Wethersfield, Hartford Co., CT, Cemetery Inscriptions A-B
Extracted from Wethersfield Inscriptions,
A Complete Record of the Inscriptions
of the Five Burial Places in the Ancient Town of Wethersfield
Edward Sweetser TILLOTSON, 1899
Inscriptions from the main cemetery in Wethersfield,
located near the center of the village on a hill.
[Note: The first two inscriptions are divided by | marks to show how the words were placed on the grave-stone. On subsequent inscriptions, I have transcribed them without division markers except where necessary to make sense of the words. Genealogical notes by the author are in italics as are the poetic or religious inscriptions on the stones. - jd.]

In memory of | Tenor ABRO, who | died April 5th 1705, | in the 25th year | of his age.
This little tender plant
Which in the dust is sown,
When Christ appears, we trust
He'll bring a jewel of his own.
Albert | son of | Horace & Emeline | ADAMS | died Dec. 9, 1843, | Æ 3 y'rs 10 mo.
In memory of mr. Amasa ADAMS, who departed this life July 6th A.D. 1790, In the 82 year of his Age.
Arthur, son of Josiah G & Ellen M. ADAMS, Born May 23, 1872. Died May 13, 1873
"Suffer little children to come unto me."
Augustus F. ADAMS, born October 9, 1829 died September 5, 1881.
At Rest.
Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Benjamin ADAMS, who died Nov. 27th 1816. In the 81st year of his age.
No sex nor age can death defy,
Thing mortals what it is to die.
Bertha [infant daughter of Thomas G. & Lucy (DICKINSON) ADAMS]
"Is it well with the child?
And she answered, It is well."
Camp ADAMS died March 20, 1823. Æ 84
Mehitable, his wife, died August 15, 1825. Æ 85.
Chauncy ADAMS, died June 27, 1883. Æ 75.
Julia A. WILLARD, wife of Chauncey ADAMS, died March 14, 1871, Æ 56.
William ADAMS, died Nov. 28, 1852. Æ 72.
Mary ADAMS, his wife, died Aug. 23, 1854. Æ 77.
Martha ADAMS, Aug. 20, 1820. Sept. 2 1892.
Welles ADAMS, died Feb. 18, 1876. aged 72.
Mary W. GRISWOLD, wife of Welles ADAMS, died Apr. 27, 1865. aged 58.
Faithful and true
Emma [infant daughter of Thomas G. & Lucy (DICKERSON) ADAMS.]
Gone before
Freddie, son of Josiah & Ellen M. ADAMS. Born June 7, 1869. Died Jan. 3, 1871.
An op'ning bud to heaven conveyed
To bloom and blossom there.
George L. ADAMS, was lost at sea Aug. 1827, Æ 30.
Mary, his wife, died Sept 10, 1828. Æ 29.
In Memory of Mrs. Hannah, wife of Mr. Amasa ADAMS, who died Sept. 25th, 1798; Aged 86 years.
Harriet Sargent Adams. 1813-1892.
"Unto Him that loved us be glory forever, Amen.
Henry Mortimer, Son of Welles & Mary W. ADAMS, Died July 30, 1845, Æ 10 mos. 12 d.
In hope we give back what was given.
Huldah ADAMS died Dec. 26, 1853, Æ 81.
In Memory of Mr. James ADAMS, Merchant, who departed this life Aug. 19, A.D. 1792, in the 30th year of his age.
James ADAMS died Aug. 17, 1844. Æ 51.
Dearest Husband thou art gone,
While I am left to sigh and moan;
Yes thou hast left this world of woe,
And gone where all the blessed go.
Mr. James C. ADAMS, died Aug. 11, 1820, in the 54 year of his Age.
Children of Miles & Mary Ann S. ADAMS.
Jemina B., Born Nov. 6, 1835. Died May 5, 1855.
Miles, Born Feb. 26, 1838. Died Feb. 27, 1838.
Miles ADAMS, Born Feb 19,1801, Died Feb. 14, 1874.
Mary Ann S., wife of Miles ADAMS, Born Nov. 1, 1809. Died April 12, 1863.
Raymond W. died April 22, 1886. Æ. 37.
