Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT, Cemetery Inscriptions G - H

Extracted from Wethersfield Inscriptions,
A Complete Record of the Inscriptions
of the Five Burial Places in the Ancient Town of Wethersfield

Edward Sweetser TILLOTSON, 1899

Inscriptions from the main cemetery in Wethersfield,
located near the center of the village on a hill.

  • Samuel GALPIN, died Mar 17, 1864. Æ 79.
    Caroline, his wife, Died Jan. 30, 1875. Æ 89.
    Jerusha B. wife of Albert GALPIN, Died Aug. 23, 1892. Æ 75.
    Esther M. wife of Albert GALPIN, Died Dec. 17, 1871. Æ 59.
    Children of S. & C. GALPIN
    Caroline Welles, died Aug. 27, 1850. Æ 29.
    John, died Oct. 19, 1857. Æ 41.
    Albert GALPIN, died Oct 5, 1892. Æ 81.

  • Frances GERHARD, Co. L 4 Regt. U. S. Art'y. died Nov 4, 1893.

  • In Memory of Thankfull GOFF, who died April 10, 1849. Æ 79.
    Go home my friends, wipe off your tears,
    I must lie here, till Christ appears.

  • Jane Berry, wife of John GOLDRICK. Died May 8, 1867. Age 56.
    She knew that her Redeemer liv'd.
    And on his grace relied;
    God's word she steadfastly believ'd.
    And in this faith she died.

  • John GOLDRICK, died Sept. 8, 1887. Aged 84.
    Long side my Wife in Wethersfield,
    Forgotten let my body lie.
    Unconscious let me take my rest,
    Mong strangers in my narrow bed.
    Till Christ in glory comes again,
    From Heav'n to wake the sleeping dead.
    John Goldrick.

  • In Memory of Quash GOMER: a Native of Angola in Africa, brought from there in 1748, & died June 6th 1799, Aged 68 years.

  • Here lyeth the body of Grace, wife of William GOODRECG, who died October the 17 1712 aged 51 years.

  • Abigail, widow of Israel GOODRICH, Died April 13, 1860. Æ 64 Y. 1 M. 4 D.
    Israel GOODRICH, died & buried at Matanzas, Cuba, Aug. 29, 1822, Æ 29 Y'rs.
    Henry, Son of Israel & Abigail GOODRICH, died on his passage to the West indies & was buried at sea, Oct. 24, 1846, Æ 27 Y'rs.

  • In Memory of Clarissa, wife of Josua GOODRICH, who died Dec. 5, 1834. Æ 36.

  • Here lies Interr'd the Body of Col'nl David GOODRICH, Esq., who Departed this Live Janry 23d A.D. 1755. In the 88th year of his Age.
    Here lied Interr'd the Body of Mrs. Prudence GOODRICH, the wife of Col'nl David GOODRICH, Esqr., who Departed this Live May ye 9th A.D. 1752. In the 74th year of her Age.

  • David GOODRICH, died Feb. 22, 1802. Æ 73.
    Hannah, his wife, died Feb. 8, 1818. Æ 82.
    Anna Swift, died Sept 4, 1839. Æ 69.

  • Elihu Phelps GOODRICH, died Nov. 25, 1833, Aged 32 years.

  • Here lie the remains of Elizabeth GOODRICH, relict of Isaac GOODRICH, who died June 3, 1833. Aged 73.

  • Sacred to the Memory of Col'nl Elizur GOODRICH, who in the Cours of a long Life sustained & adorned the Characters of the Citizen the Soldier the Patriot & the Christian by a faithful discharge of his duty in those respective stations. Go traveller & Imetate his Vertures His piety in this Live & trust in divine mercy for happiness in the Next, died April 4th 1744. Aged 81.
    Also Mrs Ann GOODRICH, Wdo of Col'nl Elizur GOODRICH, who died Janry 3d 1776. Aged 83.

  • Elizur GOODRICH, Died Feb. 10, 1854. Æ 56.
    Jerusha W., wife of Elizur GOODRICH, Died Jan. 2, 1835. Æ 31.
    Prudence B., wife of Elizur GOODRICH, Died Mar. 25, 1864. Æ 56.
    Henry E. GOODRICH, Died Dec. 16, 1865. Æ 19.
    Simeon GOODRICH, Died Apr. 12, 1867. Æ 76.
    Rhoda GOODRICH, Died Jun 22, 1881. Æ 89.

  • Emma C., daughter of Joshua & Mary Ann GOODRICH, Died Aug. 11, 1851. Æ 9 Y. 4 M.

  • Frank Leslie, son of H. & L. A. GOODRICH, Died Aug. 18, 1861. Æ 2 Yrs. 7 D'ys.
    Not lost I cannot say Farewell,
    Though dust to dust be given,
    Thy smile seems lingering on me still,
    Yet touched with light from Heaven.
    Thy voice steals o'er me, but no tone
    Of grief is in the strain,
    I weep, yet would not call thee back
    To earths dim scenes againg.

  • In Memory of George GOODRICH, who was lost at Sea in Sept. 1794, in the 23-d year of his age
    Here lies interr'd Ashbel GOODRICH, who died August 10-th 1808. Aged 27 years.
    In Memory of Allen GOODRICH, who died in Martinico, Sept. 20-th 1802. Aged 17 years.
    Three Sons of Mr. Nathaniel & Mrs. Lucy GOODRICH.

  • Hannah, wife of Simeon GOODRICH, died May 4, 1844. Æ 84.

  • In Memory of Hezekiah GOODRICH, Son of Capt Elizur & Mrs. Abigail GOODRICH, who Departed this Life June the 11th 1765. Aged 1 Year, 1 Month, & 2 Days.
    How loved how honored once avails thee not,
    To whom related or by whom begot. A Heap of Dust is all remains of thee,
    T'is all thou art & all the proud shall be.

  • In Memory of Mr. Isaac GOODRICH, who Departed this life at Waterford, Sept. 28, AD. 1813. In the 62d year of his age.
    In Memory of Joseph, who died Nov. 8, 1825, aged 2 years & 7 months.
    Also Caleb Raymond, who died Dec. 5, 1825, aged 9 months.
    Children of Joshua & Clarissa GOODRICH.

  • James Henry, Son of H. & L. GOODRICH, died Jan. 28, 1848. Æ 1 yr., 9 mos.
    Dearest James thou hast left us
    Here thy loss we deeply feel
    But tis God that hath bereft us
    He can all our sorrows heal.

  • James Raymond GOODRICH. Born Jan. 8, 1830. Died Oct. 24, 1859.

