeth D. MORGAN, daughter of Stephen & mary MORGAN, who died April 23, 1821, Aged 17.
Gracie, infant daughter of Abro & Mary C. MORGAN. Born Aug. 10, 1869. Died Apr. 4, 1870.
Gone before.
In Memory of Mrs. Mary MORGAN, wife of Mr. Stephen MORGAN, who died Dec. 14, 1817, Aged 54.
In Memory of Samuel MORGAN, who died Feb. 21, 1825, Aged 45.
Stephen MORGAN, Born Feb. 28, 1809. Died Oct. 17, 1865.
Rowena Broadbent, his wife, Born Nov. 13, 1813. Died Apr. 3, 1897.
Emma R. MORGAN, Born Aug. 4, 1843. Died March 24, 1844.
Elijah G. MORRIS, Died Sept. 24, 1835. Æ 70.
Tammy, his wife, Died Jan. 10, 1840. Æ 70.
Laura Wells, wife of Moses MORRIS, died Jan. 17, 1860. Æ 60.
Willing to live, but ready to die.
Martha, Wife of Davis MORRIS, died July 29, 1829. Æ 39.
Harriet, wife of Davis MORRIS, died June 21, 1874. Æ 86.
Davis MORRIS, died May 4, 1876. Æ 82.
Moses MORRIS, died May 25, 1849. Æ 51.
Weep not dear friends for me,
My sufferings are o'er;
Prepare to meet me again in heaven,
Where we shall part no more.
Samuel W. MORRIS, born Nov 15, 1827, died Sept. 8, 1880.
Jane H. Savage, widow of Samuel W. MORRIS, wife of Charles S. DANIELS, born May 31, 1825, died April 30, 1894.
John R. MORIS, born July 27, 1867, died Aug 9, 1872, buried at Lexington, South Carolina.
Charles H. MORRIS, born March 23, 1857, died May 10, 1883.
Mary J. MORRIS, born Sept. 27, 1864, died Oct. 28, 1876.
Harriet E. MORRIS, born Oct. 19, 1862, died May 22, 1878.
Laura L. MORRIS, born July 30, 1861, died Oct. 13, 1878.
Mehetable MORSE, relict of Jacob MORSE, died Aug. 26, 1850. Æ 89.
May Merrick, Only Daughter of John & Mary E. MORTON, died Sept. 16, 1885. Aged 20.
Not dead but sleepeth.
William R. MORTON, died Sept. 10, 1846. aged 47.
In Memory of Abner MOSELEY, a Physician of skill & eminence, who died Sept 20-th A.D. 1811, Aged Forty five.
His wife Eunice who died Jan. 26, 1811. Aged Forty three.
Their second daughter Hope, who died Sept. 29-th 1806, Aged 11.
Their eldest son Robert, who died Oct 16-th 1811, Aged 17.
Their youngest Daughter Maria, who died Sept. 30-th 1818. Aged 11.
Their second Son Joseph died July 1, 1838. Aged 40.
Their third Son Walter died July 11, 1838. Aged 39.
Their eldest Daughter Eunice, Wife of Winthrop BUCK, died Aug. 24, 1862. Aged 69.
Their yongest Son Wiliam died March 19, 1868, Aged 62.
Their third Daughter Harriet died July 15, 1877, Aged 75.
Their fourth daughter Emily died May 17, 1887, Aged 84.
Here lies the Body of Mrs. Abigail MOUNTAGUE, Relict to Mr. Richard MOUNTAGUE, who died May ye 9th 1753. In the 62d year of her Age.
Here lies Interr'd the Body of Mr. Richard MOUNTAGUE, who Died Decemb'r the 24th 1751. In the 68th year of his Age.
Jane MYGATT, died Oct. 5, 1868. aged 75.
Lucy, wife of Thomas MYGATT, died Dec. 13, 1854, aged 78 y'rs.
In Memory of Maria MYGATT, who died May 12, 1840. Æ 19.
Thomas MYGATT, died July 25, 1824, Aged 50 Y'rs.
William MYGATT, Died at Tuscaloosa, Ala., Sept. 8, 1821, aged 22 y'rs.
William, son of John & Abigail NEFF, who died Nov. 21st 1795. Aged 100 days.