Waterbury, New Haven Co., CT - 1730 Land Inventory
Proprietors' Records
Of The Town Of Waterbury, Connecticut
1677 - 1761
Transcribed & Edited by Katharine A. Prichard
Pages 136 - 140
A List of the Lott in the North west Quarter of the Bounds
and the Number of Acres belonging to Each Man in the Division
[follows the notes for the 11 Mar 1730 Town Meeting]
Lott The proprietors Names Acres - Rood - Rods-
1 Daniel PORTER Jur. 16-00-20
2 William HIKCOX 16-00-20
3 Joseph HIKCOX 43-01-14
4 John HIKCOX 16-00-20
5 Benjamin RICHARDS 16-00-20
6 Samuel Hikcox Ser 72-02-10
7 Lieut. John HOPKINS 72-02-10
8 Joseph GAILARD Jur. 16-00-20
9 John BROUNSON of Isaac 16-00-20
10 John JUDD Jur. 16-00-20
11 Jonathan SCOTT Jur. 16-00-20
12 Robert SCOTT 16-00-20
13 Edmund SCOTT Jur 50-03-01
14 Thomas WORNER 72-02-10
15 Abraham ANDDRUS or Mr. WHITTLESEY 72-02-10
16 Isaac BROUNSON Ser. 72-02-10
17 David SCOTT 16-00-20
18 Obadiah SCOTT 16-00-20
19 Stephen UPON Ser. 36-01-05
20 Joseph HIKCOX Jur. 16-00-20
21 Benjamin WORNER Ser. 16-00-20
22 John WORNER Ser 65-01-09
23 John STANLY Ser. 72-02-10
24 Thomas JUDD Jur., Mr. HALLS 72-02-10
25 Edmund SCOTT Ser. 72-02-10
26 Timothy HOPKINS 16-00-20
27 Thomas WELTON 16-00-20
28 Richard PORTER 36-01-05
29 Stephen WELTON 16-00-20
30 Samuel SCOTT x 16-00-20
31 Samuel STANLY 16-00-20
32 John SCOVILL Jur. 16-00-20
33 Phillip JUDD 64-01-08
34 John CARINGTON 43-01-14
35 the first Proprietors Lott 16-00-20
36 the Second Proprietors Lott 16-00-20
37 Stephen HOPKINS 16-00-20
38 Benjamin BARNS Ser. Uper Lott 72-02-10
39 Daniel WORNER 43-01-14
40 John BROUNSON Sr. 64-01-08
41 Thomas CLARK 16-00-20
42 John BARNES 16-00-20
43 Ebenezar HIKOX 16-00-20
44 Capt. Thomas JUDDS. WILLIAMS 72-02-10
45 School Lott 108-03-15
46 Nathaniel RICHASON 16-00-20
47 George SCOTT Jur. 16-00-20
48 Lieut. Timothy STANLY Original 72-02-10
49 Cap Thomas JUDD JONES
50 Ebenezar RICHARDSON 16-00-20
51 Abraham ANDDRUSS Jur. 16-00-20
52 Thomas RICHASON Ser. 36-01-05
53 Obadiah RICHARDS Jur. 16-00-20
54 Joseph LEWIS 16-00-20
55 Thomas HANDCOX 72-02-10
56 Mr. Jeremiah PECK 108-03-15
57 John WELTON Ser 64-01-08
58 William JUDD 16-00-20
59 John GAILARD 16-00-20
60 Ebeneazar BROUNSON 16-00-20
61 John RICHASON 16-00-20
62 Joseph GAILARD Ser. 64-01-08
63 Daniel PORTER Ser. 68-03-29
64 the fifth Proprietors Lott, M. B. 16-00-20
65 Stephen UPSON Jur. 16-00-20
66 Samuel PORTER 16-00-20
67 John SCOVILL Ser 64-01-08
68 John RICHARDS 64-01-08
69 Thomas RICHARDS Ser. 16-00-20
70 Thomas BERNES 16-00-20
71 John JUDD Ser 72-02-10
72 Abraham ANDDRUS Ser 64-01-08
73 Benjamin WORNER Jur. 16-00-20