  • Here lies Interr'd ye Body of Mrs. Jerusha GOODRICH, wife of Capt. Ephram GOODRICH, But formerly wife of Capt. Thos. WELLS, Who Departed this life Janry 15th 1754. In ye 76th year of her Age.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Jerusha GOODRICH, Relict of Dea. John GOODRICH, who died Sept. 2-d 1822, In the 76-th year of her age.

  • The Grave of Jerusha W. GOODRICH, wife of Elizur GOODRICH, who died Jan. 2, 1835. Æ 31.

  • Jesse GOODRICH, died May 11, 1850, aged 70.

  • Sacred to the Memory of Dea. John GOODRICH, who died April 27-th 1806. In the 61-st year of his Age.

  • In Memory of Lieut. Joseph GOODRICH, who died January ye 31st, 1768, in ye 77th Year of his Age.

  • Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Joseph GOODRICH, who died Feb. 12th, 1829. Aged 79 Years.

  • In Memory of Lieut. Josiah GOODRICH, who died Novr. ye 1-st 1764, in ye 34th Year of his Age.

  • Dea. Joshua GOODRICH, born Dec. 5, 1789. died Sept. 12, 1854.

  • Joshua R., son of Joshua & Mary Ann GOODRICH, Died Aug. 20, 1851. Æ 1 Y. 10 M.
    Of such is the kingdom of Heaven.

  • In Memory of Levi GOODRICH, who died Dec. 13, 1820, in his 45, year.
    Praises on tombs are titles vainly spent;
    A man's good name is his best monument.

  • Levi GOODRICH, died May 26, 1875. Age 76.

  • In Memory of Lois GOODRICH, Daughter of Wait & Lucy GOODRICH, Who died May 26, 1822, Aged 27 years.
    Beloved in life, Lamented in death.

  • Lucy GOODRICH, died July 17, 1853. Æ 90.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Martha GOODRICH, Wife of Mr. Nathaniel GOODRICH, who died April 1-st 1801, in the 76th year of her Age.

  • In Memory of Martha, wife of John GOODRICH, who died May 1, 1830, aged 77 years.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Mary GOODRICH, wife of Mr. John GOODRICH, who died Decr. 13, AD. 1798, in the 53d Year of her Age.

  • In Memory of Mr. Nathaniel GOODRICH, who departed this life May 8th 1797. In the 78th Year of his Age.

  • Ralph GOODRICH, died Nov. 3, 1846. aged 36.
    From dust we came and unto dust we must return.

  • In Memory of Mr.s Rhoda GOODRICH, Wife of Lieut. Joseph GOODRICH, who departed this life Oct. 20, 1796. In the 42d Year of her Age.

  • In Memory of Miss Sally GOODRICH, who died Jan. 9th 1814. Aged 30 years.
    My flesh shall slumber in the ground,
    Till the last trumpet's joyful sound,
    Then burst the chain with sweet surprise,
    And in my Saviour's image rise.

  • Here lieth the body of Sarah, wife of Ephraim GOODRICH, who deceased January 26 An. Dom 1711/12, being in hear 48 year.

  • Here lieth the body of Mrs. Sarah GOODRICH, wife of Mr. Josiah GOODRICH, who died July the 3d 1726, in the 34th year of her age.

  • Sarah, wife of Levi GOODRICH, and adopted daughter of Rev. William BENTLEY, died Sept. 22, 1845, Æt 48.

  • Simeon GOODRICH, died Aug. 17,1847, aged 85.

  • In Memory of Simeon, Son of Mr. David & Mrs. Hannah GOODRICH, who died June 18th 1796: In the 19th Year of his Age.

  • Susan H. GOODRICH, wife of Levi GOODRICH, Born Mar. 22, 1814. Died Jan. 3, 1892.
    She rests from her labor."

  • William Bentley GOODRICH, died Jan. 31, 1835. Aged 10 Yrs. & 24 ds. Adopted Grandson of Rev. William BENTLEY.

  • Wm. Wallace GOODRICH, born Oct. 6, 1823. died Sept. 4, 1857.

  • Here lies the body of Mary the wife of Thomas GRISILD, who departed his life October the 29 1718 aged 72 years.

  • Here lies the Body of Mrs. Abigail GRISWOLD, the wife of Mr. Jacob GRISWOLD, who Died April the 18th 1747, in the 67th year of her Age.

  • In Memory of Abigail GRISWOLD, Daughter of Timothy & Hannah GRISWOLD, whod died Nov. 24-th 1805, aged 27 years.

  • Abigail D. wife of Capt. Josiah GRISWOLD, Died Nov. 7, 1866. Aged 65.

  • Here lieth the body of Ann daughter of Jacob & Mary GRISWOLD whod died August Ye 4th A:D: 1723 in Ye 27 year of her age.

  • In Memory of Anner GRISWOLD, Relict of Ozias GRISWOLD, who died July 26th 1825, aged 83 years.
    The memory of the just is Blessed.

  • Here lies Interr'd the Body of Capt. Caleb GRISWOLD, who Departed this Life Decemr ye 20th 1754. In the 49th Year of his Age.
    Michael, Son of Capt. Caleb & Mrs. Abigail GRISWOLD, died April ye 27th 1745. In his 4th year.

  • In Memory of Caleb GRISWOLD, Son of Capt. Caleb & Mrs. Abigail GRISWOLD, who died Septr. 23d 1762 in ye 31st year of his Age.

  • Capt. Caleb GRISWOLD, died June 1837. Æ 74.
    Lucy GRISWOLD, his wife, died Aug. 1849 Æ 84.
    Elizabeth GRISWOLD, died Apr. 21, 1813, Æ 25.
    Walter GRISWOLD died Jan 18, 1817, Æ 10.
    Lucy GRISWOLD, died June 22, 1856. Æ 64/FBISCharles S. GRISWOLD, Died July 22, 1855. Æ 33.
    Julia GRISWOLD, Died Mar. 4, 1845, Æ 27.
    As the cloud is sonsumed, and vanisheth
    away so they that go down to th grave
    shall return no more.

  • Chauncey GRISWOLD, died June 16, 1850. Æ 42.

  • Cornelius, Son of Caleb & Mary R. GRISWOLD, died April 14, 1838, Aged 3 Y'rs.
    This lovely bud so young
    Calle hence by early doom;
    Just born to show how sweet a flower
    In paradise will bloom.

  • Daniel GRISWOLD, died Oct. 19, 1825. Æ 50.
    Hettea, his wife, died March 26, 1855, Æ 78.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Deborah GRISWOLD, wife of Lieut. Ebenezer GRISWOLD, who died June 7th, 1765. In the 50th year of her Age.

  • Delia R. wife of Harris GRISWOLD, died Mar. 24, 1863, A:E: 57.

  • In Memory of lieut Ebenezer GRISWOLD, who died December ye 7. A.D. 1772, in ye 71 year of his Age.