Newell ADAMS, Died Feb. 5, 1871, Æ 35.
Children of Horace & Emeline ADAMS.
Albert, Born Feb. 14, 1840. Died Dec 9, 1843.
Adaline, Born Feb 14, 1840. Died Sept. 25, 1856.
Albert, Born May 23, 1846, Died Dec 6, 1846.
Alice R. Born May 23, 1846. Died May 30, 1874.
Horace ADAMS Died Mar. 30, 1882. Æ 77.
Emiline GOODALE, wife of Horace ADAMS, Died Dec. 14, 1883, Æ 75.
In Memory of Joseph ADAMS, who died aug'st 7th 1795, in the 50th Year of his Age.
Let not the deat forgotten lie
Lest men forget that they must die.
In Memory of Joseph ADAMS, who died Oct. 6, 1834. Aged 51 Years.
Peace tis the Lord Jehovahs hand
That blasts our joys in death,
Changes the visage once so dear,
And gathers back the breath.
Laura S. [Infant daughter of Thomas G. & Lucy (DICKERSON) ADAMS]
Summer flowers pass away,
And hopes that bloomed are dead.
Martha Antoinette, daughter of Welles & Mary W. ADAMS, Died Sept. 21, 1849, Æ 2 Y. 5 M. 16 D.
An opening Bud to Heaven convey'd
To bloom eternal there.
In Memory of Mary ADAMS, wife of Mr. John ADAMS, who departed this life May 21st 1794; In the 42d Year of her Age.
Mattie B. Dix, wife of Luter W. ADAMS, 1843-1879.
Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Patience ADAMS, Wife of Mr. Benjamin ADAMS, who died Oct. 26th 1818; Aged 87 years.
Russel ADAMS, Born Jan 8, 1807. Died June 28, 1885.
Mercy M. Griswold, wife of Russel ADAMS, Born Mar. 2, 1808. Died Aug. 31, 1865.
children of Russel & Mercy M. ADAMS
Maria L., Born Feb. 5, 1832. Died Nov. 21, 1832.
Albert R., Born Oct. 7, 1834. Died Apr. 27, 1834.
In Memory of Sarah, wife of Amasa ADAMS, died June 12th 1794, in the 42d Year of her age.
The colours of expression are too faint,
Let thought describe what thought alone can paint.
Think what the consort Parent Friend should be,
you have her character, for such was She.
In Memory of Sarah ADAMS, wife of James C. ADAMS, who died Aug. 13, 1845. Æ 74.
A Wife & Mother. Sarah N. ADAMS, [Sarha Newson ROBBINS, Mrs. Wm. W. ADAMS] Died Feb. 6, 1862. Æ 26.
If souls could always dwell above,
Thou ne're hadst left they sphere;
Or could we keep the souls we love
We ne're hadst lost thee here.
In Memory of Mrs. Sinala ADAMS, daughter of Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Patience ADAMS, who departed this life May 12th 1796; in the 31st Year of her Age.
Her time was come to die,
God saw twas best.
We hope she dwells on high
In endless rest.
Uzziel ADAMS, died Aug. 16, 1825. Æ 57.
Clarissa Lucas, wife of Uzziel ADAMS, died April 18, 1854, Æ. 78.
They that sleep in the dust of the earth shall rise and come forth.
Fanny, daughter of U. & C. L. ADAMS, Died Dec. 18, 1769, Æ 1 Y. 10 Mo.
Fanny ADAMS died Sept 25, 1877, Æ 78.
Clarissa L. ADAMS, died Dec. 7, 1887. Æ 81.
Walter ADAMS died June 22, 1880. Æ 70.
Nancy A. Blinn, his wife, Died Jan. 28, 1891. Æ. 79.
Orson S. ADAMS, died Oct. 16, 1852. Æ 38.
Lemuel Clark, died Sept. 7, 1862. Æ 41.
Watson ADAMS, died Oct. 28, 1885. Æ 74.
The grave of two infants.
Buds plucked from earth to bloom in heaven.