74 John WELTON Jur 16-00-20
75 Thomas HIKCOX 16-00-20
76 the fourth Proprietors Lott 16-00-20
77 John SOUTHMAYD 108-03-15
78 Lieut. Timothy STANLY. B. Lott 16-00-20
79 Richard WELTON 16-00-20
80 Samll WORNER of Thomas 16-00-20
81 Joseph BROUNSON 16-00-20
82 George WELTON 16-00-20
83 Thomas NEWEL 65-01-09
84 Thomas UPSON 16-00-20
85 Isaac BROUNSON Jur 16-00-20
86 150lb propriety 60-01-35
87 Israel RICHASON 16-00-20
88 Samuel Scott of Edmund 16-00-20
89 Thomas ANDDRUSS 16-00-20
90 Thomas RICHASON Jur. 16-00-20
91 John RICHARDS Jur. 16-00-20
92 Thomas BROUNSON 16-00-20
93 Jonathan SCOTT Ser. 36-01-05
94 John NEWEL 72-02-10
95 Ephraim WORNER 16-00-20
96 Benjamin BARNES Jur 16-00-20
97 the Third Proprietors Lott 16-00-20
98 Obadiah RICHARDS Ser. 64-01-08
99 John WORNER Ser. Bacheldor Lott 16-00-20
100 the Sixth Proprietors Lott 16-00-20

A List of the House Lotts on the Old Town Platt Set out by a Committee.
Lieut. Timothy STANLY, Doctor Daniel PORTER, Ser.
And Deacon Thomas HIKCOX.
We began on the west teer att the North End and Found as Follows-
first. John BROUNSONs Lott
Second. Edmund SCOTTs Lott
third. Isaac BROUNSONs Lott
fourth. Samll HIKCOX Ser. Lott
fifth. Dr. PORTERs Lott
Sixth. A Great Lott
Seventh. A Great Lott
Eight. John WARNERs Lott.
then an Eight Rod Highway; south of WARNERs Lott, that Runs East & West, or as the Lotts ly
Ninth. Thomas RICHASONs Lott
tenth. Joseph HIKCOX Lott
Eleventh. L. Timothy STANLIES Lott
twelfh. John NEWELLs Lott
Thirteenth. Benjamin JONESES Lott
fourteenth L. John STANDLIES Lott
fifteenth. Deacon JUDDs Lott
sixteenth John HOPKINs Lott.
then we began Att the South End of the East teer and found:
first Deacon JUDDs Lott.
Second David CARPENTERs Lott
third Abraham ANDDRUSS Lott.
fourth Lieut. JUDDs Lott
fifth. Edmund SCOTT Ser. Lott
Sixth. Lieut Timothy STANLIES Lott
Seventh Abraham ANDDRUSS Cooper Lott
Eight. Benjamin BARNES Lott
Ninth. Thomas NEWELS Lott
then Eight Rods Highway to Run East and West, or as the Lotts Ly.
tenth. Obadiah RICHARDs Lott
Eleventh Thomas WORNERs Lott
twelfth John SCOVILLs Lott
thirteeth. John CARINGTON's Lott
fourteenth John WELTONs Lott
fifteenth Daniel WORNER's Lott
Sixteenth. Thomas JUDD Lott.
the Several Lotts In the west teer but. East on Highway. the Severall Lotts In the East teer but West on High way.
Found by the Committe Daniel PORTER, Thomas HIKCOX, Timothy STANLY + His Mark. This Return of the Committe Entred by orDer of the Proprietors att their meeting, as may be Seen by their Act March 11, 1730, and Entered by John SOUTHMAYD, Clerk. A true Record of the Return as attests. John SOUTHMAYD Clerk.