  • Edwin F. GRISWOLD, Died Jan. 11, 1892. Aged 57 y'rs.
    Lucy C. Chamberlain, his wife, Died Oct. 6, 1888. Aged 49 y'rs.

  • Elias, Son of Ebenezer & Deborah GRISWOLD, Died May 18th 1741, in ye 7th year of his Age.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. William GRISWOLD, who died Feb. 8, 1841. Æ 28.
    Rejoice my friends, rejoice -- I'm blest.
    But must leave heaven, if I return to thee:
    For I am were the weary are at rest,
    The wicked cease from troubling -- come to me.

  • Elizabeth R. wife of Jacob GRISWOLD, died Jan. 29, 1888. Aged 93.

  • Ella Hand, Daughter of Francis & Sarah P. GRISWOLD, died May 16, 1839. Aged 5 Y's & 7 Mos.
    Loved one where is now thy res,
    Sweetly on thy Saviour's breast.
    We are toiling here below,
    Where the troubled waters flow.
    Thous hast reached the blissful shore,
    And will toil & weep no more.

  • In Memory of Eunice GRISWOLD, who died June 22, 1818. Æ 38. Wife of George GRISWOLD.

  • Eunice GRISWOLD, died June 25, 1841, Æ 69.
    Rock of ages, cleft for me,
    Let me hide myself in thee;
    In my hand no price I bring.
    Simply to thy cross I cling.

  • Frances H. Daughter of Justus & Abagail GRISWOLD, Died March 29, 1858. Aged 21.
    J. Welles GRISWOLD, Louisa S. his wife, Died Sept. 30, 1884. Aged 52.
    Nellie M. Daughter of J. Welles & Louisa GRISWOLD, Died Dec. 29, 1861. Aged 2 Yrs. 4 Mo's.
    Justis GRISWOLD, died March 1, 1860. Aged 67.
    Jennette, his wife, Died Jan'y 6, 1838. Aged 34.
    Abigail H. his wife, Died Sept. 8, 1881. Aged 72.

  • Capt. Francis GRISWOLD, died May 12, 1851. Æ 56.

  • Francis M., son of Capt. Francis & Sarah P. GRISWOLD, died Aug. 25, 1864. Æ 35.

  • In Memory of Franklin W. GRISWOLD, Son of Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Mary GRISWOLD, who died June 27th 1814. In the 13th year of his age.
    This lovely youth
    Bids all farewell,
    His soul we hope
    With Christ doth dwell.

  • Franklin W. GRISWOLD. March 28, 1815. September 21, 1886.

  • George GRISWOLD, Died Jan. 22, 1851. Æ 76.
    Lois GRISWOLD, Died Sept. 14, 1840. Æ 69.

  • In Memory of George GRISWOLD, Son of Timothy & Hannah GRISWOLD. He died Decr 18th 1801, aged 25 years.

  • In Memory of Mr.s Hannah GRISWOLD, Relict of Mr. Timothy GRISWOLD, who died April 4th 1815. Aged 74 years.

  • Hannah, wife of John GRISWOLD, died Oct. 28, 1857. Æ 74.

  • Hannah, wife of Sylvester GRISWOLD, born June 4, 1810, died July 16, 1877.

  • Harris GRISWOLD, died July 21, 1852. Aged 52 years.

  • Henry GRISWOLD, Dec. 16,1816. Feb. 22, 1886.
    Hannah GRISWOLD, Sept. 22, 1815. Nov. 25, 1887.

  • Henry GRISWOLD, died Sept. 29, 1854. Æ 28.
    "Now shall I sleep in the dust; and thou shalt seek me in the morning but I shall not be."

  • In Memory of Huldah GRISWOLD, Wife of Jonathan GRISWOLD, who departed this life Sept. 25th 1797, in the 29th year of her age, and in memory of an infant daughter.

  • H. Maria, only child of Sylvester & H. GRISWOLD. Died Nov. 25, 1852. Æ 4 Y. 2 M.
    Gone but not forgotten.

  • Here lies the Body of Mr. Jacob GRISWOLD, who Dec'd July ye 22nd 1737, in ye 77th Year of his Age.

  • Jacob, Son of Mr. Daniel & Mrs. Jarusha GRISWOLD, died Aug'st 31st 1783, in the 6th year of his Age.

  • Jacob GRISWOLD, died May 14, 1854. Aged 59.

  • Jacob Burrett, son of Jacob & Elizabeth GRISWOLD, died April 28, 1838, Aged 8 years.

  • James GRISWOLD, died May 9, 1849. Æ 80.
    Lucy, his wife, died July 9, 1847. Æ 68.

  • Jas. GRISWOLD, died Oct. 20, 1863. Æ 80
    Lucy, wife of Jas. GRISWOLD, died June 19, 1855, Æ 72.
    Martha A., daughter of James & Lucy GRISWOLD, died Nov 17, 1834. Æ 17.
    Nancy M., daughter of James & Lucy GRISWOLD, died Jan. 23, 1857. Æ 31.
    Prudence, wife of Jas. S. GRISWOLD, died June 12, 1856. Æ 37.
    Lucy S., wife of Jas. S. GRISWOLD, died Jan. 9, 1871, Æ 49.

  • James GRISWOLD, died Apr. 17, 1847. Æ 33.

  • In Memory of Jennette, wife of Justus GRISWOLD, who died Jan. 6, 1834. Aged 38 years.
    Far from affliction toil and care,
    the happy soul is fled;
    The breathless clay shall slumber here,
    Among the silent dead.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Jerusha GRISWOLD, Wife of Mr. Daniel GRISWOLD, who died Feby 25th 1804, in the 63d year of her age.

  • The Decease of Maj. Josiah GRISWOLD, was on the 24th of May in the year of our Lord 1769. In the 69th year of his Age.

  • In Memory of Mr. Josiah GRISWOLD 2-d. He died Septr 16th 1802, in the 32d year of his age.
    Also Thomas Harris GRISWOLD, Son of Mr. Joshua & Mrs Abigail GRISWOLD. He died Jan'y 9th 1801, in the 5th year of his age.

  • Capt. Josiah GRISWOLD, died Jan. 29, 1870. Aged 80.

  • In Memory of Justus GRISWOLD, Son of Maj'r Josiah GRISWOLD, who died Aug'st 18th 1760. In ye 23d year of his Age.

  • In Memory of Mr. Justus GRISWOLD, Son of Mr. Ozias & Mrs. Anner GRISWOLD, who died August 1-st 1803, in the 36th year of his age.

  • Laura GRISWOLD, Wife of John GRISWOLD, & daughter of Salmon & Jerusha NORTH, died July 6, 1841, aged 35 yrs.