Walter ADAMS
Nancy A. ADAMS
[Children of Walter & Nancy A. (BLINN) ADAMS]
The grave of William ADAMS, Jr. born March 12, 1803. died Dec 4, 1839.
From midst of lifes unfinished plan,
With sudden hand Death severed him.
William, son of Joseph and Sally ADAMS, died Sept. 23, 1825, aged 17.
As you are now, so once was I,
As I am now, so you must be,
Prepare for death and follow me.
Elizabeth W. ADAMS [Infant daughter of Watson ADAMS]
W. A. [Wells ADAMS] 6 Dec. 1804 - 18 Feb. 1876.
As a public servant, wise and faithful:
as a citizen, upright and zealous:
as the head of a family, beloved and respected.
M. W. A. [Mary W. (GRISWOLD) ADAMS] 11 Aug. 1806 - 27 Apr. 1865.
In Life adorned with virtues rare --
A pattern of humility,
In Death, resigned, serene and fair,
Winner of immortality.
Ella, and her infant brother, Freddie, ALLEN [Children of Henry P. & Elisa (ADAMS) ALLEN]
William E. ALLIS, Died Sept. 22, 1892
Harriet A. Kimball, wife of W. E. ALLIS Died Dec. 10, 1882.
Samuel J. ANDREWS, Died Feb. 12, 1842. Æ 32
Chloe Ann, wife of Samuel J. ANDREWS, Died Jan. 30, 1860 Æ. 48.
James Samuel, son of S. J. & C. A. ANDREWS, Died Feb. 1, 1842. Æ 14 Mo.
Albert H. ANDRUS, died Sept. 19, 1889. Aged 50.
Ellen M. wife of Albert H. ANDRUS, died Dec. 23, 1867, aged 25.
Daniel A. son of Daniel & Hephzibah AYRAULT, Died Sept. 5, 1846, aged 7 y'rs.
Marian, Daugh'tr of Nicholas & Jane AYRAULT, Dec'd Jan'ry 26, 1738, inye 5th year of her Age.
Marian, ye Daughter of Mr. Nicholas and Mrs. Jane AYRAULT, died Febuary ye 25th 1748/9, about 2 years and 4 Months old.
In Memory of Mis Mary AYRAULT, Who died Aug. 13th 1778, in the 84th Year of her Age.
In Memory of Mrs. Mary AYRAULT, wife of Mr. Daniel AYRAULT, who died Sept. 5th 1852. Aged 100 years.c
Doct. Nicholas AYRAULT, A French Huguenot, Died May 6, 1706, aged 37.
Marien Bretoun, his wife, died Aug. 27, 1741, aged 60.
Capt. Nicholas AYRAULT died April 29, 1775, age 70.
Jane Stocking, his wife, died Oct. 26, 1783, age 70.
Daniel AYRAULT, died March 8, 1807, aged 71.
Mary Balch, his wife, died Sept. 5, 1852, aged 100.
Daniel AYRAULT died Nov. 11, 1868, age 82.
Hephaibah Kentfield, his wife, died Aug. 23, 1871, age 74.
John AYRAULT, died June 19, 1837, aged 17.
Daniel AYRAULT, died Sept. 5, 1846, aged 7.
Mary M. AYRAULT, died April 29, 1895, aged 69.
Nicholas AYRAULT, ye 2nd Son of Mr. Nicholas & Mrs. Jane AYRAULT, died March ye 29th 1749/50, aged 5 y'rs 5 Months & 11 days.
Stephen, Son of Mr. Peter & Mrs. Marah AYRAULT, died August the 9th 1745, two Years and one day old.
Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Asa S. BAILEY, who died March 21, 1821, In the 31st year of his age.
His Saviour's smile dispell'd the gloom
And smooth'd his passage to the tomb.
Freddie W. BAILEY, died May 3, 1876.
Mrs. Sarah, wife of Timothy BAILEY, died Mar. 14, 1823, Æ 49 y'rs.
Do not delay for death will come,
Your day of life must close. Yet when or where or by what means,
No living mortal knows.
Addie Raphel, daughter of Arthur L. & Fannie BAKER, Died Sept. 11, 1891, Aged 20 y'rs.