  • Laura C., Daughter of John & Laura GRISWOLD, & adopted daughter of Abijah & Mary NORTH, died Oct. 31, 1854, aged 15.
    Dearest sister, thou hast left us!
    Here thy loss we deeply feel!
    But 'tis God that hath bereft us,
    He can all our sorrows heal.

  • Lois GRISWOLD, Daughter of Mr. Elisha & Mrs. Abigail GRISWOLD, Died Sept'r ye 21, 1741. Aged 2 y'rs and 3 Months.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Lucy, wife of Mr. Jehiel GRISWOLD, who died in Travel Octr 16, 1770, Aged 28th years. ye infant died at ye bearth.

  • Lucy B. died Mar. 21, 1847. Æ 30.
    Susan, died Oct 11, 1848. Æ 28.
    Daughters of James & Lucy GRISWOLD.

  • Erected to the Memory of Mrs. Mabel GRISWOLD, relict of Major Josiah GRISWOLD, who departed this Life Dec. 13th AD. 1789. In the 82d year of her age.

  • In Memory of Mabel GRISWOLD, Daughter of Mr. Ozias & Mrs. Anner GRISWOLD, who died May 31-st 1804, in the 19-th year of her age.
    She was like a morning flower
    Cut down and withered in an hour.

  • Mabel B. GRISWOLD, Daughter of Thomas & Mary GRISWOLD, died Sept. 19th 1811. Aged 10 months.

  • Here lies the Body of Mable GRISWOLD, Daugher of Josiah & Mable GRISWOLD, who Died Decem'r ye 13th 1736, in the 7th Year of her Age.

  • Marshall A. son of Levi & Sarah GRISWOLD, Died Dec. 11, 1863. Aged 1 month.

  • Martha, daughter of Francis & Sarah P. GRISWOLD, died April 2, 1855. Æ 8 y'rs.

  • Martin S. GRISWOLD, Oct. 3, 1830 - July 1, 1895.
    Luther Stanley, May 15, 1853 - Sept 15, 1854.

  • Here lieth the Body of Mary the Wife of Jacob GRISWOLD who Dec'd April ye 25, 1735, in ye 71st Year of her Age.

  • Mary, wife of Thomas GRISWOLD, Died June 4, 1847. Æ 68.
    A pious Christian,
    An affectionate Wife,
    A kind Mother, and
    A faithful Friend.
    Having devoted much of her time during
    life, to acts of kindness and benevolence.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Millicent GRISWOLD, Wife of Mr. Jonathan GRISWOLD, who died March 20, 1816. Aged 43 years.

  • In Memory of Moses GRISWOLD, who died Dec. 1, 1829. Æ 53.

  • In Memory of Nancy, wife of Moses GRISWOLD, who died Sept. 30, 1820, aged 42.
    May Angels with their guardian wings,
    This dreary tomb o'erspread;
    And guard until the close of time,
    THis mansion of the dead.

  • Here lies Interr'd the Body of Mr. Nathaniel GRISWOLD, who died July the 31st 1759, in the 49th year of his Age.

  • In Memory of Ozias GRISWOLD, who died Dec. 4, 1815, Æ 80.
    Blessed are the dead who died in the Lord.

  • In Memory of Prudence, Relict of Justus GRISWOLD, who died Dec. 28, 1839, Æ 73.

  • Rhoda S., wife of Thomas GRISWOLD, Died June 4, 1867. Æ 78.
    Blessed are the dead who died in the Lord.

  • Robert B., Son of Francis & Sarah P. GRISWOLD, died April 11, 1842. Æ 3 Years.

  • Solmon GRISWOLD, died June 28, 1870. Æ 34.

  • In Memory of Samuel GRISWOLD, who died Nov. 20, 1833. Æ 64.
    A heap of dust alone remains of thee,
    Tis all thou art & all mankind shall be.

  • Sarah GRISWOLD, Daughter of Capt. Josiah & Mrs. Mabel GRISWOLD, died March 27, 1754. In ye 6 year of her Age.

  • In Memory of Sarah GRISWOLD, daughter of Mr. Ozias & Mrs. Anner GRISWOLD, who died July 9, 1800, Aged 19 years.
    Lord i commit my soul to thee
    Except the sacred trust
    Receive this nobler part of me
    And watch my sleeping dust.

  • Sarah A., daughter of Capt. Francis & Sarah P. GRISWOLD, died July 25, 1852. Æ 21.

  • Sarah G., wife of Levi C. GRISWOLD, Died May 2, 1887. Aged 54.
    A precious one from us has gone,
    A voice we loved is stilled,
    A place is vacent in our home,
    Which never can be filled.

  • In Memory of Simeon GRISWOLD, who died Nov. 21, 1785. Æ 43 Y's.
    Mary Ann, wife of Simeon GRISWOLD, died Sept. 14, 1824. Æ 79 Y's.
    Mary, died May 26, 1794, Æ 11.
    Abigail, died Feb. 26, 1802, Æ 24.
    Daughters of Simeon & Mary Ann GRISWOLD.

  • Simeon GRISWOLD, Died Jan. 9, 1858. Æ 86.
    Anna, his wife, died July 1, 1808. Æ 33.
    Sarah, his 2d wife, died May 8, 1845. Æ 64.
    Farewell, and may you still in peace repose,
    Still o'er you may the flowers untrodden bloom,
    And softly wave to every flower that blows,
    Casting their fragrance on each lowly tomb.

  • Stanly GRISWOLD, died Aug. 31, 1872. Æ 68.
    Lucy, his wife, Died March 27, 1888. Æ 82.
    Lucy W. WHITE, Died Jan 29, 1875. Æ 36.
    Luther Stanley, son of M. S. & E. GRISWOLD, Died Sept. 15, 1854. Æ 16 M.

  • Stephen Willard, Son of Caleb & Mary R. GRISWOLD, died Oct. 28, 1838. Aged 7 Y'rs.
    Alas for death's resistless power
    No strength can stay the general doom.
    E'en youth must leave lifes smiling bower
    To slumber in the lowly tomb.

  • Susan M. Luce, wife of Almeron N. GRISWOLD, died Nov. 13, 1875. Aged 36.

  • Sylvester GRISWOLD, born April 22, 1802, died Jan. 27, 1856.
    Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the children of God.

  • Thomas GRISWOLD died Oct 13, 1878. Aged 79 Y'rs.
    Children of Thomas and Jerusha GRISWOLD.
    Jerusha F. Died Aug. 16, 1854. Aged 3 Y'rs.
    Mary A. Died Dec. 3, 1875. Aged 34 Y'rs.
    Children of Thomas N. and Jennie W. GRISWOLD.
    Fannie A. Died Dec 1, 1865. Aged 4 Y'rs. 8 Mo's.
    Henry W. Died June 6, 1868. Aged 9 Y'rs. 4 Mo's.
    Thomas H. Died Jan. 21, 1881. Aged 5 Y'rs. 9 Mo's.