In Memory of Lois BALCH, Daughter of Mr. Ebenezer BLACH & Mrs. Lois, his wife, who died August 15th 1760, in ye 3-d Year of her Age.
Sarah Demmin BARBOUR, died Sept. 15, 1863. Aged 69.
In Memory of Mary, ye Daughter of Mr. James & Mrs. Anne BARET, who Died August ye 5 A.D. 1769, aged 1 year and 5 months and 27 days.
Elizabeth, wife of William BARRETT, died July 30, 1845, Æ 53.
Here sweet be thy rest till Christ bid thee arise
To hail him in triumph descending the skies.
Huldah BARRETT, Died Dec. 10, 1811, Æ 20.
Thomas BARRETT, Died July 15, 1813, Æ 29.
Martha BARRETT, Died Jan. 26, 1844, Æ. 55.
Lucy, Relict of Selah BARRETT, Died Aug. 9, 1857, in the 95th year of her age.
Lucy, daughter of William & Elizabeth BARRETT, Died Sept. 22, 1850, Æ 24.
Mary BARRETT, died March 27, 1851. Æ 32.
William BARRETT, died April 7, 1858. Æ 62 Yrs & 9 Mo.
William farewell; around they lonely bed
My footstep oft will sadly linger near;
And o'er thy memory long in sorrow shed
The sweet moments of affection's tear.
Here lyeth the body of Samuel BAXTER, died Jan'y Ye 29, 1729, aged 6 years and 7 months.
In Memory of Mr.s Elizabeth BEADLE, wife of Mr. Jonathan BEADLE, who departed this Life Jan. 23d 1793, Aged 39 Years.
Francis, Infant Son of Henry & Elizabeth BEADLE, diedSept. 19, 1852. Æ 1 Y'r, 11 D's.
Oho: Death how coulds
thou seek our pleasant bower,
And steal from it
so fair and sweet a flower.
Here lie Interred Mrs. Lydia BEADLE, Aged 32 Years,
Ansel Lothrop, Elizabeth, Lydia & Mary BEADLE, her children; the eldest aged 11 and the youngest 6 years, who, on the morning of the 11th of Dec'r, 1782, Fell by the hands of William BEADLE, an infatuated Man, who closed the horrid sacrifice of his Wife and Children with his own distruction.
Pale, round their grassy bomb bedew'd with tears.
Flit the thin forms of sorrows, and of tears:
Soft sighs responsive swell to plaintive chords.
And Indignations half unsheath their swords.
Manning BEADLE, died Dec. 4, 1831, Aged 42.
Emily A., his wife, Died Aug 19, 1879. Aged 89.
Our Mother [Sarah J. RAY, wife of John C. NICHOLS, died Jan. 15, 1875, aged 29.]
Nathaniel BILLINGS
Caroline RHODES [Wife of Nathaniel BILLINGS, died March 29, 1895, aged 73.]
In Memory of Celia Mix, daughter of James L. & Julia BELDEN, who died Oct. 9, 1824, aged __ years.
Charlotte Ann, Died Marc. 31, 1842, Æ. 3 y'rs, 3 mo's.
Alice Maria, Died April 19, 1842, Æ 10 mo's.
Daughters of Otis & Mary W. BELDEN.
The rose which bloomed yesterday.
May fade and die to-morrow.
So has this child in early bloom.
Been snatched from care & sorrow.
Weep not dear friends, thy infants God
A promise sweet has given.
Suffer such ones to come to me,
They are the gems of heaven.
Ezekiel Porter, son of James L. & Julia BELDEN, died Nov. 8, 1822, aged 14 months.
James L. BELDEN, died Feb. 21, 1847, aged 72 years.
Ezekiel Porter, son of James L. & Julia BELDEN, died Nov. 8, 1822, aged 14 months.
Celia Mix, daughter of James L. & Julia BELDEN, died Oct. 9, 1824, aged 4½ years.
In Memory of Joseph BELDEN, who died Aug. 7, 1826. aged 50.
Lathrop BELDEN, born Feb. 19, 1800. Died July 2, 1876.
Elizabeth R., his wife. Born Oct 20, 1801. Died Nov 8, 1877.