  • Thomas GRISWOLD, died Feb. 24, 1850. Æ 74.
    Christian evidence marked his course.
    And Christian peace marked his end.

  • In Memory of Mr. Timothy GRISWOLD, who departed this life June 27th AD. 1791. In the 53d Year of his Age.

  • Timothy GRISWOLD, died Mar. 27, 1837, aged 42.
    Laura Standish, his wife, died June 29, 1838, aged 42.
    Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. St. John XI, 26.

  • Jane E. died in Victoria, British Columbia. Jan. 18, 1869, Aged 46.
    Isabella, died Oct. 9, 1847, aged 19.

  • Walter A. son of Francis & Sarah P. GRISWOLD, died Aug. 1, 1831. Æ 5 Y'rs.

  • William GRISWOLD, died June 21, 1893. Aged 61 Y'rs.

  • Here lies the Body of Mr. Daniel GRISWOULD, who departed this Life June 26th AD. 1786. In the 40th Year of his Age.
    Behold and see as you pass by
    as you are now so once was I
    as I am now so you must be
    prepare for Death and follow me.

  • Here lies the Body of Mrs. Elizabeth GRISWOULD, Born March 28th 1674. Aged 68 Years.

  • Elizar, Son of Mr. Ebenezer & Mrs. Deborah GRISWOULD, died Nov'r ye 9th 174, in the 3rd year of his Age.

  • In Memory of Jonathan GRISWOULD, Son of Capt. Caleb & Mrs Abigail GRISWOULD, Who died Nov'r ye 28th 1756. In ye 24th year of his Age.

  • Here lied Interr'd the Body of Ens. Michal GRISWOULD, who Died July ye 24th 1742, in the 76th Year of his Age.

  • Ellen, died Oct. 21, 1838, Æ 1 Yr 5 M. 5 D.
    Nancy, died Dec 8, 1839, Æ 8 Mo. 23 D.
    Lucy, died Feb. 1, 1845, Æ 10 Yrs. 3 D.
    Children of Simeon & Nancy HALE.

  • Joseph HALE, died April 12, 1837, aged 53.
    Lucy C., his wife, died Jan. 4, 1864, aged 74.
    Children of Joseph & Lucy Hale.
    Sophia I., died Oct. 21, 1844, aged 21.
    Robert B., died Aug 13, 1858, aged 36.
    Jonathan C. died Nov. 4, 1865, aged 45.
    Joseph M, died June 12, 1883, aged 63.
    Elizabeth HALE, died Feb. 12, 1890, aged 75.

  • Mary, daughter of Simeon & Lucy HALE, died July 31, 1843. Æ 25.

  • Nathan HALE, died Oct 12, 1862, Aged 22.
    I shall be satisified when I awake in thy likeness.

  • Simeon HALE, Died Apr. 5, 1869, Æ 79.
    Lucy, His Wife, Died Oct. 31, 1831, Æ 41.
    Nancy, His Wife, Died July 13, 1885. Æ 77.
    Children of Simeon & Lucy HALE.
    Mary Died July 30, 1843, Æ 25.
    Walter, Died in California, June 19, 1869. Æ 44.
    Children of Simeon & Nancy HALE
    Ellen, Died Oct 21, 1838, Æ 1 y'r
    Nancy, Died Dec. 8, 1839. Æ 8 m'o.
    Lucy, Died Feb. 1, 1845, Æ 10 y'r.
    Nathan, Member of Co. A. 16th Conn. Vol., Died Oct 12, 1862. Æ 22.
    Theda, Mother of Simon HALE, Died June 18, 1842, Æ 89.
    Theda, His Sister, Died Aug. 29, 1853. Æ 74.

  • Theda, widow of Ebenezer HALE, died June 19, 1842, aged 89.
    Theda, their daughter, died Aug. 29, 1853, aged 74.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Margaret HANCOCK, Who was eminent for Piety, Exemplary in virtue, and accomplished instructress of Children, in that useful Employment, with Honor to herself, & profit to her Friends. she spent many years with an unshaken Faith in her Redeemer, and joyful hopes of an eternal Bliss she serenely departed this Life Sept'r 18th 1789, in the 60th Year of her Age, Lamented by all.

  • Amelia HANMER, wife of David HILLS, died in Hartford, April 3, 1847. Æ 45.
    Far from affliiction toil and care,
    The happy soul is fled;
    The breathless clay shall slumber here
    Among the silent dead.

  • In Memory of Mrs Elizabeth HANMER, Consort of Mr. Francis HANMER, who departed this life Feb'ry 10th AD. 1787 In the 76th Year of her Age.

  • In Memory of Mr. Francis HANMER, who died Dec'r 19th 1790, in the 82d year of his age.

  • In Memory of Mr. Francis HANMER, who died May 4-th, 1816. Aged 77 years.

  • In Memory of Mr. Francis HANMER, who died Oct. 28, 1814, aged 42. Thomas, his son died, May 7, 1811, aged 2 years & 2 months.

  • Huldah, wife of Francis HANMER, died May 4, 1862. Æ 90.
    Maria, their daughter, died July 12, 1848. Æ 36.

  • In Memory of James HANMER, who died Dec. 10, 1789, Aged 42 y'rs.
    Elizabeth, wife of James HANMER, died Oct. 18, 1837, Aged 88 Y'rs.

  • In Memory of Capt. John HANMER, who departed this life Dec'r 25th AD. 1799, in the 68th year of his age.

  • John HAMNER, Born Feb. 11, 1801. Died Nov. 16, 1881.
    Hannah B. Churchill, his wife, Born July 17, 1805. Died Mar. 3, 1886.
    John Way HANMER, Born Nov. 26, 1872. Died Feb. 19, 1896.
    C. Henry HANMER, Born Oct. 18, 1839. Died July 27, 1884.

  • Katie M., died April 2, 1883, aged 16 years, only child of Edward J. & MAria HANMER.

  • Lucy, wife of Samuel HANMER, died Sept. 17, 1827, aged 50 years.

  • Prudence HANMER, died Nov. 29, 1866. Æ 84.

  • In Memory of, Mrs. Rhoda HANMER, wife of Mr. Francis HANMER, who died Nov'r 29th 1801, in the 60th year of her Age.

  • In Memory of Mr. Samuel HANMER, Who died Oct. 3d, 1813. Aged 72 years.

  • Samuel HANMER, died Nov. 16, 1850. Æ 72.
    Looking unto Jesus.