Jane F. BELDEN, born Dec. 20, 1824. Died Sept. 22, 1872.
In Memory of Martha BELDEN, relict of Simeon BELDEN, who died Dec. 5, 1830, in the 88 year of her age.
Martha C. wife of James BELDEN, and daughter of Sylvester & Nancy CLARK, died Feb. 15, 1867, aged 20 yrs.
Gone but not forgotten.
In Memory of Mary, wife of Elisha BELDEN, who died Sept. 12, 1831, Æ 28 Yrs.
Franklin, their Son, died Nov. 20, 1833, Æ 2 Yrs.
In Memory of Mr. Ozias BELDEN, who died Nov. 7th 1810, aged 64 years.
Hear lies ye body of Patiant Ye wife of John BELDEN, dececed March ye 9th 1716, age 24.
In Memory of Simeon BELDEN, who died Oct. 29, 1820, aged 84.
Col. Thomas BELDEN, died May 22, 1782, aged 50.
Abigail, his relict, died March 17, 1898, age 61.
James, their son, died Nov. 27, 1779, age 19.
Abigail, their daughter, died Mar. 1772, aged 2 mo.
Elizabeth, the wife of Ezekiel Porter BELDEN, died October 30, 1789, aged 33.
James, the son of Ezekiel P. BELDEN & Mary, his wife; died Sept. 13, 1800, aged 9.
Ezekiel Porter, Their son, died April 2, 1818, aged 24.
Col. Ezekiel Porter BELDEN, died Oct. 9, 1824, aged 69.
Mary, relict of Col. Ezekiel P. BELDEN, died March 22, 1845, aged 88.
Thomas, son of Ezekiel Porter & Elizabeth BELDEN: who died Feb. 24th, 1831, aged 46 years.
Here lies Interr'd the Body of Mrs. Dorothy BELDING, Relict to Mr. John BELDING, who died February ye 28th 1754, in the 91, year of her age.
Here lies Interr'd the Body of Sergt Ebenezer BELDING, who Departed this Life Novem'r the 2nd 1739, about 72 Years of age.
Eunice BELDING, Daughter of Mr. Ezra & Mrs. BELDING, died Aug'st ye 7th 1754; In the 21st year of her age.
Here Lyeth the Body of Deacon Jonathan BELDING, who Deceased July ye 6th 1734, In the 74th Year of his Age.
Here lies the Body of Jonathan BELDING, Son of Jonathan & Martha BELDING, who Dec'd July ye 10th 1736 in ye 18th Year of his Age.
To the Memory of Jonathan BELDING, Esq'r. who departed this life Aug'st 20th A.D. 1768. Ætat's 73.
In Life pubicly serviceable,
In Death greatly lamented.
Here lieth the body of Joseph BELDING, who deceased Desem'r ye 7th 1724; aged 62 years.
Here lies Interr'd the Body of Mr. Josiah BELDING, who Departed this life Sept. ye 5th 1746, in the 64th year of his Age.
In Memory of Capt. Josiah BELDING, who departed this Life Oct. 18th AD. 1788, In the 70th year of his Age.
Here lies ye body of Kezia ye wife of John BELDING dececed Decem ye 2, 1712 aged 21.
In Memory of Mrs. Lucretia, ye wife of Mr. David BELDING, who died Nov'r ye 18th A.D. 1768, in ye 34th Year of her Age.
In Memory of Mrs Mabel BELDING, wife of Mr. Josiah BELDING, who died Octr 11th A:D: 1767, in the 81st year of her Age.
Here lyes the Body of Ozias BELDING, Who Decest Novem'r ye 29th 1731, Aged 17 Years & 11 Days.
Here lies the Body of Rebecca BELDING, the Daughter of Josiah & Mabel BELDING, who Deceased August the 18th 1736, in the 21st Year of her Age.
In Memory of Mr. Return BELDING, Son of Mr. Josiah & Mrs. Mabel BELDING, who died Jan'ry ye 24th A.D. 1764. In ye 43d year of his Age.
Here lies Interr'd the Body of Mrs Thankfull BELDING, wife of Mr. Josiah BELDing who died Janry ye 27th 1751; in the 30th year of her Age.
And her two Children, Josiah & Thankfull, born & died on the 21st of that instant.
Here lie Interr'd the Remains of Mr. Thomas BELDING, who Departed this Life April ye 13th A.D. 1761: In the 61st year of his Age.
Mrs. Mary BELDING, wife of Mr. Thomas BELDING, and Daughter of the Rev'd Stephen MIX, who Departed this Life April ye 14th A:D: 1742. In the 42d year of her Age.
Here lies the Body of the wid'o Mary BELDIN, Relict of Deacon Jonathan BELDING, who dyed Septemb'r ye 8 1741, in the 76th Year of her Age.
Here lies the Body of Moses BELDING, Son of Jonathan & Martha BELDING, who dyed Septemb'r ye 6th 1741, in the 21st Year of his Age.
William G. BENHAM. Co. E. 8 Regt. Conn. Vols. die Dec 30, 1894.
Levi BENSON, Co. B. 25th Conn. Inf. [Died June 22, 1872]
In Memory of Polly BENTLEY, wife of Rev. William BENTLEY, who fell alseep in Christ May 14, 1851, Æ 74.
Blessed are the dead which die in the
Lord from henceforth, Yea saith the
Spirit that they may rest from their
labours, and their works do follow them.
Rev. William BENTLEY, born in Newprot, R.I. March 3, 1775. died in Wethersfield, Dec. 24, 1855.
Eminently useful in the cause of
Christ, his end was peace.
the text chosen by himself for
his funeral sermon was expressive of his humility & faith,
"I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.
In Memory of Mr. George BENTON, who died July 5, 1819, Æ 30.
Mr. George BENTON, Senior, died at Martinique, Feb. 15, 1794, Æ 25.
George, son of Mr. George & Hannah BENTON, died April 12, 1794. Æ 8 mo.
Hannah, wife of George BENTON, died July 15, 1856. Æ 86.
Here lieth the body of Anna the wife of William Blin, who departed this life October the 17 1724 in the 45 year of her age.
In Memory of Mrs. Chloe BLIN, Relict of Mr. Gershom BLIN, who died June 10th 1821. Aged 82 years.
In Memory of Mrs. Damaris BLIN, Wife of Mr. Simeon BLIN, who died Sept. 11th 1828. In the 55th year of her age.
Here lies Interr'd the Body of Mr. Deliverence BLIN, who dec'd Novem. ye 3rd 1736, in the 48th Year of his Age.
In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth BLIN, Wife of Mr. Samuel BLIN, who died Nov. 13th 1784, Aged 47 years.
In Memory of Miss Elizabeth BLIN, Daugther of Samuel & Elizabeth BLIN, who died Feb. 19, 1807. Aged 49 years.
Blessed are the Righteous that die in the Lord.
In Memory of Capt. George BLIN, Son of Samuel & Elizabeth BLIN, who died May 20, 1796 [In Cape St Nichola Mole, Westindes.] Aged 33 years.
In Memory of Huldah BLIN, Daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth BLIN, who died Oct. 2-d 1773. Aged 5 years.
In Memory of Mr. Gershom BLIN, who died Novr 2-d 1810, aged 84 years.
Also his Daughter, Lucy, wife of Mr. Ashbel HURLBUT, who died [at Pamlet, Vermont] May 4th 1811, aged 28 yrs.
In Memory of Mr. Hosea BLIN, who died August 6th 1815. In the 71st year of his age.
Here lyeth ye Body of Mrs. Mary, the wife of Mr. Deliverance BLIN, who Dec'd June ye 30th 1735, Aged 46 Years.
Here lieth the body of Mr. Peter BLIN, who departed this life March ye 7th in the 85 year of his age.
Thankfull, daughter of William BLIN, died October the 25 1724 aged 4 years.
William Wells ADAMS, 1833-1896.
Nellie Edith, 1865-1896.
Margie E. 1875-1879.
Emma G. 1867-1886.
Robert S. 1885-1886.
Frederick O. 1878-1886.
In Memory of Alfred BLINN, who died Dec. 31, 1837. Æ 31.