  • Samuel HANMER, 1778 - 1850.
    Lucy, his wife, 1777 - 1827.
    Lucy Ann, 1806 - 1884.
    Nancy, 1809 - 1886.
    Son & Daughter.
    Rev. Henry HANMER, 1815 - 1877, Died in Wis.
    Sarah, 1798 - 1876.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Sarah HANMER, Relict of Mr. Samuel HANMER, who died April 15th, 1818, Aged 76 years.

  • Walter HANMER, died April 22, 1843, Æ 36.
    Lucy HANMER, Born Oct 2, 1799. Died Oct 26, 1888.

  • William HANMER died Jan'y 29, 1862, Æ 58.
    Maria A., Hattie E., Frederick & Jennette,
    Children of Wm. & Honor HANMER.

  • In Memory of Mrs Prudence, Wife of Mr. John HANMOR and Daugh. of Capt Timothy WRIGHT, who Died June ye 21st 1760. Aged 22 Years.

  • Here lieth the body of Anna, daughter of Mr. Thomas and Annie HARIS born November the 29, 1730 and died Jan the 29, 1730/1, aged 2 months.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Eunice, Relict of Mr. Hosea HARRIS, who died Apr. 2, 1813, Æ 80.

  • Children of Thomas & Sarah C. HARRIS.
    Hezekiah born June 18, 1804, died Jun 12, 1812.
    Emily, born Mar. 29, 1808, died Jan. 15, 1829.
    Thomas, born Aug. 21, 1799, died Sept 4, 1857.
    Abigail, born Nov. 28,1 820, died Mar 8, 1876.
    Thomas HARRIS, Born Feb. 8, 1771. Died Feb. 2, 1829.
    Sarah C., his wife, Born May 7, 1772. Died Feb 7, 1829.

  • In Memory of Mr. Hosea HARRIS, who died April 11th, AD. 1792, in ye 57th Year of his Age.

  • John HARRIS, Born July 13, 1770. Died April 4, 1858.
    Martha Russell, wife of John HARRIS, Born Aug. 14, 1769. Died Mar. 31, 1853.
    How sweet to earth's bowers in peace
    For Heaven's secure repose.

  • John BLINN born Jan 31, 1813. died May 2, 1853.
    Martha HARRIS, wife of John BLINN, born April 19, 1811. died Feb. 1, 1876.
    Cordelia HARRIS, born Oct 8, 1815. died May 11, 1893.
    Hosea HARRIS, born July 22, 1799. Died Oct. 16, 1874.
    Sarah Francis, wife of Hosea HARRIS, born July 30, 1801. died Dec. 27, 1854.
    Timothy R. HARRIS, born Mar. 15, 1802. died Feb 20, 1853.
    Mary H. Wolcott, born Aug. 20, 1796, died May 25, 1888.

  • John Harris, born April 30, 1791. died Feb. 3, 1869.
    Sarah Crane, wife of John HARRIS, died Oct. 1, 1858. Aged 65 yrs.
    Here the remains of S. C. Harris lies
    A christian mife and mother chaste and wise.
    Sweet temper'd meek benevolent and kind
    Regretted much by friends she left behind.

  • Clarissa, daughter to John & Sarah C. HARRIS, died Nov. 3, 1831, aged 10 Yrs.
    John HARRIS, died Feb. 15, 1870. Aged 43.
    Frank, son of John & Anna HARRIS, died Sep 24, 1859, aged 2 yrs. 6 mo.

  • In Memory of Mr. Thomas HARRIS, Who died Dec. 1775, Aged 32 years.
    Also Mrs. Abigail HART, Late wife of Doct. Josiah HART; & formerly Wife of Mr. Thomas HARRIS, who died August 1796. Aged 47 years.

  • In Memory of Caroline, Relict of Jared HARRISON, Died Mar. 16, 1862. Æ 63.
    Mary Gilbert, their daughter, Died June 17, 1861. Æ 30.

  • Caroline E., daughter of Jared & Caroline HARRISON. Died Feb. 14, 1856. Æ 26.
    Gone but not lost.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Clotilda HARRISON, wife of Mr. Theodore HARRISON, who died July 20th, 1829. Aged 76 years.
    Weeping Children dry your tears,
    I must lie here 'till Christ appears.

  • In Memory of Jared HARRISON, who died Feb 11th, 1846, aged 50 years.
    Theodore Talcott, Son of Jared & Caroline HARRISON, died Sept. 2d, 1843, aged 10 years.
    Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.

  • Osmund HARRISON, born Oct 9, 1798. Died Mar. 30, 1895.
    Thye earnest wish to know & prove
    If in thee dwelt Christ's saving love.

  • In Memory of Samuel HARRISON, who died Sept 2d, 1830, Aged 45 years.
    In the midst of life we are in death.

  • In Memory of Mr. Theodore HARRISON, who died May 20th 1836, Aged 80 years.
    Let not the dead forgotten lie,
    Lest men forget that they must die.

  • In Memory of Emily HARRISS, who died Jan. 15, 1829, Æ 21.
    Hezekiah HARRIS, died June 12, 1812. Æ 8.

  • In Memory of Thomas HARRISS, Who died Feb. 2, 1829, Æ 58.
    Sarah HARRISS, His wife, died Feb. 7, 1829. Æ 57.

  • Edmund HART, died Aug 4, 1887. Aged 79.
    Mary Hurlbut, his wife, died March 17, 1877. Aged 66.
    Children of Edmund & Mary HART.
    Robert N., Died Jan. 16, 1845. Aged 4 Y'rs.
    George E., Died Dec. 8, 1891. Aged 53 Y'rs.

  • In Memory of Squire HASKELL, who died April 2, 1801, aged 53 years.

  • Our Baby, Alice Elizabeth, Infant Daughter of William R. & Jennie B. HASKIL, Died Mar. 6, 1885. Æ 2 W. 3 D.

  • Jennie G. Blinn, wife of William R. HASKELL, 1860-1893.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Salome HATCH, Wife of Capt. Daniel HATCH, who died June 15, 1808, in the 28-th year of her age.
    Also Henry, son of Capt. Daniel & Mrs. Salome HATCH, died August 8-th 1808, aged 4 Months and 5 days.

  • Levi HATCH, died May 15, 1849. Æ 79.

  • Mary, wife of Levi HATCH, died Feb. 5, 1850. Æ 78.

  • In Memory of Mr. Zephaniah HATCH, who died March 7th 1807, aged 77 years.
    Also of Henry, son of Capt. Daniel & Mrs. Salmoe HATCH, Who died April 14-th 1807, Aged 1 Month.

  • Charles H. HAVENS, Died Jan. 24, 1847, Æ 28.

  • Charles Hiram, infant son of Hiram & Mary W. HAVENS. Born July 15, 1849. Died Sept 17, 1850.
    List we can almost hear the strains
    of our saved Infants lyre.
    As his soft hand with gentle touch
    Sweeps o'er each quivering wire.

  • Ebenezer G. HAVENS, Born Feb. 23, 1829.
    Melvine M. Ruick, his wife, Born March 10, 1830. Died Apr. 5, 1862.
    John HAVENS, Born Oct. 19, 1819.
    Mary Wells, his wife, Born Sept. 9, 1820. Died in Catawba, Mo., Jan. 18, 1887.
    children of John & Martha HAVENS.
    Martha Elizabeth, Born Aug. 21, 1862. Died Aug 8, 1865.
    Robert Martin, Born Dec. 18, 1867. Died Aug. 30, 1868.
    Everett Selden, son of Ebenezer G. & Jennie M. HAVENS, Born Mar. 17, 1886. Died Mar 19, 1886.

  • Hannah H. HAVENS, Died Apr. 19, 1844. Æ 22.

  • Hiram HAVENS, born May 17, 1803. died Oct. 30, 1886.

  • Children of Wm. A. & Mary HAVENS.
    Hiram, died Feb. 11, 1832, aged 8 d's.
    Albert, died Apri. 14, 1834, aged 6 mo's.
    Mary, wife of Selden S. WILLIAMS, died Sept. 18, 1865, aged 42 yr's.
    Mary F., daughter of Selden S. & Mary WILLIAMS, died Sept. 12, 1850, aged 5 mo's.
    Irene, wife of Henry J. CLEVELAND, died Nov. 5, 1868, aged 43.
    Wm. A. HAVENS, died Aug. 29, 1865, aged 71 y'rs.
    Mary, his wife, died Sept. 6, 1865, aged 73 yr's.
    Melvine H., wife of Ebenezer G. HAVENS, died Apr. 5, 1863, aged 32 yr's.
    Children of Simeon & Jennette HAVENS.
    Frankie W., died June 9, 1860, aged 2 yr's.
    Florence, died Sept. 15, 1861, aged 4 mo's.
    Jennette Kirkham, died Aug. 19, 1886, aged 34 yr's.
    Simeon HAVENS, died June 25, 1890, aged 69 yrs.
    Jennette S., wife of Simeon HAVENS, died Oct. 23, 1863. aged 42 yr's.
    children of W. W. & Eliza M. HAVENS.
    Florence B., died Apr. 21, 1852, aged 5 mo's.
    Florence A., died Aug. 26, 1854, aged 4 mo's.
    Lewis C., died Aug. 19, 1857, aged 3 mo's.
    Huldah S. HAVENS, wife of Ebenezer WISWALL, died Oct. 9, 1888, aged 61. y'rs.
    Eliza M., wife of W. W. HAVENS, died Aug. 31, 1865, aged 47 y'rs.

  • Julia A., wife of Edwin M. HAVENS, died Sept. 7, 1883, Aged 49 Y'rs.

  • Mary Welles Adams, wife of Hiram HAVENS, Born Oct. 25, 1811, Died Nov. 19, 1876.

  • Nancy, Born July 6, 1798. Died Aug. 4, 1887. Daughter of the late Thomas & Lucinda HAVENS.

  • Nancy B. HAVENS, died march 31, 1819, aged 1 year & 9 months.
    Nancy B. HAVENS, died Sept. 23-rd 1822, aged 3 years.
    Also two Infants.
    Children of Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Patty HAVENS.

  • Rachel, Wife of Uzziel HAVENS, Born May 17, 1792. Died May 14, 1870.

  • In Memory of Miss Sarah HAVENS, Daughter of Mr. Thomas & Mrs. Lucinda HAVENS< who died March 16th, 1805, in the 22d year of her age.
    Also of Nancy HAVENS, their Daughter, who died August 16th, 1792, aged 5 months and 10 days.

  • Sarah, Born Jan 29, 1807. Died Aug. 31, 1869. Daughter of the late Thomas & Lucinda HAVENS.

  • Thomas HAVENS, died Sept 14, 1825. Æ 64.
    Lucinda, his wife, died Sept. 7, 1828, Æ 65.
    Uzziel HAVENS, died at Matanzas, Isle of Cuba, Feb. 14, 1825, Æ 35.

  • Uzial A. HAVENS, Died Jan. 31, 1842, Æ 17.

  • Children of Horace C. & Fidelia R. HAVENS.
    Virginia Augusta, Born Aug. 29, 1855. Died Mar 9, 1856.
    Lizzie Adelaide, Born Sept. 22, 1865. Died July 7, 1866.
    Howard Burton, Born Jan 31, 1867. Died March 6, 1867.
    Fidelia R., wife of H. C. HAVENS, Born Nov. 14, 1829. Died Aug 5, 1870.
    Elizabeth R. HAVENS, wife of Welles ADAMS, daughter of Thomas & Patty HAVENS, 1825-1895.
    Children of Thomas & Patty HAVENS.
    Nancy Blinn, Born Aug 24, 1814. Died Sept 12, 1814.
    Nancy Blinn, Born July 13, 1817. Died March 31, 1819.
    Nancy Blinn, Born Sept. 7, 1819. Died Sept. 23, 1822.
    Martha Celestia. Born March 14, 1830. Died Aug. 9, 1830.
    Thomas, Born May 16, 1821. Died Nov 2, 1835.
    Emily Blinn, Born Jan 31, 1824. Died April 6, 1892.
    Thomas HAVENS, Born Sept. 19, 1787. Died May 10, 1857.
    Patty HAVENS, Born June 14, 1888. Died May 21, 1864.

  • Samuel HAYFORD, died of Small Pox. Jan'y 10, 1816. Æ 25.
    Hannah, his wife, Died Aug. 15, 1878. Æ 91 yr. 8 mo.
    Julia Ann, daughter of Samuel & H., Died Oct 9, 1830. Æ 16 Yrs.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Anna, wife of Mr. Thomas HERRESS, who died oct. ye 9th 1769. Aged 68 Years.

  • David HILLS, died Oct 18, 1856. aged 56.
    Resting in thy glorious hope to be at last restored.

  • Celia E., died Nov 10, 1820, Æ 2 Y'rs.
    David H., died May 1, 1833, Æ 2 Y'rs & 7 mo's.
    Harriet A., died July 20, 1838, Æ 6 weeks.
    Children of David & Amelia H. HILLS.

  • David Henry, son of David & Amelia H. HILLS, died Aug 2, 1824, aged 1 year & 2 months.
    The innocent with all its charms.
    Is only fit for Jesus armes.

  • Eddie F., only son of Gaylord & Kate HITCHOCK, drowned July 5, 1872, Aged 13 y'rs, 8 mo's.
    Sweetly sleep till heavenly echoes calls you, lov'd one, to the skies.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Mary HOLLISTER, wife of Mr. Elizar HOLLISTER & Daugher of Capt. Jonathan BELDING, Esq., and Mrs. Martha, his wife, Who Departed this Life May ye 29th, 1759. In the 36th year of her Age.

  • George HOLMES, died March 5, 1868 Æ 68.
    Prudence, his wife, died, March 10, 1882, Æ 84.
    Children of Geo. & Prudence HOLMES,
    Sarah F., Died May 26, 1857, Æ 18.
    Lucy A. HOLMES, died Oct. 11, 1886, Æ 54.
    Wm. G. HOLMES, died March 4, 1881. Æ 50.

  • Here lieth the body of Mrs. Sarah, ye wife of Mr. Daniel HOOKER, Doct'r, who died June ye 15, 1726, aged 36 years.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Rebeckah, wife of Mr. Thomas HORLBART, who died March 22d 1760; in ye __ Year of her Age.

  • In Memory of Mr. Thomas HORNOR, who died Nov'r 11th 1757. Aged 42 Years.
    George HORNOR, his Son, died Oct 14th, 1753, aged 4 Years & 14 Days.

  • This Stone erected by the State, is in Memory of Ezra HOSKINS, aged 66, whose remains lie beneath it. In an insurrection of Convicts he was inhumanly killed in the night following the 30 April, 1833, at midnight on duty as a patrole in the State Prison.
    He ended a useful and inoffensive life by a most tragical death.

  • Sacred to the Memory of Polly, wife of Chauncey HOUSE, and daughter of the late Jonathan WELLS, who died Sept. 10, 1822. Aged 28.
    May Angels with their guardian wings
    This dreary tomb oer'spread;
    And guard until the close of time
    This mansion of the dead.

  • In Memory of Elizabeth, Wife of John HOWARD, who died April 26, 1842. Æ 39.
    Lydia Nichols, died June 23, 1840, Æ 17.
    Charles HOWARD, June 25, 1840. Æ 3 yr's.

  • Henry HOXIE, died Mar 1886, Aged 90.
    Clarissa, his wife, Died Feb. 5, 1878. Aged 79.

  • Mary R., daughter of Robert E. & Sarah HUGHES, died Aug 22, 1856. aged 1 yr. 7 ds.
    Look up to Heaven, for there thy loved one dwells.

  • In Memory of Mrs Abigail HUNT, Relict of Mr. Alexander HUNT, who departed this life August 26th AD. 1801. Age 69 years.
    The righteous rest in peace.

  • In Memory of Mr. Alexander HUNT, late of New York, who departed this life August 21st AD. 1790. Aged 60 years.
    An honest man is the noblest work of God.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Ann, daughter of Mrs. Abigail HUNT, who departed this life Sep't 4th AD, 1783. Aged 21 years.
    The spirit of God hath made me.

  • In Memory of John, Son of Mr. Alexander & Mrs. Abigail HUNT, who departed this life July 9th AD. 1780, Aged 20 years.
    Man shall turn again unto dust.

  • George D., son of Wm. S. & Laura HURD, Died May 28, 1844. Æ 10 mo.

  • June 25, 1848. Hannah S., wife of J. M. LITTLEFIELD, & only daughter of Matthew & Hannah FRANCIS, aged 40.

  • In Memory of Mr. Thomas HURLBUT, Who Died April ye 10th 1761; Aged 81 Years.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Abigail HURLBUT, Wife of Mr. Thomas HURLBURT, Who died Feb. 9th 1807. In the 87th year of her age.

  • In Memory of Abigail HURLBUT, who died June 5, 1834, Æ 87 Y'rs.

  • In Memory of Mrs. Anna, widow of Capt. John HURLBUT, who died Aug 5-th 1810, age 36 years.

  • Elizur HURLBUT, died April 22, 1834. Æ 57.
    Mary D., his wife, died Aug 4, 1859. Æ 83.
    Nathaniel HURLBUT, died Aug 16, 1817. Æ 75.
    Susannah, his wife, died Feb. 4, 1800. Æ 62.
    Children of E. & M. HURLBUT.
    Susannah, died July 17, 1822. Æ 21.
    Allen, died Aug. 10, 1832, Æ 24.
    Eliza, died July 9, 1821, Æ 5 W.
    Lavinia, died Oct 15, 1861. Æ 62.
    John, died Jan. 18, 1874, Æ 71.
    Caroline, died Dec. 13, 1890, Æ 85.

  • Hannah HURLBUT, died Oct. 30, 1881. Aged 87.

  • James HURLBUT, died April 20, 1852. Æ 79.

  • Here lies the Body of Jerusha HURLBUT, wife of Thomas HURLBUT, Jun'r, Who Dec'd Feb'r ye 2nd 1741, in the 17th Year of her Age.

  • Jerusha, wife of Nelson HURLBUT, died Feb. 14, 1837. Æt 28.

  • Sacred to the Memory of Capt. John HURLBUT, who departed this life July 6th AD. 1808. Aged 38 years.

  • In Memory of Katharine Hancock, Daughter of William & Katherine HURLBUT, Who died Nov. 14-th 1810. Aged 42 years.

  • Ozias HURLBUT, Son of Thomas and Jerusha HURLBUT, died [rest unreadable].

  • In Memory of Sarah HURLBUT, Daughter of William & Katharine HURLBUT, who died Sept. 12th 1821. Aged 57 years.

  • Sarah, wife of Nathaniel HURLBUT, died Jan. 25, 1851. Æt 84.

  • In Memory of Silas HURLBUT, who died Oct 13, 1836, Æ 82.

  • Here Lies Enterd the Body of Mr. Stephen HURLBUT, who died July ye 19th AD. 1767, in ye 61st Year of his Age.

  • In Memory of Mr. Thomas HURLBUT, who departed this life Nov'br 13th AD 1791. In the 77th Year of his age.

  • Welthy, wife of James HURLBUT, died Sept. 4, 1864. Æ 85.

  • William HURLBUT, died Oct. 4, 1871. aged 81 years.

  • Capt. William HURLBUT, Nov 11, 1812. Sept 25, 1879.
    Louisa H. Bartlett, his wife, May 20, 1819. June 21, 1887.
    Adeline T., daughter of William & Lousia H. HURLBUT. Dec. 22, 1848. May 30, 1872.

  • Elizabeth, Daughter of Rev. Harvey & Ann HUSTED, died Nov. 23, 1840. Æ 1 y'r & 7 months.
    She is gone but not lost.

    Blind Counter
